> Apology Not Accepted > by WordyWrites > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sorry!" Izzy Moonbow had given up. She'd lost track of how long she'd been down here, in the featureless room with stone walls, illuminated only by the yellow-tinged light of the device set into the ceiling. She reasoned it must be a basement, and indeed the only way out of the place were the stairs she'd not been given a chance to climb. There was a door on the opposite wall, but it led only to a small bathroom, where she was taken to relieve herself and occasionally be bathed. "I'm sorry! Isn't that what you want to hear?" "You think you can just say sorry and that's it? All is forgiven?" The thing that was keeping her here walked into view from where he'd been lingering behind her, the unwanted touch of his chimp-like hand stroking itself gently through the soft fur of her flank finally ceasing. Izzy instinctively squirmed, but the breeding stand holding her in place refused to give. She had thought ponies had outlawed them, but whoever her captor was sure had one, and rarely let her out of it. Her magic would've handled the contraption in a flash, but the rubbery green ball he kept impaled atop her horn had absorbed every little spell she'd tried to cast. He was strange and repulsive to look at, even now after all this time. Frighteningly large and powerful, both very tall and very fat. His hands weren't the only thing reminiscent of monkeys, but he had no fur, just a layer of dark hair. Izzy had only seen monkeys in books, but she imagined they must smell as he did. Not pleasant. "You said... you said if I owned up to my wrongdoings, you would think about letting me go." Her voice was flat, the once cheerful unicorn unable to find it in herself to add a pleading tone to the words. "And yet it took you this long to even say sorry. You don't seem very sorry." The scowl on his ugly, pig-like face shifted into a mocking grin that sent shivers down her back. Still, she would rather look at it, then at the thick, fleshy thing that rested at eye level in front of her, hanging between the male's legs without the decency to hide itself away in a sheath. "Can you even tell me what you're sorry for?" Izzy still didn't understand it. That was a big part of the reason she'd not even tried to apologise until now. How could she, in good conscience, if she had no idea what he was talking about? And why should she give him what he wanted, more than he'd already taken from her, after he'd imprisoned her down here? Stubbornly, she'd tried to stay strong, and her usual exuberant optimism had carried her pretty far. Now though, she'd had enough. "F-for trying to take over?" "I'm listening." "For trying to replace Sparkling Twili-" "Twilight Sparkle!" he roared at her in anger, and she shrunk back as much as the stand would let her. Not much. "R-right. Twilight Sp-sparkle." Her stomach twisted in knots. Twilight Sparkle was apparently a unicorn, too, but Izzy had never heard of her, let alone tried to replace her! "Princess Twilight Sparkle." Izzy paused for a deep breath and a stress-laden exhale. "I'm sorry for trying to replace Princess Twilight Sparkle and the others." "Good." He had started to breathe heavier, sounds like panting coming from his mouth. "Anything else?" There was something else, something he'd repeated to her so many times that some small part of her wanted to assume it must be true. It wasn't easy to say, though. Indeed she felt the tears welling up in her eyes before she even managed the first word. "I'm sorry that I'm u-ugly, and..." she choked up, had to stop and pick up the phrase again. "and don't deserve your fandom, only your cock." "Yeeeeees. I've waited so long for you to say that." She sensed a movement, and finally broke her now tear-filled eyes away from his unwavering gaze and to his hand. Only to watch it shift to the creature's stiffening cock and begin masturbating it, worsening the sour yet familiar musk it exuded. Her heart sank. "Please... can't you let me go now?" "I don't think so." She broke down completely then, feeling the tears stream down her cheeks. Sobs wracked her words as she tried to speak. "But that's... not fair... I didn't... do anything!" "See? You're not nearly sorry enough, Izzy Moonbow. But maybe this'll help." He walked around to her side, and then she couldn't turn her head to follow him any further, but hardly needed to. She knew what was coming, consciously dreading each part of what happened next. The hand that roughly tugged her tail out of the way, the press of his fat stomach against her rump as he knelt behind her and got into position, the touch of his cock to her... no, for once, the last didn't come. "Mhh." She didn't know what to say, and was sobbing too much to speak properly anyway. Still, the sudden release of tension brought the strange sound to her lips, the instinctive clamping of her vaginal muscles relaxing. She exhaled, heavily, only for the beast's member to start poking itself against the other opening her nubile pony body was being forced to offer up to him. "No!" "Ngh. You're even tighter here." "Not... there..." He'd barely started trying to push himself inside, and it already hurt so incredibly. Yes, it hurt when he took her marehood, too, but that had long since become a dull, familiar pain, mostly concentrated to the first moments of each new defilement. This was something different. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The furless ape thing pushed his thick cock into her little pony asshole, white-hot agony searing through her body. "Hnnngh. You think about just how sorry you are, little gen five bitch." He called her that a lot, but Izzy wasn't thinking about that right now. She was just hoping he finished with her quickly, every thought beyond that she tried to have ripped away from her by the next brutal thrust forced into her tight anal passage. "Ahh! Ahhn! Aiiiihhhh!" She squealed and squeaked loudly from the pain, but that had never stopped the creature before, and it didn't now. He'd not cared when he stole her virginity from her, when she'd gagged at the first taste of his sweaty maleness, then again at his cum. This fresh type of violation was just another in a growing list, one that she'd no doubt soon have suffered through many times. He wasn't going to let her go, not ever. The next minutes passed in a daze. Izzy's shrieks eventually subsided to whimpers, but the sounds carried no less hurt, the unicorn's anguish audible in every cry her captor and rapist wrenched from her. She numbly felt his hands all over her, stroking through her fur some more, squeezing at her flanks, and then finally at her neck. Several breaths stolen from her as the beast hastened his selfish thrusts, and then Izzy heard him grunt as he finally began emptying his load, and all his inexplicable hatred, into her sore hole. Izzy slumped, but he did too, the mare feeling the sweat-soaked press of his fat body atop her while he panted for breath. Weirdly, she started to cry again, here now after he'd just got done hurting her. "I'm sorry."