A Bit Of Logic

by Starlight Fan

First published

What If The worst episodes of the show had some logic put in them

The worst episodes of the show get a happy ending with some logic.

Non Complete Clause

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash were competing a lot today since they were so passionate in trying to win the Teacher Of the Month award they started competing against each other when the two were assigned to lead Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus, Smolder, and Gallus on a field trip to learn about team work first they competed over building a better shed and now they competed over canoeing which lead the canoe to break and now the two of them were in big trouble given the fact they almost accidentally made Yona sink because of their stupid competition to be the better teacher, Silverstream and Ocellus were able to save Yona from drowning but Applejack and Rainbow instead of being concerned about their student's safety still continued to argue but then thankfully Twilight showed up to check on both Applejack and Rainbow Dash but she saw what happened and was furious with her two friends, and like the responsible adult Twilight is she suggested dealing with the field trip on her own but they still had a few tricks up their hooves to try and continue to lead this field trip.

"Twilight we're so sorry, we promise to stop competing." Applejack said.

"Yeah please don't take this opportunity to teach these children the magic of teamwork away from us we'll stop competing just please-" Rainbow Dash started before she got cut off by Twilight putting a wing out and covering Rainbow Dash's mouth.

"No Rainbow Dash I know you two, you'll never stop competing you two are always bickering and fighting, so I am taking over this field trip." Twilight stated angry at Applejack and Rainbow Dash for their actions.

"But Twilight think of the children, they would be miserable without us." Applejack dramatically stated.

"Uh, no I'm good." Gallus stoically replied.

"Me too." Smolder agreed annoyed.

"Totally safer with Twilight." Sandbar said.

"Sorry but I wanna be safe, I'll go with Twilight." Ocellus said awkwardly.

"Me too, I don't wanna be hurt." Silverstream agreed.

"Yona don't want to drown, Yona go with responsible pony." Yona said.

"Traitors." Rainbow Dash said annoyed while flying up to the students.

Twilight then teleports to Rainbow Dash and glared at the pegasus making her fly back down to the ground.

"Don't you dare talk to the students like that oh and also you two are disqualified from being Teacher Of The Month for the rest of the month. I'll let Spike give you the rest of your punishment later, you are so lucky I did not report you to the authorities for letting a student almost DROWN under your care I'm very disappointed in you both." Twilight said angrily before walking off with the students.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo why?!" Rainbow Dash cried out while bawling her eyes out.

"Hold on Rainbow, Twilight went easy on us besides what can sweet little Spike do to punish us?" Applejack asked while laughing a bit.

"Yeah it's Spike what's he gonna do to us?" Rainbow Dash asked beginning to laugh.

"Yeah we shouldn't even be worried." Applejack said happily.

We then cut to Spike sitting on his castle throne opening his mouth Rainbow Dash then hung the grapes over his mouth and he ate them off the vine.

"Ah this is the life, I must thank Twilight for this later, now servants I command you to wear fancy dresses by Rarity's choice and show them off or I will have Twilight disqualify you from all Teacher Of the Month competitions." Spike commanded while laughing a bit.

"This is torture please make it stop." Rainbow Dash begged.

"You monster." Applejack berated.

"I'm the monster huh, Well you did not stop the boat that almost caused Yona to drown, so I believe none of us are monsters here and I also think this is fair, go now you have work to do!" Spike commanded angrily.

"Yes Spike." the two mares said stoically before leaving the room with anger.

"Ha ha ha ha, feels good to be in charge for once." Spike said relaxing.

Twilight then opened the castle door pleased with herself.

"I take it the trip went well." Spike said happily.

"Yep we did some teamwork building exercises and the students are now closer than ever." Twilight responded in happiness.

"Lovely, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are learning their lesson right now as we speak." Spike said mischeivously.

"What are you having them do?" Twilight asked worried walking up to Spike.

"Oh nothing terrible, just making them wear fancy dresses." Spike said laughing a bit.

Twilight was shocked but proud that Spike chose a fair punishment for them and gave the small dragon a playful noogie.

"Spike you devious little dragon while I am a bit disappointed I also find this fair." Twilight praised trying to hold in her laughter.

"You want to see them in dresses don't you?" Spike asked.

"Yes." Twilight said bursting into laughter.

"Well looks like you won't have to wait." Spike said pointing at the other room.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack walked back in from getting changed and they now looked like they were fancy and upper class ponies in the most fanciest way possible.

Twilight and Spike began rolling on the floor laughing like hyenas at the sight of the two of them which earned them some glares.

"I'm sorry but you can't say this isn't funny." Twilight apologized while wiping her tears of joy.

"I think we learned our lesson." Rainbow Dash said with gritted teeth.

"Yes you have, you are free to go back and change." Twilight said happily while wiping her eyes.

"Thank Celestia." Applejack sighed with so much relief as the two left to change.

"Never doubt my ability to give fair punishments ever again and maybe I'll go easy on you next time." Spike warned with
a smirk.

"Ah so glad I gave you this assignment Spike." Twilight said giggling.

"Me too." Spike said happily.

The two then hoof bumped(or fist bumped in Spike's case) and went to get some dinner.

Uncommon Bond

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Starlight has had it with Sunburst, while it’s nice to see he has a lot in common with Twilight, Trixie, and Maud one thing bothers her he isn’t bothering to pay attention to her. When she mentioned Twilight was still sleeping he went back to sleep and it wasn’t out of grogginess he was perfectly awake he just didn’t wanna spend time with her. Although in retrospect she probably shouldn’t have woke him up so early that was a bit creepy looking back.

Starlight headed back to the castle and no surprise Sunburst didn’t follow, Fine let him bond with the others he didn’t need her, she didn’t need him.

Starlight decided to just relax in her room it was so good to just think for herself and stop worrying over some guy’s attention.

Sunburst was confused how come Starlight was gone, she probably went back to the castle, that’s a fair guess, Sunburst went back to see Starlight in the castle hallway and was surprised to see Starlight roll her eyes at him.

“Hey Starlight, where were you I was studying rocks with Maud, but when I turned to look back you weren’t there.” Sunburst said softly.

“Wow it took that long for you to notice I was gone?” Starlight asked annoyed walking up to Sunburst.

“Wait how long were you gone?” Sunburst asked scared.

“I WAS GONE FOR AN HOUR!” Starlight screamed angrily at Sunburst.

Starlight then laughed bitterly “But why should you care, you don’t need me around, you have Twilight, Trixie, and Maud, you never even noticed me so what am I good for, oh wait nothing, you don’t need me.”

Starlight then ran off crying to which Twilight and Spike saw and the latter was infuriated while the former was confused.

“What did you do?” Spike asked with gritted teeth

Sunburst then backed up a bit sweating nervously, “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t pay attention to her for the entire visit and now she thinks I don’t need her and that’s she is useless I guess.”

“What is wrong with y-“ Spike began before Twilight covered his mouth with her wing.

“What Spike meant to say was, Sunburst what you did to Starlight was wrong while you didn’t mean to hurt her you still made her feel bad about herself, you need to make things right with her.” Twilight said in disappointment.

Sunburst then went to see Starlight at the map table crying.

“Starlight.” Sunburst weakly said.

“What?” Starlight said bitterly turned around.

“I’m sorry I should’ve noticed that you were being left out, can you forgive me?” Sunburst apologized.

Starlight then began feeling guilty she should’ve told Sunburst how she felt sooner before this mess started.

“I’m sorry too Sunburst I should’ve told you how I felt sooner.” Starlight apologized.

“It’s okay Starlight, friends?” Sunburst said.

“Friends.” Starlight accepted.

“Now they can walk, now they can run, now they can spend all day in the sun-“ Trixie sang.

“Trixie!” Twilight whispered.

“Sorry.” Trixie whispered bashfully.

Starlight smirked she was glad to have friends like them.

The Last Problem

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Twilight woke up gasping for air, and terrified.

“Twilight what’s wrong?” Starlight asked sleeping in the same bed as Twilight.

“I just had a bad dream, I ended up ruling Equestria instead of telling Celestia how I felt and I became a purple version of her and we never got together.” Twilight told her mare friend.

“Oh Twilight I’m so sorry it must be after stress, Well I’ll be there for you all the way.” Starlight said while cuddling Twilight.

“Thanks Starlight.” Twilight said softly.

The two went back to sleep peacefully in each others hooves.

Break Up Break Down

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“Sugar Belle’s gonna love this pie Big Mac made.” Spike said happily.

“With that note inside, yeah right I’m sure she will enjoy choking.” Discord said angrily.

Big Mac then began to whimper.

“Discord be nice, I know you don’t believe in love but-“ Spike started before Discord cut him off.

“Who said I don’t believe in love, I never said that, I just think this holiday is a scam and that I don’t have a crush on Fluttershy, I do believe in love you asshole.” Discord told Spike.

“Anyway my suggestion is put the note on top of the pie instead of inside it like a mad pony.” Discord suggested angrily.

“Why would you do that?” Spike asked a bit annoyed.

“Because if she eats the note she will choke, watch.” Discord explained before he acted out a scene.

“Oh my insides, why has Big Mac sent me this poison, oh why, I feel so blue the light it’s calling me, and death.” Discord dramatically stated flopping on the ground.

“I guess that makes sense, thanks Discord.” Big Mac said happily putting the note on top of the pie.

“You’re welcome friend, it was my pleasure.” Discord said hopping up back into a standing position.

In the end Sugar Belle and Big Mac has a romantic date and lived happily ever after.

“After allllllllllllllllllll.” Discord sang.


One Bad Apple

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Big Mac was walking near the farm to harvest the crops when he saw Applebloom’s float get smashed and flung out of the farm. Big Mac then saw Babs Seeds teasing and harassing the CMC and he was getting angry at what he heard.

“What are you a snitch?” Babs asked snidely smirking at how small the CMC were feeling when he heard a hoof stomp down on the ground.

“Babs Seed I am disappointed in ya, it ain’t right to bully others I know you may have been bullied back in Manehatten but that does not make it okay to bully others, go to the attic and think about what ya did.” Big Mac lectured pointing inside the barn.

Babs walked to the attic downtrodden and apologetic at the CMC who nodded in forgiveness while Big Mac glared at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“And you two are trespassing which is no good, so you two oughta leave before I call your parents.” Big Mac ordered sternly.

“Yes sir.” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said quickly before running off.

Big Mac then turned to the CMC and softly spoke “Telling somepony if you’re being bullied doesn’t make you a snitch but adults can’t always be there so ya gotta stand up for yerselves, I’m goons talk to Babs because she ain’t like this normally.”

Big Mac then went off to talk to Babs and lectured her about bullying, Babs then learned her lesson and became a member of the CMC.

All Bottled Up

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Starlight was currently running to the kitchen, she noticed that there was a red cloud coming out of her horn and it was really freaking her out.

Starlight finally made it to the kitchen, and was roaming through the pantries, she hardly noticed Spike was in the kitchen as well.

“Hey, are you doing okay?” Spike asked.

“I will be, once I use this bottle to contain my anger.” Starlight told Spike.

“Wait? What?” Spike asked before noticing the storm cloud.

“Oh you mean the storm cloud emanating from your horn.” Spike said lightly facepalming himself.

“Yeah that, this has never happened before. I don’t know what my magic is going to do. So I’m going to contain it before I do who knows what to Trixie.” Starlight explained.

“Starlight maybe you should just talk to Trixie, it’ll probably make your anger magic disappear.” Spike said.

“But she might not wanna be my friend if I tell her.” Starlight whimpered.

“If she can’t handle the fact that you feel anger towards her for something she did wrong she isn’t a good friend.” Spike told Starlight.

Starlight sighed before speaking, “You’re right Spike. I shouldn’t hide this from Trixie. I need to tell her the truth. But there is the matter of the map.”

Spike began to think before snapping his fingers and getting an idea, “I can ask Discord to find it, he’ll likely find it the quickest. You go make up with Trixie while I contact him via letter.”

Soon we see Starlight at the entrance to the throne room, she takes a deep breath before she walked in the room where Trixie was absentmindedly levitating the apple she tried to teleport.

“Oh there you are. For a minute I thought you weren’t coming back and we’re upset with me for some weird reason...” Trixie began before Starlight immediately covered her mouth with her hoof.

“And that’s what I wanna talk to you about. I am indeed upset with you.” Starlight said, annoyed.

“What? Why?” Trixie asked obliviously.

“Why?!” Starlight asked incredulously, “You barely listen to me, the map’s gone and your treating this like no big deal even though you know I can get in a lot of trouble and the worst part is YOU DIDN’T EVEN SAY YOU WERE SORRY!”

“I...I’m sorry. I had no idea you felt that way.” Trixie apologized genuinely.

Starlight’s anger softened and she sighed, “It’s okay Trixie I know your not the best with reading people’s emotions, that’s my problem too, and honestly we both really need to improve on that.” Starlight said.

“Yeah you have a point.” Trixie nodded.

“So, still friends?” Starlight said waiting for a hoof bump.

“Totally.” Trixie gave Starlight a hoof bump.

Soon the map table suddenly reappeared in a flash of light.

“Wh-What how?” Trixie asked in shock.

“I kinda had Spike send a letter to Discord.” Starlight giggles.

Soon Discord opened his rift to speak to Starlight and Trixie, “Yes and your lucky I helped you two, next time Trixie has to fix her own mistakes.” Discord glared at Trixie before getting back in the rift and closing it like a zipper.

“Well this day definitely could’ve gone worse but I’m glad everything worked out.” Starlight smiled at Trixie.

“So am I.” Trixie smiled back.

“Now I just need to do something about that anger magic I have.” Starlight said.

“Wait what?” Trixie asked.