> Mothers Heat > by PLAYBRONY > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What A Happy Mother’s Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence comes into consciousness slowly, shuffling around in her bed to search for the warmth of another pony. When she can’t find it, she squints open her eyes, confused. Her bed is empty, and no beautiful white stallion can be seen anywhere in her room. Cadence is hit by two simultaneous realizations. That her husband left for both work and a family visit two days ago and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow, and also that she was incredibly warm and tingly. “Oh. It’s Mother’s Day.” Cadence deadpans, rolling onto her back. It doesn’t bother her in the slightest that her husband is gone for Mother’s Day - she hasn’t celebrated it day-of in a very long time. What is bothering her is her estrus, which predictably has arrived. Every year since she reached that telling age, Cadence has started her Estrus on Mother’s Day. She’s usually one of the first of the year to go into estrus, but thankfully she’s always had a very easy time finding stallions willing to put on a condom and help her out. She debates with herself for awhile on the merits asking the guards for help, before remembering that it’s a holiday, and very few guards where on duty, and they where all essential to stay at their posts. Cadence reaches between her legs, settling for the old fashioned way of relief. Her hooves are still warm from the blankets, but they feel cold against her smoldering hot pussy, which winks repeatedly as it gets teased by soft touched from her hoof tips. Cadence lets out a groan, quiet at first but then louder, and continues to tease herself. She feels desperate and horny and wild, but she knows it won’t really help much to hoof off anyway, so teasing herself wild before an orgasm will give her the best chance of relief. She runs her hoof along the edges, carefully avoiding her clit even as her heavy winking tries its best to move her hoof inward. She rolls over and buries her face into Shining’s pillow, breathing in deep the scent of his sweat and musk. Her tail tries its hardest to flag, so she rolls over, lifting her butt into the air and flagging her tail, the smell of her own arousal nearly suffocating. Her hoof rubs right over her clit and she groans loudly, a squirt of piss leaking out of her, filled with hormones and hot running down her thigh. Cadence whimpers, giving in and grinding her hoof into her clit. The muscle spasms for another spurt of piss out, but she’s in no place to consider the stains in her blankets. She’s fully focused on the feeling, and the deep need to have something, anything, insider her. “Oh fuck me Shiny, give me another baby I can take it oh please Shiny please....” Cadence calls out into her empty bedroom, unable to stop herself. She has a passing thought of all the pheromones and shouting that must be making it out of her door, and hopes that the guards found somewhere else to guard her bedroom from. Like maybe outside the castle, far below her window. And that surely seems to be the case, as her bedroom door comes flying open a second later. “HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMMY I MADE YOU BREAKFAST I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WHY DOES YOUR ROOM SMELL LIKE PEE!!!!” The shouting is loud and immediate and Cadence startles, her wings flaring but her knees unwilling to bend so she flips over onto her side onto the wet blanket, snorting and gasping. Weight depresses the mattress next to her as a small shape jumps onto the bed. “Did you pee the bed Mommy? It’s wet up here! I don’t even pee my bed anymore unless I have nightmares, did you have a nightmare mommy? Can I make it better with breakfast? Why does your pee smell so bad today?” Cadence lets Flurry blabber on as her life flashes before her eyes. “Flurry Heart, It is very rude to burst into someone’s room without knocking. I appreciate the breakfast but I am busy, and I’ll come eat it with you in a little while.” Cadence says, the measured patience of a mother cracking but present in her voice. Flurry cocks her head and pouts, her wings curling up onto her sides. “But Mommy the pancakes will get cold, and soggy! I want you to have a great breakfast for your special day, ‘cause you’re the best mommy in the whole world!” Flurry whines, hovering the four-plate breakfast she holds in her magic closer to her mother. For the umpteenth time, Cadence wishes she had a daughter without god-level magic. Cadence feels torn. She didn’t tell her daughter they’d have to celebrate Mother’s Day late, because it hadn’t crossed her mind - so Flurry Heart isn’t doing anything wrong, but she really needs her alone time right now. Cadence shifts, moving into a more comfortable position, and starts taking the breakfast plates to set them down on the nightstand. Flurry narrows her eyes, leaning in close to Cadence’s flank. “You look kind of swollen Mommy, should I get the doctor?” Flurry says, sniffing. The air passing over her indeed very swollen parts makes Cadence whine, and wink again, wetness dripping out of her. Cadence jumps out of bed, trying to compose herself. She’s shaky, her knees wobbling as they support her unexpected weight. “Flurry, mommy’s going through her yearly Estrus. School hasn’t taught you yet but you’ll have it too. I’m sorry it happened on the holiday but I’ll be sick a couple of days and then I’ll be fine, so don’t worry, mommy just needs to lay down by herself for awhile.” Cadence tries, turning to face her daughter. Flurry pouts at her again, setting the rest of the food down. “What’s estrus, mommy?” She asks the dreaded question, settling herself into sitting in the bed. Cadence groans out loud, unable to stop it. “It’s, uhh,” Cadence stammers, looking around the room desperately. Cadence has always though of herself as a very sex positive mare - her and Shining had already planned to explain to Flurry Heart in a decent amount of detail how goals are made on her next birthday. Cadence isn’t scared of her daughter knowing about sex - but having the conversation while barely able to keep her tail down wasn’t in her plans. “It’s the time of year that Mares are able to make Foals, and it makes you feel pretty sick unless you have your Special Somepony alone with you.” Cadence says, a shaky smile in her face. “What does being alone with your Special Somepony do?” Flurry asks, wide eyed and curious. “And why’s your tail up like that? Does Estrus normally make you smell like that?” Cadence prances from hoof to hoof in an anxiety-induced, tail-raised version of the potty dance. Cadence’s resolve breaks. “It’s called Sex, flurry heart. It’s when you touch your private together. When a vagina and penis do it - a vagina is what me and you have an a penis is what Daddy has - it can make a baby. But when you’re in estrus if no pony touches your vagina you get really cranky and it’s very rude to touch it in public so you need to lock yourself in your room until it goes away or Somepony can help you. “ Cadence spews all this information quickly, gasps for air, and squints her eyes closed. ‘Oh Dear Celestia please let that be enough...’ “Oh okay!” Flurry Heart says, smiling wide. She stands up, stretched her legs, and hops down from the bed with one big flap of her wings. “That makes sense mommy!” Cadence breathes a sigh of relief and opens her eyes, smiling down at her daughter. “So if you can go back downstairs I’ll-“ Cadence starts, but is immediately cut off. “Can you show me how to touch it? I want to make you feel better! I’m not Daddy but I’m sure I can help, and I won’t make you have a baby!” Flurry announces with pride, trotting in place with an excited whinny. While Cadence knows, logically, that she isn’t a robot - she still swears she can feel her brain short circuit, fry, and begin to smoke out of her ears. “I just gotta touch it right?” Flurry says as she hops around behind her mother, beaming with pride. Cadence’s tail is still flagged all the way up, so the constantly flexing muscle is an easy target for Flurry’s eager, reaching hoof. Cadence tries to turn around, but isn’t fast enough, and freezes solid again when she feels the warm hoof rubbing on her clit. The touch is more of a slow poking motion, noticeably inexperienced, but to Cadence’s desperate body it feels heaven sent. Snapping herself out of it after a few moments of bliss, Cadence quickly turns around and stomps one hoof on the floor. “Flurry Heart! That is absolutely not allowed!” She snaps, struggling to compose herself. Flurry pouts, a dejected look settling into her face. “But Mommy, I just wanna help you feel better. What you said earlier made it sound like you won’t be able to get all the way better without somepony else, a-and I really want to spend Mother’s Day with you! I didn’t understand it last year so this feels like the first!” Flurry says, quietly at first, but her voice starts to crack as she begins to shuffle partway through. Cadence starts tearing up a little as well, unable to look at her little filly crying. She shuffles her hooves and glances around, trying to think of any way to make this scene end well, or at least not escalate. “W-well, Flurry sweetie, it’s...You can’t touch somepony’s private parts without their permission. You need consent, and consent is very important always.” Cadence says, gearing up to dive into a probably not needed lecture to get the topic changed. “So-“ “Oh I get it!” Flurry yells, jumping up and cutting in. “MAY I touch you and help you feel better mommy? Pretty please?” Flurry says, looking up at her mom with wide, still-teary eyes. Cadence’s body screams at her to say yes. Her motherly instincts scream at her to make her baby feel better. The weariness in her legs from the amount of work she’s been doing screams at her to lay down and spend some time with the daughter she’s barely seen all week. Her sense of morals screams, a little louder, that she absolutely cannot. Her complete body-wracking horniness and the thick smell of pheromones in the air screams the loudest, though, accompanied by the unshakable need to get held down and bred. “Y-y, you, uh...” Cadence stammers, feeling conflicted and anxious. Nopony will know, though, right? This doesn’t have to have any repercussions. I need it and she wants to help so badly... “You, yeah, uhh, yes, Flurry. Yes you may. Let me, uhh, get on the bed.” Cadence says, hardly able to believe it’s her own voice speaking. She climbs on the bed, almost not hearing the excited squealing of her daughter, and lays on her back. Not knowing what else to do at this point, she spreads her legs, and waits. It’s not a long wait, as Flurry begins immediately flapping with excitement and quickly lands on the bed. She shakes her rump with excitement as she settles between her mothers legs, taking a moment to decide what position would work best. “So tell me how to make you feel good, Mommy!” Flurry chirps, grinning from ear to ear. She flicks her tail back and fourth behind her, tickling Cadance’s rear hooves. Flurry rests her forehooves just to either side of Cadance’s mound, unknowingly teasing her with the proximity. Cadance groans as she winks a few more times in response. Just how dirty this whole situation is begins to settle over Cadance, in a much more pleasant way than she expected. It’s making her so hot to think about just how wrong this is, the thick cloud of arousal blurring her capability to think. She takes a deep, shaking breath and holds it - just for a moment, savoring the last part of herself that would say no to something like this. Then she lets the part of her that only knows how to fuck and love take over. "Try rubbing your hoof on the bottom, Flurry, where it splits open and its all swollen. Then lean in and kiss the top part, the thing that keeps protruding. That's Mommy's clit, sweetie, and it'll make her feel really good. Kiss it and lick on it and treat it like a lollipop, just no biting." Cadence says, breathy but still in her best teacher voice, and Flurry listens with wide-eyed interest. "Okay Mommy!" She yells, grinning and wagging her butt in excitement. She leaves her left hoof on her mother's hip for support while she lays her tummy down on the bed, then brings her right hoof over to rest it on Cadance's swollen place. The heat and wetness surprises her, but she's determined to make her Mommy have a good mothers day, so she stoically keeps it there. She leans her head in, breathing the strong scent of heat and wet mare, and tentatively stretches out her tongue to lick at the shiny pink gumball presented before her. Cadance groans and throws her head back, struck by immediate bliss. The touch is hardly expert but it’s touch and it’s what she needs so desperately right now. She winks again, forcefully, her warm wetness grabbing at Flurry’s hoof. Flurry giggles, pressing harder and rubbing in small circles, and begins to suckle on her mother’s clit. “Ith thish goo, ommy?” Flurry tries to say, talking with her mouth more than a little full, and Cadance groans while nodding as vigorously as she can. Her wings are stiff and splayed across the bed, vibrating slightly from their tenseness. Her back legs shake as well, struggling not to clench around Flurry’s head and force her closer. The small alicorn takes the encouragement to heart and continues on, sucking and licking and grinding her hoof, developing a rhythm rather quickly. 'Just like her mother,' Cadance thinks, in a brief moment of clarity breaking through the cloud of pulsing arousal, 'an absolute natural at sex.' Soon, Flurry's rhythm is broken as she tries to press a little bit harder, and her hoof, and then her whole foreleg, disappears into her mother. Flurry gasps in surprise, but the sound is drowned out by the thunderous moaning of Cadence. "Oh, Please Flurry, Please fuck mommy, pump your hoof in and out please please please!" Cadence shouts, desperately, arching her back and pressing out with her wings trying to move further onto the penetration. Flurry doesn't know what that dirty word means, but she catches the hint anyway, and starts moving her hoof forward and back inside her mom. The feeling is intense for both of them, but decidedly more so for Cadence. Flurry feels a strong grip around her entire foreleg, wet and almost sucking, the moving muscles feeling like some kind of weird massage. Cadance feels like she's finally getting a hit of something she's desperately addicted to. Flurry puts her head back down and fights to find a new rhythm, thrusting her hoof in hard and then out slowly as she licks and sucks at her mother's clit. She caresses Cadance's legs with her wings, feathers running through hair and over taught muscle's twitching with sensation. She sucks strongly and pulls out, then flicks her tongue quickly over it as she thrusts back in. Cadence sobs above her, and Flurry does her best to believe that it means she's doing a good job. The gasping, shuddering, and half shouted half mumbled curses all could go either way, but the intense force of her mother’s body pulling her hoof back inside every time she starts to draw it out convinces Flurry that she’s doing the right thing. Cadence’s orgasm hits her like a train, and she screams out an incoherent mess of sound as she becomes overwhelmed with endorphins. That’s what she’ll claim, at least. There’s absolutely no chance she screamed her daughter’s name as she came, not in the slightest. As Cadence stills and begins to take deep, gasping breaths, Flurry closely extracts her soaking wet foreleg from her body. Flurry sits up and shakes it off, grimacing a little at the smell, before climbing up onto her mother’s chest. “Did I do good, mommy? Did I make it better?” She asks, grinning. “You did such a good job Flurry.” Cadence says, still out of breath. She nuzzles Flurry’s cheek, covering her daughter in kisses between panting breaths. “You saved Mother’s Day.” “Yay! We can eat pancakes now!!!” *** 4 Years Later *** Flurry wakes up very suddenly as she feels something wet and hot spill onto her thighs and tail. She shakes her head and quickly starts to run the sand out of her eyes, glancing around the room. She’s certainly in her bedroom, looking the same as it had last night - and she’s alone, which takes out the possibility of some kind of prank. The feeling of her body settles over her quickly, and Flurry feels nauseous as it hits her. Her room reeks of mare, and the smell of pee is starting to tickle her nose. She snorts and coughs, and the soreness of her abdomen hits her as well. She feels hot all over, wet between her legs, and sore somewhere deep inside her body. “It’s Mother’s Day.” Flurry comments to herself, rolling into her back and looking down. As she feared, there’s a small wet patch on her blanket, and her pussy is visibly swollen. It works as the cold air blows over it, and Flurry shudders as a barrage of sensation floods over her. She groans and pulls a pillow over her face, squeezing her back legs together. Flurry debates the merits of masturbating or not. It’s what she had walked in on her mother doing years ago, but she’s also been told that it hardly helps, either. Makes it easier to bear...but only for a little while. She rolls her options back and fourth in her head, holding the pillow over her face with one foreleg while the other plays with the fur on her chest. Whiteout noticing, she dips it deeper, running circles over her tummy and stopping to massage her sore, swollen teats. Eventually she dips lower and begins to rub small, gentle circles over her clit. She moans quietly, letting the pillow fall off of her face and tumble to the floor. A soft knocking sounds, followed by a louder one. Both goes unnoticed by the funky on the bed, discovering the pleasures of a mare. She groans and slowly moves her wings as if making snow angels on her mattress, the feeling of her feathers shifting heightening the pure and overwhelming sensations cascading all over her body. A sudden shaft of light cascades over her body, pulling her from the thoughtless world of feeling she had submerged herself into. Flurry blinks against the brightness, confused, before suddenly realizing the position she is most definitely being seen in. As she tries to make out the figure on the doorway, she scrambles for her blanket and sits bolt upright. A familiar voice sounds from the doorway as the culprit moves into Flurry’s room, closing the door behind themself. “You too, huh, sweetie? I figured yours might be today, given how grumpy you where at dinner last night. I had my alone time with Shining already, so I wanted to come check on you. I warned him how much you like having some one-on-one time with Mommy on Mother’s Day so he’s busying himself for a while.” Cadence says as the door clicks closed, returning the room to the comfortable dim lighting Flurry’s eyes are used too. As Flurry blinks the starbursts away, she recognizes that it is indeed her mother in the doorway, and releases a little bit of the tension she had sprung into. The still holds the blanket over herself, though she recognizes it as a vain attempt at decency, given the stiffness of her wings and the prevailing scent of heat and sex in the room. She notices also the large paper bag hovering next to her mother, held aloft and wrapped in magic. As Cadence slowly, casually approaches her bed, Flurry gets more nervous and confused. “So..uhh...what are you doing here Mom? I was a little, uhh, busy, haha...” She stutters out, glancing quickly around the room as if escape was a possibility. Cadence sets the bag down on Flurry’s nightstand, and places a hoof on her Daughters bed. “Wow, Flurry, you peed yourself! Even I don’t pee myself anymore!” Cadence says, grinning. Flurry stares at her very hard for a solid thirty seconds, before her eyes widen and she snorts suddenly. “Really, mom? You’re never gonna let me live that down?” Flurry groans, rolling her eyes. She tries her best to look annoyed, but she can’t stop the grin creeping across her face. Cadence laughs, leaning in to nuzzle Flurry’s nose. “Nope! Never.” She says, mischief in her eyes. Flurry suddenly notices movement out of the corner of her eye. She glanced over, but cadence has already set the bag back down before she can see what went into it. Or came out of it? She glances back towards her mother. “Mom, what’re you up to?” Cadence giggles. “Just returning the favor, sweetheart. When I didn’t have anypony to help me through my estrus you came and helped me out, so I wanted to come do the same for you, sweetheart. Shining might’ve fucked the worst out’ve me this morning, but I’m still a very horny mare.” Her voice is sultry, her eyes lidded...and straps are sliding up over her hips, cradled in her magical glow. Flurry gulps. She tries to laugh, or say something, but all that comes out is a low whine. She feels as if her body is a ticking time bomb, like she’ll die if she doesn’t get bred right here, right now. Cadence puts her other forehoof on the bed, and suddenly Flurry is looking up at her. If she could tear her gaze away from her mother’s lustful eyes, she’d see something bobbing between her legs, pressing against the bed. “Now come hop on the floor sweetie, and raise that pretty Tail. Mommy’s gonna make it all better.” Cadence half-growls, visibly shaking with excitement. Flurry is absolutely certain she couldn’t say no if she wanted to. She doesn’t want to, though - she can’t think half as clearly enough to form thoughts like that. Her brain is swimming with hormones and before she realizes, she’s on the floor, tail flagged as high as it will go, resting her head on her mattress. “Please mommy, please fuck me, please please please....” Flurry begs, spreading her back legs and bracing herself for the weight. Cadence, lucid enough to show mercy, rests her hooves on the bed, one on either side of Flurry’s head. She’s still much larger than her teenage daughter, so she bends her knee’s a little as she uses her magic to direct the toy inside. It’s an anatomically correct toy, so its head is wide and flat - it takes a considerable amount of pressure to pop inside. Once it does, Flurry lets out a long, squealing groan, drool leaking from her muzzle down onto her sheets. The smell of estrus redoubles in the room, Cadence’s heat flaring back up as the textured back of her strap on rubs against her. Cadence pushes all the way in, then starts to pull out slowly - but the defeated whimper she hears from beneath her makes her pause, a shaky grin spreading across her face. “What am I doing being gentle with my baby, you’re just like Mommy, aren’t you?” She says, half question and half panted exclamation. She pauses for just a moment then rams back in, and begins a quick rhythm of hard, deep thrusts. Flurry has never experienced something better in her life. She feels like her brain left on the last train and won’t be back till next Thursday. “Oh fuck, Mommyyyyyyy....” She whines, pressing her rump back against Cadence’s thrusts, trying desperately to keep up with the rhythm. “Celestia, if only your daddy could see you like this, sweetheart...this is a mold of his cock you know. Do you like getting fucked by daddy, sweetheart?” Cadence says, the depravity driving her wild with lust. Flurry squeals, squirting all over both of their thighs as she cums at the thought. “Oh fuck Daddy please, Mommy please fuck me, please fuck me more, oh please!” Flurry yells, sobbing into the mattress beneath her. Cadence fucks her even harder, ramming as deep as she can go. “Oh, I want to get your Daddy in here so bad Flurry, I want to see him out a baby in you. Don’t you want to get bred Flurry? Don’t you want Daddies babies?” Flurry can barely speak, begging for her Daddy’s cum on repeat as she comes a second, third, fourth time. “Oh my god Mommy Mommy Mommy, I can’t do it anymore Mommy please!” Flurry finally calls out, and Cadence slows to a stop above her. They both pant from exertion, and Flurry basks in her first hit of afterglow. Cadence undoes the straps of her toy as quickly as she can, and presses it into her dripping pussy. She moves beside Flurry, resting her head on the mattress as well as she uses her magic to ram herself with almost as much force as she just rammed Flurry Heart. She briefly pictures the two of them cuffed to the bed, Shining Armor using them one after the other - and she comes hard, squirting halfway across Flurry’s room. Cadence relaxes onto the bed, the toy falling out of her and landing in a puddle of her slick on the floor. She gives a quiet moan as it slips free, her tail still raised into the air. “Oh Flurry, Mommy loves you. I hope that wasn’t too weird sweetheart, I just got very into it.” She says, letting out a little nervous laugh. Flurry let’s out a low moan for a second before clearing her throat and turning to look at her mom. “No, it, uh. It was good, Mom. Thank you.” She says, smiling. A moment later, after the visible turning of gears in her brain begins to worry Cadence, Flurry’s face splits into a mischievous grin. “So...this means we have plans for Father’s Day, then?”