> Rubber All Over > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Padded Spelunking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was an idiot. As much as a lady such as herself should hate to admit that, it was woefully true. She shuddered to think of all the missed opportunities her mistake had cost her these past few months. All because she hadn’t thought to do the obvious thing and go gem hunting with Maud. Rarity descended the steps into Maud’s underground home with a happy trot, despite her idiocy. Somehow she had let two whole months of Maud living next door (or… under door?) to her without asking the rock-savy mare for help finding gemstones.  Sure Rarity had her magic to uncover gems, but her own knowledge of them didn’t extend beyond how pretty they looked when paired with fabric. And of course there was Spike, the ever helpful dear that he was. But all he knew about gems were how good they tasted. Between the two of them they’d never be able to tell Jennamite from Tritanium. But Maud? With her rocktorate degree and general nerdiness for all things involving stone, she was the perfect partner to help Rarity in her new gem hunt. Not to mention her immense strength made the threat of Diamond Dogs a lot less scary. Which is why it hurt so much that she’d taken forever to realize this. “Hello Maud!” Rarity called out to the Pie sister’s home. The underground cavern Maud had adopted carried her voice much further than she intended. To the point where Rarity blushed a little in embarrassment. Quite the echo. Though I guess that’s not really an issue for somepony like Maud. The renovated cavern was a genuinely beautiful sight. The crystal clear pond and gentle waterfall dominated most of the space. It drew the eye to the speck of land hugging the wall. Colorful crystal poked out from the ceiling and walls, illuminating the sunless room. The only truly unnatural addition was the tented platform that housed Maud’s things. As Rarity moved through the scenery, she saw her friend’s head poking out from behind her bed, which turned when her reverberated greeting finally reached her ears. “Hello Rarity,” came Maud’s even tone. She didn’t carry nearly the excitement in her voice that Rarity did. But that was typical of Maud. Rarity was certain she was eager, in her own way. After all, they were hunting for a particularly rare gem today. Even this geology nerd wouldn’t be able to contain her anticipation before too long. “Thank you so much for helping me today, darling!” Rarity said as she approached Maud’s bedroom. “I hope I’m not distracting you from your own work.” “It’s no problem, Rarity. I’m happy to help.” From anypony else, that amount of deadpan would have been sarcasm. But Rarity knew Maud was sincere… in her own way. “And I’m happy to have you,” Rarity said as she rounded the corner of the bed. “So are you ready to… go…” She froze, looking down at the sitting Earth pony in sudden disbelief. Maud was wearing a diaper. Her frock lifted up as she fiddled with the mass of padding. It wasn’t a thin piece of plastic. No, this thing poofed. So much so that Maud’s hind legs were spread apart. Did she shove a pillow in that thing or was it just supposed to be that big? And it was patterned, too. Pink balloons and red hearts were printed all over the padding. Poking out down below were three lines of frills that assuredly went across the seat of the diaper. Rarity blinked once. Twice. Five more times. Her brain was struggling to comprehend what she was looking at. “I just need one more minute,” Maud said as she smoothed down the tapes of the garment, her voice as unfazed as always. Was she not the least bit embarrassed about her attire? “U-U-U-Uh.” Rarity shook her head. “Maud!” “Rarity.” “What in Celestia’s name are you doing to yourself?!” Maud followed Rarity’s shocked gaze down to her padding. Then, bluntly, “I’m putting on a diaper.” “Yes, but—” Rarity struggled to sum up her feelings on the matter succinctly. Then she found the word she needed. “Why?” Maud’s slow, deliberate blink spoke to her own confusion. “What do you mean?” Rarity pointed. And pointed and pointed and pointed. “You— You’re just wearing— It’s a diaper, Maud! You’re a grown pony! I don’t understand.” “It’s an adult diaper, Rarity.” She clenched her jaw. Pure shock was getting her nowhere in this conversation. She took a deep breath, and mustered the polite shrillness this situation required. “Maud, why are you wearing a diaper?” Maud’s mouth twitched a fraction of a centimeter. It wasn’t something Rarity could pick up, but it was the most confused the Earth pony could look at the moment. Tilting her head, she asked. “I don’t understand. Haven’t you gone gem hunting before?” “Numerous times,” Rarity answered, unable to remove her eyes from the diaper. “But what does that have to do with anything?” Finally, Maud stood up, her crinkly diaper echoing through the cavern. The skirt of her frock fell down, but couldn’t get over the excessive size of the padding. Maud’s legs were also spread comically far apart. She wouldn’t be able to walk like that. At best she’d waddle. “We’re going to be looking all day to find a Latite Exium,” Maud explained. “And there are no bathrooms in the caverns.” Rarity’s mouth was agape. “I thought you would know all this already.” “W-Well, I mean…” Her eyelids gave in to a flustered flutter. “I usually only look above ground, Maud. And I thought... I mean, I assumed you would already know where we’re going. I didn’t plan on being underground for more than a few hours at most.” “Oh, I see.” Understanding dawned on Maud’s face, even if her face didn’t change all that much. “Diapers are standard equipment for geological survey’s these days. I’ve gotten used to them these past couple of years.” “Years?” Rarity jaw introduced itself to the floor. “You’ve been wearing—” Using? “—diapers for years now?” Maud nodded. “And this is normal for gem hunting you said?” Maud nodded again. “And you thought I already knew—” There came the uncomfortable realization. “You thought I used diapers too?!” Her revolted tone shook the cavern. “I’m sorry,” Maud explained. “I’d just assumed everypony who likes rocks wore diapers.” “That’s… that’s quite an assumption to make, Maud.” Rarity shook her head. There was still a question burning in her mind. “But why pick ones that look like that? And why so big?” Maud looked back at her bulging rear. The frills and printed pattern were definitely not her usual aesthetic. “Pinkie Pie bought these for me,” she explained. “But I usually get them this big. There’s a company in Cloudsdale that manufactures clouds into the lining, so they absorb more.” “A-Absorb more…?” Rarity shuddered at the idea of what “more” referred to. “Nevermind, darling.” Maud tilted her head again. “Does my diaper bother you?” “No!” Rarity insisted, much too quickly. “Uhm, no, darling. I understand you must do what you must. It’s just… new to me.” And absolutely disgusting! As off kilter as Rarity was now, she still knew to hold comments like that in. Nothing good would come from demeaning Maud for something that was apparently normal. But that didn’t mean she could just move on from such a bizarre paradigm shift. Maybe Rarity had just gotten lucky all her time hunting gems. A lady learned to control her bladder, after all. She must just be in a better spot than most geologists were. Maud turned around, and picked something off of her nightstand. “Will you not be needing this, then?” Swinging back around, she revealed a folded square of padding, with a design matching her own in all but color, this one being purple. Rarity’s jaw hung open at the diaper being offered to her. Swallowing her disgust, she reminded herself that this was not an attempt to offend her. “No,” she replied curtly, but still turning her nose up at the offer. “I’m quite alright.” Then, through tightened teeth. “Thank you for asking, darling.” “Okay.” Maud tucked the diaper into the pocket of her saddlebags, splayed across her bed. At first Rarity assumed Maud was planning on her needing it later, and bit her lip to quell her rage. Then she breathed out, calmed down, and realized it was probably just a spare. “I don’t think you’ll even need to wear one yourself,” Rarity confidently said. “I told you about my gem locating spell, didn’t I?” “You did.” Maud flung her saddlebags over her back. She made no effort to remove her diaper. Rarity wanted to groan, but held it back. She didn’t want to be rude, but it made her a little uncomfortable that Maud was going on this hunt diapered. Aside from the potential smells that already had Rarity gagging, it was just… wrong looking. A grown mare wearing a diaper was ridiculous. Unbecoming. Uncouth. Well, no matter, Rarity failed to convince herself. With my magic helping us, she’ll never get a chance to use that thing! She had planned for this to be a simple adventure. In and out. A twenty minute hunt, if you will. Soon Maud would see how unnecessary her choice of garment was and feel embarrassed that she ever brought it. “Well then, let’s go!” Rarity said, trying to smooth out the awkward crack in her voice. She turned to the tunnel entrance at the end of Maud’s home that would take them into the caverns. “We have a gem to find!” Maud nodded, waddling ahead as tiny crinkles chased after her. “I’m very excited.” Rarity just sighed at the deadpan diaper-wearer. “G-Glad to hear, darling.” Latite Exium, most commonly referred to as The Rubber Gem, was a truly special breed of magical gemstone. It’s smooth, shiny surface gave off the appearance of latex, and supposedly even felt like it, according to the few souls who dared to touch it. The handful of unearthed ones were studied relentlessly, and safeguarded behind an absurd amount of lock and key nonsense. If Rarity had been able, she would have just purchased one. But the few universities and institutions in possession of them refused any request.  They were just too dangerous. As it turned out, The Rubber Gem didn’t just have the properties of latex, it could make it too. Putting the gem in contact with anything other than the ground itself, and it would quickly envelope it’s target in the rubbery substance. Rarity had read about dozens of experiments regarding this gem. It didn’t matter if it was a porcelain tea set, a bale of hay, or a brick wall. And it usually took on the properties of whatever it covered to. Not to mention any sized Rubber Gem would coat any sized thing in seconds.  Those poor ponies who had seen fit to touch it bare hooved had soon found themselves encased in a latex bodysuit. It had taken researchers and doctors alike days to free them each time, the latex binding to their skin in such a way that it was nearly impossible to remove. Not to mention the rubber pinned Pegasi wings to their bodies and choked unicorn horns to uselessness. Those were the dangers floating around in Rarity’s mind, but she was just as caught up in the benefits. Just think of the clothes she could make! Latex and rubber outfits were set to be in again in just a season, so many in the fashion world had been trying to acquire Rubber Gems besides just her. Their benefits far outweighed the risks as far as many were concerned. Especially when you just had to exercise a little caution. Just the ability to change a dress made out of cheaper fabric into a chic latex one in the blink of an eye was tantalizing. But there were many possibilities. Latex accessories, accents, suits, even casual wear! With one of these gems Rarity would be set for the entirety of next season, which is why she simply had to have one! Besides, with her magic she’d never be in danger of actually touching the gem itself, so what did she have to worry about? Getting a Rubber Gem meant she had nothing to lose and everything to gain! The only problem was it was taking forever. Rarity didn’t quite know how long they’d been underground, but it was definitely longer than twenty minutes. She must have illuminated hundreds of buried gems so far and had yet to find what she needed. The elusive Rubber Gem wasn’t just going to show up for her, that was for sure. It didn’t help that Maud wasn’t making for the best company. Or rather, her diaper wasn’t. As the stone-faced mare waddled in front of her, she gave Rarity a front row seat to her massive diapered butt. The cramped tunnel didn’t allow for her to move to the side, either. She just got a face full of poof forced on her. And the crinkling. Sweet Celestia the crinkling. It was an incessant noise. Each step, each shift of Maud’s flank, sent that infernal diaper into a cacophony. She had no idea how Maud tolerated the sound, because it was already driving her insane. “Any sign of it yet?” Rarity expanded her spell, revealing more gems buried in the walls around them. “Not yet,” came Maud’s even reply. “We’ll probably need to move on to the next quadrant soon.” Rarity wanted to groan. Next quadrant? That meant there were four total, right? If they’d spent all this time on only one she might just cry. Her hooves were sore. She was sweating. Worst of all, her bladder ached. She really hadn’t expected to be down here this long. Perhaps the Rubber Gem was more rare than she had been led to believe. “Maud I—Oof!” Rarity rammed into something soft and poofy. Maud had stopped without warning, leaving Rarity to get intimate with her diaper. The absurd fluff contorted around Rarity’s snout, the frills tickling her chin. She leapt backward the instant she realized what had happened. “Gah! Maud!” The pony idly looked back. “Oh, sorry.” “S-Sorry?!” Rarity sputtered, face red as hearts and balloons danced in her vision. Maud pointed to one of the gems glowing from behind the rock. “I was just admiring this bismuth sample.” Rarity wanted to groan. Really? “That’s… nice, darling. But could we please hurry? We’ve been searching for so long already.” Maud blinked with confusion. “What are you talking about? We only just started.” “Only jus— Maud! We’ve been down here for hours.” “Yes.” This was apparently no big deal to her. Rarity squeezed her hind legs together. Suddenly that pressure in her hips was mounting. Maybe it was the threat of being down here for even longer, or maybe it was the fact that she was never used to particularly involved gem hunts the way geologists apparently were. Regardless, she was in the need for trip to the ladies room.  “Maybe we should go back for a break…” Rarity tried. No, that wouldn’t work. If it had taken them hours to get out here, even with all their searching and dead-end turning, it would still take them a long time to get back. Did she really think she could hold it until then? “If we went home now we’ll never find a Latite Exium.” Maud looked her over. “What’s actually wrong, Rarity?” “Nothing, I—” she winced as a particularly powerful pang punched her pelvis. “A-Actually, I do need to… step down the hall, as it were.” Maud cocked her head. “What hall?” Rarity groaned. “I need to use the powder room, Maud.” “I think your makeup looks fine.” A long sigh escaped Rarity. How much more uncouthly could she put it? Another aching pain hit her. “I need to use the restroom!” “Oh. Why didn’t you just say so?” Rarity relaxed a bit, content that now Maud would take her issue seriously. Then she watched in abject horror as her guide pulled some familiar purple-printed padding from her saddlebags. “Here you go.” She should have seen this coming. Rarity grimaced at the sight of the garment. Then her face contorted even more due to her aching bladder. “Maud, I can’t… you don’t expect me to actually wear that, do you?” “But you need to go to the bathroom,” Maud pointed out. The diaper inched closer to Rarity’s face. “So here you go.” “Maud, please…” Rarity whined. She was a lady for Celestia’s sake, how was this even being floated as a possibility? Rarity was really regretting everything right about now. Her own overconfidence, a lack of preparation, asking Maud for help. Just… everything. But regrets weren’t going to solve her problem. The more pain she felt, the more she thought about her full bladder. The more she thought about it, the more pain she felt. It was a vicious ouroboros of desperation. One that would run out of tail to eat soon, no matter what she did. Options! Rarity thought desperately. What are my options here? Well, not much. Either she ran back as fast as she could, suffering all the way, for the hope that she’d reach a bathroom in time. But more than likely she’d have an accident during the bolt home and have to shamefully trudge back with pee dribbling down her legs. Rarity recoiled at the idea. So that was a definite no. She could dig a hole and simply… relieve herself in that, only to bury the evidence. You know, like some common animal. She needed a fainting couch right about now. Her only other option was… The diaper. Face scrunched and red, Rarity ripped the padded garment from Maud’s grip. “Fine!” she huffed. She pinched the corner of the diaper, magic holding it at a distance. Her face contorted, not even trying to hide how she abhorred the padded square. Maud sat down, air hissing as her plot compressed her own diaper. “Do you need help?” She gestured to the ground. “I can change you.” “A-Absolutely n—” Rarity bit her tongue. Her revulsion couldn’t make her forget her manners. “I’m quite alright, Maud. Thank you.” “Okay.” The mare stayed seated, waiting. There was no delaying it anymore. Another pang from her bladder forced Rarity to realize that. Her magic gripped the… the thing. Her teeth practically curled in discomfort as she unfolded it.  She slipped it behind her. Magic threaded her tail through the little hole in the back. The sides wrapped around her pelvis. Padding warped to cover her plot. The tapes smoothed down and… It was the worst possible thing. The. Worst. Possible. Thing! Rarity was wearing a diaper. Gritting her teeth, she looked back to Maud with a blush across her cheeks. The stone-faced stone-lover gestured with her head, as if encouraging Rarity to go. She fired back with a wince. Despite nature’s call ringing her like crazy, Rarity couldn’t pick up that phone. It wasn’t just that it was so undignified, either. Years of potty training pushed back at the purple padding at her waist. She couldn’t just force herself to leak. Maud made no effort to continue on. She just. Kept. Staring. Rarity had to force an awkward grin and assure her she’d take care of her tinkles shortly to get her to start walking again. When they did, Rarity found herself at a disadvantage right away. Her padded gait was so far apart that it was already a challenge to hold back her bursting bladder. Walking was double the trouble. She couldn’t keep her legs closed at all! And try just sent a flood of padding into her nethers. Rarity could barely hold back a squeak each time it happened. Slowly, but painfully surely, each step worked away at her self control. Desperation finally won out, and Rarity felt herself let go. Hissssss. She whimpered, biting her lip. Tears wanted to spring to her eyes, but she was not about to let her mascara run. She was peeing herself. Wet, hot, stick pee escaped her bladder. It’s short-lived freedom consisted of a journey straight into her pampers. They did their job, absorbing whatever she could throw at it. As disgusting, debasing, and demoralizing as it was to use her diapers like a bedwetting filly, Rarity also had to admit: it felt damn good. Her eyes rolled back a bit from the sheer relief. “Mmmph…” Maud’s ears flicked. She looked back to see the pissy pony behind her. Rarity still had a few good seconds of wetting herself left, and looked away to avoid eye contact. But the red on her cheeks swelled to occupy her whole face. Finally, the faucet turned off, first dribbling and then stopping. Rarity let out a long sigh, and was unable to avoid looking at Maud anymore. “Well, I… erhem… I’m done.” “All right.” Maud turned and started walking again. “W-Wait a minute!” Rarity cried. She succeeded in getting Maud’s attention again. “You wouldn’t have any, um… wipes, or anything would you?” A slow blink. “You know, to clean myself?” “Do you need a change?” Maud asked. “A chan—” Rarity’s voice cracked. A diaper change?! “Maud I just need to take this diaper off and clean myself. It’s filthy!” “Let me see.” Maud indicated for her to turn around. Rarity chewed her lip, shuffling in place for a moment. But… Maud was the diaper expert here. It must’ve been important. She faced back the way they came. “I’ll even settle for paper towels or sOOOOOMMmmetHIIIING!” crinkle squish A hoof found her wet diaper, and pressed inward. Rarity retreated, and whipped around, beet red from embarrassment, fiery red from anger. “Maud what are you doing?” “Giving you a diaper check.” It was so non-chalant… “A check?!” Rarity exclaimed. “Maud you already know I—” A beat. She lowered her voice and spoke through clenched teeth. “Relieved myself.” “Yes. But it’s not very full. You can still use it a few more times before you need a change.” “EXCUSE ME?!” Rarity’s voice could’ve shattered glass. Her diaper sloshed with every sway of her hip! Not very full indeed! “You can still use it a few more times before you need a change,” Maud reiterated, as though the problem was Rarity hadn’t heard her. “Maud!” she accused. “You can not be serious. I’m not using this nor any other diaper ever again. I want to take it off now and clean myself up.” Maud’s lips almost dipped to a frown. “Rarity, I know you’re not used to this, but you have to understand this is about efficiency. If you can still fill up your diaper it’s better to leave it on. I was only able to fit in one extra diaper for each of us with all the other equipment.” Efficiency. Extra diapers. Those words meant nothing to Rarity. All she could understand right now was that this pony before her was insisting she keep a sopping wet diaper on her plot for the privilege of making it even more sopping wet in the future.  “So what? I’m just supposed to… to walk around like some foal who soiled herself?” Rarity demanded.  “Yes. That’s a good analogy.” “Errrgh!” Rarity threw up her hooves in disgust. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been wet for a little while now.” Maud squished the seat of her diaper with her hoof. Rarity’s jaw hit the ground. Maud had peed herself surreptitiously? How had she avoided whining to high heaven about it until now? These geologists are truly made of something else, she decided. “I… I just…” Rarity wanted to go home. This shameful display had gone on for too long already. If not for the fact that she absolutely had to have a Rubber Gem, she might’ve. Instead, she fell in line, hanging her head and grumbling her acknowledgement to Maud. They continued on again, the stench of pee now clinging to the air. Rarity wanted to at least rip off the damp diaper she was wearing, but knew if she did the remnants of her bathroom break would scurry down her hind legs. That was just disgusting enough to convince her to stay padded. For now. The two pamper-piddlers descended further into the rocky caverns. Rarity must’ve cast her gem finding spell hundreds upon hundreds of times. Each time, Maud would merely shake her head and they’d be on their way. Before Rarity hadn’t been too bothered by it. Now she definitely was, knowing each head shake meant who knows how much longer she’d have to spend in her solid diaper. Hours passed.  Lunch came and went. Maud’s thermos of rock soup looked particularly… crunchy. Rarity’s tupperware filled with salad was hard to enjoy given her circumstances. She refused to sit for her meal like Maud did, wanting to avoid squishing her pamps as much as possible. Her legs cried out in revolt at the idea; so much time walking was getting to be too much for them. All four were ignored. She got used to walking in her wet diaper, loathe as she was to admit it. Rarity spread her gait twice as wide as the pamper already forced her too, making sure as little pee drench padding rubbed up against her. Her waddled put penguins to shame, and she had time to perfect it on top of that. But she never got used to the squish squish squish that followed her everywhere she went. By afternoon, pressure had returned to Rarity’s hips. And it wasn’t from her bladder. “M...Maud, dearie?” They hadn’t spoken since her outburst from earlier. “How much longer do you expect it to be now?” “We’re almost done with this quadrant.” Was she enthusiastic or depressed? It was impossible to tell. “B-But when will we find a Rubber Gem?” she pressed.  “We may not come across it today at all.” “Urggh…” Just what Rarity needed. Going home empty hoofed after all of this… it was just not an option. And that went double for doing this all over again tomorrow. “Step aside, Maud!” Rarity pushed through the narrow cavern to take the lead. The side of her diaper squished up against Maud’s as she passed, but she did everything in her power to ignore it. She may not have been a rock expert, but Rarity was taking charge of this expedition. Her horn transformed into a gem finding machine, lighting up more of the cavern than ever before. “No getting distracted!” Rarity declared, grabbing Maud’s hoof as the mare’s eyes wandered to quartz embedded beside them. She led her padded partner through the next stretch of cave. She took turns willy-nilly. She raced through emptier passages. She kept a perpetual wince on her face as her wet diaper rubbed up against her from all the motion. But at last--at last--Maud tugged at her foreleg and pointed. “There it is.” Rarity looked, and saw it. Buried in a crevice not ten feet away, a rock illuminated by her magic. It’s smoothness was uncanny, and there was a shine to it that even rare gemstones couldn’t emulate. Maud was right; it was the Latite Exium. She squealed, dancing in place. At least, until her squishy diaper chastised her for it. Another ping from her bowels reminded her that it could only get worse if they didn’t hurry. “Quickly darling, dig it out!” Maud pulled a modest-sized pickaxe from her saddlebags, and went to work at the wall. Despite her overwhelming strength, she was quite delicate, possibly due to the danger that was involved. But Rarity’s bowels weren’t pleased by the slow-going of the excavation. She could tell this was going to get worse before it got better. After chipping away for a bit, Maud’s pickaxe suddenly changed. A goopy substance rushed over it, and she dropped it from her mouth just before it could touch her. The tool clattered to the ground, not making a metal-like sound at all. It was covered in latex. Rarity knew this meant they’d hit paydirt. After waiting just a moment to make sure the pickaxe was safe to touch again, Maud wielded it anew to embiggen the crack in the wall. Now that it had already touched the Rubber Gem, there was really no worry. Maud hacked away and had a chunk of the cave destroyed in no time. And there it was. “Eeeehehehehehehee!” Rarity squealed, her magic plucking the rock from the wall. It was hers, it was finally hers! The Rubber Gem wasn’t big. Smaller than a softball, in fact. It’s shape was oblong, but it wasn’t bumpy in the slightest. Rarity’s telekinesis turned it over in the air again and again, as she admired it. Then a rather violent lurch from her bowels brought her back to reality. “Let’s go,” she insisted, pointing back the way they came. Maud’s hoof was in her saddlebag. “Are you sure? We should at least cover it with--” “No! No time, I… erhem, I’m in a hurry, darling. Besides, my magic is more than capable of handling this.” If they rushed home, maybe maybe maybe Rarity could get back in time to use Maud’s bathroom. “I’m not too sure about that,” Maud admitted. Her tone was worried, but how was Rarity supposed to know? “Oh hush.” Rarity grabbed her partner’s hoof again, and began leading them out of the cave. They made it a good five minutes before Rarity could deny it no longer. “M...Maud…” she said quietly, letting her hoof fall. The rock nerd seemed to sense the distress in her voice. “If… hypothetically… I were to use my diaper again, would you change me immediately?” “If it was too full to ignore, then yes.” Oh it’s about to be. Rarity could tell it was about to get bad. She tried crossing her legs to stop it, but gasped as cold, damp padding rushed into her marehood. That wasn’t an option; which meant holding it wasn’t an option. “Th-Then could you please turn around a-and… cover your ears? To give a lady a little privacy.” Maud’s eyes widened ever so slightly. Pure shock. “Oh…” She obliged, looking the other way, hooves in her ears. “Errff! U-Unnh! Aaoohh!” Rarity sucked in air. Once. Twice. I can do this. I can do this. I. Can. Do. This. She’d only be messy for a moment. A second. Then Maud would give her a fresh diaper and a means to clean herself. She was so desperate, in the moment Rarity didn’t even realize she should only want one of those things. Her plot raised skyward. She held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut. A deep, low toot split the silence in the cave. Rarity didn’t poop. She didn’t mess herself. She mudslided. Crying out in shame, relief, and disgust, Rarity felt the violent evacuation of her bowels. It was almost like everything wanted to get out in one go, slamming into the wall of her padding with such force that the bulky diaper bulged out right away. The purple padding hadn’t built up a wet spot outside from the pee, it was just too poofy for that. But it turned brown almost immediately. Rarity gasped and huffed as more came. The second wave was like an earthquake through her body. Her shudder was a 9.0, easily. Even more mess barreled into her diaper. What was already there didn’t have time to settle; it was just pushed around to unsullied corners of her derriere to make way for more. And the smell. The rancor. Maybe the musty air of the cave just made it worse, but Rarity wanted to gag immediately. She could feel it too. The hot, steam mess encroached on every corner of her padded plot. Nothing was sacred, but soon everything was gross and warm. Eventually, mercifully, it drew to a close. Rarity was left gasping and rasping. She felt so empty. “Okay…” she huffed. “I… I’m doOOOOOoooOOOOnnnnne!” A hoof found her raised plot, squishing the incalculable mess inside her padding against her.  Rarity’s magic nearly cut out. She whipped her head around to see Maud behind her. Fondling. Her. Filthy. Diaper! “What in Equestria are you doing?!” Rarity shouted. “Diaper check.” Maud’s voice wasn’t even compromised with gagging. What, did she like the smell of Rarity’s bombardment? “I don’t think you’re quite full enough for a change.” “You don’t thi--” Rarity saw red, and only partially because of her boiling cheeks. “Maud I eviscerated my diaper, are you kidding me?” “It’s not even sagging,” Maud pointed out. “You have plenty of room for more.” Had Rarity not been feeling the most incomprehensible mixture of rage and humiliation right then, she might’ve been impressed with her padding’s capacity. “Well I say otherwise! Get this horrid thing off of me!” “Hmm… I suppose I can check again if you’re so sure.” “Wait don’t--” Too late. Maud’s hoof found her crotch this time, a byproduct of Rarity’s flanks trying to dodge her. She elicited a short, sharp scream at the sensation, and this time her magic really did cut out. The Rubber Gem seemed to hand in the air above them for an impossibly long moment. And then it began to fall. Rarity turned around, not even perturbed by the slushing of her filthy padding as she did. She fired off a new telekinesis spell, but aimed for where the stone had been, not where it was. It was falling, and instinctively, Rarity leapt forward, hooves outstretched to catch it. Only once it was too late did she realize that had been the wrong choice. She missed with her hooves, always so uncoordinated. But the Rubber Gem hit her directly in the chest. The next instant, her momentum carried her, and the stone, into Maud. The effect was immediate. Goopy latex poured out of the Rubber Gem, and began to envelop the two mares. They had seconds to react, and it was a mess of panicked fumbling. Maud ended up on her back, Rarity on top of her, and the gem wedged between them. Latex wrapped around both of them in one continuous piece, making no distinction for the fact that they were two different mares. Rarity’s forelegs ended up pinned at Maud’s sides as the cool rubbery substance molded over her. Maud’s forelegs her a tangle, but the latex flattened them against Rarity’s back, forcing them to hug. Their padded crotches, Rarity’s mess and Maud’s wet, were slammed into each other. The goop completely covered them and their diapers, and squeezed Rarity’s tightly against her pelvis, only exacerbating how gross it all was. “AHH--Mmmph!” Rarity’s cry was silenced. As the goop swallowed both mare’s heads, it forced them together as tightly as it possibly could. Rarity’s lips met Maud’s, and despite a struggle it was too late to end up in any other position. The last thing Rarity saw before the all-consuming latex ate her face was Maud’s eyes. They held the first real emotion she’d ever seen in them: fear. And then darkness. The two were completely covered in latex. And, as the goop settled down, it molded itself skin tight against them. The only opening left was at their nostrils, where the latex had covered them too, but left many tiny, practically unseeable holes for airflow. The holes were plentiful enough that both mares could breath, though it would be uncomfortable at best. The not-even-pinprick sized openings were so small that while air may get in, odors couldn’t get out. And almost right away, the rancid stench of Rarity’s decimated diaper was the only thing either mare could smell. They struggled and squirmed against these new bindings, diapers squishing and smushing together. Very quickly Rarity realized they were practically humping each other. Which, when combined with their eternal kiss, was not a situation she wanted to think about. But she also couldn’t stop struggling. What else was there to do? Lie still hours deep in this empty cave, miles underground? She tried to summon her magic, but true to the rumors about the Rubber Gem, it snuffed her horn out. They were trapped! Who cares if they could breathe foul, disgusting air, if they couldn’t get out of this latex-y trap, they were doomed! Oh Maud, why couldn’t you have at least changed my diaper first? Rarity whined internally. Her flailing ended up flipping them over, and suddenly Rarity's mushy butt was pressed against the ground. Maud still hadn’t stopped her own struggle. Her hind legs had ended up spread wide, so she was able to use them to brace against the ground in a way Rarity wasn’t. Unfortunately, it did no good for their escape. In fact, all it allowed Maud was a much more convenient position with which to unintentionally hump Rarity. “MMMMM!” She steamed into their kiss. Their lips were smashed together so tightly that it wasn’t a comfortable experience.  Eyes squeezed shut or open didn’t matter; there was only black latex to see. But her eyes stayed shut regardless, her whole face contorting in disgust. From the smell, from the messy diaper grinding, from everything! She could still feel the Latite Exium pressed between their chests. It seemed to taunt her now, as though asking her if tempting fate for the forbidden rock had been worth it. Well Rarity could confidently say that it wasn’t. But there was no time to celebrate in learning that lesson, as the smooth, slick sensation of the latex seemed to constrict against her with every thrust from Maud’s hips. It would be almost ten hours before Pinkie Pie would get worried about her missing sister and use her Pinkie Sense to find them. It would be a lot, lot longer before Twilight figured out a way to free them. Though Rarity and Maud had no way of knowing now, it would be at least five weeks before a real solution would come along to get them out of the latex. Twilight’s magic would be able to rip small holes in it, but with the Rubber Gem still pressed against their bodies, it would seal any opening almost instantly. Still, it would be enough that Twilight could slip straws into their mouths and keep them fed with slushified food. But changing their diapers? That would be an impossibility for days upon days upon days. But at least, according to Maud, her padding still had plenty of room for many more messes to come.