> Bittersweet > by Soul_Eater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bitter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dulcé walked the halls of Las Pegasus Highschool, on her right trotted Sonata Dusk munching on a greasy street taco, on her immediate left was Adagio Dazzle and next her walked Aria. The quartet were happily heading toward the auditorium for the talent show try-outs, jabbing jokes about each other's crushes. Dulcé blushed when Adagio made subtle joke about her eyeing a very handsome stallion duo..............Flim and Flam. Dulcé had let it slip that she found Flim cute. When they arrived they were in time to see a blue unicorn catch the stage ablaze! They lauhed, Trixie was a good illusionist unless nervous. Among the music ponies category they saw Vinyl Scratch bobbing away and Beauty Brass playing some jazz. They warmed up and did a run through of their song. News however, came that only trios or solos were needed; that left Dulcé to sing solo. After the auditions the LPPD showed up and had students open lockers. At this time ad well that the Dazzlings were framing Dulcé for drug possession by placing prescription drugs in her locker, drugs that had a different name. A few moments later the Buck Ball star of the school shoved 15 kilos of meth into the locker as well. Poor Dulcé as hard as she tried ended up charged and convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison. The buck ball star of a stallion paid off ponies to say that they saw Dulcé but the drugs. Four years went by, and Dulcé struggled to land a couple of jobs to make ends meet. Her parents had passed while she was in prison in a freak accident. Dulcé dreamed of singing and making it big, but those dreams were gone; a fire of anger and hurt burned deep. News had reached her that her old friends had returned from their banishment and had tried to call her. The times she did answer it was all cursing and yelling. Phone Call "I don't give a fuck Adagio! You three ruined my Celestia-damned life..............for all I care you can rot in Tartarus!" "Look Dulcé! You'll meet us at our old favorite coffee shop in one week at 2pm and don't be late!" "Aria you stupid whore out Adagio on the line!" silence ensued for a solid five minutes when Sonata could be heard. "Dulcé please just meet us there.............we need to talk about the past and something we've learned while were serving our time in the other dimension." "Fine I'll be there!" Dulcé slammed the phone down and began to shove marshmallows and Nutella into her muzzle. As the days went by, she wondered what the hell was so damned important that her rivals wanted to meet up? She also in free time stalked the Dazzlings and saw them meeting the ponies they had bullied in school after that fateful year, what was their play? She wondered for it was all rather confusing to sat the least. The day came and she slowly flapped her wings to the designated location and took a corner booth and waited. Her mind was foggy and her heart broken, her dreams flooded in like flood waters over a dam. The door bell tinkled and she ignored it, her thoughts were elsewhere when she looked up and saw Adagio, Aria and Sonata.............the latter eating a really greasy street taco. "Let's get this talk over with shall we?" "Agreed Adagio" was the short curt reply. So the conversation began. > Sweet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dulcé was sitting at a table in a familiar coffee shop, she heard the bell tinkle above the door and didn't care about who had entered. If she had looked, it was her rivals, the very ones who had framed her with illegal drugs and she got jailed for possession. Now years later she struggled with work because drug possession was on her record and her dreams were crushed. Dulcé now cleaned houses for other ponies and also worked night shifts at a low paying textile factory. Glancing up at the Trio across from her she glared daggers of malice, "You three have a lot of balls to ask to meet here after you fucked up my life! Hurry the hell up and say the shit you want to say!" Aria used her hooves to signal her to quite down. Adagio looked awkwardly away and as a nervous tick Dulcé recognized was Sonata playing with her red ruby necklace; all three had a matching a matching necklace except Dulcé of course. Dulcé noticed that they weren't wearing their prized necklaces. Sonata broke the silence, "Dulcé............we wanted to see you first since we're no longer banished to the other diminsion. We had our eyes opened and realized we threw the friendship you gave us out like rubbish. All those years ago, you befriended us first, all we gave ya in return was a criminal record." Aria spoke next, "You were always the better singer than us, beside the record, I know you being locked in the school freezer killed your voice............I know we can't give back what we stole.............all ask.............beg is that you forgive us. We understand why if you don't." Adagio finished up, "Look Dulcé, I know we can't change your view of us but we've changed since then............can we at least be on cordial terms at least?" "What happened to those necklaces of yours?" Dulcé asked curious. "The incident that taught us about the power of friendship.............and now we can't hold a pitch to save our ass." "I see Adagio............touching on your apologies...........I'll have to think about it for a couple of days. Meet me at our old favorite haunt on Wendsday for my answer. Dulcé couldn't sleep or eat that night, she had the chance to get a fresh start with these girls, and yet how the hell was her record be wiped clean? Oh well she thought as she shoved marshmallows and Nutella into her mouth by the hoof-full. She finally came to the conclusion of her decision just 36 hours before the fateful meeting. To make sure she made the right choice she went to talk to Starlight Glimmer and Trixie about it. They assured her that forgiveness is always the way to go. Wendsday Dulcé walked up to the old bowling alley where years ago they were bowling sharks and conned a bunch of arrogant stallions of their bits. "Hey girls..............thought about my answer and I've come to the conclusion to forgive ya...................on the pretense that that Sonata buys me two tacos that will replace my two she ate from that taco party box we bought in our freshmare year of high school!" Sonata blushed a bright pink as they all moved in for a group hug (they had to drag Aria as they did in years past). For Dulcé it came out that the Dazzlings had framed her for possession by using half filled prescription bottles of strong painkillers, but the meth had come from the school's buck ball star; the stallion shoved his stuff in there last minute to save his own ass. With persuasion and help from Twilight Dulcé got her record wiped completely clean and finally could get a white collar job, and with her talent as a singer and knowledge of the art, she taught her friends to sing without the use of magical necklaces. Things were finally going the right way.