> Relaxing with Rainbow > by sonadam9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Relaxing with Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash left her house early in the day, stretched, and smiled as she felt the early morning sun shining down on her. Rainbow was wearing black running shorts and her white t-shirt with a lightning bolt coming out of a cloud. She smiled as she started running to Sugarcube Corner for some breakfast. Even though it was still early Rainbow could tell that it was going to be a hot summer day. Rainbow didn’t mind, she was used to running in the heat. She got to Sugarcube Corner a few minutes later and opened the door to go in. When she did she saw that the place was already fully packed. “Wow they are busy today,” Rainbow said to herself as she got in line. As she was waiting she heard the sounds of frantic baking coming from the kitchen. A second later Pinkie Pie dashed out of the kitchen and handed Rainbow a small box. “Sorry can’t talk lots of baking to do.” Pinkie said really fast as she dashed back into the kitchen. “It's ok. Your money's on the counter!” Rainbow shouted as she took out some money and left it on the counter. When Rainbow was back outside she smiled and opened the box, taking out a chocolate donut and eating it as she walked to the nearby convenience store. Rainbow got the biggest sized fountain cup they had. She filled it with cola, went to the front counter, and paid for her drink. She walked to the nearby park and sat on a bench and ate her four chocolate donuts. When she was done eating she sat drinking her soda and enjoying her morning. “I wonder if Rarity is busy today,” Rainbow said. She got up and started walking to Rarity’s, drinking her soda. Rainbow soon found herself looking at a ‘Sorry we’re closed’ sign. She walked around the side of the building to a window and looked in. Rarity had a huge stack of orders on her desk. She was running around her sewing room like crazy, and she looked like she was on the verge of losing it. Rainbow frowned as she turned to go, drinking the last of her soda. She threw her empty cup in Rarity's trash can and turned so that she was facing Sweet Apple Acres. She started running. “Maybe Applejack is free.” She started running faster. Half an hour later she was running up to Sweet Apple Acres. She slowed to a walk and started looking for Applejack. She found Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and a few other Apple family members raising a new barn. Rainbow took a few more steps to ask if they needed help but stopped. She remembered the last time she helped with a barn raising, so she just turned and ran to Fluttershy’s. Being that Fluttershy’s was on the other side of town it took Rainbow over an hour to run there. When she got to Fluttershy’s cottage, Fluttershy was walking out of her house. Rainbow smiled and ran up to her. “Hi Fluttershy.” “Hello Rainbow.” She went to give Rainbow a hug when she got a good whiff of her. When she did, she wrinkled her nose a little. “Oops, sorry, I've been running a lot today.” Rainbow took a few steps away from Fluttershy. “It's ok. What brings you over today?” “I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today?” “Sorry Rainbow but the animal shelter is short handed and called me in. Maybe some other time.” “No need to be sorry.” “We can walk into town and talk if you would like.” “Sure, I'd like that.” Rainbow smiled and they started walking back into town. “The animal shelter has been really busy lately.” “A lot of people are on vacation and we have more animals than ever,” Fluttershy said with a smile. Rainbow having been friends with her for years could tell that she was getting very tired. “I see, so I take it that you haven't had a lot of adoptions then?” “Sadly no. We have had some but not enough.” Fluttershy frowned a little. “I am sorry.” Rainbow rubbed her friend's back a little. “Maybe I will stop by later and take a look. I've been thinking about maybe getting a pet.” This made Fluttershy smile again. They talked happily as they walked back into town. They soon found themselves at a fork in the road. “Thanks for walking back with me," said Fluttershy. "I had fun talking but this is my turn. Talk to you later.” “See you later. Have fun at the shelter.” “I will.” Fluttershy smiled and walked down the right path and Rainbow went left. As Rainbow was walking home she walked past the library. When she did she could hear Twilight and Sunset running around doing something. Rainbow sighed and kept walking. “I guess I'll go to the comic book store after I take a shower.” When Rainbow got home she went into her bathroom and turned on the shower. When it was nice and hot she got undressed and got in. Rainbow just stood under the shower letting the water run over her. “Everyone had be so busy lately and haven't had time to relax. They really need to before they go crazy. Hm... I wonder if there's something I can do to help.” Rainbow thought to herself as she was taking her shower. Twenty minutes later Rainbow was done with her shower and got out and dried off. She went to her bedroom and went over to her dresser. She took out matching black underwear and put them on. She took out a pair of long black pants with rainbow colored lightning bolts going down the legs. She put them on before getting out a clean white t-shirt with a rainbow colored lightning bolt coming out of a cloud. She pulled it over her head, then put on a blue shirt over the white one. She put her dirty clothes into the washing machine and turned it on before leaving. She walked back to the library and walked in. When she did she saw Spike in the kitchen doing some dishes. Rainbow smiled and walked into the kitchen. “Hello Spike.” “Hello Rainbow," Spike said. "Sorry but Twilight and Sunset are busy today.” “It's ok. I'm here to ask you if you'd like to go to the comic book store.” “Sure.” Spike set the last dish out to dry. “I just finished the dishes so we can go now if you like.” “Sounds good to me.” Spike and Rainbow turned and left the library and started walking to the comic book store. “So what are you looking for at the comic book store?” “I want to get the new Daring Do book.” Spike said. “I also want to get that book. I can’t wait to see how Daring is going to get out of this one.” “Me neither.” As they were walking they were talking excitedly about the Daring Do comic book. They got there five minutes later and went in. A few minutes later they walked back out. Each of them had a bag in their hand. As they were walking Rainbow had a frown on her face. “Is something wrong Rainbow?” Spiked asked. “It is just that everyone is so busy. I'm afraid they may lose it if they don’t relax. They need some time to have some fun.” Spike thought for a bit. “You do have a good point. Do you have any idea?” “No I don’t.” Rainbow sighed. “I hope that I think of something.” “I know, how about we go back to my place and read our comic book. Then we can try and think of something.” “That sounds good to me. Thanks for helping me.” “You’re very welcome.” Spike smiled at Rainbow as they were walking. They went back to the library and sat at the kitchen table and read their Daring Do books. When they were done reading it…. “Wow that was really good," Spike said. "I didn’t think she could get into even more trouble.” “I know what you mean. I can’t believe she actually fell under hypn…” Rainbow stopped talking, getting an idea. “Spike, I just got an idea on how to help our friends.” “Oh, what's your idea?” “Hypnosis.” “You want to hypnotize our friends to do your bidding?” Spike asked, a little concerned. “What? No I don't. I was thinking that I could hypnotize them so that they act younger and let me take care of them. I would talk to them about it first to make sure that they're ok with it.” “Hm...that would work and it would be relaxing for them.” “That's what I was thinking. Can you show me where your books on hypnosis and how to take care of kids?” “Sure, they're over here.” They got up and Spike got Rainbow the books she asked for. “Thanks Spike.” Rainbow signed the books out and ran home. Spike just smiled and put Rainbow's comic book with his to keep it safe. When Rainbow got home she got a soda and sat down in her living room and read the book on hypnosis. It was past six at night when she put her book down and picked up her cell. She called all of her friends and put them on a group call. “Hello,” Twilight said. “Hi,” Sunset said. “Hello,” Rarity said. “Hi,” Fluttershy said. “I'm here, I'm here!” Pinkie said. “Hello,” Applejack said. They all sounded very tired. “Hello. I know that you have been very busy and are tired. So I will keep it short. I'm worried that you’re going to lose it from working too hard. I would like to help you to relax,” Rainbow said. They others went quiet as they were thinking. “I have had a lot of orders lately and haven't really had time to relax,” Rarity said. “Twilight and I have been running around the library like crazy,” Sunset said. “Sorry but we have been really busy,” Twilight said. “I know, it's ok,” Sunset said. “Um….I think that we can all agree that we have been very busy,” Fluttershy yawns. “Do you have an idea on how we can relax Dashie?” Pinkie asked. “Yes I do I was thinking that I could um... hypnotize you. Please hear me out before you say anything. I was thinking that I could hypnotize you to act younger and I could take care of you.” Rainbow said. There was a few seconds of silence…. “You know, that sounds like it could be fun.” Sunset said. “Yes it does.” Twilight said. “You know, it really does.” Rarity said. “It sure does.” Applejack said. “Ok,” Fluttershy said. “Sounds like fun to me.” Pinkie said. “How young would you have us be acting?” Twilight asked. “As young as you would like.” Rainbow said, picking up a pen and pulling a piece of paper over to her. “I would like to act like I'm 6,” Twilight said. “I'd also like to act like I'm 6 too,” Applejack said. “Can I, um... act like I am a toddler?” Fluttershy asked. “I would also like to act like I'm 6,” Sunset said. “You know, acting like I am a toddler could be fun,” Rarity said. “Toddler for me please,” Pinkie said. “Ok, I can do that,” Rainbow said, writing down what they said. “I am going to make us really cute outfits,” Rarity said. “No you're not," Rainbow said. "Leave everything to me, you don’t need to worry about anything.” “Ok, thanks Rainbow.” “So when are we going to do this?” Applejack asked. Rainbow thought for a few seconds. “How about next Saturday at nine?” The others agreed and hung up. Rainbow smiled as she made a list of everything that she was going to need. She then went back to her book. She spent the next week reading and learning as much as she could about Hypnosis and taking care of kids. On Wednesday, Rainbow went to the store to get supplies. “Now let’s see… I think I'll start with outfits for everyone,” she thought to herself, and went to look at the clothes. After a few minutes of looking, Rainbow picked up a purple plaid skirt, a white shirt, hair bands, shoes, and purple socks, for Twilight. For Applejack she got dark blue overalls, a red plaid shirt, sneakers, and white socks with a blue band going around the top, and for Sunset she got a plain blue dress, sneakers, and yellow socks. Rainbow smiled as she went to get clothes, diapers, and a highchair for Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity. It took her a few minutes to find what she was looking for. For Rarity, Rainbow picked up a short jean skirt that had two pockets on the front, each with a red flower, and a white t-shirt that had a matching flower on it, sneakers, and white and red striped socks. For Fluttershy she got a dark blue dress with rainbow colored long sleeves that had multi-colored butterfly going across the front, sneakers, and dark blue socks, and for Pinkie she got a pink t shirt with cupcakes all over it, long white pants that had different colored streamers on them, sneakers, and bright blue socks. On her way to pay Rainbow picked up a big pack of bright pink diapers and diaper supplies. Rainbow went to the front of the store and paid for her stuff. She smiled as she took the bag and ran it home. She put the bag down onto her bed before running back out. It was lunchtime and Rainbow was getting hungry. She stopped at a fast food place and got a burger meal. As she was eating, she made a mental list of the stuff that she still needed to get. When she was done with lunch, Rainbow went to a store, got a cart, and went to where the toys were. Rainbow smiled as she got Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie a stuffed animal. She put them into her cart before adding a box of blocks and some other toys. As Rainbow was walking to the furniture section she stopped and picked up three big pacifiers. She then went and got a playpen big enough for the three of them. She was about to get sleeping mats for them when she got a better idea. She got a kids bed in the shape of a butterfly, a cupcake, and a diamond. She added them to her cart and paid for them. It took her a while to get back. She was pushing a big flat cart with all of her stuff on it. When she got back she set the playpen up in the living room and put the stuffed animals in them. She then went into a spare room and set up the beds. When she was done she smiled as she admired her handy work for a second. She then returned the cart, and when she was at the store she got a baby monitor. When she got home she set the monitor up in the spare room before going back to her book. Before Rainbow knew it it was Friday afternoon. Rainbow stood up from her chair and stretched. “I can wait for tomorrow," she said to herself. "It's gonna be a lot of work but fun. Now let's see if I have everything I need.” She looked around her house. When she was done she got some lunch before going to the store. She got a book bookcase, a bunch of kids books, and DVDs. She took it home and set it up next to her TV. Rainbow then took the books back to the library. She got there a few minutes later and went in. “Hello Rainbow,” Spike said. “Hi Spike. How are things going?” “They've been good. Twilight and Sunset are just as busy as always. But they are looking forward to tomorrow.” “Good, I brought your books back.” Rainbow handed Spike the books. “Thanks Rainbow.” He took the books from her. “You left your comic book here the other day. Let me go put this back and then I will get it for you.” “Cool thanks. I'll wait for you here.” Spike smiled and walked away. He put the book away and got Rainbow her comic. He went back to Rainbow a few minutes later. “Here you go Rainbow.” Spike handed Rainbow her comic. “Thanks Spike.” “Your welcome. Sorry, but I'm helping and can’t really talk.” “It's ok. See you later Spike.” Rainbow took her comic and ran out of the library. When she got home she put her comic away. She then went to the kitchen and got some snacks, then she sat down on the couch and put on a rerun of a basketball game. As she was watching, she smiled thinking about the next day. It was going to be a lot of work but it was also going to be a lot of fun. Rainbow ate her dinner in front of the television. It was around eight when Rainbow got up and cleaned up from her dinner. She was about to go watch some more TV when she thought better of it. She locked up and went to her bedroom. She put on a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top. She turned off the lights and got into bed. As she was laying there she couldn’t think of the last time she had gone to bed this early. Much to her surprise it didn’t take her long to fall asleep. It was four in the morning when Rainbow woke up. She smiled when she looked at the clock. “Wow, I woke up two hours before I normally do. I'm awake, there's no point in staying in bed.” She got up and stretched, then put on a red t-shirt and a pair of black running shorts with a red stripe going down the left leg. She left her house and ran down the side of the street. It was six o'clock when she got back from her run. She went and took a shower before putting on matching white underwear, black shorts with a white and pink skirt over top, and a white t-shirt with a rainbow colored lightning bolt coming out for a cloud. After she was dressed she went to the kitchen and made some breakfast. When she was finished with breakfast and had cleaned up, Rainbow walked around the house making sure everything was ready. When she was happy that it was, she sat in the living room watching TV as she waited for her friends to arrive. She had been watching TV for an hour when there was a knock on her door. She smiled and turned off the TV, getting up. “Coming,” Rainbow called as she went and opened the door to find all of her friends standing there. “Morning,” Twilight said. “Hello,” Sunset said. “Good morning, dear,” Rarity said. “H-hi,” Fluttershy stammered. “Good morning,” Applejack said. “Morning Dashie!” Pinkie said as she bounced up and down. “Morning everyone," Rainbow said. "I hope you're ready for a fun, relaxing day.” She moved to the side, letting her friends into her house. They all walked in with nervous smiles. “So how do we start?” Sunset asked. “You, Applejack, and Twilight should go get changed. I will change the rest of you after I hypnotize you.” Rainbow smiled as she walked to her room, Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack followed her. “Here are your outfits for the day,” Rainbow said, handing them their clothes. “Thank you Rainbow,” Twilight said. “Yes, thank you.” Applejack said. “Thanks,” Sunset said. “You’re welcome," Rainbow said. "I will be in the living room with the others.” She walked out of the room. The three of them smiled and slowly started to put on their new clothes. It took them five minutes to get changed. “I feel like I'm still in school,” Twilight said, smiling as she looked at herself in a mirror. “I haven’t worn overalls since I was a kid,” Applejack said. “They look good on you,” Twilight said. “Thanks, you look good too,” Applejack said. “What about me?” Sunset asked, turning around. “You look good too,” Applejack said. Twilight went to pull her hair down into two ponytails but stopped, getting an idea. “Hey Sunset, can you please braid my hair into two ponytails?” “Sure I can.” Twilight handed Sunset the hair bands and sat down on Rainbow’s bed. Sunset smiled and spent the next few minutes braiding Twilight’s hair. When she was done she secured the ponytails with the hair bands. “There you go, Twilight.” “Thanks, I feel younger already.” Twilight giggled a little as they walked back to the others. When Twilight, Applejack, and Sunset were changing…. “Ok, so are you ready to start?” Rainbow asked. “Y-yes,” Fluttershy said nervously “I am ready too, but shouldn’t we wait for the others to get back?” Rarity asked. “Being that you are going to be hypnotized to act different ages. I need to do it in two groups,” Rainbow said. “I see….that makes sense,” Rarity said. “If you three are ready we can start.” Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie looked at each other, smiled, and nodded at Rainbow. “Good, now as you are listening to me I need you to take slow deep breaths. Now close your eyes and think back to when you were young and didn’t have any worries.” The three of them closed their eyes, breathing slowly and though back to when they were much younger. “As you’re thinking back you are getting tired so tired. Your eyes are heavy and they feel like lead. It's too hard to open your eyes. Just let the tiredness take over and fall asleep.” Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie slowly started to fall asleep and within a few seconds they were fully asleep. Seeing this, Rainbow smiled. “You’re that young age again where you don’t have to worry about anything and don’t have a care in the world. Now I count to three and snap my fingers. You will wake up and when I snap my fingers twice you will return to normal. One….Two…. Three.” Rainbow snapped her fingers one time. When she did, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie woke up and looked up at Rainbow with an innocent look. “Cool, it worked. Come on you three let’s get you into something more comfortable.” Rainbow said and started to walk. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie crawled after her. Rainbow went to the spare room and quickly changed them into the outfits she got for them. After they were changed Rainbow put a pacifier around each of their necks and put it into their mouths. Rainbow then walked back to the living room with Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie crawling after her sucking on their pacifiers. When they get to the living room Rainbow picked them up one by one and put them into the playpen. Then she put some blocks into the playpen. Pinkie and Rarity crawled over and started playing with them. Fluttershy stayed in a corner of the playpen. Rarity picked up a block and crawled over to Fluttershy. She smiled around her pacifier and handed it to Fluttershy. Fluttershy slowly took it and started to crawl over to the rest of the blocks. Rainbow smiled and sat down as she waited for the others. A minute later Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack came out of the bedroom. “Wow you look cute,” Rainbow said. “Thanks,” Sunset said. “Yes, thank you,” Twilight said. “Thanks," said Applejack. "Hey where are the others?” Rainbow smiled and pointed at the playpen. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack all looked into the playpen smiling. “Aw…. they are so cute,” Sunset said. “I know, right? So are you three ready?” Rainbow asked. “Yes,” they all said at the same time, sitting down on the floor. "Good, now as you are listening to me I need you to take slow deep breaths. Now close your eyes and think back to when you were young and didn’t have any worries.” The three of them closed their eyes, breathing slowly and think back to when they were younger and in school. “As you’re thinking back you are getting tired so tired. Your eyes are heavy and they feel like lead. It is too hard to open your eyes. Just let the tiredness take over and fall asleep.” Twilight, Sunset, and Rarity slowly started to fall asleep and within a few seconds they were fully asleep. Seeing this, Rainbow smiled. “You’re that young school age again where all you have to care about is school and having fun. Now I count to three and snap my fingers. You will wake up and when I snap my fingers twice you will return to normal. One….Two…. Three.” Rainbow snapped her fingers one time. The three of them looked up at Rainbow and smiled. “Hello mommy, what are we going to do today?” Applejack said. “Do I have school today, mommy?” Twilight asked “Mommy?" Rainbow thought to herself. "I didn’t tell them to call me that. Oh well, I kind of like it.” She smiled at Twilight. “Sorry not today, sweetie, it's Saturday.” “But I want to go to school,” Twilight said and frowned. “Can we go outside and play then, mommy?” Sunset asked. “Sure we can, but we have to stay in the backyard, ok?" Rainbow said. "Then we'll have story time later after lunch.” Hearing this made Twilight smile. Rainbow walked over to the playpen and took Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie out and put them onto the floor. She then walked to the back door and opened it. Applejack and Sunset ran out into the backyard and started chasing each other around. Twilight slowly walked over to the door. “Do I have to?” Twilight asked. “Yes, we all have to do things that we don’t want to sometimes. Tell you what, when we have story time later I'll let you pick out the book.” “I would like that, thank you mommy.” “You’re welcome. Now go play with the others.” Twilight gave her a fast hug before running in the backyard and playing with the others. Rainbow then walked out into the backyard with Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie crawling after her. Rainbow carefully put them on the grass. Rarity and Pinkie started crawling around the backyard, exploring it. Fluttershy just stayed at the edge with a scared look. Rainbow went over to her and bent down. “It's ok, sweetie, there's nothing to be scared of, see?” Rainbow ran her hand though the grass. Fluttershy slowly moved her hand, feeling the grass. She smiled a little around her pacifier. “See, it's ok. Now go play with your friends. Mommy will be right here if you need her.” Fluttershy slowly turned and started crawling over to Rarity and Pinkie. Rainbow went over to a chair and sat down, smiling as she was watching her friends having fun. “You’re it.” Applejack said, and tagged Twilight. “I'm going to get you,” Twilight said, and ran after Applejack who ran away from her. Rainbow smiled as she was watching Twilight, Applejack, and Sunset playing tag. As Twilight was running after Rainbow she tripped over a stick and fell, landing face down. Twilight started crying. Rainbow got up and ran over to her. “Are you ok Twi?” Rainbow asked. “I tripped and fell down mommy.” Twilight cried. “Sh... it's ok,” Rainbow said, rubbing Twilight's back. Rainbow rubbed Twilight’s back for a few minutes before she stopped crying. “Feeling better now dear?” “Yes mommy thank you.” “You’re welcome.” Rainbow helped Twilight up and hugged her. “Now go play.” “Ok mommy.” Twilight hugged Rainbow for a few more seconds before running off. “I'm going to get you Sunset!” she said, now running after Sunset. Sunset laughed and runs away from Twilight. Rainbow went back to her chair and sat back down. She watched the game of tag for a few more seconds before she turned her head and looked at Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. The three of them had stopped crawling around, they were now sitting in a patch of dirt playing. As they were playing they were smiling and giggling. Rainbow smiled more seeing all of her friends relaxing and having fun. As Rainbow was watching Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie the sound of the tag game stopped. Rainbow turned and looked at the others. They had stopped playing and were laying in the grass on their backs looking at the clouds. “That one looks like an ice cream cone,” Sunset said, pointing at a cloud. “And that one looks like a brick,” Applejack said, pointing at another cloud. “And that one is a book.” Twilight said pointing at another cloud. “What do you think that one looks like?” Applejack asked, pointing at a cloud. The others look at it for a few seconds. “I think that it looks like a castle,” Sunset said. “I think that it looks like that too,” Twilight said. As they were looking at the clouds the sky started to get dark. Rainbow got up from her chair and went over to Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. “It's time to go in, sweeties.” They stopped playing and smiled at Rainbow. Rainbow smiled back and walked over to Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack “It's lunch time. Time to go in.” “Ok mommy,” Twilight said. “Ok,” Sunset said. “Ok mommy,” Applejack said. They all got up and walked over to the back door. Rainbow opened the door and they all walked in the house. “Go sit at the table," Rainbow said. "After I'm done cleaning up Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, I will make you some lunch.” Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack ran over and sat at the table talking happily. Rainbow smiled as she went to the bathroom with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie crawling after her. When they got there Rainbow put water on a washcloth and cleaned them all off. She then changed their diapers and they went back to the kitchen. Rainbow picked them up one at a time and put them each into a highchair. Rainbow went over to her refrigerator and she got out a plate of cut fruit and two plates of cut up hot dogs on them. She gave the fruit to Fluttershy and the hot dogs to Rarity and Pinkie. Rainbow made a grilled cheese and tomato soup for herself, Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack. When it was done she took the food to the table and puts it down. “Dig in,” Rainbow said and started to eat. The others stopped talking and started to eat. As they were eating lunch it started raining. “Can I please have a drink mommy?” Applejack asked. “Sure you can, sweetie.” Rainbow got up and got them each an apple juice juice box. “Thank you mommy,” Twilight said. “Thanks mommy,” Applejack said. “Thank you mommy,” Sunset said. They each took a drink of juice then went back to eating. When they were done eating Rainbow cleaned up. “After I'm done cleaning up, I'm going to put Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie down for a nap. Then we can have story time.” Rainbow said. “Yay, story time! My favorite part of the day!” Twilight said, smiling and clapping. Sunset and Applejack both giggled. “Good, pick out a book and wait for me in the living room.” Rainbow said, getting up. “Ok Mommy. You can pick the book out Twi,” Sunset said. “You played with us outside. So you can pick the book out,” Applejack said. “Thanks.” Twilight said. The three of them walked to the living room happily talking. Rainbow smiled as she watched them leave the room. When they were gone Rainbow went over and took Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie out of their high chair and put them onto the floor. “Ok, nappy time you three,” Rainbow said, smiling as she was walking to her spare room. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie slowly crawled after Rainbow with sleepy looks. When they got there, Rainbow picked Fluttershy up, put her in the bed shaped like a butterfly, gave her a stuffed animal, put a pacifier into her mouth, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. Rainbow then picked Rarity up, put her in the bed shaped like a diamond, gave her a stuffed animal, put a pacifier into her mouth, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. Rainbow then picked Pinkie up, put her in the bed shaped like a cupcake, gave her a stuffed animal, put a pacifier into her mouth, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. Rainbow left a night light on before leaving the room. The three of them played with their stuffed animals for a bit before falling asleep. Rainbow left the door open so she could hear them if they cried. Rainbow went to the living room and sat down on the couch. “I would like you to read this one mommy,” Twilight said, handing her a book about zoos. “Ok sweetie,” Rainbow said, taking the book. She held the book sideways so that they could see the pictures as she was reading. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack were all enjoying the story. When the story was over. “I liked that story. Thank you mommy,” Twilight said. “I liked it too, thank you,” Sunset said. “Thanks, that was a fun book,” Applejack said. “I'm glad you liked it. Would you like to hear another story or watch some cartoons?” Rainbow asked. “CARTOONS!” All three of them said. “Ok go pick something out.” The three of them went over to the DVDs and started to look. The sky was now very dark and it had started raining hard. A few minutes later they came back with the DVD they wanted to see. Rainbow smiled and took it from them and put it on. Rainbow sat down on the floor. Twilight and Sunset sat on her right side and Applejack sat on her left. Rainbow picked up the remote and started the DVD. As they were watching there was a loud clap of thunder. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack all hugged Rainbow shaking. “Sh….it is ok sweeties,” Rainbow said and hugged them back. After a minute they let go of Rainbow. Whenever there was a clap of thunder they would hug Rainbow and Rainbow would hug them back. Right as the DVD ended a half hour later, crying came from the spare room. “I'll be right back,” Rainbow said, getting up. She went over to the DVDs and put on a random one. She then went to the spare room. “Did the three of you have a nice nap?” Rainbow asked, kissing each of them on their forehead. Seeing Rainbow they stopped crying. Rainbow smiled and picked them up and put them onto the floor one at a time. When they were all on the floor Rainbow started walking back to the living room. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie crawled behind her. When they got to the living room Rainbow picked them up one by one and put them into the playpen. They crawled over to the blocks and started playing with them. Rainbow smiled at them and watched them for a minute before going back to the others. They spent the afternoon watching cartoons. When the DVD that they were watching was over, Rainbow looked at the clock. “Dinner time.” Rainbow said. “Ok mommy,” Twilight said. “Yay dinner,” Sunset said. “What are we going to have?” Applejack asked. Rainbow thought for a second. “Hamburgers and fries. You can stay here and play when I am making it.” Rainbow said getting up going to the kitchen. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack started running around the living room playing as Rainbow was making dinner. An hour later Rainbow walked back into the living room. “Dinner is ready,” she said, taking Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity out of the playpen. They all went to the dining room. Rainbow put Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity into their highchairs and gave them the same thing that they had for lunch. She smiled and started making hamburgers for the rest of them. Ten minutes later Rainbow had finished their dinner and put it on the dining room table. “DINNER'S READY!” she called into the living room. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack stopped playing and ran into the dining room and sat at the table. “This looks good,” Twilight said. “This looks very good,” Sunset said. “Thanks,” Applejack said. They smiled as they started to eat. Rainbow watched the three of them eating for a bit before starting to eat her own dinner. As they were eating dinner the rain stopped. The backyard was now covered in puddles and mud. As Twilight was eating, she looked at the window into the backyard and smiled. “The rain has stopped. After dinner can we go play in the puddles and mud?” Twilight asked. “That sounds like fun. Can we?” Sunset asked. “Please mommy?” Applejack asked. “Sure, I don’t see why not," said Rainbow. "But then it's bath time then bed.” The three of them smiled and went back to eating. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy had finished their dinner first and were playing as they were in their high chair laughing. Ten minutes later Rainbow, Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack had also finished eating. “Stay here until I finish cleaning up, then we can go play,” Rainbow said, getting up. It didn’t take Rainbow long to clean up, then she took Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy out of their high chair and onto the floor. “You three ready?” Rainbow said. “YES!” The three of them said running to the back door. Rainbow smiled and went to open the door but stopped. “Take your shoes and socks off before we go outside,” Rainbow said, sitting down and taking off her own shoes and socks. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack all sat down and took off their shoes and socks. When Rainbow had her shoes and socks off she stood up. When Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack had theirs off they all stood up. “Ok we are ready mommy.” Sunset said. Rainbow smiled and opens the back door. “Go have fu….” Before she could finish Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack ran past her and into the backyard. “I'm going to get you!” Twilight said, running after Sunset. Sunset laughed, running away from Twilight. Twilight laughed and ran after Sunset and Applejack. As they were chasing each other they were running through puddles. Rainbow smiled, walking out into the backyard. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy crawled after her. The three of them crawled onto the grass and started crawling around. Pinkie smiled and crawled and sat in the first puddle of mud that she found. Fluttershy and Rarity crawled after her. Rarity stopped at the edge of the mud but Fluttershy crawled into the mud after Pinkie. Pinkie smiled and threw a handful of mud at Fluttershy, hitting her in the face. When she was hit with the mud, Fluttershy started crying. Before Rainbow could say anything, Rarity crawled into the mud and threw mud at Pinkie, hitting her in the face. Rarity then went to make sure that Fluttershy was ok. When she saw that she was ok, Rarity smiled and handed Fluttershy some mud. Fluttershy smiled and threw it at Pinkie, hitting her with it. Pinkie smiled and threw mud at Rarity, hitting her. Rarity looked at Fluttershy, smiling, then picked up mud and threw it at Pinkie. The three of them sat there giggling and throwing mud at each other. Rainbow was walking around the backyard making sure that everyone was ok. As Sunset was running after Applejack, she saw a big mud puddle. Sunset smiled, stopped running after Applejack, ran over to the mud, and jumped into it. “That looks like fun, race you!” Applejack said, running over to the mud. “No fair, you had a head start!” Twilight said, running after Applejack. When they got to the mud they both jumped into it. The three of them laughed as they are jumping around in the mud. As they were jumping around they were getting their clothes wet and muddy. Rainbow had turned her back on Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy to watch Sunset and the others. Rainbow had turned back just in time to see that Pinkie was about to eat some mud. “Don't eat that Pinkie,” Rainbow said, running over to stop Pinkie. As Sunset was jumping around she slipped and fell face first into the mud. “Are you ok?” Twilight said. “You fell down.” Applejack giggled and held out a hand to help Sunset up. Sunset took her hand, smiled, and pulled Applejack down into the mud with her. Applejack and Sunset started rolling around laughing as they were play fighting in the mud. Twilight watched them for a second when she got an idea. She smiled and jumped up but instead of landing on her feet she landed butt first in the mud. When she landed, she splashed Sunset and Applejack. Sunset and Applejack stopped playing, looked at each other, smiled, and tackled Twilight back into the mud. They all were laughing as they were rolling around in the mud. Twenty minutes later Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity all yawned. “Looks like it's bath time then bed for you three," said Rainbow. To the others, she said "I'm going to give Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie a bath then put them to bed. Play nice when I'm gone.” Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack all made sounds of acknowledgment as they were playing. “Let’s go get cleaned up, you three.” Rainbow started walking to the back door. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy crawled after her. When Rainbow got to the back door she stopped. “You three stay here, I'll be right back.” Rainbow went into the house and came back a few seconds later with a big pot of warm water. She bent down and used it to clean most of the mud off of them. “Ok let’s go,” Rainbow said, walking into the house. Rainbow went to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm soapy water. She then gave each of them a nice bath. When they were all nice and clean again Rainbow dried them, changed their diapers, and put them to bed with their stuffed animals and pacifier. Rainbow then went back out into the backyard. “Ok, bathtime you three,” Rainbow called. Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack ran over to her. All three of them were completely covered in mud. “Looks like you three had fun,” Rainbow said. “Playing in the mud was a lot of fun,” Twilight said. “I had a blast,” Sunset said. “I also had fun,” Applejack said. “I'm glad. Now which one of you wants to take their bath first?” Rainbow asked. “I would like to go first.” Twilight said. Rainbow walked over to the hose and turned it on. “Ok Twi, but I have to rinse you off first.” “Ok. Could you please give my bath mommy?” Twilight asked. “Sure, I don’t see why not. You two can go play until I get back.” When Rainbow said this Sunset and Applejack laughed and went back to playing in the mud. “Sorry, but this is going to be a little cold.” “Ok, thank you for telling me,” Twilight said, smiling. Rainbow smiled, pointed the hose at Twilight, pulled the handle on the hose, and started to rinse Twilight off. “Wow, that's cold.” Twilight fidgeted as Rainbow was rinsing her off. After a minute most of the mud was off of Twilight and Rainbow turned off the hose. “That should be good enough,” Rainbow said, walking into the house. Twilight smiled and walked in after her. They went to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm soapy water. When the tub was full, Rainbow turned off the water and helped Twilight in, still in her outfit. “That feels nice.” Twilight sighed. “Good, I'm glad,” Rainbow said, pouring some soap onto a washcloth and starting to clean Twilight. “Getting dirty is fun but getting clean is also fun.” Twilight giggled. Rainbow just smiled and kept cleaning Twilight. “Please put your legs on the side of the tub.” Twilight smiled and did so. Rainbow then started to clean her legs. As Rainbow was cleaning Twilight the water was turning a brown color. When Rainbow got to and started to clean Twilight’s feet she started laughing. “That tickles hahaha.” Twilight laughed, kicking her legs. Rainbow smiled and tickled Twilight’s feet more with her hand. This made Twilight laugh more. Rainbow tickled Twilight from a minute or so before stopping. “That was fun,” Twilight said after she got her breath. “I'm glad. You can put your legs back into the tub.” Twilight put her legs back into the tub. “Please close your eyes. I'm going to wash your hair.” Twilight closed her eyes and put her hands over her eyes. Rainbow filled and poured a bucket of water over Twilight head. “Ok you can open your eyes.” Twilight moved her hands and opened her eyes. Rainbow poured some shampoo onto Twilight’s head and started scrubbing. When her hair was covered in suds, Rainbow said “I'm going to rinse your hair now.” Twilight closed her eyes, putting her hands over her eyes again. Rainbow filled the bucket again and dumped water over Twilight's head. “You're all nice and clean again. Time to get out and get dry.” Twilight smiled, moved her hands, and opened her eyes. Rainbow helped Twilight up and drained the water out of the tub. She then helped Twilight out and got the hair dryer. Rainbow put it on the lowest setting, turns it on, and started to dry Twilight with it. As Rainbow was drying her, Twilight was giggling. A few minutes later Twilight was fully dry. “Taking a bath in my clothes was a lot of fun. Can I do it again?” “I'm glad you had fun, and maybe. You can play in the living room when I give the others their bath.” Rainbow went back to the backyard and Twilight went to the living room and played. “Time for one you to get a bath.” Sunset stopped playing and ran over to Rainbow. She was even more covered in mud then Twilight was. Rainbow smiled and rinsed her off with the hose, then gave her a bath just like she did with Twilight. When Sunset was clean and dry she went to the living room and started playing with Twilight. Rainbow went back into the backyard and called. “Ok Applejack, it's your turn now.” Applejack stopped rolling around in the mud, got up, jumped up and down two times, and ran over to Rainbow. Rainbow giggled at seeing how covered in mud Applejack was. Rainbow rinsed her off with the hose and turned it off. They then went to the bathroom and Rainbow gave her a bath. It took Rainbow longer to get Applejack clean being she was so covered in mud. When she was clean and dry they went to the living room. “It's time for bed,” Rainbow said. “Ok, where are our PJs and where are we going to sleep?” Twilight asked. Rainbow thought for a few seconds and frowned. “I'm sorry, but I forgot to get you some. You're going to have to sleep in what you have on.” Rainbow said. “It's ok. Everyone makes mistakes mommy,” Sunset said, giving Rainbow a hug. “Thanks,” Rainbow said, smiling and getting an idea. When Sunset let go Rainbow moved the couch and coffee table to one side giving them a lot of room. Rainbow then went and got some chairs from the dining room. She then put some blankets over the chairs making a fort. She then put some blankets and pillows on the floor in the fort. “A fort.” All three of them said smiling. “Yep.” Rainbow turned off all of the lights and locked all of the doors. Then all four of them crawled into the fort and lay down. “Good night, mommy. I love you,” Twilight said. “Good night mommy. I love you too,” Sunset said. “Night mommy. I love you,” Applejack said. “Good night. I love all of you too,” Rainbow said. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack all hugged Rainbow and fell asleep. The next day Rainbow got up and changed Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity’s diapers. She then made breakfast for all of them. After breakfast, she let Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack run around playing when she cleaned up the fort. She then snapped her fingers twice. All of her friends blinked coming to. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie got up and went to put on their normal clothes. When they got back… “Well?” Rainbow asked. “That was a lot of fun,” Twilight said. “A lot of fun,” Sunset said. “I had a blast,” Applejack said. “I had fun too,” Fluttershy said. “I had fun. Being a toddler again was fun,” Rarity said. “What Rarity said,” Pinkie said. “Good I am glad," Rainbow said. "Are you feeling any more relaxed?" “Yes, very,” Sunset said, and the others nodded their heads in agreement. “W-would y-you um... want to d-do it again?” Rainbow asked. “MOMMY!” They all said, hugging Rainbow. Rainbow made a big smile.