Handle With Care

by SpiderTrash

First published

Starlight Glimmer is not a mare that let's her pregnancy get in the way of what she wants.

When she announced that she was pregnant, Starlight heard all matter of advice and what to expect during the long months ahead of her. One of them being the cravings, especially those of the sexual kind, good thing Sunburst is there to satisfy those.

Contains pregnant sex between an anthro Starlight and Sunburst, who are married to each other in this story, and some domestic fluff.

Stronger than she appears

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Starlight pouted when he didn’t stir at the sound of his name. As usual, he slept like the dead, and she half-heartedly considered pouring water over his head to see if that did any good. She just hoped that the baby didn’t decide to come in the middle of the night, her husband would probably sleep through it.

It was both a blessing and a curse, his heavy sleep meant that her snoring didn’t bother him too much, but waking him up in the mornings was always a chore. Starlight usually got up at the first ring of the alarm clock, while Sunburst needed that and a good jostling on his shoulder before he woke up with a half-conscious grumble. But tonight…well, tonight she was sure she would lose her mind if he didn’t wake up this instant.

“Sunburst!” She hissed a little louder, adding a soft—but firm—shove to his shoulder. This earned her a slurred murmur when he finally stirred.


“…Are you awake?”

“Whu…what time…?” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes with an ungraceful move of his hand.

Starlight bit her lip. Okay, she couldn’t fault him this time. It was two in the morning on a Monday, and another hectic week in the school of friendship was about to start in a few hours. Despite his and many others' insistence that she took the maternity leave that she was due—she was pregnant, not incapacitated, thank-you-very-much—she still went to the school every day, though she relegated a lot of her duties to Sunburst, Trixie, and the rest of the staff. Now she felt bad for waking him since he was probably exhausted after doing his own work on top of hers. He did look more worn out lately, and she felt her bravery turn into sheepishness.

“Oh…never mind, just go back to—”

“Starlight? What is it?”

Ah, of course he was waking up and turning towards her now that she changed her mind! She shouldn’t be surprised, really, the moment she urged him to forget or let go of something, the more he wanted to pursue it. His arms wove around her from behind, and his lips fell over her exposed shoulder, the neck of her baggy, worn-out t-shirt leaving the skin uncovered. Feeling his warmth and his closeness invigorated her earlier craving, and she looked over her shoulder with a determined glint in her eye. But Sunburst, still drowsy and his eyes droopy with sleep, didn’t notice. “Is it the baby—?”

She cupped his narrow face, her slim fingers digging into the coarse hairs of his beard as she pulled him in for a kiss, lying on her side so she wouldn’t have to move her heavy stomach. She poured everything she had into the kiss, even throwing in a small, wanton moan to get his attention—and it worked, for she felt him respond with a hum as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss—before she pulled back.

“Ahem, whoa, huh…” His eyes fluttered and she knew he was awake now. “Did…Did something happen or…?”

Ugh, how long was he planning on playing stupid?

“Kiss me,” she tried to pull him in for another kiss—but he leaned away from her grasp with a nervous laugh.

“Starlight, it’s late, and you need to rest—”

“What I need is for my husband to stop running whenever I try to kiss him!” She said and Sunburst went red, looking very sheepish with his lowered ears. “It’s been months since you tried to kiss me, let alone had sex with me.”

“Well, you’re, you’re pregnant and—”

“Does that mean you’ve lost all interest in me?” Starlight snapped, her temper flaring suddenly due to her hormones.

Sunburst let out an anxious groan and sank back down into the bed, holding her tighter. “No! Of course not! Crap, I didn’t mean for you to think…I’m sorry,” he buried his face in her hair and kissed her neck.

“What do you expected me to think, with you acting so distant?”

“I just thought you were tired, and sore, and…I didn’t want to be a pushy husband and demand you to please me when you already have enough on your plate as it is,” his mumbling got softer and softer, his gentle words soothing her anger just enough for her to glance at him over her shoulder. He kissed her cheek. “Of course I’m interested, I mean, you’re so beautiful…you look so healthy and soft and, at the risk of sounding cliché, glowing…” He shifted, angling the lower half of his body away while still holding her in his arms.

“Being pregnant doesn’t mean I’m entirely out of commission.”

“I know—”

“I’m not some delicate flower you need to protect.”

“I know—!”

“Then wouldn’t you believe me if I told you that I was tired or not in the mood?”

This time he said nothing. He shifted and mumbled something to himself before he sighed and pressed his face to her shoulder.

“Even if you’re not worried, it doesn’t mean I’m not.” His words were soft and she felt her anger deflate to a mild aggravation, and even that negative feeling was harder to hold on to the longer she stayed in his embrace.

For all the jokes they received on their wedding day about nagging, worrisome wives, Sunburst played the role more frequently than she did. It didn’t help that ever since the doctor confirmed what she had already deduced from her missed monthly cycles, that they were expecting, Sunburst had gone from his jovial, joking self to a bundle of nerves around her. Then again, she didn’t expect him to completely understand what she was going through, and she appreciated him being supportive, but the way he panicked and coddled her whenever she felt the slightest bit of discomfort was getting on her nerves.

“Sunburst, me and the baby are healthy and strong, we are not made out of glass.”

“Yeah, but…I don’t want to disturb it.”

She laughed. “Sex won’t disturb the baby!”

His blush deepened and he sat up, waving his hands in an exasperated manner. “Look, I’m not calling myself a stud or anything, but we can get pretty physical—remember the time we broke the table?” He sighed and grabbed a fistful of his hair, shaking his head at the memory. “What if we took it too far? What if we broke something more important than a table? What if we induced early labor and it gets complicated and…and I don’t…I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

Earnest fear crept into his gaze and broke through all of Starlight’s frustrations. She sat up, using the headboard for leverage. Though she was used to the baby’s weight by now, it was still cumbersome when compared to her usual dexterity.

“Sunburst,” she took his hand with a heavy sigh. “Do you really think I’m so reckless?”

“I’ve seen you work yourself to exhaustion…and pull many crazy stunts.”

A faint blush snuck into her cheeks. Alright, he got her there. But this was their child, she would never do anything to risk its safety, that was why she looked into it first before she asked him.

“If there’s something I learn to do during these months is to listen to my body,” she began, scooting closer to him. “If I’m hungry, I eat, if I’m tired, I sleep…and if I have a question, I talk to my doctor.” Sunburst snorted but said nothing, letting Starlight continue. “I know my condition may seem precarious to you, but she said that it was perfectly safe.”


She nodded. “There no abnormalities and the baby’s healthy, there’s no risk, besides…many other mothers told me how their…desires increased while carrying, so…” Her hand drifted from his knuckles towards his covered thigh. Feeling the muscles, the warmth of his body, all of it ran through her like she was stepping into a warm bath.

Sunburst’s face was calculating—measuring the situation, his own feelings on the matter, the suggestive caress of Starlight’s hand on his thigh—his eyes darting around the room.

“You are saying that…”

“I want you—I want our bed to be a marital bed again!”

His eyes were wide and his excitement grew as her words finally sunk in. “So, we could…and there’s no risk…?”

“Not unless we decide to be circus performers.”

“And you’re certain that the doctor said it was fine? No ifs or buts about it?”


He raised a hand to her cheek, hesitating for a moment before he finally shifted towards her, running his fingers across her soft cheekbones before he pulled her in for a deep kiss. Starlight all but melted, running her fingers through his messy hair and sighing as his hands caressed her neck and jaw with reverence. She would have pulled him closer, if only her stomach wasn’t in the way, so she did the next best thing and pulled him down to lay beside her.

He went down easily enough, mindful of his every move, and shuddered when Starlight’s fingers traced over his trousers—the evident bulge in his pants reassuring her that he found her more than attractive. Starlight couldn’t hide her smirk if she tried; he had always been sensitive, but he seemed more eager than usual, probably just as excited as her to be joined after being apart for so long.

“I want you inside of me,” the words came out soft and melodious, like a siren’s call, curling around his ears and igniting the heat on his face and body. “I missed you, it’s been so long and I’m tired of waiting…” She pulled loose the knot of his trousers with nimble fingers, taking hold of his erection and stroking it with gentle but firm motions.

“By the stars!” He cursed, his hips bucking into her hand but he steadied himself with a harsh inhale, then a dry swallow. “I didn’t…I’m sorry, I just thought—”

“You thought that being pregnant would suddenly make me demure and quiet?”


“Or you thought that I’m made out of glass or something equally fragile?”

“Uh…” Before he could answer he was cut off by an involuntary moan, his cock completely unsheathed and erected in Starlight’s hand, and yet she didn’t stop stroking.

He hid his face on his wife’s shoulder and she smiled. Oh, how she missed this, the closeness, the feeling of his hot breath on her exposed skin. She could feel her own heat growing, her tail raising and twitching behind her in anticipation.

“I’m always thinking of you, of your touch, of how you kiss me until I’m dizzy, the way your cock feels inside me,” she pressed her lips against his ear so he could hear her frenzied confession, and his breath hitched with the images she conjured.

“I thought…I thought you were too tired, so I didn’t, didn’t even bring it up…I know your condition must be taxing.”

“Of course I’m tired, but it doesn’t mean I’ve lost interest in you…or this,” she emphasized with a firm stroke to his member. “I’m always thinking of you and it drives me up the wall when you ignore me.” She took his hand and pressed his fingers between the apex of her thighs, snaking his hand underneath the loose material of her sleeping shorts. “I get wet just thinking of the things we used to do.”

He let out another lovely sound, and Starlight knew that she had all but won.

“Sweet Celestia…” He grumbled with restrained lust and his long fingers played with her heat, gentle but searching for the points that he knew would bring her the greatest pleasure. His index finger pressed into her entrance, slowly and hesitant. “Is this okay…?”

“Yes,” she said quickly, “I’ll tell you if it hurts, trust me.” Her excitement and impatience grew with each gentle motion of his fingers, wishing he would increase his pace. She swayed her hips, rocking eagerly into his hand, and at the same, increased the speed of her stroking, her hand tightening around his cock.

“Starlight,” he moaned in the voice she'd been dreaming of in the last few lonely months.

His hands dove under her shirt and lifted the warm material, leaving her distended stomach and heavy breast exposed. His mouth kissed her shoulder before trailing down to her chest, placing a kiss on each breast. Pregnancy made them relatively weightier, more swollen and a strain on her back, but the moment he cupped them in his strong hands, lifting and massaging the tender flesh with soft squeezes, she couldn’t help but moan with both relief and ecstasy. Encouraged, Sunburst traced the soft edges of her breast with slow kisses, hesitantly closing his lips around her left nipple, looking up to her eyes with a cautious glance.

“Yes, it’s alright,” Starlight stroked his red hair with her free hand and offering an encouraging nod.

He suckled the tip gently, lathering his tongue through the sparse droplets which spilled. His eyes fluttered close with a moan—her milk was sweet, warm, and somewhat thicker than he expected it, but he couldn’t get enough. He pressed his lips to her breast with more insistence, only to feel Starlight’s hands pushing him away. Sunburst’s eyes grew wide, thinking he had hurt her, but she only pushed him away to toss the annoying shirt aside and he relaxed. She made a simple come-hither gesture with her finger and Sunburst didn’t hesitate to dive back in again, drinking down the rest of her milk with an ecstatic hum.

“I missed you…” He said with a breathy sigh.

“Then you should have come around sooner,” Starlight said, the pleasure coursing through her body making her back arch and her tail quiver with anticipation.

“I was worried for your wellbeing.”

“I’ll tell you when I don’t feel good, can you trust me to do that?” Whatever anger she could have mustered with those words was instantly cool by his masterful kisses—and how they relieved the ache from her breast.

“I trust you…” he muttered between suckles, “as long as you’re not being stubborn.”

“Sunburst, the baby is fine—"

“I’m not talking about the baby, I’m talking about your comfort, your health…” He gently pushed her to her back, making sure she was reclined comfortably on the pillows while he continued to pepper kisses above her, propping himself carefully over her to avoid her round stomach. Their eyes met, and the soft blue gazing down at her felt like she was gazing at a clear summer sky. “You don’t have to push yourself for my sake.”

She reached out and ran her fingers over his angle jaw, messing with his already disheveled beard. “Thank you.”

His skin was warm and sweating—and it felt so nice to touch him like this after months apart. Sunburst hummed and leaned into her touch, giving her a subtle wink as if saying ‘I-told-you-so’, which earned him a scoff on her end.

“I miss this, I miss you, how could you ever think otherwise?”

“The madness of pregnancy, I suppose…which is wearing my patience thin.”

The way he smiled at her only made her love him more, made her want him more than ever. She spread her legs, in hope that he took her hint, but they both paused when they realized that her stomach was too large for them to lay like they usually would.

“I trust you, but I don’t trust myself not to crush you,” he muttered, pulling her leg forward. Just what was he thinking? “Maybe you could put your legs on my shoulders?”

Starlight huffed at the idea, raising her legs like that sounded too tiring, instead, she rolled over, pulling her leg from his grasp as she lay on her side. “Starlight?”

“Lay behind me, I’m sure your dick is long enough.”

With a quickness she wouldn’t have expected from a stallion that just woke up, he maneuvered his way to spoon her from behind. Even like this, he remained the taller of the two, his long legs extending beyond her own, his body curved around her as he pressed himself as close as he could to her. Starlight reclined into his chest, feeling the anticipation surging through her body, flustered only by the fact that he couldn’t be even closer with her rear in the way (which she swore it had also grown with her pregnancy).

“Yes, this could work,” there was a hint of excitement in his voice—the octave of worry dropping entirely with a ragged exhale. “Lift your leg.”

“Like this…?” Starlight didn’t have the time to finish her question before his long fingers clasped and dragged her thigh to rest over his own. Their bodies were flushed together now, his erection easily slipping through the gap between her thighs and pressed against her labia. She could feel the heat and the way it throbbed against her need, which, coupled with the hungry kisses he spread across her neck, made her forget the soreness and the stiffness of her body. “I want you inside me,” was the only thing she could think and say at the moment.

His kisses slowed and he murmured nervously against her throat. “Are you…are you absolutely certain that it’s safe?”

She seized his hair in a tight grip, forcing him to meet her determined glare. “Sunburst Flare! I would never do anything to risk the safety of my child, so do you trust me or not!?” And to prove her point she ground her hips against him, her dripping sex rubbing his erection. The look on his face was priceless; the flutter of his eyelids, his groan, and his helpless nod.

“O-Okay, okay! I trust you…go slow, please, for my nerves…”

Well, that was a compromise she could agree to. She sealed the deal with a chaste kiss and guided his cock to her entrance, tilting his member upward until the flat head was pressed against her rosy, damp folds—all it took was the slightest bit of pressure from his part and he was inside her.

Starlight closed her eyes with a sigh. Oh, what a feeling, to feel him inside of her like this again—the warmth of their union spread through her body, making her shiver despite the beads of sweat collecting along her brow, her hair sticking to her skin—it was almost enough to make her forget all the aches and discomforts of pregnancy.

“See,” she said with a chuckle. “Not so bad, right?”

Sunburst let out a moan that sounded like an agreement, nuzzling his face into her neck as he held her. It was surprisingly satisfying seeing him crumple from the need, to see that he was just as frustrated as she was by his self-imposed celibacy. “Slow…go slow…” Ah, such a worrywart, but now that some of the tension had left her body, she found his consideration endearing once again.

“Slow as I can.”

“You’re so impatient, that means n-nothing.”

“Slow to your standards, then.”

It was indeed hard for her to keep this pace when all she wanted was the frantic rocking of their bodies, for him to rut her like he used to, with love and wild abandon. But on the other hand, she just realized how tender and sensitive her body truly was, which prevented her from indulging as passionately as she would have liked. Everything felt sore and delicate, tickled by the slightest touch—it was thrilling and at the same time exhausting.

“Thanks…” Sunburst muttered, pressing his lips to her temple and holding so very still that she could feel him tremble with the effort. He was truly the sweetest stallion she ever met.

Adjusting to her body’s new sensitivity, Starlight pressed her hips towards him, urging him to go deeper inside her, and letting out a delighted moan when he complied. The arm around her waist tightened and his hand groped her breast, and before she could stop herself, Starlight let out a hiccup gasp as his hand squeezed her breast. He instantly let her go.

“Too much?”

“No! No…it’s just more sensitive than I thought, it’s fine, it feels good, don’t stop.” Starlight snatched his wrist and pressed his palm against her chest. His long fingers tentatively traced around the sphere of her breast, then cupped it, his thumb resting over her nipple delicately. His touch was gentle, but it brought a shiver down her spine and she rocked against him with more insistence.

“Huh, so it wasn’t my imagination, they are bigger.”

“I know, they’re so bothersome—ah! Do that, do that again.” A wave of pleasure wracked her body when he pinched her nipple lightly. He thumbed the little button slowly, flicking it up and down as he listened to the symphony that spilled from her lips in frantic gasps. “Hmm, Sunburst, yes!” She couldn’t hold her hips still even if she tried—she began rocking against him with needy little juts—and Sunburst couldn’t stop his moans as she ground against him.

“Sunblast it—!” He groaned, his lips leaving a moist trail on the side of her face. “I’m sorry, I made us wait this long.”

“Then why are you still waiting?” Starlight pushed back particularly hard and ripping a gasp out of him. “Thrust back!”

“Are you sure that it’s—”

“Yes! It’s safe, I’ll tell you if it’s too much, just meet my hips and stop worrying Sunburst!”

With a wiggle of her wide hips against his pelvis, he finally caved in. The first thrust, which drove his cock even further inside her, felt like a godsend. Every nerve was struck like a flicker turning into a flame, igniting the pleasure in her body and consuming her. Louder moans spilled free, and Starlight didn’t bother to silence them—because they would soon have a little one that would require all of their attention and silence.

Every delighted shriek that left her further edged him on, increasing the pace and strength of his thrusts. His hand slipped from her breast to rest over her protruding stomach, holding her close, and Sunburst hissed into her ear.

“How could you possibly think I don’t want you…you’re so full of life, so soft, warm, glowing—” he punctuated each compliment with a pointed thrust of his hips, “—I thought of you every day, I spent so many nights fighting the urge to roll over to you, to kiss you and worship you, you look so beautiful…”

Her smile grew with every word he said, feeling oddly satisfied, and it chased away the doubt that had grown in her heart like a poisonous weed, reassuring her that his love for her was as strong as ever even though it had kept him from her. She laced her fingers through his hair, tugging it tenderly as she nuzzled him.

“More, Sunburst, please,” Starlight pleaded, urging her hips against his. The pleasure was mounting, rippling through her with each thrust and her body was so sensitive that every little movement was amplified. It was the most sensual, the most adored she had felt in months. His hands rubbed the growing life they’d created with reverence, his body warmed her, protected her, and his arms carried her, relieving the burden and the aches she had taken on for the sake and future of their family.

“I love you…” He whispered and increased his pace, their bodies rolling together in tight motions. The warmth and weight of his body felt incredible against her own—and the pleasure built and built and built until it reached its breaking point. She cried out, weeks of tension and aches disappearing into one mind-blowing orgasm, leaving her spent and shuddering against him.

Sunburst continued rocking into her, drawing out the experience for her, whispering a string of sweet nothings into her ear—what they were she couldn’t recall, until the haze dissipated and she heard his rasping voice speaking more clearly.

“Starlight, I’m so close, i-is it safe if I…?”

Starlight nearly laughed, a mixture of her ecstasy and the tenderness he showed even the middle of sex.

“Yes, it’s fine, I want you to finish inside of me.”

She was glad when he didn’t argue further—she was tired despite the pleasure flooding her brain—and it took only a few more enthusiastic thrusts from his part before he grunted, holding on to her for dear life as his climax washed over him. The warmth that spilled inside her made her feel complete and satisfied, especially since she had finally won him over and showed him that this was fine, most likely opening up the possibility of them doing this again more often in the future, at least until the baby comes.

They remained like that for a minute, spooning against the other, and Sunburst slowly released her leg, placing it tenderly atop the other one with a meek smile. His muzzle pressed into her temple, lips murmuring sweet nonsense that made her giggle. She reached up and patted his cheek. “See? Nothing broken.”

“Yes-yes, my beautiful wife is right, as usual,” Sunburst mumbled between pants, running his hand across her stomach. “Alright in there, little one?”

“They’re fine,” but Starlight found herself laughing now, the fatherly persona he developed during the last few months was endearing and touching.

He suddenly withdrew without any warning, and Starlight blinked, feeling confused as his arms left her. “Sunburst—?” She turned and then he was in front of her, kneeling over her and cautiously resting his face against her stomach, talking in a soft, sing-song voice.

“Hey, baby…I’m sorry if we woke you, but mommy and daddy missed each other very much. Are you still sleeping? I hope so.”

“They can’t hear you.”

“I’ve heard that they can,” Sunburst muttered, glancing in her direction. “We’re not going to listen to your skeptical mommy, are we? This is just between us…I can’t wait to meet you little one, we’re going to have so much fun.”

Starlight smiled and patted his head. “Do you think it’s a colt or a filly? Mrs. Cake is convinced it’s a filly since my stomach it’s low.”

“I don’t care what they are, as long as they’re healthy.” Sunburst hummed and pressed a kiss to her bulging stomach. “I’m sure they’ll be as beautiful as you no matter the gender.”

“It would be nice if they had your eyes…” Her smile was broken by her yawn. Sleep tugged at her body and it was hard to keep her eyes open, exhaustion finally catching up to her. Sunburst was right, she was more easily spent nowadays, and right now she wanted to wrap his arms around her so she could sleep soundly. “Lay down with me…”

He smirked but did as she asked, lying behind her and holding her close.

“Oh my, are you actually tired?”

“Shut up.”

“Should I call a doctor? You’re behaving like a normal pregnant mare.”

“I said shut up,” Starlight grumbled as his arm wove around her shoulders.

“I should take out the camera to document this incredible, astounding moment!”


“Starlight Glimmer, who feels no exhaustion or pain—”


“—finally admitting that she’s mortal!”

“Sunburst!” She gripped his hand and yanked it from her shoulder, placing it over her stomach, where a familiar stirring was happening. He went quiet instantly, scooting closer and speaking anxiously.

“Are you alright? Are you in pain? Is the baby—?”

“They’re kicking…” Starlight shifted his hand and pressed it closer to her stomach. His eyes widened when he felt the fluttering underneath his lanky fingers—the sign of life growing underneath her skin, giving them a strong confirmation that they were indeed alive and thriving under their care. A soft gasp escaped him as he pulled away from her hold to return to hovering over her stomach again. As carefully as he could, he pressed his ear to her skin just in time to feel another kick.

“They heard me!” He gasped with pure delight. “Hey there, don’t fret, daddy is here…” As the stirring lessened, he pressed a quick kiss on her stomach before returning to Starlight’s side, and his arms wrapped around her once more.

Though exhausted Starlight couldn’t help but smile; it was endearing and so very sweet how he worried and cared about a little pony he didn’t even know yet—and her to an extent. So maybe she couldn’t fault him for rejecting her all this time.

“You’re going to be an awesome father, Sunburst…you already looking out for them,” she murmured, her eyes closing when she finally stopped fighting the urge to sleep.

“Thanks, Starlight,” he pulled her hand forward, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. A few minutes later the baby seemed to still, and the pair took it as a sign that the whole family should sleep as well. Which was no problem for Starlight, as she slipped into the most restful sleep she had in months.