Desperate Witchcraft

by mrmidnight

First published

Spike Learns that his Bride is hiding a secret from him, one that'll change his life

Spike Draco is happy with being married to his new bride, he's got a great job he loved and has a home that is comfortable. Though he finds himself wondering if she want him, for him. Or it's his money, that's when he learns a secret that his 'Wife has been hiding from him, that will change the very foundation of his life.

Warning contains, (Magic, cheating, Lesbian sex, some threesome, and weird magic sex. Handhold not sure but it depends on you people. Also Big tits. and Futa.)

Witch next door.

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Chapter 1
Spike Draco looked in the Mirror, Simply wondering how he found himself in such a situation. He had married the most beautiful woman ever, Applejack Sparkle, Or now Applejack Draco. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. He reached over, checking his check. It was slightly rugged with his five o'clock shadow.

"Hmm, I'll shave it off tomorrow, not like anyone cares." He smirked while slicking his hair back. In many ways, it made him look a bit like a dork. But he didn't care, and the slicked-back look was just his style as he gave the mirror a pearl white smile. As he popped his neck loudly.

"Gotta get out there and get to work." He chuckled while snapping his fingers. He was pointing at himself as he tried to pull off the confident look as he twisted around. It's a new day and the beginning of your new life as he stepped out of the bathroom and got dressed. He was a fairly muscular man, pushing his body hard over the last couple of years. Though he finally had something to be proud of. As he let out a long sigh putting on his suit.

Spike began walking down the stairs when he suddenly took in the smell of bacon, causing his mouth to water. Such a smell was enticing and addictive. Aphrodisiac. He made his way over to the kitchen, knowing that it was possibly only one person who made bacon smell that good.

Applejack Draco was standing in front of the stove, cooking away, wearing little to nothing beside An apron, and even then, that thing was showing off her magnificent ass. Her red hair was falling halfway down her back as he licked his lips. Such a beautiful creature. How she agreed on marrying a goober like himself, he didn't know as he moved in closer—tiptoeing with each step since he didn't put on any shoes.

A long deep breath as he moved in close, his hand making groping motions as he soon moved in closer, as he grabbed her fine beautiful ass.

"What's cooking, good looking?" he muttered while taking a whiff of the meaty smell. Applejack reacted as she acted as though she was jumping right out of her skin.

"Oh, Heaven's to Betsy Spike, you scared the heck out of me." Her slight southern twang sneaking out as she looked back towards him with those emerald eyes. It was those eyes, the way she looked at them caused Spike to feel like he was falling under her spell. Such kind woman. It made his stomach turn, like butterflies were trying to escape his stomach.

“Well I’m sorry I couldn’t resist while Mrs. Draco was here in my living room wearing something so provocative.” He chuckled wrapping his arms around the beautiful Red head. His head leaning down to kiss her neck.

“Well Mrs. Dracos gonna get you with her spoon if you don’t behave mister, now get to the table. I’ve spent all morning cooking breakfast and I expect you to eat every bite.” She said while winking at him. Her butt shaking as he smirked.

“Hmm well, I could think of a thing or two, I could eat for breakfast.” As he licked his lips though he glanced at the clock.

“Fuck, It’s almost time for work. I’ll have to save that for another time otherwise. Applejack would have my ass.” Spike cursed while picking off some egg’s and sausage off from the middle of the table. Applejack moved in as she laid the Bacon slices off. As he wolfed the meal down.

“Oh, well I’m sure that Celestia would give you a break after all, You only started working for her since we moved here.”

“Maybe, but I’d rather not risk getting in trouble, beside She’s the one who got me the job here, in the first place. Otherwise I might have still been a factory guy at the bottom of the barrel.” He smirked while enjoying his meal. Spike was still worried feeling if he failed, he wouldn’t be a good provider. After all Applejack was still trying to find work, and all.

“I’m sure Celestia could get you a job if you’re desperate. Heck I’m suprised she hasn’t offered you anything.” He muttered with a light sigh though Applejack Scrunched her noise.

“Oh hell no. Celestia’s fun to hang with while we drink some or even in Yoga class, but she would be a nightmare to deal with all day. I think I’ll let you take on the wolves.” She joked taking a slice for herself.

“Oh I see, sending me into hell while you get to be the pretty housewife.” Spike joked, while finishing off a sausage. The Smokey taste, was like heaven to his mouth as he finished it up.

“Thats right, though you better get going before, Celestia gives me a call and ask why your not already there. And gives me the works.” Applejack giggled while she ate her Bacon. Spike looked over towards her feeling more in love with this woman and still wondering how he landed her. She could’ve had any man she wanted yet she picked him. A sigh as he nodded,

“Maybe your right. I’ll just put these in a bag and save them for later. You’re always the best cook Babe.” He smirked while moving over and taking a few more slices. If bacon was going to be the end of him, well that was a hell of a way to go. He quickly walked over towards the door flipping a quick switch, grabbing his key’s and would head off. Though looking back at the kitchen. He sometimes wondered something about Applejack.

What does she see in me? He sighed some as he steped out of their simple two story house. They had gotten it on a steal, at least that was when Spike thought, He was originally going to pay the asking price though something about Applejack had caused them to go down by about ten grand, and saved them more. It was their first house. In a nice neighborhood not too far from his work. It was a dream come true. But a though from his momma had told him this.

If its too good to be true it just might be. It caused him to gulp. In some ways he should’ve been confident happy with his life, he had an amazing job that would keep him well off for the rest of his life, a beautiful wife, and the future is bright. But at the same time something was off about it. Something just wasn’t right. He just wasn’t sure.

- - -

It was as soon as Spike walked out the door, and Applejack could hear the roaring of the engine that Applejack finally sighed in relief.

“Thank goodness, He’s finally gone.” As she felt her back finally loosen. She’d been hoping that he would leave all morning. But finally, her husband had left and she could get more comfortable and not worry about him being around all day. It had been bad enough during the honeymoon. But now. She could get on with the day.

“I love that man, but sometimes I need to unwind.” Her southern accent slipping, as she pushed it back when she reached her hand up giving it a firm snap, and with that something strange had begun to happen.

The dishes slowly began floating from the table and jetting themselves straight towards the sink. Soon following with the sink turning itself on and the dishes began watering themselves, Rise humming as she started moving her fingers around really getting the rhythm of it down.

Almost reminding herself of Fantasia with mickey causing the brooms to run around. Such a joyful moment as she soon caused the pots and pants to join in. The way they pounced, as if they were alive. Applejack couldn’t help humming as she twirled her fingers around while in rhythm.

The truth was Applejack, was in fact a genuine Witch, and her husband had no idea. It was in fact Applejacks greatest secret he kept from him. She soon looked over at what she was wearing the apron and nothing else and snapped her fingers. Transfiguring the apron into something nice, a fine T-shirt that was a a little tight around the top, while showing off her fine breast. Over that would’ve been an unbutton flannel shirt with a red checker mark that gave her a nice southern girl look, especially with those tight jeans. That showed off her booty.

“Maybe I’ll try out yoga later.” She mumbled to herself as she felt alive. It had been weeks since she had a chance to do any magic. She tried not to use any around him, So when he went off to work she would take every chance she could to use magic. Even for the smallest thing. She whipped her finger over and letting the room clean itself. That was when she walked through the wall into the living room.

“Now to find a job.” As much as she liked being home, she needed something to do. Anything at all. She wouldn’t be too picky. Plus getting a job meant she could use her magic in sutler ways without Spike finding out.

“I love him, but he can be paranoid I swear.” She though about it more, though she also imagined how he might react. The fact is she had a few other secrets. Some that she imagined would cause him to freak out. Like the fact she was actually eighty years old. Though damn did she look good for her age, since she looked to be at least twenty-five. While her husband, was around twenty-four. If Twilight was here she’d call her the cougar.

Applejack floated in the air for a second crossing her legs. Truly light as a feather. While trying to come up with something— anything just to keep herself from getting bored. Even an idea of visiting Mr. Draco for a special Lunch, now that was tempting surprise. Especially with how hungry he looked when he saw her.

“N’ah, Probably not a good idea.” She threw her hands off, as she looked over towards the computer and figured she could just start job searching. She was about to float on over for some much needed googling, when she sensed something. Applejack looked towards the Phone and called it over. It shot into the air toward her as she caught it. When It suddenly began ringing.

“This is the Dracos residence, you’re talking to Applejack how might I help you?” She said pushing back her southern accent, A light smirk as she waited for the proper response. It would take a second before whoever was on the line responded,
“Applejack it’s me Twilight, Are you Alone?” Applejack almost cursed as she wasn’t expecting Twilight to call so soon. But knew it would be inevitable.

“Yeah, Twilight, I’m home Spike just left for work so I’m free at the moment.” Applejack sighed while pointing behind her and summoned a bottle of wine, She imagined it floating up towards the living room with a couple of wine glasses following behind her.

“Great I’ve missed you so much, I’ll come straight over, after I let Celestia know, I’m sure she’ll love to join us for the Coven meeting.” Alright, so it gave Applejack a few minutes to get ready for Twilight to come over here. Twilight was a fellow witch who she met around thirty years ago. That had resulted in Applejack learning about an interesting power she had. A power Twilight had become slightly addicted to it. She smiled some while pouring herself a glass of wine.

“Well let’s get this party started then I guess.” She reached overtaking a sip. Since she let out a small smile. Such good memories of Twilight. Hell if it wasn’t for her she might not have met Spike, even if it was by accident.

Then without warning, there was a flash of light. And there Twilight suddenly appeared before her.

Twilight, was a sexy young thing, admittedly funnier when you realize she’s old enough to remember there was only 13 stars on the American flag. Maybe even from the Salem witch trials. But she didn’t look a day over thirty. Soft pale skin, as a pose to Applejacks, Reddish freckled face. Bounce Purple hair that was always curled at the tip just so she could twirl it around her fingers when she was bored. Her breast firm. Applejack couldn’t imagine them ever sagging, and they never would. As she imagined some special magic running over them to keep them nice looking. Maybe even bigger if she wanted. Twilight was the kind of girl who would make a gay man, want to go straight, and any straight woman goes gay.

“It’s so good to see you Applejack, how was your husband with… What's his name again?”

“Spike, and how’s Flash doing?” Applejack responded knowing that James was Twilight husband. Though Applejack couldn’t even remember the last time they met.

“Oh he’s doing fine, at least the last time I check, He’s always busy at work. Such the life of a housewife.” It was there she made herself do a flip floating in the air like it was absolutely nothing as she laid in the air her hands crossed over her fine luscious breast.

“Well I’m glad you two are doing fine. It’s been good here, and this home is so Nice, So when it Celestia suppose to arrive?” She asked, as she imagined what the head witch would say, especially with Spike going in for his first day of work.

“Oh She’ll be here in a small bit, Now maybe we should get things started.” Hovering over her slowly. Twilight looked Towards Applejack with those dark Blue eyes, That reminded her of looking into the deepest Sapphire. They seemed priceless.

“Maybe we should wait, you know how Celestia can ge—” But before she could finish Twilight moved in pressing her soft lips against Applejacks. Soon Applejack tried pulling back for a second, but found herself getting lost, their heads moving gently getting more into the kiss, as they wrapped their arms around each other. Their bodies pushing in with a soft moan.
Twilight pushed her tongue into Applejack's mouth as she Frenched her.

Applejack didn’t even bother fighting her at this, as she moaned into the kiss, she shared with the other woman. Though when she began feeling Twilight reach over sliding off her flannel, she pushed her back.

“No, We shouldn’t be doing this. Celestia’s not even here and I just—”

“I don’t care, beside it’s just us, and they’ll never know. Plus I know that special little gift of your every time I do this.” Leaning down as if giving an example smacking Applejacks ass causing her to moan.

“Ohh Don’t I—” Though it didn’t stop Twilight from doing it again the way her hands moved caressing her.

“You become powerful, and I absorb some of that magic.” She moved in closer kissing her neck gently letting her tongue move down. Slow and steady, just how Applejack loved it. The way her heart raced. She could almost picture it popping out of her chest.

No can’t think of that, knowing my magic I might accidently kill myself if I do. Her magic at times could be unpredictable.

“Plus it’ll be like the old times, As I slowly kiss your tender body, my fingers playing with those soft nipples getting them hard as you moan. I could even do that Spell which lets me grow a that big fat penis. Imagine it could be bigger then your husband.” She teased more as she began giving a light wink. Making Applejacks top disintegrate into ash or flying off. Applejack was exposed. Her legs shacking as she bit her lips. Truthfully if she wanted she might’ve been able to send Twilight flying off for a minute but she pushed the thought away. As she felt the Witch grab her pussy, the way her fingers slid up in her caused The redhead to moan uncontrollably.

“But what about Celestia?” Applejack said moaning more as Twilight slowly moved down Applejacks neck. Her fingers penetrating her more, as she spoke in a hushed voice,

“Fuck her, she snoozes she loses. You’re all mine.” Twilight moaned as she began letting her fingers glowing, Applejack shuddered as those glowing fingers felt as though they were vibrating over everything they touched. Including her clit.

“Oh god!” she closed her eyes imagining what pleasures she might feel as those fingers rubbed against the right spots. Her clit being rubbed in circles, as the vibration continued on.

“Fuck her huh?” A third voice came out of nowhere, causing the two woman to bounce away from each other. Applejacks breast bouncing quickly as she suddenly looked over.

Standing there, with The sounds of Crow's wings flapping stood a woman, clearly older then the other two, Looking to be in her fourties, Rainbow of colors for hair, as she wore a set of glasses. She wore purely business attire. As though she was ready to head to work but was interrupted by coming her.

“Oh, Madam Sun, We were just waiting for you.” Twilight said clearly trying to wiggly her way out of trouble.” Though it was clear Celestia wasn’t buying it.

“Wasn’t it you who said, She snoozes she looses.” Curling her fingers clearly quating her as she watched over clearly annoyed.

“I mean, I was just kidding, please don’t be angry with me teacher.” It was there Twilight bowed in utter respect for the Witch.

“Hmm it seems even after all these years, you still haven’t learned your lesson my dear.” She eyed the petite blond and watched as her clothes suddenly ripped from her body. Her legs spreading as she was floating in the air. Twilight reached over covering her breast face beat red from embarrassment.

“Madam Sun!” She called out in shock though Celestia giggled walking over.

“As punishment, you don’t get to join in, you may watch but you’re not allowed to join in as I take care of our sweet Applejack here.” She leaned down licking Applejack neck causing her to moan. Celestia body slowly transforming as she added a special little feature to her body. Soon revealing a hard fat cock between her legs. No scrotum but that wouldn’t matter. The equipment was hard and ready for the young witch.

“Madam Sun no, I wanna join too!”

Little did Applejack, or anyone them know they were being watched, not by an enemy though by a small camera that was planted up in the corner of the room, watching them as Celestia and Applejack walked side by side, cupping the other ones ass while Twilight was floating behind them. The little red light blipping.


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Spike sighed as he walked into the building, Sunstone Publishing. A company specializing in erotic literature. It had been raising up for the quality of work, that had been getting popular over the last few years. They had decided to expand on to other things, and that was what Spike was here for. Celestia had brought him in, as a head editor. A long sigh as he began walking into the building. That was when he ran right into Celestia Rivers the owner of the company and the woman who personally hired him on.

“Ahh Spike it’s good to see you, How's been Applejack?” She said with a light smirk her hand hanging there, as Spike would responde shaking it.

“She’s doing good, just at home doing a few things.” He gave a light chuckle as he felt her tighten his grip.

“I’m sure she is, now come on I’ll be show you, where your office is.” They headed towards the elevator going inside, Spike watching her hit the button for the fifth floor.

“I appreciate you hiring me, Celestia, though I’m suprised really that you would consider me.”

“It’s no problem, I saw some of your work, the Dragon Lover was an interesting book, though it’s sad that it never got the recongnition it did, and those reviews. Were just silly. I don’t think I had ever seen someone potray Demons in such a manor. If you had sent the book here in the first place I probably could’ve made it successful.” Celestia said as she examined her nails. Spike looking over and noticed that her clothes were a little shifted, like she had thrown them on in a hurry before getting here.

“Yeah, though not my best work. Hopefully though I can help other writers improve their work and get them noticed.

“I’m sure you will, though Applejack did help convince me in hiring you also. So, Please don’t disappoint me.” She said giving a light smile as the Elevator dinged and they had made it up to the fifth floor.

“Well, I’ll try not to disappoint, and bring you some quality work.”

“I’m sure you will, just make sure otherwise it won’t end well.” Celestia joked as she moved over and lead the way,

“Your office is down the hall here.” They moved down, the clicking of Celestia's heels filled the room, as Spike did his best not to check Celestia's ass out, the way it swayed back and forth. If he could describe it. He was writing it, he would’ve written, The way her ass bounced was magnificent, almost hypnotic, as one could’ve been lost to the sight of that round bottom.

He shook his head, cursing himself. He needed to be professional, and ogaling his boss would not be a good idea, as he took a deep breath and sighed lightly as they moved into the back room.

“You’re office is right here.” She said handing him the key, and walking inside. Spike followed her, as he looked inside. It was a standard office Desk, with a few papers, and a computer, overall it was neat though he needed to add his own flair but that could happen later, as he looked around.

“It’s nice,”

“Very, your assistant should be arriving soon,” Celestia said sitting on his desk leaning as she patted her side, Spike kept himself standing still as he looked about more. He never imagined he would have his own office and work at such a well-known publishing company but here he was,

“So, I’m getting an assistant, that’s interesting I mean what am I suppose to even do with one?”

“Get you coffee, help grab some paperwork, take notes. Make sure you don’t forget about meetings, Pretty much anything as long as you don’t tell them to blow you under the table or Lick your clit.” Celestia said with a slight chuckle. Her no fuck’s giving added to her voice almost caused Spike to laugh he even imagined if he was drinking something he would’ve done a spit take.

“Well, I don’t think I’ll be needing the last two, though perhaps making sure I don’t forget anything sometimes I swear I’d forget my own head if it wasn’t attached to my own body.”

“Heh, well as long as you don’t forget to send in the paperwork buddy,” There was suddenly a knocking,

“Come in,” Celestia called out crossing her arm, and her legs as she moved them over almost reminding him of Sharon stone in killer instinct though Spike couldn’t tell if she was wearing panties or underwear.

The woman walked in a simple timid girl clearly short around five feet walked in, she was a petite brunet wearing a white button up shirt. She must’ve been around nineteen, a college student who was trying to get some Credits. Spike noticed the small pin on her front pocket. It was a green symbol with a snake in an S Shape, He suspected it was Slytherin. He felt a smile spread across his face.

“This is Rarity, Well you better get to work, take lunch whenever you can just clock out, Blah, blah, blah. If you have any questions about what our last editor was working on ask her. She’ll be of some assistance.” Celestia let out a groan as she was clearly ready to get out of there. Plenty of meetings as she headed off leaving the two alone. Though sticking her head back inside as she added one more thing.

“Also, I want you to pick a novel to attract a male Audience. I want to get a hook on them. So, good luck.” It was there Celestia walked out the door leaving them behind

“So did the last guy leave anything?” Spike asked Rarity, though she looked over some and muttered,

“Well a few manuscripts that he was deciding on, and all he finished the last book before leaving. So the next project has to be started.”

“Well alright then I guess I better get started.” Spike sighed as he got behind the desk and realized the pile was there. In a way he felt in over his head, but he needed the money, and began going into the pile.

Guess we’ll be doing this trial and error. Fuck, I’m so going to fuck up. He mumbled under his breath while looking over to his assistant.

“Um by the way, could you get me a coffee, some cream and sugar?”

“Sure thing, anything else while I’m out getting it food or…” She trailed off though Spike couldn’t help looking her over, checking out her amazing body, with a smidge of guilt as he pushed it from his mind.

“No, I think I’m fine also ten points to Slytherin.” He chuckled while moving over grabbing an Manuscript. He imagined it was already through a vetting system, and now he just had to approve for it.

“My father will hear about this!” Victory snorted in response as she headed out and went to get his coffee. Spike let out a long sigh and began moving over the pile and checking over the first Manuscript. Dancing with Werewolves.

- - -

Spike sighed as he walked out of the building. His body ached, as he twisted back and forth, while trying to pop his back. So far he considered the first day to go well. Though he’ll find out after tomorrow, since he submitted a couple of ideal novels that could work from what Celestia wanted. He would begin driving home. The sun setting as he would eventually make it home. Figuring he would cook something in the oven. His stomach hungerly growled at him.

“Cool it you. You’ll get your meat.” He muttered as he pulled into the drive way. The neighborhood was quiet and in many ways he liked that. Growing up in the city, the place was loud, and busy. Yet here, he could imagine himself falling asleep, with a drink in his hand while sitting in the front yard. A nice place, and if him and Applejack decided to have kids. Well it would be far better, he wouldn’t have to worry about them getting in trouble.

“Honey I’m home,” he called out, giving a light laugh as he was tempting to give a Rick Ninge impression. Though tossed it off, his back hurting, feeling rather worn out though he came home to an empty house.

“Huh, thats weird.” He figured Applejack would’ve been home, but just imagined she had headed out and lost track of time. It was something that happened, Though his mind wandered to the bedroom, as he began heading there. Though moving over towards the kitchen as he made himself a sandwich. He leaned back taking bites when he noticed it. It was off in the corner though it caught his attention as he muttered,

“What the?” as he walked over picking it up. He realized that it was nothing more then a pair of panties. They were red panties clearly laced. But one thing was sure, he didn’t recognize them. They weren’t Applejacks, and she normally never left them in in the kitchen. Heck the laundry room was down in the basement, and she didn’t even need to pass them to get there.

“Nah, maybe she just got a new pair… but why are they even here?” He shook his head, as he tried pushing it off.

“Stop being paranoid, beside it’s probably nothing.” He tossed them on the table and grabbed his sandwich as he would finish it off. Though the thought of it buzzed over him. Picking at his brain like a fly that just wouldn’t leave you alone, as he grunted. But with Applejack not here, he couldn’t ask her. That was when it suddenly hit him.

“Spike you dork, How can you forget!” He slapped himself on the forhead leaving a small red mark as he went over to his office.

He pulled out his computer, and unlocked it. Spike began pulling up some files. When he was younger, someone had broken in to his family house while he was home alone, and they had stolen a few things. They were never caught cause even though Spike had seen them could hardly describe them. Which angered him, and ever since he had installed camera’s inside to make sure that if someone ever did it again he’d be able to have proof. Paranoid, yeah he knew. Though having them done, he eventually forgot about them. They were as natural as breathing.

“Fuck I really have to tell Applejack, she’ll think it’s creepy if she found out by accident. Though Maybe I should get rid of them.” He wrote a small note to remind him to do that later, as he moved over and began checking out the day. Specifically after he left.

When he finally reached over it. He began watching. It seemed normal at first, though slowly his eyes widened as he watched the events unfold. He even began sliding out of his chair as he watched the appearance of Twilight coming out of nowhere, and even his Boss Celestia.

“What the… What the fuck!” He muttered covering his mouth not sure if someone was listening to him or even seeing him but he shuddered fast-forwarding and watching them leave the scream, and soon turned moving to the other cameras as he started to wonder if it was a joke. Yet it looked to real.

“No maybe Applejack was pulling a joke on me. She found the cameras and decided to fuck with me.” But why was Celestia there? It didn’t make sense. As he continued watching the video, and there he watched it. He watched his wife, having an affair. He shuddered to grab his mouth his heartbreaking but he felt mad, as he knew Applejack wouldn’t pull this as a prank. But if this was true and so was what he saw, her levitating things Twilight and Celestia appearing from nowhere.

Clearly, there were no cuts in the video he was the only one with the password to the computer. He had to get out of there. But he also wanted to talk with Applejack. Get her side of the story.
He reached over and grabbed a piece of paper scribbling something down. But it was clear about one thing. He needed to get out of here for the time being. But he had a lot to talk about with Applejack tomorrow.

The Witching hour

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Applejack found herself waking up in her bed after a long day of flying, her arms felt sore as she was soaring in the sky. She hadn’t even noticed Spike wasn’t in bed when she got in it herself. Though the moment she woke up it was there she realized she was all alone. Only to see a piece of paper on his pillow reading We need to talk, meet me in the kitchen.

Applejack, raised an eyebrow and nodded, as she began getting dress. A wave of her hand and she was wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts as she moved down the stairs and off into the kitchen. The house felt quiet as she walked in and saw Spike sitting at the kitchen table his computer opened as he exclaimed.

“Is there something you wanna talk to me about?” His eye on her, almost looking into her soul as though he was waiting for something as she shook her head,

“No babe, why do you ask?” Spike sighed as he clicked on the computer, and there she saw it, A video of her doing magic. The plates running around cleaning. Then Twilight appearing out of nowhere, materializing before her eyes, as they spoke, before it stopped with Spike clicking the computer.

“I saw everything.”

“I— I, it was a trick its a joke.” Applejack tried lying though Spike stood up.

“No it’s not! I saw it, and don’t lie!” His voice getting louder, clearly by accident as she saw his hands shaking, he was clearly angry… No he was upset.

“Ok You’re right but I can explain, what me and Twilight it means nothing.”

“Nothing! Applejack you were doing magic! Magic! How could you hide that from me!” Spike said as he slammed the computer closed, as he groaned in frustration.

“Wait your mad become of the magic and not for, the kiss, and cheating.”

“I mean, I’m mad about that but. How could you lie about all this, Why didn’t you tell me? I trusted you.”

“Trusted me, what about you? You’re recording our moves with camera, that’s sick, It’s creepy!” Applejack pushed on, sure it wasn’t an excuse but it was something. But she knew that wasn’t the point. She had fucked up, and she was caught. She felt ashamed, She wished that He never found out.

“I was going to tell you, but you know how I am! I sometimes forget things but don’t put this on me, the fact is, you cheated on me! And you lied about magic, Why didn’t you tell me about that! I mean you know me, I mean it’s awesome, my wife has magic! But it’s— I don’t know it’s all confusing!” Spike sighed as he turned around his hands gripping on the table. Applejack, moved over grabbing his shoulder,

“I couldn’t tell you about magic; everytime people other then us witches or us few find out, people try to kill us, or even burn us. Salem, being the biggest example, and us witches, only a handfull of us our born every decade or two. I was scared, I would’ve told you, but I didn’t know how you might react.” Applejack sniffed tears forming from her eyes, as she felt an urge to cry.

“Could you tell me this, and be honest with me… Is our marriage a lie? I just want the truth, if its a lie, we can divorce and I will leave, your secret would be safe, and you’ll never see me again. I just can’t take the lying.” Spike sighed as he felt his emotions going all over the place, there was so much he wanted to do, to say. He pushed his emotions down, though it was difficult, they kept trying to bubble right back up.

Applejack stood there, her hand shaking as she thought for a second looking deep within herself as she knew if she chose her words wrong it would end in disaster. Her heart skipping a beat as she remembered first meeting him. He was at the gym, looking so winded, trying to pick up a fifty pound dumbbell and having trouble. She walked over and gave him a hand. The small conversation and how she made him laugh took her breath away.

“Spike— I promise you, Our marriage is not a lie, I love you. The fact is though, I am under order of our covens leader, and I can’t disobey, with my special ability. Mistress River uses it to help keep us strong.”

“Special ability?” Spike muttered turning around. Applejack saw the redness in his eyes.

“Yeah it’s weird, each witch has a unique ability, mine being that if a witch of magical being causes me to orgasm their power increaese making them more powerful.”

“And thats why you were sleeping with them… So my boss is a witch also.”

“Oh yes, she’s the leader of the Coven.” She sighed caressing his cheek.

“I mean could you leave the coven or… No probably can’t I’m guessing.” He let out a sigh,

“I could but I would lose the protection of the Coven, we witches stick together to protect each other, there are things out there that kill us, without our magic we’re basicly pure mortal.” Spike let out a sigh and nodded,

“I understand, I don’t know what The struggles are but I know, that you have to do what you can. I just wish you’d have told me the truth.”

“I know and I should have though Sometimes human’s over react to things they don’t understand, plus, who knows what you would’ve asked me to do as a witch.”

“Like what? Turn my cousins wife into a toad?”

“Oh yes, you could’ve done that, and I might have been tempted to do that.” She leaned in and gave him a long kiss. Spike was shocked though slowly would begin returning it. The kiss would start slow, before becoming more passionate as they pushed themselves against each other. Applejack levitated herself carefully before wrapping her legs around his waist and exclaimed,

“Bedroom now!”

“I guess our fight over with or discussion.” Spike said with a light laugh as she was kissing his neck.

“Later— Makeup sex Now!” She moaned as she sucked on his neck gently her hips rubbing against him as she let out a light moan. Spike was definitely getting turned on as he shuffled to the bedroom, though at this point he might have been lucky to make it towards the couch. Spike barely heard the snapping of Applejacks fingers as he suddenly fell backward right on their bed,

“What the… Wait magic nevermind.” He chuckled watching Applejack straddling him. Her hands reaching over to her shirt as she was pulling it off. Spike couldn’t help but find that her breast looked fuller, rounder. As he watched her with burning desire.

“Oh yes, now I think I should show you how sorry I am,” Applejack said giving a light smile as she gave another snap, which Spike began watching his clothes transforming turning into moths flying away,

“Fuck I liked that shirt.” Spike said, though Applejack kissed his noise as she rubbed against him with soft moans,

“But I suppose I could get another one later.” As he reached down cupping her round ass. They squeezed on them. Though his eyes focused on her. Though the witch giggles,

“Always keep your eyes on my sleeves not on my face.” She muttered as without warning a flash of light blinded Spike, He looked down and realized his penis was growing. No longer the simple 6 inches hard it clearly began hitting double digits. He could joke some he was as big as a horse, with how thick his cocks girth went as he watched her sliding her pussy against it moistening it with her juices.

“Hmm Tonight honey we’re gonna be rough, make me your bitch and rough me up.” She smirked leaning down kissing his lips. Spike was more enthusiastic by this response. Their tongues gliding together as they moaned embarrassing each other more. His hands slapping her ass nice and hard.

“You’re right, I’ve been to soft, I think I should punish you.” He growled more, clearly ready to lay his frustraition out on his wife. His hand pulling away from her ass reaching over as he grips his cock and trying to adjust it. A tingling feeling against his fingers as he touched his newly engorged cock but he managed to push it against her slit.

“Oh you better, cause— fuck! I’ve been a bad witch.” Her moans getting heavy.

It was there they began embrassing each other. From the moment Spike penetraited her pussy it was all over, Spike charmed by his witch wife, he was truly bewitched. The fact was he couldn’t stay mad at her forever, but they would have to work on that one issue.

There would be time for that.

Though for now this was important, his other head was doing all the talking. Applejack bounced on him raising herself up and down as she glowed gently. As she moaned harder. Spike thrust back as his hips moving. His hands grabbing the side of the bed as he moaned louder. It was a hell of a feeling. Her pussy squeezing his cock as he thrusted up. Applejack smirked and muttered.

“Let go of the bed Sweetheart.” Spike nodded as he let go and suddenly without warning he felt light as a feather pulled in the air though still balls deep inside Applejack.

“Hmm like that, I’ve been wanting to try this on you for the last couple of years.” She smirked soon grinding against him. Her hips rocking farther as she started pushing him down. Though The lack of Gravity pushed him right back up. Her lips moaned more,

“Oh yes, sweet Goddess fuck me!” She let out a long moan pushing him down faster as he kept raising for the occasion over and over again. When she suddenly flipped them over and his back to the ceiling.

“I know I’ve said I wanted to fuck you from the floor and the ceiling when we started dating but this is ridiculous!” Spike muttered his body tensing up as he felt her slamming up into him.

“Hmm I might have to do more if your still talking.” She moved faster, her pussy tightening around his hard man meat causing him to gasp for air.

“Fuck, Applejack, you’re— you’re so god damn tight!”

“Sweet Goddess!” Applejack moaned in response. Spike reached down grabbing her firm bosom, squeezing them, his fingers practically sinking into her, as she bit her bottom lip.

“Fuck yes, Spike fuck my tight cunt!”

He could feel his balls slapping against her ass as he felt woozy but still he pushed himself, pushing his body to the peak of its limit, as the pressure grew in his balls. He was getting close, much closer then he expected as he tried pulling back.

“Fuck Applejack, I’m gonna cum your too fucking much for me!” He grunted slapping her ass causing the witch the squeal feeling herself orgasm, in response.

“Fuck for me baby, give me your all!” She practicly screamed her hands running through her hair as she growled lustfully. It was there than Spike found himself cumming deep within her, His balls unloading his hot spunk with no end in sight. He screamed in utter bliss. Then without warning they began falling down landing right on the bed. A huff from each other.

“Holy… Applejack that was… We need to do that again.” Spike muttered as he panted hard. His cock twitching, though slowly began to soften.

“Yeah— It was— Amazing.” Applejack said as she leaned in her hand caressing his shoulder.

“Am I still in trouble Spikey?” She muttered in that sweet voice as she fluttered her eyelashes.

“I mean, it’s a start but we have to talk about this… I’m sure we can make it work but please no more lies.” Spike muttered while looking at her his hand under her chin as she nodded,

“I think I can do that, but I’m going to have to let the Coven know, Celestia’s not going to be happy.”

“Fuck how she feels, I should know.” Spike added while Applejack giggled.

“Fine, though I just hope that she doesn’t do anything crazy.”

“I mean what is she gonna do turn me into a frog?” Spike found himself laughing more, and somehow Applejack found herself catching it, while they laughed like a pair of goofballs. That was when without warning Spike let out a heavy belch, and Green emerald Fire shooting from his mouth.

Trixie last stand

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“What do you mean Uh-Oh?” Spike asked as he was putting out the fire. His throat hurting profusely, but he suppose thats something that happened when he suddenly belched out flames. Applejack was reaching over pulling the blanket off when they finally went out,

“I mean Uh—Oh! I mean you just performed a fires spell with your mouth, thats fricken crazy.” Applejack wasn’t sure what was happening, she knew that Spike wasn’t a warlock. Hell she even tested him when they first started dating and he didn’t have any magic in his system. So how was he able to do this? It really puzzled the witch,

“Well I don’t know! I’ve never done that before… I mean its cool, but fuck it hurts.” He rubbed his neck for a second.

“Yeah, Hun it hurts. Though thats a low level spell and throwing it from your mouth, thats dangerous, what were you even thinking before that happened?”

“I mean, I kinda thought of you and Twilight fucking in bed while I was watching and imagined it was kind of Hot…” Applejack gave him a dirty look,

“Really after all this that came into your mind?” Spike couldn’t help but blush and feel embarrassing while scratching his head.

“I’m a guy these things happen sometimes, but still what the heck happened?”

“Spike If I knew I’d tell you. I think I’ll have to talk to the Coven later,” Applejack knew that was going to be such a headache, as she knew what would happen when she talked to them. Celestia was going to freak out.

“Well, when you do let me know. I’ve got to get to work, I’ll skip picking something up and will just get Rarity to get me something later today.”

“Rarity?” Applejack said sounding slightly jealous, though Spike chuckled.

“She’s my assistant apparently, and it’s rather neat. I better get going before Celestia has a cow.”

“I’ll see you later, Is there anything you want for dinner?” Applejack asked as she imagined she would have to make it up to him… She owed him that at the very least.”

“Suprise me, maybe whip me up something magical.” Spike joked as he started popping his neck and she sighed in annoyance realizing she was going to regret him knowing, as he might go on a pun spree, and watched him get dress heading off to work. She got up and grabbed herself a shower, she smelled rather musky after they made up.

“I swear, what am I going to do with that loveable goof.” She let out a sigh as she didn’t know how anything else could get worst.

- - -

In another part of the world, where the moon was raising, full and milk white, ran a woman. She was an elegant woman, who moved down swift as she dodged passed the tree’s her cape swaying with the wind.

The woman was beautiful long flowing white hair like the freshly dropped snow, legs for days you could’ve imagined her as a magician assistant, the way she wore the leg stokins. Slightly small breast that seemed perky as they bounced with each step as she moved faster. Running on bare feet.

“Fuck what does this bastard want?” She turned her head watching the tree’s bending sideways, almost moving to the will of the dark figure moving in. Those glowing eyes on her. How long had it been since she ran into this bastard? She couldn’t remember it felt like she had been running from him for days— Maybe even weeks. It was hard to say, as she screamed,

“What the hell do you want!” She muttered as she turned around, a wand appearing from her hand as she waved it, the tree’s around her begining to rip themselves out of the ground and throwing themselves right at the stranger. Though the dark figure raised his hand causing the timber to splinter and fly pass him as though they were nothing.

“Shit!” She soon waved her want and started running her magic allowing the wind’s to push her forward much faster. Her legs felt like they were on fire. Though she didn’t have time to place a restoration spell on her, But how long could she go before she passed out. She barely remember when the last time she actually had a good night sleep. Ever since this— Man! This Warlock had found her he had been pursuing her none stop. She had though she lost him in Texas but that didn’t last long.

She kept moving dodging the tree’s. That was when she found herself standing over the side of a cliff, She looked down to what seemed like sixty feet between her and the water. As she took a deep breath. No way she could escape. That was when she thought about what would happen next. Would she die?

‘No She wouldn’t She was Trixie, the great, Trained by Starswirl himself! She would not fall to this Warlock! She survived much worst, and she would now bow to none!’ Her wand glowed brightly as she called down.

“I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE, AND YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THIS NIGHT! Oh spirit of Darkness, now Is the time, bring us Justice for this crime! Oh spirit of Light now is the time, bring of Darkness in this time, Oh spirit of earth now is the time, bring us power in this time, of Spirit of Chaos now is the time, Bring us order to this madness.” The earth began shaking, the Darkness around her soon constricting going towards the stranger, Trixie was pulling every ounce of magic she had left. As she was preparing more, the light of the full moon glowing over her, She willed everything she had as she watched the tip of her wand glowing.

The stranger suddenly stopped as he was caught by the snare’s of the shadows. His balance seemingly began to falter with the earth bouncing. His face was still covered while Trixie kept chanting calling on the strongest Elements as she manipulated the laws of nature itself.

Her head sweating as she moved in and screamed out the final change.

“Spirit of Fire, now is the time! Bring us Justice for this night.” Soon fire flew from her wand, twisting and turning as it began taking form, turning from a Dragon, to a serpent, and then a phoenix. As it flew at the stranger. The fire consuming around him. Trixie started to smile imagining she won, as she fell down to her knee’s her magic finally spent, she pushed herself to her limit, day’s of running, lack of sleep and eating. So, a spell like this had finally pushed her over the edge. She imagined that she would take a nice long nap.

She laid there, taking long deep breath’s as she was allowing sleep to overwhelm her, she prepared for the dreamless slumber. That was when she felt a hand grab her from the neck. Her eyes shot opened, as her heart pounded faster. Her arms twisted trying to grab her want will it towards her though the dark stranger pulled it from her and snapped it like a twig.

“What… how? Who are you?” Trixie muttered barely holding on as it felt like the figure was squeezing her neck, strangling her.

“You can call me, Sombra, Sombra La fey, Now if you excuse me… I’m hungry.” She watched the charged figure who looked like he was dropped in a vat of Lava, open his mouth, as without warning she felt herself being ripped from her mouth, her soul, her magic— everything that made her, her was being ripped from her as she could almost seem the glow of light escape her mouth and entering into the other figures mouth. She wanted to scream. She tried kicking. Pushing doing what she could in order to survive. But there was nothing she could do. As soon enough she went limp, and her body swung.

Sombra, dropped Trixie down letting her body hit the ground. Though she wasn’t the beautiful woman she was before, but laying there was an old husk of a body ancient. As though she had aged a hundred years in less then a minute.
The man— Sombra stood there, his charred face slowly healing revealing a handsome man, with a scar over his right eye that looked milky white, gave a smirk as he cracked his neck and raised his hand. The feeling of power running through his body. He would have to examine her gifts for a later day. He would turn around and walk forth, as he headed off into the night. He had much to do, Slowly the Darkness would consume him.

Some witch, somewhere

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Applejack started walking through the portal as she slowly appeared in the chambers of Celestia’s home. The room was dark, almost what a person would imagine a witch’s broom would be, with objects hanging from the wall, including a few animal skulls and a pentagram swaying back and forth on the side. Sitting on an oversized leather couch was Celestia, a book in her hand, wearing a black, almost transparent nightie.

“So, what brings you here today, Applejack?” Celestia said with a light smile summoning a drink as she stirred it gently,

“We have a problem,” Applejack said, looking nervous though. Her fingers pushing against each other while trying to find the best way to tell her though Celestia’s eyes watched her so closely there was no way she could get away with such a lie, and sighed,

“Spike knows about us being witches..” Those words caused Celestia to spit her drink out in utter shock.

“How did he find out!” She was annoyed as she waved her hand cleaning the mess; she was mad.

“It happened; he caught us in the act and saw us use magic. He had cameras; he got everything on tape.

“And why didn’t you erase his memory? It’s a simple spell. You could’ve done it without his knowledge, even slip something in his drink.” Celestia said, catching her composure. Applejack couldn’t look her in the eyes, but she muttered,

“It wasn’t right, Ma’am; besides, something else happened…” Applejack took a deep breath. As she waited for Celestia to ask,

“What happened?” It was clear that Celestia was pulling in her conviction not to yell at the young witch, while she waited for her answer. The tension was so dense that you could’ve cut it with a butter knife.

“Well, we had some make-up sex, and we got frisky about it while I did a little magic and…”

“And, come on, spit it out; I don’t have all day.”

“He burped fire!” Applejack quickly spit out. Celestia looked at her for a minute. Her eyes widened as she seemed stunned, not even imagining this would happen. As she responded.

“He burped out fire…?”

“Yeah, it was a low-level spell, and it took out the comforter, but he burped out fire like it was nothing. This hasn’t happened before.”

“That is strange, certainly, though I never expected that. We checked out his blood before you married him, and there wasn’t anything involving magic in his system, so something happened… what?” Celestia stood up as she transformed her clothes into something more formal and adjusted her body.

“I know; it’s why I came here; it’s impossible. But I’m not sure what is going on.”

“We’ll figure it out, maybe some new tests, though are you sure it’s not your power?” Celestia asked, watching her curiously.

“I don’t know, and this has never happened with past human lovers. So, this is unchartered territory.”

Applejack paced back and forth, trying to think of something as she looked towards the coven leader.

“We will since it’s clear he wasn’t born a warlock. He will be training; I don’t want him accidentally setting my building on fire because he accidentally made a spell or something stupid happened.”

“Might be a good idea; if you could, would you allow me to train him personally? It might be awkward if you or Twilight try to, cause well…” her face was redder than a Applejack on a summer afternoon as she couldn’t look the lady of the coven in the eye.

“Very well, though. I will be helping at times. Just to make sure he doesn’t do anything. He’ll also have to join the coven.” Celestia muttered, trying to keep a relaxed tone as she began stretching out.

“Thank you, Madam; I appreciate this so much.”

“Don’t thank me yet; remember, he’ll have to follow the same requirements. Especially for the ritual on the full moon. Understand.”

Applejack nodded though shuddered to know what would happen. But explaining it, two Spike would be quite something.

“I understand; I’ll call him and—”

“I’ll tell him myself when I head into the office and make sure that he knows well. I am the head of our coven.” She muttered as she caressed Applejack. A simple nod, as Celestia smirked more,

“Fine, but please don’t make it weird. It’s still shocking for him.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt him; if it goes as planned, he might feel good. Let Twilight know so she can prepare herself. The full moon will arrive in three days; got it.

“I’ll call her as soon as I can,” Applejack muttered, biting her lip. Not sure what else to do. Her heart was pounding, but she had to put some trust in the mistress of the coven. Soon with a wave of her hand, Celestia was gone without a trace leaving Applejack alone, and with a long sigh as she walked around the room and soon transformed into a bird flying off to see Twilight.

Spike was sitting behind his desk, working, flipping through the pages of a manuscript. It was a short novel, but lots of potential, especially for getting some readers; a book about a man inheriting a haunted house and dealing with the residents who hide in the house—plenty of sex and some character development. Though the Angle to provide for Celestia was something he needed to figure out.

He continued as he read what was referred to as Venus Complex. Fingers flipping over it. And soon, he heard a knocking on the door. He imagined it was going to be Victory. His mind focused on the book; he barely thought about anything. Not even his wife and what they had discussed before. Though he could remember their little make-up session. But that was something for a later time,

The sounds of high heels clicked as they approached closer. Spike reached over to grab a pen while he began writing something down. Not sure what, but a note for later mainly about the book, as he could imagine what offer would be suitable for something like this. If his boss approved.

“Victory, could you set the food on the side? I’ll get it later.”

“Spike, we need to talk.” It was there, he jumped, recognizing the voice, and it was none other than Celestia Rivers. She was wearing a red button-up shirt with jeans on. It seemed rather casual, but Spike supposed the boss would get those special ‘Privileges’; after all, she owned the company. For all she cared, she could walk around the entire building naked, and no one would bat an eye. Though with how voluptuous the vixen boss was, she might’ve had a few stares, especially with how top-heavy she was.

She took a seat at his desk. In any other situation, it might have looked like he was the boss and she was the secretary, right before she seduced him. However, she adjusted her hair and gave him a severe look.

“We need to talk,” Celestia said with that calm voice, her eyes never leaving his. Spike imagined he was sweating profusely as he watched her. The one thing he hated was the idea of talking to the boss.

“What would that be?” he muttered as he tossed Venus Complex to the yes pile while looking towards the older woman.

“You discovered my little secret from your wife.” She raised an eyebrow. You were staring into Spike’s eyes.

“Yeah, I caught you and my wife in bed, fucking, and your clothes bursting off like ravens. It was rather theatrical.” Spike said, his throat feeling as dry as a cavern. But he made sure to hold on to his conviction.

“Oh, so you saw that display, though I was told you did a low-level fire spell from my little birdy. Would you mind telling me what you were up to using that kind of magic? What sprang it up?” Celestia asked as she leaned in. Spike kept his eyes on her, though her cleavage would’ve distracted him slightly.

“I honestly don’t know, I’ve never actually done magic before, and it was freaky, but why do you want to know?” He reached over, grabbing a pen, something for his hands to do as he clicked it. Over and over again, trying to keep himself focused. Celestia smirked some.

“Well, to answer that question, I need to know, since it’s clear that you don’t have any magical blood in your system, we had tested it when you first married Applejack, and we had found nothing. So, suddenly being able to do so is quiet, curious.”

“What’s so curious about it. I’m sure plenty of mortals can do magic, maybe doing it by accident.” He muttered, keeping his voice calm though he was nervous; he was unsure if she might turn him into a toad at one wrong slip of the tongue.

“Well, you have an idea there, but no— you see, witches and Warlocks can only be born one. Most mortals can’t perform magic. The only time I’ve ever heard of it was when a Mortal Sold his soul to a demon to become a warlock over seven hundred years ago. That man should be dead and in Hell. But even then, to have the power to summon a demon, you needed some juice behind you.”

“So, this makes me an anomaly?” Spike muttered, finding himself pushing the pen down.

“Which makes me curious if you’re the start of a generation. I’ve never seen or heard anything like that. To be quaint, you’ll be a fine addition to my collection” She leaned in a long smirk as she examined him more, Getting every wrinkle of his features.

“I’m going to make you an offer I have never made. It’ll be a great honor.” She smirked as she caressed his shoulder. Spike couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat, unsure of what was happening next.

“That offer would be?” He felt his stern face coming over his face. It was as though he was in an interview and needed to take this seriously. But he could feel his heart pounding faster like it was about to bounce out of his chest.

Celestia chuckled as though she had him around her fingers as she pointed her index finger right at the door, causing it to lock. Then the room glowed gently as it started to shine brightly around her.

“My offer shall be this; you’ll join my coven where we’ll provide our protection towards you. We’ll help train you to use your magic while you get stronger.” She smirked as she raised a leg, getting more comfortable on his desk. Spike is watching her more, though, raised an eyebrow.

“And what’s in it for you?”

“Hmm, To the point, aren’t you. Well, I’ll tell you, we don’t want magic exposed, and keeping you on track will be good. I don’t want another coven finding you and snatching you up. But your Wife asked me, and as the head witch. I prefer to keep my followers happy. I’m such a kind witch.” The wide smirk rolled on her face making her look like a predator ready to capture her prey.

Spike would take a minute and contemplate what was going on. Such an idea was tempting. But Applejack was really who pushed in. He wanted to make her happy; He wanted their marriage to work out, even with her infidelity. He sighed, as it was a significant risk. However, there was no gain without taking a chance, and he moved in, raising his hand.

“I’ll join….” His hand was shaking slightly, though no one would notice unless they were paying attention. While Celestia smirked, her eyes sticking to him as she chuckled.

“Very well, we’ll ensure the ritual is set up on the full moon. But, you know, you will have some responsibilities to the Coven. These Duties come before anything else.” She chuckled, bouncing off his desk. Her pants Applejack as Spike almost noticed she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“If that’s all, I suppose it’s fine,” Spike muttered while watching her sway back and forth and soon grabbing ahold of his chair, spinning it in her direction.

“It’s simple, yes, but understand you cannot deny a request from the other coven members, and they can’t get the same. We are equal. Though you’ll have to work your way up.” Celestia smirked as she moved over, caressing his cheek. Spike felt his cheek fluster, turning red.

“I think I can do that.” He muttered though he was sure he’d regret it. Still, Celestia turned her head to look at the door.

“I’ve placed a spell on the door. No one should interrupt us for an hour or two. I think it’s time you finish our deal.” Celestia smirked as she practically pushed him down onto his chair. She was strong as she watched him. Her eyes turned from brown to a golden color.

“What is it you want?” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow. He had a feeling she wanted something. But what it was, he had to hear it from her.

“It has been so long since I shared an intimate moment with a man; I have slept with my female members. But I think it’ll be a change, boy.” She chuckled as she pushed him back. His chair rolled around, hitting the window behind them.

“Wait, no— Someone might hear us, or Victory might walk in!” Spike muttered as he didn’t want to sleep with another woman. He didn’t want to risk causing more trouble between him and Applejack.

“Oh, relax, baby; as I said, I placed a few spells so no one would notice, and as I said, this will is the witch’s deal being signed. Every witch in my coven has done this.” Celestia smirked as she reached over, slowly stripping down. As she took her top off, revealing a black lacy bra. As he told his muscular chest, Spike suddenly found his shirt being pulled off like some force pulling away. Celestia smirked more.

“Hmm, Mr. Rider, I think we should examine your work performance.” She straddles him; what she does next really caught Spike off guard. She kissed him. Right on the lips, he suddenly found himself pushing into his boss, as he would begin kissing back. A moan escaped his lips as She suddenly added tongue. After a minute, they separated with a simple chuckle.

“You have some work to do but not bad.” Celestia teased as she lifted herself back onto the desk, her legs spread, showing off her pussy.

“We’re going to check out your tongue work there.” Celestia reached down, spreading her pussy as Spike watched; his mouth felt moist as he couldn’t help but find her pussy looking… Succulent. He rolled the chair back towards his desk as the witch used a tiny bit of magic, causing the chair to lower itself. Spike finally figured out what she was wanting and nodded,

“Fine, thought I better make it quick.” He leaned in and soon began eating her out. His tongue started to push between those pink pussy lips as he reached over, holding onto her thick thighs.

“Mumm, good boy.” She smirked, looking down at him. Her legs wrapped around him as she began rubbing the back of his head. His tongue movements were slightly sloppy, though, for a girl her age, she had plenty of experience, and if she needed to, she’d whip him into shape into a lover.

Spike groaned as he felt her holding him in his headlock, his tongue starting to move around, circling as he tasted her juices. It was something that seemed other worldly. Though he couldn’t tell what it was, Not compared to his Applejack, it tasted like the sweetest kind of honey. Celestia moaned gently as she reached down. Her fingers passed through his hair as she watched him.

“Hmm, such a good boy. Move around more, don’t forget to rub my clit.” She teased, letting her voice turn sultrier, knowing she had him in her hands. Spike moved in doing just that. His fingers pressed against her clit, gently rubbing it. While Celestia let out a long sigh

“Right there.” Her legs twitched, almost tightening their grip around Spike’s neck as she moaned more, feeling his tongue slide inside her moving around in her folds as she bit her lips.

“Hmm, yes, just like that.” Her hips pushed down into his face as she began using her other hand to squeeze her firm breasts—a light tongue roll as she moved her hips more.

“Hmm, keep eating my pussy, baby.” She smirked as she looked down at him. His place as she felt him licking up her juices. She felt tempted to infuse it with her magic, see what little tricks he might have. But decided not. Save it for later, maybe on the next full moon when we introduce him to the coven. She imagined while moaning in pleasure. He wasn’t like Twilight when it came to eating her out. However, Twilight was a particular case.

“Hmm, almost there, a little more to the left.” She moaned, her stomach tightening up, ready for a petite orgasm. The tiny death, as she rocked her hips back and forth, finding herself getting more into it. She gripped her breast tighter, playing with her nipple as she rocked on. Her breath felt heavy as she moaned more. Her eyes began to force closed.

“Yeah, boy, fuck, your gonna make me cum, Fuck!” She made a hard moan as she felt herself squirting all over the young man’s tongue. Spike pulled back though she tightened her hips with a smirk.

“Oh, Spike body, you’re not done, That little orgasm. That’s not going to be. Now enough, get up here and fuck me. If you do a good job, I might reward you.” She smirked. That cocky smile that Spike couldn’t help but intrepid as, " Oh yeah, I’m a bitch, but I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.

“Alright then.” He muttered, feeling intimidated though one’s things for sure, His boss wanted something, and she was going to get it. His cock didn’t mind at all as it was standing straight. Ready to get its freak on— Spike was there for the ride.

“Good, now get up here. Watching young men like you orgasm is cute,” She chuckled, spreading her legs.

“Young guys like me? How old are you?” Spike muttered, raising an eyebrow. Celestia didn’t even look a day over thirty.

“Hmm, since you’re joining my Coven, I’ll tell you, but you should never ask a Lady her age. It’s rather rude.” She chuckled while moving back.

“My mistake.” He muttered with a light chuckle moving in.

“Don’t bother, and by the way. I’m over five hundred years old.” She chuckled, watching the color leave his face.

“Wait, you’re what?”

“Over five hundred years old, not bad for my age. I have some amazing genes.” She giggled, winking as she suddenly snapped her finger, Causing Spike to pull right into her. His chest meeting hers. Celestia’s large bust pressed against him as he shuddered.

“Now enough games. Get to work, then after that, get back to work.” Spike nodded as he shuddered. Celestia’s legs wrapped around him, holding onto him like a python as she squeezed him. The top of his dick pushed against her entrance as he moaned; he made his body against her slit. Finally, a light popping sound could be heard, and he entered her. Spikes’ eyes widened as he muttered,

“Holy fuck.” His cock pushed deep inside her. Though Spike was surprised, he could even move. She was very tight. He began pulling back slowly, pulling all he could before giving a hard thrust. His hips are smacking against Celestia’s.

“Hmm, good.” Her arms wrapped around the back of Spike’s neck, watching him dead in the eye as he thrust into her. His hips felt as though he was going faster. The desk rocked as He felt his body moving quite wildly. It was almost as if his ambitions were being charged as he pushed her down on the desk. His hips thrust harder as he groaned. His balls slapped against her as he pounded.

“Holy shit, you’re so tight!”

“That’s the point there, now come on fuck me!” Celestia moaned as she began moving her hips, pulling him in deeper. As he took a hard grunt. His hips are proceeding as if they were fucking like no tomorrow. Celestia moaned even louder as she gasped for air. Her nails sank into his flesh as he groaned hard. She started moving down, scratching him. His hips thrust faster as he felt her nails digging into him. It hurt so badly, yet it felt pretty unique.

Their body is pressed together as they fucked like animals. Spike’s body was tensing up. Especially in his nether regions. His hips slammed harder as Celestia moaned, her pussy feeling tighter.

“Shit! Come on, keep going, boy, fuck me!” her hips moving in as she gasped for air. She was close, her body burning as she moaned.

“Fuck I’m gonna cum!” She cried out, her voice heavy as she was getting close to orgasmic bliss. Celestia dogged her fingers deep inside him as Spike groaned, unable to hold back; he felt himself Cumming. His load was significant as he felt himself filling her up. Dear God, he hoped she was on the pill or something. Who knows what would happen if she had his child? Spike shuddered to feel his head clear up. Before touching the sweet release, Celestia’s legs unhinged from him, causing him to fall back, landing on the ground. He took long deep breaths, his body shaking as he began to focus.

“Hmm, you’ll do well, I’m sure of it. Though advice work on your stamina, you’ll need it.” She smiled, snapping her fingers. It was there the lights around them flickered as their clothes started forming around them. Spike shuddered as it felt as though his clothes formed around him. It was as though Bugs were crawling all over him.

“Hmm, all cleanup, better get to work, and don’t forget to take your lunch.” She snapped her finger as the room cleared up and would walk off, swaying her hips back and forth. She acted as though they hadn’t fucked a few minutes ago. Victory walked in with a cup of coffee.

“Oh hey, Spike, I got you— Why are you on the ground?” She muttered curiously. At the same time, she was putting the coffee on his table.

“I’m fine; I just fell out of my chair.” He felt himself sweating, imagining that she had caught them. He bit his lips before standing up.

“Oh, well, I guess that happens. I mean, I can imagine sitting all day you might dose off. I’m so used to running around can’t imagine sitting all day just reading manuscripts.”

“Oh yeah, it can be pretty boring at times. I was hoping you could take this manuscript to Celestia’s office. I think she’d enjoy this one. We might have a bite.” Handing over Venus Complex over. He was sure it would do something, though only times would tell.

“You got it, boss; I’ll get on it right now.” She began walking out, her heels clicking before stopping and looking back,

“I was wondering… I know it might not sound professional, but maybe we could get some drinks after work?” She watched him for a second,

“Oh sure, shouldn’t be a problem.” A light smile on his face as he figured it would be ok to grab a drink with a coworker. It was a Friday night.
Applejack sat by her window with a long sigh as she had a book in her hand, a grimoire. Applejack read some of the various spells, wondering just when Spike might come back. He’d been gone for hours, and Applejack was getting worried about him.

“Spike, what’s taking so long?” She wondered while she looked around. The house felt so empty without him coming home at his usual time. Though she shook her head, “Can you blame him, you screwed up. You should have told him.” She looked at the page in the book she was reading and saw the spell, Future sight. She looked at It, tempting to use it though she bit her lip.

I really shouldn’t. That’s a bit darker than I need; I’m sure he’ll come home. He’s probably working late. She looked at it, imagining just what the future might hold, when she heard a popping sound looking over seeing none other than Twilight right there, a pop of her neck as she gave a broad smile,

“Hey, there, Applejack baby,” Twilight said while she swooped her hips back and forth, trying to look as sexy as possible for the other witch. Applejack sighed while she curled her legs up, looking like a ball as the grimoire floated in the air, her finger turning the page as she continued reading the various spells.

“What’s wrong there Rosie?” Twilight moved in as she rubbed her back squatting next to her with a gentle smile. Clearly showing care for her friend.

“It’s nothing, I’m just worried about Spike, he’s been out for a while.” Applejack sighed while she rolled her finger sending the book off to the bookshelf. The way it gently glided away, with the invisible force. Twilight sighed putting her head on her shoulder,

“Hey it’s fine, I’m sure he’ll be back later, Though hey maybe we could get into the bedroom have some naked fun and surprise him, I’m sure he’d love to catch two sexy anthropomorphic foxes in bed.” Twilight snapped her finger as she suddenly turned the two of them into actual foxes. Applejack sighed while shaking her head, clearly not interested in that as she waved her hand returning them back to normal.

“Not really in the mood, there Twilight, you’ve gotten me in enough trouble then I need to be.”

“Oh come on Rosie baby, it ain’t going to hurt anyone besides I need a power boost.” She cooed more while she reached around groping Applejack’s fine breasts. Applejack simply eyed her for a second as her eyes glowed a gentle red.

Twilight pulled back at that point as she raised her hand, “Sorry, didn’t mean to get your buttons pushed.” It was clear the witch wasn’t taking the events really seriously.

“Sorry, just right now I’m worried about Spike. It’s just not something I was expecting. I never wanted to bring him into this world.” She sighed while she summoned a drink and leaned back.

“Well why don’t you just erase his memory. I mean if he never knows it would be better for him.”

“I was tempted you know, but the thing is I love him, and when I saw the hurt on his face. I was devastated, I really hurt him. So if I erased his memory, I—I just don’t think I could handle it if he found out again. I should have known better. He would’ve found out, and really I should have told him way earlier then this I was just…” Applejack paused for a short minute lost in thought wondering if things could have been different. If she could have done more with her life. But imagined that at this point it was too late to even try that.