> Hallowed Mind and the Succubus > by Lux Tenebris > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hallowed Mind and the Succubus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallowed Mind had always been a diligent student in the field of magic. He had learned his first levitation spell at the age of five after he had encountered realm-bleeding near his village. It was not uncommon for ponies, may they be from Cosea or Silvelt, to develop magical affinities after they interacted with a gate to the other realms. Now, realm-bleeding was hardly common since the fourteen other-realms were meant to be separated from the mortal plain. But they still often breached through the veil between realms in areas where grand demons or spirits had been summoned. They also appeared around areas where emotions had run high. Battlefields, holy places, and natural disasters all invited the other realms to the mortal plane.  Hallowed had not known any of this when he had approached the realm-bleeding outside his village. The brown unicorn colt had seen a part of the fields where strange crystals grew and where things floated in the air and walked up to it without thinking twice. He had just laughed and happily entered the strange area when the magic energies tore the very fabric of reality. Barley and wheat had risen into the sky only to fall back down again. Birds had been locked in place in the heavens and they had flapped their wings in a desperate attempt to get free. Hallowed had been so focused on the strange visuals that he did not even notice the spirit that appeared. The spirit resembled a lemur, but it had held horns and hands large enough to wring an apple tree dry. It had made a strange noise, like a cross between a bird's call and a whale's song, and Hallowed had gone to it like a moth to a flame. He had been fascinated by its strange anatomy and walked right up to it. Hallowed had known he wasn't supposed to touch spirits, but it had just drawn him in. And then it had touched his head and he had collapsed from the magical shock.  A free spirit was a fountain of magical energy, energy a young mind could barely handle. So Hallowed had collapsed and only been found an hour later. By the time he woke up, the colt understood the basic principles of levitation, and he held a fascination for beings from the other-realms.    As Hallowed tried to learn more and more magic his parents decided it would be good for him to learn the magical arts in a safe environment. The oligarchy that led their small southern nation of Quta was mostly made up of warlocks, so his parents reasoned that someone had to be able to teach their son. An arcanely gifted child was an opportunity after all. The salary a state warlock earned had enticed his parents just as much as their care for his well-being. They were quite poor farmers with little to their name but the fields their families had worked on for generations. So at the age of seven Hallowed had been sent off to the Seven Towers Academy to learn magic. He began his studies in the grand library where all students below the age of eighteen lived and worked. The unicorn colt gained little prowess in combat magic, so he was unable to join the Quta military. However, what he did find enticing were conjuration and rituals. They allowed him to revisit the visions from his childhood, of a strange creature that gave him abilities he could never have dreamed of.   Hallowed began his experiments into the other realms through diligent study of realm bleeding and spirits. He found it fun at first to summon a spirit and make it do mundane tasks. It allowed him to relax and focus more on his studies. Though simple lesser spirits could not entice the mind of a child forever. He moved on to summon stronger spirits and later he began to study how to bind a spirit to an object. It was during his third year at the Seven Towers Academy that Hallowed had succeeded in binding a lesser spirit to a lantern. The spirit-infused item lit up at his command and it could stay that way for however long the colt wanted. To manipulate the creatures from beyond the veil excited him, and it made him feel powerful.     Though spirits could not always entice him. After all, he was at an academy for warlocks. The reason why they were so feared throughout most of the world, the reason their practices were outlawed in Cosea, and the reason they were hunted in Silfy, was because of their ability to summon demons.  Hallowed Mind dove into the field of demonology, however, he did not focus much on the wards or protection spells of the study. He learned how to draw a good summoning circle, where to look for reliable demons to summon, and how to force a name upon a being from the other realms. He quickly earned a name for himself as he summoned an imp to clean the headmistress’ office at the age of fourteen. It saw him moved to the conjuration halls within the central library where he stayed until the day he came of age. When a warlock reached the age of eighteen they were meant to choose one of the seven deadly sins to represent them. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Each sin corresponded to one of the black towers that made up the outer layers of the academy. Hallowed imagined he would become a warlock that worked with demons and spirits focused on greed and sloth. However the day he took the test to determine where exactly he would be sent was the day he discovered something else inside him.  Lust.  The headmistress had decided to wear black slippers and black stockings on the day of the exam. The color had highlighted her white fur and as she had turned around to write miscellaneous things on the blackboard Hallowed had been mesmerized by her flank. It had ever so slightly jiggled with each step the headmistress had taken. Her cutie mark, that of a heart surrounded by sharp thorns, only helped bring out just how large and soft her behind was. That was not to say that the headmistress was chubby or fat. Her legs were quite clearly filled with strong muscles, though her flank just stood out with its softness and round shape. Not that the headmistress wasn’t a looker. Long black locks that cascaded down her shoulders and down her front legs, piercing green eyes that made any student caught in their gaze shudder, and a smile which made any male swallow thickly.  It had taken Hallowed many years to notice it, but the headmistress was HOT.  With the new sensations of lust and need came a hardness and stiffness Hallowed had never experienced before. He had been the prudish sort and focused on his studies for most of the time. He had barely noticed the onset of puberty. Now it all hit him at once.  The brown stallion had grasped his member with a firm magical grasp and he had started to jerk it back and forth. He had panted and hissed in pleasure, though in the large lecture hall where everyone wrote at the same time it was hardly heard. No one suspected that right underneath his desk the unicorn jerked his cock to the flank of the academy’s headmistress. Hallowed would not have cared if anyone noticed. He began to find a rhythm and a new sensation began in his spine and nethers. He had panted and stared at the headmistress’ flank with reckless abandon as he jerked his shaft faster and faster. He felt himself grow close towards something, and he felt the tip of his cock flare. Just when he was at the edge the headmistress turned around and stared right at him.  “Student Mind, are you alright? You look warm. Do you have a fever?” the mare had asked.  Hallowed had immediately dropped the magical grasp of his member and he shook his head. He squeezed his legs around his flared tip and he tried to not shake as it flexed and throbbed. “I am fine, headmistress.” The mare had continued to observe him while Hallowed grew more and more desperate to touch himself. He needed just a bit more stimulation to achieve something incredible. Yet the headmistress did not relent. Her green eyes stared back into his and she goaded him into it. She smirked as his eyes rolled back up into his head and his breath grew harsh. Hallowed barely held back a frustrated whine as warm seed poured from his cock. It was not in triumphant spurts and spikes of pleasure, but a stream of need and desire that remained unfulfilled which flowed from his member and hit the floor. Only when his cock stopped twitching and throbbing did the headmistress give him an evil smirk and return her focus to the blackboard.  Hallowed had quickly used magic to clean himself, and his neighbors had not noticed anything. They were all too engrossed in their exam. The brown stallion left the exam room with an ache in his stomach and a need to touch his member which seemed to be ready for more action.  After the exams, Hallowed was assigned to the Tower of Lust. It came as a surprise for him to be assigned to that tower since it did not seem to match his skills or personality, but he accepted it. He had moved into the dorms there and Hallowed soon found himself in classes that were much more steamy than those in the central library. An air of need hung over each classroom, spirits, and demons summoned by the senior male students all bore the shapes of beautiful mares, and the study material included books of pornographic nature. It was all much different from the almost innocent central library. It both excited and scared Hallowed.  Eventually, the new students of the tower were given the assignment to summon a creature from a chosen realm that could satisfy their urges. Hallowed had no idea where to start, mostly because he did not know of a demon or spirit that fulfilled such desires. That is when the headmistress’ had felt remorse for her actions in the exam room. She had given him a book on how to summon a succubus, one of the weaker lust demons to walk the other realms. Hallowed had accepted the book and her help with gratitude, he assumed she must truly have felt bad after she stole his pleasure. So it was with the instructions of the book that Hallowed locked his dorm room, pulled the curtains over the windows, drew the summoning circle, and wrote the contract.  “With the power of Forcis and the pleasures of the mortal plane, I summon you here. Join me in this darkness, Flora, succubus of sweet scents and spring,” Hallowed chanted.  The chalk circle lit up from his words and inside it a great light emerged. It first held the shape of a sphere, but it soon took on more pony-like features. Legs emerged beneath it, the body grew longer and slimmer, a heart-tipped tail grew from a shapely flank, and a head accented by two horns formed in front of him. The succubus had white fur with a red mane and she licked her lips at the young stallion. Her teeth were sharp, like that of a predator. Hallowed swallowed thickly at the sight and he tried to compose himself, though his eyes fell on her flank ever so often.  “Flora, before you is your master and the contract you will sign to serve all his needs,” the stallion said with a gulp. He shook from his own excitement and he could feel his member harden.  Flora’s red eyes pierced his own and she giggled. “You are cute. I am going to enjoy eating you~”           Hallowed looked at the succubus with a confused expression before his confusion turned to horror. The alluring mare just stepped out of the summing circle like it was not there, like the wards were not in place. Hallowed had always been a bit cheap on safety precautions but this was supposed to be impossible. The brown stallion dropped the contract the succubus was meant to sign with her blood and he took a step back. Flora licked her lips and advanced on the male with a grin. Before Hallowed could react the succubus pounced on him and forced him to the floor. The male grunted as he slammed his back into the wooden boards, but that was soon forgotten as Flora gave his member a long and sultry lick.  “You taste so good, master~” the succubus hummed and took the tip of his member into her mouth.  “You… Oh, gods~ You need to stop! Get off me!” the male moaned. Hallowed tried to stand but he was quickly pushed back by a powerful magical force. He tried to summon forth the energy to blast the demon, but she simply attached an inhibitor ring around his horn with a grin.  “I want to play with you, master~ Can’t have you do something foolish that will spoil my meal~” Flora purred.  Hallowed was about to respond when the succubus suddenly took his member into her mouth. The air was knocked out of his lungs and Hallowed moaned as Flora pulled back and sucked on his member. She slammed herself down on his cock until she reached his nuts, where she began to use her long tongue to lick and caress them. The brown stallion was overwhelmed by the succubus’ oral administrations and he could only moan as the succubus throat-fucked him.  Flora kept up her intense blowjob for what felt like hours. Whenever Hallowed began to cry in pleasure and his tip flared she would pull off his throbbing member and treat his swollen balls with gentle licks. Once she was certain her prey would not cum she would immediately go back to swallowing his cock. However, Hallowed was a virgin and he was backed up before the succubus had begun to tease him. Eventually, he could take no more. “Gods~ It’s coming! I am cumming!” he groaned as his tip flared wide. Flora coughed around his cock as it grew wide but she only giggled at the stallion as his member began to unload rope after rope of cum down her throat. The stallion shook and weakly thrust down her throat as his orgasm subsided. Yet as Flora pulled his cock from her mouth it was still hard and it throbbed with more need than ever. There was a sweet scent in the air, and it made Hallowed crave the succubus’ though even more.  “I am putting it inside now~ I think it is time for the main course~” she giggled.  Flora stood up and grabbed his member with a magical grasp. She lined his cockhead up with her wet entrance and pushed it inside. She slowly sank down on his cock with a pleasure-mad smile on her face. Hallowed could only grunt in pleasure as he for the first time entered a mare. Once Flora had fully taken him inside she wasted no time and started to bounce on his lap. The stallion grunted and groaned as the succubus used him as a plaything and Flora could only moan his name.  “You’re so big, master! Oh, I wished I could keep you~” the succubus moaned.  “Fuck~ You’re so warm~” the young stallion whimpered and his member flexed inside her.  Flora grinned and bounced ever faster on his lap. “It’s ok, master~ You can cum inside~ Give me everything~ I want to eat your soul~”  Hallowed’s eyes widened in terror and he gritted his teeth in pleasure. “W-What!?” The succubus moaned and slammed down on his lap even harder. “We eat the souls of those who feed our hungry pussies~ So please feed me, master~ Give me everything~” The force which pinned Hallowed to the ground only grew in strength as he struggled to get up. He panted and whined, twisted and turned, but he could not escape the pleasure the succubus gave him. He began to mumble and moan for her to stop, each one more panicked than the other. She just panted and continued her ride.  “No… No… No...” Hallowed moaned as he felt himself flare wide inside the succubus. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Flora cried and slammed down so hard on his cock that Hallowed’s pelvis hurt.  Just as he reached the point of no return the door opened and the headmistress stepped in. Flora froze on top of him and turned around to face the mare. The headmistress closed the door to the hallway and locked it for good measure. Hallowed sighed in relief. The headmistress had come to save him. He would be safe. That is when the headmistress grinned at the sight and nodded at Flora.  “You’re making your mistress proud, Flora~” the headmistress purred.  The succubus blushed at the praise and slammed down on Hallowed for good measure. The stallion gasped and looked at the headmistress in shock. The dark-haired mare just grinned at him and leaned in close.  “You see, I have a way to punish perverts. I allow them to release all those pent-up frustrations all at once in the biggest orgasm of their life~ It is just too bad they have to lose their souls as they cum~” the headmistress purred into his ear.  Hallowed shook his head in fear and breathed heavily. “Please I don’t want to lose my soul! I’ll do anything!” The headmistress grinned at that and picked up both the stallion and succubus mare in a firm magical grip. She placed them on the bed with Hallowed on top of Flora, to which the succubus cooed. The headmistress applied some force to the stallion’s behind so he would sink into the succubus’ pussy. Hallowed grunted in pleasure in response and Flora moaned.  “Make her cum and you’ll be free to go~ But if you cum before her then...” the headmistress giggled.  Hallowed panted and looked down at Flora. The succubus smiled up at him and he felt anger in his chest. So she wanted his soul? He would not let her have it. The stallion pulled back from the mare until only his tip remained only to then slam back inside. Flora gasped and twisted underneath him in pleasure. “Oh, master~ Oh please cum master Hallowed~ I am so hungry~” the succubus panted. “Shut up!” the young warlock grunted in return and only thrust harder into the lust demon.  Hallowed wheezed and groaned as he rapidly slammed into the succubus’ cunt. Flora seemed to only become more and more lost in a sea of bliss. Her eyes rolled back up into her head and her tongue hung on the outside of her mouth. Her hind legs kicked ever so often in pleasure and her lewd pants and moans only made the stallion groan in pleasure. He felt good to be on top, to be in control. Hallowed felt himself growing closer and closer to an orgasm, something which was not helped as the headmistress watched him with hunger. Though he felt calmer as the succubus’ back arched and she moaned loudly. Her pussy clenched down on his cock as a vice and Hallowed moaned.  “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Flora screamed as her juices gushed around Hallowed’s strained member. The mare juices covered both lovers and sheaths, much to the enjoyment of the headmistress who licked her lips.  Hallowed gave out a deep groan as Flora’s insides milked him and his tip flared. He felt all his muscles grow taught and he could feel the cum as it tried to push its way out of his cock. Yet as Flora came down from her high he hadn’t cum, and relief, as well as disappointment, flowed over him. Hallowed began to pull out of Flora only for the headmistress to place her hooves on his flank. Before he could ask her what she was doing the headmistress had pushed him back deep inside.  “You didn’t think I would actually let you go, did you?~” she cooed and helped him thrust into the succubus.  “Oh gods no, I am so close~ Stop! Stop!” Hallowed cried. The stallion could feel his balls churn with the desire to unleash everything that was stored inside. He could feel the cum right by his tip as it wanted to unleash itself on the succubus’ insides. His breaths came in dry heaves as and he made louder and louder groans as he tried to not cum inside the demon.  The headmistress grabbed a ruler with her magic and traced his balls with it. She giggled and leaned in close to his ear. “All you have to do to not lose your soul is to not cum~ You can do that, right?~” Hallowed could only grunt and moan in response as the headmistress pushed him back inside Flora time and time again. Hallowed’s breath grew deeper and deeper, his groans became more and more drawn out, and his muscles were so stiff they ached. But that was nothing against the pain in his stomach. It only grew in strength and he gritted his teeth. Flora moaned and wrapped her tail around his leg while the headmistress nibbled on his ear. “I picked her because she resembles me~ Imagine that she was me~ I decided to help you achieve release during the exam instead of just watching you slowly ruin yourself~” she purred.  “No…” Hallowed moaned and his eyes rolled back up into his head.  His cock flared wide.  “Cum inside my warm pussy, make your headmistress your bitch! Release all that filthy pervert seed!” she barked.  “Urgh… No... Ghhh... Urghhhhhhhhhhh~” Hallowed groaned and convulsed.  The headmistress leaned in close and moaned seductively into his ear. “I want to have your foals~ Breed me~ Give me everything~” That finally did it. Hallowed shook like he had a seizure and he made loud animalistic groans and grunts as he finally unloaded inside the succubus’ pussy. His member throbbed and flexed as spurt after spurt of thick baby batter painted the succubus’ womb and Hallowed’s vision swam. The headmistress released her grasp on his flank, yet he continued to thrust inside the succubus’ pussy anyway. Each time his long dark member pushed inside a stream of mare juices and thick creamy cum flowed down Flora’s flank.   “Yeesssss~ Feed me~” the succubus moaned as her pussy milked everything from the poor student.   Hallowed could only moan as something far thicker than cum flowed through his cock. A holy glow filled Flora’s stomach to which she cried in ecstasy. Hallowed could only shake as she ate all he was. Once he was spent the stallion collapsed next to the succubus onto the bed. A strange feeling coursed through his body, like the time the spirit had touched his horn when he was young, and his eyelids felt heavy. Before darkness took him he felt Flora lick his face.  “Goodnight, sweet prey~ Thank you for such a fulfilling meal~” The headmistress bit his ear a final time and gave an excited shudder. “This is what happens to perverts like you~” Hallowed felt the darkness embrace him, though an incredible comforting warmth followed. Death did not take him, but something else did. When he eventually awoke in his dark room his mouth felt dry and his head pounded as if someone had hammered a nail into it. His cock was hard as stone yet it ached in a sweet pain from the previous sexual encounter. Most of all he felt ill. His sense of balance was off and there was a deep hunger in his stomach. As Hallowed looked around he soon noted the two shaped by his sides. The headmistress and Flora both kissed his hard cock and looked at him with a grin.  “You are a special student after all… I think I will enjoy teaching you, farm boy~” the headmistress purred.  “I didn’t know you mortals could do something like this!” Flora said with an excited tone and leaned down to once again kiss his cock. “What?...” Hallowed mumbled and tried to move. Yet his sense of balance did not return. His head felt heavier than it had been before, and as he ran a hoof over his head he soon realized why. There was no longer a horn on his forehead, but there were two on the sides of his head. They curved much like the horns of a ram and they resemble Flora’s own horns. He also looked down to see his tail was now thick and carried no fur while it ended in a sharp tip. His eyes widened.  “You smell so good, master~ Please let me stay~” Flora moaned and gently kissed his member.  “What happened to me?...” Hallowed groaned. “It seems when your soul touched Flora’s insides that it reacted positively. Instead of being consumed it became changed. You are not a demon, but nor are you a pony… You have become something in between. I think I will enjoy playing with you, pet~” the headmistress said and kissed his cheek. Hallowed could only whimper in response and the two mares cuddled into his side and gave him affectionate kisses.