> Theres A Party In My Panties and You're Invited! > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Plain Sight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So what was this spell you wanted to tell me about?” Twilight asked, the unicorn flopping down on the couch that lay at the center of the tree library where she worked and lived. Though it seemed like a normal day in Ponyville, the cute young librarian had donned a rather unique look. Dark, heavy eyeliner accented the mare’s features well, as did the black dress, the cuffs of which were frilled with white lace. A purple silk rope bound her midsection in a bow, and upon her legs were a quartet of tight fishnet stockings. Across from her sat Charlotte, a unique young unicorn with a smirk on her face and a naughty look in her eye. Her long scarlet mane had been secured by a pair of black bows which kept the hair out of her face. The skull choker around her neck would look odd on most ponies, as would her silver ear piercings, but few noticed either due to another prominent feature of hers. Namely the massive throbbing horsecock that fell from between her legs and rested half on the chair she was sitting on. The titanic appendage drooled a thin river of pre which added to the already heavy musky aroma which hung over the futa mare. Not only was her cock utterly enormous while only half hard, on top of being quite pungent but she also had a pair of balls to match. Each one of which contained enough jizz to knock up the population of an entire village while also making it hard for the girl to walk normally. “You remember that limited portal spell I made a few weeks ago right?” Charlotte exclaimed, a lusty twinkle coming to her deep red eyes. “How could I forget? You pumped my belly so full of cum I had to teleport out of the bathroom because the doorway was too narrow to walk through,” Twilight remarked with a slightly nervous tone. “Well I perfected it,” Charlotte declared. “R-really?” Twilight stuttered, a grin spreading across her face. “And you want to test it right?” “Easy there hot stuff. I wouldn't want to impose if you and Spike were up to something,” Charlotte replied, leaning back on her chair. Twilight shook her head. “Spike is off getting gang banged by the cutie mark crusaders again, though he likes to call it community service.” Charlotte drew a sharp breath through her teeth. “Damn I knew that kid would be a slut like you but three at once and with only two holes? He's a brave one.” Twilight chuckled awkwardly, a blush crossing her face. “I’m not the only size queen in this house.” “So it seems,” Charlotte remarked. “So testing,” Twilight announced, leaning forward excitedly. “Or at least I assume that's why you wanted to speak to me?” “You got it slut,” Charlotte admitted. “I was hoping to put the spell through its paces. See how long it could last and the likes.” “Which explains the admittedly cute pair of panties you’ve left out for me how?” Twilight asked, lifting a pair black underwear frilled with white lace that sat on the coffee table between them. “One is mine, the other is yours,” Charlotte began, grabbing the slightly plainer of the two pairs. “By tying the spell to an object it lasts longer.” “Probably requires a lot less magic, on top of making the initial casting quite easy as well,” Twilight added. “Exactly,” Charlotte proclaimed. “I theorize they should last all day, but that's where you come in.” “So I just wear the other and…” realization dawned slowly on the studious mare, a blush growing on her cheeks. “That is so hot.” “We can even make a date of it,” Charlotte offered, flashing the other mare a seductive wink. Twilight shuddered. “That explains why you wanted me to get dressed up.” “And my pair will turn invisible once put on,” Charlotte explained. “So, are you in?” “Of course I am,” Twilight quickly replied. “Like I’d ever say no to getting taken out by the hottest mare in Ponyville.” “And spending all day getting that mare’s dick didn't factor into that answer at all?” Charlotte teased. Twilight giggled. “That may have helped tip the scales in your favor.” “Well then. Shall we get started?” Charlotte offered. Twilight nodded. “Yes please. I’m already sopping wet to be honest.” Charlotte chuckled as she stood up from her chair. “I could smell it the instant I walked in.” “What can I say? That cock of yours is just…” Twilight’s gaze became distant as she stared at the other mare’s dick. “Entrancing.” “That's one way of putting it,” Charlotte remarked. “Now turn those panties inside out and watch the magic.” Twilight nodded, and did as she was told, observing as Charlotte used her magic to push her cock down between her back legs. It took a little bit of maneuvering, but in the end the futa mare had managed to slip the panties around her legs. While at the same time pressing the head of her dick against the black fabric itself, which now glowed faintly. As Charlotte began to pull the undergarments up her legs, Twilight could see the mare’s cockhead poke out of her own pair of panties. “Wait,” Twilight called. “I have an idea.” Charlotte lifted an eyebrow. “Well whatever it is, hurry up and do it. This is rather uncomfortable.” Twilight hopped off the couch, grabbed the slim black underwear and pulled it into place around her waist. She then slipped a hoof between her legs and guided the other mare’s cock into her dripping wet pussy. It took only a single gentle push to get the massive unflared head inside of her, but the second that was done, Twilight let out a sigh. “Fuck that’s good,” Twilight murmured. “You are such a slut for mare cock,” Charlotte remarked with a chuckle. “Only ones as big as yours,” Twilight replied. “So just me then?” Charlotte asked. Twilight smirked. “And princess Celestia.” “By the end of today you’ll forget all about her,” Charlotte declared, grabbing either side of her own panties using her magic and heaving them upwards in a single massive pull. Twilight let out a sharp cry of surprise and pleasure as she felt her pussy go from nearly empty to stuffed to the absolute brim in an instant. An act which might have at one point been impossible due to the titanic appendage’s massive size, though now it was easy. Hours upon hours spent getting your every hole fucked ruthlessly by cocks bigger than one of most pony’s legs had that effect. That didn't mean Twilight wasn't unaffected though, and the unicorn stood there shuddering as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her black dress clung tight to her form, allowing the shape of an enormous mare cock to be visible on the underside of her torso. The sudden penetration was also nearly enough to make the mare cum right then and there but she resisted the pleasure. Breathing heavily, Twilight fought off the urge to tackle Charlotte to the floor and ride the futa mare like there was no tomorrow. A desire which the unicorn only just barely managed to resist acting on, her body slowly relaxing. That didn't mean she could just ignore the absolute monster currently occupying the entirety of her pussy from entrance to womb however. It was simply too large to pretend like it wasn't there and it took all of Twilight’s experience for her breathing to return to normal. Once it did though, the unicorn released a slow shuddering sigh and looked over to a grinning Charlotte. “Ready?” asked the futa mare. Twilight shuddered. “As I’ll ever be.” “Great, then I was thinking we could do some light shopping to get the day really started. After that we’ll grab food and maybe hit up a matiné. What do you think?” Charlotte offered. Twilight shook her head, the pony struggling to focus on anything other than the titanic turgid length filling her utterly. “I’m fine with whatever.” Charlotte chuckled. “Go on then. I wanna see if you can even walk like that.” “O-okay,” Twilight stuttered. The pony put one hoof forward, then another, and was about to follow it with a third when she felt Charlotte’ cock twitch inside of her. Feeling the thick dollop of pre cum splash against her cervix was enough to send a powerful bolt of pleasure up Twilight’s spine. Turning her normal walk into a slightly lopsided affair more akin to that of a drunken stumble. “Oh fuck. Oh goddess above,” Twilight murmured as she awkwardly trotted to the door. “T-there I d-did it.” “Your not out yet,” Charlotte remarked, pointing to the door. “You still gotta get outside.” “R-right,” Twilight murmured. She was about to take the first step when she felt the cock inside of her suddenly pull back, but before she could even turn her head, it thrust forward. With each buck of Charlotte’s hips the futa mare pounded Twilight’s wet, gaping pussy, causing the pony to stumble even more. Now holding onto the door frame for support, Twilight moaned whorishly as her back legs threatened to give out from under her. “Did you think I was only going to put it inside of you and do nothing else?” Charlotte teased. “You know I couldn't be able to resist fucking this tight little pussy of yours.” “F-f-f-fuck,” Twilight muttered, her psusy spasming around the massive length. “That's so good, don't stop.” “We can't finish yet,” Charlotte declared, the pony striding confidently across the room. “Wouldn't want to wear you out before we even start shopping after all.” Twilight shot her lover a glare, though her dour expression was quickly wiped away. “I suppose you have a point,” she admitted. Charlotte grinned, and gave the other pony a firm smack across the backside. “Now come on. I wanna check out that new used book store that opened up on the east side of town.” “Ooh that does sound nice. Though something makes me think you have an ulterior motive,” Twilight replied with a smirk. Charlotte’s smile grew larger still, her cock twitching inside Twilight’s stretched confines. “Don't I always?” Twilight slowly trotted towards the front desk, the unicorn struggling to ignore the turgid length still inside of her. With each step she took the mare felt the cum inside her womb slosh ever so slightly, drawing forth another whimper of pleasure. It was a good thing she wasn't in heat or she’d be knocked up with at least a foal or two, though at this point Twilight was so hot and bothered that she couldn't be certain that she wasn't in heat. That kinda makes it even hotter. Twilight admitted to herself. Upon reaching the front desk of the small book store, Twilight released a small sigh, and gently tapped the bell. While she waited for assistance, the pony glanced over her shoulder where Charlotte was partially obscured by a bookshelf. Though the futa mare seemed interested in a book and wasn't paying attention to Twilight, the librarian could sense her lover was up to something. “Hello there. How can I help you?” offered a young teal colored pegasus with green eyes and a purple mane. “I was hoping you could help me f-f-find…” Twilight’s eyes rolled into the back of her head when she felt the head of Charlotte’s cock slam into her cervix. Over and over the futa mare drilled her cock deep into Twilight’s aching, cum filled sex, causing her belly to slosh ever so slightly. Each time Twilight felt the unflared head of Charlotte’s dick pound against the entrance to her womb Twilight couldn't help but whimper in pleasure. Her internal muscles rippled as the librarian unconsciously gripped down on the massive invader, trying desperately to milk more delicious cum from the other mare’s bottomless balls. “What do you need help with ma’am?” inquired the mare. “I f-found the third book in this series and-” Twilight stuttered before clamping her mouth shut. Charlotte suddenly increased her pace, going from a slow but steady pounding thrusts to an absolutely brutal pussy ruining speed. Forcing Twilight to brace herself against the counter, her back legs quivering from the sheer weight of her pleasure. The unicorn struggled to keep her eyes from rolling back into her head, while at the same time biting back the moan which threatened to spill from her lips. “Are you alright? Should I call someone?” asked the other mare. “Its f-fine,” Twilight quickly interjected, lifting the book. “Do you have the f-first one in this s-series?” “Err yeah let me check,” replied the pony, who pulled an enormous tome from beneath the counter and began to flick through it. While she searched Twilight awkwardly shifted from one leg to the other while a hoof went to her stomach. Though she tried to keep her belly from sloshing around too loudly, it was a difficult task to accomplish. For not only did Charlotte increase the pace of her thrusts but she was also throwing her weight into each motion. “Ahh yes we do,” exclaimed the other mare. “Would you like me to go grab it for you?” “Yes, oh god yes!” Twilight cried. The mare blinked. “That must be a really good book. One second.” Go already! Twilight thought to herself, the pony distinctly aware of her lover flaring inside of her, the first wave of cum already making its way towards Twilight’s womb. The book shop mare turned away and took a step away before with an audible splash, Charlotte’s cum burst past Twilight’s cervix. It was followed closely by a second, third and fourth shot, each one of which forced the librarian’s womb to grow even larger still. Her stomach expanded along with it, extending until the young pony looked three months pregnant. Her dress stretched as well, Twilight’s bow nearly coming undone in the process. “Did you spill something?” asked the mare, who turned back towards Twilight. “I could have heard… Are you okay?” Twilight’s entire body trembled as she orgasmed right there in front of the other pony. “Jusht fine,” she slurred. “Don't mind her. She's just a really big fan of Steven Queen,” Charlotte exclaimed, trotting up next to Twilight. “Ahh okay then. I’ll be right back,” the worker gave Twilight one last glance before turning and trotting away. “I hate you so much right now,” Twilight muttered as the mare awkwardly pulled herself back into a stand. “You love it and you know it,” Charlotte retorted. “Almost ready for some food?” “I’m getting there,” Twilight admitted. “But I’ll be damned if I go through all that and not end up with my book.” Charlotte chuckled. “Fair enough, though she better hurry or I might just dump another load inside that tight pussy of yours.” Twilight blushed. “At this point I don't think it's very tight at all.” “It's perfectly shaped for me, and that's all that matters,” Charlotte whispered, nipping the other girl’s ear. “Is that everything for you two?” offered the well dressed stallion standing next to Charlotte and Twilight’s table, a polite smile plastered firmly on his face. “I think were good here. Isn't that right Twilight?” Charlotte offreed, glancing across the table to her date. Who was holding onto the table with one hoof while the other remained firmly on her now bulging belly. The unicorn’s dress had been stretched along with her womb, the mare’s stomach now as big as a mare pregnant with twins and ready to give birth. The formerly tight, form fitting black fabric had been warped, while the bow which had bound Twilight’s waist had nearly completely come undone. Despite just how far the clothing had been pushed, it still held together, though the same couldn't be said for Twilight herself. Who was breathing heavily, the pony trying her best to keep the cum inside of her from sloshing around too loudly. An effort that was largely wasted for with each subtle buck of Charlotte’s hips, the librarian’s stomach trembled. “I’m f-fine,” Twilight stuttered. The stallion frowned. “Maybe I should have held back on the water.” “It's fine,” Twilight repeated, smiling weakly at the stallion. Who gave the mare a nod. “As you wish madam.” With his departure some of the stress which had fallen on Twilight’s shoulders began to vanish and she turned to shoot her date a dirty look. “You’re lucky I didn't cum right in front of that guy,” Twilight exclaimed. Charlotte chuckled. “That would have been quite funny. Though that might have also given him the wrong impression so I suppose it was a good thing that didn't happen.” “Wrong impression?” Twilight questioned, shuddering briefly as she felt her lover’s cock twitch inside of her now cum flooded love canal. “What do you mean?” “We wouldn't want him to think you were coming onto him of course,” Charlotte replied, leaning across the table. “You are mine and only mine after all.” Twilight bit down a moan as she felt her forehoof be gripped by her lover. “Y-yes Charlotte.” “Atta girl,” Charlotte exclaimed, patting the other mare’s hoof before leaning back. “Though now that I think about it maybe I should have done a mask version of this spell so I could fill your mouth.” “Fuck that would be hot,” Twilight muttered. “I wouldn't have to eat again.” Charlotte smirked. “Next time then.” “Maybe then you can set up a multi portal system where you can switch from my mouth, pussy, or ass,” Twilight offered. Charlotte’s eyes lit up. “Now that's thinking with portals. We’ll have to do that later tonight.” “Provided I don't spend all evening on the toilet expelling your load,” Twilight retorted, a hoof rubbing her belly. “Now why would you do that? I want to keep it in you until I know for sure you’ve been knocked up,” Charlotte replied. “Don't joke like that,” Twilight exclaimed. “Whose joking?” Charlotte stated, raising an eyebrow. “That is so hot,” Twilight muttered, taking a sharp breath from between her teeth. “Okay fine, but we are so talking about this later.” “What's there to talk about?” Charlotte replied. “You’re going to give birth to litter after litter of my foals until your too old to do so.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Where did this come from? I mean the thought is really… exciting but it's a bit out of the blue.” “Maybe I’m just talking dirty to tease you, or maybe I intend to knock you up over and over again,” Charlotte explained with a smirk. “Only time will tell.” “I think it's finally going to break,” Twilight whispered. “Maybe you should stop. Just for a bit though.” Charlotte cast the mare to her right a curious look, her gaze immediately going to Twilight's bulging stomach and now ruined dress. The fabric had been pulled taut over her belly which was now so huge that it pressed against the hoof rests on either side of her. So large was Twilight’s midsection that she could balance her drink atop it and sip from it without having to move her head. Somehow, the bow had not burst, though the seams of her dress were one wrong move away from exploding. In front of them the movie continued to play, the dozen or so other ponies in the theatre with them not paying any attention to the pair. Save for a curious stallion who peered over the back of his seat, his gaze fixed on Twilight’s massive quivering belly. Which with each breath, shook and sloshed ever so slightly, despite Twilight frantically trying to stop it from making too much noise. Without anywhere for Charlotte’s cum to go Twilight’s womb had been stretched beyond what should be possible. Thankfully years spent as Celestia’s student, and months spent getting rutted like a whore by her newest futa lover had helped her stretch. Even still, this was pushing even Twilight’s magically enhanced physique, and the pony wondered just how much more she could even take. “You’ll be fine,” Charlotte replied with a grunt. “I’ve only got maybe one more load left in me and then the movie should be over.” Twilight shuddered as Charlotte bucked her hips up, ramming the head of her cock against Twilight’s cervix. Somehow despite dumping more than a dozen litres of baby batter into Twilight’s foal factory, Charlotte still had more to give. Her enormous balls had shrunk, but were still massive, and were easily ten times the size of a normal pony’s. Not only did the naughty futa mare have more cum left to give, she was also eager to do just that, the pony continuing to pound at Twilight’s hole. Each thrust made her seat squeak ever so slightly, the sound rendered inaudible due to the sloshing sound that came from Twilight’s belly. Which was in turn growing louder as Twilight felt her own orgasm begin to rise, her embarrassment being washed away by pleasure. Charlotte grunted, a grin crossing her face. “You know Twilight. Didn't you study a spell that would release a set number of eggs?” Twilight shuddered, her hoof gripping her hoof rest tightly. “Y-yeah. What about it?” “Well I’ve been thinking. Maybe we shouldn't wait,” Charlotte whispered, her smile growing. “What do you think?” Twilight sucked in a sharp breath. “That sounds hot as hell. But how many?” “Ten?” Charlotte offered, leaning in close and rubbing Twilight’s taught belly with a hoof. “Or maybe even more.” “M-more?” Twilight asked, a blush spreading across her face. “I’d be huge.” “Why don't we make it an even dozen?” Charlotte replied. “Twelve foals,” Twilight murmured. “That would be amazing.” “Do it then,” Charlotte encouraged, her thrusts becoming faster. “On three.” Twilight grabbed the mare’s hoof and squeezed it tightly. “On three.” “One,” Charlotte began. The futa mare spread her legs, and began to thrust up with enough power that her balls slapped audibly against the back of the chair in front of her. A few ponies glanced their way, but thankfully an explosion covered the sound of their love making. The fight didn't last for more than a few seconds though, and it wasn't long before everyone could hear Charlotte’s grunts, as well as Twilight’s whimpers. “Two,” Charlotte continued. Twilight lit her horn, the spell taking only a single second to complete, though in that second Twilight experienced pleasure unlike any she had felt before. Not only was her bloated body stuffed to the absolute brim with potent futa cum but she was about to become pregnant. Not just pregnant but massively pregnant, and soon she would be so gravid she could barely even walk. “Three!” Charlotte shouted. Moaning whorishly, Twilight completed the spell, releasing a dozen or more instantly fertilized eggs into her womb. At the same time as Twilight was getting knocked up, her lover’s cock had flared inside her, another potent load on its way. Several more gallons of hot spunk erupted into Twilight’s womb, her stomach stretching even more in order to contain it all. Their hooves gripped tight as the two mares came hard, each one unable to resist the urge to voice their pleasure. People turned and watched though neither pony even noticed at this point. They were both enjoying the tidal wave of pleasure as it washed over them. It took what felt like minutes for the pair to come down from the high, with Charlotte’s cock finally softening. It had taken hours, but finally Charlotte was satisfied, a feeling she shared with Twilight who was using one hoof to caress her belly. Which had just barely stopped sloshing around, the enormous amount of cum having finally settled down. In the silence both ponies realized that the theatre was now almost completely empty, the lights were on and a rather irritated mare stood a few feet away. “Ma’am, this is a cineplex,” she deadpanned. “Not a cheap motel.” “I er… just really like diet pepsi?” Twilight replied weakly. Charlotte chuckled. “Sorry miss. We’ll be gone in a second.” The pony shook her head and sighed. “So long as I don't have to clean up your mess then I don't care what you do.” “Come on Twilight, lets get home so we can ditch these clothes and fuck like nature intended,” Charlotte exclaimed. Twilight chuckled. “Sure thing babe just let me… get out of -urk- here.” Charlotte watched as her date struggled to escape her seat, the pony’s massive belly weding her between the hoof rests. After a bit of struggling the pony sighed and looked over to Charlotte a pleading look in her eye. “Could you lift me out please?” Twilight asked, pouting profusely. “Of course oh mother of my future children,” Charlotte replied, lighting her horn. With a tug, the unicorn retreived Twilight from her prison and set her on the ground. “You know I’m surprised the dress survived,” Charlotte remarked. “You and me both,” Twilight replied. “You’d think it would have-” The pony was interrupted by a thunderous ripping sound followed by a titanic slosh. The fabric burst along the seam. Twilight’s bow tearing right through the middle and allowing the unicorn’s enormous belly to hang free. Now no longer contained by the mare’s dress it was free to hang down so low that it brushed against the inclined floor. “Holy fuck does that feel good,” Twilight murmured. “I have to rut you right now,” Charlotte declared. Twilight grinned excitedly. “Wanna teleport home?” Charlotte leaned forward and forcibly kissed the other mare on the lips. “Do it babe.” In a flash the pair was gone, leaving one slightly stunned theatre employee to stand there. “I should have asked if she had a sister,” she remarked.