> Good Times in Equestria: Thomas at the School of Friendship > by GoebelTron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Planning A School/Grand Opening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Castle of Friendship, the Mane 8 gathered around the cutie map table to see that the map expanded more of the placed beyond Equestria that they went to. “So, this happened while we were gone?” Twilight asked. “Wow! Those are all the places we want to when we left to save Equestria!” Applejack said. “Oh my stars! There’s that town where we met Capper when he saved us from those horrid ruffians,” Rarity said. “The pirates! They were pretty awesome!” Rainbow Dash said. “Yep. And their captain was polite with us,” Sunset said. “And Mount Aris! Ooh, Starlight! Remember when we made seashell necklaces for aaaaaa...” Pinkie Pie inhaled and then continued, “...aaaaall the seaponies?” “Yeah, who doesn’t?” Starlight said. “I’m also glad Tempest decided to spread the word of the Storm King’s defeat and share what she learned about friendship,” Twilight said. “So, y’all think that’s why the map grew? Friendship quests beyond Equestria?” Applejack asked. “I hope not. I not ready for anymore life-threatening adventures,” Fluttershy said. “How many friendship quests do you think we need to go on before we have to expand the throne room?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Well, it looks like we don’t have to do it alone,” Twilight said. “What do you mean?” Sunset asked. “Well, I mean that the entire beyond outside world in Equestria is filled with so many different creatures who know nothing about friendship. It looks like we need help if we’re gonna teach them all about friendship. Lots of help,” Twilight said. “Perhaps, darling. But where does one go to learn about friendship?” Rarity asked. “Here! They can all go here! Because that’s why we’re going to open a school!” Twilight said, until the Mane 7 made agreeable comments with laughs and cheers. “Spike, take a note.” Spike nodded and then got started, until Twilight cleared her throat and began her entry. “Dear Princess Celestia, I’m writing to you because this morning, we saw the cutie map table in my castle expand to show the places we’ve been to while the Storm King invaded. We also thought about opening a school of friendship, but I kinda need your opinion on this if we want to help other creatures learn about friendship. If you have a moment, I’d like to speak with you about it. Your fellow princess, Twilight Sparkle” “And done,” Spike said, and then rolled it up into a scroll and sealed it, until he used his magic flame and sent it. “Twilight? Umm... I know you might say no, but... is it okay if I enroll my son as well? I’m sure he can make some new friends,” Fluttershy said. “Perhaps we could enroll our sisters as well, because they’re sometimes eager around him, and I’m afraid they’ll feel heartbroken if he left,” Rarity said. “I’m sure we’ll do something about that. And yes, Fluttershy. Thomas can come, but make sure he has some new school supplies for tomorrow morning,” Twilight said. “I’ll go talk to Miss Cheerilee about it,” Starlight said. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia met up with Twilight and Spike, as they talked about Twilight’s idea about her school. “I think a school of friendship is a wonderful idea, Twilight! I’ll help you anyway I can,” she said. Spike took some notes. “Well, I just have these I need help with, but I don’t know which to choose from,” Twilight said. Princess Celestia giggled, “Oh, Twilight. You were and always will be my star pupil. If anypony knows how to run a school, it’s you.” “I guess. But there’s a big difference between attending a school and running one. It’s not like there’s a official rule book to follow,” Twilight said. “Actually, there is,” Princess Celestia said, showing a handbook with a school medal symbol on the front cover. “The EEA guidebook is very specific about how to run a school.” “The EEA? I’ve never heard of that, or did I?” Twilight said. “Of course not. You’ve never run a school before,” Princess Celestia replied. “Besides, the Equestria Education Association is a board of learned ponies that oversee every school in Equestria.” “But you’re a teacher and a headmare of your school!” Spike said. “Not even a princess can do whatever she likes when it comes to shaping young pony minds,” Princess Celestia said. “The EEA ensures that whether it’s unicorns studying magic, pegasi learning weather, or earth ponies researching agriculture, and that all schools are held in the same high standard. They’ll need to approve your plan before you can move forward. But if you like, I have somepony who can help.” “Who?” Twilight asked. “Him,” Princess Celestia said, revealing a male unicorn with light azureish gray fur, a combed back dark grayish azure mane and tail and beard, moderate turquoise eyes, and he wore a crimson red short sleeved cloak, and a red ribbon with a gold medallion with the EEA symbol on it. “Twilight, I’d like you to meet Chancellor Neighsay of the EEA,” Princess Celestia said. “Equestria owes you a great debt, Princess Twilight. But princess or no, we expect you to do things by... the... book!” “I understand, chancellor, but I assure you that you’ll find my curriculum meets all of your requirements,” Twilight said. “And you’re sure we can trust you to follow with this plan? Even if you leave your school unattended to gallop of on your... “adventures”?” Chancellor Neighsay asked. “My journey beyond Equestria showed me that the threats out there are somehow greater then we imagined!” Twilight said, then she cooled herself down. “But I promise, this school of friendship will be taken care of with your standards.” The chancellor then thought for a moment, and then sighed, “Very well. As a member of the council, the EEA concurs. If your work is in order, provisional EEA approval is granted. We will however need to observe your school up and running before it can be fully accredited.” “Thank you, Chancellor Neighsay. We won’t let you down or let you regret this,” Twilight said. “Good. Then you have our permission to run your school. Good luck,” Chancellor Neighsay said, shaking Twilight’s hoof. The next morning, as the warm light from Celestia’s sun blanketed Thomas, who was sleeping in his bedroom peacefully, until he felt something wake him. “Thomas, it’s time to wake up,” Fluttershy said, until he opened his eyes and rubbed them. “Good morning, Momma,” Thomas said. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” Fluttershy said, and Thomas nodded until he was lifted up from his bed and onto her hooves for a hug. When she put him down, Fluttershy looked down at him, “Okay, sweetheart. Get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast.” Thomas nodded, and then he went to his trunk and took out some clothes to wear, which consisted his light gray and plaid sweatshirt, blue jeans, and cardinal red shirt. When he came downstairs, Fluttershy made herself some toast and her son some porridge with berries, milk and honey. “Momma? Is there something you wanted to tell me?” Thomas asked. “Sweetheart, your Auntie Twilight and I decided to enroll you and your big sisters to a new school that me and your aunts are going to be teaching at,” Fluttershy said. “Really?” Thomas asked. “Of course,” she replied. “It’s so that you can continue learning with your curriculum and won’t have any problems with the students there, because we’re going to show you how friendship works.” Thomas gave Fluttershy as soft smile. “Okay, Momma,” he said softly. Fluttershy smiled warmly and then brought him over for a hug on her neck, and then put him on the floor as he stood up, “Now go get your backpack ready, and I’ll pack your lunch.” Thomas nodded and then he went to get his backpack ready for school, and when he came down, he saw Fluttershy packing him a bologna and lettuce sandwich and a box of fresh apple juice for lunch and placing them in a paper bag that was then placed in his backpack in front of his school books and supplies. “I packed my crayons of I want to draw a picture,” Thomas said. Fluttershy nodded and then lowered herself down, “Okay, baby. Let’s get going.” Thomas then climbed onto his mother’s back and when he was ready, Fluttershy walked out of the cottage, closed the door behind her, and then started walking all the way to the School of Friendship. As she walked towards Twilight’s castle, Thomas asked, “Momma, what will I see at the School of Friendship?” “Well, sweetheart,” Fluttershy began. “When we get there, you’ll see a lot of classrooms, which some will be held by your aunts, a library where you or other students can just read or study more to be ready for future lessons, and we also made a playground for the little ones.” She gave him a wink, until Thomas giggled and then she continued, “There’s also a room where your Auntie Starlight is your guidance counselor, and I think Twilight is the headmare.” “Do you think it will be safe for me?” Thomas asked. “I know so, but let’s find out. Plus, we’ve thought about enrolling some other students from other kingdoms to see if they’d like to learn about friendship,” Fluttershy said. “If you’re lucky, you could make some friends with them.” “Okay. I’d like to,” Thomas said. Fluttershy giggled, “I knew you would.” She then kissed him on the cheek, and then saw the entrance of the school. “Oh, we’re here.” Thomas then saw a waterfall reveal the entrance to the School of Friendship, and he was amazed as he saw that the school looked just like Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, but only it was bigger and had more space to it, and it was nearly next to Twilight’s castle. “Wow... It’s so big,” Thomas said. “Mmhmm,” Fluttershy replied, as she then walked towards the doors, opened them with one hoof and went inside with her son still on her back as she gently shut the doors behind her. “There you are! What took you guys so long?!” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sorry. I was getting my son ready,” Fluttershy said as she saw him leaning on her rest and curled up towards her mane. “And that was very rude, Rainbow Dash. You just need patience,” Rarity said. “Here. Have some water,” Starlight said, offering Thomas a glass of water. “Thank you,” he said as he took it and drank from the cup. “It's too much. Too much!” Rainbow Dash said. “Ugh, you think so? I had hoped dressing the part would help me feel the part,” Rarity said, looking at her schoolmarm outfit. “Not your dress! This! Us! Teaching?! They're gonna think I'm an egghead!” Rainbow Dash said in complaint. “Well, the students are gonna love everything that we have! It’s gonna be a blast!” Pinkie Pie said. “I sure hope that they notice me,” Thomas said. “I’m sure they will, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, nuzzling her head onto him. “I don't know about all this,” Applejack said. “It's going to be fine,” Twilight said. “Everything about this school just feels right.” “It sure looks like it. Although it kind of reminds me of Princess Celestia’s castle back in Canterlot, but with a mixture of a public library or a college,” Sunset said. “See? If Twilight isn't stressed, you've got nothing to worry about,” Starlight said. “And you're sure you want us to be teachers? In classrooms?” Applejack said. “The EEA is very clear on how schools should be run. We have a huge responsibility, and I need you all to do this by the book,” Twilight said. “Wow, this sounds really serious,” Sunset said. “I know it's not some big adventure against the forces of evil, but this could be the most important thing we've ever done. I can't run a school of friendship without my best friends. Can I count on you?” Twilight asked. “Of course you can, darling,” Rarity said. “Call me Professor Egghead. I'm in!” Rainbow Dash said. “Okay, sweetheart. When everypony gets settled in, we’ll introduce you four, okay?” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded, and then he saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walk in. “Hello, girls,” Twilight said. “Hey, Twilight,” they replied. “THOMAS!” “Hi, girls,” he replied. “So... this is the School of Friendship?” Sweetie Belle asked. “This is so cool!” Scootaloo said. “I’m glad you think so,” Starlight said. The bell suddenly rang. Pinkie Pie screamed, “First day at school! So many new ponies!” “About that,” Twilight said, before opening the doors. “One thing I forgot to mention. It's not just ponies.” The students were now chattering as they entered, including 5 different creatures. “That was unexpected,” Sunset said. “Ooh! Students certainly traveled from far and wide to attend our school!” Rarity said. “Princess Celestia helped me reach out to all the kingdoms. After all, friendship is something that needs to be shared with every... creature,” Twilight said. “Twilight? It’s time,” Starlight said. Twilight nodded, and then she, Starlight and Sunset went up to make an announcement. “Everypony and everycreature? Can we have your attention please?” Twilight asked, as the students stopped chattering and then listened to Twilight before she continued. “Welcome to the School of Friendship! I'm your headmare Twilight Sparkle. And these are your teachers, Professors Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer. We promise that we’ll make sure that you’ll have the first best year here in your lives.” The students cheered for her enthusiasm, and then Twilight continued, “But first, I’d like to introduce some other new students who are attending this school.” “Would the new students please come and introduce themselves?” Sunset asked. Thomas felt a bit shy since he’s at a different school, but he had his big sisters on his side, so he went up with them and Starlight and Fluttershy walked up with them, until the pegasus mare placed her foreleg on Thomas’s shoulder to keep him comfortable. “May we introduce Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and fellow sisters of Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash...” Starlight said, until Fluttershy went next with Thomas standing underneath her and behind her left front leg. “... and my son, Thomas Mercer Shy.” Everypony let out an awww reaction as they thought how cute he was, making Thomas blush a bit. “We hope you can all help make them feel welcome here in the school,” Sunset said. “And we’d be so proudly honored if you did,” Starlight said. “Now that our new students are welcomed and if you need assistance, please follow Guidance Counselor Starlight Glimmer to sign in and get your class assignments. Then we can show you your living quarters later on, so why don’t you find somepony to talk to and try to get along before we get started?” The students then started to get along, and then they went over to Twilight’s office to introduce some other students new here, and after Thomas climbed back onto Fluttershy’s back to stay safe and not get lost. “Sunset, could you gather the others and bring the other creatures and tell them to come meet us in my office?” Twilight asked, and then Sunset went to get the other creatures who enrolled at the school. When they got to the office, Twilight sat at her desk, which was as tall as a judge’s desk, and he was being held by his mother on her foreleg and leaned against her chest but rested his head on her neck and underneath her chin. “Twilight? The 6 students are here, but one of them is an earth pony and the other 5 are different creatures,” Sunset said. “Okay, bring them in,” Twilight said. When the six students and their escorts entered the office, they stood by their escorts. Thomas nervously hid behind and covered himself with his mother’s mane as she gently patted him with her hoof. He first saw an earth pony colt with pale light grayish spring bud fur, a ruffled light cyan and moderate opal mane and tail, light sea green eyes, and his flank had a cutie mark of three sea turtles. He was minding his own business, until he bumped into a griffon. “Whoa, sorry! I'm Sandbar. Are you a student here, too?” he asked the griffon. The griffon replied sarcastically, “No, I just figured I'd randomly stand here and see how many ponies would walk into me.” He then huffed. “Gallus!” yelled a raspy voice, until he coughed and wheezed. “Watch your mouth, young griffon!” Rainbow Dash saw a bald fleshy headed griffon with violetish gray fur, medium gray neck feathers and dark violetish gray wings, light yellow talons and beak, and black eyes. “Grandpa Gruff? What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Flew all the way from Griffonstone to introduce Gallus,” he replied. Gallus was a griffon with brilliant cerulean fur with pale, light grayish amber chest and eyebrow fur, head feathers were a gradient of brilliant cerulean to grayish spring bud to brilliant amber, he had moderate cerulean wing and tail feathers, brilliant amber talons and beak, and moderate azure eyes. “Rainbow Dash, right? Gilda told me about you. You're a teacher? Huh. Thought you'd be... cooler,” Gallus said. Pinkie Pie gasped and then hugged a yak she knew, “Prince Rutherford! Good to see you again!” Prince Rutherford was a big yak with a grayish gamboge fur coat with a golden sewn saddle and cyanish gray handkerchief, a bushy and braided mane of moderate and dark tangelo, dark arctic bluish gray and dark cyanish gray horns with gold pieces, and moderate lime green eyes. “This Yona Yak. She come to pony school. Hah. Make it better,” Prince Rutherford said. Yona was a little, but strong yak with a grayish amber fur undercoat and grayish vermillion fur overcoat with a grayish green scarf over her upper back, a light brownish gray muzzle, a pigtailed moderate scarlet mane with pink bows, dark spring greenish and dark turquoisish gray horns, dark grayish green hooves, and moderate olive eyes. “Yona Yak can't wait to meet new friends and tell them all about Yakyakistan!” Yona said, until she bumped into a wall. “Why don't we try that without you destroyin’ the place?” Applejack suggested. “Hey, Ember! Great to see you!” Spike said, running to her for a hug, until Ember hugged him back. “Good to see you too, Spike. Meet Smolder,” she said. “Which one is Smolder?” Spike asked. “I’m right here?” Smolder replied. Smolder was another girl dragon but younger, and she had brilliant gamboge scales with a light gold underbelly, wing membrane, and ear fronds, moderate orchid spines on her head and back, and moderate cyan eyes. Next to her was a different young dragon. “Ocellus! What did we talk about?” Thorax asked disappointingly. Ocellus then returned to her original changeling form. “I told you, stay in your own form. It's the polite thing to do,” Thorax said. “Sorry, King Thorax. I just couldn’t help it,” Ocellus replied. “My apologies, she's shy,” Thorax said with a chuckle. “It’s okay,” Starlight said. “Oh, hey, Thomas,” Thorax said. “Hi, Thorax,” Thomas said. Ocellus was a young girl changeling with a pale light grayish arctic blue chitin and carapace, a light amaranth neck fin, light amaranth wings with a brilliant amaranth elytra, moderate cyan eyes. “Now that we’ve gotten mostly everycreature here, why don’t we introduce some of our other new students?” Twilight said, and then the three fillies stood out. “I’m Apple Bloom,” she said. “And these are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Together we form...” “Everypony cover your ears,” Applejack said, and then they placed their hooves and claws on their ears. “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!” “Does anypony know where Thomas is?” Rarity asked. “He’s right here,” Fluttershy said, until she looked down at her little colt. “It’s okay, baby. Come out and say hello.” Thomas then climbed down to introduce himself, “Hello-AAAAHHHH!!!” Thomas screamed. He then felt a pair of fur covered arms lift him up and tightly but gently squish him towards her chest for a hug. He looked up and he saw the one hugging him was a young teenage girl hippogriff with light magentaish gray fur and pale light grayish orchid beak, hooves and clawed talon hands, light cornflower blue and light cornflower bluish gray mane and tail, moderate blue violet eyes, and a pearl and seashell necklace around her neck. “AREN’T YOU THE MOST CUTEST LITTLE THING?! OH, I COULD JUST HUG YOU LIKE FOREVER AND EVER!!” she said, as Thomas suddenly felt comfy with the softness of her fur. “Momma!” Thomas said. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Give him some air!” Sunset said. “Oh! Sorry,” said the hippogriff. Thomas the took a few deep breaths and calmed down. “I see you’ve met my son,” Fluttershy said. “And if you didn’t know, he’s what you call a human,” Sunset said. “HE’S YOUR SON?! AND THERE ARE HUMANS IN THIS PLACE?!” the hippogriff asked excitedly. “He’s the only human here actually,” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded, until she then replied, “Huh. That's confusing!” She then flew down and safely landed on the ground, but she still had Thomas in her arm as he sat on her hand and nuzzled against her chest. Suddenly, another hippogriff walked over, and he had grayish bluish purple fur with moderate grayish bluish purple beak, hooves, and clawed talon hands, a aqua green and light aqua green feathered mane and tail, grayish cyan eyes, and he wore golden yellow and light green navy armory and he was holding his helmet after taking it off. “Princess Twilight, I am General Seaspray of Her Majesty Queen Novo's royal navy. I would like to introduce to you all her niece, Silverstream.” “This place is amazing!” Silverstream said, until she calmed herself down and introduced herself to Thomas. “My name’s Silverstream, by the way. I've spent most of my life in a coral reef underwater. I was a seapony once , but now I'm a hippogriff again. Long story, which I’ll explain later. Anyway... How can I be friends with such a cute little guy like you?! Ooooh!” She then hugged him again, squishing his cheek towards her chest. “It’s nice to meet you too, Silverstream,” Thomas said, hugging the hippogriff while softly stroking her chest fur. Silverstream smiled enthusiastically and excitedly, and then nuzzled his head. “I’m Sandbar. I’m from Equestria, but elsewhere,” he said. “I’m Gallus, from Griffonstone,” said the blue griffon. “I’m Ocellus from the Changeling Kingdom,” she said. “Call me Smolder. I’m from the Dragon Lands,” said the orange dragon. “Me Yona from Yakistan,” said the yak. “What’s your name, cutie?” Silverstream asked. “I’m Thomas,” he said. “We’re his big sister figures,” Scootaloo said. “BIG SISTERS?! THAT’S AMAZING!!” Silverstream exclaimed, as she covered Thomas’s ears with her talon hand wrapped around his head. The three fillies giggled, and then their sisters gave them some friendship school books, including the other six students. “Thank you so much for supporting the grand opening of our school. I hope you'll all join us for Friends and Family Day to see the amazing progress your students are making in two days,” Twilight said, and then the students’s escorts left to return home. Suddenly, the bell rang. “Looks like school is in session. Here’s your schedules. Now, Guidance Counselor Starlight will help escort you to your classroom,” Twilight said. Fluttershy then decided to give her son one more hug before class, after Silverstream put him down. “Have a good day, sweetie,” Fluttershy said. “Bye, Momma,” Thomas said, hugging her foreleg and then they all left for their classes. Silverstream gently grabbed Thomas by the back of his shirt and placed him on her back, “Why don’t you ride on my back to class, cutie? I don’t mind at all, since you’re as light as a feather.” Thomas nodded and then they all walked to class together while he rode on Silverstream’s back. > Thomas’s New School Life (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on, after a few lessons with Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy, the Young Six, along with Thomas and the Crusaders went to the library for some break time. Thomas was drawing with his crayons while sitting on Silverstream’s lap as he held him with her arms wrapped around him to keep him balanced, and some of the others were reading or studying. “Man, I can’t believe those lessons were almost that easy,” Sandbar said. “Well, I’m not usually fond of friendship, but I’m pretty much cool with it,” Gallus said. “Well, it doesn’t sound like it,” Smolder said. Thomas was uncomfortable, until he gently poked Silverstream and then she covered him up for a hug to let him avoid the bickering. “Yona no like argument either,” she said. “What? Yaks don’t tolerate arguments because they’re scared of it?” Smolder asked. “Whoa, cool it. No need to harsh Yona's love for her heritage, okay?” Sandbar said. “Awww, are we not being sweet and friendly enough for you, pony?” Gallus asked rudely. Silverstream felt Thomas scoot closer towards her chest, until she covered him up and ruffled his hair gently, “That was sarcasm, right? Because you weren't being sweet or nice!” “Uh, maybe we should try to pipe it down, just a bit?” Apple Bloom said, as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement. “Maybe dragons and griffons are just too tough for friendship,” Smolder said. “Yaks tough, just not nasty,” Yona said. “Who you calling nasty, klutz?” Gallus asked rudely. “Hey!” Apple Bloom said, causing the argument to stop. “Can’t y’all see you’re scaring one of our own new students here?” She pointed at Thomas whimpering and shaking underneath Silverstream’s soft and warm chest fur and feathers. “And that’s a bad thing?” Gallus asked. “Like why’d he be important anyhow?” “DON’T TOU DARE TALK DOWN TO HIM LIKE THAT!” Sweetie Belle snapped. “Yeah! No one picks on our little brother!” Scootaloo said. “Why can’t we all just get along?” Ocellus asked. “That’s never gonna happen, like ever,” Gallus said. “Oh yeah? Well, why don’t you prove it, or are you chicken?” Smolder asked. Gallus and Smolder the started fighting, until Rainbow Dash and Applejack came over. “Okay, break it up! Break... it... up!” Rainbow Dash said, breaking them both up. “What is going on here?!” Starlight asked angrily, as she and Twilight appeared. “Just a friendly discussion about the magic of friendship amongst friends,” Gallus replied sarcastically. “Everypony— I mean, everyone, act your age! I just can't believe it. Fights breakin' out when they're supposed to be learnin' friendship?” Applejack asked. “I’m very disappointed in you all,” Twilight said, until she saw Thomas being comforted by Silverstream. “Are you looking out for him?” Silverstream nodded, “Thought he could use a hug. I’ve just never seen him like this in my life.” Sandbar suddenly saw how scared Thomas felt, “You okay, buddy?” Thomas shook his head, and then Ocellus thought of something, “How did Professor Fluttershy find you?” Thomas turned around and then faced the Young Six, “Well, I’m from another world, but I was raised in an orphanage except none of the kids liked me or wanted to be my friend. No other adult would want to adopt me or be my parents. So I wished on a star for a new home and a loving family, until I was magically brought here by Aunt Luna. Then, Momma found me and then introduced me to all of Equestria, until they welcomed me as a citizen and made this land my home. I don’t even remember my birth parents or where I really came from at all, but all I had... was this.” He showed them a gold medallion with strange hieroglyphics on it. Tears then began to form from his eyes, until Silverstream pulled him towards her chest for a hug in comfort and then rested her head on top of his. “Why would others pick on some poor cute little kid like you for no reason?!” Silverstream exclaimed angrily as Thomas stroked her chest fur and listened to her heartbeat. “Yona hate mean children and ignorant jerks!” Yona growled. “I totally agree. Besides, you’re too cute to be treated and go through something like that,” Ocellus said. “But at least you have somepony as a loving mother that deeply cares about you from the heart.” Thomas nodded as Silverstream kept hugging him. “He also has a sensitive heart,” Sweetie Belle said. “And that’s what we love about him.” “These ponies are the heroes of Equestria?” Smolder asked. “Listen, these ponies saved all of us from the Storm King,” Sandbar said. “It’s true. And those monsters were really scary, especially with those masked faces,” Thomas said as Silverstream had one talon hand around his shoulder as he hugged her arm. Feeling bad for Thomas, and since that she was a tough dragon, Smolder couldn’t hold it anymore, so she went to Thomas, carefully picked him up and hugged him while holding him in her arms. “And not to mention that you’ve got some creatures that care about you,” she said, as Thomas sighed and rested himself on Smolder’s shoulder. Smolder suddenly heard Gallus snickering, and then gave him a stern look, “Hey, just because I’m a dragon doesn’t mean I’m allowed to like cute things. I just wanted to give the kid some comfort, so give him some humor, will ya?” She then lowered Thomas off her shoulder and looked down at him, “Look, kid. The bottom line is, you’re not ignored here.” “She has a point you know,” Gallus said. “But if you want, we’ll all see to it that you’ll never be ignored and have more friends in every way,” Smolder said. “Really?” Thomas asked. “Absolutely. You deserve it. Especially three fillies you have as big sisters for you,” Sandbar said. “So... you want to be out friends?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Uh-huh!” Silverstream nodded in enthusiasm. “You... You really mean it?!” Thomas asked. “Of course we do!” Silverstream replied giving Thomas another hug, but gentle like. “Besides, you all taught us that’s what friendship’s all about. Making new friends no matter what size or whatever creature they are.” “Yona love to be friends with little human boy and little fillies!” Yona said excitedly, grabbing Thomas and hugging him with her yak strength without breaking any bones. “Looks like things are gonna work out well for me here after all,” Thomas said. “Totally!” Scootaloo said. “What do you all say? Friends?” She and the other two fillies raised their hooves out. The other creatures placed their hooves, paws and clawed hands on top of theirs, and then Thomas was next before he felt Silverstream placed hers on top of his. “Friends for life!” Thomas said. “Best friends!” they all shouted, then giggled and laughed happily. The bell suddenly rang, and after Silverstream placed Thomas onto her back, they all went over to their next period class. > Thomas’s New School Life (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on, after a two hour period of class with Rarity, it was now time to break for lunch and every other student was either at the gym or outside at the field or playground talking or playing while enjoying their lunches. As for the Young Six, they went with the Crusaders and Thomas at the playground section that was built during the school’s construction and meant for younger students to play on. There were swings, a jungle gym, a carousel, some monkey bars, and a sandbox. Thomas was sitting on one of the swings while the others just sat on the grass or on a bench resting and enjoying the sweet sun rays. Nothing really happened as Thomas looked down in sadness before he felt a pair of soft fur claws gently pressed against his back. He looked back and saw Silverstream looking at him with a warm smile on her face. “Hi,” Thomas said. “Would you like me to push you, sweetie?” Silverstream asked. Thomas nodded and then replied, “Yes, please. But... could you try not too hard? I just don’t want to fall off and land on my back by accident, since I’m a little bit scared of going high without protection.” “Aww, don’t worry, cutie. I’ll be gentle, okay?” Silverstream said sweetly. Thomas nodded, “Okay.” Silverstream smiled softly and then gave Thomas a gentle push and then he swung into the air. As he began to laugh, he suddenly felt more comfortable, “Higher! Higher!” Thomas said a little more excited. Silverstream giggled, “Okay. If you say so.” She then pushed him a little bit harder and then the rest of the group let out warm light-hearted laughs as Silverstream continued to push him on the swings. Meanwhile, the Mane 8 and Spike were inside the staff room enjoying some tea with either cucumber sandwiches or apple fritters and chatting amongst themselves. “So, how’s everypony’s classes coming along?” Twilight asked. “Oh, it’s just magnificent, darling!” Rarity said. “All those students just love the generosity I gave towards literature!” “And I’m doing awesome with this teaching stuff, although it might not be my thing,” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah, I hear ya,” Applejack said. “I decided to become a teacher about villains reforming themselves with somepony to help you, or if that pony wants to be better or just needs a friend,” Sunset said. “I think you’d be a good teacher for that,” Starlight said, until Sunset nodded in agreement. “I sure miss my friends back in the human world,” Sunset said. “But I just didn’t want Thomas to be missing me all the time, so I had no choice but to move out and live here. Thanks for letting me live at your castle, Twilight.” “It’s no problem, Sunset,” Twilight said. “But as always, you can go back and visit them or if it’s an emergency.” Sunset nodded, and then continued with her tea and sandwich. “More tea, darling?” Rarity asked, and then poured some after Sunset nodded. Twilight then looked at the clock hanging on the upper wall, chiming at one in the afternoon. “Oh, looks like it’s time to head back to more lessons,” Twilight said. “But just to be reasonable, since some of you may or may not be having lessons now, you can either help out for Friends and Family Day or head home for the day. I don’t mind but it’s your choice.” They all nodded in understanding unison, and then they went to their classrooms while some of them went home or just stayed to help out. Later on, at 2:30 in the afternoon, it was now the end of the day, and all the students walked out of the School of Friendship and to their registered dorms or went home to their families. The Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas were the last ones out of the school as they walked out, and while Thomas was riding on Silverstream’s back, as they stopped at the entrance to the bridge near the school front doors. “That was the best day ever!” Scootaloo said. “Best day ever! Best day ever! Best day ever!” The Crusaders said in unison. “Totally! I’ve never felt so excited in my life!” Silverstream said excitedly. “I guess it wasn’t that bad at all. I could get used to this,” Gallus said. “Yeah, me too,” Smolder said. “Yona love friendship school!” she said excitedly. “And Yona love friends too!” She hugged Thomas and the Crusaders together. “Well, look what we have here. I sure am glad y’all gettin’ along as well,” Applejack said. “Hi, Auntie Applejack!” Thomas said, running over to the country mare and then hugged her foreleg. “Hey there, Thomas. I’ve been lookin’ all over for ya, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, returning Thomas’s hug. “Applejack? Can we walk him home, and then drop off Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked. “That’s what I’m here,” Applejack said. “Auntie Applejack, me and my big sisters love this place!” Thomas said. “Well ain’t that nice. I’m glad you four made some new friends with these here six, Thomas,” Applejack said with a smile. “Anyway, your momma asked me to come take ya home. Are y’all ready to go?” Thomas nodded, and then Applejack leaned down towards his level, and then allowed him to climb onto her back. “Alright, ya youngins. Let’s get y’all home.” Applejack and the Crusaders started their way towards Fluttershy’s cottage after the Young Six shouted goodbye to Thomas and the Crusaders as they then went to their dorms. Later on, the sun was nearly beginning to slowly set by the time Applejack and the Crusaders arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage with Thomas riding on his aunt’s back. Applejack then let Thomas off of her back carefully and gently, and then the little boy turned around to look up at her after walking over for a hug. “Thank you for bringing me home, Auntie Applejack,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, sugarcube. I’m always happy to help. Now, I’ll see y’all tomorrow, alright?” Applejack replied. Thomas nodded, “I love you, Auntie Applejack.” “I love ya too, little feller,” Applejack said, until she nuzzled her cheek with his, and then left with the Crusaders. “Bye, Thomas!” they said in unison. “Bye, girls,” Thomas said, and then he went inside to see his mother. As he got instead, he saw Fluttershy having a book club with her critters, “Momma!” She looked at her son running over to her for a hug, and then when he gently pounced onto her barrel, she gently lifted him off and placed him on her lap and wrapped her forelegs around him for a hug. “Hi, Thomas. Did you have a fun day at your new school, sweetie?” she asked. “Yeah! Those six students were really nice to me, and they made friends with me and my big sisters! And Silverstream pushed me on the swings at lunch today!” Thomas said. “That’s great to hear, sweetie,” Fluttershy said, giving her son a kiss on the forehead. “Now go upstairs and wash up for dinner.” Thomas nodded, and then went upstairs to take a bath while Fluttershy got some materials ready for dinner. When he was washed up and changed into his favorite Spider-Man pajama set and slippers, Fluttershy saw him come down and then she served themselves some of her delicious broth and some slices of bread to go with it. Thomas and Fluttershy finished dinner together and by the time it was dark outside, Thomas had some more time to play with his toys and stuffed animals until he felt tired later on after softly yawning. Fluttershy came up and then lifted him up and placed him on his bed and tucked him underneath the blankets. “Momma?” Thomas asked. “Yes, sweetheart?” Fluttershy asked. “I like my new school, but will I see my other friends from my old school again?” Thomas asked. “Of course, sweetheart. You will, even if you miss them or if they miss you,” Fluttershy said, hugging her son and resting his head towards her chest. “I guess you’re right,” Thomas said. “I was wondering if I could still learn my basic curriculum... like at my other school.” “I’ll talk to Auntie Twilight about it,” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded, and then he laid back down on the bed and hugged his Snuggle Bear teddy as he was tucked underneath the covers. “Goodnight, Momma. I love you,” Thomas said, as he fell asleep. Fluttershy then leaned closer and hugged him gently without waking him up, “Goodnight, my sweet little angel. I love you too.” She then gently gave him a kiss on the forehead and then very quietly left the room and left the door halfway open for him to have some light, and then the light of Princess Luna’s moon shined down around his bedroom. > Friends and Family Day/The School is Shut Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, all the parents and guardians of the students at the School of Friendship came to honor their sons and daughters’s excellences in the school. Along with came Prince Rutherford, General Seaspray, Thorax, Grandpa Gruff, and Ember. “Thanks for inviting us, Twilight,” Thorax said. “Yeah. Totally appreciate it. I could usually take a break,” Ember said. “Definitely, and I’d like to hear for her majesty’s provided honor to hear how the queen’s niece is getting along,” General Seaspray said. “Oh, you won’t believe this, but that small human boy you saw? Silverstream is really fond of him,” Twilight said. “I say. And this small boy possesses no threat?” General Seaspray asked. “I promise. He’s indeed the most adorable little boy you would ever meet,” Rarity said. “And your queen was very kind towards my son, even if he was scared of the Storm King’s attack,” Fluttershy said. “Well, I guess it’s alright, but hopefully there’ll be no screw loose mess up for this place!” Grandpa Gruff said, until he wheezed and coughed. “So, where are our chosen ones?” General Seaspray asked. “Oh, they’re just enjoying themselves, but with Thomas and the three fillies that you may or may not remember,” Twilight said. “You mean Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?” Thorax asked. “Yep,” Applejack said. “I wonder how they’re holding up,” Sunset said. Later on, the Young Six were sitting in the playground section with the Crusaders and Thomas, and Thomas was playing ball with the three fillies like they did in their old school or at the park and shared some laughs. Silverstream smiled at Thomas, thinking how cute and sweet he was. “Isn’t he just so adorable?” she asked. “Yeah, totally. He’s a nice kid,” Smolder said. “He also has a big heart,” Ocellus said. As Thomas passed the ball, it accidentally got lost in a bush. “I’ll get it, but can I have someone go with?” Thomas asked. “I’ll go with you. It’s in case if something scares you, since I’m a friendly changeling,” Ocellus said, and then she let Thomas ride on her back and then they went to go get their ball back. Meanwhile, Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset were waiting for Chancellor Neighsay to arrive. “You're sure sticking to the book is gonna work?” Starlight asked. “My friends can handle anything. They'll have everything turned out fine. Besides there weren’t any problems since yesterday morning,” Twilight replied. “Problems?” asked a voice. It was Chancellor Neighsay. Twilight, Sunset and Starlight gasped. “Chancellor Neighsay! You're here!” Twilight said. “So, you’re him, huh?” Starlight asked. “Well, nice to meet you,” Sunset said. “Yes. And you seem unprepared. If there are problems...” Chancellor Neighsay said, scribbling some notes. “Problems? Ha! Of course not! We can't wait to show you around!” Twilight said. “Yes! Let’s get started with the tour!” Sunset said. The chancellor kept scribbling more notes, and then Twilight chuckled nervously. Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest, which was the safer version for them, Thomas and Ocellus kept looking for the ball. “Momma says the Everfree Forest is dangerous if you’re not in the safe spot of it,” Thomas said. “That’s also where the changelings kidnapped me and took me to the hive and where Queen Chrysalis fed me of all the love inside me, but Thorax was brave enough to lead my aunts and my Momma there to rescue me.” “Oh, really? Thorax told me about that,” Ocellus said. “Cool,” Thomas said, and then he saw the ball in a small pond of swamp water. “There it is.” Ocellus then transformed herself into a boa constrictor and made a safe path for Thomas to walk on and reach for the ball. “Okay. But jussssssst be careful,” Ocellus said. Thomas nodded, and then he carefully walked on the changeling snake’s coils like a tightrope and then he carefully kneeled down and walked onto a rock that was on the pond and then carefully grabbed the ball. “Okay, I got it,” he said, and then Ocellus uncoiled herself and then grabbed Thomas by the back of his shirt with her mouth and then placed him onto the ground and turned back into a changeling. “You okay, Ocellus?” Thomas asked. “No, I’m fine,” she replied. “Let’s get outta here.” Thomas then climbed onto the changeling and sat on her back until she and Thomas flew back to the others. Suddenly, a pair of green glowing eyes caught their attention without them noticing. “As you can see, my friends are teachers of their elements of harmony. Loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, and laughter. I also made Sunset Shimmer teach about reformations, either involving villains or other ponies that don’t know anything about friendship,” Twilight said. “And Starlight here is our guidance counselor.” “I see. Good,” Chancellor Neighsay said, writing more notes. “Well, Chancellor, we have other classes. We can just—“ “I'm actually quite curious about these lessons in friendship with these professors of yours,” Chancellor Neighsay said, and then Twilight showed him the classrooms. Later on, Ocellus and Thomas came back from the forest with their ball. “We’ve made it,” Thomas said. “Yeah,” Ocellus said. “Now, we can play again!” Thomas said, as he was about to run over to his sisters, but he suddenly heard something growling, until he smelled something bad. He then turned around and saw a gigantically massive King Timberwolf covered with pine trees, loose branches with or without leaves or pine, and twigs and had green glowing eyes, “Uhh... Is that a... a...?” They suddenly panicked as the Timberwolf roared at them, “TIMBERWOLF!!!” “RUN!” Thomas said, and they started screaming and running away from the Timberwolf as it started to chase them. “Of course, we want to instill a sense of loyalty towards others.” Twilight said, until her voice made a voice over while the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas kept running from the Timberwolf. “We encourage acts of generosity and appreciation for the value of laughter...” Pinkie Pie shared some laughter with Prince Rutherford after she made a good joke. “...and to always be honest in any situation.” “Honesty is imperative. Princess, are we going in circles?” Chancellor Neighsay asked. “Uh, look at the time! We'd better head to the lake for Friends and Family Day. I'm sure all the students and faculty will be there,” Twilight said, as she, Sunset and Starlight took Chancellor Neighsay over to the lake. Sweetie Belle tripped over a rock, and Apple Bloom helped her up until they both screamed and ran before the Timberwolf could chomp them up. They kept screaming and running as the Timberwolf continued chasing them. Meanwhile, at the lake, the ponies were chattering with each other. Prince Rutherford laughed after another of Pinkie Pie’s jokes, and Ember and Thorax clinked their glasses together. They were all interrupted by the sound of screaming. “What was that?!” Ember asked. “HELP!!” they shouted in unison. “Thomas!” Fluttershy said. They then heard Sweetie Belle screaming. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity said. Then the pony students made shocked noises and screams as they saw the Timberwolf appear with a thunderous roar. “TIMBERWOLF!” Rarity panicked. “Aah! The school is under attack!” Chancellor Neighsay said. The Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas were almost at the school before the Timberwolf was almost closer towards them, but suddenly a rainbow trail spun around the big creature, then a boulder was launched by Applejack until a blast of Starlight and Twilight’s magic blasted the Timberwolf into pieces along with the boulder, before it tumbled down into pieces and accidentally trashed half of the school. Everypony and everycreature were all coughing from the dust. “Thomas! Sweetheart, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked while holding her son. Thomas nodded, and then whimpered into her chest fur. “Sweetie Belle! I’m so glad you and the others are safe, darling! You frightened me! What happened?!” Rarity asked in concern. “Well, it was like this, professor. You see what happened was...” Silverstream was interrupted by Gallus as he pointed at Chancellor Neighsay and Twilight with looks of shock and concern on his face. “Tell me what happened, all of you,” Twilight said sternly, but Thomas looked at her. “It was my fault, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said. Twilight looked at him with concern, until Chancellor Neighsay was disgusted with his reply, “How dare you! Do you have idea what you and these creatures have done?! This act of aggression against ponies—!” “But it was an accident!” Thomas said, as Fluttershy hushed him softly. “I-I'm so sorry, Chancellor. We clearly had some students get a little carried away with excitement, but my nephew was not to blame, and neither are the fillies or these students,” Twilight said. “Those are students?” Chancellor Neighsay rudely asked. “But you said you were opening this school to protect Equestria! To defend ponies from... dangerous creatures who don't have our best interests at heart!” “My school teaches for all of us to work together through friendship,” Twilight said. “And how do you know these creatures, including that fleshy ape-like creature won't take what they have learned here and use it against us?” Chancellor Neighsay asked harshly, pointy at the leaders. “You have no right to talk to my son like that! He’s only a 6 year old child!” Fluttershy said, standing on her four legs and hugged her son with one hoof around him, but he hugged her entire leg. “That thing... is your son?” Chancellor Neighsay asked. “He’s not a thing, and he has a name. It’s Thomas, and I am a good mother, so don’t you dare talk trash about my child!” Fluttershy said. Thomas suddenly began shaking as he was whimpering over the chancellor’s harsh tone of words. “And you should know that friendship isn't just for ponies!” Twilight said. “It should be,” Chancellor Neighsay said. “Unicorn think yaks no need friendship? Maybe yaks no need pony school!” Prince Rutherford hollered. “Well, perhaps you should return to your kind,” Chancellor Neighsay said rudely. “What?! "Your kind"?! That’s it! Smolder, let's go!” Ember said angrily. “Queen Novo will want to hear of this!” General Seaspray said angrily “Well, this place seemed lame anyways,” Grandpa Gruff said. The other Young 5 left with their escorts, until Thomas tried to stop them. “No! Please!” “Thomas, it’s over. I’m sorry, sweetie,” Silverstream said, and then she went off. Thorax then sighed despondently, “It's fine. We know not every pony sees us the way you do. We're used to it. Come on, Ocellus. Let’s go home.” He and Ocellus then left. Twilight got angry at the chancellor until she walked over to him, “Princess Celestia helped me reach out to all the kingdoms! When she hears you closed the school because—!” “Because you failed to meet the EEA's standards?” Chancellor Neighsay asked by cutting her off. “What?!” Twilight asked. “Irresponsible teachers, students skipping class, endangering ponies! Your school is a disaster. Perhaps if you had had higher standards for who was admitted, this could have been avoided. Regardless...” Chancellor Neighsay then touched his medallion and then casted a spell, that revealed blue chains rattling, and revealing a huge EEA printed lock on the front doors of the school. “By order of the EEA, I am shutting this school... down for good!” Chancellor Neighsay said with a stomp on the hoof. Twilight and her friends made sad gasps. After Chancellor Neighsay left, Thomas then felt began to break down as he then ran off sobbing. “Thomas! Wait!” Sweetie Belle said, until Apple Bloom lowered her hoof. The Mane 8 suddenly felt bad for what happened, and then Fluttershy felt bad for Thomas. > Heartbroken Depression > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, after the school was shut down, Thomas was in the park sulking while looking at the pond with tears falling down his eyes. “Thomas? Are you here?” Sunset asked, until she found him and brought him over for a hug. “You okay, sweetie?” she asked. Thomas shook his head and then he rested his head on her chest. “Your Momma’s worried about you. Come on. I’ll take you to her,” Sunset said, as she leaned over to let Thomas climb onto her back and then she and Thomas walked over to the Castle of Friendship. Twilight was in her bedroom covered underneath a pillow fort with heartbroken depression about what she had done. As for the Mane 8, they sat in the living room, and Fluttershy had the girls next to her on the couch while she was holding Thomas in her hooves and cuddled up against her chest after Sunset brought him back. “Poor Twilight,” Rarity said. “She worked so hard for this,” Sunset said. “Yeah, but I’ve never saw her like this since the many times I have,” Starlight said. “If only that mean pony didn’t shut down the school,” Sweetie Belle said. “Thomas also ran off crying, but we didn’t have the guts to stop him,” Scootaloo said. “But it’s a good thing I found him recently,” Sunset said. “Well, I’m sure he’ll come around soon. He’s a strong kid,” Rainbow Dash said. “Momma? Can I go talk to Auntie Twilight?” Thomas asked. Fluttershy nodded, and then after he got off her lap, he walked over to Twilight’s room. “Looks like we’re grounded for a month,” Scootaloo said. “No, no, no. It was only an accident,” Rarity said sweetly. “I’m sure those leaders will forgive you four.” Sweetie Belle and the other two nodded. The door opened and Spike entered to check on Twilight. “Twilight? You feeling okay?” Spike asked, until Twilight replied with a muffled groan. Spike turned off the sad music, and then Twilight then made an incoherent groan. “Come on, Twilight. I’m sure something will come out. But look on the bright side, you’ll think of something,” Spike said. “No, Spike. It was a failure!” Twilight said. “I'm supposed to be the Princess of Friendship! And all I did was make enemies with Equestria's allies, upset my friends, and get my school...” Her eye twitched. “...unaccredited! There is no bright side!” She then blew her nose, after resupplying her pillow fort. “Auntie Twilight?” Thomas asked in a broken tone. “Thomas? Is that you?” Twilight asked, until she saw him crying. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?” “C-C-Can I c-come in?” Thomas asked. Twilight nodded, and then he climbed into her pillow fort and nuzzled up against him auntie’s chest fur and hugged her neck. “Auntie Twilight! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!” Twilight gasped and then hugged her nephew. “They never wouldn’t have left because of me! I didn’t mean to make you all feel bad! We were... We were just having fun!” Twilight saw how sad he was, so she brought Thomas closer to her. “We gotta get them back! We just gotta!” Thomas then cried underneath her chest fur as his tears stained her fur, causing it to get wet. “Shhhhhh... It’s okay, sweetie. I’m right here,” Twilight said softly, while hugging her nephew in cradle pose while laying on all four legs tucked underneath her. “Come on, Twilight! You can't sit around in the boring dark all day!” Rainbow Dash said. “Exactly!” Applejack said, until Twilight closed the curtains. “Angel, you know what to do,” Fluttershy said. Angel then hopped onto Twilight’s bed and nuzzled with her. Twilight then placed her wing around the bunny, “I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but not everything can be fixed. I’m just not in the mood right now, and I’m also trying to comfort a certain heartsick nephew of ours.” They then saw Thomas crying and nuzzled up with Twilight’s forelegs and his head buried underneath her mane. They all nodded, until Twilight decided to get out of bed, “I just need some time to be alone and think, so I’m going to get some air and stretch my legs for a little while. I’ll be back soon.” She closed the doors behind her after leaving the castle. Fluttershy then took Thomas and held him with her hooves wrapped around him while sitting on the bed. Twilight looked at her school as the big blue EEA lock sealed the entrance. “Oh...” Twilight said, looking down in sadness. “I wondered how long you'd take to get tired of pillow-fort pouting,” Starlight said, as Twilight turned around and saw her walking up to her. “Everypony was so happy here, and the 5 students we’ve registered, and so was Thomas, but I feel like a terrible aunt. Plus, cheering me up won’t work, either,” Twilight said. Starlight made a short laugh, “I’m not gonna cheer you up. I'm gonna tell you what you did wrong.” “What?!” Twilight asked. “You gave up too easily,” Starlight said, leaving Twilight beat. “Hey, you made me a guidance counselor. That means tough love,” Starlight said. “Neighsay was right. I failed. The school was a disaster,” Twilight said. “So was I when you met me, and when you met Sunset the first time. But you showed me that when you know in your heart something is right, you stand up for it. You did that for me. Why not for this?” Starlight said. “I can't go against the EEA! They're in charge of all the schools in Equestria!” Twilight exclaimed. “And you're in charge of all the friendship in Equestria. Why should you let somepony else stop you from doing your job?” Starlight asked. “But the EEA rulebook—“ Sunset suddenly cut her off, “Doesn't matter!” “Look. You can write your own rules! Because you are doing something new. Something important!” Starlight said. “She’s got a point, you know,” Sunset said. Twilight then made a confident look, “You're right! Why we're doing this is way more important than how we're doing this! And we are doing this!” “Now, that's the Twilight I know. How can we help?” Starlight asked. “You already have,” Twilight said. Back at the Castle of Friendship, Fluttershy rocked her son up and down gently as he cried himself to sleep, until the door opened. “Guess what? The School of Friendship is back in business!” Twilight said. “YAY!” the kids shouted in unison. “No offense, Twilight, but teaching at that school was the most boring, horrible, awful thing ever,” Rainbow Dash said, until Rarity looked at her with a sternly unamused brow. “What?” “Uh, pretty sure she's gonna take offense to that,” Applejack said. “No, Rainbow Dash is right. I owe you all an apology. I was so focused on doing things the EEA way, I didn't listen to any of you. I'm sorry. I promise, this time, we'll run the school the way friends should – together, but with a little bit of regular school standards, and some of our personal traits,” Twilight said. “So... we'd be allowed to teach however we want to, but with like how a regular school does?” Rarity asked. “Hand out pop quizzes, but have some of them about friendship or other basics of learning?” “Party based basic learning teaching, including confetti cannons?!” Pinkie Pie asked. “Whatever you need to teach the Elements of Harmony, but with some modifications on the curriculum,” Twilight said. “Yippeeeee!” Pinkie Pie said, as her party cannons fired confetti. “Well, in that case, we're behind you one hundred percent, Twilight. Sure hope this new idea of yours works,” Applejack said. “And Rainbow Dash... how do you feel about also the school’s gym teacher?” Twilight asked. “Aw, yeah!” Rainbow Dash said. Spike cleared his throat as the Mane 8 looked back at Spike, “Just two small problems. The school is still unaccredited...” Twilight’s eye twitched after looking back at Spike, “...and we don't have any students.” “I'll take care of the first part if you five can round up our class,” Twilight said. “Totally! Uh... how?” Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack then thought for a moment, “Roundin' up the pony students ain't gonna be an issue, but...” “The creatures from the other kingdoms seemed pretty upset with us,” Fluttershy said. “And my sweet baby boy and the girls miss them already.” “Pfft! Nonsense! I'm certain we can win them over with our charm and style!” Rarity said. “Well, it’s not gonna be easy,” Sunset said. At Yakyakistan, Pinkie Pie went over to apologize to the yaks, starting with Prince Rutherford. “Cupcake-gram for Prince Rutherfoooord!” Pinkie Pie said, knocking at the door until the yak prince answered. “Why pink pony here? Yaks mad at ponies!” Prince Rutherford said. “Because... you don't have to be mad anymore! We're reopening Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship! And it's gonna be super-uper-duper better than before!” Pinkie Pie said, apologizing to Prince Rutherford. “We’re ever so sorry about the misunderstanding. All creatures are, of course, welcome,” Rarity said, apologizing to the dragons, and Ember. “We would be really happy if you sent your student back to class,” Fluttershy said, apologizing to the changelings, and Thorax. “It won't be the same without 'em. We're open and ready to start teachin'—“ Applejack said, apologizing to the hippogriffs. “—right now! So, what are you waiting for? Get your student and let's go!” Rainbow Dash said, apologizing to Grandpa Gruff. “Not happenin'!” Grandpa Gruff said. Rainbow Dash then groaned, “Do you need me to do the whole apology and explanation thing again? Okay.” After Rainbow Dash inhaled to repeat herself, Grandpa Gruff cut her off, “Listen, missy! It's not happenin' because—“ “Our student is gone!” the leaders simultaneously said in unison. “What?!” the Mane 5 simultaneously shouted in unison. > Argument over Kingdoms & Comfort from Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, at the castle in Canterlot, the leaders and the Mane 8 were having an argument over the loss of their students with Princess Celestia and Luna. “Where Yona?! This all pony's fault!” Prince Rutherford said. “You're pretty quick to blame them! What are you hiding, yak?!” Ember asked, until Prince Rutherford snorted. Thomas felt uncomfortably scared about the argument while he hid underneath Fluttershy and hugged her leg. “C-Can... Can we just focus on finding our lost students?” Thorax asked nervously. “Nice try! You grubs are probably hidin' the whole lot of 'em!” Grandpa Gruff snapped. “Hey! Nopony talks to Thorax like that!” Spike said. “Stay out of this, Spike,” Twilight said. “Please, everycreature! If you can just explain what happened, I’m sure we can find a way to solve this!” Princess Celestia said. “The students left us notes before they disappeared. When the school closed, they didn't want to say goodbye to each other. They claim they ran away to stay together,” General Seaspray explained. “That’s why they learned about friendship, but I still don’t understand why they ran off,” Twilight said. Thomas started to have tears leaking out of his eyes as they stained the fur on Fluttershy’s foreleg as he nuzzled his cheek onto it. “The students couldn't have done this by themselves. Some creature is hiding them! If the niece of our queen is not found soon, I promise there will be retribution!” General Seaspray said. “Yeah? Well, my dragons will burn every kingdom until we find which of you is hiding Smolder!” Ember said. “Tell it to the griffon army!” Grandpa Gruff yelled. “Yaks fight griffons and dragons!” Prince Rutherford shouted. “The Changeling Empire can't afford an international incident. If any creature blames the changelings for this—“ Ember suddenly cut Thorax off, “What are you up to, shapeshifter?!” “B-But we're friends!” Thorax said, until they heard Thomas break down, and then they all saw how scared he was until he quickly ran off. “Thomas. Thomas, wait!” Sunset said, but he ignored her and continued running. “Find the students quickly, Twilight, or I fear our world will be at war!” Princess Celestia said. Twilight nodded, and then they all went back to Ponyville, until the Crusaders went off to go look for Thomas. Meanwhile, at Sugarcube Corner, the Mane 8 and Spike were going over the missing students, “Okay. Let's review what we know.” “Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, and Gallus disappeared together,” Spike said. “But we have no clue whether they could be hiding.” “They're probably just off hidin' somewhere,” Applejack said. “Unless they used some kind of spell to disappear,” Starlight commented. “Ooh! Or went undercover!” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe they were attacked by a ferocious shrimp! Nopony ever expects that!” Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy gasped, “Shrimps can attack?” “Nope! That's why nopony expects it,” Pinkie Pie said. “We need to think like our students. If someone told us we would never see each other again, what would we do?” Rarity asked. “Well, we’ll think of something,” Sunset said. “Oh, I hope Thomas is okay,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure the girls will find him.” Thomas kept running through the Everfree Forest with sadness and fear in his eyes as he ran over a huge hill. “Thomas!” Apple Bloom’s voice shouted, as the Crusaders kept running after him. They suddenly stopped to check for a reply. “THOMAS! ANSWER ME!” Sweetie Belle called out, until her voice echoed. “Come on!” Scootaloo said, and then they continued to go look for him. Meanwhile, at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Sandbar came back with some wagons full of apples, cupcakes, and pillows for the other Young 5. “Cupcakes are best cakes!” Yona said, until she accidentally tripped over the stairs. “Thanks for saving them!” Silverstream said, and then they took their pillows and started to enjoy their apples and cupcakes, and laid on their pillows on their backs or on all four legs, or just sat in yoga pose. “Pillows! How nice! The castle is gonna be so much more comfy,” Ocellus said, as she transformed into a kitten and slept on the pillow. “Aww! Look at you!” Silverstream cooed, gently petting Ocellus, and ticking her chin with her claw. “And you know what else is fun? Pillow fight!” Smolder said, as they all enjoyed their pillow fight, but Ocellus became a lion and ferociously roared at her friends telling them to knock it off, and then they got back to relaxing. Gallus laughed, “Huh. This place is way cooler than I thought it'd be.” “Even I'm impressed,” Smolder said. “What's it called again, Ocellus?” “The Castle of the Two Sisters. I remembered it from class. Princess Twilight's "History of Pre-Equestrian Friendships",” Ocellus replied. “Huh. Who knew? School was actually good for something,” Gallus said. “Yona not really like school. But Yona like new friends! But miss little ones,” she said, until releasing her powerful hug. “Well, at least it can’t get any worse, right?” Silverstream said. “Nope. Not really,” Sandbar said. Meanwhile, the Crusaders kept looking for Thomas as they walked through the mountain pathway. “THOMAS!!” Scootaloo yelled as her voice echoed from far away. “You guys! I just found stairs!” Silverstream said, leaving the other 5 confused. “Aaaand we care because...?” Gallus asked unamused. “Stairs are awesome! We don't have anything like 'em underwater, 'cause you know,” Silverstream then touched her necklace, and it turned her into a seapony. “no way to climb 'em! See?!” The students gazed in awe, and then Silverstream turned back into a hippogriff, “This place has everything! If only my family back home could see it...” Suddenly a thump on her head occurred, and she bit on an apple. “I wish the other changelings could meet you all. You're not nearly as strange as the stories say,” Ocellus said. “Gee, thanks. But yeah, hanging out with other creatures is actually... not bad,” Smolder said. “But... I still can’t believe that the little sweetie Thomas just felt that way when we all left,” Silverstream said sadly. “He was just so cute.” “Yeah. He was... kinda sweet,” Ocellus said. Somewhere in the castle, Thomas was hiding in a dark room hugging his knees and softly whimpering and shaking about losing his new school and friends that he loved to hang out with, and still felt guilty about the school being shut down by the EEA. He suddenly saw the Crusaders coming over. “Thomas! We found you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, until she brought him over for a hug. “Oh, Thomas! We were so worried about you!” Apple Bloom said. “Thanks for finding me. I just miss them,” Thomas said. “Aww, it’s okay, Thomas. We’ll never forget them,” Sweetie Belle said, hugging him until the other two joined hugging their little brother. Suddenly, the Young Six spotted them, “Thomas! Girls!” Silverstream said. “SILVERSTREAM!” the Crusaders and Thomas replied, and then Yona ran over to hug the four of them. “Yona so happy to see little fillies and little human friend again!” she said, powerfully hugging them with her strength, and then Silverstream held Thomas on her right talon arm and felt him hugging her neck. “I missed you,” Thomas said. “Shhhhhh... I missed you too,” Silverstream replied. “So, you were hiding here the whole time?” Sandbar asked. “Why?” Gallus asked. “Because... *sniff* you were gonna leave us... and then the school was shut down by that mean Neighsay pony,” Thomas replied while crying. The Young Six were worried about how broken-hearted Thomas felt, and then Silverstream thought of an idea, “Why don’t you four hang out with us? It’s until somepony comes to get you.” The four of them nodded and then they sat on each pillow, and Silverstream sat down while holding Thomas for a cradle like how his mother does, but he sat up against her chest fur. “Thomas? I probably that we’ll never leave you again. Ever,” she said, until she lowered her head onto his and rested her chin on top of his head as she continued to hug him, and Thomas smiled softly as the softness and warmth of Silverstream’s fur chest comforted him. Suddenly, a couple of shadows came out of nowhere and out sprouted Mindless Ones, which were blackish purple visor eyed monsters from the Dark Dimension. They were now slower marching forward towards them like zombies, and Smolder threw the pillows at them, but nothing worked. “I don’t remember learning about this in Professor Fluttershy’s “Critters for Comfort and Conflict” class,” Ocellus said. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you guys,” Smolder said, as Silverstream saw Thomas burying himself underneath her chest fur. Until all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the Mane 8 came to the rescue, and defended the Young Six from the creatures. “How’d you find us?” Smolder asked. “Can we talk about this later after we deal with these things?!” Rainbow Dash asked, as more of the Mindless Ones kept coming while Starlight and Twilight kept shooting their magic lasers at them. They were completely surrounded by the monsters. Suddenly, a orange sparkling ring shaped portal opened and out came three figures. One was a man with black hair and beard with gray tinges, and he wore a two layered blue tunic with a mystical red cowl and cape, a golden eye shaped medallion, golden rings on each hand, a brown leather strapped and sashed belt, dark blue pants, and black leather boots with blue strappings and light blue straps on his arms. His name was Doctor Strange. The second was a muscular humanoid demon with orangish yellow skin, small horns, red eyes, and pointed webbed ears and he wore a red shirt, steel spiked shoulder pads, spiked cuffs and knuckle rings, a black leather belt, a purplish gray cape, armored pants, and dark red boots, and he was carrying a big sword in his hand. His name was Etrigan. The third and final one was a senior year college aged girl with brown hair and a red gem necklace, and she wore a dark red vest underneath a futuristic multilayered red jacket with a belt clip, black slim fit pants, and black boots and arm braces with red lining and black fingerless gloves. Her name was Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff. “Get back! We’ll handle this,” Scarlet Witch said, as she used her telekinesis as her hands glowed red and made energy fireballs to blast at the monsters. “Allow us to assist, darling,” Rarity said, as she and the others joined in, leaving Fluttershy in charge of protecting the students. Etrigan sliced other Mindless Ones in half with his sword and then burnt the other half with his fire magic. Doctor Strange used his sorcery again the other group and casted a protection spell seal around the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas to be safe. “Wanda! Protect the young ones at all costs!” he said, and then Scarlet Witch stood in front of them. “We’ll help you!” Twilight said, as she, Starlight and Doctor Strange used their magic. Applejack tied up a few of them with her rope, Pinkie Pie shot cake from her cannon, Rainbow Dash spun around like a tornado, and Fluttershy commanded her animals to attack. “Wow! They’re amazing!” Ocellus said. “I take it back. I had no idea our teachers were actually cool,” Gallus said. Sandbar chuckled, “I've been trying to tell you!” “We’ll need to send them somewhere else that they can’t hurt anypony!” Starlight said. “Stand back! All-Seeing Eye of Agamotto! Send thy foul beings back to whence they came!” Doctor Strange said, as his medallion opened the eye and then casted a portal underneath the Mindless Ones and sent them back to the Dark Dimension, and then the doctor closed the portal. Etrigan then sighed calmly, “Since the battle's fought and won. Jason Blood with me is done.” Etrigan then lit up with fire, and transformed back into a man with reddish brown combed hair with white streaks, and he wore a tan jacket, a dark blue sweater, dark brown pants, and black dress shoes. His name was Jason Blood. Silverstream suddenly got excited, “Did you see that?! Rainbow Dash was like voooooom and then werrrr, and our other teachers were so amazing fighting with those other three against those monsters! And then the birds came and—!” “Yeah, we all lived it. But you’re right. That was pretty amazing. Even by dragon standards,” Smolder said. The Mane 8 then walked over to the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas with worry. “Is everycreature alright?” Twilight asked, and then they all nodded. “Thomas! Oh, sweetheart! I’m so glad you’re safe!” Fluttershy said, before she hugged her son closer towards her chest and he curled himself up against her chest fur and stroked it. Twilight then walked towards the three superheroes, “We’re grateful for your aid, but not to be rude if you don’t mind me asking... who are you three?” “My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts,” he said, and then motioned his hand to the other two. “These are my associates, Wanda Maximoff the Scarlet Witch, and Jason Blood, who is also Etrigan the Slayer, the demon you saw earlier.” “Pleased to meet you. My name’s Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. These are my friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Those young ones right there are with us,” she said. “This here’s my little sister, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said. “This is my dear little sister, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said. “And this is Scootaloo, my number one fan, but she sometimes looks up to me as a sister,” Rainbow Dash said. “And this is my son, Thomas,” Fluttershy said, holding her son on her hoof. Scarlet Witch walked over to Thomas and kneeled down to softly stroke his cheek, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” Thomas nodded, and then Scarlet Witch read his thoughts, until she saw his past life from before he came to Equestria. “You were an orphan, but no one loved you?” she asked. Thomas nodded, and then Scarlet Witch looked at Fluttershy, “May I hold him?” Fluttershy nodded and then Scarlet Witch lifted him up and gently held Thomas in her arms for a hug, until he rested himself on her chest, but laid his head and curled his arms and hands on her breasts. “He’s always very shy, but he can sometimes be a real sweetheart once you get to know him,” Fluttershy said, until Scarlet Witch bent over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re never alone,” she said, until Thomas nodded. “So, do you know how you got here?” Twilight asked. “It appears we were teleported to a place where we saw this palace on the mountain,” Doctor Strange said. “That’s Canterlot!” Twilight said. “I’m sure you can make yourselves welcome here in Equestria, if you choose to stay!” “Equestria? That’s what this place is called?” Scarlet Witch asked. The Mane 8 nodded, and then the three heroes nodded in agreement. “Thomas, what could I have done if anything ever happened to you?” Fluttershy asked. “They were gonna leave. I... *sniff* I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It’s still my fault that the school is shut down,” Thomas replied. “Aww... There, there, honey. It’s not your fault,” Starlight said, as she stroked his hair with her hoof, and then turned over to walk over to the Young Six. “You know, this probably isn't the safest place for a campout.” “Does that mean you're going to send us back to our homes?” Ocellus asked. “Actually, we had a different idea, but we’ll need all the help we need,” Twilight said. “Because we’re going to confront the chancellor together, but I have a plan.” The Young Six were somehow confused after Silverstream placed Thomas onto her back. “We’re listening,” Gallus said. “It's pretty clear you've already started learning friendship from your teachers. But we'd like to show you even more than just that... if you'd come back to school?” Twilight said. “Not much of a choice,” Smolder said. To be honest, we felt exactly the same way when Twilight told us she was reopening the school,” Applejack said. “But this time, we guarantee it shall be different,” Rarity said. “Oh, yeah! With class run my way, it'll be two hundred and twenty percent cooler,” Rainbow Dash said. “And without the EEA, it'll be much friendlier,” Fluttershy said. “Plus, all your nations won't go to war if you come back with us! Bonus!” Pinkie Pie said. “Wait. What's happening?” Sandbar asked. “We’ll explain everything on the way back,” Twilight said. “I do believe that you all have a school to save,” Doctor Strange said. > The School is Reopened/Friendship Always Wins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on, the Mane 8, the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Jason Blood gathered at the entrance of the school. “So, this is it?” Jason asked. Thomas nodded, and then Doctor Strange checked for dark magic on the lock. “There’s no reading from the Dark Dimension on this spell lock,” he said. “Chancellor Neighsay did this because he didn’t appreciate the idea of supporting friendship to other kingdoms,” Twilight said. “And he almost made me lose my new friends,” Thomas said. “Twilight, could we add some curriculum like at a school from Thomas’s world?” Fluttershy asked. “What’d you have in mind?” Twilight asked. “Maybe some history, math, reading and literature, and science,” Fluttershy said. “It’s so that we can see if friendship works like that as well, like working together in groups during projects.” “I think it’s a wonderful idea, Fluttershy,” Twilight replied. Before Twilight could open the door, she head a voice. “Twilight! I was so relieved to get your letter!” Princess Celestia said, before she saw Thomas smile and wave at her, and then the princess lowered herself down to comfort him with her hoof. “As was Queen Novo. Oh, we're just glad you're alright, Silverstream!” General Seaspray said. Grandpa Gruff then walked to Gallus, “Don't expect a welcome party from me, sonny! It's time you got home!” Gallus smacked Grandpa Gruff from tugging his ear, “I'm not leaving.” “Whaaaat?!” Grandpa Gruff asked, until he wheezed. “None of us are. Sorry, Thorax,” Ocellus said. “Yak not understand. This pony joke?” Prince Rutherford asked. “No. We're going back to school,” Smolder said, and then lifted Thomas up to hold him. “And going... with our friends.” “How? You can't even get inside!” Ember said. Twilight then walked over to the gate, and she and Doctor Strange removed the lock and chains from the entrance. “School is back in session!” Twilight said, and the students cheered, until a magic portal started warbling, and Chancellor Neighsay appeared. Thomas then hid underneath Silverstream and hugged her legs. “Who dared remove my seal?” Chancellor Neighsay asked, touching the pieces. “I did, Chancellor Neighsay! And I respectfully ask you to step aside, or classes will start late,” Twilight said. “Classes won't start at all! The EEA has spoken, and none shall pass!” Chancellor Neighsay said. “Yak pass if yak say! Hmph!” Yona said. “No. Let us hear what the princess has to say,” Doctor Strange said. “This is for the greater good. The school was disorganized, the teachers unqualified! And those dangerous and unpredictable "students" put ponies' lives in danger!” Chancellor Neighsay said. Prince Rutherford growled, until Ember growled back, “I'll show you unpredictable!” Grandpa Gruff, Ember, Prince Rutherford, General Seaspray, and Thorax started shouting, until Doctor Strange and Princess Celestia stood up to them, “Hold on, please! I'm sure Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good explanation for all of this.” “I do! It's true that my School of Friendship is EEA-unaccredited,” Twilight said. “Then it is not a school!” Chancellor Neighsay said. “It's not an EEA school. It's a friendship school with its own rules. I should know. I wrote the book!” Twilight said. “And what if this happens again?!” Chancellor Neighsay asked angrily. “What if they cause more destruction and put more innocent ponies’ live in more danger?!” “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Thomas shouted. “You know nothing about friendship!” “And what would an ape like you know about friendship?!” Chancellor Neighsay asked. “He’s a human! And you can’t talk to him like that! He’s just a kid!” Rainbow Dash said. “What gives you the right to allow this... this animal into this school?” Chancellor Neighsay asked. “Thomas is my son and I love him, and he wished for a new home because nopony was there for him, so Princess Luna brought him here to be safe,” Fluttershy said, as Silverstream was holding Thomas in her right talon arm. “These students reminded me that every friendship is special, so the way we teach it has to be just as unique. My school is going to do things differently,” Twilight said. “Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them – it simply won't work!” Chancellor Neighsay said. “That’s why you’ll never understand true friendship. I understand that because not only ponies are able to make friends, too. After all, I may have been here in Equestria for only a year an a half, but even I know that friendship, and I mean true friendship, can take a lifetime to understand.” Thomas said. Chancellor Neighsay raised an eyebrow, and Fluttershy made a warm smile. “Say what you want! You’ll never get a chance,” Chancellor Neighsay said. “That’s because you’re just being racist and rude towards other creatures you don’t know or understand their culture. I’ve seen their culture, and I’d love to learn more about them,” Thomas said. “I seem to recall something about Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi doing something similar, don't you? And I’d love to hear this little one here teach us that,” Princess Celestia said, giving him a motherly kiss on his cheek. “I promise you, Chancellor. My school will help protect Equestria,” Twilight said, as she made a confused eyebrow with a smirking smile. Chancellor Neighsay then growled, “Fine! But I will be watching!” He then jumped back into the portal and then disappeared. “Doctor Strange, is it?” Princess Celestia asked. “Since I now know that you’ve come here for a sole purpose, we’d like to welcome you and your friends to Equestria.” Doctor Strange and his two companions nodded in agreement. “However, I’ll need to move the Sanctum Santorum to a different, but safer place in Canterlot,” Doctor Strange said. “Doctor Strange? I was thinking... would you like to be a teacher here at our school? I’m sure we’d like to hear some lessons from you,” Twilight said. “Yes, I would. I will also explain why I’m here another time, so I’d like to enjoy this world,” Doctor Strange said. “And I’d like to get to know this little one,” Scarlet Witch said, as she hugged Thomas with her arms as his head was rested on her breasts. “I also would like to experience this world, and try to help protect it, since we’re also defenders of justice,” Jason Blood said. The students then cheered as they were happy that the school was back in business. “Smolder, if you try to behave yourself, you can stay,” Ember said. “Thanks, Ember,” Smolder said, and then hugged the Dragon Lord, until Ember felt a hug on her leg. “I’m sure you can take care of her, right?” Ember asked, receiving a nod from Thomas, then she hugged him again. “Uh, if dragon stay, yak stay,” Prince Rutherford said, as Yona jumped happily. “I know you will make the changelings proud, Ocellus,” Thorax said, as Ocellus nodded. “You belong here, Silverstream. And I’m sure your aunt will be so thrilled about the friendship you’ve made and how proud she will be about you having a pleasant time here,” General Seaspray said, and Silverstream nodded with incoherent excitement noises. “What? You belong at home! You think I care if you've made friends?” Grandpa Gruff asked. “Why not? Would you rather have me sulking to death? I’d like to get a chance to see more anyhow?” Gallus asked. “Alright, alright! Stop doing that!” Grandpa’s Gruff said. “Guess I make a pretty good guidance counselor, huh?” Starlight asked. “Yes! Writing the rulebook was the most fun ever! I can't wait to start working on the new lesson plans!” Twilight said, until Applejack cleared her throat. “...with some help from my friends. And Thomas, you four are still allowed to come.” Thomas and the Crusaders cheered, “YAY!” “Well, let’s get our lessons going!” Rainbow Dash said. They all then entered the school happily, either trotting, galloping or walking. This brand new school of friendship Is home to everyone We're learning how to trust We're here to all have fun With friendship ties that bind us Tighter than the strongest bonds We're hoof-in-hoof In hand in hoof in wing or even claw There's a griffon in the garden Hippogriffs hang in the hall And the door will be open To all creatures great and small And a yak or two or three Sing in perfect harmony That might have been a changeling But it kind of looks like me And maybe me too This school of friendship is for all of us A place where we belong Where we all learn to share and trust The only rule here is to find your way And friendship always wins at the end of the day Some things you just can't teach with books Some things you only know So trust your heart and let us lead And your friendship's sure to grow And once we master kindness We will spread it 'cross this land And give the gift that's ours to share So others understand This school of friendship is for all of us A place where we belong Where we all learn to share and trust The only rule here is to find your way And friendship always wins at the end of the day! > A New Friend in Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, after school ended, Thomas and the Crusaders said goodbye to the Young Six and then went off to their clubhouse. “Okay, Thomas. So here’s how we do the work,” Apple Bloom said. “It’s our job to find out who needs help finding their true talents if they want to know who they really are.” “Wow...” Thomas said. “You’re really hardworking.” “Yep. We enjoy this since the day we’ve got our cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle said. “So, you just find out who needs help or they just come to you?” Thomas asked. “That’s right, or if we see them needing help,” Scootaloo said. “And it looks like...” They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a little filly crying. She had pinkish gray fur, a curly pale light grayish arctic blue and light arctic bluish gray striped mane and tail with sandy white ribbons, moderate scarlet eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of a chess rook. “Aww. She looks so sad. We better go see what's wrong,” Sweetie Belle said, and then they walked over to the filly, as she continued to cry. “What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Thomas asked. “Oh. Thank you for asking. But no. I'm having real trouble with...” she replied until she sniffled. “...the School of Friendship.” “How so?” Scootaloo asked. “Well, I'm in Twilight’s class, but...” She sniffed again. “...it's too hard!” She then cried again, before Thomas hugged the filly gently. “Really?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I just moved here to go to school, but everything's so new and different. I don't know anypony,” the filly replied. “Well, now you do. I'm Apple Bloom. This is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Apple Bloom replied. “This is Thomas. Thomas Mercer Shy, our little brother and best friend, and Fluttershy’s son.” The filly sniffed, and then replied, “I'm Cozy Glow. It's very nice to meet you, but I don't know if I'll stay long. I'll probably flunk out. I'm having so much trouble with my friendship lessons.” The Crusaders and Thomas gasped in shock and then came up with an idea. “We can help with those!” Sweetie Belle said. “We know all about friendship!” Scootaloo said. “And studyin' with you would be almost as good as bein' in class! Plus, we’re in class with all the professors, and so is Thomas!” Apple Bloom said. “But why would you help me? What's in it for you?” Cozy Glow asked. “That's how friendship works. When you give from your heart, you don't expect anything back,” Thomas replied, placing his hand on Cozy’s chest. “Well, golly, if you really mean it...” Cozy Glow said. “Uh-huh!” the four kids said in unison. “I could use some help with my homework. I have to do something nice for each of these ponies. But I don't know anything about them. And it's so hard to talk to ponies you've never met,” Cozy Glow said. “Well, you're in luck, 'cause we know all of those ponies!” Apple Bloom said. “Get ready for a friendship A-plus!” Scootaloo said. “Come on! We’ll show you how it works!” Thomas said as they went over to Ponyville. The five kids saw Bon Bon looking for a house plant. “That's Bon Bon. If you wanna do something nice for her, first you gotta figure out what she needs,” Scootaloo said. “Well, how am I supposed to do that?” Cozy Glow asked. “Just pay attention. Friendship is about listening to others,” Scootaloo said. A pony named Roseluck gave a cactus in a gift bag to Bon Bon, and as she was starting to walk home with it, the cactus started poking her face, “Ow. Ow.” “Uh-oh. That cactus keeps pricking her every step she takes. Hmm, if only there was something to protect her from those spines,” Thomas said, then he whispered an idea to Cozy Glow. Bon Bon winced, until she saw Cozy Glow walk over to the mare, “It looks like you need help carrying your cactus, so here's a safe way to take it home. Let me help.” “Thank you! That's so thoughtful,” Bon Bon said, and then she and Cozy Glow helped each other by carrying the cactus safely inside her house, and then Cozy Glow came back. “I did it!” “Good job!” Scootaloo said. “Oh, hello there!” Bon Bon said. “Hi!” the five replied. At Sugarcube Corner, the five were helping with refilling the rainbow sprinkle shakers. “Okay, and... done! Sorting all those took longer than I thought,” Sweetie Belle said. “You really think Mrs. Cake will also like these new sprinkle shakers full of other colored sprinkles?” Cozy Glow asked. “Mm-hmm. Now she won't have to just use rainbow sprinkles all the time. She can just pick the color she wants!” Sweetie Belle said. “Auntie Pinkie Pie will like it, too!” Thomas said, until the bell rang. “Ooh! I'm sorry, I was out to lunch. Were you fillies waiting for me long?” Mrs. Cake asked, coming back from a lunch break. “No. Um, these are for you!” Cozy Glow said, giving the baker mare the sprinkle shakers. “Oh, well, what a lovely surprise! I can't wait to try them out!” Mrs. Cake said as she sprinkled the sprinkles on the cake. “Look! I made rainbow sprinkles! Aren't they wonderful?” “But... she... I...” Cozy Glow groaned. “At least she likes her present?” Sweetie Belle asked, while Mrs. Cake offered Thomas a vanilla milkshake. “Uh-huh...” Cozy Glow said. Big Mac bucked a few trees, but suddenly no apples fell down, until he looked and saw the Crusaders, Thomas and Cozy Glow with the buckets full of apples, until he smiled with a nod and whistled while walking away. “Golly. How'd you know that would make him so happy?” Cozy Glow asked. “Friendship means pitchin' in to help others' chores go faster. 'Specially when their special somepony's waitin' for 'em,” Apple Bloom said, as they saw Big Mac carrying his cart towards the next tree. The school bell rang, and the Crusaders and Thomas walked out of the school, but were suddenly stopped by Cozy Glow crashing into them, “Guess what! I got an A on my homework!” Scootaloo and Thomas cheered. “Nice goin'!” Apple Bloom said. “And I never could have done it without your help!” Cozy Glow said. “No problem!” Sweetie Belle said. “We just wish we could have done more,” Scootaloo said. “Actually, you can. Headmare Twilight is giving us a big test at the end of the week, and I could really use your help studying,” Cozy Glow said, as she made a cute face by placing her hoof on her cheek. “Well, we have the same test too, but why don’t we all study together, and try to help Cozy?” Thomas suggested, and then the Crusaders nodded in agreement. Later on, the five young ones went to the park for a picnic, and then set up a few baskets full of apples and carrots, until Cozy Glow found Angel eating a carrot. Thomas showed a flash card of Rarity’s cutie mark, until Cozy Glow made a guess, “Um... intelligence?” Thomas facepalmed his head. The Crusaders and Thomas, along with Cozy Glow were painting Applejack’s barn until the cans of paint accidentally fell onto Cozy Glow, causing the Crusaders and Thomas to lightheartedly laugh, until Cozy Glow giggled. The five young ones now helped Thomas’s mother Fluttershy feed the birds, until Apple Bloom caught Cozy Glow hiding bird feed underneath the carpet, until they giggled with each other. Sweetie Belle then showed a sketch of Pinkie Pie’s element, until Cozy Glow knew the answer, “Laughter?” “Yes!” Sweetie Belle said, then pointed at Twilight’s element. “Is it... control?” Cozy Glow guessed. Thomas and Sweetie Belle made disappointing looks at each other. Cozy Glow helped Pipsqueak get his kite off the tree and helped make it fly again. Thomas then showed Cozy Glow the elements his mother and aunts represent. Cozy Glow then remembered, “Kindness! Loyalty! Honesty! Generosity! Laughter! Magic!” The five young ones then cheered for Cozy’s excellence. Thomas and the Crusaders cheered for their grades on their test. “Wow! My first A+!” Thomas said. “Yeah! We studied really hard!” Scootaloo said. They suddenly saw Cozy Glow walk out with a sad face. “How'd the test go for ya?” Apple Bloom asked. “Were the essay questions good?” Sweetie Belle asked. Did you remember what we taught you?” Scootaloo asked. Thomas then felt concerned about Cozy’s reaction, “What’s the matter?” “I... failed!” Cozy Glow replied, before running off crying. “But how could Cozy Glow fail her friendship test?” Apple Bloom asked. Thomas then thought of an idea, and then they all went somewhere to get help. Later on, they were at Twilight’s office, until they saw her behind her desk. “Umm... A-Auntie Twilight?” Thomas asked, until they saw her turn around, but suddenly looked at them with concern, as she got off her chair and walked over to them. “Is something wrong?” Twilight asked. “It’s... It’s about Cozy Glow’s friendship test,” Apple Bloom replied. “We’ve helped her study for it, but not like this.” “It was my fault this happened. I’m sorry, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said, as Sweetie Belle placed her hoof on his shoulder. “Let me see,” Twilight said, and then Thomas handed over the paper to his aunt, and then she looked over it one more time. “This is a pretty bad grade.” Thomas then started to feel more guilty, so he went to her and hugged her chest, but she smiled warmly and then hugged him back, “It’s okay, sweetie. You don’t need to worry about it anymore.” Thomas then looked up at her and nodded back. “We’re sorry, Twilight. We thought if she’d pass her test, she’d be able to enroll here,” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah. After all that studying,” Scootaloo said. Twilight then realized what they were doing, and then smiled warmly about how proud she was, and then she saw Starlight and the other Mane 6 walking over to them, and brought back Cozy Glow. “Twilight, I think I found out how this happened,” Starlight said. “So, it wasn’t our fault?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Not exactly. Just the opposite. Cozy Glow, is there something you'd like to say?” Starlight asked. “This is all my fault. I messed up my test on purpose so we could all go to school together. I'm sorry,” Cozy Glow said, until Thomas hugged the filly. “Thank you, Cozy Glow. Honesty is one of the pillars of friendship,” Twilight said. “And we’re so proud of how well you’ve helped tutor this sweet filly,” Rarity said. “And I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said. “Thank you, Momma,” Thomas said, giving her a hug. “So, I suppose we have a place for Cozy Glow at this school?” Sunset asked. “Definitely,” Twilight said. “Cozy? Friends?” Thomas asked, reaching out for a handshake. “Yeah. Friends,” Cozy Glow replied. “Why don’t you five darlings go out and get a treat? You’ve earned it,” Rarity said. “But don’t stay out too long,” Fluttershy said. “Okay!” The five young ones said as they ran out of the school and off to Sugarcube Corner for a treat. > Thomas Leans In (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Thomas woke up from his bed, and suddenly went over to the bathroom for a bath, and then as it got warm and bubbly later on, he washed himself off. After drying himself off, he got dressed and then went downstairs for breakfast. Thomas went over to the kitchen for his breakfast, until he saw a bowl of oat porridge waiting for him, and it had berries in it, which he also liked. Thomas then sat down on the chair and ate his breakfast after grabbing his spoon. When he was done, he bumped into a creamy yellow fur covered wall, until he saw his mother, Fluttershy with the mail in one wing. “Hi, Momma,” Thomas said. “Good morning, sweetie,” Fluttershy said, hugging her child. “Did you have a good night’s rest?” Thomas nodded, and then he put his bowl in the sink. “So, what’d we get?” He asked about the mail. “Let’s see... Oh, dear. It’s nothing but letters, and other documentations,” Fluttershy replied disappointingly. “Is it bad?” Thomas asked. “No, baby. It’s not that bad. It’s just a little... unfortunate,” Fluttershy said. “Okay... I’ll just go brush my teeth,” Thomas said, and then after finishing up brushing his teeth, Thomas was ready for the day until he saw his big sisters, the Crusaders near the front entrance of the cottage. “Momma? Can I go play?” Thomas asked. Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, you may, but be back in time for dinner.” Thomas nodded as he hugged her neck and nuzzled with her chest fur, and Fluttershy hugged him back and nuzzled with his small form before kissing him on the forehead. “I love you, Momma!” Thomas said running out the door after getting his jacket. “Momma loves you too, Thomas,” Fluttershy replied. Meanwhile, at the park, Thomas played ball with the Crusaders and they passed it to each other. “So, how’s everything going for you?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Well, I’m actually glad that I have new friends from other kingdoms coming to another school here in Ponyville that Auntie Twilight came up with,” Thomas replied. “Yeah! So are we!” Scootaloo said. “I kinda miss Miss Cheerilee’s lessons,” Thomas said. “Yeah, she was a good teacher,” Apple Bloom said. “At least we can stop by and say hello, right?” Thomas asked. “Yep! You said it!” Scootaloo said, until she accidentally passed the ball to Thomas, until he caught it, and then slipped and fell by rolling down the hill and pressed his arm towards a big boulder. Thomas suddenly tried to get up, but he suddenly felt a surge of excruciating pain through his arm. The pain was unbearable and it felt worse. Tears stung his eyes as he let out a small whimper of pain, until he began to cry. “Thomas!!” the fillies shouted in unison. “M-My arm! I-It h-hurts!” Thomas said, pointing at his broken arm. “Oh, Thomas, are you okay?” Apple Bloom asked. “Let’s have a look,” Sweetie Belle asked gently and carefully touching his arm until Thomas whimpered as the pain still hurt. “Oh, no. I think it might be broken!” Scootaloo said. “Girls? Is everything okay?” a voice asked. They turned around and saw Twilight with a look of concern. “It’s Thomas. He has a broken arm, and it looks really painful!” Sweetie Belle said. “Oh, really? Show me,” Twilight said, and then the fillies revealed Thomas laying on the ground with his broken arm whimpering with tears. She then walked over to her nephew and then carefully lifted him up to hold him by cradling him closer to her as he laid in fetal position and nuzzled with her chest fur. “M-my a-arm h-hurts, Auntie T-Twi-Twilight! It hurts!" Thomas cried. Twilight knew that this was serious, so she showed her caring, motherly side and nuzzled the crying child to keep him calmly relaxed and try to make him sleep without feeling any pain. “Shhhhhh shhhhhh... It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m gonna take you home to your mother so that she can take you to the doctor, okay?” Twilight asked, as she kissed him on the forehead. Thomas nodded and then Twilight gently flew to Fluttershy’s cottage with her nephew cradled in her hooves against her chest. Meanwhile, back at the cottage, Angel had a pink helmet on his head and a few books and pillows stacked into piles and towers, and made a sly smile that he was about to do something dangerous. Angel then made his running start, then leaped over a stack of books, scaled a tower of books, jumped from the fireplace, flipped over a stack of books, until he bounced on a pillow with his head, swung from a squirrel habitat, performed an expert parkour, bounced from pillow to pillow, jumped from stacked coffee cans, swung from a lamp string, and then jumped through the air in slow motion until he landed onto book tower, but suddenly lost his footing before he fell onto a few pillows, as he was caught in a pile of books and pillows tumbling onto him. Fluttershy saw the pile while coming back from her garden as she then saw Angel helping themselves out. “Are you okay, Angel?” The bunny nodded until he felt a little bit hurt and dizzy, but he was fine. “Good thing the pillows caught you first. I told you that entering the Ponyville Paw-kour Contest was a dangerous idea. Hmm... why don’t we go see Dr. Fauna when my son comes home? I’m sure he’ll love to meet her.” Angel nodded while bouncing happily, but he suddenly felt a few small singes of pain in his body, so he tried to stay less excited so that he can see the veterinarian. The door suddenly opened and Fluttershy saw Twilight with Thomas in her cradled hooves. “Fluttershy, it’s urgent. You better see,” Twilight said, as Thomas began to cry as he felt more pain in his arm. “Here, sweetheart. Let’s have a look,” Fluttershy said, as she gently placed her hoof on his arm to gently touch it, but Thomas then let out a ear-piercing scream from his lungs, and then cried out loud. “Aww... you poor thing. Does it hurt, baby?” Fluttershy asked. Thomas nodded with a whimper. “It does? Aww... don’t worry, we’ll make it all better when we go see a doctor, okay?” Fluttershy said motherly, and then Thomas nodded as he felt her gently hold him. “Thank you for bringing him here, Twilight.” “You’re welcome. Thomas? Get well soon, okay?” Twilight said. Thomas nodded and then Twilight nuzzled him and left the cottage with Angel being held by Thomas, but she had to take care of her son’s arm first before seeing Dr. Fauna, so she started walking over to the hospital by carrying her son on one foreleg. At the medical care center of the hospital, Thomas had his arm wrapped in a cast made of foam soft plaster underneath blue fiberglass bandaging tape by Nurse Redheart. “Is that better, dearie?” she asked. Thomas nodded and then sniffed as he was still crying. “So, you were playing ball with your friends, but you broke your arm by bumping into a boulder?” Fluttershy asked. Thomas nodded, “I’m sorry, Momma.” “It’s okay, sweetie. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was only an accident,” Fluttershy said. “Excuse me? Sorry to interrupt, but I think I know how to help,” Starlight said. “Auntie Starlight?” Thomas asked. “Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m gonna fix your arm so that the nurse can take care of the rest, okay?” Starlight said. Thomas nodded, and then cleared her mind and then lit up her horn with her aquamarine aura and his arm began to glow in the aura and Thomas felt the bones were put back in place. “There, now the bones may be put back in place, but there might be some effects of the brokenness, like the pain and stuff,” Starlight said. “Thank you, Starlight. Now, Miss Fluttershy. Your son needs to take 3 of these with 3 cups of water after eating his breakfast and 3 at night before going to sleep. The healing won’t take forever, but it should help reduce the pain on those bones,” Nurse Redheart said. “Thank you, Nurse Redheart. I’ll make sure he takes them,” Fluttershy said, until Thomas hugged the nurse, as she hugged him back. “Get well, sweetheart.” Thomas nodded, and then he climbed onto Fluttershy’s back carefully and tucked his arm underneath the strapped strain sling and then they left the hospital with Angel in Thomas’s arm cast sling. Later on, Thomas got an cone with three scoops of soft served vanilla ice cream from Sugarcube Corner, and he and Fluttershy were now on their way to see Dr. Fauna at her clinic while Angel was resting in Thomas’s arm cast sling as a blanket. After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived after Thomas finished his ice cream treat, but the door was closed. “Oh, I was sure she would be here today,” Fluttershy said. Fluttershy went up to the door, “Hello?” She then knocked on it, “Is anypony in there?” The door visor opened and they saw a pair of eyes looking at them. “Fluttershy? Oh, am I glad to see you!” said the pony. “I wish I could say the same, but the door's stuck, so I, um... can't see you. So, do you mind letting us in?” Fluttershy asked. The pony nodded, and when she opened it, the door revealed herself as an earth pony mare with light yellow fur, a two-tone pale light grayish cerulean and light ceruleanish gray mane and tail braided in short ponytails, brown eyes with lavender eyeshadow, and her flank had a cutie mark of a dog's head, cat's head, and white bird. She also wore a white shirt with a red eyedropper. Her door then opened and Thomas saw a few critters inside a few cages and some being handled while some other animals came out crawling or flying wildly. “Wow...” Thomas said in amazement. “Umm... I came here became my pet bunny Angel, he performed the Ponyville Paw-kour, but I just wanted to make sure if he’s not hurt or anything,” Fluttershy said. “I’d be happy to check him out,” Dr. Fauna said, until she saw Thomas on his mother’s back. “Oh! And I see you’ve brought somecreature special along with you? And rather adorable if I say so myself.” “Oh, this is my son, Thomas. Thomas Mercer Shy,” Fluttershy replied. “I’m his adoptive mother and he’s from a race called humans, and he’s 6 years old.” “Oh, well aren’t you the sweetest little thing?” Dr. Fauna asked, until she ruffled his hair. Thomas then carefully got off Fluttershy and hugged Dr. Fauna for her kindness towards him, and then Dr. Fauna hugged him back. “I also carried Angel in here to be warm,” Thomas said showing Dr. Fauna the slightly bruised bunny underneath the sling for his arm cast. “Aww... I see somebunny with a few slightly bruised bones having a snuggle buddy, am I correct?” Dr. Fauna asked, until Angel nodded. “Well, after a checkup, I’ll see if there’s a fresh plate full of carrots waiting for him. I'd like to keep him overnight, but as you can see, my place is just bursting with animals!” She then exhaled, “I don't think I can take in even one more critter right now!” A giraffe named Clementine sneezed. “Oh, dear,” Fluttershy and Dr. Fauna said in unison. In the checkup room, Dr. Fauna was doing Angel’s checkup for any broken or sprained bones or any bruises or bleeding spots on the bunny. “Hmm... nothing’s wrong with Angel. Seems to be the same cute little bunny he is, and his bones are still slightly bruised, but I’m sure he’ll be fine. Now does my favowite wiggle bunny wabbit want a plate of carrots?” Dr. Fauna said sweetly and then Angel kissed her muzzle, making her blush and giggle after giving him the plate full of fresh carrots. Thomas was feeding some of the sick animals by their species dietary recommendations and petting some of the other ones as a few birds flew by and landed on either his shoulders or his fingers, minus his broken arm. “Well, I see you’ve got some talent with caring for animals,” Dr. Fauna said, watching Thomas care for the animals. “Yeah, I just like helping my Momma keep the critters happy like she does,” Thomas said. “Well, I’m proud of you, sweetie,” Dr. Fauna said, carefully wrapping her foreleg around him for a hug towards her chest without hurting his broken arm. “You really have your hooves full here,” Fluttershy said, seeing her clinic full of animals. Dr. Fauna sighed, “This place is like a zoo! Then again, it's normally like that, but still... I can't keep up!” Thomas fed a few birds their birdseeds, and a few chipmunks and squirrels nuts and a few acorns, “Is really looks like a bit much.” “I just can't believe all these poor little animals are hurt. What happened?” Fluttershy asked. “I'm flummoxed! Every day, there's more and more animals on my doorstep. Most of them just have minor ailments – hurt wings, stuffy noses, and such. But the trouble is even after they're all healed up, I can't seem to get these comfy critters to leave!” Dr. Fauna said. “Oh, dear,” Fluttershy said. “Well, they do seem to have made themselves right at home here,” Thomas said. “I wonder why they chose to flock to my office. It just doesn't make sense,” Dr. Fauna said. “Don't be silly, Dr. Fauna. You're the best vet pony in Equestria. At least that's what I've been telling everypony,” Fluttershy said. “Uh... you did what?” Dr. Fauna asked. “Oh, no. Do you suppose it's my fault? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just know animals feel safe and happy under your care,” Fluttershy said, as Dr. Fauna saw the ducklings chirping as Thomas fed them a few pieces of bread, until some nuzzled with her legs, making Dr. Fauna smile. “Normally, I don't mind if a snake wants to slither in or a raccoon needs a rest, but now this place is so full, I have no space to treat any injured animals,” Dr. Fauna said. “That is a big problem... that I'm going to fix for you! I already have the perfect solution that'll make the critters happy and give you more space. Then you'll have all your ducks in a row!” Fluttershy said. “The sooner you fix it, the better!” Dr. Fauna said. “I'm on it!” Fluttershy said as she took Thomas and Angel with her. Dr. Fauna sighed as a bird landed on her head. “Momma? How are we gonna make more space for Dr. Fauna’s clinical center?” Thomas asked while sitting on Fluttershy’s back. “I’m not sure, baby, but I’m sure I’ll come up with an idea for what I’ve planned,” Fluttershy replied while walking. “Okay, Momma,” Thomas said, then he got an idea. “Can I go on ahead? I just need to get something before going to see my friends.” “Mmhmm. But be careful with your arm,” Fluttershy replied, then she hugged her son carefully and then kissed him on the forehead before letting him walk off. Later on, he gathered the blueprints for the sanctuary and went to the dorm where the Young Six were staying. “Guys? Are you in there?” Thomas asked knocking on the door. The door opened and Smolder opened it, until she saw his arm in the sling, “Did you break your arm?” Thomas nodded, “It was an accident.” He suddenly felt Silverstream hug him, “Don’t worry, sweetie. It’s not that bad.” “It still hurts a little bit, but I’ll be fine,” Thomas said. “But... can I talk to you about something me and my Momma planned?” The six creatures nodded and let him in. “So... me and my Momma met Dr. Fauna, who is our town’s veterinarian pony, and she’s got her clinic full of animals, and she needs help, so is it okay if you all help me surprise my Momma and Dr. Fauna by constructing it?” “I don’t know. It kinda doesn’t sound like a good idea,” Gallus said. “Gallus! Think of those poor animals! They need space, and so does Dr. Fauna!” Silverstream said. “Yona love idea!” Yona said. “I guess it’s worth a shot, but it may or may not work,” Gallus said. Thomas then hugged him on the leg, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay. Go easy on the cuddly and smooching stuff like to a minimum. Okay, kid?” Thomas blushed softly and then they started discussing Thomas’s plan before starting the construction. Later on, Thomas came back home and explained the sanctuary plan he did with the Young Six and the Crusaders, and then she hugged him feeling proud of her son’s confidence in others. Fluttershy then invited her friends to her cottage for a conference meeting with the Young Six and the Crusaders with them while Silverstream was holding Thomas in her talon arm and he was laying in cradle position towards her soft chest fur without hurting his arm. “Thank you all for coming. Dr. Fauna needs help with a very serious problem,” she said. “Is it a friendship problem?” Twilight asked. “Or is it dark magic like in the human world?” Sunset asked. “No. Her vet clinic is a bit... maybe, um... overrun with adorable critters in dire need of a safe place to lay their heads, and... they don't have anywhere to go!“ Fluttershy said. “Oh, that's just awful,” Rarity said. “I know!” Fluttershy said. “Yeah. Dr. Fauna's always fixin' Winona up when she ain't feelin' too fine, so helpin' her out is A-okay by me,” Applejack said. “Hah! Yeah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “You can count on us!” Sunset said. “Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie Pie said simultaneously. “Okay!” Twilight said simultaneously. “Oh, that's great news! Because it means you'll all be helping me with something special, too. Something that's been a dream of mine for a long time,” Fluttershy said. “Oh, goody! Is your dream to make a bouncy castle shaped like a gigantic bundt cake?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Um, no. Not exactly,” Fluttershy replied. “Huh. Just me then,” Pinkie Pie said. “So? What is it, Fluttershy? Spill!” Rainbow Dash asked. “My dream is to build a real animal sanctuary,” Fluttershy said. “A beautiful habitat where every animal – whether sick or scared or even just lonely, feathered or furry, scaly or slimy – every critter would be welcome. My sanctuary can be the one place in Equestria they call home 'til they feel ready to take on the world.” The animals cheered for her kindness about the sanctuary planning. “Wow, Fluttershy! I've never heard you speak with such conviction,” Twilight said proudly. “Oh! That was indeed exquisite, darling!” Rarity said. “Pretty awesome,” Rainbow Dash said. “Oh, thank you, everypony. You all taught me so much about building my confidence over the years. It's because of your friendship that I finally feel able to make my dream project a reality. But I can't build the sanctuary alone. Will you join me?” Fluttershy asked. They all made eager agreement, and then Thomas showed them his sketches for Fluttershy’s sanctuary by passing them one at a time. “Well, I’m pleased to see somepony’s got a excellent work of art while sketching,” Rarity said, gently ruffling Thomas’s hair before kissing his cheek. “I'm happy to offer my extra hooves to ya. Huh. But come to think of it, I actually know a filly who'd be more help than I would. She's a friend of mine from Winona's sheep-herdin' competitions – Wrangler! Heh. She's an expert in animal enclosures,” Applejack said. “How lovely!” Fluttershy said. “Ooh-ooh-ooh! I know somepony, too! Hard Hat is the best construction pony in Ponyville. He can build anything you could ever, ever, ever want!” Pinkie Pie said. “Hearing you all mention these experts, I am reminded that I too have the perfect pony to help capture the essence of your vision. To give it some style, some flair!” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Is it you, Auntie Rarity?” Thomas asked. Rarity chuckled, “No, precious! No. Um, I was referring to the premiere interior designer of the Canterlot elite – Dandy Grandeur. He helped me when I was setting up my Canterlot boutique. I know that he'd be thrilled to work with you.” “Wow, everypony! Thank you! I can't wait to meet all of them and hear their ideas. We're right on track to building the most wonderful sanctuary in Equestria!” Fluttershy said. The next day, while planning the sanctuary for the animals, Fluttershy and Thomas decided to have a picnic while planning. “Nothing is a peaceful as a calm and quiet critter’s picnic,” Fluttershy said. “FLUTTERSHY!!” Rarity’s voice exclaimed. “Sorry to disturb you, but are you busy today?” “Actually, no, but what’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, the better question would be, "What isn't the matter?" The Canterlot Royal Fashion Show is practically upon us, and the cornerstone piece of my collection just isn't working!” Rarity replied. “Oh, that sounds serious,” Fluttershy asked. “Oh-ho-ho, it's serious. The entire collection is designed around it!” Rarity said. “Do you need help with some sewing or knitting?” Fluttershy asked. “Yes, well, I don't need help making clothes. Sassy Saddles is pitching in. Plus, I'll be pulling all threeof my Manehattan assistants,” Rarity said. “All three? Does that mean you'll have to close Rarity For You?” Fluttershy asked. “That's just it, darling. This is Manehattan's busiest shopping season, and I can't just close the shop. So I was hoping... you and my other Manehattan assistant Coco Pommel might consider running it?” Rarity asked. “Of course. I'm happy to help. Though I'm surprised you picked me,” Fluttershy asked. “Well, I may have asked a few others, but they’ve been having busy schedules,” Rarity said. “Meet me at the train station as soon as you’re ready,” Rarity said, then she left. “But what about the sanctuary?” Thomas asked. “Oh, sweetie. I know, but I need to help your Auntie Rarity right now. Maybe we can continue when I come back,” Fluttershy said, hugging her child. “But... who’s gonna take care of me or the animals?” Thomas asked. “Rarity! I need to find a foalsitter for my son,” Fluttershy said. “Alright, darling. But take your time,” Rarity said as she went to pack her bags for Manehattan. Fluttershy then asked a few ponies she knew or recognized, but none were available or able to foalsit her child due to work, but she suddenly passed by the Castle of Friendship, until seeing Twilight come over. “You okay?” “I’m having trouble with finding a foalsitter for my son, and that he takes his pills every morning and night so that his arm heals,” Fluttershy said. “I brought some of our critters over here and others to Dr. Fauna, too,” Thomas said. Twilight then thought of an idea, “Why don’t you leave him with us? We can take care of him while you help Rarity.” “You will?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah. It’s only for the best, and that nothing bad happens,” Starlight said, who was now gently holding Thomas in her hoof, until Sunset carefully tickled his belly with her hoof. “Alright, but make sure my animals are also fed,” Fluttershy said. “And here’s the the doctor’s orders. Remember, 3 pills with 3 cups of water in the morning before breakfast and 3 at night before his bedtime.” “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. While we help get him situated, we’ll bring your other animals over so that we don’t have to go back and forth,” Sunset said. “And we’ll make enough space for them while we take care of the sanctuary.” “Okay, now I need to get going. Thomas, you be good for your aunties and I’ll see you soon or later on, alright?” Fluttershy said, hugging her son as he leaned against her chest and gently stroked her fur with one hand. “Okay, Momma,” Thomas said, as he received a kiss from his mother, and then she left for the train station. “So, what would a cute little kid like you want to do?” Sunset asked. “Umm... maybe get some lunch?” Thomas replied while his stomach grumbled. “Hmm... excellent choice,” Twilight said, as she went to the kitchen and asked Spike prepare some lunch for themselves. > Thomas Leans In (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a long train ride, Fluttershy and Rarity finally arrived at Manehattan and went to the Rarity For You boutique after meeting up with Coco Pommel. “I’m so glad you could volunteer, Coco darling,” Rarity said. “I know. It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you and Sassy Saddles,” Coco said. As the door opened, Fluttershy saw how big the stocks were, “I think I forgot how big this shop was. How do you find anything?” “Oh, darling, it's easy to track. The store is divided into sections – chic, classic, modern, sophisticated, avant-garde, traditional, and obtuse. And, of course, each section is divided by season, color, and price. It's a classic SCP system. Then it's just a little ringing ponies up...” Coco then showed Fluttershy how the cash register works while paying for the items, and then Rarity showed Fluttershy how to package up the items into bags, “...a little fluff and fold... Voilà! But, of course, that's the easy part.” Fluttershy gasped, “It is?” “Mm-hmm. As you well know, the real focus at Rarity For You is on the customer!” Rarity said, as she saw a customer named Pursey Pink. “Allow me to demonstrate. Hello, welcome to Rarity For You. What can I help you with?” “I need something classic but modern. Something with drama but also understated,” Pursey Pink said. “If I may, I'm thinking noir-esque minimalist but with a twist. Perhaps a tapered hem,” Rarity said. Pursey Pink gasped, “It's like you read my mind! Are you a fashion psychic?” She then laughed. “Hmm. The inseams say, "Yes!" They’re all yours!” Rarity said as Coco made the purchase through the register and packed it into the foam and shopping bag. Rarity and Pursey Pink laughed as the customer left with her shopping item. “Wow. You make it look so easy,” Fluttershy said. “Oh, darling, come now. You've conquered your shyness a thousand times over. You can't let a few fashion ponies undo all that progress,” Rarity said. “I guess not,” Fluttershy said. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. If you have trouble, just talk to me and I’ll help you,” Coco said. “We need to leave now if we're going to catch the train to Canterlot,” Blue Bobbin said. “Oh, goodness, look at the time! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, go, go! I'm right behind you!” Rarity said with her bags and supplies for Canterlot. “You're not gonna be here? In your work room?” Fluttershy asked. “But, darling, I simply can't. The fashion show is in Canterlot tomorrow, and I'll be up all night, even with the help of all of my assistants! But I placed you and Coco Pommel in charge of the shop while I’m gone,” Rarity said. “But, I also recruited these darlings right here.” Fluttershy saw three tuxedo wearing raccoons, “Smoky! Softpad! Smoky Jr.!” The raccoons chittered happily and nuzzled with Fluttershy as they ran to her for a hug. “Oh!” Fluttershy giggled while hugging the raccoons. “Ever since you convinced me to let them live in the shop, these beastie sweeties have been nothing but helpful,” Rarity said. “And I’ll be here as well!” Coco said. “Thank you, and I’m sure they’ll all help me find my place in fashion!” Fluttershy said. “Oh, I wish I could stay and offer more help,” Rarity said, until she gasped as an idea popped in her head. “Why not try a new outfit? Think of it as the costume for your role as... Fluttershy the Shop Pony of Kindness! Ha ha! You know what they say – "clothes make the pony".” “Um, who says that?” Fluttershy asked. “You know, "them". All right. I'm sure you, Coco Pommel and your furry friends will do just fine. Ta-ta!” Rarity said as she left the store. Fluttershy sighed, “I hope she's right.” Back at Twilight’s castle, Thomas had his bedtime bath without wetting his cast, and then took his pain pills and 3 cups of water until Starlight tucked him into bed in a spare room provided by Twilight. As he was sleeping peacefully, Thomas, in his gray and white pajamas from his Canterlot party when he was 5, was having pleasant dreams until he began hearing monstrous voices during his nightmare while twisting and turning, but as he turned to another side of the bed, he pressed his arm by accident. Thomas then woke up, and he saw himself in a spookily mystical dimensional place that was no other than the Dark Dimension. He tried to run, but he suddenly saw a huge cloud of darkness that was not like Sombra, but it looked at him and then went towards him. Thomas woke up as he let out a loud scream and hugging both his arm cast and teddy bear before he was breathing heavily and deeply while shaking with soft whimpers and sweating as he was looking around the room to see if the nightmare was still happening, but he realized he was now awake with a sigh of relief and soft sobs, before he went back to sleep, but as he tried for an entire hour and 55 minutes, his arm kept hurting while sleeping comfortably, “OW!!” Thomas gently hugged his arm, until he felt something warmly wet underneath the bedsheets. He looked underneath the blankets and saw that he accidentally peed on the bed and wet himself, including his pajamas as well. “Oh no...” Thomas was now worried that he might be yelled at by his aunts if they saw his piddled puddle of urine on his bedsheets. Just then, Thomas gasped and saw the bedroom door opened to reveal Twilight, Starlight and Spike walking into the room, as Spike wore a nightshirt with a sleeping cap on his head. “Thomas? Is everything okay, sweetheart?” Twilight asked. Thomas shook his head as he tried to hide his urine-filled mess. “Twilight? I think I know what’s wrong,” Spike said, as he smelled something. Twilight and Starlight started to sniff out the smell until they found out that it came from his bedsheets, and then they uncovered him and saw the wetness on his bedsheets and his pajama pants. “Oh, Thomas. Did you have a little accident?” Twilight asked. “I didn’t mean to! It won’t happen again!” Thomas said as he was still crying, “I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I-I just had a nightmare... ab-about me in a sp-sp-spooky place and a big cloud eating me!” Both Twilight and Starlight looked at him with sadness and concerning shock on their faces as Twilight had her hoof over her chest and Starlight had her hoof over her mouth as it was opened. “Please don’t be mad at me!” “What’s going on?” Sunset asked. “Thomas had a nightmare, and kinda piddled himself accidentally,” Spike said. “Oh, honey. Are you okay?” Sunset asked, gently touching his arm cast. Thomas began to cry uncontrollably and hugged himself as the three mares looked at their nephew. “It’s okay, sweetheart! Calm down. It didn’t happen. And none of us are mad at you,” Twilight said. “She’s right, you know,” Starlight said, then she reached her hoof out after sitting on one side of the bed. “Come here.” While continuing to sob and whimper, Thomas slowly crawled over to his aunt and as he got closer enough, Starlight gently placed both her hooves onto him and then lifted him up and placed him on her lap until he leaned against her belly, “Thomas? Can you look at me?” Thomas looked at her eyes, and then she continued, “Listen, you’ve got nothing to be scared of anymore. We’d never be mad at you, or even yell at you or severely punish you for wetting the bed, or on your clothes. Not even your mother would be like that. As long as you have her or all of us to love you, care for you and protect you, we’ll never send you away or punish you. Not now, not ever.” Starlight then gently pulled Thomas into a hug as he curled himself up with his arms against her belly, and then buried his cheek against her chest and hugged her neck with one arm and his Snuggle Bear teddy with his casted arm, listening to her heartbeat. “Was your arm bothering you, too?” Sunset asked. Thomas nodded, “Y-Yes. It won’t stop hurting every time I try to sleep.” “Oh, sweetie...” Starlight said, as she hugged him again and kept him calm for a few more minutes, until she carefully placed him onto the floor and then Twilight looked at him, “Why don’t you go clean yourself off while Sunset and I wash your sheets, okay?” Thomas nodded, and then felt Starlight lift him up to hold him on her hoof. “I’ll go clean him up. I’ll see you too in the morning,” she said, before walking out of the guest bedroom and over to the bathroom. Starlight placed Thomas on the stool, and used her magic to turn both the hot and cold faucets on, until they reached perfectly warm and then it filled up the entire tub. Once it was at the perfect level for Thomas so that it doesn’t wet his arm cast, Starlight magically helped Thomas remove his urine-stained pajamas and then put him in a safer spot of the bathtub. “There we go. Is the water okay?” Starlight asked. Thomas nodded, and then put his arm cast on one corner of the tub so that he doesn’t get it wet. “How about if I just wash your wet area you peed on and then get you a clean pair of pajamas?” Starlight suggested. Thomas nodded, “Auntie Starlight, I’m really sorry for peeing on the bed. I didn’t mean to.” “Aww, it’s okay, honey. It was only an accident, and I told you: I’m not mad, and it will never happen. I promise,” Starlight said, as she gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Now, hold still.” Starlight then magically grabbed a sponge and filled it with warm soapy water and scrubbed it all over Thomas’s wet area, and then all over his belly, before she blew a raspberry on it, making him laugh. After a few more seconds of scrubbing and cleaning, Starlight gently levitated Thomas out of the bathtub and used her magic to bring a towel over as she carefully wrapped it around Thomas as a blanket, causing his little legs to stick out. She then gently placed her hooves all over her nephew and dried him off with the towel without damaging the cast, and then gently held him in her hoof before she magically unplugged the bathtub drain, and then felt him hug her on the belly. “Was the bath nice?” Starlight asked, until Thomas nodded in reply. “How do you feel, sweetheart?” Thomas yawned. “Tired,” he replied softly with sleepy and scared together as he was still shaking while rubbing his eyes. “Looks like it,” Starlight said, kissing his cheek. “Auntie Starlight?” Thomas said. “Yes, sweetheart?” Starlight asked. “Can... Can I sleep with you?” Thomas asked. “Please?” “Aww... Of course you can, honey,” Starlight said, and then she walked him over to her bedroom and placed him on her bed. “Now, just wait here and I’ll be right back with some clean pajamas, okay?” Thomas nodded and then as she left to get him some pajamas, Thomas cuddled with his teddy, until she came back with his forest green pajama set, and then helped him change into it after applying some clean underwear for him, and then she placed the towel on her robe hanger and then pulled the covers out and gently placed Thomas onto the bed and then climbed onto her bed and then used her magic to pull the covers over them. “There we go. All tucked in?” she asked softly while leaning on one side. Thomas nodded, until he yawned quietly and sleepily. Starlight shook her head with a smirk, and then laid on her bed, before Thomas carefully scooted over to her as Starlight carefully wrapped her hooves over him, pulling the little boy over for a cuddly and snuggly hug, but his arm cast was over her right hoof and then he snuggled closer to Starlight’s chest and went back to sleep as he laid his head on her chest. Starlight then kissed him on the top of his head and placed her chin on top of his head and stroked his hair with her other hoof as they slept through the calm night. The next day, Fluttershy, Coco and the raccoons were preparing to open the shop, and in the back room, Fluttershy was getting ready to address herself professionally, as she was now wearing a outfit Rarity prepared for her. It consisted a light grayish cerulean buttoned shirt with a gray jacket, and gray baggy pants. “Are you sure I can go through with this?” Fluttershy asked. Smoky nodded in agreement, and then the other two acknowledged. “Good. Now, I’m going to have to sound professional, but I’ll make sure it sounds like myself, okay?” Fluttershy said, and then the three raccoons wished her luck. Fluttershy then approached to a unicorn pony named Bracer Britches, then cleared her throat. “Welcome to Rarity For You. What can I help you with?” she asked in a professional tone. “What's the thread count of this shirt? I can't be seen in anything less than a thousand,” Bracer Britches asked. “Well, here at Rarity For You, our merchandise defies typical attempts to quantify its quality, but rest assured, it will make you the envy of all who see it,” Fluttershy replied. “Oh, in that case, I'll take three!” Bracer Britches said as he paid for his items at the cash register, and then left. “Smoky Jr., I can't believe it worked! I suppose clothes really do make the pony after all,” Fluttershy said, as the raccoons chittered happily and Coco gave her a smile of confidence. Meanwhile, a couple of mares were walking with shopping bags carried in their aura. “I don't know about you, but I have a full day of shopping planned. And if even one shop pony isn't up to my standards, well, I shall make my displeasure quite plain,” Luckette said. “Oh, you are wicked!” Strawberry Ice laughed. Suddenly, Rarity ran past them, “Canterlot fashion show or no, I simply can't leave Fluttershy to fend for herself with these Manehattanites.” She kept panting while running. “Rarity?” Bracer Britches asked as Rarity passed by, but suddenly stopped. “Oh, darling, I'm afraid I can't stop. Potential emergency at the boutique,” Rarity said. “Oh, well, whatever it is, I'm quite certain the pony you left in charge can handle it. Oh, she's simply divine!” Bracer Britches said. “Oh, well, I always knew Fluttershy had it in her,” Rarity said before laughing. “And there's still time to catch the train to Canterlot!” Back at the boutique, Fluttershy kept using her professionalism towards the customer’s services and help them with their needs. “It's an unique play on the old standard. We call it a Rarity cut with a triple-cut stitched hem and a guacamole chevka pattern fabric.” “Don't you mean "chevron"?” Silver Berry asked. “If I had meant "chevron", then that's what I would've said,” Fluttershy said. Silver Berry chuckled, “Of course. It's so unique! So en vogue! It must be mine!” She then made her purchase. The raccoons then chittered happily at Fluttershy’s performance. “Aw, thanks, everyone. But I feel I should push the professionalism further, but I’ll try to keep it to a medium.” The raccoons chittered in agreement. “If you really wanna help, I suppose serving tea would be nice. Oh, if you don't mind,” Fluttershy said kindly. The raccoons made some tea and poured a few cups full for the customers to drink. “I like my accessories bold and shiny, and I'm just not seeing anything nearly bold and shiny enough,” Old Money said. “I'm afraid bold and shiny won't work with your whole... modelle. Perhaps... pointy,” Fluttershy said, showing her a few pointy necklaces. “Pointy? Yes! I must have pointy!” Old Money said. “Not everypony can pull off a found object, but you... nearly get there,” Fluttershy said, as the customer made her purchase. “I need, like, a red carpet glitz-and-glamour gown that's also casual, but, like, still artsy and a total head-turner,” Valley Trend said in a millennial accident. “Yes. Casual chic prêt-à-porter is very branché this season,” Fluttershy said. “Uhh... I don’t know what that means, but if it’s a yes thing... I’ll probably take your word for it,” Valley Trend said. “So, how about a demonstration? What we have here is what you would call a “high-key savage,” which is a totally inspirational ensemble made of the finest linen and fabric you need,” Fluttershy said, holding the dress. “That is, like exactly what I need!” Valley Trend said excitedly, and then made her purchase. Fluttershy then saw a goth pony looking for something he might like. “This store is a desperate wasteland of nothingness. Do you have anything in black?” Snow Hope asked. “I do beg your pardon, but here at this store, we have the finest black colored quality,” Fluttershy said, revealing a few outfits in black. “It's not like the futility of shopping can be made better with black leather and metal studs, but they help.” “Uh.... that jacket completes me,” Snow Hope said, hugging the jacket. Joan Pommelway spitted the tea at the three raccoons, “This tea's, like, lukewarm. It's barely drinkable.” “Don’t worry, madam. I’ll take care of this,” Fluttershy said. “Don’t be afraid, but we really need this at a precise temperature.” The raccoons nodded, and then they made more freshly brewed tea for the customers while Fluttershy and Coco kept running the store. > Thomas Leans In (Part 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After school ended, Twilight received letters from the construction crew that they hired, and they didn’t sound very good. “Oh... what am I gonna tell Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. There was a knock on the door, and she saw Thomas walking in, “You wanted to see me?” Twilight nodded and then walked over to him, “It’s bad news, sweetheart. The construction ponies for your mother’s animal sanctuary? They’re not gonna do it. I’m sorry.” Thomas nodded with a soft whimper, but Twilight then pulled him over for a hug. “I’m sure we’ll figure something out, okay?” Twilight said, and then Thomas nodded in reply and kept hugging her, before he was dismissed while Twilight had to deal with some documents. Thomas then went to the library for some privacy, and sat by a bookshelf. “I hope my Momma’s okay,” he said, before he thought of an idea. “I know how to help her sanctuary!” Thomas then went to go get the others and explain his plan. Later on, they began the construction of the sanctuary by using teamwork, including strength, friendship, sportsmanship, and logically skilled knowledge. Back in Manehattan, Fluttershy was still helping their customers with her professionalism towards them and they accepted her offers and took their time to pick and purchase. The raccoons went to Fluttershy and gave her a letter from Twilight and her friends, and she read it while Coco took over for a moment. ‘Dear Fluttershy, I am writing to you because we’ve received word that the construction crew for your sanctuary didn’t like the idea you came up with or didn’t care about how much you felt about the animals and their sanctuary. We’re sorry that we couldn’t get it done, but I promise you we’ll let you know if we figure something out soon. We’ll see you soon. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle P.S. - Thomas misses you and his arm is still bothering his sleep, but we’ve got it covered.’ Fluttershy then sighed in depression as she was disappointed about the sanctuary failing, then came back to her senses and continued helping the customers. During break time, Fluttershy was crying about those poor animals cramped in Dr. Fauna’s clinic. Smoky, Softpad and Smoky Jr. then went to get Twilight by heading over to Ponyville. At the School of Friendship, the raccoons explained everything to Spike and Thomas in Twilight’s office. “Okay, so while Rarity is dealing with a Canterlot fashion show, Fluttershy’s dealing with running the store with professionalism towards the customers and is treating it very well? But she’s feeling let down about the sanctuary?” Thomas asked. The raccoons nodded with sad chitters. “Gosh. That is bad news,” Spike said. “Poor Fluttershy. We better tell Rarity about this,” Twilight said. “Thomas? Do you want to go with?” Thomas nodded and then he went to get his travel bag ready for the train ride to Canterlot. As they arrived, they stopped at the Canterlot Carousel, and then told Rarity everything. “She’s using professional customer service, and they’re accepting her offers very well? Now she’s broken down because of the animals and their sanctuary plan failing?!” Rarity asked. “Oh my goodness! We’ve got to do something!” “But what?! You’ve got a fashion show to deal with!” Rainbow Dash said. “Actually, it’s rescheduled for tomorrow night, because I still need a pony acceptable for the dress,” Rarity said. “But take me to my Manehattan boutique. I want to see how well it’s going.” Back at the shop, Fluttershy was still crying, until she saw other ponies coming over with concerned faces. “Fluttershy? Is that you?” Twilight asked. “Are you alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “No... I failed to help Dr. Fauna. Now those animals will be stuck there forever,” Fluttershy said as she continued crying, but Rarity helped her up. “You didn’t fail, darling. Those ponies were just cruelly careless about the thing you love most: animal welfare,” Rarity said. “And you’ve helped so well with your inner strength.” “Oh... I guess I did,” Fluttershy said, as she saw Thomas hugging her. “What are you doing here, sweetie?” “I came to see you,” Thomas said. “I also left a surprise for you back home, but can I see the fashion show first?” “Of course, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said. “Yes, darling. You’re allowed to come, and whatever the surprise is can still be shown,” Rarity said, and then they all formed a group hug. Later on, as it got dark, the ponies of Canterlot were ready for the fashion show, and Rarity was putting her new dress onto Fluttershy, and it was a white and blue dress with gold armor jewelry and gold shoes on her hooves, and her mane braided like a goddess. “Oh my stars, darling! This is certainly you!” Rarity said, as Fluttershy blushed. “The newest piece for my new collection – the Warrior of Inner Strength!” Fluttershy then did a walk around showing the ponies how gorgeous it looked on her, including her mane as some photographers took pictures. Thomas then smiled warmly at her pride as Fluttershy winked at him. When they got back, Fluttershy, along with the Mane 7 and Dr. Fauna came to see Thomas’s surprise while the Young Six were hiding. As they all arrived, the group gazed in awe as they saw Fluttershy’s sanctuary was fully complete and was like she visioned it, as there were hammocks, ladders, birdhouses, squirrel and chipmunk holes in wooden trees that were either planted or cut into smaller portions, and stone tiles to stand on. It also came with a small stream with a waterfall. “Thomas? Wh-What is this?” Fluttershy asked. “This is your sanctuary, Momma. Our sanctuary, where we can come visit here and see how they’re all doing,” Thomas said. “But how?” Twilight asked. “We helped,” Silverstream said, as the other Young 5 and the Crusaders nodded in unison. Dr. Fauna gasped, “Oh, Thomas! This is amazing! Thank you so much, sweetie. Now I won’t have to cramp enough animals!” Dr. Fauna then brought him over for a hug. “You’re welcome, Dr. Fauna,” Thomas said. “And they’re so happy,” Fluttershy said. “Now you should have plenty of room at the clinic. Because once you've treated them, they can recover here! With my help, of course.” “Absolutely!” Dr. Fauna said. “Sometimes, all we need to do is believe in our dreams. And when we finally reach our goal, we'll know that it was worth what it took to get there, because the view will be even better than you imagined!” Thomas said. Then he and Fluttershy made another hug for his excellence and kindness for putting up the shelter. > Surf and/or Turf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a boringly relaxing day, Twilight was sitting in her throne room all alone looking at the Cutie Map, until she heard hooves coming forward. “Auntie Twilight!” Thomas said, riding on Sweetie Belle’s back. “We're glowing!” The Crusaders said in unison as Thomas said, “They’re glowing!” Twilight giggled as she walked over to the young ones, “That's what happens when you're summoned by the Map.” “Somepony needs our help?” Sweetie Belle asked excitedly. “We're being called by the Map?” Apple Bloom asked excitedly. “Did I mention we're glowing?!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly. Twilight giggled again, and then saw Thomas’s arm was now fully healed. “How’s your arm?” she asked. “It’s a lot better,” Thomas said, feeling glad the arm cast and pain pills helped rebuild the bones. “So where exactly in Equestria are we needed?” Scootaloo asked. “Actually, where you're going isn't even in Equestria,” Twilight said. “Then where is it?” Thomas asked, until Twilight pointed to a projection of the land beyond Equestria. “Wow! That's almost... off the table!” Sweetie Belle said. “Kinda like the last time you went there. Huh, Thomas?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah!” Thomas said. “But what's way out there?” Apple Bloom asked, until Twilight showed them the projection of Mount Aris. “Mount Aris, the home of the Hippogriffs! And that's where you're headed!” Twilight said. “Whoa...!” the young ones said in unison as they gazed at their cutie marks on the map. “Auntie Twilight? Can I come with?” Thomas said. Twilight nodded with a warm smile, “Of course you can, sweetie. I’ll take you for a quick stop at your house so you can ask your mother for permission.” At the train station, where the ponies were chatting with each other, Twilight, with Thomas carrying his travel bag as he was sitting on her back, and the Crusaders were waiting for their train to Mount Aris. Thomas was also wearing a green and blue striped tropical flannel with a pattern of pineapples with his regular red, white and blue striped shirt underneath, a pair of gray cargo shorts, and dark brown hiking sandals with open-toe features. “You really don't need to come with us, Twilight. We can take care of this mission just fine on our own,” Sweetie Belle said. “Mm-hmm,” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah!” Scootaloo said riding her scooter over, and then she skidded to a complete stop. “I know that. But I'm not so sure the ponies who care about you want you going off so far on your own,” Twilight said. “Besides, there's some school business I need to take care of on Mount Aris. This permission slip is for Silverstream. It's very important that her mother and father sign it, or else no field trips.” She showed them Silverstream’s permission slip. “Sounds like somepony just wants a vacation,” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, as they giggled together, leaving Twilight unamused with a sly smirk. “Okay, yes, I have been wanting to visit Mount Aris ever since the Hippogriffs moved back. But it's purely research,” Twilight said. “But don’t worry, Thomas sweetheart. I’m sure we’ll find a way for you to meet the other hippogriffs, and maybe see Queen Novo and Skystar again.” “Okay, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said, hugging her neck with a warm sigh, until she smiled warmly and patted his hands with her hoof. “So, when we get there, Silverstream’s brother is going to meet us there and take us to both of their houses.” “Wow! They have more than one house?” Apple Bloom asked. “I guess so. The social structure of the Hippogriffs and seaponies is a bit of a mystery,” Twilight said, until the conductor hollered. “All aboard! Last stop – the new Mount Aris Station!” Twilight and the kids got onto the train as the last remaining passengers got off or on the train before it began making its trek to Mount Aris. During the ride, Thomas sat on Twilight’s lap for comfort and read one of his comic books he got from Canterlot while the Crusaders sat with themselves. “I don't know if I'd like being a Hippogriff. Part bird, part pony...” Sweetie Belle said. “I'm happy with just my pony parts, thanks,” Scootaloo said. “I think Hippogriffs are pretty neat,” Apple Bloom said. “Hey, Thomas? What was your first experience there?” “Well... it was pretty scary while they lived underwater during the Storm King’s reign of terror, but the seaponies were kind enough to give us shelter, but we needed their help,” Thomas said. “I know. You were scared about losing everything you love,” Scootaloo said. Thomas nodded, before Twilight placed her hoof onto him, “But Tempest Shadow did save him before the Storm King was defeated, and we’re still grateful. He was also brave for holding him off for us.” “Really? You fought the Storm King by yourself?” Apple Bloom asked. Thomas nodded, “Yeah. I did.” “And thanks to you, we’ve got help from the hippogriffs,” Twilight said. Thomas nodded, until Twilight saw how uncomfortably scared he felt, so she kissed him on the top of his head, and then let him sleep against her barrel and belly so that he can stay comfy for the rest of the train ride. Later on, the Crusaders fell asleep as well, and Thomas was still snuggled with Twilight’s fur as she kept her hoof and wings wrapped around him to keep him warm and snug, leaving her amused with a soft giggle about how cute Thomas was sleeping. Suddenly, she heard the train whistle blowing, “Final stop – Mount Aris Station!” “Psst, Thomas. Girls, wake up. We’re here,” she said. Scootaloo gasped excitedly as the other two looked out the window with her, and saw Mount Aris as it was now fully rehabilitated and as the train came to a complete stop, the passengers got off as some were hippogriffs, and then the last ones were Twilight, the Crusaders and Thomas as he was riding on Twilight’s back to avoid walking all day. “All right. So what kind of cutie mark-related friendship problem do you think we're supposed to solve?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I don't know. But Hippogriffs don't have cutie marks. So it might not have anything to do with that at all,” Twilight said. Apple Bloom then took a closer look at the hippogriff’s flanks revealing no cutie marks, “Huh. Still, the Map called us, so it must be a kind of problem that only we can solve.” “Go, Crusaders!” The fillies high-fived each other. “But how do we know exactly who we're supposed to help?” Thomas asked. “I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” Scootaloo said. “Maybe if the Map could be a little more specific about our mission, like maybe... an address?” Apple Bloom asked. “The Map doesn't really work like that. But I'm sure you and whoever needs help will find each other,” Twilight said. Suddenly, they heard water splashing, and they saw a seapony, “Excuse me! Miss Sparkle? Over here!” he said. “A hippogriff can have a seapony for a brother? Hoe does that work exactly?” Apple Bloom asked. “Shhh! Don’t ask that! It’s rude!” Sweetie Belle said, until the seapony turned into a hippogriff and landed near the group. He had apple greenish white fur and feathers with pale apple greenish light gray beak tip, talons and hind hooves, a moderate cyan and pale turquoise feather mane and tail, and moderate cyan eyes. “Whoa!” Scootaloo said. “Can I ask now?” Apple Bloom asked. “Sorry I’m late. I’m Silverstream’s brother, Terramar,” he said, shaking hooves and talons with Twilight. “These are also my students from our school, but one of them is my nephew, and Professor Fluttershy’s son,” Twilight said. “This is Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They were called here for a friendship problem, and this little boy on my back is my nephew, Thomas. His full name is Thomas Mercer Shy, because Fluttershy adopted him, making her his mother.” “Nice to meet you, little guy,” Terramar said, gently ruffling his hair with his talon hand. “Silverstream told me about you, and I’m glad she’s looking out for you.” Thomas nodded, and then blushed bashfully. “Sorry, he’s very shy,” Twilight said. “So how can you be in two places at once?” Apple Bloom asked. Terramar chuckled, “It is kind of strange. See, after the Storm King was defeated, the seaponies didn't have to hide anymore. So some of them changed back to Hippogriffs and went home to Mount Aris.” “But others got used to living under the water and stayed in Seaquestria,” Twilight said. “And me? Well, I kind of go back and forth with this. It's a tiny piece of the magic pearl. It was split up among our kingdoms,” Terramar said, pointing to his necklace with the crystal shard of the pearl. Apple Bloom said, “Whoa!” as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both said, “Cool!” “Well, I'm pretty eager to see the Hippogriff village. You know, to... get this form signed. And... research! So...” Twilight said, showing the permission slip. “Hey, Terramar? Does anygriff you know up there have a problem they need help with?” Apple Bloom asked. Terramar chuckled, “On Mount Aris? No. Everygriff is pretty happy up there.” He then sighed, “It's a great place to live.” “Can you take us there?” Thomas asked. “Sure. Follow me,” Terramar said, leading the five to the top of Mount Aris, where the village was. As they reached the village, the young ones saw so many hippogriffs enjoying themselves, especially the baby ones. “Whoa! This looks amazing! Last time me and my friends were here, it was a ghost town!” Twilight said. “I almost had a nightmare about that one time,” Thomas said, before Twilight nuzzled him for comfort. “Yeah. Queen Novo thought it was important to return our village to its former glory, after the Storm King was defeated,” Terramar said, before they heard a fanfare of trumpets. “And now, I officially open the "Glad to Be a Hippogriff" Festival!” Sky Beak said. The hippogriffs then enjoyed the party and made a few laughs with each other. “Wow! We picked a good day to show up!” Scootaloo said. “Not really. We do this every weekend. Hippogriffs really like being hippogriffs,” Terramar said, as the hippogriffs kept cheering. “It’s hard for you, Huh?” Thomas asked. “Yeah, looks like it, but I still love my family,” Terramar said. Sky Beak chuckled as he saw his son, “There's my boy!” “Hi, Dad!” Terramar said, hugging his father. “Haven't seen you in days, son. Wish you'd come around more often,” Sky Beak said. “Oh! Dad, these are some of Silverstream's friends from Equestria. They came up to see us!” Terramar said. Sky Beak gasped, “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He then screeched as an eagle, and then the hippogriffs listened to his announcement. “Attention, everygriff! Princess Twilight Sparkle is here! She's Silverstream's teacher!” The hippogriffs greeted her with exciting gasps and exclaims. “Here to take in the marvel that is Mount Aris, your Highness?” Sky Beak asked. “Absolutely! And to have you sign a form for Silverstream,” Twilight said, showing him the slip. “Glad to! But how about if I show you around before that, and have us show the princess real Mount Aris hospitality?” Sky Beak asked. “I guess... But can I introduce you to someone?” Twilight asked. “Certainly,” Sky Beak asked. Twilight then magically levitated Thomas off her back and showed him to Sky Beak. “Is this your nephew, your highness?” Sky Beak asked. “Yes, I’d like you to meet my nephew, and the adoptive son of my friend Fluttershy, Thomas,” Twilight said. “Adoptive son? Wait... I’ve heard about you!” Sky Beak said. “You’re the one who helped fight the Storm King!” Thomas nodded, and then Sky Beak ruffled his hair with his talon hand, “Welcome to our village, little one. Now, let’s carry on, shall we? To the refreshment tent for a stein of salmon juice to go around!” “Eh. Research. See you later! And good luck! I know you'll find your mission!” Twilight said while joining the hippogriffs with fun activities. “Oh, and take Thomas with you.” “Well, your dad's certainly... outgoing, isn't he?” Sweetie Belle asked, as Thomas stood next to her. “He's a great guy. All my relatives are nice,” Terramar said. “Wait. I hear something,” Thomas said, as he heard the sound of a giant pan flute with whimsical wind blowing, and he saw a huge stream with stepping stones and a huge shaped cliff, and lots of trees. “Hey! Look at this!” Thomas said. “I see you’ve found the Harmonizing Heights,” Terramar said. “I love this!” Sweetie Belle said. “Uh, is she okay?” Terramar asked. “She’s sometimes like this. It kinda reminds me of Auntie Pinkie Pie,” Thomas said. “This is absolutely the best place ever! You are so lucky!” Sweetie Belle said. “And you get to swim in the ocean! You have two great places to live!” Scootaloo said. “How do you make up your mind which one to stay in?” Apple Bloom asked. “I can't. That's the problem,” Terramar said. “Did you say... "problem"?” Apple Bloom asked. “You have a problem?!” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yes!” Scootaloo said. “They’re sometimes like this when crusading,” Thomas said to Terramar as he made a surprisingly amused face. “Woo-hoo! We discovered our mission!” Sweetie Belle said. “All right!” Scootaloo said. “We did it!” Apple Bloom said. “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Sweetie Belle cheered, before she chuckled nervously. Scootaloo cleared her throat, “Sorry. You were talking about your problem?” “Right. Like I said, Mount Aris is one great place to live. That's why Silverstream and my dad and some of my cousins came back here. But Seaquestria is another great place to live. That's where my mom is,” Terramar said. “Ohhhh. I-I didn't know that,” Sweetie Belle said. “Neither did I,” Thomas said. .So no matter where I am, I feel like I'm letting someone down,” Terramar said. “No wonder you're having such a hard time deciding,” Apple Bloom said. “And I have to choose soon. Every other griff my age already knows where they belong. I'm still not sure,” Terramar said. “Maybe we can help!” Thomas said. “Yep! When in doubt, chart it out!” Scootaloo said, holding a paper chart they made. “Now, we put down everything great about each place and everything not so great. Compare them, and... your decision is made for you!” Scootaloo said. “Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Mount Aris is the best of all possible worlds. Pro – it's beautiful. Con – too far from Equestria. I think that pretty much sums it up,” Sweetie Belle said. “But you haven't been to Seaquestria yet. How can you even compare them?” Terramar asked. “Terramar's right, Sweetie Belle. It'd be fair if we visited both places before we decide,” Thomas said. “Thomas's got a point,” Apple Bloom said. As the young ones came back, Twilight zoomed over to them, “Hey, everypony! This festival is fantastic! Look what I won at the ring toss booth!” She showed them her trophy from the ring toss. “Ahem. But of course, I'm really here on business. Sky Beak's already signed the form. Now I just need your mom's signature. Is she around?” “Um... she's a seapony. In Seaquestria,” Apple Bloom said. “That's what Silverstream meant by "houses"!” Twilight said. “Mm-hmm. If you'd like to meet my mom, we're just heading down there now,” Terramar said. “And how exactly are we gonna visit underwater?” Apple Bloom asked. Later on, Terramar took them to the beach after Thomas got onto Twilight’s back, but held onto her neck as they all got into the water. He was also wearing a dark and light blue and sea green swim suit with a shirt, that he had in his bag. Terramar then placed his claws on Twilight’s hoof while the fillies held hooves, and the Terramar lit up his pearl necklace, and transformed themselves, including Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, into seaponies. They then went underwater. “Whoa!” Scootaloo giggled. “Woo-hoo! Yeah!” She giggled again, “Whoa! This must be just like flying! Woo-hoo!” She swam through seaweed as fast as Rainbow Dash. “Where's your mom's house, Terramar?” Apple Bloom asked. “Come on. It's this way,” Terramar said, leading the group to Seaquestria. “This is awesome!” Scootaloo said. “Thomas? You can ride on my back if you want. In case you get lost,” Twilight said sweetly, and then Thomas climbed onto her back and held onto her neck as they began swimming to Seaquestria, and he was a seapony-like boy again while his swim suit kept him safe and warm. As they arrived and entered the dome underneath the water and swam by a few schools of fish, they saw a few houses in Seaquestria, but one belonged to Terramar’s mother as she was setting up a dinner table and serving a few guests. She had pale light grayish olive yellow scales, pale light grayish orchid and moderate magenta mane and fins, a moderate cerulean and pale turquoise fur neck scarf, along with a blue beaded and black leather chain necklace and a seaweed neck choker around her neck, and light purple eyes. Her name was Ocean Flow. “Hey, Mom,” Terramar said. Ocean Flow turned around and saw her son, and then they hugged each other. “Terramar! Welcome home, baby! No excuses. This time, you're staying for dinner,” she said. Terramar chuckled, “Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Thomas, this is my mom Ocean Flow. And this is—” Ocean Flow gasped, “Princess Twilight Sparkle! What an honor! You know, Silverstream just raves about you.” “Well, she is one of our most hardworking students. In fact, I brought this form for you to sign so that she can have permission to go on some field trips in the future,” Twilight said, showing Ocean Flow her daughter’s permission slip. “Both my children are so smart. Would you like to see their baby pictures?” Ocean Flow asked. “Mom!” Terramar exclaimed embarrassingly. “That sounds adorable! I'd love to! And you know, to find out about aquatic pony early development and, uh...” Twilight said, as the Crusaders giggled, “Research.” Ocean Flow giggled with Twilight, until she saw Thomas behind the Crusaders, and then her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh! Is this your nephew?!” she asked, gently holding him underneath his armpits and between his sides with her finned hooves. “Yes. This is Thomas. Just so you know, he’s very shy around larger crowds or new “people” as his race of humans call,” Twilight said. Ocean Flow then smiled warmly, “Aww... That’s okay, sweetheart.” She then brought him over for a hug, until Thomas hugged her neck and buried himself underneath both her neck and her chest. “But you are so cute!” Ocean Flow then nuzzled her muzzle with his nose. Thomas blushed as her fur neck scarf was cozying his face and he placed his ear on her chest for the sound of her heartbeat as he curled one of his arms on her chest and the other underneath her neck, “It’s n-nice to meet you t-t-too, Miss Flow.” Ocean Flow smiled warmly and rested her head on top of his. Thomas then looked up at Ocean Flow’s necklaces while she was still holding him, “I like your necklaces, Miss Flow. Are they real beads and natural seaweed you’re wearing?” “Why, thank you, sweetheart. And yes, they are,” Ocean Flow said, gently stroking his hair. “Umm... if you don’t mind, ...c-ca-can I... can I touch them?” Thomas asked. “Go right ahead, sweetie. I don’t mind,” Ocean Flow replied, and then Thomas gently placed his hands on her necklaces, feeling amazed about how she was into aquatic based jewelry. “My, he is such a charming little one, isn’t he?” “He’s also very polite as his mother,” Twilight said. “And that’s what we love about him.” “We’ll, I think he’s just the sweetest little thing,” Ocean Flow said, leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead, and then gave him one more hug, and then she let him swim freely after breaking the hug. “Oh, well, maybe your friends would like a snack while we're gone? Some kelp chips? Fish oil tea?” “No, thanks, Mom. I'm gonna go show them around,” Terramar said, as he and the other young ones swam with him. “Look out!” Scootaloo said, giggling while swimming through a school of fish. “Can’t catch me!” Sweetie Belle was not amused while Apple Bloom, Thomas and Terramar were watching, “Huh. Not much sunlight down here, is there?” Scootaloo giggled, before seaponies playing bongo seashell drums, and then she danced to the rhythm, “Boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom!” Sweetie Belle was still not amused about the underwater lands, “No grass to run in and no hooves to run on it with.” She looked at her seapony tail, before seeing a big fish swimming by her, “And excuse me, but how do you keep from getting all pruney?” She then sighed as it passed by. Scootaloo laughed while riding a sea turtle, before picking up a seashell shaped as a horn and blew in it, making bubbly sounds, “Everything sounds funny down here!” “Okay. I've seen everything I need to. So, uh, why don't we find Twilight Sparkle, finish the chart, and, uh, head back up the mountain? I have some serious field twirling to do,” Sweetie Belle said, as they began swimming back to Twilight. “Where's she going? I want to stay and swim some more!” Scootaloo said, as she sighed disappointingly. The group then went back to the beach, and Twilight was now holding Thomas on her hoof and then dried him off with a towel inside his bag after taking off his swimsuit. Sky Beak screeched, “Princess Twilight, you're back! And just in time for the screeching competition.” “Why not? Could be another trophy in my future! Be back soon!” Twilight said. “All right! Let's add some positives to the Seaquestria side!” Scootaloo said. “Uh-huh!” Apple Bloom said, drawing some notes on the chart. “Swimming is like flying, multi-color fish, and did I mention the flying thing?!” Scootaloo said. “You forgot the cons. Dark, wet, sea monsters...” Sweetie Belle said with an unamused tone. “I don't remember any sea monsters. Apple Bloom, looks like it's up to you,” Scootaloo said. “Me? Well... Both places have a lot of good things about them. I can understand why it's hard for you to decide,” Apple Bloom said to Terramar. “I like both places too, and your parents were so nice to me,” Thomas said, while putting his clothes back on after drying himself off from the sand and water. “Maybe you’re not thinking straight, but you have to be true to your heart.” Your heart is in two places, you can only live in one You're torn between the hilltops and the tide Thank goodness that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have begun To give you hope and help you to decide These hills, they call to you, they say "Harmonizing Heights" This is your home, simple and serene The sun-dappled leaves or a mountain terrace You can see twenty-three different shades of green To dare to compare anywhere to there Is unfair and just plain wrong Colt or mare or you wear feathers, fins, or hair This is where you belong “Well, on the other hoof, I can think of a place that's way more exciting and cool, not to mention more you! Come on, you know exactly where I mean!” Scootaloo said. Seaquestria's the most, you're supposed to be there Underneath the sea where you can feel at home Swimmin' with your friends, you can spend all day here Playin' in the bay here, splashin' in the foam Sailin' through the wavy blue You'll view a slew of tortoises Forget the rest, the sea's the best For all intents and "porpoises" Build your nest here on Harmonizing Heights Live it up here in Seaquestria Nothing compares to Harmonizing Heights The eagles are regal But the schools are cooler Their claws are so awesome With their sweet maneuvers Star wishes every night Starfish by eel light Better Wetter Shinier Brinier Seaquestria! Harmonizing Heights! Seaquestria! Harmonizing Heights! “Girls! Break it up!” Thomas said. That's it! This is the end! Don't ever talk to me again! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked away from each other with their forelegs crossed and had angry faces. Apple Bloom and Thomas looked and saw Terramar walking away. “Terramar, where're you goin'?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ugh! If you all can't even agree amongst yourselves, how am I supposed to make up my mind?! It's hopeless!” Terramar then flew away. “Terramar, wait! We didn’t meant to...!” Thomas said as the hippogriff flew away. “What’s going on here?” Twilight asked with a confused and stern look. “Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were arguing against each other!” Thomas said. “So, where’s Terramar?” Twilight asked. “He ran off. Probably wanted to be by himself,” Apple Bloom said. “Well, if it weren’t for Sweetie Belle, our mission would’ve been over by now! And a success!” Scootaloo said angrily. “Well, I’m not the one who dashed all of Terramar’s hopes and made him give up on the world! Heck, even both worlds!” Sweetie Belle said angrily. “Which was not my fault!” Scootaloo said, “Mine, either!” Sweetie Belle said. “Enough!” Twilight said, while looking at them with angrily and sternly confused brows. “I’m very disappointed in you two. But why would you think that?” “Because it was our fault,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison. Twilight made a sad brow, before she felt Thomas hug her on the leg, “All they had to do was help him choose which world to live in, but we let him down. We’re really sorry.” Twilight smiled warmly, and then hugged him back, “Whoever said that he had to choose?” “Well, he did,” Apple Bloom said. “Hmm... Maybe Terramar’s making it harder than it has to be,” Twilight said. “Yoo-hoo! Princess! We’re having a seashell-crafting circle. Care to join us?” Ocean Flow said, emerging from the water with other seaponies. “There you are! The flag-folding ceremony’s about to begin!” Sky Beak said. “Thank you, really. I’ve had a great time in both places, but...” Twilight said, until Sky Beak and Ocean Flow saw each other eye to eye. “Oh! Hello, Sky Beak!” Ocean Flow said. “Ocean Flow! You’re looking beautifully well,” Sky Beak said, as they hugged each other. “Mr. Sky Beak, Miss Flow, I’ve got bad news... about Terramar,” he said. “Terramar?” Ocean Flow asked. “What about him?” Sky Beak asked. “Well, he’s having a hard time choosing between both worlds to live in, and well, we let him down because Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were caught up about pros and cons about which place is better, before arguing over each other about which they liked better instead of trying to help Terramar find his place in Mount Aris,” Thomas said. “We’re really sorry.” Ocean Flow and Sky Beak felt worried about their son’s behaviors, until Twilight decided to explain her nephew’s story about his hard life from the past while she sat him down on her lap and then hugged her hooves over him to keep him comfy, and started from the beginning. After a few minutes of explaining, both the parents felt sorry for Thomas’s hard life, and were proud that Silverstream was helping looking out for him. Ocean Flow decided to hug him again, and it made him feel better. While Ocean Flow hugged him, Thomas suddenly saw the hippogriffs and the seaponies talking with each other, and it made him smile softly. “I think I know how to help Terramar! Wait here!” he said, running to go get Terramar. “And I think I have one idea,” Sweetie Belle said. Thomas kept looking for Terramar by using the cliffy rocks by the shoreline, “Terramar! Where are you?!” He then realized he was lost, “Huh. I thought for sure he came this way.” He suddenly saw Terramar sitting on a tree branch, “Terramar! You Do’d come all this way!” “And I'm staying here, too! That way, I don't have to be on land or in the water!” Terramar said. “You just weren’t thinking straight,” Thomas said. “He has a point,” Scootaloo said, as Thomas saw her and the other two walking over. “We're sorry. We were supposed to help you, and...” “...we just ended up confusing you more. It's all our fault,” Sweetie Belle said. “Actually, you were just competing against each other about which land’s the better one for him,” Apple Bloom said. “Oh!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said. “Oh, great! You're sorry, and I'm still confused! I'm staying in my tree,” Terramar said. “We might have somethin' worth comin' down for,” Apple Bloom said. “And we’d like to show it to you,” Thomas said. Later on, they arrived back at the beach, and the four young ones showed Terramar their present, “We thought we'd get every creature together for a picnic on the beach,” Sweetie Belle said, and Thomas nodded. “And we mean every creature!” Scootaloo said. They all saw the seaponies and the hippogriffs having a picnic on the beach together. “Son! There you are! Your friends told us how you've been feeling,” Sky Beak said. “And we're sorry if we ever made you think you had to choose between worlds. That wasn't our intention, honey,” Ocean Flow said. “Your hippogriff heritage is something to be proud of, certainly,” Sky Beak said. “But you're more than just where you're from or who you live with. We love you because you're you, no matter where you choose to be,” Ocean Flow said. “You don't have to decide. You can keep doing what you've been doing – going back and forth,” Sky Beak said. “And enjoying both places,” Ocean Flow said. Terramar laughed while hugging his parents. “Something we forgot to add that both places have – family and friends who love you,” Thomas said, as Apple Bloom wrote it down on the chart. “Thomas, girls? Could you come here please?” Ocean Flow asked, and then they walked over to her and the other two. “We just want to say thank you for helping our son learn to trust his instincts.” “We just felt like that if he needed something to listen to, like your heart, it’ll be there to guide you, or ask for help from someone you trust,” Thomas said. “And that’s something we’ll never forget,” Sky Beak said. “And you really are the sweetest little child I’ve ever seen,” Ocean Flow said, and then she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, before pulling him over once again for another hug. “Thanks for everything,” Terramar said, until he heard something weird. “Uh, are you glowing?” The Crusaders looked at their shimmering cutie marks. “Yes! We did it!” they shouted in unison. “Congratulations! Your first map mission is a success!” Twilight said. “Guess that means we're officially done here. I hope you come visit your sister in Equestria,” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah, come see us! You'll love it!” Apple Bloom said. “It’s one of the best places ever!” Scootaloo said. Thomas nodded, and then he looked at Twilight. “I’m proud of you coming along, Thomas. I’m also proud that you have good intentions for others,” Twilight said. Thomas nodded and then hugged her, before he felt his aunt hugging him back. > The Parent Map > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, at the Crystal Empire, a mail pony went over to Sunburst’s house and knocked on his door. Suddenly, the door opened and Sunburst walked out before seeing the mail pony. He cleared his throat, “Morning, Sunburst.” “What? Oh! Hi!” Sunburst chuckled nervously, “You know, no matter how many times I read it, Houyhnhnm's Guide to Magical Arcana never gets boring.” “If you say so. I've got another letter for you. From Sire's Hollow,” the mail pony said, giving Sunburst the letter. “Mm-hmm. Sure thing,” Sunburst said, taking the letter and then gave the mail pony a carrot in return before leaving. Sunburst then placed the letter with the others and continued reading, until he heard something shimmering, “What's this? Could I be experiencing the cerebration transmogrification effect described in chapter seventeen—?” He then landed on the ground with his cape over his head, until he turned and saw his cutie mark glowing, “Wow! My cutie mark is glowing! I’ve never experienced this before! It must be a friendship mission! I better pack my bags!” When Sunburst arrived in Ponyville, he trotted up to Twilight’s castle and knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Twilight and Spike. “Oh, hello, Sunburst. Welcome to Ponyville,” Twilight said. “Thank you,” Sunburst replied. Thomas suddenly saw Sunbursy at the door, so he got up and rushed over to him for a hug, “Uncle Sunburst!” “Hey, little guy. How’ve you been?” Sunburst said, returning the hug. “I’ve been good,” Thomas said, and then Sunburst ruffled his nephew’s hair. Twilight then placed Thomas on her back as they started walking over to the cutie map, “Since Fluttershy’s on business with Dr. Fauna with her animal sanctuary, I’d volunteer to foalsit Thomas for a little while.” “Cool. Anyway, Princess Twilight, what an honor this is! I-I mean, it is, right? I'm called for a friendship mission?” Sunburst asked. “You sure are. And it must be a special one. Nopony outside of Ponyville has ever been called before,” Twilight replied. “Has Spike ever been on one?” Thomas asked. “You and Spike have been on one together, sweetie,” Twilight replied. “Oh, right,” Thomas said. They entered the room and saw Starlight staring at the cutie map as Thomas walked up to her, and hugged her leg while giggling as she raised it up. Starlight then chuckled and magically placed him on her hoof to hold him, and then let him play with her mane. “Hey, Starlight! You mean we've both been called? This is great!” Sunburst said. Starlight was somehow depressed, “Yeah... Great...” “Aren't you excited? You and me on a mission together!” Sunburst said, walking over to Starlight as she groaned. “I'm... sorry. Are you not excited to go on a mission with me?” “No. Uh, no! I mean, yes. Heh. Totally excited about us going together. Just... not so excited about where,” Starlight said, pointing at their cutie marks at their destination. “Sire's Hollow?” Sunburst asked disappointingly. “Yep. Home,” Starlight said. Sunburst suddenly felt deflated with disappointment, “Oh. Great.” Twilight knew how they felt, so she came up with an idea, “Why don’t you bring Thomas with? He could try to cheer you both up while he sticks with you.” “Are you sure? Our parents might...” Starlight was cut off by Thomas hugging her chest and giving her the puppy eyes. Starlight and Sunburst nodded in agreement. “I got his bags all packed up,” Spike said, bringing them over. Meanwhile, on the train, Starlight and Sunburst sat in the passenger’s coach while Starlight looked out the window in depression and held Thomas against her chest on her hooves stroking his shoulder to keep him comfy while he had his nap. She then sighed, “It's not that I don't want to go home. It's just that whenever I do, my dad treats me like a filly. Like nothing's changed since I was a foal.” “Huh,” Sunburst said. “I know. I'm a horrible daughter,” Starlight said, leaning back against her seat and laid her nephew on her tummy while he laid on her hooves. “N-No, no! My mom actually does kind of the same thing,” Sunburst said. “Really?” Starlight asked as she sat up again. “I don't even have to go home. She sends me letters constantly asking about my plans for the future,” Sunburst said, as he began imitating his mother. “She’d be like this, "You're a grown-up pony, Sunburst! You need a plan"!” He then sighed, “I haven't been home in a while either.” “Hmph. We'll just have to explain to our parents that we're on an important friendship mission so they can't bother us, or probably scare or embarrass this little sweetie,” Starlight said, looking at her sleeping nephew. “Do you really think that will work?” Sunburst asked. “Nope!” Starlight said. Suddenly, the train stopped at the Sire’s Hollow train station, and then Starlight, with Thomas on her back, and Sunburst began to walk over to the entrance of their town. “Well, I hate to say it, but it’s probably good to be home,” Sunburst said, as they passed through the entrance of their town. Thomas saw a marketplace with a produce stand, appliance stand, jewelry and beauty stand, and a gardening stand consisting flowers, and then saw a bakery, a fancy public restaurant, a spa, a few houses and apartments, a schoolhouse, a park, and a bookstore. While walking through the town, Starlight managed to get Thomas a snack from the produce stand, which were apple slices and peeled carrot sticks that she prepared for him. “Essence?” Ever Essence asked, who wore a brownish gray tuxedo. “Essence of what?” Sunburst asked. “You tell me,” Ever Essence asked, as she sprayed it into Thomas’s face, making him cough and blinded. “What is it?” Starlight asked, as Sunburst sniffed. “Uh... chocolate maybe?” “Not chocolate maybe. Chocolate definitely! And all of the benefits with none of the drawbacks. All products sold in this marketplace was committed by the Sire’s Hollow Development Committee,” Ever Essence said. “We’re good, but thank you,” Starlight said. “Maybe Auntie Rarity might like one,” Thomas said, pointed at some that smelled like flowers. “We’ll take some, whatever he likes,” Starlight said. After making their purchase, they moved on to the bookstore, and they saw two librarian ponies showcasing a few books for sale. “Welcome to our newly declared bookstore with a section that’s now a site of historical significance by the Sire’s Hollow Preservation Society. How can we help you?” Raspberry Latte asked. “We’re just wondering how things have been since the last time we’ve ever been here,” Starlight said. “But could we buy some children’s books for my nephew?” Minty Mocha nodded, “Of course. We have the finest brands of children’s books for any age or gender. You may pick what you want.” Starlight and Sunburst both nodded and went to pick out some of the children’s books for Thomas, and then made their purchase. They got Thomas novels, storybooks with pictures, and new volume based books of legendary folktales or mystical or mythical fantasies, which he enjoys, including Daring Do’s new book. “Okay, so things are now being developed by a Sire’s Hollow Development Committee and preserved by a Sire’s Hollow Preservation Society, but can somepony please tell me what is happening?” Starlight asked. Suddenly a voice appeared, “I'll explain it to you, sugarplum!” They turned around and saw a unicorn stallion with grayish purple fur, a combed and curled moderate and pale light grayish aquamarine mane and tail, brown eyes, and he wore a pale light grayish yellow tuxedo shirt, a crimson red vest with bronze buttons, and a pale light grayish greenish yellow tie, and his flank had a cutie mark of a small ball of fire. Starlight sighed depressingly, “Hello, dad.” Suddenly, Firelight walked over and squished her cheeks together, “You are just as cutesy-wutesy as ever!” “Dad! Quit it!” Starlight said, stroking her face. “Guess she was right about the filly thing, huh?” Sunburst asked Thomas as he nodded. “What is going on?” Starlight asked. “Oh, just a father wanting to preserve our town's rich history for his little pumpky-wumpkin!” Firelight chuckled. “Dad, you promised no "pumpky-wumpkin"'s in public!” Starlight hissed with her teeth gritted. “Sorry, chipmunk cheeks,” Firelight whispered. “You’re preserving the whole town? You can’t preserve the whole town! That’s crazy!” Starlight said. Thomas nodded in agreement with a shy look while he hid underneath his Auntie Starlight by hugging her right hind leg and using her tail to shield him while Sunburst stroked his hair. “That's exactly what I told him!” another voice said. It was a unicorn mare with brilliant orange fur with very pale apple green splotches on her legs, a perfectly brushed mane and tail with three shades of moderate scarlet, brilliant chartreuse green eyes, and she wore a cyan bead necklace and a grayish blue scarf and a silver hairband, and her flank had a cutie mark of a spiral inside a sun. “I said, "Firelight, you're crazy!" Can you honestly believe that?” Stellar Flare asked. “Mom?” Sunburst asked. “Our village needs the same thing you do, Sunburst – a clear plan for the future,” Stellar Flare said, as she tried to cut his beard with some scissors. “That's why I started the Sire's Hollow Development Committee. And I've got plans for this little town. Big plans!” She then walked away with a huge scroll, until Firelight stepped on it. “Listen here, Stellar Flare! I'm not gonna let you turn half of our historical heritage into Las Pegasus!” Stellar Flare rolled up her scroll and walked over to Firelight, “And I'm not gonna let you turn half of it into a museum!” Firelight and Stellar Flare started growling at each other’s noses. “W-Wait. Are you two fighting over this?” Starlight asked. “Like having a friendship problem?” Sunburst asked. “Oh, there's no problem,” Stellar Flare replied. “Because there is no friendship!” Firelight replied. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” Thomas said. “It’s okay, honey. You’re not involved with any of this,” Starlight said, looking down at him, then nuzzled with him. Stellar Flare and Firelight suddenly saw him hiding behind his Auntie Starlight’s hind leg and underneath her tail, before Stellar Flare looked down at him and placing her hoof onto his cheek, making him blush bashfully. “Hi there!” she said. Thomas softly whimpered with a small squeaky sound. “Sorry about my nephew. Thomas is very shy when meeting others, but it’s best if you keep his distance so that he knows you’re not trying to scare him,” Starlight said. “Well, kind of a timid little chipper, isn’t he?” Firelight asked, while ruffling Thomas’s hair, as he continued to hide underneath his auntie’s tail and hug her leg. “Thomas? It’s okay, honey. They just want to meet you,” Starlight said. Stellar Flare then gently stroked Thomas’s hair, before she gently lifted him up with her hoof and held him against her chest for a quick hug, and then handed him back over to Starlight. “Okay, look. Sunburst and I were called here to do a job, and it looks like you two are it,” Starlight said. “You mean your success depends on us?” Stellar Flare asked. “Uh...” Sunburst said. “And you have to hang out with us the whole time you're here?!” Firelight asked. “Um...” Starlight said. “Well, I'll hear what you have to say. But every plan I've made for this town is perfectly reasonable,” Stellar Flare said. “Good luck convincing me my preservation efforts don't make sense,” Firelight said. Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst both sighed. “Auntie Starlight, Uncle Sunburst, where are we going to sleep?” Thomas asked. “Just hold on, sweetheart. We’ll think of something,” Starlight said. They checked on some parts of the town again, while checking on the bookstore again. “So, we can just keep or rent a few books from here?” Starlight asked. “Yes,” Raspberry Latte said. “And we can bring them back on the due date as always?” Sunburst asked. “Yes,” Minty Mocha said. Firelight then chuckled, “Isn’t she adorable?” He then chuckled again. “You can call them... mm... "smells". But I call them essence!” Ever Essence said, as she sprayed another sample of essence in Thomas’s face, until he coughed and then rubbed his eyes. Starlight then sniffed it, “Smells fruity.” “I know,” Ever Essence said. “Here, sweetheart,” Starlight said, with a wet towel for Thomas to gently wipe his eyes with. A baker pony named Cracked Wheat made a huge loaf of bread for them to try out, “One hundred percent ancient pony grains! Just like the town founders ate! Hope you like crust!” Starlight then took a slice and let Thomas try some, until he started enjoying it, and it made her smile as she gave the baker her bits for the bread, “We’ll take it.” “Got butter?” Thomas asked, as he, Starlight and Sunburst laughed together. Later on, Starlight and Sunburst came back over to the water fountain with Thomas on Starlight’s back, and they met up with their parents. “So, maybe my preservation efforts were a little bit over the top,” Firelight said, as the wagon wheel broke from Cracked Wheat’s wagon. “And maybe I’ve been trying to turn some things of the town into a shopping mall,” Stellar Flare said. “Well, whatever direction the town takes from now on, how about we work together on it?” Firelight asked. “Deal!” Stellar Flare said, as they both shook hooves. “You know, Sunburst, you should move closer to Ponyville. After this success, I’m sure the Princess of Friendship will want to send you on more missions,” Stellar Flare said. “That’s not how it really works,” Sunburst said. “When we solve a friendship problem, our cutie marks are supposed to glow like before,” Starlight said, and Thomas nodded in agreement. “Aw, don’t be disappointed, puddin’. Your papa will work this out for you,” Firelight said. “But... my papa wasn’t called by the map in Twilight’s castle. I was,” Starlight replied. “How are you going to explain this to the princess? What’s your plan if she fires you from friendship quests?” Stellar Flare asked. “Mom! She doesn’t—! It-It’s not—!” Sunburst stammered. “Use your words, Sunburst,” Stellar Flare said. “I guess you two weren’t the problem we were sent to solve after all,” Starlight said. “So now you don’t know why you’re here?” Stellar Flare asked. “So you’re here for a extra long visit?” Firelight laughed, “You can stay in your old room, punkie wunk! It’s just like you left it!” Starlight had a sudden flashback about her old bedroom, as some posters had skulls on it, and Thomas felt the same way she was feeling until he hid underneath her chest. “We need to find the friendship problem now!” she whispered to Sunburst. “Now, I know you have your little job to do, but Stellar and I know the town a lot better than you two,” Firelight said. “That's right! Neither of you have been home in ages. You're gonna need our help to succeed!” Stellar Flare said. “I guess that makes sense...” Starlight said, until Firelight and Stellar Flare chuckled. “I already have some ideas!” Stellar Flare said. “Me, too!” Firelight said. Firelight tapped and wrote on the chalkboard about the history of the town, leaving Starlight unamused while she was holding Thomas on her hoof as he sat on her lap leaning against her. “Okay! Now that I've explained how Sire's Hollow was founded, we can start to explore all the possible friendship problems that might have developed over time,” he said. Starlight inhaled, “I appreciate the history lesson, Dad, but I need to find the problem now. In the present.” “Aw, now, hon-bun. How are you gonna do that without all the backstory, huh? Oh! Of course I know how hard it is for you to sit still and focus, soooo... would it help you pay attention to hold on to your bwankie?” Firelight asked with a plate full of cookies and milk for her, as she growled in frustration. Sunburst and Stellar Flare walked around the town for the friendship problem. “Now, you've had a little setback. But don't worry. I know exactly what you need to do,” Stellar Flare said. “Make a plan?” Sunburst asked. “Already got one! Step one – interview the suspects. Step two – use your talents to solve the issue. Step three – get the Princess of Friendship to send you on more missions!” Stellar Flare explained. “Mom! It does not work like that!” Sunburst said. “Uh-huh,” Stellar Flare said, until Sunburst growled and went off while Stellar Flare walked over to another problem. “Starlight? Sweetie? I found a really old town bylaw that nopony agrees on. Apparently, we're not supposed to prance or canter after dinnertime. Could that be the problem? Silly-filly?” Firelight called out. Starlight popped her head out from behind the fountain with Thomas snuggled up against her chest while gently and firmly grasping onto her neck while she held him after seeing her father walk away, “Whew!” They suddenly saw Sunburst crawl backwards. “What are you doing?” Starlight asked. Sunburst sighed, “Hiding from my mother. She started making up friendship problems for me to solve.” Starlight scoffed, “My dad won't even let me talk to anypony in case they're "strangers". I'm a grown mare!” Thomas suddenly whimpered while hugging his aunt. “What’s wrong, honey?” Starlight asked. “They’re scaring me!” Thomas replied. Starlight had a look of concern as she hugged him against her chest and rubbed his back. Sunburst sighed, “We're never going to find the friendship problem with them around, let alone solve it. Now that Thomas is afraid of them and their behaviors around us both.” “Let’s hide in there! Quick!” Starlight said, as she and Sunburst took Thomas and went into the private section of the bookstore. “Okay, as long as they don’t see us, we’ll solve our friendship problem on our own, without our parents noticing,” Starlight said. “I hope so. I don’t know how long Thomas can hold it,” Sunburst said, looking at Thomas shaking and whimpering in Starlight’s chest fur, as she comforted him. “There you are! But what are you doing in here?” Firelight asked, until he gasped. “Is the friendship problem in my favorite section of the bookstore?” Starlight and Sunburst groaned while Thomas made an “eep” sound. The three walked out with Starlight still holding Thomas in her hoof, and Firelight reading from the history book, “...And then, I thought the best way to look for a friendship problem in the present...” “Dad!” Starlight said while Thomas covered his ears with one against her chest and his hand on the other. “...was to look back in our town history even farther!” Firelight concluded, as Starlight made an angry groan. “Sunburst! Oh, finally! Now, I know you don't want me to make up a problem, but what if I start one?” Stellar Flare asked. “That's not how this—!” Sunburst said before Stellar Flare cut him off. “I mean, nopony ever became a success by following all the rules, right?” Sunburst nickered angrily, as Starlight placed Thomas on her back and hid him underneath her mane. Stellar Flare then turned to Firelight, “How are things on your end?” “Couldn't be better! New leads and such!” Firelight replied. “Guys...?” “We really are providing excellent assistance, aren't we?” “Guys!” “I dare say our children should be grateful for our help.” “Guys!” “We don't want your help!” Starlight and Sunburst said angrily with Thomas hiding underneath Starlight’s mane and their parents looking at them with shock and concern. “I'm sorry. You don't want our help?” Stellar Flare asked. Firelight nervously chuckled, “That's... That's ridiculous! What reason could you possibly have for that?” Starlight’s horn lit up to mute Thomas’s ears, “Because you're driving us crazy!” Stellar Flare and Firelight were shocked, until Stellar Flare got confused, “Oh, really? And just how am I driving you crazy?” Sunburst gritted his teeth, and then emptied his cape with papers, “By always coming up with plans! I don't need a plan! I mean, maybe I do, but it'll be mine, not yours!” Stellar Flare then replied while choking up, “Well... I'm sorry for trying to help!” She then ran off crying. Starlight then walked over to her dad after handing her nephew over to Sunburst as she kept the spell onto him and then got angry at her father, “And you're not any better! I'm not a filly! I'm a grown pony with a job to do, and I'll do it on my own!” “Well. I'll let you get to it then,” Firelight said as he took his books and trotted off. Thomas felt concerned for their behavior and then began shedding tears in his eyes. Starlight took him out of her mane and sat down on her haunches and held him against her chest against as he rested himself underneath her neck. “Oh, great. Now we have to find a way to smoothen things up with our parents until we find the friendship problem... unless...” Starlight said. “Unless... our relationship with our parents might be... or is the friendship problem,” Sunburst said. “You don’t think that’s it too, do you?” Starlight asked. Thomas rubbed his eyes and nuzzled her chest fur while stroking her mane as more tears shed his eyes. “Oh!” Starlight groaned with frustration, and then leaned back and collapsed towards the ground with Thomas laying on top of her belly but his head rested on her chest and underneath her neck. “Why couldn’t we have been sent to stop a war or something?!” She then comforted Thomas while feeling frustrated. Starlight then sat up and then went to go talk with her dad while Sunburst went to go talk to his mom. Thomas sat down by the fountain and hugged his Snuggle Bear teddy. Starlight met up with her dad at the house, and saw him reading while writing on the chalkboard. “Dad?” she asked. “Hello, Ms. Glimmer. How is your friendship problem search going? I only ask as an interested observer, since I know you are an adult who's capable of doing things without help from anypony else,” Firelight whimpered before beginning to cry while sitting down, until Starlight walked over to him and hugged his head against her chest. “Actually... I think Sunburst and I figured out what it is,” Starlight said. “So Stellar and I weren't really helpful after all,” Firelight said. “Well, actually, we haven't solved it just yet, but we were wondering if you two would like to come with us for something?” Starlight asked. Stellar Flare checked on the fragrances, and coughed after spraying one in her face, before seeing Sunburst walking over, “Did you come by to be driven crazy by more of your mother's plans?” “No, I came to apologize,” Sunburst said. “Well, it's going to take more than an apology to make up for telling me you don't want my help finding your friendship problem,” Stellar Flare said. “Oh, I'm not sorry for that. Starlight and I already figured out what the problem is,” Sunburst said. “This is a terrible apology,” Stellar Flare said. “Well, if you come with me and help fix it, I'll give you a better one,” Sunburst said. Later on, the four ponies with Thomas in Starlight’s hoof as she was holding him against her chest. “Usually, Twilight or one of our other friends gets called to a place with a friendship problem to fix,” she said. “But Starlight and I realized we came here to fix a friendship problem we already had,” Sunburst said. “And maybe brought our nephew along just for a little road trip.” Thomas blushed bashfully and nuzzled with his aunt’s cheek, before she put him down on the ground for a moment. “I'm sorry I've been avoiding coming home, Dad. But you can't keep treating me like a foal,” Starlight said. “You just need to understand that I’ve grown up and moved on from other things.” “I'm sorry, sugarbun,” Firelight sighed. “I just know how hard things were for you when you left home. I guess I wanted you to feel safe, like... when you were young.” “Dad, I know I've made some mistakes, and I'll probably make a bunch more. But I learn from them. I think that's what growing up is,” Starlight said, as she hugged her father. “I'm sorry I never told you how much your plans bothered me, and I know you just want me to succeed. But I need to do that on my own,” Sunburst said. “I remember how lost you were when you flunked out of magic school. I thought as long as you had a plan, you'd never feel that way again,” Stellar Flare said. “You don't have to worry, Mom. I need to find my own way. And I definitely don't feel lost anymore,” Sunburst said. “But whatever you come up with is also fine by me.” After Sunburst hugged his mother, he and Starlight saw their cutie marks glowing, meaning their mission was a success. Thomas then smiled softly while hugging his plushie, until Starlight levitated him up and then held him against her chest for a hug. “Dad, if you promise to not treat me like a little filly and more like an adult pony, I promise I’ll come visit you more,” she said. “Whatever you say is fine, honey,” Firelight said. “And I’ll never come over to visit either if you still plan to drive me crazy,” Sunburst said. “That's lovely of you to say, dear. But you know, Firelight and I can always visit you whenever we want,” Stellar Flare said. “Thank you, Mom,” Sunburst said, until he and Starlight, with Thomas on her back left for the train station to go back to Ponyville. Thomas looked back and waved goodbye at their parents as they waved back. “Did you have a good time, honey?” Starlight asked. “Yeah. I’m sorry I got scared though,” Thomas replied. “It’s alright, sport. These things happen to those who’re a little shy,” Sunburst said. “How about if we read together on the ride home?” Starlight asked, as Thomas nodded and then went over to board the train. > Non-Compete Clause > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the School of Friendship, Rainbow Dash flew through the hallway with her speed, and made it to the conference room. “I’m here! Did I miss the Teacher of the Month announcement?” she asked. “You're just in time. But it's gonna be me,” Applejack said. “Yeah, right. I got this one nailed,” Rainbow Dash said. “And the Friendship School Teacher of the Month is... Fluttershy!” Twilight said, pointing at Fluttershy. Applejack groaned with her forelegs crossed, “Again?” “Come on!” Rainbow Dash said with frustration. “Oh, my! I don't know how I keep winning,” Fluttershy said, as Spike took her picture. “Yeah. Me, neither,” Rainbow Dash said disappointingly. “The award is based on the students' vote. They must really like you,” Twilight said, as Spike looked at her pictures on the wall. “Congratulations, Fluttershy.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash made sad faces, until Fluttershy giggled while receiving the trophy. Applejack patted Rainbow Dash’s shoulder for comfort while they look down in unamused depression. “Next item of business – I've been looking into a new activity for our friendship classes,” Twilight said. “Since we know that teamwork is a part of friendship, I’d thought I’d like to announce a field trip to give our students a lesson on teamwork. Now, I just need some volunteers.” They suddenly saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash sulking. “Whatever is the matter? You don’t look happy,” Rarity said. “Guess you were eager to win the award, huh?” Twilight asked. “How’d you know?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Being the Teacher of the Month isn’t easy, but it’s up to the students to decide,” Twilight said. “I guess you’re right,” Rainbow Dash said, as she and Applejack still felt depressed. Fluttershy then thought of an idea, “Why don’t you both take over the field trip together?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped, “WHAT?!” “Whoa there now! I think you might wanna rethink that!” Applejack said nervously. “Yeah, uh... it’s kinda too soon,” Rainbow Dash said. “Of course! Who better to model the importance of working as a team?” Twilight asked. “But we...” Rainbow Dash said, until Twilight cut her off. “Leading it is a Teacher of the Month-type job, so I thought this field trip would be a great example. Both of you are teamwork experts. If the students see the two of you teaching together, they'll learn even more. I know you've been competitive in the past, but I'm sure you'd never let that get in the way of friendship education.” “Of course!” Applejack said. “Totally!” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack and Rainbow Dash chuckled, before groaning in disappointment, “We’re doomed.” Later on, the Young Six, with Thomas riding on Silverstream’s back and holding onto her mane, were with Twilight as they started their field trip. “I've never been on a field trip before,” Ocellus said. “Yeah, what's the point of this exactly?” Smolder asked. “Getting out of the classroom. Duh,” Gallus said. “Field trips are actually part of school, but the teacher takes us somewhere for what we’re studying or learning on like to either a science or history museum or the zoo or the aquarium,” Thomas said. “Good point, Thomas,” Twilight said. “Yak best at field-tripping!” Yoga said happily. “That's what we're doing?! So fun!” Silverstream said, until Smolder caught him from falling off Silverstream, before placing him back on the hippogriff’s back. “Sorry, cutie.” Thomas nodded and then hugged the back of her neck as she gently patted his hands with her claws. Sandbar chuckled, “Pretty sure the headmare has something else in mind.” “All right, class. Today you'll learn how important working together is for building a strong friendship,” Twilight said. “So, I placed Professors Applejack and Rainbow Dash in charge.” “Hey, y'all! Ready to get out there and do some learnin' the Apple family way and the Wonderbolt way?” Applejack asked. “This is basically gonna be the best field trip in the history of ever! With me in charge, that is,” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack chuckled nervously, “That’s right. With us in charge. Meanin' mostly me and you half the time,” Applejack said. “Yeah. Good one,” Rainbow Dash said. “Are you sure you two got this?” Twilight asked. They both nodded with nervous smiles. “And what teamwork activity do you two have planned for today?” Twilight asked. “Shed buildin'!/Canoe racing! Jinx!” They both chuckled. “No... way. We get to do both?!” Silverstream asked. “I bet that's exactly what your teachers had in mind. Why don't you start with shed building first?” Twilight asked. “Heh. Don't mind if I do! Everycreature, follow the leaders!” Applejack said, as Rainbow Dash followed up ahead. “I'll check in later to see how it's going. Remember to work together!” Twilight said, as she walked back over to the school. Applejack made a deep inhale, “Now take a good, deep breath. What do you smell?” Gallus made a deep inhale as well, “Uh, yak?” Yona sniffed herself, “Mm-hmm!” “Nope. Try again,” Applejack said. “Um, apples?” Ocellus said, as Smolder made a few slices for Thomas to have. “And...? Anyone? Anyone? No? The promise of... teamwork!” Applejack said, showing them the shed. “That there's an apple shed. And this here is what we're gonna use to build it. Nothin' brings friends together like a little hard work and honest sweat.” Rainbow Dash laughed, “Sweat? Seriously? That's supposed to be part of friendship?” “Not everypony would know that, Rainbow Dash. Just "Teacher of the Month" kind o' ponies, unless that’s what you’re counting on for,” Applejack said. “Whatever. Let's just get this done so we can move on to my activity,” Rainbow Dash said. Later on, the Young Six and Thomas started constructing their Apple shed as Yona and Gallus did hammering by using Yona’s hooves as a hammer while Gallus held the nails steady, Silverstream and Ocellus carrying wood by tying them with rope and Thomas on Silverstream’s back for extra help, Sandbar painting the wood, and Smolder sawing more wood into smaller but longer pieces. “That's it! Measure twice and cut once! Haste makes waste! Slow and steady!” Applejack said. “But no rush! Just take all the time you need!” Rainbow Dash said. “Exactly! Spoken like a true teacher!” Applejack said. The students then pulled the rope with their claws and teeth, and placed the walls together, along with the door. “Okay, hold it steady!” Rainbow Dash said, as she flew up and placed the nails onto each spot as quickly as she could with her lightning kicks. “Okay, carry on,” she said, and then the students hammered the nails into the wood and then got to work on the roof. “Glad you got the right spots,” Applejack said. “Yep. Just doing something less competitive for once,” Rainbow Dash said. “Now remember, this ain’t no competition to prove who’s best at bein’ the teacher of the month. It’s just a field trip for fun and to teach these here students about teamwork,” Applejack said. “No problem. I’m just going along with it,” Rainbow Dash said. “Don't count your pictures before they're snapped, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said. “Oh, come on! These students are totally gonna vote for a teacher who gets things done!” Rainbow Dash said. “No! They're gonna vote for a teacher who gets things done right!” Applejack said. “Auntie Applejack, we’re ready,” Thomas said, as the two mares saw the roof was completed. “Well, lookie here,” Applejack said. “Now, let’s get this thing set up, nice and slow, but steady.” The students then got the roof in position and then started lowering it gently and slowly, “Okay... Steady... Steady... Take 'er nice and slow... Now just a little bit to the left, and a little bit back but on the right... Almost there...” Rainbow Dash growled, “JUST BRING IT DOWN ALREADY!!” Yona screamed and then Smolder and Gallus let go of the rope, until Rainbow Dash placed the nails on the wooden planks. “There! Done and done!” Applejack said. “Now, I do think you owe somecreature an apology.” “Sorry...” Rainbow Dash said, as Yona nodded. “So, if we’re done, how about we move on to one awesome event! Follow me! Last on there’s a rotten apple!” Rainbow Dash zoomed away, as Applejack asked Big Mac to move the shed to their farm. “Who's ready to smash the all-time Equestria speed record for river canoeing?!” Rainbow Dash asked, while wearing a red helmet and orange safety vest, and so did the other students, including Thomas after he asked to change into his swimsuit. “Is that even a thing?” Gallus asked. “First I've heard of it,” Ocellus said. “We need to get to the finish line before this alarm goes off. That means you gotta move fast! Any questions?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Uh, Yona has questions,” she said. “No time for 'em! Get in the boat!” Rainbow Dash hollered, until the students got over to the boat. “You really think winnin' some canoein' record is gonna get you that Teacher of the Month trophy?” Applejack asked. “I'm pretty sure everycreature's gonna like it a lot better than pounding nails and cutting wood,” Rainbow Dash said, as Applejack made a stern look. The students walked into the water and onto the boat, and Thomas sat on Silverstream’s lap, snuggled against her fur. “Yak not like water,” Yona said. “Sometimes, when I'm scared to try something new, I whistle,” Ocellus said, until Yona made some weak whistling. “We got you, Yona,” Gallus said as he and Sandbar helped her onto the boat. “Way I see it, Twilight's gonna give that teachin' trophy to a teacher, not a racer,” Applejack said. “We'll see about that,” Rainbow Dash said. Later on, they started canoeing as the students were oaring with the oars. “Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Harder! Put your backs into it, newbies!” Rainbow Dash said. “Stroooooke... Stroooooke... Stroooooke... Slower... Focus on your paddle technique, y'all,” Applejack said. “Woo-hoo! We're really going now!” Silverstream exclaimed. “So... when do we get to the part when we move?” Smolder asked, as the water kept splashing. “When everycreature starts listening to me, the leader of my activity, Applejack! Now stroke!” The water kept on splashing as the students kept stroking their oars. “This ain’t the Wonderbolts boot camp, Rainbow Dash! This is a school field trip! Quit treating it like a drill sergeant and act like a school teacher!” Applejack said. “Dig in, team! We can still beat that record!” Rainbow Dash said. “Stop!” Applejack said. “Go!” Rainbow Dash said. “Which way do we go?” Ocellus asked. “Left!” Rainbow Dash said. “Right!” Applejack said. “Aye-aye, captains! Wait, what?” Silverstream asked. “Left! I can see the finish line from here!” Rainbow Dash said. “If we go left, we'll be headin' straight into the bite-acuda fish!” Applejack said. “Who cares about a few fish?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You'll care plenty when they bite ya!” Applejack replied. “We'll just go around them!” Rainbow Dash said. “Rock!” Sandbar exclaimed, as the group screamed, and their canoe crashed into the rock and into pieces. The students rose back up, and gasped for air while coughing up water, until Yona’s life vest got stuck, and then torn into torn fabric and fluff. “I love field trips!” Silverstream said. “I hope you're happy,” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash scoffed, “Obviously not! Because there goes our new speed record!” Thomas’s foot suddenly got stuck onto Yona’s scarf as she started sinking. “Help! Somebody!” he exclaimed while he and Yona started drowning, “Yak not swim!” Suddenly they were both underwater as Thomas tried to swim back up while holding his breath. Silverstream and Ocellus went underwater as seaponies and then Thomas climbed onto Silverstream’s back and held onto her neck while the two girl creatures helped Yona. “That's okay! Your friends can change into creatures that do!” Ocellus said. They then met up on surface and held onto each other, and Silverstream felt Thomas hug her neck, “Thank you.” “How’s the canoeing... going?” Twilight then gasped. “Is everycreature alright?! What happened?!” “About as good as the apple shed building,” Smolder said, as Twilight saw Thomas crying in Silverstream’s fur. “Thomas? Are you alright? What happened?” “We fell in,” Thomas replied. “My foot was stuck on Yona’s scarf, and I was sinking, and I thought I was gonna die.” Twilight then nuzzled her nephew, “Shhhhhh shhhhhh... It’s okay, sweetie. It’s okay. You’re safe now.” “Oh, you poor thing,” Twilight said, as she nuzzled her nephew’s cheek and got a towel from his bag, until Silverstream wrapped it around him. “Twilight, we had everything under control on our activities, but Rainbow Dash here was forcing it like it’s the Wonderbolts boot camp for no reason, thinking it would award the trophy to a racer!” Applejack said. “It was here fault! She wrecked everything and messed them up!” Rainbow Dash said. “I did not!” Applejack said. Twilight was not amused. “They were like this the whole canoe ride,” Gallus said. “But except it was between 85 to 99%,” Sandbar said. Silverstream was still holding Thomas in her arm while he kept crying underneath her chest fur with his arms and legs curled up. Twilight then went over to talk to both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “I can’t believe you two! You’re not just teaching teamwork, but were competing against each other?! I thought you were over that!” Twilight said. “We are! Well... mostly, but it’s not my fault the boat crashed!” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, it certainly isn’t mine if you had just listened to me, then the students and our nephew would’ve been safe!” Applejack said. “Enough! Explain yourselves, now,” Twilight said. “The point is... we were just eager for being the Teacher of the Month, but one of us got carried away by treating the trip as a boot camp more than a regular school field trip,” Applejack explained. “I was just trying to keep it under control without any safety issues or accidents.” “That’s because you were so eager on taking things "nice and slow and steady," if we just sped things up a little!” Rainbow Dash said. “Stop it! Listen, the Teacher of the Month isn’t just about being best at something. It’s about who the student thinks who’s more responsible for the trophy. I know Fluttershy would be thrilled to see another pony win, because she wins because she’s very kind and responsible for her students, but you were so focused on competing each other instead of being responsible for yours,” Twilight said. “We’re sorry, Twilight. We just wanted that trophy so bad,” Rainbow Dash said. “But we never get a chance, until you chose to let us take over the trip, which we tried to warn you not to do because of our competitiveness,” Applejack said. “And what does Fluttershy have what we don’t?! We’re good teachers, but besides the fact that we have a problem with our competitive side,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, if you had a problem with that or that you didn’t want to do the trip, you could’ve just told me and maybe I could’ve hired a chaperone! You know what? That’s it! For now on, I’m taking over this field trip!” Twilight said, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up there now! Don’t be selling us out just yet,” Applejack said. “And why is that?” Twilight asked. “Because these students also worked together with building the shed, but I got carried away with speeding things up,” Rainbow Dash said. “It’s true, but I was also only trying to avoid leading our group towards the bite-acuda fish until we crashed into that rock,” Applejack said. “Hmmm... Maybe you two have learned something, after all,” Twilight said. “Does that mean you'll give us another chance?” Applejack asked. “If you’re being reasonable? We promise we’ll do it right,” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight sighed, “Fine. But this time I'm picking the next activity you two lead. A nature walk. Nopony could possibly argue over that. Right?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded in unison, “Right!” “Good. Now I expect another full report on your success, and this time, no competing, meaning no arguing, bickering or fighting, and other things. Okay?” Twilight said, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement, and then Twilight went back to the school. Later on, the group of students, with Thomas on Silverstream’s back, were following Applejack and Rainbow Dash in the woods for their nature walk, until they saw a split path up ahead. “Well, look at that. The path splits up ahead. Left or right?” Applejack said. “Ugh. Here we go again,” Smolder said, until Thomas softly squeaked with a whimper as he hid underneath Silverstream’s mane, but she patted his shoulder for comfort. “Where to, Rainbow Dash?” Applejack asked. “I was thinking right... unless you want to go left. Because what makes you happy makes mehappy,” Rainbow Dash said. “Aw, heck. Forget about me. You want to go right, we'll go right,” Applejack said. “But teamwork means listening to other ponies, so it's up to you,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, aren't you as sweet as sugar apple pie? But it's up to you,” Applejack said. “Can’t we just please move on?! This is ridiculous!” Smolder said. “Follow me! Yak know best way!” Yona said, leading the group to another path, until their teachers saw them going on ahead. “Hey! Where are y'all goin'?” Applejack asked, as they caught up. As they all went through, Applejack and Rainbow Dash kept offering to go through the tree branches, but they suddenly got stuck after going through at the same time, until Yona gave them a quick shove, and then they followed their teachers through the woods on different paths, until they found themselves near a cliff where a ravine was far from the other. “I’m getting the feeling like we’ve been going in circles 5 times,” Ocellus said. “Only because someponies won't make up their minds about which way to go,” Sandbar said. “Okay, what’s the big idea?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Don’t look at me. I’m just trying to do things our way or the other way around,” Applejack said. “Are we still on a field trip? 'Cause this just feels like being lost,” Silverstream said. “Hey! I can see the school!” Thomas said, as he stood up on the back of Silverstream’s neck. “Where?” Gallus asked. “I see it! O-over there!” Thomas said, and then Smolder flew up and took a look, until she saw the school up ahead. “He’s right, but it’s gonna take a couple of hours. We can still get back to school before dark if we cross that ravine and stop doubling back.” “Well, how do we do that? If that is unless you have a plan, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said. “Uh, yup! All we have to do is, uh... build a bridge 'cross that, uh, giant canyon, and we're home free. That is, if-if you think a bridge is a good idea,” Applejack said. “Only if you want to build a bridge,” Rainbow Dash said. “Stop! Listen. We can just fly everyone over and be done,” Gallus said angrily. “Nope! There's still plenty o' time to teach y'all a lesson in teamwork,” Applejack said. “Cooperation, and togetherness!” Rainbow Dash said. “How right you are!” Applejack said. “Okay! We'll build a bridge! What do we use?” Smolder asked. “What about that?” Thomas saw a log up ahead, but didn’t know that there were vines around the branches and roots underneath. “Good thinkin’, sugarcube!” Applejack said. “Now, y’all just wait right here, and we’ll go first.” “Just to make sure if it’s safe or not,” Rainbow Dash said, and then as she and Applejack went on ahead, and they both made a bridge made of vines and branches to go along with it, and then they kept making it without falling over. “Uh, at least now they're agreeing on something,” Ocellus said. “Okay, now just be careful now,” Applejack said as she took a softer step with Rainbow Dash by her side, but she suddenly made the log crack underneath. “Uh-oh...” they said in unison, before they screamed and fell out of the log, making themselves trapped and hanging in a cage made of the branches and vines. The Young Six and Thomas looked at them, with gasps of shock. Rainbow Dash grunted while trying to get loose, “I can't get out!” “Let me try,” Applejack said, until grunted trying to get out by using a lasso made of the vines, but she missed as it fell towards the water. The vines started cracking, until they heard teeth snapping. “Let me guess. Bite-acudas?” Rainbow Dash asked. They saw the fish as they had big chomping jaws, green scaly skin, wing shaped fins and piranha shaped bodies. “Mm-hmm,” Applejack said, as she and Rainbow Dash saw them swimming around them both. “And they look mighty hungry.” “We gotta get our professors out of there! Anycreature have a plan?” Sandbar asked. “Leave 'em hangin'?” Gallus asked rudely. “What?!” Silverstream and Thomas asked in unison. “I'm kidding! ...Kinda,” Gallus said sarcastically. “I don’t wanna lose them!” Thomas said, while whimpering underneath Silverstream’s fur while she was holding him against her chest. “Don’t worry, sweetie. We’ll save them,” she said while gently stroking him with her claws. “We need to work fast! And together!” Ocellus said. Until they heard the vines snapping. “But mainly fast,” Smolder said. Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash and spoke up, “I hate to admit it, but—“ The vines started snapping again. “...this whole mess is kinda our fault.” “Yeah. No trophy is worth getting eaten over,” Rainbow Dash said. “So what do ya say? You want to team up and get ourselves out of this here pickle barrel?” Applejack asked. “I thought you'd never ask,” Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly, as they saw a big arctic blue and pinkish red bite-acuda, Rainbow Dash and Applejack screamed as they heard it speak. “Aah! Don't worry. I'm just the distraction,” she said, as the two mares knew who it was. “Ocellus?!” Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack sighed, “You nearly scared the cutie marks off us!” Ocellus went towards the bite-acudas and made roaring and chomping sounds, as the hungrily angry fish were chased by the changeling. The last few vines snapped, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack screaming, until they were caught by Silverstream and Gallus. “Need a lift?” Silverstream asked, as she and Gallus escorted their professors to the surface. “Yak smash!” Yona’s said, as she used her hooves and horns to pry the cage open, and then Thomas hugged his aunts on the front legs, as the hugged them back. “Welcome back, professors!” Sandbar said. “I thought I’d never see you again!” Thomas whimpered. “Don’t worry, little feller. We’re here now,” Applejack said motherly, while patting his backside and while Rainbow Dash used her wing, but then she decided to hold him against her chest. “Now, that was a rescue!” Rainbow Dash said. “And y'all did it together!” Applejack said. The Young Six, including Thomas cheered for their teamwork. “No big. Those fish weren't even a thing,” Gallus said, until the fish Ocellus growled at Gallus, making him scream. Ocellus chuckled, “Oops. Sorry.” She then turned back into her regular form. Silverstream giggled, “Best... field trip... ever!” “Can we go home now? Please?” Thomas asked, and then the two mares nodded. Back at the school, Twilight was waiting for the group to return, until she saw them return, and Thomas on Silverstream’s back. “Huh? How was the field trip? What did you all learn?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other, “Uhhhh...” “Yak learn ponies smart!” Yona said. “Yeah! Professors Applejack and Rainbow Dash were such good teachers!” Silverstream said. “But I didn’t like them fighting,” Thomas said, as Smolder patted his shoulder. “It was kind of crazy genius. They showed us what not to do so we'd figure out what we should do,” Gallus said. “Really...?” Twilight asked. “Mmhmm,” Thomas said while nodding. “It took us a while to get it,” Sandbar said. “Especially at the ravine. It would've been so much easier to just fly home,” Smolder said. “But I didn’t want to scare the little guy since he’s timid most of the time.” “But instead, our professors built bridges the wrong way just to show us how important teamwork is,” Silverstream said,a she let Thomas lay on her arm and curled against her chest. “Yeah, and we saved their lives by working together,” Thomas said. “Yeah. That was super dangerous. Talk about commitment,” Gallus said. “We know it's too early to pick the Teacher of the Month. But we'd like you to consider Auntie Rainbow Dash and Auntie Applejack,” Thomas said. “Plus, it’d be more fun with them as the Teachers of the Month,” Ocellus said. “Thank you for telling me. I'm so glad to hear your field trip was a success. I'll make sure to schedule another one right away,” Twilight said. “Now why don’t you go enjoy yourselves for a little while, and Thomas? Fluttershy’s waiting for you to head home.” Thomas nodded and then left to go meet up with his mother. The Young Six cheered, and then went to their dorms. “You were actually just competing the entire time, weren't you?” Twilight asked. “To tell you the truth... yeah,” Applejack said. “Well, not all the time. I agreed with you for the whole nature walk,” Rainbow Dash said. “Only 'cause you were anglin' for that Teacher of the Month award!” Applejack said. “You were also the one doing the "angling"!” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack scoffed, “You were more like fandanglin'!” “What does that even mean?! No one here can understand your country bumpkin talk...!” Rainbow Dash said. “Look, we all live in the same town here...!” Applejack said. Twilight cleared her throat, “Are you two done?” They both nodded, “So, since you’ve both learned that teamwork is a part of the pillars of friendship, and that you learned your lesson on competing each other, I’d like to present you these.” Spike took their picture as they hoof-bumped each other, and then got their trophies. “They’re announcing you both as Teachers of the Month! Congratulations, you two!” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash and Applejack cheered for their accomplishment and then Twilight walked away to place their picture on the wall. > A Big Heartfelt Crush & A Special Somepony for Thomas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the way home from school, Thomas walked with the Crusaders, his big sisters on a relaxing sunny day as they reached Ponyville. “Such a nice afternoon, huh?” Thomas asked, while riding on Sweetie Belle’s back. “Yeah, it sure is,” she replied. “And I can’t wait to show you what my sister was doing!” They then went over to the boutique and saw a box full of old costumes and clothes, “Rarity's reorganizing her shop, and look what she found! Old costumes from the talent show!” “We thought they'd come in handy in case we ever help a pony put on a play or need to make a quick escape disguised as clowns,” Scootaloo said. “Wow!” Apple Bloom said, until they saw two fillies they recognized. It was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the reformed bullies from elementary school. They were laying on their lounge chairs underneath the shade of their umbrellas at Diamond’s swimming pool at her house. Silver Spoon saw Diamond Tiara softly blushing while laying her eyes on Thomas who was with the CMC at the entrance of the School of Friendship. “Diamond, you still have a crush on the little guy, don’t you?” She gave her friend a light smirk. “Hmm?” Diamond Tiara asked while shaking her head out of her starry eyed daydreaming look on Thomas as she turned to Silver Spoon. “Did you say something?” She blinked her eyes and looked at her friend curiously. “Diamond, it’s okay. You can tell me. You do have a crush on Thomas, don’t you? Fluttershy’s adopted son?” Silver Spoon asked., while giving Diamond Tiara a soft smile as she looked over at the small child with the three fillies. Diamond Tiara then blushed and let out a sigh, “Yeah. Well, I really do like him. I mean he is so cute and very sweet, but what makes him a real sweetie pie is that he is so kind towards others, especially me.” She then placed her hoof underneath her chin while smiling warmly as she looked over Thomas. “He treats everypony with so much love from his heart even after all that he’s been through, but...” She then lowered her head a bit. Silver Spoon then looked at her with concern. “But what, Diamond? What’s wrong?” She asked. Diamond Tiara then let out a deep sigh, “Well, there’s nothing wrong, but it is that whenever he treats others respectfully, he never asks for anything in return, and he’s always there for others, and I think that’s another thing I like about him.” A sudden bright smile formed across her face as she looked at the calendar, seeing the date that said “Hearts and Hooves Day” and suddenly got an idea, “I want to do something special for him on Hearts and Hooves Day this weekend, Silver Spoon!” Silver Spoon gasped, returning the smile, “Oh, that sounds like a good idea, Diamond! Maybe he’ll come up with something too, but if you have an idea as well.” Diamond Tiara nodded and then they both came up with ideas. They noticed Diamond Tiara was blushing, then they looked at Thomas. “Hey, little brother. Look at who’s looking over there at you,” Scootaloo said, as Thomas turned his head and looked to see Diamond Tiara looking at him with a light red blush on her cheeks as she waved a forehoof at him, until Thomas swallowed deeply and waved a hand at her with a blush of his own, and then turned back to the three fillies after they went inside the house. Scootaloo gave a soft smirk while looking at the little boy, “Sounds like somepony special still has a crush on our cool little brother, like always.” “Aww... I remember the time you danced with her at the Gala. But that is so sweet, isn’t it, Thomas?” Sweetie Belle said, while rubbing her hoof at his back. Thomas then lowered his head while both blushing and lightly crying. “Thomas? Hey, what’s the matter?” Apple Bloom asked. “I... I do like Diamond Tiara, but I’m too young for romance, and I’m a human.” He gave a frown while rubbing his arm. “I just don’t want other ponies to laugh at us, even at Diamond Tiara. I just want her to be safe.” “So, you gave up on the romantic thing and just treated each other as friends?” Scootaloo asked. Thomas shook his head, until Sweetie Belle spoke up, “He’s shy, that’s why. About asking her out?” “Oh... Maybe you need time to think,” Apple Bloom said. Thomas nodded, and then the fillies took him home to the cottage where Fluttershy lived as he rode on Apple Bloom’s back. While they were approaching Fluttershy’s cottage, they saw her outside getting the mail after watering her flowers and other plants. As she went inside, Apple Bloom stopped to let him climb off her back and then watched as he went inside. Her and the other two then went to the window so they wouldn’t be noticed. “Hi, Momma. I’m back,” Thomas said with depression about the filly of his dreams. Fluttershy saw the look on his face as she finished sorting the mail, and went over to her son, “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing. I’m fine. Just a little bit tired,” Thomas said, hiding his true feelings for Diamond Tiara. Fluttershy hugged her son closer, as he wrapped his arms around her neck and laid his head on her chest and underneath her neck as she laid her head on top of his shoulder and wrapped a foreleg around his back. “Shhhhhh... There, there, sweetheart. Now how about if you put your book bag upstairs and I’ll make you something to eat after you have a nice nap?” she suggested, and then after Thomas hugged at her foreleg, he went upstairs to unpack his book bag and do his homework. When he finished, Thomas laid on his bed and began to cry while hugging his Snuggle Bear teddy before he started his nap to make him feel better. Suddenly, without the two noticing, the Crusaders were outside the cottage listening to their conversation. “Wow... he really wants to do something nice for Diamond Tiara, but he doesn’t have the heart,” Scootaloo said. “Oh, poor little cutie...” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah, he sure misses her. Maybe he’s been spendin’ too much time away from her,” Apple Bloom said, until an idea came to her head. “This calls for some thinkin’! To the clubhouse!” When the girls went to Sweet Apple Acres with their costumes, they were in their clubhouse still coming up with ideas about Thomas’s special time to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day with Diamond Tiara. “Oh! I know! How about if we take them out to a movie or a play together?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Nah, that sounds kinda mushy,” Scootaloo said. “Besides, I don’t think the little dude will want to watch his special somepony go too googly-eyed on him. He’s like 6 years old.” “Well, you didn’t have to be so mean, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle huffed before sitting on her haunches crossing her forelegs against her chest. “I wasn’t being mean, Sweetie Belle. I was just saying, he might be uncomfortable if something too mushy happened,” Scootaloo said. “It’s gotta be something he would enjoy, not what you would...” “Will ya two knock it off?” Apple Bloom , as they both nodded. “Good, now let’s just think of an idea. What would be a good surprise that would be special enough for both Diamond Tiara and Thomas, but nothing too romantic.” All three of them sat on their haunches and then placed their forehooves to their chins in a thinking matter, while they began brainstorming ideas. Suddenly, Apple Bloom got an idea. “Wait! I got it!” I think I know what we can do to give Thomas the best Hearts and Hooves Day!” She rubbed her forehooves together making a sly smirk on her face. “What is it, Apple Bloom?” They asked in unison. Apple Bloom then wrapped her forelegs around each of their necks and brought the other two forward for a huddle. She then began whispering in their ears about her idea, as they both made smiling gasps of excitement and sly grins, and nodded. “So what do ya both say? Are ya up for it or what?” Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “You bet I am!” Scootaloo said. “I like it too, Apple Bloom. It sounds just perfectly right for both Diamond Tiara and our cutie of a little brother,” Sweetie Belle said while beaming with a smile. “Let’s put them together, girls. As we solemnly swear to make this a special moment for Diamond Tiara and our little brother,” Apple Bloom said, as she lifted her hoof up and placed it forward, until Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle placed their on hers. “So, what are we, girls?” “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS BIG SISTERS!! YAY!!” they shouted in unison, as they giggled and then talked about their plan throughout the day. The next day, as dawn began to break on Hearts and Hooves Day, Apple Bloom was awake as she was preparing for the big day for her little brother. “I sure can’t wait to give our little buddy the best Hearts and Hooves Day ever!” She said with a bright smile, until she heard the triangle ring, and Applejack calling out, “Breakfast!” She then went downstairs. When Apple Bloom entered the first floor, the scent of a warm and fresh home-cooked breakfast began wafting through the entire house. ‘Mmmmm... That smells delicious,’ she thought to herself as she went over to the kitchen and saw Applejack and Big Mac making breakfast, “Good mornin’, Apple Family.” She then giggled while taking her seat at the table. “Well, good mornin’, sugarcube. And it sure looks like ya look like you’re in a good mood today,” Applejack said, while smiling warmly at her little sister and placed a plate of hay cakes with butter and syrup, and apple cider in front of the filly. “I am in a good mood today, big sis,” Apple Bloom replied as she then dug into her hay cakes. “So, what’s gotten ya in the good mood?” Applejack asked, as she went to get her breakfast. Apple Bloom swallowed her mouthful and then spoke, “Well, yesterday, Thomas was blushing over somepony he likes, but never sees. Since he misses her, me and the girls are goin’ to give Thomas the best first Hearts and Hooves Day he ever had. We’re workin’ on gifts right now.” “Aww... Well, that’s mighty sweet of ya girls,” Applejack said, rubbing her sister’s head with her hoof. “I’m sure the little feller will like whatever gifts you three have planned for him.” She then sat down and started eating her breakfast, along with Big Mac and Granny Smith. “Well, we did have this one idea,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re getting him gifts for him to give Diamond Tiara, so that he won’t forget or have trouble looking for gifts.” “That’s nice of ya, li’l sis,” Applejack said. “I do have this one gift for Thomas to give her, but can I tell ya so that y’all can keep it to yourselves?” Apple Bloom asked. “Sure thing, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, and then Apple Bloom told them her and the other two’s plan for their little brother’s first Hearts and Hooves Day. Later on, after breakfast, across town in the Carousel Boutique, Sweetie Belle was putting together her part of the surprise for Thomas, after drawing a couple of sketches for a few outfits. “And there... all finished,” she then beamed at her work with starry eyes and a cute smile. “Oh, our little brother is going to love this!” She then heard Rarity walk in, “Sweetie Belle? What are you doing, darling?” Sweetie Belle turned around and saw Rarity with a confused brow and a soft smile, until she saw what her sister was working on. “Oh my, that is marvelous, darling, but who is it for exactly?” “Oh, I’m just doing something for Thomas to give to his special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day today. Me, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are working on our gifts so that we can give our little brother the best first Hearts and Hooves Day he ever had” Sweetie Belle said, while beaming with excitement. Rarity smiled warmly at her sister with her hoof over her chest, “Awwww... Well, that is very sweet of you girls to do something special for the little darling. I’m sure my darling and precious little nephew will enjoy his first Hearts and Hooves Day.” She then ruffled her sister’s mane with her hoof. “Oh! I’ve gotta go meet the girls at the clubhouse!” Sweetie Belle said, as she grabbed her part of the surprise and placed it carefully in her right saddlebag, and trotted over to the door, but hugged Rarity one more time. “Bye, Rarity! I’ll tell you about it later!” “Bye, Sweetie Belle darling! Have fun!” Rarity said, waving a hoof at her sister while seeing the filly running over to Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity then shook her head and sighed softly, “I sure do hope those girls know what they’re doing, especially since it’s about my darling little nephew.” She then walked over to the kitchen to wash the dishes from breakfast. Scootaloo exited Sugarcube Corner with a small box on her back, and looked back at the Cakes and Pinkie Pie, “Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I’ll tell your nephew, Thomas you said hello, Pinkie!” She then started walking over to Sweet Apple Acres for their meeting at the clubhouse. “These will be a perfect Hearts and Hooves Day treat for Diamond Tiara and our awesome little brother.” Arriving up ahead at the clubhouse, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo suddenly saw Apple Bloom sitting at a table near the barn at Sweet Apple Acres with four roses in red, dark and light pink, and white with a red bow ribbon wrapped around the stems. “Hey, girls. Do y’all have your gifts?” The other two nodded in unison and showed her what they got. “I got two cupcakes so that they can share one with each other,” Scootaloo smiled as she placed the box with the cupcakes on the table beside the roses. “And I got a card. Rarity let me use a few gems and I used some pink and red glitter to decorate it with,” Sweetie Belle said, as she laid the card down. She and Scootaloo looked and saw the roses on the table, “Uh... Apple Bloom, aren’t roses supposed to be red?” “Well, while I was trying to choose which ones to choose from at the flower shop, I couldn’t help it since these colors mean something in common. Until suddenly, Zecora came to visit Ponyville for something to make her brews, so I asked her for help until she told me what they represent. For example, red represents love, passion and respect. Dark pink represents gratitude and appreciation. Light pink represents grace, admiration, happiness and friendship. White represents purity, innocence and young love,” Apple Bloom said. “Those are all the traits that our little brother has.” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement as they understood the meaning of the roses. Apple Bloom grabbed a picnic basket and they placed the items inside gently, and then they started walking over to Fluttershy’s cottage. Thomas woke up and got out of his bed with his Spider-Man pajamas on him, along with his robe and slippers. He then yawned and rubbed his eyes. He then went downstairs for breakfast, as he saw Fluttershy making some scrambled eggs and hay hash browns, while adding some tea and toast for herself. “Hey, Momma,” Thomas said softly while yawning. “Oh! Hello, sweetheart. My, you look sleepy,” Fluttershy said. “I’m fine. Just had trouble sleeping,” Thomas said. “Still thinking about her? Diamond Tiara?” Fluttershy asked a she placed his plate of eggs and hay hash browns. Thomas nodded, and then ate his breakfast. Fluttershy then kissed his cheek, and then sat down with him. While they were eating together, Fluttershy finished her toast, until she and her son heard a knock on the door. “Oh my... Hmm... I wonder who that could be,” she said, as the mare got up and walked over to the door to answer it. She opened it to reveal the CMC’s with their gift basket. “Oh! Umm... Hello, girls,” Fluttershy said. “Hey, Fluttershy! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” they shouted in unison. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too as well, girls. Please come in,” Fluttershy said, giving them a soft smile and stepping aside to let them into her cottage, before the fillies trotted inside. They then saw their little brother, who was almost finished with his breakfast. “Hey, little brother! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” They said as they trotted over to him with the gift basket. “Hey, big sisters,” Thomas said. “We’ve got ya your gifts for your special somepony since it’s your first Hearts and Hooves Day,” Scootaloo said, as they showed him the basket, with the cupcakes, the roses, and the card. “It’s beautiful,” Thomas said, until he stood up and received a big warm hug from the three. Fluttershy giggled softly with a hoof over her lips, and then walked over to them to take her son’s plate, “I’ve got it, sweetheart.” Thomas nodded, “Thank you, Momma.” Fluttershy nodded, and went to the sink to wash their dishes from breakfast. “Hey little buddy, how would you like to spend some time with your big sisters at Sweet Apple Acres for today? We can help you practice your date with your special somepony,” Scootaloo asked as all three of them gave him hopeful smiles. Thomas nodded and then walked over to his mother while she finished washing their plates, “Momma, would it be okay if I go over to Auntie Applejack’s farm with my big sisters?” Fluttershy smiled warmly down at her son giving him a soft nod in reply, and kissed him on his forehead, “Of course, sweetheart. That’s fine with me.” She giggled while gently nuzzling her muzzle against her son’s face, and then as he wrapped his arms around her neck while laying his head against her chest and underneath her neck, she smiled warmly with a soft sigh and hugged him back with a foreleg around his back and shoulders. “Thank you, Momma,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, sweetie,” Fluttershy said, as she kissed him on the forehead, and then let him look up at her. “Now, go get dressed.” Thomas looked up at his mom and nodded, “Okay, Momma.” He smiled brightly and then broke the hug and ran upstairs to get changed into his clothes. Fluttershy then noticed the basket that Sweetie Belle was holding. “Umm... girls... what’s in the basket?” She looked at them curiously with a soft smile. The Crusaders realized that she was their brother’s mother, so they knew it was time to tell her the truth, so Apple Bloom spoke up. “Well, Fluttershy, we only want to do something special for Thomas for his first Hearts and Hooves Day,” she smiled as the other two nodded in agreement. “Also, there’s also a pony he used to go to the elementary school with Ms. Cheerliee who really likes Thomas.” Fluttershy gave a look of surprise at the fillies, “Oh my, really? Umm... if a mother may ask, girls... who is this special somepony?” “Diamond Tiara, the reformed school bully,” Sweetie Belle said. “And she really likes Thomas. We can tell, because most of the time, when they’re around each other whenever they want, they blush at each other. It’s so adorable,” she beamed with starry eyes and a cute smile. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom nodded, and then giggled at their friend’s excitement, but lightheartedly. Fluttershy placed her hoof over her chest, as she was proud that her son has a girlfriend. “Are you mad at us?” Apple Bloom asked. Fluttershy shook her head, “Oh, no no no no, of course I’m not mad at you girls. I just think it’s a very sweet idea to have you three help him, since you’ve been like big sisters to him. I’m also very proud of you, including your sisters and families.” The Crusaders nodded with starry smiles in agreement, until they saw their little brother coming downstairs. “I brushed my teeth, Momma,” he said. Thomas was wearing his red and heathery blue striped white t-shirt underneath his gree and blue plaid black fleece, blue jeans and black and white converse sneakers. Thomas then hugged his mother as she leaned down to nuzzle her nose against his, “Now you be good and do be careful, and have fun, okay, Thomas?” She gave him one more kiss on the forehead. He nodded up at her and then broke the hug, “Okay, Momma. I’ll be back before bedtime.” He then went up to his big sisters as Sweetie Belle leaned down to let him climb up onto her back. “Don’t ya worry about a thing, Fluttershy. We’ll watch over him,” Apple Bloom said, as she and the fillies, and Thomas riding on Sweetie Belle’s back left the cottage. Fluttershy waved her hoof at them and they returned the wave, as they made their way over to Sweet Apple Acres. As they got over to Sweet Apple Acres, Thomas looked through the basked and made sure he got everything to give to Diamond Tiara for Hearts and Hooves Day. “Okay, so each of us got you these to give to Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo got you and her some cupcakes, but made them a little bit bigger, and made with extra chocolate. I got some roses in four colors. Sweetie Belle made a card for you to give to her,” Apple Bloom said. “Cool,” Thomas said. “Now, I just need to find somewhere to spend the day with.” “Oh! Why not the park?!” Sweetie Belle asked. “That could work. Thanks, Sweetie Belle,” Thomas said. “No problem, cutie,” Sweetie Belle said. As they were about to go see Diamond Tiara, they suddenly saw an green apple tumbling, until they looked and saw Big Mac loading up a cart full of baskets filled with apples. “Here ya go, Big Mac. Ya dropped this,” she said, as Big Mac placed the apple back into the basket. “Whoa, that sure is a lot of apples!” Scootaloo said. “Are you makin' another delivery to Starlight's old village?” Apple Bloom asked. “Eeyup,” Big Mac replied. “That's an awful long way for a pony to go, isn't it?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Eeyup,” Big Mac replied again. “You've been goin' there a lot lately. What is this, your fifth trip this week?” Apple Bloom asked, until Big Mac laughed nervously with a blush on his cheeks, “Eeyup.” “Okay, well, have fun. So which part of the park do ya want to meet Diamond, Thomas?” Apple Bloom asked. “Are you crazy?! We can't talk about gifts at a time like this!” Scootaloo said. “Time like what?” Apple Bloom asked. “Your brother is hiding something. Did you see the way he was acting?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah. He totally blushed when you brought up how often he's been going to Starlight's old village,” Sweetie Belle said. “He’s going to Auntie Starlight’s old village, where she was evil?” Thomas asked, as the fillies nodded. “Something is definitely going on. There can be only be one reason a pony would travel so far, so often,” Scootaloo said. “He's taking private skiing lessons!” “He's training for a marathon!” “I've been cooking a lot of broccoli...” Apple Bloom chuckled nervously, “...and he wants to get away from the smell!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Thomas started laughing. “Maybe he's a spy on a mission to thwart an evil villain with a secret weapon: an apple cannon!” Scootaloo said. “No, that's crazy! I think it's my broccoli thing,” Apple Bloom said. “Why don't we just ask him?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You saw how shifty he was acting earlier. There's no way he'll tell us what he's doing,” Scootaloo said, putting on her clown wig. “Plus, I really wanna go undercover. We already have costumes! Call me "Agent Rainbowhead".” “I'll be "Shimmering Spectacles", a librarian with a mysterious past,” Sweetie Belle said, wearing a nose and mustache glasses, along with a detective hat. “And I'll be a pirate spy! Arrrgh! A spy-rate!” Apple Bloom said. “Maybe I can wear this!” Thomas said, wearing a blue baseball cap with a green question mark with a yellow outline and a yellow exclamation point with a green outline. “Of course! We forgot about our super sleuth for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah! Our favorite world famous detective in Ponyville!” Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom gasped as she saw Big Mac leaving with the cart, “Avast! Our ship be leavin' port!” “Huh?” Scootaloo asked. “Big Mac's leavin'! If we're gonna be spies, we gotta go! Now!” Apple Bloom said, as she leaned down to let Thomas climb up on her back and they caught up with the cart and hid underneath the blanket. On the way over, the Crusaders were reading a book, and Thomas fell asleep next to Sweetie Belle as he leaned by her side. Suddenly, the cart stopped and they heard Big Mac whistling. “Big Mac's a-comin'! Quick! Act like apples!” Apple Bloom said, as Big Mac took a basket full of apples, and then walked over to the bakery without noticing the Crusaders and Thomas on the cart, as they stood up confused. “What? How?” Sweetie Belle asked, as Thomas looked through the binoculars. “Hey! Look!” he said, as Sweetie Belle took the binoculars and looked through them, and saw Big Mac giving the basket to a unicorn mare with pale cerise fur, a puffy moderate magenta mane and tail with turquoise and cyan beads, moderate cerise eyes, and her flank had a cutie mark of a vanilla cupcake with purple frosting and a cherry. “Who's that pony?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Let me see!” Scootaloo said, as she took the binoculars and saw Big Mac and Sugar Belle laughing. “I dunno. Shouldn't have taken the binoculars. I don't know anypony here.” “Me neither,” Thomas said. “That must be Sugar Belle. Applejack told me about her bakery. Obviously, she's just been orderin' a lot of apples,” Apple Bloom said, as the door to Sugar Belle’s bakery opened and her and Big Mac entered the shop. “So nothing fishy's going on,” Sweetie Belle said. “No way! We came here to be spies! And no spy I know has ever solved a case that quick!” Scootaloo said. “Mmm, how many spies do you know?” Thomas asked. “That's... not important. What's important is that we do more recon. Follow my lead!” Scootaloo said. Thomas, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded in unison, and then followed Scootaloo towards the window, and saw Big Mac talking to Sugar Belle. “Whoa. She sure likes her apples,” Thomas said. “Yeah, totally,” Apple Bloom said. “What is she doing? Making the biggest apple pie in Equestria?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Shhhhhh! Listen,” Scootaloo said, as Thomas took notes with his notebook. “Thanks for coming all this way, Big Mac,” Sugar Belle said, as Big Mac made a whinnying laugh. “It sure is nice seeing you again so soon. “Eeyup,” Big Mac giggled. “All I used to bake were boring old muffins, but thanks to your apple deliveries, I get to bake all kinds of delicious treats! Apple pies, apple fritters, apple turnovers, caramel apples, caramel apple cakes... [sighs] I just wish I had more room to display it all. My shelves only hold so much,” Sugar Belle said. “I'm tellin' you, this pony reeeeaaally likes her apples,” Apple Bloom said, as Thomas showed them a picture of hearts over what looked like a doodle of Big Mac and Sugar Belle. Sweetie Belle gasped, “Or Big Mac!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were confused, “Huh?” “Just look!” Sweetie Belle said, as they looked from Thomas’s notes to Sugar Belle and Bug Mac, as they accidentally bumped their muzzles into each other. “Ooh! Uh...” Sugar Belle giggled. “Oh, I...” Big Mac giggled. “Sweetie Belle, I-I think you're right! I think my brother has a crush!” Apple Bloom said, as they kept listening to the conversation. Big Mac came out of Sugar Belle’s bakery and walked over to the cart, until he heard a voice, “Psst! Big Mac!” Apple Bloom then looked at the Crusaders, “Now remember, my brother's super shy, so he's probably gonna be embarrassed about his crush. Just try and make him feel comfortable.” They nodded, and then took off their disguises, “Hey, Big Mac, it's me! Apple Bloom!” “Eeyup,” Big Mac said. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo took of their disguises, but Thomas kept his cap on, “We're here, too!” “Mm-hmm,” Big Mac said. “I'm gonna ask you a very personal question, and I want you to answer honestly. Do you... have a crush on... Sugar Belle?” Apple Bloom asked. “Eeyup,” Big Mac replied. “Well, that was easy,” Scootaloo said. “This is so excitin'! My big brother has his very first crush!” Apple Bloom said. “First crush? What about Cheerilee?” Scootaloo said. “It doesn't really count when you trick a pony into drinking a love potion, does it?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Nnope!” Big Mac replied angrily. “Wait! Does Sugar Belle even know you like her?” Apple Bloom asked. “Uh-uh,” Big Mac replied. “Then you gotta tell her!” Thomas said. “O-Oh... eh... ehhhh...” Big Mac stuttered nervously. “We're pretty sure she likes you! I mean, she keeps ordering apples just so she can see you again,” Sweetie Belle said, as Thomas showed him his sketch. “Eeeyou think so?” Big Mac asked. “Totally! But you'll never know if you don't try,” Scootaloo said. “Okay!” Big Mac said, as he saw Thomas hand him some purplish blue flowers to give to Sugar Belle. “Go get her, Big Mac!” Thomas said, as Big Mac went back over to Sugar Belle’s bakery and knocked on her door. She answered it, and smiled romantically at him as he was about to hand her the flowers, but a earth pony shoved Big Mac out of the way. He had light gold fur, moderate orange wavy mane and tail with light amberish gray tips on his mane, and moderate harlequin eyes, and his flank had a cutie mark of a feather between two red hearts. “Hey, girl. Heh-heh. I was writin' poetry by the pond when I saw these flowers. I thought I'd show them how pretty you are,” he said in a California accent, and handing her a couple of red roses forming a heart. “Oh! Heh. Thanks, Feather Bangs,” Sugar Belle said. Big Mac made a sad snort and then left with sad depression and a broken heart. “Um, is it possible to have two crushes at once? Because it looks like Big Mac may not be the only pony Sugar Belle likes,” Scootaloo said. “Hey, Big Mac! Where ya goin'?” Apple Bloom asked. “Home!” Big Mac replied. “You can't let that Feather fella get in the way of your one true love!” Sweetie Belle said. “You've gotta take him down!” Scootaloo said. “What can he do that you can't?” Apple Bloom asked. “That,” Thomas said, as he saw Feather Bangs juggling in front of Sugar Belle. “Whoops! Heh-heh. These balls are like you. I'll always catch you if you fall,” Feather Bangs said, as three mares were swooning at his handsomeness. “Seriously? That line worked?” Scootaloo said. “She'll never pick me,” Big Mac said as Thomas hugged him. “Sure she will, Big Mac,” Thomas said. “Yeah, 'cause we're gonna help you,” Apple Bloom said. “Alright, but no love potions!” Big Mac said. The Cutie Mark Crusaders laughed together. “Don't worry, Big Mac. We learned our lesson the hard way,” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah. We're never gonna do that again,” Scootaloo said. “Besides, I know exactly what we’re going to do,” Sweetie Belle said. “When I was younger, I read all the fairy tales.” Scootaloo looked at her with confusion, until Sweetie Belle spoke up, “When I was younger on the way here! It was a long ride! Anyway, as long as we do what the book says, you’re pretty much guaranteed a happy ending.” “But if it doesn’t work, we’ll let Thomas pick out the next plan, since he’s also a Cutie Mark Crusader,” Scootaloo said. “Fair enough. So, for now, how about this one? “Rescuing a damsel-pony-in-distress.” That’s perfect! Of course, we’ll have to improvise without a dragon,” Sweetie Belle said. “But how about a thief?” Thomas asked. “Good idea! And I know just the thief for it!” Apple Bloom said, as she dressed up Scootaloo as a masked bandit with a ninja mask, and Big Mac took his place. “Okay, now Scootaloo’s gonna pretend to take Sugar Belle’s things, and then you swoop in and steal it back and hand it back to her, alright?” Apple Bloom asked. Big Mac replied, “Eeyup.” While Sugar Belle was walking down towards her bakery, Scootaloo swooped over and took her bags. “Oh! Somepony, help!” she shouted. Scootaloo kept running, until Big Mac stopped the fake bandit, but Feather Bangs took them before Big Mac could catch them and then gave them to Sugar Belle, “Here’s your sugar, Sugar. Though it’s not as sweet...” he chuckled, “...as you.” The three mares swooned at him again, and Sugar Belle sighed, “Thank you, Feather!” “Feather pony cheated!” Thomas said. “That smooth-talkin’ pony stole our rescue! And it totally would’ve worked!” Apple Bloom said. “Eeyup,” Big Mac said angrily. “Well, we’re just gonna have to keep trying! Big Mac, are you ready to take it up a notch?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Oh, yup!” Big Mac said, as he felt nervous while wearing a blue and white Shakespearean outfit. “Oh, nope.” “Trust us! Nothing’s more romantic than a special type of poetic sonnet to come up with, maybe even letting her kiss you at the end,” Sweetie Belle said, until she and Thomas showed him the page in the book. “See? "Thy handsome and valiant prince approaches!" Just like this.” “No sign of that meaner either, but I still don’t like this idea,” Thomas said. “It’s now or never, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom said. Big Mac then gulped, and made nervous sounds until he saw some flowers and kneeled down. Sugar Belle gasped happily, but suddenly Feather Bangs got in the way again, “Oh-ho-ho, girl, you’ve been working hard all day. Allow me to treat you like the princess...” he chuckled, “...you are.” The swooning mares swooned at him again, as Feather Bangs took Sugar Belle somewhere calm and quiet. “Hey! That meaner cheated again! No fair!” Thomas said. “And that was our metamorphical happy ending!” Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo spoke up, “All right! This ends now! Feather Bangs may have good timing, and... a good mane... Uh, but let’s see him compete... with something that our little brother might come up with!” “Well... I kinda have this one idea,” Thomas said, as he explained it to Big Mac and the CMC. “Come on, Big Mac! Ya can do better than him! Just tell her and she’ll accept ya!” Apple Bloom said. Big Mac nodded and then began to tell Sugar Belle how he feels, but suddenly as Thomas played the music on the record player, he began singing. We'll take a walk down by the river Watch the sunset from the field We'll plant the seeds of love together And water 'em right for a really good yield Sugar Belle, sweet as pie You're the apple of my eye A cherry blossom in a field of rye And when the heifer's milked and fed And the pigs are in the sty Won't you be there by my side? Oh, oh Oh, ah-oh When you appeared before me My heart stopped beating Stars crossed the sky To come see what I was seeing You were the one That made me believe I could fly Whoa, whoa, whoa Birds could not sing A song that's as beautiful I'd do anything That's irrefutable 'Cause you are the sun Painting my heart in the sky (whoa-oh, oh) Sugar, Sugar Belle, whoa-oh When will you tell me that you feel the same? Like an angel on a candy cane Or the sunlight shining through a drain Sugar Belle, when I look in your eyes... *ahem* ...I see the color blue And it reminds me of the sky above Uh, which is also... blue Hey, hey, hey, yeah Be my sugarplum I will be your watermelon Every time you smile I can feel my heart a-swellin' Blood is rushing from my head to my hooves, yeah I start movin' when I'm feeling that groove, yeah I've been writin' this song for you Searchin' for the perfect rhyme For the words I wanna say Somethin', somethin', somethin', somethin'... Be mine Every day I see you I know you could be the one for me Feel my heart a-beating like The rain upon a bumblebee Don't you see that I could, ah oh, ah oh Whenever you are near me, I'm so... ah-oh Sugar Belle! Roses are red and violets are blue! Sugar, Sugar! My love is burning hot like a cheese fondue! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! Sugar Belle! They suddenly landed onto Sugar Belle’s stand, and crashed onto it as the pastries splatted everywhere, and the kids gasped in shock. Sugar Belle suddenly got angry, “What in Equestria has gotten into you two?! If you think I'm the kind of pony that likes all this nonsense, then you clearly don't know me at all! I wish everypony would just... leave me alone!” Feather Bangs whimpered and he and his backstage dancers trotted off. “This is why I don't like talkin'! Words can hurt! Words hurt!Goodbye, Sugar Belle!” Big Mac said, walking out the door with a broken heart, but saw the Crusaders and Thomas with sad faces as they left the bakery and followed him. “Y’all should go,” he said. “But... why?” Thomas asked. “Just go!” Big Mac said. “Did we do something wrong?” Thomas asked. “Yes, y’all did!” Big Mac said. “But we worked so hard on helping you just like we helped Thomas with his love problem!” Sweetie Belle said. “Not right now!” Big Mac said. “But can you at least talk to us?” Thomas asked. “Maybe he doesn't like talkin'!” Big Mac said. “We just wanted to help!” Thomas said, as tears began forming in his eyes. “Maybe he used to talk too much, and it only ever got him into trouble!” Big Mac said, as he left them but suddenly Thomas began crying about his anger. They then left to find Big Mac as Thomas rode on Sweetie Belle’s back. Meanwhile, the Crusaders and Thomas kept looking for Big Mac, as Scootaloo looked underneath the vase where a couple of ponies were on a date. “Big Mac? Oh, Big Mac?!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Well, nopony's seen him,” Scootaloo said. “Aw, I feel terrible. I've never seen my brother so upset before,” Apple Bloom said, as they kept looking. “Oh, Big Mac?!” They suddenly saw him in the park reading Sweetie Belle’s book. “Big Mac!” Thomas shouted as he stood next to him, and patted his shoulder for a hug. “Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Nnope,” Big Mac replied. “Sorry it didn't work out with Sugar Belle,” Apple Bloom said. “We don't get it. Big, grand gestures always work in the fairy tales,” Sweetie Belle said. “But Sugar Belle's not a fairy tale princess. She's a real pony. She's kind, and she works hard, and she's sweeter than everything in her bakery,” Big Mac said. “Just like Auntie Pinkie Pie and the Cake family,” Thomas said, as he sat next to Big Mac. “I told you the fairy tale thing wasn’t a good idea.” Apple Bloom suddenly got an idea, “That's it! We shoulda been thinking about what would mean a lot to Sugar Belle!” “I also tried to tell you that as well,” Thomas said. “Yeah, like the one time we accidentally gave Big Mac a love potion,” Apple Bloom said. The other two nodded in agreement. “Hmmm...” Big Mac then thought of an idea. “I know just the thing! But I'm gonna need your help!” “Really? Even after we messed it up?” Apple Bloom asked. “Eeyup. Come on!” Big Mac said as they followed him back to the village. Back at the village, Big Mac and Thomas finished setting up a heart shaped apple pie for Sugar Belle and then placed it in the oven for 30 minutes to bake. “Big Mac, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Thomas asked. “Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “Ahh! Sugar Belle’s downtown!” Scootaloo said running over to the kitchen. “Thomas, you go talk to Sugar Belle, and we’ll take care of the pie,” Apple Bloom said, and then Thomas went to go find Sugar Belle. As he left the bakery, Thomas saw Sugar Belle walking with a few bananas for a banana cream pie, and then picked up some peaches and limes. Thomas knew that he had to do it, so he went over to Sugar Belle and walked next to her. “Umm... excuse me?” Sugar Belle stopped, and then looked behind her and saw Thomas looking up at her as he stood by her left flank and hind leg. “Oh! Hello there, little one,” she said. “Can I help you, dear?” “Well, I just wanted to apologize for the way it went with you and Big Mac,” Thomas said. “Oh, really? Are you being honest with me?” Sugar Belle asked. Thomas nodded, and then he thought of an idea. “Can I help you with those, if I tell you about my past life?” Thomas asked. “Of course, sweetie. I’d be honored,” Sugar Belle said, and then she leaned down to let him climb up on her back, and then as he was seated, she began walking while Thomas told him about his hard life in the orphanage, and how Fluttershy adopted him as her son, and the adventures he had with his aunts, and both the good and bad times he’s had in Equestria. Everypony else felt sorry for his hard life, including the swooning mares. “Aww... poor little sweetie!” Swoon Song said. “Why did he have to go through all of that?!” Fond Feather asked. “Oh, you poor little thing. I’m so sorry you went through all of that, dearie,” Sugar Belle said. “I know. But I’m glad I have Momma Fluttershy that loves me,” Thomas said, as he leaned down to hug Sugar Belle as he wrapped his arms around her neck, as she smiled warmly at him and gently patted his hands with her hoof. As they got inside, Sugar Belle saw Big Mac, “Big Mac?!” He then nodded, as Sugar Belle finally recognized the fillies with him, “Wait a minute. I recognize you fillies, but the boy I already met.” She turned to Big Mac, as Thomas climbed off her back, “Have they been with you this whole time?” Big Mac was about to speak, “Ee—“ “I'm Big Mac's little sister, and these are my friends, and the little guy is our little brother. We're sorry for everything we put you through today, Sugar Belle. Big Mac never would've gone through with all of those crazy...” Apple Bloom said, as Sweetie Belle continued. “...over-the-top...” Sweetie Belle said, as Scootaloo continued. “...downright ridiculous...” Scootaloo said, as Apple Bloom finished. “...attempts to impress you if we hadn't put him up to it. But we learned our lesson.” “Someone once told me that romance isn't about impressing someone in a different way. It's about doing something that means something special to that person you love, because it’s a special gift that lies in your heart,” Thomas said. “Spoken like a true lover,” Apple Bloom said. “And here’s what we’ve been helping him with,” Thomas said as they all showed her a new display case. “You made a new display case?” Big Mac nodded, and Sugar Belle looked at it, “You remembered!” She then gasped, “Now I have twice as much room for all my desserts!” Sugar Belle gasped as she thought of an idea, “Which means... I can make even more! I've been dying to try baking cream pies and whoopie pies and icebox cakes and, of course, more apple treats! Oh, Big Mac, thank you so much. This is the sweetest thing anypony's ever done for me.” Big Mac chuckled, “Uh, y-y-yeah or-or nope or...” Sugar Belle place a hoof on his lips and giggled, “I like you, too.” Big Mac sighed, and they kissed on the lips and bumped their muzzles. “Awwwww!” the four said in unison. “That was the most romantic thing ever!” Apple Bloom said. “Big Mac, since it’s Hearts and Hooves Day, wouldn’t you like to invite Sugar Belle over to Ponyville for the night?” Thomas asked. “I’d love to, Big Mac,” Sugar Belle said, and then they hugged each other. “Sugar Be-eee-eee-elle...!” Feather Bangs vocalized. “Yeah.” “Sorry, Feather. You're a little too late,” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah! Sugar Belle's already picked her special somepony!” Apple Bloom said, as Feather Bangs saw Sugar Belle falling in love with Big Mac. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” Feather Bangs said as he whimpered with a broken heart. “But you’ve got secret admirers right there,” Scootaloo said, as she pointed at the three mares who swooned at him. “But who do I choose?” Feather Bangs asked. “Well, why not try them all but one at a time, and then you can decide which is best,” Thomas said. “Okay, I guess it’s worth a shot,” Feather Bangs said as he walked over to his secret admirers, and then Thomas still saw his gift basket in the cart, and then as he looked, the presents were still fresh. He then went to Big Mac and Sugar Belle as he gently tugged her tail. “Yes, sweetheart?” Sugar Belle asked. “Umm... can you take us home to Ponyville, if you’re not too busy. I also have somepony who’s waiting for me,” Thomas said. “And Momma will worry about me if I’m back past my bedtime.” “Aww... why of course we can, dear,” Sugar Belle said, bringing him for a hug closer towards her chest. “We’re glad you and Big Mac turned out okay,” Apple Bloom said. Big Mac and Sugar Belle then rubbed muzzles with each other, and then Bog Mac went to the cart as Sugar Belle leaned down towards Thomas. “Now climb up onto my back, dearie and we’ll get you four home.” Thomas nodded, and then he climbed up onto her back and held onto her neck. Once the girls were ready on the cart, Big Mac and Sugar Belle began walking over to Ponyville. When they got home, it was almost time for the sun to set. Thomas then climbed off Sugar Belle and gave her a hug. “Thank you, Miss Sugar Belle, for letting me ride on your back along the way,” he said. Sugar Belle giggled, “You’re welcome, sweetheart. And thank you for helping me with my bakery.” She then kissed him on the forehead, and then broke the hug. “Come on! He’s got a date to accomplish!” Apple Bloom said, as he climbed on her back and then the fillies went to Sweet Apple Acres with Thomas, until Big Mac and Sugar Belle took a trek around the park. While the two ponies had their time together, the Crusaders, along with Thomas riding on Apple Bloom’s back went inside her house and took him upstairs to get him ready for his date with Diamond Tiara since they had time to practice, but they suddenly saw a box with red ribbon. Thomas opened it and saw something suitable for his date tonight. He went to the bathroom to try it on, and closed the door. Five minutes later, Thomas was almost ready as he was making sure he looked alright while his big sisters were waiting. Suddenly, the door opened, and they saw him wearing a black suit, including a jacket to keep him warm, a white buttoned down collared shirt, a pair of matching heathery black trousers, black dress shoes, and a blue and blackish gray striped tie. “Wow! He looks so handsome!” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah! Now he’s ready!” Apple Bloom said, and then Sweetie Belle leaned down and let him climb on her back, and then they escorted Thomas to the park to meet Diamond Tiara so they can have their date, as he carried his gift basket for his girlfriend on his lap. Later on, the Crusaders along with Thomas riding on Sweetie Belle’s back arrived downtown, and stopped by a small restaurant. They saw all the mares and stallions laughing and having dinner together, until Thomas suddenly saw some ponies coming until he and the Crusaders his behind a bush so that they wouldn’t be seen. They figured out that it was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they only saw their heads. After Sweetie Belle allowed Thomas to climb off her back and sat on her haunches, Scootaloo looked at him with a hoof on his shoulder. “Okay, buddy. This is it. Are you ready to get out there and give Diamond Tiara the best Hearts and Hooves Day present ever?” Thomas nodded as he swallowed deeply, “I... I... I-I think I am.” He suddenly began shaking like a leaf, but he felt Sweetie Belle rub his shoulder with her hoof to calm him down. “You can do it, cutie. Just try to be brave,” she said, as she handed him his gift basket. He took a deep breath and made one small peek around the bush to see Diamond Tiara was still waiting for him, until he sighed deeply. “Don’t worry, little bro. You’ve got this,” Scootaloo said. Thomas nodded and carefully stepped out from behind the bush. He then saw Diamond Tiara wearing a cute satin dark and light pink dress with a ribbon sash around her waist, and reflective dark pink hoof shoes with pink ribbons and bows on all four hooves. She then turned her head to see the child come out from behind the bush and saw him wearing his suit. “Thomas? Is that really you?” she asked. Thomas nodded, and then swallowed shyly as he saw Diamond Tiara standing before him and dressed beautifully, until his cheeks blushed with a rosy pink color, “You look very pretty, Diamond. I like your dress.” Diamond Tiara gave a blush as well, and then her heart melted at the sight of the well-dressed young boy standing before her. “Well, thank you for that compliment, sweetie pie. You look pretty handsome, you hunk muffin,” she said while smiling warmly at him. “I missed you,” Thomas said, before Diamond walked over to comfort him with a hug as he laid his head on her shoulder. “Shhhhhh... I missed you too, sweetie pie,” she said, until Thomas cleared his throat and took out a small jewelry box. He opened it and inside was a big pinkish white pearl placed inside a silver heart shaped locket with small Swarovski gems encrusted on the outlines and held by a black ribbon neck choker. “Wow! Thomas, it’s so beautiful!” Diamond Tiara said. “Do you want me to put me on?” Thomas asked. “Yes! Please do!” Diamond Tiara said, and then he went behind her and then placed it around her neck, until Diamond Tiara looked at the pearl inside and the gems on her locket. “This can’t be real,” Diamond Tiara said. “It is. I found it from a shore at Mount Aris, and it came from a small grain of sand, until it turned into something special. The gems are natural also,” Thomas said. After Diamond Tiara kissed his cheek as a thank you, she lowered herself to let him climb up on her back. “So, are you ready for a special night?” Thomas nodded, and then as he was on her back, they walked over towards Sugarcube Corner until the sun began to slowly set. Thomas then got off his girlfriend and then stepped aside to let Diamond inside first. “Aww... thank you, Thomas. You’re being too sweet,” she said. “You’re welcome, Diamond Tiara. I just thought I’d like to let the lady go first,” Thomas said. “Anything my sweetie pie does or says is fine by me,” Diamond Tiara said, as they both shared a giggle. After entering the bakery, they saw that it was closed for a private reservation for them both, but they saw a red and white tablecloth on one table and a few candles lit in the center of the dine in section of the room. Sitting a little bit far by the table was the cellist mare, Octavia Melody, as she was in position. “Hi, Miss Melody. It’s good to see you again,” Thomas said. “Hello, sweetie. It’s nice to see you as well,” Octavia said. “Now, your waitress will be right with you young ones shortly. For now, just relax, enjoy yourselves and enjoy the sound of the music of Octavia Melody.” She then started to play her cello gracefully in a soft melodic tone as they made their way towards their table, and after he helped his special somepony with her seat, he took his seat as well and took off his jacket. “So, how’ve you been, sweetie pie?” Diamond Tiara asked. “I’ve been well. I’m enjoying my new school after it reopened,” Thomas replied. “I even got six new friends who love me, kinda like the other foals in the old school.” “Yeah, I know. But it’s really good to see you again,” Diamond Tiara said. “I’m sorry I left you by the way,” Thomas said. “Aww... that’s okay, cutie. As long as I’m here with you again, that’s fine with me,” Diamond Tiara said. Thomas blushed softly and then softly giggled. Suddenly, Mrs. Cake came over from the kitchen after putting the Cake twins upstairs with Pinkie Pie. “Hi, Mrs. Cake,” Thomas said. “Hello, you two. Are you enjoying the music?” Mrs. Cake asked. Thomas and Diamond Tiara nodded in unison, until Mrs, Cake saw Diamond Tiara’s necklace, “Oh my! What a lovely necklace you have, dear.” Diamond Tiara blushed with a giggle, and then Mrs. Cake spoke again, “So I have good news. Your meals are ready, and so are your drinks, so if you’ll give me and my husband a moment, we’ll bring it right over.” Thomas and Diamond Tiara nodded, and then they waited for Mr. and Mrs. Cake to bring over their dinner. After a 2 minutes and 30 seconds of waiting, Mr. and Mrs. Cake brought out a plate full of spaghetti with tomato sauce, while one plate consisted meatballs for Thomas and one just had pasta for Diamond Tiara, and a side of two plates full of salad consisting lettuce, carrot slices, and steamed cloves of broccoli and cauliflower. They also had two glasses of ice water to drink. “I added 3 meatballs for you, dear,” Mrs. Cake said. “Thank you, Mrs. Cake,” Thomas said, and then as Mrs. Cake went back to the kitchen, he and Diamond Tiara raised their glasses to perform a toast to each other. “To a special night?” Diamond Tiara asked. Thomas nodded, “To a special night.” They then clanged their glasses and then started eating their dinner. While they were enjoying each other’s company and eating their dinner together, Diamond Tiara couldn’t help but look at Thomas about how cute and handsome he was in the suit. ‘He really is indeed the sweetest, cutest and kindest sweetie pie I’ve ever met... and I... I think I love him. I should tell him later.’ Thomas swallowed his mouthful of spaghetti and a piece of meatball, looking over at Diamond Tiara with a little concern. “Diamond? Are you feeling okay?” he asked, placing his hand on her hoof and stroked it very gently. Diamond Tiara looked down at his hand on her hoof, and then looked over into his eyes. “Don’t worry, sweetie pie. I’m fine. Is it okay if we get this dinner over with so we move on?” Thomas nodded and then let go of her hoof and continued with his spaghetti as her cheeks suddenly gave off a deep red blush, and Thomas smiled softly at her while eating. She smiled back at him warmly as they went back to eating their spaghetti and salad plates. After they both finished spending dinner together at Sugarcube Corner, Diamond Tiara and Thomas decided to take a stroll through Ponyville. Silence was all they could hear since they saw happy couples on their dates for Hearts and Hooves Day, and that they all couldn’t speak or help but blush as they kept looking at each other while walking, giving smiles of warmth. Soon they arrived atop of the hill overlooking the park, and sat beside the tree while Thomas stood up. “Such a nice night, huh, sweetie pie?” Diamond Tiara asked. Thomas nodded, until he reached out his hand holding the gift basket with the gifts inside. “This is for you, Diamond Tiara. I hope you like it,” he said. Diamond Tiara gently grasped the handle with her teeth and sat it down beside her as she sat on her haunches. She then looked down at her card in her saddlebags which was in a white envelope with a red and pink heart for the seal and reached out to her boyfriend, “And this is for you, sweetie pie, I hope you like it too.” Thomas then gently grasped it with his hand and smiled softly at her, “Thank you, Diamond Tiara.” He then opened the envelope and pulled out the card. It was an decorative all white card with a fancy pink heart drawn on the front, and saying Happy Hearts and Hooves Day Thomas that was written neatly in red lettering. Thomas opened it and inside was a poem. With a heart a big as the angels in the sky above, you are the sweetest little boy in my eyes. For you have given all of those around you your undying love and remained such a cute and kind little sweetie pie. For when the kindness and care that you possess makes life worthwhile for it makes my day even better and brighter as the light and fills my life with everlasting joy But when I look at you, you always seem to make my heart smile and I think that what makes you a caring and very sweet little boy. On this special day, I only want to say to you that you are a special little boy, and never change who you are. A dear one true friend you are to me, who helped changed my life forever, and these words I humbly speak are true you forever have a special place in my heart either if you are near or far. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Thomas. xoxo Diamond Tiara Thomas suddenly felt tears sting his eyes as he slowly closed the card and raised his head to look at Diamond Tiara in the eyes. He then choked up a sob as he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her neck and laid his head on her shoulder, and sobbed happily. “T-Th-Thank you, D-Diamond Tiara. T-Th-That w-was a very p-p-pre-pretty poem, and I l-l-loved it.” He said with a few soft sobs, as he nuzzled his head with her mane. Since she ignored his tears staining the hairspray in her mane, Diamond Tiara reached up a foreleg to wrap around him as she laid her chin on his shoulder to hug him back and then rubbed her hoof around his back. “Shhhhhh... you’re welcome, sweetheart. I mean every word I said,” she then lifted her head and turned it to give him a kiss on his cheek. Thomas then rubbed the tears from his eyes as they broke the hug until he hid something behind his back, “Open your gift now, Diamond Tiara.” He gave her a soft smile with his hands held behind him. “They’re from the Crusaders, my big sisters, because they helped me get these for you.” Diamond Tiara nodded, and then reached into the basket and pulled out the roses, card, and box of cupcakes. She took notice of the roses and smiled warmly and brightly, “Aww... these are very lovely roses, Thomas. Thank you,” She placed them in her saddlebags so she can put them in a vase full of water, but Thomas put a spare light pink one in her mane to keep it from being damaged. “Apple Bloom picked them.” She then blushed about the rose in her mane, and then she moved onto the card, and saw it was all white, and in the center was a dark pink heart with pink glitter and gems glued onto it neatly, and written in the center in dark pink lettering was Happy Hearts and Hooves Day Diamond Tiara. She opened it to see what was written inside, and then found out that it also had a small envelope with a letter inside. To the sweetest and prettiest princess of a filly friend a boy like me could ever have, I would like to wish you a very Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, and forevermore. With love, your friend and little sweetie pie, Thomas She closed the card and the letter, and then felt tears stinging her own eyes. “Thomas, that was the sweetest thing anypony has ever said to me. Thank you so much,” she said, reaching a foreleg around him to give him a warm hug as he returned the hug with his arms wrapped around her neck. “You’re welcome, Diamond Tiara, and I meant every word,” Thomas said, as he straightened her mane. Diamond Tiara giggled and then placed the card with the letter into her saddlebags, until Thomas decided to offer her the next gift, which were the two chocolate cupcakes topped with chocolate frosting and decorated with red, white and pink sprinkles along with red heart toppers. Diamond Tiara gazed at how good they looked, then kissed him on the cheek while smiling warmly, “Wow, these look yummy.” She giggled as she saw him blush at the kiss. “You’re welcome, Diamond Tiara. I thought if we each had one of our own if you want to,” he smiled softly as they sat down beside her by the tree and then they took their cupcakes. She smiled over at him and turned back over to the cupcake while taking a bite, and then enjoyed the taste, “Mmm... this is so yummy, Thomas. Chocolate is one of my favorite flavors of cupcakes.” Thomas nodded, “I’m glad you think so.” He then took a bite and smiled softly. They then finished their cupcakes after a few minutes, and their tummies were now full. After Diamond Tiara placed her trash and Thomas’s in the box and rubbed her belly, she turned to Thomas to see his head was lowered. She rubbed at his back and tilted her head down to try to look into his eyes for his attention , “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Thomas sighed deeply and turned his head to look at Diamond Tiara, “Well, no, but...” he then turned his head as he nervously blushed with a shudder and turned his head away. Diamond Tiara frowned, so she reached up her foreleg around his shoulders to rub along his side, and then brought him closer to her and laid on her shoulder, then she kissed him on the forehead for comfort, “It’s okay, cutie. You can tell me.” She tilted her head to give him a warm smile, and then Thomas turned his head to her as she continued to rub his side, “That’s better.” He then let out a deep sigh, and then spoke, “Well, Diamond Tiara, I really do like you, but it’s just that... I am a little bit younger than you, and... I’m also just... a human.” He took a nice deep breath before continuing as Diamond Tiara kept rubbing his side and then let him hold her hoof, “But the problem is that I don’t want other ponies or creatures from other kingdoms to laugh at us or make fun of us, especially the one pony I care about, or if I made things weird between us.” Diamond Tiara then comforted him more, “Shhhhhh shhhhhh... Thomas, please don’t be sad.” She nuzzled his cheek which somehow caused him to let out a soft giggle and then she smiled lightly at him. “That’s better. Now, I really do like you, sweetie pie, but it really doesn’t matter if you’re only a human, you’re a very sweet and caring little kid. Also, yes, even thought you might be a year younger than me, but you know what? That’s what I think that makes you extra cute. And what you’ve done for me tonight was very sweet, which wants me to say that... I love you, Thomas Mercer Shy.” She then kissed him on the cheek, making him blush softly. Thomas smiled warmly at him, and then spoke, “I love you too, Diamond Tiara, and I think you’re cute too.” He then gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, making her blush as well. They then decided to sit closer to each other and watch the moonlight, along with the starry sky. After watching the moonlight and the beautiful starry sky for a little while, Thomas then yawned, as she knew that it almost started getting late. “Well, I believe it looks like it’s time my sweetie pie was on his way home before his momma starts to worry, don’t you say?” Diamond Tiara asked, and then he nodded. She then unwrapped her foreleg from around Thomas, made a soft yawn and carefully stood up on her legs to stretch her stiff bones, until she wrote something quickly. She smiled down warmly at Thomas, “Would you like to ride on my back, Thomas sweetie?” He nodded after letting out another yawn, “I would like that, Diamond Tiara. Thank you.” Diamond Tiara then offered a hoof to help him stand up, and then leaned down to let him climb on her back. As Thomas sat on her back, he held her card close to him as Diamond Tiara grabbed the basket full of gifts with her teeth and placed it around her neck, and then trotted off towards his and Fluttershy’s cottage. As they arrived at the cottage, Diamond Tiara let Thomas climb off her back and smiled warmly at him, “Well Thomas, I’ve had a wonderful time with you for this Hearts and Hooves Day. Thank you again for the gifts, especially this beautiful pearl in this decorative locket.” She then leaned her head down and gave him one more kiss on the cheek. Thomas blushed and looked up at her, giving her a hug around her neck and leaning on her shoulder, “You’re welcome, Diamond Tiara. And thanks for my card too. I’ve had a great first Hearts and Hooves Day with you as well.” Diamond Tiara returned the hug, until they broke it, and Thomas spoke up, “Goodnight, Diamond Tiara, and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.” “Goodnight, Thomas, and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too, sweetie pie,” Diamond Tiara said, as she trotted away. Thomas then went inside, and got ready for bed. After he got underneath the bedsheets in his green pajama set, Fluttershy came in and tucked him underneath the covers and then kissed him on the forehead, and then left the room after turning off the light. Thomas smiled as he had the best first Hearts and Hooves Day ever. > The Molt Down Break Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a sunny day, Rarity and Spike came back from a crystal mine collecting gems as he took her to the Everfree Forest to see the phoenix nests. “I do appreciate you showing me the way to the phoenix nests, Spike,” she said. “Anything for you, Rarity. Besides, I've been meaning to visit Peewee,” Spike said. “He really was an excellent pet. I can't imagine why you set him free,” Rarity said. “Phoenixes aren't meant to be domesticated. Even in the wild, they like to keep to themselves,” Spike explained, as he was hiding something on his cheek, while Rarity was suspicious before she trotted around Spike trying to see what was wrong. “Well, they are beautiful. A few of their feathers will add just the right splash of color to my latest— Spike! What are you doing?” she asked holding him off the ground in her aura. “Uh, nothing!” Spike replied. “Is there something wrong with your face?” Rarity asked. Spike sighed, “It's a stone scale. It isn't magical or anything like the call of the Dragon Lord. It's just... red. And itchy.” He then groaned as he took his hand off his cheek, “And embarrassing.” His stone scale started throbbing. “Ooh, precious pants, that does look uncomfortable. But even I get the odd blemish from time to time. It's nothing to be embarrassed by. You could pay Zecora a visit. She makes a cream that works wonders,” Rarity said. Rarity suddenly saw Thomas picking some flowers for his mother, Fluttershy, but he suddenly gave one to a male phoenix and watched it give to the female phoenix, and made him smile. “There's Peewee's parents! But I don't see Peewee,” Spike said. “Oh, maybe he moved out. Everypony has to leave the nest at some point,” Rarity said, until she saw her nephew hug her chest after running up to her. “Oh, hello there, precious. What are you doing out here by yourself?” she asked, hugging him back with a foreleg around his shoulders. “I’m picking flowers for Momma, but I saw a couple of birdies up there, so I gave the male a flower for the female,” Thomas replied. “Aww... how sweet, darling. But those birds are actually called phoenixes,” Rarity explained. “They’re very beautifully majestic birds, and are as warm as fire.” “Wow...” Thomas said, until something fluttered over them all, until it was Spike’s pet phoenix, Peewee. “Peewee!” Spike said, as Peewee squawked and hugged his owner, before Spike’s stone scale sizzled to the warmth of his feathers. “Ouch!” Spike scratched his stone scale, until Peewee saw Thomas as he was shaking, so the bird nuzzled with him to calm his shaking, until Thomas petted the bird on the head and nicely nibbled his fingers without biting. “Do you want a snack?” Thomas asked, and Peewee chirped with a nod in reply. Thomas then took out a bread slice, and then fed it to Peewee. After he finished the slice, Peewee hugged Thomas, and then flew off leaving some feathers behind. “Bye!” he said. “You really do know how to deal with birds like your mother, precious,” Rarity said sweetly, before kissing his cheek. “Perhaps you should pay Zecora a visit sooner rather than later, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity said, picking up the feathers and putting them in her bag. “She has a point you know,” Thomas said. “Thank you, darling,” Rarity said. Spike sighed, “I don't want anypony else to see this. Besides, I'm sure it'll clear up after a good night's sleep.” “Alright, but I’d talk to Twilight about it,” Rarity said, and then looked at Thomas. “Would you like a ride home, precious?” Thomas nodded, and then Rarity leaned down on her forelegs to let him climb up onto her back, and then they all went back to Ponyville after Rarity dropped off Thomas at his and Fluttershy’s cottage. “Momma, I’m home!” Thomas said. Fluttershy heard her son’s voice and saw him walk inside, “Where were you, sweetheart? You almost had me worried.” “I was in the safer route of the Everfree Forest, because I wanted to get you these,” Thomas said, showing her the flowers. “They’re lovely, Thomas. Thank you for taking the safe route.” Thomas nodded, “I also saw Auntie Rarity and Spike, and I fed a petted an actual phoenix, Momma. It was Spike’s pet phoenix, Peewee.” “That’s wonderful, baby,” Fluttershy said. “Spike also had something hurting his face, like a throbbing pimple,” Thomas said. “Can we ask Mrs. Zecora for help?” “Aww... poor Spike. Don’t worry, we’ll talk to your Auntie Twilight about it, and see what Zecora can do about his problem,” Fluttershy said, kissing her son on the forehead. Thomas nodded, and then hugged his mother real quick. “Why don’t you go upstairs to your room and play with your toys quietly for a few minutes, and I’ll call you when dinner’s ready?” Thomas nodded and then went upstairs to his room to play with his toys. When they had dinner, Thomas had his bedtime bath, and then Fluttershy tucked him into his bed and kissed him on the forehead, so that he would have a good night’s sleep as he had his Snuggle Bear teddy on his side. The next day, Spike was asleep and snoring, until the door opened, revealing Twilight. “I can't believe you're still asleep!” she said. Spike groaned, “Just five more minutes...” He then continued snoring. “It's nearly noon, and you promised to help me with my lecture for class today!” Spike said. “Noon? Whoa! I slept like a rock! Which reminds me – all that sleep probably cleared up my stone scale!” Spike said, until Twilight gasped with a shocking reaction. “Um, on second thought...” she chuckled nervously. “You can go back to sleep if you want.” Spike went to a mirror and saw more stone scales on his scales, until he let out an echoing scream. Spike jumped and drew the curtains shut, and hid underneath his blankets. “Spike, what are you doing?” Twilight asked. “Hiding from my hideous face!” Spike replied. “I'm sure it feels terrible, but it's just a breakout. It's not the end of the world,” Twilight said. “That's easy for you to say. Your face isn't covered in itchy red spots!” Spike said, as he started scratching his scales. “I used to get terrible breakouts any time I had a final exam with Celestia. Who probably never had a blemish her whole life,” Twilight said. “Well, I'm not in magic school,” Spike said. “No, but these things can be stress-related. And you did spend yesterday with Rarity, and Thomas seemed to enjoy meeting your old pet phoenix,” Twilight said. Spike chuckled nervously, “What could possibly be stressful about that?” Twilight Sparkle groaned, “You could try Zecora. She makes a cream that—“ “Works wonders. I've heard. But I'm not leaving the castle until my face is back to its adorable self,” Spike said trying to undo the scales, until he tried to pop one of his stone scales, but he winced at it hurt. “Fine. But you're still gonna help me practice my lecture,” Twilight said, as Spike groaned while holding her lecture. Twilight then cleared her throat and began, “The element of generosity and its importance in relation to the other Elements of Harmony—” Spike gagged and then breathed fire, until her lecture was now ash. Twilight gasped, “My lecture!” Spike held the ashes, “I don't know what happened! I just had a sudden case of—” Twilight teleported away, until Spike kept breathing fire while gagging, and then Twilight came back and sprayed a fire extinguisher at Spike to cool down his gagging. “...indigestion. I'm so sorry!” Twilight sighed, and then hugged Spike, “Shhhhhh... It's okay, Spike. I’m not mad at you. I'm sure I can rewrite the lecture from my notes. I have a lot. But maybe later, I can take you somewhere that can help with your problem, so for now... why don’t you go somewhere less... flammable?” Spike sighed, and then left the castle. At the School of Friendship, while the ponies were chattering, Spike, wearing a trench coat and a fedora hat and sunglasses, was looking at his reflection in the lake, “Hey there, not handsome.” “Oh, Spike!” Rarity’s voice called in singsong, as she looked at his outfit. “My, what a fetching ensemble you put together. Very noir-esque.” She giggled, “I believe Shadow Spade herself would approve.” “Uh, thanks,” Spike said. “But I wonder if you wouldn't mind taking it off,” Rarity said. “What? Oh, I, uh... I...” Spike said. “Oh, I know how you feel about yesterday. It's just that I absolutely must have a model for my phoenix feather dress, and nopony else is available,” Rarity said. “Sorry, Rarity, but I... I am super busy all day...” Spike suddenly saw a stare of confusion in her yes, until he ran off in a panic. “Hmm... well, off to my shop, so much to do,” Rarity said trotting off to her boutique. Later on, Spike was still outside the school so that he wouldn’t set it on fire, thinking about how he would be back to his normal self, but as he got to the library for some quiet, he suddenly started scratching his scales as they started stinging with an itching effect. “This is so embarrassing! Make it stop!” he whined while scratching. “Could you please stop shouting? We're trying to do our homework, and it's kind of distracting,” Smolder said. “Was I shouting? Sorry,” Spike said, until he cleared his throat. “My scales are really it—” He then belched and breathed fire, burning his disguise into ash, revealing his stone scales. He gasped about his look and then ran off somewhere to hide. Spike suddenly breathed fire while hiding in a broom closet, until his nostrils let out a cloud of smoke, suddenly the door opened and he saw Starlight, Sunset and Smolder as well. “If you're trying to hide, you need to do a better job,” Smolder said. “All we had to do was follow the smoke,” Sunset said, as Starlight closed the door. “Leave me alone!” Spike said in a strained low tone. “What?” Starlight asked. “Leave! Me! Alone!” Spike said in the same tone. “I can't under... Was that "sleeves made of foam"?” Smolder asked. “I said, leave me alone!” Spike shouted normally as he belched fire and then sighed before sitting down with a depressing look, until Starlight walked over to the poor drake and hugged him. “I brought you a pail of water,” Thomas said. “Thanks, honey,” Starlight said, and then he stood by Sunset. “Is he gonna be okay?” Thomas asked. “I don’t know, sweetie. But I’m sure something will happen,” Sunset said. “Well, I have seen some pretty bad molts in my time, but yours takes the cake,” Smolder said. “Molts?” Spike asked. “The molt? Super painful stone scales, fire burps, uncontrollable volume shifts? It's all part of growing up dragon,” Smolder said. “That’s what’s happening to him?” Sunset said, as Thomas started taking notes. “No-no-no-no-no. The last time I grew up, I turned into a giant greedy monster,” Spike said. “Greed-induced bigness. That's totally different. The molt is completely normal. Every dragon goes through it. Pretty soon, you'll leave and strike out on your own,” Smolder said. “Why would he do that?” Thomas asked. “Have you been living with ponies your whole life?” Smolder asked. “Uh-huh,” Spike said. “Twilight and her family are my legal guardians.” “Oh. Well, in the Dragon Lands, a molter's loved ones kicks them out at the first stone scale,” Smolder said. “What? Why?” Spike asked. “I think it's biological. We call it the "molt effect". I haven't even told you about the smell,” Smolder said. “Smell?” Spike sniffed himself, “Ugh!” “I can smell it too,” Thomas said, until he used his finger and thumb to block his nose from smelling it. “Yeah. I mean, I love my brother and all, but one whiff, and I was all "See ya!"” Smolder said, until she sniffed Spike. “Speaking of which...” As she was about to leave, but Thomas and Spike grabbed her leg and tail. “Wait! Does the molt effect happen to ponies too?” Spike gasped, “Twilight already asked me to leave the castle today. If she kicks me out, where am I gonna live? I'm too young to grow up!” “You can’t let him suffer like this! He’s a kid like me!” Thomas said. “I'm sure you'll find a nice...” Smolder cut herself off by pulling her tail away from Spike and gently removing Thomas from her leg, “...hoard of gems to guard or a village to terrorize. Oh, now that dragons and ponies are friends, I guess that's off the table.” “So no creature's gonna wanna be around me?” Spike asked. “Oh, I didn't say that,” Smolder said. “That molt stench is a magnet for predators. Tatzlwurms, hydras, rocs...” “Dragons are scared of rocks?” Spike asked. “R-O-C-S. Rocs?” Smolder said. “What’s a roc?” Thomas asked. “Humongous birds of prey that can snack on a molting dragon like candy!” Smolder said. Spike gulped nervously as Starlight showed him a page showing a picture of the bird. Later on, in the afternoon, Thomas went over to Zecora after asking Fluttershy for permission, but made sure he stayed out of trouble while walking over. As he got there, he knocked on the door, and the door opened revealing Zecora the zebra. “Hi, Mrs. Zecora. Can I come in for a moment?” Thomas asked. “Yes, little one. You are more than welcome,” Zecora replied as she let him inside and handed him a bowl of stew for lunch. “So, what brings you to my hut?” Zecora asked. “Well, it’s about Spike. He’s having some kind of itching problem with some red stone scales as some are drying out, but he’s also burping fire like he ate something funny, and he smells like he really needs a bath, but sometimes when he speaks, he has a hard time saying it out loud,” Thomas explained. “Hmm... it appears that I assume you’ve witnessed the molting process, as you presume?” Zecora asked. Thomas nodded, “How’d you know?” “I’ve had some books of legends or effects of other creatures far from Equestria that inhabit themselves from our kingdoms, but from which they are mysteriously unknown to come,” Zecora explained. “Do you think there’s some to help him?” Thomas asked. “The cream that you want is just over here. It's a popular potion for all creatures this year,” Zecora said. Thomas then smiled as he went up and hugged the zebra, “Thank you, Mrs. Zecora. It should help him.” Zecora smiled warmly and then hugged him back, “You are welcome, dear one.” Thomas nodded and then gave his soup bowl back to Zecora and then made his way out of the Everfree Forest. Suddenly, Spike walked through the Everfree Forest for some privacy and to get away from the ponies for a little while so that his molt wouldn’t cause a problem. As he was walking, he scratched his scales on a tree, and then continued walking. Thomas then continued journeying his was out of the forest, until he saw Spike running for his life, until he jumped into a bush and hid himself. Thomas then went over to the bush and went to Spike. “Hey, Spike,” he said. Spike jumped after belching fire and burning the bush, until he looked at Thomas, “Thomas? What are you doing here?” “I went to see Mrs. Zecora for some help on your scales, so I asked her if she had something that can help, but luckily, she had this itching cream right here,” Thomas explained, and then he noticed Spike was hiding again. “Spike? What are you hiding from? There’s no one around but us.” “I'm not hiding from ponies. I'm hiding from that!” Spike said, pointing at a humongous roc, as it was flying over towards them both with a screech, but it missed as it dive bombed them. “Was that a... roc?” Thomas asked as he was now afraid. “Did I forget to mention the molt smell attracts predators?” Spike asked, until the roc was coming back. “Run!” Thomas and Spike started running, as the roc screeched as it was chasing after them both, and kept trying to claw them with its talons. “It's only after me! I'll lead it away while you get help!” Spike said, as he and Thomas split up. “This way, birdy-bird! Molting dragon over here!” Spike was grunting and huffing while running as the roc nearly grabbed him, but he hid underneath a bush, “Okay, maybe this wasn't a good plan.” Thomas came back and helped him up, “What are you doing?! We gotta get outta here!” “I know!” Spike said, until they bumped into a coat of white fur, until they saw that it was Rarity. “Spike, what are you and Thomas doing here?” Rarity asked. “Rarity! You need to get outta here! There’s a giant roc after us and wanting to eat us, but mostly me!” Spike said. “Oh, dear. I’m sure that there’s nothing to worry about, but I’m very worried about your scales, darling,” Rarity said, until they saw the roc coming back. “Auntie Rarity, look out!” Thomas said, as Rarity turned around and saw the roc flying towards them making a screeching sound, and then as they were running, it grabbed them, and started flying holding them hostage and then Spike, Rarity Thomas saw themselves in the air from underneath the roc’s toes and talons. “Put us down!” Spike said, until he tried squirming free, and then hung upside down, before he gagged and breathed fire at the roc, making it drop Spike, but it still got Thomas and Rarity. “Spike!” Spike screamed while falling, but thudded on the bushes and then landed on the ground. Spike sighed, until he scratched his scales, and made wailing groans. “Spike, what are you doing?” Twilight asked as she was in the forest. “If my stone scales didn't itch so much and we weren't in immediate danger, this would be really embarrassing!” Spike replied. “Danger?” Twilight asked, until she heard the roc screech as it was about to grab her and Spike but before they teleported out of the way. “Well, I was headed to Zecora's to get some cream for your scales. I had no idea you were—” Spike groaned, “About to be eaten by a giant predator attracted to my molt smell?!” He kept scratching. “Molt smell?” Twilight asked, as she sniffed him, but gagged. The roc screeched again, until they heard Rarity screaming and another voice, “MOMMA!” “Was that Thomas?” Twilight asked. “And Rarity! We tried to save each other’s flanks, but it's all I can do to stop scratching long enough to dive out of the way when that bird attacks!” Spike said. “I’ll take care of it. Stay here,” Twilight said, as he flew to the roc to save Rarity and her nephew. Spike then suddenly couldn’t stop scratching, until he grabbed the potion bottle full of itching cream, and then rubbed it all over his scales, and then he felt not so itchy anymore, “Finally! I didn't think that itching would ever stop! The cream worked!” Suddenly, Spike couldn’t move as his scales were crackling into stone, “What's happening?! I... I can't move!” The stone covered his entire body, and then as Twilight fought off the roc, a crack appeared in the solidified Spike, and then he reappeared with no more stone scales. “What just... happened?” he asked, until he suddenly saw wings on his back, “Did I just sprout wings? I just sprouted wings!” “HELP!” Thomas screamed, as the roc screeched. Spike gasped, “I've gotta help them! W-Whoa! Whooaaa! I’m flying! I’m flying!” Spike then ceased the excitement and then made a brave look and flew off to help Twilight stop the roc and save Thomas. Twilight suddenly saw Spike flying, and his new wings, “Spike?! How did you get wings?!” “I don't know! But they're pretty awesome!” Spike replied. The roc screeched, as Thomas peeked himself out, “Help me!” “Do you think you can fly up and distract him while I work on freeing Thomas and Rarity?” Twilight asked, and then Spike flew towards the roc’s face. “Hey, giant chicken! If you like dragons so much, come and get me!” Spike yelled, as the roc snapped its beak at him but missed. “Greetings.” The bird snapped its beak again, but Spike felt his stomach rumble, and then he breathed fire at the bird, and then it dropped Thomas as he fell screaming, before Twilight caught him in her hooves and cradled him against her chest while flying. Spike caught Rarity with his arms by grabbing her. As the roc flew away to find something else to eat, Twilight carried Thomas to the ground and then stood on her forelegs and then hugged Thomas. “Thomas? Are you okay?” she asked in concern. Thomas nodded, and then whimpered while he shook. Spike flew down and then placed Rarity on the ground, “My hero!” She kissed his cheek, making the young drake blush. “I know that the molt produced surprising things. But I'm glad that the last was a new pair of wings!” Zecora said, as she walked out. “Thanks to your cream, it stopped the itching,” Spike said. “Yes. And also, I'm glad you've got wings,” Rarity said. “This is amazing! I didn't know if you'd ever get wings. I'm so happy for you. Does it have something to do with this molt you were talking about?” Twilight asked. Spike sighed, “It's what's been going on with me. The breakout, the fire burps. The molt is when dragons get older and start to change. I wish I could stop it, but I can't. I-I should go.” “Go? What are you talking about?” Thomas asked. “In the Dragon Lands, families make molters leave home. It's called the molt effect,” Spike explained. “Well, this isn't the Dragon Lands, and molt effect or no, I don't want you going anywhere,” Twilight said. “But I'm growing up. What if something even worse happens?” Spike asked nervously, before he was kissed on the forehead by Twilight. “You're supposed to grow up, but you'll always be you. And whatever happens, we'll get through it together,” she said. Spike then hugged her on the chest, and then hugged Thomas, “Thanks for sticking up for me, pal.” Thomas nodded, and then Spike flew up onto Twilight’s back. “Uh, I don't need to carry you anymore, do I? You have wings,” she said. “They are new, and I don't want to overdo it,” Spike said. They then laughed together, and then they all went home. Later on, at Rarity’s boutique, Spike was hovering with her phoenix feather dress on by playing as a mannequin. “I can't believe you thought any of us would send you away because of some silly molt effect,” Rarity said. “Even if the symptoms were slightly unsettling. And let's face it, the odor wasn't pleasant. Nopony would stop caring for you just because you were getting older. Everypony goes through changes, but sometimes change can be wonderful. Like being able to model for any length of dress!” She giggled, until Spike lost his hover a little, “Uh, a bit higher, darling, please?” “I'm glad to help, Rarity. But don't you think there's wonderful things about flying that don't involve dresses?” Spike asked. “Of course, darling. Flying will also be beneficial for you to help me with gowns, frocks, robes, shifts, skirts, minis, maxis...” Rarity said, as she faded out until Spike sighed. > The Mean Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One afternoon after school ended, Twilight looked at her pocket watch as she sighed while waiting for the photographer, “I've been planning this retreat for weeks, and we're already ten minutes behind! Where is that photographer?!” “Suddenly, a voice came, and a photographer unicorn mare named Crackle Cosette appeared rushing through the door, “...No-no-no-no-no-no-no!” She slammed the doors open. “I'm so sorry! Can you forgive me? I don't expect you to forgive me... Forgive me?” Crackle made a starry eyed face, as Twilight groaned until Thomas hid underneath Fluttershy and hugged her leg. “Of course. I'll help you set up your—” Starlight said, until Crackle Cosette cut her off, and stood in front of Twilight. “Princess Twilight, thanks so much for this! The Canterlot Historical Society is thrilled to document the friendship work your teachers do! Let me just pretty you all up!” She said, as the photographer pricked six strands of hair from the Mane 6’s manes. “Ow! Hey!” Rainbow Dash said, after Crackled Cosette pricked a hair from her rainbow colored tail. “Don't want a single hair out of place, do we?” Crackled Cosette giggled. “This is for the history books! Now...” She then took six pictures of the Mane 6, and got photos of them. “Well, that's that! Bye!” “Waaaait! You forgot Starlight and Sunset! They needs pictures, too!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, as she pointed at Starlight and Sunset as they made smiles on their faces. “'Kay,” she said looking unamused, and then took their pictures one at a time, but then thought something about Sunset before leaving. “Now I'll get out of your manes. I know how busy you are,” Crackled Cosette said, as she left, but took a picture of Thomas with his aunts, Spike and mother all together after asking for permission, and then left again. When she was outside, Crackled Cosette looked at her photos and the hair strands, until she made a mischievous grin, “Now I have everything I need.” Suddenly, as she was walking, a green flash appeared, as she was actually no other then the evil Queen Chrysalis. “Yes, I know! We have been planning this for quite some time,” she said before laughing evilly, and setting up her pictures and the hair samples on six trees. “Oh, thank you, Applejack. My spell can create a copy of anypony I desire. All I need is an image and a piece of the pony.” She sniffed the hair, “Oh, and this.” She made a wood burning of her cutie mark. “Why copies, Rarity? Because Princess Twilight and her friends control the Elements of Harmony, the most powerful weapon in all Equestria,” she said, as a wood burning of her cutie mark was made, and then trotted over to Pinkie’s tree like a prancing happy horse, “Which means you - will - be - able - to - use - them - too!” She then wood burned her cutie mark. “And serve me!” She wood burned Fluttershy’s butterfly cutie mark. “Together, we will destroy Twilight Sparkle and her meddlesome friends!” She then wood burned Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark, and then looked at Twilight’s image. “Of course I haven't forgotten Starlight Glimmer! She stole my hive. Turned my subjects against me! So I'll take her friends away while she watches! And then, I'll destroy her, along with that little brat, Thomas Mercer! He’ll pay for escaping me when I had entirely enough food for my servants and myself, almost but nearly ready to launch a counter strike against Celestia and her ponies! And I have no idea who that other pony was. Sunset, I presume? But I might as well destroy her as well since she’s friends with them and Starlight, and their nephew!” She then wood burned Twilight’s cutie mark, and stood in the center, “With the Elements under my control, I'll build a new hive of Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi, and I will rule as Queen once again!” She then lit up her horn, and then started her spell, before the trees with the hairs and pictures cracked magically, and created copies of the Mane 6, but they looked pure evil. The next couple minutes later, the Mane 8, Spike and Thomas were on their way to their camp out while Thomas rode on Fluttershy’s back. “Hmm. At least our retreat isn't too far behind schedule. Get ready for fun!” Twilight said. “Are we talking fun fun, or learning pretending to be fun?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Both! We've all been so busy teaching, we've hardly had a chance to hang out with each other. And I may have scheduled some friendship activities as well!” Twilight replied. “Count me in! We can do friendship trust falls and pony pyramids! Oh! And hide and seek! Quick! Find me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she zoomed away to hide. “Well, I love the idea of some quiet time with my best friends, along with my sweet baby boy,” Fluttershy said, as she nuzzled her cheek on his and he wrapped his arms underneath hand around her neck for a hug. Pinkie Pie screamed, as Fluttershy jumped, “You found me!” Thomas then hid underneath Fluttershy’s mane and shook. “Oops, my bad,” Pinkie Pie said, before zooming over to give her nephew a kiss on the forehead, and then he reappeared while wiping the tears off his eyes. Rainbow Dash hovered next to Applejack and Rarity, as they had a wagon full of camping gear. “Rarity, why is Applejack carrying all your stuff?” she asked. “Oh, that's not mine. Yes, I used to overpack a tad, but now it's just the essentials for me. I'm a simple filly,” Rarity said. “Normally I wouldn't lug so much gear, but did y'all know this is Starlight and Sunset's first time campin'?” Applejack asked, as they saw Sunset with a smile, but Starlight with an unamused type of look. “I just never really felt the need to... "hang out" in nature,” Starlight said, as she waved her hoof to shoo the bugs away. “Home has books, tea, fewer bugs, a roof...” “That attitude right there is why I brought the whole kit and caboodle. I'm givin' Starlight and Sunset the full Apple family campin' experience!” Applejack said, as Sunset shook her head while rolling her eyes. “Um, where are we camping?” Thomas asked. “Right next to the Elements that brought us all together in the first place – the Tree of Harmony!” Twilight replied, then they continued their journey. Meanwhile, somewhere in the other side of the forest, the Mean Six were unamused about their surroundings. “Listen to your queen! We must retrieve the Elements of Harmony at once!” Queen Chrysalis commanded. “Hunting down some lame Elements? This is the worst day ever!” Mean Pinkie Pie said, until Mean Fluttershy splatted some mud into Mean Pinkie Pie’s face. “No. Now it's the worst day ever!” Mean Fluttershy started laughing cruelly. “Those Elements are mine! Along with this rock! Oh, and that twig!” Mean Rarity greedily said. “I got all kinds o' Elements right here under my hat. I'll let you see 'em for five bits,” Mean Applejack lied. Mean Rainbow Dash scoffed while laying on a tree branch like she didn’t care, “Losers.” “Why didn't you just attack them?” Mean Twilight asked. “Excuse me?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “You were close enough to pull hairs from their manes. Why not just take your revenge then?” Mean Twilight asked. Queen Chrysalis then replied, “They've defeated my army. I know better than to strike alone. I need—” “Friends?” “Servants! And the power of the Elements!” Mean Twilight wasn’t amused, “Right. So where are these Elements of Harmony?” “The location of the most powerful weapon in Equestria isn't something made known to just anypony. I learned they were hidden somewhere in this forest,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “Mean Twilight then started walking, “Yeah, well, it is a big forest.” Queen Chrysalis then growled in frustration. Along the way, the Mane 8, with Soike on Twilight’s back, and Thomas on Fluttershy’s back passed through Rose bushes. “Everypony, stop! And smell these roses!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, while sniffing the flowers. “Ahhh! Oh, yeah!” Thomas smelled them too, and loved the scent, then chose to pick some out for himself and his mother, making her blush. Twilight nervous giggle, “Right. Roses. Fun. Now, let’s try and stay on schedule.” “Come on, Twilight. This is all part of nature,” Spike said. “I knew that, Spike,” Twilight said. Rarity looked at some strands of her mane sticking out, “Applejack, darling, anything in that wagon for mane maintenance?” Applejack took off the strap from her wagon and then looked through her wagon. “Uh, let's see here. Uh... all right. I got a bandana!” Applejack suggested, as she held it in her hoof. “Ugh, an entire wagon and no anti-frizz? Darling, you're not even prepared,” Rarity said. “I am! For campin'?” Applejack said, then looked at other mares catching up. “How ya and Sunset doin', Starlight?” Starlight had her travel bags, and so did Sunset, “Whoa! Ugh. Great,” she replied flatly. “It’s not the end of the world,” Sunset said. Thomas saw a baby bird tweeting, “Momma, look!” Fluttershy looked and saw the baby bird, “Oh, no! You and your sister fell out of your nest and got separated? That's terrible!” She then laid out her wing to let the bid climb on, “Here. I'm sure your home isn't too far away.” She then thought about her son, “Rarity? Could you please do me a favor and watch Thomas for me?” “I’d love to, darling,” Rarity said, as she wrapped her foreleg over his shoulder. “You be good for your Auntie Rarity and I’ll be back later, okay, sweetie?” Thomas nodded, and then hugged Fluttershy’s hoof as she went to return the baby bird to its sister and find the nest. “Would you like to ride on my back, precious?” Rarity asked, leaning down on her forelegs. Thomas nodded, and then he climbed onto her back and held onto her neck and her mane. Twilight yelped after seeing Pinkie Pie swinging on a vine, “Pinkie! If we keep stopping to have fun, we're never gonna get to the fun things I'vegot planned!” Pinkie Pie gasped, “Good point! Last one to the Tree of Harmony is a parasprite! Whoo-hoo!” Twilight sighed, and then Sunset walked up to her, “Same old Pinkie Pie, huh?” Twilight nodded, until Spike replied, “You have no idea.” Meanwhile, the Mean Six and Queen Chrysalis were wandering around the forest for their quest for the Elements of Harmony, as Mean Pinkie Pie laid on the ground, “I'm sooooo bored. Are we there yet?” “Where yet? We don't even know where we're going!” Mean Twilight said. “The quicker we search the forest, the quicker we find the Elements,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “I know where the Elements are. This, uh, here boulder just told me. I swear,” Mean Applejack lied. Suddenly, another baby bird tweeted beneath Mean Fluttershy. “You tried to fly out of the nest, but you fell and got lost?” Mean Fluttershy said. The baby bird nodded while tweeting. Mean Fluttershy laughed cruelly, “Hope you like walking!” She laughed cruelly again while following the baby bird. Mean Rainbow Dash yawned, “Come get me when I should care.” She then flew away. Queen Chrysalis looked and saw Mean Fluttershy and Mean Rainbow Dash were missing, “Where... are... the others?!” “Uh... A, uh, a bugbear in... plaid socks flew down and, uh, g-grabbed them! Then disappeared! Huh. Craziest thing I ever did see!” Mean Applejack lied again. “Turn around. We're going back,” Queen Chrysalis said. “No. Keep searching. I'll find the others. We can accomplish more if we split our resources,” Mean Twilight said. Queen Chrysalis sighed, “Very well. You have my permission.” Mean Twilight then flew, “"Permission"? You need us way more than we need you, your Majesty! The others are fools. But with me to lead them, there's no reason we can't find the Elements and keep the power for ourselves!” She then landed on the ground, before seeing the bushes rustling, and Pinkie Pie jumped onto her, “You're it! Hey, how'd you get ahead of me? You're fast.” Mean Twilight grunted, “Ugh! I'm looking for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.” “Aren't they back there?” Pinkie Pie asked. “They are?” Mean Twilight asked. “Sure! Unless they're already at the Tree of Harmony,” Pinkie Pie said. “What is the Tree of Harmony?” Mean Twilight asked. “Oh-ho-ho. This is one of your "activities", right? Like a friendship quiz? It's the crystal tree that holds the Elements of Harmony. Boom!” Pinkie Pie replied. Mean Twilight gasped, “Where is it?” Pinkie Pie imitated a buzzer, “It's at the bottom of the stairs in the ravine by the Castle of the Two Sisters. Double boom!” “How do you know? You've seen it?” Mean Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie nodded in reply, “Mm-hmm. Honestly, Twilight, these questions are super easy.” Mean Twilight add a sinister grin while rubbing her wings together. Fluttershy arrived at the nest and placed the brother baby bird on it, “Right where you belong.” The brother baby bird tweeted as a thank you while Fluttershy went to get some food. Fluttershy then realized she was lost, “Oh, dear. This isn't where I belong.” She then saw Mean Rainbow Dash as she thought was her Rainbow Dash, “Oh, Rainbow Dash! I'm so glad you're here. I was lost.” “Bummer. Later,” Mean Rainbow Dash said, flying away. Fluttershy was confused, “What just happened?” Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Starlight called out together or one at a time, “Fluttershy!” “Momma! Where are you?!” Thomas called out, until he began to feel worried while hugging his Snuggle Bear teddy closer towards him, but felt tears sting his eyes, until Starlight comforted, “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll find her.” “Oh, fantastic. First Pinkie races ahead of us, and now Fluttershy's lost somewhere behind us. My retreat is off to a great start!” Twilight said. “It's not like Fluttershy to disappear like this,” Rarity said. “Yeah. Where could she be?” Spike asked. Applejack then came up with an idea, “We'll split up and search for her. We can all meet back at the Tree. Starlight, take the navigation gear and—” Starlight replied quickly, “Go with Rarity and Sunset? Great! Rainbow Dash, you can go with Applejack!” She nervously chuckled. “Spike and I will find Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said, and then they split up and looked for the others while Thomas stayed with his Aunties Rarity, Sunset, and Starlight. The Mean 3 and Queen Chrysalis continued their journey while Mean Pinkie Pie started complaining, “Bored. Bored. Bored.” Queen Chrysalis had enough of their behavior, “This is ridiculous! Where are my other minions?!” “Probably plotting to steal my things!” Mean Rarity growled. “They're at a secret party up in that there tree. Run by a... squirrel named, uh, Jerome. But, uh, y-you need a password to get in,” Mean Applejack lied. Queen Chrysalis growled while lifted three of her clones in her aura, “Enough!” The three clones landed on the ground on their back while Queen Chrysalis slammed her hoof, making them look afraid, “You will go out there and find the others, you will bring them back here, and we will steal the Elements of Harmony so I can destroy Starlight's life like she destroyed mine! Understand?” Mean Rarity, Mean Applejack, and Mean Pinkie Pie nodded nervously, “Uh-huh!” Mean Applejack then whispered a lie, “The party password is "rutabaga".” Queen Chrysalis’s eye twitched, then growled with frustration. Mean Fluttershy started teasing the sister baby bird mockingly, “Why don't you fly up to your nest? Oh, that's right. You can't!” She laughed cruelly. The brother baby bird tweeted in confusion, until Mean Fluttershy spoke up, “Oh. Nopony asked you. I hope you all freeze this winter!” Mean Fluttershy laughed cruelly while stomping on the flowers, and then flew away. The real Fluttershy came back with some berries and fresh earthworms for the baby birds, “Hello again, little friend. I think I may be walking in circles.” The brother baby bird tweeted angrily, but got confused. Fluttershy gasped, “Oh, my! Where did you learn that kind of language?” She then asked the animals for a conference, “Um, excuse me?” The animals growling and chittering angrily, until Fluttershy whimpered while crying. Mean Rarity suddenly came over to the real Applejack and Rainbow Dash, mistaking Rainbow Dash for the Mean Rainbow Dash, “Finally, you found her!” “Me? We're looking for Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said. “Where’re Starlight and Sunset? And wasn’t the little feller with you?” Applejack asked, not seeing Thomas on Mean Rarity’s back. “Well, if I knew that—” Mean Rarity cut herself off by taking and hoarding Applejack’s camping gear for herself. Rainbow Dash grunted as Mean Rarity took some of the gear from her, “Hey!” Mean Rarity got greedy, “This is mine! And this as well! Oh, and this is absolutely mine!” Applejack was confused, “Rarity, what in the hay are you gonna do with a fishin' rod?” “I don't know. But I wants it!” Mean Rarity snorted. Thomas was still worried about his momma while riding on Rarity’s back, until she looked at Starlight, “Starlight, darling, you're a gloriously bad camper. And coming from me, that is saying a lot.” “I know. Want to break it to Applejack for me?” Starlight asked nervously. “Don’t look at me. I’ve experienced camping when I was a human,” Sunset said. Mean Applejack suddenly appeared, “Who's breakin' what now?” She then looked at Starlight and Sunset in confusion, like she never saw them before, “Who are you?” “Very funny, Applejack,” Sunset said. “Yep. Still me under all this gear. Starlight, and next to me, Sunset,” Starlight said. “Starlight? Sunset? How 'bout that? Y'all better come with me. It's, uh, dangerous out here,” Mean Applejack lied. “Applejack, darling, are you all right? You look a little peaky. And where's your wagon?” Rarity asked, until Mean Applejack came up with another lie, “Uh... stolen! Uh, I barely got away! Follow me, and I'll tell ya all about it.” They then followed Mean Applejack to where she was leading them. Twilight and Spike suddenly saw Mean Pinkie Pie in a swamp, “Pinkie! There you are! What are you doing?” Mean Pinkie Pie pointed at a huge bubble popping from the pond. “You call that a pop?! Ugh!” Mean Pinkie Pie said. “I thought you were racing to the retreat,” Twilight said, as Spike nodded. “Please. Why would I waste my time on a boring, lame, no-fun retreat?” Mean Pinkie Pie asked, and walked away. “What just happened?” Spike asked, until she saw Mean Rainbow Dash flying passed her. “Rainbow Dash! I think something's wrong with Pinkie!” “Not my problem,” Mean Rainbow Dash said, flying away, until Twilight and Spike fell into the swamp water. Mean Twilight was being annoyed by the real Pinkie Pie’s stories, “And then we all grew super-long manes with all kinds of colors, and your castle grew out of the ground, and everypony was like, "Whoa!" And then we sang this song about rainbows, and—” Pinkie Pie gasped at Fluttershy crying. “Fluttershy! What's wrong?” Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie Pie as the pink pony comforted her, “Everycreature is mad at me!” She then continued to cry. Pinkie Pie gasped, “What?! That can't be right!” Fluttershy kept crying while sniffling, until Mean Twilight landed in front of them both. Mean Twilight groaned, “Can we hurry this up? We're on a schedule here!” “Twilight, your schedule can wait! Fluttershy's upset,” Pinkie Pie said, while comforting Fluttershy. “Well, tell her to get over it! I'll go get the others. Stay here!” Mean Twilight said, as she went to go find the others. Fluttershy kept crying and sniffling, until the real Twilight, along with Spike came back, “Oh, great. You upset Fluttershy, too?” Pinkie Pie got angry, “You know what, Twilight? Maybe if you weren't so worried about schedules, you'd realize you'rethe one ruining the retreat for your friends!” Twilight gasped, and shed tears, “Well, if my friends don't care about the retreat I planned for them... maybe they should've stayed home!” “Why are we angry?!” Spike asked. “What am I yelling?!” “Can't we all just get along?!” Fluttershy asked, until she continued to cry, as Spike went over to comfort her. Mean Twilight then wandered off thinking to herself, “Keep it together. You can do this. You need those imbeciles if your plan is gonna come together.” Queen Chrysalis suddenly appeared, “Your plan?” Mean Twilight gasped, and then lied, “Uh, the plan. I'm just trying to do your bidding, your Majesty.” “Grub-sitting you six is nothing like controlling my hive!” Queen Chrysalis said. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just destroy you all and start over!” “Because I know where the Elements of Harmony are. You need me,” Mean Twilight said. Queen Chrysalis then made a maniacal laughter. “Mine. Mine! All mine!” Mean Rarity said with crazed laughter. Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack, “I'm guessing some kind of curse? Maybe poison joke?” “Well, somethin' sure ain't right,” Applejack said. “What are you plotting back there? I can hear you, you know! Don't think you're going to steal my things!” Mean Rarity growled, as she ran with the camping gear, but got stuck in the vines. “Hang on. I got a shovel we can use to whack those vines out of the way,” Applejack said, as she looked through her wagon for her shovel, but it was stuck on one of the vines at Rainbow Dash tried to grab it. Mean Rarity grunted, as she saw Rainbow Dash trying to take the shovel, “I knew it! I knew you wanted it all for yourselves! You can't have it!” She then landed on the ground and hoarded all the equipment. “It's mine, you hear me?! All mi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hi-hine!” She then let out a crazed laughter while crawling backwards. “Yeah... Sorry, Rarity! But that’s not gonna cut it!” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash took back their gear and went off to find the others. “Hey! Come back here!” Mean Rarity screamed, until she grabbed a rock. “Ooh! That ones mine!” Mean Applejack kept telling a fake story while she journeyed with Rarity, who had Thomas on her back, Starlight and Sunset with their camping bags, “...So there I was. Just me and, uh, a bucket of honey. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Uh, b-but I-I survived all by myself in this here forest for, uh, a hundred and... twenty-seven hours!” “Really? I can't believe you've never told us that story before,” Rarity said. “She's making a point,” Sunset said, until Starlight spoke back. “We get it. You're the greatest camper in the history of Equestria.” “Well, I’m glad you agree,” Mean Applejack said. Rarity looked back at Thomas, who was fidgeting his hands and fingers while holding his bear, “Are you feeling alright, darling?” “I want my Momma,” Thomas said, as Rarity nuzzled with him. “Maybe... she’s gone and never come back,” Mean Applejack lied. “No, she said she’ll come back for me soon,” Thomas said. Mean Applejack chuckled, “Just look in a mirror. Guess I should've told y’all about that ugly creature before, huh?” She chuckled again. Starlight, Sunset and Rarity gasped, until Thomas’s eyes started tearing up, and took off his camping bag and tossed it on the ground after getting off Rarity’s back. “Guess I’ll just find somewhere else to camp for now on!” Thomas then started running crying in heartbreak, leaving Sunset, Starlight and Rarity not happy with the not real Applejack. Sunset looked at her with a stern look, “We’re gonna go comfort Thomas after you hurt his feelings!” “Agreed, darling. And when we have calmed him down, we’re gonna have a serious talk about how cruel you were to your own nephew!” Rarity said, as the three mares went off to find Thomas and try to comfort him. Queen Chrysalis and the other Mean 5 appeared from behind, “Finally! There. That's all of you. Nopony leaves without my say-so.” Mean Applejack was confused, “Now, wait a second. Weren't you just—?” Queen Chrysalis zapped her magic laser at a tree, disintegrating Mean Applejack’s hat, as she gulped. “The time for my revenge on Starlight Glimmer has come! Let's see if you're telling the truth about this Tree,” Queen Chrysalis said, as she let out a maniacal laughter. Somewhere in the forest, Thomas sat down with his knees against himself and hugged with his arms crying and sniffing about how cruel Mean Applejack was. “Why would she say that?” Thomas asked himself, as he continued to cry. Meanwhile, Fluttershy kept crying as Pinkie Pie and Twilight were arguing while Spike comforted Fluttershy. “Of course I care about Fluttershy!” “Then you've got a super weird way of showing it!” “Don’t you even listen to yourselves?!” Spike asked. “W-What in Equestria's going on here?” Rarity asked, as she, Starlight and Sunset appeared. “Twilight is so into her retreat that she doesn't even care if her friends are upset! She just wants us to "stay on schedule"!” Pinkie Pie replied. “Well, I'm sorry, Pinkie! If I knew you thought this was a "boring, lame, no-fun retreat", I wouldn't have invited you in the first place!” Twilight said. “I never said that!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, until they heard somepony crying. Twilight walked over to the source, and after rustling her hoof into the bush, she moved it, and saw Thomas sitting there. “Thomas? Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked, after lifting him up in her aura and gently holding him in her right hoof. Thomas then continued to cry as he buried himself underneath her chest fur and hugged her neck with his head underneath it. “Shhhhhh shhhhhh... We’re right here, sweetheart. We’re right here.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash suddenly appeared with the wagon, “Sorry, y'all. We would've been here sooner, but we had to take the long way after we stopped Rarity before she nearly ran off with all my stuff.” “Wha—?! I most certainly did not!” Rarity exclaimed, until Thomas whimpered underneath Twilight’s mane and fur. “What?! You know I ain't no liar!” Applejack said, until she saw Thomas without his camping bag. “Where's all your gear?” “Why? So you can laugh at him some more, since you think he’s an ugly creature?!” Starlight asked. “Which was totally unacceptable!” Sunset said. “You did not!” Twilight said. “She did!” Rarity said. “Hey, hey, we're all friends here!” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah, let’s just calm down and try to take this nice and slow,” Spike said. “Friends?! You left me alone in the woods!” Fluttershy said while crying. The Mane 5 minus Twilight kept arguing, until her face went from angry to a frustratingly steamed expression, “Everypony, quiet!” They all stopped arguing, as Twilight began to speak, “Listen. We know each other really well — the great stuff and how to get on each other's nerves, too. I wanted a fun trip with my friends. But instead, I got carried away with plans and ruined everything. If you want to forget it all and head home, I won't be offended. I just want us to stop fighting.” Thomas sniffed, and then hugged his aunt’s leg, “Aww... and probably cheer up this little one.” She then nuzzled her head with his, until Thomas went to Fluttershy for a hug. Applejack turned to Starlight and Sunset, “Hey, sorry if I got carried away with all that campin' stuff.” Starlight and Sunset smiled, as Starlight spoke up, “I'm sorry, too. I should've just told you I'll never like camping. Also, I'll never like camping.” “Well, I kinda enjoy camping,” Sunset said. “Well, if we're all being honest, I can't survive with just this tiny yet fashionable little saddlebag! I miss my things!” Rarity said. Pinkie Pie went to Twilight, “I'm sorry that you thought that I thought your plan was lame. Your plans are the most un-lamest!” “And I always have fun when we're all together. Even if it's learning pretending to be fun,” Rainbow Dash said. “So... does that mean you still want to have the retreat?” Twilight asked, as they all said, “Yes!” “I know what you think my Momma said to you was true, but I promise she said nothing like that. She cares for animals. Now, do we know better than to accuse others for who they are?” Thomas asked, as they all listened, and the critters nodded. “Then I guess you’re all forgiven.” Fluttershy smiled warmly, and hugged her son, before placing him on her back. “Let's get to that Tree. I have the whole campsite set up and ready,” Twilight said, as they started making their way to the Tree of Harmony. Queen Chrysalis and the Mean Six arrived at the entrance to the Tree of Harmony, until Mean Pinkie Pie groaned at the campsite, “What's this garbage?” Mean Applejack made up a quick lie, “Badger installation art! Ya see—” Queen Chrysalis cut her off, “Just! Retrieve! The Elements!” The Mean Six went over to the campsite, but Mean Twilight stopped them before they would do something, “Leave it as it is! Now stay focused. Once we get the power of the Elements, no creature – not even her Majesty – can tell us what to do. Just follow my lead. Got it?” The Mean 5 nodded while laughing evilly, leaving Queen Chrysalis confused. The Mean Six then saw the Tree of Harmony as they entered the cave. “Ooh! That one's mine!” Mean Rarity said, as the Generosity Element pulsed in a blackish purple color. Mean Rarity let out a crazed laughter, until Mean Fluttershy tripped her over on purpose. “Oops. I'd say sorry, but I'm not!” Mean Fluttershy said, as she and Mean Rarity tumbled while fighting and grunting at the same time. “Stop it, fools!” Mean Twilight said, as the Kindness Element pulsed. The Mean Six started goofing off around the Tree of Harmony. “We need the Elements to take out Chrysalis!” Mean Twilight gasped at Chrysalis behind her. “How dare you! I created you!” Queen Chrysalis then shot her magic laser at Mean Twilight, who created a force field around her, and Mean Applejack bucked the tree as her original’s element pulsed. Mean Pinkie Pie laughed while trying to shove the tree as her original’s element pulsed. Mean Twilight kept up the force field, and then as the Loyalty Element pulsed, she smirked and zapped her magic laser at Chrysalis until the Element of Magic pulsed, and send an alert to the other elements, and outmcame white cleansing tendrils and grabbed the evil copies, as it started to make them melt. Mean Twilight spoke up her last words, “Imbeciles! You ruined everythiiiiiiiing!” When a huge flash of light appeared, the Mean Six were now colorful logs of wood. Queen Chrysalis then learned her lesson, “Servants always fail you in the end! Just wait, Starlight. I will have my revenge!” The Mane 8, along with Spike and Thomas arrived at the campsite. “It’s still here! Just as I left it!” Twilight said. “Why don’t we set up a fire and have a nice calm night together?” Starlight suggested. “Spoken like a true camper,” Applejack said. “Eh, don't push it,” Starlight said, as she and Applejack chuckled together. Later on, they had a nice fire and roasted some marshmallows for some s’mores, while Thomas had his as he sat on Fluttershy’s lap. “You know, if we can survive a day or night like this, I think our friendship is strong enough to handle anything the world can throw at us,” Twilight said, as they all agreed with nods, and then laughed as they didn’t notice Queen Chrysalis flying away, so they can enjoy their camp out together. > An All Bottled Up Matter of Principals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Thomas and Fluttershy made it to the School of Friendship in time, and then she leaned down to let Thomas climb off, and brought him over for a quick hug, “Okay, baby. “Momma’s gotta go to work now. You have a good day, and I’ll see you later, okay?” Thomas nodded, and then hugged her on the neck, and received a kiss on the forehead, and he went off to his class, but he suddenly saw Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, and both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Diamond Tiara! Silver Spoon!” Thomas exclaimed. “Sweetie pie!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed as she rushed over to hug her special someone. “Diamond Tiara, I expect a full report on your success in this school, along with your friend. Is that clear?” Spoiled Rich asked. “Yes, mother. I understand,” Diamond Tiara replied. Twilight then walked over, “Can I help you?” “Princess Twilight, I’d like to enroll my daughter and her friend Silver Spoon to this school for better education, and hope she might learn a thing or two about proper friendship,” Filthy Rich explained. “I’d be honored to enroll them here,” Twilight said. “Now these are your new school books, and if you’ll follow Guidance Counselor Starlight Glimmer, she’ll escort you to your classroom.” Filthy Rich and his wife left the school so Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can enjoy their first day in the School of Friendship, and Diamond Tiara let Thomas ride on her back to class. Spike opened a chest full of artifacts, and Twilight began her lesson, “Who can tell me what these are?” “Whoa...” Sandbar said. “Me likey...” Gallus said. “Shiny!” Yuma and the Crusaders said in unison. “Treasure?” Smolder asked. “Nope! They're all legendary magical artifacts!” Ocellus said, leaving the classroom with agape stares. “Heh-heh. I've read ahead in Equestrian Cultures and Camaraderie: Volume Seven.” “You're right, Ocellus,” Twilight said, as she showed them the artifacts. “This is the Amulet of Aurora, the Talisman of Mirage, the Helm of Yksler, the Crown of Grover, Knuckerbocker's Shell, and Clover the Clever's Cloak.” “Why are they in the school, Auntie Twilight?” Thomas asked, after raising his hand. “Princess Celestia gifted these to our school, since they each represent one of the cultures our students come from. And we'll learn all about them in a Spell-venger Hunt!” Twilight replied. The classroom was confused, until Smolder looked aside, and then to Sandbar, “Is that a pony thing?” Sandbar shrugged his shoulders. “It's a magical scavenger hunt. Each of you will work in pairs or groups of any number of students to try to find where in the school these artifacts are hidden,” Twilight said. “The team that finds the most wins a private tour of the Canterlot Archives with Princess Celestia,” Spike said. Twilight giggled, until Silverstream made an excited squeal. “Learning and fun?! Does it get any better than that?!” “You've been underwater a long time, haven't you?” Gallus asked. “Gallus and Silverstream, sounds like you're our first pair!” Twilight said, and then the students gasped, before Twilight heard a shimmering sound, until she looked at her glowing cutie mark on her flank. Back at the castle, Twilight and her friends met up at the map table, and saw it located at a rocky mountain with a cave. “Should we send our students home?” Fluttershy asked. “I say we take 'em with us! Road trip!” “In the middle of my friendship quilting class? I think not! All of those unfinished seams!” Rarity said. “Problem is we don't even know how long we'll be gone,” Applejack said, until Twilight spoke up. “Don't worry, everypony. I already have a seventy-point plan in place for this very situation.” At Starlight’s office, she was getting used to her plant on her desk, “I think you really spruce up the office, Ms. Philodendron.” She then gasped, “Oh! I'm gonna call you Phyllis! Don't you look good, Phyllis!” There suddenly was a knock on the door. “Come in!” She said in baby talk, until the door opened, revealing Spike and Twilight. Starlight cleared throat, “I mean, uh, come in!” “Uh, were you just talking to someone?” Spike asked. “No! Why?” Starlight nervously laughed. “Starlight, I have something very important to discuss with you,” Twilight said. “If this is about leaving early yesterday, I didn't have any students on my schedule, and Trixie was having a magical emergency, and then I had a date with Sunburst the next day, which actually turned out to be nothing—” Twilight giggled, “It's not anything like that.” Later on, in Twilight’s office... “You want me to be headmare?!” Starlight asked. “You're the perfect choice! You're a good leader and an expert in friendship. I trust you to run this school exactly as I would,” Twilight replied. “Uh, that's a pretty big responsibility, Twilight,” Starlight said, until she was dragged back by Twilight’s aura. “Which is why I've prepared everything you need,” Twilight said, as she rang a dinner bell for Spike, who came in carrying a wheelbarrow full of scrolls, books and papers and piled them onto her desk. “The curriculum, rules for the Spell-venger Hunt, dining hall menus for the next six months...” “Six months?! You're not really gonna be gone that long, are you?” Starlight asked. “...and Spike. Anything that isn't covered in my files, he'll be able to help you with,” Twilight said. “Sunset will also be assisting you on this one.” “I suppose it’ll be a piece of cake,” Sunset said. “Then why not put him or her in charge?” Starlight asked. “Because you have good intentions, Starlight. Trust me,” Twilight said. “Well, if you're sure it's what you really want, I promise I won't let you down,” Starlight said. “I knew I could count on you,” Twilight said, as she left the room. “Great. What could possibly go wrong?” Starlight asked. “I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Sunset said. As the Mane 6 galloped to their friendship problem’s location, and Spike, Starlight and Sunset waved goodbye. “Okay, now let’s see what’s on the list,” Starlight said as they walked back inside. “Okay. I hid the artifacts for the Spell-venger Hunt and ordered school supplies for the week. All you have to worry about is teaching class,” Spike said. Starlight sighed in relief, “Thanks, Spike. Maybe we will get through this okay.” As they got inside the office, they suddenly saw a draconequus in Twilight’s office. “Hello, my good friends!” he said. “Discord!” Starlight said, before chuckling nervously. “What a... heh... nice surprise! This is your first time at our new school, isn't it?” “Oh, was I not invited to the grand opening? Well, that’s a bummer,” Discord said, before crossing his arms and sarcastically pouting. “Discord! What are you doing here?” Starlight asked. “To fill in for Twilight, of course, as head-draconequus. I seem to recall a whole song about how this school is where you make your own rules. Now, who better at that than me?” Discord replied. “Then you also must've heard Starlight is in charge now,” Spike said. “Really? I thought there must be some mistake,” Discord said, as he snapped his fingers. “Nope. Twilight picked me for the job. And she left pretty detailed instructions for me to follow,” Starlight said. “She’s hoping to do a good job, you know,” Sunset said. Discord then snapped his talon fingers and then, the room was redecorated into his chaotic liking, as peacocks were calling while walking, there was a ceiling trapdoor open revealing a storm cloud with a thunderbolt clashing, and they saw Discord typing on the typewriter. “Come in, come in. You'll let the twittermites out,” he said. “Twittermites?” Spike asked, as they swarmed around Spike, but he breathed fire at them. “Discord, what is this?” Starlight asked. “Nopony was at your desk. Imagine what Twilight would say. "Oh, how could you, Starlight?! You've broken my trust and failed me completely!" Oh, don't worry. I'll cover for you,” Discord said. “And I'm sure that she wouldn't mind a few tiny suggestions.” He then snapped his fingers, and a list appeared as he began writing, "Item one – Gravity is optional." They then started floating as he offered them seats. "Item two – The school's new mascot is an ambidextrous marmoset." The marmoset mascot squeaked. "Item three—" “Not gonna happen. I promised Twilight I'd handle this her way. So thanks, but no thanks,” Starlight said. “Reeeeeeally? Well, we'll see if you change your mind,” Discord said. “Discord, she said no,” Spike said. “We'll take it from here, Discord. Go relax. Have a cup of tea. At home,” Starlight said. “We’ve got this,” Sunset said. “Oh! Some thanks for all my help,” Discord said. Starlight then got angry, until she placed a cloud full of her anger in a glass bottle. “Okay, okay. I’m going. You also might want to see the substitute teachers I’ve hired for you by the way,” Discord said, as he then left. “Actually, that does sound kinda helpful. And it was next on our to-do list,” Spike said. “Which teachers did he hire?” Sunset asked. They saw Iron Will being a teacher, “They call it "making friends", because you have to make creatures be your friends! Show me what you've got, yak!” Yona cleared her throat, and quietly spoke up, “Be my friend.” “If you're quiet, I don't buy it!” Iron Will hollered. Yona spoke louder, “Be my friend!” “I've heard pudding that's more convincing!” Iron Will yelled out. Yona huffed, then spoke up even louder, “Be! My! Friend!” “That's not how Twilight teaches friendship,” Sunset said, as Starlight bottled up another red cloud of her anger. Thomas then whimpered as he was sitting on the bleacher while Silverstream comforted him with a hug. Starlight and Sunset were worried about Thomas since he was still a student and their nephew. They then saw a dragon-sneeze tree, as a flash beehive was underneath. “You hired a tree as a teacher?!” Starlight asked. Its schedule was free. Spike’s eyes were red and soggy with allergies, “Uh, guys? That's not just any tree.” Smolder sneezed out fire as her eyes were stuffy and well. The students screamed and ran for their lives. Spike blew nose with a tissue, “It's a dragon-sneeze tree.” Smolder sneezed again, aiming for the beehive, until it fell down, and then cracked open as the flash bees appeared and flew around the classroom, scaring the students. “W-W-W-Wait! Calm down, everycreature! It's gonna be okay!” Starlight said, as Yona was on a rampage. “BE MY FRIEEEEENNNND!” Discord suddenly appeared, “Mmmm, my, my, my. You do seem like you're in over your head. Won't Twilight be so disappointed with how you're ruining—I mean, running her school?” The students kept running while Yona kept rampaging through the school and Smolder kept sneezing, until Sunset took care of the flash bees. “Discord!” Starlight said, as Discord was munching popcorn. “This is all your fault!” “Mine? I thought you were in charge here. But I'm happy to pitch in if you need me,” Discord said, as he crumbled his popcorn bag onto the floor, leaving Spike to pick up. “What I need is for you to leave!” Starlight said, as Discord snapped his fingers and turned into a pile of leaves. “Fine! From now on, I won't try to help. At! All! Ta-ta!” He then flew away with the wind, and then Spike closed the window. Starlight groaned after collecting more anger for her bottle, “Thanks, Spike. Let's just hope he stays gone.” “I wouldn't count on it. I think Discord's trying to test you,” Spike said, until Sunset came over with Thomas on her hoof shaking in fear. “You okay, honey?” Starlight asked, until Thomas shook his head in reply, then Starlight kissed his cheek for comfort. They then started walking. “Why would he want to test me?” Starlight asked, while Sunset was holding Thomas in her hoof still. “Well, it's kinda what he does. Even to ponies or dragons he cares about,” Spike said. “Oh, well, I told Twilight I'd run her school right, and I'm gonna keep that promise. No matter what,” Starlight said. As the nighttime came, and Thomas slept with Starlight and Sunset at the castle, they arrived ack at school the next day for their substitutions to continue. “Good morning, students! I know there's been a little bit of adjustment since the professors left for their trip. But I've brought in new new teachers,” Starlight said, pointing at Spitfire, Trixie, Maud Pie, Dr. Whooves, and Octavia Melody. “And now everything should run smoothly. Now it's time for class. And don't forget, this afternoon is the Spell-venger Hunt!” The students chattered, as Silverstream placed Thomas onto her back and then they walked over to class as the Crusaders, along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. In the big classroom, as the students were chatting, Discord came in dressed up in school clothes, as the stock gasped before Thomas hid underneath Silverstream’s wing as Ocellus rubbed his back. “Yo! Greetings, fellow creatures!” Discord said in a California accent. “Is this seat taken?” Ocellus laughed nervously, as Discord took his seat, as Thomas quietly whimpered while hugging Silversteam’s leg. Suddenly, a puff of smoke appeared and Trixie appeared in her magician cape and hat, until she waved at Thomas until he smiled softly at his Auntie Trixie, “Welcome, class! You may call me the Great and Powerful Professor Trrrrrri—” She was suddenly cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. “Shhh! Really, that's so inconsiderate!” Discord said, as the phone rang again, as he took out a banana phone. “Oh, I better take this. Hello?” “Oh, he did not! And what did you say?” Discord gasped, “You did not!” “Discord! Why are you here?!” Trixie asked angrily. “Why, I'm a student of friendship, of course. Unless you don't think you're good enough to teach me,” Discord replied. “Of course I am! No fruit calls or chaotic shenanigans in my class!” Trixie said, as Discord peeled the banana and ate the phone, until he saw Thomas on another side without him noticing, and then got curious about him. “Magic is the most important element of friendship. So, today I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, will put on a magic show!” she exclaimed, as the students cheered, before Discord snapped his talon fingers by hiding it with his lion paw, until Trixie pulled out a Pigasus, and then suddenly pulled out an Ursa Major as it roared at the students until she got furious and pulled it down, and then she cooled off and then all of a sudden, the tentacles of a giant squid monster appeared out of her hat, before it scared the students to hide somewhere in the classroom. Discord chuckled, “I'm learning so much. Aren't you?” Trixie growled, “Discord!” As she glared furiously at Discord, he then left the room, until Doctor Strange appeared and casted a spell to send the creature back to the proper place, which was a small wooden trunk and locked it. “Thank you so much for coming, Doctor Strange,” Trixie said. “Pleasure. You may all come back in. It’s over,” he replied, as the students went back to their seats, until the class then continued with Doctor Strange staying for protection. Later on, outside the field, Spitfire finished training with the students. “Okay, good job, students. Now take a break before next period,” she said, as the students started their break, and Thomas laid on Silverstream’s stomach with his lead laid on her chest as she had her arm over him for comfort. Suddenly, Discord appeared wearing gym coach clothing, “Take a lap, team!” “Uh, actually, we just finished Professor Spitfire's workout,” Sandbar said. “Sounds like somepony needs a little motivation,” Discord said as he blew his whistle, until a bugbear appeared in a flash, and the students started to scream and run. “I've never run so fast in my life! Oh, this is great!” Silverstream exclaimed as the students ran around the track while the bugbear kept chasing them. Sandbar panted, “Hey, coach, we need a break.” “Friendship is about honesty. So believe me when I say... we're not stopping!” Discord blew his whistle again, and then he blew his whistle again, and then Sandbar yelped and ran. The bugbear growled while getting closer to Yona, as she panted while running, “Yona... can't run... faster...!” She then fell and tripped over face first, until Thomas came to help her up before the bugbear got closer. He then whimpered while curling up and whimpering in fear. Suddenly, a huge blast of magic came, and the bugbear whimpered and flew away into a portal casted by Doctor Strange. Starlight and Sunset, along with Spike and Doctor Strange came over. “Discord, that's enough! Endangering students crosses the line! I don't know why you're trying to ruin this school, but it stops right now!” Starlight yelled. Discord took off his clothing, “I wouldn't be so sure.” Starlight suddenly got more angrier, “This is your last warning.” She then charged up her horn. “Hey-hey-hey! Take it easy, Starlight! Discord's your friend, remember?” Spike said, trying to calm her down. “Well, he's not acting like it!” Starlight said. “She's right, Discord. I mean, what’s your problem anyway?” Sunset asked. “My problem? How is the fact that Twilight decided to put two incompetent, power-hungry unicorns in charge of her school my problem?!” Discord asked jealously. Starlight gasped as she was stunned by her words, as the students gasped at what he said. “THAT... DOES IT!!” She then grunted and blasted Discord away, leaving a huge crater in the buckball field. The students shuddered while Silverstream held Thomas in her arm as he buried himself underneath her chest fur for a hug. “Don’t worry. I just banished him from school grounds forever. He’ll be fine. Carry along,” Starlight said nervously, as the students walked back into the building. Thomas then whimpered while hugging Silverstream’s neck after she put him on her back. “That probably made things worse. Why didn't you just talk to Discord?” Spike asked. “Because he's right about one thing. I've been doing a terrible job as headmare,” Starlight said. “No, you haven't. You’re doing a great job,” Sunset said, comforting her friend. “Yeah. Discord is just bein'... Discord,” Spike said. “Maybe you’re right. I guess I am doing a good job as headmare. But I wonder why me being in charge bothers him so much,” Starlight said, until the bell rang. “We can figure that out after the Spell-venger Hunt. C'mon!” Spike said, as Starlight and Sunset followed him inside. “For this afternoon's Spell-venger Hunt, you'll need to use the artifacts' history to find where they're hidden in the castle,” Starlight said. “When you spot one, touch it with a magic shield to keep track of your score,” Sunset said. “Twilight left the list of your hunt partners before she left. I'll pass out the shields,” Spike said, passing out wristbands with a shield symbol on the button. “Before we get started, I need to make one small request. Thomas, why don’t you go with Silverstream and Gallus? Your five girls go with Ocellus and Smolder. They’ll watch over you,” Sunset said, as Silverstream gently grabbed the back of his fleece with her claws and placed Thomas on her back. “Ready... set... Spell-venger Hunt!” Starlight exclaimed as Spike rang the gong, and the students began the Spell-venger hunt. “C'mon! We can use Twilight's observatory to watch the teams!” Spike said, as he, Starlight and Sunset went over to the observatory tower to watch the teams. The students’ chattering continued as they kept finding the artifacts. “I hope you know where you're going,” Smolder said to Ocellus. “To the Helm of Yksler!” Ocellus replied in excitement. “Yeah! We’re hunting for artifacts!” The Crusaders exclaimed. “Eh, works for me,” Diamond Tiara said. “I hope my sweetie pie’s okay.” “He’ll be fine, Diamond. He has a excitedly kindhearted and sometimes protective hippogriff by his side,” Sweetie Belle said. “In our book, it says Yksler was an honorable yak warrior. Any enemies that saw him put down their weapons in peace. I think his artifact must be in one of these suits of armor,” Ocellus said. “I'm guessing that one,” Smolder said, as their shields flashed. “Yes! One down, five to go!” Ocellus said. “We found an artifact! We found an artifact! We found an artifact!“ The Crusaders said in singsong. “Awww, Ocellus and Smolder found their first artifact, and those fillies are so happy! Wait. What's that?” Starlight said, as she saw the statue move. Smolder, Ocellus and the fillies suddenly saw the statue of armor move. “Uh, I don't think that's part of the Spell-venger Hunt!” Ocellus said, until they screamed and ran from the haunted statue. “The school is haunted!” Ocellus said. “And not cool!” Smolder said. Starlight, Sunset and Spike gasped. Meanwhile, Thomas was enjoying the Spell-venger hunt with Silverstream and Gallus, as he rode on her back. “We're totally gonna win this Spell-venger Hunt!” Silverstream exclaimed in excitement. “Yeah, I doubt that. But at least I know where one of the artifacts is. Saw Spike hide it yesterday,” Gallus said. “Hey! Look at that!” Thomas exclaimed, pointing at three paintings as Gallus pulled one with the crown hidden underneath. “The Crown of Grover! Score!” Gallus exclaimed, as their wristbands shimmered, and then they pressed on it. “They say it's magic and King Grover used it to become the first ruler of Griffonstone. I know, pretty sweet, right?” Gallus explained. “You paid attention in class!” Silverstream exclaimed. Thomas giggled. “What?! I-If you ever tell an—” Gallus got cut off by a movement of the painting as it slammed against the wall, until Thomas hid underneath Silverstream and hugged her legs. “3D painting!” Silverstream exclaimed. The King Grover Painting screeched, and then the three screamed while running. The Changeling Painting hissed at a group of students, and the Pony Painting hissed at more students making them run as it chased after them, until Discord’s ghost appeared laughing. “Yup, that's definitely Discord. This is not good,” Starlight said. “I thought you banished him from the school,” Spike said. “Only his body. Apparently, his ghost can come and go just fine,” Sunset said. “Let's go. We have to stop this,” Starlight said, as she and the other two followed her. “How? No offense, but I don't think magic is the answer against Discord,” Spike said. “This time, I'm not using magic,” Starlight said, as she still felt angry on the inside. “I think she’s still angry,” Sunset said. “I’ll get the teachers to help. You take care of the students.” Starlight nodded as they split up to help their students. “Hmm... What Yona look for?” she asked. “The Shell of Knuckerbocker. It's like a seashell, but if you blow into it, you call a dragon! There's a sweet poem in our book about it. "Climb to the heights with dragon flight." Like flight of stairs!” Sandbar said. “Yona take pony word for it,” she said, before standing on the stairs as they got squishy like quicksand. “Huh?” Sandbar grunted as he couldn’t break free, “What's happening?!” Yona couldn’t break free as well, “Ugh! Yona not know! But Yona do know Yona not like Spell-venger Hunt!” Discord appeared laughing, “Boo! Boo! Boo!” He then took the shell and warped to another section. The students screamed while Silverstream and Gallus were chased by the portrait, and Smolder and Ocellus were chased by the suit of armor. Gallus and Silverstream watched the other students get haunted, and so did Smolder and Ocellus. The Young Six, along with the Crusaders regrouped as Yona and Sandbar appeared in the quicksand. Gallus and Smolder helped them out, until Sweetie Belle noticed somepony was missing. “Where’s Thomas?!” Thomas was hiding in a safer place away from them whimpering while hugging his Snuggle Bear teddy and sitting there curled up with his legs against him and tears coming out of his eyes, but he suddenly saw another knight statue laughing evilly, until it looked at him as he crawled backwards against the wall. Suddenly, a blast of light pink magic appeared, and Thomas saw Trixie appear, until he ran over to her for a hug against her foreleg, before she hugged him back with her other foreleg and lowered her head down on top of his shoulders to comfort him while he was shaking and whimpering in fear. Ocellus ran back until she saw the paintings appear in front of her, and then the Young Six cowered and crawled backwards. “Everycreature, stop!” Starlight shouted, as she, Sunset and Spike appeared. “B-B-B-But the school is haunted!” Thomas said, as Trixie softly hushed him. “It's not haunted, honey. It's Discord,” Starlight said, as Discord appeared with the artifacts. “Headmare Starlight! Look at me! Look! I won the Spell-venger Hunt! Well done, me! Now what's my prize?” he asked. “Detention,” Spike said. “Well, that's disappointing,” Discord said, as she dropped the artifacts, until Spike caught them, and Doctor Strange helped him up. The substitute teachers then appeared with angry faces while Trixie stood with Thomas as he hid underneath her cape and hugged her neck while she patted his head with her hoof. “Discord, you can't keep messing up the school,” Starlight said. “On the contrary. I think I rather can. And will,” Discord said, until Thomas whimpered while hugging his Auntie Trixie’s foreleg. “Then I have just one thing to say to you,” Starlight said. “Oh, do go on,” Discord said. “I'm... angry at you,” Starlight said, as she fixed Discord into his normal body. “Beg your pardon?” Discord asked. Starlight sighed, “Discord, I hate to say and do this, but this time, you’ve gone TOO far! I’m very angry with you, even at the very beginning! You entered the school as you just invited yourself in, hired some teachers that almost gave the lessons are a bad name, turned yourself into a headmare when Twilight never even asked you to run the school for her, made the students continue on with lessons when they deserved a break, brought in a Bugbear to make the students run more, and endangered our students again by haunting our Spell-venger hunt and look at poor Thomas! Scared half to death like you just don’t care about who can get scared easily or not! If I can’t run this school the way it’s supposed to be, Twilight’s never going to trust me again! And the worst part of you not being sorry is, YOU DIDN’T EVEN ASK IF YOU CAN HELP OR NOT!!” “Uh...” Discord stuttered. “I don't know what you're getting at.” Starlight then calmed her anger and replied calmly, “Nopony ever invited you to the school. And when you offered to help, I didn't listen. I was so worried about doing things Twilight's way, I didn't stop to think about being a good friend. I'd like to apologize for that. I also did a spell and bottled up my anger, but somehow being angry can sometimes be okay, even if you learn something new. Now if you'll help me and Sunset get this Spell-venger Hunt back in order, we can all resume our day.” Discord then snapped his fingers, “Everything is re-hidden.” He then walked over to a door he summoned with his magic. “Well, I’m off. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!” Discord said, until Twilight and the others came back with happy faces. “Hello, everypony,” Twilight said. “Oh, Yona so glad ponies back!” she said. “Momma!” Thomas exclaimed running over to Fluttershy. “Thomas!” she said, as she sat down on her haunches and reached out her forelegs as he hugged her neck and nuzzled with her chest fur, until Fluttershy wrapped her forelegs around him. Thomas then whimpered underneath her fur. “Shhhhhh... I’m here, baby. I’m here,” Fluttershy said softly, as Thomas stroked her chest fur and mane at the same time. “Uh, y'all get the feelin' we missed somethin'?” Applejack asked. “Thanks for taking care of the school, Starlight,” Twilight said. “It was a challenge. But I think things would’ve turned out just the way you'd have handled them,” Starlight said. “But we’re glad everything’s back to normal,” Sunset said. They then saw Thomas sleeping in Fluttershy’s hug, until they realized he cried himself to sleep, and then softly giggled. “Maybe we’ll tell them next time, if it’s the proper time,” Gallus said, as he wrote some notes on Discord’s behavior towards Thomas so he can show Fluttershy. The Young Fove nodded in agreement, and then they all continued with their school day. > The Hearth’s Warming Clubhouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, at the School of Friendship, it was almost time to close for winter break and they were decorating the room for the holidays. “Not everycreature celebrate same way, you know,” Yona said. “Yeah. Dragons don't do pony holidays,” Smolder said. “Sure we do! I love Hearth's Warming Eve! It's all about friends and presents and family and... presents!” Spike said. “It's also about putting aside differences to come together, like the Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns did on the first holiday,” Twilight said. “Oh! Is that why you put their Fire of Friendship on top of the tree? To help us remember their unity?” Ocellus asked. “And 'cause it looks cool,” Rainbow Dash said. “This is my favorite day of the year!” Silverstream giggled. “Not that I don't like the other ones. Tuesdays are great!” “Yona like any day that is start of winter break,” she said. “Two whole weeks without classes. How will Ocellus survive?” Gallus asked, while Ocellus laughed nervously. “I think you'll all enjoy the time off to be home with your families. To celebrate your own traditions,” Twilight said, until she started addressing everycreature in the room. “Attention, everycreature! School is officially out! Happy holidays, and we'll see you after the break!” The students made excited chatter as they all left. “And for those of you traveling outside Equestria...” “Yeah, shouldn't you guys be getting ready to go? If you miss that train, it's a really long walk,” Rainbow Dash said. “Go pack up, and we'll take you to the station,” Twilight said, as the Young Six were chatting excitedly while walking to their dormitories. Twilight then saw Thomas wrapping his gifts for the Young Six before they would leave for the holidays, and then smiled warmly at him realizing he cared for them, so she walked over to him and placed her hoof onto his shoulder blade. “Thomas? Do you want me and Auntie Starlight to take you home?” she asked. Thomas nodded. “Okay, when you’re done, put on your winter clothes, and I’ll help you deliver your gifts before we leave. Sound good?” she asked, as she received a nod from her nephew, until he hugged her left hoof, receiving a kiss on the forehead and a quick hug back, and then Thomas continued wrapping his gifts until Twilight met up with her friends. “I’m so excited for this Hearth’s Warming Eve!” Rainbow Dash said, as she zoomed out of the room in excitement. “So am I!” Spike replied. “At least it’ll be another one to remember by,” Starlight said. “I couldn’t agree more,” Sunset said. Spike suddenly started rattling a gift from the tree. “It's that new bowtie I wanted, isn't it?” Twilight giggled, “You'll have to wait and see.” “I'm waiting! But in the meantime, I'm shaking!” Spike excitedly said. “In case you two are wondering, Spike and I would usually open one or two gifts early before Hearth’s Warming Day,” Twilight explained to Starlight and Sunset, as they understood what she meant. “GUYS!” Rainbow’s voice came back, and from the look on her face, it looked very panicking. “Guys! You need to see this! It’s like really, really bad!” As they followed Rainbow Dash, they gasped at the horror in their eyes: a massive snowstorm with a few inches of fog. “Wha... What happened?!” Spike asked. “Everything's ruined – that's what's happened!” Rainbow Dash replied. “Auntie Twilight? W-What’s going on?” Thomas asked, nervously shaking. “Thomas!” Twilight said, before she walked over to him, bringing him over for a hug and blanketed him with her wing to keep him warm from the cold. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s just a snowstorm outside. Did it scare you?” “A little,” Thomas replied, nuzzling with his aunt’s purple fur. “We’re gonna have to bring up the bad news with the other students, because they’re not going to like what they’re going to hear,” Sunset said. Starlight levitated Thomas onto her back, and then the four mares with Spike on Twilight’s back walked over to the students’ quarters, and as they entered, the students looked at their teachers and headmare covered in snow and ice. “What's happening?” Silverstream asked, but then gasped. “Another decorating party?!” “Not exactly,” Starlight replied. “Has anycreature else came in here?” Twilight asked. “Well, yeah. All of us did. To pack? Like you told us to?” Smolder replied. “Did you notice any slight temperature change in any of your rooms?” Twilight asked. “Uh-uh,” Silverstream and Smolder said in unison. The door to Gallus’ room opened, “What's up?” The door to Yona’s room opened, “Yona done packing!” The door to Ocellus’ room opened, “Is something wrong?” “Meet us in this building’s living room, and we’ll explain everything,” Twilight said. The four mares explained that was happening outside while Silverstream held Thomas in her right talon arm, with him comfortably nuzzled against her chest fur to keep him warm during the snowstorm, as she carefully stroked him with her claws, and allowed him to hold her hand. “Whoa... That is so not cool,” Sandbar said. “I know! No one came out when the storm hit, and all of youare still here,” Spike said. “But how could there be a massive snowstorm on Hearth’s Warming Eve?” Rainbow Dash asked. “None of that matters right now. What matters is keeping Thomas and our students safe and keeping them warm until the storm ends,” Sunset said. “If only they warned me about it before this whole situation happened, then it wouldn’t be a problem,” Rainbow Dash said, disappointingly crossing her forelegs. “Well, I did get this. It’s a telegram from the weather factory up in Cloudsdale. There was a malfunction at the weather factory, but they’re having a hard time fixing the issue, but they’re working the best they can, they said,” Starlight said. “And Ponyville’s about approximately covered in less than 5 inches of snow, and most of its fogged up for anypony to see where they’re going, and most of the roads are solid ice.” “Looks like you’re all gonna have to stay here until we hear from the weather factory if it’s safe before you all go home,” Twilight said. The Young Six minus Thomas who was still in Silverstream’s arm then protested. “Why do I have to stay?!” Smolder asked. “Aw, but the holidays!” Sandbar said. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do now. But you can have some time to yourselves until we hear from whatever happens, or until the snowstorm passes,” Twilight said. “But what if the snowstorm never ends?” Silverstream sadly asked. “Then...” Twilight sighed. “I guess there's no going home for the holidays for anycreature. You'll all have to stay over the break for some one-on-one friendship lessons.” The Young Six then gasped. “Plus, it would be best if you could give each other some company for the time being,” Twilight said. “Can I stay here with them, Auntie Twilight?” Thomas asked. “Yes, sweetheart. You wouldn’t want to be left all alone without your friends, now would you?” Twilight replied, stroking his head with her hoof, and then looked at the students. “We would also like you to look after him.” The Young Six nodded in agreement. “Will Momma be okay?” Thomas asked. “Don’t worry, honey. Fluttershy will be fine. But we’ll make sure to remind her that you’re safe and in good care,” Starlight said, as she left a tray full of cookies and a kettle along with a few mugs full of hot chocolate with marshmallows. “Now, take good care of Thomas, keep each other safe and stay warm. You could even have a slumber party while you’re at it. Now, we’ll leave you to it, while we stay in touch with the weather factory,” Twilight said, as she and the other three mares and Spike left the Young Seven in the conference room. The Young Seven then set up a few blankets and sleeping bags, except Thomas, who was sitting between Silverstream’s arms wrapped around him for a hug, and wrapped and bundled up in a warm blanket as well. As they enjoyed their cookies and hot chocolate, they tried their best to enjoy being together. “Eh. I guess it’s best to hang out for the holidays rather than being alone,” Gallus said. Silverstream then thought of an idea, “Hey, I know! We can make a game out of this! See if we can guess whenever the storm ends!” “Woo-hoo! Yak win! Yak best at guessing!” Yona hollered. Smolder then saw Thomas’s sad face, “I don’t think Thomas likes that idea so much. Especially a massive snowstorm on Hearth’s Warming Eve.” “No, I’m fine, Smolder. I’m just worried about my Momma being alone with her animals in our house during the snowstorm,” Thomas then started getting some tears in his eyes, until he began to cry. “I d-don’t know h-how she’ll even survive throughout the s-s-snowstorm, or how she’ll make it out if there’s snow blocking the front door.” Silverstream then brought the little boy over for another hug as he laid against her chest and nuzzled against her neck, “Shhhh shhhh… It’s okay, cutie. I’m sure she’ll be alright. But what matters is that you’re here with us, and that you’re safe.” Thomas then smiled softly and laid against her fur closely, “Thank you…” He then took a sip of his cocoa. “But it’s not fair! love Hearth's Warming Eve! And I do not want to miss going home for it,” Ocellus said. Sandbar was somehow not impressed, “Huh. I didn't even know changelings celebrated Hearth's Warming.” Ocellus then explained, “Oh, yes! It's our favorite holiday! Well, since Headmare Twilight shared it with us last year. She gave our hive very clear instructions.” Suddenly, a flashback began to reveal Ocellus and her family celebrating Hearth’s Warming Eve. Ocellus cleared her throat, and began reading, “‘Welcome to the traditions and fun of Hearth's Warming! Here's a guide to help you enjoy this celebration of pony history. Families start the holidays by putting the tree up!’” They put up a fake tree without any decorations on it. Ocellus continued reading “‘Thirsty? Dive into some holiday punch!’” They jumped into a swimming pool full of punch, then laughed. “‘Just before bed, everypony exchanges gifts.’ “It doesn't say how long we keep doing this.” They passed gifts like a game of hot potato repeatedly without stopping. “‘And to finish celebrating, you can build a fire, light it up, and sing carols.’” They built a cardboard fire and began singing. Carols, carols, carols, carols, caroooools. “You might have misunderstood things just a little,” Sandbar said. “Eh. We may not have done everything exactly the way you do,” Ocellus said. “But we made our own traditions! And I can't wait to do it all again this year!” “Ugh! Yona tired of waiting! Yaks always home for holidays!” Yona said. “How do you celebrate Hearth's Warming in Yakyakistan, Yona?” Sandbar asked, as Thomas wanted to hear. Yona then explained, “Yaks do not. Our holiday much better. Is called Snilldar Fest. Night before, yaks gather things to smash and put them in big pile. Then in morning, we smash them! In afternoon, we smash them again! In evening—” “So it's just about smashing stuff, like all your other holidays,” Gallus sarcastically said. Yona replied, “No! How griffon get that idea? This holiday about so much more. Last year, for example. Most perfect Snilldar ever.” She then proceeded to explain her holiday tradition, “Whole family – grandpa, grandma yak, Yona's brother, sister, mother, father yak – all go to woods singing yak song.” Yak song! Yak song! Not very long! Sing again! Yak song! Yak song! Not very long! Sing again! Yak song! Yak song! Not very long! Sing again! “Calves in family pick out perfect smashing log. Then yaks smash it!” The yaks in Yona’s family smashed the log. “Then yak family build perfect snow fort... and smash it!” They smashed the igloo. “Then we hang perfect things on perfect moss pile and—” “You smash it,” all but Yona said. Yona scoffed, “What you think yaks are, barbarians? Moss pile is for special family rituals. Last year, ritual for Yona.” She then continued, “All yak family gather around Yona and braid Yona hair for first time.” “So, to recap... Your holiday is about smashing things and family.” “Two most perfect things ever put together. Happy Snilldar Fest!” she said, yelling and grunting, while stomping on the ground. “Happy Snilldar to you too, Yona! It's so cool to learn new traditions from new friends!” Silverstream said, as she stroked Thomas’s head with her claws. “Hey, Smolder, I’ve been wondering. Is it true that dragons don’t usually have winter themed holidays?” Thomas asked. “Meh,” Smolder replied with a so-so hand gesture. Ocellus gasped, “That's so sad! You must do something in the winter for fun.” “Well, we do have the Feast of Fire. Everydragon gets together and tells stories. The best one wins a pile of gemstones,” Smolder replied. “Ooh, what story won last year?,” Yona asked. “It was called "A Dream Come True",” Smolder replied. “Come on, now you've gotta tell it! Even this little cutie wants to hear!” Silverstream said, as Thomas giggled. “Ugh, fine. Once upon a time, there was this sad little dragon,” Smolder said, starting the story. There was a thunderclap, until it revealed a small dragon with pink scales and a yellow wing membrane, horns and underbelly. “Her name was Scales. She lived alone in the wilderness with nothing to eat.” Scales’ stomach suddenly growled as she got more hungrier. “But one night, as she sat alone in a storm, she heard something. It was the Dragon Lord! Scales was scared, but the Dragon Lord told her not to be afraid, that he was taking her to the Dragon Lands for a great feast.” Scales saw several dragons munching on gemstones as they arrived. “Scales sat with the Dragon Lord's family and friends and had the biggest, best dinner of gemstones she'd ever eaten! Then, while the dragons were telling stories, Scales thought it would be so easy to seize power from this feeble and sensitive Dragon Lord. She saw her chance... and took it!” Suddenly, flames started bursting everywhere in her path. “She claimed the Bloodstone Scepter and took over the Dragon Lands!” Scales suddenly made an evil laughter. “And forced the Dragon Lord to live out in the cold, just as she used to!” Thomas suddenly felt nervous hearing such a festive story, until Silverstream calmed him down by stroking him with her claws. “That's a horrible story!” Ocellus said. “Maybe to you. But dragons like hearing about weak, kind creatures getting defeated,” Smolder said. Sandbar looked outside the window and saw the snowstorm still going on, “Looks like the storm’s still getting worse. It’s a good thing that we’re still here, and not outside, or experiencing it at home.” “You already live in Ponyville. Staying here over break is no big deal,” Smolder said. “School of Friendship good place for pony to have pony holiday,” Yona said. “But I'd still rather spend it with my family at home,” Sandbar said. “Oh! That reminds me! I have the best holiday story ever! It's called... ‘The Day My Hearth's Warming Doll Almost Fell into the Fire!’” They were all in awe, as they listened to Sandbar’s story. “Just before we went to bed, my mom, my dad, and my sister all put our Hearth's Warming Dolls up on the mantel, just like we do every year. But this year, I put my doll too close to the edge, and it fell!” Sandbar saw his doll falling in slow motion, “Noooooo!” Ocellus gasped, “And?!” “My doll hit the floor. But it could have gone in the fire!” Sandbar said. “That's a great story. And you told it really well,” Smolder sarcastically commented. “Yeah. It was a Hearth's Warming miracle,” Sandbar said. “Silverstream, do the hippogriffs back at your home celebrate too?” Thomas asked. “I’m glad you asked, Thomas! Back at Mount Aris and Seaquestria, we usually have a special tradition called the Three Days of Freedom Celebration!” Silverstream replied. “How long does that last?” Gallus sarcastically asked. Silverstream then began her tale, “It used to be only one day, but now to commemorate our escape from the Storm King, we're adding two more days of awesome! See?” “There's a book?” Gallus asked. Silverstream nodded, “Mm-hmm! Queen Novo had these made for the Mount Aris board of tourism to explain it all to guests!” “Can you tell us?” Thomas asked. Of course I can,” Silverstream replied. “We'll spend the first night in Seaquestria, thanking the ocean for protecting us from the Storm King. Sea-dancing, whale-singing, shell-stringing... Lots of "ing"'s.” “The second day will be on Mount Aris, with sky-dancing and a wind song in the Harmonizing Heights to celebrate the Storm King's defeat. Then the third day, everycreature will party together, on land and sea! Grandparents and parents and sisters, uncles, brothers, acquaintances, neighbors, and cousins. And at the end of the night, Queen Novo is gonna give out presents!” “Wait. Hold on. "Cousins"? What are those?” Gallus asked. “Your aunts and uncles' children,” Ocellus replied. “You know, part of your family. Heh. Oh. You're teasing us again, right?” “That's not what the holidays are about! No matter what you call them or how you celebrate! D-Do you know how lucky you all are? With your stories about sharing and-and kindness and getting together with everycreature that you care about?” Gallus asked. It suddenly but almost hurt Thomas’s feelings, but he felt much better since he still had Silverstream to comfort him. “But griffons do that too, don't they?” Ocellus asked. “Some holiday about a moon?” Smolder asked. Gallus sighed, “Blue Moon Festival. The one time of year when griffons are nice to each other. Well, as nice as we can be.” “What’s it about?” Thomas asked. Gallus then explained the tradition to his friends, “Families get together to eat and then complain about the food and give each other presents they don't like and mostly just try not to yell at each other.” “Well, at least you get to be with your family,” Silverstream said, while keeping Thomas warm in her arms. “No... because I don't have a family,” Gallus said. Thomas accidentally spit out some of his cocoa and nearly choked on it, “WHAT?!” He then saw it landed on Yona, “Hehe, Sorry, Yona.” “It okay. Yak forgive you,” Yona said. “What about Grampa Gruff?” Sandbar asked. “That's just his name. He's not anygriff's actual grandpa. I felt like I never had a place in Griffonstone,” Gallus sadly said. “Then I came here and, well, met all of you.” Gallus suddenly felt Thomas giving him a hug, until he felt a little better. “Guess you realized what I meant, huh?” Gallus asked, receiving a nod from Thomas. “But in my world, our holiday is sorta similar, except it has a different origin, and other traditional activities,” Thomas said. “In my world, we call it Christmas.” “You have a holiday in your world?” Smolder asked. “What’s it like?” Ocellus asked. “It’s sorta like this. Kinda like here, we do exchanging gifts, except we open them after exchanging them for the person it’s for, decorating our Christmas trees, attending church mostly in the morning or evening, telling Christmas stories and singing Christmas carols, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive to give presents for the girls and boys who’ve been nice, but he gives coal to the naughty kids. But its origin was kinda different,” Thomas explained. “What do you mean?” Sandbar asked. “The first Christmas had a different meaning to the actual holiday, except it’s meant to be something special for everyone,” Thomas said, and then began to tell the story of the first Christmas. “It all started hundreds and thousands of years ago, in the town of Nazareth, where a young woman named Mary was praying in her home, when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. He said: “Fear not, Mary, for God has favored you. You will bear a son and call him Jesus. He will great, and His Kingdom will never end.” That night, Gabriel also visited Mary’s husband, Joseph who was a carpenter. Gabriel told Joseph the news, and asked that he would take care of Mary and the unborn baby Jesus. While Mary’s stomach swelled with child later on, a Roman emperor, Herod ordered that people must return to their home town to pay their taxes. Joseph set off to Bethlehem, the town of his birth, accompanied by a heavily pregnant Mary, who rode a simple donkey. Days passed, until they arrived. To their surprise, the streets were crowded with people. All of the inns were full – “No room at the inn,” they were told. Mary was exhausted. A kindly innkeeper took pity on the couple, and offered them his stable, where they could spend the night, and be kept warm by the many animals. Mary and Joseph prepared the stable. They filled a manger with straw and spare blankets, fearing the birth of the child. During the night, Jesus was born. Outside of Bethlehem, on a sloping hill, sat a group of shepherds. They talked quietly, as they guarded their sleeping sheep. When singing filled their ears, they were startled, especially when the angel Gabriel appeared. The shepherds were frightened and cowered in fear. “Fear not,” Gabriel said, “for I bring you tidings of great joy. In Bethlehem, in the stable of an inn, Jesus, Our Savior, has been born.” The shepherds were thrilled. As the angel disappeared, a star shone brightly in the sky. Excitedly, the shepherds woke their sheep, and herded them towards the town. They followed the star until they arrived at the inn, where the baby Jesus slept soundly in the manger. They knelt in wonder and humility. At the same time, far to the East, three wise men were traveling. They saw a star that shone brighter than the rest. They agreed that it was a special star, and they set off to follow it. For many days they traveled, until they arrived in Bethlehem. The three wise men were eventually led to the stable where Mary, Joseph and the shepherds were gathered around the sleeping baby Jesus. They knelt in worship, and presented him with gifts from about their persons. These gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh. News traveled fast, and many were overjoyed by the birth of their savior, Jesus Christ. And for many years, people in my world today remember that joyous moment, because without that moment, Christmas wouldn’t have happened.” “That’s a very special moment, especially for your traditional experience of the holidays,” Ocellus said. “But I never celebrated Christmas ever since my Mommy died, and when I went to live with my Daddy,” Thomas said. “I never got any presents from him.” “Well, I’m just glad to have you guys here, because I honestly wanted to spend the holidays together with each other rather than being alone,” Gallus said. Sandbar then looked at the clock, “Wow, it’s late already. Guess we better get some sleep. We’ll probably be home for the holidays whenever the snowstorm ends or not.” Later on, the Young Six were asleep, except for Thomas, who was quietly writing a letter to his Auntie Twilight about Gallus, and then about his bag of gifts and a small favor from her, until he started getting sleepy, but he couldn’t find anywhere to sleep, before he suddenly saw Silverstream sleeping in her sleeping bag on the sofa. Without waking her up, he carefully climbed up to the sofa, and crawled into her sleeping bag, wrapped himself in his blanket, held his Snuggle teddy bear, and then laid next to Silverstream and nuzzled his face with her fur to stay warm. Silverstream suddenly looked down towards the little boy comfortably sleeping beside her, leaving a smile on her beak, so she wrapped one of her arms around him and then placed one of her arms around him and then laid her head back down as Thomas was now held against her soft and warm fur chest and his head laid towards her neck. The next morning, the Young Seven were still asleep, with Thomas still asleep in Silverstream’s sleeping bag and held against her chest and neck. He already felt completely comfortable and safely warm thanks to her fur since hippogriffs have very soft fur. Thomas suddenly woke up, and after he rubbed his eyes, a very amazing sight caught his eyes: his gifts for the Young Six were spread out around the tree, and the stockings he got for them were hung up by the fireplace as well. The Young Six suddenly woke up as well, and looked at the presents as well. “Whoa!” Smolder said. “Would you look at that!” Sandbar said. “Presents!” Ocellus said. “But who’re they from?” Gallus asked. “They’re from Thomas!” Smolder said. “How did you manage this?” “I asked Auntie Celestia if I could have a few bits so that I could get you guys some gifts before you would head to your homes for the holidays so that you could have something to open while you’re there celebrating with your families,” Thomas explained. “Hey! There’s like quite a few for you, Gallus!” Ocellus said. “But I don’t know-” Gallus was suddenly cut off by Twilight’s voice. “It’s okay, Gallus. We already know.” The four mares came into the room. “It looks like the snowstorm passed,” Starlight said. “Thanks for helping me with my gifts, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome,” Twilight said. “I'm proud that you did something very special for your friends, sweetheart, and I'm also glad to see you've been paying attention in Professor Applejack's honesty classes, Gallus. But it’s going to be a while to defrost the railways, so you're all still going to have to stay over break for extra friendship lessons, unless if anyone of you would still prefer to be home for the holidays?” “I'll stay,” Silverstream said. “Me, too!” Ocellus said. “Yona stay also!” she said. “I'm staying!” Sandbar said. Everyone else looked at Smolder. “What? All right. I guess pony holidays can't be that bad,” Smolder said. “Now you can finally know what it's like to spend Hearth's Warming with friends who care about you,” Sandbar said to Gallus, which made the young griffon happy. Rainbow Dash then whispered to Twilight, “Looks like they don't really need any extra lessons.” Thomas then carefully tugged on Twilight’s wing and as she leaned her head down, he whispered into her ear for another favor, then she looked at the students again, “Since you all obviously know that Hearth's Warming is about coming together, I'd be honored if all of you would join my friends as guests at our holiday table and for dinner.” The Young Six started cheering after hearing their invitation. “Now go ahead and enjoy your presents, and we’ll be back this afternoon to come get you,” Twilight said, as the mares left the room, allowing their students and nephew to enjoy opening their gifts. “Hey, this reminds me of another story! "The Time I Almost Spilled Grape Juice on the White Couch"!” Sandbar said. “Does it have a depressing ending?” Smolder asked. “I'm not sure pony stories work that way,” Ocellus said. “Gallus want Yona braid feathers?” Yona asked. “Uhhh... pass,” Gallus replied. “Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again!” Silverstream shouted, as the Young Seven continued opening their presents.