Changing a Changeling

by PegPony

First published

Starlight turns Chrysalis into a bimbo then fucks her

Chrysalis has just suffered defeat at the hooves of Starlight Glimmer, she has lost her title, her kingdom and her subjects. Understandably, she is pissed off and refuses to turn over a new leaf, so Starlight decides to use a modified version of an old spell she had performed in the past to force her to be good. It has unexpected and sexy results. This story is not connected in any way to the FGTBFG series.

This story was written for: superfun


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Starlight stepped forward and spoke directly to the now former Queen Chrysalis "When Twilight and her friends defeated me, I chose to run away and seek revenge, you don't have to. You can be the leader your subjects deserve". Chrysalis faltered for a moment as she genuinely considered the possibility of remaining in charge of the changelings, as Starlight extended a hoof, Chrysalis eyed it warily before snarling and smacking it away.

"There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will ever come close to what I will exact upon you one day Starlight Glimmer!"

Chrysalis was about to fly when Starlight Glimmer sighed then with a shrug said "OK, suit yourself", then used her magic to quickly encase Chrysalis in a crystal, the same spell she had used against Twilight not so long ago. The frozen Chrysalis thudded to the ground and everyone just stared, they all knew Chrysalis would never repent and that she needed to be punished in some way, but what punishment could they give her? Keep her encased in stone? Not very original. Banish her to the moon? That had been done before and even then it wasn't permanent. No, Starlight had a much more deliciously ironic punishment. Chrysalis wanted to be the same old kind of changeling that would take love from any creature she came across.

So Starlight Glimmer was going to make sure that she did.


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Back at Twilight's castle, Twilight and Starlight had placed the still frozen Chrysalis in the center of the main hall where the map usually was. Twilight was still a little nervous about what Starlight was suggesting, as she saw Starlight preparing the spell she said "Are you sure this is a good idea Starlight? I mean... it didn't exactly work out the way you intended last time, though I hope you remember that doing it in the first place was a mistake".

Starlight groaned "Yes Twilight! I know what I'm doing! Besides, I've worked out all the kinks in this spell and even if it doesn't work properly, she's a villain, why do you care?"

Twilight said "Relax, I just want to make sure that you are certain that this is necessary and that it's fair"

Starlight deadpanned and said "Are you really going to talk magic ethics when you almost doomed a bunch of vampire fruit bats to starve to death by forcing them to not eat Applejack's apples whilst also almost turning your friend into a gigantic vampire fruit bat pony hybrid? Not to mention you know spells that can force people to be nice, turn frogs into sentient oranges and blast away clones of Pinkie Pie and-"

Twilight interrupted her and said "OK OK, I get it! I never claimed to be a fucking saint Starlight!"

Starlight got back to her spell preparation "OK... some Fiducia Compelus, a little Cogeria and to top it all off a bit of Persuadere, that should do the trick!" Starlight gathered all the magic up in her horn and fired it at the crystal that contained Chrysalis, luckily the magic was able to pass through the solid block and envelope Chrysalis entirely. Starlight broke apart the crystal, seeing Chrysalis still in an entranced state, now for the trigger.

"Chrysalis! Hear my voice and listen!"

A burst of light flooded the room before dissipating into nothingness. Chrysalis was stood there and blinked a few times before shaking her head and seeing Starlight Glimmer, but she didn't attack, or snarl or try to run away, in a bizarre twist, she smiled. It wasn't even an evil villain smile either, it was more like a stereotypical ditsy schoolgirl kind of smile, sweet and innocent. Then she spoke, "Starlight! How wonderful to see you! Can I just say that I'm like, so totally super sorry about before. Can I make it up to you? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Her voice was... different, not a trace of malice or contempt, again she just sounded like an air-headed college girl.

Even Starlight Glimmer was surprised at this complete 180 in her personality "Well Chrysalis... um..." before Starlight Glimmer could go any further Chrysalis giggled.

"Please Glimmy! You don't have to like, call me by my full name! We're gal pals! Call me Chryssie you big ol' silly!"

Twilight was in full cringe mode, Chrysalis as a villain was bad, but Chrysalis as Chryssie was... gag inducing!

Chrysalis looked around the room and said "Hey girls, do either of you have like, a mirror or something? Twilight, still attempting to recover from and comprehend just what had happened, conjured up a mirror for Chrysalis to look in. When she looked in the mirror, she was horrified at her reflection "Ew! Gross! Look at me! Why have I got all these holes in my hair and my legs?! I'm way too tall, have weird cat eyes, a crooked horn and fangs! Yuck! I need to look a little more sexy if I wanna hang out with you Glimmy, it wouldn't be fair on you!"

A shot of green fire enveloped her body and when the flames died out, Chrysalis was still there, but different. She had opted to keep her natural colors, but rather than a tall changeling queen, she was now an ordinary looking unicorn mare, just with darker colors and no cutie mark.


Making a Mare

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Starlight turned to Twilight and said "What... the... FUCK... is going on!? What happened?!"

Twilight said "Well, it looks like you've just gained a new best friend and discovered the perfect combination of spells to turn someone into a mindless bimbo, congratulations, big win right there". Twilight could be a sarcastic bitch sometimes.

Chryssie butted in to the conversation "Hey Glimmy, since I'm all like, good now, I think we should spend some time together! We really need to go do some shopping you know? Get me some outfits and make-up that work with my skin tone, I so totally need a make-over!"

Twilight grinned and said "Well, she's all yours!" Twilight teleported away, leaving Starlight alone with Chryssie.

After Starlight had recovered from the shock, she figured she could use this as an opportunity to have a little fun with her new friend "So Chryssie... are you sure you look exactly how you wanna look?"

Chryssie looked at Starlight with a look of confusion "What do you mean Glimmy?"

Starlight hated being called Glimmy. "Well you know, if a mare wants too look a little tasty, I would say they'd have a slightly larger, well... y'know..."

Chryssie looked back at her bottom then blushed with a little chuckle and said "Well, I guess it could be a little bigger". A flash of green and there was Chryssie again, this time with a slightly larger set of ass cheeks.

Starlight smiled "Much better, now you wanted to go shopping?"

Chryssie jumped up and down in excitement "Yay! Let's go Glimmy! Let's go!" Starlight grinned deviously, she knew the perfect place to go. As Chryssie and Starlight went into Ponyville, plenty of the citizens gave them odd looks, maybe it was because Chryssie was so obviously just a pony version of her former self or maybe it was because Chryssie was with another former villain, Starlight. Though probably the most obvious rumor that began to spread was that they were a couple, unfortunately Starlight was unwittingly adding fuel to that fire as she and Chryssie went to a secluded little area in town and walked into a branch of the notorious sex shop chain, Ann Summares.

"Are you sure this is the right place Glimmy? I thought we'd be heading to Rarity's boutique or something" Said Chryssie as her eyes wandered around the shelves, taking in all the exotic erotic items on sale.

Starlight scoffed and said "Nonsense! We need to accentuate all of your best assets and your feminine curves Chryssie, now let's pick out some clothes and accessories hot stuff". As they both shopped around, they picked out items of clothing that just screamed the word "slut". Red stockings that went all the way up each leg, a red collar with silver spikes all around it and ridiculously short red satin skirt that basically showed off her ass rather than covered it.

Then it was time for some make-up, not too much, just enough to make it look like she was always ready for a night out where she'd be chatting up a few stallions or a couple of mares, maybe work at a glory hole for a bit. Dark blue lipstick and eye shadow complimented her skin tone perfectly, not to mention a touch of mascara to make her eyelashes look that little bit fuller with a little eyeliner for good measure.

After that came the slightly more sexually suggestive items on their shopping list, a dark purple lead and a butt plug of the same color. Chryssie blushed as Starlight fixed the lead to her collar "Do you think I should change my mane or my tail Glimmy? My mane is always draped over one eye and my tail is a little long..."

Starlight shook her head "Absolutely not! That partially covered eye look is very seductive and stallions love a long tail, it gives them something to tug on when they're fucking you" Chryssie giggled and, unsurprisingly, kept her mane and tail the way it was.

Plug it in, Turn her on

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"Are you sure we should be doing this in the changing room Glimmy? It feels a little... naughty" said Chryssie, she was wearing the outfit, had applied the make up, had the lead on her collar, the only thing left to use was the butt plug.

Glimmer said "Will you relax Chryssie? This is Ann Summares! This kind of thing probably happens all the time, at least we are not fucking in here. Besides, you are a naughty mare aren't you?"

Chryssie blushed and went "Y-yeah..."

Starlight glared at her "Fucking say it"

With a whimper, Chryssie obeyed and said "I-I'm a n-naughty mare..."

"Good girl" said Starlight, shortly before putting the butt plug in her mouth and lubricating it with her saliva, once she popped it out of her mouth she said "This is going in your ass, you're going to keep it in there until I say so, do you understand?"

Chryssie blushed even harder "But...but Glimmy..."

Starlight glared at her even harder and through gritted teeth said "I'm not fucking asking bitch".

Chryssie gulped and turned around, raising her tail up and spreading her back legs a little, giving Starlight access to her sweet tight little asshole. Starlight moved forward and gave one long firm lick against Chryssie's asshole to prepare it for the impending penetration, as she pressed the tip of the butt plug up against Chryssie's back entrance she felt the resistance it was gonna put up.

Starlight decided the best way to go about this would be to just push harder and harder and harder until it was crammed into her ass, so that's just what she did. Initially, Starlight struggled so much getting it in that she wondered if it would even fit inside her at all, but using all the strength she could muster, Chryssie's asshole stretched open and allowed the butt plug to become buried in her bottom. Starlight stood back as Chryssie turned back around and struck a pose. That was when something hit her, Chryssie was actually attractive.

"Wow Chryssie..." said Starlight, slightly breathless with her pussy moistening "You are... so fucking sexy".

Chryssie smiled, blushing again "Thank you Glimmy, I certainly feel sexy..."

Starlight felt somewhat embarrassed as she felt her pussy winking, then again, she had taken it this far. She might as well go the whole hog. Starlight took hold of the lead in her magic and said "Come on, let's go back to the castle, I can show you my room...". Once again as the two of them walked through town, every pony was giving them a whole mix of different reactions, shock, outrage, confusion, a smug "I knew it" look, some ponies even noticed Starlight's very obvious wet and winking pussy as well as the butt plug nestled firmly in Chryssie's ass. They all knew what was going on there, they were going somewhere to fuck. They were right.

Starlight tugged on Chryssie's lead, she was getting impatient, the sooner they were in her room the sooner they could stop holding themselves back. They both burst into the castle and made an immediate bee line for Starlight's bedroom. When they got in there, Starlight and Chryssie slowed down a bit, Starlight took the lead off of Chryssie's collar and set it aside.

"So..." said Starlight "This is my room"

Chryssie looked around before saying "It's nice..."

Starlight nodded "Yeah..."

There was a brief silence, the air was still as they gazed into each others eyes. Then they practically threw themselves at each other as they engaged in a violently passionate kiss.

Lesbian Lips

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They both started making their way to Starlight's bed, refusing to separate the kiss for even a second, Starlight lied down on her back and pulled her legs open as wide as she could with her hooves, her hot anxious pussy becoming the focus of all of Chryssie's attention.

"Lick..." said Starlight, her voice demanding in tone "Lick this pussy until I cum you fucking whore" Chryssie giggled as she got her head in between Starlight's legs. She placed a few delicate little kisses on Starlight's thighs, making sure to leave noticeable blue lipstick marks until closing her eyes and starting to devour her pussy. Starlight was in immediate ecstasy, she didn't realize just how long it had been since she had taken a lover, she was immeasurably pent up and Chryssie was eating pussy like it was as natural to her as breathing.

Starlight wanted to get rougher, but her hooves were busy holding her legs open. Gritting her teeth she ignited her horn and starting directing her magic, first she used her magic to shove Chryssie's face harder into her pussy, grinding against her expert mouth. Chryssie responded by working her tongue even deeper, making sure to pay special attention to Starlight's fat pulsing clit as much as possible.

Starlight was getting close much sooner than she expected, she used her magic to summon a great big paddle behind Chryssie, then swung it down hard, clapping it right up against both cheeks of Chryssie's ass. As Chryssie cried out from the force of the paddle, she sent vibrations running over Starlight's pussy, it turns out that was just what she needed as Starlight was tipped over the edge and her whole body shuddered as years of repressed orgasms wracked her all at once, her pussy was soaking Chryssie's face so much that if there was much more juice she might have to shift her body to add gills.

Starlight was screaming at the top of her lungs with her legs drawn tight together, not allowing Chryssie to escape until Starlight's muscles stopped seizing. After a while, Starlight relaxed and her legs dropped down, releasing Chryssie's head. As Chryssie began to pull away she felt a hoof on the back of her head push her face back against the pussy in front of her.

"No..." said Starlight "You fucking stay there until I say you can move". Obediently, Chryssie just looked up at Starlight, the picture of cute innocence and applied small gentle licks to her throbbing pussy. Eventually, when her heart rate was back to normal and her breathing was steady, she waved a hoof at Chryssie signalling her to move away, which she did. Her lipstick was smeared and her mascara was running down her face, whether it was from tears or having her face positively drenched in pussy fluids was unclear, but she still looked hot as fuck.

Starlight's face was still flushed, but she looked at Chryssie and said "you didn't get to cum did you?"

Chryssie shook her head before saying "Don't worry, that doesn't matter to me, my purpose is your pleasure, not mine". Damn. That was when Starlight had an idea, she didn't want to make this seem too unfair.

"Chryssie, look at me" she said. As soon as Chryssie locked eyes with her Starlight said one single simple little word, "Cum".

Chryssie groaned as some sort of magical force compelled her body to immediately hit her with a hard orgasm, seemingly on Starlight's command. Starlight was intrigued, she had a cruel and wicked thought, she wonder if she could give Chryssie orgasms on top of orgasms just by telling her to do so in one word. Testing it out, she said it again, "Cum".

Chryssie cried out in both pleasure and pain "Oh fuck!" Another orgasm tore through her body. Starlight knew her spell was a good idea.

The End


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"Trixie, I'd like you to meet Chryssie" said Starlight. Soon after Starlight and Chryssie's first time fucking, they had both decided that they didn't technically want to be girlfriends, but there was a definite dominant and submissive relationship, with Starlight as the dominant.

Chryssie smiled and said "Hi Trixie!" Trixie was less than impressed with this new pony she had never met before.

Trixie yawned before saying "So is Chryssie your girlfriend or something?"

"Oh no no no no no" said Starlight, "She's more like a sex slave, I want to share her with a few other ponies and I figured since you are about to go on tour, you might be willing to give us both a ride around Equestria so she can be taken advantage of by stallions and mares alike." It didn't even phase Trixie that Starlight had given that explanation.

Trixie said "Fine, but on three conditions"

Starlight Glimmer groaned, she knew Trixie wouldn't let her do this without a few caveats "What are they?"

Trixie smiled and said "One, you shall be my girlfriend. Two, if Chryssie is really going to be a travelling prostitute I expect her to make some money to add to the profits of my show and three, I too shall be Chryssie's Grrrrrreat and Powerful Mistress!" Trixie expected Starlight to think about this for several long minutes or maybe even decline it.

So imagine her surprise when Starlight simply said "Done" and started getting into Trixie's wagon with Chryssie.

Trixie was bemused "Wait, really?"

Starlight Glimmer said "Yeah, now come on babe, we haven't got all day". Trixie just shrugged and prepared to leave. Throughout the tour, Chryssie had simply been left by the wagon while Trixie and Starlight did the show, she had a rope tied around her neck with the other end tied to a pole that was stuck deep in the ground. In front of Chryssie there was a sign that read the following:

Hoof jobs - 10 bits
Oral - 15 bits
Anal - 20 bits
Vaginal - 25 bits
Other - 30 bits

Needless to say, the addition of the "Chryssie service", a ready to use mare, was extremely profitable. Mares and stallions far and wide used Chryssie throughout the show and things only got better as they continued to tour, Chryssie got used by ponies, sea ponies, hippogriffs, griffons, donkeys, dragons, kirin, niriks, buffalos, a minotaur, an effeminate sea serpent, changelings, diamond dogs, regular dogs, name any species and at some point Chryssie had engaged in some kind of kinky fuckery with them. Every night Trixie and Starlight had always returned to the wagon at the end of the show to find Chryssie as a drooling quivering mess with an ahegao face plastered on her features and covered in various fluids, not to mention a bag chock full of bits and even a couple of gems. Trixie was happy, Glimmer was happy and while neither of them gave a fuck about her considering she was a former villain worse than the two of them combined, Chryssie was happy.