HiE: The Kure of Ponyville

by KarasAdamas

First published

A MLP and Kengan Crossover! Outcast members of the Kure Clan are transported to Equestria.

The Kure Clan are a powerful league of assassins that are notorious throughout the criminal underworld where they are widely known as The Taboo Descendants. But even the Kure isn't without its Black Sheep, good examples are the four members that hold the title as the Four Noble Temperaments.

Kure Callan (The Charging Demon), Kure Osmond (The Swift Tree Spirit), Kure Asterix (The King of Terror), Kure Murphy (The Flowing Water Devil).

While these four are no longer considered the strongest of the Kure, their achievments and titles still hold true and are all considered prodegies in their respective styles.
So you can expect that the entire Kure Clan was shaken to the core when suddenly all four of them dissappeared along with their entire house.

They weren't lost however, or at least they weren't dead. The four brothers had been brought to a new world with anthropomorphic technicoloured ponies as the dominant sentient species and many other forms of life that was thought to be nothing more than fantasy back on earth.
Will these four assassins be able to adjust into this new world? Or will demons spawned from their ancestors blood come to hunt them down?

Did I forget to mention that there aren't that many males around?

(This story is my attempt at a Human in Equestria format, as well as the RGRE format. The humans in this story are my OCs inspired from Kengan Ashura and Kengan Omega.)

(If you haven't finished reading Kengan Ashura and read past chapter 50 of Kengan Omega, then I highly recommend you do that, because there will manga spoilers.)

(The Kengan Ashura and Kengan Omega manga series are both written by Yabako Sandrovich and illustrated by Daromeon.)

Prologue. The Four Noble Temperaments (edited)

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Location: Kure Village, 1 year before the events of Kengan Omega

The Kure Clan was formed 1300 years ago, when the original Wu Clan divided into three. While those who remained in the Chinese mainland, as well as those who migrated to the occident kept the name Wu, the ones that migrated to Japan founded the family today known as the Kure Clan.
Ever since the Asuka period, the Kure Clan has undergone a 1300 year process of selective breeding, adoption of special techniques and outside combat arts; as a result, with each generation, the Kure have become a race that specializes in battle. Through this selective breeding process the Kure have also attained peak physical performance, including strength, speed and durability. As such, the Kure have an extremely high pain and damage tolerance; in their blood, they possess over twenty kinds of endorphins and, combined with their abnormal physical resilience, it enables them to easily endure heavy damage and deep wounds, whether it be from slashing attacks or being smashed to the ground. Because of their special abilities and their darkened near-black sclera and whitened irises, it is said that demons dwell within the Kure.

Around a particular city, 500 kilometres away from Tokyo, the Kure Clan is the most influential clan within that city's region, with the vast majority of the Kure living in Kure Village, it's a provincial city within that region.

The Kure Clan Style or Kure Ichizoku-den is the assassination arts designed by the Kure to both give and take life away, it's a perfected mix between medical, self defense and many forms of lethal martial arts that they've adopted and made their own.

This includes of course the Kure Clan's Secret Technique: Removal, the most notable result of their selective breeding process. Also known as Guihun by their Wu Clan counterparts, it is the ability to consciously remove the brain's limits on an indivdual's muscular strength output. As such, while regular humans are naturally unable to access more than 30% of their body's muscular strength (except in times of extreme duress), the Kure bred to access a greater amount of their latent muscular strength. That being said, the percent they have access to varies from each individual, and while those outside of the clan 'could' use this technique, only those of Kure and Wu possess the physical constitution needed to handle unrestrained exertion of the muscle's strength. The technique makes the user's skin turn dark shade of red-violet with their blood vessels bulging on the surface. The Kure are also able to use the Removal in localized areas of their body.
According to the clan's current patriarch, there is no move the Kure cannot combat.

However, there are some types of attacks that not even the most influential assassins can combat.


All activity in Kure Village stopped at once as that horrible sound came along with a bright light and an earthquake that shook the entire populace. Every single member of the clan turned towards the light, man, woman, child and adult alike looked in the same direction as if it was a bad omen. Because they knew exactly what was located were that light had struck down.

Away from the plaza and within the family home of the village patriarch, was a gathering of Kure watching a match between an outsider and their devil. But all activity and focus was lost the moment they felt and heard the explosion.

"What the hell was that?!" a man of above-average height, with an extremely athletic build and mop of messy, dark brown hair, that has been compared to seaweed in the past, asked in suprise.

"I DON'T KNOW BUT IT WAS LOUD AS FUCK!!!" a muscular man of above-average height, with short, spiked light blond hair shouted while covering his ears in irritaion rather than pain.

These two are; Tokita Ohma (The Asura); supposed fiancé of Kure Karura (The Succubus), and Kure Raian (The Devil); the wickedest member of the Kure Clan. These two were having one of their regular sparing matches like they always do, because they were indoors in the dojo alongside other members of the clan, they did not see the light and only heard the sound and felt the quake.

"It kinda sounded like lightning striking down." a serious sounding member of the clan asked.

"What sort of lightning strike can cause an earthquake like that?!" a more panicked member shouted in response.

"Are we being bomb?" a childish sounding member asked.

"Who would be dumb enough to bomb us?" a stuck up member asked back.

"EVERYONE!" an attractive young woman with a cute face, a bob of black hair with a large bang that floats in between her eyes, a moderately sized bust and the dark sclera and white irises like all members of the Kure Clan yelled as she ran into the dojo. This was Kure Fusui (The Wicked Sniper), Kure Raian's younger sister.

"There was some sort of wierd light along with that huge explosion that went KRAKOOM and SCREECH just at the edge of the-!" she kept babbling in slight panic.


All that were in the dojo became quiet as they turned to see an elderly man with slicked-back silver hair and a wrinkled face befitting his age and wearing traditional Japanese attire. This old man was Kure Erioh (The Mighty Demon), former Fang of Metsudo and the current patriarch of the Kure Clan.

"Now," Erioh began with a sigh, "where did you say that the explosion came from?"

Location: The Edge of Kure Village

"This doesn't make any sense." a bulky man with straight black hair left to hang in a bobcut style, strong facial features and a generally stern expression, said in confusion. His name is Kure Hollis (The Wailing Demon).

"Have to agree with you on that one." a young avarage looking man with a white headband around his head answered. His name is Kure Henzo the most normal member of the Clan (no, that is not his title, his epithet is unknown).
"If this was the work of some type of weapon, then we are getting into some real Sci-Fi shit here."

In front of them was a crater with a 200 meter radius, the crater was bizarrely a perfectly circular shape, with no signs of debris or any other indication of an explosion. Rather, it looked like whatever was here before was just perfectly cut out from the ground, like someone had scooped it up like a giant ball of ice cream.

"What the hell!" they heard a voice from behind them as more members of the clan are starting to gather around the scene. Both young and old stare in confusion over what is in front of them, and many are starting to gain expressions of realisasion and horror as they realised what was here before the light struck down.

"This is unbelievable, it's as if an entire part of the land was just removed like some sort of world edit mechanic in video game." Henzo mumbled out loud enough for other nearby members to hear.

"It happened again..."

Everyone turned in confusion to look at the direction of their Elder and patriarch. Kure Erioh had a face that only a few had seen before, a face of worry. What did he mean by "It happened again" was the question that went through everyone mind.

"Excuse me for being the outsider here," Ohma said out loud enough for everyones focus to switch to the only one around that wasn't an official member of the clan yet, "but what exactly was located here. It seemed important judging by everyones faces right now."

"... ... ... What used to be here was the home of The Four Noble Temperaments." Erioh said after a long silence, his voice containing a slight hint of sorrow.

"The four noble temperaments?" Ohma responded with a head tilt.

"They were four brothers that were, at one point, considered among the strongest of the Kure Clan, but because of numerous circumstances, they are considered Black Sheep among the Kure and isolated themselves by building a home that they all shared right here."

"Why are they considered black sheep?" Ohma asked confused, "More importantly, how strong were they?"

"That is a story that should be told anywhere else but here." Erioh said sternly.

"Well," Henzo began nearvously, "what are we supposed to do about this?" He said while stretching out an arm to the crater.

"... ... ..." Erioh was silent, thinking hard on what to answer, "... I... will sleep on it." he eventuelly said while turning around and began walking away.

Everyone at the scene were left confused, simply staring as their elder just turned around and walked away, leaving them all with more questions than ever. One of them being "What did he mean by 'it happened again'?"

Back with Erioh, his mind went far back into the past, a past that only he, his dear friend Katahara Metsudo and the patriarch of the Wu Clan would know about. It was a mystery that no one had figured out yet, because just like today someone that carried the blood of The First Demon was swallowed by that light.

"It happened again... it's been nearly 50 years."

The Four Noble Temperaments

In buddhism, there is a teaching known as the four noble truths. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. More simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end. In the teaching of buddhism it follows: In life there is suffering; The cause of suffering is desire; To end suffering is to end desire; To end desire, follow the Eight-Fold Path: right view, right intentions, right speech, right action, right livelyhood, right effort, right concentration and right mindfulness.

Similar, but not really, there is a theory known as The four temperament theory. It is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures among the types where an individual's personality types overlap and they share two or more temperaments. The Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) described the four temperaments as part of the ancient medical concept of humourism, that four bodily fluids affect human personality traits and behaviours. Modern medical science does not define a fixed relationship between internal secretions and personality, although some psychological personality type systems use categories similar to the Greek temperaments.

It is this teaching and this theory that gave birth to the brothers namesake as the Four Noble Temperaments, together they all live a life that follows the teaching of the Noble Truths while each of them represent a temperament. They will go through thick and thin, and they will make sure that non of them are left alone.

Kure Murphy (The Flowing Water Devil)

Temperament: Melancholic

The oldest of the brothers, Kure Murphy, is in many regards a pure genius and master prodegy. He was born with an uncanny ability to perfectly control his muscles to such a point that he can cause specific areas of his body to bulge with little to no movement. At the early age of 17, he had already mastered the majority of the techniques belonging to the Kure Style and gained near perfect control over his Removal. However, Murphy saw the Kure Style as to barbaric and sought out to instead of mastering it, he would seek and create his own style by adopting martial arts that more fit in with his personality.

Standing at a height of 190cm or 6 feet and 2 inches and weighing at about 74kg or 163lbs, Murphy has a rather thin but muscular build with long muscular legs and arms. He has long dark brown hair that turns blond as it becomes longer, his hair goes down his back and past his shoulder blades all the way down his lower back. He's quite feminine looking despite his muscles and gives off an aura that make it rather hard to approach him.

At the beginning of his search, he was traveling all around Asia looking for martial arts that could help with perfecting his kicks, such as Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Capoeira just to name a few. However, his goal changed at the age 22, when he was spending an afternoon watching Bruce Lee movies and decided to learn Jeet Kune Do.
Be like water became Murphy's new goal in order to perfect his style and once he had master it, it became time for him to evolve it and make it his own.

First, he needed to perfect his kicks and movements. He did this by spending his time learning Ballet Dancing to help the muscles within his legs and manage to create a style with fluent but fast movements and jumps by spinning his entire body and building momentum, resulting in kicks that moved at the speed of a bullet and struck with the explosive force of a grenade.

Second, he needed a way to turn his arms into deadly weapons. He couldn't do it the same way he did with his kicks. So with the help of some contact from the village, he found a Russian Martial Artist that tought him how to transform his arms into whips.
Known as the Systema Ballistic Strike or simply the Whip Strike, it is an attack that strikes quickly without telegraphing, staying relaxed until the very end so that the muscles involved in the punch are not engaged until the very end, tightening the fist right before impact. By simply swinging with his shoulder, it transform his arms into whips made of flesh and bones, and with the help of his Kure blood, he strikes with the same effect as an actuel whip, with enough force to both tear apart flesh and shatter concrete.

After many years of dedication and isolation, Murphy returned to Kure Village at the age of 30, and has been making a name for himself as the Flowing Water Devil both in the assassination business and Underground fighting. Because of his perfect muscle control, he can relax his entire body to the point were it might as well just be water, and strikes at near mach speed. Now at the age of 35 years old, Murphy reunited with his brothers as they had been on adventures of their own and become weapons just like him.

Kure Callan (The Charging Demon)

Temperament: Phlegmatic

The second oldest of the brothers, Kure Callan is a giant compare to his brothers and holds the title as the first official Yokozuna of the Kure Clan. As a Sumo Wrestler, he stands at a height of 205cm or 6 feet and 9 inches and weighs 210kg or 463lbs. He is a highly bulky and muscular man, and he has jet black hair which is slicked back into a short ponytail. His body is well rounded for giving the best stance and power possible as a sumo wrestler. For a very large and imposing man, he has very gentle facial features, making him seem like a gentle giant despite his dark sclera from his Kure blood.

Now I know what you're all probably thinking, "How can a sumo wrestler be an assassin?" Well the thing is, unlike the majority of Kure, Callan was one of the few that didn't want to become an assassin and stay in the shadows. He realised at a young age that he would be more fitting into jobs as a body guard with his massive build, since he figured that he would only get bigger as the years past. He was fine with this at first, taking on jobs as a body guard for those that were willing to hire him. Like his older brother, he began early at the age of 18 and took on jobs as a body guard, but not even a year after he began working, his life would change forever. Everything changed when he became the body guard for a Yokozuna.

When the younger Callan watch his employer in the ring, he fell in love with sumo and couldn't get enough of it. Throwing away his pride, he begged his employer to take him in as his student. Luckily for Callan, the Yokozuna saw potential in the young Kure and took him in with a smile.
Not even half a year later, Callan immediately proved to be a prodegy in sumo, and charged through the ranks in profesional grand sumo. From Maegashira too Komusubi too Sekiwake too Ozeki and finally he reached the pinnacle of Yokozuna. At the young age of 22, he became the second youngest Yokozuna in the history of mankind after storming through 15 wins continuously for a year. He was happy, his clan was happy and his master was happy, everything seemed great.

But like all good things, it came to an end, when at the age of 29 and just a month away from his birthday, tragedy struck in the ring. Because he had been neglecting his clans blood for so long, the secret technique of the Kure Clan was activated at the start of match by accident and Callan ended up killing his opponent with a single powerful tackle. Now many would assume that this event would have broken Callan to the core, but what instead happened to him, was a realisation.

During his time as a Yokozuna, Callan hadn't realised how much he actuelly rejected his clans pride. But when he really thought about it, this would without a doubt have happened eventuelly. The Kure are bred for battle, they are natural born killers, of course he would only be able to keep the demon in check for so long. Because of his irresponsible view on his own family, he had made a mistake and he would make sure that it didn't happen again.

He retired from the ring and would never return to it again, deciding that it was time to spend some time with his brothers and the rest of his clan in order to fix whatever bonds he might have broken. Now at the age of 32, he has taken the title as the Charging Demon and has perfected the deadly bone breaking art of Ancient Sumo and combined it with the spiritual art of Qigong.

Kure Osmond (The Swift Tree Spirit)

Temperament: Sanguine

The second youngest of the brothers, Kure Osmond is what one would call a Child Soldier. Spending the majority of his teenage life in warzones, he was deployed at the extremely early age of 13, but very quickly proved to be a born weapon.
When Osmond was in his mothers stomach, he showed signs that he wasn't going to make it, but that was proven wrong on the day he was born. Through a natural and unbreakable strong will to live, the moment he left his mothers womb, he activated his Removal which in most cases should have killed him by overexertion. But instead it resultet in the reactivation of his heart and ended up saving his life.

Osmond stands at about 178cm or 5.8 feet and 10 inches, and weighs 81kg or 179lbs, he's very muscular, with tan skin that he's gained because of his time in warmer countries and short spiked hair that has gained a permanent camou-green colour because of his repeated use of herbs and other forms of camouflage. On his left shoulder is a tatoo of a chinese dragon and his face and body is covered in scars that he recived from his time in the military. He's extremely good at hiding his emotion but is in reality a very sociable and easygoing individual, who's always excited by the idéa of meeting new people, which is extremely odd considering his background.

Osmond hold the record of being the youngest Kure to master the Removal and is capable of holding it far longer than any other member of the clan. This alone turned him from an effective assassin to a near unstoppable killing machine on the battlefield, as he's able to run through warzone and easily dodge bullet and explosives with ease, all while taking out his enemies in close combat by immediately going for their weakspots and ending them quickly.
Throughout his time traveling from battlefield to battlefield, he has mastered two other forms of combat outside the Kure Style. Krav Maga; which is derived from a combination of techniques sourced from Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Aikido and Karate. And Pencak Silat; a full-body fighting form incorporating strikes, grappling and throwing in addition to weaponry, were every part of the body is used and subject to attack. But his bread and butter is without a doubt what is known as Environmental Combat, the art of using anything in the environment as a weapon.

Using whatever is around, Osmond is capable of turning practicly anything into a weapon. Rocks, sticks, sand, glass, grass, hair, bones, teeth and even finger nails can be used as a way to kill by Osmond. But as time has past, he has gain some favorites. His number one happens to be a small container of Garrote wire, which he carries at all times. It's used to strangle ones opponent or cut into the neck, slicing through the carotid arteries. Because it is easily concealable, silent, and deadly, it is often used for assassinations in situations when a gun is not a suitable option. Osmond is practicly a god with it as he is capable of not only strangling his foes with it, but completely decapitating people with it.

Despite having been through numerous warzones in countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Turkey and Somalia, Osmond doesn't show any signs of mental trauma. But considering that he's a Kure, that shouldn't come as a surprise. His time on the battlefield was how he gained the title as the Swift Tree Spirit. Thanks to his use of camouflage and the fast takedowns of his enemies, many has said that when fighting with or against Kure Osmond, it feels like watching people being snatched away by an evil spirit.
Now at the age of 28, he's taking long deserved break from the warzones and returned to the village to spend some time with his caring big brothers and sweet little brother.

Kure Asterix (The King of Terror)

Temperament: Choleric

Lastly is the youngest of the brothers, Kure Asterix or Rex for short. He is... an odd one. Rex proved that, just like his brothers, he had a natural gift when it came to martial art, but that wasn't why people considered him an odd one. It was because... Is he even human?

The Kure aren't strangers when it comes to monster-like children, but Rex at the moment he was born proved to be just that. A monster. When he was born and let out his first cry, the doctors were horrified when they saw the inside of his mouth. For in his mouth, his canines had already grown out.
It only became worse as he grew older, because during his early teens he experience a bizarre growth spurt that resulted in extreme pain all over his body and nearly two days of constant screaming. When it was over, he had grown a foot taller.

Standing at about 185cm or 6 feet and weighing at about 80kg or 176lbs, Rex has a muscular build with wide shoulders and bizarre long arms. He has long dark brown wild hair that seems very unkept and has rather sharp looking teeth for a human, with his canines almost looking like fangs. The nails on both his fingers and toes are sharp, looking more like claws. He has an extremely energetic and optimistic personality that can quickly change to aggressive if one isn't careful.
Like mentioned before, young Rex proved extremely talented in martial arts, but unlike his brothers, he straight up refused to master the Kure Style and said he wanted to do "his own thing". Unlike his brothers however, that had searched far and wide for an answer, Rex already knew what he wanted and quickly sought out to master the art of Kung Fu.

He began his training at the age of 14 and proved to not only be an extremely energetic student, but also proved to be way too much for his poor sensei's. Mimicking the movements of animals seemed almost natural for the young Kure, as he quickly mastered and put his own spins on almost all of the different animal styles. Tiger, Snake, Leopard, Crane, Mantis, Monkey, Turtle and Dragon style proved to be a walk in the park for the one named Kure Asterix. But despite all that he couldn't help but feel rather underwhelmed by how easy it was. He still enjoyed it, but he felt like something was missing, that something wasn't right. The Kung Fu he imagined just wasn't the same as what he'd learned. When he had heard of a martial art that focus on mimicing animals, he was excited. But this just wasn't wild enough for him.

But it was during his training of the Dragon Style that Rex asked himself: "Why a Dragon? Dragons don't even exist, so why is there a style that is suppose to mimic the movement of a dragon?"

That's when it hit him, that's when he realised that dragons do in fact exist. Back home at the village, one of the things Rex loved, despite what many would like to believe, was to read. Mostly books that had pictures but hey, it made him sit still so better than nothing. Thinking back, he now knew exactly what he was gonna do. He would create his own style that was based on the reason behind his nickname, he would create the Terror Lizard Style or Dinosaur Style.
And so with that, Kure Asterix began traveling the world in order to develope his own form of Kung Fu. Since dinosaurs were extinct, he would have to rely on what was available in their descendants.

He would hunt, study and fight against numerous different animals that held the blood of the ancient terror lizards in their veins. Salt Water Crocodile, Komodo Dragons, Green Anacondas, Ostriches and Cassowaries are some of the beasts that he has had the honor to both study and battle against. But it was at this moment were he encountered a roadblock. The decendants of the ancient giants just aren't like their ancestors, so he broadened his horizen and search among other animals that were like the dinosaurs.
Black Rhinos, Spanish Fighting Bulls, Giraffes, African Lions, Siberian Tigers, Perian Leopard, Tiger Sharks, Leopard Seals, California Sea Lions and Brown Bears are only the bare minimum of creatures that the wildest member of the Kure has fought against. The most ridiculous of all his fights, was the time he tried to fight against an Orca.

I never said that he always won.

After years of... What was basically years of animal abuse when you think about it. He finally perfected and created over seven different techniques based on Dinosaurs and officially created the Terror Lizard Style at the age of 21. Returning home, he gained the title as the King of Terror, not because of his style or because his nickname is Rex. No, the reason why is because... How is he still alive? He's been stung and bitten by some of the most venomous animals on the planet, he's been mauled by packs of the most ferocious predators, gotten crushed by stampedes of the heaviest of beasts and been in between the jaws of the oceans greatest terrors. The fact that the one called Kure Asterix is still alive to this day, scares the people of Kure Village just as much as it prides them that he is their relative. He is the King of Terror because he has conquered all other terrors the planet has to offer.
He is now 25 years old and has been spending his time reuniting with his older brothers. Rex could not be happier.

Location: Ponyville


The quiet evening in the town of Ponyville was loudly interupted by a bright light accompanied with massive explosion that could be both heard and seen all the way to Canterlot.
In town, the ponies were either quietly sleeping or spending some good times with their dear friends, either at a bar, restaurant or in their own homes. A particular group of friends were having a sleepover party at the Golden Oak Library, but that was suddenly interrupted and somehow knocked the drunkness that any of them felt from the cider they had that evening. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy and Pinkamena Diane Pie (or simply Pinkie Pie) were their names, all dressed in their pyjamas or sleepwear. They were all now wide awake, alongside any other denizen of Ponyville, as the sound literally made Rainbow Dash shoot through the roof of Twilights libraby.

"What in Tarnations was that!?" the orange earth pony wearing a blue one piece with white appleshaped marks on them, yelled in suprise.

"IDON'TKNOWBUTITWASLOUDASBUCK!!!" the pink earth pony wearing a blue night dress with light blue and yellow balloons markings, yelled back.

"Pinkie language!" the white unicorn wearing a purple nightdress with a blue ribbon and blue gem patterns on it, scolded in shock.

"Everypony!" the alicorn named Twilight Sparkle shouted before things could spiral out off control. She was wearing a yellow pyjamas with pink hearts on it.
"Now let us all calm down and investigate what made that noise. Where's Rainbow Dash?"

Through a window, instead of the door or the hole in the roof she made, the pegasus named Rainbow Dash returned panting. She was wearing blue short and a white T-shirt with her cutiemark on the chest.

"Hey! There's some new wierd looking house just outside of ponyville!" Rainbow Dash shouted in what was not at all panic.

"What! Where?" Twilight replied in shock.

"Down the road leading to Sweet Apple Acres. Come on!"

Without giving it a second thought, the mane six rush out of the library and made their way towards the road that lead to Applejack's family farm. Only to stop as they realised that their easily frightened butter yellow pegasus friend was frozen in shock from the loud noise, she was wear lime green pyjamas with pink yellow winged butterflies on it. Applejack went back to calm her down and they went back to run down towards Sweet Apple Acres. Many ponies that had woken up from the noise shot glances to them as they were running down the road. Very soon a small early teen dragon along with three fillies that were suppose to be asleep, but were woken up by the noise, started running with them.

"Twilight, what's going on?!" the dragon named Spike asked the question on everypony's mind.

"I don't know. Rainbow said that a new weird looking house had just appeared on the road to Sweet Apple Acres."

"A new house?" the three fillies named Applebloom, Scootalo and Sweetie Belle replied in confusion.

When they finally made it to the road, they could indeed see a new house that was perfectly placed at the side of the road. Though house would be a bit off, as what they were seeing was three buildings that seemed to serve different purposes for those living in it. The houses were large and looked to be homes for multiple individuals, with a wide wooden bridge going over a L-shaped pond.

"It kinda looks japonese." Twilight said with a head tilt.

Chapter 1. New neighbors

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Location: The House of the Four Noble Temperaments

The home of the brothers is made up of 3 buildings that are connected by their roofs and balconies. The building was based on of the home of Jotaro Kujo from the manga series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, it was Murphy's idéa to build the house after it.
If you stand at the entrance of the courtyard, straight ahead you'll see a small bridge going over a L shaped pond filled with koikarps and showas. Walk straight over the bridge and you'll enter the livingroom, with a kotatsu table located in the center near the entrance and a large bookshelf to the right, to the left is a door to the balcony walkway and if you keep walking forward you'll find the kitchen located near the back with a garden of vegetables just outside.

The building to the left contains the sleeping area, each one separated by shoji walls, making up a total of five sleeping quarters, four for the brothers and one larger if they have guests over. Before the sleeping quarters you'll find a bathroom with a toilet and sink, past the sleeping quarters you'll find a small dojo area, were the brothers will spar occasionally. One the wall of the dojo is the Kanji symbol for Harmony.
The building to the right contains the bathhouse near the back, and another livingroom area. Past the bathhouse is a snack area with a fridge and freezer for snacks and drinks, with a rectangle shaped table infront of a 70 inch television standing on a cabinent with gaming consoles, there is a shelf of movies and games on the left wall and to the right you'll find another balcony entrance, with a bonsai tree to the right.

With the sun shining through the window, Osmond sturs in his sleep and mutters to sun to promtly fuck off. But knowing it is completely pointless to argue with the celestial body, he rises from his futon and proceeds to stretch. Beginning with his arms and shoulders like always, he begins to wonder if maybe he should shave, because his arms feel oddly hairy. He ignores the sensation however and proceeds to lean forward to stretch his back by touching his toes, all while blinking the sleep from his eyes. He finds it odd that his legs feels equally as hairy as his arms, but the hair is oddly smooth feeling more like a thin layer of fur. His mind makes a record scratch, as he notices that his arms and legs are not their regular tan colour, but rather a chocolate brown.
Feeling a creeping sense of dread and that something is definently wrong with his body, he quickly opens the sliding door to his quarters and makes his way to the bathroom with haste in his step. As he runs, he feels an occasional whiff of air near the back of his thighs, as if something silky is dangling from his lower back.

Finally making it to the entrance of the bathroom, he enters and hesitates for a second before looking himself in the mirror. What should be staring back is a battle scarred human with tan skin, camo green hair, dark sclera and white irises. But what he instead sees can only be described as an anthropomorphic unicorn with a chocolate brown coat, scar covered muzzle and ears. A forest green mane, scalp and spiral horn. His dark sclera remains but instead of white irises, they are now a reddish brown colour.
Beholding what is in front of him, he makes a quick scan of his body and looks behind himself and sees that his lower back now has a shortly cut, forest green tail sticking out. All this information registers into his mind and he does what any military trained man would do.


The scream is more than enough to finally awaken the rest of the residents in the building, with the youngest one jumping out of his futon and hitting the ceiling, all of them experience similar symptoms to Osmond, as they stumble and fall through the halls to reach their screaming brother.

"What are you screaming for Os!?" the voice of Kure Murphy speaks out as he comes face to face with his brother.

Osmond stops and turns to the voice and sees a tall muscular but thin anthropomorphic pegasus, with a bech gray coat, a long smooth light brown mane and tail that turns blond as it grows, droopy ears, large majestic wings and dark sclera eyes with sky blue irises.
His older brother Murphy does what any big brother would do to calm his disstressed little brother.


Rushing down the hall, comes Asterix in the form of a wild looking anthropomorphic thestral, with a bronze brown coat, large leathery wings and fluffy ears, a sand red lion-like mane and large fluffy tail. With sharp fangs sticking forth from his mouth and dark sclera eyes with golden yellow irises.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!- Why are we screaming?- AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Lastly, calmly walking down the hall, causing the planks to creek and putting on his glasses, comes the second oldest of the brothers. A towering and widely built anthropomorphic earth pony with stone grey coat, pitch black mane and tail. His face and muzzle are fluffier than his brothers, his body covered with a thicker layer of fur, making him look even thicker than he already was. His dark sclera eyes with ocean blue irises stare in quiet bewilderment at what is infront of him.
Callan looks at all of his transformed brothers, taking in their forms, looking for both familiar and unfamiliar details, before looking down at his own body. Feeling himself nearly panicking, he takes a deep breath to calm down before he ends up screaming like his brothers.

"Well... This is different." he sighs deeply.

The brothers decided to gather in the dojo to both discuss and take in their new forms. Callan wears a dark blue hoddy and baggy black pants, Osmond wears a camo green tank-top with military underwear, while both Murphy and Asterix remain in their underwear as they cannot put on either shirts or pants because of their wings and long tails getting in the way.

They take some time to look themselves over and see what they recognise. They notice that each of them have gotten slightly taller than how they were before, with Osmond standing at 1.86 m or 6.1 feet, Asterix at 1.93 m or 6.3 feet, Murphy at 1.98 m or 6.5 feet and Callan at a towering 2.14 m or 7 feet.
Osmond still has his scars all over his body and his dragon tatoo on his left shoulder, but he also had signs of forest green coloring around his body, making it look slightly discolored from the rest of his coat and matching with his mane and tail.
Asterix has the most wild looking appearance out of all of them, with a more lion-like mane rather than horse mane and a tail that looks like it would be on a fox, he also has sand red discoloring on his hands and feet.
Murphy has the most slender appearance out of the four and the smoothes looking and well cared coat out of them, he manage to already gain perfect control over his wings after some quick testing stretches and has folded them to his back.
Callan is now not only thick with muscle and fat, but also with fur, making him look like a big huggable giant. He has tied his mane into a sumo topknot and his tail into a short ponytail(lol), for comfort and tradition as a sumo wrestler.

"Ok, there has to be a logical explanation to this." Callan speak after taking a deep breath.

"I have wings!" Asterix speaks happily.

"Logical explanation? Did you look yourself in the mirror? Did you look at us?! What could possibly be logical of waking up as humanoid horses?!" Murphy shouts in a mix of panic and aggresion.

"I have wings!" Asterix repeats.

"I have to agree with Murphy here." Osmond argues.
"Unless we are all having the same dream or are having the world best acid trip right now, nothing logical on this bloody planet can possibly explain what has happened to us."

"Uh guys?"

"Panicking and shouting are not going to help, we'll talk with gramps and maybe we can figure this out." Callan remains calm.


"Oh what are we gonna say? 'Hey old man, is there a secret technique from the Kure style that transforms a human into a horse chimera?' Yeah right, how are we even going to reach his house?" Murphy speaks in frustration.


"If you guys think that I'm walking out there looking like this? You can suck my now apple sized horse balls." Osmond growls.

"Brothers from different fathers!?"

"You just brought up a good point. We should probably check our testicles to see what they-"

"GUYS!" Asterix roars.

"What is it Rex? You've been speaking in the background this entire time." Murphy says annoyed.

"I don't think we're in Kure Village anymore." Asterix says as he looks outside from the balcony of the dojo.

The other three shot quick glances at eachother before joining their youngest at the balcony entrance. Looking past their yard, they can see that their house is now located on flat grassland instead of a hill. To their left is what looks like acress of apple trees and to their right they can see a road leading to a rather rustic looking town.
Now, the house should be located on top of a large hill outside Kure village, so it was pretty clear that not only were they not in their home village, but most likely not even in Japan anymore.

"Someone slap me and wake me up." Murphy mutters.



"Ask and you shall recieve." Osmond answered with a smirk after having just smacked his brother at the back of his head.
"But in all serious, we have a pretty bad situation on our hands right now. Let's go look around the house and check if everything still works like they should."

"Sounds good." Callan said with a smile.

"Please tell me the TV still works." Murphy pleads.

"MY KOI!" Asterix exclaim in worry for his fish.

With the Main 6

Farther up the road, a group of six mares were making their way towards the house belonging to the Kure brothers. All of them showed clear signs of being low on energy, because all of them had been too anxious to find out why the house had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night and what could possibly live in it.

In front was Rainbow Dash, wearing black sport shorts, running shoes, a white T-shirt with a darker blue sports jacket on top, perfectly showing off her athletic curves.
Not far behind was Twilight Sparkle, who was wearing a dark purple skirt with a white undershirt, a black dress shirt and black shoes, giving her that sexy librarian look.
Next was Applejack, she was wearing her signature brown Stetson on her head, a red and white checked shirt with a brown waistcoat and blue jeans that went well with her musclular figure, and her green work boots.
Pinkie Pie was right behind the farm mare, bouncing in her step and showing the least fatigue in the group. She was wearing a pair of blue shorts that made her wide behind stand out, a yellow T-shirt that seemed a bit small, and tennis shoes.
The last two ponies walking next to eachother in the back was Rarity and Fluttershy. The unicorn was wearing a black long sleeved button up shirt, a dark blue skirt and purple high heels. While the meek pegasus was wearing a loose-fitting green turtleneck with a yellow sun skirt and pink sandals, which made it hard to shape her body.

"Come on girls! I want to see what lives in that house already!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in tired frustration. She was not a morning pony.
"I could barely sleep last night because of it."

"Non of us could sleep well last night Rainbow," Twilight said grouchly, "I'm also curious as to what lives there. From what I could tell, the house looked japonies, which is an eastern country far from Equestria, almost on the otherside of the globe. Even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have only been there on few occasions."

"What exactly can you tell us about it, darling?" Rarity asked, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Well," the alicorn began, her brain working hard to remember, "Japony is located in the eastern continent of Neighsia, way past the griffons territory, and made up of four smaller countries all together. They've had a rich and complicated history of war, and possess magical knowledge which cannot be found anywhere else but there. Members of the pony tribes migrated there during Discords rule and became a separated community outside of Equestria. Other races within the continent include kirins, abyssinians, kitsunes, parrots and wingless dragons called Longs. Ponies are considered a minority in Neighsia and the current heads of the four countries are the Nine-Tailed Fox in Japony, the Avatar Kirin in Longma, the High Peacock in Ghodia, and the Great Tiger in Coltrea. However, all of them are technically still under the rule of the Jade Dragon Emperor, who is the official current monarch of all of Neighsia, who's palace is located in the center of the continent. If I remember correctly."

"Pfft, egghead." Rainbow Dash snorted quietly.

"That's all intresting Twi," Applejack jumped in, "But I recon we could´ ave at least had breakfast before going. It's not like the house is goin´ anywhere soon."

"Yeah, I didn't even have time to make some superduperwakeywakey cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as her stomach grumbled.

"That's not a guarantee Applejack, the house appeared out of nowhere and who knows what brought it hear." Twilight reasoned.
"It could have been a teleportation accident or maybe a result of chaos magic being used."

"Well... I just hope that the pony that lives there is f-friendly." Fluttershy muttered nervously.

"If they even are a pony." Rainbow snarked.

"Oh they are definently ponies." Pinkie said suddenly.

"How do you know, darling?" Rarity questioned.

"There's two right there."

Right as they made it to the front of the house, just as the pink party mare had pointed out, there were two ponies standing near the pond of the house. One was a wild looking thestral kneeling down and looking in to the pond, the other was a battle scarred unicorn standing behind and looking over the thestrals shoulder.
The mares could hear that they were having a conversation at the moment and were all made aware that both of them were stallions, based on their voices and the fact the thestral was only in boxers, while the unicorn only had shorts and a tanktop on. Giving the single mares a good view of their very muscular bodies.

"Timmy, Tommy, Timon, Tara, Tucker, Terry, Tony and Tony Jr. Great all of them are here!" The thestral exclaimed happily.

"Wait wait wait!" the unicorn suddenly said while waving his hands, "Why is there a Tony Jr?"

"Because he looks like Tony, but smaller." thestral reasoned.

"Looks like Tony? They all look the same!"

"No, Tony and Tony Jr are the only ones with a big black spot on top their heads and a smaller black spot right above the mouth." the thestral suddenly scooped up a fish from the pond, a koi to be more specific, and it indeed did have a black spot on top of it's head and a smaller spot above the mouth.
"See, this is Tony."

"... He kinda looks like Hitler." the unicorn said with narrowed eyes.

The thestral suddenly went wide eyed and look at the fish in shock.

"Damn, you're right! He does look like Hitler!"

"Should we rename them Adolf and Adolf Jr?" the unicorn asked with a smirk.

"Adolf doesn't start with T."

"Why does their names have to start with T!?"

"Erm, excuse me." Twilight questioned softy.

The two froze up and slowly turned around to face the mares, and what they see leave them shocked. The white of the two stallions eyes were pitch black, with their irises looking like candles within the darkness. The stare that the stallions were giving the mares made all six of them quite nervous. It was as if they were being stalked by a manticore or something. Prey frozen in fear in front of predators.
Suddenly, the thestral dissappeared from sight, leaving nothing but a small dust cloud. The fish was airborn and swiftly caught by the unicorn, just as the bat pony reappeared in front of the mares.

"Hi!I'mAsterix,what'syourname?!" the now named Asterix said so fast, that the mares jumped back and felt a sense of deja vu. Like when they all had their first meeting with the towns party pony.

Pinkie Pie gasped happily and rushed in front of the group to greet her kindred spirit, "Hi!I'mPinkiePie,it'ssonicetomeet!"

"Nicetomeetyoutoo!" Asterix followed before he was suddenly pulled back by the tail, and Pinkie Pie was lifted in a lavender aura.

"Sorry about him, he can be a bit too much at times." the unicorn said while holding Asterix's tail.
"Let's try this again. I'm Kure Osmond and this is my little brother Kure Asterix, though we just call him Rex for short. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh! It's nice to meet you too," Twilight said courtly, a bit caught off guard by Osmond's politeness, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends. They-"

Twilight was suddenly cut off by another voice, yelling from inside the house.

"Os! Rex! Good news, the electricity works and we have connection, to what network? I don't know!"

A tall, feminine looking pegasus stallion with a long mane and large wings, suddenly came out to the balcony to address his brothers. Wearing nothing but boxer and a loose tanktop so that his wings could fall out.

"The water is also running and warm, so we don't have to worry about that, Callan also said to come inside since he's made-" the pegasus suddenly became aware of the mares ouside and went from addressing his brothers, to silent shock and finally to an annoyed scowl.
"Oh great, we have guests. I love having guests." He said sarcasticly.

"Hey, don't be rude Murphy." Osmond scolded.

"Yeah, you can't mean to the pretty ladies." Asterix added without hesitation, leaving the mares blushing and caught of guard.

"Oh shut it, forest ghost and beast boy!" Murphy growled, making the mares uncomfortable with his rude attitude.
"This entire situation is already putting me in a bad mood and I don't need a bunch of colourful horses to give me more of a headache."

"HEY!" Rainbow Dash said as she came face to face with Murphy with a scowl.
"What's your problem? And how dare you call me and my friends whorses!"

"I'll rip off you wings and use them as dusters for cleaning if you don't back off, you flying pride flag!" Murphy growled with killing intent in his eyes.

But before anything else could happen, a huge shadow covered both pegasi and a large hand was placed on each of their shoulders and gently pulled them apart.

"Now now, let's not do anything we'll regret later." the new voice came from what had to be the biggest stallion the girls had ever seen. He easily towered over Murphy and his brothers, all of them being taller than the main six, but this new extra thick stallion nearly beat Princess Celestia in height. He was wearing a light blue apron over his blue hoodie and baggy black pants.
"What do we say when we've said something we didn't mean Murphy?"

"...I'm sorry." Murphy grumbled.


"I'm sorry for calling you horses." Murphy said as he shook of his brothers hand and walked back in.

"I apologize for his behavior. You happened to have met him a bad time, he's usually not like this." the giant said with a apologetic bow.
"I'm Kure Callan, I see you've already met my younger brothers, grumpy that just went back inside was our big brother Kure Murphy. Would you like to join us for breakfast and have a diskussion over our situation."

The six mares were put at ease thanks to Callan's calming words and could not stop their stomachs from grumpling, since they had skipped breakfast to get here as soon as possible. They all blushed in embarrassment and smiled at Callan's kind offering.

"That would be quite lovely, dear." Rarity said with gratitude.
"It would be rude of us to not take you up on the offer. I'm Rarity Belle, by the way."

"Names Applejack and I'll gladly take ya up on the offer partn'r." Applejack said with a smile as she approached.

"Just take off your shoes before you enter the building and all will be fine by me."

"YAY! FOOD!" Both Pinkie and Asterix exclaimed happily as they ran into the building, and somehow leaving they're shoes outside on the balcony.

"Great, there's two of them now." Osmond said with a facepalm, as he made his way inside.

"Sorry to i-impose, my names Fluttershy." the butter colored mare said gently.

"Make yourself at home sweety." Callan said, his gently smile never leaving.

"Well, this morning certainly turned out differently than I thought." Twilight said before she took off her shoes and joined the others for breakfast.