> Egghead Scrambled > by clopopatra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Egghead Scrambled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight hummed to herself, dumping the last of the ingredients into the small cast iron cauldron in front of her. The liquid shifted from a vibrant green, to a gory red, before finally settling upon a lovely shade of purple. “Since when have you known how to brew potions?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight smirked and glanced over her shoulder. “Since last night, when I binged a few books on the subject. Honestly, it seems like a nice way to get in touch with my earth pony side. Kind of brings magic and agriculture together.” With great care she snuffed the flames and poured the contents of the pot into a tempered glass beaker. This beaker then went into a bed of dry ice. “Are you nervous?” Rainbow asked. Twilight shook her head. “Not at all, I think this could be a very interesting trust exercise between us.” “It’s just that mind control is…” Rainbow began, biting her lip. Twilight shook her head. “Something which we’ve done before. And you have to admit that it was kind of fun to play around with.” “It is,” Rainbow said, nodding to herself. “Plus, you can totally break out of it if I mess up or something, right?” Twilight snickered. “You seem to be the nervous one here, babe.” She approached Rainbow and brushed a hoof across her cheek. “If you want to back out, just let me know.” Rainbow shook her head. “Never. I just worry sometimes.” “And it’s adorable,” Twilight teased. She dipped forwards and kissed Rainbow on the nose. “But I trust you. Alright?” “Alright,” Rainbow whispered. Twilight drew forth the beaker, touching it to her leg to test the temperature. It was still hot but not so hot that she couldn’t handle drinking it. So, she held it afloat between them and gave it a little shake. “Ready when you are,” Twilight said. Rainbow nodded, offering an unsteady smile. “R-ready.” Twilight smiled and tipped the bottle back, draining the contents in a matter of seconds. She then blinked, her gaze growing unfocused. It was like she had taken some strange, and likely illegal, narcotic.  The world around her started to taper, narrowing around the edges until there was only a single coherent object within her vision. It was a familiar blue pony who looked at her with a combination of skepticism and worry. “Twilight?” this pony called. The voice sounded both distant but also intimately close. It was like they were both snuggling together and standing on opposite sides of the room at the same time. How was that even possible? “Yes,” Twilight replied. “That’s me.” “You look like you’re tripping balls,” Rainbow joked. “You… aren’t, are you?” Twilight shook her head. “This is so weird,” Rainbow whispered before slowly shaking her head. “Anyways, time to start fucking around with your brain.” She cleared her throat. “You are my willing little plaything.” “I’m your willing plaything,” Twilight whispered. Rainbow smirked. “Hell, yeah you are. And as my plaything, you need to do whatever I tell you, unless it is actively harmful to your wellbeing.” “I will do whatever I am told to do unless it is actively harmful to my wellbeing,” Twilight mimicked. “And you’ll think of me as Mistress Dash,” Rainbow ordered. Twilight nodded. “And I’ll refer to Mistress Dash as Mistress Dash.” “And you are my…” Mistress Dash taped her chin. “You are my Precious Princess.” “And I’m your Precious Princess,” the Precious Princess murmured. Mistress Dash grinned. “Hell, yeah you are.” She tilted her head to the side. “Was there anything else I wanted to do with you?” She hummed and hawed to herself for a couple of moments. “I think that’s everything we talked about.” She was about to clap her hooves together. Then something clicked. “Oh!” Mistress Dash beamed. “And if I use the word ‘Egghead’, you will believe whatever I tell you. Understood?” The Precious Princess blinked. “Understood, Mistress Dash.” “Gods this is going to be so much fun,” Mistress Dash said. Finally, she clapped her hooves together. “Now snap out of it.” The Precious Princess blinked, the world returning to her. It was hard to tell if something was different but the whole place felt slightly off. “Did something happen, Mistress Dash?” the Precious Princess asked. Mistress Dash smirked. “Oh, you just started tripping balls after you drank that potion, Egghead. Shame that it didn’t work.” The Precious Princess blinked and looked at the beaker upon the floor. Then something with her mind clicked as she remembered the weird psychedelic aftereffects of the potion she had just brewed. She flushed, slightly embarrassed that her potion hadn’t worked as intended. “Horsefeathers, I must’ve messed up with the ingredients,” the Precious Princess grumbled. She huffed and glared at her desk. “Back to the drawing boards.” “Hey, hey, don’t worry about it, babe,” Mistress Dash said. She placed a hoof on the Precious Princess’ withers. “I know what will cheer you up.” “What?” the Precious Princess asked. Mistress Dash went over to her desk and opened one of the drawers. She drew forth a box, placing it on the table.  The Precious Princess recognized it. It was the box that she stored Mistress… “You’d probably feel a whole lot better if you wore your collar, Egghead,” Mistress Dash said. It was the box that she stored her own collar in. Mistress Dash opened it and produced a plain black collar, motioning towards the Precious Princess. “Would you mind putting it on for me, hun? Your magic is a whole lot better than my hooves at this.” “Of course, Mistress Dash,” the Precious Princess said. “I can’t say no to you.” “Oh, I’m aware,” Mistress Dash teased.  Was that a dangerous edge to her voice? The Precious Princess drew forth the collar from its bed and pulled it around her neck. It felt proper there, like it really belonged. The leather’s presence was comforting.  Why hadn’t she been wearing it already? “Now what should I do with you?” Mistress Dash asked. She moved towards the Precious Princess and started to circle around her. “You’ve been pretty bad lately.” “I have?” the Precious Princess murmured. “I can’t remember…” “Are you sure you don’t remember, Egghead?” Mistress Dash interrupted. Oh horsefeathers! The Precious Princess gasped. “Oh shit, I forgot that I shrunk your Wonderbolts’ uniform.” “You did?” Mistress Dash asked, her eyes widening. Then she relaxed, a little, and shook her head. “Right! You did! And I’m going to make you pay for that.” She moved over towards the desk, once again, opening one of the drawers. From it, she withdrew a riding crop, tucking it against her side with her wing. “Tail up!” Mistress Dash barked. The Precious Princess complied without question, hiking her tail up as high as it would go. She flushed as Mistress Dash came up behind her, feeling her marefriend’s gaze settle upon her lower lips. “Oh, now you’re willing to be a good filly,” Mistress Dash teased. She took the crop in one of her hooves and lashed out without warning. The firm material clapped loudly against the Precious Princess’ backside. The Precious Princess yelped, quivering from the blow. “Sorry Mistress Dash,” she cooed.  Mistress Dash smirked and drew the crop back, cracking it down a second time. “I think you need some more discipline in your life, slut.” The Precious Princess nickered and her hindleg quivered in the air for a moment. The heat within her flank was still modest though it was growing more intense with every clap of leather against flesh.  Soon, the second blow was followed by a few more of a similar intensity. They all cracked loudly, transitioning that smolder within her muscles into a proper burn. After the tenth lash, Mistress Dash drew away, leaving Twilight’s flanks a well tenderized pink. “How do you feel?” Mistress Dash asked. The Precious Princess bit her lip. “Honestly, a little turned on.” “That’s what I like to hear,” Mistress Dash teased. She drew closer. So near that her lips hovered right above the Precious Princess’ lower counterparts. As she breathed, the warmth of her breath licked at her folds, making her shiver. Though the breath was but a mere treat as Mistress Dash pressed her tongue into the Precious Princess. There was no reluctance to her actions as she swirled around within her with a seasoned vigour. She knew this hole well and proved as much as she bounced between all of the Precious Princess’ most excitable spots as if she were a Wonderbolt doing laps. Though she drew back after only a couple seconds of this absolutely divine treatment. Her Mistress smacked her lips together loudly and planted a kiss upon her cutie mark, smearing crude fluids upon the Precious Princess’ hide. “I wonder if I could get you to do something really silly?” Mistress Dash whispered. She hummed to herself before chuckling. “Hey Egghead? Remember when you came because I touched your cutie mark?” The Precious Princess blinked, confused by this. “What?” “Shit,” Mistress Dash grumbled. “Does it need to be in one…” She cleared her throat. “Hey, do you remember when you came after I touched your cutie mark, Egghead?” The Precious Princess blinked, though this time it was because a string of memories came to corrupt the forefront of her mind. She remembered Mistress Dash cracking a hoof roughly against her backside and the rather powerful orgasm that came with it. The memories were enough to usher forth a faint moan from her. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Mistress Dash teased, snickering to herself. She drew her hoof back, hovering it just above the Precious Princess’ flank. It lingered there and acted as the perfect Sword of Mareocles. The tension was palpable, just waiting for it to come crashing down.  Finally, it cracked right against the Precious Princess’ cutie mark. The sound that she made was strange, impossible even. There was the yelp of pain that came with being spanked. This sound was sharp, like a bark. But another sound also came forth as an orgasmic explosion of energy, an edge of utter bliss that wove into her voice. It felt incredible. Her haunches warmed at the impact and juices came gushing forth. Some part of the Precious Princess’ mind couldn’t believe that this was really happening. But the other part remembered what Mistress Dash said and knew for a fact that she couldn’t possibly lie about something like this. Her orgasm ran its course and the Precious Princess’ hindlegs quaked slightly. She felt a little drained but managed to perk up as she felt Mistress Dash at her side, nuzzling into her. “Ready for the main event?” Mistress Dash asked. The Precious Princess nodded swiftly. “Of course, I am.” “Are you ready to be fucked by my fat cock, Egghead?” Mistress Dash asked. “Doesn’t it always turn you into a bimbo, Egghead?” Twilight looked back, gasping as she saw the rock hard stallionhood that now hung from Mistress Dash’s lower half. It was impressive by pegasus standards: long, thick, and with a head that would surely be noticed when it flared. A fat dollop of pre oozed from the tip, draining along it. The sight made the Precious Princess salivate. The Precious Princess nodded quickly. “Please breed me, Mistress Dash.” She whimpered and wiggled her hips back and forth. “I need this!”. Mistress Dash smirked and came up behind her, mounting her and resting her forelegs upon her back. Thankfully, the Precious Princess was strong and more than eagerly bore the weight. The tip of Mistress Dash’s cock rubbed against her hole. Though she spent little time teasing as she pushed forwards with no reluctance. She parted the Precious Princess’ folds and pressed the tip of her cock a couple inches deeper. The Precious Princess moaned softly, feeling her walls flex around Mistress Dash’s pride. Her Mistress clearly enjoyed this, letting out a little nicker of approval.  Her pace was initially clumsy; halting even. But after a couple moments a fluidity was born and she started pounding away with increasingly deep strides. “Gods you’re tight,” Mistress Dash murmured. She reached forwards and placed a hoof on the back of the Precious Princess’ head, pressing down upon it. The pressure was enough to overcome the Precious Princess’ unsteady forelegs and made them give out. The Precious Princess crumpled forwards with Mistress Dash’s hoof keeping her face pinned firmly against the floor. All the while, Mistress Dash’s tempo had grown to quite a potent din. She hammered away with surprising vigour and really went all out with her routine. She grunted and groaned, panting for breath as she kept up such a terrifying pace. The Precious Princess moaned to her heart’s content. Her voice was unwavering in the face of this relentless tempo. She could feel Mistress Dash’s flare grinding against her walls with every cycle of her hips. Wait, flare? But she hadn’t… “It was so nice that you let Fluttershy watch us, Egghead!” Mistress Dash grunted. The Precious Princess stirred from her own quizzical thoughts and noticed Fluttershy sitting in front of her. She had a hoof between her haunches, rubbing away at her tender little flower. She moaned softly and smiled as she watched the duo in the midst of things. “Thanks for letting me be a filthy little voyeur,” Fluttershy said. The Precious Princess cocked a brow. Why did Fluttershy sound like Mistress Dash? When did she start to use that kind of language? This wasn’t Fluttershy. This was… Twilight snapped back to reality, the illusion of Fluttershy fading from her memory.  Though, while Fluttershy may have been fake, the rutting was very real as Rainbow continued to hammer into her. Though Twilight now recognized that it was a silicon organ that she was being rutted with. “I’m close,” Rainbow growled. Twilight moaned, unable to respond with actual coherent words. She was already dancing on the edge, still tender from whatever little things Rainbow had done to her. All it took was a few more powerful thrusts for her to spill over the edge, succumbing to the tantalizing embrace of orgasm. Rainbow hilted inside of her, moaning herself as Twilight clenched around her faux pride and squirted with such ferocity. “Who’s my Precious Princess?” she asked. Twilight moaned. “Is it Twilight?” “Yeah, it is,” Rainbow said, though she promptly tilted her head to the side. “Wait… did the mind control wear off?” “A few seconds ago,” Twilight teased. “I think you overplayed your hoof, babe.” She sighed. “Either that or even with magic, I still can’t help but over analyze everything.”  “Well did you at least have fun?” Rainbow asked. Twilight nodded and stuck out her tongue. “I can’t complain. After all, I got two orgasms out of this.” “Well, I’m glad that I’m useful for something,” Rainbow teased. She leaned forwards and kissed Twilight’s forehead. “I’m going to pull out now, okay?” “Actually,” Twilight whispered, cooing at the kiss. “Could we just stay like this for a little while longer? I kind of like it.” Rainbow nodded. “Sure thing, Egghead.”