> An Unconventional Exchange > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > AKA - Size Sometimes Matters~ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a lovely spring day in Ponyville, with many of the hamlet’s citizens taking full advantage of the pleasant weather and cloudless skies. Due to the blistering winter that ravaged Equestria a month prior, most ponies were eager to get outside and break themselves from their cabin fever. Not to mention, since the annual Winter Wrap-Up was completed without any issues (most notably due to the new guidelines and scheduling improvements implemented by Princess Twilight Sparkle herself), the townsponies were in chipper mood all around. Even many of the students from the School of Friendship were outdoors that day, since they didn’t have any classes or big assignments to finish over the weekend. However, just because the weather was nice, didn’t mean that there weren’t some ponies more content with spending their free time indoors. The Castle of Friendship, which stood as a towering beacon that could be seen for miles in the distance, loomed over the town of Ponyville like a gargantuan monument of Twilight Sparkle’s achievements. Even though the Princess herself wasn’t living there anymore, its newest occupant -- Headmare and Ex-Villain Starlight Glimmer -- wasn’t afraid to make the giant abode a space for herself and others. Many of the guest rooms along the castle’s lower floors had been converted to upperclassmen dorm housing, which improved morale at the School of Friendship immensely. And along the higher floors meant for more personal lodgings, Starlight Glimmer had apartment-like homes for herself, and her best friends Trixie and Sunburst. When Sunburst agreed to be Vice-Headmare of the School of Friendship, Starlight was generous enough to refurbish the castle’s attic to serve as his own private space. Along with having much more space than the mares (mostly for his vast collection of rare books), his personal abode was also more isolated to give him much-needed privacy. While most of the attic space had windows along the top-third of the walls, the main exit down to the lower floors was the draw-hatch in the middle of the floor. But since that latch was easily able to be locked, Sunburst wasn’t too worried about interruption as he entertained his special guest. “Would you care for some more tea, Stygian?” Sunburst trotted out of his kitchen with a platter hovering in his magic, holding an ornate tea-set with steam pillowing from the pot. The orange stallion looked pleased as punch, and had a spring in his step as he walked into his living space. A couple of old couches were set in front of a coffee table, with several books stacked on top for shared reading. While Sunburst used his magic to float those books aside, the grey stallion helped by picking up a couple books with his hooves. “Ooh, tea would be lovely~” Sunburst’s guest, who may have looked like a scrawny pony in comparison to the spellmage, was treated with the utmost respect as he was given a cup of tea. Despite how controversial Stygian’s past may have been, the unicorn was still regarded by modern Equestrian scholars as an underappreciated hero alongside the Pillars of Harmony. Not to mention, his recent novels have all been Equestria Times Best-Sellers, which gave him more than enough income to properly adjust to a modern society. His most recent publication, a fantasy-themed romance novel titled ‘Among Scales and Feathers’ was resting on the other couch beside Sunburst.  Stygian took a sip of his brew after blowing away the steam for a moment, and gave an impressed hum as he nodded back to his host. “Oh, wow! Sunburst, you weren’t kidding about this cinnamon tea. It has a really nice kick!” “I told you~” Sunburst shot Stygian a wink before taking a sip of his own. “Mmmm… I gotta say, it’s really convenient that Ponyville has such a well-stocked tea shop. I was honestly a little worried when I first moved here from the Crystal Empire, but I’m happy that the town has so many amenities.” “Yes, I suppose so…” Stygian lit up his horn, which was only partially visible through his dark teal, shaggy mane. He floated his teacup back to the table to cool down, and said with a shrug, “Personally, I’m still getting used to the fact that Equestria has so many different things in stock almost anywhere. I mean, you ponies take so many things for granted, like grocery stores and movie theaters. Back in my day, I’d have to travel by wagon across several cities just to find a specific book.” Sunburst shuddered uncomfortably to such a thought. “Ugh… Jeeze, that sounds awful!” “Well, it wasn’t all bad,” noted Stygian with a more optimistic smile. “I was fortunate enough to make a means for myself back then while staying healthy. If anything, I’m just grateful to see how far Equestria has come while we were all in Limbo.” “Yeah, I can see what you mean there…” Sunburst paused briefly enough to take another sip of his tea, looking rather happy with the brew himself. “Heck, I can’t even imagine how jarring things must’ve been for you guys after defeating the Pony of Shadows! If it’s alright to ask, what would you say was the greatest advancement since your tim--” “Indoor plumbing.” Stygian didn’t even hesitate to give that answer, probably since Sunburst wasn’t the first pony to ask. “Without a doubt in my mind, indoor plumbing is the best invention.” Sunburst pad to put down his tea, since he was struggling so hard not to giggle and spill any. By the time he placed his cup back on the table, he had to cover his goateed muzzle with a hoof. “O-Okay, that’s a really good answer! I’d probably say the same in your hooves.” “Yeah, no doubt…” Stygian chuckled a little himself as he leaned back on the couch, his legs spreading apart the tiniest bit. Since he was still wearing his burlap cloak (most likely to keep himself feeling comfortable in modern times), it basically made him look like he was wearing a miniskirt in front of Sunburst. Fortunately the Vice-Headmare was keeping his focus on Stygian’s face more than anything else. “Speaking of which, did you happen to be at Sweet Apple Acres last month during that family-gathering thing? They invited me and the Pillars as guests, but I think I saw you there before.” “Oh, uhhhh… y-yeah…” Sunburst squirmed a little while looking away from Stygian, his nervous smile being accompanied with a noticeable blush. “I-I actually wanted to talk with you back then, but I… I was kinda worried of overstepping my bounds, y’know?” “Oh, come on!” Stygian rolled his eyes with a carefree scoff. “I’m just as grateful about your help as any of the Elements of Harmony or Starlight. I would’ve totally made some time to talk with you if you wanted.” “Yeah, I know, I know…” Sunburst was still looking sheepish as he scratched the back of his long, auburn mane. “But that was mostly for trying to save Equestria and all. I knew you guys needed some time to adjust to modern Equestria, and I wasn’t sure how well you all were handling things.” Stygian shrugged his shoulders to that point, understanding where Sunburst was coming from. “Well, I suppose I can see what you mean there. I remember Rockhoof had some difficulties adjusting to things. Of course, you probably know what I’m talking about if you were at Sweet Apple Acres that day~” “Aww, jeez…” Sunburst covered his face while giggling to himself. He had to shake his head while blushing more profusely. “Yeah, I remember that… I still can’t believe he mistook a sink for a toilet!” “Well, at least he didn’t break anything.” Even though the topic was enough to make both stallions chuckle in amusement, Stygian was quick to try and stand up for his friend’s actions. “Believe me, I’ve seen him do some clumsy stuff back in my day. The Pillars actually had a separate account from their utilities, just to cover for damages Rockhoof caused.” “Really now?” Sunburst stopped giggling long enough to tilt his head curiously. “Anything noteworthy?” “Oh, it was mostly plates and beer steins. Rockhoof was usually pretty good with keeping himself out of trouble. Although…” With that brief pause, Stygian closed his muzzle tightly and looked away from his host. Sunburst was quick to take notice of how quickly the unicorn’s mood changed, as if Stygian realized he was about to say too much. After a moment of silence, Stygian bit his lip while scratching the back of his mane. “Uhhh… just so you know, I’d rather keep this story private, okay? I’m still regaining my trust back with the Pillars, and I don’t want them to get upset if they knew I told you anything too… personal.” “Oh, don’t worry!” Sunburst put his hoof up to speak with sincerity. “Anything you say is perfectly confidential! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye~” Sunburst even did the appropriate hoof motions while reciting the infamous Pinkie Promise, having learned it from Starlight a while back. Stygian raised a brow as he stared at him for a second in confusion. However, considering how sincerely Sunburst gave that assurance, all that Stygian could do was shrug in acceptance. “Well, ummm… Alright then…” Stygian leaned back in his seat, not seeming to realize that the bottom hem of his cloak was pulling upward to reveal more of his thighs. Sunburst didn’t say anything about it, and kept his interest as he heard Stygian recount a story. “Okay, back during my time, me and the Pillars spent a lot of time traversing between villages. Most of them aren’t even in existence anymore, which… Honestly, that’s still weird to think about…” Sunburst shrugged awkwardly to that point, taking Stygian’s word on that opinion. “Anyway, there was this one night we came to an old hamlet called ‘Hooves Mill’. It was nothing too special or anything, but they happened to have this huge tavern made completely of stone. The town happened to be a large wheat-farming community, so there were a lot of farmers who appreciated a good drink after a day’s hard work. Of course, when we showed up to investigate a Wendigo sighting, they went above and beyond to be hospitable for us! I mean, they must’ve heard some great tales about us, because ponies were buying us drinks left and right.” As he spoke, Stygian had a warm smile of nostalgia as he lit up his horn, and sipped his much-cooler tea. Sunburst smiled in response, happy to see him feeling more comfortable in his abode. He didn’t glance down past the stallion’s chest, so there was nothing to distract Sunburst from listening to Stygian’s story. “Eventually though, there was this one mare who was really, really keen on showing her, err… personal appreciation for Rockhoof in particular. I guess she had a thing for larger stallions, but none of us were judging. Starswirl had already gone back to the hostel to get some rest, and the rest of us were all trying to help Rockhoof out. Like, he might be a big stallion, but he can be pretty nervous around the ladies, you know? “Anyway, we eventually got him drunk enough to build up his confidence, and he was all over this mare at the back of the bar! The rest of us were all watching from our booth, and were even cheering him on when she led him back to her place. We were all really happy to get him some proper company, because uhhh… He wasn’t exactly the most well-experienced, if you catch my drift~” It took Sunburst a second to realize what he meant, but his eyes soon widened in understanding. “Oh… OH!” “But as I said before,” Stygian was quick to point out, “this is all private, alright? Plus, I happen to know for a fact that he’s not a virgin anymore. Not personally, mind you, but well…” Sunburst nodded once more, and tried not to blush while keeping his muzzle tightly closed. He happened to know from a recent autobiography Stygian published that he recently came out as bisexual, which was one of the big reasons he wanted to invite him over in the first place. Aside from Shining Armor and Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst didn’t know that many other ponies aside from himself who were openly Bi. Of course, that topic was definitely not connected to Stygian’s story, so he didn’t say anything about it right now. “A-Anyway,” he said after a quick shake of his head, “By the time we all left the bar ourselves, we were just about to head back to the hostel before hearing a blood-curdling scream down the street! We all rushed over as fast as we could; but fortunately, the village happened to have a doctor who was already nearby. When we finally reached where the commotion was, Rockhoof was sitting by himself looking completely distraught! A couple of the others went to talk with him, while I went to investigate what actually happened…” Stygian shuddered a little before putting his tea back down. “Apparently, Rockhoof was… much more gifted in other places as most other stallions. So much that in the case of that poor mare, well… they found out too late that he was a little too big…” Sunburst narrowed his eyes in confusion for a moment, before they shot wide-open with a gasp. “Wait, WHAT?!” “Uhhh, yeah…” Stygian looked more than a little uncomfortable, realizing how inappropriate that story may have been to tell to somepony like Sunburst. But alas, the unicorn shrugged his head before adding meekly, “I’m pretty sure she was able to get proper medical attention, but… Yeah, that’s probably the worst thing he technically ‘broke’...” Sunburst had both hooves over his mouth to cover his shocked expression. He may have heard stories about stallions causing that kind of damage, especially when they were overly endowed. The idea was certainly one that crossed Sunburst’s mind more than a few times, although he always tried to assume himself they were old mares-tales meant to remind guys to be careful with their partners. His hind-legs squirmed a bit as he tried to cross his hooves together, and hoped that Stygian wouldn’t get too suspicious. But since the thinner unicorn was looking away from him in embarrassment, Sunburst was able to cover his lap more convincingly with the back of his cape.  “W-Wow, uhhh… That… That’s a heck of an anecdote~” He tried to chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood, but it sounded much too nervous to be convincing. Meanwhile Stygian could only sigh and roll his eyes reluctantly.  “Well, I was fortunate enough to have helped him with that before we went into limbo…” Stygian crossed his forelegs over his chest, and shrugged while keeping his eyes pointed away from Sunburst. “He actually thanked me a while back, so it seems like he’s managing a lot better nowadays.” “Well, that’s nice to… hear…” Sunburst’s words slowly trailed off, and he looked back at Stygian with a slightly puzzled expression. Even though he knew the stallion was trying to remain vague on specifics, Sunburst was quickly piqued by what he meant by “helping” Rockhoof with his affliction. Sure, a few ideas came to his mind that sparked some long-thought curiosity. But for the sake of keeping their tea-session civil, Sunburst cleared his throat before speaking more cordially. “So, ummm… How would one help a stallion with that kind of… problem?” Sunburst tried to ask that question casually enough, but he was sure he sounded rather meek to the unicorn across from him. Stygian glanced back at him for a moment, not seeming to notice how much he was blushing behind his thick bifocals. He gave another shrug of his shoulders before responding, “Well, I… I may know a spell or two that could assist with slight body modification. Although I’m not sure of the legalities of it nowadays.” “Hey, I’m not going to tell anypony about it,” he assured Stygian with both hooves raised. He then quickly brought them back down to cover his lap before continuing. “I just wasn’t aware that there were many spells like… that.” Stygian began to see how nervously Sunburst was acting by that point. Even if the stallion wasn’t blushing heavily, his peculiar squirming was enough to make Stygian’s eyes veer downward. He could see how much the unicorn was struggling to cover himself, looking similar to a colt in class needing a bathroom break. But considering the topic of conversation, Stygian raised a brow to keep from smirking too notably. “Hmmmm…” Stygian readjusted himself on the couch, spreading his legs wider apart so the bottom of his cloak rode higher up his legs. If Sunburst were to look back at him directly, there’s a good chance he would’ve been able to see the outline of Stygian’s package within the shadow his cloth was making. Stygian rested both forelegs across the back of the couch, as if he was subtly trying to flaunt himself before his host. “Well, it wasn’t anything too controversial. At least for back then… Just a simple size-exchange spell, that’s all.” The moment Stygian said those two inflected words, Sunburst looked back at him wide-eyed. His cheeks were still as rosy-red as before, but it didn’t seem like he cared while staring at his guest. “Wait, that… that’s an actual thing?” “Have you not heard about it?” Stygian raised his brow even more, and a sly-looking smirk began to appear at the corner of his muzzle. “I would’ve figured a unicorn with as much knowledge as you would know about that~” “W-Well, I mean…” Sunburst looked away from him once more, and tried not to giggle in embarrassment. His hind-legs crossed even tighter together, while he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I-I may have heard of a spell or two that dabbles in… that kind of thing… But I always figured they were too complicated to pull off correctly.” “True, they may be tricky to learn…” With that, Stygian widened his hind-legs even more while splayed out on the couch. As the hem of his cloak rode up towards his waist, the unicorn didn’t show any shame as he revealed his package in full view. “But considering how long I’ve had this, I think I say it’s been pretty successful~” Sunburst only needed a second to glance back at him, before gasping silently through his nostrils. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates as he gawked at the sight of that thick, plump-looking sheath that hung flaccidly between Stygian’s legs. Despite how frail and scrawny the pony may have appeared, Stygian looked like he was packing a stuffed tube sock. He also had a pair of balls that looked to be the size of two baseballs, which were hanging low a few inches due to their combined weight. He looked nothing short of confident as he eyed Sunburst with a gloating smirk, and stayed silent to marvel at the pony’s gaping muzzle. “W… W-Whoa…” Sunburst’s blush deepened in an instant, and his hooves clutched his crotch in a rather obvious manner. When he saw how much girth Stygian had in his sheath and balls while flaccid, he couldn’t blame him the slightest for wearing a cloak all the time. If anything, that was the only way Stygian could walk around town without ponies gawking at him. He knew how impolite it was to stare at a guy’s junk -- especially after inviting him over as a guest -- but it wasn’t like Stygian was trying to conceal himself in any way. In fact, Stygian let out a faint chuckle as he narrowed his eyes on Sunburst amusedly.  “Yeah, I know~” Stygian took a moment to look down at himself, appreciating how thick his stallionhood looked compared to his scrawny legs. “Apparently, Rockhoof was originally sixteen inches in length. I was shocked that a pony could even get that big! He was considering getting surgery to have it more manageable, but I was able to find a spell that specialized in size exchange~” Sunburst bit his lip and tried not to shudder in response. It was obvious that he was growing more curious, but the last thing he wanted to do was say anything too revealing to his guest. So instead, the unicorn gulped weakly before asking, “S-So, uhhh… H-How did that work, exactly?” “Well, it’s simple…” Stygian brought out both of his hooves, with one raised higher than the other. “Rockhoof was originally this size, while I was barely able to get three inches while erect. It was something I was always self-conscious about, so I was happy to suggest the spell myself…” Stygian slowly lowered his raised hoof, while bringing up the other hoof at the same time. “I was able to shrink down his member by five inches, while gifting myself that missing length. He’s still bigger than me, as well as a lot of other stallions. But instead of him having something too dangerous for most mares, he now has a serviceable eleven inches to do as he pleases. Meanwhile, I have a respectable eight~” Sunburst nodded his head, struggling to keep his eyes pointed up at Stygian’s face instead of that package. Even though he could understand Stygian’s intentions, it was hard for him to think of anything but the impulsive thoughts swimming in his head. It took everything in him not to blurt out anything inappropriate, since he was sure that Stygian would rightfully judge him for what he was thinking. However, the stallion still nodded his head and tried to speak positively. “W-Wow, ummm… That… That’s really generous of you~” “Hmph~ Thanks…” Stygian brought one of his hooves down to scratch his sheath. He tried not to grin when he saw how quickly Sunburst’s eyes followed his hoof to stare at his equipment once more. Part of him wanted to stay polite and not ask anything too intrusive, but he couldn’t help tilting his head at Sunburst with intrigue. “So, you said you looked for spells like that yourself?~” “W-W-Well, I mean…” Sunburst’s voice was faltering as he babbled to himself sheepishly. He looked away from Stygian to hide how flustered he was getting. “I-I-I’ve heard about those kinds of spells growing up in Magic School y’know? Like, e-everypony did as a rumor or something. I-It’s not like I ever… I dunno…” As the unicorn’s words trailed off again, Stygian couldn’t help tilting his head curiously. “It’s not like you ever what?~” “D-Dude, come on!” Sunburst tried to cover his face with one hoof, while the other was tightly nestled over his crotch. His cape didn’t do anything to hide how overwhelmed he was getting, not that Stygian seemed to mind. In fact, while Sunburst was writhing on the couch in embarrassment, Stygian’s flaccid started to twitch as the thick, crowned head slowly began to slip out. As soon as the flared head flopped out on the couch, the musk it was carrying was thick enough for Sunburst to instantly inhale through his nostrils. “Nnnnffffffff…” “I have to say, it’s still weird for me to hear the word ‘Dude’ being used in an endearing manner…” Stygian slowly brought his hoof down towards the base of his sheath, and gave it a good squeeze to make more of his member grow out. His thick, veiny shaft carried the same grey color as his coat, but was also marbled in parts to make it stand out between his legs. Sunburst could barely focus on Stygian’s endowment, as he was too busy trying not to squirm in his heated state. However, his ears still twitched when he heard Stygian say, “You don’t have to be so shy about it, dude. It’s okay if you wanted to ask something more… personal~” “Nnnnghhhh…” By that point, Sunburst had to lurch his head down while tensed-up on the couch. He could hear the faint smacks of Stygian’s hoof as he slowly stroked himself, which made his heady cockmusk much more prevalent in his living space. He was already feeling overwhelmed from the prospect laid right before him, but that added teasing was making it near-impossible to keep from indulging. Without even realizing it, Sunburst felt his muzzle open up before hearing himself say, “D-Do you mean it?~ NNGHH!!” Despite how quickly Sunburst tried to bite his hoof to silence himself, Stygian still nodded with a grin in response. “Of course I mean it,” he jeered teasingly. “After all, it seems like you’re curious about size-exchange… Am I right?~” With an exasperated breath, Sunburst pulled his head back while reeling in shameful arousal. “O-Okay, OKAY!” He needed a moment to collect himself, his eyes clenched tightly shut while breathing deeply. Meanwhile, Stygian waited patiently while stroking himself, soon getting his rigid stallionhood at a full eight inches. By the time Sunburst was able to feel less flustered, he let out a deep exhale while his eyes remained closed. “I-If you mean that, then… Then, ummm…” Sunburst’s head lowered to hide his blush, as did his ears as they slumped to the sides of his head. “D-Do… Do you still know the spell?” Stygian huffed with a smirk at how meagerly his host asked that question. “As a matter of fact I do~” With that, the stallion lifted himself up from the couch, and used his magic to pull off his cloak. He walked around the coffee table completely nude, with his thick cock flopping between his legs rather lewdly. By the time Sunburst reopened his eyes, he gasped with a heavier blush as Stygian crawled up on the couch beside him. “But first,” he said with a more matter-of-fact tone of voice, “I need you to show me what you have~” Sunburst instantly tensed up, and tried to reel back from Stygian following that suggestion. He was more than a little apprehensive, but he knew that there was no going back now. After closing his eyes again, Sunburst sighed and lit up his horn. He hesitantly undid his cape, while keeping his hooves clasped over his bare lap. He took a few seconds to build up his confidence, before he complied with Stygian’s request and pulled away his hooves. “Nnnnghhhh…” With that pathetic whimper, Sunburst kept his eyes tightly clenched to keep from seeing Stygian’s reaction. Meanwhile, Stygian’s eyes widened a little when he saw what his friend had been hiding. “Huh… That’s not too bad.” Sunburst wasn’t overly-endowed like Stygian had assumed; however, the unicorn wasn’t below-average either. If anything, the stallion looked pretty standard with his stallionhood fully erect at a serviceable six and a half inches. Stygian positioned himself so he was sitting directly across from Sunburst, with their members standing only a couple inches apart. The size difference wasn’t anything too massive, but it was clear that Stygian already had the larger cock between them. Still though, judging by Sunburst’s heavy blush and shameful wince, it looked like he was much more self-conscious than he should’ve been. “Hmmm…” Stygian skewed his muzzle while humming to himself in thought. He tapped his chin with contemplation, before saying, “You know, I… I don’t think you have much to be ashamed about, Sunburst. I mean, it might be a little smaller, but I wouldn’t be against giving an inch or two if--” “Nnnnnn…” Sunburst cringed with that quick interruption, hating that he stopped so quickly afterward. Even though he knew he had to say something, he felt a large mental barrier in admitting it out-loud. He was sure that Stygian would be weirded-out, or even think there was something wrong with him. Nevertheless, after breathing out shakily, Sunburst tried to say weakly, “It… I-It’s not that…” Stygian needed a moment to figure out what Sunburst was trying to say. While the unicorn’s head was tilted in confusion, Sunburst took a deep breath and said, “I don’t… I don’t want to take any from you…” After a couple seconds of silence, Stygian’s eyes instantly widened in realization. He blinked a few times, before growing a more devilish grin. “You… You mean that you want it… smaller?~” Sunburst winced painfully hard, knowing how inappropriate that sounded out-loud. However, even with how tightly his face was cringing, he exhaled through his nostrils before muttering, “I… I-I was just, ummm… I was curious…” The reveal was more than enough to make Stygian pause for a moment, and glance back down at their compared lengths. Both of them were rock-hard and throbbing in anticipation, even after Sunburst made that confession. Fortunately for the Vice-Headmare, his admission wasn’t enough to sway Stygian’s curiosity. In fact, the unicorn’s grin widened quite a bit as he looked back up at him. “Hmmm… You know, I wouldn’t mind making mine a little bigger~” Sunburst was still blushing hard, but he looked back up at Stygian with a surprised expression. Stygian smirked right back at him and asked, “Would you mind giving me an inch or two?~” Sunburst shuddered with his bottom lip tightly bitten. He squirmed in front of the well-hung unicorn, and breathed out slowly to keep from moaning in anticipation. “If… I-If you’re able to do that, then… t-then go ahead~” Sunburst leaned back to show off his stallionhood more prominently, like he was silently presenting himself for the unicorn to work his magic. Stygian was grinning eagerly as he took hold of his own cock with a hoof, holding it like a weapon in front of the prone host. Since the door was locked shut, and nopony was expected to interrupt the two, Stygian lit up his horn while staring down at Sunburst’s inferior cock. “Well then… let’s see how well I remember this spell…” Before Sunburst could get any second-thoughts, he gasped with his eyes tightly shut. Stygian made sure to push his hips forward, causing the undersides of their cocks to press against each other for a more accurate comparison. Sunburst felt a strong sensation of cold, tingling magic wrapping around his cock. A bright, powdery blue aura enveloped Stygian and Sunburst’s stallionhoods at the same time, causing both of them to squirm together on the couch. Stygian tried to keep himself composed, but he couldn’t help shuddering as he felt his magic coursing through both of their members. They were throbbing hard as the magic grew more concentrated around their shafts; but while Sunburst was struggling to keep his eyes from rolling back, Stygian was staring down at their cocks in concentration. “Just a little bit more, and… here we go~” Sunburst groaned through his gritted teeth, and tried to look down at his cock with a heavy blush. He whimpered a little when he saw how badly his and Stygian’s cocks were throbbing in unison, as if they were synchronizing within the unicorn’s blue aura. Each sharp pulsation was making his hooves curl up tightly, and his moaning breaths to sputter flusteredly. He could see a thick glob of precum seeping from his own cockhead, while Stygian’s head was towering over it by a couple inches just behind. Of course, just as Sunburst felt an especially strong throb across his shaft, his eyes widened when the head of his cock sunk down the tiniest bit. “Oh… Ohmigosh…” “Nnnnnffffff…” Stygian couldn’t keep himself from grinding his cock against Sunburst’s, frotting their lengths together to better emphasize the growing difference. Just as Sunburst’s head sunk down the tiniest bit against Stygian’s shaft, the other cockhead looked like it grew upward the tiniest bit. The change wasn’t anything too severe, and could’ve easily been missed by most ponies watching. But as Sunburst stared down at his cock with a whimpering moan, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his length diminished by at least a half inch. “Ohhhhh yeah,” purred Stygian as he grinned at how timid Sunburst was looking below him. “It looks like I got a little more difference between us already~” Stygian kept his horn brightly lit, as both of their cocks continued to throb within his magical glow. The more that Stygian’s thick member pulsated against Sunburst’s, the more it became clear that his own was growing in comparison. Sunburst’s cock was still throbbing needily, but the head was slowly sliding down the underside of Stygian’s shaft as their sizes fluctuated. Sunburst covered his muzzle with both hooves to keep himself from moaning. But alas, it was still obvious he was getting turned on as the size difference became more notable.  “Nnnghhhh… It looks like I got an inch from you already~” Stygian put his spell on pause to marvel at their new lengths, with his own now looking closer to nine inches. Meanwhile, Sunburst was quivering with a tightly clenched muzzle as he stared down at his diminished member. It now looked to be less than six inches, and appeared much more meager against Stygian’s towering size. As the orange unicorn shivered in guilty arousal, Stygian narrowed his eyes on him with a curious smirk. “So, what do you think?~” Sunburst looked up at him with his blush as deep as could be, but still managed to give him a trembling smile. “I… I-I don’t… I don’t know what to say~” “Well, how about this…” Stygian grinded his larger cock hard against Sunburst’s shaft, causing the Vice-Headmare to groan and tense up underneath him. Stygian may have been a frail-looking pony, but he was nothing short of dominant when he asked in a sultry tone: “Do you want me to make yours smaller?~” Sunburst froze, his eyes widening when he stared up at him. Stygian’s hungry stare, and his insistent grin made it clear that he was being serious with that offer. Sunburst knew that most stallions wouldn’t have even considered such a fate to their own members. But in his own case, Sunburst only paused for a moment before biting his lip, and giving a faint nod of his head.  “Excellent~” Stygian’s magic lit up brighter around the base of his horn, as well as around their throbbing cocks. Sunburst let out a heavier moan as the titillation grew more intense, and his hind-legs writhed from the pulsating waves of pleasure shooting up and down his shaft. Stygian was shivering in pleasure himself, but was keeping his composure much better as he continued with the spell. “Mmmmmmmghhhhh…” Stygian’s cock was throbbing much more notably, with a couple thick veins protruding from the sides of his ever-growing beast. As his blue aura encompassed more of his member, his flaring cockhead grew even taller as he went from nine inches to ten. Meanwhile, Sunburst’s cock was still twitching with precum spurting out and coating his head; but unlike Stygian’s stallionhood, Sunburst’s length continued to shrink down as he went from five inches, to just above four. By that point, Sunburst was moaning out from the sight as he stared down at the growing difference their members were making. Not only was Stygian’s cock more than double the size of his host’s, but it seemed that the magic had affected their ball-sizes as well; Stygian’s balls had swollen out to look like a pair of softballs were hanging between his scrawny legs, while Sunburst’s had gotten small enough to resemble a couple of grapes.  “Aaaaaand now I’m over twice as big as you~” Stygian tried not to snicker too teasingly after that honest assessment; fortunately, judging by how much Sunburst was squirming with a weak moan, it was doubtful he really minded. In fact, it seemed like he was wanting that kind of ridicule while sporting a four inch nub between his squirming legs. And with the added girth of Stygian’s monstrous-looking cock, the weight of his erection was causing Sunburst’s to lean back while they were nestled tightly together. A heavy glob of precum began to dribble down the underside of Stygian’s cock, and soon coated Sunburst’s measly member like it was being marked by the superior stallion.  “Heh~ That’s a nice little cock you have there, Sunburst…” Stygian’s devilish grin remained as he stared down at him, causing Sunburst to shudder with anticipation. He already knew what was going to be asked, but he couldn’t say anything before Stygian tilted his head with intrigue. “Do you think that’s small enough for you? I can easily take a little more~” “Nnnnnnffffffff!!~” Sunburst clenched his eyes shut as he reeled beneath the well-endowed stallion. He knew he should’ve stopped their fun right there, since four inches was still enough to satisfy somepony if needed. But as his measly little pecker continued to throb against Stygian’s, even while coated in so much gooey pre, Sunburst felt his muzzle opening on its own to ask, “H-How much is a little more?~ MMPHHH!!~” Once again, Sunburst was too late to bite down on his hoof after such a telling question. Stygian snickered in perverted delight, and said down to him, “Well, that depends on you, Sunburst. You still have about four inches on you… How many do you want left?~” “Aaaahhhh!!~” Sunburst’s hips reeled upward with a weak thrust, which made his little cock stand rigidly with some pronounced twitches. Even though a couple tiny strands of precum spat out of his cock, it was almost instantly masked by the glaze of pre left by Stygian. Both of Sunburst’s hooves dragged down his face, nearly pulling off his bifocals as they became fogged from his heavy blush. Stygian waited patiently above him, while his ten-inch cock was standing rigidly in wait above the meager stallion. After a moment of measly groaning and dirty thoughts, Sunburst finally wiped his glasses clean to stare up at the grinning unicorn. “You… Y-You mean how many I… I should keep?~” Stygian nodded his head with a waiting grin, and his horn still lit up. “Just give me a number, Sunburst~” Sunburst tensed up, and closed his eyes to collect his breath. After breathing out as slowly as he could with a pathetic-sounding whimper, he kept his embarrassed gaze away from Stygian when he gave an answer. “...o… one…” Stygian’s face lit up, and he leaned down to get in closer to Sunburst’s blushing face. “What was that? Did you just say you wanted one inch?~” Sunburst shuddered from how tauntingly Stygian asked that question. But even with how overwhelmingly shameful that confession felt, Sunburst clenched his eyes tighter before blurting, “A-At the most!” Stygian smirked with a satisfied nod, and pulled back to resume their magical fun. As soon as he pressed their cocks together, Sunburst moaned out before hearing him say, “Alright then! Let’s see how I look with over a foot of cock~” As soon as his horn lit up brightly to intensify the spell, Sunburst belted out a deep, hungry moan and squirmed against the unicorn’s gargantuan cock. He tried to use both hooves to cling to the couch, and his hips reeled up once more while Stygian’s magic was encapsulating it so intensely. Those tantalizing throbs of pleasure shot through both of their cocks at a much stronger rate, leaving both of them to moan and struggle to stay in place. Luckily, since Stygian was so well-trained with his magic, his aura stayed right in place to exchange those last few inches between his cock and Sunburst’s. Every hard pulsation of Stygian’s cock made it rise upward, with his shaft growing a much more pronounced girth and thickness. His crowned head was swelling out more immensely as it rose up further from Stygian’s lap, soon reaching close to a foot in length. Meanwhile, Sunburst was moaning out with his body reeling in shameful pleasure, and his eyes trying their hardest to stay open. His half-lidded gaze was pointed right down at his teeny dicklet, which was sinking down more significantly with his puny shaft growing thinner by the second.  By the time Stygian was sporting a foot-long python of a cock with the thickness of a rolling pin, Sunburst looked like he was hung like a colt with his pathetic two-inch pecker. His puny head was trying its best to flare out with measly strings of precum spurting out; but by that point, all he was doing was smearing his useless pre all over the base of Stygian’s throbbing stallionhood. Just beneath that, Stygian’s balls had grown out to be close to the size of cantaloupes in their loose and wrinkly sac; meanwhile, if Sunburst was able to see what was nestled between his writhing legs, he’d likely be stunned to see his balls shrunken down to the size of a couple of marbles. Soon enough, the sheer girth of Stygian’s balls was towering over the miniscule “package” that was growing ever smaller on Sunburst’s end.  “Aaaahhhh!!~” Sunburst eventually had to lean his head in, just so he could get a better look at how tiny Stygian was making his cock. That tiny little clit was just at an inch in length, with the puny nub nestling itself between the unicorn’s plump, massive balls. The sight was alluring enough to make Sunburst moan with his eyes clenched shut, not wanting such a reveal to make him shoot his load prematurely. “Ohmigosh… Ohmigosh, it’s so… s-so…” “Small?~” Stygian may have been shuddering with an antsy grin, but he couldn’t help staring down at the blushing pony to add to his humiliated pleasure. “Or should I say tiny? Pathetic even…” Sunburst lurched his head down, but it did nothing to hide his embarrassed blush. Nor did it conceal his quivering smile, as he eventually nodded his head to Stygian’s taunting claims. “Y… Y-Yeah… A-All of those…” “Hmph~” By the time Stygian turned his focus back to their cocks, he shuddered with a satisfied groan at the sight of his thirteen inch-long cock. It was nearly touching his chin while standing fully erect, with the shaft bulging at the sides to make it look more muscular than any of his legs. The cockhead was flared out with a thick, crowned ridge that made it look absolutely massive for any mare who was lucky to witness it up close. Thick, gooey globs of his pre were dribbling down the underside of his shaft, and collecting at the base of his plump, melon-sized balls. Stygian moaned through his gritted teeth, and gave an approving squeeze to the base as he admired his new cock like a prideful stallion. Meanwhile, just beneath the sheer weight of his balls, Sunburst was whimpering with an equally elated blush at the result of his own member. Sunburst’s cock -- if it could even be called that anymore -- was barely standing at an inch in length. His balls were shrunken down to the size of a couple of uncooked beans, which were hanging meagerly beneath his puny excuse of a stallionhood. If any of his friends were to see the baby-mushroom standing between his legs, with its miniscule length barely able to twitch more than a weak tremble, they likely would’ve laughed themselves into hysterics. His cockhead was barely anything larger than a button, and any strands of precum were near-invisible by that point.  Heck, if he wasn’t rock-hard and fully erect, it was entirely possible that most ponies wouldn’t even know he had a cock. And with that thought, Sunburst reeled his head back with a deep and lumbering moan. “AaaaaAAAaaaaahhhhhh!~” “Well then~ Nnnnnghhhhh…” Stygian shuddered in pleasure as he held onto his massive cock with both hooves, loving the added weight it gave to his weak and slender form. As he turned off his horn, the unicorn took another moment to admire how much their sizes had differentiated. Even against most average-sized cocks, Stygian would’ve made some jaws rightfully drop at the sheer length of his intimidating beast. Meanwhile, Sunburst was still lying on his back like a stallion in defeat, with his twitching nub of a cock in full display and coated in Stygian’s pre. But even with how difficult it was to see past his own massive cock, Stygian huffed in amusement when he saw how much Sunburst’s nub was twitching atop his lap. “Oh my… It looks like you’re just about to cum, aren’t you?~” “Nnnnffff!!” Sunburst’s hips reeled up from the couch like an exorcism, and he groaned to himself hotly while his muzzle was clenched shut. Even if he tried his hardest to stay silent, his body was giving a clear “Yes” to Stygian’s question that Sunburst’s muzzle could never admit. The unicorn’s hips were writhing beneath that massive cock, with his embarrassment and humiliation pressing his buttons way more than he would’ve expected. Not to mention, with how hard that giant cock was leaning against Sunburst’s tiny nub, the pressure was intensifying too much for the stallion to keep himself still. More precum was gushing out of Stygian’s cockhead, which oozed down his pulsating length with his musk permeating in the air. With all of that combined, Sunburst was thrown into an absolute whirlwind of titillation that left him too flustered to speak. “Mmmmghhh… Aaaaaahhhh…” Since all that Sunburst could say consisted of moans and weak shudders, Stygian continued to speak while frotting his cock against the stallion’s tiny nub. “You think you could last longer than me, Sunburst? Because I’m getting pretty close as it is. And if you’re willing, I wouldn’t be against holding a friendly wager between us~” “Aahhh!!~” Sunburst thrusted his hips up, which grinded his teeny dicklet against the underside of Stygian’s pre-covered shaft. The sensation was making him moan out more needily, as if he was growing close to fruition already. But despite how much his puny nub was twitching, it didn’t seem like he could shoot his load just yet. Nevertheless, he didn’t seem to show any hesitancy to what Stygian was saying. “How about this…” With that brief pause, Stygian groaned out a little as he pushed his cock harder against Sunburst’s lap. The orange pony let out a whimpering wail of pleasure, and slumped back on the couch with his hooves curling up. Stygian groaned out dominantly as he pinned the pony down with his massive cock, and looked at him with a lustful grin. “I’m willing to bet that I can last longer with this cock, than you can with that teeny, tiny, one-inch nub you can barely call a penis. But… If you’re able to last longer than me, I’ll give you back most of your length~” “Nnnghhh!!” Sunburst’s back arched up from the couch, as he thrusted his hips upward to better rub against Stygian’s cock. Even though he clearly heard him emphasize the word “most” in regards to that part of the wager, Sunburst didn’t seem to mind the terms so far. However, it was the next part of Stygian’s deal that made his eyes grow as wide as his thick glasses. “However… If you end up cumming before I do, I’ll consider that proof that you want to keep your cock that tiny. And before I leave with the new length I earned, I’ll take a little more from you so it’s only half an inch~” Sunburst gasped weakly, and his muzzle remained agape while looking back down at his already tiny cock. The thing already looked useless enough at only an inch erect, but the idea of it being half that size was absolutely ridiculous. However, the stallion shuddered from the thought as his fur stood on end, and his heart raced even faster in his chest. His eyes remained locked down at his tiny little dicklet, knowing that this “wager” could easily mean he would stay with something that tiny from now on. His muzzle trembled as he slowly looked back up at Stygian, and saw how confident he was looking with that hungry grin. “So, what do you say?~” He reached down with a hoof for Sunburst to shake, even though it was coated in a thick sheen of his musky precum. “Do we have a deal?” Sunburst breathed out shakily, and reached out to shake Stygian’s hoof without thinking. He nodded his head timidly, and opened his mouth to confirm they had a deal. “... M… M-Make it a quarter of an inch~ EEP!!!” Stygian’s eyes went wide in shock, but not as badly as Sunburst’s as he clutched his mouth with both hooves. He wasn’t even considering going to such an extreme, but his perverted subconscious seemed eager to up the ante regardless. Both of them were silent for a moment, mostly due to how wild such a shrinkage would leave his already pathetic-looking penis. However, even with his moment of stunned surprise, Stygian quickly grinned and nodded his head. “Sounds good to me, Sunburst! I hope you’re able to last~” With that, Stygian didn’t hesitate to start as he pushed his hips in, and grinded his cock even harder against Sunburst’s lap. The stallion moaned out deeply as he shivered beneath that thick, musky cock that was leaving him pinned to the couch. He clutched his eyes shut, and tried to keep his mind clear in an attempt to last as long as he could. But alas, even when he had an average-sized member, Sunburst was dreadfully aware that he could be a bit of a quickshot. “AAAAHHHH!!” His head lurched back with a heavier moan, and his teensy dicklet throbbed hard as it rubbed against the underside of that thick shaft. Stygian groaned through his teeth, and closed his eyes as he focused on “frotting” that puny nub as best as he could. Precum was continuously gushing from his massive stallionhood, with several globs splattering all across Sunburst’s chest and stomach. That added messiness made Sunburst squirm even harder on the couch, as his nostrils constantly flared out to suck in deep breaths of the unicorn’s heady musk. “Nnnnnghhhhh…” “Aaaahhhhhh, here we go…” Stygian began to pick up a rhythm as he slid his cock up and down Sunburst’s body, with his precum serving as a passable lube to make each thrust as effortless as possible. Sunburst continued to moan out shakily underneath him, as his fur was becoming matted and sticky with the stallion’s syrupy pre. Stygian shuddered from how intensely he could feel each throb of his new cock, which proved to be more overwhelming than he originally anticipated. However, even with how miniscule Sunburst’s cock may have been, Stygian could still feel it twitching like mad as it slid up and down the underside of his shaft with every grinding thrust. “Mmmmmphhhhhh… J-Jeeze, you’re eager, aren’t you?~” “Aaaaahhhh!!!~” A sharp moan belted out of Sunburst’s goateed muzzle, and his glasses fogged up once more from his rosy blush. Stygian’s merciless thrusts were leaving him too frazzled to speak, although it was doubtful he’d be able to say otherwise to that jeering remark. As much as he knew how shameful his pleasure should’ve been, he couldn’t deny how badly Stygian was getting him riled-up for more. Not to mention, his puny little member was throbbing like mad beneath that thirteen inch behemoth, and trying its hardest to spurt the tiniest amount of precum.  “Yeaaahhhh… Yeah, you want it bad, huh?~” Stygian wasn’t used to being so cocky -- especially with another stallion -- but his new equipment certainly made him feel more confident than before. His nerves were tingling badly with every pulsation of his cock, which swept across his limbs to make him shudder above Sunburst’s prone form. But even with how close he was getting to climax himself, Stygian tried to keep his focus on that teeny weenie his host was sporting. “Mmmmmm… I bet you’re trying to make yourself cum before me, right? Even if you ‘lose’ that little wager, I have a feeling you wouldn’t be too upset… Especially after insisting on making it smaller than half an inch~” “Mmmfffff!!” Sunburst tried to keep his muzzle tightly shut, and tensed up beneath that mammoth cock. Stygian kept going as he frotted the unicorn with all his might, despite his voice faltering in arousal himself.  “Nnnghhh… M-Maybe you should just give in… I-It’s not like you can do much with that one-inch nub between your legs anyway, right? M-Maybe you should… should just try to make yourself cum already… That way, I can make it even tinier~” “Aaaaahhhh!!~” Sunburst couldn’t keep himself from moaning out through his hooves, his voice sounding rather antsy as he shivered from the thought. He tried to keep his eyes shut while Stygian grinded against him, since the sight of his measly cock alone would’ve likely set him off. Nevertheless, he wasn’t able to keep himself from hearing Stygian’s coaxing words above him.  “You said it yourself, remember? Mmmghhh… Oh, man… Y-You said you wanted a quarter of an inch as the wager, right? Was… W-Was that so you could keep yourself from cumming before me? O-Or was that… Was that because you wanted it to be that small?~” “NNNNFFFF!!!~” Sunburst’s muzzle clenched tightly, but it did nothing to hide his strained-sounding groan. He could feel himself edging even closer, with Stygian’s relentless rubbing making the sensation much more intense. He tried his best to control his breathing, wanting this moment to last for as long as it could. But considering how much he was reeling from Stygian’s telling words, as well as that overbearing musk that was flooding his senses with every breath, Sunburst was sure that the outcome would be the same regardless. “S-So, nnnghhhh… What do you think, Sunburst?~” Stygian was trying to sound confident, but his voice was growing as shaky and erratic as the grinds of his hips. Every thrusting motion was shooting more tantalizing sensations up the length of his cock, and making his hooves tingle with anticipation. He could feel his massive balls riding up with every pulsation, as if they were preparing themselves for a large cumshot all over the moaning stallion below him. The thought of glazing Sunburst with a thick volley of cum was hot as Tartarus to envision; but at the same time, he wanted to see that tiny clit-sized dick shoot its load first. “Do… Do you wanna try and cum before me? I mean… I-I doubt you want all those inches back anyway, right? You might as well let me keep them for myself~” To prove his point, Stygian groaned as he took his cock with both hooves, and pulled it up so it was no longer touching Sunburst’s body. Several thick, clear strings of precum connected the underside of his stallionhood to Sunburst’s waist and stomach, which were absolutely matted in the sticky substance. Sunburst took a couple quick breaths before realizing the pressure was no longer present. He slowly reopened his eyes, only to see Stygian standing over him with that massive cock in full view. The unicorn motioned his head downward, prompting Sunburst to do the same; and with that, Sunburst gasped when he stared down at his rigid, pre-soaked nub as it was twitching hard for some release.  “Look at that tiny cock, Sunburst~” Stygian narrowed his eyes on him, and added with a lecherous grin, “Cum right now, and I’ll shrink it for good~” “NNNNNFFFFFFF!!!” Sunburst clenched his eyes shut, and his face tightened inward like he was struggling to avoid such a fate. However, despite how he may have looked from Stygian’s perspective, the unicorn let out a sharp, calming breath to get his mind clear. And after inhaling one last time, Sunburst gritted his teeth, and brought one of his hooves down to his crotch. “Nnnnghhhh!!!” Much to Stygian’s surprise, Sunburst frantically tried to rub his tiny cock with his hoof. The action may have been near-impossible due to his size, but the unicorn tried his hardest to masturbate in response to Stygian’s daunting promise. His breaths came out faint and rapid, while his body trembled with excitement from how close he already was. And with Stygian watching from above with a looming grin, Sunburst only needed a few good tugs before setting himself off. “AaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!~” With that last primal, lumbering cry of pleasure, Sunburst’s hips reeled up from the couch as he finally reached orgasm. A couple measly, pathetic-looking strings of cum spat out of his nub, not even shooting out far enough to touch his stomach. His climax may have looked intense, as Sunburst slumped back with a deep sigh of relief following his clopping. But considering how he only came a couple of drops of cum at most, Stygian was trying not to snicker while smiling down at him.  “My goodness~” Stygian leaned in to get a better look at Sunburst’s spent cock, which was already softening to look like a half-inch nub without his assistance. He could see the two droplets that were supposed to be Sunburst’s load, but it was hard to tell it apart from the heavy smears of his own pre all over the stallion’s stomach. Regardless, Stygian still smirked confidently before saying down to him, “Well, it looks like I win the wager, Mister Sunburst~” Sunburst slowly looked back up at him, and grew a sheepish smile of his own. Since it was obvious this was what he wanted, all he could do was nod his head in affirmation. “Y… Y-Yeah, I guess so..” Even though his puny dicklet was just about to go flaccid, the prospect of Stygian finalizing their bet made it go hard in an instant. That tiny little inch stood rigidly once more, and Sunburst shivered as a heavy blush grew across his face. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from the sight of that measly excuse of a cock, even as Stygian positioned himself between Sunburst’s legs again. His massive cock towered over the little clit immensely, but Sunburst gulped as he realized it was only going to get bigger.  “You sure about this, Sunburst?~” Stygian made sure to smile down at him devilishly while lighting up his horn. “Because I can easily keep it a full inch if you want~” Sunburst only needed a second of thought, before he breathed out and shook his head. “N… N-No, I…” His blush deepened while his eyes remained glued to his miniscule cock. “I… I lost for a reason~” Stygian nodded with a smile, and his magic soon enveloped both of their cocks once more. While Sunburst groaned through his gritted teeth, Stygian made sure to ask, “Any last requests then? Because the moment I do this, I can promise I won’t be giving it back~” Despite the faux-threatening tone behind Stygian’s grin, Sunburst shuddered in his magical grasp while looking up at him briefly. “If… I-If that’s the case, then… t-then…” With that, Sunburst looked back down at his teeny weenie wrapped up in Stygian’s blue aura. He breathed out in a faint shiver, and said with an antsy grin, “P-Please… M-Make it as small as you can~” “Heh~” Stygian’s horn lit up brighter, and he said with a nod, “Well, since you said ‘please’…” Both of the stallions moaned out as Stygian worked his magic, and Sunburst stared at his cock shrinking down to its absolute smallest. Even though he just shot his pathetic load, his member still throbbed hard while Stygian took any remaining length for his own. Stygian’s massive cock pulsated as it grew even longer, nearly reaching a daunting fourteen inches in length in a matter of seconds. By the time his magic finally subsided, and Stygian was left with a truly huge cock nearly a third his body’s size, he couldn’t have looked more satisfied as he leaned back with a sigh. “Aaaaaahhhhh…” “Nnnnnnnghhhh… Oh… Ohmigosh~” Sunburst’s eyes were as wide as could be, and his pre-slathered state wasn’t enough to distract him from what was now resting between his legs. That one-inch pecker he previously had was long gone, and replaced with a teensy nub that resembled a skin-tag more than an actual penis. Stygian certainly took as much as he could, as he left Sunburst with something that was barely even a tenth of an inch in length. The micropenis was almost as small as a tic-tac, with his balls being shrunken down to be punier than a couple of chickpeas. Heck, if Sunburst let his fur grow out down there, there’s a good chance that his new penis couldn’t even be seen without a magnifying glass. His hooves may have been curling in from how titillated he felt, as his microscopic member certainly felt hard after such a drastic shrinkage; but alas, both he and Stygian knew that from now on, that “cock” was completely and utterly useless. “Now if you excuse me…” Stygian may have been close to cumming earlier, but his new fourteen inch cock prompted him to try and stand on his hooves with a pleased-sounding groan. He left Sunburst by himself on the couch, and walked over to the door-hatch to make his leave. Each step he took caused his mammoth cock to slap the sides of his legs, emphasizing its girth for anypony to see. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never walked around with anything this big before. And since so many ponies are outside, I wanna see how easily I can take somepony home with this~” Sunburst’s eyes widened in shock, not expecting to be left high and dry after all that frotting. But since he already finished himself, there wasn’t much he could say as Stygian opened the hatch. The unicorn lit up his horn for a moment to pick up his cloak; but after staring at it for a moment with a contemplative hum, Stygian shrugged and tossed it over to Sunburst. “Here you go. You can probably put that in a frame or something for your collection. I have a feeling I don’t have anything to hide anymore~” With a confident smirk on his face. Stygian pulled down the ladder-stairs so he could exit Sunburst’s living space. Meanwhile, the orange unicorn was left completely dumbfounded with his newly shrunken micropenis, and Stygian’s cloak hovering in his own magical aura. His mouth was left agape for a moment, unable to say a word back to the overly-endowed Stygian. But just before he could disappear from sight, Stygian paused at the hatchway and looked back at him. “Oh, and Sunburst?” The stallion grew a more wicked-looking grin, and lit up his horn to undo Sunburst’s cape. The garment was tossed aside to leave Sunburst completely bare, wearing nothing but Stygian’s pre. Stygian nodded in approval, and said to him, “If I’m gonna walk around bare for ponies to see, I expect you to do the same~” Stygian also floated over a full-size mirror, pointing it at Sunburst before making his exit. “See you later, Sunburst! I hope you like how you look~” With that, Sunburst could only hear the hoofsteps of Stygian’s trailing off as he walked down the steps, and then made his way out of the castle. Sunburst found himself sitting alone at his couch, with only his reflection in the mirror to serve as company. His blush deepened when he looked over at himself, and saw how miniscule his nub looked from the new perspective. He could barely even see his penis, even though the mirror was only a couple feet away. The thought of complying with Stygian’s order was nothing short of daunting, since he knew that ponies would stare at his backside without his cloak covering him… But at the same time, as he looked at his tiny-dicked self in the mirror, Sunburst’s blush only became heavier as he kept his legs spread apart. After a moment of thought, the unicorn shuddered with a nervous smile, and nodded his head. “Y… Y-You’re right, Stygian…  “I do like how I look~”