Sweet Apple Herding

by Inked Moongleam

First published

Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Fluttershy and Cheerilee are looking for an extra stallion to join their herd. Pipsqueak, now a young adult, seems like the perfect candidate. Romance and plenty of foals ensue.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a young stallion must be in want of a mare… or several.

Cheerilee has joined Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and Fluttershy in marriage, forming a herd bond. Pipsqueak, having graduated in Canterlot, returns to Ponyville to work at town hall. A chance encounter between a former student and his teacher leads to…

… well, use your imagination, or - better yet - read the story.

Written and edited by Inked Moonbeam (that’s me).

Herd marriages and some other themes are inspired by LegionofPony’s Thestrals at Twilight and Thestrals at Midnight.


A lot of (very explicit) sex, mostly accurate equine reproduction, tender romance, kisses and hugs, M/M/F/F/F, M/F, M/F/F, M/M, M/M/F, F/F, pregnancy sex, birthing, impregnation, some minor bondage, some light watersportdouble M/F body-swaps, male masturbation, female masturbation, cumshots, M/M blowjobs and anal sex, M/F blowjobs and anal sex, rimjobs, cunnilingus, creampies, M/F and F/F 69, voyeurism, drinking mare milk, cupcakes with cum frosting, herd wedding, some profanities, giving a dirty mare a bath, 10-12 years age gap, light domination playconsensual non-con play, drinking, gambling.

1. Homecoming

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~ ❀ ~

Monday, July 9th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Pipsqueak trotted down the stairs of Ponyville’s town hall, his heart filled with the thrill of freedom: he could go anywhere, and eat whatever, he wanted. So why not go to Sugarcube Corner for a treat? It was lunch break, after all.

Ponyville really hasn’t changed much since I left, Pip reflected as he took in the sights and sounds of the place. I’ll miss Canterlot, but I’m glad to be back.

Ponyville always felt like home, even more so than Trottingham. The bright sunshine and nice summer breeze on his back certainly made it even more so.

The sweet smell of baked goods welcomed Pip as he entered Sugarcube Corner. At the counter, Miss Cake chatted animatedly with an unicorn filly Pip recognised as Pumpkin Cake, the Cakes’ daughter. A warm smile appeared on Cup Cake’s lips as she met Pip’s eyes. “Oh my, is that you, Pipsqueak? It’s been so long, I almost didn’t recognize you, dearie. Welcome back to Ponyville!”

“Hi, Miss Cake”, Pip said. “I just moved back a couple days ago. Mayor Mare got me a job at town hall.” He stared at the delightful treats showcased on the nearby shelves.

“It’s so nice to have you back here, dearie. A lot of friends have missed you, I’m sure. But anyway, what can I do for you today?”

Hmm, maybe a danish? Or an éclair? Pip eventually picked a couple pastries and a strawberry-oat smoothie. Grabbing his order with his teeth, Pip waved Miss Cake goodbye.

He eagerly walked back to the town square, where he found a nice shady spot to enjoy his lunch. He gulped down the cakes, the food settling nicely in his stomach. As Pip finished his oat smoothie, he heard a feminine voice calling him, giving him a bit of a start.


Pip looked around and spotted his old teacher walking toward him. “Oh, hi, Miss Cheerilee!”

That answer gave the mare a little chuckle. “I thought I had recognized you, Pip. But please, you can just call me ‘Cheerilee’. You’re a stallion now, and I’m not your schoolteacher anymore. And… you’ve certainly grown since I last saw you.”

Pipsqueak felt a bit of a self-conscious sting as he was reminded of his size. Sure, he had grown, but that made him only a little taller than the average mare: nowhere near the size of most stallions.

Cheerilee, who was carrying a pair of heavy saddlebags filled with groceries, panted under the hot summer sun. “Mind if I sit with you a moment? I could use a little rest…”

“Sure, no problem.”

As Cheerilee approached and removed her saddlebags, Pip noticed the mare’s belly was round and full. He felt an odd shiver as he realised Cheerilee was pregnant, that her womb was filled with a foal. Beaming, she noticed Pip looking at her gravid tummy.

“So, how have you been, Mis- euh, Cheerilee,” asked Pip, a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m still a teacher in Ponyville. Well, not right now. I’m on a break,” Cheerilee answered, gently rubbing her swollen abdomen with a hoof. “Last year, I joined Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Fluttershy's herd. We will be having our first foals in a few weeks.”

“I hadn’t heard you joined Big Macintosh’s herds,” replied Pip, before something about what Cheerilee told him made its way through his mind. “Wait, ‘foals’. As in… more than one?”

Cheerilee eyes glazed just a bit, a dreamy smile on her lips. “Yes, Fluttershy and Sugar Belle are pregnant too. Mac gave us each a foal during last fall’s heat season. Poor Mac, he was so exhausted after - ahem, well,” Cheerilee caught herself as she remembered who she was talking to. "What about yourself, Pip?"

"Oh... Uh, I just came back from Canterlot. I finished my studies there, and I got a job at town hall with Mayor Mare."

As a growing colt, Cheerilee had taken a lot of place in Pip's hormone addled mind. Of course, having a little school-colt or school-filly crush on a teacher was incredibly common; Pip knew that. He hadn’t even thought about Cheerilee in a long time. But here he was, right next to her, and all those fantasies involving his old schoolteacher - which had fuelled countless masturbation sessions - were coming back into his mind.

As ridiculous as it was, he felt... jealous. He obviously would’ve had no chance with Cheerilee back when he was a just colt. Still, there was a primitive part of his mind who somehow managed to feel possessive toward the older mare. That she was now claimed by another stallion, that she was having a foal with said stallion, while Pip himself had never even been intimate with a mare…

It sucked.

Oh, stop wallowing like a foal, Pip thought. You should be happy for her.

And he was happy for Cheerilee, happy she had found herdmates to share her life with and to have foals with. He stood after her as Cheerilee rose, ready to go back home. With a smile, he waved her goodbye. “Good luck with your foals!”

Cheerilee had barely taken a few steps before she stopped in her tracks, one hoof still in the air. She glanced back at him, pondering something.

“Hey Pip,” she said with a slight hesitation, turning back toward him, “since you just came back to Ponyville, how about you come join us for lunch later this week? Maybe Friday evening? I live at Sweet Apple Acres now, with my herd.”

Oh, that sounds nice.

“Sure, that would be great! I could come after work.”

“That would be perfect. You’ll see we built a new house near the old one. Anyway, I must get all this food back home, so see you on Friday!”

“Right, I must go back to work too. See you soon, Cheerilee!”

~ ❀ ~

Even for an earth pony like Cheerilee, walking to Sweet Apple Acres with heavy saddlebags on her back and a foal in her womb was exhausting. She opened the door of her home with a sigh of relief and promptly removed her bags, leaving them on the kitchen’s counter.

Sugar Belle, the herd’s alpha mare, met Cheerilee with a kiss. “Thank you, honey! I hope getting all this stuff wasn’t too hard on you.”

Cheerilee made a dismissive gesture with her hoof. “It was no trouble at all, though I wouldn’t mind if we could move the market a little closer until we foal.”

An adorable little chuckle came from Fluttershy, who was sitting in a nearby chair, knitting a little blanket over her swollen belly. “That would be nice. But it won’t take more than a few weeks now. I can feel my little colt getting restless in there.” Cheerilee kissed the pegasus on the lips, getting a soft shudder from the act. She waved Sugar Belle to join them.

“So girls, while I was in Ponyville, I met somepony. I think he could be a good candidate for us.”

Fluttershy and Sugar Belle’s eyes grew wide.

“You mean for…” the unicorn started.

“Yep,” replied Cheerilee with a grin. “His name is Pipsqueak. He used to be my student, and he just came back to Ponyville.”

“Oh, I remember him,” commented Fluttershy. “He was such a cute colt. Are you sure about this?”

“Well, I don’t know, but he’s a really nice young stallion now. I think even Mac might get to like him. I invited him for supper Friday night, so you will all get a chance to meet him.”

“That sounds lovely,” Sugar Belle approved. “We’ll tell Big Mac once he comes back from applebucking.”

2. Evening at Sweet Apple Acres

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~ ❀ ~

Friday, July 13th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Learning the ropes at town hall had certainly been exciting, but also quite exhausting. For Pipsqueak, the weekend felt very welcome indeed, and getting to eat at Sweet Apple Acres, instead of having to cook home alone, was sure to be a great way to start it off.

Coming upon the farmstead, Pip noticed the new house Cheerilee had mentioned. It was similar in size and style to the old one, which probably still housed Applejack and Granny Smith. He met Big Macintosh outside, greeting him with a friendly gesture.

“Cheerilee told us she invited ya for dinner,” Big Mac said, utterly dwarfing Pip as he packed his tools into the barn for the night.

“I… hope I’m not intruding, coming over like that.”

“Nnope. You’re a guest of the family. Go join the mares inside, Ah’m just packin’ up.”

~ ❀ ~

Having heard a couple knocks, Sugar Belle went to greet their guest at the door. Pip was a little taller than her, with a white-spotted-brown coat and a short brown mane and tail. Cheerilee was right: he was pretty cute. The unicorn mare ushered him inside, where Fluttershy and Cheerilee greeted him.

As Pip talked with her herdmates, Sugar Belle took the opportunity to check him out. He was obviously quite smaller than her husband Big Mac, but he had nice flanks. With a naughty thrill, she caught a glimpse of his white balls underneath his short tail. They did look nice and firm.

Sugar Belle wondered for a moment how it would feel to have them emptied inside herself.

Once Big Mac came back from work, they all sat together in the living room. Sugar Belle served a cup of cider to each stallion, and a cup of non-alcoholic apple juice for herself and the other pregnant mares.

“So Pip,” started Fluttershy, “Cheery said you finished your studies in Canterlot. What were you studying there?”

“That’s right!” he answered. “I was at the Royal Canterlot School of Administration for a two years program. I graduated a couple months ago, and I started looking for a job in public affairs.”

“So why come back to Ponyville?” Sugar Belle asked.

“Well, Canterlot is really fun, but I wanted to come back. Guess I feel at home here, even if I was born in Trottingham.” Pip took a sip of cider from his cup. “I sent a letter to Mayor Mare, told her I was graduating and that I was looking for a job. She replied and said she had something for me at town hall.”

“That’s great! What do you do there?”

Pipsqueak rubbed his neck. “Well, right now I’m mostly just moving paper around, whenever somepony needs a document. But I hope to climb up the ranks if I work hard.”

This prompted a quiet chuckle from Cheerilee, a proud smile appearing on her lips. “You know, when you were my student, I knew you had a lot of potential. Believe it or not, but you really left an impression at the school.”

“You really think so?” Pip flushed at the compliments.

“Mmhmm. You might think you have a small role now, but I’m sure the mayor sees it as an opportunity to have you close to her... so she can groom you into a position where you will be able to make a real difference.”

Before Pip could answer, a loud buzz rang in the kitchen. Sugar Belle hopped on her hooves. “Mac, sweetie, mind giving me a hoof with the oven?”


“We’ll help too,” said Fluttershy as Cheerilee and her got up, Pip following them to the kitchen.

Together, they served dinner and took seats at the table.

~ ❀ ~

Pip could now see the sunset through the windows. After his second serving of apple pie, he felt nice and full. A bit too full, in fact.

Now that they all had ate to their heart’s content, the herd and their guest went back to the living room, sitting on the couches and chairs scattered around the place. The three mares were all lounging in comfortable positions, most likely because of their pregnancies.

Despite the delightful food and agreable company, Pipsqueak was starting to feel uneasy. Since he had arrived, the mares - and even Big Macintosh - had been constantly throwing him questions about his life, his plans, and more. It all had been innocuous enough, but to Pip it was starting to feel like some kind of interview. The entire herd acted oddly nervous around him, which was particularly strange.

A lull in the conversation turned into an awkward silence. The mares gave each other a questioning look. Finally, Sugar Belle turned toward Big Mac and gave him a small nod. The stallion gave Pip an inquisitive stare before nodding back to Sugar Belle.

What was that all about?

Sugar Belle stood up and sat on the couch, right next to Pip. She glanced at him and bit her lip.

“So, uh… Pip. We need to be honest with you. When Cheery invited you for dinner tonight, it wasn’t just for a ‘welcome home’ party. You see, we have a fairly large herd here. Even for a stallion like Mac, taking care of three mares is… a lot of work. That’s not counting the farm, and the fact that we’ll have foals soon. So, a couple months ago, we talked it through, and figured it might be worth, you know… to add an extra stallion to our herd.”

Pip’s eyes grew comically wide at the proposition that was implied here. Sugar Belle continued, “we’ve been looking around for a while, but we couldn’t find a nice stallion that was also, well, available.”

Cheerilee cleared her throat. “I know you used to be my student, but when I saw you in town earlier this week, I thought you might fit in nicely with us. It was a teensy bit impulsive, but it’s worth considering, at least.”

Fluttershy approached Pip. “We’re all glad Cheerilee invited you to join us.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded.

“So what do you say?” Sugar Belle asked. “I know it must be quite overwhelming to take all at once, and you really don’t have to give us a final answer today or even soon. We just want to know if you’re okay with trying to date us for a while.”

“I… uh… I don’t know. It… uh. Well, hmm… m-maybe?” Pip managed to say. It was close enough to something like a coherent answer for the others to understand.

“Are you sure?” Sugar Belle asked again, beaming. “We can wait if you need to think about it.”

Pip looked around, taking in the sight of the three mares - and the stallion - asking to date him. His gaze fell on Cheerilee, his old teacher looking at him with a smile while her hoof stroked her swollen belly.

“Yeah… I mean no… it’s okay, I guess. We can try, uh, dating for a while, if you all want to, I mean.”

The herd let out a soft cheer. The mares pressed around Pip, each giving him a warm hug. Big Mac ran a hoof through his mane. They soon settled back down, sitting close to each other, but not quite touching anymore.

“So, uh, I’m not sure what we should do now,” Sugar Belle said, fiddling with her hooves.

“Maybe we could tell him about our herd,” Fluttershy suggested. “Would that be alright with you, Pip?”

“Yeah, that would be good, I think.”

“Good idea, Shy,” Sugar Belle approved with a nod. “So, where to start? Oh, right… Well, Big Mac and I got married about 8 years ago, and I came to live with him at Sweet Apple Acres. A couple years ago, we added Fluttershy to our marriage and formed a herd. I’m the alpha mare, and Mac is the alpha stallion. As alphas, we decide where we live, when the mares are allowed to get pregnants, who can enter the herd, and the rules around the house. I… generally do the talking.”


“Of course, that’s mostly in theory. We try to have everypony’s consent before making any big decisions. Anyway, Cheerilee joined us last year, making our herd as you see it now. After she joined, we decided to finally have foals of our own. Mac worked very hard to give us each a baby last fall during breeding season, and well… you see how it is now. Fluttershy, Cheerilee and I are about ten months pregnant, so we should foal next month.”

“That’s about it, I guess,” Sugar Belle concluded somewhat awkwardly. “Big Mac works the farm. I help him out and bake sweet recipes using our apples. Fluttershy takes care of her animal sanctuary on the edge of town, and Cheerilee teaches at Ponyville Elementary School.”

“When you’re in a herd, you get to love all your herdmates,” Cheerilee added, kissing Fluttershy and getting a moan from her. “Big Mac is my husband, while Fluttershy and Sugar Belle are my wives. All the mares in my herd will be mothers to my foal, and all the stallions will be fathers.”

“It’s going to be dark outside soon. If you want to go back home, take some time, we’ll understand,” said Sugar Belle. “But, if you want, you could, hmm, spend the night with us here. We wouldn’t mind.”

“Oh,” was all Pip managed to respond. His cheeks grew even hotter than before. All this talk, and thinking about the mares in their intimacy, had started to get to Pip. He could feel a tingle of arousal spreading through his body, making his stallionhood stir in its sheath.

A concerned expression appeared on Fluttershy’s face. “Is something wrong? Did we come out too strong on you? We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“No, it’s just… well. I’ve… never had a fillyfriend. I never even kissed a girl, not for real.” Pip withered down, having confessed his virginity.

Cheerilee put a hoof over his, comforting him. “That’s quite alright. We can take it one step at a time. We’ll show you everything you need to know.”

Pip took a deep breath. “Okay…”

“If you want, we can start with kissing,” Sugar Belle offered. “I can teach you to kiss me, right now. Would you like that?”

Pip looked at the unicorn’s magenta eyes, getting lost in her kind gaze. He looked back down and managed a weak “Yes, please… I’d like that.”

“Ok, then come closer, right in front me,” instructed Sugar Belle. After a short moment of hesitation, he complied with her direction.

“That’s perfect. Now hold me with your forehooves around my neck. I’ll do the same. There you go, now keep your muzzle in front of mine and look me in the eyes.”

Pip embraced Sugar Belle, her face a mere inch from his. He lost himself in her beautiful eyes again. He felt her hot breath on his muzzle as she instructed him. “Now tilt your head to the side, close your eyes, and just…”

In an instant, Sugar Belle’s lips met his, the mare gently pushing toward him. Pip tensed immediately, but Sugar Belle tightened her embrace, holding him close. Feeling him relax a little, the unicorn parted her lips slightly, continuing the kiss. Running on instinct, Pip opened his muzzle and started to caress the mare’s lips with his tongue. Responding in kind, Sugar Belle opened her jaw, letting Pip into her muzzle. He felt only bliss as he entered her mouth with his tongue, her own tongue welcoming him inside as their saliva mingled.

Of course, they had to breathe, having held the kiss for a while. Sugar Belle gently pushed him back and withdrew from his embrace. Pip took a few deep breaths.

“So, that was your first kiss. Did you like it?” Sugar Belle asked sweetly.

“Yeah,” Pip answered, panting. “It was amazing.”

“Wanna go again?”


“Come here.”

Pip melted back into Sugar Belle’s embrace, holding her even tighter against his chest, feeling her pink fur against his. When they opened their muzzles again, the unicorn’s tongue entered his mouth, exploring him. They wrestled, tongue to tongue, tasting each other. He ran his hooves through her curly purple mane.

Before long, Sugar Belle’s swollen lower belly rubbed against his own as they got closer. Suddenly, he received a hit on his barrel. It hadn’t hurt, though it shocked him out of the kiss. He pulled away from Sugar Belle with a start. “Uh, what was that?”

Sugar Belle’s muzzle wrinkled cutely as she tried to hold back her laughter, before failing to do so. “HAHAHA! Snort. KYAHAHA! Hahaha! Snort. Haha! Sorry Pip, I think you got kicked by my foal. Hahaha! Sorry, that was just too funny. Haha…”

The moment of confusion passed, and Pip couldn’t help but join in the mare’s hilarity. However, he felt a pang of self-consciousness as he noticed the rest of the herd laughing along with them.

Self-consciousness turned to deep embarrassment when he noticed Big Mac watching him. Watching Pip making out with his wife, right in front of him.

Pip’s discomfort must have shown on his face, because Big Mac placed a hoof on his shoulder and smiled. “It’s alright, Pip. You’re invited, and Ah agreed. Truth be told, Ah kind of like watchin’ you with Sugar Belle.” As if to demonstrate, Big Mac spread his legs, giving Pip a full view of his erect stallionhood and the heavy balls hanging below his tail. The sight made blood flow even more into Pip own’s penis. Looking between his legs, Pip realised his own stallionhood had fully emerged from his sheath during his make out session with Sugar Belle. He blushed hard.

Cheerilee stroked Pip’s back with her hoof. “It’s alright, Pip. It’s perfectly natural, and we’ll take good care of you.” She pulled him closer. “How about we kiss now, you and me?”

Pip met Cheerilee’s green eyes. “Yes, hmm, I’d like that.”

Cheerilee settled on the living room’s plush carpet. She lazily lounged on her side, offering Pip a gorgeous view of her swollen belly and teats. “Come, lie down with me.”

Pip joined her on the carpet, lying at her side. Cheerilee wrapped her forehooves around his neck, pulling him close as he embraced her in return. Soon, Cheerilee’s lips met his own, and he melted into the kiss. He moaned into her mouth as she invited his tongue inside of her muzzle.

They kept kissing for a while, until Pip felt the tip of his cock touch the soft fur of Cheerilee’s belly. Pip froze up, unsure whatever the intimate touch was okay or not. Cheerilee simply brought a hoof to his flank, and pressed him closer to her body. Pip relaxed in the mare’s embrace. The full length of his penis pressed softly into her tummy, making him harder than before.

As they broke the kiss, Cheerilee stared at the stallionhood rubbing against her. She stroked it softly with her hoof, getting a pleasured shudder from Pip. “Should we move on to the bedroom? It will be more comfortable, if we are to take care of this,” she said, still touching his cock.

“Hmmm, yes. That would be lovely,” Fluttershy commented, breaking a kiss with Big Mac that Pip hadn’t noticed until then.

Pip was panting, his heart pounding in his chest. “Yeah, s-sure. Uh, no problem.”

“Well, come on then.”

~ ❀ ~

The herd’s bedroom was a large room on the farmhouse’s second floor. Most of the space was occupied by a massive herd-size bed, obviously big enough for all five ponies. Big Mac lit a few lamps as they entered, bathing the room in a gentle glow.

Coming in, Pip ended up behind Fluttershy. He could barely see her genitals underneath her soft, pink tail. Apparently, Sugar Belle noticed him staring at her wife. With her magic, she lifted the pegasus’ silky tail, prompting an adorable gasp from her. Fluttershy blushed, but didn’t shied away, letting Pip peer at her most private parts.

Of course, it was hardly the first time that he had seen what lay underneath a mare’s tail; ponies generally didn’t wear much covering, after all. But he had never seen it like this, and never from so intimately close. Fluttershy cute little anus lay right under the base of her tail, and beneath it was her vulva, the labia slightly glistening with her arousal. Between them, Pip saw flashes of wet pink flesh, and below the pegasus’ crotch, he could admire her swollen belly and teats. He smelled her arousal too, a sweet musky scent that made his stallionhood stir.

Cheerilee’s voice caught his attention. “Here, come lie in bed with us.” She patted the spot next to her.

More than a little nervous, Pip climbed on the bed before settling belly down beside Cheerilee. Fluttershy and Sugar Belle took place behind him, and - to Pipsqueak’s surprise - Big Mac settled down beside him.

“Uh, I don’t know what I-” Pip started.

Cheerilee silenced him with a quick kiss on the lips. “Shush, don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of you first. Just roll on your back and spread your legs.”

“Here Pip,” Big Mac said. He gently helped the smaller stallion roll on his back, before inviting him to spread with a hoof between his thigh. Pip was a little dumbstruck as he felt a pleasant shudder from the intimate touch. He had never really being interested in stallions before, but it actually felt lovely to be manipulated like this by Big Mac, with his red hoof so close to Pip’s own engorged sex.

The mares surrounded Pip, Cheerilee beside him while Fluttershy and Sugar Belle settled near his rump. A hoof from the unicorn gently fondled his balls, making his erection twitch.

“Are you ready, Pip?” Sugar Belle asked, still caressing his scrotum.

“Y-yeah… please.”

Smiling brightly, Sugar Belle went down to work on his sex. Her tongue touched underneath his balls, just short of his anus, before rising in a single long continous lick, going over his sack and climbing his entire shaft.

“Mmmh~!” Pip couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. He forced his eyes open so he could watch the mare pleasure him, but it wasn't easy. Sugar Belle reached his tip and gave it a quick kiss, darting her tongue over his urethra to collect the dollop of precum that came out of it. She licked her lips.

“Hmmm,” Sugar Bell moaned. “Shy, sweetie, do you wanna take care of his tip?”

“Oh yes, I’d love to,” Fluttershy said in an hushered breath, “if you don’t mind, that is.”

Before Pip could properly process the situation, Fluttershy opened her mouth and took his sensitive tip into her muzzle. It brought Pip such intense pleasure he could no longer prevent his eyes from closing. He threw his head back into the pillows with a loud whinny, losing himself in the sensations of this mare’s mouth around his swollen penis. The wet heat of her saliva, the touch of her tongue, the pressure from her lips, the gentle bobbing of her head; it all felt absolutely divine. Fluttershy’s hooves soon joined too, stroking the rest of the shaft that wouldn’t fit in her mouth.

Pip was starting to think the blowjob couldn’t get any better when Sugar Belle’s tongue went back to lick his equally sensitive testes. He almost blew his load right then and there, but he managed to hold back just in time.

Instead, Pip looked at Cheerilee, who had laid her head on his chest while her wives continued to pleasure his cock. Pip stroked her mane and neck.

Eventually, Cheerilee brought her face closer to his. “So, how does it feel? It must feel really great.”

“Yeah…” Pip could barely talk.

“Say, are you going to cum soon? Can you hold out for a while?”

“I t-think so… yeah, I can last a little longer.”

Cheerilee smiled. “That’s great. Since you said you never had a mare before… you could take that time to explore me while they pleasure you.”

“Uh, ‘explore’ you?”

“Mmhmm. Feel free to look and touch me however you want.”

Cheerilee rose and maneuvered herself over him. Her swollen, pregnant belly pressed on his torso, Pip’s face now right in her butt, filling his sight with her sex. Her dark pink lower lips were flushed with arousal, a clear liquid oozing from her folds. It smelled very strong too, but her musk only served to excite him further.

Big Mac changed position next to him, the older stallion now lying on his back in much the same posture as Pip was, offering his erect penis to anypony who might be interested. “Honey, Sugar, mind comin’ over here?”

Pip couldn’t see anything down there, but he felt Sugar Belle pull back from his balls to move over to Mac. The older stallion groaned in pleasure as his alpha took his large cock in her mouth.

Meanwhile, Pip wasn’t too disappointed by the loss of sensations around his lower shaft. Fluttershy was still enthusiastically blowing his penis, and the vibrations from her pleasured moans just made it even better. It also gave Pip the opportunity to take up Cheerilee on her offer.

With his hooves, Pip spread the mare’s swollen, winking lower lips. For the first time, he could see up close a mare's most intimate parts. Underneath the pert purple ponut, the folds opened to reveal the entrance to Cheerilee’s vagina; Pip could even stare into the depths of her wet canal. Beneath the twitching entrance, there was another smaller hole, her urethra. Finally, at the base of her vulva, what could only be Cheerilee’s engorged clitoris was winking near constantly.

Pip caressed the pillowy softness of Cheerilee’s udders, the two mounds swollen with her sweet pony milk. Out of curiosity, he gently prodded her round belly, his hooves softly pressing into her flesh. To his surprise, he realised he could feel Big Mac’s foal squirming in her uterus. That brought Pip’s attention back to her vagina, where Big Mac had ejaculated his foal into her womb ten months ago. Soon, Cheerilee would give birth through there as well.

On an impulse, Pip grabbed Cheerilee’s flank and drew her rear closer to himself. Tongue out, he licked her moist folds, parting her lips and tasting her snatch. Cheerilee gasped hard, and pushed back against his muzzle. Pip slipped his tongue into her vagina and began exploring her depths.

While the mare lying on his belly was shuddering from his ministrations, Pip could feel Fluttershy had picked up the pace, apparently set on making him cum sooner rather than later.

Unable to deal with the pleasure, Pip retreated from Cheerilee’s snatch and buried his head in a pillow. Feeling his balls tighten, Pip knew he was about to cum. He tried to speak, to warn the cute pregnant pegasus blowing his cock that he would soon ejaculate in her muzzle, but only a loud moan escaped his lips. He really hoped Fluttershy wouldn’t mind as he braced for the inevitable.

As the tip of Pip’s cock flared in her mouth, Fluttershy stopped her bobbing and held the glans steady. After a few urgent strokes from her hooves on his shaft, Pip finally went over the edge. Feeling him twitch, Fluttershy awaited the warm pony semen that would soon gush into her mouth.

The first load of cum coated Fluttershy’s tongue with the bitter, musky, gooey fluid. She gave Pip a few extra strokes, helping him deliver more shots of sperm-rich semen where she could taste it.

After Pip had ejaculated a few more loads of his cum into the sweet yellow mare, he felt her pull off from him. Another jet of gooey semen coated Fluttershy’s muzzle before Cheerilee took Pip’s flare into her own muzzle. He kept ejaculating, letting the other mare taste his seed.

Every muscle in Pip’s body went limp. He fell in an utterly contended afterglow, simply enjoying Cheerilee lapping the last of his seed, Pip’s stallionhood going back into its sheath.

“Hmmm, eeeeyup!” In his post-orgasmic stupor, Pip was barely registering that Big Mac ejaculated too in Sugar Belle’s muzzle, the unicorn happily gulping down her husband’s cum.

Cheerilee rose from his belly and lay down beside him, soon to be joined by Fluttershy. Noticing a dollop of white semen of the pegasus’ yellow nose, Cheerilee licked it too before swallowing.

“So, Pip, how was it?” Cheerilee asked.

“Euh… t-that was amazing,” he answered, barely remembering how to form words with his mouth. “Hmm, thank you girls…” Pip made a vague gesture with his hoof.

Cheerilee giggled. “Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it! And don’t worry about it: it’s our pleasure. Isn’t that right, Shy?”

“Oh yes, that was really wonderful!”

Pip thought he had to apologize to Fluttershy about something, but it took him a moment to remember what’s for. “Uh, sorry Fluttershy, about that…”

Fluttershy was genuinely confused. “What are you sorry about?”

“I wanted to tell you I was going to finish… but I kinda… wasn’t able to speak.”

This prompted an adorable little laugh from the pegasus. “Oh, that’s quite alright. I was expecting it. And it was fun to taste your seed.”

“Uh, really?” Pip had always thought that getting cummed in the mouth was a chore mares did just to please their partners. “Isn’t that… icky?”

“Well, I guess it kinda is,” Cheerilee commented, “but it’s great when you're really horny. And tasting your stallion’s orgasm just feels amazing.”

“Eeeeyup…” Sugar Belle collapsed between Mac and Pip with a dopey grin and a stomach full of apple spunk.

3. Intercourse 101

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~ ❀ ~

Pipsqueak, Cheerilee and Big Mac were listening to Fluttershy’s story while lounging in the herd’s massive bed.

Fluttershy giggled. “...so all the critters burst through the gala, destroying the entire place, and I just yelled ‘You’re going to LOVE ME!’”

“Wait wait wait, you really did that?” Pipsqueak was more than a little perplexed.

Fluttershy looked away, her face flushed. “Yes. Me and the girls got a teensy-bit carried away. After all that, we went to Donut Joe, and we just kept talking and talking about how awful the night had been. Then, Celestia appeared and, of course, Twilight tried to apologize for ruining the Grand Galloping Gala. But Celestia just laughed. She said that night had been the best Grand Galloping Gala ever.”

That was the best gala?”

“Well, turns out the Grand Galloping Gala is always boring. Celestia probably liked the excitement.”

Though Pip was happy to be chatting with these ponies, there was a part of him that grew uncomfortable as he listened to the pegasus. When he had arrived earlier, Pip hadn’t really even thought about Fluttershy. Sure, he had known her for many years, but he now was just realising that Fluttershy wasn’t even a celebrity: she was a legend, one who would be remembered for thousands of years as a pillar of Equestria. She was a hero. A bearer of the Elements of Harmony.

And I just ejaculated in her mouth, like it’s no big deal. Pip wasn’t sure if he was feeling proud or deeply mortified. He wasn’t too sure what to feel about Cheerilee either. His old schoolteacher had tasted his cum, and he had tasted her pussy. Ever since then, Cheerilee had been checking him out with the most bedroom of eyes, occasionally even sensually licking her lips.

Willing to clear his mind from that train of thoughts, Pip addressed Big Mac, “so, uh, it must be pretty exciting for you to become a father. And to three foals at once too!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac proudly puffed his chest.

“He sure is,” commented Cheerilee. “We all are. But I think he’s also pretty anxious. It’s going to be a hard job taking care of all of them.”


“Well, I might be able to help, if you need me,” Pip said. He wasn’t too sure how he could actually do that, though. “I mean, uh…”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Cheerilee reassured him. “I mean, sure, if you want to give us a hoof, you can. But nopony thinks you should date our herd for a month before suddenly becoming a father to a bunch of foals.”

“I guess that makes sense. Do you know what kind of pony your foals will be?”

“Mmhmm, we all went for a foal viewing,” Fluttershy said. “I’m carrying an earth pony colt.”

“I’m having a filly,” Cheerilee added, “an earth pony, of course. And Sugar Belle is carrying an unicorn filly.”

“That’s right!” Sugar Belle chipped in as she entered the room, levitating a platter filled with snacks and drinks. “And Goldie Delicious told me that there have been not a single unicorn in the apple family since Apple Star passed away forty years ago, so it’s quite special”

“Maybe your daughter will have apple magic,” said Fluttershy. “Maybe she’ll be able to turn apples into cider, or perhaps she’ll make instant apple pies.”

Sugar Belle snorted loudly. “I don’t think Applejack would be too thrilled.”

“Nnope,” Big Mac confirmed.

Cheerilee gave a cupcake to Pip and picked another one for herself. “So, how are you feeling, Pip? Between your legs, I mean. Do you think you’ll be up for another round with us after snack time?”

Pip scratched his mane with a hoof, a bit embarrassed by the question. “Well, it’s still a bit sensitive, but… uh, I think it will be alright. What… did you all want to do next?”

Sugar Belle grinned. “I heard Miss Cheerilee was offering a new, very exclusive, class tonight. We’ll call it ‘Intercourse 101’.”

Pip wasn’t sure he understood properly. “Uh, you r-really want to do that with me? Like… all the way?”

“We’d love to, Pip,” Cheerilee replied, putting her hoof over his and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “We’d be glad to give you your first time, if you want to. We’ll guide you through it, step by step, so don’t worry.”


“Me and Big Mac could give you a practical demonstration,” Sugar Belle pitched in. “Honey, will you show our guest how to properly take a mare and ravage her until she can’t scream anything but your name?”

Big Mac kissed Sugar Belle’s lips. “It’d be mah pleasure, sweetie pie.”

A tingle of excitement spread throughout the herd, everypony hurrying to finish their snacks and drinks. Sugar Belle lifted the empty cups and plates from the bed, clearing the ‘learning area’ for action. Sugar Belle and Big Mac lay down next to each other in the middle of the bed, while Pip, Fluttershy and Cheerilee took position around the couple.

“Hmmm, I think we are good and ready for the demonstration,” Sugar Belle told her audience. “Miss Cheerilee, Professor Fluttershy, you may begin the lesson.”

Pip’s cheeks instantly flushed red.

“Okay Pip,” Cheerilee started in a tone that immediately reminded him of his years as her student, “as I’m sure you are aware, there are many ways in which you can have sex. We’ll start tonight with a simple classic form of intercourse between a mare and a stallion.”

“Step one for nearly all form sex is foreplay. For stallions, the basic goal is to become erect so that they can enter their partner. For mares, foreplay is used to build up our arousal and prepare us for penetration. When the mare is excited, whatever because she’s in heat or simply stimulated, her vagina and vulva will produce lubrication and loosen up so that she can host her partner’s penis. If the mare isn’t ready, intercourse will be very uncomfortable or even painful.”

The couple was making out in front of them, and Sugar Belle gently stroked Big Mac's semi-erect shaft. The big red stallion rolled his mare on her back and pressed her down for an even deeper kiss.

Cheerilee closed in on the action and pulled Sugar Belle’s tail, giving Pip a clear view of the unicorn’s exposed sex. Cheerilee pointed to the mare’s pink pussy. “You can see here that Belle’s lips are puffier now than if she was at rest. If you look closely, you can see her clit winking periodically. That’s a good sign of arousal, but we want her vulva to be glistening with fluids before she’s penetrated. Now Mac, mind going there and help her along?”

Big Mac didn’t respond, but he did break the kiss with Sugar Belle. He went down her neck, planting little kisses and licks as he went. He kept going down Sugar Belle’s body, giving extra attention to her gravid belly and swollen teats. He eventually reached her mound, giving a long, sensual lick through the folds and ending just short of her anus. He then lapped at her entrance, making her moan.

“Mmmh, yes yes yes, oh please Mac, oooh!” Sugar Belle cooed in pleasure.

“Oral is a great way to get a pony, stallion or mare, ready for intercourse,” Cheerilee continued. “Once Belle is ready - that should be pretty soon -, she’ll move on to help Big Mac.”

As if on cue, Sugar Belle pulled Mac’s face to hers and gave him a kiss, her tongue darting around, tasting her own clear fluids. She went down on Big Mac and took his cock in her muzzle. The heavy stallionhood was already well aroused, so, after just a few strokes, Sugar Belle pulled off and lay on her back, hindlegs spread wide and forehooves crossed over her chest. “C’mon Mac, take me, please! I want you inside now!”

“Now, the next step is penetration,” Cheerilee commented as Big Mac planted his forehooves on either side of Sugar Belle. “First, you get in position, then line up your penis with your partner’s vulva. Just aim to touch her fold with your glans. It can be tricky the first time, so just take your time, look where you’re going, and use your hoof if you need to.”

Big Mac did just that. His thick flare spread Sugar Belle lower lips, making her moan. He held there a moment, helping his mate’s body stretch around him.

“Once you're all lined up, all you gotta do is press forward and carefully slide into your partner’s vagina,” Cheerilee instructed as Mac’s stallionhood disappeared into Sugar Belle’s sweet snatch. The unicorn moaned loudly.

“It’s best if you start moving in and out as you enter her. With each stroke, you’ll get a little deeper inside your mare, either until you’re completely inside her or you’ve reached her cervix.”

“That part is really much easier if you had enough foreplay,” commented Fluttershy, who had been silently watching until then. “That’s especially true when it’s the mare’s first time.”

“You’re right, Fluttershy,” Cheerilee approved. “Now, once you’re ready, you simply have to thrust in and out of her vagina. Long, deep, regular strokes where you pull out almost completely before slamming back all the way is generally the best way to go. However, feel free to occasionally change the speed, rhythm and angle of the penetration. Variety is good!”

In front of them, the mating couple was certainly getting into the spirit of things. “Oh Mac~ yes, yes, yes… hmm, faster, please, faster… oh, yeah, do it harder, please please please… oh YES!” Sugar Belle screamed. Big Mac complied with his mare’s instructions and accelerated his thrusts into her drenched snatch. Captivated, Pip absentmindedly stroked his own quickly hardening cock with a hoof. He could see the unicorn's swollen belly gently rock with each of Mac’s hard thrusts.

“Sugar Belle is right,” Fluttershy pointed out. “One the most important part of sex is good communication. Everypony has different tastes, so tell your partner when something feels good or uncomfortable. It will make things better for both of you.”

Sugar Belle suddenly tensed and a loud whinny escaped her lips. She locked Big Mac into her with her hindlegs as she rode her first orgasm. A couple globs of yellowish marecum stained Mac’s crotch.

Sugar Belle loosened up considerably, letting Mac pull out of her vagina.

“So, is that it, then?” Pip asked.

“No, unlike stallions, mares can cum repeatedly,” Cheerilee corrected. “Mac is just taking a short break so that they can continue in a different position.”

Big Mac rolled Sugar Belle onto her stomach, his mare burying her head between two pillows and invitingly lifting her rear.

Cheerilee continued, “this is a very good position for sex in general, and it has the benefit of remaining comfortable during a mare’s pregnancy.”

Big Mac reared up and climbed atop his wife. His tip quickly found Sugar Belle’s dripping pussy, in which he hilted to the balls in one swift stroke.

“OH, YES! Pound me good, honey! Fill me up with your stallion seed, I wanna feel it inside!”

Big Mac went to work mating his mare with feverish intensity. Her swollen womb bounced with each hard thrust he made into her winking sex.

“Now that Belle came once, Big Mac will be getting ready to cum too,” Cheerilee said. “A stallion should generally try to hold off until his mare climaxes before he cum himself. I think Sugar Belle is also gonna orgasm a second time once Mac ejaculates in her.”

“Just remember, Pip,” Fluttershy commented, “Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle have been married for years. They are very experienced, and they know very well how to please each other. It can be hard for an inexperienced stallion to make his partner cum before him - or at all - with just vaginal sex.”

A fresh wave of nervousness ran over Pip. “Uh, really? Then how do I…”

Cheerilee waved him down. “Don’t worry about it, Pip. Nopony will blame you if you can’t make us cum on your first time. Just focus on the basics and have fun. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to improve afterward.”

“And don’t worry about us,” Fluttershy added. “We’re big girls, and we can get each other off once you're done. Now- Oh look, I think they’re going to finish soon.” She pointed toward the mating ponies.

Big Mac indeed had an intense expression on his face as he mercilessly pounded Sugar Belle’s pussy, making her moan non-stop into her pillows. Suddenly, the stallion bit her ear and hilted his cock deep into her pussy one final time, pinning her down for good.

Fascinated, Pip approached behind the mating couple.

Big Mac let out a series of grunts. The big, heavy balls hanging below the stallion dark ponut churned, pumping his gooey seed through his stallionhood and into Sugar Belle’s foal canal. Semen soon overflowed around the base of Mac’s cock, dripping profusely unto the bedsheet. An even larger wave of cum oozed down the mare’s creampied slit when her husband pulled out of her.

Both ponies collapsed onto the mattress, utterly spent.

“And that’s it,” Cheerilee cooed with a dopey grin, “sex between ponies.”

“Woah…” was all Pip managed as he took in the sight of the creamy teardrop-shaped vulva and the flaccid wet stallionhood.

“Now all that’s left for them is to enjoy the cuddles and the afterglow,” Cheerilee added. “Oh, and just to be clear… normally there wouldn’t be this much cum spilling out. Belle’s cervix is closed tight since she’s pregnant, so the sperm got no choice but to ooze out. Otherwise, most of the seed would have pooled up in her womb.”

Fluttershy and Cheerilee nuzzled into Pip’s fur. Nervousness swelled in his chest, and he hesitantly bit his lower lip. Still, he managed to find the courage to speak. “So, can I… can I t-try it too? With... one of you?”

Both mares just nodded with a smile.

“Which one of us would you like to be your first?” Cheerilee asked.

“We’ll understand, whichever of us you choose. It will be quite alright,” Fluttershy said.

“Okay…” Pipsqueak contemplated the two beautiful mares on either side of him.

On one hoof, there was Fluttershy: she was an incredible mare, and her silky pink mane looked so soft. She was a legend. He could definitely see himself enjoying her charms.

On the other hoof, Cheerilee had been one of his first masturbation fantasy. Her curvy body looked very comfortable. She had been a pretty young teacher when Pip had first moved to Ponyville, so he guessed she had to be in her early thirties now.

Pip ended up opting for familiarity. “Cheerilee, can I be… with you?”

“You want to have sex with me, Pip?” Cheerilee asked calmly, a smile on her lips.

“Yeah, please…”

“You two have fun, I’ll leave you to it while I take care of myself,” Fluttershy said.

“Are you sure, sweetie? I can still do you while I’m with Pip.”

“Oh no, that’s quite alright. We can do that another time.” Fluttershy rose and settled on the other side of the bed, leaving Pip with his old schoolteacher.

“So, ready to have your first time with me?”


“Say it.”

“I want to have sex for the first time with you,” Pip said more coherently.

“Call me ‘Cheerilee.’”

“I want to have sex with you, Cheerilee,” he precised. Just pronouncing the words made his hardened shaft twitch.

“Come here,” Cheerilee beckoned him. He embraced her. Their muzzles met, and Pip was lost in the mare’s mouth, feeling her tongue as they kissed.

“Pip…” she said panting, her eyes locked with his, “I’m more than ready for you. Just mount me, please.” Cheerilee lowered herself to the bed, leaving her rump high. Pip took his time to caress her soft fur as he went around her to get in position.

Cheerilee had lifted her tail out of the way, giving the young stallion full access to her eager snatch. Pip could plainly see the entrance to her vagina between her winking folds; it looked so soft and warm. Even though she was quite ready, he remembered her lesson on foreplay and dove straight with his muzzle into her vulva. He lapped at her pussy like a thirsty animal, enjoying the taste of her musk. The attention made the mare wink and shudder in anticipation. “Oh yes, that feels great. Now mount me. Take my pussy.”

Pip climbed on Cheerilee’s rump. His fully hardened stallionhood throbbed almost painfully between his legs as he pulled it closer to his prize. As Cheerilee had advised him, Pip looked down to see where he was going and used a hoof to line himself with her drooling cunt, his tip gently parting her labia.

“Are you… are you ready?” Pip asked his mare.

“Mmhmm, come inside,” Cheerilee cooed. “I’m waiting.”

This is it.

Pip gently pushed forward, his glans slipping smoothly inside. As he went deeper, he felt Cheerilee's warm, slick passage massage his cock inside her, inviting him into her silky depths. Her vagina swallowed his stallionhood inch after inch, until his hips met hers and his balls stroked her clit. Wishing to be even close to her, Pip collapsed on her back, wrapped his hooves around her neck, and nuzzled her mane. He felt so incredibly close to her. He could feel her heartbeat around his shaft as he lost himself in her glorious heat.

Cheerilee moaned contentedly. She twisted her neck to get a better look at the stallion currently occupying her vagina. “So, how does it feel to be in your first mare?”

“It’s… amazing…”

“You like being in my pussy?”

“Yeah… I could just stay like this forever.”

“Well, enjoy it for as long as you like. Once you’re ready to get going, just pull back and thrust into me.”


Part of the haze clouding Pip’s mind lifted, letting him take stock. He was ball-deep inside Cheerilee’s vagina, and his cock was screaming for stimulation. He raised his chest and pulled back from her snatch until just his swollen glans remained. He then lurched himself back into her in one smooth motion, ramming his entire cock through her pelvis.

Cheerilee gasped hard. Pip froze, concerned he might have hurt her. She quickly reassured him, “hmm, YES! Again! Do it!”

Pip complied, pulling back before thrusting ball-deep into Cheerilee’s marehood again. He settled into a steady rhythm, pumping deeply into her foal canal, feeling her heavy, filled womb gently sway with each movement. The friction of his member gliding against her inner walls as he thrusted into her was incredible.

Pip wasn’t sure he could last much longer. His flare was rubbing constantly with her vagina. He was ready to blow. “Cheery… I’m… gonna…”

“Do it! Cum inside me. Just let it all out~!”

Not even thinking, Pip thrusted hard inside the mare a few more times to set himself over the edge. Finally, he pressed all the way into her pussy and hugged her tightly from behind. His mind went blank, all thoughts gone except for the feeling of his balls pulsing and of his seed flowing into his cock. The warm, thick, gooey fluid gushed in Cheerilee’s vagina, where it pooled at her closed cervix. Billions of sperms carrying his genes made their way into the mare. Pip just continued to ejaculate his seed into her, instinctively using his hooves to keep her pinned beneath him so that he could fill her with his entire load.

Not that she minded, of course.

Finally, Pip’s orgasm ebbed and turned into contentment. He went limp on Cheerilee’s back, his stallionhood softening inside her canal. A warm fluid oozed from her slit onto Pip’s balls, which he soon realized was his own seed leaking from her.

Cheerilee let out a soft, happy sight. She stirred beneath him, so Pip pulled out and collapsed next to her. She hugged him close.

He simply enjoyed the afterglow as she watched over him.

“Pip,” she whispered, her face mere inches away from his, “back when you were my student… you liked me. You had a crush on me, didn’t you?”

Had his bloodstream not been filled with a powerful mix of relaxing post-coitus chemicals, Pip would have been incredibly embarrassed. “How… how did you know?”

Cheerilee smiled in response. “Growing foals aren’t very subtle with their hormones. I can tell. It’s perfectly natural, I’ve had lots of students with little school-filly or school-colt crushes on me. I don’t mind.”


“Did you… did you ever masturbate thinking about me?”



“Mmhmm… I kept thinking about you.”

Cheerilee kissed him. “You know, it’s the first time I had sex with one my students. Or former student.”

“Cheery… did you cum when I… you know.”

“No Pip, I didn’t cum. But don’t feel bad, I still had fun. And I’m really glad I could give you your first time with a mare. I took your virginity.”

“Thanks, for letting me… with you. And for inviting me here tonight.”

“It’s been my pleasure. Now hush, just sleep. I’m with you. We’re with you.”

As if he had just waited for the invitation, Pip quickly slipped into blissful slumber.

“Sleep well, sweetie,” Cheerilee whispered before planting a kiss on his forehead.

4. Good Morning

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~ ❀ ~

Saturday, July 14th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Pip felt the warmth of sunlight on his coat as he woke. He didn’t feel like doing anything about it though; he was simply too comfortable underneath the bed’s cozy blanket. Even better was the large, warm pillow he was hugging. It just felt so soft against his fur as he gently rubbed himself on it.

Suddenly, Pip felt something stir against his abdomen. The unexpected sensation got him out of his morning grogginess with a start. His eyes opened, filling his sight with soft pink curls.

Pip pulled back a little, only to realize he was holding a still sleeping Cheerilee in his hooves. Careful not to wake her, he looked under the blanket, seeking the source of the disturbance. Cheerilee's swollen belly was pressing against him. The young stallion put a hoof on it, feeling her womb. Sure enough, Pip felt Big Mac’s little filly stirring inside of her mother.

Satisfied, Pip pulled back and laid his head back down. However, he noticed a warm rump pressing against his own. Looking behind him, he saw Sugar Belle sleeping back to back with him. Pip wanted to simply stay still and enjoy the feeling of being sandwiched between two mares, but he felt the call of nature in his bladder. He carefully rose and tiptoed his way out the bed without waking anypony. Big Macintosh was still fast asleep next to Sugar Belle, but Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen.

She probably got up already.

Indeed, Pip found the pegasus brushing her teeth in the bathroom. “Good morning, Pip,” Fluttershy greeted him after spitting in the sink. “Do you need to come in? It doesn’t bother me if you do.”

“Uh, it’s just… I need to pee.”

“Oh, you can go, don’t mind me.”

“Mmh, Fluttershy… it’s just, well…” Pip said, pointing at his rigid - and uncomfortable - morning wood. “I can’t aim for the toilet if I don’t get it down… and I don’t think I’ll be able to… if you’re there.”

A bizarre expression appeared on the pegasus’ face.


“Hmm, maybe you… well… I mean… I love my herdmates with all my heart, but still… nopony really likes it when… uh. I mean, maybe you could… if you don’t mind.”

“Uh, I could what?”

Fluttershy just took a few deep breaths. “Assertive. I’m assertive. I’m Fluttershy, and I’m assertive. Oh…”

Pip was very confused.

“PipyoucanpeeonmeifyouwanttoImeanifyoudon’tmindthatis,” Fluttershy blurted out in a single breath.

Uh, did she just say…?

“Sorry, I was t-trying to say: you can come in the shower with me and… pee on me. I really like that, but nopony ever wants to do it, and I thought… maybe you might. If that’s okay with you that is.”

Pipsqueak took a moment to consider Fluttershy's offer. He couldn’t pretend watersport was his fetish of choice, but it seemed harmless enough, especially if they did it in the shower.

“Okay, sure, why not?” Pip accepted with a nod.

“Oh! Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind. And you guys did so much for me already.”

“Okay, come with me then. Oh, this is so exciting!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her wings fluttering happily.

Pip entered the shower with her. “So, how do we do this?”

Fluttershy crouched down in the bathtub. “Just mount over me, and pee on my back. Try to get some in my mane too… please. We can clean up once you’re done.”

Uh, okay…

Pip nodded and climbed over the mare. He lined up his hard stallionhood with her back and tried to pee. It wasn’t easy to do with an erection, but he managed to get a few drops out, followed by a steady stream. The golden liquid flowed on Fluttershy's back as Pip emptied his bladder on her with a sigh of relief. Remembering her instruction, he brought up his aim a little higher toward the back of her head. Her pink mane soon flattened, drenched in the smelly fluid. After a few seconds, the stream of urine turned into a trickle and stopped completely.

Now that he had relieved the pressure in his bladder, Pip’s morning wood grew flaccid. He gave it a little shake, letting the last few drops of pee fall on the mare below him. She was absolutely filthy, but Pip had to admit it felt kind of nice to have marked such a cute mare with his scent, like he owned her. He helped her up.

“Thank you, that was really nice. I liked it,” Fluttershy said.

“We should clean up.”

“Yes, but Pip… before we do that, can I… uh… can I pee on you too? I’d really like that.”

Pip thought about it for a moment. Truth be told, he had never seen a mare pee from up close, and now he was kind curious. “Well, okay. Do you mind if I watch?”

“Not at all. You can just stand behind me while I pee. You’ll see everything under my tail.”

They quickly got into position. Fluttershy spread her hindlegs and lifted her tail, offering Pip a gorgeous view of her anus and vulva. A stream of urine emerged from the slightly gaping folds. It splashed on Pip’s chest and flowed down his forehooves. The liquid’s warmth felt pretty nice on his coat, and he enjoyed the flow until Fluttershy had emptied her bladder.

“Oh, that feels so good. Thank you for letting me do this, Pip.”

“You’re welcome, Fluttershy. But maybe we could shower now?”

They proceeded to clean each other, washing the smell of urine and the remnants of the previous night’s lovemaking. Fluttershy wrapped her mane in a towel and gave a clean one to Pip.

~ ❀ ~

Cheerilee woke up in her herd’s big empty bed. Nopony was left in the bedroom but her.

Guess I’m the last one up. Even the filly in her womb seemed awake; Cheerilee could feel her foal stir within her.

She also felt a certain discomfort around her rump. Urg, gosh, I should have cleaned up before going to sleep. Did I really just… Oh boy…

Her butt, back legs, vulva, and tail were utterly coated in the remnants of Pip’s seed. The purple fur of her rump was stained with dry, crusty semen everywhere where the gooey fluid had settled after oozing out of her vagina.

Yep, I need a shower.

After she had cleaned herself and took care of her morning needs, Cheerilee joined Pip and her herd in the kitchen.

“Morning Cheerilee! You’re certainly up late. Looks like somepony had a good night's sleep,” Sugar Belle said before kissing her.

“Yeah, that was great…”

“I saved you some pancakes,” the unicorn offered, “and I’ll get you your coffee. Just take a seat.”

Cheerilee thanked her alpha mare and proceeded to kiss the rest of the herd. She took a seat next to Pip. “Morning Pip! You look like you've been up for a while.”

“Yeah, Fluttershy and I got up hours ago. We, uh… took a shower together.”

Um… does that mean they’ve had some fun together this morning? The thought conjured some pleasant images in Cheerilee’s imagination.

“So Pip,” Cheerilee said once she had filled her stomach, “I hope you enjoyed your time with us.”

“Yeah, I had a lot fun with you guys,” Pip replied with a blush, “and we can do it again, uh, if you want to.”

Sugar Belle beamed at the young stallion. “Does that mean you’d like to officially date our herd? We’d love to have you with us too. We’ve been looking for another stallion for a while.”

Pip rubbed his neck, deep in thought. “Well, uh, maybe? How does that work exactly?”

“It’s quite simple actually,” Cheerilee explained. “When you date a herd, you become each herdmate's coltfriend. That would make Sugar Belle, Fluttershy and I your marefriends. Also - and I understand if that makes you a little uneasy - but that applies to Big Mac too: you’d be his coltfriend, and he’d be yours.”

“Oh… uh.” Pip indeed felt uneasy.

“You know, I really didn’t think I’d like being with another mare,” Sugar Belle intervened, “but it turns out, it’s very fun to be with your herdmates, and you get to love each one of them, regardless of their gender.” She planted a little kiss on Fluttershy's cheek.

“Hmm, how do you feel about it, Big Mac?” Pipsqueak asked the older stallion.

Big Mac mulled the question over. Talking about feelings really wasn’t his thing. “Ah, mmh. Ah suppose… It would be-”

Sugar Belle finished for him, “I think what Mac is trying to say is: ‘I like mares, but I wouldn’t mind trying to be with a stallion. We all want another one for the herd, and you seem like a really good guy, Pip. It’s a bit embarrassing, but that can’t be too bad.’ Was that what you were thinking, sweetie?”


“Once we have been dating for a while,” Cheerilee said, “we can see if you’re a good long-term partner for us, and you can see if you want to commit yourself to us. If we all agree, you can marry us. We’ll be your husband and wives, and our foals will be your childs.”

“Oh, I see… Can I… have a moment to think about it? It’s a pretty big decision.”

“Of course, take all the time you need.”

“I’ll… just go take a walk outside. I’ll be back later.”

“Take your time, Pip. We’ll be here when you’re ready to decide,” Cheerilee told him.

~ ❀ ~

It was a bright, sunny, summer day. A perfect Saturday for ponies to enjoy. Pip was wandering at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, pondering what was offered to him. He did his best to think objectively.

First of all, he wasn’t dating anypony at the time. He didn’t even have his sight set on somepony else. He was available.

Second, he was indeed looking for a relationship. He really didn’t want to live alone.

Third, he knew all the mares. Fluttershy, Sugar Belle and Cheerilee were all kind, dedicated and talented. Sure, they were each about ten to twelve years older than him, but they weren’t that old.

Fourth, even though he hadn’t really considered it before, he was kind of intrigued at the idea of being intimate with another stallion. Big Mac was a good pony, albeit not a very talkative one.

As such, Pip was very tempted to accept the herd’s proposal. Of course, his stallionhood made him a bit biased. He vividly remembered giving his virginity to Cheerilee the previous night. Ejaculating into her had been a mind blowing experience, and he wanted to do it again. He also regretted not making her orgasm as well, and he wanted to make it up to her somehow.

I should have just said ‘yes’ when they asked. It’s just dating anyway. We can break it off if it doesn’t work out.

His mind set, Pip went back to the herd’s farmhouse.

The four ponies were busily working on a batch of apple pies when Pip returned. They immediately stopped their chores and gathered around him.

“Alright Pip, did you make up your mind?” Sugar Belle asked, looking a little anxious.

“Yeah, I did…”


“I’m a bit nervous, but yes, I’d like to date your herd.”

A happy cheer rose up from the herd. Soon enough, Pip was wrapped by three hugging mares. He even felt Big Mac’s foreleg across his back.

Suddenly, Pip was kissing Sugar Belle. She was then replaced by Fluttershy, and then by Cheerilee who tenderly made out with him last. Having kissed all three mares, Pip naturally looked around toward Big Mac. The bigger alpha stallion gave him a gentle nod and approached him. Pip closed his eyes as his muzzle melded with Mac’s. Truth be told, it didn’t feel much different than kissing with a mare, except that he had to crane his neck way up. Big Mac briefly slipped his tongue into Pip’s mouth before he pulled back and broke the kiss.

“Well, congratulations, Pip!” Sugar Belle happily exclaimed. “You are now officially our coltfriend!”

The pony hug pile dispersed, if only just a little.

“So, what should we do now, everypony?” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh, well, I’d really love to stay longer, but I just moved back to Ponyville, so I still have a bunch of things to unpack,” Pip said.

“That’s too bad,” Sugar Belle said. “What about we just do a little picnic on the farm to celebrate? It’s almost noon, so you can have lunch with us then have the whole afternoon to work on your place.”

“Yeah, okay! That sounds really nice.”

“Perfect! Let’s finish these pies then we can have a picnic.”

The herd settled for lunch in a secluded meadow hidden within Sweet Apple Acres. There was a calm water pond there, surrounded by open patches of grass.

Pip grazed with the herd for a while. It had been a long time since he had eaten wild grass. He had missed the feeling of filling his stomach with fresh greenery, and he now enjoyed the sight of the pregnant mares swallowing up the food too.

Sugar Belle and Fluttershy extended the sheet so they could all lounge comfortably. They shared drinks and pastries.

Pip, feeling full, settled on his back and looked at the clear blue sky. He normally wouldn’t have chosen such a position, since it exposed his sheath and balls to any nearby onlookers. However, he felt comfortable with these ponies, his herd. He was quickly discovering the simple joy of not having to care about modesty with other ponies he trusted. He could even let his soft penis come out of its sheath, letting it spill over his belly; he knew the others would not mind.

Sugar Belle settled next to him. “Comfortable, Pip?”


“Before you go, would you like to fool around with us?” The unicorn brought a hoof to Pip’s relaxed stallionhood and started to gently stroke his length. He felt a tingle of pleasure at the sensual touch.

Pip just nodded with a moan.

“Alright, come here,” Sugar Belle said, getting up. Pip followed her toward the other ponies. The herd had apparently heard her proposition, because everypony was now looking at the alpha mare. Big Mac was lounging on his side while cuddling Cheerilee, and Fluttershy was up on her hooves.

“So, what do you all wanna do?” Cheerilee asked.

Fluttershy trotted next to Pip. “Um, do you want to help me take care of Big Mac?”

Pip gazed at the large balls and flaccid cock between the big stallion’s legs. “Uh, yeah, I guess I could try. Is that alright?”


“Honey, can you take care of me?” Cheerilee asked Big Mac. He just nodded and pushed his mare up so he could bury his muzzle between her buttcheeks.

That left only Sugar Belle. “I'll take care of you two while you’re sharing Mac,” she said to Pip and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy brought Pip behind Big Mac. “Here, let me show you how to take care of your stallion. I’ll simply take his tip in my mouth, and you can take his balls and the base of his shaft. You just have to use your mouth and tongue to stimulate him. You’ll know what feels good… since you’re a stallion yourself. Once we get started, we can switch positions if you want to. Is that alright?”

“Yeah.” Pip settled between the big stallion’s hindlegs and approached the heavy balls hanging underneath the stallion's anus. It really looked quite lovely. Pip nuzzled into the swollen sack, smelling its musky, virile scent. It felt pleasantly full at the touch. Pip licked his new coltfriend’s scrotum, swiping deep between the testicles. Pip felt the stallion shudder in pleasure. The reaction brought him a different kind of excitement, knowing he had given pleasure to another pony. He eagerly went to work, while Fluttershy next to him swallowed Big Mac’s tip.

Pip suddenly felt his own stallionhood being taken in another muzzle as Sugar Belle gently blew him. The added stimulation made Pip even more eager to pleasure the big red ballsack in his mouth. Sugar Belle soon left Pip and moved on to Fluttershy. The pegasus moaned as her alpha lapped at her sweet folds. Sugar Belle kept pleasuring them both with her mouth, going back and forth between Pip and Fluttershy.

Pip went up the alpha stallion’s erect penis. He licked the medial ring, knowing it was particularly sensitive. Soon though, he went all the way up to Fluttershy. The pegasus let the flared tip slip out of her muzzle. “Did you want to switch places?” she asked.


They rather awkwardly swapped positions. To Pip’s surprise, Fluttershy held him close to her as they lay down. They were now both on their side, belly to belly, his cock pressing into her heavy, pregnant abdomen. Pip felt a tingle of pleasure along his rigid length as her foal stirred within her womb.

The tip of the tool that had given her said foal was twitching urgently in front of Pip, so he took it within his muzzle. He suckled upon the swollen glans, caressing it with his tongue, tasting a bit of Mac’s salty precum. As Fluttershy worked on stimulating the rest of Big Mac’s shaft, Pip gently bobbed his muzzle around the tip.

Sugar Belle’s placed a hoof on Pip’s leg. “Here Pip, let me help you.” She gently but firmly guided his pelvis away from Fluttershy’s. Once the way was cleared, the unicorn used her magic to guide his penis; his tip touched Fluttershy’s moist, tender folds, making both of them gasp. Guided by instinct and Sugar Belle’s gentle hoof on his rump, Pip slipped his cock into the pegasus warm, wet vagina.

Fluttershy cooed. “Oh, yes… Mmmh…”

Given their positions, Pip couldn’t thrust into her like when he had mated with Cheerilee. All he could do was slowly grind his shaft into her while they kept sucking Big Mac’s stallionhood. Still, the pegasus’ comfortable depths felt like a lovely home for the young stallion’s sex.

Apparently, Sugar Belle had some ideas on how to spice up their mating. She licked vigorously around Fluttershy’s vulva and kissed Pip’s balls. She took hold of the pegasus engorged clit with her magic, mercilessly stimulating it. That got a very strong reaction from Fluttershy.

“Aaaah~!” Her vagina rhythmically kneaded Pip’s cock as her pleasure built up.

Pip simply suckled the flare in his mouth with increased vigor.

Pip didn’t even had to move to feel like he was fucking the pegasus hard. Her vaginal contractions were quickly bringing him to orgasm. Fluttershy hooves wrapped around his body and pulled him in a tight hug. With a gasp and a squeal, Fluttershy came hard, her marecum spurting around his sheath and balls.

The pressure around his cock and the soft cries of ecstasy coming from the pegasus precipitated Pip over the edge. His glans flared within her and his balls contracted against her crotch as he prepared to deposit his sperm into his second mare ever. Just a few more contractions and he was there.

Pip moaned around Big Mac’s cock and ejaculated inside Fluttershy. Jets after jets of his seed streamed deep within the pegasus, where it pooled around his shaft. Like it had been with Cheerilee, Fluttershy cervix was sealed to protect her foal, so Pip’s semen simply oozed out of her snatch and onto the base of his cock. As he gave his mare the few last spurts of his seed, Pip instead focused on the glans in his muzzle, suckling it more vigorously than ever. Fluttershy too increased her pace, using her hooves and mouth to pleasure her husband.

Pip’s eyes grew wide as he felt Big Mac flare within his mouth. He wanted to pull out, but the hugely swollen tip was locked tight within his muzzle. Pip knew what was coming next.

A twitch ran through Big Mac’s stallionhood, and Pip’s muzzle was immediately flooded with the stallion’s thick, bitter seed. Pip swallowed the gooey fluid, only for his muzzle to fill up again with the next heavy load of stallion semen. Pip continued to gulp down each fresh dose as Big Mac emptied his big, heavy balls in his mouth.

Eventually, the older stallion’s ejaculations ebbed and Pip managed to swallow the last of his seed. He let the wilting cock out of his muzzle and gasped for air. He pulled away from Big Mac’s legs, taking Fluttershy with him.

“Oh dear, did you really swallow all that?” Fluttershy asked, concerned.

Pip just hugged her close. He had almost forgotten his softening penis still inside the pegasus. He felt his heart swell with pride: he had just creamed this beautiful mare with his seed, and had succeeded in doing so after she had come. True, Fluttershy’s orgasm had far more to do with Sugar Belle hoofwork then his own, but still. With a pleased sigh, Pip slid out of the cute pegasus, letting their fluid stain the cloth beneath them as a wave of his cum gushed out of her well-used snatch.

Pip took a moment to gaze around him. Cheerilee was on her back, panting after Mac had made her cum. Big Mac himself looked like he was riding his afterglow after having filled Pip’s stomach with his seed. Sugar Belle was lying on her back not far from them, a hoof gently rubbing her leaky slit. Judging by the gooey traces of marecum behind her, the unicorn had given herself an orgasm after setting off Fluttershy and Pip.

All ponies eventually rose and started to clean up and pack, talking mostly to thank their partners for the good time. Big Mac approached Pip, looking quite embarrassed. “Uh, sorry ‘bout that Pip. Ah hope you’re alright. Ah should have pulled out before Ah finished.”

“Uh, it’s alright. That was really surprising, but I guess it was fun to try. And maybe you can return the favor next time.” That last part had slipped out from Pip before he could realize he had said it.


Pip looked around. “Thanks everypony, but I really should get going. I hope we can have another date soon.”

“Well sweetie, how about you come join us tomorrow evening?” Sugar Belle offered.

“I’d like that, thanks!”

5. Classics

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~ ❀ ~

Sunday, July 15th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

“Ah, consarnit!” Applejack exclaimed as Big Mac pulled another large pile of chips into his already sizable hoard. She reshuffled the deck and distributed a new hoof of cards for the ponies at the table. Only Applejack, Big Mac, Scootaloo and Sugar Belle were left in the game, the last two only having a few chips in front them.

Applebloom just chuckled and turned back toward Pip. They had all left the poker game earlier and were now chatting in the living room as they waited for the final outcome. Pip was sitting on the couch with Applebloom and Cheerilee. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was somewhere drinking tea with Sweetie Belle - the two had been expelled really early.

“Anyway Pip, it sure is a surprise to see ya dating mah brother’s herd. Ah betcha you never expected to hook up with Miss Cheerilee one day.” Applebloom laughed.

“Yeah, I’m surprised too,” Pip admitted. “Though… I just joined, so I’ve not been on a whole lot of dates yet.”

“Well, ya sure picked an interestin’ time to join. With the foals comin' up, they are all gonna be really busy, not mentioning you workin' for Mayor Mare. It’s gonna be pretty hard to find times when everypony is available.”

“You’re right Applebloom, but it shouldn’t be that hard to find time for one-on-one dates with Pip,” Cheerilee intervened. “We can just go out at different times.”

“Wait, you can do that?” Applebloom looked dumbstruck. “Ain’t it the whole point of a herd to always be together?”

“Of course,” Cheerilee answered, definitely sounding like the teacher she was, “but being with many ponies at once can be very overwhelming. Having regular one-on-one dates with your herdmates is essential to keeping good relationships with each one of them.”

“I didn’t know that!” Pip said.

“Me neither! Ah mean, Ah really love Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, but it’s really hard to find stuff all three of us like doing… except, you know… ‘sleeping together’. You’re saying we should do more as couples? But… ain’t that gonna always leave one of us feelin’ left out?”

“The best way is to keep an organised schedule for dates,” Cheerilee explained. “Make sure everypony as a turn with everypony else. If you want to make it really fair, I suggest you write each possible pair on a piece of paper, place them in a bag, and draw the dates’ order that way.”

“Well, Ah’ll be! Thanks Cheerilee! Ah can’t wait to tell Scoot and Sweetie Belle. Uh, just one last question…” Applebloom got closer to Cheerilee and whispered in her ear, but Pip could still hear her just fine since he was between them, “is it okay to have sex when we meet like that too?”

“Yes Applebloom, just have fun with you mates, and give each of your partners a turn. Everything will be just fine.”

“Oh c’mon! Urg…” Scootaloo meanwhile banged her head on the poker table and got up, having lost her last chips.

Applebloom rose up to meet her, a grin on her face. “Oh don’t feel bad Scoot. Come with me and let’s find Sweetie Belle, Ah got something to talk about.”

Cheerilee and Pip giggled as the couple left the room. “Since we are on the subject,” Cheerilee said. “I’d like to go on a date with you soon. I was talking with Sugar Belle and Fluttershy earlier, and we really want to give you some time with each one of us before we foal.”

“Yeah, I’d love to,” Pip replied. “I know you three mares are going to be unavailable for a while, so I’d like to spend as much time with you until then. When did you want to meet?”

“How about we book a table at Horsia’s Tuesday night? I could meet you after work.”

“Ok, perfect! Let’s meet at town hall,” Pip agreed, giving his mare a kiss.

~ ❀ ~

Tuesday, July 17th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

On the outside, Ponyville’s town hall had not changed much since Cheerilee’s foalhood. The general vibe of the place, however, was completely different.

After years of Princess Twilight’s reign over Equestria, the flow and organisation of bureaucracy had dramatically improved. There were no waiting in lines, no piles of endless hardcopy forms. Ponies could come in and efficiently go about their business in peace.

And, of course, there were not just ponies either. In the town square, a group of Filly Guides included two griffins and a thestral, and was led by a young hippogriff. Just inside town hall, a changeling receptionist was busy welcoming guests while a group of deers were animatedly discussing something.

As she entered, Cheerilee quickly stumbled upon Mayor Mare. “Oh, hello there Cheerilee! My, you look happy. And you look like you're almost ready to foal.”

Cheerilee chuckled. “Thanks, only a few weeks left. Sugar Belle and Fluttershy are almost there too.”

“I wish I could visit Sweet Apple Acres more often,” the mayor said. “Anyway, I suppose you’re here for Pip? I heard he was dating your herd.”

“That’s right! I’m on a date with him tonight.”

“Well, he’s a good, hardworking, young stallion. I wish you all luck. He’ll be done in a few minutes, so I’ll leave you to it.”

Pip indeed arrived shortly afterward. Cheerilee greeted her young stallion with a kiss and left town hall with him.

“You look really lovely, Cheerilee,” Pip told her.

She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, but she had styled her mane with a daisy and was carrying her prettiest saddlebags. “Oh, thank you Pip!” she replied with a smile. “You look very handsome too. Did you cut your mane?”

“Yeah, I had it done this morning.”

That’s so sweet. She planted a kiss on his cheek.

They leisurely strolled to the restaurant, where the waiter guided them to a table on the terrasse.

“I’ve never been here before,” Pip commented as he opened the menu in front of him.

“I’ve always loved Horsia. It’s so nice to have a place like this in Ponyville,” Cheerilee said, looking longingly at the town. “I know dinner dates are a bit… old-fashioned, but sometimes classics are classics for a reason. And I can’t really go bungee jumping while ten months pregnant.”

“It’s perfect just like this,” replied Pip. “So, do you know what you want? I’m really hungry.”

My body is nursing a foal, Pip. You don’t know what being hungry means, Cheerilee thought. “I was thinking about ordering the Itallion spaghetti squash. We could share a big plate, if you’d like. And we could take an entrée of fresh cheese.”

Pip agreed, “yeah, that’s sound good.”

A couple hours later, Cheerilee was sitting with Pip on a bench overlooking the river at the edge of town. She felt utterly content as they sat there in silence, watching the sunset, occasionally exchanging deep kisses.

“This is so nice, Pip.”

She buried her muzzle in his neck, and his hooves wrapped her in a hug, Pip even gently nibbling her ear.


“Oh, I’ve missed things like this,” she whispered.

Pip pulled off her. “Don’t you usually go on dates with Big Mac?”

“Yeah, and with Belle and Flutershy too. But it’s a bit different.” Cheerilee wondered how to express her feelings. “Right now, I feel like a little schoolfilly on her first date with her crush. It feels… a bit awkward, since we’re both nervous and we don’t really know each other that well yet, but that just means we can sit here and enjoy each other. And I guess… it feels a bit naugthy too, being with you like this. It’s kind of thrilling.”

Pip gently kissed her again. “Yeah, I guess I understand.”

Cheerilee rubbed her head against his. “Yeah, just like a little filly.” She stood up straight, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Except for, you know… having my womb full with another stallion’s filly.”

“Well, I like it.” Pip gave her swollen belly a kiss, making her foal stir.

“Aww, thank you Pip,” Cheerilee cooed.

“You know, it’s really silly… but when I first saw you pregnant like this, I got… kind of jealous,” Pip admitted. “It was really dumb, I mean… you have your own life, and you’re older than me, so why shouldn’t be married and with a foal, right?”

“Oh!” Cheerilee was a little taken aback. She had not expected to have that effect on her former student.

“But, it’s fine now,” Pip continued. “We’re together, and I can share you with your herd. And I hope one day I might be a second father to your filly.”

“I’m sure you will be,” Cheerilee gently assured, “and, who knows, perhaps you’ll even sire my next foal.”

“Yeah, I’d like that a lot,” Pip whispered in her ear.

They held each other for a while. “Uh, Cheery,” Pip hesitated. “Do you want to come to my place? I’d really like to… hmm, mate with you. If you’d like to.”

Cheerilee sighted happily. “Yeah, I’d like that too.”

~ ❀ ~

Pip’s apartment in Ponyville was a small basement studio near the town square. It looked clean and functional.

“It’s a nice place you got here, sweetie,” Cheerilee commented as she looked around.

“Thanks, I rented it from Carrot Top for a few months,” Pip explained. “I planned to move into a house of my own once I’m sure my job’s steady.”

He led Cheerilee to his bed and kissed her.

Cheerilee and Pip lay down on their side, looking into each other’s eyes. She felt him press his swelling stallionhood into her round belly. It thrilled her to be so close to him.

“Cheerilee, when we had sex the last time… you said you didn’t cum.”

Cheerilee gave him a kind smile. “And I told you it was alright. I mean it.”

Pip hugged her closer. “I know… but I’d really like to make you cum.”

“I’d love to. I’ll show you how.” Cheerilee kissed his muzzle.

Pip looked amused. “Is that another class? I’d like to enroll, please.”

“Mmh, it’s more of a practical workshop. Princess Twilight is promoting a very ‘hooves on’ approach to education, after all.”

They both snickered.

Cheerilee rolled on her back and prompted herself against a couple of pillows so she could see him. She spread her hindlegs, letting him peer into her snatch. “Alright, the first thing to know about pleasuring a mare is that each one is different. Exploration and good communication goes a long way in helping you understand what makes your partner happy, and what makes her uncomfortable.

“Generally speaking, unless she’s in heat, a mare will take longer to orgasm than a stallion. Foreplay is key in giving your partner a head’s start before you enter her. Oral sex and simple masturbation are great ways to do so. Now come here.” She guided Pip’s muzzle to her winking vulva, and spread her labia with a hoof.

“You already went down on me last time, so you know what’s what. I’ll just talk a moment about my clit. It’s extremely sensitive, so it can be very fun to play with, but it can also be uncomfortable or even painful. Until you're more familiar with a mare, I’d suggest you stick to licking it, kissing it, or rubbing it gently with your hoof. As I said, each mare is different. Personally, I prefer if my partner doesn't focus too hard on my clit unless I’m about to cum.”

Cheerilee gently pulled behind Pip’s head to get him going. She felt a deep shuddering wave of pleasure as his tongue entered her folds. She sighed contently.

For such a beginner, Pip really wasn’t bad. In truth, his enthusiasm was deeply satisfying. Cheerilee just had to nudge his muzzle up or down as she pleased. Eventually, she let him go higher so he could taste her winking nub. Cheerilee moaned and twitched at the electrifying sensation of having her clitoris licked. She let him do so for a moment and pushed him back down before her pleasure turned into discomfort.

Cheerilee kept him going for a while, until she was almost close to orgasm. She didn’t want to do it yet though, she wanted him to feel her pleasure from inside. “Oh gosh, that’s so good~ come here sweetie. Mount me and get inside.”

“Yeah…” Pip said, obviously out of breath. He climbed atop her.

Cheerilee felt his tip spread her tender folds, forcing her to bite her lips to stifle her moan. As she had expected, Pip was fully hard and ready to enter her. She wrapped her hind hooves around his backside to guide him.

Pip’s cock slowly slipped into her vagina. Cheerilee loved this part, sensing the first penetration into her own eager sex. Soon enough, he was completely inside her; she felt his swollen glans press deep in her abdomen against her closed cervix, his balls gently rubbing her asshole.

Cheerilee used her four hooves to immobilise her partner inside her, keeping him locked in place. Pip pressed himself hard against her body, though he was careful not to squeeze her gravid mound. They looked into each other's eyes, loving the feeling of being as intimately close as two ponies could possibly be. Cheerilee darted her tongue out and licked his muzzle clean of her fluids.

Cheerilee kept Pip trapped within her, letting him just enough slack so he could grind and maintain their pleasure while she continued to instruct him. “Now… mmh… while we fuck, you can help me orgasm faster by… mmh… rubbing, kissing or licking my body. You can do that… mmh… anywhere, but it’s best if you focus on my… ah… erogenous zones. My cutie marks, my belly, my teats, my loin, my ears and my faces. Oh, and my asshole too, if you can reach it.”

She gave him more slack and he started to thrust harder into her. “Oh, and once I’m about to cum… mmh- oh, yes… oh, yes, mmmh… once I’m about to cum, you can rub my clit. Oh… good boy, gosh, yes.”

Pip really picked up the pace as he pumped into Cheerilee’s burning vagina. As she had instructed him, he rubbed her flanks and belly with his forehooves while kissing her faces and ears. The onslaught of pleasure inflicted upon her body made her twitch and shudder delightfully around his shaft. Cheerilee particularly enjoyed him as he massaged her swollen teats, making her gasp and moan even more.

His cock pumped into her, producing a regular thump-thump-thump.

Eventually, Pip’s ministrations grew increasingly erratic as he desperately pounded his swollen flare into her, letting her know he would soon reach his peak. She guided his hoof to her clit, and instantly shuddered at the electrifying pleasure. “OH YES… FUCK YES… oh, please… oh, yes-yes-yes-yes, fuck me Pip, please! Make me cum sweetie, please-please… make me cum! I want to feel you inside while a cum! MMMMH ooooh~”

Cheerilee screamed her pleasure as loud as her lungs allowed. She squeezed her young stallion hard against her body, forcing him deep inside so she could collect every last drop of his seed. He didn’t have to thrust anyway; the powerful, rhythmic contractions of her vagina were more than enough to bring a primed stallion to orgasm inside her.

Pip moaned. Cheerilee felt his body shudder and his balls contract against her. She waited with baited breath, observing his cute, blissful face. Suddenly, she felt it: the warm, rich, gooey seed gushing from his stallionhood deep into her sex. Cheerilee tenderly admired her partner as he filled her with his thick semen. She felt a deep heat in her heart as she watched Pip claim her as his mare.

After ejaculating for a good half minute inside Cheerilee, Pip went limp atop her and his cock softened. Cheerilee just let him relax as she enjoyed her own afterglow. She relished in feeling his heartbeat inside her pussy and his breathing on her chest, knowing she had brought such pleasure to another living, breathing pony. The result of their lovemaking oozed down her slit on her anus and in her tail, but she couldn’t care less.

“Hi,” she eventually said with a little smile.

Pip looked in her eyes, harboring a blissful, dopey smile of his own. “Hey…”



Cheerilee tenderly stroked his mane. “You deserve it. You were perfect.”

“It was good for you too?”

“Yes, it was great. I came, and you came too. Mmh, I still feel your seed inside me.”

“I’m glad…”

Pip brought his muzzle to hers and kissed her lips. Cheerilee opened her mouth, happily letting his tongue enter.

Pip’s penis slid out of her sensitive vagina and withdrew in its sheath, letting their combined cum flow out of her pussy. He broke the kiss and rolled off of her.

“Cheerilee, do you want to stay with me tonight?”

“We probably should clean up first. But yes, I want to sleep with you.”

“Oh, I wasn’t sure if you needed to go back to your herd after our date,” Pip confided.

Cheerilee chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s fine. I expected something like this would happen. I even brought my toothbrush.”

And so, after having sex and a good shower, Cheerilee went to sleep in Pip’s bed, holding her young coltfriend close as she drifted into a comfortable slumber.

6. Horseplay

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~ ❀ ~

Saturday, July 21st, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Fluttershy walked back to the farm with her husband Big Macintosh and her new coltfriend Pipsqueak. During the day, they had visited Sweet Feather Sanctuary, Fluttershy's life work, her crowning achievement. The refuge, which had grown substantially in the years since its foundation, now housed more than two hundred animals. Some of Fluttershy’s students from the School of Friendship frequently volunteered to help, while full-time employees kept the sanctuary running. The animals were in good hooves during Fluttershy's maternity leave, but she still wanted to make sure everything was okay for the duration of her absence.

Alone on road with Mac and Pip, Fluttershy realised she wanted them. The three of them were sweaty and smelly after their day’s work in the hot summer heat, but it didn’t matter. She wanted them inside her. Fluttershy loved having sex with her herdmates. She had done it countless times with Mac, Sugar Belle and Cheerilee, but now it would be just her being taken by her two stallions.

Before joining Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle, Fluttershy had never mated with anypony. She still remembered that first time they had shared in the barn, the feeling of Mac’s stallionhood entering her virgin snatch, of Sugar Belle kissing her, of his seed flooding her most intimate depths.

Mac heavy, handsome balls jiggled under his tail as he walked, filled with the same fertile seed that had given her the little colt in her womb. Pip ballsack was nice and firm; Fluttershy had loved tasting the cum they contained on their first night together.

Um, how can I get them to do it with me? she wondered.

Old Fluttershy would have spent an interminable amount of time pondering this question, if she could even have dared formulate it.

New Fluttershy was different. “Uh, boys… before we go back home, could we… have sex together in the orchard? I’d really like that,” she simply asked them. Both stallions stopped straight in their tracks, looking at Fluttershy in surprise.

She was mildly peeved by their reaction. “What? I can ask too.”

“Of course, sugarcube. We, uh… thought you’d be tired, sorry,” Big Mac apologised. “We can do that, if Pip wants to.”

Pip just nodded enthusiastically, looking at Fluttershy.

“Well, let’s find a quiet spot where you two can take me.”

Mac smiled, pointing off the path.

The vast orchards of Sweet Apple Acres offered countless discreet locations where ponies could mate in peace. Led by Big Mac, they soon arrived at a wonderful little corner near the stream, a vale surrounded by small hills and numerous apple trees.

Pip and Big Mac nuzzled Fluttershy. She suddenly felt bold, daring. Knowing they watched her, she bent her spine and lifted her tail. Nibbling her lower lip in excitement, Fluttershy peed on the apple tree behind her, soaking the trunk with her urine. She grinned as she saw her stallions’ arousal, their desire for her. It was intoxicating.

Big Mac kissed her, then Pip did it too. As Fluttershy made out with her younger coltfriend, Big Mac’s hoof parted her wet folds. She released Pip’s mouth, cooing as her husband fondled her sex.

As Pip nibbled her sensitive ears, Fluttershy felt Big Mac take position behind her, making her shudder in anticipation. He mounted her rump, placing his powerful forehoove on her flanks.

Fluttershy smiled at Pip as Big Mac’s stallionhood entered her vagina. The thick shaft stretched her inner muscles as it penetrated her. With just a few thrusts, the swollen glans in her canal rubbed against her closed cervix. “Ooooh! Mmmm… yes!”

Big Mac settled on a regular, comfortable pace, thrusting in and out of her, making her swollen, pregnant belly bounce with each penetration. The constant stroking in her moist vulva felt absolutely divine.

Fluttershy noticed Pip lingering around, obviously unsure what to do. She tapped Big Mac hoof, signaling him to stop. The thick penis pressed deeply into her and stayed there.

“Mmmmh~! Pip… ah… you should join us. Come, just mount me from the front.”

“Oh… uh, okay.” Pip climbed atop her, his forehooves on her withers.

Fluttershy was left face to face with the young stallion glans, a little drop of precum leaking from his urethra. She took his tip in her mouth, suckling and tasting it. With Pip in position, Mac resumed his delightful thrusts into her cunt.

Unfortunately, Pip was too far for Fluttershy to get more of him into her mouth, so she slowly pulled her head back, forcing him to take a few awkward steps forward. Fluttershy then pushed her muzzle forward against his cock, taking Pip into her throat. He got the message pretty quickly, earnestly thrusting into her tight throat. Fortunately, Fluttershy had done this before, and Pip’s stallionhood was smaller than Big Mac’s, so she could actually breath without too much difficulty. The stallions atop Fluttershy naturally cooperated, synching their thrusts so one was pushing in while the other pulled out.

Fluttershy had never been spit roasted like this, her body being claimed by two stallions, each taking his pleasure in her. She moaned around Pip’s cock, feeling intense pleasure from her husband's engorged stallionhood in her vagina.

Both stallions picked up pace, preparing to finish inside her. Fluttershy came hard, the searing bliss in her vulva amplified by the feeling of pleasuring Pip with her throat.

Mac buried his flare all the way in, his glans bulging inside Fluttershy’s vagina. She felt that wonderful slick, wet heat as her husband ejaculated his load deep inside her, at her cervix, mere inches away from his own foal.

Pip hilted to his sheath, Fluttershy’s nose booping his pubis. His tip flared in her throat, making her gag. Pip came with a groan. The beautiful white balls twitched, their content flowing through his stallionhood and pouring in her stomach.

Their gooey seed filled Fluttershy’s tummy and vagina. Thankfully for her ability to breath, Pip softened in her muzzle and pulled out, leaving a final load of semen on her tongue. Fluttershy gasped for air and coughed, panting hard as Big Mac’s cum oozed from her vulva.

The two stallions dismounted her, letting their thick, white fluids pooling on the ground as it dripped from her entrances.

Pip was very concerned. “Fluttershy, are you okay?”

Fluttershy nodded, hurrying to lick his semen from her lips and swallow the bitter, musky substance. “Oooh, yes… that was… oh… that was great!” she managed to stammer once her heartbeat and breathing had calmed down a bit.

She found a shady spot to lie down and roll on her back, Pip and Big Mac joining in to lounge next to her. As she relaxed, Fluttershy felt her foal stir in her womb. She tenderly stroked her swollen mound and smiled. “Oh… I think you two woke up my little colt.”

Big Mac laid his head on her belly, lovingly feeling his foal through Fluttershy’s soft yellow fur. “Ah can’t wait to meet him, our little son.”

Pip stroked Fluttershy’s abdomen with his hoof, a dreamy expression on his face. “Yeah, me too.”

Fluttershy’s heart swelled with love as she watched the tenderness of her two stallions, the way they cared about her and her foal.

I’m so lucky to have such wonderful partners.

7. Delivery

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~ ❀ ~

August, July 5th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s herd was ready to welcome their new foals into the world. Everypony was excited, and everything was prepared.

Now, all that was left was to wait for the mares to give birth. For Sugar Belle and her herd-mares, this was a time to relax and enjoy themselves. A kind of calm before the storm, so to speak. They knew that, after foaling, they would not be able to mate for a while, so they took all opportunities they found to quench their need. Having a second stallion around had been quite helpful in keeping the three mares entertained.

Sugar Belle was happy to have the herd date Pipsqueak. If she were to be entirely honest, she’d have to admit she wasn’t as enamored with him as Fluttershy and Cheerilee; her heart firmly belonged to Big Macintosh. Still, she liked Pip. She had gone with him on a few dates, and they had even mated.

It was important for Sugar Belle to maintain the cohesion of their growing herd. If Pip was to join them, he had to be treated fairly. As alpha mare, one of her most important tasks was to keep track of who was seeing - or mating with - who. She had to make sure that no isolated clique formed within the herd. To do so, she encouraged a healthy rotation amongst partners and organised group activities for all.

Sugar Belle knew that Fluttershy and Cheerilee had been with Pip in the last few days, and that he had hung out with Big Mac. It was high time for her to be with him, so she invited the younger stallion to spend an afternoon in her company.

Sugar Belle idly lounged in the living room, stroking her belly tenderly as the filly in her womb stirred. She briefly returned to her reading before she was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door. Rather than getting up, the unicorn used her magic to turn the doorknob and usher her guest inside, “come in~!”

Pip entered, Sugar Belle welcoming him before chuckling lightly. “I told you, Pip. You can just come in now, you’re with us. There’s no need to knock.”

“Sorry, force of habit.”

Sugar Belle lifted her magazine out of the way to clear a spot for her coltfriend. “That’s alright. Now come here. I could really use a break from ‘Equestria New Parents Weekly’. Urg, I swear that’s all I’m reading lately.”

Pip sat down on the couch, giving her a hug and kiss. Sugar Belle opened her muzzle, letting his tongue inside. “So, what did you wanna do today?” Pip asked her after pulling away.

Sugar Belle stretched and groaned, mostly for effect, though she did feel a sore aches in her bones. “Just a relaxing cuddle time, maybe some sexy time later. Would that be alright?”

Pip nodded with a smile, “Yeah, that sounds nice; I had a busy week too. How about I get us some tea and biscuits?”

She cooed at the proposition. “Oh, that would be perfect. Thank you!”

Pip left for the kitchen. “Wait right here, I won’t take long.”

A few minutes later and Pip was back as promised. He placed a platter on the nearby coffee table and poured two cups of tea. Sugar Belle levitated a spoonful of sugar into her cup before bringing it to her lips.

She took a sip of the hot tea. “Mmh, Pip, you certainly know how to brew a nice cup of tea. This is really nice,” she commented, actually quite surprised.

Who knew that there’s still young stallions out there who knows how to serve tea?

Pip smiled as he settled next to her with his own cup. “Thanks! I was born in Trottingham, so I guess proper tea time was just part of my basic education.”

“Right, I forgot. You don’t have much of an accent.”

“Yeah, I came to Ponyville when I was just a foal, then I studied in Canterlot, so I kinda lost it along the way.”

They finished their cups and biscuits, then simply relaxed onto the couch. “Would you like a back rub too?” Pip offered her.

“Oooh, yeah… That would be wonderful,” Sugar Belle answered. She stretched her muscles and lay down on the couch, offering him her back.

Pip straddled her rump, his balls and sheath rubbing against her dock as he massaged her. Pip supported himself with his hindlegs so he wouldn’t press too hard on her pelvis while his forehooves rubbed along her spine.

“Oooh…” Sugar Belle felt content as her coltfriend sensually rubbed her sore neck, back, and flanks. His hooves relaxed her muscles as he continually massaged her body.

“Mmmh, this is great, Pip… A bit higher, please. Can you rub my shoulders too?”

“Sure.” Pip went down on her and kneaded the muscles in her shoulders. As he hugged her from behind, Sugar Belle felt his soft stallionhood spill out of his sheath and onto her back, where it rested most satisfyingly. He kept gently rubbing himself on her croup as he continued to massage her.

A moan escaped Sugar Belle’s lip as Pip began to nibble her ear. For a while, the unicorn simply enjoyed the feeling of having her ear tended so lovingly. She felt her vulva wink as her arousal slowly built up.

Sugar Belle gasped hard when Pip moved on to lick her sensitive horn. The intense sensation washed through her spine all the way to her tail, making her tense.

Gosh, Cheerilee, are you a really great teacher, or is he just an amazing student?

Her vagina felt nice and loose, and a stream of fluid ran down her snatch. “Oh, I can feel you getting hard,” she said, looking back at the stallion on top of her. “You can enter me, if you want. I’m ready.”

Pip nodded and pulled back. Sugar Belle sensed his glans press gently into her moist folds. In one slow, smooth motion, his semi-rigid penis slipped inside her vagina, hilting himself to the balls. “Mmmmh, yes that’s it. Yeah… your cock feels really good, Pip.”

“Yeah, you’re so warm and soft inside, Belle,” Pip replied. Instead of thrusting into Sugar Belle, he kept massaging her back and simply grinded his shaft inside her loose foal canal. For the unicorn, it felt like she was massaged from both inside and out. She simply went limp, utterly relaxed.

“Oh, thank you for the massage,” Sugar Belle said, interrupting him. “It was wonderful. Now, just focus on yourself, sweetie; you’ve more than earned it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, just pound in me and cum. I really don’t mind.”

Pip eagerly braced against herself and started to rapidly thrust his member in and out of her sex. Sugar Belle felt incredibly relaxed, barely even registering the intense pleasure in her snatch. She lay there, happy to let him take his pleasure in her.

It didn’t last very long. Soon, Pip hugged her close and hilted into her pussy one last time. Sugar Belle felt her vagina filling with his warm, viscous seed as he ejaculated in her. He lazed on her back, his softening cock staying within her as his gooey semen dripped from her relaxed labia.

Pip was giving Sugar Belle a series of little kisses on her neck and mane when she suddenly felt a sharp discomfort in her lower abdomen. “Ow!”

Both ponies were shocked out of their relaxed afterglow. “What… are you alright?” Pip asked, a little panicked. A heavy flow of warm, yellow liquid streamed around his stallionhood from deep within her canal, instantly drenching their hindlegs and crotches. A large puddle formed underneath them as the couch’s fabric became soaked from her release.

Sugar Belle was breathing hard, adrenaline coursing through her veins. “Pip, pull out! Oh gosh…”

Pip got up in an instant. “Belle, is that…?”

“Yeah… I think… my waters broke. I’m going to foal!” Sugar Belle took a few deep breaths to calm down. “Okay, okay… we know what to do. First, let’s just… urg, hang on, Pip, go get me a clean towel. I’d need to wipe down your seed before I let anypony else see me like this.”

“Yeah, got it!” He bolted out of the room and returned a few seconds later with the towel. Sugar Belle lifted it with her magic and gave herself a vigorous cleanup. She let Pip have the towel too so he could wipe his sheath and legs of her amniotic fluids.

Sugar Belle trotted outside the house. “Alright, contractions are going to start soon, so I need to get to the barn where we prepared our birthing stuff.” To her relief, she immediately found her sister-in-law Applejack working on an old apple cart. “AJ! Need help, quick! I’m about to foal!”

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack jumped, but her expression swiftly morphed into a happy grin. “Come in, Ah’ll help ya.”

Sugar Belle turned toward her coltfriend. “Pip, go get Mac, Shy and Cheerilee. They should be at the pond right now.”

“Of course!” Pip turned around and galloped toward the orchard.

Applejack laid down a large plush blanket on the barn floor so that Sugar Belle could lie down comfortably on her side. Sugar Belle caressed her swollen belly as the farm mare added a pile of pillows to the installation. Her udder felt full between her hindlegs and her teats were erect.

The unicorn felt the first contractions in her womb.

I will see my foal soon. Big Mac’s little filly.

Applejack brought her a glass of apple juice, which Sugar Belle gladly gulped down. AJ prodded her belly a few times. “Alright there, looks like your filly is in the right place. Everything will be fine, sugarcube, you’ll see.”

“Thanks AJ, I’m glad you’re here with me.”

“Ah wouldn’t miss seein’ my first niece for the world. Ah helped plenty of animals give birth on the farm. No ponies, but Granny Smith told me everything Ah needed to know.”

Applebloom galloped into the barn. “Sugar Belle! Pip told me ya were foalin’. I came as fast as Ah could!”

“Hey Applebloom,” the unicorn said, “yeah, it won’t be long now. Just a few minutes and you’ll be an aunt.”

“Are ya alright? Does it hurt?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry… ow… it’s just a lot of work. I just hope Mac gets here soon. I want him to see me foal. Ah…” Sugar Belle felt a stronger contraction and instinctively pushed down.

“He’ll be here, sugarcube, don’t you fret,” Applejack assured. “Now, just keep pushin’. That’s it… that’s it. You’re doin’ great.”

Sugar Belle felt the heavy mass in her womb descend lower in her abdomen as it engaged inside her stretched vagina. She kept pushing hard with each contraction. After a few extra pushes, the unicorn vulva opened around a white bag filled with liquid.

“Sis, what is that?” Applebloom asked wide eyed.

“That’s the aminio- minio-, uh, ‘something’ sac,” Applejack answered, stumbling on the word. “The foal is in there.”

Sugar Belle felt her world brighten as she heard the sound of heavy hooves galloping toward her. “Sugar Belle!” her husband called.

“Mac! You’re here!”

The Big Macintosh crouched near her head so he could support her as they had rehearsed in prenatal classes. He gave her a loving kiss on the lips. “How are ya feelin’?”

“I’m fine… M-Mac, we’re gonna be parents.” Sugar Belle could feel tears of joy in her eyes.

“You’re here just time,” Applejack commented. “Foal’s coming.”

Pip, Fluttershy and Cheerilee entered the barn and took places around the foaling unicorn.

“I sent Mr Featherdust with a note to Nurse Redheart as soon as we heard,” Fluttershy informed them. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” Applejack replied. “Now please, everypony relax and settle down. Let Sugar Belle foal in peace.”

So, Sugar Belle went back to work, pushing harder now that her herd was there with her. Her birthing canal swelled around her foal as the filly exited her uterus. Two tiny red hooves emerged out of her vulva. A few more pushes and a little red face with an unicorn’s horn appeared between Sugar Belle’s folds.

“Sweetie… I can see your foal,” Cheerilee whispered, clearly a little overwhelmed. “Keep going, she’s so beautiful… a wonderful new filly for us to love.”

Sugar Belle felt incredible pleasure despite the soreness. She was giving life to Big Mac’s foal, the living, breathing proof of their love. The filly’s body was stimulating all the sensitive nerves in her vagina, almost bringing the mother to orgasm as she foaled. With an incredible sense of relief, Sugar Belle felt her filly’s rump and hindlegs drop out of her pussy and onto the plush blanket with a loud splash.

Sugar Belle was utterly spent. She lay panting as her vulva closed and the last few drops of liquid dripped down her entrance, everypony around her waiting quietly. Big Mac embraced her in a warm hug.

A soft whimper stirred powerful instincts within Sugar Belle. The new mother turned to see her foal for the first time. It was a red unicorn filly with a smooth pink mane, still soaked and half inside the ripped amniotic sac. An intense, almost burning, love flooded every nerves and veins in her body as she took in the sight of her newborn foal. Her heart swelled with the desire to protect and nurse this wonderful little creature.

She helped her foal get out of the white membrane and proceeded to lick her soft fur clean of the birthing fluid. Sugar Belle levitated the discarded sac and dropped it in a nearby bucket they had prepared for this purpose.

The filly tried to stand on her fragile legs, but couldn’t quite get up. Sugar Belle knew that would take a while, so she simply lay down and relaxed next to her foal. She turned toward the ponies watching.

“M-Mac, Cheerilee, Fluttershy,” she started, her voices wavering with emotion, “there she is, our little filly. Our daughter.”

Big Mac sobbed quietly, happy tears flowing down his face.

“She’s so… wonderful,” Fluttershy whispered.

“You’ve made such a beautiful filly, Belle,” Cheerilee added. “I can’t wait to foal her sister.”

Pip looked a bit overwhelmed. “Yeah, I’m so happy for you all.”

“Aww, she’s so precious,” Applebloom commented. “Congratulations, big brother, Ah’m so proud of ya.”

“Ah’ve never felt so happy in mah whole life,” Big Mac said as he dried the last of his tears.

The newborn filly eventually started to take careful, shaky steps as she took the sights of the world around her through big, bright, turquoise eyes. Sugar Belle stood up and offered herself to the foal. She felt her daughter nuzzle and lick the belly that had given her life. Instinct pushed the foal toward her mother’s teats.

Deep contentment filled Sugar Belle as her filly began to suckle at her teat. Her rich, creamy mare milk flowed from her udder into the foal’s mouth, then down into her little stomach. The unicorn simply stood there, looking between her legs as she nursed her daughter.

The unicorn filly, her belly pleasantly full with her mother’s milk after her first feeding, settled down on the ground and fell into a contented slumber. Sugar Belle cleaned the filly and wrapped her in a blanket.

A discrete knock on the door announced the presence of Nurse Redheart. “Hello everypony! I got your message, Fluttershy, and I came as fast as I could. I’d like to check on the mother and the foal, so I can make sure they are both healthy.”

The nurse approached Sugar Belle. “How was the foaling? Are you feeling any pain?”

Sugar Belle shook her head. “No, everything went fine. I’m just sore. My waters broke, I went into labor, and I gave birth to my daughter as expected.”

“Did you nurse her?”

“Yeah, it went well too.”

“Have you delivered the placenta yet?”

“Not yet, but I get the feeling it’s coming very soon.” Sugar Belle could feel new contractions in her uterus.

“That’s alright. Let’s just take your and your foal’s vitals,” Nurse Redheart said, pulling out a few instruments from her saddlebags.

After a few minutes of medical prodding and fiddling, the nurse announced both the mother and the foal were perfectly healthy.

“That’s great, but, urg…” Sugar Belle started, “I’m going to deliver the discharge right now.”

Everypony stood clear, giving her some space. Sugar Belle spread her hindlegs and felt her vulva open once more. With a series of uterine contractions, she expelled the fleshy mass of her placenta on the floor. She sighed in relief, sensing her uterus and canal finally settling back into their normal, non-pregnant state. Cheerilee wiped the alpha mare’s sex and rump while Fluttershy and Nurse Redheart examined the placenta for abnormalities. Eventually, the barn was cleaned and the nurse assured the parents everything was okay.

The last thing to do before bringing the filly home was to fill out her birth certificate. Nurse Redheart took a photo of the foal and noted her info on the card. She addressed the parents, “okay, all is set. I just need your new filly’s name and I’ll bring the certificate to town hall.”

Sugar Belle exchanged a glance and a nod with her husband, then looked at the sleeping foal.

“Her name is Harvest Blossom.”

~ ❀ ~

Nearly a week later, Fluttershy gave birth to a yellow earth pony colt with a purple mane and deep pink eyes. They named him Orchard Breeze.

Cheerilee foaled a couple of days later, during a storm in the middle of the night. The purple earth pony filly was named Rain Hearth.

8. Boys Night

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~ ❀ ~

Wednesday, October 31st, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Nightmare Night was always special at Sweet Apple Acres. Every year, the Apple family constructed mazes and hosted fun activities for Ponyville’s fillies and colts. And every year, Fluttershy would shut herself inside until morning.

That year’s celebration felt particularly delightful for the pegasus, since this time she had a perfectly good reason to stay safely indoors. The herd’s foals were still too young for Nightmare Night, so Fluttershy simply stayed inside with Cheerilee to nurse them. In the meantime, Sugar Belle, Big Macintosh, Pipsqueak, and Applejack would take care of the spooky events outside.

Fluttershy and Cheerilee lounged in their bedroom’s herd-size bed. The pegasus relaxed contentedly as she chatted with her wife. Between her legs, Orchard Breeze and Harvest Blossom were suckling her teats, gleefully filling their little tummy with sweet pegasus milk. A similar scene played between Cheerilee’s hindlegs, where Rain Heart gulped down the creamy content of her mother’s udder. Rain Heart, which Cheerilee had foaled during an intense night storm, looked a lot like her mother, except for her pale blue eyes and mane.

Soon enough, all three foals stopped suckling and fell asleep on the bed, their stomach full of nourishing mare milk. The two mothers lovingly cleaned the foals, fitted them with fresh diapers, and laid them to rest in their respective cribs.

“Did you want to join the others now?” Fluttershy asked Cheerilee as they left the foals’ bedroom. “I don’t mind, I can stay here by myself.”

Cheerilee shook her head. “Oh no, I’m beat. I’d rather just eat some pumpkin pie and join you in bed for the night.”

An hour later, Fluttershy was lovingly making out with Cheerilee in their bed, a hoof gently stroking the schoolteacher’s mane. They didn’t go any farther, though; the powerful hormones that made them care for and nurse their foals also greatly dampened their arousal.

Fluttershy pulled out of Cheerilee’s muzzle. “Mmh, love you.”

“I love you too.” Cheerilee nuzzled her mane.

“This is nice. I kind of miss having sex, but I don’t really want any right now.”

Cheerilee nodded. “Must be hard on the boys, now that they can’t mate with us.”

~ ❀ ~

Much later in the night, the Nightmare Night’s Ponyville party was dying down as foals went back home with their candies. The DJ had packed her gear, leaving the town square silent except for the odd ponies still making their way home. At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and Sugar Belle were hanging out together as they closed down the haunted maze.

Meanwhile, Applebloom had invited Pipsqueak and her brother for a drink with her own herd at Sweetie Belle’s house in Ponyville.

So, Pip was now sitting on a couch with Big Mac, drinking hard cider and chatting with his old CMC friends, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Scoot was particularly tipsy as she narrated one of Rainbow Dash’s old stories. Her tale went on and on, seemingly less plausible with each passing minute. Sweetie Belle eventually lost patience and interrupted her, “that’s cool, Scoot. Now, Pip, how's it going with Big Mac’s herd?”

Pip scratched his mane. “Oh, it’s great. Sure, they are super busy with the foals, but I like all of them. And I like helping them out too.”

Big Mac nodded in approval.

“Hey Pip, how does it feel to date Miss Cheerilee? It must be kinda weird, since she used to be our teacher and all,” Applebloom asked, her tone suggesting she had been wanting to ask that question for a while. “Ah mean, she’s great, but it still felt strange when Big Mac married her and we became sisters-in-law. And you, your like… actually with her now.”

Pip hesitated. “Well, I guess it is kind of strange. But she’s really nice, and I’m not a colt anymore.”

Scootaloo stared at him with an excited grin. “Did you… did you actually have sex with Miss Cheerilee, Pipsqueak?”

Pip’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but he answered anyway, “well, hm, yeah. A few times.”

Urg, did I really just tell her that? Maybe I should stop drinking for tonight…


“But not since the foals were born, of course. The doctor said we can’t be with any of them until Hearth’s Warming.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac confirmed.

“Uh, that suck,” Scootaloo commented. “I’d hate it if I couldn’t fuck Sweetie Belle or Applebloom for that long.”

“Eww, you don’t have to be so crass, Scoot,” Sweetie Belle complained.

The pegasus simply shrugged. “What? It’s true!”

Sweetie Belle made an annoyed expression before addressing the stallions again, “well, at least you still have each other. You’re coltfriends too, after all.”

Pip exchanged a look with Big Mac. “Uh, I guess so, but we always have been with the mares…”

...except for that time Big Mac came in my mouth, Pip managed to avoid saying out loud. He had not drank that much cider.

“What!? Really?” Scootaloo exclaimed like Pip had told her he’d never heard of Rainbow Dash. “Damn, stallions are so prude. You boys won’t even touch each other? Pfft, you wouldn't see me turning down a girl just because I’m one too.”

Applebloom facehoofed hard. “Scoot! That’s because you’re GAY, ya silly filly! Not everypony is like that, and that’s okay.”

“Though, she kinda has a point,” Sweetie Belle admitted. “Just because you’re both into mares doesn't mean you shouldn’t have fun together once in a while.”

“Yeah! You two should totally just do it right now before you explode or something,” Scootaloo chipped in.

Applebloom grimaced. “Uh, maybe not ‘right here’. Ah don’t wanna see my brother… well, you know. But ya could go to Pip’s place, since you’re in town. It wouldn’t hurt to try once, right?”

“Well, hmm, I guess it could actually hurt,” Sweetie Belle replied. “Oh wait, I got an idea! Hang on.” The unicorn’s horn was surrounded with a light green aura as Sweetie Belle levitated a bottle from her bedroom and presented it to Pip and Big Mac.

“‘Luscious Dream’s Best Bedroom Lubrication’,” Big Mac read out loud, “uh, that’s mighty nice and all, but… um…”

“Don’t worry, you can have it; I have plenty.” Sweetie Belle levitated the bottle of lube into Big Mac’s saddlebag.

“Now you boys have fun!” Scootaloo shooed them outside. The door snapped shut right behind them, leaving Pip and Big Mac very confused in front of Sweetie Belle’s home.

Pip was bright red from embarrassment. Big Mac would probably have been flushed scarlet too if his fur had not already been that color.

“Um, so, Pip… What do ya wanna do now?”

Pip hesitated. “Well, do you want to have a drink at my place?”

~ ❀ ~

As it turned out, there was not a single bottle of cider left in Pip’s icebox. He offered a can of soda to Big Mac and took one for himself. They settled down on the apartment’s only couch.

Big Mac fidgeted nervously with his hooves. “Uh, Pip, did ya… really wanna try doing that?”

“Well, um, maybe? The girls are right to say we’re dating. We are c-coltfriends.” Pip felt a bit of extra determination amidst the awkwardness in his mind. “I mean, we’ve been together with your mares, and… it’s kind of fun watching you with them.”

“Eeyup… and it’s fun seeing you mate with them too.”

That admission took Pip by surprise. “Uh, really? I didn’t think you’d like another stallion mating with Sugar Belle and the others. It doesn’t bother you?”

“Nnope, we wanted another stallion, and that includes me too. Taking care of three mares is hard work, especially in heat season. And ya, you’re cute… for a stallion.”

Pip blushed. “Thanks… you’re nice too.”

An awkward silence filled the room.

“I’m a little uncomfortable on that old couch,” Pip eventually said. “Do you want to come in b-bed with me?”

Big Mac nodded. He grabbed Sweetie Belle’s bottle of lube from his saddlebag and followed Pip into bed.

They lay belly-down over the sheets, side by side.

“Uh… are ya hard?” Bic Mac eventually asked.

“N-no, you?” Pip rolled on his side, revealing the pink tip of his cock barely peeking out of its sheath.

The red stallion rolled too, showing his sheath and balls. “Nnope.”

“Mm, how about we just talk about the mares for a while?” Pip asked.

Big Mac expression brightened.

Pip wondered what they could talk about. An idea came to him. “We could make it a little game. Like, one of us asks a question about the mares: the other answers, and then he asks the next question.”

“Yup,” Big Mac agreed. “Why don’t ya start? Ah’m… not too good with questions.”

“Alright, hmm… oh okay, how about… Which mare in your herd has the tightest pussy?” Pip asked.

“Oh, that’d be Fluttershy. She’s tight. Shorter too, Ah can’t even fit all the way inside her unless she’s in heat,” Mac replied.

Pip giggled. “Well, no surprise. You’re bucking huge Mac, heh. Anyway, your turn to ask.”

Big Mac pondered for a few seconds. “Hm, Pip… which mare has… the cutest snatch?”

“That’s hard, they all look so cute. Hm, I’d say… Sugar Belle. She gots really nice lips, and it’s cute you can see her clit even when she’s not having sex. Okay, next question: did you ever masturbate while thinking about Fluttershy or Cheerilee before marrying Sugar Belle.”

“Eeyup, with both. Fluttershy looks so pretty, and she’s friends with AJ, so I saw her often at the farm. With Cheerilee… we actually bucked once, when we were younger. So, for you… hmm… did ya put your dick in any of their butt?”

Pip was starting to get pretty hard. He idly rubbed his swelling cock. “Uh, no, I just did it in their pussy. And, did you? Do you even fit?”

“Sure, we’ve done it plenty of time. It feels good for them too. Just need to be careful when you enter.” Big Mac turned toward Pip and stroked his shaft. The older stallion cupped Pip’s balls, then rubbed his virgin tailhole.

Pip felt an unexpected pleasure at being touched there, making his ass and stallionhood twitch. “Gosh, that feels nice Mac.” The other stallion mounted over Pip, rubbing his sex against his own.

Pip wrapped his hooves around Big Mac’s neck and pulled him for a kiss. His lips parted, letting Mac slip his tongue inside.

As pleasure built in his body, Pip felt oddly relaxed as he was dominated by the alpha stallion. He felt light in his rump, his hindlegs spreading wider. Suddenly, he wanted to be mounted, to feel the bigger stallion on his back and inside him.

Is this… is this what he feels like for a mare? Did Cheerilee feel like this when I was with her?

“Mac, please take me,” Pip said when Big Mac broke the kiss, letting his instinct take over. “Mount me p-please, I-I want you inside.”

Big Mac grinned, rubbed himself one last time against Pip, and lifted himself off. Pip got up too, observing Mac as he poured a generous amount of lube on his own engorged penis. Pip braced himself against the bed, lifting his rump higher as he'd seen the mares do. His own cock and balls hung freely between his legs as he exposed his plothole to Big Macintosh. Pip felt an incredible thrill as Big Mac pressed his hooves on either side of him, making him feel the weight of the bigger stallion’s barrel on his back.

Pip gasped as Big Mac swollen glans rubbed his balls. The pressure shifted up, the lubed tip now caressing Pip's tight sphincter. The young stallion felt a fresh wave of nervousness fill his system, causing his virgin asshole to tighten in self-defense. Pip tensed as Big Mac pressed directly onto the opening.

Apparently, Big Mac knew what to do. He pressed hard on Pip’s back, pinning him against the bed, and increased the weight on his rump, forcing him to lower it and spread his legs.

Big Mac hugged the younger stallion from behind. “Pip, Ah’m gonna enter ya now. Just relax.”

“Yeah… take me. Claim me. I want you inside.”

Pip suddenly felt Big Mac bite his ear hard, making him gasp. For an instant, his focus shifted from the imminent rectal penetration to the intense pain-pleasure in his ear, causing his anus to loosen.

Big Mac’s flared tip immediately stretched Pip’s exposed tailhole. In a second, the entire glans slipped inside his rectum, causing him to let out a loud whinny. Big Mac held himself there, letting his sphincter time to accommodate him.

“Fuck!” The swollen tip felt huge in Pip’s ass, stretching him uncomfortably. Fortunately, Big Mac was patient, and - soon enough - the pain faded.

A hoof wrapped around Pip’s abdomen, holding him tight. Big Mac’s swollen penis pushed deeper into his rectum, then withdrew slightly. Again, it pushed in, just a little deeper. Big Mac repeated the motion again and again, burying himself inch by inch inside Pip.

The gentle thrusts felt incredible as they rubbed against Pip’s sensitive entrance. He felt an extra burst of pleasure as Big Mac medial ring passed his stretched sphincter. “Ooh! Yes, hmm!”

Both stallions’ hips met as Big Mac hilted himself into Pip’s ass, the workhorse balls lovingly caressing his own.

With a hoof, Big Mac brought Pip’s muzzle toward him. Their lips met, Mac’s wet tongue entering his mouth, both entrances to his guts filled with warm stallion. Pip whimpered, an intense submissive thrill making his body shudder.

Pip suddenly felt emptiness inside him as Big Mac’s stallionhood slipped out of his ass until about only a third of the length remained in his butt. Mac hilted himself again to the balls in one smooth motion.

“Ahh~ Mmmmh~!”

Big Mac kept thrusting into Pip, claiming the stallion as his mare. Their balls touched with each penetration, adding to their pleasure.

For Pip, the experience of taking his stallion felt very different than being with a mare. Instead of mounting and thrusting inside his partner, he was immobilized, having simply to take and enjoy the pleasurable pounding in his rear.

Big Mac's tip flared deep in his rectum, the stallion’s thrusts growing increasingly insistent, each staying deeper and deeper with each frenzied penetration. With a loud whinny, Big Mac hilted his cock deep in Pip’s rectum and pressed his barrel to his back, his pelvis grinding into the younger stallion’s butt and making their scrotums rub delightfully. Pip waited for Big Mac's orgasm with baited breath, wanting to feel his coltfriend's seed inside him.

Warm, gooey cum flooded into him, each contraction of Mac’s heavy balls against Pip’s delivering a fresh load of sticky semen into his bowels. Big Mac held him tight, instinctively trying to make sure his fertile seed stayed within a receptive mare. Sperm kept gushing into Pip; he felt proud of it, of having pleased his partner in such an intimate manner, the proof of his satisfaction pooling in his guts.

Big Mac eventually went limp on top of him, the bigger stallion’s entire weight pressing down on Pip’s body. His partner laid his head right next to his own, so Pip nuzzled and kissed him.

“Thank you,” Big Mac said, panting. “Ya feel so good, Pip.”

Big Mac pulled his cock out of the other stallion’s ass, causing a stream of white seminal fluid to ooze out of Pip’s gaping tailhole. The red stallion rolled onto the bed, utterly spent.

Pip’s own stallionhood throbbed urgently between his legs, so he joined Big Mac on the bed. “Mac, I’m really hard. Do… Do you want to t-taste my cum? I’m almost there.”

Big Mac nodded with a smile. He approached Pip, dipping his head between his legs as he took Pip’s engorged flare into his muzzle. Pip was so close to his climax that it only took a few gentle suckles on his sensitive glans to push him over the edge.

Pip felt his balls contract as the wonderful sensation of orgasm consumed him. His seed gushed into Big Mac's mouth, making the stallion taste his gooey, bitter cum. They kept eye contact the entire time, the stallion’s neck bulging each time he swallowed the fertile semen, taking it in his stomach where it would be digested. Big Mac kept the tip in his mouth as Pip’s ejaculation ended, giving it a few tender licks before pulling off.

Both stallions dropped into Pip’s bed, hugging gently as they enjoyed the afterglow of their lovemaking, their cocks returning into their respective sheaths. It was getting very late, so Pip extinguished the nearby lamp and settled down in Big Mac’s embrace, neither of them saying a word. They kissed gently before drifting to sleep.

~ ❀ ~

Thursday, November 1st, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Big Mac and Pip arrived at Sweet Apple Acres late the next morning. The ponies there were already at work tearing down and packing the remnants of Nightmare Night.

“Da!” Rain Hearth trotted unsteadily toward Big Mac, the little purple filly followed closely by her brother and sister. Big Mac gave her a little peck on her forehead and lifted her up on his back. He did the same with his son, Orchard Breeze, the cute yellow colt joining Rain Hearth on their father’s back.

Pip ran his hoof through Harvest Blossom’s pink mane, making the filly unicorn chirp happily. He lifted her on his withers, where she hugged his neck in a tiny hug.

“Oh, hi sweeties! We were wondering where you were.” Sugar Belle approached the two stallions with a smile. “Did you two sleep together?”

Pip and Big Mac shared a bit of a sheepish look, then nodded.

Sugar Belle looked at them, a quizzical expression in her eyes but a light smirk on her lips. “Did… you two have fun?”

Big Mac kissed Pip’s on the lips.


9. Hearth's Warming Eve

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~ ❀ ~

Monday, December 24th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

A great and bright fire roared in the chimney, spreading a cozy warmth in the crowded living room sheltering ponies from the raging winter storm. Pipsqueak was sitting next to Cheerilee, gently hugging the mare and sipping hot cocoa.

The room was utterly stuffed with ponies; here was the rest of the herd - Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Fluttershy -, their foals - Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze and Rain Hearth -, the Apple family - Granny Smith, Applejack and Applebloom -, Applebloom’s marefriends - Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo - and Cheerilee’s family - her parents and her twin sister Cherry Blossom.

Sugar Belle took position in the middle of the room, stomping her hooves to get everypony’s attention. The room fell silent, save for the fire’s crackling and the howling winds outside. Even the excited foals settled down. Sugar Belle tapped the floor a few times to set the rhythm then started singing gently, everypony joining in a choir.

As dawn shines on us every morn
The fire of friendship is reborn
And all the friendships we have made
We cherish in every way

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong
Honesty shows that we belong
And kindness shared will unite us through each day

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few
Laughter and singing will see us through

We are a circle of pony friends
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

Though the winter brings all its cold and storm
The glow in our hearts keeps us warm
The friends we now call our family
Will always see us through

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong
Honesty shows that we belong
And kindness shared will unite us through each day

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart
Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few
Laughter and singing will see us through

We are a circle of pony friends
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

The room erupted into cheers, foals joining in with their high pitched voices. The family shared hugs and kisses, happy feelings spreading amongst everypony. Pip kissed Cheerilee’s lips before Rain Hearth joined in between them. They hugged the little purple filly. Pip felt his heart melt as he stroked the mane of Big Mac and Cheerilee’s daughter, loving the foal as if he had sired her himself.

“Thank you everypony!” Sugar Belle said, starting a speech. “Thank you to all for being with us this Hearth’s Warming Eve!” She cleared her throat.

“When I married my very special somepony, Big Macintosh, 8 years ago, I never imagined how our family would grow so much. Two years ago, we married Fluttershy, officially forming a herd here at Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy, you’re a wonderful, kind pony and an amazing wife. We love you with all our hearts.”

The pegasus blushed brightly, hiding behind her bangs and hugging her colt tightly.

“Then, just last year, Cheerilee joined our herd too. Cheerilee, you’re an inspiration for us all. Ponyville’s fillies and colts are lucky to have you as their teacher. When you joined us, we decided it was finally time for us to have foals of our own.

“This year, we welcome our new fillies and colt into the world. Harvest Blossom, Rain Hearth, Orchard Breeze, we love you more than anything else.

“Finally, I’d like to welcome Pipsqueak. Pip, you were very brave to date a herd about to have foals. We’ve never regretted letting you in with us, and I hope you never did either. You’ve been an incredible help and a loving partner to all of us. Thank you!”

Pip had to wipe the tears forming in his eyes. He felt warm, accepted, happy.

“Now, before everypony opens their gifts,” Sugar Belle continued, “I’d like you to get up and join me, Pip.”

Surprised, Pip did so, trotting to Sugar Belle. Big Mac, Fluttershy and Cheerilee took positions on either sides of the unicorn, each smiling brightly.

“We - Mac, Fluttershy, Cheerilee and I - have a very special gift for you.” Sugar Belle levitated a small red box held shut by a golden ribbon.

Pip grabbed one end of the ribbon with his mouth and pulled to untie it. He released the ribbon and opened the little box. Inside was a golden chain and an ornate gold ring with a large diamond. He was left dumbstruck, unable to speak.

“Pip, we love you, and we want you with us for the rest of our lives. Will you marry us?”

Surprised gasps echoed across the room, everypony leaning closer to see Pip. His throat felt so tight he barely managed to squeak the response out.

“Yeah… yes, I love all of you. I want to marry you.” He picked up the ring and hung the chain around his neck, sealing their engagement.

The sound of pony cheers and stomping hooves shook the entire house. Words of congratulations and happiness echoed in Pip’s ears as he joined Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Fluttershy and Cheerilee in a group hug. He shared a kiss with each one.

The three foals jumped on Pip, hugging him with their tiny legs, probably having no idea of what was happening but wanting to join in the happiness nonetheless. Pip nuzzled into Harvest Blossom’s soft pink mane and planted a little kiss on her tiny horn, making the filly coo.

“Everypony, it’s time to celebrate!” Sugar Belle exclaimed, “gifts and sweets for all!”

Later that night, after the guests made their way back home, the entire herd, including Pip and the foals, collapsed together on the bed and quickly drifted into sleep, feeling utterly exhausted after a full day of play and celebrations.

~ ❀ ~

Tuesday, December 25th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Sugar Belle woke up early the next morning, hearing a foal’s whimper. She groggily looked around, seeing the entire herd still fast asleep. She spotted Rain Hearth getting a little agitated next to her.

Sugar Belle gently stroked the filly, comforting her. With a smile, she guided the foal to her lower belly, offering her udders and teats. As the unicorn expected, Rain Hearth stopped crying and began to eagerly suckle at her teat.

Feeding Cheerilee and Fluttershy’s foals always gave Sugar Belle a special thrill as she nursed them. She was bonding with Rain Hearth, the filly gulping down her warm, creamy milk. It tightened the herd’s bonds. The mare felt a similar warmth whenever she saw her own Harvest Blossom suckling at Cheerilee or Fluttershy’s teats.

The foals had grown since their births, and so had their appetites. Soon, Rain Hearth had swallowed the entire content of Sugar Belle’s udder. The filly simply lifted her head and moved to the other teat. Sugar Belle patted her little rump, letting the foal fill her belly with mare milk.

“Feeling better?” Sugar Belle whispered in the foal ear as she stopped suckling. Rain Hearth looked back at the alpha mare with her large, green eyes, the same color as Big Mac’s.

“Mmhmm,” the purple filly answered, looking content.

“Come, let’s get up before we wake the others.” Sugar Belle lifted Rain Heart in her magic and placed her on her back. She got out of bed and silently trotted out of the bedroom.

Sugar Belle brought Rain Hearth with her to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Cheerilee already up and eating.

Wait, that’s not Cheerilee…

“Oh, good morning, Cherry Blossom. You’re up early.”

Unlike the rest of yesterday’s guests, Cheerilee's twin sister wasn’t residing in Ponyville, so she had slept on the couch instead. Cherry Blossom waved a hoof. “I always get up early. Oh, you brought Rain Hearth! Mind if I take her off your hooves?”

Sugar Belle passed her the foal. Cherry Blossom happily nuzzled her twin’s daughter.

As usual, seeing Cheerilee’s sister was a very strange experience. Cherry Blossom, who was actually a professional wrestler living in Manehattan, was almost perfectly identical to Cheerilee, the only notable difference being her cutie mark. Sugar Belle hadn’t met her often, but it was always a bit unsettling, seeing somepony who looked exactly like her wife… but wasn’t.

~ ❀ ~

Cheerilee’s parents came back around noon, as they had announced. As an Hearth’s Warming gift to their daughter and her herd, the older couple were taking the three foals for a few days, thus giving the herd some well earned peace and quiet.

Soon enough, the foals, the grand-parents and auntie Cherry Blossom were on their way, leaving the two stallions and three mares alone together.

“Aww, I miss my little ones already,” Fluttershy said, looking longingly through the window.

Cheerilee giggled. “Yes, me too. But there’s something else I’m missing. Come on, Shy.”

The two mares joined Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Pip in the living room. Everypony looked very excited.

“Ladies and gentlecolts,” Sugar Belle announced with a grin, “the moment we have been all waiting for is finally here!”

The herd cheered.

“Today, Shy, Cheery, and myself are officially okay for intercourse. Aaaand, the house is guaranteed foal-free for the next few days. We have a very tight schedule, so I suggest we move on to the bedroom for our first activity: group sex!”

Cheerilee was beyond horny when she dropped into their herd-size bed. After foaling Rain Hearth, she had not had sex in over four entire months, except for giving an occasional blowjob to her stallions.

That was going to change immediately.

As Big Mac lay down with Fluttershy and Sugar Belle, Cheerilee grabbed Pip and pressed his body against her. She moaned as she felt his swelling sex rubbing against her flat belly. She put her hooves around his neck and drew him into her muzzle. Their tongues mingled like old friends, passionately caressing each other.

“Hmm, Pip, have you missed my body?” Cheerilee asked, a sultry expression of faux naivete in her eyes.

“Yeah… oh, you’re so warm. I want to come inside you right now.” The young stallion rubbed his cock against her crotch.

“Mmhmm, I want you inside me too. But, hang on-” Cheerilee wrapped her legs around Pip, holding him tight. She rolled to the side, taking him with her and making him yelp. A second later, she had wrestled him underneath her, pinning him down on his back. She grinded her vulva against the base of his cock.

She looked down at the handsome stallion beneath her, biting her lips in anticipation. She felt her fluids leak down on his sheath and balls. “Have you ever done it like this?”

Pip shook his head, his dark brown eyes not leaving her own.

“Yeah, this isn’t a very comfortable position when you’re ten months pregnant,” Cheerilee said, “but that’s not a problem anymore, isn’t it?” She pressed her belly to his, hugging his erect stallionhood between her udders, and brought her face right in front of his.

“You’ve been so patient, Pip. You’ve helped us with our foals, and soon you’ll be our husband. Now, let me take good care of you. Are you ready?”

Pip nodded. Cheerilee licked his face, smearing him with her saliva. She pushed back against him so she could sit on his crotch again.

Cheerilee lifted her rear and guided his tip to her sweet supple folds. “Oh, yes,” she moaned as the flare gently parted her entrance. Without waiting, she pressed down, slipping that wonderful length into her winking, needy snatch. Slowly, she took more and more of his stallionhood into her warm, silky vagina. Soon enough, she felt his nice, firm balls rubbing her asshole; she had taken his entire shaft into her foal canal, feeling his tip pushing at her cervix.

Cheerilee stayed there, teasing Pip and herself with regular contractions. He looked so cute, with his head rolled back and a blissful grin on his lips. She took his hoof and pushed it deeply into her lower belly. She smirked as his eyes grew wide. “Mmh, do you feel it? Yes, that’s you… that’s your cock, and it’s sooo~ deep in me.”

Cheerilee lifted her rump up and down a few times, settling for a slow, sensual rhythm. “Oooh… mmh… you’ve never fucked a mare… umm… while she wasn’t pregnant… oh yes… isn’t that right?”

She accelerated her thrusts, taking him harder into her well lubed vagina. “Yeah… oh yes… ah~ You’ll see it’s… mmh… when I’ll make you cum… mmh~ your seed won’t leak out of my cunt… oh, yeah… it’s going to get deep inside me, inside my womb. Ah! Mmh… And one day, we’ll do this again while I’m in heat. You’ll fill up my womb… with your seed. You’ll ejaculate your foal in me. A little filly or c-colt that… that we will have made together. Ah!~”

Cheerilee took her young stallion with fast, smooth strokes. The constant penetrations built her pleasure as the stallionhood in her snatch rubbed against her sensitive inner flesh.

Pip had always been a great student, and that had not stopped when they’d started dating. To his old teacher’s delighted surprise, he remembered her earlier lessons on how to pleasure a mare and stroked her winking clit with his hoof. This immediately raised her pleasure tenfold, making her whinny in ecstasy, “oooh, yeeeessss!”

Barely, Cheerilee contained her orgasm and instead increased her pace as she fucked her former student with wild intensity, making him moan with every penetration. After a few seconds, he gasped and she felt his tip flare in her canal.

Cheerilee slammed back down a final time and let herself orgasm around him. She collapsed, holding her stallion in a tight grip like she was afraid he’d disappear if she’d ever let go. She faced him, her eyes lost into his. “Aaahhh, do it! C-cum in my meeee~”

She pressed her muzzle into his, exchanging a deep kiss as she felt his tip stretch her cervix. Thick, virile seed gushed directly into her womb, the beautiful stallion underneath her shuddering as he coated a mare’s uterus for the first time.

She kept pleasuring Pip with her vagina, enjoying each twitch and moan she got from him. His seed pooled deep in her womb, filling the space that had been occupied by Rain Hearth until Cheerilee birthed the filly. Though she wasn’t in heat, and nor was she ready for another child just yet, she kind of wished Pip had given her a little brother or sister for her foal right there.

Once Pip grew limp and Cheerilee’s orgasm ebbed, she pulled off him and rolled on her back, letting his flaccid stallionhood drop back on his tummy. She simply relished the feeling of his gooey semen in her.

“That was awesome, Cheery,” he said, panting as he recovered from his own climax, his eyes half-lidded as his body was filled with a relaxing afterglow.

“Thanks, I love you, Pip.” She felt a certain warmth in her heart as she pronounced the words; it was the first time she'd said she loved him. It had felt too soon before, too pushy. But they were engaged now, he would soon join her herd. One day he would give her a foal like Big Mac had before him.

“I love you too.” He kissed her and rubbed her tummy.

She placed his hoof on her abdomen. “Right there. That’s where you left your cum, made me all messy inside. I still feel it in my womb, it’s so nice and warm.”

A loud whinny from Sugar Belle brought Cheerilee and Pip back to reality. They had phased out the rest of the herd during their lovemaking, but now it looked like Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Fluttershy were about to reach their climaxes. Cheerilee and Pip turned around and settled down to watch the threesome.

They were doing such nice things, too. Big Mac was ravaging Fluttershy, pounding her from behind as he took his pleasure in the pegasus swollen, oozing snatch. Fluttershy herself had her muzzle buried in Sugar Belle feverishly winking vulva, moaning constantly as she suckled the unicorn’s engorged clitoris.

Sugar Belle screamed, arching her spine and painted Fluttershy’s face with her marecum as she came. Big Mac hilted in the pegasus’ pussy and let out a low growl as he emptied the content of his heavy balls into Fluttershy’s welcoming womb and made her cum with a quiet gasp.

Cheerilee and Pip joined them and caressed the climaxing ponies, helping them transition into a blissful aftermath. Soon, all five ponies collapsed onto the mattress, gently cuddling and whispering loving words into each other’s ears.

~ ❀ ~

Half an hour later, the herd was hanging out in the kitchen, ponies gulping down holiday cakes and other festive snacks together.

“Alright everypony! Now that we all got a chance to blow off some steam after four months of sex break, why don’t we share our ‘Naughty Gifts’?” Sugar Belle proposed. “I can’t wait to see what you all brought.”

“That sounds like a mighty fine plan, sugarcube,” Big Mac approved.

The ‘Naughty Gifts’ had been Cheerilee’s idea. She had suggested that everypony would bring a sexy gift for the entire herd for Hearth’s Warming Eve. Obviously, the five secret packages had not been placed under the Hearth’s Warming tree with the rest of the family’s presents, but hidden until the foals were sent away.

Soon, the herd was lounging on the plush carpet in front of the fireplace. Each pony held a wrapped box holding their Naugthy Gifts.

“Which gift should we open first?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hmm, let’s select somepony at random, then we can go clockwise,” Sugar Belle answered. She levitated a nearby writing feather and dropped it in the middle of the circle they formed. The feather wobbled around before touching the ground, the tip pointing…

“Pip, you’re first!”

“Okay, sure!” Pip produced a long box and placed it in front of Sugar Belle.

The unicorn unwrapped and opened the present, revealing a set of five butt plugs, each ornate with a gem matching one the ponies’ coat color.

“Whoa, Pip! This is amazing!” Sugar Belle exclaimed, lifting the pink plug in her magic. The toy was composed of a short, rounded tip - which got narrower near the hilt so it would be held by the user’s anal sphincter -, a large base and a small handle which held the colored jewel.

“Oh… my…” Fluttershy looked wide eyed at the toys.

Cheerilee had never used a plug like these before. “Can we try them right now? Do we have lube somewhere?”

“Yeah! I got a bottle right here,” Pip replied. “Let’s put them on.”

Cheerilee grabbed the floating toy by the protruding gem with her teeths, then shot a saucy look at Sugar Belle. “Need some help with that, Belle?”

Sugar Belle grinned and lifted the bottle of lube, squeezing it over the toy’s tip. The alpha mare then presented her rump to Cheerilee, lifting her tail to allow access to her privates. Cheerilee gently pushed the plug into Sugar Belle’s ass, seeing the cute pink hole open as it swallowed the toy.

“Oooh~! This is so nice,” the unicorn commented, giving her rump a little shake. “Now show me your adorable little ponut, sweetie.” She picked and lubed the purple plug.

Cheerilee more than willingly showed her asshole to her alpha. The toy soon settled in her tight anus, followed by a kiss from the unicorn on her vulva. The toy indeed felt nice in her butt, giving her a constant, but discrete, pleasure.

Meanwhile, Pip was busy helping Fluttershy and Big Mac with their own plugs. Wanting to see what inserting the plug in a stallion looked like, Cheerilee grabbed and lubed the last plug - the one with a white gem. She approached Pip, who noticed her and willingly presented his backside. He had a really cute ass. Cheerilee pushed the toy in and - taking notes from Sugar Belle - kissed his beautiful balls.

Once they all had their plug inserted, they settled back down onto the floor.

“Oh, I like this,” Fluttershy commented, wiggling her butt. “That’s very thoughtful, Pip.”

“Thanks! But how about you show us your gift?” Pip replied.

“Oh… right. Here it is.” Fluttershy presented a tiny box, which produced soft tinkling sounds when handled, and offered it to Pip.

He unwrapped the package, revealing four miniature bottles of green potion, each tagged with a name: Big Mac, Pipsqueak, Sugar Belle, and Cheerilee.

“What’s this, Fluttershy?” Cheerilee asked, looking at the otherwise nondescript potions.

“Um, I asked Zecora to make these. Each dose of the potion is separated into two bottles. When two creatures each drink a bottle, they will swap their bodies, becoming the other for a while… Zecora made Angel and me drink this potion once, so I ended up spending the whole day as a bunny while Angel made a mess of the Sanctuary.”

Fluttershy noticed everypony looking wide eyed at her. She immediately withdrew, hiding behind her hairs. “Oh no, you h-hate it, don’t y-you? Oh, I’m so sorry that was a bad idea. I’ll just bring it back to Zecora-”

Fluttershy!” Sugar Belle interrupted her, “this is amazing!”

Fluttershy moved her bangs out of her eyes. “Oh, so you do like it?”

“It’s incredible!” Cheerilee added. “You mean I’ll get to try being a stallion for a day?”

“Um, yes. I’m just not sure which one exactly; I mixed the stallions’ tags when I packed the bottles, so I don't know which mare they pair with. It will be a surprise, I guess…”

“I vote to save these for later and move on for now,” Sugar Belle suggested. Everypony agreed.

They continued the round of Naugthy Gifts. Big Mac had brought a flogging paddle, which could be used to slap other ponies’ rump. He demonstrated the toy on Sugar Belle butt, eliciting an excited yelp from the unicorn.

Sugar Belle’s gift contained a set of restraints for bondage. It included a muzzle bind, a bridle, a collar, a strap to link the wearer’s tail with the collar, a blindfold, and a rope. For some reason, everypony looked at Fluttershy.

Finally, it was Cheerilee’s turn. With a smirk, she gave her large, flat package to Sugar Belle.

The unicorn unwrapped the present, revealing a slim pink book. “Cum Cakes,” Sugar Belle read. “Wait, WHAT!?”

Cheerilee busted out laughing, “HAHAHA! Bon Bon told me about this a few weeks ago, and I just had to get it for our ‘Naugthy Gifts’! It’s just so crazy.”

Sugar Belle snorted loudly, barely holding her laughter. “This is either the coolest or most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Is that even for real?” The unicorn opened the book, browsing through pages. “Wait… That’s an actual cookbook for making desserts with stallion semen. There’s recipes and everything!”

“Oh, my…” Fluttershy commented.

“Well, what about you boys?” Cheerilee asked the two stallions with a wink. “Would you two like to provide the missing ingredient?”

Big Mac and Pip shared a look, more than a little perplexed. “Uh… maybe?” Pip eventually offered.

“Oooh, this looks promising!” Sugar Belle commented as she explored the book, “‘Cupcake frosting: for delicious cumcakes’. Oh, I really wanna try it now.”

And so, the herd found itself in the kitchen, watching Sugar Belle prepare her baking supplies. “So… we need to prepare the base for the frosting, cool it, stir in the seed from our handsome stallions, then leave it in the icebox for an hour,” the unicorn said, reading from the book, “then we can make the cupcakes.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Cheerilee asked, sensually looking at Big Mac.

As Sugar Belle prepared the sugary base of the frosting, Cheerilee passed a bottle to Fluttershy so she could ‘milk’ Pip while she did the same with Big Mac.

Getting Big Mac erect was pretty easy, especially when he had a plug inserted in his rectum. After just a few licks, Cheerilee swallowed his hardening sex into her throat and started to blow him properly.

“Uh, honey…” Big Mac interrupted after a couple minutes. Cheerilee felt him flare and pulled out. She placed the tip against the bottle’s opening just in time to catch the first load of thick, musky horse spunk. She licked Big Mac’s glans, encouraging the stallion to empty his big, bulging balls into the reservoir. Once the ejaculation stopped, Cheerilee closed the bottle and cleaned Big Mac’s tip with a lick. She brought the flask to eye level. The glass now contained an impressive amount of gooey semen. Fluttershy brought her own bottle filled with Pip’s seed.

“Alright, we’re ready to finish the frosting,” Sugar Belle said. “Uh, boys, would you be more comfortable trying the cumcakes if I made two batches of frosting, so you only have to taste the other one’s cupcakes?”

“Uh, sure…” Pip replied.


Sugar Belle tagged two bowls with each stallion’s name and splitted the frosting. She measured one cup of semen from Fluttershy’s bottle and stirred it into the ‘Pip’ bowl, then did the same with Cheerilee’s bottle in the ‘Big Mac’ bowl. She covered both mixes and placed them in the icebox.

“Ok, now… let’s make these cupcakes,” Sugar Belle said. “Cheery, can you get the milk?”

Cheerilee gave her wife a sultry look. “Which milk did you want, sweetie?”

Sugar Belle froze. She snorted, giggling. “Oh, you are so bad… I love it! Come here, I’m going to milk you. Shy, you too.”

Cheerilee felt her teats manipulated by Sugar Belle’s magical grasp, the unicorn milking the content of her udders into a bowl. She then switched to Fluttershy, who gave a quiet “Eep!” as her sweet, creamy milk was harvested.

Taking the mares’ milk, Sugar Belle mixed the cupcake batter and poured it in muffin cups.

“Oh, this is going to be amazing,” Cheerilee gleefully commented as Sugar Belle put the cupcakes in the oven.

~ ❀ ~

Later that night, Pip was hanging out with the herd in the living room. It was a quieter, more sensual Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration than the one they had hosted the night before with the whole family, where the herd had proposed to him. They had shared a romantic, candlelit dinner while drinking the cellar’s best wines.

Pip was sitting next to the hearth, cuddling Fluttershy, enjoying the contact of his fur against her long, silky hairs, occasionally nuzzling the mare. In front of them, Big Mac was lovingly making out with Cheerilee.

“Alright everypony!” Sugar Belle said, arriving with a platter from the kitchen, “here is our very own, herd-flavored desserts… cumcakes!”

Pip curiously examined the platter. It contained a dozen vanilla cupcakes made with Fluttershy and Cheerilee’s milk. Each was now topped with a delicate white frosting, made from Mac and Pip’s semen. Half of the cupcakes had an apple slice on top, while the other half each had a cherry.

“The ones with Big Mac’s seed are the ones with an apple,” Sugar Belle explained, “and the ones with a cherry are Pip’s.”

Pip hesitated, but he had to admit it felt pretty hot to see cupcakes made from their fluids. After that time with Big Mac on Nightmare Night, he often had sex with the other stallion, and he had tasted his gooey, bitter seed several time. It couldn’t be worse when mixed with a bunch of sugar, so he picked one of the apple themed cupcakes.

“That’s the spirit, Pip,” Sugar Belle cheered. “C’mon, give it a taste.”

Courageously, Pip took a small bite of the cupcake, stallion frosting included. To his surprise, the taste wasn’t bad at all; he definitely tasted the musk and saltiness of Big Mac’s sperm, but the sugar took away the worst of the bitterness. The cupcake itself, made with fresh creamy mare milk, was tasty and moist. Pip gulped the cupcake in a few big bites, happily swallowing it.

The others were watching Pip expectantly, awaiting his verdict.

“Mmh, it’s actually pretty good!”

The herd grinned and each pony took a cupcake. Pip felt a peculiar thrill as he watched Cheerilee and Big Mac each taste a cupcake made from his own seed, seeing the bulge of their throat as they took his frosted semen into their guts.

“Wow, you’re right,” Sugar Belle commented, licking the remnants of Mac’s frosting from her lips. “I can’t believe that actually worked alright…”

“Mmhmm,” Fluttershy agreed. “Though, we should eat them all before our foals come back after tomorrow…”

Cheerilee giggled. “I would not want to explain why these cupcakes are ‘mommies-only’. It would blow their adorable little minds.”

The herd laughed, chatting merrily as they gulped the naugthy treats.

The five ponies eventually made their way to the bedroom, excited to mate with each other once more.

“Did you four, um, want to try the potions now?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“In a minute, but first we’d like to thank you properly for the amazing gift,” Sugar Belle said, a predatory glint in her eye.


Sugar Belle lifted the bit and bridle, as well as the matching straps and collar. Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide. “Oh… my…”

“Is that alright with you?” the alpha mare asked. “We don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“Oh no, it’s okay. It looks wonderful… I’m just teensy-bit nervous.”

“That mighty fine, you just tell us if ya wanna stop,” Big Mac reassured her.

The four ponies cornered the shy pegasus. Sugar Belle passed the bridle around her muzzle, and inserted the bit in her mouth; with it, Fluttershy could speak, albeit with some difficulty.

Cheerilee collared the mare, and passed the strap to Pip. He clamped the ring around Fluttershy’s pink, smooth tail, then attached the strap to its anchor at the back of the collar. The black strap was pretty short, so it forced Fluttershy’s fluffy tail up on her back, keeping the pegasus in a very compromising position, her most private parts exposed to any nearby onlookers. Pip gave her a kiss on her flushed folds, making her squirm.

Big Mac rolled Fluttershy on her back, and hogtied the mare with the last rope. Finally, Sugar Belle blindfolded her. Fluttershy looked so cute like that, blinded and helpless, her leaky vulva freely accessible.

“So, any of you stallions want to enjoy our little pegasus?” Sugar Belle proposed with a smirk.

Fluttershy opened her mouth as if to say something, but Sugar Belle shushed her with a hoof. “Hush now, Shy. Not a word. If you need us to stop, you can say so… but, until then, we decide how we want to enjoy your sexy body.

The pegasus just nodded.

“Do ya wanna try her ass, Pip?” Big Mac asked.

Pip agreed, “oh, yeah, that would be fun. I never had mare in the ass before. Do you want her pussy too?”

Big Mac nodded.

“Oh, this is so hot, you’re taking her together?” Cheerilee commented, her hoof rubbing her own wet snatch.

“Eeyup! Pip, lube up in her cunt. Ah’ll get in her after.”

With a grin, Pip licked Fluttershy’s excited pussy a few times to make sure she was ready, then pinned her under him. His tip met her winking sex and swiftly slipped inside her vagina.

Pip felt a naugthy thrill as he penetrated his mare without even asking her permission, violating the pegasus’ silky smooth vagina. His entire shaft was soon coated in her fluids, so he pulled out of her, making her gasp.

Big Mac untied Fluttershy’s legs so he could spread her hips. He mounted her, pressing her into the mattress and entering her puffy marehood. He gave her a few rough thrusts, then rolled onto his back, taking the pegasus along with him.

With Fluttershy on top, belly to belly with Mac, Pip had perfect access to her exposed ass. He gently grabbed the butt plug still obstructing her hole and pulled it out, revealing her gaping rectum. It looked so lovely, there just above the pussy Big Mac occupied. Pip’s stallionhood, still drenched in her vaginal lubricant, quickly found its way into the loose tunnel. After a few thrusts in Fluttershy’s welcoming anus, Pip hilted his entire shaft inside her.

Pip had taken Big Mac’s ass a few times in the last couple months, so he wasn’t a complete novice. Fluttershy’s rectum felt much the same as Mac’s, though she was definitely tighter. However, Pip had not been expecting to feel the bigger stallion’s penis through the thin membranes separating Shy’s bowels and vagina. It was so exciting to rub against the other stallion while inside their shared mare.

“Oh, yeah… you stallions have fun with our little pet,” Cheerilee said, still masturbating with Sugar Belle, “but don’t have too much fun. We’re trying your handsome stallion bodies next, and we don’t want you to cum before we get to try it.”

“Mmhmm,” Sugar Belle moaned approvingly.

Both stallions nodded and went to work on the bound pegasus. Instead of focusing on their own pleasure, they instead proceeded to stimulate Fluttershy’s entire body, using their hooves, mouths, and cocks. They bit her ears, stroked her wings, licked her mane, rubbed her clit and, of course, pounded her holes.

Fluttershy, sandwiched between her two stallions, caressed everywhere, quickly reached her peak. She let out a long “Aaaah!” around the bit in her muzzle as she came, her vagina and rectum trying to milk the stallions for their seed.

Pip pulled out his hard, flared stallionhood out of her tailhole. He almost came just from the cool outside air on his shaft, but he managed to hold himself.

Pip did his best to think about that one time he went bowling with other town hall’s employees. The incredibly dull memory actually worked wonders, making his erection shrink considerably. While Big Mac disentangled himself from the spent Fluttershy and proceeded to remove her collar and bridle, Pip washed his own stallionhood with an antiseptic wipe.

“Mmmh, that was wonderful,” Fluttershy said quietly. “It’s too bad you couldn’t fill me with your seed, but I came so hard.”

“Oh, so you can talk now, sweetie? I thought our stallions broke you for a moment.” Cheerilee giggled. “Well, can you show us how to use your potions now? I think I’m ready to be a stallion.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy distributed the four tiny bottles to their assigned pony.

Pip examined his bottle. It was a simple glass container with a cork containing a green potion, just enough liquid for a single sip. On a tag tied to the bottleneck, the word ‘Pipsqueak’ was written in Fluttershy’s elegant, flowing cursives.

“Okay everypony, each potion has a pair. Like I said, I’m not sure which pony has your pair, but I’m quite sure Cheerilee and Sugar Belle are not together. So, when you all swallow the potion, you will swap body with somepony of the other gender.”

Pip was quite excited. He looked at Cheerilee and Sugar Belle, feeling a thrill knowing he would soon be one of these two gorgeous mares.

They all uncorked the bottles. “To your health!” Sugar Belle toasted before gulping down her potion. Pip, Cheerilee and Big Mac downed their dose.

The potion didn’t taste much, just blend herbs. Pip waited for a few seconds, the liquid flowing down in his stomach. With no warning whatsoever, the world instantly shifted around him and he fell face first into the bed. He felt… different.

The first thing Pip noticed was the long curly purple mane he felt on his head. Instead of white and brown, the hoof he brought to touch his hairs was a brilliant shade of pink. He touched his face, exploring his new, shorter mare muzzle. His hoof bumped with something on his forehead: an unicorn’s horn.

He was in Sugar Belle’s body. “Woah- uh?” Pip exclamation was cut short when the sound came out with a much higher pitch than usual, a feminine voice.

“Oh, wow, I’m huge!” Cheerilee exclaimed near him, with Big Mac’s bass voice, but without the usual drawl. She jumped to the floor, crashing down then getting up undeterred. She looked down at her new stallion body. “Woah, you all look so small. My little ponies, hahaha!”

Sugar Belle, in Pip’s own body, jumped down next to her, a little more gracefully since he was closer to her own natural height. “Hang on, I’m going to get the big mirror.”

She trotted toward the bedroom's door… only to slam her head on it. “Ow!” She rubbed her face. “I forgot… you don’t have a horn, Pip…” She opened the door with her hooves and dragged in the large, full height mirror from the bathroom. All four ponies huddled together so they could look at their new bodies.

Pip curiously prodded his new horn. “Do you think I can use magic with your horn?” he asked Sugar Belle.

“I don’t know, maybe,” she said with Pip’s own voice. “Magic takes a long time to learn, but you can try lighting it up. If you focus, you should feel a kind current through the horn.”

Closing his eyes, Pip focused his attention on the sensitive horn. With a start, he realised he did feel a tingling sensation in it, like a calm wind blowing along the fluting.

This is so strange…

“You feel it? Good, now just absorb the ether into it.”

Pip wasn’t too sure how to do that, but it turned out to be incredibly simple. The horn’s spiral drained the energy around it, gorging itself with power.

Looking through the mirror, Pip saw Sugar Belle’s horn surrounded by an unstable aura. Interestingly, the magic was not cyan like Sugar Belle usual aura: it was orange.

My magic…

“Woah!” Pip exclaimed.

He looked around, trying to find something to levitate. He settled on Cheerilee’s alarm clock. His orange aura immediately surrounded the device. Pip could feel the object, as if grasping it at a distance with an unknown phantom limb. He tried to move it.

In an instant, Pip lost control of the magic. A bolt of energy struck the alarm clock, shattering it. The aura around Sugar Belle’s horn violently dispersed, leaving behind an intense, deep pain. “OW!”

Everypony surrounded him, looking concerned.

“Pip! You alright?” Sugar Belle asked.

He rubbed the sore horn. “Yeah, uh… I’m fine. I guess I shouldn’t try using magic for now.” The pain was starting to fade.

“That would probably be for the best,” Fluttershy agreed.

Cheerilee playfully nibbled his ears. “Don’t worry, there’s another type of magic I’d like to show you,” she said with her deep stallion voice. She went behind his rump and licked his sensitive pussy. Pip jumped at the sensation; he had almost forgotten he was a mare now.

“Let’s get into bed,” Sugar Belle suggested. “I want to play with your parts, Pip.”

They hopped back on the herd-size bed.

Pip contorted, doing his best to explore Sugar Belle’s lower body. There was no sheath nor balls between his hindlegs, just a smooth crotch. On his lower abdomen, there were two swollen masses that jiggled pleasantly as he moved: Sugar Belle’s udders, each filled with her rich, creamy milk. He played with those for a moment, then explored further down.

His hooves soon met with the slit of his vulva. Touching his marehood sent pleasurable sensation throughout his body. Arousal manifested itself differently as a mare than as a stallion; instead of spreading outside in his sheath and balls, it flowed deep inside, making him loose and wet.

As he masturbated his wet snatch, he thought about the udders and the teats. “Uh, Fluttershy, can you, um… m-milk me?”

“Oh, of course Bel- uh, Pip.” The pegasus brought her face to one of the teats and suckled. Pip felt a pleasant, calm feeling as he fed Fluttershy like a filly.

Big Mac, in Cheerilee’s body, soon approached and joined the pegasus. He suckled on the second teat, tasting Pip’s creamy mare milk.

A minute later, both udders were empty. Fluttershy wiped her muzzle. “Feels good, isn’t it? Feeding your foals?”


Fluttershy moved on to Big Mac udders, and started to drink Cheerilee’s milk too. Curious, Pip suckled at the second teat. Sweet milk surged from the udder, filling his muzzle with the delicious taste of a mare. He swallowed the entire content of Mac’s udder, feeling the luscious substance settle in his stomach.

“So, how do I taste?” Cheerilee asked gaily, playing with her cock and balls as Pip pulled off from Mac.

Pip licked his lips. “Mmh, perfect. It’s worth being a foal just for having this all the time.”

Cheerilee pulled him toward her. Since Pip was in an unicorn body, he didn’t have access to his latent earth magic: Cheerilee, with Big Mac size and power, was overwhelmingly strong. She dominated him completely. She pressed the big red muzzle against his cute pink snout and kissed him.

“Pip,” she said with Mac’s deep voice, “I’m going to show you how it feels to be a mare.”

Cheerilee grabbed his flank and lapped at his pussy. She had obviously done this many times before, her tongue skillfully caressing his vulva’s most sensitive zones. She sometimes suckled on his engorged clit, making him shudder with intense pleasure.

“Oh, yes, yes~ hmmm… YES! Ah! Hmm…” Pip screamed loudly with Sugar Belle’s cute voice. His clit was now continuously serviced by Cheerilee, making him orgasm within seconds.

“Kyaah~ Hmm…” Pip buried his face in the mattress, trying to muffle his feminine screams.

Orgasm felt very different as a mare. His entire vagina contracted several times around nothing, making him feel achingly empty. When he came down from the peak, he realized he wasn’t drowsy at all; he wanted more. He desperately wanted something to fill his unoccupied foal canal.

Cheerilee lightly rubbed his gaping snatch, teasing him. “Want something, sweetie?”

“Hmm, yeah… please.”

“What do you want? My big handsome cock?


“Well, where do you want it?” Cheerilee teased.

“Urg, i-inside. In my pussy. Please…”

“So, you want me to take you as my mare, so I can fill you up with my foal? Oh, well, since you ask nicely…”

Cheerilee mounted him and pushed his head down. His curly purple tail politely moved aside, offering his marehood to the stallion on top of him. His labia kissed her swollen glans.

“Now, you stay put like a good filly so I can enjoy your body,” Cheerilee said, rubbing his cupcake cutie marks.

She entered his folds, making him gasp. In one flowing motion, Cheerilee filled him with her stallionhood. To Pip, the throbbing erection in his silky depths felt absolutely amazing. He could feel it deep inside his vagina, even poking at his cervix.

It was very comfortable. Unlike when he had taken it in his rectum, the cock in his pussy felt perfectly at home, gliding against the sensitive inner walls that were meant to take it.

Noticing Fluttershy masturbating right in front of him, Pip dragued her rump toward him so he could bury his pink muzzle into her swollen udders, sucking her teats. Fluttershy’s creamy milk flowed in his throat as Cheerilee buried her stallionhood in his foal-canal.

“Oh, Belle!” Cheerilee exclaimed. “Your pussy feels… mmh, so good!”

“Yes, yours too! No wonder our stallions always want to mount us… this is amazing,” Sugar Belle replied while thrusting in Big Mac’s cunt with Pip’s body.

“Wanna try your own?” Cheerilee asked, still thrusting into Pip’s twitching vagina.

Pip felt awfully empty when Cheerilee pulled Mac’s erect penis from his swollen marehood. He whinied, trying to get the thick member back inside by pushing back toward her hips, but she just pinned him down and slid out of his cunt. The big red stallion body left his back, leaving Pip dripping mare fluids from his gaping hole as he suckled Fluttershy’s erect teat.

Fortunately, another stallion’s body took the vacant spot on his back. Pip saw his own white-spotted-brown forelegs grasp him from behind as Sugar Belle mounted him. He felt his own, wet stallionhood and balls rubbing on his back.

“Ready for this?” Sugar Belle asked him with his own voice.

Pip felt incredible relief as is vagina was once again filled with a cock. Sugar Belle hilted inside him, letting the balls rub his clit. Pip could feel his own stallionhood deep in his borrowed foal canal, sensing the thunderous pony heartbeat in the hardened member.

“I’m going to show you how it feels when your stallion takes your pussy, when he cum inside and claims your womb for his foal.” Sugar Belle moaned, thrusting hard and fast into him. “Pip! Your cock feels so good in my pussy, it’s so sensitive! I’m going to cum inside, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Aaah~!”

Pip felt the glans deep in his vagina flare and push at his cervix. Sugar Belle hugged him tight from behind and hilted the cock deep inside one final time. The intense sensation pushed Pip back over the edge and made him orgasm a second time. His tight vagina shuddered around the stallionhood in him, milking it for its seed. He let go of Fluttershy’s teats, letting her masturbate.

Something gooey and warm gushed in Pip’s womb; it pooled deep in his abdomen, filling his uterus. Sugar Belle cried out her pleasure, unloading her balls deep into her own twitching body.

It was amazing to be filled like this, being ejaculated into by a loving stallion.

When Sugar Belle went limp on top of him, Pip finally relaxed with her, feeling utterly satisfied with his second orgasm, and the load of cum settling in his belly. The softening penis slipped out of his snatch, giving him one last dose of lovely pleasure. Sugar Belle rolled off him, her blissful afterglow showing on Pip’s burrowed face.

Seconds later, Cheerilee and Big Mac - still in each other’s body - dropped down next to them, also enjoying the aftermath of their union.

With a throaty moan, Fluttershy joined the pony pile, hooves still slick from her intense masturbation. “Oh, that was marvelous!”

“Eeyup!” four ponies responded at once.

Cum oozing between his legs from his vagina, his stomach pleasantly full of warm pony milk, Pip slipped into a deep, restful slumber.

~ ❀ ~

Wednesday, December 26th, Year 8 of Princess Twilight

Sugar Belle awoke the next morning, still in Pip’s handsome body, the stallionhood between her legs annoyingly hard. Her borrowed bladder felt uncomfortably full too. She begrudgingly got out of bed.

That’s what they call a ‘morning wood’? Uh, it’s no fun at all… and kind of painful.

Sugar Belle arrived at the toilet, not even sure what to do. She tentatively lifted the seat.

Urg, how do stallions even aim this thing?

The hard shaft was pointing straight forward, so Sugar Belle couldn’t even aim after mounting the bowl. She twisted her spine, used her hoof to push down the tip. She even tried to use her magic, before realising she still didn’t have her horn.

Once she managed to more or less target the toilet, she noticed it was difficult to actually get the urine to flow through the rigid shaft. Sugar Belle managed to relax the internal muscles and pee in a powerful but unsteady flow, generating a splashing sound as it impacted toilet water. She felt the bladder emptying, and eventually the stream halted.

Ah! Nothing to it.

Feeling quite proud of herself, Sugar Belle dismounted the toilet, only to feel a watery puddle on the floor. Looking down, she noticed the mess.

Oh, fucking hell!

10. Eternal Bonds

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~ ❀ ~

Sunday, May 12th, Year 9 of Princess Twilight

Pip and his parents made their way through the blooming orchard. Sweet Apple Acres in spring was a thing to behold, the flowering trees spreading a sweet scent all along the path from Ponyville.

“Oh Pip, you are so handsome,” his mother, Marigold, said. The small, light brown mare wiped a tear from her eyes.

Pip was wearing a fetching dark vest, custom made by Rarity.

“We are very proud of you, son,” his father added. Clock Work was an impeccably dressed stallion with a grey-spotted-white coat. His speech and general attitude was very formal, as usual, but Pip knew him well enough to sense the genuine affection hidden underneath.

“Thanks,” Pip replied, feeling a little embarrassed. “I’m so glad you could come all the way from Trottingham.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. We would never have missed your big day,” his mother assured.

Pip led the older ponies off of the main path and toward the hidden meadow. Guided by a pathway of cheery decorations, they soon arrived at the party held around the twin, entwined apple-pear hybrid trees.

Cheerilee greeted them as they approached. She looked radiant, stunning, her wedding veil fluttering in the soft breeze. Pip hugged her tight, happy to feel her body against his, but he refrained from kissing her. Taboos against physical interaction before marriage - not to mention those against sex - were long gone from Equestrian society, but a minimum of decorum was still required on such an occasion.

After all, they were getting married.

“Hi Cheerilee, do you remember my parents? This is my father, Clock Work, and this is my mom, Marigold.”

“Oh yes, we’ve met before,” Cheerilee said with a smile, though she was blushing slightly, “at parent-teacher conferences.”

“Indeed, Miss Cheerilee,” Marigold agreed. “You always had such nice things to say about our little colt.”

Cheerilee rubbed the back of her neck, clearly a little embarrassed. “He always was such a good student, and I was happy to be his teacher. It’s a little strange that we’re marrying him today, but I’m so happy. I love him.”

“I love you too,” Pip said with a smile.

Pip introduced his parents to Sugar Belle, Big Mac, and Fluttershy. Marigold soon found herself engrossed in a conversation with Sugar Belle, and even the uptight Clock Work ended up finding a proper conversation partner in Rarity.

A lot of ponies had gathered around the meadow, enjoying the food prepared by Applejack, Sugar Belle and Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were there, and several of Pip’s old schoolmates too. Some of Fluttershy’s non-pony students from the School of Friendship had come too, apparently eager to research ponies’ herd bonding. Even Discord was there, though Pip did his best to avoid the Lord of Chaos.

Pip played with the herd’s foals, loving them as if they were his own. Once the bonding would be completed, he would legally be considered their father alongside Big Mac.

“Oh, hey there, Pip.”

Uh, is that… Diamond Tiara? She had changed a lot since the last time Pip had met her, having become a pretty, young mare. She had even forsook her trademark tiara.

“Hello DT, it’s nice to see you.” Pip gave Diamond Tiara a friendly hug.

Diamond Tiara smiled. “Nice to see you too. Applebloom invited me,” she said, answering his silent question.

“And who’s this?” Diamond Tiara asked, pointing at the filly on Pip’s back.

“That’s Rain Hearth. She’s Cheerilee’s daughter. Rain, say hello to Diamond Tiara. We were your mom’s students back in school.” The filly hid her face in his mane. “… she’s shy.”

He turned around to give the filly a quick kiss on the forehead, making her chirp happily.

“Well, she certainly likes you,” Diamond Tiara commented with a smirk.

“Yeah… I’ve been with them since they were born. And I’ll be their father soon, when I officially accept the herd bond.”

“I wish you luck. Miss Cheerilee sure is lucky to have you… you’re very handsome, Pip.” To his surprise, Diamond Tiara planted a little peck on Pip’s cheek. She walked away, a grin on her face.

Idly stroking his cheek where Diamond Tiara had kissed him, Pip settled on a bench next to Cheerilee. She nuzzled lovingly into his fur. She felt very warm, and Pip could smell her delightful musk; like most fertile mares, Cheerilee, Sugar Belle and Fluttershy had gone into heat.

It was their first estrus since they had foaled; that night, once they were married, Pip would mate with mares in heat for the first time.

They were called by Mayor Mare to stand before the majestic blooming hybrid trees. Ponies settled down, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Pip, quite nervous, stood before Big Mac and Sugar Belle, the herd’s alphas. The other herd-mares, Fluttershy and Cheerilee, waited behind the couple.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” the mayor announced. “Today, we are here to celebrate the binding of Pipsqueak into the herd of Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle.

“Big Macintosh. Do you accept Pip as a husband for you and your herd, to love and cherish him as you love and cherish all your herdmates, to raise his foals as your own, and stand with him for the rest of your lives?”

Big Mac, dressed in an elegant suit, nodded, looking at Pip. “Eeyup!”

“Sugar Belle. Do you accept Pipsqueak as a husband for you and your herd, to love and cherish him as you love and cherish all your herdmates, to carry and raise his foals, and stand with him for the rest of your lives?”

Sugar Belle smiled brightly under her white veil. “I do.”

“Cheerilee, Fluttershy… do any of you wish to contest your alphas’ decision to invite this stallion into your herd as your new husband for life?”

Both mares shook their heads.

“Pipsqueak, do you accept Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle as your alphas, to bind yourself as a husband for them and their herd, to love and cherish your herdmates, and to raise their foals as your own?”

Pip took a deep breath.

“I do.”

“Then, in the name of Princess Twilight of Equestria, it is my great pleasure to declare all of you husbands, wives and herdmates. Pip, you may kiss your alphas!”

Thunderous cheers rose from the audience as everypony stomped their hooves on the ground.

Closing his eyes, Pip pressed his muzzle against Big Mac’s and kissed the alpha stallion. Sugar Belle raised her white veil and he kissed her too, sealing their eternal bond. Joining in, Fluttershy and Cheerilee crushed Pip with a group hug, kissing him in turns.

As he emerged from the happy pony pile, Pip saw several ponies crying, including his parents.

Looking down, the newlywed stallion saw Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze, and Rain Hearth running up to him. He invited the foals on his back, happy to feel their little body against his fur. They were his foals now, and he was their father.

Harvest Blossom, the red unicorn filly, hugged his withers with her tiny hooves. As Pip looked behind him, he noticed the foal’s tiny horn aglow with brilliant crimson magic. The filly gazed up at the twin trees, then closed her eyes to unleash a bolt of energy. The red light circled around the trees, spinning faster and faster. It disintegrated into a mist of red sparks, immediately absorbed by the trees’ blooming flowers. The blossoms swelled and glowed crimson, before bursting in a rain of white petals. In their places, fully mature fruits hung from the trees.

Absolutely everypony was left dumbstruck as petals showered on them… except for Harvest Blossom, who just looked adorably satisfied with herself.

“Well, this is certainly quite unique.” An unicorn mare Pip had not noticed earlier made her way through the crowd. Pink flames engulfed the mare for an instant, revealing the towering silhouette of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Ponies around her bowed down respectfully. The ruler of Equestria gently levitated Harvest Blossom so she could look at her. The filly curiously stared at the alicorn flowing, shimmering mane.

“Now, who do we have here?” The princess briefly nudged the filly’s horn with her own, generating pink and crimson sparks.

Sugar Belle looked worried. “This is our daughter, Harvest Blossom, your h-highness.”

Twilight Sparkle gave the filly back to its mother. “There is a powerful magic within her.”

“Is… that a problem?”

“I don’t think so. If it turns out to be, if her magic runs out of control, simply send me a letter.” The princess stood silent for a moment. “One day, she will be a powerful unicorn. I will tutor her, once she is older.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled at Pip. “Congratulations on your wedding, Pip. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss and hijack the ceremony; I simply wanted to attend for my friend Fluttershy.”

She looked around. “Alright everypony, it’s time for the party!”

Much later, as sunset bathed Sweet Apple Acres in its orange glow, the guests starting to leave, Twilight Sparkle approached the herd, surrounded by her friends.

“Well, congratulations again everypony. I trust everything is alright?”

“Yes, your highness,” Sugar Belle answered. “Applejack and the Apple family will clean up and take care of our foals while we’re gone.”

Sugar Belle turned toward Pip. “We have a surprise for you, Pip. Well two surprises, but… let’s start with the first one: Princess Twilight will bring us with her to Canterlot. For our honeymoon, we have a suite just for us five… in the Royal Palace.”

“Oh, wow…”

Sugar Belle grinned. “We already packed your things too, so we can go right now. Princess?”

The princess’ horn glowed. Pip felt tingling magic surrounding him, and suddenly the world disappeared.

11. Honeymoon

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~ ❀ ~

Once the magic was gone, Pip and the rest of the herd were no longer in Ponyville. Instead, the orchard had been replaced by a magnificent royal suite in Canterlot.

“So, everypony, I have a little surprise of my own for you. Instead of a suite in the guests wing, you can have this one,” Princess Twilight said, showing the room around them.

Pip looked in awe at everything around him. They were in an immense, richly decorated chamber. The room’s furnitures were made of exquisite lacquered woods with ornate, tasteful gold trims. Priceless works of art and ancient books were exposed on every shelf. Huge bay windows revealed the fading sunset and allowed access to a large balcony. The suite’s central piece was a very large bed encircled by great diaphanous veils.

“This used to be Princess Celestia’s chamber,” the alicorn explained.

“Oh, my… Twilight, are you sure this is alright?” Fluttershy nervously asked.

“Of course! This suite isn’t in use right now, so you may as well have it for a few nights. You can use any and all amenities in here, including the bath, spa, shower, balcony, etcetera. You’ll find drinks and food. There’s a menu too: if you want to order anything, write it down and leave the note on the table outside. I’m sure you will be very busy, so I instructed the castle staff not to disturb you at any time. If you need any services, simply ring the bell by the door.”

She grinned as she made her way toward the exit. “Oh, and I left your luggage by the bed. Now, no doubt you have a very exciting night ahead of you, so… have fun!”

The alicorn left the suite before anypony could thank her.

Pip was taken out of his stupor when his herd surrounded him, lovingly caressing his body.

Sugar Belle pressed her muzzle to his ear. “Pip… thank you for becoming our husband. We all love you so much. We will be with you, forever.”

Pip felt like he could tear up. “Thanks, I love you all, Belle, Shy, Cheery, Mac…”

“Mmhmm. How about we get comfortable in that big, plush princess bed?” Cheerilee asked with a sultry grin.

Pip dropped in the incredibly soft bed along with the rest of the herd. The mares looked so gorgeous, their soft bodies wrapped in see-through wedding dresses, sensually lounging on the sheets with flowers in their manes. Big Mac looked quite handsome too as he removed his suit, settling down and spreading his legs to present his swelling stallionhood.

Sugar Belle gently pressed her body against Pip’s own, lovingly caressing his balls with her hoof. That touch, along with the musky smell coming from three aroused, in-heat marehoods, quickly made Pip’s sex slip out of its sheath.

“You know what’s coming next, don’t you, Pip?” Sugar Belle whispered in his ear.

Pip nodded, suddenly feeling somewhat timid.

The unicorn smiled and tenderly stroked his cock. “Before we do anything else, you must be claimed by your alphas as our new herd-stallion. Mac will take you first, then I will. Are you ready?”


Sugar Belle kissed Pip and gently rolled him on his back. “Here, just relax. Mac will enter your tailhole, take his pleasure, and leave his seed in you. Shy, sweetie, can you let Big Mac inside you a moment so he can lube up?”

“Of course!”

Big Mac licked Fluttershy’s heated snatch, making sure she was ready, then mounted her. His erect cock smoothly entered her tender folds. The stallion thrusted in and out a few times to lubricate his shaft, then pulled out, making the pegasus whimper with need.

The larger alpha stallion moved on to Pip, mounting him belly-to-belly, rubbing their hardened stallionhoods and scrotums against each other’s. They kissed, Big Mac’s tongue entering Pip muzzle and exploring him.

“Ah’m happy Pip… Ah love you,” Big Mac said as he pulled back. “Ah want to claim you, right now.”

“I love you too, M-Mac… I’m ready, take me.”

Mac moved backward, lining his glans with the sensitive ponut resting under Pip’s white balls. The flared tip slowly stretched Pip’s anus, before slipping in his rectum. Mac’s erection, still coated with Fluttershy’s natural lube, smoothly entered Pip’s ass. The engorged glans gently nudged the younger stallion’s prostate through the thin wall of his bowel, sending a pleasurable shudder through his spine.

About a third of the way in, Mac pulled back to the glans then started slowly thrusting inside. With each penetration, the older stallion went deeper and deeper into his new husband. Soon, the medial ring passed through Pip’s sphincter, making both stallions moan in pleasure.

Eventually, Big Mac’s entire stallionhood rested in Pip’s rectum, his heavy red balls rubbing against the base of the younger stallion’s tail. It wasn’t the first time the two stallions had mated together, but they had never done it before in this position, belly to belly, Pip’s own stallionhood and balls wedged in-between them.

“Mmh, you're so deep…”

“Yup… ya feel good inside, smooth and tight,” Mac said, panting; he wasn’t usually one for sex talk.

The alpha stallion started to mate Pip with long, smooth strokes, pulling in and out of him. Pip particularly enjoyed the feeling of the wider ridge of his husband’s flare travelling through his rectum; it brought delightful sensations with each thrust, especially as it drew near the exit where it stimulated his prostate.

After a few minutes, Big Mac picked up the pace, readying himself to finish and claim Pip’s body once and for all. The younger stallion felt the workhorse’s flare bulge in his rectum, stretching his tight tunnel. With a breeding whinny, Mac hilted himself one last time into Pip.

Pip, not wanting to waste his own orgasm just yet, forced himself to relax and just enjoy the sensations. Big Mac’s ballsack contracted, his entire body rigid, a twitch running through his swollen penis. Pip felt gushes of warm, creamy semen as Mac ejaculated in his bowels. The thick seed flowed and pooled in his colon, spreading a deep contentment in his abdomen.

Big Mac relaxed and gave Pip a gentle kiss on his forehead. It was done: Pip had been claimed by his alpha stallion, his body having pleasured Mac to orgasm and taking his virile seed.

They tenderly rested together for a while. Pip felt Big Mac’s heartbeat through the softening shaft in his rectum, his own cock still hard against Mac’s belly.

Mac eventually pulled out of Pip and dismounted him. The young stallion noticed the three mares lounging around him in their wedding gowns.

Sugar Belle kissed Pip, her hoof still rubbing her swollen vulva as she masturbated. “Mmh… Pip, I’m going to claim you too. I’m in heat, and I really want to mate with you, but there’s something we need to talk about first.”

“Um, sure…”

“Listen, we discussed making new foals next year, but… we haven't taken our birth control potion, yet… and we won’t, if you don’t want us to…”

“Uh… you mean…” Pip hesitated, bashful.

“Yes, this is our second wedding gift, if you want it.” Sugar Belle rolled to her side and rubbed her lower belly. “It’s our wombs… for your foals.”

“A-are you sure?” Pip asked nervously.

Sugar Belle, Fluttershy, Cheerilee and Big Macintosh nodded with a smile.

“Here’s what we’re offering you,” Sugar Belle said. “You can mate with all three of us mares during our heat, and leave your seed inside us. Big Mac will also mate with me and Fluttershy, so we’ll have a chance to carry his foals too. Since Mac already sired our last foals, you can have Cheerilee’s womb just for you; that way, you’ll be sure to have at least one child of your own.”

“What do you say? Do you want this?” Fluttershy asked, a kind, excited smile on her adorable face.

Pip reflected on the question. It was pretty hard to think objectively while surrounded by his three beautiful wives spreading their estrus pheromones. As was inevitable, he agreed. “Yeah… if it’s alright with all of you… yes, I’d like to have foals with you.”

The herd cheered, collapsing into a group hug.

“Now, it’s time for me to claim you,” Sugar Belle said, her face flushed with passion. “I will take your seed, and I will use it to make a beautiful foal. C’mon sweetie, get on your back so I can mount you.”

Pip was still very much erect after having sex with Big Mac, so Sugar Belle wasted no time in lining her dripping vulva with her new husband’s glans. She took him inside with a single smooth stroke.

For the first time, Pip had his member inside a fertile, heated mare. Sugar Belle felt so good inside her burning vagina, her estrus making her more welcoming than ever.

“Aaah~ Belle… I’m g-going to cum soon…”

Sugar Belle tenderly rubbed his face. “That’s alright. Don’t be shy and just relax while I take your seed.”

Sugar Belle started to fuck Pip properly, bouncing on his cock as she took him with long, fluid thrusts. Her strokes, coupled with the constant winking of her snatch, brought him to his limit within seconds.

As Pip’s glans flared, the mare dropped down, taking him as deep as he could possibly go, his tip penetrating her relaxed cervix and entering her womb. As he was about to cum, Sugar Belle grabbed his face and made him look straight into her eyes.

“Do it, cum… cum in me…” she said feverishly, never breaking eye contact as her vaginal muscles eagerly milked his swollen sex.

Lost in her beautiful, dark pink eyes, Pip felt his seed flow in pulses into his cock. His virile, creamy, gooey semen surged in Sugar Belle, pouring directly into her readied uterus. It pooled inside, coating her innards with cum. Billions of sperms settled inside the fertile mare, swimming in the creamy nourishing fluid while waiting for her ovulation.

Sugar Belle and Pip relaxed into each other’s hooves as the last few spurts of his ejaculation finally ebbed. He caressed his wife and alpha mare. An incredible sense of fulfillment washed over him. He had accomplished his most primordial duty as a stallion and husband, planting his seed in his new wife’s fertile womb, passing his genes and helping her create a new generation of foals .

“Thanks for doing this with me,” Pip said to his mare, blissfully relaxed.

“Mmhmm… you were perfect… aah. You can’t imagine what it feels like, to be impregnated like this by a stallion you love. It’s the best…” Sugar Belle dismounted him as his penis retreated back in its sheath, a trickle of excess semen oozing from her vulva.

Pip relaxed completely, dozing off.

Sugar Belle kissed his cheek. “Rest now. You have more mares to seed tonight, but there’s plenty of time for you to recover.”

~ ❀ ~

Pip, Cheerilee and Sugar Belle enjoyed the sight of their husband, Big Mac, mating with Fluttershy, the pegasus ecstatically squirming under the stallion as he thrusted hard into her.

It had been an hour since Pip had seeded Sugar Belle, and he was getting ready to breed again. Cheerilee gently licked his stallionhood and suckled his tip, helping his erection.

She pulled off Pip’s cock as he fed her another chocolate truffle. Her throat bulged as she swallowed the treat, Cheerilee moaning softly. Pip hugged her close and rubbed his erection against her body, staining her wedding dress with little globs of sticky precum.

Pip nuzzled her cute twitching ear. “Cheery, I’m ready for you. I want to give you our foal.”

Cheerilee gently pushed him away. “I’d love to, but you should do Fluttershy next.” She pointed at the mating mare. “If you want a chance to sire a little pegasus of your own, you shouldn’t waste time before putting your semen in her. Don’t worry about me; I’ll still be all yours later.”

“If you’re alright… okay. Thank you,” Pip agreed. Still, he wanted to please her, so he brought his hoof underneath her white skirt and rubbed her swollen marehood, making her moan. He gently masturbated her as they watched Big Mac and Fluttershy in the final stretch of their breeding.

“Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes… aaah!” Fluttershy came hard, shuddering around Mac’s penis, her contraction milking him for his seed.

With a grunt, Mac pushed all the way in her winking snatch and ejaculated inside her. He stood there, trembling, his balls pumping his sperms into Fluttershy’s womb.

Once Big Mac dismounted the pegasus, Cheerilee pushed Pip’s hoof away from her own labia. “C’mon, go get her, Pip,” she told him. “I’ll watch.”

Pip kissed Cheerilee and approached the pegasus relaxing on the bed after her last breeding.

If this was any other mare, Pip would ask permission before attempting anything sexual. However, he was starting to know ‘bedroom Fluttershy’ pretty well: the pegasus was highly submissive during sex, and she enjoyed it that way. She loved it when others had their way with her, physically manipulating her body and enjoying her charms without first asking for her approval. Pip also knew she would tell him if she was actually uncomfortable.

As such, Pip simply settled behind her and lifted her tail to access her cunt. Fluttershy tensed briefly, but relaxed without saying anything.

Pip took a moment to observe her sex. A substantial stream of semen and marecum oozed from Fluttershy’s vulva. Intrigued, Pip spread her folds, noticing her still gaping vagina. He could see everything inside her canal, all the way to her open cervix. Creamy, sticky, white cum coated the pegasus’ insides, hanging down in gooey filaments around her cervix and inside her uterus. The vagina didn’t stay still either: it pulsed rhythmically, a regular motion starting near her outer lips and moving inward, apparently to salvage some of the leaking seed.

Pip had blown Big Mac before, and he had tasted his seed a few times, but only as it came out directly from his tip - excluding that time he had eaten the Big Mac cumcakes on Hearth’s Warming Eve. Curious, he licked Fluttershy’s crotch and vulva to sample his husband's sperm, making the mare gasp as he passed over her sensitive clit.

Pip wasn’t too sure what he had expected before swishing the mixture in his mouth, tasting it… but it certainly wasn’t this. Combined with such a high dose of intoxicating female pheromones, Mac seed was far less bitter. It was musky and creamy, with a somewhat salty and acidic flavor. Pip lapped inside Fluttershy’s vagina to collect more of the mixture. It felt warm and oily in his throat as he swallowed it, the mix settling pleasantly in his stomach.

Within seconds, the massive amount of estrus pheromones flooding his senses went straight to his brain, wiping every thought occupying it and replacing them with the single overwhelming desire of mounting and mating the mare in front of him. Before he even realised what he was doing, Pip had climbed on Fluttershy and pressed his engorged sex into her sensitive vagina. He pushed all the way in her.

Fluttershy yelped in surprise. “Woah! Aaah! Pip!?”

The intense breeding haze lifted from his mind. “Oh fuck! Sorry, sorry! A-are you alright?” Pip asked in panic, his cock still deep inside her.

Fluttershy took a deep breath to calm down and turned her head to look at her new husband. “It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting you to enter me like that.”

“S-sorry! Your scent went straight to my head. Do you need me to pull out?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, no. It’s okay. I’m very sensitive right now, but it’s not painful. You can have fun and mate me, just take your time.”

Pip kissed her before she dropped her head back on a pillow. Now that he had relaxed a little, he could take the time to properly enjoy her heated vagina around his cock. In fact, she felt exceptionally comfortable right now. The gooey remnant of Big Mac’s ejaculation coated her inner walls, pleasantly wrapping Pip’s own stallionhood in viscous fluids.

Fluttershy was indeed very sensitive at the moment; she gasped and moaned with Pip’s every move, so he started slow with shallow thrusts. He progressively increased his pace.

As Pip reached his cruising speed, Fluttershy shuddered and moaned constantly. With a grin, he used his hoof to rub her engorged clit. The pegasus orgasmed instantly, screaming her pleasure and squirting a clear, milky fluid from her cunt. Her vagina contracted around Pip’s stallionhood, trying to keep it inside and milk it. He barely slowed down and kept ramming in and out of her twitching pussy

Fucking the orgasming, squirming mare under him brought Pip prodigious pleasure. He penetrated her swollen labia again and again with wild abandon, enjoying every second of it, her butt quivering with every hard impact.

With an ecstatic whinny, Pip rammed his pelvis hard into Fluttershy’s rump, knocking her forward and pinning her into the mattress, leaving her completely helpless as his engorged flare passed her cervix and entered her womb. Without a care in the world, Pip simply enjoyed the feeling of emptying his balls inside a fertile uterus. His gooey semen poured into the pegasus, amalgamating with Big Mac’s seminal fluid, the two stallions’ countless sperms mingling together in her womb.

Pip relaxed on top of Fluttershy, his orgasm finally relenting. He snapped back to reality when he heard soft gigglings beside him. Cheerilee and Sugar Belle were watching him, looking half awed, half amused.

“Woah Pip!” Cheerilee commented, trying to stifle her snickering with her hoof. “That was intense. I think you broke our poor Fluttershy!”

Eyes wide, Pip pulled out of the pegasus well-used cunt, causing a stream of cum to seep out of her creampied slit. “Uh, Fluttershy… are you okay?”

Fluttershy made a vague gesture with her hoof. She collapsed down on the mattress, as if all her muscles had turned to jelly. Pip rubbed her mane, then noticed the biggest, most satisfied grin Pip had ever seen on her face. He let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, I think she’s more than ‘okay’,” Sugar Belle pointed out, looking very serious.

With his adrenaline going down and his afterglow setting in, Pip collapsed next to the pegasus he had just mated. Cheerilee cuddled him, lovingly caressing his mane.

~ ❀ ~

The view from Celestia’s suite was absolutely stunning. From the balcony, Cheerilee could see nearly half of Central Equestria under the moonlit sky. In the valley down the mountain, Ponyville was shining next to the dark Everfree Forest.

This is amazing…

Cheerilee’s wedding veil continually fluttered in the spring breeze. It felt nice against her fur, somewhat lessening the heat she felt in her rear. Front hooves crossed on the balustrade, she enjoyed the countless stars above.

Cheerilee heard the sound of hooves on the floor and looked behind her, seeing Pip coming to meet her. He looked so handsome in the moonlight.

“You… you look beautiful, Cheery.”

He joined her on the balcony, wrapping a leg around her withers. Cheerilee buried her head into his neck.

“How are you feeling?” Pip asked her.

“Um… estrus is driving me insane. I need to mate soon.”

Pip hugged Cheerilee close. “I know… that’s why I’m here.”

“Are you recovered?”

“Almost, I’m still sensitive, but I should be able to mount you soon.”

A comfortable silence settled between them as they watched the horizon.

“Pip? You know… I loved to be your teacher. You were such a good student. And then… you came back, and you looked so handsome. I invited you to join our herd… it was silly, just an impulse… but I never regretted it, not once.” She looked at him. “I loved being your teacher… I loved being your marefriend even more. Tonight, I love being your wife.”

Pip tenderly nibbled her ear. “I love you, Cheery.”

“I said I wanted to give you a foal. I was serious. I still am.”

“Do you want to make our foal now?” Pip asked.


“Right here?”

“Right here,” she confirmed, “just like this.”

Cheerilee shuddered as her new husband left her side and took position behind her. She raised her tail and leaned into the guardrail. His forelegs wrapped around her neck, and his glans met her winking slit.

Pip entered her slowly, taking his time and letting her enjoy every inch of his swollen cock. His ballsack soon met her clit, and he rested into her.

“Take me, sweetie. Quench my heat with your seed, and I’ll give you our foal.”

He pulled almost all the way out of her, making her feel empty. He pushed back in one smooth thrust, making her moan.

Pip repeated this same motion again, and again, slowly, lovingly. Cheerilee enjoyed the gentle fucking, feeling his love as his stallionhood kneaded her vagina. It made her desire grow, flooding her blood with hormones.

“Ooh, do it harder, please…”

“Of course.” Pip increased his pace, steadily penetrating her.

Cheerilee knew Pip was tired after mating with both Sugar Belle and Fluttershy. The gentler pounding her stallion was giving her wasn’t bringing her to some mind blowing orgasm, but it was wonderful in its own way. Her heat made her canal extremely sensitive, and her pleasure grew with each stroke. She knew his ejaculation would set her off. To help her weary partner, she used her vaginal muscles to stimulate him, contracting her birth canal around his sex.

Pip started to ram harder in her snatch as he approached his climax.

Cheerilee had felt the pleasure of being given a foal before, when she had made Rain Hearth with Big Mac. With bated breath, she awaited the moment Pip would do the same.

He pushed deep into her, entering her cervix with his swollen flare. She felt his forelegs hugging her tightly, pinning her down so he could deposit his cum inside her.

“Do it… make me yours. I want it.”

A gentle, blissful orgasm rolled through Cheerilee as she felt Pip’s twitching cock gushing his creamy, luscious seed into her womb. She sighed, utterly content. His semen pooled in her uterus, delivering billions of sperms carrying his genes. In a few days, Cheerilee would ovulate, releasing a single ovum carrying her own genes. One sperm would enter it, fertilize her egg and make her pregnant.

After his third ejaculation of the night, Pip’s cock quickly withdrew from her supple folds and retreated back into its sheath. Ignoring the little stream of gooey semen oozing from vulva, Cheerilee turned around and hugged him, lovingly kissing his lips.

“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

12. A Little Surprise

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~ ❀ ~

Monday, June 3rd, Year 9 of Princess Twilight

Three weeks later.

Using her magic, Sugar Belle shook the little stick coated in Fluttershy’s urine. She placed the pegasus pregnancy test on a clean towel next to her own.

“Ok, Cheery, you’re next.”

Cheerilee sat on the toilet seat and relaxed her bladder. A steady stream of dark yellow pee poured from her folds. Sugar Belle levitated the third unused pregnancy test and passed it a few times through the flow of urine. Cheerilee soon stopped peeing and wiped herself while the unicorn placed the test on the towel. Cheerilee flushed the toilet, then joined Sugar Belle and Fluttershy to stare at the three wet sticks.

In a few minutes, these tests would reveal whatever they had conceived or not.

Soon, the three mares joined Big Mac and Pip in the living room. With a big grin, Sugar Belle presented the three wooden sticks.

Each tip had turned red: they were pregnant.

~ ❀ ~

Saturday, July 13th, Year 9 of Princess Twilight

Pip had many talents, but art was not one of them. It didn’t matter. He loved to play with Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze, and Rain Hearth.

“Okay, so what is this?” he asked, showing the foals his latest drawing.

The three foals stared at the picture, their little faces frowned in an adorable expression of serious focus. In a sense, Pip’s drawing not being much better than theirs made the game more fun for all.

“Um… mommy?” Rain Hearth eventually answered, a quizzical look in her light green eyes.

Pip smiled wide and stroked the filly’s wavy, light blue mane. “You got it!”

He was fascinated by the growing foals. His foals, ever since he had married the herd, even though they had been sired by Big Mac. He loved witnessing the development of their own, unique personality.

Rain Hearth, Cheerilee’s purple filly, was helpful and serious. She often assisted with chores, and loved to welcome guests. Of course, she was very clumsy at her age, but it didn’t prevent her from trying.

Orchard Breeze, Fluttershy’s yellow colt, was often bashful, but he loved to run throughout the farm. He had quickly grown taller than his sisters, becoming a lanky little foal that would probably be as tall as Big Mac one day.

Harvest Blossom, Sugar Belle’s red unicorn filly, was a bright and happy foal. In moments of glee, she sometimes unleashed bursts of crimson magic that made flowers and fruits grow around her. The little unicorn was certainly the leader of the little group of siblings, with Rain Hearth and Orchard Breeze following her around wherever she went.

“Is that… supposed to be me?” Cheerilee said with a mock scolding tone as she brought a plate of cookies.

Pip chuckled. “Well, I can’t make the game too easy for them. These foals are just too smart!”

Cheerilee laughed at the excuse, but suddenly stopped. Her smirk morphed in an unmistakably queasy expression.

Pip knew what was coming, so he gave the cookies to the foals and calmly addressed them, “here, eat these. Wait for me, I’ll be back.”

Cheerilee literally galloped to the bathroom, Pip trotting behind her.

He gently massaged her back as she panted over the toilet bowl. “There, there, it’s okay. Let it all out.”

Cheerilee heaved, making an awful retching sound. She gagged, and finally vomited her breakfast. Pip held her mane and kept lovingly rubbing her back. He loved her too much to care about the disgusting smell of half-digested food and stomach acid.

Pip felt so lucky to be able to hold her like this. He had given her a foal, his seed having taken hold in her womb. The morning sickness was just an unpleasant sign of what was going on in her body. In a strange part of his mind, Pip even enjoyed her queasiness; Cheerilee knew what it meant to be pregnant, and she still wanted to endure it so she could have his child.

Of his three wives, Pip felt closest to Cheerilee. He loved Sugar Belle and Fluttershy too, but his old schoolteacher was extra special. Part of the reason why was that he knew for certain he had sired her foal. Belle and Shy had mated with Big Mac too during their heat, so they wouldn’t know who had knocked them up until they foaled.

Of course, pride aside, it didn’t matter too much in the end; Pip would love and be a father for all of the foals, regardless of their sire, as he was doing now with Harvest Blossom, Rain Hearth and Orchard Breeze.

Once Cheerilee finished spitting out her last load of bile, Pip gave her a towel so she could wipe her muzzle.

“Feeling better?”

“Urg, yeah…” Cheerilee looked embarrassed. “Thank you for being with me…”

“It’s no problem, Cheery. You’re the one who has it tough. Do you want to rest in bed for a bit? I’ll take care of the foals while Mac, Belle and Shy are out.”

Cheerilee nodded, exhausted, so he led her to bed.

As he got out of the bedroom, Pip noticed Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze and Rain Hearth observing him, a worried expression on their little faces.

“Mommy is sick?” Rain Hearth asked, obviously concerned.

“She’ll be fine. She just needs to rest for now. Come downstairs with me, I’ll tell you what’s going on.”

The young foals had noticed the three mares’ frequent nausea, and they needed to be reassured. Pip settled on the living room’s couch and invited the children to sit with him. “You see, Cheerilee, Sugar Belle and Fluttershy have stomachaches because they are pregnant. Do you know what ‘pregnant’ means?”

The three puzzled foals shook their heads.

Pip tried to find a way to explain the concept in a way they would understand. “Well, adult mares can accept inside them the seed of a stallion they love. If the mare and the stallion do this at certain times of the year, the stallion’s seed enters an egg inside the mare, and this creates a tiny foal in her belly. The mare is pregnant for eleven months while the foal grows inside her, then she gives birth to a new colt or filly. The mare is the foal’s mother, and the stallion who gave her his seed is the father. When they are in a herd, like us, all the mares and stallions are considered mothers and fathers.”

“Our moms have foals inside ‘em?” Harvest Blossom asked, trying to figure out what Pip was saying.

“That’s right. Me and Big Mac planted our seeds in them after our wedding, so in about nine months from now, your moms will foal baby colts or fillies. These foals will be your little brothers or sisters.”

“The foals are making ‘em sick?”

“Not exactly. When a mare is pregnant, the foal starts very small inside her. The mother’s body must make some changes inside her to make the foal grow. This is uncomfortable for the mare, and that sometimes makes her vomit, but it’s normal and it will pass soon. Then, her foal will grow strong and healthy inside her belly. Do you understand?”

The fillies and colt nodded. They probably didn’t grasp everything, but they had gotten the important parts.

“When I joined the herd, you three where already growing in each of your mom’s belly from Big Mac’s seeds. Cheery, Shy and Belle looked so cute; their tummies were big and round with you in them. You’ll see, and then you will have new siblings to love and play with!”

Pip continued to answer their questions about pregnancy, until Cheerilee arrived and hugged her foals.

Pip smiled. “Feeling better?”

“Much better… for now. Thanks for taking care of them. And I see you reassured them about us… You’re a good father, Pip.”

“I try.”

~ ❀ ~

Thursday, August 15th, Year 9 of Princess Twilight

Finding time for sexual intimacy was always a little difficult for the herd. The three foals needed a lot of attention, and all five adult ponies led busy lives. The herd generally organised outings for two or three herdmates during the evening or the weekend while the rest watched the foals.

That day, Pip had a date with Fluttershy.

“So, what did you wanna do tonight?” Pip asked her.

“Oh, mmh… White Tail Woods is beautiful this time of the year, and I know a nice, quiet meadow. But I wouldn’t want to come back too late.”

“You two will be fine,” Sugar Belle commented. “Our appointment is at three o’clock, and it won’t take too long, so you will have plenty of time.”

Cheerilee and Big Mac nodded in agreement. The five of them were currently in Ponyville Hospital, waiting for their foal viewings appointment. Soon enough, their names were called and the herd was ushered to the radiology room.

The radiology technician, a young unicorn mare with lime green fur, introduced herself as Bright Gaze, and invited Sugar Belle on the examination table. The technician applied cold lubricant to the alpha mare’s slightly bulging belly, making her squirm a little.

“Sorry about that,” Bright Gaze apologised automatically, probably doing so for the thousandth time. “Now, how about we look for this foal?” She levitated the ultrasound paddle and prodded Sugar Belle’s belly.

As the machine picked up Sugar Belle’s heartbeat, a blurry image appeared on the screen. The technician probed around the womb, until the screen revealed a tiny pony face with closed eyes. The sound of another, softer heartbeat joined Sugar Belle’s own.

“Ah, here we are! Looks like we found a little pony. We have… a small horn on the head, so I can confirm you have an unicorn foal.”

Like the others, Pip had his eyes glued to the screen. He had been excited to know more about the foals, but had not expected the surge of love that washed over him as he saw the sleeping face of Sugar Belle’s foal. Whatever he had sired it or not, in eight months he would be a father to this wonderful little creature.

“I can’t find any sign of issues with your foal,” Bright Gaze commented as she moved the sensor around. “You are indeed three months pregnant with a healthy unicorn fetus. Now, you have indicated on your form that you wanted the foal sexed. Is that still the case?”

Sugar Belle smiled. “Yes, please.”

“Ok, if we take a look at that rump, we have… a scrotum. Yep, it’s a colt.”

The family exchanged excited looks.

“We’re going to have an unicorn colt!” Cheerilee beamed.

Sugar Belle stepped off the examination table and Fluttershy took her place. Having noted down the results of her previous scan, the technician smeared the pegasus’ yellow fur with clear lube and prodded her pregnant belly with the ultrasound paddle.

“And… we have another foal here. Let’s see…”

A tiny muzzle and closed eyes appeared on screen. Again, Pip smiled as he saw the unborn foal.

“Ooh, there you are…” Fluttershy cooed, transfixed by the sight of the foal inside her uterus.

Bright Gaze moved the paddle to examine the rest of the fetus. She soon found little wing nubs near the foal’s upper back. She went lower still, finding the forming vulva of a filly. “Okay, Miss Fluttershy, you are pregnant with a pegasus filly. The foal appears normal and healthy for its current stage of development. Congratulations!”

Sugar Belle kissed Pip and Big Mac. “Wow, we’re going to have a little pegasus in the family! Good work, Shy.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, I didn’t do anything special.”

Finally, Cheerilee lay down on the exam table. Pip was thrilled: he was going to see his foal, the one he knew for certain he had sired. Cheerilee flashed him a smile as the radiology technician applied the clear gel on her slightly swollen abdomen. Her heartbeat echoed from the machine, and static cleared on the screen.

Bright Gaze moved the paddle around, scrolling through Cheerilee’s guts before finding her womb. A tiny body showed up on the screen. Nothing could have prepared Pip for the pleasure of seeing his foal for the first time; he was speechless.

“Alright, we have another foal here. There’s no wing, no horn… yep, you’re pregnant with an earth po- wait, is that… Hang on…”

Suddenly worried, Pip observed his foal, wondering what had interrupted the radiologist. A second head emerged behind the fetus, stupefying Pip and his herd.

“Okay… yes, we have a second foal inside. Miss Cheerilee, you are pregnant with twins.”

“Twins!?” Cheerilee exclaimed, utterly stunned.

“Oh, my…” Fluttershy looked dazed.

“Woah! Congratulations, Cheerilee! And you too, Pip,” Sugar Belle said, giving him a gentle tap with her hoof.

The technician continued to observe the two foals. “Ok, the twin is an earth pony too… if we look at their groins, we have… a vulva on the first twin, and a… vulva too on the second twin, so twin fillies. The two foals share the same uterine horn, and likely the same placenta, so they are very likely identical twin fillies.”

Cheerilee laughed nervously. “Oh, what have I gotten myself into… Pip, I always knew you were an overachiever, but that’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

Pip simply blushed.

An hour later, the herd left the hospital.

“So, Pip,” Cheerilee said, her face flushed, “I wanted to give you a foal… well, look like I’ll give you two instead.”

Pip nuzzled her. “Are you alright with that?”

“Mmhmm, yeah. I was surprised, of course, but I’m happy to have twins.”

“That’s good.”

Cheerilee looked at Pip. “I’ll see you later. You still have a date with Shy, right?”

“Mmh, well… yeah.” He was uncomfortable to leave her like that.

Cheerilee smiled and said, “go have fun with our girl! It’s alright.”

“Cheery, why don’t you go with them?” Sugar Belle proposed. “You have a lot to celebrate, after all.”

“Is that alright?” Cheerilee asked her alpha.

“Of course it is. Go have fun!”

~ ❀ ~

As they trotted toward White Tail Woods, Pip only had one thing in mind: his two fillies growing inside his old schoolteacher. Foals they had made together.

Fluttershy led Pip and Cheerilee off the path and into the forest. They soon emerged in a secluded glade, a beautiful little enclave of tender grass.

“I found this spot some time ago,” Fluttershy explained. “Nopony ever comes here, so we can graze a while, and have some intimate fun in peace.”

“This place is beautiful,” Cheerilee commented, admiring the afternoon sunlight filtering through the trees, “and this grass looks delicious. I wouldn’t mind grazing first.”

Pip ran his hoof through the soft, fresh grass. It did look appetising. “Yeah, let’s eat first.” Pip and his herd-mares lowered their heads into the tender grass and ate their fill. Occasionally, their flanks would bump as they grazed side by side.

Eventually, both mares rubbed themselves against his rump. Pip gave each of them a kiss. “I take it you two are ready to mate?”

“Mmhmm.” Fluttershy nodded.

A mischievous grin appeared on Cheerilee's face. “Yeah, and I have something fun in mind. Shy, sweetie, do you want to do a 69 with me? It’s been a long time.”

“Oh, of course… but what about Pip?”

Not answering, Cheerilee gently guided Fluttershy to the ground, rolling her on her back. She mounted the pegasus the opposite way, giving each other access to their vulvas. Cheerilee wiggled her rump and raised her tail, offering her sex to Pip. Fluttershy closed her eyes and dipped her muzzle into Cheerilee’s pussy.

Pip watched the intimate act up close, simply enjoying the sight of Fluttershy’s tongue parting the supple slit. His gaze wandered up to Cheerilee’s pert anus; her back entrance looked lovely - and perfectly clean -, so he kissed her sphincter, making the mare moan in Fluttershy’s cunt. Encouraged, he tentatively licked around the rim of Cheerilee’s asshole. He slipped his tongue inside her, tasting her rectum. It tasted like ass, of course, but the pleasured gasps that came from Cheerilee as a result were more than worth it.

“Cheery, sweetie, Fluttershy got your marehood well covered, so can I take your ass?”

Cheerilee lifted her head from the pegasus’ slit, clear fluids oozing from her muzzle. “Mmmh, yeah… Please do! I want to feel you inside.”

Smiling, Pip asked Fluttershy, “mind if I borrow her vagina so I can lube for a second.”

Fluttershy simply gave one last lick into Cheerilee before clearing the way. Pip eagerly mounted the two mares, his cock slipping inside Cheerilee’s snatch on the first try. Her vagina was as welcoming as always, a delightful paradise for Pip’s stallionhood. He thrusted a few times inside, making sure his shaft was entirely coated in female lubrication.

Pip pulled his slick penis out of Cheerilee’s marehood, letting Fluttershy return to work. Instead, he aimed a little higher, into the mare's cute purple ponut. Pip had never taken Cheerilee’s ass before, and he felt a shudder of anticipation as her tight hole stretched to accommodate his glans.

Pip leisurely penetrated her butthole. Her rectum was tight, but his length was nice and slippery, so he entered her easily. After a few thrusts, Pip hilted his cock into her ass, his sheath pressed against her anus. “Aaah~ Cheery, your ass feels so good!”

Fluttershy kept working on her herd-mare’s vulva, her silky mane rubbing his balls as she buried her muzzle into the warm slit.

“Mmmh, yes!” Cheerilee cooed in Fluttershy’s crotch.

Pip pounded the purple pony’s precious ponut, greatly enjoying the feeling of her tight bowels caressing his erection. He bit Cheerilee’s crest as he mated her ass, making her scream in pleasure, muffled as she was by Fluttershy’s pussy. His barrel stroked her croup with each thrust into her stretched ponut.

Taken by her two lovers, Cheerilee came with a loud whinny, her rectum pulsing as she orgasmed. She almost bit into Fluttershy’s clit, making the pegasus yelp and coo. A few more hard licks and the yellow mare came as well.

Feeling the two mares relax, Pip hilted in Cheerilee’s rectum and released the orgasm he had held back. He ejaculated into her bowels, his gooey seed flowing in her colon. He stayed put, his cock twitching as he emptied the content of his ballsack inside his mare. He finally pulled out of her, causing a trickle of cum to ooze from her tailhole.

He collapsed in the soft grass next to Fluttershy, Cheerilee soon doing the same on the other side of the pegasus. Pip and Cheerilee hugged the sweet mare in-between them, settling down for a lovely post-coital cuddle time. Fluttershy planted a series of little kisses on his face, even licking him a few times.

~ ❀ ~

Cheerilee loved tending to Fluttershy; the pegasus was just so nice and soft to touch, it made her heart flutter. Cheerilee braided her pink, silky mane, adding little flowers Pip had found in the meadow. Fluttershy sang softly while her herdmates worked on her.

How can anypony be this cute? Cheerilee lay down next to the pegasus, nuzzling the other mare.

Cheerilee observed Pip settle on his back next to her, obviously quite relaxed. His beautiful penis emerged from its sheath, half hard after their earlier mating. She still felt his viscous seed in her rectum.

Pip distractedly stroked his stallionhood - the same virile tool that had given Cheerilee the twin fillies growing in her uterus. Seeing him like this reminded her of something.

“Hey, you know how you used to masturbate, thinking about me…”

Pip instantly turned red and stopped stroking his cock. Cheerilee backpedaled immediately.

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just… we’ve been together for a while, we’re married, and I’m having your foals… but, I’ve never actually seen you do it.”

“Oh…” Pip relaxed a little.

“Can I watch you while you masturbate? I’d love to see it.”

“We could do it together,” Fluttershy proposed. “That would be fun.”

Pip scratched his mane. “Okay, sure.”

The three ponies lay down side by side on their back in the meadow, Pip in the middle, a mare on each side. Cheerilee observed with great interest as he caressed his cute ballsack and moved on to his semi-erect shaft.

Cheerilee spread her hindlegs and rubbed down her belly. Her teats, having grown larger and more sensitive since she had foaled Rain Heart, felt nice as she caressed them. She stayed on them for a while, enjoying the pleasant tingling. Cheerilee then moved her forehooves further down, fondling the lips of her vulva. “Mmmh…” She parted her folds, dipping her hooves in the wet heat of her pussy.

As Cheerilee rubbed her vulva, she watched Pip masturbate, his hooves stroking his engorged sex. His hindlegs twitched every once in a while as he pleasured himself. It was lovely to see him like, his hooves going up and down his stallionhood with well practiced ease. It made her press harder into her heated snatch, increasing the intensity of her own masturbation. Fluttershy too cooed as her pleasure built up, rubbing her cannon along her soaked yellow slit.

Despite the arousal she felt in her cunt, Cheerilee found the experience very relaxing, simply masturbating outside with her lovers. They all worked on their own pleasure, their back on the soft forest grass, flanks rubbing against each other. Cheerilee moaned as she increased her pace, stroking her pussy harder.

Pip too picked up speed. His masturbation fascinated Cheerilee; Pip held his cock with far more force Cheerilee would have dared to use on him. His hooves went up and down in blur.

*fwip, fwip, fwip*

Pip’s handsome face contorted in an adorable expression of bliss, his eyes close, mouth open as he panted hard. He moaned as his glans flared, bulging as his blood flowed into his aroused sex. He suddenly shifted position, sitting down on his rump with his cock pointing forward.

Wanting to see him orgasm, Cheerilee and Fluttershy moved around to get a better view, hooves still fondling their own dripping pussies.

Pip masturbated with feverish intensity, his expression looking almost pained. “Aaah~!” His cock twitched, and a spurt of his creamy, gooey semen painted the soft forest grass with a white streak. He kept rubbing himself, smearing the ground with his seed. Pip finally dropped back down, utterly relaxed, his stallionhood softening on his stomach.

A little dollop of cum hung from his urethra, so Cheerilee licked it clean. His seed felt nice on her tongue, the bitter, musky taste of his pleasure feeding her own arousal. She increased her pace, focusing her masturbation on her clit. Fluttershy did the same, moaning and cooing as she pleasured herself.

“Ooooh… Mmmm, kyaaah~!” With an adorable gasp, Fluttershy climaxed. Her beautiful tail safely pulled to the side, she peed, emptying her bladder in the grass next to Pip’s ejaculation.

Cheerilee wanted to try it too, so she rubbed her clit hard, intent on cumming. She shuddered, her vagina spasming in pleasure, a couple streams of marecum gushing out of her winking vulva as she climaxed. Instead of holding it back, Cheerilee relaxed her bladder and urethra, causing a spout of urine to spew from her folds.

Cheerilee fondled her wet slit, riding out her orgasm. She relaxed completely, lazing side by side with Fluttershy and Pip. Her breath calmed down.

They cuddled together, basking in the afterglow.

13. Morning Foolery

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~ ❀ ~

Wednesday, February 19th, Year 10 of Princess Twilight

Pip woke up early, most likely due to the distinctive thumping rhythm of ponies mating. He quickly discovered the source of the disturbance: Big Mac had mounted Cheerilee and was lovingly pounding his erect stallionhood into her wet cunt. The purple mare was biting her pillow to muffle her moans, her heavy, nine-months-pregnant-with-twins belly jiggling with each thrust.

Pip had to suppress a pang of jealousy as he saw Cheerilee, the mare carrying his daughters, claimed by another stallion. They were married too, so it was perfectly normal for them to have sex. Once Pip rid himself of his initial annoyance, he was rewarded with the arousing sight of two ponies he loved giving each other pleasure. The five herdmates often took opportunities to have sex early in the morning or late at night, when the foals were asleep.

Taking care not to wake Fluttershy and Sugar Belle, Pip shuffled closer to the mating couple. He stroked Cheerilee’s flank and nuzzled her ear. “Morning.”

“Mmmh, morning,” she responded with a blissful smile. “Ah… mmh, sorry for waking you… oh… you up. Mmmh…”

“Uh-huh, it’s fine. I’d just like a turn with you once Mac is done.”

“Mmmh… sure thing. We are… ah! …almost done.”

Waiting for his turn, Pip went lower to explore her gravid mound. He caressed her swollen abdomen with his hoof as it swayed back and forth with Big Mac's thrusts. The soon-to-be father felt his fillies stir under Cheerilee’s soft fuchsia fur.

Big Mac moved on to deeper, faster strokes, a sure sign he was about cum, so Pip moved behind them to get a closer look. The alpha stallion’s heavy red sack bounced underneath his tailhole, booping Cheerilee’s clit repeatedly. The mare orgasmed discretely, obviously trying not to wake anypony else, but her folds twitched with pleasure.

Mac’s balls and anus tightened as he ejaculated inside his mare. Her closed cervix, protecting Pip’s daughters, prevented the semen from entering Cheerilee’s occupied uterus; the white, creamy seed instead oozed from her vagina around Big Mac’s swollen penis. The red stallion pulled out, causing a steady stream of his cum to drip onto the mattress.

Pip climbed on top of Cheerilee as soon as his alpha dismounted her. He gently nudged her flank, making her roll on her back. Pip placed his forelegs around her neck and pressed his erection against her swollen abdomen, making him feel his foals in her womb. He kissed her deeply, the fillies pleasuring his cock as they stirred.

Pip pulled back and Cheerilee grabbed a pillow, coyly pressing it against her muzzle to muffle her moans. He pushed his flare into her pussy; by now, he knew Cheerilee’s body and most intimate parts so well that he didn’t need to look or fumble around to get inside. He slipped his stallionhood all the way in her vagina, bathing his cock in Big Mac’s gooey seed and Cheerilee’s fluids.

As he was about to start his thrusts, Pip noticed Fluttershy and Sugar Belle had woken up. “Oh… sorry. Didn’t mean to disturb you,” Pip apologised, still ball-deep in Cheerilee.

Sugar Belle made a dismissive motion with her hoof. “It’s fine, you two have fun. We’ll watch. Just don’t wake the foals.”

The unicorn, along with Fluttershy and Big Mac, lounged around the mating ponies so they could spectate their lovemaking. Pip pulled out to the tip and pushed back in, then repeated the motion. He didn’t mind at all being watched by his herd; he had mated each of them, and seen each one mate with each other, dozens or hundreds of times over the last year.

Pip simply focused on Cheerilee’s wonderful body beneath him, adoringly pounding her cum-soiled sex, each motion provoking a soft squelching sound from her canal. Her pretty face flushed with pleasure as her former student lovingly mated her.

Already having been stimulated by Big Mac, Cheerilee quickly orgasmed again. Her vagina contracted rhythmically around Pip’s cock, making his glans bulge inside her. Cheerilee’s foal-canal was already coated with semen, so it felt like a waste for Pip to just cum inside too. Admiring her swollen belly gave him a pretty naughty idea.

Pip pulled out his penis from Cheerilee, causing her to stare at him in confused lust. He rubbed his white ballsack on her swollen udders and humped her heavy abdomen, again feeling his fillies with his cock. Pip moved forward as he felt his climax, ejaculating on Cheerilee’s belly and chest, staining her purple coat with loads of his sticky white semen. He let his cock drip on the mare as it softened, soiling her with a few more drops, before he lay down beside her.

“Oh Pip, you’re so bad… you made Miss Cheerilee all dirty with your stallion cream.” Cheerilee barely even faked annoyance: she simply looked amused and pleased. She turned toward the other ponies. “Would you please clean up the mess this young stallion made on my body?”

Sugar Belle, Fluttershy, and Big Mac grinned. Pip hugged Cheerilee as they observed their herdmates lick his semen from her body. A thrill ran through his spine as he watched Big Mac swallow a particularly large dollop of his seed, seeing the bulge in his throat descend toward his stomach. Pip loved sharing his seed with the other stallion.

“There, one stallion mess cleared,” Sugar Belle said with a smirk as she swallowed the last remnant of Pip’s sperm. “Uh, mostly anyway… it’s still going to make your fur all sticky. Pip, why don’t you give your poor mare a bath, since you’re the one who made her all dirty.”

Pip kissed Cheerilee on the cheek. “Oh sorry, Cheery, for staining your beautiful coat. Belle is right… you want to have breakfast and a good rub in the bath?”

“Add a hot chocolate and you’ll be forgiven.”


~ ❀ ~

Pip and Cheerilee sneaked by the foals bedroom and descended to the basement.

When the herd had built the house, they had done so considering their family would be expanding, and one day growing foals would need more space. For this reason, they had excavated and constructed a full basement. It was currently used as storage, though one day it would become additional rooms for teenage foals. The basement already featured a full bathroom, however. Being out of the way, it was a prime spot for extra intimacy.

While Cheerilee prepared the bath, Pip made the breakfast and hot chocolate he had promised her. Carefully, he went down the stairs with the platter and deposited it near the bath.

“Thanks,” Cheerilee said, locking the bathroom door behind him. The fur on her chest and her abdomen was messy with dry, crusty semen. She turned off the tap and entered the tub.

The bath being more than large enough for two ponies, Pip slipped in the hot water with Cheerilee. She sat at one end of the tub, her back against the edge, forelegs outside the water on both sides, leaving her stained chest and belly accessible. “Time to clean up your mess, Pip,” she said smugly, picking up her hot chocolate.

“Of course.” Smiling, Pip soaked a washcloth and poured a drop of soap on it. He gently rubbed Cheerilee’s chest with the cloth. His hoof firmly massaged her fur, scrubbing the dry cum from it.

Cheerilee’s cute chest fluff now cleaned, Pip switched to her heavy, swollen mound underwater. Again, he scrubbed the remnant of his seed from her fur with the washcloth. He tenderly stroked the womb holding his foals.

“You know, I watched Belle and Shy’s foalings,” Pip said as he continued to wash the mare’s purple abdomen. “I was really sad when I missed you foaling Rain Hearth. I’m glad I’ll be with you when you foal our daughters, and I’m glad I’ll be able to raise them with you and our herd.”

“You’ll be a great father, Pip. You already are with Rain, Blossom and Breeze.” Cheerilee shared a tender kiss with him.

Having finished scrubbing the last traces of his semen, Pip pulled back and invited Cheerilee to lay on her belly. He washed her back, and gave her a massage for good measure. He shampooed her mane and her tail. Finally, he cleaned her genitals and her ass, eliciting soft moans from her.

Cheerilee swallowed a croissant from the breakfast platter. “Thank you, sweetie. You were wonderful… so let me clean your handsome body too.”

She washed him, scrubbing his coat, cleaning his mane and tail. Like he had done for her, she finished by wiping his sex and his tailhole. They exited the bath and toweled each other.

“And, of course, you’re hard again,” Cheerilee said, noticing Pip’s swollen penis hanging between his legs.

“I think that’s your fault. Maybe you should do something about that.”

“I may have a remedy. It’s an ancient technique passed amongst ponies for generations.” Cheerilee picked a couple towels and spread them on the bathroom floor. “Please get on your back.”

Pip did as instructed, and Cheerilee mounted over him in the opposing direction. The mare’s mouth suckled his tip, and he wrapped his foreleg around her rump so he could burrow his muzzle into her smooth purple folds. Her swollen pregnant womb pressed on his chest, making him feel his fillies again.

Cheerilee swallowed his glans and plunged down to his sheath, taking his stallionhood in her throat. As she bobbed up and down, Pip parted her labia, revealing the pink, wet flesh of her most intimate parts. He entered her vagina with his tongue, finding her g-spot a few inches inside. The intense stimulation caused Cheerilee to gasp, but she immediately returned to work on his cock.

Pip slid his tongue out of Cheerilee’s vagina and moved up to her puckered anus in a single continuous lick. He kissed the pert hole and caressed the dark rim with his tongue. Meanwhile, he brought a hoof to her snatch so he could stimulate her clit. Cheerilee shuddered at the dual touch and increased the pace of her blowjob in response.

They continued their mutual pleasuring for several minutes, right there on the steamy bathroom’s floor.

Pip felt his flare bulge in Cheerilee, signaling his oncoming climax. Now too big to exit her throat, his swollen glans rested in her neck, the walls of her throat squeezing the sensitive tip. Pip moved down to suckle her clit, intent on making his mare cum with him.

As he felt her tremble in orgasm atop him, Pip ejaculated his gooey semen in her tight throat. Each load of his seed made her swallow in reflex, the contraction of her oesophagus squeezing his cock for more and taking the sperm into her guts for digestion. He filled her stomach with his cum while she coated his face with her marecum.

Finally, Pip’s flare waned a little, allowing Cheerilee to pull it out of her throat. She kept the tip in her muzzle, letting Pip ejaculate the last few spurts of his seed where she could taste it.

Cheerilee let his softening cock go back into its sheath and moved off him.

“Aaah~ That was fun, Cheery, but you made me messy this time,” Pip said, pointing his muzzle smeared with her fluids.

“Well, at least the remedy for getting rid of pesky erections worked. Hang on sweetie, I’ll wipe your face.” Cheerilee cleaned his muzzle with a washcloth.

Without a word, they embraced each other, laying their heads on their partner’s shoulder. It was a gentle, loving gesture, thanking each other for the pleasure and love they shared.

14. A New Life

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~ ❀ ~

Friday, April 4th, Year 10 of Princess Twilight

A year and a half after Pip started dating Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s herd, the barn was transformed once more into a makeshift nursery. It had a wide space and plush blankets for foaling mares, as well as various tools and supplies to assist with the deliveries. The farmhouse had incurred some modifications too: an additional room had been cleared and furnished as a bedroom for the four new foals.

Pip welcomed Nurse Redheart in the barn before noon, as they had scheduled. Since foaling twins was riskier than single births, and Sweet Apple Acres was too far from the hospital to rush there when Cheerilee would enter labor, Redheart came to them instead.

“Good morning, Cheerilee,” Nurse Redheart said as she took place beside the heavily pregnant mare. “How do you feel?”

“Giddy,” Cheerilee replied with a nervous smile.

“Everything will be fine,” the nurse reassured her, depositing her saddlebags and picking up a large envelope. “With your last ultrasound, we can confirm both of your little fillies are in the proper position - belly down, head first, forehooves extended forward. All is ready.”

Redheart prepared a bottle of clear liquid and a syringe. “I will first give you an injection of oxytocin to induce labor. Your waters should break within 20-30 minutes, then add 20-30 more minutes to birth each foal. Any questions?”

Cheerilee shook her head. “No, I’m ready.”

The nurse filled the syringe and skillfully inserted the hypodermic needle in Cheerilee’s buttcheek. She pressed on the plunger, injecting the clear solution in the mare’s bloodstream.

Pip massaged his mare’s back as Cheerilee went through the procedures one more time with Redheart and Applejack. The rest of the family settled around, waiting for the birth to start. Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh were there, of course. Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze and Rain Hearth were there as well; the foals had promised to stay quiet and still, and Fluttershy would remain with them to answer their questions and calm them if needed.

Since the birth had been scheduled for induction in advance, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were able to join too. The CMC approached Pip, but stayed a respectful distance away to avoid crowding around Cheerilee.

“So, it’s… it’s the day, ain’t it, Pip? Miss Cheerilee will foal soon,” Applebloom whispered.


“I remember when Cheerilee first introduced you as the new student from Trottingham,” Sweetie Belle commented. “It’s kinda crazy to see you two now, having foals together.”

Pip chuckled. “I know… but I love her, and I love our herd, so it’s okay.”

Soon enough, Cheerilee let out a pained gasp. A deluge of warm, yellow amniotic fluids followed, streaming from her vulva and soaking the hay behind her. She had gone into labor.

Pip cleaned the floor of the drenched hay, and replaced it with a fresh batch. Applejack spread a large blanket on the ground, allowing Cheerilee to lie on her side. Pip settled down behind her, holding her tail out of the way while Big Mac and Sugar Belle lay down in front of her to keep her company.

Cheerilee’s vulva became looser, her vagina expanding to allow her foals to pass through. Soon, a white sac filled with amniotic fluids appeared through the supple purple folds. Cheerilee gasped and kept pushing, her contractions guiding the first of her filly through her dilated vagina.

Pip soon spotted a pair of tiny white hooves through the ripped amniotic sac. “Cheery, she’s coming…”

His breath caught in his throat as he saw a little white muzzle between the forelegs. Love filled his heart as he saw the full face of his filly exiting Cheerilee’s womb. The little foal had white fur and a white mane, but there was also a purplish spot around her left eye and two mores on her cannons.

After pushing for about ten minutes, Cheerilee gasped as the filly’s rump and hindlegs passed her vulva. The newborn foal slipped onto the blanket.

Pip heard the filly whimper as she took her first breath, squirming shakingly to get out of the white amniotic sac that still covered her rump. Reverently, the young father helped his foal by ripping open the rest of the bag so she could creep out of it.

“What a beautiful foal!” Nurse Redheart exclaimed.

‘Beautiful’ was right, even if the filly was still completely soaked in yellowish birth fluids. While her front and mane were white, her rump and tail were amaranth purple. The two colors met in a wavy line across her midsection, creating a stark contrast between her front and rear.

“Sugar Belle, can you move her?” Redheart asked. “Cheerilee can’t turn around right now.”

Pip felt a sensation of deep loss as his filly was levitated away from him. That feeling stopped immediately as he witnessed Cheerilee turning her head and seeing her foal - the filly he had given her. The purple mare’s eyes light up with love as her daughter was deposited in front of her. Without a word, she tenderly licked the filly clean.

A few minutes later, Cheerilee gasped as she experienced another wave of contractions. Another white bag filled with liquid appeared from her depths as the second twin filly engaged in her mother’s vagina. Cheerilee’s swollen belly started to slowly deflate as her second foal exited her uterus, the filly cute face appearing from the mother’s stretched vulva. She kept pushing, helping the foal travel through her tight passage. With a twitch of her hindlegs, a loud wet squelch, and a relieved sigh, Cheerilee was discharged from her burden, leaving the second twin filly on the soaked blanket.

Again, Pip was left with the breathtaking sight of his newborn filly. He helped her out of the ripped amniotic sac. The second filly was almost identical to her twin sister, except her color pattern was inverted: her front end and mane were amaranth purple, while her rump and tail were white. She crawled out of the white sac, which Sugar Belle lifted into a nearby bucket for disposal.

After birthing the second twin, Cheerilee rose up and turned to face her last foal. She went down to lick the filly, but stopped as she noticed Pip. “Do you want to do it?”

“I can?”


Pip, filled with love, went down with his tongue out. Letting his parental instincts take free reign of his actions, he licked his daughter’s face, cleaning the fluids from Cheerilee’s womb out of her coat. The filly squirmed as he lapped her entire body, grooming her coat, mane and tail.

Once his second filly was mostly clean, Pip settled down next to her. Meanwhile, underneath Cheerilee, their first twin was starting to stand on her wobbly legs and take hesitant steps. Pip would have liked to help her walk, but he knew she had to do it on her own. After a bit of fiddling around under her mother, the filly managed to find one of her teats and began to suckle. The foal gulped down Cheerilee’s milk, filling her little stomach with her first meal.

When the older twin had emptied the first of Cheerilee’s udders, she naturally started looking for the other teat. Foals needed to absorb their mother’s first dose of milk, which contained vital nutrients and antibodies, and they couldn’t let the first twin drink from both teats. As they had rehearsed, Big Mac intervened by pushing her little head away and giving her a feeding bottle full of foal formula instead, which she gulped down eagerly. Eventually, the satisfied filly approached her twin and settled down next to her.

“Aww, they are so sweet…” Sugar Belle commented, a tear in her eye.

The younger twin eventually did the same as the first one and rose on her shaky little legs. Cheerilee gently guided her to her second udder. The foal eagerly suckled on the teat, drinking the rich, creamy mare milk. Once she was done, Pip dragged the filly toward her twin sister and gave her the second bottle of foal formula. Soon, both twins were sleeping next to each other, looking absolutely adorable.

Cheerilee gasped. “Uh, hold on… stand clear.” She spread her hindlegs and her vulva loosened again. With a good push from the purple mare, the fleshy mass of her placenta dropped onto the barn floor. Nurse Redheart and Applejack examined it, looking for abnormalities: blood or tears of the placenta could be signs of medical complications.

The nurse moved on to examine the newborn fillies, then the mother. “Everything is all clear, Cheerilee. Both you and your fillies are perfectly healthy. Congratulations!”

Cheerilee lay down next to Pip and nuzzled her sleeping fillies. “Oh, thank you Pip. They are so beautiful…” She whispered something in his ear, and he gave her a nod of approval.

Cheerilee looked around at their family. “Everypony, may I present my daughters?” she announced without raising her voice too much, not wanting to wake the two fillies. She pointed at the older twin, the filly with a white front and an amaranth purple rear, “this is my daughter, Morning Rose.” She indicated the younger twin, the filly with an amaranth purple front and a white rear, “this is her twin, Evening Rose.”

As everypony complimented the foals and their parents, Fluttershy pushed Rain Hearth forward with her wing, encouraging her with a nod. Rain Hearth, Cheerilee’s first filly with Big Macintosh, carefully approached her little sisters and gave each one a tiny kiss on their forehead.

~ ❀ ~

Thursday, April 10th, Year 10 of Princess Twilight

For the third time in a week, Pip was with his herd in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Lying between Cheerilee and Sugar Belle, he was watching Fluttershy give birth to her pegasus filly.

Big Mac tenderly extracted the foal from her amniotic sac, revealing a filly with an almost white pale green coat, and a burgundy mane with maroon highlights. Her irises were a bright red color.

The foal was obviously Big Mac’s daughter, but that was alright. Pip held his son, nuzzling his little horn. Sugar Belle had foaled the little colt the day before, the white spots spread over his dark pink coat marking him as the fruit of Pip’s seed. They had named him Sweet Pepper.

Pip had sired three of the herds seven foals: Morning Rose, Evening Rose, and Sweet Pepper. The new pegasus filly, Wine Sap, was Mac’s fourth child, after Harvest Blossom, Orchard Breeze, and Rain Hearth.

As the herd returned home with their new foal, Pip knew his life had changed forever.

That was just fine with him.

~ The End ~