> Twilight Velvet's Very Specific Taste > by TheWraithWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just My Type > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well honey, it is your birthday. Why don’t you pick,” Night Light said with a smile. Twilight Velvet felt her cheeks warm as she blushed, hiding her mouth behind one hand and averting her eyes, a soft squeak coming from her throat at the apparent scandalous nature of the comment.  To a passing listener, it may not have seemed like something to blush at. After all, the couple were at a bar and a husband asking his wife to choose something was rather common. Of course, context was everything. And Night Light hadn’t asked Velvet to pick a drink. Slowly, trying to not attract any attention, Velvet turned her head and scanned the bar. She and Night Light were sitting in the corner, having a clear view of most of the space and the creatures in it. The first one her eyes settled on was another unicorn, her coat white as snow and her mane an eye-catching shock of electric blue. She was pretty enough, had a whole punk aesthetic. But, she was thin, her tits were average at best, even Velvet’s were bigger, and her ass was practically flat. She looked like the kind of mare with daddy issues, which Night Light did enjoy, but Velvet wasn’t going to recommend someone whose assets were subpar. The unicorn’s companion on the other hand was a much better prospect. Her butt wasn’t anything to write home about, but it was a definite improvement over previous and her tits were big enough for a stallion to fuck. She was a more classical beauty, with several inches of height on her friend, and had a smoky gray coat paired with a long, charcoal black mane. Velvet was inclined to pick her, but it didn’t feel right to just blurt out the second mare she saw, no matter how much having to pick was making her squirm. Velvet was pretty sure making her squirm was half the reason Night Light had thrust the decision upon her. However, as Velvet’s gaze lingered on the earth pony mare, she spied something that put the proverbial pickles in the hamburger. Down one leg of the gray mare’s pants was a suspicious bulge. Either she had a magnum stuffed down her pants or she was packing a different kind of heat all together. Regardless, Velvet wasn’t so sure she was in the mood for that. Maybe on Night Light’s birthday. Velvet continued to look around the room, appraising each mare or female she saw, weighing them against each other. In a way, she was spoiled for choice. So much so she was considering picking more than one. It was her birthday after all. And that’s when Velvet spotted her. She must have just walked in, because Velvet couldn’t understand how she could have missed her before.  A zebra mare. One so alluring even Velvet felt her loins ache for a moment. The unicorn mare couldn’t put a finger on exactly why. Maybe it was the exotic flavor of a different species. Generally they were no different than ponies save for the striped pattern on their coats, but there was enough difference to stir something in Velvet. She was young too, couldn’t be more than twenty by Velvet’s eye, and had a- well…  Velvet would never dare to say it out-loud, but the mare had a rather slutty aura. Part of it was her garb. She had sneakers that were a loud, neon sort of blue. Velvet’s gaze traveled up the mare’s ever thickening legs before coming to rest on her magnificent ass. That big, juicy rump was barely covered by a pair of jean shorts so short they were practically a thong, the pockets visibly hanging down past the torn edges of the garment. Velvet wondered for a moment if the mare was wearing panties. Or if she even could.  The zebra’s midriff was exposed as well, her next bit of clothing not coming into play until just a few hairs past the bottoms of her sizable breasts. The tiny and tight fitting top was neon-pink and it was so snug Velvet could see that the mare wasn’t wearing a bra. Her face was just as pleasant as the rest of her, with a cute little nose and full, luscious lips marked with clear, glossy lipstick. Her green eyes sparkled under a light fringe of purple-tipped hair, most of it stuffed under a backwards baseball cap. Her ears poked up from the sides of the cap, the left one having three golden rings in it. She was everything Velvet wasn’t. Young and beautiful, loud and proud, emanating such raw sexuality that Velvet’s hand had begun to stray to the hem of her skirt. Her hand was swiftly pulled back when her husband’s voice pulled her from her voyeuristic fantasies. “Someone catch your eye?” he asked. Velvet, even redder than before, nodded nervously. “Th-the young lady by the bar.” Night Light smirked in a way that let her know he already knew the answer, but was going to make her tell him anyway. Just to watch her squirm. “You’ll have to narrow it down, dear. There are many fine young ladies by that bar.” Velvet swallowed thickly, somehow embarrassed to say the answer. “The zebra. The one wearing the cap.” Night Light kept smirking and shifted his gaze over to the mare in question, his grin only widening. “Ah. Someone’s feeling exotic tonight.” “M-m-maybe,” Velvet stuttered, her whole face burning with embarrassment and more than a little arousal. “So, uh, are you going to-?” “Why don’t you?” A look of genuine confusion flashed across Velvet’s face. Of the two of them, Night Light was by far the smoother talker. She’d watch him charm just about everyone they’d ever met, from taxi drivers to princesses and queens. It sometimes baffled her why he’d chosen her to marry when he had the pick of just about any woman in existence. Maybe he saw something in her she didn’t. Maybe it was just nice to have someone around who shared your kinks. Regardless, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense why he’d send her over to try and talk the fetching young zebra into coming home with them. She would, more likely than not, screw it up horribly.  “Dear, I-” Velvet began to say, but Night Light silenced her with and smirk and shake of his head. “You underestimate your negotiation skills, Velvet. After all, you talked me into marrying you.” Velvet let out a nervous sort of laugh. “D-did I? I thought it was the other way around,” she touched the gold bang around her finger, old and worn, yet still clearly well taken care of. “N-not that I needed much convincing, of course.” Night Light reached over and took her hand, gently stroking her fingers. “You can do it, honey. And, if you need help, I’ll come in with the assist.” “Okay,” Velvet said, butterflies dancing in her stomach. She grabbed her drink and knocked it back in one go, hoping a little liquid courage would do her some good. “Here I go.”  She scooted her way out of the booth, legs wobbling unsteadily from her nerves. She brushed some crumbs off the front of her dress. It was a soft, lilac colored outfit that started at her neck and ended just above her knees. It hugged her body, but not quite so tightly, giving one the idea of her shape but leaving a great deal of it to the imagination. Not that Velvet thought people spent any amount of time imagining her body. She had some curves, yes, but compared to most mares she was bottom of the barrel. And compared to the mares in the bar? She was likely under the barrel. Slowly, cautiously, Velvet approached the zebra mare at the bar. She was sat up on a bar stool and luckily there was an empty one right next to her, which Velvet quickly hopped onto. The zebra mare’s eyes flicked over to Velvet as the unicorn got a little close for a stranger. Velvet offered a nervous smile and realized she hadn’t thought of anything to say. She sat there frozen for a few seconds, all too aware of the zebra’s eyes roaming over her body. She felt her cheeks heating up again as she fucked up talking to the mare without saying a word. “Can I help you, ma’am?” the zebra mare said, breaking the silence between the two of them. “I, uh, certainly hope so,” Velvet said, feeling her skin prickle. “I… I saw you here at the bar and thought you could use some company.”  The line was something she’d heard Night Light say on occasion, although he obviously said it better than she ever could. However, it did at the very least elicit a smirk from the zebra mare. “Ain’t that sweet of you,” the zebra said with a toothy smile. “If you’re planning on keeping me company, I don’t suppose you could get me a drink too.” “Oh, of course,” Velvet said with another nervous laugh, quickly fishing a bill out of her purse and slapping it on the bar. The zebra’s eyes widened a little, but she was quick to roll with it. “Vodka and redbull,” she told the bartender when he came over. “And put an umbrella in it.” The bartender nodded, took Velvet’s money, and quickly trotted away to mix the drink, leaving the unicorn and zebra alone once more. “You know, this isn’t the first time someone’s bought me a drink before I can ask them their name. Most times I don’t even care to know,” the zebra said, sitting up a little straighter and giving Velvet another appraising once over. “But you got me curious. Who are you?” “Velvet,” Velvet replied. “Uh, Twilight Velvet to be exact. But, uh, just call me Velvet. Everyone does.” “Alright Velvet, you can call me Zee.” Velvet smiled. “I like that name. It’s pretty. L-like you,” she added hastily. Zee smirked and let out an amused puff of air. “Well, ain’t you sweet. You don’t do flirting much, do you?” “Goodness no,” Velvet said with an embarrassed sort of laugh. “I haven’t really tried flirting in… oh gosh, thirty years maybe? Even when I was doing it, I was never any good.” The bartender reappeared at that moment to give Zee her drink, which the zebra took a big sip of. “Heh, you looked like an older gal. But usually older gals that come up and buy young zebras drinks are better at flirting.” Zee took a moment to lick the acid green straw her drink had come with. Velvet wasn’t sure if it was meant to be provocative, but it did send her mind down all manner of perverse paths. “So, must mean you are or were in a long term relationship. You’re not stepping out on your husband just because you heard the jungle drums, are ya?” Velvet laughed again, but this one was genuine amusement. “Oh, never. I couldn’t dream of stepping out on Night Light. He’s far too good to me. Far more than I deserve.” Zee snickered. “Heh… if he’s so great, how come you’re here buying me drinks and telling me how pretty I am?” “Oh, he likes to tease me something awful,” Velvet said with a chuckle, gesturing towards the booth where Night Light was. “Sent me over here to try and seduce you instead of him.” Velvet realized what she’d just said roughly two and a half seconds after she’d said it. Her whole body turned hot as she tried to quickly fix the terrible mess she’d just made. “I-I-I mean I-!” Zee interrupted Velvet, seemingly not heard or not cared that the older mare had very plainly laid out her intentions. “That blue unicorn is your husband?” she asked, pointing with her straw at Night Light. Velvet nodded jerkily. “Uh, yes, that’s him.” Zee hummed and started chewing on the straw. It took Velvet a few moment to recognize the look in the young mare’s eyes: lust. Naked desire. It was a look that Velvet often had when regarding the stallion who had decided to marry her of all ponies. And it was a look she’d often see in the eyes of other women, regardless of species or even orientation. Indeed, she’d even caught a few boys making eyes at Night Light. And with good reason. Night Light was the very picture of regal masculinity. He wasn’t a massive slab of meat, but his time as a guard showed in the way he carried himself and in his still impressive physique, the latter currently hidden under a very neat but casual suit. His blue coat was grayish azure and immaculate and his dark, phthalo blue mane was perfect with seemingly no effort on his part. He oozed sexuality, radiated dominance, drew in those around him like moths to a flame. Velvet couldn’t boast that she was resistant to the allure after all these years. Only that she liked being burned. After some time, Zee managed to tear her eyes away from Night Light and turn her attention to Velvet. “So, you and your hubby over there, you do, uh, swinger shit, yeah?” Velvet nodded. “Yes we- well…” Velvet knew she’d probably have to give the elevator pitch on this eventually, but even so she hadn’t actually thought about what she was going to say. Zee tapped her thigh impatiently. “You want to take me home and fuck me, don’t you?” Velvet blushed and nodded again. “Yes. Or, uh, I guess I want to take you home so Night Light can fuck yo-” “Well shit, why didn’t you lead with that!” Zee laughed, playfully swatting Velvet’s shoulder. “Just let me finish my drink.” Velvet wasn’t sure if it was youthful confidence, ignorance, or if Zee was really in a hurry to come home with her and Night Light. Regardless, Velvet watched in both shock and amazement as Zee picked up her still mostly full glass and drained it in a matter of seconds. A tremor went up and down the zebra’s body as she rather jerkily put the empty glass back on the bar. “Woo! I hope your boo has stamina, cause I’m fucking wired right now!” Zee said with an energetic laugh, hopping off her stool and taking a few steps towards Night Light before stopping and looking back towards Velvet. “Hey Vel, you comin’ or not?” Velvet snapped out of her trance and nodded rapidly, quickly sliding off the bar stool and following Zee as the zebra practically skipped towards the booth in the corner. She reached it a few seconds ahead of Velvet, sliding in across from Night Light like it was her own personal seating and leaning on the table. Velvet had to admit, she was a little taken aback by the, well, sheer sexual aggression Zee was displaying. Velvet wasn’t the best at reading people, but even she could tell that Zee was, as the kids would say, thirstin’. Not that that was a bad thing. Far from it. Velvet hesitated at the booth, not sure where exactly to sit, before deciding to just sit on the very edge of the seat closest to Night Light. Her husband acknowledged her presence with a quiet grunt and a slight nod, never taking his eyes off Zee. “I see we have a new friend,” Night Light said with a soft chuckle, coolly sipping his drink while Zee eyed him like a starving woman eyed a buffet. “What’s your name, dear?” “Honey, you can call me any damn thing you want,” Zee giggled, batting her eyelashes and leaning so far across the table she was almost sprawled on it. “But Zee works if you feel the need to be polite.” “Nice to meet you, Zee,” Night Light said with a smile, glancing at Velvet. “I take it my wife lured you back here with certain promises.” “If by certain promises you mean a hunk of a unicorn, you’d be right,” Zee said, flashing Night Light a toothy grin. “Now, I assume you two prefer to do your dirty business in the privacy of your own home.” “Oh, we’ve been known to step out on occasion. It’s that right, Velvet?” Night Light said, sneaking his hand down and pinching his wife’s rear. Velvet yelped and quickly covered her mouth, turning a bright shade of red once more. “But, I think we’d all prefer a little privacy for this. Our place or yours?” “Oh definitely yours,” Zee said, not so much as glancing in Velvet’s direction anymore, even when she squealed. “You seem like the type with a big bed and real nice silk sheets.” “I’ll get us a cab.” The cab ride to Night Light and Velvet’s home was thankfully short. Velvet herself spent the trip sandwiched between her husband and their new zebra friend. It was necessary, as much like the table in their booth had been, Velvet acted as a barrier between Night Light and Zee. She could feel Zee fidgeting beside her, rubbing her mostly naked body against Velvet as she stared lustfully at Night Light. Velvet didn’t blame the mare one bit, as Velvet herself had once been just like her. In truth, the only thing stopping Velvet from joining Zee in her fawning was she didn’t think it dignified. Night Light deserved to have desirable women’s attention. And not be troubled the lusts and fancies of an old nag like Velvet. Even if he was married to her. When they arrived home, Velvet had to poke and prod Zee to get the mare to exit the cab while Night Light took care of their fare. She caught the rather ratty looking mare behind the wheel making eyes at Night Light too, seemingly not noticing when he gave her a generous tip. Velvet filed away the driver’s number in her head, her wandering mind imagining a new set of dirty scenarios even when she had her arms full of randy zebra. The cab pulled away and Velvet ushered Zee into her house, Night Light following behind them. Zee ooh’ed and ahh’ed at what Velvet thought wasn’t anything to ooh and ahh at. Night Light had entrusted the arrangement and decoration of the house to Velvet and, while Velvet knew she had done an at best adequate job of it, Night Light had always seemed to like it. And Zee appeared to appreciate it as well, which led Velvet to assume the mare either didn’t understand interior decorating or else was being unnecessarily polite. They didn’t linger long in the foray, however. Night Light walked past them and up the stairs and Zee was quick on his heels. Velvet brought up the rear, passing by the numerous pictures hung on the walls. Some of them were of Twilight and Shining, others landscapes or particularly interesting bits of architecture. And a good chunk were of Night Light and Velvet. Their wedding, their honeymoon, a few choice shots of any special events they had been to. And in each, Velvet’s eyes were glued to Night Light, her expression like she was drunk on love and amazed she was even allowed to be this close to her husband. Night Light led Zee to their bedroom door, smoothly opening it and entering, Zee following in less than a second after. Zee pulsed the door closed behind her, which tickled Velvet. She couldn’t say if the mare was intentionally teasing her, but she welcomed it all the same. Velvet heard giggling as she approached the door and opened it to see Zee and Night Light already making out in front of the bed, the zebra’s hands all over Velvet’s husband. Night Light looked over to Velvet and broke the kiss with Zee to give her a smirk. “Hey honey, I hope you don’t mind we started without you.” “Not at all,” Velvet replied with a smile, watching as Night Light reached down and squeezed Zee’s ass. Tease. Zee turned to look at Velvet and, reluctantly, pulled away from Night Light, offering a smile that was sort of approaching apologetic. “Oh, hey, uh, Velvet, yeah,” Zee nodded, seemingly having forgotten the unicorn’s name for a moment. “I know he’s your husband and stuff, but do you mind if I, like, hog him for a while?” Velvet and Night Light shared a look and then a good natured chuckle, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Zee.  “What?” Velvet walked over and placed a hand on Zee’s shoulder. “It’s nothing, just… well, I’m quite certain you can tell just what a wonderful stallion Night Light is.” Zee nodded. “Well, yeah. You got a certified hunk for a hubby, Vel.” “Exactly. Night Light certainly is. And he deserves the best…” Velvet lightly palmed over Zee’s curves. “Unfortunately, he went and married me.” Zee raised another perplexed eyebrow, but let Velvet continue.  “And, I want to make sure Night Light gets his needs tended to by someone who can do it properly. Someone young and beautiful…” Zee smirked. “I’m already in your house and ready to get the shit fucked outta me. You don’t have to keep buttering me up.” “I mean it,” Velvet said sincerely, a soft whine sounding in the back of her throat as she snuck a grope of Zee’s heavy ass. “Night Light deserves someone who can please him-” Night Light interrupted her. “But Velvet, dear, I thought that was your job.”  He had that cheeky grin on again, setting her up to further demean herself. She loved him for it. “Well, it is a wife’s job to please her husband, much like it is a husband’s job to please his wife,” Velvet said, rather sheepishly. “And please understand that Night Light more than attends to my needs. But I… I am a rather poor wife. Nearly useless. Which is why I need you to do what I cannot, Zee. Please, give Night Light what I can’t. Tend to his needs and I promise you he will more than tend to yours.” Zee smirked. “Crazy fucking unicorns... you gonna watch, too?” Night Light decided to chime in. “Oh, she loves to watch. But, if you like, we could make her sit in the hallway and just listen.” Velvet whined again, louder this time. To be denied the chance to watch her husband fuck a stacked zebra mare was almost too much. And yet, the thought of being denied even that made her wet all the same. “Kinky,” Zee said with a laugh, turning to Velvet. “Hm, never done this before. Well… I mean, I’ve probably fucked some mare’s husband before and maybe she found out about it later, but I’ve never gone and cucked some mare while she watches me do it.” “I-I don’t mind sitting in the hall, r-really,” Velvet said, only half lying. “Nah, I don’t want to do that to ya,” Zee said, her hands suddenly on Velvet, running down her sides, touching her hips, her ass. “I mean, this ain’t so different from what I was planning on doing anyway. Plus, makes it easier when I don’t have to worry about making sure you’re having a good time too.” Velvet groaned lowly in the back of her throat. “Damn, you’re really into this, huh?” Zee chuckled, taking Velvet’s chin in her hand. In spite of being roughly the same height as the zebra mare, Velvet suddenly felt very small as Zee easily tipped the power balance in her favor. “Tell you the truth, I’m kinda liking it too. Now, why don’t you sit your skinny ass down in the chair and watch your hubby fuck this big zebra booty?” Her grin widened before she added. “And don’t touch yourself either.” Night Light cackled and Velvet groaned, rubbing her thighs together, her cunt pulsing needily. Zee snickered and kissed Velvet right in the horn. “Aw, you’re almost making me feel sorry for you. Almost. Should I tie her up too?” she asked, glancing back at Night Light. The stallion shrugged. “You can if you like. Personally, I like just leaving her there. It’s better when she still can touch herself. Y’know, in theory.” “A’ight,” Zee giggled, sliding her hands to Velvet’s shoulders. “Let’s get you undressed…” Velvet felt her heart pounding in chest as Zee slipped the straps off her shoulders and let her frumpy dress fall to the floor. Velvet was, of course, wearing a bra and panties. She could only dream of doing something as daring as going out wearing only a dress with nothing underneath. Velvet blushed as Zee scoffed at her rather dour underwear, the unicorn wearing a very plain set of beige bra and panties. Zee made short work of the clasp on Velvet’s bra and was pulling down the mare’s panties before she could even slip off the bra.  In a few seconds, Velvet was completely naked in front of Zee. She instinctively moved to cover herself, but Zee pushed her arms away. “Uh-uh, no hiding the goods. Or the, heh, the okays…” Zee smiled cheekily. “Get it? Because…” Velvet blinked, the gears in her head turning until things clicked. ”Oh, like-” That was as far as she got before Zee stuffed Velvet’s own panties into the mare’s mouth.  “Gah, it was a dumb joke,” Zee said, sounding embarrassed for a moment. She grabbed Velvet’s arm and marched the naked mare back, forcing her to sit in one of the arm chairs facing the bed. “Just sit down, shut up, and see what some real good looks like.” she wagged a finger in front of Velvet’s face. “And no touching yourself, bitch.” Velvet whined around her panty gag, able to taste herself as she watched Zee saunter back over to the foot of the bed. “Night Light, right?” Zee said, flashing a cock-sure smile.  “That’s me,” Night Light laughed, propping himself up on some pillows. “Gonna give me a show, sweetheart?” “I’m gonna give you a whole damn production,” Zee said with a chuckle, rocking her hips and then her whole body, making all the best bits of herself jiggle. “I bet after putting up with her all this time, I could just flop over and it’ll be the best thing you’ve seen in a long time.” Velvet panted around the panties stuffed in her mouth, fingers gripping the arm rests tightly. Zee had picked up on things quick. And there was something about what was essentially a total stranger insulting and degrading her to her own husband that made Velvet wet like the early morning dew. “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far,” Night Light chuckled. “I’ve seen plenty of, uh, goods over the years. Velvet has this thing she likes to do where she buys me lap dances then sits in the corner and fingers herself while some med student makes me cum in my pants.” “Kinky,” Zee hissed, grabbing the bottom of her incredible short shirt and flipping it up, flashing her tits at Night Light.  Velvet squeezed her legs together tightly, suddenly quite jealous she didn’t have a proper view of those striped breasts. “Nice tits,” Night Light said and an arrogant sort of snicker. “Thanks, grew them myself,” Zee replied, pulling and stretching her tiny shirt until she got it off and tossed aside.  She leaned forward and shook her boobs at Night Light, while also sticking her ass out at Velvet. Zee must have been aware of where the older mare’s eyes were, because her tail waggled teasingly, drawing Velvet’s eyes to the incredibly small amount of fabric that concealed Zee’s juiciest bits. Zee shook her hips and jiggled her ass before somehow managing to peel her tight fitting jorts off and let them fall around her ankles. Velvet was panting heavily, her panties now soaked with saliva as she beheld the mouth watering sight that was Zee’s ass. It was a stereotype, but fuck did the zebra have a big ass. Heavy and firm, but soft enough to use as a pillow. The sort of thing that deserved to be worshiped. The older mare had an urge to run over and start doing just that, but she’d been told to stay put and that’s what she intended to do. “How was that?” Zee asked, standing up straight and striking a pose. “A wonderful show, my dear.” Night Light said with a grin, clapping. “I hope you’ll understand if I don’t attempt to try and follow it.” Zee snorted. “Nighty, you look so damn good in that getup it’s almost a shame to make you take it off. But I don’t want to ruin your sheets and your suit, so you better get naked.” “Oh, got some fire do we?” Night Light said as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “That’s good. I like a mare who can do more than lay there and take it.” Velvet whined softly, not just at the veiled jab at her but also at the sight of her husband undressing. Night Light didn’t have Zee’s pizzazz, but he didn’t need it. The way he calmly and slowly removed his clothes, in no rush in spite of the horny mare nipping at his heels. He looked damn good too, his body still well muscled, befitting of a former Captain of the Guard. The only difference between himself and the current Captain was a couple of decades of age, and even then it was hardly noticeable. “Heh, you’re gonna love me then,” Zee said, her eyes hungrily roaming Night Light’s body. “Though I’m sure you know how fucking a zebra girl is like going three rounds with a chimera.” “I wouldn’t, actually,” Night Light said rather matter-of-factly. “I’ve never had sex with a zebra girl before.” Zee blinked. “Really? I get to be the first zebra gal to rock your world, huh.” Zee grinned evilly. “Oh, I am going to absolutely ruin you. After we’re done here you’re gonna need to paint stripes on any piece of ass you see just to get hard.” Velvet swallowed thickly, feeling her arousal dampen her seat and thighs. She was pretty sure Zee was joking, but the idea she would have to dress herself up like a zebra just to get her husband to look at her was one hell of a turn on. Night Light just offered a good-natured chuckle and tossed aside his shirt before getting to work undoing his belt. Zee crooned at the delectable sight she already had and began climbing onto the bed, clearly too worked up to wait for Night Light’s slow and steady pace. Velvet watched as a mare half her age, if not younger, crawled over her bed to her husband and kissed him full on the lips. She listened to them moan as Zee’s hands roamed Night Light’s body, touching his chest, his abs, and even grabbing at his groin. Zee broke the kiss giggling. “Damn Nighty, how many socks you got stuffed in your undies?” Night Light just chuckled. “My dear, I promise you I do not pad my underwear with socks or anything else.” “Oh yeah? Prove it,” Zee said, moving back and sitting with her arms crossed, still smirking at Night Light. “Ah ah, patience…” Night Light said, finally undoing his belt and shimming out of his pants. “I knew a girl named Patience back in school,” Zee said with an amused snort. “Damn hussy sucked so much cock we called her-” Zee’s reminiscing was cut short by Night Light finally removing his pants and letting his dick pop up into view. Zee was seemingly rendered speechless and Velvet couldn’t really blame her. The unicorn mare could recall the first time she had seen Night Light’s cock, glimpsed in the moonlight as the two fooled around on her bed. She remembered her reaction to it then and was amused to see Zee mirroring it. “Are you part donkey or something?” Zee said with no small amount of amazement, wrapping her fingers around Night Light’s dick. “Not to my knowledge,” Night Light replied coolly, a soft groan coming from his throat as Zee gently stroked his cock. “But my great grandfather was an explorer, so who knows.” “Fuck,” Zee said as she quickly used both her hands to properly get a feel for the length, girth, and weight of Night Light’s schlong. She whistled appreciatively. “Damn Vel, how come you don’t walk around all bow legged all the time?” Velvet wasn’t sure if that was a genuine question and decided not to answer it.  “Oh, she doesn’t stay on it long,” Night Light said in a teasingly cruel tone. “A couple of bounces and she’s screaming and squirting. Sometime I fuck her in the garden to help water the plants.” Velvet felt her face redden in embarrassment. Those tomatoes did end up tasting a little tangy and musky. “I'd be impressed if she managed to stay alive with this monster,” Zee said, gulping audibly. “Fuck, maybe you’re gonna be the one to ruin me, Nighty.” “You’re gonna make me blush, Zee,” Night Light chuckled, reaching up to stroke the zebra’s cheek. “Why don’t you get a closer look?” Night Light grabbed the back of Zee’s head and pulled her down to his crotch, smacking her face first against his cock. If Zee didn’t appreciate it, she sure hid it well, huffing and panting with the hot length of Night Light’s cock laying across her face. “Fuck,” Zee said, breathing in Night Light’s scent. “Fucking big ass fucking donkey unicorn dick.” “You sure do have a foul mouth, sweetie,” Night Light said with an evil grin, stroking Zee’s face again. He hooked his thumb into her mouth and then stuck his index finger in there too, using them both to pry her mouth open, not that she resisted. “Maybe I should clean it out.” Zee stuck her tongue out with an accompanying ‘blah’ sound, eyes all but begging Night Light to do just that. And Night Light was never one to go against a mare’s wishes. He pushed the tip of his cock past Zee’s lips, slowly sliding it across her tongue until the head bumped against her uvula. She gagged, just a little, but made no effort to pull away. Her green eyes sparkled with desire, silently begging Night Light to shove his cock down her throat. Zee snuck one hand down between her thick thighs, raising her ass and inadvertently giving Velvet a good view of her juicy pussy. It was possible that Zee had forgotten about Velvet entirely, something that only turned the older mare on more. Night Light chuckled and got a good grip on Zee’s mane, knocking her hat off in the process. Without moving his hips, Night Light pulled Zee down on his cock. To her credit, she managed to take the whole thing in one go, her neck bulging as she swallowed Night Light to the base. The stallion groaned happily, tilting his head back as Zee’s nose pressed into his belly. “Damn,” Night Light said in a rough tone. “Is your special talent sword swallowing?” Zee couldn’t really answer, her throat blocked up with hot pony schmeat, but she swiped her tongue across Night Light’s balls and waggled her eyebrows at him. “F-fuck, haven’t had head this good in a long time,” Night Light said, making Velvet bite her lip at the thinly-veiled insult at her. “Sorry sweetie, this is gonna be rough.” Zee managed to nod her head while she furiously fingered her pussy, her throat convulsing around Night Light’s dick as she tried to speak. “Works for me,” Night Light grinned, grabbing Zee’s head with both hands and going to town. The zebra’s mane whipped about her head as Night Light face-fucked her, Spittle flew through the air, more leaking from the corners of Zee’s mouth, staining the sheets and wetting Night Light’s balls. Glks and gags came from her throat as Night Light used it like his own personal pussy, his hips rising from the bed so he could meet Zee’s lips as he forced her down. All the while, Zee fingered herself moaning happily in spite of the abuse she was enduring. Or maybe because of it. And Velvet couldn’t do much but sit there and watch as her husband did to another mare what she wished he would do to her, unable to even touch herself to the spectacle.  It went on for nearly a minute, Velvet impressed and more than a little jealous that Zee could take getting throat fucked that long. Night Light suddenly held Zee’s head down as he grunted sharply, followed by very audible gulps as the zebra swallowed his cum. Zee’s moans were muffled by pony cock and spooge, but Velvet knew she was cumming from the way her body quaked and how she squirted from her cunt. Zebra pussy juice stained the sheets of the bed Velvet and Night Light shared. The mare herself trembled, her ignored quim burning with need. A long sigh escaped Night Light as he slumped back on the pillows, his cock still twitching as his orgasm winded down. His hands fell away from Zee’s head, allowing the zebra to pull herself off his cock. She didn’t go too quickly, and she made sure to collect the dredges of Night Light’s load in her mouth. Velvet watched with curiosity as Zee sat up, cheeks bulging a little.  The zebra carefully pulled her fingers out of her pussy and scooted off the bed, turning her attention on Velvet. The older mare realized what Zee had planned as the zebra approached her, but she remained in the chair. Not that she really wanted to leave anyhow. Zee grabbed Velvet’s head and forced it back, squeezing the mare’s cheeks to force her lips open. Zee pulled the now drool-soaked panties from Velvet’s mouth and tossed them aside before parting her lips as well, allowing for a stream of salty jizz to flow from her mouth into the other mare’s maw. Velvet’s eyes rolled back in her head as she was forced to take her husband’s cum from another mare’s mouth, the act somehow far more degrading than if Night Light had simply jacked off onto her tongue instead. Velvet dutifully collected the shared spooge, tongue eagerly swiping to catch any that spilled past her lips. When the flow ended, Zee forced Velvet’s jaw closed, staring her in the eyes as the older mare swallowed her treat. “Good girl,” Zee said in a patronizing tone. “The best,” Night Light said, coming up behind Zee and wrapping his arms around her.  The zebra let out a yelp followed by a moan as Night Light’s hands began to wander her body. His left grabbed and squeezed her tits while his right slipped down her belly and rubbed at her soaked cunt, toying with her clit. Velvet panted, watching with wide, desperate eyes as Night Light pushed his once more hard cock between Zee’s legs. It was close, so close Velvet could smell it as Night Light slowly moved his hips, sawing his dick against Zee’s pussy lips.  “Stay right where you are, my dear, sweet Velvet,” Night Light said, his tone soft yet firm. “Don’t move a muscle.” Velvet would have nodded had she not thought that might have counted as disobeying. So she did as she was told and froze, the head of her husband’s cock coming within inches of her panting, drooling mouth. She wanted to lean forward and jam as much of it down her throat as she could, stuff her fingers in her cunt and try to imitate Zee’s early show of oral skill and self indulgence.  But she didn’t, simply watching as Zee grabbed Night Light’s cock and pressed it against her belly, apparently measuring how far he would go into her. “Holy shit,” the zebra breathed, Night Light’s cock reached well past her belly button. “You know, I got toys that aren’t even as big as you.” Night Light pulled back and angled his cock into Zee’s pussy, pushing in slowly. Every millimetre of cock Night Light pushed into Zee made the zebra and Velvet pant a little faster, their voices growing higher in pitch in almost perfect unison. Zee’s breath caught in her throat as Night Light’s hips settled against her’s, his cock buried deeper into her than anything ever had been. Velvet fidgeted, the bulge of her husband’s cock in the young zebra’s belly just another item on a laundry list of things that was turning her on. Her cunt clutched and squeezed at nothing, hungry for even the faintest touch of anything. “Oh fuck,” Zee said, her legs quaking. “You’re gonna fucking kill me with that dick. Gonna be in the headlines: ‘Hot piece of striped ass murdered by fat unicorn cock’.” “You want me to pull out?” Night Light asked, smirking as he kneaded Zee’s tit in his big hand. “Did I fuckin’ say pull out?” Zee replied, grinning. “Fuck me, you big unicorn bastard. Do everything to me that your poor little wife can’t handle.” Night Light grinned and went to work right away. He didn’t start slow, ease Zee into it at all, just straight to fast and heavy thrusts, piercing Zee to her core. The zebra threw her head back and moaned, her entire body shaking with every clap of Night Light’s hips to her ass. Zee put her hands on the wall just behind Velvet, leaning on it for support, her tits swinging scant inches over Velvet’s head, dripping sweat onto her. Velvet continued to remain still even as Night Light’s thrusts pushed Zee closer and closer. “Sh-shit!” Zee said, her voice quaking as much as her ass. “S-slow d-down! You gonn-na make me-!” It wasn’t clear if Night Light heard Zee’s frantic plea, although even if he had, he wasn’t likely to care. Zee came with a loud cry, her pussy spasming around Night Light’s cock as he continued to fuck her unabated. The zebra’s arms gave out and she collapsed onto Velvet, squishing their tits together, Zee’s head laying across Velvet’s shoulder. Zee moaned into Velvet’s ear as the unicorn mare began sweating as well. She could feel the impact of Night Light’s cock into Zee’s body, the shock wave rolling through the zebra’s body. She could imagine the head of his dick battering Zee’s cervix, threatening to push through and plunder her entirely. And then, suddenly, Night Light pulled out. Zee reacted like a puppet with her strings cut, slumping further against Velvet, quivering. Night Light stood there a moment, smirking at Velvet, his cock glazed with zebra juices and throbbing powerfully, hard as ever.  He didn’t break eye contact with Velvet as he grabbed Zee’s tail and pulled it up and out of the way, grabbing her hips with his other hand and bringing them back against his groin. Zee moaned in Velvet’s ear as Night Light grinded his cock between her ass cheeks. He kept up that smirk as he angled his cock towards his new target and trusted his hips home. Zee bolted up and screeched as Night Light penetrated her ass, being as gentle as a spear through a dragon’s hide. “You said everything,” Night Light chuckled evilly.  He grabbed Zee’s hips with both hands and went to town on her ass, fucking her harder than ever. She moaned and cried, helpless against the anal assault, pressed harder against Velvet with every thrust. Night Light suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Zee’s mane with one hand and wrapping an arm around her throat. He hauled her up and against him, never losing the pace of his fast and brutal thrusts, almost lifting the zebra’s toes off the ground as he ass-fucked her. “Hey Velvet,” Night Light said, the only indication in his voice that he was in the midst of fucking a mare being a slight pant. “Make yourself useful and eat her pussy. And only do that.” Velvet swallowed thickly, reaching out and grabbing Zee’s thighs, trying to somewhat steady her. She leaned forward and buried her nose on the zebra’s groin, pushing her tongue into Zee’s pussy. Her own clenched and burned with need as she tongued Zee’s depths. The taste of freshly fucked pussy was nothing new to Velvet, but this was the first time she’d done it while the mare was still getting fucked. Night Light was further denying her by making her eat un-creampied pussy, only able to taste the faintest hint of his cock in Zee’s folds. It was too much for the poor zebra. She came to another shouting climax, squirting hot and tangy juices over Velvet’s face as Night Light’s balls brushed by his wife’s chin. He didn’t last long after that, zebra booty finally conquering the stallion and making him cum. He grunted and buried himself to the hilt in Zee’s ass. This close, Velvet could swear she heard him cum, his jizz spurting and spattering in Zee’s bowels. He pumped her ass full of his cum and extracted his cock from her, not without some difficulty.  Zee slumped in his grip and Night Light gently pushed Velvet’s head away from the zebra’s crotch before casually tossed Zee onto the bed, cum leaking from her ass onto the sheets. Velvet somehow remained upright, mouth open, tongue hanging out as she panted, looking up at her husband with no small amount of reverence. He smiled at her and pointed to his cock, not even having to say anything. Velvet lurched forward like a mare dying of thirst, swallowing Night Light’s cock in a single movement. He was softening, though he was still plenty hard, enough to make Velvet gag as she took his length into her throat. The taste of him was overwhelming, musky cum mixed with the flavors of Zee’s pussy and ass. Velvet bobbed her head on his cock, trying to use her throat like her pussy in some vain hope it would get her off. It made her hornier, but didn’t let her cum.  Still, she dutifully sucked and licked his cock clean, until it was shiny with her spit. Night Light put his hand on her forehead and pushed her off his cock and back into the chair, leaving her to drool on herself. “Thanks honey,” Night Light said, blowing her a kiss. “I’m gonna be ready for some more action soon. But, I think you should go clean yourself off. You’re like a strip club’s floor right now.” Indeed, Velvet’s front was speckled and splattered with spit, cum, and pussy juice. Her thighs were soaked with her own arousal and the cushion beneath her was going to need to be deep cleaned to get the smell of her needy cunt out of it. “Y-yes dear,” Velvet said, pushing herself out of the chair with some effort. Her muscles felt sore from being so tightly wound and she moved stiffly towards the bathroom, watching out of the corner of her eye as Night Light got onto the bed with Zee once more. Velvet slipped into the bathroom on stiff, jittery legs. Her thighs were slick with arousal and her body burned with need. The taste of her husband’s cock and Zee’s ass and pussy was still heavy on her tongue, their combined scent still stuck on her nose, the sounds and sights of them fucking playing on endless repeat in her head. She stumbled towards the walk-in shower, pushing the glass door open and leaning heavily on the wall. She panted while tremors ran through her body. She felt like she was on a hair trigger, that a stiff breeze could set her off and make her cum. She wanted to disobey so bad, to touch herself and then wash away the evidence. Night Light and Zee wouldn’t know, and in truth they probably wouldn’t care either. It was just good fun, after all. But Velvet didn’t want to stop playing, edging herself closer and closer. It was something close to irony, how the more she tortured herself the more fun she was having. Velvet took a deep breath and fumbled with the shower knobs, setting the water to the highest pressure and the lowest temperature. But before she could turn the spray in herself, she heard the door open.  Velvet spun around to see Zee pushing the door closed behind her. The zebra looked as gorgeous as ever, even with sweat matting her mane and fur and cum dripping down her thighs. “Z-Zee,” Velvet said with a nervous laugh as she felt the younger mare’s eyes look her over. “I was just about to-” “Shut up,” Zee said plainly. There wasn’t an ounce of malice or even playfulness in her tone. Velvet complied at once, closing her mouth and watching with baited breath as Zee crossed the bathroom and entered the shower. She said nothing, pinning Velvet against the wall with surprising strength. Velvet let out a gasp that was quickly muffled as Zee kissed her, aggressively, firmly pressing her body against the unicorn’s.  Velvet moaned into Zee’s mouth, soon feeling the zebra’s tongue invading and suppressing her own. One of Zee’s hands stroked Velvet’s mane and neck, while also holding her head in place. The other grabbed and groped at Velvet’s body, tweaking her nipples and palming her breasts before sliding lower. Velvet felt her ass get squeezed before Zee’s hand darted between her thighs.  Velvet’s eyes widened and she let out a pitiful whine as Zee unceremoniously shoved three fingers inside her needy cunt. The zebra wasn’t gentle, rubbing and pinching aggressively, keeping Velvet pinned to the wall with her lips and body all the while. Velvet didn’t last even a minute, letting out a sharp cry into Zee’s mouth and squirting all over the zebra’s hand.  But Zee didn’t stop, just kept kissing and rubbing, playing Velvet like an instrument, keeping her body convulsing with pleasure. Velvet couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. All she could do was stand there, trapped, as the orgasm ripped into her, making her heart beat so hard and fast Velvet was sure it would explode at any moment. Velvet wasn’t sure how long it lasted. Minutes, hours, days? All she knew was that when it stopped so did her body, her bones turning to jelly and her body falling limp. Zee broke the kiss and pulled her juice-soaked fingers out of Velvet, gently lowering the broken mare to the cool shower floor. Velvet was panting like she had run a marathon, staring bleary-eyed up at Zee as the zebra sucked her fingers clean. “Sorry, Vel. Couldn’t just not see what your cum face looked like,” Zee said with a mocking sort of laugh, to which Velvet could only groan tiredly at. “Anyway, looks like that hit you pretty hard. Probably gonna be out of commission for a while, right? Maybe the rest of the night.” Zee giggled. “Mmm, I better go keep your husband and his fat cock warm while you recover. Hey, I’m sure y’all do the whole infertility spell shit so you don’t end up with a bunch of your husband’s kids running around… heh, maybe you don’t. Maybe you like the idea that your husband knocks up every woman but you.” Velvet groaned again, arousal pulsing through her weakened body. “Mmm, what happens if I get pregnant, huh? You seem like nice folk, ain’t gonna pump and dump some nice young zebra, are ya? Gonna let her move in, have all the neighbors whispering all kinds of shit behind your back. I bet that’d just turn you on more, wouldn’t it?” Velvet moaned and nodded, just the idea of the shame that would bring making her blush. “Heh, you are one crazy, kinky bitch, Vel. I can see why Night Light married you, now. Anyway, I’m gonna go try for twins now. You just holler if you need me to come back in here and dribble some jizz on you or something.” And with that, Zee left. Leaving Velvet alone, slumped on the shower floor. Hopelessly turned on and too tired to do anything about it. Velvet couldn’t say if that was Zee’s intentions, but it was a welcomed torture all the same. She wondered what they would name the kids.