> Twilight's Tiny Experiment > by PartyPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Little Experiment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh! It’s just not fair!” Twilight hurled the book against the wall in frustration. She was so over this. Erotic novels used to get her so excited, but they just weren’t cutting it anymore. She buried her head into her pillow and groaned.  Why can’t I just cum? See, for the last few months, Celestia’s favorite student had been sexually frustrated. Her routine just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Toys, books, even raunchy magazines weren't doing much for her. She even briefly considered bringing a stallion back, but quickly dismissed it. No Twi, that just isn’t you… That’s when she spotted movement from her desk. Peeking her head out from under the fluffy pillow she stared perplexed, “Huh?” Squinting harder Twilight studied the area for a few seconds before catching a glimpse of a small figure darting out from behind her inkwell.  “Just a bug, Twi." She shook her head and got to her hooves. This could be a good change of pace anyway, she hadn't cataloged any finds in over a month. "Alright, let's take a look, little one.” She spoke more towards it, rather than to the bug directly. After all, it's not like it could understand her. Levitating her trusty magnifying glass out of the drawer next to her she carefully examined the new find. Through the lens, Twilight studied the tiny intruder closely. " Odd-looking insect… may be an invasive species?" Hints of excitement shot through her whole demeanor at the thought. And like that her sexual frustration was forgotten, at least for the time being. Twilight wasted no time levitating a tape recorder off her desk and swapped out the tape already inside for a fresh one. With an audible click the recorder spun to life. “The species is approximately…” A massive ruler silently levitated beside the new find, and a faint purple glow lined the outer edges. “...three point five centimeters in height!" She clapped her hooves together in glee. This was one of the smallest she'd observed in over a year. "A major defining characteristic of this particular species seems to be bipedal mobility, similar to a praying mantis or even an ape.” A cute spiral notebook poofed into existence beside her simply labeled, 'Twi's Bug Journal' several stickers shamelessly dotted the front of it. Furiously she jotted down a note beside other entries before it once again poofed away, leaving only a cloud of smoke behind. “Mostly green in color and…” The element of magic did a double-take, “...is it trying to communicate with me?!” Taking a closer look, she realized the creature was waving right at her. Click Her scientific curiosity was officially peaked. She’d never heard of a bug trying to communicate with a pony before! What if this was a new type? The idea made her elated. “Okay, little bug! Let’s find out exactly what you are...” Her magnifying glass levitated even closer as she scanned its entire body for clues. That’s when Twilight noticed something very unusual, not only was it waving but it seemed to be mouthing words! Hastily a spell was cast to amplify their voice. “Hi, little guy. My name's Twilight. Can you… understand me?” The small figure made sure to smooth out their suit before taking a step forward. First impressions were everything after all, “Um, yes. And hello! The names… well that’s not really important. You can just call me Anon.” He said, giving a curt bow. “If you don't mind, I actually need your help. It's a bit of a long story but…” The suited gentlemen began a heroic tale full of magic and villains. The unicorn thought she heard something about a sleeping dragon and some dark magic in there too, but she wasn’t paying attention. She couldn't help but marvel at how small he was. Her mind very quickly switched gears. This might be exactly the thing she needed to spice things up! Much to her embarrassment, she’d always had a fascination with small creatures. Twilight thought back to the days she used to spend in the royal gardens. Studying the bugs and realizing how hot they would make her… She was normally so careful not to step on the bugs in the gardens, but this one time… she wasn’t. The young unicorn stood staring at the ants as they went about their business in an orderly line. Even though she had just crushed dozens of them in her dash towards the library it was like they didn't care. Then it hit her, it's not that they don't care. They're just too helpless to do anything. At that moment the ants were completely at her mercy.  Twilight looked towards her hoof. Several black dots adorned the bottom. Something about it just got her… excited. The power she had over them was absolute, and it was intoxicating. She couldn’t explain it, nor did she understand it at the time. But from that day forward, she never really was as careful with them as she used to be. Just a little rougher at first, but it quickly escalated. …With just an accidental shuffle of her hooves, he could be reduced to absolutely nothing. Just like those ants in the garden that one day. Not even vaguely recognizable. The amount of power she held over him, she was like a queen. No, that wasn’t quite right. She held his life right in her hooves, this went beyond the relationship of a queen to her subjects.  She was a goddess. This wasn't like the usual creepy crawlies she played with either, this bug seemed to have some sort of intelligence. It was everything she used to fantasize about when she was younger... “Hey… Twilight, was it?” Lost in a daydream, the words didn’t quite register for her, “I could squish hundreds… with just my hoof alone. Is this how Celestia feels?” No… she only has a few feet on most ponies, but me… I could be a whole world. "Hello? Large purple horse? Anyone home?" Suddenly snapped out of her daze, Twi threw her head upwards. With an awkward cough, she did her best to feign interest in his plight. “Oh, um... yes Anon?” “Uh, you're kinda drooling on me.” Looking down she realized she had in fact covered her pint-sized guest in a glob of her drool. Anon, now completely drenched in her sticky spit, tried his best to shake the majority of it off, but it was a losing battle. It took all of her restraint not to moan out loud in response. She decided then and there that she couldn’t just let this opportunity pass her by. Alarm bells were going off in Anon's head. On top of completely drenching him, the purple unicorn was giving him a look that was making him feel pretty uneasy. The sort of look that had a kind of hunger to it. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. The unicorn seemed almost... lustful? Without warning, Twilight threw her hooves down on the desk, much to Anon's dismay. They were impossibly large, and the wind-generated from them alone made him stumble. “I’ll tell you what Anon if you let me run a few tests on you first I'll help you out. Deal?” Reluctantly Anon agreed, “I mean, I guess that's alright. I’ve been like this for almost a week, so what’s a bit longer right?” He wasn’t all that comfortable doing this. Something about it seemed... off. But he didn’t want to piss off the only pony who might be able to change him back. “That’s the spirit! Alright, let's get started!” She was going to savor every second of this. Click “The test subject will undergo several tests designed to determine both mental aptitude and physical ability.” A faint glow appeared around Twilight's horn as she opened her closet door and levitated over a set of purple and pink striped socks. Slipping them snugly onto her hooves Twilight continued, “The first test is simple, the subject will have a short amount of time to react before my hoof impacts the table.”  Twi propped herself up on the desk and pulled the socks further up her legs till they felt tight. Something about socks just made her feel sexy. Maybe it was the way it hugged her thighs, but she wasn't quite sure. What she was sure about, however, was how much fun she was about to have. The shadow of Twilight's hoof completely eclipsed Anon's vision as she positioned it directly above. “What the hell is that psycho horse going on abou… Oh, fuck!” Managing to dodge out of the way just in time, the massive sock-covered hoof smashed into the desk with a loud thud behind him. Getting back to his feet he dusted himself off just as the hoof loomed back into position above. Twilight continued her test, she was trying her best not to smash him, though she did enjoy the thought of him being smushed into her hoof. Nothing but another bug stain on her cute socks. She couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of warmth spread across her face at the thought. "You're such a naughty pony Twi… What would the girls think if they knew what you're up to?" She kept up the pace, sometimes slowing down just a bit when Anon looked like he wouldn't quite make it out from under her hoof in time. After a few more minutes of playing around, she figured he'd had enough for now. The recorder once again clicked to life. Click “The subject has demonstrated excellent reaction time, even while under pressure! Now, every good researcher worth her horn knows the scientific method highly values the five senses when observations must be made. So with that established, the next test's aim will be demonstrating just how important taste can be."  Anon's eyes grew wide as he came to realize what she was hinting at, “Fuck that! If you think I’m getting in your WHOA!”  Using her magic, Twilight slowly levitated him off the desk and above her wide-open mouth. Strands of saliva lined the hungry maw and a bottomless pool of darkness laid waiting. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment before dropping him in. After a brief freefall, Anon landed on her tongue with a squishy thump. “Mmmmmmmm” her throat vibrated. He was delicious. Twilight was having trouble finding words for it. The scent of mint was overpowering. It clung to the humidity in the air, overtaking his senses. She slowly swished him back and forth in her mouth and although Anon tried his best to resist, ultimately the mouth held absolute control over him. He was much too small to put up a real fight. Finally managing to find the words, the researcher spoke up, “Despite its relatively small size, ‘Anon’ remarkably tastes of... cinnamon?" She couldn’t get enough of him. The power, the feeling, even the taste of him was so incredibly hot. Every word she spoke physically hurt him. Her voice was so loud inside his fleshy prison that he couldn't even make out what she was saying. It was like a bomb had gone off, constant ringing plagued his ears. As futile as it was, he continued to struggle against the perpetual swishing of ever-rising saliva. Twilight roughly pinned Anon against the roof of her mouth and began sucking him like hard candy. Her desire growing hotter, she let a hoof stray downwards and began gently working the moistening spot between her legs. “Despite being, yum~… absolutely delicious, as a unicorn of science I take absolutely no pleasure in this whatsoever. But, oh Celestia… as a researcher I feel as though it's my duty to… mhm push the boundaries from time to time.” Her wet cunt desperately needed some attention. Twilight wasn't about to argue either. She wasted no time heading back over to her bed, Anon in tow. She continued to throw him around her mouth, licking and suckling on him as her hooves worked her needy pussy. Reveling in the power she held over him, Twi started lifting her tongue. She felt Anon slowly start to slide down toward her hungry throat.  He slid down her colossal red tongue, closer and closer to the bottomless pit that was her stomach. Desperately he reached out for a taste bud to grab, luckily finding purchase and stopping his rapid descent for the moment. "Oh my god, this crazy bitch is going to swallow me!" Already he was exhausted from being tossed around, and being drenched head to toe in spit made his clothes feel about 10 pounds heavier. "Come on old boy, you've been in stickier situations than this!" But unfortunately, the tongue was just too slippery. Mercifully the pink appendage leveled out just as Anon's grip faltered, saving him from becoming a few extra calories for his purple captor. He wasn't sure he had the stamina to keep this up. The humidity was wearing him down. With the tongue no longer tilted backward, Anon was finally back on level ground. But he had a new problem. With the saliva pooling in her mouth, it was making it increasingly harder to breathe. He was being shoved around like a piece of hard candy, all the while taking in large amounts of the stuff into his lungs. Suddenly and forcefully Anon was shoved into the roof of the unicorn's mouth one final time. Tilting her head back she swallowed the excess saliva with a loud gulp. The storm of spit assaulted him with wave after wave before finally continuing down her hungry throat. After a painful amount of pressure, the pint-sized biped was shot out of the mare's mouth and spit directly onto her sticky cum soaked sock. Without saying a word Twilight levitated him over her bed and dropped him onto the covers before climbing up herself. Anon sputtered, hacking up what felt like gallons of the minty-smelling substance. His lungs were on fire, but slowly he rose to his feet. Still somewhat disoriented he looked upward, his vision eclipsed by a massive wall of purple and magenta. Walking a bit closer he rested his hand against it.  It's warm… Twilight couldn't help but giggle, watching as Anon unknowingly rubbed against her cutie mark.“You like my flank little guy?”  No way... this is her ass? He stared ahead in awe. At his position, he couldn't even begin to see the ends of it. It was an entire country of ass, and he had never felt so small. He was close enough that he could smell her now too, a slight hint of lilacs seemed to radiate off her. She didn't bother waiting for a response. Without any warning, her magic enveloped his body and pulled him up to her face with dizzying speed. He noticed immediately just how flushed she was. Her breath once again washed over him, making Anon feel more than a little uneasy, understandable after what he just went through. He noticed Twilight thankfully no longer had that tape recorder hovering next to her. “No more-mmhh… games Anon, I-ah need your help.” Stunned, Anon managed to squeak out a reply, “A-are you seriously getting off to this!?” Twilight nodded and briefly stopped stroking her marehood, she didn't want to cum too early. “Mhm, I sure am. Now, it's time for the final test. All you have to do is make me cum." She couldn't help but smirk. Just saying those words sent chills straight down her spine. The green gentleman stared dumbfounded, "You can't be serious?" He hoped it was just some cruel joke she was playing on him. "What the hell would I be able to do at this size? Wrestle her clit?" "Oh, but I am. The way I see it, you have two choices here. You can do a little spelunking, or…-” The purple mare opened her mouth a bit wider. “...you could come play around in here… buuuut, I can't promise I won't swallow." She gave a quick wink. "You just taste sooo good~,” Twilight said, unconsciously licking her lips. Anon looked back and forth considering both equally horrible choices. Either one was going to end with the same result. Death. If he chose her mouth this crazy bitch would swallow, but if he chose the other option… Anon glanced downward to see Twilight's hoof once again hard at work. Looking back up to his captors' massive face he could see how flustered she was right now. Even with her purple fur in the way, he could see her face was extremely flushed. The goddess up above had briefly stopped masturbating, allowing him a few seconds to think without a chorus of her body's squelching noises bombarding him from below. Too deep in his headspace, the little human didn't realize he was already floating downwards. Before he knew it, directly in front of him was Twilight's wet and waiting cunt. The heat was immense, and he could have sworn he saw her massive entrance winking at him with its powerful muscles. Muscles that could have crushed him in an instant. "Come on Anon, you know you want to touch it. We may be from different species, but doesn't it look so warm and inviting?" He had to admit, despite several near-deaths today, being between her legs was giving him an almost irresistible urge to jump in. Damn it! She's right… I think maybe the heat and the smells are getting to me. Stay focused Anon, this isn't the time to try and score some pussy. As Anon hesitated, the purple goddess' voice quipped from up above, "We could always grab a bite to eat first. Although, I'm not sure if you'd make it back for dessert." She said with a wink, letting her tongue hang from her mouth. "So what's it going to be Anon?" The powerful titan let a hoof stray back down towards her lower lips, impatiently waiting for an answer. Such a small action for Twilight seemed like a world-ending event for little Anon. A deafening series of ear-shattering slicks accompanied the wall of flesh as Twilight's hoof lazy slid across her sex. Her masturbation was like an out-of-control monsoon. Globs of mare cum seemingly rained from the sky. There was only one way he was making it out of this one, but he didn't like it. "How about a third option?" Anon blurted. “No way this will end well. Her mouth is a death sentence though, and that pussy…“ Anon couldn't help but shudder. He was certain he'd be smashed to pieces long before she got off. The massive hoof stopped, "And what would that be?" She was staring right into him, but he had to strain his neck just to see the top of her gaze above her still dripping vulva. He didn't dare speak, so instead, he simply pointed. Below her marehood, yet above the frayed strands of tail hair draped across the bedsheets. Her puckered ponut. "W-what?" She stared in disbelief, cheeks turning a whole new shade of red. "You really want to go in... there?" She felt a few things, a bit of embarrassment, a tinge of confusion, but above all else, she felt arousal. "Well, colts have always said I have a nice plot. And Pinky is always smacking it when I'm not looking. So I guess I can't really blame you. Here little guy, let me give you a better view." She gave him another seductive wink before moving the entirety of her colossal frame. The purple mass began to shift, and it was all Anon could do to not run screaming in the opposite direction. Instead, he simply adjusted his suit, as the blurry out-of-focus mass of purple settled and came back into focus. It took all of his brainpower at times to comprehend the gigantic scale of the objects in front of him  With Twilight finally settled, he realized he was looking directly into her wrinkled star. It looked as if it was almost flexing in anticipation of his touch, ready to eat him whole. Twilight was now lying belly down. She had parked her rear right in front of Anon allowing him easy access right to her flanks. Or more specifically, the hole between them Anon was mesmerized. Sure, he could be crushed to paste at any moment; even steamrolled into oblivion by the ass that had him so transfixed right now. But it was hard not to admire the view. From what he could see, her flanks had some pudge to them. Though not in an overweight sort of way. No, it was more of a, 'stay inside all day reading' kind of flank.  As opposed to some mare's who get theirs from eating cupcakes till they're sick. He couldn't help but marvel at the perfect balance they struck. Just enough booty to make the boys go wild. Suddenly hit with a brief moment of clarity, he shook his head. The pheromones must be getting to me, focus Anon! Make this stupid horse cum and then she'll be a bit more reasonable. D-don't just stare at it. This is kind of embarrassing..." She spoke almost with a squeak. Wow, looks like he finally found something that could humble this magical pone. This is it Anon, showtime. You got this! Reaching out he ran his hand along her ponut, feeling it twitch at his touch. Twi bit her lip so hard she thought it might draw blood. She could barely feel those little hands, which was a much bigger turn-on than either of them had anticipated. It really can't be helped… She mused. She was a pony with needs! She couldn't be blamed for what she was about to do. I mean, yeah he had thoughts, maybe even hopes and dreams but that just made it so much dirtier. Anon yelped as the familiar purple glow enveloped him, wasting no time dragging him against the warm wet hole. Knowing what was coming next he took a deep breath before being plunged into darkness. Twilight pushed him inside with a satisfying pop.  Briefly, between grinding against the sheets furiously masturbating with her hoof she thought about what she was putting little Anon through. Yes of course it was terrible of her, but what was one bad deed out of a thousand good ones? She'd personally saved the world more than anypony! She of all ponies deserved at least one night to cut loose once in a while. One night to be just a little bit bad. The favored student's bed was drenched in her excitement, a large wet spot had long since formed under her cunt. Every little movement he was making was driving her wild. It was as if her ass was fucking his whole body! "Oh, Celestia... you feel so good in there. Just… just don't stop squirming!" Anon on the other hand had a much different perspective on the situation. It was humid, dark, and wet. Surprisingly enough it didn't smell all that bad. Smelled more like hay and daisies than anything else that came to mind. Struggling had gotten him nowhere. He was pretty sure it was getting that crazy mare off. Which was something he wasn't very keen on, not while he was inside her at least. At his size, he wasn't sure if he'd survive an orgasm in here. With how pent up this girl seemed, popping like a grape could be a very real possibility for as long as he was in here. Meanwhile, Twilight was making sure she used little Anon to his fullest. Teasing her clit with one hoof and rubbing her soaked slit with the other. Both of her hooves were slick with her fluids as she edged herself closer and closer. Occasionally flexing her muscles just enough to feel her little toy squirm. Every time she flexed her muscles he screamed. But even with the spell she cast earlier, he doubted she could hear him anymore. If she could, he doubted she'd have cared. At this point, he wasn't even sure how long he'd been here. The heat and scent of the mare's ass made him feel borderline delirious. Anon had no idea which way was up, but he struggled hard to push towards something, anything. Because truthfully, it was all he really could do. She felt his struggles running wild inside her, and it drove her crazy. Having another living being inside her, at the mercy of her ass no less? She was his goddess.  "Oooh my… ah~" She moaned out loud as she felt another wave of struggles from her newest toy. "Mmmm, K-keep this up, and… oh Celestia you might make me cum!" Thinking about how little he was, using his little body to make her feel good… she couldn't help but get lost in her head. Twilight pictured hundreds of these insects worshiping her, building shrines in her image. She'd be a benevolent goddess, of course, letting them eat and live in her library. In return, they could worship her! Waiting on her every whim and lustful desire. It was too much, she'd reached her limit. "Are you ready to cum with me, little guy?" No response. She wasn't sure if he couldn't speak, or if he didn't want to. Either way, she didn't care. "Fine, be that way." The unicorn kept up her rhythm, using both hooves to work at her folds. "Mmmh, w-well whether y-you like it or not… I'm… going to… CUM!" Twilight writhed, squirmed, and came harder than she ever had before. Her sheets somehow soaked further than they already had been. She was a hot panting mess, lying on sweat and cum soaked sheets. Every muscle in her body clenched as a waterfall of ecstasy hit her. She let out one final moan; though this time not one of lust, but sexual relief. Slowly and carefully she flexed her muscles down below and reached out with her magic. With the assistance of her magic, Anon gingerly levitated up towards her face. She needed another look at him. “Mmm. Not half bad little guy~” Quietly Twilight opened a drawer by the nightstand, pulling out a cylindrical mason jar. Anon weakly looked up. He was beaten, bruised, exhausted, and ready for this all to be over. “Alright. I played your game no- whoa!” Before he could finish he was unceremoniously dropped into his new home. "Sorry! I know we had a deal, but you did such a good job that I'm promoting you to my second favorite assistant!" She smiled and spoke confidently like it was an honor. "Spike already has most assistant-related duties covered, so you're mainly in charge of helping me cum!" With a knowing smile, Twilight dropped the jar back inside the drawer and stretched her hooves as she slipped off her socks and hopped off the bed to take a look at the disaster zone. "I guess I got a little carried away..."