> Memories > by OuttaMyMind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up to the sun in her eyes. She opened them and blinked a few times. She sat up and yawned, and then got up out of bed and slowly walked out of her room and down the stairs. The smell of pancakes filled her nostrils. The purple unicorn walked into the kitchen and smiled. Standing there was her favorite assistant, Spike. He was making pancakes, sausages, and eggs. Twilight stared at him for a minute. He had gotten so big! She now had to tilt her head up to look at his face. He had to duck when he walked through the doors of the house now too. Spike stopped for a minute and looked down at Twilight. "Goodmorning sleepy head!" he said. Twilight's smile grew even bigger. "Hello Spike." she replied. Spike continued to cook thier breakfast. Twilight walked into the library and looked around. "So many books." she mumbled. She looked around at them all. She had read just about every single one of them. Twilight sighed with boredom but then her face lit up as she got an idea. "I know! Maybe I should clean the bookshelves and stuff." she said as she clicked her hooves together. She squeezed her eyes shut and her horn slowly lit up. One by one the books were covered with a sparkly, purple, transparent glow. They were all levitated off the shelves and set down around her. Once she was finished, she opened her eyes and fell on her butt. She sat back, panting. Twilight had gotten quite old. She had wrinkles on her face and body and she was tired a lot. She hardly ever wrote to Celestia anymore and she never went anywhere. She had trouble doing magic now too. She would often forget simple spells, and never remember more complicated ones. Nopony came over. it was just her and Spike. But since Spike was a teenager, he would often go out and party or hang out with his friends. So Twilight would be left at the house alone. But she never complained or said anything about it. She would always say: "I have tons of books here to read and lots of spells to remember and practice. I'll be fine." And Spike would just smile and leave. Twilight hated being alone though. But she knew Spike was a teen, and she knew how teens were. "Hey Twi, breakfast is ready." Spike called, breaking Twilight's train of thought. Twilight stood up and walked over to the kitchen. She sat at the table in her usual spot. Spike set down a plate of yummy food in front of her. And then sat down himself. They both gobbled down thier food hungrily, not saying a word. Once they were done Spike grabbed the plates and put them in the sink. Twilight got down from the table and went back into the library. She looked around for her feather duster. She spotted on top of one of the shelves. She sighed and squeezed her eyes shut again. She levitated it to her and held it in her hoof. Spike came in and looked around in confusion. "Hey Twi, whatcha doing?" he asked. "Just going to clean up the books. I haven't done that in awhile." she said. She shook the feather duster, sending dust everywhere. She sneezed a few times. Spike laughed and Twilight rolled her eyes. "Need any help?" he asked with a bright smile. Twilight nodded. "That would be much appreciated, considering I'm kinda slow doing jobs like these now-a-days." Spike grabbed another feather duster he found on another shelf and began dusting off books. He flipped through a few that he found interesting, and he often lost track of what he was doing. "Spike!" Twilight said. He looked up from the book. "Oh sorry Twi." he said blushing. He dusted off the book and put it in the pile with all of the other clean books. Twilight hummed and dusted off more books. Spike started to get bored. A sly smile crossed his face as he flicked off the feather duster. He rose it to his mouth like a microphone and began to sing, 'I'm Sexy and I Know It.' Twilight laughed as he jumped around singing. She snorted and fell on her back and laughed. "Oh Spike! I can't breath!" she cried out while laughing. Spike stopped singing and also fell on his back laughing. Twilight sat up and wiped away the tears from her face. "Ok, ok. Enough. We need to get this done." Twilight said. Spike stood up and began dusting off books again. He kept dusting until he came across a book he had never seen before. He blew off the dust and read the cover. "Memories." he read in a quite voice. Twilight looked up. Spike looked at Twilight. "What's this?" he asked. Twilight trotted over to him and looked down at the old book. "Oh gosh." she said raising a hoof to her mouth. "I hadn't seen this thing in quite awhile." Twilight grabbed it and opened it. The pages had slightly yellowed. "It's a scrapbook." Spike said. Twilight nodded and flipped to the second page. "My Friends." Spike said. Twilight flipped the page again. The page read, 'Pinkie.' She flipped the page again. There was a ton of pictues of Pinkie. Spike looked at every single one. "She was such a happy, silly pony wasn't she?" Twilight said with a smile as she looked at the pictures. Spike nodded. "She sure was." he said. Twilight pointed a picture of Pinkie. "That one's my favorite." she said. Spike smiled. "I think that one's my favorite too." he said. Twilight flipped the page and it read, 'Rarity.' Spike let out a quite gasp. Twilight noticed and laughed. She flipped the page. Spike's eyes widened. He looked at evry single on of the pictures. "She's so beautiful." he said. Twilight nodded. "She sure was, wasn't she?" Spike pointed to one of the pictures. "I think that one's my favorite. She looks so beautiful there." he said. Twilight laughed and rolled her eyes. "You always did have a thing for her, didn't you Spike?" Spike blushed. Twilight turned the page again. "Applejack." she read. "The hardest worker you would ever know." he said. "Mhmm." Twilight said with a nod. Twilight flipped the page. They both eyed the pictures carefully. She seemed to be smiling in every picture. Spike pointed to one of them. "That's a good one." he said. Twilight nodded. "Sure is." she said. Twilight flipped the page. "Rainbow Dash." Spike read aloud. Twilight flipped the page again. They looked at all of the pictures of Rainbow Dash. "Fastest pony in all of Equestria." Spike said with a smile. Twilight nooded and pointed to a picture. "I like that one." Spike nodded. "Yeah, that one's cool." Twilight flipped the page again. "Fluttershy." Twilight chirped. Twilight flipped the page again. They both looked at the pictures for awhile. "She has an animal with her in every single one." Spike said. "I was just thinking the same thing." Twilight said. Spike pointed to a picture of him and Fluttershy. "I really like that one." he said. Twilight laughed. She flipped the page again. "Spike!" Spike said. This time, Spike flipped the page. Spike eyed every picture. "Wow, aren't I a sexy dragon?" he said. Twilight laughed. "I like that one." she said, pointing to a picture of Spike when he was younger. Spike laughed. "I look so happy there!" he said. Twilight laughed and flipped the page again. "Twilight." she said. She flipped the page again. "Wow, you are so pretty." Spike said, making Twilight blush. Spike pointed to one of them. "That one, is my favorite out of all of them." he said. Twilight looked at the picture and smiled. Tears filled her eyes. "I like that one too." she said with a smile. It was a picture of her and Spike hugging. Spike smiled and rubbed her back. He flipped the page. "Goodbye friends?" he read. He flipped the page again. He looked at every picture. Tears filled his eyes. Each picture was of each pony in the hospital.....right before they died. Twilight began to cry. Spike hugged her and began to cry too. He looked at the page and saw a little blank space. He cried even harder when he realized what it was for. "Oh Twi." he said, crying. "I love you so much." "I love you too Spike." Twilight said through her sobs. They sat there for awhile and cried. Spike let go of Twi when she settled down. He flipped the page. "Friendship is magic." he read. He flipped the page again. There was a picture of all of them, sitting there together with bright smiles on thier faces. Spike flipped the page again. "The end." he read. Tears filled both of thier eyes again. Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. She closed the scrapbook. Spike pushed her chin up. She looked at him. "It's all right Twi. Everything's going to be ok." he said. Twilight smiled. "Thanks Spike. For everything." Then the both hugged again. "I love you." he said. "I love you too."