Mix-up's Cocktail

by Izac45

First published

A bartender pony serves drinks for his customers.

Join the slice of life moments with a bartender as he chats up customers and serves them delicious drinks. And the backstories behind the drinks.

(Artwork was made by Katherine Nagtalon). Rated T because of the obvious alcohol and possible swearing. All rights belong to Crystal na Yōsuke for the "love is a cocktail" series and Lauren Faust for MLP. This story was inspired by osake wa fuufu natte kara (or in English love is a cocktail). I credit


for the description update.

UPDATE: As of now this story is cancelled I'm sorry

Blue Lagoon (Revise)

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It was night time in Ponyville and most ponies are closing shop for the night but the night was young for someponies after a long days work some crave to relax, blow off steam or just relax luckily the night business has opened up for some ponies looking for that small escape whenever it's nightclubs, Theaters, the park and especially bars, This bar is one of them the bar was named "The Fading sun".

The Fading sun was an adequate bar it's business is passable and it's patrons respectable until three months ago the owner hired a new bartender for the bar ever since it's been gaining more and more regulars and clienteles and it became the talk of the town ever since this pony was around.

The Pony's name was mix-up an earth pony his cutie mark was a mixed cocktail which symbolizes his talent in making exceptional drink to its patrons. Soon word spread and he became the talk of the town known to be very good. Mix-up gained his cutie mark when he once mixed a drink to cheer up his crying mother after a huge fight with his father. The drink cheered her up and he was very happy to make her feel better and then he gained his mark and the rest was history.

And so inside the bar were several customer chatting, laughing, getting drunk and in the bartender section are two of his regular both stallions both good friends with mix-up their names are Henry and Zane both also earth ponies, They have known each other since colts they always talk to each other about typical boy stuff and play typical boy games, Often times he would mix drinks with for his friends (non-alcoholic since they are colts) they always say his drinks are very good exemptional even. How they would talk about their lives and how their work goes all that other stuff.

So then after a while the door opened and Mix-up saw a neatly dressed marshmallow unicorn dressed in fancy clothing with a single feathered hat the clothing was purple blouse with white trims. Her dress dose seems to turn some heads including the two stallions in front of the bartender.

The marshmallow pony approached the counter and started chatting with the bartender. "You must be the brand new bartender are you not?" The white pony asked.

"Umm yes miss?" Mix-up asked.

"Oh where are my manners darling?" The white pony pulled out a card and greeted. "I am Rarity Belle the owner of the Carousel Boutique."

"Mix-up" As Mix-up introduced himself he also presented a card and greeted. "It's very nice to meet you Miss Belle."

Rarity shook her hoof and giggled. "Please call me Rarity darling."

Mix-up blushed a bit. "*cough* So what will it be?"

"Hmmm..." Rarity thought to herself. "Surprise me."

Mix-up nodded one unique thing/ reason why he is popular in his own bar was he could always deduce what his customers are feeling and mix drinks based on their preference, mood, and experiences. And based on his observation he could tell that miss Rarity was in a fatigue mood, her experiences were overworked and that she prefers fancy drinks.

And so he started with pouring the ingredients in a shaker and added ice started shacking the drink for a bit and then strained the drink. Poured it into a tall glass rounded glass and garnished with a lemon, cherry and added a straw since he already tell she has fancy tastes. And served her the drink.

"Here you go ma'am." Mix-up announced as he presented the drink "Blue Lagoon"

Rarity used her magic to lift the drink and sipped a bit through a straw one paused and she drank a little bit more before saying. "This is divine!" Rarity then imagines the flavor of the drink. "I can taste the lemonade in the drink it adds a bit of the flavor to it, It's like I'm on a tropical paradise." Rarity then sighs.

After she emptied the drink the bartender pony said. "Rough day huh?"

"OH you have no idea. Darling." Rarity sighed as she put her drink down. "Honestly you'd think running your own business would be a breeze after awhile but it never gets easier."

"Yeah I know that feeling." Mix-up said. as he took the glass to a nearby sink.

"I mean honestly the demands and requests of some ponies can be very demanding sometimes."

"Yeah customers are always sorta picky on what they want." Mix-up said.

"*sigh* Yeah I do have problem with one thing though."

"Oh what is it?"

"This suit I'm making one of my customers requested that the suit is extra dapper for a party they are about to attend."

"What's the problem?"

"*sigh* I don't know... Probably because I have no stallion model to test the suit I made." Rarity said. "My current model is unable to make it because of a family emergency and now I have no model."

"Hmm that is bad."

"And now I need to find a replacement soon." Rarity said.

"Hmm.... maybe one of your fellow patrons could help you."

"Hmmm maybe darling hm...." Rarity the looked at Mix-up as she is deep in thought. She hummed more and as she kept looking she hummed even more.

Then Mix-up asked. "Hmmm if you want I could make a few calls to see if one of our patrons could help."

"No longer necessary darling I found my next model." Rarity said inspired.

Mix-up was ecstatic. "Excellent but who?"

"You darling."

"Me?" Mix-up pointed at himself Rarity nodded. "Why?"

"You are simply perfect for a suit I'm inspired to make why I can already picture you looking so snazzy on design that I believe would blow my client away with how dapper you'll look wearing it." Rarity said.

"So you want me to help you?" Mix-up asked.

"If it's not too much trouble darling. I'll might even pay you for your troubles."

"Hmm I'll have to think about it?"

"Speaking of pay." Rarity the levitated a pouch full of bits. "How much do I owe you?"

Mix-up shook his head and said. "The first one is free for first time customers."

"A-Are you sure darling?" Mix-up nodded. "W-Well it doesn't seem right I should at least tip you for the drink."

"No I-"

"Oh I insist darling." Rarity took out a few bits and gave them to mix-up.

"U-umm Thanks R-Rarity." Mix-up said sheepishly.

"Your welcome." Rarity said. "That being said... May I have more?"

Coming right up.

Wall Crusher

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Another night in “The fading sun” everyone is drinking their usual drinks and having their usual conversations. There Mix-up served his usually two stallions their favorite drinks.

“Hey nice new tie.” Henry complemented as he dinks.

“Thanks Rarity gave it to me as a thank you gift.” Mix-up said.

“How is your temporary modeling career at the Carousel Boutique?” Zane asked.

“It’s a bit……. Tight.” Mix-up said shivering a bit. “Rarity really is aggressive when it comes to fitting that outfit around me. And let me tell you right now. She is not gentle.”

“Fashion designers right?” Henry joked. The trio laughs.

“What does her client think of the outfits?” Zane asked.

Mix-up sighed. “Well the first outfit was a bit more on the casual side with a touch of blue fluorescent paint it glows pretty well in the dark. Next is the tuxedo but the color palette was unique with a touch of accessories. And finally the final outfit has a techno theme.

As the stallions talk the door opens and a rainbow maned mare walks through. “Hey Mix-up.” Rainbow dash greeted. Flying over to the counter.

“Hello Rainbow dash.” Mix-up greeted his regular.

Rainbow dash has been a regular even before Mix-up became the bartender for the establishment. When word came around that a new bartender came to “The fading sun” she challenged Mix-up to create three drinks that matches her “Awesome” standards. Mix-up created three drinks after one look at Rainbow Dash. She tasted three drinks carefully and then after careful analysis she deemed Mix-up “20% cooler than the last bartender!”

Rainbow Dash took her usual seat and struck up a conversation with Mix-up. “Let me tell you Mix-up today was rough.”

“Wonder bolt trouble?” Rainbow slumped.

“Yeah got reprimanded for messing up a trick.” Rainbow complained.

“Wanna talk about it?” Mix-up said.

“Hm.” Rainbow dash thought then pulls out three bits and says. “Give me the Wall Crusher first.”

“Stirred or shaken?”


Mix-up nodded and worked his magic. He mixed the ingredients in a tall glass and stirred the ingredients over the ice. And then Mix-up presented his drink to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow downed the drink as usual.

“Ahhh that hits the spot.” Rainbow said, wiping her mouth. “Twenty percent awesome as usual.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Mix-up said then he leaned towards Rainbow “So anyway what’s your story this time?”

“Well we are practicing an awesome move that requires the mares to be paired with stallions. We’re supposed to be precise in our synchronised loop from two different angles.” Rainbow dash said as she does the looping gesture with her hoof.

“What happened?” Mix-up asked.

“Unfortunately my partner is kinda slow. And I admit I don't really like to be slow so we kept messing it up. We couldn't synchronize properly and I kinda lashed out at my partner.” Rainbow dash said regretfully. “Yeah Spitfire really let me have it.” Rainbow shivered.

“Well I hope you patch things up with your partner.” Mix-up said putting Dash’s glass in the sink.

“Yeah well give me some cider while you're at it.” Rainbow said as she laid the bits on the counter.

Mix-up asked “Hard?” Rainbow nodded. Then Mix-up served the mug of cider.

Rainbow lifted the mug and said. “Thanks Mix-up!” and then Rainbow started downing the drink.

Then the door opened and a stallion looked around and saw Rainbow, then said. “H-Hey Rainbow.”

Rainbow spitted out her drink then turned her head to find the stallion she was practicing with. The Stallion in question was a white pegasus with a red-orange mane with a flight pattern cutie mark.

“Flightpath? What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked shocked as she approached the stallion.

“I-I just want to apologize for my lack of coordination during our practice earlier.” Flightpath said looking down.

“No I’m the one who is sorry.” Rainbow said softly. “I- I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” Rainbow said.

After an awkward silence Flightpath said. “We- We need to do our best tomorrow. A-And I hope we can do it perfectly.” Rainbow dash nodded.

“By the way-” Mix-up said suddenly asked. “How did you find this place?”

“Oh umm I asked around and the ponies pointed me to this place.” Pathfinder said.

“I see well while you're here, what would you like to order?”

“Hmmm Surprise me.”