> Fall of Equestria: LIBERATION > by ScarletRhine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > FALL OF EQUESTRIA- Liberation. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALL OF EQUESTRIA: LIBERATION! LOCATION: Everfree Forest. The Everfree Forest. A place that ponykind (save the Zebras) know a lot, yet very little of. The forest's very nature spooks the equine former masters of Equestria. The weather? Uncontrolled. The Animals? care for themselves. Home to monsters like manticores, & Timber Wolves. It was the only place on Equis poison joke grew. Unknown to the ponies and Caribou, the Everfree was the home to another poeple. One which has a long history with the caribou. A history of mutual hatred. A history that will help karma bite the caribou in the ass. Fluttershy ran for her life deep into the Everfree. She dodged and wove through the forest as three caribou warriors bore down on her with lust in their eyes. Not long ago, Tirek escaped from Tartarus and atempted to drain Equestria dry. With Discord's help he succeeded. He then promptly betrayed Discord and drained the dragonequis of his magic. Like all villains he gave the item that Twilight & her friends needed to turn the tables on him. Unfortunatly for equestria, the Caribou had fallen under the rule of the Stonehoof Clan. Plan A was to wait until Tirek succeeded then attack him over whelming numbers. But when Tirek was defeated, they opted for Plan B' Invade before Equestria had a chance to fully recover. Equestria's being a diarchy and the mares were allowed to be more than sex toys & breeders was an afront to the male domnated caribou. Things went slowly at first, until the fall of the Crystal Empire and the capture and corruption of the Crystal Heart, causing most of the stallions to become brainwashed to the caribou's way of thinking. Taking advantage of the confusion in the ranks of the equestrian defenders, the caribou overwhelmed the defenders. The assault on Ponyville began and hour before dawn with the objectives of Securing the train station, The Castle of Friendship, and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Unfortunatly for the attackers, The Castle of Friendship was a magically grown castle and big enough to hold the entire town population plus more. Which is why Fluttershy was running for life in the Everfree as she couldn't get to the castle without getting captured. So she ran into the forest. One minute after she heard the sounds of animals crying out in rage, pain and death. Her animal friends had sacrificed themselves to buy her time and tears welled in her eyes, as she vowed to avenge them. She turn and plowed into a wall of muscle that was a caribou. Held her tight as his partners came into view. "Hehheh." Her captor said. "Just like an untamed slut never aware of her surroundings. See boys, panicing them makes them easer to catch." His partners nodded all of leering at Fluttershy's curvaceous body. Fluttershy sagged in her captor's grip when she saw how many were in the group. One of the nines in the group began looking around and said, "Um… guys?" As he & Fluttershy shadows flitting between the trees. "I hope they let us have some fun with this slut." "Guys?" The buck that had spotted the shadows noticed that there were more of them. Another of the group turned towards the town Saying. "We got o9one of the Elements we can use her…" "GUYS!!!! WE'RE SURROUNDED!!!!!" At that shout slender form resembling the Caribou but moved with grace revealed themselves. "DEER!" one of the caribou shouted with hatred before and arrow burried it self in his throat. "In the name of King Aspen release the pony mare and you shall be allowed to leave this forest." The caribou looked between themselves then at the deer then at Fluttershy before the one who caught the butter yellow pegasus released her. Fluttershy exhausted from her panicked flight though the Everfree suddenly felt extremely tired as her body crashed from all the adrenalin that had pumped into her body until then and she fainted. One of the deer caught her and at a nod from his leader walked away with her in his arms bridal style. Once the was safely away the deer were on thecaribou stripping them of their gear leaving each with only a dagger. "Now leave." The lead deer commanded. "Wait! You said if we released the slut, we would be allowed to leave this forest. "With only a dagger for each of us to defend ourselves?" "I never agreed to let you go fully equipped." "But…" "Begone! Least I change my mind!" With twenty deer, all of which had a weapon at them the caribou turned around and walked out of the forest. To be consumed by the enchanted wildlife of the forest. Fluttershy woke up to the sounds of people preparing for war. She looked herself over to find herself dressed in a green, form hugging dress. Looking about she noticed that she back in her cottage which looked better than when she flew out of it the night before. Though partially fire damaged her belonging were mostly intact. Her as a doe in leather armor stepped in. "Oh your awake!" She said to the butter yellow Pegasus. "Come King Aspen would like to talk with you." Confused fluttershy followed the doe and gasped at the sight of a buck in royal regailia sitting her easy chair while reading through some paper work and drinking some ginsing tea that she hear a faint song comming from it. She fluttered her wing from nerves causing the buck to look up and smile. "Ah. The damsel in distress who was rescued by the mighty prince from the foul Caribou." He stood up and said, "Permit me to properly greet you. I am King Apen XIV guardian of the dear and Suitor to she who raises the sun." Fluttershy's eyes widened as she gasp's, at the revelation, "Y-you Celstia's Special Somepony?" Aspen chuckles as he corrects, "The correct term is special somedeer. But I digress what I want know from you is why the caribou were chasing you?" Fluttershy noted the tone of hate when Aspen utters the word 'caribou' which lit a small fire of hope in her massive breasts and on the off chance he could help and said, "The came from the north-west not long after the defeat. They first joined celebration until all their fighter were ashore then attacked. The guardsponies were not fully recovered from their magic being drain of their magic were overrun." Aspen listened as fluttershy told him of the events of the invasion. She then told him that the caribou captured the Crystal Empire the three months after that, just when the EUA and the Guard had finally fully recovered from Tirek, a greenish tinged aurora appeared in the sky and suddenly most of the stallions shared the Caribou's worldview. She sighed then said, "From that point all they had to do and the stallions would just let them in. Of course Ponyville has had a small Garrison of ponies with no stallions. Due to the regular attacks from the Everfree no stallion was ever assigned here." Aspen nodded grimly then stepped out. Fluttershy's ears then picked out Aspen's voice command, "The retreat is over! Send word to the Diamond Hounds & the Kirin that the deer are re-entering the world. The Caribou have come to this land and we shall see that their flith will not scar this land." The next thing Fluttershy heard Aspen announce, "THE DEER ARE GOING TO WAR!!!!" > The Calm before the storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was shocked at the state her back yard. The chicken coop was burnt down, her 5garden was trampled, and there were the bodies. The bodies of her animal friends, who with Angel leading them, performed what could only described as a holding action to allow her to escape into the Everfree. The sight of Harry in bandages being tended by several leather armor wearing does. Her hands flew upto her mouth at the sight of Angel Bunny's lifeless body being carried revernly by a buck in leather scalemail armor towards a small bonfire. The buck stopped and nodded his head. "This little warrior fought bravely and with vallor. I watched him mortally wound three caribou bucks and unbuck the last before that one slew him. if when I reach valhalla and little one the pet of the allfather…" He starts to say. A doe takes Angel's body and lays it on the bonfire. She then picks up a torch and lights it with the help of another buck then hands it to Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at the burning torch confused. Causing the doe to say, "He was your pet. Only you can send him on his journey to the heavens" With a quiet sob, she lit the bonfire. As the fire consumed the body of Angel Bunny, the deer started moving towards ponyville. Their numbers growing as they move closer to the unlucky town. MEANWHILE IN THE CASTLE of FRIENDSHIP. Twilight Sparkle walked along one of the crystalline hall ways in her castle. It had been revealing secrets left and right. All of which had been extreamly helpful during the current crisis. What has been learned has been The Castle is alive. NO one even concidered that in spite of the facts. It grew from a seed that used to be a lock box with six keys. that seed came out of a flower that grew from the Tee of Harmony. It had a spirit named JARVIS at the moment. The Castle was bonded primarily to her. With a lesser bond with… spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Rarity Belle, Sweety Bell, & Fluttershy. The Castle was large enough to hold the entirity of the population of Ponyville Comfortably. The fresh water came from the elemental plane of water. Meaning the Caribou (or anypony else) could never poison it. It was impervious to hostile magic less than an alicorn. The Castle could go into Seige Mode. Which causes… All exits to be closed and sealed. A force field to encases the castle. The food storage begins to magically replenish itself. meaning there was no way to starve them out. Twilight looked out one of the windows that overlooked Ponyville and thought about what was happening to the guardsmares who stayed behind to allow her and the townsponies to get inside the castle and switch it to seige mode and lock 75% of the panyville garison outside the forcefield. With a sigh, she turned from the window to the relief of one of the few guardsmares that got in and continued her rounds hoping Fluttershy hadn't been caught by the caribou. General Bjorn. glared at the Castle of Friendship with barely contained fury. several things about the castle fueled his fury. It was magnificent in many ways yet infuriatingly it under the full control of a female, who had no right to control such a majestic fortres. The entire population of the town had managed to get inside before that damnable forcefield was raised. He thrust harder in to the body of the cum bloated guardsmare in a rack that had her spread eagled and placed her pussy for all to see and access. He gently pressed against her swollen and felt no give. He smiled then placed his mouth next to her ear and whispered, "You're ready to pop. If that slut doesn't yield I'll shoot my load into you and burst you." The guardsmare thrust head back and bloodied his muzzle causing his to thrust into her hard in anger and bellowed as he came into her. With an aborted blood curdling scream and a wet *splorch!* the guardsmare swollen abdomen, streched to it's limit ruptured releasing a rush of blood & cum. The caribou general pulled out of his victem and adjusted his uniform then turned to his lieutenant and said, "Dispose of that rubbish and pass this to the troops. 'All guardsponies who are mares that are captured are to be racked and used until their bellies burst unless that purple cunt surrenders to Dain's rightful authority over her.'" The lieutenant Saluted then said, "It shall be done. I bring reports from the battle." "Report!" "The Guards-sluts have dispersed into the town. Our numbers are working against us. This town is more ready to defend themselves than any other town in Equestria." "Explain." "The buildings show signs of being rebuilt multiple times. We come across a stockyard marked 'Emergency Supplies'." "Interesting, sounds like this village comes under attack regularly. Go on." "The runemasters have found reinforcing magic in all the buildings, though they are at a loss on how it was done. We also have found several collapsed tunnels in some of the buildings." "The amount of forethought leads me to believe this town used to have proper male supervision. What of the soldiers sent to aquire Pony Of Importance: Fluttershy." The lieutenant's shoulders sagged as he replied, "The last report from the unit had her Fleeing into the Everfree Forest with seven following her to capture her. The remaining three were being held back by local wild life attacking them. There has been no updates since." General Bjorn frowned as he said, "Druid magic." Bjorn's blood ran cold because he could only think two reseason that druidic could be. Either their were deer in the area or the ponies discovered it. Both Ideas scared him spitless. If there were deer involved it could mean the mysterious withdrawal of the deer has come to and end. As well as the invasion was in deep shit. If ponies has discovered druic magic it would be a disaster. If any pony got a druidic cutie mark then druidic magic would be foal's play and the ponies would finally have the upper hoof. "Lieutenant." He said as sweat began to soak his head fur. "Call off the search and get ready for a counter attack." The lieutenant ran off to carry out his orders. Outside of Ponyville Fluttershy walked towards ponyville surrounded by 15 deer druids dressed in leather scale armor whose design reminded her of the hearth's warming play she participated in. "You wear it like you were born to it." an aged doe said. Fluttershy feeling more comfortable around the doe the ponies replied simply, "Pegasi had a more martial tradition before Hearth's Warming." The doe nodded as the druids came to a stop. A short distance ahead a couple of portals opened and more deer march out. Once they closed Aspan shouted, "We won't break!" Then the rest souted, "We won't break!" "We won't break!" "We won't break!" "We won't break!" "We won't break!" The as one the deer charged in to the town. The battle for ponyville had begun. > Ponyville Liberation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION: THE RUINED GATES TO PONYVILLE A fire team of caribou were standing near the ruined gate of Ponyville engaded with most insidious enemy of all soldiers. Boredom. "* sigh* 20 cunts who delayed our forces hiding in this dump, and We're stuck guarding these gate instead of helping the others hunt them down." A young buck with only four points to his antlers grumbled to his companion whose antlers had the same number of points. One who was sitting on one of the fallen looked at the first said, "We're here to catch any guardscunt trying to slip out and warn any nearby towns as well as the Capital." The fourth snorted and said, "More likely they want to keep members of clans that haven't prooven themselves." The third suddenly began look around, his ears twitching. "Uh guys?" "What does that have to do with anything?" The second snapped. The forth replied, "Your Clan was supposed to wipe out the last village of the deer before they could disappear." "That village had been abandoned long before my clan attacked! We never had a chance to stop the deer from departing." "WE WON'T BREAK!" "Uh guys." the third one repeated but the other three had gotten into a heated argument. "WE WON'T BREAK!" "GUYS!!" Third called out as he drew his bow. "WHAT?!" The other three called back. "WE WON'T BREAK!" "WE'RE UNDER AT..URK*" The third one tried to warn when stone spikes erupted from the ground and the stone rubble around turning the fireteam into corpses before they knew they were under attack. LOCATION: PONYVILLE Deer Fighters, Rogues, Rangers entered the township and began combing it for ponies and caribou. The Druids, Sorcerers, Wizards & Clerics mostly hung back with the paladins guarding the healers and arcane casters. Warlocks, Hexblades & Duskblades circled around to the ponyville train station to secure it. Caribou Runecasters found the runes that severely weakened pony magic was only a speedbump to the Deer arcane power. LOCATION: SUGARCUBE CORNER Inside Sugarcube Corner, the nineteen guardsmares listened to the battle that stated outside. The Caribou had unknowingly herded them into the bakery. They had originally planed that if the Caribou found them. That before they entered their hideaway they would kill themselves denying the caribou their prizes. Then the sounds of battle started. The guardsmares looked at each other in puzzlement. "Sounds like someone is attacking the caribou." a privete said. Then before they could react, a panicked caribou jumped though the window a positioned himself near a window. They looked at eachother and nodded. Johan gazed out the window looking for hostile forces outside this shop. Suddenly he felt someone's sword tap him on the sholdier. He turned around to shout at what he thought was a comrade. His blood ran cold when he saw the guardsmares he and his fellows had been searching for. As they closed with him, he said, "Oh buck." with all the irony and defeat he could muster before the enraged mares mobbed him. Location: Ponyville Station Legolas led his team to the train station to do one of two things. The first was to liberate it from the caribou. The other thing was to keep ghe caribou from taking it. Suddenly, a caribou came tumbling out of the ticket office to land unconscious on the ground. Looking at each other the deer hustle into the station to see a giantess of a mare fighting about nine caribou stags with one sickly stag coughing orders subdue the mare. Legolas looked at his comrades and with a nod the deer archers killed the caribou. The mare eyed them warily as the traincrew poked their heads out of the engine. The deer looked at the mare noting she was eight feet tall, her muscles rippled under her skin. her clothes they noticed were more cut for a stallion especially with the shirt ruined and her pants barely staying on her childbearing hips. She crossed her arms then said, "You guys share the same body shape as the caribou but not the size. So are you with them or not?" Legolas stepped forward and said, "Bodyshape is the only thing we Share with the caribou filth." She smiled then said, "A pre-unification saying goes, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' and from what you said friend is all I need to know. Obsidian Twilight, second strongest pony in all of Equestria." Legolas saw a caribou moving to Attack the distracted Obsidian and fired an eldritch blast and killed him. Obsidian Twilight spun around and saw a headless caribou falling to the ground. "Hippocrates. Go on about honorable combats yet when opponents prove too powerful, resort to trickery, dishonorable tactics, and mind controlling the males. Ptoo!" Legolas growled. "By the way, why are you here? I thought all ponies had gone to the Castle the Castle of Friendship." Obsidian Twilight snorted as she said, "Train arrived an hour before the attack. Me and the train crew volunteered to stay here to keep the caribou from acquiring the train, while the passengers made for the castle. Because if they did, they'd have a quick way to Canterlot. We held out for two days before one of them used magic to change us into mares. Location: Castle of Friendship: Caribou main camp. General Bjorn was furious. Every turn his soldiers were being slaughtered by deer troops and to make things worse, that damn purple alicorn was on the balcony watching his humiliation of being beaten by of all things, the arcane might of the deer. Seeing the caribou being defeated by arcane and martial might was giving the ponies the one resource they had been denied, hope. Hope they could turn things around. Hope that their way was NOT against nature. Hope was a dangerous resource because it gave the ponies and increased will to fight and enabled slaves to question their place. The Deer getting involved, was the worse bit of luck to befall the caribou. Suddenly, roots and vines erupted out of the ground and began to bind him. Try as he might, he was immoblized. Looking up, what he saw made his blood turn to icy slush. Above him, wearing Leather scalemail, was a butter yellow pegasus with a long pink mane holding a quarterstaff. What filled his soul with terror were her eyes. Eye he had heard once filled with kindness were. now filled with righteous fury. Bjorn found himself gazing at the STARE!