> Are you my mom? > by Ryfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mom, can you pass the cereal?" Twilight's spoon clattered and looking up, she stared at the adolescent baby dragon and number 1 assistant, Spike, who was sitting across the table. Did he just say....mom? Racking her brains, she tried to recall a time when Spike addressed her as that, there wasn't any... "Twilight? Can you pass the cereal?" Twilight snapped back to reality. Facing the purple dragon, she levitated the box of cornflakes to Spike. Needless to say, there was an awkward silence after that. Back in her library, Twilight sat down and reflected. Ever since Sludge left Ponyville, Spike had been acting a bit...unusual to say the least. For one, she couldn't recall Spike giving her a goodnight hug for the last 8-9 years. Yet since Sludge's arrival (and departure), the hugs had been very frequent. Mother's Day was a week ago and when she woke up that morning, Spike had served her breakfast-in-bed which included her favourite daisy sandwich. What was going on with Spike? After much deliberation, Princess Twilight Sparkle decided to get to the bottom of this and what better way to do it than what she did best......research! It was another boring afternoon for Starlight Glimmer. As usual, no one visited the counsellor room. She had already reorganised her books on her shelves three times. From the colour palettes to genres and most recently word count. Maybe Trixie was right, she SHOULD buy that potted plant at that street market, if only to provide her with some entertainment. Just then, there was a knock on her door. She sat up, not knowing if she had heard that right. There was another knock on her door. For the first time as Student Counsellor, Starlight Glimmer was excited. Who was it going to be? Better get the empathy cocoa ready... "Come in~," she said in a sweet tone. Once she saw who had entered, suffice to say, she was a little shocked. "Spike?" The small purple dragon with green scales trudged into the room, some part of him wanted to turn around and walk away. But it was too late for that now. He really needed someone to let it out to and he decided to turn to Starlight. After all, they were basically roommates and were becoming the best of friends. "What's wrong Spi- I mean erm sorry, unfortunate phrasing. *ahem* What brought you here today Spike?" Starlight inquired. Spike sighed as he sat himself down on the chair facing the purple unicorn and sighed, "It's Twilight," "What about her?" "Remember the Sludge incident?" Starlight Glimmer could remember only too well. She was happily resting in her bathtub after a long day in the School of Friendship, humming the tune of Winter Wrap Up when a large, dirty green dragon, whom she had never seen before, sang about how somepony could not be a dragon here before picking up her bathtub and tossing it outside the castle window. With her still in it. Needless to say (after being humiliated by Twilight and her friends in Our Town), this was the most embarrassing moment in her life. She was way too afraid to step out of the castle after that as she was sure that at least half the population of Ponyville had seen her soaking in the tub, it took her a week before she could step a hoof out of the castle and even then she stepped out to run some errands in the town. Twilight had told her after the large dragon had left Ponyville, that his name was Sludge and he had crash-landed in Ponyville before boldly claiming that he was Spike's father with the most questioning story she had heard in her life. Of course, he turned out to be a fraud and no one had seen him since. Twilight had sent a letter to Dragon Lord Ember who called for a search but to no avail. He just wasn't in Equestria or the Badlands. As for Spike, the revelation of someone lying to him about being his father broke him and he shut himself in his room for a couple of days. He refused to talk to her about the incident, only giving one or two worded answers before cutting her off. Only recently did he reveal everything. About how he was lied to, how he was used and how Smoulder and himself exposed him for who he was. A fraud. Her blood boiled as she remembered that incident. How dare he have the nerve to lie about being a parent of a small child and taking advantage of him like that? Also, throwing someone out of the window is unacceptable! If he ever shows his scales back in Ponyville again, I will- "Erm...hellooooooo, earth to Starlight Glimmer?" Starlight shook her head swiftly, looking down she saw that Spike was staring at her worriedly, waving his hand to snap her out of her daydream. "Are you alright Starlight?" Spike asked. Starlight straightened up, "Oh no, absolutely nothing, totally nothing in my mind at all, erm, what were you talking about again?" Starlight asked with an awkward smile and took a small sip out of her cocoa. Spike raised her eyebrows in a Are you kidding look? and replied in a deadpan tone, "Twilight" "Oh yes! What about her?" "Starlight, you know how I do not know my biological parents?" Starlight nodded, "Well, how should I phrase this..." Spike hesitated. "Take your time Spike, I can wai-" "I think Twilight Sparkle is my mom." > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the library, Twilight was frantically flipping through every single book about dragons cover to back but not one. Not a single book about dragons had described what Spike was going through right now. She groaned and slammed her head on her desk. With a slight wobble, the stack of books toppled and collapsed and she soon found herself beneath a mountain of dusty old books. Just great she thought as she struggled to free herself from the prison that was ancient texts. Just then, something caught her eye, she levitated that book onto her study desk."Basic Knowledge about Dragon Mating and Hatching" she read aloud. Maybe this could help me she wondered and flipped the cover open. She blushed at some of the imagery depicting dragon mating and moved away from the section really quick. "Aha! Basic Facts and Knowledge about Dragon Hatching! Hmmm...let's see, shall we? Hmm... the egg would develop in the female's dragon womb for 9 months...the dragons would keep their eggs in a designated area which is guarded and watched over by the Dragon Lord......the mother hatches the egg..." Twilight trailed off. That couldn't be right. She reread the line again, "After the female dragon lays her eggs, she would leave her eggs in the designated area which is situated above a lava pit over 1500 degree Celsius. The first dragon the baby normally sees upon hatching would be its mother." Well, it wasn't the exact line she thought she had seen, but it was nearly spot on. Twilight paused. She did hatch Spike's egg after all... "Are you ready to proceed, Twilight Sparkle?" Little Twilight Sparkle panicked, she didn't know what to do. Try as she might, she couldn't hatch the egg with her magic. She sat down disappointed and huffed and puffed. She was going to fail... BOOM A rainbow filled her vision and she felt...powerful... She couldn't remember anything else but by the time she was conscious again. She had become Princess Celestia's new personal student, earned a place in Magic School for Gifted Unicorns, got her cutie mark and inherited a chubby purple dragon who was sucking his tail. It was the happiest and the most confusing day in her life. Twilight smiled at the memory. Trotting into her bedroom, she levitated her photo album from the shelves. Making herself comfortable on the sheets, she began to dive back into her memories and opened the book. The first photo inside the album was a picture of a young Twilight carrying her saddlebag smiling enthusiastically with a baby Spike sitting on her back. "Say Magic School Twilight," her father, Night Light, asked as he levitated the camera and zoomed in on Twilight's enthusiastic grin and the dragon sitting on the back. It was Twilight's first day in the School for Gifted Unicorns and her father wanted to take this photo to represent a new milestone. "Magic School!" Twilight Sparkle squeaked excitedly. With the snap of the shutter, the photo came out, ready to be duplicated and placed into everypony's copy of the Sparkle family album. Twilight Sparkle had already predicted that she was going to love her first year here and that nothing could possibly go wrong. Everything went wrong. "I'm...*huff* going to be TARDY!" Twilight Sparkle shouted anxiously as she sprinted towards her classroom. She couldn't be late, not again! "Twilight Sparkle, you are late. For the 14th time this semester," "I...I'm sorry Professor bu-" "No excuses, Ms Sparkle, I would like to see you after class. Now settle down, lesson is about to begin," With her head low and pretending not to hear the snickering of her classmates, she stumbled to her seat. It had been another long and tiring night, with the mountain of overdue homework she had to do as well as dealing with the incessant crying of the baby dragon. Speaking of the dragon... She opened her bag to the sight of the baby dragon sucking on his tail, staring at her with those bright, innocent eyes. Twilight sighed softly. "Twilight Sparkle, please come forward and demonstrate an instant plant growth spell for us please?" The other reason why she had to stay all night was due to the fact that she had to study the ways of taking care of baby dragons. As there were no books in the library to help her, she had to try everything herself to take care of it. From changing its nappies to the preferable temperature of the milk it drinks. "Ms Sparkle?" It was just too much for the young unicorn. Honestly, she thought, why did the Princess even assign her to take care of the dragon when she was doing so well herself. Frustration began to well up. In fact, why did I hatch that egg in the first pla- "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"