> Jell-O Wrestling > by DullDragon2070 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rarity practically dragged Twilight out the room, the rest of the girls listened as the pair’s footsteps faded, until the sound of the front door opening and closing reached them. For the next couple minutes, nobody said anything, their eyes darting to one another, waiting for someone to break the silence. Finally, Sunset sighed, drawing everyone’s attention to her. “Guys, I don’t want to doubt Twilight, but I'm not sure this is going to work,” she confessed. “You’re not the only one, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, scratching the back of her neck. The other girls either nodded or voiced their agreement. “Sure, those Crystal Prep girls may have helped us out near the end of the Friendship Games but…” “They were total jerks before that,” Rainbow finished bluntly. “You remember how they treated Twilight, right? And that was when she was on their team!” “They’ve always been like that,” Spike growled. “They treated Twilight so badly while she was at Crystal Prep. She never deserved that.” Sunset reached over and gently scratched Spike behind his ear, calming the dog down. She then looked to the girls again. “Even if they’re nicer towards Twilight now, there’s little chance that they will change their video concept for her.” “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy asked. “Seems like the only option we have is to come up with another idea to raise the money,” Sunset answered with a shrug. “That’s gonna be a mighty tall order to fill, Sunset,” Applejack said wearily. “It took us nearly a week just to earn half. Raising that much, plus the other half we need, in the next couple of days before the deadline, is gonna be next to impossible.” “Unless we rob a bank,” Pinkie pointed out. Her comment was met with flat stares. “What?” “Come on, AJ,” Rainbow confidently said, throwing an arm over the farmer’s shoulders. “We’re great at doing stuff super-fast! After all the crazy magical stuff we’ve faced lately, getting the cash we need will be a breeze!” “I agree with Dash, but you do make a good point, Applejack,” said Sunset, clasping her chin in her hand in thought. “Our usual fundraisers won't be enough. We’re going to need to do something big if we’re going to pull this off.” “Ooh!” squealed Pinkie. She hopped up and down, with her hand raised as if she were in class. “I know what we can do!” “We are not robbing any banks, Pinkie.” The party planner burst into giggles. “Sunset, I was kidding!” She assured, mumbling “mostly” under her breath, before speaking again at normal volume. “I’ve got a way how we can make a bundle before the deadline. And I totally promise it’s legal!” The girls shared skeptical glances with each other, and then, with a reluctant sigh, Sunset spoke for the group. “Okay, Pinkie, what do we need to do?” “You girls head over to C.H.S. and wait in the music room,” Pinkie instructed. “Leave the planning to me!” Sunset blinked in confusion. “What do you mean? Isn’t there something we can do to help?” “Don’t worry, Sunset, your part in this plan comes later,” replied Pinkie, giving her friend a conspiratorial wink, which put Sunset on edge. “For now, just relax and let your Auntie Pinkie Pie handle the arrangements.” Sunset opened her mouth to reply, but Pinkie was already skipping quickly out the door, calling over her shoulder. “Gotta go! Be sure to let Rarity and Twilight know where to meet! Bye!” As they listened to the retreating bounces, followed swiftly by the opening and closing of the front door, Sunset crossed her arms and huffed. “I’m older than all of you,” she quietly grumbled. After a moment, that irritation gave way to weariness. Something about the way Pinkie said “her part in this plan” made her uneasy. However, given the sticky situation the girls were in, Sunset really didn’t have a choice but to put her trust in her cotton candy-haired friend. ‘Still’, she thought, ‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this.’ A little over an hour later, all of the girls, Rarity and Twilight included, were once again gathered in the school’s music room as the two relayed the news. As the others had feared, Sour Sweet and the Crystal Prep girls had refused to change their video concept. Needless to say, Rarity was distraught. “This is all my fault,” Rarity whimpered. “All the money we raised is gone, and now we have no music video. I should never have convinced you all we could pull this off in so little time.” “Don’t beat yourself up, Rares,” Rainbow consoled. “It was a good idea,” added Applejack with a warm smile. “Just bad luck.” “Besides, it’s not hopeless,” said Fluttershy, trying to be upbeat. “Pinkie Pie has a plan to help us raise the money we need.” “She does?” Twilight asked. “What is it?” “Hmm, that is a good question,” Sunset remarked. She looked around for Pinkie, before spotting her on the other side of the room. “Pinkie…” Sunset paused, blinking at the spectacle she saw. Pinkie, standing atop the piano, had just placed a large chocolate star on top of what appeared to be a castle made from all sorts of sweets; whole chocolate bars, macarons, cake pops, cookies, candy, all held together by icing. The design reminded her of Equestria, somehow. Pinkie then plucked a bar off of the toothache inducing structure and took a bite. Swallowing the piece, she held it out towards the girls. “Want some?” “What we want is to know this plan of yours,” Sunset replied. With a smirk, she then joked, “Unless building model chocolate buildings is the plan.” “No, silly!” laughed Pinkie. “This is just to kill some time until they get here.” “They?” repeated Rarity, sharing a confused glance with the others, each of them looking just as puzzled, before turning back to Pinkie. “Who’s ‘they’, darling?” Suddenly, there were three firm knocks at the double doors. “Oh, that must be ‘they’ now,” said Pinkie, snickering at her little joke, before calling to the entrance. “Come on in!” A second later, the doors were pushed open, allowing the girls to see their mystery guests. Sunset and the others, minus Pinkie and Twilight, gasped as they recognized them. Not like they could forget this particular trio, having faced them in a magical, music battle just a few months prior. And Sunset certainly couldn’t forget about the woman in the middle, leading the group, not just from the Battle of the Bands, but from the many wet dreams and fantasies Sunset had of her since then. Aside from the casual clothing she and her two bandmates were now wearing, she looked the same as Sunset remembered her: her flawless, pale-yellow skin, the large, orange and yellow poof of hair, that hourglass-shaped figure, those beautiful amethyst-colored eyes, and that arrogant, smug yet sultry grin of hers. “Hello, girls,” Adagio Dazzle greeted huskily, that honey sweet tone sending a shiver through Sunset. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” “The Dazzlings!” Rainbow shouted, snapping Sunset out of her lovestruck daze and bringing her back to reality. “Miss us?” Aria Blaze sneered. The pig-tailed haired woman was standing slightly behind and to Adagio’s right, with her arms crossed. “Like a barrel of spoiled cider,” retorted Applejack, her fists clenched and her body tense, ready in case there was trouble. “Ooh, sweet castle!” said the third member of the trio, Sonata Dusk, who looked at the decadent display with stars in her eyes. “Thanks, Sonata,” replied Pinkie, giggling at the ponytailed woman’s choice of words. She then tore off another sizable piece and held it out to the siren. “You want some?” “Do I!” Sonata answered excitedly, zipping over to Pinkie and taking the offered treat. She took a large bite, letting out a happy moan while chewing. “Hmm, yummy architecture.” The others looked on in silence as the happy-go-lucky pair munched away. Looking at them, you never would have imagined that they had been enemies in the first place. A moment later, Twilight cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, I’m a little lost,” she admitted, before asking her friends, “Who are these girls?” The Dazzlings looked at her in bemusement. “Um, hello?” Sonata answered after swallowing her current mouthful. “We battled you during the Battle of the Bands? It wasn’t that long ago.” She then scoffed as she looked to her bandmates. “And you two say I’m a ditz!” This got a pair of eyes rolls from Adagio and Aria. “Um, actually,” Fluttershy, surprisingly, spoke up, “that was the Twilight from Equestria, and this is the Twilight of this world.” She then turned to her bespectacled friend while indicating the Dazzlings. “These are the sirens that were banished here from Equestria. We fought them at the Battle of the Bands.” A moment later, looks of realization appeared on both the Dazzlings and Twilight’s faces, followed by Sonata and Twilight exclaiming “Oh!” at the same time. “Makes sense, she does look different from the other one,” Adagio said, giving the girl an appraising look, before grinning lewdly. “This one's more of a cute, nerdy, submissive schoolgirl type.” An instant later, Twilight’s face went from purple to red in record-time. Seeing her friend getting flustered, Sunset put herself between the two, to protect Twilight from the seductive siren’s stare. And not because she felt a twinge of jealousy that she wasn’t the target of Adagio’s lascivious gaze. Nope. “What are you doing here?” she asked firmly. No matter how hard she was crushing on Adagio, Sunset had to remember that the Dazzlings were once their enemies, and they could still be dangerous. The siren leader smiled sweetly. “Why, your energetic friend invited us.” She answered, indicating girl still atop the piano. Sunset and her friends looked to Pinkie in bewilderment. “Is that true, darling?” asked Rarity. “Yes, indeed-y!” the party girl cheerfully replied, tossing the last chunk of chocolate in her hand into her mouth. “Why in tarnation would you contact them?” Applejack asked in befuddlement. “How did she even get their number?” Rainbow muttered, scratching her head. Pinkie answered the farm girl’s question, speaking around the food in her mouth, “Because we can’t make the plan work without their help.” “What exactly is this plan of yours anyway, Pinkie?” Sunset asked. “Two words,” stated Pinkie after swallowing. She threw up her hands, a shower of confetti-where it came from, no one knew-flying from her palms. As the tiny bits of colorful paper sprinkled down, Pinkie smiled widely as she shouted the aforementioned two words. “JELL-O WRESTLING!!!” As Pinkie held her triumphant pose, she was met with silence. The only sounds in the room were the confetti landing on the ground and Sonata’s chewing and satisfied moans. The girls said nothing as they gaped at their friend, their eyes wide, their jaws dropped in shock, and various degrees of blush on their faces. Even as the last bits of colorful paper touched the floor, their expressions didn’t not change. Finally, a new sound reached their ears. The sound of a picture being snapped. Simultaneously, everyone came out of their daze and looked to the cause, where they saw Aria holding up her smartphone towards the group. “Oh, yeah,” she commented as she lowered it, a shit-eating grin on her face. “That’s a keeper.” A few of the girls fumed in annoyance at the siren's action, but something else caught Sunset’s attention. The Dazzlings didn’t look bothered or surprised by Pinkie’s plan, or for their supposed role in it. They were smiling smugly, like they knew it all along. Before Sunset could delve further into this mystery, Rarity cleared her throat as she looked to Pinkie. The dressmaker still had a light blush on her cheeks. “Terribly sorry, Pinkie,” she said, chuckling nervously. “Must have misheard you. It almost sounded like you said Jell-O wrestling.” “Uh, Rarity,” Applejack replied, stepping next to her friend, “she did say that.” Rarity then had a look of utter confusion on her face. “Uh… terribly sorry, Applejack, must have misheard you. It almost sounded like you said–” “You didn’t mishear anything, Miss Priss,” Aria snapped in mild annoyance, “she said Jell-O wrestling. Quit being such a prude.” “I- I beg your pardon?!” Rarity sputtered indignantly. It looked like she was ready to give Aria an earful, so Sunset stepped in and got the conversation back on track. “Pinkie, how did you come up with… Jell-O wrestling?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Sunset,” replied Pinkie, jumping off of the piano and onto the floor, right in front of the red and yellow haired woman. “We need to do a doozy of a fundraiser to make all the money we need for Camp Everfree in a couple of days, and to do that, we need to give the people something they really want. And what they really want is to watch a wrestling match with two beautiful, scantily clad ladies throttling each other while slathered in some kind of substance, like mud, oil, shaving cream or, in this case, Jell-O! Any red-blooded male-and even females, too-would pay a lot to see that type of action!” Strangely enough, what she was saying made sense, but it was kind of surreal hearing it come from Pinkie Pie, of all people. None of her friends would have ever imagined that she could come up with something so lewd. As the others quietly pondered what they were just told, Sunset looked to the sirens again, who had been pretty nonchalant throughout this entire discussion. She then thought about what Pinkie said earlier, about how they were crucial for the plan to succeed. “How exactly do the Dazzlings fit into this, Pinkie?” Sunset asked. “I’m glad you asked,” Pinkie answered, giving an exaggerated wink. She then slid up next to Adagio and threw an arm around her shoulders. If that wasn’t surprising enough, the orange-haired woman did nothing to resist, she just kept smirking. A smirk that seemed to grow, when Pinkie motioned to her while looking at the redhead. “Sunset Shimmer, meet your opponent.” She then paused. “Well, I guess, technically, you already know her.” There were several gasps from the others, minus Pinkie and the sirens, but Sunset didn’t hear them, instead focused on what Pinkie just said. “Wait, Adagio is wrestling?” she asked. Her face quickly flushed as her mind instantly assaulted her with images of the sexy Dazzling, dressed in a skimpy bikini, while doing some very sensual poses. Then her thoughts came to a screeching halt as she suddenly remembered a particular piece of the party girl’s statement. “Wait! My opponent?!” she clarified, before pointing to herself. “I’m wrestling?!” “Precisely!” Sunset started to sputter, unable to form a proper sentence as her brain tried to process what she had just been told. Pinkie Pie, sweet, lovable, bubbly, party planning Pinkie Pie, set her up to wrestle her crush, Adagio Dazzle, in a Jell-O wrestling match. Finally, she managed to find her voice again. “Why me?” “Because out of all of us, you’re the only one who’s the perfect fit for this kind of thing,” answered Pinkie. Sunset raised a bemused eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Pinkie zipped over to Rarity as she explained. “Rarity definitely has the looks, but if it’s anything other than imported mud from the spa, she wouldn’t willingly be covered in it.” The fashionista shuddered at this. “Ugh, very true, darling.” Pinkie then stepped up next to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy’s pretty, but she's also pretty much a pacifist. And getting her to wear a bikini? In front of a bunch of strangers? Not happening.” The timid girl let out a quiet “eep”, as her cheeks flared bright red. She quickly ducked her head, covering her face with her hair. “And as we’ve seen at the Friendship Games,” continued Pinkie, stepping up to her bespectacled friend, “Twilight’s not exactly athletic.” She then gave the girl an apologetic smile. “No offense.” “None taken,” Twilight replied, nervously pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. “Well, what about you?” Sunset asked, before indicating the two of their group, “Or Applejack or Rainbow Dash?” “I can’t do it, because I’m the announcer-slash-referee,” Pinkie explained. “I’ll be there to give the play-by-play and to make sure that things don’t get too out of hand.” The party planner then slipped between Applejack and Rainbow Dash, throwing an arm over each of their shoulders. “And as for these two, while they’re both athletes and super-duper competitive, they don’t really have the chests for this.” “What?!/Huh?!” Rainbow and Applejack exclaimed respectively, the two clearly taken aback by their friend’s statement. “Yep,” Pinkie nodded. “Both of you are flatter than soda that’s lost its fizz.” Both girls looked at their own breasts; Applejack was about a B-cup, while Rainbow was a solid “A” at most. Rainbow then crossed her arms over her chest, a sour look on her slightly flushed face. Applejack just huffed, returning her attention to Pinkie. “What the heck does that have to do with anything.” “Everything!” replied Pinkie. “In this kind of match, where the ladies are wearing teeny-weeny bikinis, spectators don’t want to see itty-bitty titties. They want to see massive melons!” What happened next happened so fast that Sunset had no time to react. One second, Pinkie was still between Applejack and Rainbow, the next, during which Sunset blinked, the girl was gone. In the next instant, she let out a very loud gasp as a pair of hands wrapped around her own chest from behind. “That’s where these puppies come in,” Pinkie spoke over Sunset’s shoulder, standing pressed against her back, her hands continuously squeezing the redhead’s breasts through her clothes. “From what I can tell, Sunny, you’re at least a H cup, the biggest set of all the girls at school. We're talking Busty Anime Girls type of titties. Just about everyone at school would kill for this rack.” “P-Pinkie… stop!” Sunset grunted, gasping each time Pinkie’s probing fingers squeezed. Not only were her breasts large, but they were also very sensitive. She figured that it had something to do with the portal’s magic, because in her pony form, her teats were nowhere near as big or erogenous. Trying to ignore the electricity coursing through her body from the stimulation, Sunset glanced around. The Rainbooms were staring, slack-jawed and blushing as they watched Pinkie paw at their friend’s ample chest. The Dazzlings were watching with varying degrees of amusement; Aria once again had her phone up and aimed at the display-more than likely recording. Sonata just watched while she was eating her chocolate. Sunset then focused on Adagio; the siren was nibbling her lower lip, a light blush on her cheeks as she watched. It was hard for her to tell, given Pinkie’s distracting ministrations, but Sunset could have sworn she could see a hungry look in the woman’s eyes. The thought added fuel to the embers of arousal now stirring within the former unicorn. Finally, after what felt like hours, but was really just barely a minute, Pinkie released her hold on Sunset’s breasts. The poor girl quickly covered her chest with her arms as she took deep breaths, trying to calm her body down. Meanwhile, her mirthful molester quickly zipped behind Adagio and gave her the same treatment, shamelessly groping the woman’s impressive rack. To her credit, Adagio was much more composed, merely letting out pleased hums and hisses at the party girl’s merciless mauling. “As for your competition,” Pinkie continued. “Adagio’s boobs are about a size smaller than yours, but still a very impressive G cup.” Suddenly, she moved her hands from Adagio's breasts to her shoulders and quickly spun her around. She then moved her hands to the surprised siren's butt, grabbing both cheeks in a firm grip. This got a shocked gasp from Adagio, a stronger blush forming on her face. “But this... this is Miss Dazzle’s best asset! Just the right amount of junk in the trunk for the right amount of bounce!” For emphasis, Pinkie removed a hand from its respective handful, wound it up and brought it back down, delivering a swift open-palmed slap to the ass cheek, causing the flesh to jiggle. The slap also elicited a small, excited yelp from Adagio. “Who wouldn’t want to grab ahold of that?” “Pinkie, will you stop groping her?!” Sunset snapped irritably. While a part of her was turned on by watching the woman of her dreams squirm under Pinkie’s actions, another part of her was fuming at the party girl touching the object of her affection like that. “Okie-dokie-lokie!” replied Pinkie moving back to her original spot in the middle of the group, leaving Adagio to turn back around, the blush on her face slowly receding. “For the record, Sunny,” the orange-haired woman panted with a teasing smirk, “I didn’t mind the attention.” “Well, I did,” Sunset shot back, trying to ignore how Adagio saying her nickname made her shiver. She turned to Pinkie. “So that’s it?” she asked, nonplussed. “You chose the two of us because of our bodies?” “Mm-mm,” denied Pinkie, shaking her head. “That’s only one of the reasons. To make this wrestling match legit, the competitors need to be at least eighteen years old. You and Adagio are both older than you look. She and her friends have been around for over a thousand years, and you told us that you were actually in your early twenties when you first crossed over to this world. So, you both are ideal for this.” “Oh,” Sunset blinked. ‘So, she does know I’m older than her,’ she thought. ‘Then, what was that whole “Auntie Pinkie Pie” thing?’ She then shook her head, returning to the topic at hand. “Okay, I guess that makes sense.” “Another reason is that you both are alphas.” Pinkie continued. “They're what?” Rainbow asked, scratching her head in bemusement. “She means that they are both leader types,” Fluttershy spoke up, surprising everyone again. “In some animal packs, like dogs, for example, there’s usually one dog that is the designated leader, or alpha, of the group. The rest of the pack obeys that one's lead.” “She’s right,” Twilight confirmed. “But I’m not really a leader, Pinkie," Sunset said. “Sure, you are!” Pinkie replied. “She does have a point, darling,” Rarity offered, giving Sunset a warm smile. “Yeah,” Applejack seconded. “You really took charge during the fiasco at the Friendship Games, and you encouraged us to embrace our magic back at Camp Everfree.” “Especially me,” said Twilight, smiling gratefully at her friend. “Yep,” Rainbow piped up. “You’re more or less our go-to leader, Sunset.” She paused before adding, “Except when it comes to the band. I still call most of the shots.” The Rainbooms rolled their eyes at that, before Pinkie got everyone back on track. “And, of course, Adagio is the leader of the Dazzlings.” “She designated herself,” Aria deadpanned. “Wouldn’t have been my first choice.” “Shut it, Aria,” hissed Adagio, glaring at the pig-tailed girl, who merely smirked. Sonata giggled quietly at the exchange. “Okay, but what does any of that have to do with Jell-O wrestling?” Sunset questioned. Rather than answer, Pinkie turned to the animal expert of the group “Fluttershy, what happens when two alphas meet?” “They battle for dominance,” Fluttershy replied matter-of-factly. “There can only be one alpha.” “Exactly!” Pinkie exclaimed. “There’s only one first place spot in this match, so only one of you can claim it. Given who you two are, neither of you settle for second place, so, I know you’ll both give it everything you’ve got to get that top spot.” Sunset was silent as she contemplated what Pinkie told them. She wasn’t wrong. Anyone who followed her gaming channel knew that Sunset could be aggressively competitive, and she hated losing. That was the part of her that was telling her to say “yes” to this plan. “I’ll admit,” she finally said, albeit reluctantly, “you've made some valid points, Pinkie, but I’m not sure I’m a hundred percent on board with this.” “Weeeeell…” Pinkie drawled, looking somewhat nervous now. “There is one more reason; being Adagio’s opponent was one of the conditions for the Dazzlings to help us.” Sunset’s eyes widened in shock, this revelation catching her off guard. “What?” A deep, rich chuckle drew her attention to her fellow Equestrian. “Oh, Sunset,” Adagio spoke, a wicked smirk on her face. “You didn’t think we were helping out of the goodness of our hearts, did you?” Rarity harrumphed, “Of course not. That would the impression that you three actually have hearts.” This comment got Rarity a middle finger from Aria and a raspberry from Sonata. Adagio ignored the seamstress, keeping her smoldering gaze locked onto Sunset. She held up her hand with her index and middle finger extended. “For our participation, there are two conditions that must be met.” She dropped a finger, leaving the index up. “One, whatever money you don’t need to fix up your little camp, we get to keep. And two.” Leaving that last finger extended, she lowered her hand and pointed at the redhead, her smirk becoming predatorial. “I want to wrestle you, Sunset Shimmer, and only you.” Sunset stood there, looking like a deer in headlights, her cheeks coloring. She felt conflicted. One the one hand, the statement sent a thrill of excitement through her; she had always fantasized Adagio and herself wrapped around each other, doing a different kind of “wrestling”. On the other hand, it also filled her with trepidation. She couldn’t forget that Adagio and her group were their enemies before; so, that statement may have been a veiled threat. Masking her discomfort with defiance, Sunset crossed her arms and glared back at Adagio. “Really?” she said, keeping her tone steady. “Why am I so lucky?” Sonata, having finished eating, was licking her fingers clean, but paused so she could answer. “Oh, she’s been dying to get her hands on you for a while, Sunset Shimmer,” she said tauntingly, waggling her eyebrows. Her interruption did earn a hard glare from Adagio. This caused the blue-haired woman to shrug cluelessly. “What? What I say?" “What did she mean by that?” Sunset asked wearily. Adagio looked back at her, her expression strangely going blank for a moment. She then closed her eyes and heaved a dramatic sigh. “I suppose it not really a secret,” she said, reopening her eyes with a frown. “In our last encounter with your friends, we were very close to winning,” she explained, moving toward Sunset with a languid stride. “Then you interfered, Sunset Shimmer, not only stealing our victory, but our magic as well.” She finally stopped about a foot from Sunset, who stood her ground. “As you can imagine, that did not sit well with us, and there is no way I could allow such a crime to go unpunished.” “So, you want revenge,” Sunset guessed, a little dismayed. “Precisely,” Adagio confirmed. “However, any action taken towards you would surely be met with retaliation from your friends.” “You got that right!” Rainbow snapped, stepping in close to the two women and shaking her fist threateningly at Adagio. Applejack approached from the other side Sunset, popping her knuckles in agreement. Adagio barely spared either of them a glance as she continued. “There’s also the chance the authorities would become involved, and since we can no longer rely on magic, we would be forced to suffer the consequences.” The frown she wore was then replaced by a superior smile. “But then, your handsy friend tracked us down and made her proposition. And that was when I saw an opportunity to exact a more harmless type of revenge: Public humiliation. Like you and your friends did to us, dear Sunset, I intend to return the favor, embarrassing you by completely dominating you for everyone to see.” Any other time, the idea of Adagio “dominating” her would have been thrilling to Sunset, but right now, she was feeling irate by the insinuation. “You make it sound like you’ve already won,” she huffed. “Oh, I am quite confident,” Adagio smugly replied. “I will admit, you and your friends are force to be reckoned with as a team, but do you think you can go toe-to-toe with me by yourself? Despite what you may think, I’m not above getting my hands dirty. There’ve been plenty of times over the centuries where I’ve gotten into physical altercations and came out victorious. Like your friend said, I’m an alpha predator - I fight to win.” “Well, according to Pinkie, you’re not the only alpha here, Adagio,” Sunset shot back, leaning forward until her face was only a few inches from the Dazzling’s. She tried to ignore the fact that their breasts were now squished together; she fought to keep a blush from forming as she maintained eye contact with the Siren. “I may be reformed, but that doesn’t mean I've become a complete pushover. If you think this is going to be easy, you’re in for a rude awakening.” “Oh,” cooed Adagio, raising an eyebrow with interest. “Does this mean you’re in, Shimmer?” “Do it, Sunset!” Rainbow urged her friend. “Show this bitch who’s boss!” “Yeah,” Applejack agreed. “Give the hussy the what-for!” “Hold it!” Rarity shouted as she rushed forward and placed her hands on Sunset's shoulders. “Sunset, you mustn’t let that harlot get to you. You are under no obligation to do this.” Sunset didn’t respond, she didn’t even move an inch as she continued to stare down Adagio. “But if she doesn’t, the Dazzlings will leave and the plan won’t work,” Pinkie pointed out. “We’ll come up with something, darling,” Rarity insisted. “No amount of money is worth letting Sunset be humiliated.” Finally, Sunset spoke. “I’m in.” As her friends gasped in shock, Sunset watched Adagio’s lips curved up into a Cheshire cat smile. “I knew you wouldn't refuse,” the woman purred. “I wouldn’t be too happy if I were you, Adagio,” Sunset warned. “Because I plan to come out on top.” Adagio chuckled as she moved her head closer, surprising unicorn-turned-human. She stopped just before their lips touched. “We’ll just have to see, won’t we?” Sunset shuddered a little, feeling the woman’s breath dance across her lips. She was so close that Sunset could just move forward a bit and kiss the woman of her dreams. She was actually contemplating it, but before she could do anything, Adagio pulled away and stepped back, moving to stand next to Aria and Sonata. Sunset almost whined at the loss of warmth from the close proximity. She didn’t have time to lament before her friends surrounded her. “Sunset, you don’t have to do this!” Rarity desperately insisted. “We’ll find another way to raise the money.” “We don’t have time, Rarity,” Sunset calmly told her. “There’s only three days before the deadline. This really is our last chance.” “Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked. “We could just talk to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna, I'm sure they'll understand.” “Not an option,” Sunset resolutely replied. “We promised to raise the money for Camp Everfree ourselves, and I’m making sure we keep that promise. Besides,” she added, smiling confidently, “that’s not the only reason I agreed to this.” “It’s not?” Rarity questioned. Sunset shook her head, before inclining it towards the Dazzlings. “If I said no, that would be the same as conceding to Adagio, and I’m not about to give her the satisfaction. I intend to put her in her place.” “Heck yeah!” Rainbow laughed, offering her fist, which Sunset gladly bumped with her own. “All right, Pinkie,” Sunset said, turning to the beaming party girl. “Jell-O wrestling it is.” “Yippee!” Pinkie cheered, tossing more confetti. As everyone started chattering over the details, Sunset turned her head to glance at the Dazzlings in her peripheral, specifically her opponent. As she stared, butterflies were starting to fly around in her stomach, the reality of what she agreed to setting in. ‘I’m wrestling Adagio Dazzle.’ … … ‘I’m Jell-O wrestling my crush.’ … … … ‘What have I done?!’ > The Match > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Rainbooms and Dazzlings all in agreement, Pinkie’s plan went into motion. The wrestling match would take the day after tomorrow, which would be Saturday. The event would be held in the gymnasium at Canterlot High. Most of the girls, minus the Sirens, believed that there was no way that Principle Celestia or Vice-Principal Luna would allow such a thing. So, imagine their shock when Pinkie produced stapled forms, with both ladies’ signatures on the documents, permitting the girls to hold the event in the designated location. When they asked her how she was able to convince them, Pinkie simply replied, “Sorry, that’s just between me and the leading ladies.” The other documents attached included rules set up by Vice-Principal Luna that the girls had to follow. The first one, of course, was that both competitors must be eighteen or older, which Adagio and Sunset already had covered. Another was that both women were barred from using heavy impact attacks, such as punches and kicks, and nothing that would leave marks on their bodies, like scratching. This rule was to keep both women from purposefully hurting each other; more specifically, it was to ensure that the Dazzlings were kept in check. Lastly, there was also a waver that both competitors signed, signifying that they were doing this of their own accord. The next day, the girls focused on getting the word out about the event. Surprisingly, it was the Dazzlings that took care of that. Sonata was actually pretty good with web designs; she put together a webpage for the match. It had a picture of a large pool of green Jell-O, and on either side, were snapshots of Sunset and Adagio looking aggressively in each other’s direction, and between them was a gold versus symbol. The words “Jell-O Wrestling” were stamped across the top, in mixed, light, and dark green colors. With the design finished, Aria took over. She setup an online pay system for a digital ticket purchase; two hundred tickets in total, fifty dollars apiece. Only people eighteen and older would be allowed to buy tickets. She then spammed the page to multiple places across the web, including places the girls used, like MyStable, Chitter and Photogab. Finally, Saturday arrived. The gymnasium was abuzz with activity. Applejack waved the spectators through the side entrance, where Aria and Twilight were seated at a check-in table; they inspected the IDs of the ticket purchasers as they filed in, ensuring they were of legal age. Rarity and Rainbow helped guide them to the designated bleachers stationed to the side and across from the stage. On the court in front of the bleachers, atop a couple layers of tumbling mats, was a large, blue, square-shaped inflatable pool, where Pinkie and Sonata were filling it with large quantities of lime-green Jell-O mix and water. Meanwhile, Sunset was on the stage, discreetly peeking from behind the curtain, watching things unfold. She was shivering with trepidation. She might have agreed to this, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous about it. A part of her had actually been hoping that this plan would fail, that very few, if any, people would actually come out to this event, thus they could call it off. But, watching as the bleachers were filling up, Sunset knew that the Pinkie’s idea had succeeded and there was no backing out now. Another shiver ran through her, though this was due to the gym’s cool temperature. That was expected, considering Sunset was currently clad in nothing but a skimpy, dark turquoise bikini, one of which the top was practically straining to hold in her above average bosom. “How are holding up, darling?” Sunset looked behind her, where Fluttershy, Spike and Rarity, who had finished her task moments ago, were approaching, to offer her last-minute support. “About as well as can be expected,” she replied honestly. “Oh, I wish Pinkie would’ve allowed me to make the swimsuits,” Rarity lamented, looking at the small bikini Sunset had on, trying not to linger on her friend’s chest. “I fear that top won’t hold once you start wrestling.” “I think that’s more or less the point, Rarity,” Sunset surmised dourly. Fluttershy peeked through the curtain. “Oh, my,” she murmured. “That’s a lot of people out there.” “Yep, and a lot of them are people we know,” Sunset replied as she scanned the crowd. Quite a few of the spectators were their fellow students, made of both guys and girls, including—much to her embarrassment—those they were familiar with, like Flash Sentry and Trixie. There were other familiar faces amongst them, and she blinked when she came across someone she did not expect. “Isn’t that Indigo Zap?” “Indeed,” Rarity answered. The Crystal Prep athlete was sitting in the front row, waiting in excited anticipation for the match to start. What caught the girls’ eyes was the cast on her left leg and the crutches laying at her feet. “Oh, my goodness,” Fluttershy softly gasped in concern. “What happened to her?” “Jeez, Rarity,” Sunset said, looking at the designer with a raised eyebrow. “I knew you were upset about the Crystal Prep girls stealing your idea, but to go to such an extreme…” Rarity gasped, looking appalled. “Sunset! How could you think I would do such a thing? Such a show of violence is beneath a lady of my stature!” “Relax, Rarity, I’m kidding,” Sunset chuckled, smirking at her friend’s reaction. Rarity crossed her arms with a huff as the others giggled, a light blush on her face. Once everyone quieted down, she spoke up. “When I asked her about the cast, she told me she broke it during a rather competitive soccer game. She said it would be at least a couple of weeks before the cast would come off.” Meanwhile, Spike moved closer to get a better look through the curtains. “So let me get this straight,” he said, looking up at Sunset. “All of these people are giving you money so they can watch you and that big-haired lady roll around in that Jell-O?” “Pretty much,” she confirmed. “Man, you’re lucky,” Spike grumbled. “Twilight always gripes when I play in the mud. Maybe I should get people to give her money for that.” The girls giggled at the pup’s comment before they were all startled by Pinkie sticking her head in through the curtain. “Okay, girls, we’ll be starting in a few minutes!” she cheerfully informed them, before ducking back out. Sunset gave a resigned sigh, shaking out her limbs a bit while trying to keep her breathing steady. “Well, I guess this is it.” “Oh, Sunset,” Rarity said, nervously wringing her hands. “Again, I’m so so-” “Rarity,” her friend interrupted, “you already apologized, several times. I accepted, even though there really was not anything to apologize for, and if you say, ‘I’m sorry’ one more time, I am going to throw you into that Jell-O pool from this stage.” The dress designer instantly clamped her mouth shut. Fluttershy, meanwhile, scooped up Spike into her arms and made to exit through the curtain, before turning back to give her friend a supportive smile. “Good luck, Sunset.” Sunset nodded in thanks, and Fluttershy took her leave. Rarity made to follow but paused. After a moment, she placed a comforting hand on Sunset shoulders. “We’ll be right there in your corner, Sunset, cheering you on as you show that hussy what you’re made of.” The unicorn-turned-human smiled at the encouragement, placing her hand over Rarity’s, and giving it a light squeeze. “Thanks, Rares. I will do my best.” Rarity nodded and then exited through the curtain, leaving Sunset alone on stage. “Too bad your best won’t be enough.” Sunset frowned at the taunting voice, realizing she was no longer alone. Hearing dainty footsteps coming her way, she turned to give Adagio a snarky reply, but her words failed her when she saw the Siren. She had always imagined what Adagio’s body looked like underneath her clothing, but her fantasies did not do the woman justice. Adagio wore a dark purple bikini, which showed off an impressive amount of tantalizing flesh. Sunset noticed, with a small hint of pride, that Adagio’s breasts were indeed a bit smaller than her own, but no less amazing. Her hips were wide and voluptuous, and her legs were long and smooth. Sunset vaguely realized that the woman was not wearing her spiked hairband, letting her hair cascade further down her back, just stopping right above her ass. Sunset just stood there, her face flushed and her jaw hanging open as she watched the yellow-skinned Goddess sashay towards her. “Like what you see, Shimmer?” Adagio teased, snapping Sunset out of her stupor. She chuckled as the flustered girl looked away. “Oh, don’t be like that, you’re hardly the only one whose reacted that way when laying eyes upon me.” Sunset did not say anything, not trusting her voice now. She then noticed that Adagio was slowly circling her, like a hungry shark. Not wanting show fear, she willed herself to stay still, allowing the predatory woman to walk all the way around her; all the while, her amethyst eyes roamed over every inch of Sunset’s body. After a full rotation, Adagio stopped right in front of her, and Sunset noticed that she had a light blush dusting her own cheeks. “I must say, you certainly are a quite a looker yourself,” Adagio complimented, surprising Sunset. Her eyes then lowered to her eyes to the girl’s chest, giving an appreciative hum, which sent a warm feeling through Sunset’s body. “It seems Pinkie wasn’t exaggerating about your size, I’m almost jealous.” She reached out and gently pinched the left shoulder strap of Sunset’s top between her thumb and index finger. She then pulled up on it, lifting the girl’s massive mammary a few inches from its normal position and preceded to bounce it like it was a yo-yo balloon. “I’m really surprised that this top is holding together,” Adagio giggled, smirking at her flustered opponent. “It sure would be a shame if it popped off before I can rip it off of you myself.” Feeling a mixture of embarrassment, anger and arousal, Sunset decided she was done staying still. She reached up and grabbed Adagio’s hand and pulled it away. The sudden move caught the orange-haired woman by surprise, and she reflexively let go of the strap, letting Sunset’s breast fall back to rest with a small bounce. “Like I said, Adagio,” Sunset coolly said, glaring at the woman. “It is not going to be that easy. If you want to humiliate me, you are going to have to work for it.” Adagio said nothing, looking a little shocked by Sunset’s aggressive display. A moment later, she regained her composure and smirked confidently. “Good to hear, Shimmer. I like it when my prey puts up a fight. Makes the eventual victory even more satisfying.” The two Equestrians stared each other down for a few minutes, no words spoken. Adagio then raised an amused eyebrow, confusing Sunset, before looking down. Following her line of vision, Sunset saw that she was still holding Adagio’s hand in hers, albeit with a gentler grip than when she grabbed it. ‘Damn, her skin is so soft,’ Sunset thought, before coming to her senses and letting go of the hand, a fresh blush spreading across her cheeks. Fortunately, she was spared further embarrassment when she heard Pinkie’s voice coming from the gym’s speaker system. “Hello, everyone! Welcome to Jell-O-Mania: Clash of the Alphas!” The crowd replied with uproarious cheer that echoed throughout the gymnasium. Sunset’s nerves returned, realizing the moment had arrived. “See you out there, Shimmer,” Adagio said, smiling devilishly as she as she bumped her sizeable hip into Sunset’s, causing the girl to stumble a bit, before moving off to the side. “Let’s give them a good show.” After regaining her balance, Sunset turned with a growl to glare at the retreating Dazzling, only for her eyes to fall upon those sashaying hips and that glorious ass. The former unicorn’s mouth went dry as she watched those delicious cheeks bounce with each step. It was with great reluctance that Sunset was able to tear her eyes away from the mesmerizing sight. “Stupid, sexy siren,” she grumbled quietly. In the gym, Pinkie faced the spectators, standing barefoot in the middle of the pool of gelatin, holding a microphone and wearing a referee shirt that revealed her midriff and black thigh-length shorts. “Before we start, I wanna give all of you a big shout-out! Thanks to your monetary contributions to this sold-out event, we now have what we need to finish repairs to Camp Everfree!” The announcement was met with thunderous applause from all in attendance. “I speak for all of us when I say we could not have done it without you guys! Thanks a ton!” After another round of clapping, Pinkie smirked. “Now, what say we get to the reason why you’re here?!” The crowd answered with booming cheer of agreement. “Today, ladies and gentlemen, we have a tantalizing battle between two vicious and voluptuous vixens! A showdown to see who will come out on top as the dominant woman. So, without further ado, let us meet our luscious ladies! First up, wearing the dark turquoise bikini, she is the fiery haired redhead with a temper to match. Give it up, for SUNSET SHIMMER!” As the crowd started cheering, Sunset took a deep breath, and, not wanting to drag things out, walked forward, pushing the curtains apart to exit onto the open stage. The second she stepped into view, the audience grew louder and more enthusiastic. The redhead smiled nervously and waved, her face growing hot from all the eyes locked on her. While she was no stranger to being the center attention, having practically demanded it over the last few years before her change of heart, she had never felt so exposed before. Sure, she dressed in ways to show off her figure, but never something so revealing as her current wardrobe. After a few minutes, Sunset moved to the end of the stage to descend the stairs. With each step down, her massive breasts bounced in time with her footfalls, earning a mix of wolf whistles and cat calls from the onlookers. The already flustered woman felt the blush spread further, snaking down her neck, to her hefty chest. ‘This is why I wear a bra,’ Sunset inwardly groused as she left the steps and made her way across the gym floor towards her soon-to-be battlefield. She walked briskly, ignoring her bouncing bosom, and trying hard to ignore the fact that, in her periphery, she saw quite a few people in the bleachers pull out their phones and aim them at her. Smothering a groan, Sunset finally reached the pool, and, after a moment’s hesitation, stepped into the Jell-O. She jolted as a shiver went through her, the green substance was a little cooler than room temp, and the texture was mostly liquid, with just enough viscosity to loosely cling to her feet with each step as she walked over to Pinkie’s side. “Talk about a knockout, huh, folks?” Pinkie commented to the crowd, before covering her mic and leaning over to whisper to the redhead. “They are loving you, Sunset. Nice touch with the booby bounce!” “Not really something I can control, Pinkie,” Sunset deadpanned, crossing her arms under her breasts. She glanced to the side, where her friends, and Aria and Sonata, were standing a couple meters from the edge of the pool, separate from the crowds. The Rainbooms gave her looks of encouragement, along with a couple of thumbs up. She smiled as she nodded to them. “And now,” Pinkie started again, speaking to the audience, “her opponent! Wearing the purple bikini, give it up for the sultry, sensual siren: ADAGIO DAZZLE!” While the crowd roared, Sunset watched as curtains were pushed open, revealing the literal Siren stepping onto the stage. Whereas Sunset had been nervous, Adagio was just oozing confidence, clearly in her element. She would turn this way and that, posing with a hand on her hip and the other behind her head, giving the audience a lusty stare and smiling, showing her pearly white teeth. As she then made her way down the stairs and sashayed towards to the pool, her movements were smooth and natural. While the C.H.S students seemed more reluctant with their applause, most of the crowd were enthusiastically cheering for her. Unlike Sunset, the Adagio moved at a more leisurely pace, clearly enjoying the attention. She even stopped now and again, waving, and posing for the people with video phones. By this point, Sunset was anxious. On one hand, she wished Adagio would stop drawing this out so they could get this over with, but on the other, she was glad to delay the inevitable tussle with her crush. Plus, she was enjoying watching the woman flaunt what she got. “Nervouscited, Sunny?” Sunset snapped out of her trance, looking to Pinkie, who was wagging her eyebrows suggestively; the redhead just rolled her eyes. “Nervous, sure,” Sunset replied. “Excited, not so much.” “Your nips seem to disagree~.” Sunset looked down at the breasts in alarm; sure enough, her nipples had stiffened enough to make visible bumps on her bikini top. She barely resisted the urge to cover her chest as she blushed furiously. “That’s because it’s cold in here!” she hissed. Finally, Adagio reached the pool and, with no hesitation, stepped into the green gelatin and walked towards the duo. She stopped a few feet from Sunset, placing her hands on her hips and giving the red and gold haired woman a superior smirk. Barely swallowing back her anxiety, Sunset squared her shoulders and glared back defiantly. “She is beautiful, isn’t she?” Pinkie asked, indicating Adagio, earning a round of cheers in agreement. When they settled, the bubbly referee turned her attention to the two combatants with a serious expression (or as serious as Pinkie could manage) and spoke, “All right, ladies, you have been told the rules, but I am gonna repeat them, just to be safe. No punching, kicking, knees or elbows. No headbutting, scratching, eye gouging or biting. Slaps to the face are a big no-no, choking and spitting are not allowed. You can stand on your feet, but no body slamming. Keep the hairpulling to a minimum, and if I tell you to break a hold, you better do so. This will be a single round match; it ends with one of you saying 'uncle' or being unable to continue. Any questions?” Neither competitor answered, their intense focus only on each other. “Okie-dokie-lokie! Now, shake hands, and let us have a good, clean match!” Sunset held out her hand, which Adagio took; she then tightened her grip, causing her opponent to wince a little. Not backing down, Sunset squeezed back with equal intensity, making Adagio wince as well. “May the best woman win,” she said. “Oh, I plan to,” Adagio replied smugly. With that, both ladies released their death grip on the other’s hand before backing away several paces, putting space between them. “All right, ladies, get ready…” Pinkie started, prompting Sunset and Adagio to lightly squat down into ready positions, legs spread slightly, hands raised and ready. Seeing this, their pink referee raised her hand over her head. A minute later, she brought it down in a quick, chopping motion. “AND WRESTLE!” Immediately, the crowd went into an uproar, rooting for both women. Sunset paid them no mind, her attention on solely on the smug Siren. Without preamble, she let out a small war cry and charged forward. Adagio’s eyes widened in surprise for second, but immediately reverted to smug superiority. When Sunset was close enough to throw her arms around her, Adagio moved with fluid grace, twisting her body around, while simultaneously wrapping an arm around her opponent’s back. The snarling visage on Sunset’s face morphed into shock and horrified realization. She only had time to think, ‘Oh, shit,’ as she was pulled into a hip throw. She flipped, landing unceremoniously into the green Jell-O back first. A loud wheeze escaped her lips as the air quickly vacated her lungs upon impact. She lied there, dazed, and breathless. As she stared up at the gym’s ceiling, a blurry silhouette entered the top of her vision. She blearily blinked her eyes, and within seconds, her sight cleared to show Adagio standing above her, hands on her hips and looking over her breasts down at her with a predatorial smile. Any other time, Sunset would have found the sight thrilling, but right now, it terrified her. That feeling of terror grew when the puffy-haired woman bent down, moved her hands to grasp the back of Sunset head and started pulling her up. In her current state, Sunset had little choice but to groggily push herself up to follow along, lest the pressure on her neck became unbearable. Getting to her feet, she then felt Adagio twisting her around, forcing her to turn and face her lovely tormentor. Sunset looked into those amethyst eyes but did not have time to get lost in them as Adagio briefly let go of her head and spun 180 degrees around, readjusted her hands over her shoulder and reclasped them around the back of Sunset’s head. The poor woman barely had time to take a breath before her crush crouched down and pulled her into a modified over-the-shoulder throw. For the second time, within the same minute, Sunset’s world flipped upside down before she splashed into the gelatin. Having braced for it, it did not take as long for Sunset to get her bearings. With a groan, she rolled over onto her stomach and looked up, but Adagio was not there. Before she could begin to look for her, her rival’s location was revealed by a sizeable weight roughly sitting down onto the small of her back. She grunted, the impact jolting her. She went to look over her shoulder when a pair of slender hands came from behind and clasped around her chin. “Aaagh!” she cried out as her head was pulled back, her back instantly wracked with pain. She tried to push up with her arms to alleviate the tension, but her opponent simply pulled her head further back, making her cry out again. “Oooh!” Pinkie winced, coming around to get a better view. “After a couple of jarring throws, Adagio has now trapped Sunset in a camel clutch! By the look on her face, she is in agony!” The crowd responded with a combination of cheers and jeers. This was all lost-on Sunset as she was more focused on her excruciating predicament. Pinkie looked at Sunset and spoked into her mic, “You want to give up, Sunset? I mean, the match just started, and calling it quits would be disappointing for the people watching. Disappointing enough for them to demand a refund, but, hey, the choice is yours.” With things as they were, Sunset almost considered giving up, just to end the torture. However, Pinkie’s words made her rethink. Quitting was an option, but it was not necessarily the best one. This match had to go longer for the crowd to be satisfied, so, Sunset decided to grit her teeth and endure. Besides, that prideful side of her would not let her throw in the towel so easily. Thankfully, Adagio abruptly released her chin, letting her face-plant into the cool, somewhat cushioning, gelatin. The sultry Dazzling then stood up, removing all pressure from the redhead’s back. Sunset lifted her head with a groan, spitting out the lime-flavor dessert. “Bleh.” She was more of a cherry-flavored girl. She pushed herself onto her hands and knees, and that was as far as she got before her brief respite ended abruptly. An arm quickly wrapped around her neck and pulled her into tight embrace. “Ugh, come on,” she groused, her arms instinctively wrapping around the body she was pressed to. She glared up at Adagio, who smirked back down at her. She was on her knees, holding Sunset in a headlock, her hands clasped to maintain the hold and apply pressure at her leisure. Sunset suddenly became aware that her cheek was pressed up against the Siren’s soft, head-sized boob. Her face flushed in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal, but could not enjoy it as Adagio flexed her arm, squeezing Sunset’s head, eliciting a grunt of pain from her lips before the pressure lessened. “I must say, I’m a little disappointed, Sunset,” Adagio casually said, again squeezing tight, earning another yelp of pain, before easing up. “I thought you said you were going to make me work for my victory, but I’ve barely broken a sweat.” She raised a taunting eyebrow. “You do know that you came here to wrestle, right? After all, it is called Jell-O wrestling, emphasis on the wrestling.” Sunset growled, gnashing her teeth in frustration. She had just about enough of being rag dolled. While Pinkie said to have a clean fight, Sunset realized that she would need to play a little dirty to turn the tables. “Yeah,” she snapped back, slowly removing an arm and reaching her hand into the gelatin, “And emphasis on the Jell-O!” She yanked her hand up and tossed a large glob of the green treat right into her opponent’s cocky face. “GAH!” Adagio screamed in shock, immediately reaching her hand up to wipe away the offending gunk. At the same time, she inadvertently loosened the headlock. Capitalizing on this, Sunset pulled back, freeing her head from Adagio’s hold. Now crouched behind her foe, the unicorn-turned-human launched forward and tackled her, knocking the Dazzling down into the Jell-O. From her perched position, Sunset grabbed Adagio’s shoulders and pulled her up. Adagio gasped for air, before her attacker pushed her back down into the gelatin. She repeated this action a few more times before releasing the woman’s shoulders, letting her collapse again. While her opponent was dazed, Sunset quickly stood and spun around, grabbed Adagio’s ankles, and lifted her legs. Wrapping an arm around each one, Sunset then squatted into a semi-seated stance, leaning back while pulling on the long limbs. This had the desired effect, the yellow-skinned woman under her screamed in pain, bringing a satisfied smile to Sunset’s face. “WHOA!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. “What a turnaround, folks! Using a sneaky snack attack, Sunset freed herself from Adagio’s clutches and pulled her into a Boston crab!” Having the upper hand for the time being, Sunset allowed herself to bask in the praise of the exuberant audience. She felt Adagio squirming under her and responded by squatting lower, stretching the already taut legs in her grasp even further and earning another agonized screech from below. Pinkie moved around to where Adagio’s head was and crouched down to put herself closer to the poor woman’s level. “Looks like you’re really in world of hurt right now, Dazzle,” she casually pointed out. “You wanna call it quits?” At first, the response came out as angered growls, but then Adagio finally hissed her answer. “No!” “Works for me,” Sunset said. She dipped even lower, making Adagio let out a keening whine. Her descent suddenly stopped; she was now seated upon her opponent’s back. Sunset was surprised how far she had stretched the Siren. ‘Damn! Just how flexible is she?’ She could not help but imagine the use of such pliability in the bedroom, a lusty smile playing across her hips. Suddenly, she was jostled out of her thoughts by shifting from below. She craned her neck to look over her shoulder and saw Adagio plant her hands firmly on the floor. Then with a grunt, the woman performed a pushup, amazingly lifting her upper body off the ground. Sunset could not help but gape at the strong display. A moment later, she felt the muscles in the legs wrapped in her arms grow taut before found herself being pulled forward. Jolted out of her stupor, Sunset squeezed her arms tighter and pulled back, straining to maintain her position. It was a brief tug-of-war, Sunset trying to keep the hold, Adagio trying to break it. For a little while, they seemed to be in a stalemate, until, finally, with a roar erupting from her throat, Adagio straightened her legs. Sunset cried out in surprise as she was flung from her perch, catching a little air, and then she roughly landed, sliding through the Jell-O a couple of meters before coming to a stop. “Yowza-Wowza!” Pinkie gasped. “Adagio just catapulted Sunset to nearly the other side of the pool! Those are some super strong legs she is slinging!” While the crowd went into a frenzy, Sunset slowly pushed herself up, shaking her head to clear the figurative cobwebs and literal gelatin. She pulled herself to her feet, turning to look at her crush. Adagio was also standing, bent down to gingerly rub her legs, a pained grimace on her face. She straightened a few moments later and turned to Sunset with a heated glare and snarl. Sunset could not help but gulp a little, the visage the woman was sporting was very similar to that of her Siren form’s snarling maw during the Battle of the Bands. A moment later, that growling grimace gave way to a savage grin, excitement dancing in those amethyst eyes. “That’s the spirit, Shimmer,” Adagio whispered huskily, though loud enough for Sunset to hear. She was trembling, but not in fear, but apparent eagerness. “Looks like you might give me a challenge after all. It will make my triumph over you all the sweeter.” Instead of taking offense to that statement, Sunset found herself quickly filling up with mutual feelings of excitement. She gave her own fierce grin as she readied herself for the next engagement. “Don’t bet on it, Adagio.” “Oooooh!” Pinkie squealed, looking back and forth between both women. “Looks like the fires in their bellies have really ignited now. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we are in for one doozy of a battle!” As the audience erupted into cheers, both vixens moved simultaneously, quickly closing the distance between each other. Their bodies collided, their large breasts flattening from the impact, and they wasted no time throwing their arms around each other and grappling. The two thrashed about, each trying throw the other off balance, all the while glaring, growling, and hissing at each other like wildcats. It was not clear who lost her footing first, but the next thing everyone knew, they landed back in the pool with a gelatinous splash, still clenched tightly to each other. Instead of being winded, the two Equestrians were still going at it, rolling all around the floor, each trying to gain the top position over the other. All the while, Pinkie was providing the excited commentary, and nearby, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings were rooting for their respective fighters. Eventually, the stalemate was broken with Sunset pushing Adagio away. They quickly got to their hands and knees, twisting around to face each other. Both were a mess; their hair drenched and hanging limply, splotches of Jell-O clinging to their bodies. They were panting after their tussle, glaring at each other. They slowly crawled in a loose circle, never breaking eye contact, looking like a couple of ferocious tigresses, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Sunset was the one to break the circle, crawling rapidly towards Adagio with the intent to tackle her. However, the attempt was cut short by the Siren taking a page from Sunset’s book, scooping up a handful of Jell-O and throwing it, scoring a direct hit on the woman’s face. “Shit!” Sunset cursed, stopping in her tracks. She sat on her knees as she tried to wipe away the mess. That brief pause was her downfall, as she felt Adagio grab her by the top of her head and pull her forward. Next thing she knew, her head was forced somewhere snug. Before she could wonder what was happening, an intense pressure assaulted her, making her groan in pain. She brought her hands up to try and pry whatever was squeezing her and she encountered goop covered skin. Forcing her eyes open, she was staring down the length of two long, pale yellow legs on either side of her head. She immediately realized that Adagio had her in a standing head scissor hold. ‘This is not how I pictured my first time between Adagio’s legs going,’ Sunset thought, her face going red from the combination of the erotic image itself and the pressure on her dome. Another painful squeeze from those juicy thighs snapped her out of her ruminating. She clasped her hands onto the limbs to try and pull them apart, but she was foiled when Adagio grabbed both her wrists with her own hands and pulled them outward, keeping them separated. Then, as if to punish Sunset for the attempt, the Siren put more pressure into her hold, causing the trapped redhead to groan in agony. All she could do was pitifully slap her feet against the floor of the pool. This continued for a few minutes, though for Sunset, it felt like hours, before Adagio let go of her hands and opened her legs wide enough for her victim to fall into the Jell-O. Sunset slowly lifted herself up to her elbows and cradled her aching head in her hands. She felt a foot push down on her back, pressing her into the floor. She twisted her head around to see Adagio smugly standing there, keeping Sunset pinned with her foot while she took the time pose with a hand on her hip and the other arm curled, flexing her bicep. And the crowd was eating it up, even some of those who had been initially cheering for Sunset were applauding the display with approval. “Turncoats,” Sunset hissed quietly. Just then, she noticed motion in her peripheral vision, and she looked back up to see Adagio, beckoning Pinkie closer. The party girl practically skipped over to her, and once she was in close enough, the Dazzling calmly reached out and took hold of her wrist, pulling the hand with the microphone close to her lips; Pinkie did not seem to mind one bit. “Judging from your enthusiasm,” she casually addressed the audience, “I can assume you’re enjoying the show.” The spectators responded with positive cheers of agreement. The smile on Adagio’s lips twisted into a devilish smirk, which gave Sunset a sense of foreboding. “Then I know you’re going to love this.” With that, she let go of Pinkie’s wrist, turned her attention Sunset, and bent down. Sunset could not crane her neck enough to see what exactly the Dazzling leader was doing, but when she felt fingers on her back fiddling with something and the audience’s cheers grew louder, her eyes widened in horror. “No,” she whispered as she felt the strings of the bikini loosen before Adagio started to pull the material off her. “No!” she gasped, desperately clasped at the top to keep it in place, but it was too late as Adagio gave a sharp tug, pulling the garment free and holding it up like a trophy to the roaring crowd. An uncharacteristic squeak escaped Sunset’s lips as she quickly flattened herself to the floor, trying to keep herself covered. Watching from the corner of her eye, the humanized unicorn saw Adagio toss her top away. She then felt the foot on her back lift off; she attempted to crawl away, but the Siren was already upon her, her hands slipping under Sunset’s armpits and wrapping tightly around her shoulders. Feeling herself being lifted, Sunset thrashed about, desperately trying to get loose. “No, stop! Please, Adagio! Stop!” she begged. Unfortunately, her pleas fell on deaf ears as Adagio proceeded to lift her off the floor. Sunset struggled to pull herself back down, but it was all for naught. Within seconds, she was forcefully raised to her full height, putting her Jell-O-covered jugs on display for the cheering audience to behold. She tried to cover her breasts with her arms, but the Siren quickly snaked her arms up and clasped her hands behind Sunset’s head, putting her in a full nelson; the maneuver forced the trapped woman’s arms off of her chest and up over her head. So, there Sunset stood, bare-chested and facing the crowd. Her face flushed as red as her hair as the spectator’s eyes-and phones-were locked onto her hefty chest. “How about a little dance, Sunny?” Adagio asked sweetly, shimmying on the spot, forcing Sunset to sway back and forth with her. The movement made her breasts swing from side to side, like a pair of pendulums, which seemed like an apt description, considering the audience was entranced by her swaying tits. A frustrated whine escaped Sunset’s throat as she squirmed in Adagio’s grip, feebly trying to escape, inadvertently making her boobs jiggle even more, eliciting catcalls and whistles from the onlookers. Her tormentor giggled wickedly behind her before she leaned in, to whisper into Sunset’s ear. “Seems like they approve. I kind of wish that I was in their place, so I could get a view of this titillating performance.” Sunset did not respond. Truth was, she could barely hear the smug woman’s words over the sound of blood pounding in her ears and her teeth grinding. The red in her face was no longer just from arousal or embarrassment, now it was mixed with growing anger. Crush or not, this bitch was humiliating her, and she would be damned if she was going to just stand there and take it any longer. With a very un-pony like growl, Sunset brought her arms down with great force, successfully breaking the full nelson. Not wasting time, she crouched down, bringing her arms back and hooking her hands behind each of the Siren’s knees. Then, she pulled up, bringing the legs with her. Adagio gave a startled cry as her feet were pulled out from under her, grunting as she fell into the Jell-O. Hearing the impact, Sunset quickly turned around and crawled atop her downed opponent. Now straddling the woman, she sat down heavily onto Adagio’s stomach, making her wheeze as the air rushed from her lungs. As the yellow-skinned woman coughed and sputtered, Sunset reached down, grabbing both sides of Adagio’s head and yanking her up into a sitting position. She glared heatedly at the woman’s face trapped in her grasp. “You wanted a view of my tits, Dagi?” She asked fiercely. “Then allow me to oblige!” With that declaration, she yanked Adagio’s face into her chest, her breasts enveloping the woman’s head. The trapped woman let out muffled cries as she grabbed at Sunset’s shoulders to push herself free of the suffocating cleavage, but Sunset’s hands were clamped tightly behind her head, holding her in place. To ensure she did not escape, Sunset leaned forward, letting gravity pull her top-heavy torso down towards the floor of the pool, pinning Adagio in place. She then grabbed Adagio’s hands into hers, interlacing their fingers before pulling them out to the side, completely immobilizing her upper body. “Great Gazongas, folks!” Pinkie exclaimed. She came around and dropped to her knees to get a better look. “Looks like Sunset’s got Adagio captured in her Booby Trap!” While her friends just groaned at the shameless pun, the crowd responding with enthusiastic cheer, clearly excited about the turn of events. Sunset paid them no mind, her attention focused on her struggling rival. When Adagio’s movements started to slow, and the muffled shouts started to lessen, Sunset decided to be merciful… mostly. She pushed herself up, lifting her large boobs off Adagio’s face, allowing the woman to gasp and sputter and catch her breath. When she did, she glared up past the bountiful bosom, to see Sunset the now wearing the superior smile. “You bitch,” she hissed. “Takes one to know one,” Sunset airily replied. She leaned down a bit, letting her boob flesh press against her victim’s chin, a nervous look crossing the woman’s face. “Unless you want to keep getting up close and personal with my girls, I suggest you submit now.” Adagio’s eyes widened, looking into Sunset’s face, and seeing that she was not bluffing. A moment later, her apprehension gave way to a stubborn sneer. “Never.” “You know,” Sunset said, her smile growing sinister, “I was hoping you’d say that.” She lowered herself down fully, once again trapping Adagio’s head in her cleavage. The ensnared siren screamed in protest, muffled by the tit flesh pressed against her mouth. She flailed frantically, kicking her legs, bucking her hips, anything to dislodge the busty redhead, but to little avail. Every couple of minutes, Sunset would lift her breasts enough for Adagio to breathe before resuming her torture. As this went on, Sunset felt herself getting turned on. Each sound from her crush sent vibrations through her boobs, sending sparks of pleasure zapping up and down her spine. Wanting to enhance the experience, Sunset released her hold on Adagio’s hands, moving her to cup her own tits. She squeezed and massaged them, occasionally pinching her hardening nipples, her low moans intermingling with Adagio’s muffled shouts. Within moments, she felt herself getting wet in her nether region, subtly gyrating her hips against the trapped siren’s abs every time she bucked her hips up. Sunset’s body was growing hotter and hotter, pleasure spreading throughout her body. Unfortunately, the feeling was about to come to a painful end. Distracted by her own ministrations, the orange-skinned woman was unaware of Adagio’s hands clumsily moving along her body, trying to find a way of escaping her suffocating predicament. Eventually, they made their way down to Sunset’s hips, her fingers encountering the skimpy bikini bottoms her rival was wearing. Repositioning her hands near the back, she curled her fingers around the thin material and savagely pulled upward. Sunset’s moans of ecstasy morphed into a high-pitched scream of agony as her bottoms were pulled up into the crack of her shapely ass. She involuntarily arched her back, removing her breasts from Adagio’s facing, letting her gasp in gulps of air while continuously yanking the article of clothing tighter against her opponent’s groin. Unable to take it anymore, Sunset rolled off Adagio, freeing her bikini from the Siren’s claws, and put some distance between the two of them. While Adagio lied there, breathing heavily, the Rainboom was on her knees, carefully pulling loose the strap that was jammed up her ass; it even was wedged tightly against her pussy. Once it was removed, she sat there, gently cradling her assaulted crotch. “Yeowch!” winced Pinkie, physically cringing at what she just witnessed. “The dreaded wedgie. I do not care who you are, people, that is an awful hurt.” After a few minutes, Sunset was able to breathe easy as the pain receded. However, her torment was far from finished as she heard a loud growl drawing near. She turned and her eyes widen at the site of Adagio, snarling as she crawled quickly towards her, looking like a charging bull. Sunset scrambled around to face her, but she was taken by surprise as the angry woman lunged, raising her hands, brandishing them like an eagle baring its talons to catch prey. Sunset brought her hands up to defend, but instead of going for her head, Adagio latched onto her breasts, her fingers sinking into the fleshy mounds. The redhead cried out more out of shock rather than pain as the Dazzling kept up her momentum, pressing both boobs flat against Sunset’s chest, pushing her until she fell onto her back. Sunset was pinned, Adagio looming menacingly over her, her hands still clutching the prone woman’s breasts. Sunset lied there, hesitant to move; from the glare her rival was giving her, and the placement of her hands, she feared that the woman was going to pay her back for the smothering earlier, with interest. Thankfully, Pinkie was there, wagging a finger of warning at the woman. “Hold the phone, Adagio! While I do not blame you for wanting to grab Sunset’s big party balloons, I cannot have you trying to pop ‘em. No scratching!” The snarling grimace Adagio had morphed into a smile that promised wicked intentions. “Oh, don’t worry, Pinkie,” she assured. “Scratching’s not what I have in mind.” With that, she loosened her fingers, but maintained her hold on Sunset’s globes. She then proceeded to slowly squeeze and grope both boobs in a sensuous manner, which elicited a gasping moan from her opponent. “No…” Sunset groaned, grabbing the Siren’s wrists to pull her massaging hands from her rack, but she found she was losing strength from the pleasurable tremors assaulting her with each squeeze. “Oh, yes,” Adagio purred, not letting up with her ministrations. She continued the knead Sunset’s breasts like two large pieces of dough. “Pinkie,” the orange-skinned woman gasped, looking up at her best friend. “P- hah! -please! Make her stooOOOOH!” “Eeeeehhhh,” the ref drawled, pursing her lips with an adorable look of contemplation on her face. “I did not say that groping was not allowed, Sunset. So, technically, she’ not breaking any rules. What do you guys think?” she asked, turning to the audience. “Should I stop this?” The crowd’s response came back negative, many of them shouting “No!” “I should allow it?” The question met with a resounding “YES!!!” Pinkie smiled and gave a carefree smile. “Okie-Dokie-Artichokie!” She rounded on the dueling pair. “Sorry, Sunny Girl, the crowd has spoken!” “Traitor…” Sunset hissed. She then yelped as Adagio pinched her nipples, sending sparks shooting to her brain. “Will you please stop?!” “Maybe,” Adagio teased, not stopping her groping. “If you submit~.” “No!” Sunset snapped, almost immediately regretting her choice. “Suit yourself,” her torturer shrugged, her wicked grin growing wider. “I’m happy to keep having fun with these.” And keep having fun, she did. Before too long, Sunset was a mewling mess, hopelessly squirming under Adagio’s talented… er, torturous hands. She feebly grasped at the woman’s arms, but at this point, she could not focus her strength to even budge them. Finally, after one last failed tug, Sunset let her arms fall limply to the floor, letting Adagio have her way with her. To be honest, she was enjoying the treatment, giving her more reason not to surrender, so this could go on forever. “Come on, Sunset! Fight back!” She looked to the edge of the pool, where her friends were standing. Most of them had beet red faces, but they looked at her with unbreakable support. She could deduce from the raspy voice that it was Rainbow who said that. “Don’t just lie there and take that from her!” Applejack shouted. “You’re no quitter, darling!” Rarity encouraged. “You don’t even know the meaning of the word!” “You’re Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight said. “You’re too stubborn to give up.” “You can do it,” Fluttershy called. At least, that was what Sunset thought she said, the girl’s voice barely carried over the roar of the audience. In her arms, Spike was barking in support. Finding herself being bolstered by her friends’ encouraging words, Sunset was able to clear the fog of ecstasy blanketing her mind and was able to focus past Adagio’s sensual assault of her tits long enough to notice her and her crush’s positionings. She realized that Adagio was stationed between her legs, her own hips in the Siren’s lap. Before Adagio could take notice of where the redhead’s attention was, Sunset snapped into action. She quickly lifted her legs, wrapped them around the woman’s narrow waste and snapped them closed, locking her ankles, and pouring on the pressure. Adagio gasped as Sunset put the squeeze on her. Literally. The humanized unicorn’s legs may not be as strong as her fellow Equestrian’s, but the body scissor she was using was enough for Adagio to let go of her breasts and grasp at the orange-skinned legs to try and pry them apart. This allowed Sunset to prop herself up on her elbows and catch her breath, her libido starting to recede. She could now concentrate on keeping her rival immobilized. Despite her efforts, Adagio was unable to pull the constrictive limbs from her waist; she then gave up on trying and reached out to grab Sunsets boobs again. However, anticipating this, the redhead shot her own hands out, catching Adagio by her wrists. She pulled them out to the sides to keep them away from her body, and then she put more strength into her legs. Adagio groaned in pain as Sunset continued squeezing her waist; while there was little chance of injury, it clearly very uncomfortable for her. After a few minutes, Sunset recovered enough to go on the offensive. Unclasping her legs from her opponent’s waist, she pulled them back and planted on Adagio’s torso. With a heave, she pushed the Dazzling away, releasing her wrists at the same time. Adagio slid across the Jell-O covered floor several feet before coming to a stop. Not wasting time, Sunset quickly maneuvered around to get on her haunches, watching as the Dazzling rolled onto her stomach and slowly got to hands and knees; she was facing away from Sunset, baring her gorgeous ass to the redhead. Rather than be distracted by the sight, a wicked idea entered her mind, and an equally wicked smile dawned her lips. The pony-turned-human moved swiftly, practically galloping towards her rival. Adagio looked over her shoulder, eyes widening at her approach, but it was too late to act. Once in range, Sunset pounced, tackling Adagio back to the floor. “Oof!” the Siren wheezed from the weight pinning her to the gelatinous surface, and while she was dazed, her opponent sat up, spun around to face down the length of her legs and sat down on her back, keeping Adagio pinned. “Hey, Pinkie!” Sunset called to her friend, who zipped to her side in an instant. “What’s up, Sunset?” “You said slapping the face was against the rules, but is the rest of the body fair game?” “Hmmm,” Pinkie hummed, thinking for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t see why not.” “Good,” Sunset said, smiling deviously, placing her hands on the Adagio’s plump rear, causing the woman underneath her to stiffen. She took a moment to caress both cheeks slowly, a pleasant tingle running through her at touching those glorias glutes. Almost made her not want to do was she planning. Almost. “Don’t you dare,” Adagio hissed, squirming to dislodge Sunset, but the redhead remained seated. “You hear me, Shimmer? Do not even think abo-” *SLAP* Adagio’s warning gave way to a scream as Sunset brought her hand down hard upon the yellow-skinned ass cheek, sending a ripple across the fleshy surface. After a brief pause, she raised her other hand, bringing down to slap the other cheek, eliciting another cry from Adagio. She picked up the tempo of her slaps, alternating between the right and left, switching up the pattern; left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, and sometimes to would use both hands at the same time. She would even stop smacking and switch to groping, grabbing two handfuls of the woman’s buns, kneading the flesh, just as Adagio did to her boobs not too long ago. All the while, the woman pinned under her would squirm helplessly, letting out a high-pitched yelp, cry or squeak with each strike delivered, Sunset finding the noises adorable. Pretty soon, unmistakable moans of pleasure sounded from below as the ministrations continued, which sent delightful shivers down the redhead’s spine. “Well, well, well,” Sunset commented teasingly, roughly squeezing the Siren’s now faintly reddened cheeks with both hands. “It sounds like you are enjoying this, Dagi. Does the big, bad Dazzling like getting her ass played with? Does it get you off, being spanked like a naughty girl?” “Screw you, Shimmer,” Adagio grunted defiantly. “You are no better. You were moaning like a whore from me squeezing your ti-OOOOOW!” “Still mouthing off, I see,” Sunset admonished, having delivered another hard slap to the woman’s ass. “I guess you need a little more discipline.” With that, Sunset recommenced with the spanking. In response, Adagio started thrashing, kicking her legs and bucking her hips, trying to throw the abusive redhead off. Intending to stay in control, Sunset decided to give the siren a taste of her own medicine. She reached down, grabbing the purple bikini covering Adagio’s ass and gave it a hard yank. The woman beneath her gave an ear-piercing screech that echoed throughout the gym as the fabric dug into both her ass and her snatch; her struggles to escape ceased. Once again in control, Sunset kept a tight grip on the bikini bottom and resumed punishing Adagio’s butt with her free hand. Whenever the Dazzling tried to resume movement, the orange-skinned woman would give the bikini a couple sharp tugs, making the troublesome woman go still, allowing Sunset to continue unheeded. After several minutes, Sunset felt her arm growing tired. Deciding that she had done enough, she released the bikini and she put her hands on Dazzling's almost fully red rear, steadying herself as she got to her feet. Once upright, she walked a few paces away and turned to look at her handywork. Adagio’s ass was now a deep shade of reddish orange. Her legs were still splayed out, allowing Sunset to see the bikini wedged deep into the woman’s ass and pussy. She bit her lip as she found the view quite erotic. As Adagio proceeded to push herself up, Pinkie slid in next to Sunset, and she winced at what she saw. “Owy-Zowy! I cannot imagine which hurt worse, the spanking or the wedgie, but I do know that Dazzle’s tushie and coochie are gonna need lots of ice after this!” Sunset snorted at her friend’s comment, watching as Adagio shakily got to feet; her kept her legs spread as she reached down and carefully pulled the strip of fabric from her privates. Stretched as it had been, the material now hung a little loose. Slowly, the Dazzling turned back to her opponent, eyes ablaze with fury and mouth twisted into a snarling grimace. There was a hot flush across her face, from anger, embarrassment, arousal, or maybe a combination of the three. “Bitch,” snapped the siren, which just made Sunset smirk more. “Hi, pot, I’m kettle,” she replied flippantly, eliciting a growl from the fuming woman. “Hey, you did it first. Turnabout is fair play, Adagio. Maybe now, you will think twice before resorting to such a dirty tactic.” Adagio did not reply, her body trembling with barely restrained rage. Suddenly, her look of malice morphing into one of contemplation, which perplexed Sunset, curious to as to what was going through her crush’s mind. The answer further baffled her, as a serene smile crossed Adagio lips; the angry storm brewing in her eyes dissipated and was replaced with steeled calmness. A feeling of unease formed in the pit of Sunset's stomach. ‘What is she up to now?’ she thought. “You know something, Sunset?” Adagio started conversationally. “You are right. That was an unpleasant experience, one I would certainly like to avoid repeating.” She then moved her hands to her hips, slipping her thumbs under the strings of her bikini bottoms. Without preamble, she then bent down, pulling the article of clothing down to her ankles. Sunset’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor, her face grew hot as it flushed to match the red of her hair, and her heart started to hammer in her chest. She watched as the woman of her dreams rose back up to her full height, holding her bottoms in her hand, legs spread and baring her clean-shaven pussy for all to see. As the crowd roared in approval, she tossed the piece aside to land outside the pool. She then reached her hands behind her back, and a couple seconds later, she luscious breasts bounced free as the top fell from her chest, her nipples standing stiff and proud. The top quickly joined the bottoms outside of the gelatinous arena, leaving the goddess to stand there in all her naked glory. “There we go,” Adagio breathed, cupping her boobs in her hands, giving them both a little squeeze before letting them go with a bounce. “Problem solved. Wouldn’t you agree, Shimmer?” She arched an eyebrow, smirking challengingly at her flustered opponent. “Whoa-ho-ho!” exclaimed Pinkie, excitement dancing across her face. “Looks like Adagio’s thrown the gauntlet, or in this case, the garments!” She turned to her best friend. “How will you respond, Sunset?” Sunset, who had been drinking in the tall drink of water that was Adagio, almost did not catch the question Pinkie had asked her. She shook her head, coming to her senses. She remembered that this match was a competition, to see who the top woman would be. Adagio just showed that she was willing to pull out all the stops to win, holding nothing back, but would Sunset do the same? She had been reluctant in the beginning, but as the match went on, she found she was not as concerned about modesty as she initially was. She was standing there with her tits exposed, for her friends, her crush, heck, for all the audience to see. And she found that she no longer cared. If Adagio was going to shamelessly flaunt her body, then so would she. With that, Sunset grabbed her bottoms and shoved them down. The crowd went wild, cheering her on as she straightened and tossed her last article of clothing aside. She stood there brazenly, her fists on her now bare hips, smiling triumphantly at Adagio, who looked a little surprised as she stared at the fearless Rainboom. That expression morphed into what Sunset took for begrudging respect. “And there’s her answer, people!” Pinkie shouted jubilantly. “Both of these fierce ladies are all-in to win, no holds barred, and everything bared!” The cheering crowd was lost on the two women, who unanimously started towards each other. They slowly closed the distance between them, only stopping when their breasts were firmly pressed together. Neither flinched, just staring defiantly at one another. A teasing smirk then appeared on Adagio’s face. “So,” she whispered huskily, “I see the carpet matches the drapes.” Sunset’s blushed at the statement. She generally kept her bush neatly trimmed, but it had been a couple of weeks since she last tended to it, and with the fundraising going on, she really did not get around to it, thus her bush was extra bushy today. In her feeble defense, this match was unexpected and last minute. Also, she had not initially intended to bare her privates. Then the stupid, sexy Siren decided to outdo her. “Bite me, Adagio,” Sunset snipped. “Oh, I would. Sadly, that is against the rules.” Adagio’s half-lidded stare quickly shifted into a smoldering gaze. “Shall we continue?” “Yes, let’s,” responded Sunset fiercely, matching her rival’s intensity. She immediately wrapped her arms around her crush, and as Adagio grabbed onto her, the human pony made her next move. Raising her leg and wrapping it around both of Adagio’s, and she surged forward, tripping the siren and making her fall into the Jell-O with a splash, with Sunset still latched onto her. And with that, the “Clash of the Alphas” resumed. Pinkie continued to announce with excitement and the onlookers cheered, each rooting for their chosen competitor as the two vixens wrestled for supremacy. As the minutes rolled by, and their tussle carried them all over the Jell-O pool, Sunset and Adagio were becoming less restrained and more… lewd with their actions. As they grappled, they were making open grabs for the other’s intimate spots; boobs were groped, nipples were pinched, asses were felt up and spanked. At one point, Sunset captured Adagio in a camel clutch, but instead of cranking on her neck, she roughly massaged the Dazzling’s succulent tits, making her moan and grunt with pain and pleasure. Retaliation soon followed not long after she was released from the hold, Adagio ensnaring Sunset in a body scissor, squeezing her midsection while at the same time smacking the redhead’s tantalizing ass. The event was devolving-or evolving from certain points of view-from a wrestling match into an erotic catfight. As this went on, both combatants were slowly running out of steam, until finally, they were on their knees, arms wrapped around each other, their sweaty, Jell-O-covered bodies pressed together, their heaving breasts squished between them. Their breaths dancing across each other’s faces as they panted heavily, their foreheads touching. aquamarine met amythest as they stared into each other’s eyes. “So,” Adagio muttered, pausing to catch her breath. “Had enough… Shimmer?” Sunset did not answer right away, captivated by the sight before her. Adagio’s hair was a limp, goopy mess, and her face was flush, sweaty, and covered with green gelatin splotches, but none of that mattered to her; Sunset still found the woman in her embrace to be the most gorgeous woman she had ever met, enemy or otherwise. Her eyes lowered to the panting lips mere inches from her own, looking so inviting. That is when it dawned on her, she had her crush in her arms, her nude body pressed flush against hers, all the fondling they had just engaged in at the forefront of her mind, and Adagio’s lips hair’s breadth away. She felt her heartbeat increased and the flames in her core burst into a wildfire. Finally, something in her just snapped. “No,” she whispered huskily. “Not even close.” She shot her head forward like a striking snake, pressing her lips against Adagio’s. A surprised squeak escaped the Siren’s throat, while Sunset countered with a lusty moan. She closed her eyes as she felt electricity dancing across her brain, quickly making its way down her spine. This feeling was incredible, the fantasies of kissing the object of her affection could not even come close to the real thing. She reopened her eyes, and her breath caught in her throat; Adagio’s were wide with what Sunset interpreted as shock. She felt as if she had been doused with ice water, quickly pulling away with a gasp. What was she doing? She just kissed Adagio without her permission! She should not have done that. This was supposed to be a wrestling match, and she was supposed to see the Dazzling as an opponent, not a make-out buddy. She thought back to earlier, all the lewd touching they did. But those were intended to be ways of humiliating each other, right? That was Adagio’s plan in the beginning and Sunset was just playing her game, nothing more. Right? Sunset could not think straight as panic was slowly taking hold of her. She pulled away from Adagio but found herself held in place by strong arms. She looked at the siren’s blank expression, her eyes glazed and staring at her intently. Fear washed over Sunset as she worried what woman would do for her thoughtless, violating action. “I-…” Sunset sputtered weakly, “I… A-Adagio, I… I am sor-MMMPH!” Her attempted apology was cut off by Adagio placing a hand on the back of Sunset’s head to hold her in place as she lunged forward and smashed her lips against Sunset’s. Sunset’s mind stalled, completely caught off guard by the woman’s retaliation. She was vaguely aware of her lips parting slightly, which Adagio capitalized on, thrusting her tongue through the breach and into Sunset’s mouth. The redhead’s mind imploded in a shower of sparks, flooding with intense pleasure, which quickly cascaded down throughout her body. A loud moan burst its way from her throat as she felt the warm, wet intruder plunder her mouth and pummel her own tongue into submission. As her brain functions rebooted and she slowly came to her senses, she rewrapped her arms around the woman of her dreams and reciprocated the kiss. She willed her tongue to put up resistance against the writhing invader. Just as she was regaining ground, however, Adagio’s tongue withdrew as its owner pulled her lips away to breathe, a string of saliva hanging between them. It took a moment for Sunset to realize that she, too, was breathless, so the Siren’s strategic withdrawal was beneficial to both. “Fuck,” Sunset panted. “Yeah,” Adagio replied breathlessly. “Gods above, Sunset, you have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that.” This caught Sunset off guard. “You… you did?” she uttered, receiving a nod from the Dazzling. Adagio wanted to kiss her. Was she dreaming? Usually, this type of mutual sentiment would only happen in her fantasies. “Why didn’t you?” “Figured you or your friends would think I was forcing myself on you,” Adagio explained. “And I didn’t want to risk you biting my tongue off.” She then raised an eyebrow as she gave her opponent a sly smirk. “So, imagine my surprise when you made the first move.” Sunset face flushed with embarrassment, which made the Siren chuckle. Adagio’s eyes became half-lidded as she moved her forward until her forehead pressed against Sunset’s again, their lips now centimeters from each other. “So, you’d be okay with more?” “Oh, yes, please,” Sunset said eagerly, almost desperately. The words barely left her lips before they were occupied by Adagio’s. Less than a second later, she felt the siren’s tongue pressing against her lips, seeking entry; Sunset was more than happy to oblige. She parted her lips, her own tongue intercepting Adagio’s. The two wet muscles wrapped around each other, having a little wrestling match of their own. Meanwhile, both women moved their hands across each other’s bodies, gently caressing all over their curves. Sunset focused her attention to grasping her crush’s shapely ass, squeezing both cheeks with abandon. Adagio countered by kneading one of the redhead’s hefty breasts, sinking her fingers into the soft, ample flesh, occasionally pinching the nipple between her fingers. These ministrations elicited audible moans from both ladies. “Well, well, weeeeelllll!” A delighted voice chirped, snapping the two out of their euphoric haze. They halted their make-out session and looked to see Pinkie hovering over them, smiling big as she spoke into her mic. “This match just took a hot and steamy left turn. Both of our lovely ladies have gone from throttling each other to getting to know one another intimately!” This statement was followed by enthusiastic cheering, reminding Sunset that they had an audience! Her face went beet red, sitting there entangled with her crush, in complete shock as Pinkie gave an inquisitive hum. “Ladies and gentlemen, I think it is about time to wrap this up, so how about this? Rather than having a winner decided by submission, let it be from a forced orgasm! The last to cum wins!” The crowd went crazy, roaring their acclamation of the idea. “Pinkie, what the heck are you doing?!” Applejack called, approaching the edge of the pool, as did most of her friends. “This is going too far, Pinkie!” Rarity said firmly. “This was supposed to be a wrestling match, not a… well…” She fell silent, a red blush dusting her alabaster skin. “Sex fight?” Twilight offered hesitantly, her lavender face now tomato red. She removed her glasses, which were fogged up, and cleaned them with a cloth. “Yes, that. Thank you, darling.” “What?” Pinkie asked, covering the microphone with her free hand. “You have seen what they have been doing, right? The last few minutes pretty much qualify as foreplay. So, what better way to end this match than with a bang, with actual banging?” Her flustered friends looked like they wanted to keep protesting, but they prevented from doing so by one of the combatants. “Girls.” They all turned to Sunset, who was still pressed up against a nonplussed Adagio, whose ass was still clutched in her hands. “I appreciate your concerns, but, in this case, I respectfully need you all to mind your own business.” All her friends, even Aria and Sonata, stared slack-jawed at Equestrian. “S-Sunset,” Rarity stuttered. “You’re not seriously considering-” “Fucking Adagio into submission in front of all these people?” Sunset finished bluntly. She then gave a Siren-like smirk. “Yes, I am.” Except for Pinkie, who was smiling wide at the declaration, everyone’s faces went red to the point that they almost glowed. The two sirens beside them were also flustered, but to a lesser degree, and they looked at Sunset with newfound admiration. A deep chuckle brought Sunset’s attention back to Adagio; the Siren had a blush dusting her cheeks, but she matched Sunset’s smirk with her own, looking at the unicorn-turned-human through half-lidded eyes. “My, my, Sunset, I’m actually impressed by this side of you,” she admitted. “A bit cocky, though, assuming that you’re going to dominate me in a sex battle?” She reached a hand up to caress Sunset cheek with surprising gentleness. “You may be my equal in physical combat, but when it comes to carnal conquest, my dear, you’ve bitten more than you can chew.” Sunset did not respond, unconsciously leaning into the warm palm. After a moment of enjoying the contact, she grabbed the woman’s wrist, slowly prying it from her cheek and bringing it between their faces. While keeping eye contact with Adagio, she brought the hand closer and took the siren’s index finger into her mouth. She smiled when the woman gasped, looking surprised by her bold action, before sucking on the digit. Adagio let out a soft moan, sending a shiver through Sunset, taking pleasure in making her crush react like this. A minute later, she pulled the finger from her lips with a small pop; any trace of gelatin was gone, only a sheen of saliva in its place. Sunset then swallowed the lime-green treat she collected in her mouth, savoring the taste that had a hint of Adagio to it. “We’ll see about that, won’t we,” she whispered in a husky tone, giving the siren a challenging look. Recovering her composure, Adagio matched the intense stare. “Yes, we will.” “Last to cum wins.” “Loser has to finish off the winner,” Adagio added with fierce grin. “Agreed,” Sunset replied, smirking back. Pinkie, who was within ear shot of the two, turned her attention to the people in attendance. “Both combatants are in, folks. This is for all the marbles! LET’S GET IT ON!!!” The immediate roar of the crowd was the trigger for the ladies to begin again. They grabbed ahold of each other, keeping them in place with one arm around the back of their necks; the free arms moved in between the two, their hands searching for the intended targets. Both women gasped as they found them and immediately started their assault, inserting a finger into each other’s pussy; both orifices were already lubricated, allowing them both to pump their digits in and out rapidly. Within minutes, both Equestrians were panting and mewling, while trying keep up the tension on their competition. Despite her confidence, Sunset slowly felt her resolve weakening after a couple of minutes. With all the previous fondling and making out, her body was already heated up, and she did not have very few chances to cool down. As things were now, she would lose it before Adagio did. She had to turn the tide in her favor. As their fingering continued, Sunset quickly pushed off her knees, propelling herself forward and forcing Adagio towards the floor. Amid falling, the Dazzling leader, instinctively removed both hands from her opponent and promptly planted them on the ground to stop her descent. To prevent her from sitting up again, Sunset quickly put most of her body weight on the woman’s torso. The Rainboom smiled triumphantly; Adagio was precariously leaning back, her arms the only thing keeping her up, and she was still on her knees and unable to unfold her legs due to her position. She was trapped. “Gotcha!” she crowed, relishing in the look of shocked indignancy on her opponent’s face. The Siren looked as if she intended curse Sunset out, but instead of words, an aroused gasp escaped her throat as Sunset inserted a second finger into her pussy. While Adagio was forced to remove her hands to catch herself from falling, the humanized unicorn maintained her hand placement, both allowing her to hold her victim in place and to continue her ravishing her crush’s orifice. She then kicked it up a notch by lowering her head to Adagio’s right boob and wrapping her lips around its nipple, causing the woman under her to let out a strangled cry of ecstasy. She elicited more erotic noises from her as she suckled on Adagio’s nipple, occasionally switching to running her tongue around the areola a few rotations before returning to sucking. All the while, Adagio was panting heavily, her moans growing more frequent as her body started to quiver. At the same time, her tormentor was growing hot and heavy as well, knowing that it was her actions eliciting such arousing sounds from the orange-haired woman. Sunset released her captive’s nipple of a pop, breathlessly planting butterfly kisses along the breast, slowly working her way up to the Dazzling’s collarbone; from there, she ran her tongue up the length of Adagio’s slender neck, stopping when she reached the tip of the upturned chin. Feeling victory was within reach, Sunset used her free hand to tilt Adagio’s head up, allowing her to passionately kiss the woman. Unfortunately, lost in ecstasy, she did not realize that her victory was about to be snatched away by her seemingly helpless opponent. Earlier in the match, Adagio had shown her incredible leg strength by flinging Sunset across the Jell-O pool. The second instant of such power came in the form of her squeezing Sunset’s head between her thunderous thighs. It could be forgiven thinking that, given the duration of this tussle, Adagio would be on her last leg, so to speak. However, this was soon proven to be false, as the siren used her legs to launch her upper body like a loaded catapult. By the time Sunset became aware of the motion, it was too late for her to counter; As she righted herself, Adagio brought her now free hands up to grab the redhead by the shoulders, and, continuing with her momentum, forcefully pushed her opponent off her. Sunset grunted as she landed in the Jell-O with a splash. She lied there, blinking owlishly, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Suddenly, she felt hands grab the back of her legs, behind each knee, and a second later, she felt her lower body quickly heaved up, and before she knew it, her legs were dangling next to head and her ass was pointed towards the gym’s ceiling. “Shit!” she grunted, disoriented by the sudden maneuver, the weight of her body putting pressure on her neck and shoulders. She could not move her head to the left or right; her massive tits, like her legs, now hung by her head, pressing against both sides of her face, obscuring her peripheral vision. She tilted her head back, getting an upside-down view of the cheering audience. “Holy Moley!” Pinkie’s voice echoed around the room. The party girl then moved into Sunset’s vision, though, to Sunset, she looked right-side up; this is because she was bent backwards at the hip and looking at the prone woman upside down. “Talk about turning the tables! It looked like Sunset was about to push Adagio over the edge, but then Adagio pushed back, and she now has Sunset folded up like elbow macaroni!” Sunset groaned at the commentary and at the strain growing in her neck. She let her head fall back to its original position, looking up the length of her body. Her eyes widened when she saw Adagio above her, breathing heavily, her face flushed red; her hands were holding onto the back of Sunset’s legs, her large breasts resting on top of the redhead’s butt. Sunset realized that the woman was pressed up against her back, giving her no room to escape. That did not stop her from trying; she pushed on her own legs, trying to force them up, but Adagio countered by pressing down, and being on top, she was able to pour on more pressure, negating any leverage Sunset gained. When that failed, she tried reaching up towards the siren, going to her hair or her breasts, but the woman simply leaned back. It did not help that Sunset’s shoulders were pinned; her reach was restricted. She flailed, wiggled, squirmed about, attempting to slip from the Dazzling’s clutches, but to no avail. Adagio had her immobilized. For the next few minutes, Adagio kept Sunset pinned while she caught her breath. She then looked down at her captive with a smile. “Not going to lie, Sunset,” she said. “You almost had me. A few seconds more, and I would have come. Too bad you let your guard down.” She smirked triumphantly. “You put up one hell of a fight, but, as I told you, I would be the one tasting sweet victory.” The Siren’s smirk morphed into a salacious grin as she lowered her eyes to look upon Sunset’s swollen vulva, leaking fluids trailing down her body. “But right now, what I really want… is to taste you.” Sunset watched with trepidation… and anticipation as her crush spread her legs apart, putting her glistening vagina on display. The woman dipped her head lower, bringing her mouth closer to Sunset’s pussy. She watched as the Dazzling’s lips opened, her tongue sliding out. The next instant, Adagio dragged her tongue across Sunset’s slit in one smooth stroke, eliciting strangled cry from the redhead. The tongue retreated, Sunset’s juices on its tastebuds, and slid back into Adagio’s mouth. A second later, a delighted hum rumbled in the Siren’s throat. “Ooh, so sweet,” Adagio moaned, licking her lips. She locked eyes with Sunset, hunger ablaze in those amethyst orbs, making Sunset shiver. “I want more.” With that final declaration, Adagio pressed her lips against Sunset’s lower ones and let her tongue loose. Sunset moaned loudly as the Siren gave her a pleasing tongue-lashing. She writhed helplessly as waves of pleasure crashed through her. Never has she experienced such euphoria before. Not with her fingers, nor with the few toys she bought in the past. Nothing could ever compare to the pleasure she was getting from Adagio Dazzle eating her out. What made it all the better was the fact that this was real. This was not one of her fantasies or wet dreams. This was happening. Adagio, in the flesh, making her squirm in agonizing ecstasy. Within moments, Sunset was panting in short, rapid breaths, her hands clenching on Adagio’s thighs, her entire body quivering under her crush’s ministrations. She felt pressure building up in her core, growing stronger and pushing her ever closer to the precipice. “A-Adagio… I…” Sunset panted heavily, barely getting the words out. “I’m so close!” Adagio looked into her eyes again, her stare smoldering, removing her tongue long enough to give the woman at her mercy a command. “Cum, Sunset. Cum for me!” She then plunged her tongue deep into Sunset’s depths, licking mercilessly. A few seconds later, Sunset screamed as her orgasm hit like a sledgehammer, and she came hard. Her brain shorted out and exploded as her body was wracked with shockwaves of pleasure. She saw stars bursting in her eyes before everything went white. Her fluids gushed from her pussy like a geyser, which she felt being gathered quickly by Adagio’s skilled, flexible tongue, the licking prolonging her orgasm. Finally, Sunset stilled, breathing heavily as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm. Her body was numb, although she felt it twitch here and there. She stared blankly, blinking periodically as the white filling her vision slowly started to fade away. Feeling sluggishly returned to her body; she was vaguely aware that she was no longer folded up like a “C,” instead lying flat on the floor of the pool. Something yellow moved into her blurry vision. She let out a small moan as a weight settled upon her chest. At last, her vision cleared, letting her see a glorious sight; Adagio was sitting on her chest in a classic schoolgirl pin. She had her arms spread wide, a dazzling smile on her face, as if basking in glory. Sunset faintly heard a soft buzzing in her ears, which grew louder as her hearing was the last to return; she realized the noise was applause and cheering from the spectators. ‘Oh, right. I lost,’ Sunset mentally lamented as she heaved a resigned sigh. Yet, despite losing, she could not find it in her to be upset or disappointed, not after that earth-shattering orgasm Adagio gave her. Despite acting as the Dazzling’s throne, she felt like she was floating on Cloud Nine. Adagio eventually turned her attention to Sunset, peering over her breasts to lock eyes with her defeated foe, a sultry smile spreading across her lips. She reached hand down, gently cupping Sunset’s cheek, her thumb lightly brushing along her lips. “You look like you really enjoyed that.” She whispered teasingly. “You bet your sweet ass I did,” Sunset hissed back, her tone lacking any venom. She then parted her lips to lick and suck on the siren’s thumb. “Good,” Adagio replied, moving her hand from the redhead’s cheek to clasp her chin, holding her attention. Her smile widened as her eyes took on a lustful gaze. “Now, it’s my turn.” As her chin was released, Sunset gave a compliant nod. The match was over, so there was no longer any need for her to be aggressively defiant. She was more than willing to return the favor to the woman of her dreams. Adagio carefully shuffled forward, stopping when Sunset’s head was between her thighs and her pussy was directly over her face. “Just give me a couple taps on the thigh if you have trouble breathing.” Sunset was touched by the consideration. “My, my, how generous of you,” she teased playfully. “I know,” the Siren replied with faux magnanimousness. She then smirked devilishly. “Now enough talk. Time to put that mouth of yours to proper use.” With that, the Dazzling lowered her hips, pressing her leaking entrance to the Rainboom’s waiting mouth. As contact was made, Sunset instantly thrusted her tongue forward to lick away at the siren’s nectar, her hands moving up to clutch onto those wide hips and hold the woman in place. A pleasure-laced moan escaped Adagio’s lips. “Yesssss,” she hissed, her hand lowering to grasp at Sunset’s hair, but was gentle with her hair pulling, and her other hand moved to cup her own breast, kneading the flesh, and tweaking her nipple. Before long, she started gyrating her hips, sliding her pussy back and forth across Sunset’s mouth. “Oh, Sunset,” Adagio moaned lowly. Sunset was in heaven. After the first taste of her crush, she was hooked. The Equestrian was determined to lick up as much of the Siren’s essence as she could. All the while, she also focused on the woman’s reactions to her technique. Now, Sunset would be the first to admit that her oral sex skills were lacking, due to not having a lover the entire time in this world (sure, she dated Flash, but they never got that far in their relationship), but she intended make up for it with her enthusiasm. She ran her tongue up and down the length of Adagio’s vulva, probed the entrance of the love tunnel, going at deep as her tongue could go, occasionally pulling out to flick the pink muscle against the Dazzling’s exposed clitoris, like a snake tasting the air. Her actions were rewarded, the moans of ecstasy from her opponent reaching her ears, making the whole experience all the better. After several minutes, the speed of Adagio’s hips increased, and her breaths were coming in quick, rapid bursts. “D-don’t stop, Sunset,” Adagio pleaded in between ragged breaths. “Oh, gods! I am gonna… gonna cum! Don’t stop… don’t you dare stop!” ‘Not planning on it,’ Sunset promised mentally, forcefully pulling Adagio’s hips down further while sticking her tongue into her pussy as deep as it could go, her nose pressed firmly against the siren’s clit. While she licked with exuberant abandon, she breathed through her nose, sending warm puffs of air pelting against the hypersensitive organ. Within a matter of seconds, a loud moan filled the air as Adagio orgasmed. Her back arched, bending back far enough for her tits to point to the ceiling; those glorias globes of flesh jiggled as her body shook in ecstasy. Half a minute later, the tremors stopped, but instead of falling backwards, Adagio was able to pull herself back up and fell forward, planting her arms on the floor for support. She stayed there, breathing heavily, while down below, Sunset was now giving the Dazzling’s pussy slow, gentle licks, collecting the remaining juices and, at the same time, extending her crush’s pleasure. She then felt the woman on top slowly shuffle back, inching her way down the length of Sunset’s body. As she did, Adagio paused with her breasts dragging across Sunset’s face, but, rather than panic, the humanified pony just giggled into her cleavage, eliciting a giggle from the Siren as she resumed her journey, finally stopping when the two ladies were eye-level with each. Adagio allowed her body to lower onto Sunset’s, putting them face-to-face, boobs-to-boobs, pussy-to pussy. The two Equestrians looked at each other, neither trying to hide the smiles they were wearing. “Good match,” Sunset said, wrapping her arms around the top woman’s waist. “Back at ya,” Adagio replied, cupping Sunset’s face in her hands before leaning down and kissing her with a gentleness that Sunset only knew in her dreams. “And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen!” Pinkie shouted above them, causing the two to groan at the interruption. “Jell-O-Mania: Clash of the Alphas has come to an end, and we have a winner!” The entirety of the audience was on its feet, cheering, hooting, and whistling, clearly happy with the event’s conclusion. With the mood ruined, the two lovers slowly got to their feet, helping each other to their feet. Once able to stand on their own, they pulled apart, allowing the pink referee to slip in between them. “These two ladies gave it their all, each putting up a great fight, but, in the end, there could only be one alpha. And that alpha is ADAGIO DAZZLE!!! Give it up for her, folks!” The crowd happily obliged, clapping and chanting the winner’s name. Said winner took it in, holding her arms up in victory, clearly loving the adoration. “But let us not forget her opponent, who also did an amazing job. Sunset Shimmer, everybody!” Again, the audience acquiesced, giving the redhead great recognition; Sunset waved back appreciatively. “Okay, everyone, proceed to the exit in an orderly fashion, no stopping for pictures or autographs, and have a super day. Once again, thank you all so much for your contribution and your attendance. I think it is safe to say you got your money’s worth!” The spectators applauded in agreement. And with that, the fundraising event ended. As the crowd dispersed and started exiting the gym, the trio of women in the pool made their way to the edge, where their respective groups waited for them. Sunset and Adagio were each given a robe to cover themselves and a bottle of water to drink. Sunset, now aware of how thirsty she was, guzzled hers down in seconds, giving a satisfied sigh when it was empty. She then noticed all her friends looking at her, each blushing heavily. A blush made its way across her own face as it finally hit her. They just watched her get down and dirty with a former enemy in a public setting. Talk about awkward. The uncomfortable silence was finally by loud cough from Rainbow Dash. “Well… that happened,” she remarked bluntly, eliciting weak giggles from the rest. “Listen, girls,” Sunset said, clearing her throat, “I’m sorry for being a little snappish earlier, I know you were just looking out for me.” “Oh! Do not worry about that, darling,” Rarity quickly assured her. “We understand that you were…” She gave a little cough as she fanned herself. “…caught up in the heat of the moment.” “Yeah,” Applejack agreed with a chuckle. “Heat is right word. You two were steamier than a hot branding iron dunked in a barrel of cold water.” “Very poetic, AJ,” Sunset deadpanned, blushing at the description. “Still, like Pinkie said,” Twilight spoke up, her blush slowly receding. “You put up an incredible fight.” “You… um… did good out there, Sunset,” whispered Fluttershy, her reddened face peeking out from behind her pink hair. “Thanks, girls,” Sunset replied, a grateful smile on her lips. Meanwhile, the rest of the Dazzlings were praising their leader’s victory. “You were awesome, Dagi!” Sonata squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “You barely pulled it off,” Aria ribbed, smirking at her yellow-skinned friend. “She almost had you there, earlier.” “I was in control the entire time, Aria,” Adagio denied haughtily before taking a long sip of her water. “Yeah, right,” the pig-tailed scoffed, crossing her arms. Back with the Rainbooms, Sunset turned to the party planner of the group. “I have to say, Pinkie,” Sunset said as she opened a second bottle of water she was handed. “Your fundraising idea certainly did the trick.” “Like I said, ShimShim, give the public what they want,” the pink-haired girl replied matter-of-factly, earning a good-natured eye roll from the redhead. She then smiled happily. “This turned out to be an awesome day! We have the money for Camp Everfree, the crowd got to watch a sexy wrestling match, the Dazzlings got some money, too, and you got to get freaky with your crush! Everyone is a winner!” Sunset froze amid taking a swig of water, which caused her to choke, coughing up some of the fluid in her throat. As she coughed and sputtered to clear her airway, Applejack patted her on the back. A few minutes later, Sunset could breathe normally, but she almost could not as she stared at Pinkie in shock. “Y-you… you knew?” she gasped. She was so startled that she did not even try to deny the claim. “Sure, I did,” Pinkie answered cheerfully. “H-how?” “A couple sleepovers ago. Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” Sunset paled. “I do?” The party girl gave a big nod as she explained. “In the middle of the night, after we all went to sleep, I woke up and went to the little girl’s room, and when I got back, I heard you. You were moaning and saying “Dagi” and saying some naughty things that were not really PG-13 friendly.” By the time she stopped talking, Sunset’s face had turned completely red. She slapped her hands onto her face, muffling the groan that left her lips. Most of the time, whenever she did dream about Adagio, she was usually alone back at her place. Whenever she got together with the girls for sleepovers, if the sultry Siren was on her mind, she would rub one out before meeting up with the others. Apparently, she may have been thirsting for the orange-haired woman much harder than normal on that night. Sunset was mortified. This was not at all how she thought revealing her secret would go. Then again, she had not really considered telling them, fearing they would not understand or accept. “This can’t possibly get any worse,” she whispered to herself. One would think, by now, that saying such a thing was not a smart idea, given the universe seems all too happy prove the contrary. “You hear that, Dagi? Sunset is crushing on you like you are crushing on her!” “Sonata!” Sunset felt her heart stop, her head shooting up, eyes wide as saucers. She turned to the voices, to see the Dazzlings still nearby. Sunset’s heart restarted, beating double time as she was consumed with panic. Her mind was a cavalcade panicked voices speaking a mile a minute. And all of them were her own. ‘Oh, God, they heard all of that! Adagio heard all of that! She knows now! She knows I am crushing on her! Oh, this is bad! How is she going to react?! Will she laugh at me? Will she be angry? Will she walk away? Will I ever see her again? Oh, this is the worst! I should not have said it could not get worse! Because somehow it always does get worse! What do I do? I need to leave! Disappear! I can use the portal! I can talk to Princess Twilight! Maybe she will let me crash at her castle! I will stay there for few days! A few weeks! Months! Years! However long it takes to avoid Adagio until she forgets! But I want to see her! But will she want to see me? What about my friends? Will they still want me around? Will they hate me because of my feelings for her? This is a nightmare! A nightmare I cannot wake up from! I want to die! God, kill me now! I cannot live like this! Not with Adagio knowing! Wait! What did Sonata say?’ Her thoughts screeched to a halt, turning to the trio. Adagio was glaring at Sonata with her teeth bared, a blush dusting her cheeks, Sonata looked bemused by her leader’s reaction, and Aria was watching with a smirk. “Sonata!” Sunset called. The blue-skinned girl looked at her. “What did you just say?” “I said-” A yellow hand clamped over her mouth. “Nothing!” Adagio shouted, her voice an octave higher. “She didn’t say anything!” “She said you are crushing on Adagio like she is crushing on you,” Aria spoke up. “Aria!” Adagio snapped, releasing Sonata as she turned to the purple-skinned siren. “Just speaking facts,” Aria replied, her grin growing wider. “I am not crushing on her!” Adagio growled vehemently. “I don’t do crushes!” “As much fun as I have watching you get flustered while denying it, I’m gonna go ahead and tell ya that I’ve got video evidence proving you do.” Adagio went pale. “What?” “Since the Battle of the Bands, I’ve recorded at least twenty minutes of various times when you think you were alone, diddling yourself while looking at a pocket size picture of Sunset Shimmer, and moaning her name.” “It’s true, she showed me,” Sonata added, moving next to her. “Most of the moments are at good angles and clear picture. Good audible, too.” Their leader stared at the two, deathly silent. A few seconds later… “I’m going to smother you both in your sleep.” Rather than be terrified by the icy-toned threat, Aria had the gall to snort. “You mean the way Sunset did to you with her tits?” “Not a bad way to go,” Sonata reasoned cheekily. Adagio looked ready to tear them both to shreds, but movement in her peripheral made her halt, instead turning her ire to whoever dared approa- The anger gave way to surprise when Sunset stepped closer, stopping a few feet away from her crush. She was blushing, looking into Adagio’s eyes with cautious hope. The Dazzling saw this, a deep blush forming on her cheeks. She bit her lips as she looked away, but her amethyst eyes glanced back at the redhead, nervousness plain on her face. They just stood in front of each other, neither knowing what to say, unsure of what to do. “Ahem.” Both ladies turned to the voice, seeing Rarity calmly approaching, placing her hands on Sunset’s shoulders, a gentle smile on her lips. “Perhaps you two should get cleaned up. Principal Celestia said you could use the showers in the girls’ locker room.” “Yeah,” Applejack said stepping up beside the dressmaker, giving Sunset a warm smile. “A hot shower should help ya’ll feel better. And give you both a chance to talk.” “Totally,” Rainbow piped up, Twilight and Fluttershy nodding in agreement. Sunset looked to each of her friends, seeing understanding and support in their eyes. She smiled back tearily. “Thanks, guys.” “Great!” Pinkie chirped, popping up out of nowhere. She held up her hands, holding a large spoon in each one. “You two hit the showers. We will get started on the cleanup!” “Uh, what are the spoons for?” Sunset asked. “For the Jell-O, silly!” Pinkie replied. “I’m not letting that pool of gelatinous goodness go to waste!” Most of the girls exclaimed in disgust at this. “Pinkie Pie!” Rarity practically shrieked. “You are not actually planning on eating that Jell-O! Are you?!” “Yeah, why not?” “Sunset and Adagio just got done wrestlin’ in that!” Applejack pointed out. “And they had sex in it, too!” Rainbow added vehemently. “I’m pretty sure they creamed in it!” “I don’t think so,” Pinkie simply replied. “I’m pretty sure they licked up most of each other’s juices.” Everyone just gawked at the pink-haired girl. Did she just say that so nonchalantly? “Even if they didn’t, that’s just extra flavor,” she reasoned. She then turned to the blue Dazzling, holding out one of the spoons. “Sonata, wanna join me?” “Do I!” the ditzy siren cheered, happily accepting the utensil. “Hey! Can I have some, too?” Everyone looked down to see Spike, drool dripping from his tongue and his tail wagging excitedly. “Sure thing, Spike! The more the merrier! Come on, that Jell-O’s not going to eat itself!” “Yeah!” “Wait for me!” “Spike, no! That is not sanitary!” Twilight shouted, chasing after her dog. “Come back! You might get sick!” Fluttershy cried, following her bespectacled friend. “I think we’ll go grab some mops and buckets,” Applejack volunteered herself and Rainbow. “I'll get the disinfectant supplies,” Rarity added, following the athletes. “Yeah, you do that,” Aria waved them off, taking out her phone. “This is too hilarious not to film.” With that, the two former competitors were left alone. “Ugh, if I ever see another serving of green gelatin again, it will be all too soon,” Adagio said, casting a disdainful look at the Jell-O pool. Sunset watched as she turned to head for the girls’ locker room, but then she stopped, casting a side glance at the redhead, a look of contemplative uncertainty on her face. She stared quietly for a moment, before closing her eyes and heaving a resigned sigh. She opened her eyes, turned to Sunset, and held out her hand, giving her fellow Equestrian a small smile. “Shall we?” Sunset smiled back, feeling a hopeful warmth filling her. She placed her hand in Adagio’s and answered softly. “Yeah.” The two walked to the showers at a leisurely pace, together. A little later, over at Crystal Prep, Indigo Zap hobbled into the music studio, where her friends had just finished practicing the moves for their video. “Whazzup, gals?” “Hey, Indy!” Lemon Zest greeted, wiping herself of with a towel; the other girls waved, acknowledging her presence. “How’s the leg doing?” “Getting better every day,” she replied confidently making her way over to an open chair. “How’s the routine going?” “Oh, the dancing’s going great,” Sour Sweet said pleasantly, before her muttering dourly: “It’s the lyrics that are a pain in the ass.” “Whaddya mean?” “We’re having trouble coming up with an original song,” Sunny Flare answered, handing her athletic friend a bottle of water. “That’s the understatement of the year,” Sugarcoat deadpanned before taking a long sip from her own bottle. “And the deadline for the contest is getting ready to pass,” Lemon glumly added. “At this rate, we’ll end up having our Spring Dance in the boring auditorium instead of on a yacht, like we promised everyone.” “Bummer,” Indigo huffed. “We can’t just give up!” Sour snapped. “What can we do, Sour?” Sunny asked rhetorically. “By now, Rarity has probably come up a new theme for their video.” “And the Rainbooms have a band,” Sugarcoat pointed out. “They’ll surely have a killer original song, and we don’t.” Their lamentation was suddenly interrupted by snickering, courtesy of Indigo. “Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about the Rainbooms any time soon.” “Why not?” Sour asked, confused. “I just came from a little fundraising event they held Canterlot High today,” the athlete explained. “They’ve got all the money they need.” This surprised the other Shadowbolts; they had been so busy practicing and trying to think of lyrics that they really have not kept tabs on their competition. “What did they do?” Sunny Flared asked. The question made Indigo’s grin grow wider. “I just so happen to record the entire thing on my phone,” she said, pulling said device from her pocket. “Wait ‘til you see this shit.” The girls gathered around Indigo as she hit play. After the video ended, Indigo glanced around at her friends, gauging their reactions. She almost burst out laughing at their faces; they were all blushing, their jaws hanging open. None of them spoke throughout the video, too shocked, embarrassed, flustered, and numerous other emotions to say anything. Now, with the recording finished… “Damn! Who knew Sunset had such amazing tits!” Lemon blurted out. “Did you see the size of those puppies?! “And the ass on Adagio,” Sunny murmured appraisingly. “I’m actually wishing it was my face she sat on.” Sugarcoat removed her fogged-up glasses, revealing her unblinking, glazed-over eyes. She then bluntly uttered: “That was hot.” “Right? I got what I paid for, and then some,” Indigo giggled. “What did you think, Sour?” The question was answered with silence. The girls looked to the pink-and-green haired woman, her face stoic, her eyes staring at nothing. “Sour?” Sunny called, perplexed by her fellow student’s current demeanor. Finally, Sour Sweet turned to her friends, her eyes now alight with determined fire. “Forget the music video, we’re making a porno!” > The Showers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A low, lusty sigh slipped from Sunset’s lips as the warm water from the shower head cascaded down her skin. It was a welcomed change from the cool Jell-O and the air-conditioned gymnasium. She rinsed herself at a leisurely pace, intending to bask in the warmth for as long as she could. With the fundraising event finished, she was feeling the results of the wrestling match; her muscles were sore, not used to such strenuous activity. A gliding caress over her breasts caused her moan softly, the large orbs still sensitive from all the groping. Though that was miniscule compared to the burning tenderness of her nether region. The difference from her muscles, however, is that it was a pleasant soreness. Sunset’s eyes slid over the shower next to hers, landing on the one responsible for her current state. Adagio stood mere feet away from the former unicorn, hair over her shoulder, running her fingers through the long locks as she rinsed them under the shower’s spout. Sunset stared longingly at the Siren’s body; the light-yellow skin was clean of gelatin. Recent memories of touching and caressing that flawless figure flooded her mind, filling her with a heat that rivaled the water pelting her skin. As if sensing eyes on her, Adagio turned her amethyst gaze from her hair to her rival-turned-lover. A sultry smile crossed her lips as she slightly turned to her fellow Equestrian, an eyebrow raised in amusement. “Enjoying the view?” she asked rhetorically. Rather than get embarrassed at being caught staring, Sunset merely smirked, openly looking up and down the Dazzling’s body before returning to her face. “Yes, very much so,” she replied. The Siren smirked as she turned back, showing her tantalizing backside to the humanized pony. “Well, you can do more than just look. Help me clean my back?” “With pleasure,” Sunset said, walking the short distance to her former opponent. Adagio returned her attention to her hair, while Sunset stood beside her, collecting some water in her cupped hand before pressing it against her lover’s back, stroking the droplets across the smooth skin. Adagio hummed appreciatively at the touch, prompting Sunset to continue. She lightly bit her lower lip as she rubbed gently, enjoying the feel of the soft surface under her fingertips; she slowly worked her way down, sliding down along the curve of her lower back, before reaching the swells of the woman’s alluring ass. Unable to resist, Sunset cupped one of those supple cheeks and squeezed. While she expected a reaction, she did not expect it to be a wince and flinching under her touch. Concerned, Sunset removed her hand and pulled back to get a better look. She bit back her own wince, seeing that a majority of Adagio’s ample glutes were still red, reminding her of her aggressive actions during the match. “Was I too rough?” she worryingly asked. Adagio shrugged. “A little more than I'm used to,” she admitted. “I’m sorry.” “It’s fine, Sunset,” Adagio assured, tossing her rinsed hair back behind her as she turned to the redhead. “If it had been too much, I would’ve called it quits.” She then reached out and gently cupped Sunset’s breasts, eliciting a small gasp from the Rainboom. “What about you?” she asked, concern in her voice. “I probably got a little carried away squeezing these.” “You didn’t hurt me,” Sunset quickly assured her, before smiling sheepishly. “Honestly, had my friends not encouraged me to keep going, I probably would’ve just lied there and let you continue.” “Is that so?” Adagio smirked, arching a sable eyebrow. She gave the glorias orbs a quick squeeze, making the redhead yelp as her face went bright red, which got the Siren giggling a little. She then Sunset’s breasts drop and moved her hands to clutch the Rainboom’s back. “C’mere,” she whispered, gently pulling the former pony in close before wrapping her arms around her in a hug and resting her chin on her shoulder. Sunset was a little surprised by the action but was more than happy to return the gesture. She felt the Siren start to sway in place, making it feel like they were dancing under the shower. She leaned her head on Adagio’s shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation. “I didn’t take you for a cuddler,” she commented. “When you share a bed with a snuggle bug like Sonata, it tends to rub off on you,” Adagio returned, before adding, “Plus, I’m feeling pretty mellow right now, thanks to you eating me out earlier.” That got a snort from Sunset, even as she flushed the same color as her hair. “I know exactly how you feel,” she chuckled. They fell into a comfortable silence, continuing to hold each other. Their hands roamed over each other at a languid pace, half caressing, half washing each other. “So,” Adagio spoke up after a while; she pulled back a bit, prompting Sunset to do the same until they were looking at each other. “How long have you had the hots for me?” Sunset grew a bit reluctant at being asked that point blank, worrying at her lower lip while looking off to the side; she knew they were going to have this talk, but now that the time was here, she was understandably nervous. Adagio suddenly leaned forward and playfully licking the Rainboom’s cheek. This got a startled squeak from Sunset, who whipped her head to gape at the Siren, who was laughing at her expression. “Come on, Shimmer,” Adagio goaded teasingly, “it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.” Sunset pouted, acting miffed by the woman’s pestering, but she could not stop the corners of her mouth from slowly turning up. “Since the day you, Aria and Sonata walked into C.H.S.,” Sunset eventually answered. She then gave the Dazzling a smirk of her own. “Of course, the feeling was almost immediately soured when I found out that you were there to steal our magic.” The Siren’s smirk fell into a small frown as she looked away. “I see,” she muttered. “However,” Sunset continued, getting Adagio’s attention again, “after the Battle of the Bands ended, I started thinking about you again. Despite the circumstances, I still found you very attractive. Before I knew it, I was fantasizing about you.” “Oh?” Adagio said, looking intrigued. Sunset nodded, some of her earlier bashfulness returning. “Yeah, but, given that our groups didn’t part on good terms, I figured you’d resent me after the part I played in your defeat and wouldn’t want anything to do with me,” Sunset admitted. She fell silent, watching as Adagio processed what she told her. After a few minutes, she gave the Siren an expectant look. “So, how long have you been crushing on me?” Adagio stayed silent for a moment, looking a little unsure. Sunset did not say anything, just waiting patiently while looking into those big, beautiful amethyst eyes. After a few minutes, the Dazzling let out a small sigh and answered the redhead’s question. “Honestly… it was around the same time, when I first saw you in the school.” “Really?” asked Sunset, surprised. “Mmhm,” Adagio nodded, a fond grin on her lips. “Wearing that leather jacket, those bright, pretty eyes, that wildfire mane of yours and that amazing body, you definitely caught my attention.” She frowned as she looked to the side. “Of course, at the time, we had a different priority. Equestrian magic… the first source we had sensed in over a thousand years on this world, and we were determined to find it.” She looked to Sunset again. “When I learned that you and your friends were connected to it, I admit I was a little disappointed, but I couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me, not when we so close to getting what we were after.” Adagio removed her arms from around Sunset and gently stepped out of her lover’s arms, much to Sunset’s dismay, crossing her arms over her chest. She stared at Sunset with a neutral expression and continued to speak. “For a time, after we were defeated, I did resent you. I… I hated you,” she admitted. Sunset felt her heart clench painfully at that. “We not only lost our magic, but our ability to sing as well. We had lost a piece of ourselves. There were times where I had thought about hunting you down and making you pay. It took Aria and Sonata reminding me, many times, that without our gems, we would not be able to avoid getting caught and punished if I did. As time went on, that hatred started to fade, but the resentment lingered.” Sunset lowered her head and clenched her eyes shut, using her left hand to clasp her right elbow. She knew that this would most likely be the case. But it did not lessen the hurt she was feeling in her heart. When she had the magic of Twilight’s crown taken away, there was a feeling of emptiness that took weeks to fade. However, that was magic that she had stolen; the Dazzling’s magic, which they most likely had since birth, was a natural part of being a Siren. In a way, Sunset and her friends had stolen a part of their souls. She really could not blame Adagio for feeling nothing but contempt for her. Sunset had little time for further self-deprecation as something clasped onto her hand. She opened her eyes and looked up, seeing that Adagio had closed the space between them. She gently pried Sunset’s hand from her elbow and held it in both of hers. Her neutral expression had softened in a more genial look, with, if Sunset was not mistaken, a hint of affection. “However,” she spoke, “after a while, I became aware of the upside of losing our magic.” “Upside?” parroted Sunset, confused. “You see, Sunset, whilst we had the ability to feed on people’s negativity, it came with a great burden: insatiable hunger,” Adagio explained, lightly brushing the skin of the unicorn’s hand, sending pleasant little shivers through her. “Sure, we could consume normal food to sustain us, but it did nothing to satisfy the constant craving our abilities gave us. We traveled from town to town, sowing hostility, discord and so on, into the inhabitants. The bigger the antagonism, the more energy we got to keep the hunger at bay. Depending on the size of the population, it could be satisfied for a few weeks. But it was always there, gnawing away at us, never to be driven off.” Adagio looked into Sunset’s eyes, a smile forming on her lips. “Until the Battle of the Bands. Not long after, I noticed it; no magical hunger pains, only regular ones, which we are able to handle whenever we eat. Then, to our surprise, our singing was slowly returning. While delighted, a part of me was expecting the hunger to eventually return as well, to torment us, but as days became weeks, weeks became months… it never did. It was gone.” Her smile widened as she gave Sunset’s hand a gentle squeeze. “In a way, your ‘interference’ freed us. Before long, the resentment that remained eventually gave way to gratitude.” The Siren then placed a soft kiss upon Sunset’s knuckles. “So, thank you, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset’s somber mood slowly faded as Adagio spoke, feelings of surprise and elation quickly filling the absence. “Oh… well, um… you’re welcome, Adagio.” She replied, bashfully. The Siren’s smile turned mischievous as she closed the gap between them again, sandwiching their hands between their ample bosoms, making Sunset blush anew. “It wasn’t long after that I started having fantasies about you, too,” she continued. “The thoughts of the fun we could have together fueled my desires for you. Of course, I, too, thought that we could never be, given how things went down at the Battle of the Bands. That is… until Pinkie Pie found us and presented her proposition,” she revealed. “Presenting me an opportunity.” Adagio fell silent, letting Sunset process what she had just been told. “So, that whole wanting revenge thing…?” The Dazzling shrugged. “More or less an excuse to cover up Sonata’s blunder,” she admitted. “After all, I did not know my feelings toward you were reciprocated at the time, and I did not want to chance it. I figured that, if nothing else, I would at least get a new fantasy or two from wrestling you.” She slid her hands down and freed them from the confines of their boob prison and then wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist, pulling the two firmly together. “Like Sonata said, Sunset, I have been dying to get my hands on you.” Looking into her crush’s eyes, Sunset saw that the woman was genuine, filling her with that pleasant warmth she felt before. Sunset smiled as she raised her arms and placed them on Adagio’s shoulders, wrapping them around the Siren. Aquamarine eyes locked with amethyst eyes, a connection that was being forged right then and there between the two ladies. “So,” Sunset spoke, hopeful, “since it seems that our feelings for each other are mutual, you want to see where the road takes us?” “I am feeling adventurous,” Adagio admitted with a smirk. Then, her face softened into a more reluctant expression. “Although, I cannot promise that it is going to be a smooth ride, Sunset.” “Oh, I have no doubt,” Sunset readily agreed. “I am sure that you and I will have quite a few bumps along the way, what with being former enemies, our respective friends and the tension between them, etc., etc.” She leaned forward until their foreheads touched, and she gave Adagio a sincere smile. “But I am willing to try and make it work.” Adagio stared at the unicorn-turned-human, clearly surprised by her confidence. A moment later, she nodded with a smile of her own. “Me, too.” Sunset’s smile widened, happiness flooding her heart. Closing her eyes, she closed the distance, and pressed her lips against Adagio’s. The kiss was soft, warm, and filled with promise, sealing the deal that both women were going to give it their all in this relationship. They stood there, lips locked, soft moans passing between them as they let themselves get lost in the moment. As they made out, Sunset felt the warmth in her grow hotter, filling her with a familiar, burning desire that she wanted… no, needed to satisfy. She cracked her eyes open, seeing that Adagio had her eyes closed. Mischief sparked in those Aquamarine orbs. With a quick step and turn, Sunset gently forced Adagio’s back against the wall of the showers, making the orange-haired woman give a muffled yelp. Breaking the kiss, Adagio gawked at Sunset with a mix of shock and confusion. The Rainboom’s smile grew lecherous. “Besides, Dagi,” Sunset playfully growled, “I believe that today showed that we both like a rough ride now and again.” Not giving Adagio a chance to retort, Sunset lunged forward, clamping her lips to Adagio’s lips, immediately launching her tongue to tussle with the Siren’s. It took a few seconds for Adagio to react, but when she did, her eyes narrowed challengingly, a muffled, lusty chuckle coming from her throat. Her arms quickly came up, wrapping around Sunset’s shoulders, bringing their two bodies closer together. Her pummeled tongue recovered and wrapped around Sunset’s, the two wet muscles twisting and writhing over one another for dominance. Both ladies were soon moaning as they made out, the fires of passion burning bright within them. After a few more seconds, the kiss was broken, both Equestrians gasping for air. Sunset was the first to reengage, but this time, her seeking mouth latched onto the Dazzling’s smooth neck. She sucked furiously at the skin, like trying to get every bit of juice from a delicious piece of fruit, before she switched tactics and sank her teeth into the succulent flesh. An aroused hiss escaped through Adagio’s clenched teeth from the bite she was getting. “Round two, Sunny?” Adagio purred, a wicked smile on her face. Sunset released her hold on Adagio’s skin, licking at the fresh, red teeth marks encircling the small hickey forming on the siren’s skin. “Round two,” Sunset replied, an equally wicked smile on her lips before resuming her attack. She expected the Dazzling to retaliate, but her weapons of choice caught her off guard. Instead of teeth assaulting her skin, Adagio used her fingernails, dragging them sensually down Sunset’s back, just deep enough to leave light marks on her skin. Sunset lifted her head, letting out a hiss that was equal parts pain and pleasure, inevitably loosening her grip on her lover. Before she realized her mistake, Adagio took the advantage given, quickly ducking out of Sunset’s embrace, and then she maneuvered around behind the woman and wrapped her arms around her, trapping the redhead’s arms at her side, before pushing her against the wall. “Oof!” Sunset grunted, the air leaving her as her breasts were pancaked into the tile. Adagio kept her there, allowing her to catch her breath. Once recovered, she twisted her head around to give her captor a side glare. “No fair,” she groused. “Au contraire, my little pony,” Adagio tutted haughtily. “I do not recall you setting any rules. Besides, you bit me first.” Sunset had the decency to look contrite, turning her eyes to the ground. Adagio leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Not that I was complaining.” Sunset had little time to get flustered as Adagio pulled her from the wall, turned and leaned herself against it, keeping her captive in her grasp. “Now,” Adagio began, “I’m going to resume what your friends interrupted.” Keeping her upper arms tight against the trapped woman, she brought her forearms up and grabbed two handfuls of tit flesh. Sunset had no hope of stopping the whiny moan from leaving her mouth as Adagio proceeded to massage her massive globes. Within seconds, like before, she was mewling and squirming in the Siren’s clutches, electricity coursing through her as her breasts were mercilessly fondled. If that was not enough, Adagio upped the ante, kissing, nibbling, and licking Sunset’s neck, doubling the pleasure assaulted her. And this time, her friends were not here to encourage her to resist. She was completely at Adagio’s mercy. And she found that she did not mind that. “Oh, Sunset,” Adagio breathily whispered into the writhing woman’s ear. “Your tits are incredible.” She emphasized this point by clamping her fingers onto both nipples and pinching them, causing Sunset to arch her back as she threw her head back, releasing a throaty moan. Using the twin peaks as handles, the siren tugged outward, stretching the orbs like taffy before bringing them back to rest. She switched back and forth between kneading Sunset’s boobs, mashing them together, pulling them in different directions, and pinching, pulling, and twisting on her nips. These constant actions quickly wound Sunset up, and before too long, that pressure within her became too much to hold back any longer. With a large inhale of air, Sunset went stiff for a few seconds as the dam burst, and then tremors overtook her as she came. Moans of ecstasy flowed from her mouth. When the trembling slowed moments later, Sunset’s mind began to clear, and she blinked her eyes to clear her fuzzy vision. The Rainboom let her head fall into the crook of the siren’s neck, breathing heavily as she basked in the afterglow. All the while, Adagio had her arms wrapped around Sunset’s midsection, keeping her fellow Equestrian steady while she recovered. “My, my,” said Adagio moment later, prompting Sunset to open her eyes and look at her. “Your breasts really are sensitive.” “Yeah,” Sunset replied. Suddenly feeling bashful, she turned her glance off to the side, nervously nibbling on her lower lips. Eventually, she looked at the bemused siren and softly murmured, “That was actually a first for me.” “Really?” Adagio asked, arching an eyebrow. The unicorn-turned-human nodded, before answering, “Since they are sensitive, playing with my boobs gets me pretty wound up, but I usually need to finger myself, too, to get off. This is first time I came from breast play alone.” She gave Adagio a warm smile. “Then again, because it is you…” Adagio looked flustered by the insinuation, her cheeks flushing cherry red. She composed herself by flashing a smirk at the redhead. “So, I really do it for you, huh?” She smugly questioned. Sunset rolled her eyes, but still smiled. “Yes, you do,” she replied. She then pulled herself from the Siren’s grasp, able to stand on her own again, she then turned to face her lover. Moving in again, she clasped her hands onto Adagio’s shoulders as she gave the woman a fierce and seductive glare. “Now, turn around,” she firmly ordered, twisting the stunned woman around by her shoulders and pressing her against the wall. “Let me see what I can do for you,” she purred into Adagio’s ear. As Adagio shivered at her lustful tone, Sunset began her ministrations, kissing and nibbling down the slender neck of her lover before moving towards her right upper Trapezius muscle and biting the flesh. This elicited a low whine from Adagio as she arched her back. Sunset unclamped her jaw after a few seconds, pausing to gently lick her latest mark. She continued her course, kissing and licking down the length of the siren’s back at a languid pace, savoring her lover’s skin, as well as the mewling escaping the Dazzling’s mouth; her hands took a similar path, stroking Adagio’s sides as they went. Sunset crouched into a squat as she reached her intended destination, stopping to gaze longingly as the bountiful booty now before her. ‘Sweet Celestia, that is a pretty sight,’ she thought lustfully, licking her lips in anticipation. She leaned towards the left butt cheek, planting kisses all over it; every few smooches, she would drag her tongue along the surface. She felt the flesh jiggle as Adagio cooed and shivered from the treatment. After a while, Sunset pulled back and repeated her actions on the right. Amid applying kisses and licks, Sunset was hit with a mischievous impulse, one she could not help but act on; she pressed her open mouth over as much of the ass cheek as she could and bit down. Adagio nearly jumped as she let out a startled yelp. She then whipped her head over her shoulder, making eye contact with Sunset. “Ooh… naughty little bitch,” she hissed with no venom, giving the redhead half-hearted glare. Releasing her current mouthful, Sunset gave her a wicked smirk. “Come on, Dagi,” she playfully chided. “You can’t have this much cake and expect me not to have a nibble.” She then planted a chaste kiss on the newly marked flesh. The Dazzling’s visible cheek-the one on her face- reddened, much to Sunset’s delight. “On that note,” she continued, returning her attention to her lover’s bottom, “time to dig in.” With no hesitation, she leaned forward, burying her face deep into Adagio’s ample ass and unleashed her tongue upon the Siren’s pussy. “Fuck!” Adagio cried in ecstasy, which was music to Sunset’s ears. She then felt the orange-haired woman grab her by her red-and-gold tresses and tug, trying to pull the Rainboom closer, while at the same time, started gyrating her large hips. Sunset did not resist, allowing Adagio to guide her deeper into the crevice of her ass. She continued to lick her lover’s slick folds, reliving the taste that she experienced near the end of the match, and, pressed so close against the woman, her nostrils were filled with the scent of Adagio’s arousal, a heavy musk that was driving the former unicorn crazy. Sadly, the heavenly ambrosia was not an acceptable substitute for oxygen, which Sunset’s lungs demanded after several blissful moments. With reluctance, she tapped the side of Adagio’s thigh a few times, and with a groan that was half aroused and half disappointed, Adagio released her hold on Sunset’s hair, allowing her to pull back, a thin string of saliva connecting from her lower lip to her lover’s glistening folds, and catch her breath. “Of all the times for you to tap out,” Adagio commented as she twisted slightly to look at Sunset, her lips pursed in a pout. “You didn’t have to when I was sitting on your face.” “Well, my nose was still uncovered, so, I could still breathe a little bit then,” Sunset pointed out as she panted, her hands on the siren’s thick thighs to help keep her balance. “…I suppose that’s true,” Adagio conceded with a shrug; she then gave a playful scoff. “You mammals and your need for air.” Sunset arched an amused eyebrow. “You do know that, technically, you and your friends are also mammals now? Thus, you need to breathe like the rest of us?” Adagio huffed. “Don’t remind meEEEEEEEEEE!” Her half-hearted grumble ended in a shocked squeal, due to Sunset, having regained her breath, diving back into her ample ass cheeks, her seeking tongue quickly relocating and licking her love tunnel. “Damn, Sunset!” she hissed in pleasure. Instead of reaching back to grab Sunset’s hair again, she placed both hands against the wall to brace herself, before bucking her hips to match the enthusiastic licks her lover’s wet pink muscle was giving her. “Yeah… just like that… oooohhhh.” Sunset listened to her lover’s words and sounds, relishing that they were because of her. The Equestrian quickened her tongue’s movement while moving her hands to grab the globes of flesh enveloping her face, massaging them with abandon. This went on for the next few minutes, until Adagio threw her head back and loudly moaned, “Mmnnnnn, cumming!” Sunset heard her, loud and clear, but even if she didn’t, she knew from feeling Adagio’s vaginal walls clamp tightly around her probing tongue. A second later, her mouth was flooded with the Siren’s sweet nectar. She swallowed what she could, though some of the essence spilled out, splashing upon her chest, and dribbling along her breasts. A minute later, the flow ebbed before stopping completely; Sunset leaned back, wiping her chin with the back of her hand while licking her lips. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this,’ she thought dreamily, watching as Adagio slowly lowered herself to the floor, sitting down and breathing heavily. “Shit, Sunny,” Adagio finally spoke after regaining her breath, giving the redhead a grin. “Your tongue is amazing.” “You taste amazing,” Sunset replied cheekily, delighting in the blush that appeared on woman’s face. She then raised an eyebrow as she grinned lecherously. “You good to go one more time?” Adagio gaped at the horny girl, a surprised chuckle passing her lips. “Are you sure you weren’t secretly a Siren back in Equestria, because you certainly seem to have the libido of one.” Sunset shrugged unabashedly. “What can I say? You just drive me crazy. I cannot get enough of you.” “That makes two of us,” her lover said, eyeing Sunset lustfully. She shifted onto her knees in front of her. “And yes, I am good to go another round.” Suddenly, the Dazzling reached out and pressed her hand against the Rainboom’s chest, lightly shoving her back, making her lose her balance and fall onto the floor. “Ack! Cold!” Sunset gasped as her back met the cool tiled floor. Feeling a pair of hands on her knees, she craned her head up, looking over her massive breasts to see Adagio grinning wickedly at her. “Don’t worry, honey,” Adagio said, a sultry smile on her face. “I’ll warm you back up.” With that, Adagio gently pulled Sunset’s knees apart a smidge. Getting the message, the redhead spread her legs out, allowing the orange-haired woman access. Adagio placed her hands on either side of Sunset’s hips, but instead lowering her head to the woman’s crotch, she crawled forward. She kept her eyes locked with Sunset’s as she moved up her body, her breast dragging across the redhead’s skin. She stopped when she her head reached Sunset’s chest, and, without preamble, dipped her head down and latched her mouth onto the left breast. Sunset cried out in pleasure as the Siren feasted on her boob. Adagio suckled on the stiff nipple, pausing to tease it with her tongue; she then gently clamped it between her teeth and lightly bit it, making Sunset arch her back with a groan, pushing her chest closer to her captor. Keeping her jaw clenched, Adagio pulled her head up, pulling the nipple with her, stretching the pliable flesh for a few seconds before releasing it. She then moved her mouth over the rest of the glorious orb, licking and nibbling the tender skin, lapping up her own juices along the way. While this happened, her left hand moved to clasp the unattended right breast, massaging, squeezing, her thumb and index finger pinching and twisting the nipple. She kept this up for several minutes, before switching up, moving her oral assault to Sunset’s right boob, and pawing the left with her hand. All the while, Sunset was losing her mind, mewling, whimpering in ecstasy, her body squirming and writhing from Adagio’s ministrations. Tears leaked from her eyes as pleasurable heat coursed through her body. “A-Adagio,” she whined several minutes later, longing in her tone. She wanted more… needed more. “P-please…” “Hmmm?” Adagio hummed teasingly, her mouth still attached to Sunset’s tit, sending vibrations into the globe, and making the Rainboom moan louder. She relaxed her lips, letting the nipple she had been sucking pop back into position. “Please?” she parroted, letting her lips ghost the redhead’s sensitive boob as she spoke. “Please, what, Sunset?” Sunset tried to speak her request, but with the barest touch of the siren’s lips on her skin, and the hand on her other breast continually groping, all she could manage was a weak murmur, one that Adagio could barely hear. “C’mon, Sunny~,” Adagio teased, planting butterfly kisses all along Sunset’s breast. “You’re going to have to speak up, otherwise I won’t know what it is you want.” The response she got was a low growl before Sunset used both hands to grab her head, curling steely fingers into her orange and yellow striped hair. She winced as the hands pulled her head up and turned it forward, forcing her to lock eyes with the glaring redhead. “Fuck me,” Sunset hissed. Despite the slight pain on her scalp, Adagio smiled approvingly. “Good girl.” Adagio reached up, grabbing Sunset’s hands by the wrists, and gently pulled. With reluctance, Sunset relented her hold on her lover’s hair, allowing the woman to guide her hands down to the floor. Pushing herself onto her hands, the siren shifted her hips around to bring her crotch into contact with Sunset’s. Both ladies hissed in pleasure from the heat coming from both sets of privates. Sunset looked up at the Dazzling looming over her, seeing those amethyst eyes filled with fiery lust, no doubt mirroring her own. Giving the pony-turned-human a sultry smile, Adagio rolled her hips, making Sunset gasped as a sudden pulse of pleasure shot through her from the touch. She moaned as Adagio gyrated her hips into hers, grinding their pussies together. It was not long before Sunset was pushing her hips up to match her lover’s. “Oh… hah…” Sunset mewled, watching Adagio’s pendulum breasts sway back and forth with each gyration. “Fuck!” “You… like that…?” Adagio panted, eyes locked onto Sunset’s chest, her large globes bouncing in time with her grinding. “Is this… oh, yeah… what you wanted… huh… Sunny?” “Gawd… yes!” Sunset gasped. “It’s… ahhh… s-so g-… good! M-more… give me more!” “You got it,” Adagio replied. She leaned down, dragging her sweaty breasts back and forth across Sunset’s with each thrust, her hardened nipples sending sparks of electricity through Sunset; every so often, both sets of nipples connected, it sent an extra strong jolt of pleasure that made her body jump. When the stimulation started to overwhelm her senses, Sunset leaned up, wrapping her arms around Adagio’s back, pulling the woman flush against her body; she then wrapped her legs around the Siren’s hourglass waist, securing her lover in place. In response, Adagio curled her arms under Sunset’s armpits and latched her hands onto the unicorn’s shoulders, tightening their embrace, going from slow rubbing strokes to a bucking motion, lightly slapping her sensitive pussy against Sunset’s. For the next several minutes, the only sounds coming from the showers were moans and mewls of ecstasy, clapping flesh and running water from the unoccupied shower heads. A few more minutes later, Sunset’s moans started to rise in pitch, her shivering body on fire, getting closer and closer to combustion. “D-Dagi! I’m… gah… I’m almost there!” “Me, too… baby!” Adagio grunted, her voice an octave higher. Her rocking hips were becoming quick and sporadic. “I’m g-… gonna cum! Kiss me!” Sunset needed no further encouragement, grabbing the back of Adagio’s head and pulling it down to mash their lips together. Seconds later, their muffled moans became muffled cries as they both came. They clasped each other tightly as rode out the simultaneous orgasms. Finally, after what felt like hours, but was a mere few minutes, the trembling slowly ebbed from their sweaty bodies. They broke the kiss, both breathing heavily, with Sunset’s head falling back against the floor, and Adagio’s head dropping, her face coming to rest on her lover’s chest. Sunset’s legs unhooked, slid down the Dazzling’s hips, over the curves of her ass, before dropping onto the floor. There the two stayed there, basking in the afterglow, eyes closed as they regained their breath. Sunset’s eyes slowly fluttered open a moment later, staring up at the ceiling, before turning them downward, falling upon the gorgeous woman lying on top of her. Said woman lifted her head from Sunset’s chest, locking eyes with her fellow Equestrian. Both smiled tiredly at each other, looking satiated. “Wow,” Sunset muttered breathlessly. “That was… wow.” “Yeah,” Adagio tiredly agreed, leaning up to kiss her lover’s cheek. “It was.” Nothing more was said, the two ladies simply held each other, sharing chaste kisses, giggling, and nuzzling. After a few minutes of cuddling, the two Equestrians mutually decided it was time to get moving. Adagio pushed herself up, and slowly got to her feet. She held her hands out, motioning for Sunset to take them, which the Rainboom did. She was hauled onto her feet, and she leaned against the Siren, waiting for her legs to stop wobbling. She groaned, feeling her muscles starting to ache. “Ugh, I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.” “Same here,” Adagio replied. She gave the redhead a wink. “Worth it, though.” “Absolutely,” Sunset agreed with a grin. Finally able to stand on her own, Sunset moved back to her abandoned shower head. Moving under the water, she was a bit dismayed that the hot temp had now dwindled to luke warm. No matter, as she was merely doing a quick rinse to clean up from their recent romp. A quick glance showed Adagio doing the same. After a couple of minutes, they shut off the water and exited the showers to the locker room; on a nearby bench, two duffle bags had been placed there, each containing a towel and a spare set of clothes for both ladies. They dried themselves off, slipped on their clean garments, then spent a few minutes drying their hair, before making their way back to the gym. The gym was now empty, minus their small groups. The Jell-O pool had been removed, the training mats were moved aside, getting wiped and cleaned by Pinkie and Sonata. Fluttershy sat on the bleachers nearby, holding Spike in her lap. Rainbow, Twilight, and Rarity were pushing wet mops across the floor where the event took place, and Applejack and Aria were absent. Sunset and Adagio walked over to the girls, who looked up when they noticed them. “Oh, there you are,” Rarity said, sounding a little nervous. Getting closer, Sunset noticed that they all had red on their cheeks. “Did you have a nice shower?” “Did you two even shower in there?” Rainbow asked, leaning on her mop with a smug smirk. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity hissed, her face getting redder. The athlete rolled her eyes. “Come on, Rares, you heard them in there. Those kinds of sounds are not really associated with simply rinsing off.” “So!” Sunset quickly spoke, a rosy blush dusting her cheeks. “Where are Applejack and Aria?” “They carried the pool out to the dumpster,” Twilight answered. “And… the Jell-O?” The three turned their heads, Sunset following their line of sight, stopping on Pinkie, Sonata, and Fluttershy. She noticed that Sonata’s clothes had tiny blotches of green scattered over it, and Pinkie had her spoon still stuffed in her mouth. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was gently rubbing Spike’s belly, which, upon closer inspection, was rounder than it was before. The puppy moaned pitfully, before letting out a loud belch. Sunset groaned in disgust. “You mean they actually…?” “Eyup.” They all turned to see Applejack and Aria walking back through the entrance and were approaching the group. “They ate all of it,” the former confirmed, looking repulsed, and yet also impressed. “Poor Spike made a good effort, but he barely got a third done before he had to tap out. But Pinkie and Sonata more than made up the difference.” “Even I was surprised,” Aria said. “I know that Sonata is pretty much a living garbage disposal, but I didn’t think we’d meet her equal.” “That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” Rainbow commented. “A bundle of energy with a bottomless pit for a stomach.” “Yet they look like they haven’t gained an ounce,” Rarity groused, a hint of jealousy present in her voice. “It defies logic,” Twilight stated, observing the Rainboom and Dazzling as they finished cleaning the mats. “I’d really like to study them.” “Better not,” Sunset warned. “I’d fear for your sanity.” “Mm-hmm,” the others agreed. Twilight looked ready to argue, but then she just shrugged and accepted their judgement. Minutes later, the cleaning supplies were put away, the mats were returned to the sports equipment closet, and the floors were beginning to dry. The group gathered afterwards. “Well, ladies,” Adagio addressed the Rainbooms, “this has been a very exciting afternoon, but it’s high time for us to depart.” She then turned to Sunset. “Care to give me your number, sweetie?” “Oh, yeah,” Sunset quickly agreed. She looked to Rarity, who had volunteered to hold it for her during the match. The fashionista pulled the phone from her pocket and handed back to its owner. At the same time, Adagio retrieved her phone from Aria. The two Equestrians then quickly exchanged numbers. “I’ll call you,” Adagio promised. She gave Sunset a sultry smirk. “I really enjoyed our tussle. Maybe we can have a rematch sometime?” “Oh, definitely,” Sunset agreed, giving her lover a lustful smile. “Next time, I will come out on top, and your face will be my throne to sit on.” The siren chuckled, stepping closer the redhead, and gently cupping her chin. “We’ll see about that.” She leaned in and gave her a soft and gentle kiss. “Until next time, my little pony.” With that, she turned, looking at Aria and Sonata. Picking up the silent cue, the two moved to follow her towards the exit. As Sunset watched them go, her attention fell to the orange haired woman’s sashaying hips. She looked up again to see Adagio giving her a side glance, a knowing smirk on her lips. Once the trio were out of sight, Sunset sighed dreamily, wearing a dopey smile. A chorus of giggles brought her back to the present. She turned to her friends giving her amused looks. “Wow, you’ve got it bad!” Rainbow chuckled. Sunset blushed at being put on the spot but did not bother trying to refute the statement. However, remembering that her secret had been discovered, she nervously scratched the back of her neck. “So, are guys okay with this?” she asked, “I really do like Adagio, but given what happened back then…” She trailed of when Rarity approached her, placing her hands on her shoulders, a warm smile on her face. “Now, darling, do give us some credit,” she gently chided. “It’s true, the Dazzlings have been a problem in the past, but that doesn’t mean that we have to hold a grudge.” Applejack came over, touching the Equestrian’s arm. “We forgave you for what you did over the last three years.” “And you forgave me for nearly destroying two dimensions,” Twilight added, stepping closer to her friend. “It would be hypocritical of us if we didn’t give them the same chance.” “And if dating Adagio makes you happy, then we’ll be happy for you,” Fluttershy softly said, gently cradling Spike in her arms. Sunset felt tears building in her eyes, becoming overwhelmed by the genuine acceptance of her friends. She smiled brightly as she looked at them all. “You girls are the best!” “Best Friends Group Hug!” Pinkie cheered, popping up behind Sunset, wrapping her up in a snug, but joyful embrace. A second later, the others closed the gap and joined the cuddle pile. Sunset basked in the warmth her closest friends provided her, feeling truly thankful to have them in her life. “That being said,” Rainbow said as they broke the hug. “If she does anything to hurt you or break your heart, we’re gonna pound her ass.” She emphasized her statement by hitting her open palm with her fist. As the girls groaned at the athlete for killing the sweet moment, Sunset just smirked wickedly. “First off, Rainbow, don’t threaten her with a good time,” she said, relishing how quickly Rainbow’s face started to turn red. “Second of all, the only one who’s going to pound that sweet ass is me.” While everyone blushed at that statement, Rainbow had pretty much gone full tomato face. Silence permeated the gym for the next few minutes, until, finally, Rainbow let out a nervous chuckle, pulling on her shirt collar. “H-heh, I walked right into that one, didn’t I?” The answer she got was uproarious laughter. Later that day, in a house shared by two siblings, the sounds of muffled cheers, liquid sloshing and two feminine voices grunting and groaning poured from the speakers of the large flatscreen television situated in the den. In addition to the cacophony, husky moaning and schlicking noises filled the air, courtesy of Celestia, who was seated on the sofa across from the TV, completely naked, legs spread eagled, pumping a lubricated purple dildo into her pussy while watching the wrestling match between Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle. When Pinkie Pie first approached her and Luna about the fundraiser idea, the vice-principal immediately shot it down. Celestia, on the other hand, was a little more hesitant, something that the party girl pounced upon. It was a heavily guarded secret that the principal had a fetish for younger females, a secret that the sweet, bubbly student somehow got wind of, because she immediately offered Celestia a trade. In exchange for letting the girls hold the wrestling match in the gym, she would get footage of the match, for the principal's own private use. It took Celestia awhile to convince her sister to look the other way, but eventually the deal was made. Never had Celestia been so anxious for Saturday to roll around. The day in question seemed to go by slowly, but when it reached late afternoon, her patience was rewarded with a discreet package being delivered. In the parcel was a single DVD, with a note stuck to it saying “Enjoy!” Celestia wasted little time turning on the TV, inserting the disk into the player and hitting “Play.” The woman’s breath was almost taken away immediately at the site of Sunset and Adagio in skimpy bikinis. The picture was incredibly clear, giving her a crystal-clear view of the voluptuous beauties. A few minutes into the video, Celestia paused it, ran back to her bedroom, and came back in record time, completely stripped of clothes and carrying her phallic toy and a bottle of lube. She sat on the towel she grabbed from the bathroom and resumed the show. “Yes… Sunset,” she whispered throatily, moaning as she kept moving the dildo in and out of her love canal with one hand and massaging her breast with the other, all while watching the redhead punishing the Siren. “Smother her with your massive tits!” “Honestly, Sister, I worry about you sometimes.” Celestia barely started from hearing the voice. She looked over her shoulder to see her little sister standing behind the sofa, arms crossed as she stared at the screen. “Hello, Luna,” she greeted casually, turning her attention back to the screen, continuing her ministrations. “This thing you have for high schoolers is disturbing,” Luna deadpanned, a light blush on her cheeks. “Now, Lulu,” Celestia gently chided. “You know I only show interest in young ladies who are of legal age.” “Barely legal,” Luna muttered. “Besides,” Celestia continued as if not hearing the comment. “Both Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle are well over eighteen, as are all those who were involved in this fundraiser.” “Perhaps,” Luna conceded. “I still think that we could’ve covered the cost of the repairs for Everfree and spared Sunset from having to participate in such lewd contest.” “And we would have, but you know that when Sunset and her friends set thier minds to something, they are determined to see it through.” “Both a blessing and a curse,” Luna mused, watching as the two women thrashed each other in the middle of the ring. “TruuUUUUU-,” Celestia crooned as her body was wracked by her second orgasm of the evening. As it passed, she gently pulled the purple phallus from her quivering pussy. She gave her sister a side glance, the younger woman was pointedly looking at the screen, a fuller flush on her cheeks. She smirked knowingly. “There’s still a bit of runtime left on the DVD. Feel free to join me.” Luna shot her sister a glare. “Tia, one of us has to be professional here.” She then on her heel and marched to her bedroom. Celestia merely shrugged to herself and turned back to watch the rest of the match. A few minutes later, as the scene showed the two foxy females making out, a flap of fabric pulled her attention away. She looked up to see Luna, wearing nothing but a cute pout, laying a towel on the part of the couch next to her. The younger sibling made her way around the couch; in her hand was an indigo blue vibrator. “There are more wholesome ways for us to bond over,” Luna muttered as she sat down next to her older sister. Celestia just smiled sweetly and held the bottle of lube out to her sibling. Luna reached up and plucked the offered bottle with a quick “thank you,” but kept her focus on the television screen. “How did Pinkie Pie get this footage?” Luna eventually questioned. “A body cam?” “Possibly,” Celestia answered. Throughout the video, never did she see a hind of Pinkie’s presence, aside from hearing her voice. Never did her hands or bouncy pink locks appear on the screen, a completely unobscured view. “No idea where she had it on her, but I wouldn’t dwell on it. I imagine trying to uncover Pinkie’s methods would only lead to unwanted headaches.” Luna nodded. “Fair enough.” They fell into a comfortable silence as the scene transitioned to the showers, showing the two ladies washing off. Celestia listened to the two having a heartfelt talk, and she found it rather sweet. Two former enemies brought together through unorthodox methods. Like a scene out of a movie. Or, in this case, a decent plot point in a porno. “I must admit,” Luna said, gently massaging her tits as Sunset and Adagio kissed. “This is actually romantic.” “Indeed,” Celestia agreed, taking her dildo, and stroking the tip along her slit. “I hope that they make it work.” Their conversation ceased as the scene went from romantic back to erotic, and they simply pleasured themselves as they watched the two Equestrians pleasure each other. Had they not been so invested in the moment; the sisters would have questioned how Sunset and Adagio let Pinkie film them. The two lovers were focused only on each other, never once did they look towards the camera. Almost as if they didn’t know someone was filming them. Earlier that day “Well, girls,” Twilight commented as the laughter died down. She walked over to Fluttershy and took Spike into her arms; the puppy looked drowsy. “This was… fun, but I need to get this little glutton home.” “I’ll come with you to make sure he’s comfortable,” Fluttershy offered, which her bespectacled friend accepted with a nod. “I’m gonna get in some gaming,” Rainbow said. She turned to Applejack. “You want in?” “Why not,” Applejack shrugged. “The others can hold down the farm without me a little longer.” “I have some orders I need to finish,” Rarity said. “I’m gonna go home, and crash,” Sunset stated, leaning back while pressing her hands into her lower back, groaning as her spine gave off a couple audible pops. “I am exhausted.” “I bet,” Rainbow quipped, waggling her eyebrows, earning an eye roll from the redhead. The rest of the girls started towards the exit, except for Pinkie, who was now carrying a mop and bucket. “You girls go on and head out. I’m gonna clean up the showers.” “Oh, shoot,” Sunset muttered, an embarrassed blush on her face. “Let me take care of that, Pinkie. I’m the one who made part of that particular mess.” “It’s no biggie, Sunny,” Pinkie assured her. “You’ve done enough today. Go home and rest.” Sunset hesitated. “Are you sure, Pinkie?” “Absolutely! I’ll be done in no time.” Pinkie shooed her away. “Go, go, go.” Sunset was still reluctant, but she finally sighed and relented. “Okay. Thanks, Pinkie.” “No problem!” The party girl waved to her friends, which they reciprocated. She then made her way through the locker room, straight to the showers, where she immediately set to work. She hummed a nonsensical tune to herself as she pushed the mop around. “Ahem.” Pinkie didn’t even jolt at the sound, merely looking over her shoulder, spotting the blushing, green haired girl wearing the earth-colored, striped sweater, and jeans, carrying a backpack and holding a video camera in her hands. “Hey, Wally-Wall! Did you get it?” “Yep,” Wallflower Blush replied, holding out the camera. Resting the mop against her side, Pinkie took the camera, flipped open the viewing screen and hit “play.” After several minutes, she snapped it shut with an impressed whistle. “Great job, Wallflower. You got all the best angles. And the two never even noticed you?” “Not once,” the quiet girl replied, a small smile on her face. “Guess it pays being invisible sometimes.” “Speaking of which.” Pinkie reached into her hair and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill and handed it to Wallflower. “Thanks for your help.” “Sure,” Wallflower said, stuffing the money into her pocket. She gave the party girl a nervous glance. “And you’ll keep my involvement a secret, right?” “Of course! I Pinkie-Promised, didn’t I?” “Yeah… but still…” Wallflower fiddled with the straps of her backpack. Suddenly, Pinkie was in front of her, giving the introverted girl a serious stare that looked very out of place on the bright and cheery girl’s face; it made Wallflower go completely still, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “Whenever I make a Pinkie-Promise, I keep it,” Pinkie intoned. “I take it seriously, and I will never break such a pact.” She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a harsh whisper. “Never.” Wallflower just stared, eyes wide and mouth agape. Finally, she gulped, giving the scary girl a feeble nod. “Okay,” she said, voice cracking. “I believe you.” As if a switch had been flipped, Pinkie pulled back, a big, bright smile on her face. “Okie-Dokie-Lokie!” she cheerfully exclaimed. Shoving the video camera into her wild pink locks, she grabbed the cleaning supplies and headed towards the exit, a spring in her step. “So long, Wally-Wall!” A few skips later, she stopped and turned back to the quiet girl. “You know, Sunset and Adagio mentioned a rematch. Would you be up for more camera work?” Wallflower’s face grew redder, and she stuttered out a response. “Uh… y-yeah! Sure… s-sounds good!” “Great! I’ll be in touch!” Pinkie resumed skipping. “Later, tater!” With that, she was gone, leaving the flustered girl to sag in relief. That had been intense. She had really contemplated using the Memory Stone in her backpack, to erase Pinkie’s memories of her involvement. However, after that… confrontation?... she could tell Pinkie was being genuine, so she had no doubts that the exuberant girl would keep her word. Putting that aside, Wallflower was feeling excited. After having a front row view of two smoking hot women having sex, the idea of getting to watch and record more in the future was very enticing. And hey, if anything went wrong, she could always use the stone to make a clean get away. Gripping the straps of her pack, she heaved a great sigh, a satisfied smile on her face as she made her exit. “Best. Saturday. Ever.”