> Headfirst into Trouble > by amblebolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Watch where you're walking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berry had overdone it once again. She had made a promise to herself that she would pace her drinks and not end up plastered by the time she was leaving. Of course she had broken that promise within fifteen minutes of being at the party, no longer counting the drinks she had once she'd grabbed her third. Moderation wasn't her strong suit. She would come to regret it in the morning when she woke up to a pounding headache and feeling ill for hours, but that was a problem for her future self. Now all she had to do was get herself home for the night. The party was over and all the guests were beginning to head home. Nobody ever asked Berry to stay afterwards to help clean things up, her stumbling and lack of coordination meant that she'd probably make and even bigger mess that someone else would have to clean up. At least Berry was the one that made most of the drinks at the parties she went to, so it wasn't like she wasn't putting anything forward of value to the party. In Berry's opinion, she had the most important job of someone who was going to be at a party. And as Berry inevitably ended up the most wasted out of anyone else at the parties she went to, of course she was going to think that her job was the most important. The sun was setting, the bright glare catching in the mare's eyes as she told her friends goodbye. It was time to head home, grab some of the leftovers from lunch with Lyra earlier that she'd saved for later, and then fall asleep somewhere in her house. "See you guys later!" Berry gave one last wave to the few ponies left inside, then stumbled forward a few steps as the door closed behind her. As she took her first steps forward she began to feel just how much she'd overdone it. Her head was spinning, yet it wasn't quite unpleasant just yet. Maybe she could go back and grab a snack before heading home, but her hooves were carrying her forward towards her house before her stomach was able to offer a growl of protest. Berry's mind had drifted back to the leftovers that were waiting just inside her house, her mouth watering some as she began to pick up her pace. Berry's house wasn't far away, so maybe Berry should have noticed that she'd long since passed the turn onto a different street a while ago. But to a drunk pony all the houses and streets looked identical, and so did all of the houses. Berry just kept walking, a bounce remaining in her step. As she carried on in the path a soft breeze began blowing past her, carrying an unfamiliar smell with it. Berry glanced around for where the smell could be coming from, though with the sun being almost fully set she couldn't see anything in the dark. She was able to make out the darkness of the Everfree forest in front of her, planting the first seeds of doubt in her mind. But then the smell got stronger. It seemed so familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it. Where had she smelled it before? There were hints of blueberries, though it was faint. It also reminded her of a mare about to go into heat, mixed with the scent of a well worked stallion. Berry's mouth was beginning to fill with drool. Berry began walking forward again, breaking off of the path and heading towards the trees. She followed the scent, thanking the breeze for helping carry the smell towards her. It was drawing her closer, and her wobbly hoofsteps weren't going to stop her. Sure she tripped and fell over tree roots in the dark, but she was quick to right herself and keep pressing forward, not thinking about anything else other than the smell. Her mouth hung open as she hurried through the underbrush, wincing as a branch snapped back and hit one of her hind legs. The smell reached its peak as Berry stumbled into a small clearing covered in a leaf canopy. With the soft moonlight filtering through the trees Berry was able to see enough to get a glimpse of what was here with her. Vines were woven around the branches above her, some of them bearing white petaled flowers that caught her eye. The vines were still, despite the breeze making the branches shake gently. Berry didn't seem to notice or care that much. She walked forward, some vines brushing past her sides as she approached one of the longer vines that had flowers growing on it. She stood still just a few inches away from it, hesitating for a moment before slowly moving her face forward and letting her nose get closer to the white flower. She was holding her breath, not even realizing it. Berry emptied her lungs slowly, then smelled the flower. The smell was overwhelming, the sweet scent of marehood filled her nose. It was enough to bring a flush of color to Berry's cheeks. She was unsure of what kind of flower this was, but she'd never heard of a flower that smelled like this. The petals of the flower grazed over the tip of her nose, they were softer than any other flower that Berry had ever felt. She would hesitate for a moment, then opened her mouth and pulled the flower off the vine. As she bit into the flower, its nectar began to spill into her mouth. It was sickeningly sweet, yet Berry felt like she couldn't get enough. Her eyes closed as she chewed, wanting to savor this moment as long as she could. Any thought of leftover food was gone from her mind as she ate the flower. One thing that Berry noticed as she swallowed the flower was that she was salivating quite a bit. She swallowed a few more times, but it would keep filling up her mouth over and over again. Maybe that was use something she would have to deal with if she was going to eat these flowers. When Berry opened her eyes to look around her again, she felt her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach. The vines, and more importantly the flowers, were missing. Berry's head swung around rapidly, trying to find where the vines went. It didn't take long, her body freezing up as all the vines remerged from the canopy and began wrapping themselves around her. She felt two of them wrapping themselves tightly around her thighs, keeping her hips locked in place as a thin vine wrapped itself around her front legs, yanking them back in between her hind legs. She felt forward, but a vine coiling around her throat stopped her hitting the ground. The vine around her neck was squeezing gently, and she opened her mouth to try to keep breathing more in response. Berry was being held by vines in a forest. Drool was running down her chin as she squirmed against the vines holding her place, only for their grip to tighten on her. She gasped as the vine around her neck looked around again, keeping her head still and her breathing limited. Her stomach felt warm, now worrying about the flower and if it really was safe for her to eat. The warmth was beginning to spread through her body, not feeling unpleasant. The warmth reached the tips of her hooves, a shudder running from the tips of her ears and all the way down to her tail. And then the warmth made it to her marehood. Berry's eyes squeezed shut as her clit throbbed with the heat. Just what kind of plant was this? Before Berry was able to string a thought together, a vine had pressed its way into her mouth. Her eyes snapped open as a muffed sound tried to force its way out of her. In the dim light Berry could see that a white vine was hanging down in front of her face, and now it was beginning to force its way into her mouth. Her spit lubed the vine up as the thin tendril explored her mouth. It found what it was looking for pretty quickly, as Berry felt it poking at her throat just a second later. She gagged as the vine forced its way into her throat, then just held itself there. With the vines wrapped around her neck and the one in her throat, she found it almost impossible to breathe. Berry tried to shake her head around and get the vine out of her mouth, but it followed her movements perfectly, not moving an inch. The vine began to slide out, and Berry got her hopes up far too early. The vine brushed past her tonsils, causing her gag, then pushed right back down her throat. The vine found a rhythm easily, filling the clearing the sound of Berry's slick throat being fucked, as well as her frequent gags. Berry had drool and tears wetting her face as she struggled to handle the feeling of the vine fucking into her throat. Her excessive amount of saliva her mouth was producing from eating the flower seemed to at least be helping keep the vine lubricated enough that it made less friction on the walls of her esophagus as it forced deeper down her throat. She felt lightheaded, struggling to breathe as the vine fucked her throat. The grip on her throat suddenly tightened, and the vine down her throat managed to stifle the sound of alarm Berry made. The vine down her throat sped up, seeming to expand some in her throat, fully cutting off Berry's ability to inhale. She tried to squirm around to get away from the vines once again, only for more vines to reach out and wrap around her hips and around her back hooves to keep her movements from being anything more than a small wiggle. The vine in her throat began pulsating, feeling something hot being pumped down her throat. She found herself swallowing as the vine kept pumping more of the liquid into her, feeling her stomach fill with it. The vine was still pulsating as it began slowly sliding out of Berry's throat, filling her mouth with a salty tasting substance as it pulled out of her mouth. Berry began coughing, not noticing the vines around her neck loosening as she took in large gulps of air. The substance spilled out of her mouth as she coughed, her eyes squeezing shut as hot splatters of the liquid coated her face for the next minute. Once the white vine had pulled away and Berry had caught her breath, the realization of what was happening to her began to sink in. She was at the mercy of plants. She had just had her stomach filled with plant cum. It was absurd, and yet now she was waiting for the next thing. She turned her head around to try and get a look at what was happening behind her, but with the position her body was in and how dark the forest was, she didn't have much luck. She certainly felt a vine wrapping around her tail and lifting it up, exposing her soaked marehood to the air. She could feel that her wetness had started to creep down her thighs. When was the last time Berry had ever been this wet? She didn't have much time to ponder her question as a vine prodded at her marehood and attached itself to her clit. Berry's eyes widened as her clit twitched at the sudden feeling. Berry's legs trembled as the vine on her clit began to suck on it, moans soon beginning to spill from her lips. She forgot about trying to wiggle away as the pleasure began to roll over her, her hips rocking forward as the suction got stronger. The vine certainly knew how to please a mare, especially drunk ones who hadn't properly gotten off in at least two weeks. It didn't take long to bring Berry to an orgasm, her muscles twitching as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. As Berry was at the peak of her climax, the vine let go of her clit, and was soon replaced by a vine a little thinner than the one that had been in her throat prodding its way into her ass. Berry cried out in surprise, at first not sure what the feeling at been. Her head didn't get the chance to swivel back to look behind her, another vine forcing its way into her mouth and down her throat once again. The vine in her throat just held itself in her mouth and just barely down her throat, still allowing Berry to breathe through her nose while still muffling some of her sounds. The vine in Berry's ass began to slowly thrust into her, with how easily it entered her it had to be already lubed up. Berry hadn't expected for it to feel good, but with the gentle thrusts and thin size of the vine, Berry found herself moaning around the vine in her throat as her insides were explored. The vine thrusting into her soon pulled out, but was replaced with a larger vine soon after. Berry had been prepped a little with the smaller one, so as the larger vine thrusted into her, Berry was ready to welcome it. The vine thrusted into her hard, a small bulge appearing on her tummy with each thrust. Berry rocked her hips with the vine, gagging softly as the vine in her mouth began pushing further down her throat. The vines matched their paces with each other, pulling out at the same time and then shoving back into her and making Berry feel full. Her clit was throbbing once again, and she felt the suction on her clit soon after. It was like the vines wanted to see of they could overwhelm Berry. All at once, Berry was orgasming a second time, and both of the vines were unloading their seed into Berry. Her stomach was starting to feel uncomfortably full with all the semen she'd already swallowed, and with more of it filling her ass, her tummy was beginning to bulge from being too full. Berry wasn't getting a moment of rest, a forth vine pressing itself against her marehood, prodding at her hole before plunging in. Berry cried out as her marehood was stretched out by the large vine, the vine in her ass beginning to slide out. Berry wrongly assumed that she was going to be only dealing with one of the vines. As the one in her marehood slid out, the vine in her ass thrust itself back in, the two vines fucking Berry's holes at the same pace. Berry could feel the vine in her marehood pressing against her cervix with each thrust, earning more moans from her. The vine in her mouth began thrusting away down her throat. Berry felt uncomfortably full. All of her holes were being stuffed as full as possible. Cum could be heard sloshing around inside of her as the vines sped up. Berry found herself unable to stop herself from cumming as too more vines began sucking her nipples in unison with vine on her clit. Berry's hips twitched forward, and she felt herself cumming over and over again as the vines had their way with her. The vines continued filling Berry with cum, her marehood was leaking cum down her legs as the vines continued to thrust into her. The vines stopped moving for a fraction of a second as they retimed their thrusts, now the vines in each of her holes were now thrusting into her at the same time. Berry wasn't sure how much more of this she could take. It felt like she couldn't stop cumming. She was overstimulated, her hips spasming as she tried to find a break from the suction on her clit. Berry had long since stopped being able to think about anything. The vines slammed into her one last time, the vine in her marehood poking right up against her cervix, and cum began being poured into her for the last time. Her womb was completely filled, and her stomach also couldn't handle much more. The vines throbbed a few times inside of her, then one by one they slid themselves out of her holes. Cum leaked out of her marehood and down her shaking legs. The vines that were holding Berry in place slowly lowered her legs down onto the ground, allowing her to just lay on the ground. Berry panted for a while as she struggled to catch her breath, watching all the vines pull away into the branches over her head. Berry wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep, but the first thing she did when she woke up was vomit up a while slurry of cum from the night before. Her head was pounding. She really should have paced herself. Her eyes squinted in the bright light, looking around. A confused look found its way onto her face. She was night by Fluttershy's yard. Berry was certain that she didn't see it on her walk towards the forest last night, but her head was throbbing too bad to ponder it too much. Berry pushed herself to stand up, her legs shaking as she made her way out of the trees and back towards Ponyville. She felt like taking a long bath.