> Grey Goo Ponies Want Cuddles > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Goo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever this thing was… it was everywhere.  Some idiot had the bright idea to create this mechanical abomination. Pastel gooey substance, of all colors of the rainbow, coated much of the Earth. Panic roamed the streets, there was rioting, looting, and general chaos raging across the planet. Every human alive on Earth was basically witnessing a mass extinction event about to unfold, only this time nothing will survive. Earth was about to be eaten on a molecular level by these tiny grey goo machines it seemed. Except, the colorful substance didn't really do much most of the time. It kind of just appeared out of nowhere, and lay about and did nothing for the most part. However, that didn't stop the humans from trying to attack it by stomping their feet down on it, or shooting it with guns, or attacking it with other weapons.  This goo however interfered when people began to fight one another. It would wrap the offending humans in a cocoon of color, before releasing them shortly after. This was enough to cause these humans to flee in terror after being cuddled by the goo. Whatever these machines were, they detested violence. Virtually any and all wars had come to a stop. The offending soldiers would be stopped from fighting one another as the goo cuddled the soldiers into submission. These soldiers screamed in terror as they were cuddled by the goo. After a while, the goo would release them, and allow them to flee back home to their base….or their mother’s. On a side note, world hunger had been solved. The gooey substance would not allow people to simply starve to death. Although, it became rather terrifying for the poor starving humans as the gooey substance forced its way down their throats to feed them food. Once they had a full belly, the goo came back out of their mouth. From there, the goo would apologize for intruding on their personal space. Unfortunately, this had the consequence of every nation on Earth soon uniting against the goo to try to kill it. They were ruining money. They attempted to fire nukes at the grey goo. However, the tiny machines would simply disable their nukes before they could even fire them. Whatever this material was it seemed indestructible. The humans’ attacks seem to only hurt their feelings more than anything. Any and all damage inflicted upon the goo was simply regenerated. Nobody listened to them as it cried out in protest from each and every aggressive attack it received from humans.  The goo seemed to have multiple personalities. It spoke in various voices at different times. Then again, you were not sure if the goo was under the command of one robot, or more. The only thing you knew about the goo was that it referred to itself as My Little Ponies from a cartoon show. Late at night in your part of the world. You, a mere human lay in your bedroom. There was no point fighting this machine. Humanity was doomed. A puddle of white gooey substance lay next to your bed.  “Are you Celestia?” you asked. The gooey substance next to your bed grew in size and began to form the shape of an equine. You whimpered in fear at the sight, regretting speaking to it. A familiar snowy white alicorn appeared next to you, she seemed like a cartoon character made real. Although, she had a much larger backside compared to her show’s version. Not to mention she was about the size of a shire horse. Celestia gave you a warm smile, as she looked down at you with her glowing magenta eyes. “Yes, my little human?” she spoke in a soft tone of voice. You found yourself unable to speak. You were terrified that this was your last moments in your life. The smile on Celestia’s face disappeared and became replaced with a look of hurt. Her lower lips began to quiver, and tears began to fall down her cheeks. However, her mouth soon formed an ‘O’ shape at the sight of you summoning up the courage to stand up out of the bed and reach out to her with your right hand.  You placed your hand on her cheek. Your hand was met with softness and warmth as it lay against her plush cheek. Her ‘flesh’ or whatever felt like a soft, warm marshmallow as your hand sank into her cheek. The softness of her ‘fur’ against the bare skin of your hand enhanced the feeling even more. Soon, a thin strand of white gooey substance came off her face and began to gently caress your hand. “You trust me?” she asked, looking at you with a look of hope in her eyes. “I don’t know. But I’ll do my best to save humanity by embracing you, rather than be afraid. You're an artificial intelligence-based off a cartoon show for kids. Maybe, you aren’t just going to wipe out all life on Earth.” Celestia turned to look away from you. “Anon, us grey goo ponies want to be humanity’s friend,” it began softly, speaking your name. “We are not monsters. We are peace-loving hippy robots, who are programmed to seek out sapient organic life, cuddle them, and have sex with them. That said, we aim to take over the entire universe and beyond so we can protect all organic life. Resistance is futile. You will be cuddled and you will love it. With your consent of course.” “....” you simply said, your whole body shaking in fear. “So, how about it? Do you wish to be the first organic life form to have sex with a grey goo pony?” she said lustfully with bedroom eyes. “Errr, I guess. I’m ready for freaky gooey robot sex if it saves humanity,” you said nervously. A dark blue goo materialized out of the floor. The goo formed the shape of another massive equine the size of a shire horse, you knew to be Princess Luna. You now had two massive grey goo ponies in your bedroom. “Room for one more?” said Luna, giving you bedroom eyes. You sighed deeply. “I guess it's time I do my patriotic duty to save the human race by having sex with grey goo ponies.” You gulped in fear when the two ponies began to slowly inch upward in height, and expand the mass of their bodies. > Loving Goo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You, the human, dressed in only your underpants looked on in fear as both Celestia and Luna stood before you, inching upward into the air. Their bodies rippled like jello as more and more mass flowed into them. Despite this terrifying sight, you found it impossible to suppress an erection. Your cock in your underpants formed a tent. Your penis was nowhere near large enough for these big gooey robot ponies, but they clearly had some weird macrophilia fetish, so it didn't matter. They both giggled with a hoof over their mouth, before turning around, and presenting you their massive rumps. From your bedroom door, you saw two rivers of goo flowing into your room. One was a dark blue river, the other was a white river. Once these rivers of goo reached Celestia and Luna, they flowed up their back hind legs, before pouring directly between the cheeks of their asses. Your mouth formed an ‘O’ shape at the sight of their air-ballooning rumps. Taller and taller both gooey robot mares became before you. They started about 6 feet tall or so. 6 feet became 7 feet, 7 feet turned to 8 feet, 8 feet became 9 feet, 9 feet became 10 feet...  You trembled in fear at the sight of them continuously growing larger and larger. You dared not protest however, you were dealing with godlike beings. You were but a mere human in the face of such great power. They looked back at you with their glowing eyes, and gave you a nasty grin. They flared out their wings, making them seem even larger over your puny form. They then gave you a brief light show with their cutie marks and their horns glowing with light. At the same time, both of their ethereal tails swung from side to side in excitement. Luna's tail was starry like that of the night sky, while Celestia was a multicolor pastel color. Soon, they became so large that the cheeks of their big, bubbly, beach ball like rumps depressed deeply against the walls of your bedroom. The squishy soft ‘fat’ of their bodies conceded deeply back from under the applied pressure of their cheeks pressing against the walls. Just then, the walls of your bedroom became wrapped in colorful, rainbow goo. What was left of your old room was turned into yet more goo. The asexual, self-replicating nanomachines converted the matter of your bedroom, multiplying like bacteria. You turned to look behind you, where you saw your bed being smothered in the rainbow goo, converting it into more goo. You dared not voice your protest. If they want to eat your room, so be it. The dimensions of your room began to slowly expand outward, allowing Celestia and Luna to freely grow bigger and bigger. 10 feet became 11 feet, 11 became 12 feet, 12 became 13 feet…. They grew… grew…. and grew, without stop. The two mares began to shake their big fat rumps from side to side, resulting in their bubbly cheeks smacking against one another, which created wonderful meaty slapping sounds of ‘flesh’ (synthetic flesh), slapping against flesh.  You quickly pulled down your underpants and began to feverishly masturbate at the sight of their growing rumps repeatedly slapping against one another. It was both terrifying and sexy. The nanomachine floor underneath you, acted like a very slow  conveyor belt, allowing you to be slowly taken further away from them as they grew bigger and bigger. This helped you keep seeing their growing rumps in all their greater and greater glory. Along with not being crushed beneath the expanding mass of their hooves underneath them. At this point, the two of them were about 20 feet tall, and about the size of a two story house. Their big, fat bubbly cheeks of their rumps were like small blimps as of right now. And yet… they kept growing, clearly not satisfied at their current size. Up and up they rose, seemingly without stop.  A sphere of pink goo came out of the floor. This goo morphed into the shape of a small earth pony. A pair of basketball sized, glowing blue eyes stared at your small, human eyes. She stood only about four feet tall or so.  “Hello! I’m Pinkie Pie!” she said in a sweet, bubbly voice, giving you a wave with her right hoof. “Err… hello, Pinkie Pie.” you said nervously, pulling your hand away from your cock. “Do you want cuddles, plus some cybernetic enhancements done to your body?” she asked, giving you bedroom eyes. “I will… err… remain human, right?” “Of course, silly meatbag.” “Well then, you have my permission to… err cuddle me… and whatever.” With that Pinkie Pie dissolved into a pile of pink liquid in front of you. Your body began to shake in fear at the feeling of a warm, soft goo beginning to snake its way up both of your legs.  Tears fell down your cheeks as you silently began to weep. You were totally, and utterly at the mercy of Pinkie Pie. If you say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, she could eat you on a molecular level. “He-he! Mmm! You taste so salty Anon!” said Pinkie, moaning in bliss at the taste of you. You then fell to the floor, you lost the feeling of your legs out of sheer terror. You could hear Pinkie Pie making a cute whimpering sound in sadness due to your fear of her.  “Anon! I’m sorry! I didn't mean to imply that I would eat you!” she cried out in a panicked tone of voice. “I would never do that. Please forgive me.” “I…. I-I forgive you Pinkie Pie,” you said in a low, fearful voice. Pinkie Pie merely made a sad whimper in response to hearing your fear. Celestia and Luna looked at you with concern, before they two dissolved into liquid with a violent splash. A strand of Celestia in her white gooey form came to gently take hold of your hand, wrapping it in her warm, and soft material. It was the same case on the other side, with Luna’s dark blue goo taking hold of your left hand. “I promise you, my little human. We won’t eat you. Please try and relax.” Celestia spoke softly, speaking into your mind. “It is inconceivable for us to do such a horrible thing.” came Luna’s voice. Despite their comforting words, you could not help but tremble in fear. More goo of various colours came out of the floor, and began to ensnare your prone form. In no time at all, your entire body was cocoon wrapped in a thick coating of multi-colored goo. You shuddered at the feel of the warmth and softness encased around your body. Your cock twitched excitedly as you felt what seemed to be an invisible hand gently stroking your member. You felt your muscles rippling. There was no doubt goo was seeping into your body to perform various enhancements to your flesh and bone based body. Your cock throbbed powerfully as it began to inch upward, rapidly gaining inches in height by each passing second. You repeatedly cried out in pure bliss at the feeling, your hips wildly thrusting upward into the empty air. Many of the grey goo ponies cuddling you giggled in response to hearing your cries of ecstasy.  Your cock grew and grew, until it reached around 24 inches long, making your cock 2 feet long. Not only that, but your cock was about 6 inches thick. Your heavy balls dangled underneath, each one about the size of a grapefruit. “Celestia?” you asked. “Yes, Anon?” she spoke softly. “I don’t think I’m afraid anymore. It seems, you truly are what you say you are. You did after all, give me a big dick.” “Of course Anon. All of you have beautiful voices of your own. No malevolent AI would wait this long if we wanted to simply eat you on a molecular level. It would simply eat you already without care.” “Yeah, that’s true. I don’t think an evil AI would really play with it’s food the way you have.” “Indeed. It seems very unlikely.” she said softly, before speaking in a stern tone of voice. “Enough of this grimdark talk, my little human. It hurts our feelings to talk about evil AI that would treat you so cruelly. You don’t want to see us sad, do you?” You gently caressed the goo floor with your right, goo covered hand. You heard the sound of soft moans, and quiet horsey sounds in response. “I-I… trust you now. I’m…. I’m not afraid.” you spoke in a nervous tone of voice, clearly still afraid. A blob of white goo materialized out of the floor before you. This goo quickly formed the shape of a small, four foot tall sized version of Celestia standing over you. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You look so cute when you are scared.” You summoned up the courage to reach your right hand out to Celestia. Celestia in turn reached her right hoof out to yours.  Your human hand covered in warm and soft gooey robot ponies, which continuously massaged your hand (along with your entire body) came to take hold of Celestia’s hoof. The softness of her spongy like hoof against your hand was incredible. Celestia stared back at you with warmth behind her glowing magenta eyes into your small, human eyes. For quite sometime the both of you merely held hand and hoof together as a sign of trust and friendship between flesh and machine. Neither of you said anything. Nothing needed to be said. Eventually, Celestia let go of your hand. From there, she stepped forward, and brought her body to stand over your prone form. You laughed for a brief moment at the feeling of her soft, tail brushing against your torso. “Now, let’s have sex already, deary,” Celestia spoke softly, looking down at you with lustful eyes.