> Fluttershy's Fall Formal Fucking > by PegPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fall Formal was now in full swing, Sunset Shimmer had been defeated and everything was as it should be, there was plenty of music, lots of dancing, food, it was a magical night. Sunset Shimmer had decided to stay away from the festivities for the time being, she felt that after having bullied everyone in the school for years, turning into a raging she-demon determined to conquer Equestria and hypnotizing everyone in the school in order to do it, that people might not exactly take to her immediately despite her promise to learn more about the power of friendship. It was after that debacle that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had decided to return to their offices for the remainder of the party, it was hard enough just running the school, so after having to deal with a literal monster they were too tired to watch how everything was going. They considered themselves lucky that Sunset Shimmer had agreed to fix the school entrance. What this meant though was that nobody was supervising the goings on at the party, of course there was lots of teenagers just chatting or who were on their phones, which was perfectly fine, but get enough hormonal teenagers together in one room and you can bet at least a few of them will start getting frisky, even going so far as to find a secluded spot to have sex in one way or another. But there was one particular girl who was just a little bit kinkier than the rest of them... > Furry Fixation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy had always loved animals, ever since she was a little girl she enjoyed taking care of them, she had pets, she volunteered at the local animal shelter, she had even done some work experience at a vet. As she had gotten older however, even she had to fall prey to the rampant desire to fuck that seemed to plague the teenage community, but no boy or girl had ever approached her about it, she certainly wasn't going to ask her friends about it, even if one of them agreed to do it, she felt like it would be more like pity sex than anything else, which was just sad and pathetic. Besides, she was, embarrassingly, not all that interested in people, she found that she was actually more interested in animals in a sexual capacity. She don't know how it had happened, but at some point in her life she had developed a strange sexual desire towards animals, it could have been when she had to learn about animal genitalia, which was a necessity in the medical field, it could have been something she just always had and didn't realize until her sexual awakening, but nevertheless she was really into bestiality. She remembered the first time she had been brave enough to look up pornography on her computer, she was on that computer for about 2 hours rubbing her cunt and most of that time, the porn she was looking at involved bestiality. She had even bought a horse cock dildo to use during her own private time, which she had somehow managed to hide from her parents. She used the dildo a lot, probably too frequently, she had already broken her hymen when using it and she was decently stretched out. Any guy who eventually fucked her probably wouldn't assume that she was a slut or anything, just that she had at least one maybe two previous partners. Then again, who would think that maybe Fluttershy had just fucked herself on a fake horse dong? Fluttershy had never gone so far as to actually have sex with an animal though, she desperately wanted to, but even ignoring the fact that it wasn't legal, the animals couldn't exactly give their consent. Fluttershy accepted that if she wanted to indulge in her kink she would have to break the law to do it, but she didn't want to rape the animals, that was just morally wrong and borderline cruel, let alone illegal. Then she met Spike. Spike was a dog who could talk, who could give consent if she approached him and just asked if he would have sex with her, it was like her dreams had come true. She couldn't exactly just leap on him when she first met him, she needed a time and a place where everyone was distracted doing their own thing and she could find somewhere to get Spike alone and see if he would be willing to help her live out her fantasy. It seemed that the Fall Formal had provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. Partway through the party, she met up with Twilight and through the pounding beats of the music said "Twilight! Would you mind if I spend some time with Spike? It's just that I've never spoken to an animal before and I want to know as much as I can, y'know, ask him some questions". Twilight was taking a break from dancing and was drinking some punch at the snacks table. She looked at Fluttershy and said "Sure! I don't see why not, you might wanna go somewhere a little quieter though, not sure he'll be able to hear you over all of this music!" This was already going perfectly, Spike followed Fluttershy out of the hall away from the party. "So Fluttershy..." said Spike "What did you wanna know? I mean, technically I'm not really a dog I'm actually a dragon, but I'll try to tell you as much as I can! I have only been a dog for a day or two so far". Fluttershy smirked and said "Oh don't worry, I'm sure you'll be very helpful indeed..." > Canine Conversation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they kept walking, Spike realized that they were about to enter the girls bathroom, this made him slow down as he said "Um... Fluttershy? Why are we going into the girl's bathroom?" Fluttershy turned to him and said "Trust me Spike, it's important" Spike was confused, but he trusted Fluttershy, "Um... OK..." he said and tentatively walked into the bathroom, his tiny claws clicking against the tile floor. As Fluttershy followed him in, she knew that she might have to approach this subject rather delicately, she didn't imagine it was an every day occurrence for this dragon to suddenly be turned into a dog and approached by a woman with a bestiality kink. Being that the Fall Formal was going on, the bathroom was unsurprisingly empty, the thing that surprised Spike more than anything was how incredibly clean it was, why weren't the male bathrooms like this? Both Spike and Fluttershy stood in the middle of the room and Spike waited for whatever it was Fluttershy wanted to talk about. It was silent for a few seconds before Spike went "So... what did you want to talk to me about?" Fluttershy took on a slightly more serious tone of voice and said "Spike let me level with you, I'm not here to talk about what it's like for you to be a dog, strange as it might sound, I'm not actually interested in that at the moment" This did surprise Spike and he said "Well... then what's happening right now?" Spike wasn't sure if he should be scared or not, this wasn't HIS Fluttershy after all, who knew how different they might be? For all he knew Fluttershy might have thought that a talking dog was against nature and that he had to be destroyed! Spike's spiraling negative train of irrational thought was interrupted when Fluttershy spoke again. "Spike, do you know what bestiality is?" Now there was a question he didn't expect, what did bestiality have to do with this? "Um... yeah, it's when you have sex with an animal right? Like a pet animal or something, y'know, something that doesn't talk" he said. He had had no idea where this conversation was going. Fluttershy smiled sweetly "Exactly! Now I'm going to tell you a secret that you must promise not to repeat to anyone OK? Don't tell a single soul, not even Twilight, none of your friends back home, nobody OK?" Spike still hadn't caught on to what was happening, but nevertheless agreed. Fluttershy took a deep breath and said "Spike, I'm into bestiality, nothing appeals to me more than the idea of having an animal taking me for it's own pleasure, I really want an animal to fuck me". She couldn't believe she was speaking to Spike about this. Spike was... ambivalent about this, he was surprised sure, but he was more bamboozled about why she had decided to approach him about this. Spike was really fucking stupid. "Well... why don't you then?" Fluttershy said "Well, none of the animals I know can agree to have sex with me, I can't just have sex with them without permission, it's not nice! However, if there were an animal that could talk, give their consent, have sex with me willingly..." Fluttershy focused her attention on Spike, hoping he would connect the dots. Luckily, Spike had done just that, his eyes widened at the realization that Fluttershy was, in a round about way, asking him to have sex with her. > Canine Consent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This time, Fluttershy was the one who was surprised as Spike's tail wagged more than it had ever wagged since he arrived and he said in an excited tone of voice "Sure!" Well... that was easy, Fluttershy said "Really?" Spike said "Yeah! I've never had sex before! Let's do it!" That gave Fluttershy pause, Spike was a virgin, she had never considered the idea that some animals might be virgins. Then again, did it really matter? If Spike was a dog actively wanting to have sex with her, then did it matter that he was a virgin? She mentally face-palmed herself, all this time thinking about the logistics of having sex with Spike could have been time better spent actually having the sex! Fluttershy got into one of the stalls with Spike following behind her, closing and locking the door, Fluttershy got down on her knees, slipped a hand in between Spike's hind legs and began to gently fondle his balls . Spike was panting with excitement already, Fluttershy smiled seductively before saying "Yeah... you like that boy?" Spike simply nodded rapidly as his cock started to emerge, getting longer and thicker with every passing moment. Fluttershy moved her hand away from his balls and started stroking his cock, continuing her dirty talk, she said "Does that feel nice? You wanna put this naughty dog dick in my wet little pussy?" Spike didn't respond this time, he was just enjoying Fluttershy's touch and getting immeasurably horny. Fluttershy smirked, she could feel that Spike was as erect as he could possibly get, so she turned around, pulled down her skirt and panties, then leaned her front half on the toilet, ready for Spike to fuck her. Spike was spurred into action and quickly draped himself over Fluttershy's butt, pressing his paws into his hips as he searched for Fluttershy's pussy. Fluttershy giggled as Spike had trouble with his aim, he was either slipping in between Fluttershy's thighs or wedging his cock in her ass crack, Fluttershy reached a hand back and took hold of his cock, pressing the head right up against her slippery entrance. Finally in the right spot, Spike immediately penetrated her and they both let out a groan of satisfaction, Spike said "Wow... this feels... fucking amazing..." they were both silent for a minute, then Fluttershy let out a small yelp as Spike started to pound her as hard and as fast as he could, his little doggy hips clapping up against her jiggling butt. Fluttershy was moaning, she had always imagined how it might feel to get fucked by a dog, but her fantasies did not compare the real raw feeling of a dog furiously humping away at her pussy. Spike was working on primal instinct, he was almost aggressively fucking her as if he was angry that he couldn't just fucking ram this bitch harder and force her into submission. Fluttershy screamed into the sleeve of her shirt as she came, the exquisite feeling of actually being fucked by a dog overwhelming her body and making her pussy squeeze Spike's cock, desperately trying to milk an ejaculation out of him. As Spike's knot started to grow he found it more and more difficult to push inside Fluttershy's pussy, until it grew to a point where Spike had only just managed to push back in, but was now unable to pull out. The quivering warm walls of Fluttershy's pussy made him groan, his claws digging into Fluttershy's skin, her body sweaty and exhausted from such a powerful orgasm, they were both panting heavily. Spike continued giving small humps into Fluttershy's pussy and eventually his knot started to deflate just as he blew his hot sticky load inside her, Fluttershy moaned in satisfaction as she felt Spike's spunk fill her with warmth, gently rubbing her stomach as she felt it sloshing around in her moist cavernous cunt. Spike, having shrunk back to a decent size tugged and pulled his cock out of Fluttershy's pussy "Wow..." he said "That was amazing!" Fluttershy giggled as she stood up, putting her skirt and panties back on, not particularly caring if her panties ended up soaked with pussy fluids and dog cum. "I'm glad you liked it, thank you Spike". The End