> The story of Grace the Gryphon > by ChiefKitsune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Throat of the World (updated 03/15/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I shiver and pull my cold weather clothes tighter around my body as a gust of chilled wind comes up the face of the mountain. Though I keep my gaze out to across Skyrim, where I have lived for the last five years traveling with the Dragonborn to help save the world from Aluden and the Civil War. With a sigh I think back to how I ended up in this dangerous place to begin with. I yawn and stretch as I pause my new playthrough of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I just started a new game because I had done everything I could even with mods. Though that was a few months ago so I reinstalled it and started it up and began a new game. As I unpause the game with Ralof beginning to speak I begin to wonder what race I should play this time, however, my mind blue screens as I watch the view of the Dragonborn move on its own to the body lying in the center of the cart. It's me, but not my character its the human me that I was born as, laying there unconscious with my dad's BDU's on along with his old combat boots. Then I realize the screen has frozen on me, before I then notice that the screen seems to shimmer, like the surface of still water. Before a hand reaches out from the bottom like the person is climbing in through the window. I'm struck speechless as finally the being pulls himself up enough to show his torso, head, and arms. He calls out to me in his usual cheerful manner, "Hero! It's been a long while since I've seen you. At least I think for all I know I could have seen you five minutes ago when you were eating cheese." He pauses for a moment but I'm still speechless in confusion and horror. "You know cheese makes an excellent fondue, unlike bandits.... What was I saying?" He looks up before focusing back on me. All the while my body is screaming for me to run but I find I can't, something, probably the god-like being before me, was holding me in place. Then giving me a mad smile he continues, "Anyways Hero, I wanted to thank you for helping me in the Shivering Isles and thought what better way than to let you experience Skyrim for yourself! Hahaha then I had some fondue......mmmmm fondue." He wipes away the dribble at the corner of his mouth at the thought of fondue. "Well anyway off ye go!" then my vision is flooded with colors I didn't even have names for as my last act on Earth was to let out a gasp before vanishing and my world falls to darkness. Next thing I knew I was running and screaming for my life as Helgan is razed to the ground by Alduin with a female Khajit helping keep me safe along the way with Hadvar as we made our way through the caves below Helgan fighting off Stormcloaks and, fucking spiders! I really hate spiders! Anyway as well as having to sneak past the sleeping bear which by the way is much harder than it is in the game. Finally after the most harrowing hour or two of my life, the Khajjit, Hadvar, and I make our way out to watch the black dragon fly off. From there things happened as they do in the game with the Khajjit being the Dragonborn. I ended up on many of her misadventures over the years. Learning how to fight with a bow and use magic, not to mention Enchanting and Alchemy. I even know how to use a forge to make simple blades but mostly how to repair my own gear. In the last few years I have lost the bit of a belly I had when I arrived, from my easy and comfy life on Earth. Now I'm toned and rather good-looking now if Shurashi's teasing had any weight. I tear my gaze away from Skyrim back to Shurashi, the Khajit who saved me and kept me alive the whole time I've been here, who is currently talking with Parthanex. Their conversation dies out as I begin to approach with my closest friend pulling me into a tight hug with tears in the corners of her lovely blue eyes. She asks "Are you sure about this? You could always come live with this one and help take care of the children." To which I gave a pained expression as I was going to miss all those poor orphans she had given a home to over the course of her adventure. They all called me Uncle and I helped Shura take care of all of them to make sure none of the children went uncared for. With tears pulling at my eyes now I give her a nod "yes Shura, this isn't my world and I miss my family. You know I would love to stay and help with the kids but just as you felt the pull to come to Skyrim I'm feeling the pull to leave." I explain as we both shed a tear for what our future without the other would hold. Reaching down I pick up my heavy pack with all I would need to keep my skills useful on Earth and she reached to her back to remove The Scroll. Which she passed to me before stepping back as I open the most powerful item I've ever known. As the shimmering golden light of the Arcane symbols sped across the scroll I find the light too bright to see anything else before I feel myself falling. Through the void between worlds on my way home. As I feel my essence nearing my home I feel the world repelling me away sending me shooting off without a destination into the void. After what felt like forever and only an instant at the same time, I sense I am nearing a new world, as I near I can feel it accepting me and letting me in. I blink away the tears as the wind rushes past my face as I find myself in freefall, falling towards a large lush forest below. As I am about to begin panicking I feel the Elder Scroll's energies begin to work on me as I am pushed out of my body to watch as a spirit as it plummets faster and faster while the energies continue to build. And with an almighty thud, my body craters the forest clearing below sending the gore that was once me all over the clearing and trees. I watch fascinated as the red paste that was my body begins to return to the crater it had made and began to restitch itself back together, however. As I watch I find my spirit was glowing gold now to signify a spiritual shift to go with the new body. I watch in both amazement and horror as my body reknits itself into the form of a small gryphon with a lion's hinds and a white-feathered head with a yellow-gold beak. I groan as best I can as a spirit as I notice that my new body is female, but before I can look closer the spirit shift is finished as is the body and the Elder Scroll shoves me back into my new body leaving me disoriented. Groaning I force my eyes open as I lift my new beak from the dirt to see my talons splayed out before me and I feel the dirt on my underside as I begin to shift about to get feeling back in my limbs both old and new. I can feel my tail flicking about behind my rear as my wings flutter and then close to my sides. Sighing I speak with my new voice finding my body already knowing how to speak with a beak, "Well at least I got to keep my fingers......" I ask out loud before noticing that I'm sitting in a rather large impression of my former body with my pack off to the side. I flop forward onto my belly in defeat "And I'm also a child, probably, so I have to go through puberty again as a female. Great. Thank you Elder Scrolls!" I shout to the heavens. After my little flare in temper at this outcome I begin to try and figure out how to move in my new body. Though I was not going to try anything with my wings for now. Strange I may be, but stupid I am not. So after nearly two hours of me learning how to walk on four limbs and keep my wings from dragging in the dirt, I moved to check on my pack to see if any of my supplies hadn't made it. Meanwhile, Twilight POV I am sitting in my second-floor library in my new castle, reading an ancient book containing theories about other worlds and even other Equestrias. I was in the middle of a sentence when my head shoots up and I look around for the source of the spike in Life Magic I just felt. Narrowing it down I realize I'm looking in the direction of the Everfree forest. As I am about to return to my readings to finish the sentence I was on, I see my cutie mark begin to flash meaning I have a new mission from the cutie map. Rushing to the throne room I find Spike in the ballroom next to it with the Cutie Mark Crusaders working on something or playing some game. I feel a bit bad that I have to pull Spike away from the fillies but the map waits for no pony. "Spike we have a mission from the map! Please clean up and see the girls out while I find out where we are going." He sighs sadly but nods and begins to clean up with the fillies while I head into the map room. I see my cutie mark floating above the Everfree forest a section deep inside its boundaries, making me groan out "Great it's a mission for Spike and I, and it's deep in the Everfree. Of course why not?" I ask the world, as I hear the padding of Spike's feet entering the room from the way to the front entrance. "So, Twi where are we going and who's coming with?" he asks me and I sigh and nod to the map to show it would be just him and me going deep into the forest. This of course made him gulp similar to what I would have done before becoming a princess back when I feared the Everfree. But by now it's like a trip to the park with how often I am going there in recent months. "Come on Spike it'll be fine, it's actually not that far in just about half a day's walk past the castle. Come on let's go get our gear for a two-day trip and to write a note that we're off on a map mission." He sighs and nods as we make our way to the armory in my castle which I despise, but it did come fully stocked so it has everything Spike and I will need on this trip. > Ch. 1 A New Body (update 03/15/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sigh as I toss yet another broken bottle from my open pack to hear it take its pathetic life on a rock near the edge of the crater. This of course got a small giggle from me as it was the last of the bottles that had broken and I got nearly all of them to end their lives on that large rock without even looking. Anyways I lost most of my prepared potions but beyond that everything else survived the drop. So after about an hour of taking stock of my inventory, I repacked my bag and sat down on the dirt to think. "Ok, now that my bag is cleared out of broken glass I guess it's time to get a better look at myself," I said out loud to get me used to hearing my new voice. Looking down I see the white feathers of my chest and the edge of my beak, which I found I could soften at will similar to lips to allow me to make facial expressions. That was a rather weird feeling when I first found out, it would also explain the teeth behind the edge of my beak. Looking further down I spot my eagle Talons with three fingers and a thumb on each, well I say fingers but they are really more like claws meaning I will have to be very careful until I get used to them.' Twisting my neck I look to my rather toned leone backside and sifting my weight on my paws I feel my wings flutter once more, a shiver running down my back to the end of my tail. "Though I'm sure once I get used to having them, I won't notice their weight when I walk, like I do now" I commented as my lion tail flicked about behind me. That didn't matter as it meant I could eventually fly under my own power which made me giggle in delight at the thought. With Twilight and Spike, Twilights Point of View I take a deep breath before looking back to the little dragon on my back between my folded wings to get a nod from him that he is ready. "Ok here we go" I say with forced cheer as we set off into the dark Everfree. I begin to canter so I can reach Zecora's home before dark as it took a bit for Spike and I to get through my checklist on what we would need. He even made me leave a few things out from our packing, beginning to talk "You know Spike, I still think we would have use for a waffle iron in here." I comment to hear him groan and speak up. "Twi, you and I both know that besides being very heavy it needs a power source to plug into and while I admit that you could probably power it with your magic it would still be very heavy to carry around." He repeats his point to me and that is the only reason that I struck the item from the checklist along with a few others he pointed out wouldn't be much use to us in here. Before I can get into arguing the merits of having a waffle iron I am startled from my train of thought by a rhythmic voice calling out "What do I see here? What are two Royals doing with all that gear?" And after a bit of breathing to calm down from the fright, I turn to address my zebra friend. "Hello, Zecora. How are you? And about the gear, I have a mission deep into the Everfree and wanted to be prepared, not to mention Spike was coming along for this one." I motion with my head to my back where Spike is sitting and waving calling out. "Hiya Zecoria!" Nodding the zebra looks up to the sky to find it darkening a bit to show that it was nearing sundown. "While I have no doubt that you are prepared young princess for the depths of this forest. I'll still be remiss if I did not offer to you a place to rest." She motions towards her hut and with a smile waits for my reply. "Sure I was hoping to set up camp near your hut tonight anyways before heading to the castle." I mention and she nods for me to follow and so the three of us make our way toward her hut. Meanwhile deeper in the forest. Main Point of View I grunt as I struggle to get the enchanting table's top up on its stand to finish the setup of my little camp. I have a light cloth tent up which contains my enchanting table and alchemy table while in my other tent which was made of better material was my bed. Well, when I say bed it really is nothing more than a nest of pelts and leathers. I blush as I remember that incident, I was about to make a nice and orderly bed even setting up the cot I had brought when suddenly my body began to move on its own and I quickly arranged the bedding into a nest on the ground for now. I felt like I needed it up higher off the ground but I was able to convince my apparently new instincts that climbing a tree to sleep in would be a bad idea at this time. Well, I say convinced, I mean got my senses together to realize this. Next, after I leave the small working tent I move about setting up alarm spells around the perimeter of my camp. Using small soul gems to power them so they would remain until I deactivated them. Another thing I learned about this new body is that I can still cast magic but it is much easier than before. Which is a good thing since earlier when I was setting up camp a few necromantic constructs in the shape of wooden wolves appeared and tried to attack me. And figuring that they were wooden I decided to use fire. And while my fire could still be launched in balls it usually sheathed my wings in flame kinda like a flaming wing sword? I don't know but after the attack and the smoldering remains were put out, no need for a forest fire, after all, I decided to test what spells I could still do. Similar to my fire, the ice and lightning spells sheathed my wings in a shell of said element, after that I tried what little I know of healing and find it concentrated around my talons. Which of course got me to giggle as I called the spell 'Healing Talons' instead of its real name 'healing hands'. After my little giggle fit, and noticing I've been giggling a lot since I got here. I cast the water-breathing spell and a few other transmutation spells finding they all work as they should. After that was done I moved on to the spells I found very helpful and came very easy for me back on Nirn. A summoned sword which instead of floating in the air was set in front of my wings edge, then finally I cast summon bow which I could do but only once a day if I didn't drink any mana potions. This time the weapon did float before me and leaning up to stand on my paws I grab it and test fire it at a nearby tree with my claws. Imagine my surprise when the arrow embedded itself up to half the shaft from the head into the tree. So with a rather unsettling grin, I launched a barrage of spectral arrows at the tree before the bow disappeared. Yawning I found myself exhausted from the day and headed for my nest bed which after a bit of circling like a dog I found very comforting. > Ch 2 First encounter Part 1 (Updated: 15/03/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning with Twilight and Spike As the two Ponyvillians set about getting ready to head deeper into the forest after the wonderful breakfast of greens for the two equines and additional sprinkles of gem dust for the dragon. Turning to leave Twilight waves with her wing to the zebra "Thanks Zecora, Spike and I will be sure to stop by on our way back tomorrow" Nodding the stripped female replies "I shall be ready for you and the young dragon on your return." Waving from behind the Alicorn the baby dragon shuts the door to the hut as they exit, before they begin to head off he can feel a magic aurora picking him up and putting him between the mare's wings. "Come on Spike I have a good feeling about this. What could go wrong?" Twilight cheerfully chirped as she headed off for the castle at a modest trot. While the baby dragon face claws at the mare's tempting fate. A few hours later, Past the castle CRASH!!!!! "WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT!?" Spike screams at the lavender alicorn as his claws hold her mane tight to keep him on her back as he adds. "LEFT!" to which she dodges left barely avoiding the fire from the feral wyrm's maw. The mare too busy trying to keep her and Spike alive was unable to make a comment back as she galloped further into the forest having long left the old path. "RIGHT!" Spike cries as the flames lick at their sides making the mare cry out as her wings got singed again making her unable to fly. Her whole body shakes as she moves with Spike on her to try in a vain attempt to protect him. As the wyrm opens its dagger-filled maw to eat the two it had been chasing for a while through the forest. The shadow of the beast loomed over the mare and her dragon companion as she dodged around another tree only to skid to a stop as a wall of stone in the form of a cliff appeared before her from the foliage. The wyrm landed behind her with a thud making the mare turn towards it with dread before she closed her eyes as she tries to think of a way to escape what looks to be their end. Ten minutes before at the base camp I'm sitting by the fire and enjoying a nice bowl of snowberries and a few pieces of cooked horker when I hear a rumbling in the distance that didn't sound like thunder but as I was about to turn back to my meal I hear the scream of a young lady after the rumbling starts up again. Shortly after hearing the scream, I hear a very familiar roar of a dragon about to end its prey. Dropping my food I take off at a sprint into the woods to find this lady and help save her from this dragon. Since it wouldn't be the first time I've fought one, once more sending a prayer up to the Divines for those schemes that hair-brained Khajjit came up with that saved my hide. With a swiftness I didn't know I had with my new body I was moving through the dense foliage with ease and was soon near the voice as another earth-shaking roar fills the early evening air. Making me wince a little at the volume of being so close to it. As I feel the earth rumble under my talons and paws meaning the dragon had landed and the chase was about to come to an end, I brust out of the bushes and find the ground I was running on disappear. In a moment of cartoon comedy, I poke the open air below me and look down before screaming as I was now falling off a cliff. Once more not the first time I'd found myself falling off a very high cliff towards a dragon, what was new was the bright coloring of the dragon. But what really took the cake was the purple equine with wings and a horn covering something purple and smaller on the ground trying to protect whatever it was from the beast. Then I remembered I was speeding toward them and more importantly the ground and as they drew closer I let out a mighty warcry........ok I was screaming like a little girl. Which made the dragon and equine look up at the unexpected sound, letting me see the anger in the feral dragon's eyes. But what held my attention was the look of pure terror in the mare's eyes as she looked up moving just enough to let me see that they were covering a very young dragon. But that terror in her eyes was one I'd seen before. Skyrim, Nirn Shura and I return to the house she owns outside of Riverwood to find the front door smashed in and the house ransacked. As I was searching around outside the home for any sign of the people who did this or the children that were home when we left a few hours earlier. I hear a loud gasp behind me and turning I find at the door, was Shura holding a note that had been nailed to the frame that we missed and she was reading it. As I grew closer to her and she read further into the note, I was just about to ask what it said when her face gave way to an expression of pure unfiltered terror. The fear on my friend's face was so great it hurt me to look at it as I stop before her and she offers the note to me weakly. I read through it as fast as I can which was rather hard as the person who wrote it obviously didn't do much writing as there were grammar, spelling, and more mistakes. Not to mention that the writing itself was so horrible it made our chickens' scratchings on the floor of their coop look like perfect print. Soon I felt my face grow as painfully afraid as she's as once I got what was being said "We have your Children, Dragonborn. If you don't come to our hideout by dark you will never see your little ones alive again." Then it was telling Shura to bring all of her gold to pay for the kids to be released as well as to come alone. We both looked up at the afternoon sky and then at the location of the hideout and knowing we didn't have time to even search the house for more gold we began to make our way to the hideout. We reached the bandit's hideout a little before sunset, so we didn't have long to plan. So Shura had me keep watch outside the hideout with my bow in case any of them tried to escape. Then she went down and they let her in having been waiting and ready for her. Deep into the earth, they lead her with me waiting outside until she would return with the children. Of that I held no doubt. She would sooner throw herself on her sword if it meant that she would spare her children. It was less then an hour and she came limping out of the hideout opening to find the guards already handled by me as she lead the children out. I soon learned they had all been tied up and held at sword point to threaten the Dragonborn into giving up her gold and her life. Shura of course wouldn't let that happen and the bandits soon learned why you don't cross her. Back in the EverFree I knew that fear, it was the fear of a parent over the life of her children. Which spurred me into action which cleared my mind and allowed me to think up a plan. And as I fell faster and faster toward them, I cast my blades spell sheathing my wings in their otherworldly shadows. As the dragon looked up it smiled as it opened its maw to swallow me whole, thinking I was the appetizer, only made my beak grin as that made this all the easier since the throat wasn't covered in three inch thick scales. All I had to worry about was it breathing fire while I was in its throat as my warcry went silent as it snapped its jaws shut around me. Twilight I watched as this strange gryphon continued to dive towards the dragon letting out a screaming warcry as its wings began to glow an otherworldly purple before they were silenced with a loud snap of the dragon's jaws around the little gryphon. That's when it hit me the gryphon was a chick not even full adult and they were just swallowed whole by the dragon as it turned to look at her and Spike as it licked its lips and swallowed and I gulped as I could see the bulge of the little one moving down his throat nearly making me faint right there. But as the dragon was opening his maw to do the same to Spike and I, it stopped short and gave an odd look and tilt of his head before he straightened his neck and began to twitch about like he was being stung by bees. Then just as soon as it started the dragon collapsed before us dead. Spike and I stared at the dead dragon in stunned silence, unsure of what happened to it. Then its head started moving once more, relighting the fear in us as it opened is maw to eat us......and out rolled the gryphon chick covered in blood and stomach acid. She was coughing up blood and bile the sound of the wet spatting against the ground made me rush to the nearby bushes and lose my lunch. After I was done tasting my food for a second time, I turned back and made my way to the cliff to find the chick was clean if a bit wet looking and was checking on Spike. He had fainted sometime in the time of us arriving at the cliff and the gryphon being eaten. Hurrying over, my hooves drawing the attention of the young gryphon, as I neared I opened my muzzle to speak when she cut me off. "He's fine, just unconscious from fright." she looked over to me and tilted her head and asked "Are you ok, miss?" I shake my head to try and clear the cobwebs that had formed "u...uh yes.......more importantly are YOU ok? You just got eaten!" I cried to which she just shrugged and muttered 'not the first time for that either' but of course that couldn't be what she said as that couldn't be true. She began to move to my side where my burnt wings throbbed and reminded me of their damage leaving me grounded for the future. "You sure miss? You look like he got you pretty good with his breath." She pointed out as she nodded to my wings. "Okay, I'm not in the best of shape what are you doing out here? Do you know of anywhere safe we can go to rest until Spike wakes up?" I hurriedly asked her with a nod to Spike at his name. "Sure just follow me back to my camp, its only about an hour's walk from here even with the cliff." With that the strange little gryphon waited for me to pick up Spike and then began to lead me deeper into the Everfree at night. > Ch 3 Encounter Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everfree, Twilight Picking up Spike and placing him gently onto my back the gryphon chick began to lead me through the dark forest. After the harrowing ordeal with that dragon, I couldn't help myself from jumping t every noise and shadow. It was like that night three years ago when the girls and I entered the Everfree for the first time. But now it was worse as I didn't have the rest of my friends to help me feel even a little safe. This made this youngling all the odder as she seemed to be totally at home in this dangerous forest, her steps almost completely silent, unlike my own hooves which I cursed whenever I stepped on a branch. As the minutes passed I tried to start a conversation with the young chick but every time I opened my muzzle she would hush me. Finally, I was able to ask why we needed to be quiet. She said it was because most of the predators hunted at night and she wasn't equipped to handle them right now. That raised even more questions in my mind, ranging from how this gryphon who couldn't be any older than Spike was so calm about fighting and even killing. That last thought made a shiver run down my spine, I mean I was no stranger to danger and thanks to Celestia being who she was, I was secretly trained when I was a filly to fight and neutralize an enemy. Those lessons I always disliked, but the Princess was firm in that I needed to know how to defend myself and those I cared for. In the absence of talk with the strange chick, it allowed my mind to think, and I couldn't help but look back and realize just how often I ended up using those skills. Especially during the Changeling Invasion during Shining Armor's wedding. As I started to lose myself to my thoughts as I followed her before she suddenly stopped and motioned for me to do the same and to be still. As I was about to ask what was wrong, I heard it, with a twitch of my ears I tried to locate the sound of something large making its way through the dense forest. Whatever it was it was big and obviously didn't often leave its home as I could hear the crashing of trees as they fell to this unknown creature. That's when I saw an Ursa Major meandering its way toward the cliff where we left the body of the dragon. I was shivering a little in fear at the sight, I mean yes I handled an Ursa Minor when I was a unicorn and I got a major boost to my magic when I accended, I still remember stories about how the Princess's even had a hard time getting a Major to leave a potential meal alone. After ten minutes of listening to the beast crush its way toward its meal, which with my racing heart made it feel like a lifetime and a half, the gryphon sighed and said it was safe to move again and that we were almost to her camp. Nodding I resumed following the young one, but soon I found myself coming to a stop again as I felt an active spell or rather spells all around us and lighting up my horn I probed them finding them to be very advanced detection spells in an alarm configuration it seemed. Letting my magic go I then hurried to catch up to the gryphon who was looking more and more relaxed with each step towards this camp. I was thinking she was traveling with a very accomplished unicorn for those spells to be so advanced and still be active in this forest. The Everfree was known to cause most spells to need exponentially more mana to use than outside it, and most enchantments needed a very powerful power source during their creation to survive any length of time in this place. Then I spotted a group of tents in a clearing coming up ahead, and a small fire in the center crackling away, and now that I was safe I was getting excited at the prospect of meeting another unicorn who knew advanced magics. But as we neared, I was looking about but didn't find anypony else around. As I was looking about in growing confusion I noticed the chick move to the fire and an overturned wooden bowl. She quickly cleaned up the mess of food before turning to me and with a smile on her beak said "Ok now we can talk. We should be plenty safe here." Nodding I could feel Spike start to stir so I moved to set him next to the warm fire before sitting next to him. "Well young one, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and this young dragon with me is Spike. What's your name? And are you out in this forest with someone?" I asked and her beak scrunched up like she ate a lemon which was really cute looking. She nodded and gave a short bow as she answered "WEll your highness, my name is G....Grace and I welcome you to my humble camp. Also I besides you and Spike I haven't met any intelligent beings in this forest." That last part of course made me gawk at her in shock. Everfree, Grace I couldn't stop the giggle at the look on the Princess's muzzle at hearing my response. This seemed to snap her brain back onto its train of thought. As then asked "If your alone then who set up those warding and alarm spells around this camp?" She gave an adorable tilt to of the head as she asked this. So grinning even wider I sat up proudly and pointed at myself and said "oh I did your highness, they are even my own personal design making them more effective and last longer." After I finished she was once more flabergasted and was sputtering about how that was impossible and such. She even muttered about how they were far more advanced than anything she knew of. Finally, after about a minute of freaking out her eyes rolled back and she fainted making me giggle as I looked to the snoring Spike and simply said "Must've been a heck of a day for those two" I then set about getting them into my main tent and as comfortable as I could in my nest of bedding before I too was yawning and with a shrug joined them in the nest and went to sleep.