A New Kind of World

by OrionAE

First published

A man from a Wasteland finds himself in a different kind of world

The year was 2035 when it happened. War, chaos, nuclear bombs, and the eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano. Humanity however had prepared for this and built underground bunkers beforehand. However, when those bunkers opened up, they found a new world of deadly evolution, radiation, and a lot of ice. A man known as the Bunker Dweller has made a lot of changes to his world for better or worse. And now he finds himself in a different world, where magic and mythical creatures exist. Well, this isn’t the craziest thing he’s seen.

(Yes the world he’s from and certain things from it are inspired by Fallout, but are still different enough to be it’s own thing.)

Another Day in the Tundra

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I awoke from my slumber in my base. Stretching as I sit up and move out of bed. “Welp time to get to it.” I say yawning as I finally stand. I walked over to the mirror and took a good look at myself. Yep, same as always. Short brown hair, blue eyes, and multiple scars on my face from my daily battles in the Tundra. Has it really been 5 years since I left Bunker 350? God. I shook my head and moved away from the mirror before making my way to my closet. I opened it and pulled out my helmet and slid it on, covering my face completely. My breath going through the gas mask part of the helmet and the tinted glass for my eyes giving me a more demonic look. I then pull out my bulletproof vest and place it on before finally putting on my black duster that had heating pads in it to keep me from freezing out in the cold, not that I needed it as I was enhanced from birth.

I looked at my Virtual Interactive Multipurpose System known as VIMS that was implanted on my left wrist. God this thing has saved my life on so many occasions from storing my weapons and items to being a map and even recording things that I can play back to people that try to screw me over. I had a lot of weapons and a lot more ammo than I should on this thing.

I walk over to the door in my small room and head downstairs to see my friend Crazy down there eating a human leg. Crazy is a Yeti, a creature that was stronger, hairier, bigger, and dumber than a human and were inherently hostile to humans and usually ate them. But Crazy was a special case as while he’s dumber than a brick on a lot of topics, when it comes to making and fixing machines he had no equal, even if he had no idea how he did it half the time. And I allowed him to live in my little town as long as he only ate Lawless when it came to eating humans. At first he wanted to come with me to hunt a monster because some guy named Shake A Spear wrote about a green eyed monster named Gel A See, but after seeing what he shown me, I saw he was reading a Pre-Storm story by some famous author or some shit. But over time he just gave up and decided to stay with me.

Lawless, people who killed, ate, rape, and other horrible things to other people. The scum of the Tundra. I was then snapped out of my thoughts when I looked at Crazy.

“Dweller?” Crazy asked apparently in a tone that said he was trying to get my attention.

“Yeah Crazy?” I looked at him and he lifted the leg of the dead man to me.

“Want leg?” He offered. He probably forgot that I wasn’t a cannibal.

“No thanks Crazy. I don’t eat my own kind.”

Crazy just shrugs. “More for me.” He says as he takes a bite of the leg. I sighed and walked out of the room and into another where two of my other friends sat down. One was a man in a white suit with a black tie known as Jack Resk, a well known singer and explorer of the Tundra and the first friend out here that I gained. He was a charming fellow and always gave his two cents when he wanted to and was not afraid to call out somebody else’s shit when he needed to. Then there was Olivia Dale, a former New World Government soldier who left that Pre-Storm ideal holding assholes when she found out that they would put explosives collars on people that didn’t agree with them. And it was a hit to them to as she was one of their best soldiers.

Jack looked over to me and smiled. “Mornin Dweller.” He said. The Bunker Dweller was what people called me. After a while it just stuck and a few blows to the head and a point blank shotgun blast to the head just knocked some of my memories loose so I just went with the name. Also speaking of Jack, how the fuck does he keep his hair looking good? A question for another time perhaps.

“Morning.” I replied.

“Sleep good?” Jack asks as Olivia also looks at me. Olivia had black hair that went down to her back and some beautiful green eyes. She also had a good body to. But I’d rather get shot in the head with a shotgun again than face the wrath of her if I said that to her face. I’ve seen what she will do.

“Yeah I slept pretty good. Still a bit tired though.” I explained as I crack my neck. “But then again I stayed up till what, 4 in the morning? So yeah I can be tired.”

“Wimp.” Olivia says chuckling. “I can stay up for days on end.”

“You’re forgetting that the Dweller hasn’t slept for a week.” Jack says causing Olivia to think for a moment.

“Fair point.” She says.

“Anyway, I’m going to check on Creed and see what I can do out there.” As soon as I say that my VIMS makes a sound. The sound of a guitar. My eyes along with everyone else’s widen and Crazy pops into the room.

“Small machine make weird noise again.” He pointed out obviously. This was gonna be either good or bad. Whenever this machine makes that sound, something weird happens. It can be good or bad, and there’s no way of telling. Although, for a few seconds nothing happened. That’s....odd. Nothing like this has ever happened before, but we all still stare at the machine in my wrist in silence.

“D-do you think it’s messed up?” Olivia asks breaking it after what felt like minutes of silence.

“I don’t know...something weird was supposed to happen.” The moment I finished my sentence I was enveloped in a bright light that clouded my vision.


The moment the Dweller finished his sentence some sort of light engulfed him like a firebomb. “There it is.” Jack said as his best friend just vanished before his eyes.

“Dweller abducted by aliens again?” Crazy asked as he looked at the spot where the Dweller once was.

“Nah he killed them all remember?” Jack replied as he inspected the area. “What do y’all think caused that light?”


“There it is.” I groaned as I found myself laying on the ground. Where was I this time? Captured by loyalists of Kyber? Teleported away by Carpenter? Abducted by aliens again? I got up and the shock hit me. I was...in a forest. And it didn’t seem like an artificial one either, I saw small creatures in the trees all staring at me. I think these are called birds and squirrels. Of all the things I’ve seen and done, this has got to be one of the weirdest things I’ve seen. 'Welp, won’t find my answers by just standing around right?' I thought to myself as I began walking in the direction in front of me. And apparently I didn’t have to walk far because I spotted some sort building nearby. Looked like a cottage of some sort. But what was odd was that there were multiple animals nearby, and none of them seemed like they were evolved or mutated. Just what is this place?

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and I think I just found the cutest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. She had yellow skin, long pink hair, a definitely odd shaped face but I wasn’t one to judge, some sort of tattoo of a bug on her arm, I think I just saw wings on her back and a tail, maybe they were artificial, but the oddest part was her feet as they weren’t feet, they seemed like hooves. Something wasn’t right. But I seemed to have gotten her attention as she was looking directly at me with a look of fear on her face. Quick! Think of something nice to say!

“Well hi, don’t worry I won’t kill you and eat you!” I yelled out and the response that I got was her fainting. Wow, smooth moves dumbass.