> Plz nerf > by Connorcooper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro (Discord is in here) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soooooooo... Oh do I start this? Well... I guess I start when I was back on earth before wouding up here on Equis... Nothing much to say, I was both a weeb, brony, and a furry. As much as people laughed at me for being a weeb only a few knew about my other two sides because if word got out when I was back in high school I would be a laughing stock of the entire school. Seriously what the fuck are wrong with people calling us 'animal fuckers'?! Look I would never go into that dark pit... never in forever alright that is sick and wrong on so many different levels seriously it makes me want to vomit when I hear about shit like that. See these three things basically saved me from going into a depression or worse... sucicide I don't have many friends like me but the ones that I have are awesome. Discord (the site not the god) makes it so easy to talk with them and what not, sadly you can't get by life being those three things and along side my Warhammer and cosplay hobby its draining me of money. Jobs were hard to come by I mean these jobs were hard on me for me being this nice guy and trying to help out when I can, hell this one job fired me for not asking someone's hand... If you couldn't tell were in the middle of a outbreak of Covid-19 idiots that job treated me like trash but it did pay good. The only good job I had was at a BBQ place where I busted tables and would get some tips along with that everyone was SUPER nice! One of the cooks worked at a farmers market half time and once shared his honey bread with me with nut butter, along with that the manager who let me before the store open listen to music while I worked also let me have free meals and bluebell icecream! But then Covid-19 was like "Hello motherfucker," and I lost the job... Ever since then I never had a good job and my step-father, mother, and half sister treated me poorly leaving me in a deep stress filled state where they would steal, hurt, and abuse me. Until one day I flew to my grandparents to help them movie to make some extra cash they knew everything and I got a feeling they just took me in to give me a break with that hell, after my body was 'de-stressing' (yes that is a actual thing) my grandparents asked why not join the military so I thought about it called family that I knew that served so my first thought was to join the US army but after a talk with a few Army family friends they told me to go into a different branch so I took there word and went to the air force where I would learn a few life skills down the line. The air force was awesome! Short Bootcamp, longer sleeping hours, better pay, more respect, AC tents, and the best part? Blue uniforms! My favorite color! Well the guys and I talked a lot from stuff that people would normally talk about when I talked about anime they played the hentai joke which just annoyed me but someone asked if I liked beastars and well... they found out I was a furry. At first they assumed I was gay, which wasn't the case I'm straight as a arrow though I doubt I would find someone out there who was also a furry and straight... Like Metallica once said: "Sad but true" Though I have one thing about me that not many people know... I HATE humans. Yeah didn't see that one coming huh? Why do I hate my race? LOOK AROUND! We are not just killing our planet but there is people who get off on the pain of others along with people assaulting others because they are entitled to do so! Damn karens and kyles... (AU: I have nothing if you are named Karen or Kyle... I have a aunted named Karen) Before I head out my great uncle told me to do something, if anything were to happen to me I should bury the hacket with those I have beef... So I tried to contact all those out there in the world that I had a past with and bury the hacket, almost all didn't respond to me but at least I tired. The only one that didn't seemed to accept it was my step-father who even on easter of this year snapped at me when I was only joking with my sister and her mentally challenged friend. I left the party as my mom begged me to return to not make her look bad in her friends but I finally after the years of abuse and stress I snapped I told her if someone did love me they wouldn't hurt me by chocking me or threating to kill me. She tried to say how she was a terrible mother to make me feel bad it didn't work she played that card so many times I felt nothing but rage. Once I left her house she would never see me again in her 'prefect' life that I was ruining with her 'one true love'. "Real life isn't a fairy tale," As I leave to the Air force I trained hard... I hated my body but I pushed forward, I lost weight, got stronger, got faster, and finally was free to be who I wanted to be in the military. When I finally made it getting my rank as Private First class thanks to my time as a eagle scout I was looking to head out to my first few years out into some random military base in the world... Heres hoping for japan! Why japan? Well not just for the anime but the culture! The stories and honor in the land of the rising sun, sure the USA and Japan had beef before but our friendship has never been stronger (*cough* North korea *cough cough*) plus its filled with weirdos like myself! My favorite stories are about the Kitsunes though they are spirits who are the masters of pranks but some are just plain mean that steal not just money but the lives of random folk. There are rarely any story about them being spirits of hope and help others though there aren't many out there they are some out there, besides the fact I just want to sleep on the nine tails of a kitsune and see how they feel. Hey I can dream leave me be! Though little did I know before I would arrive something would happen, I don't know what it was but one moment I was on my way to my base for the next few years when something hit me and it hit hard. Then the darkness followed... I don't know how long I was there but it was... so... dark... The darkness was so great that I didn't think I had a body for I could feel anything but float there in the void of what I guess was death for a long time. I won't lie, I was scared shitless. Though every moment that past I felt like I was getting stronger and stronger... Before I knew it the darkness didn't feel so scary anymore but soothing. It was the like void itself was a sea of strength and every second that pasted I could feel my very soul growing stronger. It must have been weeks... months... hell it could have been years! Then I was done being there, the feeling of growing stronger faded away and I decided to leave this place and set forth and demand to be let go. I didn't think I had a voice but it was like something read my mind and before it I opened my eyes to a new world around me. Green grass, blue sky, and white clouds in the air. Sure I was confused in how I got there but when I looked down at myself I saw my body and yeah I did freakout... a lot. My human body was gone and in its place was a anthro body... I think you can guess what I was with me having nine tails, which did made me think was I really over 1,000 years old? In the stories every 100 years a kitsune grew a new tail and I had nine, maybe I was 900 but then again my time in the void was long as fuck so it wouldn't surprise me if I had spent over 10 life times in the void. I was loving my new body though, I hated being a hairless ape and what but now being what I was now was a million times better than being a ape. One problem... I was nude, but lucky my junk was covered thanks to my new body's 'cover' I would have to see what it looked like later... Hey you would do the same! So there I was standing there a red fox kitsune wondering what to do next, then out of the blue guess who showed up... The god of chaos (not 40k). Discord himself. Well... anthro version of him, when he saw me he kinda paniced and didn't expect me to be nude but luckily him being a god of chaos snapped his fingers and out of nothing came my first pair of clothes in equis (from what I could guess). Apperantly when I can here into Equis he felt my pressance right away and came to see what I was, though he didn't know who I was for once in his life discord was... serious. Yeah, the god of chaos, the master of pranks, the literal definition of madness was dead serious. The best way I could describe it was those moments were the merc with the mouth AKA deadpool was no longer pulling out sex jokes. Discord wasn't joking around when he saw me though his nature couldn't help but joke about my nudity when he first met me but after that it was like a whole new discord we never saw in the show. I was confused in how he asked me what I was doing here and all that, I just told him what happened to me and everything and his serious threating manner turned to confusion. The two of us just ended up having some tea out there in the forest (chaos powers and what not), the two of us just talked about what might have been happening to me but none of us came up with a solid theory but we both agreed on the idea I had been isekaied. Luckly discord was a weeb too so I didn't need to explain it to him, but to my surprise he didn't know any animes I told him about. Though when It told him about my first anime kill-la-kill he laughed at how it was, then again it was kinda of the same way but it kinda grew on you. Discord and I just talk for the rest of the day about stuff before he end up leaving back to go to fluttershy's place where I was left alone with some bits (thanks to discord) and set out to find a place of my own. Though discord said I had some kind of power that he never seen before but I kinda got a feeling... It was OP plz nerf power... Knowing how most isekais go... It had to be that... Yep... I was a TTS emperor power leveled dude there having no idea how powerful I was or what not, so I decided to not try and destroy the planet by accident. Hopefully though I would find some good food out there in this new world... Who knows what can happen! > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville had a new visitor today which wasn't a rarity (No pun) now and days but it what the guest was that surprised everyone. See back in the day before twilight became Queen of Equestira the citizens of Ponyville feared anything that wasn't a pony but after the zercora 'event' they have been less afraid of new races but even after Ponyville became a melting pot of all kinds of races to learn friendship they still had that fear of the unknown. So when he came into town they were all in a surprise to see this strange never seen before race, legends did tell of a race of fox people once living in Japony but they disappeared after the ponies... drove them out of there home land and renamed it. The visitor was surprisingly not aggressive or anything and he didn't start a fight when he came into town surprising all the ponies that knew about the story of Japony. Wearing a nice set of clothes from a pair of nice looking shoes, cargo pants, a black long sleeve shirt, and finally a strangely made grey scarf that covered his neck and shoulders... that was oddly familiar somehow. As he came in his tail (Au: don't worry I'll explain where his other eight are) was fluffy and the red-orange fur matched the fur on his head as his ears twitched slightly and soft blue eyes were looking at everything in the town as he placed his black furred hand-claw-paw to his chin. He then stopped at a restaurant and went in. The waitress froze up when he asked if they had any meat and she almost pasted out from the question but it took all her will not to do so and tell him no. Though it seemed fine with him so he just ordered a grill cheese and asked for a sweet tea with some fries, she got his order and dashed away fast as possible. There the fox being sat as he looked out the window into ponyville as the entire joint was staring at him. ... ... ... 'I wish they would stop staring at me...' He sighed as he could feel the eyes burning into his back as he sat there waiting for his meal, the waitress quickly placed his drink down and ran away leaving him to take the drink and taste his first drink in Equis. It had been too long since he had tasted something for lord knows how long since he been in that void with no body which met no taste buds or any reason to eat. After his talk with discord he was given the clothes that oddly resembled that of a UA teacher and pro hero that he requested after what discord gave him originally, though the scarf might have been a little overboard but no goggles in the end. The god of chaos was even nice enough to give him some tea... wait... oh crap than that meant... this wasn't the first drink he had in this new world. Facepalming slightly he smiled at himself, he still had a big dumb brain even after all that time in the void at least he still knew he was himself in the end even after those many boring years... He was going with the theory he was in there for over 900+ years due to how many tails he had and knowing the legend of the kitsune, though if he was correct than that meant he was a powerful fox spirit in the end. The first power he used was his shapeshifting his nine tails into one single on though it was cool to have nine tails he didn't want to grab any attention to himself than already. Taking a sip of his sweet tea he pulled out coin pouch (also given by discord) and in were the money of this world, gold bits and he had about 100 gold coins in this bag. You can do a lot with 100 gold coins in DND but this wasn't the table top since this meal would cost him five whole coins, it was kinda of fucking stupid that they used actual GOLD for this since its such a rare metal and everything why didn't they use the basic fantasy money system... Copper being the lowest, sliver being the middle child, gold being 'golden' child, and platinum being the big brother of the three. Then again the witcher and eldar scrolls used gold coins sooooooo... Best not think about it too hard. As the waitress placed down his meal, he thanked he as he grabbed his knife and looked down at the plate, the isekaied kitsune hadn't tested how strong he was and from what discord told him... He was pretty fucking strong. Not ending up to be like Bob and cut though Dash's plate and into the table like in the Disney movie the fox inhaled before placing his knife ever so gently on grilled cheese and pushed so lightly like a doctor. As he slowly cut the sandwich he placed his knife down and came his favorite part of this simple dish, he pulled the bread and the melted cheese still connected to the other... snapped... The fox sighed as he was disappointed in how the coolest part of this dish was ruined, well time for a taste. ... ... ... What... The... Fuck... The bread felt like sand paper and the cheese? Don't get started on the cheese! it was like some kind of soy fat free low carb cheese that it didn't even taste like cheese but wax! He couldn't help but spit out the 'food'... If the gordon was here, he would most likely punch the head chief in the face because this had to be worse than what the owner of hell's kitchen had ever tasted at least the shows cast TRIED making food. Damn... though he hated that bully with all his heart he rather eat his food than whoever made this, he would eat the food that a fucking asshole of a human being that treated a blind chief like a trash (yeah he did this) than eat this. As everyone watched him do this he turned and placed the bits on the table before leaving, he wasted five coins on sand paper bread and wax cheese sandwich. The tea was alright good, a bit sweeter than it should be but the kitsune didn't mind the sweetness for he still had a sweet tooth (not the van) for the sugar filled things. Before he could leave he felt something hit against the back of his head. "IS MY COOKING NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU ASSHOLE!" Alright that wasn't expect from something out a children's TV show. Turning his head he looked at the floor to see a shatted glass bottle on the ground, confused in why he didn't feel any pain he rubbed the back of his head and to his surprise... no blood. Looking for his hand to a very pissed off looking pony chef that held fire in his eyes as the kitsune watched as some of the staff had to hold him back as he waved a butchers knife in his hand. "Dude... it was straight up awful alright I have every right to like what I want and not like what I want," He turned to leave as the pony cursed as he began to move out before the doors to the building opened as he heard the chef coming behind him. As the chef swung he simply dodged with surprisingly good reflexes and what seemed like muscle memory. "You know your assaulting someone over a sandwich," The fox said as the chief roared slashing at him but with his hands in his pockets the new vistor to ponyville effortlessly dodged (Au: for some reason I'm think of neo dodging yang... your welcome). "I'LL SHOW YOU ASSAULT!" The chef raised his knife in the air and swung it down hard only for two fingers to stop it, the crowd that watched gasped as the kitsune held the knife in between his fingers. "Enough," Only using his fingers he pulled the knife from the chef’s hand and gently tossed it into the air before grabbing it and throw it behind him as it embedding itself into the open sigh. Placing his hand back in his pocket he began to leave as the chief was shocked before snarling and roaring as he throw a right hook at the being as he was waking away but the moment his hand made impact to the back of the head of the kitsune all watched as the arm moved in a right angel followed by a loud snap. "MY ARM!" Confused the Kitsune turned his head to the pony on the ground as he cried as the kitsune blinked confused at what just happened. Not knowing what to do he rubbed the back of his head clearly in a bad spot as the crowd looked in horror while some guards in gold armor came dashing forward. "STOP YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW!" It... took... everything... for him not to burst out laughing. As the guards came at him. "You have committed crimes against Equestria and her people what do you have to say in your defence?" Alright now he was laughing. "You think this is funny freak!?" The fox held his gut as he laughed tears flowing down his eyes. "N-n-n-n-no its... just the way you said it... g-g-g-g-god this is priceless! And your so serious!" The kitsune laughed. "WE ARE SERIOUS YOU FOX FUCK! YOU JUST ASSAULTED A CITIZEN OF PONYVILLE!" Like a switch the kitsune stopped laughing. "I'm sorry what?" "You. Just. Broke. A. Innocent. Pony's. Arm," A guard said pointing his spear at the fox. "No I didn't," He defended himself pushing the spear away. "Oh so his arm just broke!" A guard spat as the Fox spoke. "Well after he punched me yeah," "Like somepony can break their arm from punching somepony else," A guard said. "Save it for the judge," Pulling out some cuffs the blood in the fox's blood froze... He wasn't Criminal sure he played Sly cooper and Payday 2 but this? Why? He didn't do anything? He didn't even pull defend himself he just disarmed the guy and sure he might have slightly damaged the wooden open sign but this? Just like the many stories he read on Fimfiction. Before he even became a fox spirit thing, back in America he was a law abiding citizen... hell his dad was a fucking cop! HIS DAD'S BROTHERS OF THE FAMILY WERE LAW ENFORCEMENT... well besides his one uncle who was apart of the CIA, still the laws of texas were basically drilled into his mind as a kid everytime he visited his dad! So when these Guards are trying to arrest him for something he didn't do... yeah he was pissed. Before they could grab him a flash came from behind him. "Alright that's enough," A familiar voice spoke as the kitsune turned to see who else? But discord! The dragon-hybrid-thing (sorry I don't remember what he is) looked down at the fox and spoke. "You good?" "Yeah before this smuck came at me with a butcher knife!" "Damn son... A butcher knife? What did you do?" Discord asked. "Nothing I ordered a sandwich and it tasted like sand paper and wax! So I didn't eat it but left paying for the meal," The fox said. "Then when I was leaving he threw a bottle at me before swing his knife at me like jason!" Discord sighed as he held the bridge of his nose. "Alright I like a good bit of chaos but this? This is just stupid... And this is coming from ME! All this... over a sandwich?" Discord spoke holding out his hand-paw-thing (I'm going to go with hand from now on). "Yep now they are arresting me after this guy punched me and broke his arm," This seemed to surprise discord. "Wait he punched you AND broke his arm? Are you alright?" Discord asked. "Yep I'm fine didn't even feel it to be honest and I didn't feel the bottle I just felt something tap the back of my head and glass shatter," The fox spirit said rubbing the back of his head. "Wow... alright we'll talk about this later but for now," He turned to the guard before pointing to the fox. "Look buddy this is my friend I made 15 minutes ago and he is total boss alright I'm not going to have some xenophobic guards take him to jail just because some senstive chief with a ego bigger than mine broke his arm while trying to punch fox boss here," 'Fox boss? Hehe I kinda like it... though kinda sounds weird but then again this is discord,' "So here is what's going to happen I'm taking my bro here to my place and if I see any guards come to house I'll turn them into a giant chocolate bunny... you got that?" Discord asked the guard who didn't know to be scared or confused. "Now then come on hoss I beat fluttershy would be happy to meet you," The kitsune smiled as he could only image what anthro fluttershy could look like... Though he lost interested in ponies as wafius but a few still were nice enough to stay, he always did want to see the yellow cream shy angel in person as a anthro. Maybe teach the bunny of hers a few things to be nice... maybe he'll threaten to eat the little dude since he is a fox. "Oh cool I hope she doesn't mind me being a fox spirit," "Pfft she'll love you!" Placing his hand on the fox's shoulder the two teleported away in a blink leaving the guards to report to twilight about this 'fox spirit'. > Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was in her cottage humming a tune as she was cutting up some potatoes for dinner as she did this angel bunny was currently glaring at her as he had his 'arms(?)' crossed. His food bowl was completely empty as Fluttershy didn't notice him and that was something that annoy the hell out of him as he was thinking about ways to get attention. Looking up he saw a large vase on the wooden cupboard as this sparked a dark thought into his mind... Drop the vase on her head. As he smiled darkly and rubbed his front paws together he was about to act on his act but then a familiar pop entered the room as Angel's plan of making fluttershy pay for not noticing him went out the window. One of these days he would find a way to get back at discord and fluttershy one way or another! "Oh fluttershy!" Discord sang as the buttermilk pony smile looking up from the cutting board. "Hello discord I take it your walk went well," Fluttershy said with a smile. "I've brought a friend home for dinner if that is alright," Discord said upon entering the room as he warmly smiled back at her. "You brought big Mac or spike over today?" Fluttershy asked. "None of the above sweet fluttershy! He is actually not from around here," Discord said with a smile. "Oh?" Fluttershy said slightly worried it was one of discord scary friends form the fifth dimension. "Don't worry he's actually a nice lad," Discord said reading her like a book. "Come on in my friend," Fluttershy watched as a being in black clothing came in as she blinked in surprise seeing the bright orange-red furr ontop of its head and its bright tail with a bright white tip. She looked up into his eyes as the lower half of its head was buried in a large scarf around its neck, the fire like red eyes looking back at her. "Hi there!" The fox then waved its black furred hand as Fluttershy stared at him. ... ... ... "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The fox was taken aback by the squeal, the only way to describe it was something right out a anime when a girl would find something... "YOUR SO CUTE!" Cute? Fluttershy grabbed the fox and began to rub her cheek on his own as she squealed in joy as Discord was taken aback by her reaction. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY MEETING A FOXFOLK! I'VE READ THE STORIES AND I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE ONE IN REAL LIFE!" Fluttershy said as the fox was wide eyed as Discord smirked pulling out a polaroid cameria and took a photo. As the picture came out Discord swung the photo around as it came though as he looked at it with a smile. "That's a keeper," "Discord I swear I'll kill-!" "AND YOUR TAIL!" Fluttershy shouted. "Oh-no..." The fox froze as fluttershy attacked his tail with her hands, his nerves shot up with a strange new feeling that he has never felt in his entire life. Now he knew how Senko and Kon now felt when they had there tails be touched as her arms wrapped around it hugging it like there is no tomorrow. "D-d-d-d-d-d-discord... help!" The fox folk begged his friend. Discord only laughed at the sight of the fox shivering from the strange feeling but then... Fluttershy touched the base of his tail. If you didn't know is always a big no-no, when she did this his other eight tails came out from the one tail surprising fluttershy. Discord froze as did the fox, fluttershy looked at the nine tails moving around like... well tails... the group stood there silent before it happened again. "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "NO PLEASE!" The fox tried to run away but fluttershy tackled him as she sat on his back and began to play with his tails. "OH MY FAUST! YOUR A NINE TAILED! I'VE ONLY HEAR THAT YOU ALL WENT EXTINCT YEARS AGO!" Fluttershy still played with his tails as the fox reached for Discord. "H-h-h-h-h-help... m-m-m-m-m-me!" The fox begged discord who went back to laughing his head off... in this cause since he is the god of chaos it did. His ears twitched as she did this causing fluttershy to turn to him her eyes glowing red with a large smile on her face. 'Dear god no!' She then went for his ears as his head went into overload. "SOOOOOOOO FLUFFY!" The fox was at the mercy of the element of kindness and it seemed like she wasn't going to show any even though she was the physical manifestation of mercy. As the new feeling began to drill deeper in his brain fluttershy then placed her fingers into his inner ear fluffy, this caused his eyes to roll into the back of his head as he dropped to the ground drooling over it not moving. Discord and Fluttershy froze as his leg twitched slightly before the two turned to each other then to the downed 'nine tail'. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (later) 'Man... I never passed out before... strange,' Rubbing his ears gently as the attack still echoed though his brain as he sat on the couch with discord and fluttershy in front of him. Fluttershy held her head down in shame of what she did and Discord was rubbing the back of his nape wishing he should have know the fun went to far. Reaching for the soup the now recovered fox took a bite as he smiled, this was actually food, though it didn't have any meat as he wanted but that was his texas gut speaking still it was nice and 1,000,000,000 times better than that shit that that restaurant had. "Ahhhh that's the stuff," Fluttershy lit up slightly. "You like it?" The element of kindness asked to which the fox nodded. "Hell yes this stuff is so much better than that sandwich I had," He spoke as he began to dig into the soup Natsu style. Fluttershy began to feel better at herself for not accidently killing the only nine tailed fox folk she has ever seen and become a murder. As she watched the fox eat his food, she felt something in her gut... something was weird like there was a aura coming right off the nine tailed being. It wasn't malicious energy but a feeling of great force but also a hint of loneliness kind like how when Luna returned to her original form after being purged of nightmare moon but much greater as if he's been alone longer than luna wa-. *Yawn* 'SO CUTE!' "Sorry don't know whats wrong with me," The fox said as he placed the bowl down. "Man I don't know why I'm tired," "Oh if your feeling tired why don't you stay the night?" Fluttershy said still trying to make up with the fox for her actions as he rubbed his eyes making her want to 'aw'. "I don't want to be a burden Fluttershy," The fox said as he pawed his ear like a fox would do normally. 'FAUST I JUST WANT TO SQUEEZE HIM!' "Its fine please I'll get a bed ready and-" "I can crash on the couch you already have done so much for me already," He said as he blinked slowly with a force of sleep being to drag him down. She watched in awe as his tails popped out again and began to create a wave of fluff as he then crawled into a ball and wrapped himself with his tails. Discord too was watching the fox beginning to bundle up with his own tails as he fell down on one of his tails before in a moment was out like a light. Quiet sleeping sounds came from the fox as the rest of his tails seemly naturally warpped around him like a blanket, discord smiling snapped his fingers as the Tims where removed and placed at the foot of the couch. Fluttershy smiled as she went over and patted the fox's head before going over as discord used his magic to lift the dishes away to the sink quietly not to wake his new friend. As the two left the fox alone, fluttershy turned off the light as the darkness consumed the fox's body as he laided there but little did the two know that angel was still there hiding. Glaring right at the fox, his plans were ruined by discord who was completely untouched able and this fox who on the other hand wasn't... Along with that this fox had the nerve to hog all the attention. This will not go uncheck. Angel pulled out a electric fur shaver from seemingly no where as he smiled upon flipping the switch, but the moment he did a black furred hand grabbed his small limb. The rabbits blood froze as the eyes of the fox came from the tail as they glowed deeper than any red could go as they glowed with great intent to harm. "I've been craving meat... I don't care if your Fluttershy's pet I will turn you into my next meal... so if you value your life don't even think about it," The rabbit then dropped the shaver as it fell to the ground turning off as the hand returned to the fluff of fur as angel fell to the ground his soul leaving his body. (Morning) The fox arrose to the smell of pancakes as his inner nora awoke, shooting up his ears pointing up and his tails back to being one he panted like a... well... a fox. Dashing over to the counter his tail wagged as fluttershy turned to him with a smile. "You like pancakes?" She asked as the fox's eyes were now stars and he began to drool from the mouth, Fluttershy giggle at the sight of the nine tailed. "I'll take that as a yes," Turning back to cooking, angel peaked from behind a chair but only to have the fox's sights locked on to him as the same predatory glare ripped into his soul. Angel then passed out again from the look, Fluttershy hummed as she turned her shoulder but the fox was back at it stars in his eyes and wanting pancakes. That was when a familiar music cue caused the two to turn to the hallway. (I guess you guys can guess what happened here) The fox was laughing so hard he was weezing as he held his head. 'I can't believe that song is here!' He smiled as then it hit him. 'Then again this is Discord anything is possible with him,' Rubbing the tears from his eyes the fox spoke. "Discord please put some pants on," Snapping his fingers that just happened as the music stopped. "How did you sleep hoss?" Discord asked as the fox still smiled. "For the first time in my 'life' actually pretty well no insomnia or any sleep problems that I normally have," The fox said as Fluttershy turned to him. "You have insomnia that's awful!" Fluttershy said with sadness in her voice as the fox waved her off. "Its fine I'm just glad I sleep like a pup," The nined tail answered. "Sooooo what are you plans for the day brosky?" Discord asked resting his elbow on the fox's shoulder. "I'm open for anything to be honest," "Awesome because I had a few thing we should do my furry friend," Discord said as the fox smiled. "Sounds like a plan but first-" Fluttershy then put down some buttermilk pancakes with melting butter and syrup in front of the two. Discord/the fox: "HOTCAKES!" Fluttershy smiled before noticing angel on the ground. "Oh no! ANGEL!" Discord looked behind the fox before looking forward. "You scare the little devil?" "You should have seen him last night I swear his soul was leaving his body," The fox said melting as he ate a bit of the pancakes. "Respect," Discord held out a fist. The fox smiled as he light fist bumbed back.