Gay Smut but it's a Gesamtkunstwerk

by NormalVoreForNormalVeopl

First published

Your move, Shakespearicles

In 1593, when the theatres were closed because of Plague, Shakespeare wrote the lovingly erotic and sensual Venus and Adonis, which became one of his first and most famous publications.

I have chosen to honor The Bard the way he would've wanted; by writing gay porn in the best way it can be written that isn't 'badly'; a gesamtkunstwerk combining four forms of classical poetry.

Your move, Shakespearicles.

(Your regularly scheduled vore will resume soon enough)

Contains: Smut, Lexicon, SAT Words, Boner jokes, references to some of Shakespeare's own sex jokes, Fr*nch, R*rilight

I'm sorry I couldn't include a picture of my dog this time. He's outside playing with his rope toy. I'd hate to disturb him.

If you only know the word Gesamtkunstwerk because of BDG you're valid

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Your honour's in all duty,

Part 1- Shakespearian Sonnets

In shining corridors a blackest night,
Petit young poney strays through crystalled halls.
Her summoner demanded her respite,
To ride and shake and break the fragile walls.
Her pleasant fountains trickling her mind,
Her barren plains in clear need of a hoe,
She cast the last doors open and aside,
And bathed in gaze of lavender drawn low.
"Oh Rarity, you've finally arrived,"
Said alicorn unto her beloved,
"I had begun to miss your dazzling eyes,
And no thing making young men rise in bed."
To this Rarity spoke unto simply,
"Speak no thing dirty lest it lose its sheen."

Tho beautiful, the girl could miss a flirt
So pun was lost from alabaster lips,
But they moved forward stead'ly undeterred,
And quickly found their place nestled tween nips.
As Twilight subtly arched her head to howl,
Or something more resembling a moan,
Her partner up her form began her prowl,
Acutely ware how libido had grown.
With licks and purrs and calculated bites,
Their foreplay closed with Diamond atop Star,
Her tongue climbed up to where it fit just right,
And both kissed deep in privacy of tower.
And thus a hoof lowered down to a clit,
And thus the story's title came to fit.

Part 2- Narrative Poem in Venus and Adonis stanza

EVEN as moon with purple-colour'd face
Waned brightest upon lovers turned to lust,
No move was made to cease a lay to waist
Of popping pinkly pony puss and bust.
As peeking clit flared out to meet Rare grasp,
Around low globes did lovingly maw clasp,
As bosom twas devoured by wet tongue,
Low under sweet spot met the beck and call,
Of she who conducted the loins fun,
And hickeyed upon mam whilst wetting all.
So sopping wet were fields slick as tar,
And hearty pog to those who read this far.
More regions swayed and wet to touch of hoof,
Then Netherlands found underside of Nell,
And more did quake and dampen velvet roof,
Alongside carpets cleaned as tongue did fell,
Between two perked buds of pillowy globes,
Into the crease of crotch not hid by robes.
The open arse and poperin pear danced,
Animalistically sang for release,
As Rarity waited not for her chance,
To slobber over both lesbiarch teats.
No fool could miss where waspish tail lies,
As Twilight's moans proved critics otherwise.
Relief was not yet granted on the whim,
And sub did whine as wet hoof left its nest,
Parading an ambrosia coated limb,
And raunchily licking off princess mess.
"Thou beast of venom, must thou tease thy lie?"
"If venom soaked, know that it isn't mine."
No tit arouses quite as much as wit,
(Of those in nature, less so upon chest)
But time and place affects where wit does fit,
And during sex is perhaps not the best.
So both agreed to banish verbal fog,
Erase unsureness and just fucking snog.
Where velvet snakes coiled around their mates,
And wrestled, pinning each down to the lips,
Whilst forearms reached down to where fur abates
And stroked in circles out from erect nips.
Thus love and lust battled to win the night,
Whilst indifference needed not even fight.
"But surely you intend to not pass by,"
Dear Twi reminded, pulling soon away
"A chance to burrow into lap and die?
We've got such time left till the break of day."
"I'd worry less about when sun will rise;
No deadline waits for I to make sub die."

Part 3- Blank verse in Iambic Pentameter

When sentiment was made with coy grin,
Did Rarity kick off Umbran Climax,
Preparing to seize taste straight from the source,
Looking upon squishy bits ripe for plunge.
The vice of greed overtook mistress Rare,
Like some degenerate porn parody
Of Inspiration Manifestation.
(Even despite Enjambent, that still feels
Like a line not quite right where it belongs,
But it still fits the scheme, so we'll pretend
Twas intentional trademark parody)
The Alicorn gasped upon her fruit's loot,
Which slid to moans as soon as they'd begun,
Adeptly made demand of primal needs,
And gave herself to absolute pleasure.
Cries for increased ferocity rang out,
As none could seem to be pleased by their gifts,
But farce was quickly shown to those present,
As wet megatons began to release.
Flesh jiggled as pink sparked deepest heat,
(Why the hell'd I think "jiggle" was sexy?)
Ligne française obligatoire va ici,
As nectar was coaxed from the depths of cooch,
Orally charmed without the need of snake.
Her limit breaks was met without damage,
Miraculously spurned by strength of lick,
And floodgates fell, leaking into the maw
That bore the gold result of worked magic.
The wave of completion swept over both,
Though wave of fresh mare juice swept over one,
And Rarity considered her joh done
Upon seeing the blushing face above.
"Shall we make every other night like this?"
Asked princess to her fashionista mate.
"Your payment of groaning takes off my edge,
This heals better than Aloe could hope.
I wish to make you mine forevermore,
Along with hanging tails if you wish.
I shan't complain; after all, how often
Could subject make her very ruler bow?
A promise from a goddess never dies,
Even when I knell over my own grave,
And Knackerman finds use for hollowed skull,
And blood becomes the rainbows in your sky
And flesh, I guess, gets put into pastries?
Oh damned, I lost control of metaphor.
But know this, if you find it's what you want;
If you shall choose to bind, each night we'll grind."
(The last part she stole from a seminar,
Of how to dirty talk from Iron Will.)
The goddess's eyes shone as she replied,
"Would marriage mean Spike stops trying to woo
A unicorn whose twice his age and gay?"
To which reply came from Spike's room beneath,
Through the translucent floors, a simple "no ❤"

Part 4- The Denouement in Senryū

Never was more woe

Than in author to story

Her one greatest foe