Life of a slime

by The_Zenith_tempest

First published

I got displaced now I got to learn how to us my power’s and how to live in this new world

Some guy gets displace After buying something at a anime convention now with a new world and a new body he has to survive


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I woke up suddenly and started swiveling my head looking around me and all I can see around me is a dark forest that I don’t recognize.

Ok let’s take a step back you probably know how this goes, but for you little scams that don’t know let the brilliant me tell you how this happened.

I am a normal teenage dude, “I know hold your shock gasp how dare I be a working part of human society”, well let me tell you to tack your gasp and shove it up your ass.

Ok with all that done and side where was I oh yeah, it started when I went to an anime Convention and I went as Rimuru Tempest from that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

I look like something like this

But I didn’t have his mask and thanks to my O.C.D not having the mask slightly irritated me and I wanted a small shion figurine.

She looks like this

I wanted the convention to get into the building but I still ended up getting in. When I got into the building I started looking around for what I wanted.

It was later in the day, I was walking around the convention taking pictures with other cosplayers then I found what I was looking for at a convenience booth. The man that was selling it was dressed as the merchant from resident evil.

I walk up to him and ask how much for the mask and shion figurine. He replied that it will cost 120, I immediately replied ok because that is a damn good deal for a mask and a well looking figurine after I paid for it I felt nauseous and passed out.

So ya that’s how I got here. After I was done looking around I got up from the ground and started to look down to see what I had on me but everything looked like it had more detail and better well made.

When I was done with that I found out the wig I had in became my hair and the wings and sword was will.

Ok you are probably wondering why I am not freaking out are something that's because it is not in my nature, panicking doesn’t help anyone when they are in this kind of situation. It wastes energy and time.

Now that you know why I don’t like freaking out we can get back to our natural scheduled program.

I pull out my sword because there can be predators out here,then I hear something coming to the clearing I’m in. I point my sword where I hear where it’s coming from and wait for whatever is coming then I hear master!!

I don’t not expect to see shion come out of the bushes and run up to me yelling “master”. She ran up and started hugging me but keep in mind Rimuru is smaller than shion so when she started hugging me her boobs were in my face.

I like the fact that her D size breasts are in my face but I don’t know why she’s calling me Master but it will probably be a good idea to just go with it until I have more information later. I gently push her back until I can see her face and I say, “um sup shion do you know where we are”.

Shion responds to my questions with a head shackle. “So she doesn't know either alrighty” I say out loud what were you doing before I woke up.

Shion POV

Flashback; “Oh my god master Rimuru looks so handsome i just want t-t-o to hold his hand. I should go and find him some water to help wake him up faster”.

Flashback end; “just looking for water”.

Rimuru POV

Oh did you find some water? Shion said, “yes I did find a river”, “I replied with that’s good”. We started walking where Shion said that she saw the river.

After we got to the river I realized if somehow I became Rimuru do I have his skills? Will if I have his skills to know all I have to do is ask the great sage.

Hey great sage what skills do I have? “Great sage respond with the skills you have”.

imeViscous Organism: As a Slime, Rimuru is a monster that doesn't need to breathe, sleep or eat, as he can survive only on the magicules in the atmosphere.

Intrinsic Skills: As a Slime, Rimuru has the species-specific Skills of Absorb, Dissolve, and Self-Regeneration. These are later fused into Unique Skill Predator to create Extra Skill Ultraspeed Regeneration.

Absorb and Dissolve: Slime-species intrinsic Skills that are inferior versions of Unique Skills Predator and Glutton.

Self-Regeneration: Allows the user to regenerate from injuries which include regenerating lost limbs. An inferior version of Extra Skill Ultraspeed Regeneration.

Demon SlimeDemonic Viscous Spirit Body: As a Demon Slime all his bodily attributes are greatly enhanced. He can freely change between a material and a spiritual body.

Intrinsic skills: As a Demon Slime, Rimuru has the species-specific skills of Infinite Regeneration, Control Magic, Multilayer Barrier, Universal Detect, Universal Shapeshift, Demon Lord's Haki, Enhanced Replication, Spatial Motion, Darkflame Lightning, and Universal Thread.

Infinite Regeneration: Enhanced version of Extra Skill Ultraspeed Regeneration. Works even quicker than its previous version and can now even regenerate from having the Spiritual Body shattered.

“Ok just stop your pumping so much information into my head”. All the information just gives me a headache. All I got out of is that I pretty much have all his skills. Next time I ask for what skills I have tell me to be more pacific.

Me and shion realized that it’s getting dark so we start sending up a camp. So I somehow became Rimuru in every way except I still have a dick and can’t change genders but that’s fine I’m perfectly satisfied with my gender. “ I that because I just know one of you will ask me to change his gender because of the sex tag”.

Me and shion fell asleep together, before you say anything she is really hot so you will probably have done something similar.


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For the people that have no fucking idea about cup sizes

Rimuru pov

I woke up from a deep sleep and all I could see was darkness but I started hearing a heartbeat so slowly I got up with a blush on my face.

“I’m not a prude things like sex is completely natural and you should not be ashamed of your body”.

I get up and begin to look around to see if anything changes overnight. I don’t think that anything changes so with that done I begin to look for some food for shion.

I ask the great sage where I can find food for shion, the great sage “you can find something that she can eat if you go under water and get fish” “I’m such an idiot of course there will be fish in the river”.

I searched my pockets to see if I got anything in damn all I could find is my iPhone and my headphones. I decided to put it in my slime storage space. I use my skills Iron thread to make a net to catch some fish.

Once I was done I got a pretty good load of fish, I started a fire and began to descale the fish and then started to gut the fish.

Once shion smelled the food she woke up and started eating. The food was pretty good but I just wish that I had some seasoning for the fish.

Me and shion packed up and started downstream to the river to hopefully find a village. I’ve learned how to shapeshift and make body doubles on the way.

After I learned how to shapeshift into my slime form, Shion started caring for me under her boobs.

Shion pov

Inside Shion head: “Not having my sword will slightly diminish my Kombat effectiveness if I have to protect master Rimuru”.

Master Rimuru is acting off. He probably worried about something. When I was holding master Rimuru I asked him what we should do if we encountered a village? “Will let’s see when we get there”.

On the walk we ran into a type of wolf made out of wood? I put down master Rimuru and started walking up to the “wolf”.

The wolf began circling me so it can get a better angle of attack. I kept my eyes on it waiting for the wolf to attack me.

The air was still for one second and we both know that now is the time, we both attack and in that one second time stand still then the wolf is dead.

Rimuru POV

Once the fight was done I changed back to my human form then I saw the end of the force.

We ran into a village but the people did not look like people but like anthropomorphic horse people?

The pony’s look like this 4

I don’t know what they are but I tell shion to not to hurt the local people unless you don’t have a choice and even if you do try not to kill them.

We began to walk up to the little town when we were walking past a sign that said welcome to ponyville, “oh I guess are pony’s”? Looking deeper into the little town there seems to be a scuffle going on in the town.

The town people didn’t notice us until I walked up to one of them to find out what’s happening. The person I walk up to looks pretty cute with her pretty pink hair. will they call it something different? Whatever, let's get back on topic, pretty hair, nice soft skin, long luscious legs and her face was just beautiful.

The person that I asked got startled then slowly turned her head to me and started to stutter out a response. “Oooh my”. “You don’t look like anything that I have seen before, you don’t have any fair just some on the top of your head”.

“ Oh I’m so sorry please forgive me it’s just that you look so interesting”.

“It’s fine you're just curious”, all's good but you didn’t answer my question. “Oh I’m sorry”. “Will two ponies have a fight in the middle of town”.

“Oh that interesting do you know the people fighting?” “Um”, “did you mean to say somepony?”

“Ya sure”, but do you know them? “Um, no I didn’t know the pony’s”. Oh ok I look into where the people that are fighting are and I see two mirrors really going at it both of them have bruises all over them but why are they fighting.

I turn a round to ask why they are fighting and I realize I didn’t ask for her name. I’m sorry but I didn’t get your name. I'm Rimuru Tempest.

“Um, my name is Fluttershy”, nice to meet you. Good to meet you Fluttershy. “Um, Rimuru if you want to but what are you?”

Um, I will tell you somewhere less crowded if that’s okay. “Ummm,” “yes that’s okay but only if you want to”.

Shion POV

It looks like master Rimuru is done talking with that yellow looking pony. Looking around there seems to be more girls than guys. I will have to ask the yellow pony after master Rimuru is done.

Rimuru pov

I just finished my conversation with Fluttershy. I got a good amount of information but still not enough to know how things work here.

Dammit I can just ask my skill great sage I need to remember that I can do it now.

Ok great sage, get me the information that I need to know.

“Answer there society seems to be matriarchal because of the difference between gender with girls out numbering boys two to five. Their currency is based on little gold coins that they name bits.

There are three different types of pony’s one type is called earth ponies; they have a strong connection to the earth that grants them a stronger body out of the other two. The second one is called pegasus; they have a strong connection to the wind that grants that ability of flying, cloud manipulation, and a good cold resistance. The last one is called unicorns; they are aboard to an effect the surrounding magicules to perform magic”.
Thank you great sage.

I walk up to Shion and tell her what I have learned from Fluttershy and my great sage skill. So now we need money to find a place to sleep, but how are we going to do that?

Someone tapped me on my shoulder, answered with a yes and turned around and all I saw was pink.

She looks like these but with a bigger Bustin and a little chubby

Pink is the biggest thing I see when I turn around when it giggles. I found out that it’s a she. She steps back and starts to take and wow she can talk.

After she stops talking. I could not keep up, she just said it in one breath and so fast I had to stop and look back on what she said. Hi pinkie pie yes I do like parties and yes I do like cake and we are new in town.

Shion pov

How did I not notice her? I swear I just blink and then she was there. Master Rimuru started to talk to her but she took so fast I couldn’t understand her.

Rimuru pov

She asks if you both need help with something? I tell her that we need a place to stay for tonight. Pinkie pie says “that she might know some pony’s”.


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Rimuru pov

Pinkie pie said “that one of her friends might have room for you two but you will have to do work”. The friend that pinkie pie was talking about was a cowgirl at first glance but looking at her more I notice that her fur is a nice orange color, her eyes are a pretty green color and her hair is blonde.

Applejack is the name of the cowgirl, Applejack said “that it’s fine for you two to sleep over at my family place”.

We started walking over to Applejacks and on the way she asked “where you two from?” I answered before Shion can. “We lived in a force similar to the one nearby”.

“Oh so what brought you to Ponyville?” I look back to see what Shion was doing and I see her talking to Pinkie pie. Will somehow me and shion got lost and ended up walking into ponyville.

After me and Applejack had a little talk we walked in companionable silence while Shion and pinkie kept talking.

It took time but we all arrived at Applejack's home. Looking out on the farm I’m just amazed at how big it is. Wow that’s a pretty impressive farm you got there. Applejack blush, “thank you sugar cube”.

We all just entered through the front gate and a little filly with yellow fur and wearing a big red bow with ovaries with a white shirt underneath. She ran up to Applejacks.

“Hey Applejack who are these ponies?” AppleBloom said “are they some new guests?” Aperture tells AppleBloom “Go tell granny and Bigmac that we will have some ponies overnight ok”.

After telling Applebloom, Applejack let her go to go and tell her family about us. So that your little sister she’s very energetic. “Ya she’s a handful here and her two they get into all sorts of shenanigans”.

Walking deeper into the farm we started to see a red house that resembled a barn.

Once we all got to Applejack house she started to introduce us to her family. “This is granny smith and my brother big macintosh”.

Nice to meet you. My name is Rimuru and this is Shion, after we introduced ourselves Applejack family offered us dinner and wow granny smith is really good Cook.

After we all finished eating, Applejack led us upstairs into a room with one bed, “sorry about only having one bed”. No it’s fine we just sure are you ok with that Shion?

Shion pov

After eating such a delicious dinner, Applejack led me and master Rimuru upstairs to an open bedroom. Once we got to the bedroom, master Rimuru asked if I’m ok with sharing a bed with him and I said that I would love to.

Rimuru pov

Once Shion gave us the ok Applejack left us alone to get comfortable for bed. Me and Shion started to get comfortable, I began to strip down to my boxers. Well I was doing that Shion strip down to her underwear and bra when I look up I blush when I look at her.

She looks like this

Once I turned back around I was stunned seeing shion in nothing but her underwear and bra, I guess she likes to sleep in her underwear. Getting over see shion in her underwear and bra we got into bed.

Getting into bed was fine but I turns out that Shion likes to cuddle not the worst thing you can do in your sleep but being a man it didn’t exactly make it easy to sleep when you are being smothered in shion boobs no need to say but it took time to get to sleep.

Rimuru pov

Waking up next to a beautiful woman just tells you today will be good. Seeing Shion still sleeping I slowly move out of the bed and start getting dressed before I leave the room. I use my slime stomach to wash our clothes.

Opening the door and walking out into the hallway were closing the door behind me. I see no one, they must be downstairs already. Walking downstairs I hear people talking.

Once I can see them I greek them with a good morning. They replied with “hello there sugar cube”, “yup”, “good morning” and “hurry up before the food gets cold youngin”. And like that once I got to the table we all started to eat.

Applejack asks, “hey Rimuru where’s Shion?” “Oh she was really tired just leave out some food and she will come down to eat”. “Ok come on we got some work to be done”.

Applejack takes me up to a tree and tells how to applebuck seeing how she did it. I ask the great sage how much force do I need to use to knock down all the apples?

Great sage, the exact amount of force to knock down all the apples without harming the tree will take about a quarter of your strength.

Knowing how much strength to us made me confident knowing that I wouldn’t break the tree. After showing Applejack that I can do it she left to start working.

Shion pov

I woke up to a delicious smell. I got dressed in my clothes from yesterday and began to walk downstairs. “Good morning come eat” I began to eat. I ask Granny Smith, do you know where Master Rimuru is at? “He’s helping outside”. Ok thank you.

Rimuru pov

Finishing up with the first role of trees I see Shion up and walking up to me. Hey Shion you are finally up. “Yes master Rimuru forgive me for sleeping in”. It’s ok if I wanted you up sooner I would have just woken you up. “Oh, then thank you for letting me sleep longer master Rimuru”. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Um-I don’t know you should go ask Applejack if you want to help. “On it”. Seeing Shion go off to see if she can help encourage me to work harter.


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Rimuru pov

It was hard work but we all finished with what we needed to do, but before the day was over Pinky pie should up to speak to Applejack about something, I could have just listened in, but that’s not right, and it didn’t seem to be that important going off of Applejack expression.

After Pinky left the farm Applejack walked up to me, “hey Rimuru can you go find shion i want to show you something”.

Okay, I could have asked but I would like to see where this gos. Time skip, it took time but I find shion working in the barn sorting out the apples.

Hey shion can you follow me? “Sure thing master Rimuru but if you don't mind me asking but where are we going?” I don’t know but Applejack just asked me to get you. It was a lot easier to find Applejack because I just asked the great sage where to go to find her.

Applejack was standing at the entrance of the farm. Sorry for taking so long it took time to find shion. “Sorry Applejack'' said shion. ''no it’s fine let’s go”. Walking to the little town I ask where we are going? “Taking you to my friend's house she would like to meet you both”.

On the walk I’ve learned that her friend Twilight lives in a library. Shion pointed out how empty everything looks. Hey Applejack is it always this empty at this time? “Sometime”. She says that but she can’t look me in the eyes.

Getting close to Applejack’s friends house it looks like a tree with windows and a balcony. Why do your friend live in a tree? “It’s a library now you two go in”. Seeing in the dark isn’t a problem so I wasn’t surprised when the lights were turned on and everyone yelled.

SURPRISE! “Hey Rimuru, hey Shion where you surprise ha,ha,ha where you?” Yes Pinky we were super duper surprised. “Yahoo!” “Come on, let me introduce both of you to everypony”. The first people we meet was the rest of Applejack’s and Pinky’s friends,

Meeting everyone was a bit overwhelming for me. I don’t know how shion took it, but looking at her it looks like she’s having fun. The people that were the most interesting were the three of Pinky's friends I haven’t met yet. Asking Pinky if there some food she took me and shion to a table felled with all tips of snacks, wow pinky this looks great.

Shion POV

All the people Pinky introduced me and master Rimuru to were nice but we only got their names. Master Rimuru asks Pinky about food and looks at the table, Mmmm, this is so great. Master Rimuru you should try.

Rimuru pov

Looking at Shion and how much she’s enjoying the snacks, just tells me I should try them for myself, I look to see if anything catches my eye. I see a cupcake with green frosting, hey Pinky, what tip of cupcake is this one? “Oh, that one is a green apple flavored”. The cupcake tasted just like it’s name: green apple, nice and slightly sour with a sweet aftertaste.

“Hey Rimuru, you enjoying the snacks” side Twilight. Twilight definitely looks like a librarian, button up shirt, tuck into a skirt.

Hey Twilight, ya these cupcakes taste great. What are you doing? “Just getting a drink for me and Rarity”. Hey Rarity makes clothes right? “Ya do you need her help”. Yes me and shion only have one set of clothes. “Just follow me so you can ask for Rarity help”. Ok, hey Shion, follow us.

“Ok master Rimuru”. It took time to get to Rarity because of all of the people in the way. “Darling what took you so long?” “Sorry Rarity, I was talking with Rimuru”. Hello Rarity. Can I ask for a favor? “Of course darling, what do you need?” Me and Shion need more clothes.

“Sure thing darling, I don’t mind making you two some clothing”. Think you Rarity. “I just need you and shion to come to my shop so I can get your measurements”, no problem Rarity I just need to tell Shion.

I look back to see Shion talking to Twilight. I’ll just tell her when we're going back to Applejack farm.

Time skip, I spent an hour talking to Rarity and even to Twilight when Shion wanted to eat more snacks, dearing the talk with Rarity and Twilight to notice how good looking their bodies are, Rarity looks like she’s D-cup with an ass to match it, Twilight looks like a c-cup with a body that looks more softer than Rarity’s.

Rarity notices me checking them out and smirks. “See something you like?” She said in a flirtatious voice. Haha, I would be lying if I said no. Rarity giggles but Twilight blushes and stutters out an excuse to leave. “I-i need to use the bathroom”, I guess she’s not used to getting complimented, “ Twilight’s not used to pony’s just yet”, side Rarity.

“I should go and calm Twilight down”, okay, see you tomorrow. Once Rarity left to go and talk to Twilight, I began to walk outside for some fresh air.

Wow everyone is so nice in this little town. Out of nowhere something compelled me.

The song:Feeling god

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
For me
Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh, freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good
I feel so good
I feel so good.