> Already Perfect > by hamster wizard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Is it me? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle is quite tall. Sorry, that doesn’t really help much at all does it? Twilight Sparkle is tall because she’s the princess of Equestria. She’s an immortal alicorn princess. She lives in a big fancy castle and has a shiny crown and everything. At the moment she happened to be strolling down the streets of Canterlot, making her way to a familiar location. She was heading to a fashion boutique owned by a good friend of hers named Rarity. Rarity is a world renowned fashion designer, and happens to be one of Twilight’s closest friends. Twilight entered the boutique, and was greeted the eponymous jingle of a bell as the door shut behind her. The shelves and displays were all stocked with Rarity’s designs, and the store was entirely empty aside from a single mare seated behind the counter. As she trotted over, the cashier looked the princess up and down. The mare looked to be no more than a teenager, and seemed entirely nonplussed by the sudden visit from her nation’s ruler as she asked, “Can I help you?” Twilight cleared her throat, “Is Rarity here?” She asked directly. The mare lazily gestured toward the back room, and Twilight offered her a nod before setting off. She brushed her way past the curtain separating the back from the rest of the store, and found Rarity seated at a small desk, head down, quietly sobbing to herself. Twilight hurried over and took a seat on the floor beside her friend, draping a hoof over her shoulder. The two sat in silence for some time, accompanied only by Rarity’s gentle sobs. After several minutes, Rarity at last looked up, and met Twilight’s gaze, brushing a lock of her graying mane out of her face, “Oh, Twilight. I must look all out of sorts, I apologize dear.” She sniffed slightly, biting back her emotions, “Can I fetch you some tea perhaps?” “Maybe later Rarity, I think right now you just need to rest. Can I get you anything?” Twilight asked her gently, and offered her friend a soft smile. Rarity let out an airy chuckle, with tears still in her eyes, “Not unless you can get me that ghastly critic bound and gagged. That’s just about all that could make me feel better at the moment.” Twilight smirked at the commend before speaking, “Oh come on Rarity, this is hardly the first time the critics have been hard on you. You always bounce back, and you will this time too.” Rarity smiled a bit, wiping a tear out of her eye, “I wish that were true darling, but I’m afraid you’re not quite getting the full picture.” She pulled open a drawer by her desk, and lifted out a stack of various fashion magazines, all with vapid names such as Maximal, or Abundance. “I’ve been panned more and more recently for my designs, and I feel that this latest critique has hit the nail on the head so to speak.” She hoofed over the most recent magazine, named High Horse. The cover featured a mare that was strutting down a runway in what appeared to be a wearable cat tower. A certain page had been marked with a pink sticky note, and Twilight flicked the publication to the appropriate place. It was a two page article titled: A Relic of The Past, with a head shot of Rarity featured prominently right beside the title. Twilight frowned, “Rarity, you know how these things-” “Please darling, I know the nuance of the article may be lost on you, but at least read the conclusion for me.” Twilight scanned the article, and began reading aloud the final portion, “While Rarity has been a prolific force in the fashion world for decades now, and her designs remain an integral turning point toward the world of modern fashion, the mare herself is a remnant of a different era. Her designs have consistently refused to adapt to trends, nor break barriers on their own, for many years now, and Rarity only serves to damage her legacy by continuing her current crusade against the evolving industry. As a student of fashion myself, I can’t help but revere Rarity, and it pains me to write such a scathing criticism of her recent work. Nonetheless, her designs have remained consistently mediocre for such a long time, that I feel something must be said. I have nothing but respect for Rarity, and I sincerely hope to see her work improve in the future.” Twilight looked up, to see Rarity with a nervous smile on her face, and fresh tears budding at the edge of her eyes, “Rarity, I’m sorry, but you really can’t let this ruin you! I’ve seen your designs, and they’re fantastic! Just look at this dress in the photo here, it’s incredible! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dress this beautiful before!” Twilight turned the magazine to Rarity, showing off a picture of one of Rarity’s recent dressed, a beautiful flowing gown with blue and silver swirling together along a long train, and twinkling like the night sky. “Ah yes, the Touch of Midnight. I was quite fond of that design too.” “See! I don’t understand what all these ponies are on about, you’re a fantastic designer!” Rarity let out a long sigh, “Thank you Twilight, it does feel good to hear you say as much. Unfortunately, they’re right. I have failed to adapt to the times. This dress would have done fabulously 30 years ago. Today, it’s entirely outdated. The fashion of today is geometric, and I must say, utterly repulsive.” Twilight frowned, “You mean like this… thing, on the cover right? I’ll admit it’s a bit impractical, but you could surely design something like this if you wanted to.” “Oh I could darling, and quite easily in fact. The simple fact of the matter is that I refuse to demean myself by creating something so utterly horrific! And it’s not just this dreadful geometric trend either. Last year it was onion domes, and the year before that, live squirrels. Before that it was diving gear with polka dots and lace! The fashion industry has become completely removed from actual visual appeal, and moved on to utter ridiculousness. And to top it all off, they have the gall to critique moi for refusing to give in to the abhorrent trends of today!” Twilight seemed puzzled, “If it’s not your problem, but theirs, then why is the article bothering you? I don’t mean to be rude, I just don’t understand.” Rarity turned back to her desk, and scoffed a bit, “It’s not just that. It’s more so… I’ve realized that the industry I’ve been a part of for so long no longer wants me. I can’t change the world on my own, as much as I try. I suppose, I’ve finally reached a turning point. I’ve finally realized… That it’s over.” She turned to Twilight once more, this time with a sad smile on her face, “That’s why I’m so sad darling.” Twilight took a step toward her friend, “Rarity, don’t be too hasty, it’s only been one day. You should take some time and think about this.” “Trust me, I’ve been thinking about this for some time now. I won’t make it official for some time, and I'll be keeping my stores open of course, but you should know that I’ve made up my mind on this. It’s been a wonderful experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. That being said, there’s no use going on like this, high fashion is no longer my place, and I’ve made peace with it." I’m finished.”