Royal Problem

by GNGFan21

First published

Celestia and Luna find an answer to an old problem of theirs with the assistance of everyone's favorite dragon.

Celestia and Luna have always had one thing they want most a family of their own but thanks to ancient magic that made them immortal also robbed them of the possibility of this happiness. Now thanks to their long search they may have found an answer to this but at what price?

M rating for safety for plans of future chapters

PS. First story so plz don't shoot me if its bad XD
Haven't yet watched all the season so some info may and will be inaccurate.

An Answer?

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Canterlot Day Court

Princess Celestia had another boring day hearing some stupid and preposterous ideas from nobles. And again these ideas were coming from the mouth of a unicorn noble who she probably hated most at the moment Skychanter. There were two reasons for this.
1. He was full of himself.
2. He was an extreme purist who thought only ponies should be allowed to live in Equestria.
And that is why I believe Spike should be stripped of his prince title and either exiled from or imprisoned he is a danger to all of the ponies he is around.

After finishing his speech Celestia rose from her throne and the room started to heat when she started to talk barely holding back her anger.
As I have told you before, you will not talk about Spike like that, he may not be of my blood, but I adopted him when he was just hatchling. I don't know how you treat your family, but he is like the son I never had. He is a hero to all of Equestria, thanks to what he has achieved. Now you and all who support you will stop this kind of behavior! Do you understand!?

At that moment courtroom doors swung open with familiar magic and the cold air was pushed inside the heated courtroom.
We require thou, attention sister!

Celestia glared towards Luna
Can't you see we are having a meeting this is better be good Luna?

Luna just rolled her eyes.
It concerns our old problem sister, and you might want to lower down the heat before you boil our subjects alive

At that comment, Celestia noticed how all of the nobles and guards were sweating and she started to reign in her magic.
Leave us this day court is over for today, and Skychanter take my words to heart and stop! Guards out this is a private matter.

All of the nobles rose from their seats and exited the courtroom fast, and lastly, guards left, closing the door and leaving the royal sisters alone.

Luna looked worriedly towards her older sister before asking.
I take it Nobles are causing trouble again? I haven't seen you this angry in a while.

Celestia just looked outside of the window and let out a sigh before talking.
You have no idea sometimes I wonder how that stallion is still a Noble Skychaser who was once again trying to get me to strip Spike of his title as the prince and either exile him or imprison him. I don't know how but it seems there was more support for this idea today. I fear there is some Purist group in our midst, and it's growing and gaining power as we speak.

Luna just shook her head in disappointment.
So they are trying to hurt our dear nephew. My Thestrals have found some pointers to this Purist group, maybe we should start a search for them and deal with them fast and decisively.

Celestia nodded her head in agreement.
Yes, we do, but with discreet, for now, I don't want any violence if it is avoidable. But enough of that you told me you wanted to talk about our problem so let us hear it.

Luna nodded and begun.
Please, sister let us tell you all before you ask questions.

Celestia sitting on her throne and nodded for Luna to continue her story.
Our archeological team has found some interesting spell tomes in the ruins of our childhood city in Dream Valley. They found...

Luna seemed hesitant to talk but continued
They found a mother and father's spellbooks, and some of the spells in them are based on dark magic. I have found a spell they used on us to ensure our safety, but the cost was something they didn't fully comprehend. You know we should have the approx same lifetime as any other pony. Well, it seems the spell they used didn't only protect us in stone from the plague, but it somehow drew in us all the lifetime of other alicorns. I believe they tried to do this in haste, so they had miscalculated something and badly. So this long age of ours seems to be both blessing and a curse. We live for a very long time but are unable to conceive.

Celestia was both horrified and interested in the reason why they were, so long living.
So I take that Twilight and Cadance will live normal lives?

Luna nodded
Yes they were magically ascended, and that was a success only because they had alicorn genes in them, I would take a wild guess that approx 20%-30% of all ponies carry them and just need the right magical push for ascension. I have studied the spells mother and father used on us and have found there is a way to break this curse on us, and we would live normally after that. Because it is based partly on dark magic it is possible to mix a magic potion to break a curse, but I have managed to crack 2 out of 7 ingredients used on it, and we can easily get them. First is the bloodline of caster so I am pretty sure it talks of our family's blood so either of our blood will do, and the second is...

Luna blushed hard.
Well Lulu what is the second one?

With a deep red face she continued
I think I will sound a bad pony if I say I am looking forward to getting it. The second one is cum Divine Dragon.

Celestia was starting to blush a little and looks her sister with a questioning look.
Not that I wouldn't mind collecting it myself Divines were passionate lovers last time I had some adventures, but how dear sister could you tell me that getting that would be in our reach if I recall right Sombra killed all of them because they were a threat to his rule. As they had magic that countered his dark magic very well. We failed them we were allies and we weren't there when they most needed us

Luna noticed the look on her sister's face and the way her face was getting the same red color she picked up on it, being as intelligent as her sister if not more by some rumors.
[iPlease, sister we had no idea Sombra would launch that cowardly attack on them, but back to the matter I know you have noticed it to you don't have to play stupid around me, or do I need to get Mistress Nightmare for you to talk about this.

Celestia was red as a tomato, and Luna knew she had won this one.
As much as I would like it, we have other matters to do. I will admit that the thought has crossed my mind multiple times, he does look very sexy thanks to his growth, and I have suspected of his lineage for a while. As for this possible potion and the ingredients we need for it, maybe we should send a copy of the list to Twilight and ask for her aid on this one but let us not tell her everything just yet.

At that moment a letter appeared, but it wasn't sent by Spike instead it had traces of Twilight's magic on it.


Princess Celestia please come as fast as possible it's about Spike we can't wake him up. He has been asleep since last night. Nothing we do seem to work his heartbeat is really low. It's like he is dying. Please, come as soon as possible.

Your Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle

After reading the letter Celestia looked up at Luna
"It seems we need to go see Spike both of us we might need to go inside his mind so I need your help on it"

Luna just nodded and with a flash of magic, they both disappeared.

In the corner there was an unicorn in shadowform smiling
"This got just more interesting"

Deep Sleep

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Castle Friendship

9 a.m. castle friendship Twilight Sparkle was up and walking towards the kitchen for some breakfast before continuing her studies of new fire magic he had received from Kirins. She and Spike had been practicing new fire spells from them the whole night and gone to sleep well after midnight. Twilight had noticed something odd about Spike during their practice session of spells. It was like the Kirin magic was somehow resonating to his presence. Something she needed to study more later.

After getting her food, Twilight noticed that Spike was missing, he was the usual morning bird of the two of them. So she decided to go wake him up. Opening Spike's door room Twilight shouted.
"Spike!! get up already we, have much more to study today and so little time."

No reaction Spike just continued his sleep without a flinch.
"Okay, so you want it that way so, be it."

Twilight left the room and got a glass of cold water, returned and poured all of it over Spike, and no reaction.
"This isn't normal now that I look more closely his scales are darker."

Twilight got near him and started to search anything out of normal and didn't find anything and started to have a panic attack.
"No, this not good I need some help. I need to get girls and fast."

With a bright light, she disappeared from the room, and one flash of pink after another, all of her friends appeared inside the map room Twilight returned last.

Applejack was the first to get up and ask the question in all of their mind.
"Whata hay Twilight what's going on why foal nap us middle of the morning like that?"

Rarity continued.
"Now darling what's with the rush that you can't even explain what's going on?"

Twilight was catching her breath. After doing so many teleport spells in such a short time took a little out of her.
"It's Spike he won't wake up, we did some magic training trough the night and.."

Rainbow cut in during her explantation.
"So let me get this straight you interrupted my flight planning just because Spike is sleeping a little longer than normally!?"

Fluttershy cut in between Rainbow and Twilight.
"Now Rainbow that isn't nice is it we should probably hear what Twilight has for us we know she doesn't think like this without a good reason."

Rainbow just looked into Fluttershy's eyes and gave up.
"I'm sorry Twilight. It's just that you got me without warning and teleported me here. You know how I hate that spell."

Twilight just nodded.
"I know Dash, but this is an emergency. There is something wrong with Spike you know how much he hates cold water I poured a full glass on him, and there was no reaction it's like he can't wake up."

WHAT!!! Came a unified shout from the five mares, and they dashed past Twilight towards Spike's room. Twilight was feeling comfortable that she had her friends helping her number one assistant. She turned around and followed the girls to Spike's room. Before Twilight managed to open door to Spike's room there was a huge soundwave coming from Pinkies trumpet that should pretty much wake anything in near the sound.

"Well, it's official Spikey is either a deep sleeper or something is wrong." Said Pinkie.

Fluttershy was looking at Spike with worry and tried to see what's wrong with him. She touched Spike's head and it was burning hot which isn't a good sign considering that he is a dragon.
"Twilight would you please teleport us to my cottage I might have some books that could have some answers."

"Sure Fluttershy. Girls watch over him and try to get him to wake up we'll be right back" said Twilight.
And with a flash Twilight and Fluttershy were gone leaving four mares to watch over and try to get some idea what to do.

Flashing into Fluttershy's cottage's living room they started to search for books Fluttershy thought might help. After an hour of searching, you could see the anger in Fluttershy's face and she yelled to empty air.
"Eris! Here now!"

With a buff of chocolate milk, Lady of Chaos Eris appeared in front of them.
"I was in the middle of a lovely chocolate bath but when You call Flutters I will always come to help my best friend. So what seems to be the problem?"

"Where are the books we found during our trip to Crystal Mountains?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh you mean those books about dragons? They were pretty interesting to read so I took the liberty to read them since you didn't show interest in them at the moment. I'd say you will find one book of them very interesting at least I found it to be." With a snap of her fingers a trunk full of really old books appeared in front of them.

Twilight had many questions. First of all, would be how did you manage to get Fluttershy to come with you to Crystal Mountains, but that could wait. She began to search the trunk for anything that could help them. "Dragonomicon Spells for Beginners, History of Order of Dragon-Knights, History of Divine Dragons, Breeding with Dragons!" That book made Twilight blush hard she knew that Kirin was offspring of Pony and Dragon, but to have a guide for that was news to her."There are so many books I have never heard. Draconic Disease. That sounds useful" Twilight begun to read it, and nothing she read was matching the symptoms Spike had. "There is nothing that matches Spike's condition is it some unknown disease?"

Eris was looking at how Twilight and Fluttershy had sad faces on them. "You know, maybe we should ask Princess Celestia or Luna about his condition if it is that bad?" Eris told her friends.

You could pretty much see how Twilight thought of herself for not writing to Princess right away. "Stupid, stupid of course either of them could help us how I could have been so stupid. Fluttershy let's get back to the castle I have my writing equipment there. Could I loan some of these books when you don't read them anymore? Eris could you come with us to you too might have an idea what's wrong with Spike" Twilight asked.

"Sure I give can give some of them to you once I'm done with them." told Fluttershy.

"Well you go ahead I have something I need to do before joining you." Eris commented.

With a flash Twilight and Fluttershy teleported back to the castle while Eris left to collect some books with him before joining her friends. "Divine Dragon who would have guessed sure he looks apart but just sigh..." Eris commented to herself while watching outside with a pleasant smile.

After arriving back to the castle, Twilight told Fluttershy to join others and try to relieve Spike somehow while she went to send, a letter to Princess Celestia. Not long after sending the letter, there was a bright flash and in front of Twilight were both Princesses. Princess Celestia, Thank the Faust you arrived this fast you to Princess Luna. Twilight told them while kneeling.

Princess Celestia looked at Twilight with a smile. "Twilight, how many times I have to tell you don't need to call me Princess in private."

"Hussah and neither do you have to do so towards us, Twilight Sparkle. Now guide us to our nephew so we may see what ails him" said, Luna.

"Yes, of course, follow me." Twilight said and guided them to Spike's room. When they entered Eris decided to show up with a barrel of cold water, she poured it over all of them.

"Well, it seems it's true he isn't just sleeping." Eris said with a wide grin.

"Eris!!" Everyone in the room yelled.

"Yes, that's the name I just tested could I wake him up, but it seems you were telling the truth. Here let me help clean you all up" With a snap, they all were clean and warm once again. "Ooo, I see where the problem is." Eris told everyone. Celestia and Luna just nodded in acknowledgment. Rarity was first to speak up after Eris's little trick "Pardon me Princesses, but what's wrong with Spike". Before either Luna or Celestia had a chance to answer, Eris decided to open her mouth. "Well, I think this book has some answer's" Eris showed a book named Guide for Growing Drake's and showed them a page that had info about unlocking your magic at Divine Dragons part.

Twilight was first to ask questions "This is nice educating and all but how does this help us? Spike isn't a young dragon he's 24 an adult already!"
"It seems our suspicions were right he is a Divine Dragon, after all, how long was he inside that egg I can't even imagine it" said Celestial while Luna just nodded to her sister's comments.

"Divine Dragon what the hay are you talking about?" asked Applejack.

"Well I think some explanations are in order, but I think my sister has better do this she has more knowledge about the situation" told Luna.

"Yes we are all dying to hear this Princess Sunbutt" said Eris.

Ignoring the comment, Celestia started her story. "The name Divine Dragon doesn't mean they are gods. Like we are revered as gods among ponies, they were just an extremely powerful race of dragons who lived in Crystal Mountains, and they have a great affinity towards Light Magic that was said to rival even Alicorns Light Magic."

"Wait, let me get this straight. Dragons can use magic?" Twilight asked

Celestia just nodded and continued "Yes Twilight many races of dragons can use magic no more interruptions, please. Divine Dragons were one of few dragon races in the past who were allies to ponies thanks to Crystal Empire, but then a sad tragedy struck them. It was during our war against Sombra as you know Light magic is extremely effective against Dark Magic that's why we sought their help against Sombra. They agreed to help us and we left Crystal Mountains to prepare for war against Crystal Empire, but somehow Sombra's spies had managed to infiltrate their city and kill every Divine Dragon even the hatchlings. I don't know what magic, poison, or other means he used to pull that stun off but when we arrived to gather their soldier for our march to Crystal Empire against Sombra for our last battle all we found were bodies." With a heavy sigh and tears forming in her eyes while she remembers all those small hatchlings who didn't get to live full lives. "I failed them. I asked for their help and they got all killed thanks to that." Tears started to flow as memories of one of her biggest failures during that time.

Luna brought her wing over her sister and nuzzled her neck lovingly "Sister you of all ponies should know nothing that happened to them wasn't your fault. Sombra is the one to blame for that tragedy. They were the ones who asked for that alliance in the first place look after Spike I will tell the rest". Celestia just nodded and kneeled before her adoptive son's bed placing a hand over his head and humming.

"As my sister told little about Spike's kind's history I tell you what may have happened to him. As the book states about young Divine Dragon accessing his or her magic first time there are family members who help them trough it is usually painless at that early age and they have little magical energy within them at that age it all depends on the age how painful it is and Spike over here is an adult and his magic reserves are fast even for his age. There have been a couple of these kinds of the situation on the history about orphans who were raised without a touch of their kind's magic and the first time they came into contact with it they descended first into coma nad after a while well I think you can guess."

All the girls gasped in disbelieve and Twilight was the one to break the silence. "Luna are you telling us that we will..."

Luna just nodded and continued "Yes Twilight Sparkle I'm saying he is dying he is in a coma right now but it isn't the only outcome the other is he wakes up stronger than he was before the coma, but he needs our help to achieve it. The others in the past who went through this were helped by friends and family members. Normally it's just sharing the magical energy while it stabilizes inside them, but this is more like his psyche is fighting something he isn't in physical pain yet, but his mind is in distress we, need to delve inside his mind and help him." Luna finished

Though the situation was dire, ever the scholar Twilight was taking notes. "So wait, what exactly is happening to him? A massive amount of magic energy that is integrating with a host for the first time should cause some external pain and markings on a body, but I don't see any of those." Twilight asked while writing.

"I am at loss on that one to Twilight. The best I can guess is that his body is already adjusted to the energy, but it's his mind that is holding him back, or he can't just connect with his new power. But whatever it is, we will find it within his mind. I need your help Twilight. You will enter with me into his mind and help me deal with whatever is wrong with his mind." Luna told them.

"I'm coming to my son needs me, and I won't just sit idle while there is something I can do about it." Celestia said.

"I'll do what I can to help Spike." Twilight said.

"Then sit down and hold onto me and, we will travel inside Spike's mind" Luna told and moved next to Spike's bed and placed her hand on his head while Celestia and Twilight placed their hands on Luna's shoulders. "Just follow me and all should go well, now close your eyes" Luna closed her eyes and began chanting "We seek entry into that which is yours we mean no harm we only seek to help allow us to enter your sanctum." When she finished, her eyes shoot open and were pure white, and after that Twilight, Celestia, and Luna's body collapsed down onto the ground and, they were asleep.

Fractured Mind

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Mind of Spike

After a blinding flash Twilight, Celestia and Luna were inside Spike's mind but where they were was a surprise to all of them they were in the ruins of Canterlot. There were many dead ponies in the ground with wounds that looked like, they were made by something big. What was most puzzling all the dead were males. Females were just unconscious with smaller wounds here and there.

"Is this Spike's nightmare it sure looks like it to my eyes." Said Twilight

"It is and it isn't. It has the normal marks as a nightmare but I sense lots of Dark Magic coming from Castle's main courtyard. It's like his mind is fractured split in half you could say." Luna answered.

"Then that's where we must go." Said Celestia and dashed past Luna and Twilight.

"Wait Sister we can't run in without a plan!" Luna yelled but her warning did not affect Celestia. "Damn it I shouldn't have taken her with us if there is Dark Magic at play who knows what is happening and here she runs in without a plan again. No point trying to sneak in now come Twilight we need to help her." Twilight nodded and started following Luna towards the courtyard.

As they arrived at the courtyard they noticed Celestia chained to the ground. She also had an inhibitor ring on her horn to block her magic. "Twilight, this doesn't look good. You stay behind and secure our rear. I will go and see if I can get Celestia out of those chains." Luna told and Twilight just nodded.

Luna arrived at her sister's side "Sister, are you alright?" Celestia's eyes widened when Luna arrived and removed the robe around her mouth to allow her to speak. "No Luna, you must leave this is..."

Without a warning, chains erupted from the ground and wrapped themselves around the Princess of the Night and, an inhibitor ring appeared at her horn blocking her magic. Luna immediately noticed whose magic this was.
"Sombra! I should have known!" Luna gritted her teeth angrily while speaking. With a flash, a shadow appeared in front of Princesses, but it wasn't Sombra. It was Spike. Or at least it looked like him only with darker scales, and his eyes were crimson red.

"I knew if my "mother" is here, so would my aunt. Who better to get inside my head." Shadow-Spike told Luna with a sick wide grin.

"Where is my son you monster! What have you done with him Sombra!" Celestia yelled with a glare.

"Whatever do you mean, mother. I'm Spike, isn't it a wonder what a mad Dark Mage can do with a dragon egg." Shadow-Spike told Celestia with a smirk.

Luna cut in "Wait, are you telling that Sombra..."

"Yes, my egg is or rather was pretty old already before "mom" found me. Sombra experimented in secret on my egg. Trying to corrupt it with Dark Magic. The thing is, it's pretty hard to corrupt a creature who has a strong link to Light Magic. But Sombra did manage to do something because without him I wouldn't exist."

"So you're like Tantabus, a parasite! Feeding on my nephew's strength!?" Luna asked with a small interest showing on her face.

"Well, I don't see a point to hide it anymore since soon I will be Spike. I'm not a parasite. I am part of him, and I couldn't have done anything before, but thanks to him awakening his magic energy, I was set free, and "your" Spike is somewhere here. Once I kill him and absorb his energy, it's me who is in control after that. Before you plan anything against me. I can let you on a little secret you have no power in here. This is my realm. Yes, you could use magic, but thanks to my rings over your horns, you can't cast any spells. Only a certain dragon could stop me here, but he has no strength left anymore. He started hiding after our last battle. Now that he is losing and knows what happens when I win. He is just delaying the inevitable."

During Shadow-Spike's explanation, Twilight was hiding and listening in. Upon learning that Spike is the one who can defeat this Shadow-Spike she started to search for him with her magic. Once again villains gloating causes their downfall typical she thought. "There I found him now to just teleport there. I will be back soon Celestia, Luna just hang on." She whispered to herself before vanishing in purple light.

At the courtyard, Shadow-Spike was entertaining his guests. "What is you will do after winning?" Celestia asked small smile on her face told Luna that she too had somehow felt Twilight's magic and was now playing time. Unfortunately, that was their only card to play right now. "Yes, we would like to hear what does it includes?" Luna retorted.

Shadow Spike was smiling at this. "Well, where to start how I'm going to conquer Equestria or my favorite part breaking you two in with the Element bearers, after all, I need strong offspring and who better to give them to me than heroes on Equestria and its two rules." Celestia and Luna's faces were red as tomatoes upon hearing this and without a care, in the world, Shadow-Spike started to tell his plans.

At the same time, Twilight had tracked Spike into their old quarters in Canterlot Castle when she was still Celestia's student. She noticed Spike laying on the bed with deep wounds on his chest, and his wings were both broken. "Oh no, Spike! Are you okay! Can you hear me!" Twilight yelled while running towards the bed.

Spike weakly lifts his head to see Twilight running towards her with tears in her eyes. "Twilight? Is that you or is this another illusion?" Spike asked with a low voice.

"Just hold still I'll heal those wounds." Twilight casts a powerful healing spell and it had an immediate effect. Spike's wounds started to close up and his wing bones started to mend.

"Thank you, Twily. I can't say how much that makes my day feel better." Spike told her with a wide smile on him.

"Your welcome, but you have something to tell me, what is that Shadow-Spike out there and where did it even come, how does it know Dark Magic, how..." Twilight's mouth was shut by Spike.

"Whoa easy there, I'll answer all your questions, but I don't have all the answers." Spike took a more comfortable position on the bed before he began his side of the story. "So I take you faced of my, well I don't know Evil Side? The moment we went to sleep after our training I met him. And we have been fighting all the time. During our fights, he told me how he came to be and how he has gained strength through my negative emotions. He is just too strong. And every time he strikes me, it feels like part of me disappears, and he becomes even stronger. He is always gloating that I'm not worthy of the power that I possess and, I should just give up. I have no idea what power he is talking about. Sure I'm stronger now than before, but it's nothing compared to you or other girls. But he is getting desperate during one of our fights. He told me about his plans for you girls and all of Equestria. But he also let it slip that if neither of us comes victorious over the other. My body will just die off after a certain amount of time. So I hatched a plan that I should die rather than let that thing conquer and enslave all of Equestria." Spike finished his explanation, and Twilight had a look of sadness in her eyes, and tears were forming on them too.

"How could you plan something so reckless and stupid." Twilight yelled and slapped Spike on the cheek

"Ouch! Twily! What's wrong with you. I can't let that thing hurt you or others. You know this is the only solution now that I am this weak. Our next fight would mean doom to all of you. All of the friends I care about and you girls who I love." Spike yelled.

"But there is a chance we can get out of this. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are here too. We came to help you. If we can manage to get you to tap into your magic and with our help, you can manage to win him." Twilight told Spike.

"No! If it's similar power my Evil side is using then you can forget about it." Spike told her while crossing his arms.

"Spike I'm not talking about that thing. I spied it while it gloated to Luna and Celestia. Yes, it's part of you but there is so much more to you than what your dark side represents. The reason why it gained form was of Sombra he did something to your egg and infused it with Dark Magic or at least I think that's what he did. But there is more in you. You have your own magic inside you. We learned your something called a Divine Dragon you can use magic of your own. And even better. Your kind should have a great affinity towards Light Magic, which is counter to Dark Magic. There was a book explaining about your kind behavior when hatchlings unlock their magic for the first time. But long story short, with our help, it should be possible for you to access your magic." Twilight explained fast without taking in oxygen.

"Breath Twilight. Are you sure this will work? If there is even a slight chance for failure. I will not risk your or other's safety." Spike retorted.

Twilight didn't like it, but she needed to use a little white lie she wouldn't lose her number one assistant. "Yes, Spike it is a sure way to win this." Spike nodded and asked "Okay, I believe you. So what I need to do?"

"I'm not as good as Celestia is on this, but close your eyes and focus and feel what is in your center." Twilight placed her hand on Spike's head and started to reach inside his magic reservoirs to free them and allow Spike to use them.

After a while, Twilight could feel Spike's magic. And it was just asking to be released. So she did what she had learned from Celestia about this and released it. Opening her eyes Twilight noticed that Spike's aura was different. It radiated warmth, and his magic aura felt strong."How do you feel Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know it's hard to describe all I can say it feels calm." Spike responded.

"Your aura feels way stronger than before, now we need to get back you have to distract your dark side while I free Luna and Celestia. Are you ready to go I will transport you behind him are you ready?" Twilight asked with a small worry on her face.

"As ready as I ever am. You go free Celestia and Luna I keep the ugly one distracted." Spike answers with a wide smile and giving a thumb up sign. With a flash of purple magic, they both disappear.

At the courtyard, Shadow-Spike and Princesses were still having their conversation. "If I didn't know better you two are waiting for me to train you." Said Shadow-Spike with a wide grin.

Celestia just smiled "Well, it has been a long time since I last had a dragon. Maybe we are a little bit interested." Celestia retorted "I second that" Luna told from her sister's side.

With a flash of purple magic, Spike appeared behind his evil doppelganger. "Hey ugly, I heard you were looking for me." Spike taunted. While Shadow-Spike's attention was focused on Spike. Twilight started to sneak towards Celestia and Luna to free them.

"Well, it seems the lamb has finally come to get slaughtered. Saves me the time of searching for you. Our aunt and mom decided to show up. So they have the perfect view to see your defeat." Shadow-Spike taunted. At that moment. Twilight was trying to remove chains and horn rings from Princesses. "But before we continue..." Shadow-Spike snaps his fingers and chains wrap around Twilight, and a ring appears around her horn to blocking her magic. "No!!" Twilight yells in distress.

"You think I would be that stupid? That I didn't know you were, just playing time. I just let you believe so and make my job easier and let Twilight deliver original Spike to me." Shadow-Spike said with a wicked grin. "You seem different. And your aura feels different too. What did you do?!" Shadow-Spike asks with a hint of anger and interest in his voice.

A smile formed on Spike's face"Let's just say me and Twilight managed to give me some boost. Now I feel at peace, and I also feel stronger." Luna, Celestia, and Twilight smiled. They could feel Spike's new magic energy even though they had rings on their horns. His power felt similar to the Shadow-Spike, only it was emanating Light Magic instead of Dark Magic.

Shadow-Spike started to laugh "How wonderful of Twilight to do even more of my work. Do you remember when I told you that I need to absorb his magic energy? His energy was under lock and key and I couldn't access it. During our fights, I was trying to get him to tap into his magic and open the locks, but now thanks to Twilight those locks are removed and I can absorb them freely and take control of your mind and body. While it's true that Light Magic counter's Dark Magic but let me ask you. How long have you had this power 30 minutes? 1 hour? I have had time to practice my magic for centuries. Even if it was in the inside of our mind." With a snap of his fingers, a large cage formed around Spike and Shadow-Spike locking them inside. "This cage has special enchantment. The lock won't open until either of us is dead."

Their smile disappeared and was replaced with terror when they realized what his words mean. Celestia was first to speak up "If what he tells is the truth then I'm afraid that our Spike..." Tears start to flow from her eyes, and Luna continues. "He has no chance of victory. In a fight where both participants are equal of strength and magic power the one with the most experience is victorious."

Shadow-Spike formed a ball of dark magic in his hand "Now that we both have magic. I think I can use this" He throws a ball of destruction towards Spike.

On instinct, Spike hits the ball, and it's knocked away without harming his arm.

Both Shadow-Spike and Spike are surprised at what happened "How is that possible you just unlocked your magic. You shouldn't be able to do that!" Shadow-Spike yells and lunges towards Spike.

Spike blocks the attack but it was enhanced with Dark Magic and it leaves a nasty wound on his arm. "Grrrr... That hurt and it burns." Spike wails

"Hmm.. it seems it was just a moment of luck. No matter. I'm still going to absorb your essence and your magic." Shadow-Spike thought aloud.

Spike is pushed more and more on the corner, and each time Shadow-Spike hits him with dark magic enhanced strikes. Leaving bleeding wounds all over Spike. Spike tries to strike back, managing to get some hits through but not as many as Shadow-Spike. Spike's breath is heavy and irregular. Coughing up some blood and trying to speak.
"This is bad if this continues..." And at that moment. Shadow-Spike dashed forward and pushed his hand through Spike's stomach.

No Spike!!! all of the three Alicorns yell with tears flowing freely. "Please stop this madness. I beg of you. Don't take away my son." Celestia yelled.

"I told you should just give up and not delay the inevitable. Now give me all that you are so I can finish what Sombra couldn't." Shadow-Spike said.

Spike couldn't hear anything the screams of his mom, his aunt, and first mare he loved more than a friend but didn't get a chance to tell. His life flashed through his eyes all the good moments with the girls his mom, aunt, and others. "Twilight..." Was the last words that he said before he closed his eyes

"I win." Shadow-Spike said with a sick smile on his face. "That's odd the cage should have disappeared after I killed him."

Spike opened his eyes. He was at some kind of a palace, but it wasn't a palace he had ever seen before. "Where am I? Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?" Spike asked himself.

"Yes, this is the afterlife. No, you aren't dead, at least not yet." Said voice full of authority and strength.

Spike turned around to see a dragon in front of him. He was tall and black as the night, and his muscles looked like they are pure diamonds. His wings seemed to have the night sky on them stars moved around them freely. He had four long curved horns on his head, and his eyes were pure gold.

"What who are you!?" Spike asked, panic in his voice.

The dragon just lifts his hand to show him to stop before he spoke up. "Be at ease Spike Solaris. I'm Draco the First dragon or what they teach in your school God of all dragons."

Spike was lost at words. Here was the First of the Dragons. He really was dead. His instincts told him to get on his knees to show respect towards his creator.

"Sigh... no need for that Spike. I hate it when people do that. It makes me uncomfortable. Again you aren't dead, but you are on the edge of life and death thanks to that thing you were battling against." Draco told him.

Spike got up and asked."So... why am I here then? What happened to my friends?"

Draco smiled "Friends? Or are they something more? I would like an answer first what, are they to you family? friends? or perhaps something more?" Draco asked, looking at Spike with his ageless eyes.

Spike scratched his head before answering."I don't know. I really don't. I would want it to be more, but I don't want to ruin what we have now by being awkward." He answered.

Draco just smiled. "Oh, how I wish there would be more dragons like you. Some of them are on the right way, but most of them are still lost. I don't know when it happened, but my plan wasn't for dragons to be selfish and greedy. Truth be told I wanted them to be like those Ponies that Faust created caring of each other." Draco said while looking at Spike.

"So did I answer correctly?" Spike asked of the deity.

Draco smiled at the young drake "There is no right or wrong answer on this matter, only your choice is what matters, but your heart is pure. I have two things for you first is a piece of advice. Always follow your heart."

Spike chuckled "Bit of a cliche but sure, what might be the second one?"

Draco took a serious look and walked towards the edge of the balcony, and waved Spike to follow him. "My help. This Shadow-Spike you are fighting is an avatar of my brother Exitium Dragon God of Destruction. You have just unlocked your power. It is a miracle you survived this long against an avatar. I can help you and channel some of my power through you. Making you my avatar, although this would only be a temporary boost, and you wouldn't be able to channel my power all the time. Be warned though this power I am offering is devastating and should only be used as the last resort."

Spike looked a little worried at that comment "If this power you are talking about is that destructive. Then I don't want it. I don't want to hurt my friends and those who I love." Spike spoke with determination in his voice.

Draco just smiled he knew this dragon wouldn't abuse his power and pressed one of his claws on Spike's forehead "Remember my first advice, and you don't have anything to worry" With those, words everything went black once more.

Shadow-Spike was trying to smash the cage with no effect "I don't get it the cage should disappear I killed the little twerp. And the magic I Absorbed from him felt odd and not right."

Outside the cage were three alicorns chained to the ground. Unable to use magic and sniffing. "Twilight, Celestia, we need to focus Spike might be gone, but we can't give up. It's not what he would have wanted." Luna yelled through her tears, trying to convince them and maybe even herself.

No one expected a pillar of magic hitting Spike's body. This woke Celestia and Twilight from their trance.
"That magic energy it feels like that of Harmony only, it's more aggressive." Said, Celestia.
Twilight too could feel the raw energy and had to wonder what was happening. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna do you have any idea what's going on?" Twilight asked.
"No." They both answered in unison.

Shadow-Spike turned around both in surprise and horror about what was happening. Spike rose, and all his wounds started to heal and close up. An Armor that was Deep Purple in color with Golden strips in it appeared around him. The armor was similar to what Ember used during Trial of Fire. In the chest, there was an emblem with a head that looked like Draco. And a helm that had four long curved horns. Then sword appeared in his hand. It has a golden hilt, and its blade was long and curved. It was deep purple of color with Dragonic runes etched into it.

Shadow-Spike roared in ager and dashed forward with claws ready and enchanted with dark magic to strike this twerp down. Spike raised his sword and did a vertical slash. Sending a beam of magical energy towards Shadow-Spike and cutting his right arm off. The beam continued through and destroyed part of the cage behind Shadow-Spike.

"You bastard. Where did you get this kind of power!!" Shouted Shadow-Spike in anger while holding the stub of his arm, and trying to stem the blood flow.

Spike didn't say anything just raised his sword and did a horizontal slash. The slash send a wave of magical energy towards Shadow-Spike's neck.

Shadow-Spike closed his eyes. "It seems I failed. I'm sorry master." Shadow-Spike whispered to himself.
The slash that Spike sent towards Shadow-Spike hit its mark and decapitated him on the spot.

At that moment, the cage, chains around Twilight, Celestia, and Luna, and their rings disappear in black smoke. Spike just looked towards the three alicorns smiling before the dreamscape started to collapse and everything went dark.

Questions and Answers

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Castle Friendship

Two hours. Two long hours and Spike was still sleeping. His heat had gone down to normal levels, and his scales have returned to their original color. Celestia was sitting near him, not once leaving his side. The rest of the girls were at the map room talking about what happened inside Spike's mind.

"And that's pretty much it. I don't know what power Spike used, but he pretty much mopped the floor with it." Twilight told her friends.

All of them were speechless, they knew now that Spike had access to magic now, but the level of magic Twilight described was insane. Also, the way she told Spike had dispatched this Shadow-Spike Showing no remorse worried them a little.

"That's all good and well, but why hasn't Spike-Wikey woken up yet if he dealt with this Shadow-Spike?" Rarity asked.

"As we told before Generosity, Divine Dragons access to their magic when they are old enough and are near their kind's magic. Their body adjusts to this new power pretty fast because there isn't much magic power in their young bodies. But Spike is an adult who had a massive amount of magic energy within him. I believe his body is just working on adjusting itself to this new power. As we said before, this has happened only a couple of times as far as we know, and they weren't documented in any way. This means we don't have any info to compare Spike's condition with. His body heat and breathing returning to normal are positive signs. All we can do now is wait and be there for him once he wakes up." Luna explained.

"And Celestia also told Spike will be okay. If someone knows how Spike will heal, it's her. She's the one who raised him, after all. And like Luna said, all we can do right now is wait." Twilight added.

"I know darling. I just feel awful not being able to help our Spike."

"I know the feeling Rarity, but all we can do now is wait. Besides. Spike's too stubborn to give up. You should know all about that." Applejack replied with a smirk to Rarity.

Rarity was having a small blush on her cheeks "if only they knew" she thought.
"Well I suppose your right Applejack." Rarity answered trying her best to hide the blush.

"Should we go and see if Spike is still sleeping" Fluttershy asked with a low and shy voice.

Luna let out a long sigh before answering.
"As much as I would love to go and see my nephew, I think it is a bad idea right now. The way Celestia told stories to me about Spike's childhood after my return."
Luna sighs with a warm smile remembering all the lovely stories Celestia had told her about Spike's childhood after her return.

"Spike is special to my sister. There is always special happiness in her when we talk about anything related to Spike. A warm and loving smile that I have rarely seen on her after our childhood. I to have grown very fond of him during these years. My sister needs some alone time with her son. They will come out of there when the time is right." Luna finished.

Back at Spike's room, Celestia was sitting beside her son's bed with a photo album in her hands. The album held hundreds of photos of her and Spike's time together when he was just a little hatchling. One of the photos brought back warm memories. Spike was dressed as a knight and Celestia was playing the part of the helpless princess, and blocks of cardboard boxes played the part of evil monsters.

Celestia took the picture out and showed it to Spike"Remember this? You were the dashing knight come to rescue your princess and future wife. We had so much fun that day." Celestia told.

After a moment of silence, with a sigh, Celestia spoke again. "I haven't told anyone yet, but if this potion helps us with our condition I want to find someone who loves me for who I am and not just for the title I possess. I haven't told anyone not even Luna knows about this but the only one I see as that somepony special is you." Celestia confessed to sleeping, Spike.

A blush started to form around Celestia's cheeks and she continued. "I also have had some inappropriate dreams about you and the way you have grown hasn't helped at that part at all." Celestia noticed a blush on Spike's cheeks too and her eyes widened.

"You little trickster!" Celestia yelled with a mix of anger and relief in her voice and picked up the pillow and smacked Spike to the face with it.

"Ouch... That hurt mom. If this is how you treat your son then how do you treat your enemies?" Spike told to Celestia with a wide smile on his face.

"That was for making me worried." Celestia told. And kissed Spike to his cheek. "And that's for waking up."

"Wouldn't you want to give me a proper kiss for your future husband?" Spike asked with a sly grin.

Celestia just rolled her eyes and gave him a quick kiss on his lips "There Casanova happy now?" Celestia asked.

"Very much" Spike answered with a sly grin and then asked "But why are you here don't get me wrong it's nice to see you but..." Spike didn't get the chance to finish his sentence. Celestia interrupted him.

"You were always a bad liar Spike. You know why we were in your mind and what happened. So do you want to talk about it?" Celestia asked.

Spike looked away in shame "All those thinks noble's told about me is true I'm a monster aren't I?" Spike asked while tears started to form in his eyes.

Celestia placed her hand under Spike's chin and raised his head while cleaning his tears away. "Why would I ever think of you as a monster. Those noble's are just ignorant, stupid and some of them are just scared and follow the masses. What you did to your Shadow was unfortunate but it was the only way. He didn't want to listen to reason. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself or the power you field. It's not the power, but how it's used. Look it this way if you didn't stop him me, Luna and Twilight would be dead" Celestia explained leaving out certain comments Shadow-Spike made about them.

"But I feel wrong. Like I did something really bad." Spike answered sniffing.

"That just means you have a good heart to feel sorrow when killing even if it's the last resort. Only when you start to enjoy killing will you transform into a monster like Sombra." Answered Celestia trying to cheer up her son.

"Thanks mom I needed to hear that from somepony. My Shadow talked something about my power do you know anything about that?" Spike asked.

Celestia let out a sigh "I will tell you the same I and Luna told to Twilight and your friends."
Celestia started her explanation. During her story, Celestia let out some tears at the part where she told the fate of Spike's kind. Spike cleaned his mother's tears and tried his best to comfort her. After a while, Celestia came to the end of her story.
"And that's pretty much it. We should have some books in the royal library or my personal collections about your kind if you want to learn more. Also, Fluttershy had some books too she found in her journey at Crystal Mountains with Eris." Celestia finished.

Spike was speechless. The main reason for this was him learning the fate of his kind and that he was possibly the last of his kind. Sure there were dragons but his type of dragons were all dead except for him.

"So am I the last of my kind?" Spike asked.

"As far as I know yes you are. I'm sorry it's my fault you didn't know your real parents." Celestia answered.

"Why? You got nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault what happened to my kind and my birth parents." Spike said with a hint of sadness in his voice while trying to comfort Celestia.
"I don't and never will blame you for something you had no control over." Spike finished.

"You're a kind soul Spike. I really needed to hear that from you. Thank you." Celestia told.

"You know mom I have something to tell you I'm not sure just where to start." Spike started to blush hard his cheeks turning to a shade of deep red.

"This should be good." Celestia thought.
"What is it you know I'll always listen if you have some problems." Celestia told him.

"I haven't told anyone about this yet. Not even Twilight knows it. I have well relations with both Applejack and Rarity and they're both okay with it. But the problem is I have had these dreams now for about four months I think. They are related toward Twilight and others, you and aunt Luna are in them too."

Celestia started to blush herself too. She understood that these were probably some wet dreams.
"Are they of sexual nature? Some wet dreams maybe?" She asked with a little interest.

"Am I that easy to read? Yes, but they are more of nightmares to me. I'm cruel towards you and others. I use them like they are nothing but toys for me to play with. And the odd part is they seem to enjoy it. I don't like these dreams they are driving me nuts. Each time I'm near some of the mares in my dreams I get this odd feeling in me and sometimes I hear a faint voice in the back of my head commanding me to take what should be mine." Spike explained.

"Could it be that his draconic instincts are getting strong now that he is sexually active." Celestia thought to herself.
"Tell me Spike did you ask to get another mare involved in your bedroom activities from Rarity or was it her idea?" Celestia asked.

"How did you know I was dating Rarity first?" Spike gasped. Celestia just looked at him with a knowing look.
Spike rubbed her neck in embarrassment."Right. It's not like I made it a secret I was trying to court Rarity all the time. But to answer your question it was me after Applejack had show interest in me. Is there something wrong with me mom?"

"As I thought. It shouldn't be a problem yet he doesn't show any greed or lust growth yet. I can't tell him the truth yet." Celestia thought to herself.
"Truth be told I'm not entirely sure. Your the first dragon I raised so this could be normal growth-related things. But you have managed to keep yourself in check. But if there are any changes in these dreams contact me immediately. I'll ask Luna to look through your dreams just to be safe." Celestia half-lied to him.

Spike let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear and don't worry I'll contact you the second if anything odd happens." Spike reassured.

"That's good to hear I have two questions for you. First, you heard me talking to you while I thought you were still out cold so what do you think about me as a woman?" Celestia felt a warm blush returning to her cheeks.

Spike cheeks also started to heat up. "Well I... I would be lying if I told you aren't beautiful and sexy. I've seen you and aunt Luna doing your yoga practices those pants show the best curves out of you both. Your also a kind and caring person and that's what I really like about you." Spike answered trying not to sound too perverted. He might have been a gentle drake but every man had his dirty fantasies.

"It's nice to see young men still think I'm still sexy. Enough of that second question is do you think you can get up and come to see others?" Celestia asked.

Spike got up throwing the blanket aside"Am I ever. I really need to talk to them and hope they weren't too worried about me."

Celestia noticed something new on Spike's right shoulder there was a tattoo of a dragon with four horns. "That's odd I don't recall Spike having a tattoo and that shape looks familiar. I'll ask about that after the reunion." Celestia thought to herself.

"As much as I enjoy your enthusiasm maybe you should put on some clothing first. Unless you actually like to display your dragonhood to the whole world." Celestia told laughing and pointing a finger towards Spike's lower parts.

Spike cowered his private parts. "Could I get some privacy to dress up. Please?" Spike asked.

Celestia just gave a warm smile and patted Spike's head. "Of course I'll wait outside by the door." she told him and left the room giving Spike some privacy to dress.

Road to Recorvery

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Friendship Map Room

Twilight was sitting on her throne in the map room lost in deep thought. That was until Pinkie slammed a huge cake that had purple cream topping and Get Well Soon Spike written on it with chocolate on the map table. How the pink mare had managed to bake a cake this big in this short time was one of those physics-defying abilities of her.
"Pinkie when did you have time to bake cake nevermind that where you even got the ingredients I don't recall we have any baking materials in the kitchen right now." Twilight asked.

"Well I do have some emergency party staches around Ponyvile for situations like this and no cake for a friend who was sick is against my party rules." Pinkie answered with a giggle.

Of course, she did that's just classic randomness from Pinkie, Twilight thought and smiled before speaking up.
"Pinkie. Never change."

At that moment doors to the room opened with Celestia entering and Spike following her.

"Hi girls. I'm up hope nothing bad happened..."
SMACK. Spike didn't get a chance to finish when all except Pinkie tackled him to the ground and receiving hugs from them all.
"Ouch... I'm happy to see you all too but would it be possible that you won't crush me to death? Still recovering." Spike asked while trying to escape certain death by hugs.

Girls released Spike from their hold. "Oh. Sorry. We're just so glad your back up and okay." Twilight told and other girls just smiled.

"Thanks. It's good to see you, girls, too. But where is Pinkie?" Spike asked while wondering where his favorite party pony was.

Like on cue an explosion was heard and tons of party confetti was shot towards them from Pinkies infamous party cannon and a huge piece of fabric dropped down from the roof on it read on big letters "Get Well Soon Spike" written in purple and green colors.
"Suprise!" Yelled Pinkie behind everyone while holding a huge cake in her hands and offering it to Spike.

"I'm sorry sister we tried to stop this one but she moves with the speed of lightning." Luna apologized.

"Don't worry sister this is normal of her just go with it and enjoy the cake." Celestia told her sister.

All of them sit around the friendship map and somehow Pinkie had managed to place enough spoons and plates for everyone. Pinkie cut a big slice of cake for Spike first and continued to slice the cake so everyone had a piece of her delicious cake. All of them were anxious to ask Spike questions like is he alright, what happened to him etc. Spike tried his best to answer all of them while enjoying some of the best cake he had ever tasted. Twilight was having her thinking face on the whole time while looking towards Spike.

"You have been watching me for a while with that questioning look on your face so what's up with you Twilight?" Spike asked.

"I meant to ask you, but I had to think for a moment first. Spike do you remember what kind of magic you used against your shadow. It felt like that of Harmony but it was far more aggressive and yet at the same time calming." Twilight finally asked.

Spike just shook his head. "I'm sorry Twilight. I really don't know. All I remember is first getting pummeled to the ground by shadow copy and losing consciousness. Next, I'm using a sword and some magical power to decimate him." Spike answered.

"It might be that the stress his body felt could have released his hidden magic power. It was the same for you Twilight. When you failed to hatch his egg during your entrance exam to my school. You felt emotional stress which triggered an explosion of your magical power. The magic is in him behind barriers that only opens during the extreme stress or once he learns to open those barriers himself." Celestia cut into their conversation.

"I see what you mean Princess Celestia. My theory is that this is some primitive magic special to his kind shouldn't you know something about it, Princess. The last time his kind walked Equestria was during the war against Sombra" Twilight asked her mentor.

"I'm afraid I can't really answer that. Yes, his kind were allies towards ponies but they rarely visited pony cities. We kept in contact through letters sent with magic but never really cataloged anything special ourselves. All the books about his kind in our library were collected from their city after Sombra's attack. But what I want to know is that tattoo on your right shoulder, when did you get yourself inked?" Celestia finished.

Spike looked with a questioning look and yes there it was a tattoo of a four-horned dragon. "What is that!? Where did that come from!?" Spike yelled in a frantic voice.

"Relax Spike it doesn't radiate anything magical, let me have a closer look at it. Hmmm... Interesting. I think I have seen this somewhere, but I can't recall when and where." Celestia mumbled while studying the mysterious tattoo.
"This is more of Luna's specialty she knows better if this is some kind of magical mark. Luna would you come here please!" Celestia raised her voice a little so her sister would hear her over the voice of other ponies talking.

Luna walked over to them. "Yes, sister you require our help?" Luna asked.

"Yes Lulu, Do you recognize this marking I can swear I have seen it somewhere but I just can't remember where. I believe this appeared on him during or after his fight against his shadow." Celestia told Luna.

"Hmm... interesting it's magical for sure it has some leftovers of draconic magic on it." Luna explained to others while studying the tattoo. Celestia just slapped herself, she was searching pony magic and Spike was a dragon how stupid she could have been an amateur-level mistake.

"We say same as you sister it is familiar but we just can't place where we have seen it. At least it is draconic in origin so I'm pretty sure it isn't dangerous to Spike." Luna explained to Celestia and Twilight.
Celestia was about to ask something but Luna beat her to it.

"Before you ask how I know it isn't dangerous to Spike, the magical residue feels similar to the magic Spike used against his shadow. That's how I know it isn't dangerous to Spike" Luna told Celestia.

Spike was scratching his head."So can you remove it?" He asked

"I think I could but first I need to find what type of magic it is the frequency of magic waves it radiates when active and.." Spike cut in. "Okay I get it. It's hard and takes some time to do. If it isn't dangerous to me I think I can live with it."

"Well whatever it is we will find out. I'm going back to Canterlot and head to Royal Archives. I'm pretty sure there is something about that tattoo of yours I'm sure of it. Would you join me and help Lulu?" Celestia asked from Luna who just nodded in approval.

"Thank you, Miss Pie. The cake was delicious as expected of your cooking!" Celestia thanked.

"Your welcome princess don't be a stranger visit us again and we can have another." Pinkie replied with a wide smile while throwing thumbs up towards Celestia.

"I'll try to take some time off again. Look after Spike he is still a little sore and needs some rest so don't overwork him Twilight. Keep an eye on him don't let him be alone just for safety if anything happens. Now come sister we have much work to do." Celestia told Twilight and Luna both of them just nodded in acknowledgment.

And with a bright flash of golden light, Luna and Celestia were gone. On their way to Royal Archives in search of answers.
The rest of the evening went fast while playing board games and Spike telling all he could remember what happened in his head. All the fun have to stop and the night was upon them. Ponies started to leave until Applejack and Rarity were left.

"Spike darling would you be a gentle drake and escort me and Applejack back home pretty please?" Rarity asked with a seductive look.

"I would love to Rarity." Spike answered without a second of thought.

"I'm sorry Rarity, Applejack. But Princess Celestia told me to keep an eye on him just to be safe so you have to make your way home without him." Twilight explained.

"Well toots would have loved to have company while walking back home but Twilight is right as usually better safe than sorry. Take it easy champ." Applejack responded.

"Well I can manage to walk home without my dashing escort take it easy Spike hope to see you soon." Rarity said with a sigh.

Closing the doors Twilight turned towards Spike "Now that our guests have left do you want to do something with just the two of us Starlight is still on a trip with Trixie so we have the whole place for ourselves." Twilight asked.

"Well I was planning to watch some new episodes of Power Ponies from Ponyflix your welcome to join me if you want. But first I'm going to turn the steam room on I want to relax in there after a couple of episodes before going to sleep." Spike answered.

"Sure we should have some popcorn in the kitchen and juice in the fridge I go grab them. I recharged power crystals yesterday so all you should need to do is turn it on don't take too long or I start without you." Twilight told to Spike.

"Will do. Shouldn't take long." Spike yelled behind him while walking downstairs to turn on the steam room's magic engine. When that was done and Spike returned upstairs. After getting upstairs Spike headed to the living room. After entering the living room Spike was welcomed in by the sight of Twilight bending over towards the tv pushing buttons while trying to get it to find the right channel. The sight was sexy Twilight only had her favorite white t-shirt with Celestia's cutie mark on it and matching white strings if Spike didn't know her better he would think that Twilight was trying to seduce him. Twilight's ass wasn't as plump as Pinkie's or as defined as Applejacks, but it was still special in its own way. Those strings left little to imagination and Spike's scales on his head started to turn a shade of deep red and he also felt little Spike waking up for some action. "Oh god please not now. You traitor." Spike thought to himself. At that moment Menu of Ponyflix came to view on tv and Twilight turned around.

"Oh I didn't hear you, Spike. Are you okay your cheeks are darker than usual?" Twilight spoke to Spike while walking towards him and placing her hand on Spike's forehead.

"I... I'm okay Twilight no need to worry let's go to the couch and watch some Power Ponies." Spike told Twilight while gulping and praying any gods that Twilight wouldn't notice his tent.

"All seems normal you don't have a fever at least. Now come on get to the couch I hope this new season of Power Ponies is as good as the last one." Twilight spoke while guiding Spike to the couch and selecting Power Ponies from the menu.

When sitting down Spike forgot his problems and focused on the upcoming show "I'm positive it will be awesome. There has been a lot of talk around Ponynet about this season there are rumors about Mane-iac how everything we know about her is going to change during this season." Spike explained to Twilight with a wide smile and enthusiasm of a true fan.

After a couple of episodes. "Well that was fun to watch. I do hope they know to play it safe while filming. Some of the spells they used are really volatile and dangerous." Twilight commented.

"Well don't know about that, but they were right about Mane-iac. Who knew she was Matter-Horn's mother. I can't wait for the next episode." Spike told Twilight.

"Well you should if your planning on learning magic. Some spells are more dangerous than others and need to be practiced with patience rushing those kinds of spells can be catastrophic. And your situation makes it even more dangerous we don't know what kind of magic you can use and how dangerous it is towards others." Twilight replied.

"I know. I'll be careful once I start practicing my magic you have my word on it, but now I think the steam room is warm enough for me to relax a little. I'm still a little sore after you know." Spike told Twilight and got up.

Twilight just nodded."Sure think Spike. You need anything to eat? I could cook something for you while you're relaxing." Twilight asked.

"If it isn't too much to ask I could go for some hayburgers with diamonds?" Spike asked.

"Sure. Now go on I'm going to start doing our supper." Twilight answered.
Spike nodded and started to make his way towards the steam room downstairs. While Twilight headed to the kitchen. After getting downstairs and undressing Spike got into the steam room and sits down sighing in relief.
Sitting there for minutes and thinking of events that happened today. He remembered his fight, the sound of his grieving mother when she thought he had died, but always returned to the same event in his head the image of Twilight bent over and giving him an ample view of her ass. This started to wake little Spike back up again.
"Well I think it's safe to take care of this. Damn it Twilight why didn't you allow me to go with Rarity and Applejack. And now I can't get the image of you out of my head." Spike spoke to himself.
Spike took his dick into his hand and started moving his hand up and down at a steady pace. Spike was imagining how Twilight was serving him on her knees. "Oh yes suck it you slutty whorse." Spike thought to himself.

"If you like her so much you should take what is yours." Said the ominous voice.

Spike stopped his special time and rotated his head to see who was talking. Not seeing anyone Spike spoke up "Whose there?"

The silence was his answer. Until he heard a shower turn on for a short while and then off. The steam room door opened and Twilight walked in. Spike cowered his private parts and yelled in panic. "Wha... Twilight? What are you doing here?" Spike asked while turning his head away.

Twilight just giggled at Spike's actions"No need to be shy Spike I've got my swimming suit. And don't think I've not seen you giving me looks when you thought I'm not looking. But don't worry I'm not angry. Your a grown drake and show interest in opposite sex which is perfectly normal and healthy." Twilight lectured with a smile on her face.

Spike turned around and she did really have her swimsuit on. But what he was also thinking the voice he heard definitely wasn't Twilight so whose was it was he finally starting to lose it.

"So... Why did you come here?" Spike asked.

"Why you're my responsibility, Spike. I promised Celestia to watch over you just to be safe if something happens." Twilight answered.

"I appreciate it, but as you can see I'm okay so could you please give me some space? I was in the middle of something." Spike told Twilight.

"I made a promise to Princess Celestia. So do you need help on it? Could I help?" Twilight asked.

"I... eh... I don't think it would be okay." Spike answered stuttering and feeling the warm sensation returning.

"Oh please. Spike you know I only want to help. Don't you trust me?" Twilight asked while giving the biggest sad puppy eyes he had seen.

"Gods why. Why does she have to be so damn cute, sexy, and innocent all three at the same time." Spike was thinking to himself. It was a sexy idea, but also a stupid idea. Sure he has had some dreams and fantasies of him and Twilight like just a few minutes ago, but if he played this his next move wrong he could lose Twilight as a friend. "Well there is one thing you can do to help me." Spike told Twilight

"Okay. What you need me to do?" Twilight asked with a look of relief.

Spike sighed. "Well do or die it seems." He thought and turned towards Twilight revealing his 9 inches long still erect dragonhood. "I was trying to get rid of this until you got here and interrupted me." Spike told while pointing towards his erected member.

Twilight blushed heavily upon seeing Spike's erected member. Sure she had read about differences between male and female sex organs, but the difference between stallion and dragon penis was obvious. Spike member was pointy with a knot similar to those of canine family at the base of it and it also had barbs around it. "Does it. Does it hurt or something?" Twilight asked worry on her face showing clearly.

"It doesn't hurt but it's frustrating and this happens all the time when there are beautiful mares like you around me." Spike answered.

Twilight started to cry"So sniff... this is my fault. I'm sorry. Can we do anything to make it go away?" Twilight asked while crying.

"Hey Twily I told you it doesn't hurt. If you leave me alone for a while I can get rid of it easily with my hands." Spike told Twilight.

Twilight stopped her crying and had a small smile forming on her face. "But Celestia told me to take care of you. Can I do it for you?"

If you listened carefully you could hear a small crack from inside Spike's head. Here was one of the first mares Spike had formed a sexual fantasize and now here she was offering to give him a handjob. "I... Well... Sure if that's what you want you don't have to if you don't want." Spike answered while stuttering.

"Okay so what do I do?" Twilight asked with an enthusiastic voice.

"Just use your hands and move them up and down on my penis." Spike gives instructions to Twilight.
The moment Twilight placed her hands around his dick Spike could swear he died and went to heaven. Her hands felt like the smoothest of silk which in turn made him even harder. And the pleasure those hands brought him was incredible. After a couple of minutes of moving her hands up and down around Spikes shaft, he started to leak precum and was panting heavily.
"Oh Gods. Twilight how are you so good at this?" Spike asked while panting heavily.

"I don't know. I just do what you told me to do." Twilight answered while continuing.

Spike was reaching his limit. He felt his release was coming soon."Twily you might want to..." Spike tried to warn Twilight but it was too late he exploded releasing streams of his potent cum all over Twilights face. After all of his precious cum was released Twilight was wiping her face clean with her hands. To Spike's surprise, Twilight wasn't upset instead she was showing interest in his jizz.

"I'm pretty sure this is the cum I have heard Cadance speaks about with Shining while they thought I wasn't listening" Twilight told while studying the sticky white substance. What happened next would have made Spike cum again if he wasn't so damn empty. Twilight studied his cum and decided to take a small taste. Then another bigger one.

"It tastes sweet and yet a little salty at the same time. Maybe that is why Cadance speaks so much about this cum liquid." Twilight spoke while wondering did stallions taste the same. Twilight sit next to Spike while holding her head and breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry Spike I'm feeling dizzy I think. Could I go first to shower pretty please." Twilight asked Spike.

Spike lifted his thumb up lazily. "Sure no problem I'll just wait here a while I need to gather my stamina back up." Spike answered.
Twilight got up and exited the steam room to get into the shower to wash. While washing herself Twilight felt an odd feeling in her nether regions it was similar to the feeling during her heat but it was also a different kind of feeling at the same time. "This feels like heat and yet doesn't feel like it I need to study this maybe I have some books that could explain this feeling to me." Twilight thought to herself while washing up.

"Spike! I go grab my food and head to the library I need to check something out before I head to bed! Help yourself to hayburgers in the kitchen!" Twilight yelled. "Okay." Spike answered. Twilight exited the shower and headed upstairs to pick up her food and go to the library to study her weird feeling. After getting out of the shower and taking his burgers from the kitchen Spike made his way towards his bedroom. While walking he did come next to the library door.
"No it isn't any disease..." Spike heard Twilight talking to herself. What also hit him was the sweet scent of Twilight it wasn't the shampoo it was the sweet scent of mare ready to do the deed.

"She's ready to be taken and made your own seize this opportunity and take what is yours." There it was again a voice but no one near him who could be speaking. Maybe he really was losing it.

"Twily I'm going to head to bed goodnight." Spike yelled to Twilight.
"Goodnight Spike!" Came the answer.

Laying down on his bed and closing his eyes while thinking what a crazy day it has been and trying to make a good idea of how to explain what he did with Twilight to Rarity and Applejack. After a moment of pondering Spike drifted slowly but surely to his dream.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot Royal Archives

"Sister have thou made any progress?" Luna asked

"No I haven't Lulu and there are still some books left about a hundred more if I recall right" Celestia answered.

"Thou are mad sister if you think we can manage this task in one night we are not Twilight Sparkle. Let us just continue a while and then you'll head to bed and I continue to search after checking the stability of dream realm." Luna told Celestia.

"Maybe I could use a little rest. I just don't want to leave my son in any danger. It feels like I'm letting him down Lulu" Celestia told Luna.

"I'm sure Spike will understand that you need to sleep too. And he isn't in any mortal danger right now so we are safe for now. And third, don't mention it you would do the same for me was it an early day and not an early night." Luna answered.

"Thank you Lulu I needed to hear that I'll check one more of these books and go to bed then." Celestia promised to Luna. Opening a book named "Magical Dragon Markings".

To Canterlot

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Spike was having a good dream he was enjoying an evening with Twilight and they were butt naked and laying on the sofa.

"Spike how would you like to try me feeding some fruits for you?" Twilight asked with a smirk.

"Oh sure Twily. Always wanted to try something like that. How you want to do this?" Spike answered.

"Just lay there close your eyes and open your mouth." Twilight told Spike.
Spike did as told laid down there and closed his eyes and... THUD!

"Ouch! What's that for?" Spike asked and opened his eyes but there was nothing only darkness.

"Finally decided to join me?" ominous voice asked from the darkness.

"Where am I who are you?" Spike asked panic starting to show on his face.

A darker version of Spike appeared from shadows. "Don't you recognize yourself? Maybe you lost some of your brain cells during that fight." said dragon who looked exactly like Spike with a chuckle.

"You? But how? Didn't you die a while back?" Spike asked confused about the situation of talking to himself.

"Come now you can't kill yourself in your head." Spike's copy commented.

"So what are you exactly? If you can't be you know killed." Spike asked

"I'm you. Well, part of you at least. I'm your emotions the good and the bad ones you have kept chained down for so long, but I'm also part of your dragonic instincts. Do you remember that monster you fought against? It had enslaved me with the use of dark magic, but it also felt familiar it had a similar magical signature as we do." Spike's copy explained.

"So if you weren't to blame, what was that think then? And what was it doing inside my head?" Spike asked hoping to get some answers.

The copy just sighed "As much as I would like to tell you I don't know. My best guess is that it was some sort of magical creature that Sombra planted inside your egg with magic."

"Okay that's good enough for now. How are you here? Aunt Luna has told me something about your possible second darker personality but shouldn't you like try to take over or something like that then?" Spike asked panic returning.

"Didn't you listen to me at all? I'm part of you. I know about Nightmare Moon from our memories and I'm pretty sure her transformation was because of certain needs she didn't get to satisfy. Those same needs are the reason why I don't have to take action. You fulfilled them yourself with Rarity and now building your own harem Applejack already in it and soon Twilight Sparkle joins too." Spike's copy said with a wide grin.

Without a warning, a beam of black magic hit Spike's copy in the chest and chains appeared around him immobilizing him.
"Thou shall not harm our nephew again you monster" the booming voice of Luna yelled.

In an instant, Luna was next to Spike's copy holding one of her dual blades on his neck.
"Don't try anything now that I know there is a parasite inside my nephew and I know your magic signature now I'm prepared to retaliate on any of your attacks. You should have stayed dead. Would have been easier for all of us."

Spike run's next to Luna and takes hold of her hand to stop her from finishing off his copy.
"What thy meaning nephew? Thou lost your mind?" Luna asked anger clearly heard in her voice.

"He is part of me. What happens to me if you destroy him?" Spike asked worry in his voice.

"You should listen to him, Princess. I'm pretty sure if you kill me nothing good will happen to him."

Luna studied both Spike and his copy carefully. Not sensing any deception from either of them she yielded a little "Very well we will listen, and those chains won't be coming off unless you give me some very good explanations first."

After a fast explanation so Luna could catch up on the situation chains just disappear to nothingness around Spike's copy
"I see. Thy copy of you is a manifestation of your subconscious, a second personality you could say."

"I think so." Spike answered not sure of it himself while scratching his neck.

"You tell him, auntie. You should know all about personality shifts. So tell me is my theory true about your shift to Nightmare Moon correct?" Spike's copy asked.

A bright blush could be seen forming on Luna's cheeks. This wasn't really a conversation she wanted to do with her nephew no less. But he deserved to know the truth.
"Well your theory is partly correct my reason for turning to Nightmare Moon was the immense amount of frustration I felt. It can come in many forms like when some don't appreciate your work or lag of sexual activity." Luna explained while trying to keep straight face.

"So are you... You know." Spike asked while blushing.

"Yes Spike. I haven't had sexual intercourse with a stallion so I'm a virgin. You know how hard it is to meet someone who treats you like a mare and not like some divine figure. Every stallion I have shown interest in has either feared me too much or have been after title and possibility to have a royal lineage with me. There are also those irritating and stupid nobles who have voiced their opinion about me and my sister and demanded that both of us should marry and do the duty what mares were created for and leave ruling to stallions. Let's just say that they learned the hard way why it isn't good to anger Celestia." Luna said while giving a sly grin.

Spike just shook his head and growled. "Some things never change, do they? But how do you keep your frustration away then?" Spike asked without thinking and smacked himself to the head while thinking "Smooth move Spike surely she won't think you're a pervert now at all." He thought to himself.

Luna's blush just deepened. "Before my transformation to Nightmare Moon, there were just so many things a mare could do with her hands to release the pressure so to say. And ponies were really paranoid during those times towards me. Nowadays there are some toys to help release that pressure." Luna finished.

"Maybe the big fella over here can help you with your love life. you should see what kinda fantasies we have had about you in our dreams" Spike's copy commented to Luna with a sly grin while wrapping his arm around Spike.

"As much as I wouldn't want to know I have to say I already know. I have visited your dreams now and then and sometimes there have been dreams of sexual nature about me, my sister, or element bearers. Don't worry I'm not mad at you actually I'm flattered that a young male sees me like a mare and not as some divine ruler." Luna told Spike while giving him a wink.

"Anyway. Did you or mom find anything about that weird mark on me?" Spike asked trying to change the subject.

"Sadly no. We didn't, at least not yet. There are still books left to research, maybe you could ask Twilight to come to Royal Library and help us. Have no fear nephew we will find out what happened to you in time." Luna reassured.

Darkness started to surround Spike.
"It seems your time to wake up is soon we will see tomorrow I hope." Luna told.

The morning sun was shining through the window on Spike's room. Spike yawned a little got up and looked around just to notice Twilight sleeping in the chair next to him, book on her lap.
"What's this. Biology of the Dragon by Starswirl the Bearded of course it's his work." Spike thought while picking up the book on Twilight's lap. Spike started to flip pages of the book that Twilight had placed bookmarks. "These are pretty accurate and pretty graphic. I wonder how Starswirl did his studies on dragons." After a while of going through the pages Spike arrived at to last bookmarked page titled "Breeding". Spike's face went little red when reading the title. Then he heard Twilight mumbling something in her sleep that's when he decided to drop the book to the floor near her legs.

"Wha... Who's there?" Twilight asked while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Morning sleepy head. May I ask why you are here and not in your bed? It's not really good idea to sleep on a chair your neck could get hurt." Spike asked.

"I was going to bed after doing my little study and heard you mumbling something about yourself while you were sleeping. And since I promised to look after you to Princess Celestia I decided to stay and watch over you just to be safe. Oh, there's my book." Twilight told Spike and grabbed the book from the floor.

"So what was so important to study about so late?" Spike asked hoping Twilight would tell why she was showing interest towards dragons.

"Nothing special. Just some boring princess stuff, that just came to mind at the last minute. But enough about that did you sleep well? Nothing bad happened?" Twilight answered while looking away from Spike.

Spike was about to answer but remembered that Twilight would probably get some panic attack if she learned about all that happened to him during his sleep so he decided to cut some corners. "Well nothing really. Luna visited my dreams just to be safe and asked you to join her and mom at Canterlot Royal Library to do some research about this odd mark on me." Spike told her.

"That's a fantastic idea! We should go as soon as possible. I send already a letter to Ember asking if she could possibly give us any info about your marking or if she knows something herself and a possibility to visit us." Twilight told with a wide smile on her face just the possibility to learn more of dragons made her mind race.

"Great... Well could you let me get dressed and pack my stuff before we go?" Spike asked.

"Sure just come to the map room after your done we can use the portal that's linked directly to my old quarters at Canterlot." Twilight said before leaving.

"Just make sure it's up to date on coordinates I would like to avoid another adventure deep in the Everfree Forest just cause you managed to link it to some random portal in some old ruins." Spike yelled after Twilight and just got some laughs as an answer. Spike got up from his bed and walked in front of the mirror and looked at his right shoulder with the weird tattoo on it. "This looks so weird and yet familiar I just can't place where I have seen it." Spike thought while studying his shoulder.
Spike put on his clothes packed his backpack with some clothes, comics, and showering equipment. Walking downstairs Twilight was already channeling magic to the portal. The Portal was a little bigger than a door and in a form of an arc. After a short moment portal opened up and you could see Twilight's old room through it.

"Hope you packed enough. I don't know how long we may be in there. This is going to be so exciting. Next stop Canterlot library." Twilight said with a wide smile.

"Well at least I get to learn more about my kind." Spike said and just sighed. And so they stepped through the portal onwards to Canterlot.

Dragon Lands

Yesterday evening

Ember was not having a good day he was in a meeting with all the high-ranking dragons to decide about the possibility to open trade routes with ponies in exchange for diamonds and other jewels ponies would provide help on repairing and enhancing their caves that dragons used as homes. But of course, there had to be one dragon who opposed the idea of accepting help from ponies. General Ingen was a well-built male dragon and was as black as the night sky he had a long and narrow snout with a horn growing on it and two long curved horns on his head. He was one of the most experienced warrior dragons there were so his voice carried a lot of weight in these meetings.

"This is an outrage idea! We don't need help from lesser races. We can and we have always taken care of ourselves. You may be Dragon-Lord but this is an insult towards our heritage!" Yelled Ignen.

"So tell me General Ignen would it be wrong to accept help and pay to your friend who could do the job?" Ember asked her anger clearly visible.

"What are you getting at. Of course, it wouldn't be wrong." Ignen answered.

"So why would it be wrong to accept help from ponies they are our allies and I am personally on good terms with all the four princesses?" Ember replied.

"It's because they are lesser than us!" Ignen yelled angrily.

Ember knew a little of her kind's history she didn't want to use this but it would shut the ignorant warrior for sure."Really now. I seem to remember reading about a certain breed of extremely powerful dragons who lost to mad tyrant Sombra's armies. The army was pretty much all under his spell mindless dolls and still, they wiped them out. Does the massacre of divinity ring any bells General?" Ember asked.

"But..." Ignen tried to answer

"And the royal sisters defeated that mad tyrant so how is it wrong to accept the trade from a race that would benefit both parties?" Ember continued.
There was no answer from the warrior. Seeing this Ember continued to vote.
"All in favor of accepting this trade?" Ember asked all except Ignen raised their arms.
"And against it?" she asked and there were no arms in the air.

"So we will accept the terms this meeting is over thank you to all of you." Ember spoke to her fellow dragons.

"There is still one matter you haven't yet accepted to be my mate. Think about it our hatchlings would be extremely powerful it would be good for all of us." Ignen spoke up.

Torch got up from his chair next to his daughter. "My daughter has told you no many times Ignen. Drop this matter now or I swear to Draco you will get beating you will never forget." Torch yelled.

Ember placed her hand on her father's shoulder to cool him off "I have already told you are not something I seek in a mate so my answer is still no" Ember answered.

Ignen was clearly angry "You stupid female you should learn your place. I can't wait to see you begging for me to take you."
That was it Torch shoot a large fireball towards the wall making others jumped out the way and a huge hole appeared on the wall. Torch jumped on Ignen and punched the lights out of him and threw him out of the hole. "I may be old but I still got a good punch. Hope you learn your lesson boy" Torch yelled after the dragon he just threw out the room.

Ember just sighed "Why father?r You know I can take care of myself. As much as I appreciate what you did. That one will never learn. I hope he survives the fall."

"You may be Dragon-Lord, but I'm still your father and my job is to protect you. And relax it's only 10 meters fall so he might just get few bruises and a fractured ego too. Your mom would be proud I tried to push peace between ponies and dragons but didn't get anywhere during my time as Dragon-Lord but you have managed to do so in just a couple of years. Your mom would be so proud. I hope she wakes up soon to see how her little star has grown up as a beautiful and capable dragon."

Ember's face turned red as a tomato. "Dad!" she screamed.
Other dragons in the room just looked with a smile at the touching moment
"I'm going back to my chambers could you send Smolder there I would like to spend some time with her." Ember told and left the room towards her chambers.

After arriving in her chambers and sitting on her bed a buff of violet magic appeared and a scroll appeared. The scroll had Twilight royal symbol on it, Ember grabbed the scroll and started to read it.

Short while late Smolder entered. "Hi Ember. Your dad said you wanted to see me." Smolder noticed tears in Ember's eyes while she was holding a scroll. "Ember you okay? What's wrong?" Smolder asked with a hint of panic in her voice.

"It's Spike something happened to him." Ember half lied to Smolder. "We need to get my father here." She told Smolder. "Okay I go get him shouldn't take long." Smolder told Ember and left the room.

It wasn't long that Torch entered Ember's chamber worry showing in his face "What's wrong Ember. Smolder told me you were crying over Spike." "Here this is why."Ember gave the letter to her father who read it with a grim look on his face. "We three need to go to Ponyville and meet with Royal Sisters and see if what this scroll says is true about him."

Smolder had a dumb look on her face. "I get you two going but why me?" Smolder asked.
"You are Ember's good friend and she needs a guard on this journey." Torch answered.
"Not to point out obvious but I'm not trained as a guard." Smolder told Torch
"No but your my friend and I trust you the most so you will be perfect for the job." Ember told her.
"Well okay. I'll come with you." Smolder said.

Ember hugged Smolder. "Thank you Smolder I'll find a way to make this up to you. But now go pack up and get ready to fly to Canterlot. I must send a letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle that we are coming to Ponyville." Ember told them.
"It will be nice to see both Princess Celestia and Luna again I haven't talked with them in a long time. Let's go Smolder I'll tell you what your duty as Ember's guard is." Torch told Smolder and smacked his hand on her shoulder
"Oowh.. sure Lord Torch but try not to kill me please." Smolder whined. and followed Torch out of Ember's chambers.

Ember walked to her desk and started writing a letter that would tell Twilight and her friends that she was coming to Ponyville with Smolder and her father to see Spike. After she had written the letter she ignited it with her fire magic and send it to Twilight. "I hope your okay Spike." She thought to herself. And left to pack her things.


A large disfigured dragon was moving in a dark cavern that was full of lava pools.
"So you finally made your move brother this time I have someone who can't lose to your champion. I hope he will prove a challenge to my champion and after she's done with your champion I will finally be free from this prison. You hear me brother!" the figure roared towards the ceiling of its cavern.

Draconic Guests

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Twilight's old room

Twilight and Spike appeared through the portal into Twilight's old quarters in the Canterlot castle. Spike fell to the ground kissing the floor. "Thank the gods were safely here" Spike spoke.
Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Your so overdramatic. I told you I fixed the portal anchors and as you can see it works perfectly." Twilight stated.
Spike got up from his knees. "Still you can't blame me for worrying about that. You remember we were in those ruins over 3 days trying to figure how to activate that portal again."

At that moment a bright sapphire-colored flame appeared in front of Twilight and a letter with the Emblem of Dragon-Lord appeared. "Oh. This must be a letter from Lord Ember." Twilight said and opened the letter and begun to read it.

To Princess Twilight Sparkle

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I received your letter addressing Spike and his condition. I must say I'm worried about what happened, but I have faith that he will endure whatever happened to him.

As for the marking on his shoulder, I'm afraid I am not familiar with any of these but my father has great knowledge about dragon lore, and if this is true that Spike is indeed a Divine dragon his knowledge would be invaluable.

We will be arriving with my father and Smolder who is acting as my guard during my stay in Ponyville. We should be there in the evening of the day you receive this letter.

Sincerely yours.
Dragon-Lord Ember

"This is perfect Ember is coming here so we might get the answers about your marking and learn more about your kind than what we have here in the library." Twilight said with a wide smile and just imagine the amount of information she would soon receive.

The mention of Ember got Spike's attention "Ember is coming here? Can I read that too?" Spike asked and Twilight gave the letter to Spike.
Spike read the letter. "Twilight this says they are coming to Ponyville and were in Canterlot should someone be there to welcome them here and guide them here to Canterlot?" Spike asked.
Twilight eyes widened "Oh no. How did I overlook that part quick I will go back to Ponyville to welcome them here and guide them here with my portal you go help Princess Celestia and Luna." Twilight said while having a panic attack and run through the portal back to Ponyville.

Spike didn't have time to say anything and there he was alone in their old room. "Well that's just great. Sigh... Nothing better to do than to search for mom and aunt. I really would have wanted to talk to Ember when she arrives." Spike talked to himself and started to move out of the room in search of the guard to ask where he could find his mom and aunt.

It was an eerie quiet in the halls of the castle there were no guards in sight. "Well this is new. Usually, there are many guards around the hallways what's going on." Spike thought to herself while walking towards the throne room. After walking a while "Come back here, young lady!" Someone yelled and BLAM!
Young alicorn hit Spike right to the face "Uncle Spike I found you. Me and mom were so worried about you." Flurry Heart spoke.
Shaking the stars out of his head Spike noticed what or rather who hit him. "Flurry what are you doing here?" He asked. At that moment Shining Armor appeared behind the corner. "Got you now you little she-demon." Shining said and grabbed Flurry. Shining noticed that Spike was on the ground. "Spike it so good to see you we have been worrying sick about you after we heard what happened. Cadance wanted to come here as fast as possible to see you." Shining told and let Flurry go to help Spike back up to his feet.

"Thanks Shining. And don't worry I'm fine." Spike told while scratching Flurry's head.
"Flurry could you please go back to the dining hall. I need to talk with Spike something private." Shining told Flurry.
"Dad! You promised I could play with Spike." Flurry said while crossing her arms and looking a little angry.
"You can sweetie but not yet first me and Spike need to have some time alone. After that, if Spike is up to it you can play." Shining explained to his daughter.
"Fine dad I'll go." Flurry said and stuck her tongue out towards Shining and left.

After Flurry was gone Shining spoke up. "Spike. You don't have to act tough around me. Celestia told us what happened to you and I know from experience that the first kill is always the hardest on soldiers psyche." Shining told Spike. While sitting on a bench near them and pointing Spike to sit next to him.
Spike sits down next to Shining. "Should have known you would see through me easier than others. Mom told me already that it isn't wrong to kill if it is the last resort and if it is for the right reason, but it still feels wrong. Like I did something repulsive. I still feel like what those nobles talk about me is true. Am I a monster Shining?" Spike asked Shining.

Shining listened closely to how his friend explained the situation to him. "Princess Celestia is right if it is for the right reasons and if it really is the last resort you can justify it. Former Captain of the royal guard Flash Steel had good advice to me and all the other soldiers under his command. Don't think the life you took think about the lives you saved." Shining told Spike.

Spike was deep in thought and finally spoke. "Thanks Shining that helped to ease my mind."
Shining just chuckled. "Happy to help. You know if memory serves me right you took your first kill pretty good considering how mine went. I still remember how I was back then. I was in bad shape after that mission. But enough of that I have heard from little birds that you, my friend have scored not just one but two lovely mares to yourself so care to share?" Shining asked.
Spike felt his scales heat up. "Well... I can tell some of it but you do understand that somethings can't be told or they will be pretty angry. I am a gentle drake after all" Spike told Shining.
Shining just smiled. "I agree to those terms now spill the beans."
"It's pretty funny actually..." Spike started his story.


Castle Friendship

Twilight and other elements were standing in front of Castle Friendship waiting for their quests to arrive, minus Rainbow Dash who was on the lookout for their dragon friend's arrival.
Twilight was walking circles in a panic. While speaking to herself. "Where are they? Ember wrote they would be here in the evening. I hope they aren't offended that Princess Celestia or Luna isn't here or..."

Applejack stopped Twilight. "Now sugar cube I'm sure they won't be angry about that. Aren't you a princess of friendship? Your royalty too aren't you?." she told trying to ease her friend.
At that moment Rainbow was flying back "Three dragons incoming should be here pretty soon" Rainbow told them after landing. True to her word soon three dragons were flying towards them and landed with grace and agility.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle. We thank you for accepting us to your home it's an honor." Ember told while she, Torch, and Smolder bowed down.
All the girls bowed down too. "Honor is mine Dragon-Lord Ember. I welcome you to Ponyville and hope you have a warm stay." Twilight answered.

"Please Princess Twilight no need to use my title I really don't like that my friends use that." Ember said.
"Sure Ember but only if you drop princess part on me too." Twilight told her.
"Agreeable. So where is Spike is he still bedridden?" Ember asked.
"Yes where is the whelp who helped my daughter to acquire the Bloodstone Scepter and saved her life many times during the trial." Torch asked with a booming voice.

"He's in Canterlot at the moment. We were supposed to study about his kind and that weird marking when we received your letter. I have a portal at my castle that allows us to travel there in an instant.
You girls coming?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Sorry Twi, but I have to help at the farm so can't come maybe tomorrow" said Applejack
"I have to feed Angel and others sorry." Fluttershy said with a low voice.
"Me and Pinkie have a little project ongoing so can't come just yet." Rainbow Dash answered and Pinkie just nodded.
"I think I will join you, darling. I was planning to close boutique for the rest of the week." Rarity said.
"Okay. See you, tomorrow girls. Now just follow me and I guide you through the portal." Twilight said and waved those who stayed to follow her.


Royal Dining Hall

In the Royal Dining Hall, Princess Luna and Celestia were eating and waiting for Cadance to return.
"Sister. When and how are we going to approach the subject about our "problem" with Spike and Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked her sister while relishing her coffee.
"I don't know. I'm not sure really, but I think the best way to do it is to go straight to the point today when they arrive. Maybe try to smooth them into this. I know it will be hard on both of them maybe Twilight more than Spike." Celestia answered her sister while sipping her coffee.

"What are you planning to do to my sister and Spike if I may ask?" Cadance asked while standing behind Celestia's chair. Hearing her adopted niece's voice behind her Celestia spewed her coffee out of her mouth and Luna caught it with her magic and placed it back in her sister's cup. Celestia was about to say something but Luna beat her to it.
"We think it is high time to tell our niece the truth sister."
"Truth? What are you talking about?" Cadance asked.

Celestia thought a while about how to begin explaining something like this. "Cadance have you ever wondered why there are so few alicorns?" Celestia asked.
Cadance wondered a moment about her aunt's question. "Well I did wonder a while back in my school years before I ascended, but after you explained to me about the ascension ritual I went through and that only worthy ones are chosen to take this ritual and to live forever as an alicorn to guide ponies." Cadance answered.

Celestia just sighed. "It was a lie with mixed half-truths at best. There weren't any rituals. There are some ponies among us who are alicorn's but need the right magical aid to achieve their true form. That was what I did to you once I found out you're an alicorn. Why there are alicorn's locked in bodies and require magic to transform to their true form I only have theories for that nothing solid yet. Second have you wondered why you managed to conceive a child with your husband but neither I nor Luna has had children of our own?"

Now that was a question Cadance had wondered a lot. "To be honest I always thought you didn't want any children when you are immortal. Never really thought about that you can't... Well, you know." Cadance answered the second question.
Celestia walked in front of the window a tear dropped down from her eye. "That's where you are wrong. Alicorn's aren't immortal. You and Twilight will both someday reach the end of your life. But for me and Luna. Our condition is both a blessing and a curse." Celestia told holding back her tears.
Luna placed her hand on her sister's shoulder. "Maybe it's best if we continue sister." Luna said comforting her sister.

"You see Cadance long time ago in the past, our small village was in the Dream Valley. Back in that day, there were many alicorns as there were other ponies. But then a terrible disease appeared out of nowhere. We still don't know was it a naturally born disease or was magically created. Back then I was a young filly Celestia was hardly a teenager our mother Moon Quill was one of the best healers there was an unparallel magic-user. While our father Sun Sword maybe the best warrior alive. Mother was researching the disease and trying to create a cure for it. At some point, the disease reached our village, and to protect us they had at some point devised a spell that would save us by freezing us in time."

Cadance was stunned learning the true history of her adoptive aunts. "So the story about you being in the stone and freed from there by Starswirl is true?" Cadance asked.
Luna just nodded. "Yes it is. Our mother and father encased us in the stone to protect us from this disease that was spreading around Equestria. The magical protection they cast on us was a powerful spell, but even thou our mother was a powerful alicorn it seems she made some critical errors in her calculations. The spell partly used dark magic. The spell managed to somehow absorb all of the life force of other alicorns and transfer it to us thus we became immortal so to say and is the reason why we don't age. Also, the stasis part of the spell wasn't lifted perfectly and thus we can't have offspring. But all hope isn't lost after years of search our archeological teams managed to find a spell tome of our mother. There is the spell they used on us and a way to dispel it. The only problem is we can't really read it. Mother used multiple foreign languages to us and so we haven't managed to decipher it completely. We have managed to decipher two required components of potion that is required to lift the spell."

Cadance just sits there listening in awe. "Now I get why you need Twilight. If anyone can decipher some ancient languages it's her. But why do you need Spike?" Cadance asked.
Luna looked out of the window. "He has something we need inside his body for the potion."
To say Cadance was furious and confused at the same time. "Don't tell me the reason you raised Spike just to cut him open to cure yourself!" Cadance yelled.

This caused an immediate reaction from Celestia."Cadance how can you say something like that! Spike may not be of my blood but I raised him like he was I would never do something as vile as that!" Celestia was angry and about to launch some spell towards Cadance in her enraged state but Luna managed to get in between them. Grabbing Celestia's hand to stop the spell.
"Calm yourself, sister. And Cadance perhaps the wording I used gave you the wrong idea. Yes, Spike has something in him that we need, but we don't have to cut him open. We only need to erm... How should I put this." Luna tried to explain while her face was starting to heat up and turn crimson red.

Cadance had a small shock once she realized what Luna was implying. "Are you implying that you need his..."
Cadance didn't get the chance to finish when the doors to the dining hall were opened by Twilight.
"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna I bring guests with me from Dragon Lands.
Current Dragon-Lord Ember, Former Dragon-Lord Torch and one of their guards Smolder." Twilight announced.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance bowed. "I and my sister welcome you to Canterlot and hope you enjoy your stay." Celestia said.
All three dragons bowed and Ember spoke up."Thank you for welcoming us here Princess Celestia. We are here regarding Spike and wanted to help in any way we can."

"Twilight. Should you start or should I?"Candance asked.
"You are the one who always leads let's go." Twilight answered.
"Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Cadance and Twilight did their little dance while visiting dragons wondered what did just happen.
"Now when that's out of the way where is Spike? I thought he would head in here after I left to welcome our guests to Ponyville." Twilight asked.
"We haven't seen him yet. Flurry left in a hurry to search for him and Shining had to run after her. I hope he can manage to keep Flurry out of trouble." Cadance answered.
"So it is possible that Flurry managed to find Spike?"Twilight asked.

At that moment there was an unmistakable voice of Shining coming from the hallway. "Flurry get back here now!"
Flurry Heart flew behind her mother in search of a hiding place.
"Mom a little help please Dad is taking everything over the top again." Flurry told her mother.
"Flurry! What did you do now?" Cadance asked with a stern motherly voice.
"Nothing I was playing in the hallways when I overhead Spike telling dad how he made love to Miss Rarity and Miss Applejack at the same time." Flurry answered without really knowing what she just said.

All eyes in the room were now looking towards Rarity who was blushing madly and trying to hide her face. At that moment Shining and Spike entered the room. Cadance was giving murderous eyes to them.
"Spike Solaris and Shining Francis Armor!" Cadance yelled and trapped both of them with her magic lifting them to air and bringing them in front of her.
"What did I do!" Came to a panicking voice from both the dragon and the stallion.
"You two have gone and corrupted my innocent little filly with your actions." Cadance said with fury in her eyes.
"Spikey I thought we agreed not to tell anyone about that." Rarity spoke with a hint of anger and sadness.
"It's not my fault Rarity he already knew about it I just told the real version." Spike pleaded to Rarity.
"Honey please calm down you know I wouldn't have talked about that if I knew Flurry was at the hearing range. I told her to come back here while I would talk to Spike." Shining told his wife.

Hearing this Cadance turned towards her daughter "Flurry go to your room now. Well, talk about this later." Cadance said with a strict voice.
"But Moooom..." Flurry whined.
"Now young lady you know better than to ignore your father's order he gave it with a reason. Now go to your room. I'll come there soon and we have a little talk."
Flurry lowered her head in defeat. "Okay I'll go. I just don't know what was so bad about this?" Flurry asked walking out of the dining hall and slamming hard at the doors with her magic closing them.

There was a moment of silence until Celestia spoke. "So I don't only learn that my son is courting a mare he is courting two of them and building his own herd. Tell me when should I be excepting grandchildren?" Celestia asked with a huge grin on her.
Spike and Rarity were both red as tomatoes. "Mooom! This is exactly the reason why I didn't tell you!" Spike whined.
Torch let out a small growl to get everyone's attention. "As lovely sight as this is we came here to see Spike and this marking in his shoulder" Torch said.
This got Celestia's attention. "We didn't find anything in our library about it. There are still many books about dragon lore, history, and other information we haven't yet studied." Celestia told Torch.
"The way you described the mark if it's true you won't find it in any book. We may be allies but there are still somethings we don't tell. It's not that we don't trust you but it's for our own safety." Torch explained.
"I know that not telling the truth is wrong, but sometimes to protect your loved ones you must. We learned it the hard way." Luna answered Torch.
Celestia just nodded. "True. I don't like lying to my ponies, but sometimes to protect them we must sometimes bend the truth a little. Spike, would you show your shoulder to Torch?" Celestia asked.

Spike did as he was told rising his sleeve on his right arm to show the mark to Torch.
Torch didn't need to doubt for long truly this was a mark of Draco the First"By the Holy Flame it truly is mark of Draco" Torch said and started to kneel towards Spike. Hearing those words Ember and Smolder joined Torch.
"Hail Spike the champion of Draco the First!" All three dragons chanted.
Spike was dumbfounded. "Ember what are you doing? Get up I'm a little creeped out right now."
"I'm sorry Spike but you have granted an extortionary honor." Torch told Spike and rose up with others.
"Please Torch could you explain to us all what it is? And why do you ever him as a champion of your deity?" Celestia asked.
"Of course Princess Celestia I'll tell you all I know. Lets us sit this might take a while." Torch told all of them and sits down. Everyone in the dining hall sits down and gets ready to hear the story.

"As you may know Draco the First is our deity and the first dragon. He is our creator just like you ponies have Faust if I recall right." Torch said and Celestia nodded.
"I may not know much so I tell everything that I learned from my father. The story tells that whenever dragon kind is in danger from dark forces. A champion of Draco appears. This champion is indicated by that mark on Spikes's shoulder. The legends tell that the first Dragon-Lord was the first Champion of Draco. We really only have stories to follow on this the mark should grant him great power. Some ancient text mentions something about the avatar of Draco a great and destructive power the champion can use."
"So I have some dangerous powers in me now? But why me? I'm just me, I'm not really something you can call a model dragon." Spike asked confused.
"I'm sorry to say this Spike but we really don't know legends only say have theories about how Draco chooses his champion one of the most accurate I would say is that he is chosen by the weight of his heart. You see legends say that the first Dragon-Lord was a kind-hearted person nothing like the so-called "true" dragons are. This someway strengthens the theory of how he chooses his champion, but again it's just a theory." Torch answered.

"So if there is some evil force rising against dragons we will lend our aid, but what it is? Do your stories tell that?" Celestia asked.
"We really don't know legends tell that only the chosen know and tells it to others. Some old texts about different chosen champions have one word in common "Chaos"." Torch answered Celestia's question.
All the eyes were on Spike yet again.
"What? I have no idea what this so-called evil is or what to do."

"Perhaps the answers come in time but for now I and my sister need to have a private talk with my son, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadenza. Dragon-Lord Ember you and your party are welcome to stay in castles guest suits you to Miss Rarity." Celestia told them and took a bow towards dragons.
"Thank you for your hospitality Princess Celestia we will retire and hope to see you tomorrow morning." said Ember bowing to the princess of the sun.

"Shining honey could you go and check on Flurry? It seems I need to stay a bit longer." Cadance asked her husband.
"Of course anything for my special princess. I hope to get some sort of reward for my chivalry." Shining said kissing his wife and left with the others.

Once everyone had left and hall doors were closed.
"My sister has made some good points and I'll require your help, my faithful student." Celestia said holding her hand up channeling arcane energies to spawn her mother's black spellbook.
"This is mine and Luna's mother's personal spell tome there is a recipe for potion we must make to lift a curse. The problem is mother liked to be secretive and wrote it by mixing multiple languages and I and Luna can't really read those languages.." Celestia explained.
"Wait! Your and Luna's mother's spell tome. Oh my gosh oh my gosh."Twilight said jumping up and down.
"So your mother was unicorn was your father to a unicorn?" Twilight asked.
Luna just gave a nod to Celestia. "No both our father and mother were alicorn's."

Hearing this made Twilight just shut down. "Errr... mom I think you broke her." said Spike while knocking Twilights head and waiting for a reaction.
After a short moment of silence. "What! But how? I thought..." Twilight spoke in a panic.
Luna was sitting next to Twilight and placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder "Calm. Deep breaths I will tell you the same story what we told Cadance a moments ago." Luna started to retell the story she and Celestia told Cadance a moment ago.

After the story was over there was a moment of silence that was broken by sobs from Twilight."I never had thought why you don't have any children, but to hear you are practically cursed to live forever and never have a family is just so... so sad." Twilight spoke while sobbing.
Celestia walked to Twilight and sits next to her. "Twilight there is no need to shed tears. We have a chance to fix our mother's mistake with your and Spike's help." Celestia told Twilight.
"I don't know if I can decipher something that you or Luna didn't manage to do, but I'll try my best." Twilight said drying her tears.
"Thank you Twilight. It means the world to me that you'll help us. Now, do you need anything to begin?" Celestia asked
"I think I'm fine. I and Spike start the research tomorrow I'm certain we can find some references to these ancient languages your mother used and decipher the cure." Twilight answered.
"We managed to find some info about one of the languages. It's called Baytynia it's ancient form Batynglish you can find it in Ancient Languages vol.1" Luna said.
"That's fantastic come Spike we need to visit the library right now and get that book to get a headstart on this."
Twilight said grabbing Spike's hand and running towards Royal library with him.
"Twilight could we maybe slow a little bit!" Spike yelled with a hint of panic.

After Spike's voice disappeared to the castle hallways.
"Now. Auntie Luna, Auntie Celestia we left on something important. What you need from Spike?" Cadance asked.
Both of the royal sisters blushed heavily.
"Spike is a special dragon. He is a type of dragon that was thought to be extinct. His race is called a Divine dragon. The potion needs something special from him for it to work." Celestia explained.
"We need his seed for the portion to work." Luna finished the explanation.

Cadance had an empty look in her eyes as her mind was just shattered into million pieces.
After a short moment of silence and rebooting Cadance's mind.
"You need his what!!!"

The Mirror

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Royal Library Entrance

"This is so boring!" How long until the switch?" asked the guard at the Library entrance.
"Soon now quit your whining and do your job." older guard answered.

In the distance, somepony was approaching the door with someone behind him.
"Who or what is that?" younger guard asked.
"Expect them to be the hostile defensive position!" ordered an older guard.
Both guards raised their shields and swords.

Twilight stopped in front of the guards who had spears ready.
"Finally next time don't grab me with your magic and run like your life depends on it."
"Shush. This is important. Oh... and hello to you Sunspot, Silver Line. We are coming to do some research it's important could you let us in?" Twilight asked trying to hold her excitement back.

Both guards lowered their weapons and bowed.
"Of course Princess Sparkle. Sunspot open the door." ordered an older guard.
"Yeah yeah... and I thought something would finally happen, but no!" Sunspot mumbled to himself while opening the door.

"Thank you. You two can take the rest of your switch of we're going to be okay." Twilight told to the two guards.
"Thank you, Princess Sparkle." Both of the guards told in unison, bowed, and left.

Spike and Twilight walked through the halls of the library and they noticed the wing which holds all of the known lore and magical items from dragons and dragon lands. There were many books on the table open with bookmarks here and there.
"Seems like Celestia and Luna have been researching your mark. Maybe we should take a peek too." Twilight commented and lead them inside.

Spike decided to look around. There were a tremendous amount of expertly crafted armors and weapons for dragons. While wondering and looking around he arrived at the tall oval-shaped mirror. Its frame was carved from some unknown tree species. On the right side was a dragon with four horns holding a giant sword that looked like a living flame. On the left side was a dragon with four horns but his horns all pointed downwards and he was holding a sword too but it looked like it was made of living magma.
"That dragon on the right side looks familiar but that one on the left side gives me the chills. And those weapons what are they." Spike thought while examining the mirror.
"Twilight! You know what this mirror here is?" Spike yelled so Twilight could hear him.
"That old thing? I don't really know Celestia told she and Luna found it sometime after the war with Sombra. If I remember correctly she told me it was called the Mirror of Blood. Weird name in my opinion. Carvings around it don't have a hint of reference on blood, but hey it was made by dragons and their culture is still a big question mark to us." Twilight answered still going through the pages of books.

Spike decided to look closer and there was text.
"What's this? There is some sort of text in it" Spike said and started to clean the dust from it.
"Well it's old I give it that. I think I can make out what it says"Sanguis inveniet eorum" Huh... Wonder what does that mean?"

Not long after uttering those words the text and mirror started to glow bright red. After the glow faded away in the mirror was a dragon looking like Spike but it was a female. The odd part was an image in the mirror wasn't copying his movement rather he or she, in this case, was looking panicked and beating the mirror with both of her hands and looked like she was screaming.
"What!? Is this some sort of magical trap? Twilight!" Spike yelled while running to get Twilight.

"Did you break something again Spike?" Twilight asked angrily.
"You need to see this!"Spike said and grabbed Twilight's arm and dragged her to the mirror. Upon arriving at the mirror Twilight was dumbfound. Dragoness in the mirror was still pounding the glass from inside.
" How is this possible? That mirror is old, very old who knows how long she has been trapped in there." Twilight commented and started to charge her magic up to scan the mirror. Dragoness in the mirror was crying and by the looks of it screaming.

"I feel the power in this mirror but I can't feel her inside this mirror." Twilight commented while trying her best to pinpoint where the dragoness was.
Spike placed his hand on the mirror and the dragoness mirrored him. It was like their hands were touching but there was a mirror in between them. "Hold on there. Twilight will get you out there." Spike said trying to comfort her. Not knowing if she can hear him.
Image of the dragoness started to ripple "The magic power is starting to diminish." Twilight said. Dragoness gave a small smile while crying and in a blink of an eye disappeared. The mirror was now reflecting Spike and Twilight like a normal mirror.

"What happened?" Spike asked.
"Magic energy that was holding her here was used up. I have a theory either this is some sort of communication device or it is a prison for this dragoness whose image was in it. What did you do to activate it?" Twilight asked.
"I... I don't know Twilight there was a text on it I just read it and then this happened." Spike answered.
"Maybe it was some sort of the spell placed on those letters which activate when read. Please show it to me." Twilight pondered.

"Sure it was right here." Spike pointed at the sword that the dragon on the right side was holding, but there was no text in there. "How it was right there on the sword. How could the text just disappear like that." Spike panicked.
"This can't be a coincidence. First, you being some sort of champion to a dragon god and now this. We need help from the other Princesses if we are to figure this out." Twilight commented.
"This is about dragons and we got former and current dragon-lord as guests here maybe ask them to?" Spike asked.
"Good idea. You write to Lord Ember I'll write to princesses." Twilight answered and they got to their assigned tasks.


Royal Dining Hall

Hour Earlier

"So once more just so I understood. You need Spike's seed for this potion to remove your immortality so you can have foals of your own because your mother made a mistake so long ago casting this spell on you?" Candance asked.
Celestia and Luna just nod. "Yes and hopefully I find somepony as gentle and loving as Spike." Celestia commented.
"Indeed we to see Spike as admirable and hope someday find someone as he is." Luna added.
Cadance narrowed her eyes. "This love energy there is no mistaking it. Both of them have romantic feelings towards Spike just like he does towards them, but they haven't broken out of their shells yet Celestia is more obvious, but Luna is hiding her feelings better." Cadance thought.

"Aunties please no more lies with me. Have you forgotten my special talent already?" Cadance asked.
Both Celestia's and Luna's cheeks burned bright red. "I... eh... we can explain." Celestia stuttered.
Cadance gave reassuring smile. "Auntie you don't have to explain anything to me. It's my job to help people found their special somepony or in this case somedragon." Cadance finished.
"So you don't hate us for having these feelings?" Celestia asked.
"Auntie your my family sure we have our ups and downs but no matter who you choose as your special somepony I won't hate you two. Besides, it may be rare but there are pairs like these. I helped a certain pair here in Canterlot a couple of weeks ago you may even know her, your head maid Cream Heart. And thanks to magic health care we have nowadays it is a very high chance that foals between blood relatives will be born without any problems" Cadance answered.

"So what are you suggesting we should do now Cadance?" Luna asked.
"For now nothing. We need to first resolve this mark situation. After that, you two should have a private talk with him." Cadance answered.
"That's it? That sounds a little too simple and easy." Celestia responded.
"Whose the specialist in love here? When was the last time you two pursued a romantic relationship and not just sex? Love is simple and complex at the same time. Usually, the simplest ways are best to use." Cadance told them.
Celestia and Luna both sighed. "Well we have been out of the game so to speak for a long time, but..." Luna said blushing slightly.
"But you are probably right after all you are alicorn of love. After this situation is sorted out we will talk with Spike." Celestia finished for Luna.

"Now that's out of the way I need to go see how my daughter is wrecking her father's nerves." Cadance said.
Cadance did have a chance to exit the room when a letter appeared in front of the three princessess. It had the insignia of Twilight on it.
"What could Twilight want at this time of the day?" Celestia asked.
"Maybe she already translated the recipe." Luna said.
"Twilight is smart but even she couldn't pull something that large in a couple of hours." Cadance said.

To Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia we need your help at the library in the dragon wing. We were about to get a headstart on our translation task, but while walking we noticed open books in the dragon wing of the library and I decided to see what you had found. Did you know that there is a trial to prove that drake is ready for adulthood? All he has to do is survive long enough in a fight against his father. There is so much information about dragons here, but I'm getting sidetracked again. Spike managed to somehow cast a spell on Mirror of Blood and there was a dragoness in it who seemed like she was trapped in there. Who knows how long she has been in there. We need help figuring this out can you, Princess Luna, and Cadance come to the library?

Your Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia was lost in thought he had always known that the mirror she and Luna found after the fall on Crystal Empire was a magical artifact but never managed to do activate it so to speak. And now Spike had accidentally managed to do so."Luna you remember the mirror we found after the fall of Crystal Empire?" Celestia asked.
"I remember it. Now that think about it the remnants of magic energy it had are similar to what Spike showed during the fight against his darker part." Luna answered.
"Aunties what mirror are you talking about?" Cadance asked her interest getting the better part of her.

"I'm talking about mirror what we found with Luna after our war with Sombra. After the empire vanished in thin air. I, Luna, and other members of our army started a search for survivors. I and Luna found an odd dark red stone slab. It was approximately at the location where Crystal Castle was. There was a figure carved in the slab it looked like a dragon but it was all deformed. There was text over the dragon "Omnes autem ne in chao ". Loosely translated it means."
"All will drown in chaos" said Luna and Celestia nodded
"So Sombra had some connections with Eris?" Cadance asked.
"A sound theory but highly unlikely. We defeated her long before Sombra showed up. And also Eris would have seen Sombra's rule as boring as ours. Sombra wanted what we too wanted order but under his iron grip." Celestia answered.

"The room under the slab looked like some shrine. There were some dead ponies so Sombra either sacrificed them or used them to power blood magic. After some time of searching and going through some mad writings, we found Spike's egg and that mirror. There were also lots of eggshells so I'm sure that Sombra experimented with lots of them and Spike's egg was the only one to survive those horrid experiments." Luna continued the story
"The mirror emitted an odd magic signature it felt familiar yet terrifying our soldiers nicknamed it Mirror of Blood and the name kinda stuck. We really don't know if the mirror has some real name, but the bloodied corpses our soldiers witnessed in the chamber gave them that idea. We tried many different tests to get the mirror to react to magic but nothing we did managed to cause a reaction. So it just was left to royal archives to gather dust." Luna finished

"Indeed, but it seems Spike managed to activate it by either with his presence or casting a spell on it. And According to Twilight, a dragoness appeared in the mirror. Twilight said it was like she was trapped inside the mirror. She has asked our help on the matter to solve the problem." Celestia told them.
"What! Did he manage to activate it? Does he even know anything about the mirror at all? How..." Luna asked bewildered about Spike's latest deed.
"This sounds really important maybe we should leave at once and talk on the way." Cadance interrupted Luna
"I agree with Cadance we should go and see what my son has managed to get himself mixed in." Celestia answered. Luna nodded and the three alicorns left the dining room heading towards the Royal Library.

Guest suites Ember's room.

Ember was crying in her bed holding tight the pillow so no one would hear her sobs.
"Why? Why Draco? A Drake who is something special to me one who I could possibly have a clutch someday already has someone?." Ember was thinking to herself while sobbing.
There was a loud knock at the door to her room and a strong yet concerned voice could be heard behind it.
"Ember my sapphire are you okay? Could I come in?" Torch asked not demanded.

Ember got up from her bed walked to the door and opened it to see concerned Torch and Smolder both standing there.
"Is there a problem?" Ember said trying to sound strong but Torch noticed the change in her tone immediately.
"Smolder could you leave us two alone for a moment. Family business." Torch said.
Smolder nodded. "If you need any help you can always ask for help no matter the problem Ember. Remember you have friends and family that loves you." she said and left father and daughter alone.

Torch closed the door and once it was done Ember leaped into her father's arms crying. "I wondered why you left in such a hurry and wanted to be left alone." Torch said with love and care in his voice.
"Why dad? Why it hurts so much? I'm used to pain on my training but this feels so bad." Ember asked while holding her father close.
"Oh my sweet sapphire. I knew this day would come someday. I hoped that your mother would be up during this moment but her great sleep hasn't ended yet. I'm not good at the matters of the heart. Cynina was always the one with more knowledge about this." Torch told her daughter.
"Spike was special I hoped that someday he would join with me as a mate and help me to guide dragons towards new and better future. It's like the world hates me and demands that I spent my days alone." Ember explained while sobbing.
"Oh... Ember. Do you really love him that much?" Torch asked.
"I do father but it's too late now. I missed my chance." Ember said.

"What if I told you that you'd didn't miss your chance yet?" Torch asked her daughter.
"What do you mean father. He is in a relationship already." Ember said with a small hope returning to her
"Well it's rare nowadays, normally we dragons hoard treasure but there are some who hoard other things." Torch started her explanation.
"What are you getting at father?" Ember asked.
"Well you see back when I was about your age. I to hoarded this type of treasures. I had my own harem of dragonesses. Your mother was one of them. And before you start yelling or anything it was more of adventurous adolescence. I didn't force anyone to be with me they just did and after some time they left on their own way. The only one to stay with me was your mother. We were pretty much in love and during my harem days I spent most of my time with her rather than other girls." Torch explained.

"So you're saying I should join his harem? But what if he just decided to toss me out? I don't want that kind of relationship I want to love him and him to love me back." Ember told her father.
"Ember. Spike may be raised by ponies but he is a great dragon and strong one to even so now thanks to his status as a champion of Draco. I haven't met Dragon with a big heart like his in a very long time. He treats all of his friends as a family. He is already in a relationship with two-element bearers. You should talk to him and not as the dragon-lord Ember but as dragoness Ember. And if you decide to join into his harem I'm certain he loves each of you girls equally and with great passion." Torch told her.
"I... I don't know. He does treat me as a family member even now without me asking anything in return. Perhaps I should talk with him at..." Ember was interrupted as a green ball of fire and a letter dropping from it to the floor with text reading From Spike to Ember on it. Ember picked the letter up opened it and started to read it with his father.

Hey, Ember it's me Spike I'm in a kinda spot right now and need some dragon help from you and your father.
You're maybe wondering why I need dragon help well there was this ancient mirror "Mirror of Blood" Twilight calls it has some draconic carvings in it and I kinda activated it and now I can't seem to reactivate it. So I figured maybe you or Torch know something about it as you know your raised in dragon lands and I was raised by ponies so my knowledge about our kinds culture and history has a pretty big cap on it.

Hope to see you soon here love Spike

PS. After all of this is done and all maybe we could have a walk or lunch or something and talk about stuff you know only if you want of course my Lord.

"Well look at that you can't say destiny doesn't have a hand on this one. There's your way to talk with him alone." Torch said with a wide grin.
Ember was blushing hard. "Dad! We should go and see what they need help on maybe it is important." Ember said and started to fly towards Library.
"Sigh... Young love. Well, I should catch her I'm pretty sure she doesn't know where Royal Library is for that matter I hope it is still in the same place." Torch talked to himself and started to fly after his daughter.
The princesses and dragons met at the door to the library

"Royal Sisters, Princess Cadance. Your both here too. Did Spike send a letter to you too asking for help?" Torch asked.
"Torch, Lord Ember. Good to see you again. And no my son didn't send a letter to me my student did I take it they did send them at the same time. Let's go and see what is this problem of theirs." Celestia answered.

Once they arrived into the wing where all the dragon lore of Canterlot was Twilight was taking notes while studying the mirror with Spike. Once she noticed they had arrived she got up and welcomed them into her temporary lab."Princesses, Lord Ember, Lord Torch good you're here come here we're running some tests but nothing seems to work on it yet." Twilight explained while looking through her notes.

Once they arrived in the room with the mirror Torch looked like he had seen a ghost. Ember noticed this.
"Something wrong father?" Ember asked.
"Where did you get that?" Torch asked.
"Oh this mirror princess Celestia and Luna found it shortly after and Spike here managed to activate it shortly there was a dragoness in the mirror who looked a lot like Spike. Tell me Torch, Ember is this some kind of trap for a dragon?"
"You have no idea what you have in here do you?" Torch asked with a hint of fear in him.
"Torch you know something about this mirror?" Luna asked

"I really don't know all about it. We may have some old books in Dragon Lands about it. I know stories my father told me about it. That is an ancient artifact of dragons called Mirror of Brothers. It was crafted by two brothers. Whose images are crafted on the mirror frames. I thought it was either destroyed or lost to time." Torch explained.
"Who were these two craters and why is it so special?" Celestia asked.
"Sigh... the other you know him as Draco the first dragon he is on the right side holding his sword "Purifier" and his twin brother is a secret we don't like to talk he is a shameful mark in dragon history." Torch continued.
"I always thought that Draco didn't have siblings I haven't found any text of this twin of his." Twilight spoke.
Toch shook his head. "As I said it is a shameful mark in dragon history. His name Exitium he's also known as Dragon God of Destruction on the frame he is holding his sword Devourer. Legend says that the mirror is portal to his realm what is also his prison." Torch finished.

"If it's a door to another realm how did Spike activate it also how is it possible that there was a dragon on the other side of the mirror and not some god." Twilight asked while scripting as fast as she could the information she was getting.
"That was what I'm worried about. Legend says that the mirror works only one way. If you enter you can't come back from Exitium's realm. Why there would be a dragon in his realm?" Torch said.

"Can we do anything for her?" Spike asked worry in his voice.
"Sadly nothing we can do for her yet. And I think we shouldn't do anything there is an ancient prophecy about the return of Exitium. If he is to return to our world we would be engulfed in chaos. And not in a funny little crazy way Eris did back in the day something far worse and deadlier." Torch answered.
"Omnes autem ne in chao" Celestia said.
"Where have you heard that Princess Celestia? That is something The Cult of Chaos uses."
"When we found the mirror it was inside a hidden chamber in crystal empire." Celestia said
"As much as I like to talk about the history of our race maybe we should retire for the rest of the night and talk about this in the morning." Torch said.
"But..." Twilight tried to talk but Celestia interrupted her.
"A wise idea Torch. We'll talk about this in the morning" Celestia said.
Reluctantly Twilight agreed. "Fine but I want to be the first to write bout Exitium pretty please Torch. Come on Spike lets get to sleep." Twilight said.
"I think I'll sleep in my old room if it still is the way it used to be? Is it Mom?" Spike asked
"Yes it is my dear. You still have the key?" Celestia asked and Spike nodded.
After all, was said all of them retired to their bedrooms.

Spike's Room.

After getting to his room locking the door Spike collapsed to his queen-sized bed. Undressing so he was in nothing but boxers. "I do hope mom hasn't found my stash." Spike said to himself while rummaging through random stuff under his bed until he pulled an old Playpony magazine from there.
In the cover was a muscular male pony with five different female ponies in see trough Saddle-Arabia belly dancer outfits that left very little to the imagination. Some of the girls even had sexy piercings on them.
The title of the magazine was "Gror and harem mares" with texts like "Gror teaches them how a mare should obey orders" and other domineering texts.

Little Spike was getting into attention while Spike was reading through the magazine."I'm such a dirty drake, but who wouldn't want multiple mares to do whatever you order them to do." Spike thought to himself and started to move his hand up and down on his shaft. He remembered last evening when Twilight helped her by giving him a handjob. Spike was imagining him and Twilight going at it. His hand moved faster and faster bringing him closer to his release.
"Gods yes take it Twilight." Spike spoke to himself and almost got a heart attack.
"Take what?" asked a voice what was unmistakably Twilight's voice.
Standing next to the bed was Twilight with nothing but his panties on. That majestic DD-cup breast free for the whole world to see.
"Twilight? This isn't what it looks like. Hold on how did you get here?" Spike asked while trying to explain his awkward situation.
"Silly you did you forgot I'm alicorn and also one of the best magic users in Equestria? Also, I haven't been able to get you out of my head after our time together yesterday. I did some research but all I found was dragon mating and it made me think you even more so no help there." Twilight explained.
"Okay... So why your here then?" Spike asked not believing that she was saying what he was thinking.

"I did read that dragon tongue should make mares feel amazing. So I would like to try out this. Could you help me?" Twilight asked.
Spike was dumbfounded he couldn't believe his luck right now. "Sure you should lay down on the bed for this." Spike guided Twilight.
"You sure?" she asked and Spike just nodded. Twilight did as told Spike got down on her.
"Now just trust me Twilight you know I wouldn't do anything to harm you." Spike said and Twilight started to breathe heavily.
Spike separated Twilight's legs and used his claw to cut the panties open. Spike was surprised that Twilight was already soaking wet. "Naughty girl" Spike said with a predatory grin.
Twilight was blushing heavily "I'm sorry Spike." she said.

"Now try not to crush me with your thighs." Spike said and went to work his magic on Twilight's pussy
Spike was lapping around Twilight's marehood and Twilight's breath quickened with each lap Spike did.
After a short time, Spike decided it was time to take it to another level and nipped Twilights erected clitoris.
This caused Twilight to scream and climax. Twilights cum exploded all over Spikes's face. Spike just lapped all the cum she could take while having a predatory grin on his face.

"Gods Spike that felt amazing. Not one of my toys can bring me to this kind of release." She said
Spike couldn't believe Twilight had sex toys."Wait you have sex toys? Where? I thought it was your first dick you saw yesterday." he said
"It's pretty easy to act all innocent if you know what to do." She answered.
Spike smiled. "Oh so you really are a naughty filly. What does my naughty filly want to do now?" He asked. While showing his erect dragonhood to Twilight and masturbating.
Twilight's eyes were mesmerized by Spike's tool. "I would like to... to..." she tried to speak while Spike was rubbing her clitoris making it hard for Twilight to focus and speak.
"You have to speak up Twilight I can't read minds." Spike said grinning and stopped rubbing her.
"Fuck me please Spike!" Twilight almost yelled like her life depended on it.

Spike aligned himself with Twilight's entrance. "Before we do this you know I'm in a relationship with Rarity?" Spike asked.
"I know. Don't worry I have a solution to this. Now come on show me how dragon does it." Twilight answered.
Spike pushed himself inside Twilight vaginal making way to his dragonhood. Twilight was tight but she wasn't virgin tight and there wasn't any blood
"Your not a virgin?" Spike asked
"Technically no. But I haven't been with a stallion unless you count my dildo." Twilight answered.
Nodding Spike continued. Pushing in pulling out repeating this action in and out with a steady and ever-increasing pace each time his dick reached a little further and closer to the entrance of Twilights womb.
"Gods Spike just don't stop please!" Twilight yelled in pure ecstasy.
Spike continued to hammer into her while fondling her amazing tits nipping and sucking on them.
This caused Twilight to orgasm she loved when Spike played with her mammaries she did it to herself too while playing with herself.

Spike could feel his release closing in as much as he would love to see Twilight round and heavy with his child he still had a little amount of sense left in him. "Twily I'm close..."
Twilight wrapped her legs around him pushing Spike back inside. panting heavily she spoke
"Don't worry Spike I'm safe. My heat won't start until next month so please give me all your love" She spoke.
All sense left Spike and instinct took its place ordering him to seed this female pulling once more back and pushing back inside with all his might Spike managed to push his knot in locking them together. Spikes' balls worked overtime releasing all of their sperm inside Twilight's womb. Spike opened his mouth and let out a small roar.
Twilight could feel Spike's sperm inside her womb trying its best to reach her ovaries in hopes to find an egg to fertilize. "Oh sweet Celestia this is so good." She said while holding onto Spike.

Spike's instincts withdrew he looked that he was tied with Twilight. "Well better get comfy Twi were going to be together for a moment." he said.
Twilight gave a warm smile and kiss on his mouth. "That's quite alright Spike. I was planning to sleep in here anyways." She said.
"So what do we do now you know I love Rarity, but I love you too." Spike said.
"Shit this is one bad mess I am" Spike thought to himself.
"Don't you worry your head my special drake. I did some research and I believe I have an answer for this." Twilight answered.
Spike pulled the blanket over them and Twilight grabbed him harder
"Please don't ever leave me." She said pleading
"I won't Twily." Spike said kissing him once more
After that, they drifted into blissful sleep.

Drama Time

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Spike's Room

8 a.m.

Sun was shining into Spike's room through the curtains. Sunrays were hitting him into his eyes. This got Spike to get up from his bed. Spike noticed Twilight still sleeping and without any clothes on her. Memories of last night started to return and with them a regret.

"Celestia what have I done? I really am just a horrible drake." Spike talked to himself. His rambling woke Twilight up.
"Spike. Your not a horrible dragon I have always had feelings for you, but I didn't act upon them once I heard you were dating Rarity. Once I heard you and Rarity were rolling in the hay with Applejack I decided to do some research." Twilight explained, but Spike interrupted her.
"So you know about that. Then you know I'm horrible drake. I used not just my mare friend but now two of my best friends to sate my lust."
"Could I please finish? You did only what was natural to dragons. Some dragons need multiple partners in their life to sate their lust and so to hold back their greed. And you, my lovely drake are one who needs multiple partners in short you need a personal harem. Once I learned this I decided to study your daily activities with Rarity and that's when I learned about Applejack. Upon learning it was your idea to ask her to get involved in your relationship and that you don't really care about material goods I came to the conclusion your one of those who needs multiple females to keep their greed in check. I did have a talk with mom about what should I do with my feelings towards a certain male and no I didn't tell her it was you. She only told me to follow my heart and that's what I did last night. So I'm not mad at you and you certainly aren't a monster." Twilight finished.

Spike was didn't have words to answer. Here he thought that he did something immoral and Twilight pulled her back up again. Spike didn't have time to answer a knock could be heard from the door and after that a voice that was Celestia's
"Spike you up yet? You dressed up I'm coming in" Celestia asked.

Celestia opened the door and at that moment Twilight teleported away as fast as she could manage. Upon entering Celestia sees Spike in bed and then the unmistakable scent of sex hits her nostrils. Celestia was about to comment something about this situation but decided against it after all that would make her sound a hypocrite if her plan works out. She knew it couldn't be Rarity since she was still sleeping in her own guest room.

"Spike. Care to give the name of the mare you did last night or perhaps a dragoness?" Celestia asked.
"What are you walking about mom?" Spike asked trying to sound innocent.
"Spike I think I'm old enough to recognize the smell of sex. I don't say I'm mad I'm just worried about you. I know a little bit about dragons and some dragon hoards females as their personal harem instead of hoarding treasure. You should talk to your girls about adding another member to your hoard. Just be careful going behind the back of your girls isn't smart and neither a safe idea." Celestia explained to Spike.

Spike sighed of course her mother was right she always was. "I... I'll talk with Rarity and Applejack after we get to Ponyville. I also need to talk with Twilight about what happened last night. It wasn't really planned it kinda just happened." Spike told Celestia.
"Oh my... Isn't this developing into an interesting story? I never imagined my student to have time or interest for physical compassion." She answered.
"Well turn's out she has just been hiding it really well. Let's just say she's really good at this activity." Spike explained.
"I see. I'll go and have a talk with Twilight you should take shower and move to the dining hall. Torch should have some more info about what happened in the library with the mirror." Celestia told Spike and left the room.
Spike got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower before. hot water running over him Spike started to was himself. "Well that was an interesting conversation. I thought mom would be angrier but she took it pretty well. I just hope that Rarity and Applejack won't kill me after they learn what me and Twilight." Spike thought while washing himself.

Twilight's Private Quarters

Twilight was walking circles in her room panicking.
"Gods what I'm going to do? Celestia herself came to the room. I'm sure she picked up our scents. What am I going to do? I had sex with Spike without asking her permission and without talking to Rarity and Applejack first Celestia is going to lock me up I'm sure of it or worse she may..." "Knock! Knock!" Twilight's ranting was interrupted upon hearing knocks on her door.
"Who is it?" Twilight asked hoping it wasn't who she knew it is.
"Celestia. May I come in?" Celestia answered.
Twilight sighed. "Yes, Princess you may."

Celestia entered Twilights room but she didn't have an angry look on her face it was the normal neutral look she always wore.
"I had an interesting talk with my son a moment ago." Celestia started.
Twilight face turned red as a tomato. "I'm sorry princess I should have talked to you first about this. Please don't be mad." Twilight pleaded.
"Mad? Why I would be mad? If anything I'm a little jealous. I'm happy that you have finally found somepony special. Although you should have talked first with Rarity and Applejack before doing this." Celestia told Twilight.
Twilight had a dumb look on her face. "What? I thought you would be mad at me for what I did with Spike. I know what I did was selfish I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry." Twilight apologized.

"It's not me who you should ask forgiveness it's Rarity and Applejack. Dragons Harem is based on trust and love from both sides. Of course, there have been more let's say immoral harem's created by more devious dragons. You should take it as your first priority for you four to talk together about what happened. I'm sure they will understand after all Spike is a strong drake and has a lot of love to give." Celestia finished.
"I... You're right again princess. I'll talk with them after we get to Ponyvile." Twilight answered.
"Breakfast should be ready soon and Torch has some info for us. You should join us." Celestia said turned around and walked to the door. "Oh... And you really should take shower before you join us you reek of sex." Celestia said and left the room. Twilight sniffed herself a couple of times. She really did stink of sex, grabbing the towel she walked to the bathroom to wash.

Royal Dining Hall

Luna was sitting at the table alone at the moment deep in thought sipping her coffee. The huge doors opened and Celestia walked in. Luna didn't even notice her sister enter until she spoke up.
"Morning sister. What's the matter you seem to be unfocused. This isn't like you at all." Celestia asked her younger sibling.
"I was just deep in thought. I was thinking about Nightmare Moon incident." Luna answered.
"Why is she making a return?" Celestia asked worry clear in her voice.
"No. nothing like that. It's just that the talk with Torch yesterday made me think about what I did and if I could have done something differently." Luna told her sister.
"I'm sure you did all you could." Celestia reassured her sister.
"It's not that it's... You remember our fight against Sombra." Luna asked
"How could I forget you pretty much saved my life there. If you hadn't defeated Sombra while I was trapped in his fear spell we wouldn't be here." Celestia answered.

"Yes. It's just that... Nightmare Moon became part of me during that fight. Sombra used his fear spell on me too but she appeared to me and promised to help me to save you. All I had to do was allow her to enter into me and not tell a word to you or she would use my body to kill you. If I knew she was that corruptive force I would have never agreed to her help but I was desperate I didn't want to lose the only family I had left." Luna explained.
"So yesterday speaking about protecting your loved once you meant this one?" Celestia asked.
Luna lowered her head in shame "Yes. If I haven't been so weak... I failed everyone when I accepted her deal for power. I just wanted to be as strong as my big sister." Luna finished.

"Lulu. You were faced with an impossible decision. In dire situation. I'm also partial to blame. I should have seen the signs. Your isolated behavior should have been the first warning that you needed help, but I was so focused on ponies who worshipped us like gods. I was a young and blind fool and that blindness cost me, my sister, for a thousand years." Celestia told Luna
"Family is both sources of your strength and your weakness." Luna said.
"Now you sound like dad. Dad never told you how proud he was about your interest and your training in swordsmanship" Celestia told her.
"Really? You should have heard how mom bragged about you all the time when you couldn't hear her how proud she was about your studies in magic." Luna replied.

Both of the mares started to laugh and giggle removing the lingering negativity from the room. At that moment Torch, Ember and Smolder entered the dining hall. Celestia and Luna turned towards their guests.
"Lord Ember, Torch and Smolder it's good to see you decided to join us this fine morning." Celestia greeted her guests.
"We also like to welcome you in our fair city" Luna added
"Thank you for the invitation, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna." Ember answered giving a small bow at the same time.
"Princess Celestia might I ask for a chance of private talk before others arrive? This is important it's about Spike." Torch asked Celestia.
Upon hearing it's important and it's about her son Celestia's face turned serious."Of course Torch maybe my personal study room would be the proper place for this?" Celestia asked and Torch just nodded his head.
"Lulu could you wait here for others?" Celestia asked.
"Fine... I'll stay here and do your job again, but you better fill me in or I can make you talk later." Luna said with a devilish grin.
Celesia blushed a little and nodded after she teleported herself and Torch to her personal study.
Upon arriving at Celestia's study Torch was amazed at how large it was. There were multiple different and rare flowers and other small trees that Celestia has been tending during her free time.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about? Is something wrong with Spike?" Celestia asked worry clear in her voice.
"Nothing is wrong with Spike but what worries me is a part of a story in this book" Torch answered to Celestia and threw the book in front of her.
"What's this it looks really old." Celestia asked while studying the book that had black scales as covers.
"It has the history of the two brothers written down by the first dragon lord. The story says that the first dragon lord helped to seal Exitium to his realm, but what worries me what the story says at the end of the book. To make this portal both champions of Draco and Exitium used their powers to create that portal and only magic from both champions can make the portal work both ways. Now it should just allow a person to enter the realm of chaos but not leave from there."

Celestia was deep in thought. True there were ways to create portals or other magical items to work only when both attuned magic's were channeled to the object. But this was magic that is linked directly to two gods so it was new even to her. At that explosion of chocolate milk splattered everything in chocolate. Celestia wiped her eyes and had a little angry look on her face.
"Eris! What's this about!?" Celestia shouted.
"Well, I happened to meet a little butterfly when I was at Fluttershy and he told me an interesting story that was developing here and so I decided to visit my best friends and see if there would be something I could help you with. So what are you doing?"
"So it's true that Chaos chimera is friends with ponies?" Torch asked while cleaning the chocolate on him.
"Oh it's true we are the best of friends with Celestia. We even have some girls nights now and then and this girl once she gets enough alcohol she tells pretty much anything you ask her this one time..." Eris was interrupted by Celestia who closed her mouth with her own magic.

"Haa Haa... Thank you, Eris but we were having a talk about this Exitium and..." Celestia was interrupted when Eris snapped her fingers and reappeared behind Celestia.
"Why are you talking about grandpa? That old fart is thankfully locked up back home."
"What!" both Torch and Celestia yelled.
"You are related to him?" Torch asked.
"Come on it's pretty much in the name. Draconequus and Lady of Chaos with almost godly powers you should really learn to connect the dots." Eris told them.

"But if you are related to Exitium how are you here in this realm and not locked up inside this chaos realm as he is?" Celestia asked.
With a buff or magic, the book Torch showed appeared on Eris's hand.
"Ahh... I see you read her book. It mostly has only half-truths in it. It's a little funny too, but not the entire story. True he is locked up in the Chaos realm but it's false that the whole Chaos realm is sealed only part of it where grandpa is imprisoned. Imagine it as a big prison with only one all-powerful entity locked inside." Eris explained.

"But why lock your own family member away? Shouldn't you and your family be close to him? You know playing with chaos runs in the family." Torch asked.
"Chaos magic sure that runs in the family. The way to use it is a different matter."
"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.
"I know what I did in past was wrong but never hurt anyone I was just having fun in my own unique way. Grandpa on the other hand takes chaos to a new level He can manipulate the fabric of reality to such a fine level that you don't even notice that something is wrong. All the rules will disappear from your head. Nothing is a bad idea to try. Dad told stories that his favorite pastime was to play with mortal minds stripping the rules away from them and see how long it takes for one to kill another."

"So what happened?" Torch asked clearly interested in the true story of the two brothers.
"Well most of it is in this book avatar's used their powers to imprison him. What it doesn't say is that those two champions were twins, brother, and sister. And the idea came from dad. Grandpa was a threat to all life in all realms." Eris explained.
"So what happened what was the plan really?" Celestia questioned.
"I'll tell you later if you really are interested in the story, but you need to tell me why you were talking about that old fart in the first place." Eris said

"Well you see Spike is Draco's champion and he managed to activate Mirror of Brothers and if what Twilight told it showed a dragoness similar looking like Spike on it." torch explained
"The mirror activated and there was someone else in it than grandpa?" Eris asked panic clearly showing in her face.
"Yes. Is that a problem?" Celestia answered.
"This isn't good if the mirror showed someone else than grandpa. There is no way to tell what he is planning and how did someone manage to enter his prison without dad or mom's wards activating. I need to go back home fast." Eris thought to herself.
"Well that is interesting. If you excuse me I got something to do with honeybees toodles." Eris said and vanished in a flash of fire.
Celestia had noticed the look Eris was giving it was full of panic. "What's with her I don't recall her having been that worried unless something was wrong with Fluttershy." Celestia pondered.
"Well she is special as you can see but back to matter at hand something about Spike." Celestia said to Torch.
"Well after that reveal I don't really know does the story hold any truth, but at the end of the book there is a prophecy about Exitium escaping his prison with the help of both champions and that these two would hold the fate of the world in their hands." Torch answered.
"And here I thought this couldn't get any worse." Celestia said annoyed covering her head with her hands.

Royal Dining Hall

Back in the dining hall during Celestia's and Torch's talk Rarity, Spike and Twilight had arrived and Luna had welcomed them all to dine with her excusing her sister's absence. What really was moving inside Luna's head at the moment how awkward this morning breakfast was. All just sitting there seated and no small talk at all. As if there was something wrong with these ponies and dragons.
Luna slammed her hand on the table. All the eyes turned towards her"That's it! What's wrong with you all! Normally you would talk with each other asking all kinds of questions. Now you just sit there looking like something bad had happened. So what's going on!?" Luna yelled frustrated at her guests.

Spike was the one to break the silence. "It's just complicated. I have a hard time figuring out what to do." he said.
"Well that explains why your so silent, but not why the others are. Now out with it talking with someone about your problems might help you find a way to deal with them" Luna said.
All of them except Smolder answered at the same time with the same answer. "It's about Spike."
All went silent and the air standstill and all three of them looked at each other.
"What you to Twilight?!" Ember asked.
"Hey you keep your hands away from our Spike!" Twilight yelled.
"Spike you have something to tell me?" Rarity asked while giving a glare that promised death.
"We got a Horxican stand-off here!" Smolder commented while holding back her laughter.
"Ehh... Maybe..." Spike answered while sweating and praying silently for a quick and painless death.
Luna rubbed her head in annoyance. "Sister someday I'll get you for all the trouble you put me through." Luna said to herself. At that moment a flash of bright sunlight appeared and once it was gone Torch and Celestia were back.

Looking around the hall was something Celestia didn't imagine she would see when returning. Rarity yelling and threatening Spike. Twilight and Ember arguing about Spike.
"Lulu what did I miss?" Celestia asked.
"How nice of you to return sister. If you ever leave me again to a situation like this I'll make you pay for it." Luna answered.
"What? What's wrong Lulu?" Celestia asked.
"Can't you see? These three ladies are having some heart to heart about Spike." Luna told her.
Celestia sighed. "Princess Twilight Sparkle stop this arguing this instant!" Celestia yelled with Royal Canterlot's voice.
"You to Ember, don't act like a hatchling." Torch said to his daughter.
The arguing stopped in an instant and all of them were looking towards Celestia.
"Now let's have a friendly chat and see what's the real problem here." Celestia said and pointed all of them to sit at the table. Once all of them were sitting Celestia opened the conversation.
"Now how about you tell me why are you fighting like children?" Celestia asked.


Realm of Chaos

Eris appeared with a flash of fire at the entrance to a huge castle. The castle looked pretty normal but the watchtowers were upside down and the bridge was in the air spinning over the moat of molten chocolate.
"Ah home sweet home." Eris said to herself.
Eris snapped her fingers and the bridge stopped spinning and lowered down to allow her to pass. Walking through the halls of the castle deep in thought on how to explain the situation to her parents. An explosion of liquid marshmallows appeared next to Eris and taller female draconequus almost identical only she had longer horns and was darker colored on her fur and her eyes were dark pink with blue irises.

"'Oh sweetie it's so good to finally see you again. I and your father thought you would never come back and see us again." said draconequus and pulled Eris to a deathly hug.
"Uwww... Mom! Air!" Eris yelled while getting crushed.
"Oh sorry sweetie. What brings you here?" she asked after releasing her daughter.
"I'm here to see you and dad I have something important to discuss with you. It's... It's about grandpa." Eris answered.
Her mother's face transformed serious and with a snap of her fingers, Eris and her mother were teleported to the throne room. The throne room was big. There were many different flowers and trees growing in the center of the room was a huge fountain which was flowing with chocolate. Eris and her mother approached throned were a little shorter than Eris but more muscular draconequus was sitting. He had a huge beard and her fur was bright white almost like that of Celestias. He had one big horn growing from his head.

"Ahh... Tiamat my lovely wife and who's that with you?" asked male draconequus with a booming voice.
"Hi dad." Eris said while hiding behind her mother.
Seeing it was his daughter who had returned home draconequus jumped up from the throne and dashed to grab hold of her daughter while crying rivers of water.
"Oh my sweet little pumpkin has returned at last. I feared I would never see you again" He yelled while crushing his daughter with his hug.
"Air!!!" Eris yelled while fighting for her dear life.
"Typh. I think you're crushing our daughter to death." Tiamat told to her husband.
Seeing this Typh released his daughter from his hug."I'm sorry my dear It's just you never write or call us."
"Gasp... You're worse than mom!" Eris yelled to her father.
"Again. I'm sorry. Now, what brings you here? Some love problems and need your parent's help?" Typh asked.
Eris's face went deep red and smoke started to come out of her ears."Dad! Not this again!"
"Hey I and your mother want some grandkids to pamper and you have literally transformed all the suitors to monkey fish." Typh said while pointing to a big bowl with multiple monkeys with fins.
"Hey those perverts deserved it. I'll turn them back eventually. But I have something really important to talk about with you and mom." Eris said to her father.
"Okay. What does my pumpkin want to talk about if it's not boy problems?" Typh asked.
"He wants to talk about Grandpa." Tiamat said.
Typh just sighed."What do you want with him?" he asked.
"Well truth be told I'm not really sure yet. I have a high suspicion there is someone else inside his prison. A female dragon." Eris told her parents.
"I see we must go and see this ourselves then." Typh answered with a calm yet calculative voice.
Typh offered his hand to Eris and Tiamat, both of them took hold of him and in a flash of purple fire they disappeared.

Meeting the Chaos

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Realm of Chaos

Prison of Banished

Flash of purple flame appeared in front of massive gates which had multiple different ancient sigils on them.
After flames died down three draconequus stod in front of the gates.

"I always hated this place it's so dull and feels wrong." Eris commented.
"You always liked more colorful places, sweetie. Let's see if dad is in talking mood" Typh said to her daughter.
Inhaling lots of air Typh let out a mighty voice."Father! I would like to talk to you and as I'm your ruler and warden you will heed my words."

After a moment of silence, the earth started to shake and the floor behind the gate started to crack open. A huge hole formed and a giant deformed dragon rose up lava flowing down his head. His head was full of scars and his four bat-like wings were torn. His scales were dark red and his very presence radiated chaos. He had golden-colored cuffs on his legs and arms and the same color collar. They started to glow and Exitium started to shrink down into the size of Eris and her parents.

A deep and dark voice boomed around Eris and her parents."Now this is an interesting development. And my favorite granddaughter is here too. So what do you want from me? Maybe you finally come to your senses and are here to release me?"
"No, Father. We are here to talk about something that we have recently learned. There is..." Typh spoke and Eris interrupted him.
"Who was that dragoness we saw in the mirror Grandpa!?" Eris yelled
A wicked grin formed on Exitium's face "Oh you mean this special little girl." Exitium snapped his fingers and in a flash of black flames, a purple dragoness appeared next to him in chains, and her mouth tied shut.
Typh's face turned dark and serious. "Father release that mortal! Now!" he yelled.
Exitium looked disappointed. "Tsk... Tsk... Now, now son no need to be that angry. I'm sure you know that these infernal gates hold me inside here, but she is free to leave if she can. If you free me now I can promise yours, your wife and my dear granddaughter's punishment isn't so bad. But continue to defy me and once I get out it will be much much worse."

Typh's voice relaxed a little letting out a chuckle. "Your good dad but I can see through your bluff. You know that only combined magic energy of yours and uncle Draco's magic is strong enough to force these gates open."
A big grin on Exitium's face. "That is true my magic and my dear "brother's" magic energy combined is the only thing strong enough to destroy these gates or those of our champions channeling our energy through their bodies." Exitium finished turning around.

Gears started to turn inside Eris's head until a big lightbulb appeared over her head. "No you didn't Grandpa."
Exitium turned back towards his guests smiling "It really seems you were blessed with the same intelligence that I have dear Eris."
Tiamat looked questioning her daughter. "Eris honey, what does he mean by that."
Eris looked at her grandfather straight to his big red eyes. "That Dragoness is the new Champion of Chaos isn't she grandpa."
"What!!" Both Tiamat and Typh yelled worry clear in their voice.
"But, then that means... Oh, gods above. This isn't good at all." Eris talked to herself in a loud voice.
"Again I must congratulate your deduction skills Eris you really are remarkable draconequus." Exitium spoke while laughing.

Typh looked towards his father anger clearly radiating from him. "How did you manage to get that dragoness inside your prison! Now answer dad!"
Exitium just smiled. "If you must know, she has been here over a thousand years." Exitium told his son.
"But that's not possible! She can't be more than 20 years old." Typh questioned.
"How rude son I did teach you to never guess lady's age didn't I? It's so interesting what a whisper here and whispers there to the mortal realm through the cracks of this prison can do. A pony of all kinds transported her egg here. Technically she is over a thousand years old, but if you count years after her hatching it's more of 22-year-old, but only a sliver of my power is how would you say this. It's volatile in the hands of mortals it can pretty much push them over the edge or just blow them up."
"What do you mean by edge?" Eris asked.
"He means madness. Mortal bodies can't hold that much chaos energy in them without either just disintegrating completely or just parts of them." Tiamat answered her daughter.
"I see you have read the right books Tiamat. My Champion or those who I deem worthy can wield my power safely without any backslash. But the girl is starting to get on my nerves she is still resisting my control over her after everything I have done to her. Must be part of her heritage as a divine dragon, but all minds will break eventually."

Purple dragoness started to cry this made Eris feel sad too. She walked to the gate looked at the dragoness in her wet eyes.
"Listen to me I promise we will get you out. Now that we know you are here we can form a plan to get you out, Just please hang in there." Eris placed her left hand on the gate and the dragoness weakly nodded her head.
"Your naive granddaughter. the only way you get her out is to either release me or wait for me to get out but wait too long and she might not be herself anymore."
Eris just smiled"Well I might not be as big-brained as you but I see a little hole in your plan, Grandpa."
"And that is?" He asked.
"I have met Draco's champion and I must say you picked a wrong target he even managed to take care of your, control demon you sent after him. And after I tell him and his friends what I learned he won't stop until you are taken care of." Eris told her Grandfather while smirking
Explosions of lava pillars appeared around Exitium his face was clearly angry. "Grrr... I knew that rodent couldn't pull it off, but I still have plans to get my freedom. I will have my vengeance and then all worlds will drown in chaos." he said and disappeared into the lava.

Tiamat looked at her daughter with a hint of anger in her eyes. "So Eris you have something you want to share with me and your father?" She asked while tapping her claws on her hands.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, but I know who Draco's champion is and I need to get this info to him and his family fast. I'm sorry to cut my visit short but you know how these things go." Eris told her parents trying to hide her worry over Spike.
Typh placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "We know honey I'll try to dig info on how father managed to get dragon egg inside his prison. Just promise you won't turn him into monkey fish too. And bring him to dinner I would love to meet my future son-in-law."
"Dad your incorrigible!" Eris yelled with a light blush on her cheeks, snapped her fingers, and in a flash of chocolate milk disappeared.

Tiamat turned around and gave a kiss to her husband "You know she reminds me of someone who is rash and rough around the edges." Tiamat told.
"Yes, but she has a heart of gold I'm glad those ponies managed to rid her of my father's darkness although she could visit more often." Typh answered his wife
"You know all that yelling you showed towards your father made me remember how sexy you look when you assert your power how about we go and have little fun, my king?" Tiamat asked while kissing Typh's neck.
She really did know what buttons to press and Typh loved her because of that. "Well how can I deny my sexy servant that request." Typh told her with a devilish smirk on his face and groped Tiamat's broad ass and disappeared with her to purple flames.

Deep within the prison inside the cavern of Exitium female dragoness and God of Chaos walked inside.
Exitium snapped his fingers and chains around the dragoness melted away and the gag was released from her mouth.
"You think they bought it?" dragoness asked.
"You did an excellent job. I almost believed your crying myself. I'm sure they manage to get my brother's champion in here and when he comes here I will be finally free from this cursed prison." Exitium answered
"And when you get out I will..." dragoness stopped talking and started clawing her own head and yelling.
"Get out! This is my body! I will not do this!" dragoness yelled while fighting for control.
Exitium noticed this picked the dragoness up by the neck and slammed her to the wall of the cavern.
"You mortals really find ways to surprise me control-demon has been inside you for years and still you manage to wrest control back from time to time, but I don't have time for interruptions I'm so close and I won't let you ruin it." Exitium said while opening his right hand.
A sickly green fire appeared in his hand and he slammed it to dragoness stomach, this knocked her out cold.
"That should give you some strength to get control back keep her in leash or our deal is off." Exitium said and the dragoness eyes started to glow green.


Dining Hall

Celestia was listening to each of her guest's explanations about the argument. To make the story short the reasons were pretty childish, but some of them had a little point. Of course, Spike also had some blame on him for this situation.
Celestia raised her hand up and motioned all to stop talking after Twilight stopped she began to talk.
"I have to say that after hearing you all out your reasons for arguing are childish some of them have points but in the heart of them they all are pretty childish. You should have all talked before a situation like this comes up." Celestia explained and turned towards her son.
"And you, my son should have kept it in your pants. If you managed to do that we wouldn't have a situation like this on our hands" Celestia said while pointing Spike with her index finger.
"Twilight. after you leave from here to Ponyville take Ember with you and have a talk with Rarity and Applejack. Rarity I don't want anything bad to happen either Twilight, Ember, or my son. Be civil and talk this out. I'm sure you will find a solution to your predicament. Now how about we enjoy our food?" Celestia finished.

Torch cleared out his throat a little and spoke. "Princess Celestia shouldn't we talk about what we learned from Eris?" Torch asked.
Celestia sighed and just nodded. "Yes you are right and please Torch it's just Celestia. Spike, before you leave for Ponyville I would like to talk with you, could you join us too Luna?" Celestia said.
"Very well sister I'll join you." Luna answered.
"Sure mom." Said Spike.
After all, had eaten their bellies full Spike got up and walked to Celestia who was talking with Luna and Torch.
"So what did you want to talk about mom?" Spike asked.
"Ahh... Spike. Let's talk in my personal study. Girls, I want you to go ahead I'll drop Spike to Ponyville after we're done." Celestia said and the girls just nodded and left the dining hall.
With a flash of magic Celestia, Luna, Spike and Torch vanished and reappeared in Celestia's study.
"Spike... There is a possibility you should hear." Celestia said while thinking about how to explain her theory to her son.
"Okay... Mom, what is it?" Spike asked.
"Eris visited us while I and Torch were talking. She had some info about your current situation. Before I say this there is no guarantee that I'm right. What Eris told us about you being Draco's champion and avatar there is a possibility that you have a sibling. A twin sister." Celestia said.

I took a moment for all of this to sink in. Spike had a dumbfounded look on his face. After a short silence, Spike spoke.
"A sister!? But how? When?" Spike asked.
Luna was in awe of this info.
"Sister, How thou came to this conclusion? We would like to know" Luna asked.
"It's a theory that I came up with after the information Eris gave us. The first champions and avatars of Draco and Exitium were twins brother and sister. It is possible that they still follow the same pattern and give their powers to their champions who are twins. But this is just a theory" Celestia finished.

As someone asked her to appear, Eris appeared with an explosion of milk chocolate. With no time to react Eris pulled Celestia and Luna in.
"Did you miss me? Ooohhh... And even little Lulu is here" Eris said with a hearty laugh and hugging both princesses harder.
Celestia and Luna were annoyed by this and escaped the hug.
"Well it's good to see you again Eris" Luna said.
"Yes it's good that you are here. Maybe you could tell why you left in such a hurry." Celestia told.
Eris's happy mood disappeared and she looked a little gloom. "I went to visit home after you told about seeing a dragoness in the mirror." Eris begun.
"And why do you make it sound like it is a bad thing?" Luna asked little worried about her friend's mood.
"Well while visiting my parents I did have a lovely family meeting with grandpa. And well... there were some complications." Eris began to explain.
"Eris are you okay?" Spike asked concern clearly heard in his voice.
"Your really sweet Spike thanks for asking. I'm good, but there was really a dragoness inside the prison and it seems grandpa is trying to break her into serving him." Eris continued.
"We got to do something we can't leave her locked up with some evil god." Spike said.
"There is more you should know. There is some cosmic rule that even gods have to follow. While blessing mortals with their power they need to mirror themself when doing it. And by this, it means like giving access to God's powers not just some small power transfer." Eris explained.

Spike was scratching his head. "I'm not really following." Spike said.
"He means the one who is to receive these powers need to somehow mirror the god. Personality, Private life, etc. Like the stories of the first avatar of Faust. She was a little loner but loved to read and research like goddess Faust if you are to believe these stories." Luna told.
Eris just nodded and continued. "As Luna told, but in your case it's family, I'm pretty sure she is your sister a twin. She looks a lot like you."
"But how is it possible? I mean dragon eggs last really long but still." Spike asked.
"Eggs can last thousands of years if they are taken care of." Torch said.
"And the how your possible sister was transported into the prison is still open my theory is that hidden basement we found your egg, it's possible that your sister's egg was transported there by these cultists, but how and even if it is the correct answer is still open to us." Luna said.
"But even if she is or is not my sister we still have to get her out of there we can't just leave her in there with some evil god." Spike said.

"That would be a bad idea. We can't let Chaos god escape. In this case, we might need to leave her there sacrifice few to save many." Torch said with a hint of regret and sadness on his face.
"You can't be serious she has been there gods know how long and you want to just leave her there!" Spike yelled anger clear in his voice.
"Are you sure we can't do anything? Surely we can do something." Celestia asked.
Eris was deep in thought. After a short moment of silence, she spoke up. "Well there might be. The prison was made for grandpa, and those bars are magical in nature. In theory, if we get her free. She should be able to pass through them without any problem. The hard part is to get to grandpa and release her from her binds." Eris finished.
"Whatever we decide we should proceed with caution. This is a decision we can't make too hastily." Luna said.
"I agree with Luna. We need to think this through before we take any action." Celestia commented.
"Fine... Part of me wants to just rush there, but the other part says your right as usual mom." Spike said defeated.

Celestia walked next to Spike and placed her left arm and wing around him. "I know how you feel. The possibility to see your sister is something that is hard to describe, but we must do this right. Countless lives are at stake if we don't do this right." Celestia told her son while comforting him.
"Fear not nephew we will do all in our power to get her out." Luna said
"Me too. I'll try to find more info about the prison and how it works from mom and dad." Eris said.
"I don't really like this but if anyone can pull this rescue off it's you and your family, Spike. I and Ember will support you any way we can." Torch said.

At that moment there was knocking coming from the door.
"Aunt Celestia you in there? It's us Bluebella and Blueblood." Bluebella said.
"Yes come in." Celestia said and the door opened revealing Bluebella who had a long sea blue dress with some star markings added here and there, while Blueblood had his standard black tuxedo.
"Aunties. Spike and Lord Torch. I and Blueblood were walking around the castle and noticed that there were ponies in the meeting room so we thought you have a meeting, but it seems there were some nobles and Skychanter was giving a speech." Bluebella said
"So we two decided to do a little spying. And it seems they were talking about You and Aunt Luna. Skychant had found some old laws about unmarried rulers." Blueblood continued.
Celestia and Luna were thinking for a while until Luna spoke. "Wait. Is that old law still upheld?" She asked.
Bluebella and Blueblood just nodded. "Yes. Trial of Kings and Queens is still upheld and it seems he was having a pretty passionate talk about having you two as his wives producing multiple heirs for the kingdom." Bluebella said.
Blueblood continued "And as you know the trial is required to be voted by the noble council with a majority of nobles voting yes for the one who wants to undertake this trial."
Spike was a little lost at this info. "So what exactly is this law for this trial." he asked.

Celestia let out a heavy sigh. "It is an ancient law that can be used if the current monarch be it either male or female doesn't have a spouse within a certain time limit. But no one has ever tried to use it during my and Luna's reign"
"Anyone can ask for the vote through noble council for a chance to take the trial. If they succeed by law current monarch has to marry this pony." Luna finished.
"But... That's just wrong. No marriage should be decided by some trial." Spike said
"I know we have our differences, but in this case, I agree with you cousin. Unfortunately, we can't do anything. There are no loopholes around this one. Or at least I don't recall any" said Blueblood
Celestia was clearly angry about this situation. True they were following the law, but still, the ruling monarch is supposed to be invited to this meeting. "We need to take care of this now. Perhaps I can talk some sense into them. You are welcome to stay Torch." Celestia said
Torch rotated his head. "I would love to, but this is pretty personal and I don't want to interfere with it. Besides I would love to see around this Ponyville my daughter talks so much about."
"I and my brother are going to the library and try to find out anything that gives you two a way out of this" Bluebella said
Celestia nodded. "Very well. Let's go and see what those snakes are planing behind our back dear sister." Luna nodded and followed.
"Wait. Mom, auntie, I'll come too." Spike said and followed them
"Well I should go to Ponyville and see Flutters. Want a ride Torch?" Eris asked.
Torch studied Eris for a moment and answered. "Oh... Alright. But no tricks or I'll flame you." he threatened.
"Oh don't worry nothing bad happens. The first time is always the worst. Hold on to your stomach." Eris said.
"Wait. What?" Torch said, but it was too late with a snap of her fingers marshmallows surrounded them and after a short moment jumped on them and they disappeared from the castle.

Snakes and Heroes

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Castle Friendship

Twilight, Ember, and Rarity had returned to Ponyville and entered Twilight's castle they also informed Applejack and asked her to come and see them. After all, this was something they all needed to talk about.
The silence, while they were sitting at the table, was uncomfortable and lasted way too long. The silence was broken by Rarity.
"So Twilight, Ember could I ask how and when did you see Spikey as a possible mate?" Rarity asked.
Both Ember and Twilight were blushing and rubbing their necks.
Ember decided to start. "I think on my part small part of me saw him as a possible mate after the Gauntlet. Sure he was small and kinda weak for a dragon during that time, but he had the intelligence to match our elders, and thanks to that I got the scepter. During the years I saw him to grow up beating odds that even some of the dragons would be hard-pressed to overcome. But what really draws me towards him is his heart."

Twilight interrupted Ember. "Heart? what do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.
"Well it's really hard to put into right words, but it is the way he cares for all of his friends be it pony, dragon, channeling, or any other. He reminds of me my mom who was a dragon who cared for all other dragons which are rare to see. I'm not proud to say this but dragons aren't really known for caring about each other unless it is you mate or your hatchlings." Ember answered.
Rarity looked Ember with a questionable look. "Reminds? Darling is your mother okay?" she asked.
Ember let out a sigh. "I... I don't really know and neither does my dad. Her name was... Is Essy. All dad told me that she went out in search of food after I hatched, but she never came back. Dad send multiple search parties, but after months of searching without any results, they had to stop. Dad has a special necklace which he got from mom, it has a big heart-shaped amethyst in it. He keeps saying as long this amethyst isn't broken your mom could still return to us."

Twilight was thinking hard. Her interest was picked when Ember mentioned amethyst breaking. "Ember. Can dragons use magic?" Twilight asked as if wanting to confirm her theory.
Ember looked a little hesitant at first but decided to be truthful "Yes we can. Of course, it doesn't come as naturally to other dragons as it comes for Spike thanks for him being a divine dragon." Ember answered.
"Why didn't you tell us this." Twilight asked with a hint of hurt in her voice.
"I wanted to Twilight it is just that council forbid me and others to tell any other species about it. They said it should be a trump card against an enemy that invades us and isn't prepared for magical warfare. I'm sorry for not telling you." Ember finished.

"Sigh... Ember, it's okay I think I can understand your reason on some level. We won't tell this to anyone if that's what you wish for." Twilight said giving a warm smile.
"Thank you Princess Twilight. I shared my story about why I want to pursue Spike it's only fair you share your story." Ember said.
Twilight started to blush. "Well... I don't really know where to begin. Maybe if..."
The door was slammed open revealing worried Applejack.

"Twilight! your message said this was urgent I got here as fast as I could what's the matter?" Applejack said in a fast pace.
Rarity got up and guided Applejack to the table. "Relax darling nothing is wrong. We just need to have a little chat about our relationship with Spike." Rarity told Applejack.
"Uhmm... Isn't this kinda personal you know maybe we should talk alone you and me later." Applejack replied.
Rarity just shook her head. "Darling they know about three of us. And it seems Ember and Twilight would like to join in too." she finished. Applejack looked dumbfound at Twilight and Ember.
"This really isn't what I was thinking what could be waiting for me here." Applejack said and takes a seat.


Council Room

Skychanter, a pony who was always annoying Celestia or Luna was sitting in the Council room on Celestia's throne with a smug grin on him. "So are the votes finalized?" Skychanter asked.
The oldest member of the noble council rose up with a paper in his hand.
"We have finished the votes and the results are 13 favor you on taking the trials while 3 vote no." Old stallion finished.
Skychanter couldn't be any happier. "Wonderful with that vote I'll be able to take these trials and soon ascend to the king of Equestria."
Younger mare got up from her with an angry look on her face. "You can't be serious about this! You know what kind of pony that man is! He is purist and racist of the highest order! Also, he degrades us mare's like we aren't even worth to talk." the mare finished slamming her glass on the table with her magic breaking it.
Skychanter got up anger clear on his face. "Mirage Dust your action is not befitting of someone of your status! the vote has been cast and decided on my favor and soon when I'm your king there will be change to your house's leadership." he finished threatening the mare.

Mirage was about to yell but then the heat of the room started to rise. After a few seconds, the council doors melted while two very angry alicorns entered.
"I should have seen this. Only you would want to pull something like this Skychanter. And how dare you sit on our thrones!" Celesia yelled with a royal Canterlot voice.
"Tsk... Is that any way to speak to your future husband and king? This throne might be yours for now but it will be mine soon. After I complete these trials it's mine and you two will learn your places as my wives." Skychanter said without moving or showing any fear.
"We know thou ways Skychanter. Our sister has told about you and should you manage to rule this country you would throw it into chaos." Luna said while containing her anger.

The old stallion walked in front of the princesses. "Your Majesties please Skychanter is one of the most powerful unicorns in the Equestria. Should he pass the trials your marriage will surely conceive many powerful heirs."
"Unless you have forgotten me and my sister can't conceive." Celestia said.
"Celestia why do you think they agreed to this vote." Skychanter said while summoning a music box that played Celestia's and Luna's private conversation about their curse and the cure, but was missing some important parts.
"How did you get that you fiend that was a private matter and you had no right to record or even hear it." Luna said and started to charge a spell. Spike stopped her from unleashing her spell
"Hold on auntie. Well, then I would like to hear all you talked about during this meeting." Spike said Luna gave her a look that said what are you doing. Celestia leaned towards Luna and whispered
"Spike is giving us a chance to learn what they talked about in return if we could possibly influence some of the members to recast their votes after the explanation"
Luna nodded her head.
Skychanter was seething with anger, Of course, that scaly bastard had to ruin his moment but before he managed to say anything the older stallion spoke before him. "Of course, Prince Spike, your Majesties. Skychanter, get down there to your chair we will explain what happened during the meeting." old stallion said while giving smile to Spike.
annoyed and very angry Skychanter got down and allowed Celestia, Luna, and Spike to sit on their thrones and the old stallion started the explanation of the events of the meeting.


Royal Library

Annoyed Blueblood threw a book into the air. "Argh... this is hopeless. We have gone through multiple books about anything related to this law and had found no loopholes around it." he said looking defeat.
Bluebella just sighed. "It does look bad, but we can't give up Aunties trust us Blueblood"
Bluebella took an old-looking book from the shelf. A small book dropped from inside the larger book.
"What's this?" Bluebella asked. She opened the book.
"It's a diary of the Red Gem." Blueblood got up.
"Wasn't she the princess of some old kingdom and distantly related to us?" Blueblood asked.
"Yes she was, but she is known also for marrying her brother shortly after their father died." Bluebella told. She opened the book and started reading

"Dear diary I'm afraid that father isn't long on this world and will soon ascend to Faust's side. His health is dropping faster than any of our healers thought. I'm afraid, my stepmother managed to enforce the Trials on her son before the required time of me being unmarried and if he completes them I'm forced to marry that monster. My brother has been a rock to lean in and has kept my hopes up." Bluebella turned the page.
"Dear diary father passed away I'm shattered for him leaving us but he left a glimmer of hope for me. He has known long about me and my brother's secret relationship. With the last of his strength, he wrote another section to the law on Trials. Thanks to that my brother can compete with that bastard Shadow Cloud for my hand." Bluebella looked to his brother.
"What section? Does she tell what it says?" Blueblood asked.
"Hold on brother let me continue." Bluebella turned the page.

"Dear diary it has been a while since I wrote to you. My brother managed to also beat the trials and defeated that bastard in the duel that decided who gets my hand. We are currently waiting for our first foal. I don't know what happened to Shadow or his mother they just disappeared after trials. My brother told me that they won't be annoying us anymore but doesn't want to tell anything else. I enchanted my diary to hold a and original copy that my father wrote of the law of challenger in the backside of my diary. A simple reveal spell releases it. I don't trust those nobles when they said they will place it among the other law pages so I gave them a copy maybe I'm just paranoid, but better save than sorry." Bluebella finished reading turned the diary around cast a spell and true to her words there was a piece of paper.
Bluebella read through the paper and looked at his brother.
"We need to take this to aunties fast." Bluebella said and she and her brother started to run towards the council room


Council Room

To say that Celestia was angry would be an understatement. Yes, the reasons were solid, but still, they were made for all the wrong reasons. In all her years of living, she has seen how arranged marriages almost always ended in pain and misery. Some even had sparked major conflicts.

"I know that this isn't ideal situation Princess Celestia, Princess Luna but unicorn as powerful as Skychanter comes one in a generation this he is ideal pony as a husband for you two. Think about the children you can have with him they would be powerful." The old stallion explained.
Celestia sighed. "Thank you, Cloud Spear. I'm sure you all know what kind of pony Skychater is. The reasons for picking him are solid I can see it, but are you sure you want someone like him as your ruler?" She finished asking from the council.

Some of the council members looked away and some even tried to talk, but didn't. The only one to voice her objection was Mirage Dust. Luna looked around the table and was about to explode.
"I could see some of you wanted to voice a different opinion so speak up cowards." Luna yelled. But no one said a word all just kept looking around the room doing their best not to look princesses into the eyes.
Celestia placed her hand on Luna's shoulder. "Luna even we aren't above the law. I know this isn't what I or you wanted, but we must honor it. That doesn't mean we must like it the moment you slip or do something that gives us reason to act against you we will do so." Celestia finished looking at Skychanter with hatred in her eyes.

"Oh you two will learn in time. But for now, let us discuss about my trials." Skychanter said with a smug smile on him.
"Just hold on a moment there." Yelled Bluebella who run inside with her brother. Skychanter rolled her eyes another annoyance. He can indulge it his victory is close he just has to be patient
"You might want to read this Auntie." Bluebella said and gave the old document to her.
Celestia grabbed the document "What's this. Law of Challenger what did you bring me Bluebella" she asked
"It has some nice info you might want to read it aloud and if you think we wrote something up that there is original copy written by King Gold Crown ages ago." Blueblood said. a murmuring could be heard from the council.

Celestia waved her hand to silence everyone in the room. Clearing her voice she began to read. "I King Gold Crown have seen the flaws of trials, but even king like I can't remove the law alone. That doesn't mean I can't adjust it. With me, I have two representatives of the noble council who has approved this new section to the Trials. Love is an important and far greater force in the world than some realize. It gives us the strength to overcome obstacles that would seem impossible to some. The royal who is forced to accept the victor of the trials as his or her husband or wife can demand a chance for his or her lover a chance to prove he or she is worthy to marry him or her. Invoking the Law of challenger, be your love peasant or king, maid or queen from pony to changeling he or she must be accepted as a challenger for your hand. My time is short I hope this reaches my daughter and son in time." Celestia finished and passed it to the noble council. The law was passed around each council member some of them had smiles on their face even those who voted for Skychanter to take the trials.

Once it was given to Skychanter to read he was furious of course he didn't show this. "Well that is nice law, but as we all know you two don't have any lover to name as my challenger so there is little use for this piece of paper." He finished.
Celestia looked at Luna who had a devious smirk on her face then they both looked at Spike giving him a wide smirk which in turn caused Spike to sweat cold sweat.

Celestia and Luna both got up and looked directly towards Skychanter "Oh Skychanter how little you know. On the contrary, we do have a lover, it's been kept a secret for a reason." Celestia finished
"You see the reason it's kept secret it's not that he was sleeping with one princess, but with two of them" Luna continued. Mentioning that this lucky bastard had not only managed to bed one princess but two, made some of the council members whistle while others started coughing.

Skychanter had lost his cool. Who was the bastard that had deflowered her wife's? He needed to know so he could destroy this stallion. "Well if the cat is out the back then maybe you could tell us the name of the stallion." He said grinning his teeth.
Of course, they haven't slept with Spike yet but a chance to make this stallion lose his cool in front of all the nobles was worth it. "Who said anything about him being a pony Skychanter?"
Skychanter's blood started to boil. "You two have betrayed your race?! Have you lost your mind?! Where is this monster so I can deal with him."
"Well he is a monster in the bedroom, but you know him as Spike." Luna said and pointed towards him with Celestia.
"He is our lover and he will be your challenger." Celestia finished.

Skychanter was seeing red. "Then let me see if he is worthy!" He yelled and launched a deadly offensive spell towards him. Time seemed to slow down as the spell passed Celestia and Luna who were terrified of what would happen to Spike. Spike raised his hands to protect his face, but the spell of this magnitude would probably just destroy them too. Skychanter was smiling but then something happened that he didn't anticipate. Golden flames surrounded Spike and in a flash, they disappeared but now he had the same armor he used when fighting shadow version of himself on him that absorbed the energy of the spell.

Spike lowered his hand and noticed he had the armor on him in some mysterious way. he used his hand to see if his hand was still on his shoulders "I'm alive!" he yelled and laughed a little then passed out.
Skychanter was angry and dumbfound at the same time. "That armor where did you steal it you lizard!" He yelled.
Celestia was kneeling on Spike's right side checking that he was okay. "You better hope nothing happened to him Skychanter or I'll see you thrown to Tartarus." Luna threatened.
Skychanter was trying to understand how one of his most powerful offensive spells was just absorbed without any backlash. Quickly he composed himself. "So be it, Princess. You don't have to worry I just tested your pet. If he couldn't deflect that he wouldn't have a chance against me." He finished lying to them. Luna gave him an angry look.

"Council we can't allow this abomination to corrupt our princesses any longer." Skychanter tried to get council to his side in hopes of removing this obstacle.
Mirage Dust got up from her seat "What's the matter scarred of the "inferior lizard" as you call prince Spike in private." She taunted. Before Skychanter managed to answer. Cloud Spear slammed his hand on the table "Enough Skychanter. The law is clear Princesses are allowed to name their own suitor by law older than you or I. Either accept it and rise to the challenge or give up." He said with a threatening tone.
"Princesses please take prince Spike to his bed chambers and return here we have to talk about the trials. After prince Spike has recovered he should join us." Cloud Spear finished giving a warm smile to both princesses.
"Come Lulu let's take our future husband to his bed chambers." Celestia said and lifted Spike with his magic. Luna just nodded and followed out of the room with them.

"What's with that lizard I hit him with Chaos magic he shouldn't be alive after that blast." Skychanter as deep in thought with himself.

Realm of Chaos

Prison of Banished

Back in his prison Exitium was playing chess with a shade. While watching what was happening in Canterlot through a magical viewing window "It seems my High priest has his work cut out for him" he says moving his pawn.
"What do you want from me Exitium. Isn't it enough you got me killed and my name disgraced?" asked the shade. The shade moved a knight and takes Exitium's pawn.
Exitium feigns hurt. "I did that to you? It was your own doing I didn't make you do anything." God answered building a defense around his king.

"If I had know your magic was that corruptive, I would have rather died on that battlefield than accepted your help. I'm sure after what you did my wife and children despised me until my death. And I wasn't even there I was a prisoner in my own body when you hold the reins. All I could do was to watch when you killed my parents to take the throne after you enslaved my subjects and for what?" the shade yelled angrily moving the queen in front of the line taking a bishop from Exitium.
Exitium smiles wickedly "Sometimes you got to make sacrifices" Exitium moves his knight in a position ready to take king on the next move. "check and mate." He says smiling.

"Why am I here?" the shade ask again.
"You have a job back in the mortal plane. You haven't caused enough chaos yet and your bill is due." Exitium says while his face grows dark. Shade tries to escape but with a snap of his fingers, Exitium manifests shackles around the shade binding him to the ground. The shade looks around and tries to free himself without success.
"Tsk... Tsk... When will you learn? You are mine your soul belongs to me and you will return to your body in the mortal realm to once more do my bidding." Exitium says grabbing the shade from its neck.
"I won't let you use me again! I won't" the shade yells trying to get free from God's grip.
"I have to say not many mortals have shown this kind of tenacity. Even in death, you try to defy me." the god mocked.
A female dragon looking like Spike appeared his eyes glowing dark green.

"It's a shame I can't be the one to take you to your body I can't leave here, Well my assistant here will take you where you are needed." Exitium says
"Assistant, really another mind-controlled poor soul like me." Shade yelled.
"Where shall I take him, master?" Dragoness said without any personality in her voice.
"Crystal Empire Graveyard. There is an unmarked tomb where you'll find his body. You know what to do." Exitium explained. Dragoness just nodded took hold of the chains and started to drag the shade with her towards the portal.
"Draco's Champion will stop you!" Shade yelled.
"I highly doubt that Now go." Exitium said and waved them off as they disappeared through the portal
"The Chaos you will bring once your revived and I can use your body again it will be glorious. I hope your subjects still fear you Sombra." Exitium talked to himself while laughing.


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Spike started to open his eyes only to see he was once again in the palace of Draco.
"Why am I here again? Hello Draco you in here?" Spike asked, but the silence was his answer. Spike started to walk through the halls of the palace in search of the deity. After walking through the hall, what felt like an eternity Spike reached giant doors. Spike tried his best to push the doors open and nothing it felt like he was trying to push a mountain.
"What are these made of they don't move at all." Spike said to himself.

And at that moment doors opened and a familiar figure stood next to Spike
"Because they open only to me young Spike." Draco said to him.
Spike looked up to see the dragon god. "Hello there Sir or is it your highness?" Spike asked in a panic.
The god just smiled "Please just Draco is fine I really didn't like the titles unlike mother or my brother."
Draco walked in through the doors that lead him and Spike to a giant library.

"So many books. Twilight would love to be here, but Draco why am I here? Do I always come here when I fall unconscious?" Spike asked.
"Yes and no. You can enter here by thinking about this place when meditating or before falling asleep. But I can also call you here which I did this time, you see the magic that unicorn Skychanter used on you was a mixture of pony magic and that of chaos magic. That is why on pure instinct your mind summoned your armor the only thing strong enough to absorb that energy so you wouldn't die." Draco explained

Spike was scratching his head while having a dumb look on his face. "Well that makes some sense I guess."
Draco let out a sigh. "This Skychanter unicorn is highly likely in league with my brother. That is why I called you here to give you this." Draco took a book made of purple dragon scales from a shelf and gave it to Spike.
"A book? What's in it?" Spike asked.

"This book is special every champion before you have written in it. A guide for future champions. I ordered it to be written after the second champion of mine so all the others can learn about their abilities as soon as possible. You'll need the information in that book if you are to face this Skychanter unicorn in combat. You will find the book in your room on your table" Draco explained and the book vanished from Spike's hand in a brilliant golden flame.
"Thank you Draco. I won't let you down" Spike said.
"I know you won't." Draco said placed his finger on Spike's forehead and at that moment all went black again and when he opened his eyes again he was in his mom's bedroom.

Spike looked still in a little daze "Mom you in here hello." After asking for her Celestia gets into the bedroom. And takes him into a crushing hug.
"Oh Spike I'm so glad you are okay. I feared for the worst once that spell hit you. Are you feeling okay?" Celestia asked.
"I'm fine mom, I got some questions." Spike asked while rubbing his neck.
"Yes what is it? You know you can tell me anything that troubles you." Celestia answered sitting next to her adoptive son and hopefully soon-to-be husband.

"Well how to say this. Are you sure you want me to take these tests? I do love both you and aunt Luna, but wouldn't ponies look this as a little weird?" Spike asked while a bright blush started to appear on his face.
Celestia had a blush on her face too "Well it isn't unheard of family members tying the knot, and it isn't against the law either. I and Luna have had talks about you In private. We would have asked you at some point if you wanted to pursue a relationship with us at some point, but Skychanter forced our hand. I'm sorry if you feel like we used you as a scapegoat, but we both have feelings towards you we just haven't been able to show them Luna especially. The last time she had a serious relationship it ended badly and after that, she has always been a little shut-in." Celestia explained.

"So you really want me as your mate? But I'm already in a relationship with two no three ponies. Is there any kind of maximum amount on herd size?" Spike asked
"No Spike there isn't any maximum amount of mates you can have in the herd. But all the members of the herd need to agree on the addition of new members." Celestia explained.
Spike just looked in front of him and had some wild images running through his mind. Mostly those from his dirty magazines where one stallion had multiple wives and they all had been dressed in very revealing Saddle Arabian clothes only this time on some actresses in his mind there were Celestia, Luna, and others in their place."Awesome." Spike just said while having a big grin on his face.
Celestia gave a look towards Spike "Well now if I didn't know better you might have some naughty thoughts on your mind." Celestia said looking at Spike.
"Nothing Celestia nothing at all." Spike said trying his best to hide himself from Celestia's judging look.

"Oh really now. I'm pretty sure there is something you want to tell me. Maybe it is related to one of those magazines of yours or am I wrong?" Celestia asked while having a wide grin on her face.
"How do you know about those?" Spike asked panic in his voice.
"Spike I practically raised you and hiding those under your bed really isn't the best hiding place. Don't worry I'm not mad all of us have little fantasies." Celestia answered giggling.
"I'm sorry mom." Spike said looking towards the floor
Celestia placed her hand under Spike's chin and raised his head back up. "Don't be there is no need to be sorry. A healthy male dragon shows interest in these kinds of things. But enough of that Luna is sitting with Noble council talking about these tests you and Skychanter are to undertake and we should join with them." Celestia said and got up from the bed. Spike got up from bed too and started to follow Celestia through the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Council Room

Luna was mildly angry the challenges some of these nobles were planning were ridiculous. For example Trial of Diplomacy, how could Spike pull that off he hardly knows anything about Diplomacy. The doors of the chamber opened. Spike and Celestia walked inside and after that, the doors closed.
"I have returned with Spike the one who wishes to challenge Skychanter for the right of our hands in matrimony." Celestia informed the council.

"Aaah Princess Celestia and Prince Spike it's good of you to join us. We were just talking about possible trials and we hope you accept them." Cloud Spear said.
Celestia gave a nod "We accept any terms you deem as a worthy trial." she said.
"Marvelous now if you and Princess Luna would back there and Prince Spike and Skychanter step forward and hear the trials we have decided." Cloud Spear said.

"Go Spike this is your trial and whatever you succeed or not I'll always love you and am proud of you." Celestia said and gave a kiss to his forehead. Skychanter saw this and was seething in rage. Never the less both of them stood in front of the council table.
"Skychanter and Prince Spike you both are here in hopes of earning the right to marry our princesses. We have decided that you both will take three trials. Trial of Wisdom to test your intellect and how you use it, Trial of Heart to see where your heart truly belongs, and lastly Trial of Might where you two will face each other in open combat. These trials will be held in a week. So do your best to prepare for them. This meeting is finished." Cloud Spear finished slamming the gavel on the table.

Skychanter turned to face Spike "You should quit while you can maybe we can cut a deal let me have the princesses and I'll allow you to live under the watch of Princess Twilight in Ponyville" Skychanter offered his hand.
"You are either stupid or arrogant if you think I would agree to that kind of deal I know what kind of pony you are Skychanter and I will stop you. I won't let mom and aunt suffer if they are forced to marry a brick, like you." Spike finished and turned around to leave.
"You regret that lizard once I'm king I'll see to it that you are publicly executed. I'll cleanse the world of monsters like you." Skychanter finished his threat.
"Then I better not lose the trials." Spike just said and left the room at a fast pace.
Celestia left the room to catch Spike and Luna walked next to Skychanter."We will be keeping a close watch on you. I do hope you don't plan on doing something honorless Skychanter." Luna threatened the unicorn. Skychanter just bowed and left the room. Luna decided to catch Spike and her sister and left after them.

Spike was in his room lying on his bed. "Why must my life be so hectic now? I really shouldn't have wished some more action to our boring days. At the moment I really would like to go back to being a simple librarian assistant right now." Talked to himself while reading the book that Draco had delivered to him. Spike was so focused on reading that he didn't hear Celestia entering.
"Spike? Are you okay? You left in a hurry after the meeting." Celestia asked and sat next to Spike on his bed.
"Not really. Well, maybe a little. It's these trials. I'm really scared I'll fail them. I don't want to fail you or Luna, I can't imagine what that brick would do to you two." Spike told Celestia.
"You have a big heart Spike, it's one of the reasons why I and Luna chose you as a mate, but we didn't want this to happen this way, but we should have known that unicorn would try something like this at some point." Celestia explained
Luna entered the room. "You don't have to worry about us Spike, but what you need to worry about is your training. I'm sure I and other of our friends can help you prepare for these trials. I can help you to prepare for the duel part." Luna said while Celestia clapped her hands together and had a wide smile on her face. "That's a wonderful idea, Lulu. And we should tell your other girls of us Spike." Celestia commented.

Hearing that all the color drained from Spike's face. If Rarity was about to kill him for having his fun with Twilight without telling her and Applejack, What would they do when they hear that he is possibly getting Celestia and Luna too. More so what will Twilight do to him? Images of Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack giving some punishment to him flashed in his mind "I... Am... Screwed." Spike said aloud.
"Well let's go Spike I want to meet my future em... harem sisters? Is that what they are called" Celestia said.
"I really am not sure sister perhaps we should ask them when we arrive." Luna answered.
And with a flash of golden magic, all three of them disappeared.


Castle Friendship

Shortly before the meeting with the council ended Twilight and friends were talking about their relationship with Spike in the kitchen.
"Hehee hee oh... I thought I wouldn't see the day. Twilight Sparkle has not only a crush but has been tumbling in the hay too already and with nonother than our Spike" Applejack said while laughing a little bit.
"Applejack! Twilight and Ember poured their heart out and you laugh at them for it?" Rarity snapped to Applejack.
"Hold your apples Rari, I'm happy for them both and I'm okay with sharing Spike, but it was just a little hilarious I never thought Twilight had it in her. Always nose deep in her books. Sorry, Twily and Ember if I made you feel bad." Applejack said while taking her hat off.
"No harm done Applejack. I know I'm a book nerd so I should have excepted this kind of reaction." Twilight answered.
"I really don't get it, but no harm done to me either Applejack." Ember said.
"Then darlings it's decided we four will share Spike. Now that there are four girls for Spike I have an amazing idea we should..." Rarity didn't get a chance to finish her sentence when a golden light appeared in the room and when it dissipated Celestia, Luna and Spike appeared.

"Princesses? What's wrong? Something wrong?" Twilight asked getting up from her seat.
"Twilight how many times must I say no need for that in private. We are all friends after all." Celestia said walking next to the table and taking a seat in one of the chairs. Luna sits next to her sister. "Me and my sister have special news for you all. I'm pretty sure they are quite exciting news." Luna said.
Spike decided to submit to his fate and took a seat next to Celestia. "Yeah just wait until you hear what we have to say. I'm sure it will have explosive results." Spike said and started to silently pray for his own safety.

"Twilight do you know anything about Trial of Kings and Queens?" Celestia asked.
"Mmm... Not really much, all I know is it was some old system to decide the marriage of the ruling monarch that's about it." Twilight answered
Celestia let out a sigh. "Well you are partly correct it is ancient law probably older than I and Luna. It was created to ensure that the royal bloodlines would continue on if by some accident current King or Queen or in our case Princess doesn't have a suitor so then anyone from noble to citizen can ask for permission from the council a chance for the hand of the ruling monarch going trough trials the council decides and if successful by law ruler and the pony taking the trials are to be wed." Celestia explained.
"Interesting, but as much as I would love to talk about this more..." Then it clicked in Twilight's head "You two are getting married!!" She yelled and started to have one of her famous panic attacks.

"Twilight, relax. That is why we are here. We want to talk about our future marriage, but it isn't sure yet." Celestia said.
"You see Twilight there is a chance for the monarch to choose a challenger if they so wish against the one who wants to try the Trials. This rule is new even to us. Ancient noble council must have hidden this little loophole from monarchs to have more control over them would be my guess why we didn't know about it." Celestia explained.

Luna continued the explanation. "We really didn't expect anything like this. But thanks to a certain male that I and my sister both have hidden feelings, we choose him as the challenger. And the challenger we have chosen to compete against mine and my sister's hand in marriage is our dear adopted nephew Spike." Luna finished while having a wicked smile on her face.

Dead silence filled the room. The mares and dragoness had a hard time processing the information they just received. Their Spike was about to do these Trials for a chance to marry two of the most sought-after mares in all of Equestria.
"That's... Somehow I should have guessed this after finding Celestia's collection in the library." Twilight said while mulling over the info she just received.
"You... You found my personal collection?" Celestia asked little blush appearing on her cheeks.
"Yes. You should hide it better next time. I get it "Astrology in Predictions" is a book no one really reads nowadays, but I did and there were some rather provocative magazines inside it. And by the looks of it, there were also some of Luna's items too. Don't worry I didn't tell anyone about them." Twilight answered Celestia.

Celestia's and Luna's cheeks were both crimson red. "Thank you Twilight I and Celestia appreciate it." Luna told her.
"But why choose Spike? Surely there are some older dragons for you to choose from? Not to mention he is your son." Twilight asked.
"Adopted, but even if he was a direct blood relative it wouldn't change a thing how I or Luna feel towards him. It's rare, but nothing against the law to do so. We can talk about this later, for now, we need help on training and helping Spike to pass these trials." Celestia explained.
"Twilight, Girls please don't be angry. Mom and Auntie didn't want this to happen this soon but a certain snob noble forced their hand. I love both of them and if they want me as their husband I'm not against it." Spike told his oldest friend.

Luna cleared her throat and got attention. "But that's not why we are here. Trials Spike must take requires us to help him. I'm going to train him for the combat part of it, but the Wisdom part screams you Twilight Sparkle. I don't know anypony better to help him train his mind." Luna explained.
"Yes that too, but we also wanted to see our future harem sisters. Since we are all Spikes mares after all we should get acquainted better at some point." Celestia said teasing every pony in the room with her eyes.
"The more females in the harem the stronger status for a dragon. How about we get acquainted right now, Princess Celestia?" Ember flirted with the Sun Princess while licking her lips. Applejack let out a loud cough and Rarity let out a screech while her face was crimson red.

Before Celestia managed to give her answer the door to the kitchen opened revealing Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. Starlight had a wide smile on her face while Sunburst was carrying his girlfriend's many, many souvenirs from Crystal Empire towards her room.
"Hi Twilight we're back!" Starlight yelled and noticed Celestia and Luna in the kitchen.
"Oh... Princess Celestia, Princess Luna." Starlight said and gave courtesy to the royal sisters.
"Relax Starlight Glimmer we are all friends no need to be so formal when we are in private." Celestia said.
"Thank you Princ... I mean Celestia. Twilight your brother and Princess Cadance sent you a letter. Shining Armor told me it's for your eyes only." Starlight said levitating a letter with Crystal Empire seal on it, to Twilight.
Twilight opened the letter and read it by herself. After finishing it she had a worried look on her face and looked towards her friends.
"There seem to be some really worrisome problems in Crystal Empire. Cadance and Shiny are asking our help there." Twilight said.
Celestia raised her hand. "May I see it?" she asked. Twilight passed the message to her.
"This sounds bad indeed we should go." Celestia answered her student.

Back in the Crystal Empire in an old warehouse multiple crystal ponies were chanting an eerie chant while a portal opened and Spike's female version exited from it with a dark shade behind her which was in chains and being pulled forward by the dragoness forward from one of the chains.
"Welcome chosen of Chaos god we have prepared for this day. Please allow us to escort you to your destination."
Said one of the ponies who was wearing a dark red robe and started to guide the dragoness through the halls.

Sombra's Return?

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Crystal Empire

1200 Years in the Past

Back in the far past, a certain dark grey-colored unicorn was walking in the Crystal Castle halls when suddenly a purple unicorn appeared in front of him.
"Radiant Hope what's the rush? You making some sort of trouble again?" grey unicorn asked.
The mare just let out a playful giggle "Why so suspicious Sombra, you know I'm like an angel I don't do anything bad I swear." Radiant Hope answered and gave a bow to her prince.
Sombra rolled his eyes. "Right... Last time I had to help you get away from some angry ponies who had missed to return their books in time to the library or am I wrong." Sombra told her and rushed in to give a kiss to her lips.
Radiant answered to his kiss. After a short moment of passion, they both released themselves to catch up air. "You sometimes annoy me you know that. But that's what they get for being tardy." Radiant answered to Sombra.

Sombra ruffled her hair a little. "Well my beautiful mare what are you really here for other than stealing some good kisses?" Sombra continued to question her.
Radiant gave a playful smack on Sombra's shoulder. "Well my sweet idiot I'm delivering a message from your father. He wants to see you in the throne room like now. Also, when are you going to tell your parents about us?" Radiant asked while having her good mood turning a little sour and face starting to fall looking towards the floor.
Sombra placed his hand on Radiant's chin and raised her head. "Hey it's going to be okay. Dad might not like that my heart choose you over some foreign princesses from other kingdoms, but Mom surely turns his head around, she always does. After all, they don't call mom a princess of love for nothing. I'll talk to them today now if he doesn't have anything important to take care of. Come on let's go." Sombra said and took hold of Radiant's hand and they teleported to the throne room.

Crystal Castle - Barracks

Back in Present

Shining Armor was writing some reports in the Guard Barracks sure he didn't have to, but once a Guard Captain always a Guard Captain. He was sitting in Captain's office as a stand-in until a worthy Captain could be chosen from the Crystal Guards ranks. A guard entered his room and saluted him.
"Prince Armor I have news." Guard said while standing in attention.
"At ease soldier and I told you all when I'm here call me Captain I really don't like the Prince title. So what is it? I'm quite busy with these reports at the moment." Shining said and continued writing not even looking at the Guard
"Sorry Prin... I mean Captain Armor, but there is a situation in holding cells, and the fugitive we arrested is asking you by name. She is a dragon who looks a lot like Sir Spike and also tells she has important info about... " Guard explained.
This caught Shining's attention A dragon who looked a lot like Spike. His guard instincts told something was amiss and they were rarely wrong. He placed his pen on the table and looked directly at the guard. "About what? I would like to hear what this dragon has that's so important to see me?" Shining asked.
"She says it's about Sombra and is only talking to you. I got a bad feeling about this Captain what are your orders." Guard finished.
Shining got up from his seat fast and picked up his Guard- Captain helm from the table."Show me where she is and fast. Also, inform my wife she might want to talk to this prisoner too." Shining and the guard started to move towards the holding area.

After a short walk into the holding cells area, Shining was guided towards the cell which hold this dragoness who was asking him by name, she might be dangerous, not many dragons know him by name even if dragons have allied with them at the moment thanks to Lord Ember. Upon arriving at the cell where the dragoness was he was amazed at how much she looked like Spike. Letting out a grunt to get her attention Shining started to speak.
"So, who might you be miss? Asking about me by name and claiming to have knowledge about Tyrant Sombra." Shining asked standing in attention and watching carefully at the dragoness.

Dragoness turned around to face Shining, but what surprised him was her looks. She looked like she hasn't eaten in a week.
"Prince Shining Armor you are here good. I don't have much time left so you need to listen carefully. Sombra is about to get resurrected. You need to act fast to save his soul." dragoness began to speak at a fast pace.
Shining looked at the dragoness with an angry face. "Resurrected!? Save him!? That tyrant deserves nothing, but death and if he is getting up from his grave I'll gladly but him back there!" Shining yelled. At that moment Cadance appeared next to Shining.

"What's this about Sombra and dragon Shiny." Cadance asked from her husband and took a look at the dragoness and was horrified about her physical condition. "What... What happened to you? Are you okay?" Cadance asked worry clearly showing on her face.
"That's not important. What is important is that you save Sombra and stop Exitium using him as his puppet once again. You need to learn about your ancestor's Shining Armor. The truth is hidden in the Crystal Throne. It opens only to Sombra's blood. Your family's blood Prince Shining Armor. I'm sorry that I can..." The dragoness words stopped and in bright light, her body crumbled into heaps of crystals with small amounts of blood on the top of crystals.

Cadence gasped and walked into the cell and started to search the crystals with her magic Shining followed her and did his own check. "Hmmm... This is really high-level transformation magic and some sort of magic I don't recognize fused together. " Cadance spoke while continuing the magical check.
Shining finished his own check confirming that she didn't escape the prison she just crumbled to crystals. "Did you hear her telling me to save Sombra's soul and that I'm supposed to be related to that monster. Some crazy dragon who escaped mental ward just to die in a cell." Shining said angrily about the words dragoness spoke o him.
Cadence rose up finished checking the magic on the crystals. "Shining... I don't know how to tell this to you, but someone who can pull this level of magic and mix it with some type of magic I don't recognize can't be mentally unstable. Maybe we should check the throne room." Cadance said and waved her husband to follow.
Shining sighed still angry. "Fine. I'll humor you, but this dragoness must have been crazy. There is no way my family is related to that tyrant." Shining answered and they both teleported out of the holding cells after reporting the events to the currently on-duty warden.

Arriving tho the throne room both Shining and Cadance started to search the biggest crystals that were attached to the throne. after a long and boring hour, Cadance found an odd magical marking at the base of one of the crystals.
"Shining look here there is some odd marking here, but it's incomplete. Hmm..." Cadance said to her husband while continuing the search. Shining looked over her shoulder.
"Honey that might be many thinkings maybe it's just a scratch, I told you that dragoness was just some lunatic, come on we sho.." Shining talked, but was interrupted when Cadence suddenly used her magic to rip the huge crystal of from the ground with her magic.

Shining looked at her horrified at what she had just done. "Are you crazy! That throne was older than both of us!" Shining started to scream at his wife.
Placing the crystal onto the floor she looked at what was under it. "Look here and stop yelling or I'll go deaf." Cadance said and pointed at the floor.
Shining looked at the floor. It looked like some sort of enchanted rune word, but he couldn't recognize it."What is that? I have never seen runes like that." He asked looking at it puzzled.
Cadance studied the rune carefully. After a moment she let out a sigh. "Best I could tell it's written on an ancient rune warding method. All I recognize is the part that mentions lock. But we do have a sister who has a way to crack this kind of problem." Cadance told her husband.

A guard rushed into the throne room looking horrified.
"Princess Cadance, Prince Armor. We have a problem." the guard said and stood in the attention he then noticed the huge crystal on the ground. "Is... Is this a bad time?" he asked.
Cadance had a sly smile on her face. "Oh not at all dear. My husband here just didn't believe when I told him I could rip crystals from the ground." Cadance said holding her poker face.
Shining just rolled her eyes "That doesn't matter what is the problem soldier?" Shining said.
"Eee... Right the problem. I was on the patrol around the city when we got reports of an odd activity near the graveyard. we thought it was just some teenagers having some fun so I was ordered to check it out. When I arrived nothing seemed off at first." Guard explained
Shining just listened with Cadance "Please continue." Shining told to the guard.
"Yes, So I was doing a fast check-up when I noticed a robed stallion walking towards the mausoleums. I started to walk towards him and when I was about to yell to him I noticed there were many more coming out from an unmarked one carrying a coffin. I was about to charge at them when I felt something I last felt back when Sombra was alive and I just froze there. They summoned a dark red portal and carried the coffin through. I reported this to higher-ups and was told to inform you two personally."

"Unmarked mausoleum. There is only one of those in a graveyard in the empire. But I sealed it personally with aunt Celestia and aunt Luna." Cadance said.
"And only one pony is buried there this can't be a good thing." Shining said.
"Princess Cadance. Who was buried there." guard asked worried.
"That mausoleum is the final resting place of Sombra. I have no idea why some ponies would want his bones."
Then what the dragoness had told Shining hit him "You! Private! Gather all available soldiers and especially the trackers. We need to find those ponies before they do something really bad now move it, soldier!" Shining ordered.
The guard saluted and left to gather the requested forces.
"Cadance we need to contact Celestia and Twilight this could be something really bad." Shining said and turned to face his wife.
"What got into you so quickly, sure grave robbing is bad, but they took Sombra's remains what good they can do to them?" Cadance asked.
"That dragoness told me something before you arrived, she said they were planning to resurrect Sombra I know I might just be worrying you shouldn't be able to bring ponies back right?" Shining asked scared and worried.

Cadance started to rub her hands together. "It... isn't impossible to bring ponies back from dead. It's extremely dangerous and you need a sacrifice. Life for life to balance the scales of life and afterlife, enough blood and raw magic to rebuild the body for the pony you are resurrecting. Even if you have all these there is still a good chance you fail if you can't conjure a link that pulls the spirit back from the afterlife. But there are other more dangerous ways too if you are to believe what auntie told me." Cadance explained.
"Cadance if there is even a slim chance for Sombra to return we have to act." Shining told his wife and passed writing equipment to her.
"Your right honey. We need that egghead sister of ours here." Cadance answered and took the pen and paper that Shining offered her and began to write a letter. After she was done writing she sealed the letter.
"Now that's done we need to send it right away." Shining said and grabbed the letter.

Doors opened to the throne room and Starlight Glimmer entered.
"Thank you for letting me use Crystal Castle's library Princess Cadance, Prince Armor. I and Sunburst found what we were looking for and we can have some "fun" back home." Starlight said while imagining all the naughty thinks she and Sunburst would do.
A lightbulb lit in Shining's head. "Starlight? Could you deliver this to Twilight? It's for her eyes only and really important." Shining said and walked to Starlight handing over the message.
"Of course Prince Shining I would be honored." Starlight answered and took the message.
"Sigh... Starlight you are my sister's student and my friend no need to be so formal when we are alone. Now make haste Twilight needs to know what's going on." Shining told her.
"You're so boring sometimes Shining, but I'll deliver this to him. And if we are in hurry I can finally test that long-distance teleport spell."
Cadance walked to Starlight and placed her hand on Starlight's shoulder. "Just be careful, that spell can be taxing and you will feel weak after casting it." Cadance told.
With a flash, Starlight was gone.

Back in Ponyville

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, we have some bad news. One of our guards noticed some odd pony in the graveyard. It seems this pony was with a group that robbed Sombra's remains from his final resting place. Shining has learned that these ponies might want to try and resurrect Sombra why and how is still a mystery to us. Also, we found and learned something interesting which I won't write into this letter for safety reasons. We need your help on a certain rune ward we found and I can't read it that well so please take anything related to ancient rune wards. We await your arrival.

PS. Take Spike with you crystal ponies really want to see their hero again.

Celestia placed the letter down on the table.
"This sounds bad indeed we should go." Celestia answered her student.
Twilight wrote some book names into a piece of paper and handed it to Spike. "We need these books from library Spike. Could you go and get them for me? Cadence and Shining need our help" Twilight said.
Spike took the paper from Twilight. "Okay Twilight I am your number one assistant after all." Spike said and dashed towards the library.
Rarity got up from her seat. "Now that he is gone maybe we can talk about my idea?" Rarity asked while he began to draw something on one of the papers that were laying on the table.
"What thou have in your mind Element of Generosity?" Luna asked.
"Now hold on there sugar cube. You aren't planning that one again? I sure would like to try that out, but I don't know what Spikes newest girlfriends think about your idea" Applejack said to Rarity.

"Rarity what are you planning is it the same idea you tried to tell us a moment ago" Twilight asked.
Rarity was drawing intensely. "Yes it is darling. And it's an idea I had we could do with Applejack and I would like to know would you want to join into this idea." Rarity finished and showed them all his little designs. It was hastily drawn, but there are notes on several parts of the costume. Veil, See-through clothing gold ornaments, and collars with a question mark at it. Each mare and dragoness took a look at them and all of them had a deep red blush on their cheeks.
"Goodness. That looks naughty." Celestia said while reading the notes.
"I have to say that outfit should look good on my scales. I do like it rough." Ember said while licking his lips.
"I take it you have found one of my little Spikes magazines? I haven't done anything that frisky in a while you can count me in." Celestia said already having wild images of Spike and herself.
"Thou should know Night is also a realm of carnal acts we approve this outfit." Luna answered.
"So it's settled we deal with this problem at Crystal Empire and then we can start planning about..." Rarity didn't have time to finish her sentence when Spike walked in carrying ten or more books.

Spike places the books onto the table. "This should be all of them Twily. So get ready for what Rares?" Spike asked and took a seat.
"Oh nothing darling just some project of mine that I and Applejack are planning to do. So we got everything we need?" Rarity finished trying to direct the conversation away from her little project.
"Oh, yes Rarity with these books on us we should be ready to go. We should use long-distance teleport to get there quickly. I'm sure we won't suffer much withdrawal with three alicorns and unicorn casting the spell together." Twilight said and packed the books.
"Indeed, this shouldn't be too bad. Everyone take a hold onto a pony next to you and form a circle." Celestia said and guided everypony. Ember was sitting and feeling a little sad seeing her mate leaving. Spike walked next to her and pulled her up. "Come on Ember you should visit Crystal Empire and what a better time than now am I right?" Spike asked and gave a warm smile to her.

Ember smiled back and gave a kiss on Spike's cheek. "Thank you, Spike. I would love to join you and your friends. I just need to message my dad that I'm away for a while." Ember said taking one of the papers on the table writing a message to her dad and breathed cyan fire on it and it disappeared. "You thought you were the only one who can send messages with his fire to others?" Ember asked while having a wide grin on her.
Spike rubbed her neck a little. "Well yeah I did. But it seems I was wrong. Twilight? Should we get Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow too?" Spike asked.
"We should, but they are a little busy at the moment. Fluttershy is taking care of Angel who is sick, she has pretty bad rabbit flu. Pinkie is visiting her family and Rainbow is on tour with Wonderbolts. But I'm sure we can pull this off without them." Twilight explained. Spike just nodded and walked into the circle with Ember.
"Now for those traveling for the first time you might feel tired after we arrive." Luna warned and light up her horn while Celestia, Twilight, and Rarity did the same.
After a short moment, a blinding light engulfed them all and they disappeared.

Sugacube Corner

Eris and Torch were both sitting at the table outside Sugarcube Corner and enjoying some tasty Icecream. While Torch was eating his own Eris was feeling a little down and having a look of emptiness in her eyes. Torch noticed this and decided to ask Spirit of Chaos what's on her mind.
"So, miss Eris what's wrong with you. You have been pretty silent after we left the castle. And the way you just rotate your spoon and don't eat this delicious meal says something is on your mind"

Eris let out a long sigh. "It's complicated, and I think you won't be much of help at all." Eris said.
Torch let out a warm laugh. "Oh, please I have raised a daughter alone. I'm pretty sure I can manage to help someone like you with matters of the heart." Torch said and pointed towards Eris's chest with his spoon.
"How do you know I have something like that as my problem?" Eris asked shocked that this old dragon knew what's wrong with her.
"I told you already. I raised a daughter alone. Do you know how many times I had to be there as her shoulder when she was a teenager? Too many is the answer." Torch said while remembering the multiple times he had to be there for Ember when some punk played with her feelings.
"Well... I suppose it couldn't hurt to talk about it." Eris said while rubbing her left shoulder.

Before Eris had a chance to begin a piece of paper appeared in a cyan flame in front of Torch. Picking up the paper Torch really wanted to know what was on his daughter's mind.

Dad, I'm going with Spike to Crystal Empire. If you decide to return back to Dragon Lands and the council's elders are asking once again when I am going to choose one of their sons as my mate, just tell them to kiss my blue ass I am already with someone I love and hide the fact he is Draco's champion it makes showing him to the council more fun.

PS. If Ignen is there smack him a couple of times so he gets the message that no is no.

"Oh, Ember you really are your dad's daughter. Council won't like this, but we'll deal with them later." Torch talked to himself, forgetting that he was with Eris.
"So, Ember send that message?" Eris asked.
"Yes, but that's not important your problem is. Now come on Eris talk to me." Torch said while placing the spoon onto the table.
"Not here we need to be somewhere proper." Snapping her fingers she and Torch disappeared leaving some bits and talking spoon that was yelling for waitress onto the table.

Torch and Eris appeared inside one of the rooms of Twilight's castle. Another snap of fingers and the room transformed. It looked like a psychiatrist room with couches for both patient and doctor. Eris jumped onto the patient couch and laid down on it.
"Now this is better. I really needed a psychiatrist. Come take a seat and listen to my problems." Eris said raising her hand and again snapping her fingers teleporting Torch to another couch while glasses appeared on his head and a pencil with notepad appeared on his hands.
"We could have done this the normal way and just talked." Torch said.
"But this is more fun and you did say you want to listen to my problems." Eris said and began to tell about her problems. "Now where to begin doctor? Maybe from the day, my dad started to preassure me to take a spouse?" She said and Torch just groaned. "If this helps you then we can do it this way too. Just talk about what's on your mind that usually helps with Ember." Torch said and started to listen to whats on her mind.

Tyrant's Diary

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Crystal Castle - Throne Room

Twilight and her friends appeared in a bright flash in the Crystal Throne room. Guards rushed towards them swords drawn. "Assasins guards protect the Princess and Prince!" one of them yelled.
"Stand down guards they are our guests no need to worry about them" Cadance said while sitting next to many books and reading them with Shining. The guards gave a quick nod and sheathed their swords returning to their posts.

Twilight dashed forward towards Cadance. "Cadance it's so good to see you again." Twilight said while giving her a quick hug.
"I missed you to Twily. Now can you still keep up is my most important question. I might just see something wrong but it seems your flank is a little rounder than last time." Cadance says teasingly.
"Oh really then I must see the same problem on you Cadance. It's you who should be worried about keeping up." Twilight replies giggling.
"sunshine, sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a shake" both of them sing while doing their special dance.
Shining placed a book down he was reading and walked towards them.
"It's good to see you again LSBFF." Shining said and grabbed Twilight into a big crushing hug.
"You too BBBFF." Twilight answered and returned the hug.

"As lovely as the sight is you had some problems with Sombra. So tell us what happened Cadance." Celestia said stepping forward.
"Auntie! It's good you are here. But part of it will be easier to show you. Auntie Luna could you come too." Cadance said and waved them to follow.
"Let us go sister. I want to see what is going on." Luna said spreading her wings in excitement. And left with Cadance and Celestia.
"Twilight you might want to see this. I and Cadance have been searching books for some answers, but nothing. It's some sort of rune ward locking away whatever is inside it." Shining said pointing towards the now heavily damaged Crystal Throne.
"Shining? What did you do? You know that Throne was old older than..." Twilight started to lecture his brother.
"Hold on Twily that's not my doing it's all Cadance. But enough about that this is why we needed your help." Shining answered to Twilight and guided her to the word that has been bothering him and Cadance.
Twilight studied the rune's excitement clearly visible on her face. "I have never seen anything like this before. Spike, Girls come here and each of you take a book, and search for anything that looks like these runes." Twilight ordered and placed the books onto the ground.

Each of them took one book from the pile and looked at the runes they were supposed to search. When it was Ember's turn she surprised everyone. "That's not right at all the wording is totally wrong and runes are drawn weirdly." Ember said while looking at them.
Shining was the first to recover from their small shock "Lord Ember? What do you mean?" Shining asked and walked next to Ember.
Ember pointed and the runes. "See these parts of them are written on Ancient Dragoon. It's like they tried to mix the wording on them with some other language." Ember told everyone.
Twilight quickly took a book of "Ancient Crystal Wardings" and walked next to Ember. "If what your telling is true then maybe they mixed the wordings with Crystal Empires' own rune language." Twilight said and opened the book.
"Perhaps you are right Princess Twilight. I can translate the part of Ancient Dragoon and if they really mixed it with their own rune wardings this might be easier than we thought." Ember said.
"Way to go Ember. You probably saved us lots of time." Spike said and walked next to Ember.
Ember's cheeks turned to a shade of red when hearing a compliment from Spike. "That's nothing Spike. Thank you." Ember said and started to help Twilight to translate the runes.
"It seems we are not needed here right now. I think we should go and gather some materials for my project. Care to join me Applejack?" Rarity asked.
"Sure thing sugar cube, but let's do this fast. We don't know what that evil pony sealed behind that warding. Be careful, we'll be back as fast as possible." Applejack said to her friends.
"Wait up Rarity. You two escort these mares around the town and get a carriage for them." Shining said to two guards at the door. Both of the guards saluted. "Of course Prince Armor." The guards left the room with Applejack and Rarity.

Crystal Castle - Holding Cells

Cadance was leading Celestia and Luna towards the cell where this Spike look-alike dragoness was until she crumbled into a pile of crystals. Arriving at the cell that was guarded by one pony as Shining ordered, three alicorns entered the cell.
"That pile over there was a dragoness until she crumbled. and she looked a lot like Spike, and she told us some disturbing information." Cadance said while pointing at the pile of crystals.
"A high level transformation magic?" Luna asked.
"Yes and no sister to transform an inanimate object into your look-alike takes lots of skill, but to make it talk and move requires something far different. I can still feel the magic remnants on the pile could I do a fast check?" Celestia asked, and Cadance just gave a nod.

Celestia started to do a check on the pile of crystals her horn glowing like the sun. After she finished the check Celestia let out a long sigh. "As I thought Sanguis Magicae." Celestia said and got up.
"Blood magic that's troublesome." Luna said while rubbing her chin and thinking.
"Blood magic? Is it some form of dark magic?" Cadance asked.
"No it isn't, but ponies began to see it as bad as dark magic after some unicorns misused it. Normally you must use your own blood to power the spells, but there were two unicorns brothers who discovered a way to use your opponent's blood on their spells, but it is harder that's all I say. In the end, I banned its teaching, but I'm sure the material you need to use learning it still exists." Celestia said.
"And if what you said that this dragon was here to tell you something makes me wonder why. Could this dragoness be Spike's sister" Luna asked.
"Wait... What? Spike has a sister? How? when?" Cadance asked.
"We will tell you all. You might want to take a seat this should take a while." Celestia said and sits down with Luna and pointed to Cadance to sit next to them.
"Guard, leave us and take the rest of the day off. Princess orders." Cadance said and the guard just saluted her and left. Celestia and Luna started to explain to Cadance what happened in Canterlot with Spike.

Crystal Castle - Throne Room

Back in the throne room Twilight and Ember were deciphering the rune ward together.
Ember pointed to one of the runes. "And look here this speaks of blood." Ember said
"And this one here translates to family." Twilight said writing down the translation they were making.
Spike was sitting behind watching Ember and Twilight writing down and arguing a little now and then about certain runes meaning. What really caught his attention was their two plumb rears. Already his wild imagination was running fast in his head imagining how it would sound when spanking those two naughty girls. So deep in his imagination, he failed to notice Shining sitting next to him.

Shining noticed the way Spike was looking at Ember and his sister so he decided to do a little questioning. Sitting next to him he lightly slapped his head. "So might I ask you why are you looking at my sister and Ember like some pervert? I hope you have a good answer." Shining said looking angrily towards Spike.
Feeling Shining's hand hit the back of his head and hearing him questioning woke him up pretty fast. "I... eerrr... I'm sorry Shining I won't do it again." Spike said panic rising in his mind.
Shining just slapped his back and smiled. "Oh relax Spike. You're a grown dragon. It's only normal to show interest towards the fairer sex." Shining spoke to Spike.
Spike was dumbfounded at his reaction. Is this the same overprotective Shining he knew? "I... Thanks, I guess." Spike answered and rubbed his neck
Shining kept smiling. "I won't look it badly if you want to pursue a relationship with Twilight, but..." Shining's face turned more serious. "If you do so you better treat her like a goddess or I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget you understand?" Shining finished looking like he was ready to gut Spike.
Spike swallowed hard. "Crystal clear Shining." Fearing some divine retribution from an overprotective brother. He just nodded to him

Shining face turned a little somber. "That's good Spike, but really if you two try to pursue a relationship treat her good. She was pretty down for a long time when Flash turned her down. I get why he did it already getting married and he wasn't interested in going through the heard marriage. You know she came to ask some advice from me of all ponies how to approach Flash. Like a good brother, I did my best to give advice to her. I just didn't know Flash was already engaged with someone until Cadance told me at the same day Twilight poured her heart out for Flash." Shining explained.

This was a side of Shining Spike hasn't seen. He looked so sad. Spike could still remember when Twilight did almost 100 test runs on her "how to talk with Flash" simulation she looked so happy when leaving for the Empire. When Twilight came home from Crystal Empire she looked like she had died. All the usual happiness drained from her. "I remember when she came back home after that day. She shut herself into the library for days." Spike said and was feeling sad himself when remembering how sad and dead Twilight looked.

"Yeah, Me, Flurry, and Cadance visited her and tried to pull her out of her depression. But do you know what hurt me most?" Shining asked.
"I can't really tell Shining." Spike answered and listened to Shining's story.
"She blamed herself. She told how ugly and unliked she was and all those were lies she made in her depressed mind. Nothing of the situation was her fault. It took some time and she had some private talk with Cadance and finally, we managed to get through her and pull her out of that dark pit." Shining finished.
"You know I love Twilight and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. If we do pursue something You know I'll treat her right." Spike said feeling a little bad not telling him about his and Twilight's little adventure.
"That's all I ask Spike." Shining said

Shining and Spike's talk was interrupted when a loud voice of Twilight was heard pronouncing her victory over another academic problem.
"Hahaa take that Sombra! You know Ember this was fun. We should do this again at some point." Twilight said.
Ember just nodded "I agree it was interesting to work together." She said sounding a little bored.
During Twilight's victory cheer Celestia, Luna, and Cadance returned.
"What has you in so good mode Twilight. Did you manage to translate it?" Cadance asked hopefully.
Twilight turned around with a big smile on her face. "I didn't do it alone I had little help." She said and pointed towards Ember.
"So my most faithful student what's is the meaning of it don't keep us in suspension." Celestia asked walked next to Twilight with Luna and Cadance.
"We do hope it isn't anything dark. Knowing Sombra it could be a trap." Luna said carefully observing the floor.

Twilight rotated her head a little. "No it isn't it has no traces of dark magic in it. I think Sombra isn't the one who made this." Twilight answered.
"So if it wasn't Sombra who was it?" Spike asked wondering about a pony who was brave enough to hide something into the dark king's throne room.
Twilight cleared out her throat. "So the Runes makes up a sentence "Hidden away is the truth. No darkness shall breach the lock. Only to the blood of family will I open." I don't really know for sure what this is. It sounds like some riddle. I already have been going through some riddles in my head, but haven't come up with anything solid yet." Twilight said to all ponies around her.

"Could I see the runes?" Celestia asked and Twilight just nodded. Walking towards the runes Celestia looked at them. The runes formed a perfect circle leaving the circles middle empty like something was missing or hidden. Celestia knocked a little at the middle, hearing it was hollow she used her magic and destroyed a lid revealing a small half-ball-shaped bowl.
"It isn't a riddle. It's a magically enchanted lock. And I'm pretty sure we need the caster's or his descent's blood to open it." Celestia said.
"That does put a wrench in our progress. We have no idea who was the one who warded this lock so it's like seeking a needle from a haystack." Luna said.
"Or, perhaps we do know don't we Shining dear?" Cadance said to her husband.
"Come on honey that dragoness was crazy there is no way what she said was true." Shining said to his wife little annoyed.
"Cadance? Is there something you want to share with us?" Luna asked.
Cadance just smiled. "That dragoness told us about Sombra's possible resurrection and asked us to save his soul, something about Sombra just being a puppet for that fellow you told me about, Exitium was that his name. Also, she told us about this lock in the ground and said it only opens to Sombra's family blood... Your family's blood Twilight. That dragoness told us that you're family is descended from Sombra." Cadance said while every pony in the room looked dumbfound.

"Which just show's how crazy that dragoness was. I think we would know if we were descended from that tyrant." Shining said and crossed his arms.
"Well, that's easy to check. If you don't want to try I will." Twilight said and bite one of her fingers breaking the flesh and letting her blood flow. Placing her hand above the bowl and let her blood drip down into it.
After a couple of the drips fall into the bowl it the runes and bowl started to glow brightly after a short moment something clicked loudly and two large slide lids opened where the runes and bowl were revealing their insides. The magic sealing this box had preserved the book that was inside. There was no dust or anything else in the box.
"A book? Why does a book have to be sealed like this." Ember asked.
Twilight lifted the book and placed it onto the nearby table. Every pony gathered around it. No one could hardly believe what book they had just found, but the text on its cover left little to guessing. ""Prince Sombra's Diary". I can't believe it. Is this really his diary before he killed Queen Amore." Twilight asked while studying the book closer it was really big for a diary.
"Wait it says, Prince Sombra. Was Sombra Amore's son? I thought he was some soldier who overthrew and killed his Queen." Cadance asked.

"We really can't answer to that Cadance. Queen Amore really didn't tell us much about her children. We knew she had children, but who they were was a mystery to us." Celestia said
"She never did take them to meet us in Canterlot or did we meet them when we visited Crystal Empire. His husband always said they are too young, then it was when they aren't ready. Queen Amore or King Darkwing didn't even tell us their names." Luna finished the explanation.
"Perhaps she feared the possibility of something happening to them?" Spike asked while scratching his head.
"That's an odd view, but yes it could be a possibility, but we were really good friends with Amore and never would have hurt her foals." Celestia answered.

"Am I the only one who wants to read this and learn all that happened to Sombra?" Twilight asked hardly keeping herself contained.
"I do want to know how someone in our family turned so bad." Shining said still trying to accept he and his family were truly related to the dark king.
"Perhaps we could learn something useful from Sombra's past." Luna said. All of the ponies and dragons took a seat around the table.
"Twilight would you want to do the honors?" Celestia asked.
"Oh, yes! Thank you, princess." Twilight said opening the old diary on its first page. Clearing her throat she began to read Sombra's words.
"Dear Diary....."

Sombra's Words

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3rd of July Year 1103 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear Diary, Hi it's Sombra. Prince of the Crystal Empire and its future king. I really don't know how to write in a diary my first one, but the doctor ordered me to do so. This should help me deal with the stress. I start my last year at Crystal Tower's Magic Academy next month. Dad is pressuring me to pick a bride soon, but I really don't like to focus on any relationship yet ruins the mood in the library and studying in my opinion, but I promised I would at least attend to next royal dances in a month to see any potential wives." The first entry finished and was followed by some basic day-to-day happenings at the academy.

"Well this actually gives more credit to it that you are related to him honey. He is like Twilight back in her days at school." Cadance said giving Shining and Twilight a playful smirk.
"No need to rub into me Caddy. So he is my and Twilys ancestor, but I do hope there is some info on how he went so wrong." Shining said and Twilight gave an angry glare towards the two.
"Hey shush now we still have much more to read." Twilight commented little angry at the interruption. Twilight continues her reading.

30th of July Year 1103 of Crystal's Dawn

"The dance was oddly good. I did meet some foreign princesses as my possible wive, but all of them were so boring. My sister practically stole the spotlight with her new dress that she and mom made and I managed to meet one of my sister chambermaids who was more interesting than any of the princesses. Her name is Radiant Hope and she is a very interesting unicorn. She was one of the few ponies who has made me laugh multiple times in a short time. I asked her for a dance, but she couldn't accept without any dress on her. It's a good thing mom happens to be a Princess of Love and somehow managed to get a dress for her from my sister's wardrobe. Dad wasn't happy that I showed so much interest towards a commoner, but mom managed to cool him down. I even had enough courage to ask if she would meet me again someday and she agreed." Twilight continued reading, multiple pages after this were about school, studying, and a couple of dates with this Radiant Hope.

"This really doesn't sound like a mad tyrant at all. He sounds like a normal unicorn teen with no ill feelings towards anyone." Celestia said interrupting Twilight.
"Indeed sister, I'm really interested to learn what happened to him." Luna said to her sister.
"Am I the only one who finds it fascinating that Sombra has a sister? There could be another branch of our family somewhere" Twilight said. When no one really showed interest in Twilight's question although Shining was thinking deeply she continued to read the diary.

15th of January Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear diary it's a hectic time in here right now. I have been courting Radiant for a good half-year now and we both wanted to take the next step. Radiant came to get me to meet dad and some important visitors who turned out to be divine dragons, prince Spyro and her mate Cynder. Dad wanted me to take part in this diplomatic meeting to practice for the future, with the future king of divine dragons. I need to build good relationships with him which is important and all I guess. After the meeting was over I wanted to talk with him about my future with Radiant Hope. He... He didn't take the news well. I have never seen him so angry, he blamed Radiant for abusing her position and trying to corrupt me and attacked her with his wing-blade. I was so angry that dad accused Radiant like that so I attacked dad. I did what any stallion would for his mare I defended Radiant, but it went all wrong. After a short fight with dad, I managed to restrain him so he could cool down. After that, I released him from the arcane lock and he started to yell at me and told me he would disown me and make my sister Umbra the heir. I told him to just do it then I don't care about the title. If I must cast away being the prince to stay with my one true love then so be it. I'm currently packing the necessities to survive, it seems soon I'll be just a regular citizen, but as long as I and Radiant stay together that's all I care about."

"We dragons value family above all else and the way he is acting isn't something a father should do when he hears his son has found someone. It sounds like Sombra's father Darkwing was it? Didn't care about his son and just wanted to increase his power with a royal marriage." Ember commented on Twilight's reading. Getting interrupted made her head swole a little and turn into a dark shade of red.
"And he's a romantic like my dear Shining." Cadance said while rubbing Shinings hair who was turning little red.
"Twilight please continue." Celestia said and Twilight just ignored and continued. The next part was written shortly after what happened between Sombra and his father.

19th of January Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear diary I'm still a prince and we are engaged with Radiant. Mom did it again she managed to cool dad off from his rampage. I did have a long talk with them and Radiant was there too. After that dad did accept my decision, but he still acts cold towards Radiant. Mom and Radiant work pretty well together and Radiant loves to learn whatever she has to teach her. Mom caught me and Radiant in "the act" so to say after that she and Radiant have been having lots of private conversations and neither of them tells me what they talked about, Radiant just says I'll see that soon. We have been hearing worrying news about some sort of cult that worships the god of chaos. Normally mom and dad believe in freedom of religion, but when that religion has living pony sacrifices in it... We are supposed to have a meeting with law enforcement in the next week or two about this and how we are going to deal with the cult and ponies who are in it. I just hope we can deal with this cult peacefully."

Twilight stopped her reading. "God of Chaos? Did this cult worship Exitium?" She asked and looked towards Celestia.
Celestia just shook her head. "I really can't say for sure. Amore rarely talked about her kingdom's problems when she and her husband visited us." Celestia answered.
"I do hope this cult didn't do anything bad." Spike commented.
"Please, Twilight could thou continue the reading." Luna asked.
"Oh, of course, princess." Twilight answered while Luna rolled her eyes, she hated to be called by her title in private by her friends.

13th of June Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear diary, I'm going to be a father! The thing mom and Radiant were talking about was her pregnancy. I thought Radiant was getting a little heavier and pointed it out during one of our dates, my cheek is still red and hurts she sure packs a punch. I'm overjoyed and at the same time terrified. I know nothing about being a father yet can't wait to be one. sister and dad were both happy for me too, it seems dad has started to warm towards Radiant. We received an invitation to prince Spyro's coronation today. It seems sickness won against his father. King Remar had been sick for a long time and there have even been whispers that he was poisoned. Mom visited him at one point to see if he really was poisoned, but couldn't find anything wrong except his high fever. We have made some progress on our investigation into the cult. They have a pretty simple name "Cult of Chaos". Short and straight to the point I suppose. I think I write next time once we get back from the coronation I need to go get pickles and ice cream for Radiant."

Twilight stopped her reading again. "Celestia, you said that Sombra's armies slaughtered all the divine dragons? But reading this diary it seems if it's true that this King Remar was poisoned then there must be a third party at play right?" Twilight questioned her mentor.
Celestia was rubbing her chin and thinking. "If the rumor is true then It is highly likely that there was a third unknown party at play, but it happened so long ago and we have no ways of confirming it unless there is something in the diary." Celestia answered.
"Dragons rarely get sick even when we reach our twilight years. But the way Sombra wrote that he only had a high fever and nothing else it could point towards a certain poison named "Dragons Tears". It's extremely hard poison to craft because it requires a flower called Dragons Bane which only grows high near the peaks of volcanos, some other regular herbs, and of course, it also requires the blood of a dragon and I highly doubt any dragon would just let some random person take his or hers blood. The poison's effect starts slowly, and worst-case scenario it could take months before the dragon finally succumbs" Ember said.
"Perhaps we learn more from the diary? Could you continue Twily?" Spike asked.
Twilight just gave a nod and continued to read.

2nd of August Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

So Spyro became king and his mate Cynder his queen. After the grand coronation, we had a meeting with him. We learned that this cult of chaos as they call themselves worship a figure named Exitium a deity of pure chaos according to Spyro. We learned that this cult has been causing trouble in his kingdom too and we agreed to share any information about them. This cult gives me the creeps how far does their influence reach? I fear that armed conflict with these people is inevitable. Radiant has been getting bigger we are currently having playful arguments about the name of our foal I was thinking about something with Dawn, but we haven't decided yet. Dad appointed me to command the force that works to solve this cult problem so having foal coming soon here and having to lead a force of soldiers on the search of this cult I'm going to have my hands full.

Twilight finished reading and was thinking again.
"I know what your thinking Twilight. But there is no evidence yet that this cult poisoned King Remar even though they sound dangerous." Celestia said to Twilight.
"Well I was thinking that too, but if this cult of chaos was making trouble at both kingdoms making them sound skilled on whatever they were doing, so they might even be still active and be the ones behind the stolen body of Sombra."
"It's a possibility although a pretty far-reaching one. Cults normally don't last for a thousand-year unless..." Celestia began to think.
"You seem to forget that Crystal Empire, was frozen in time Celly. So it is possible that some cultists were frozen in time and once they returned they re-started the faith." Luna said to Celestia who just nodded to her little sister.
"So what does he write next Twily?" Shining said showing a real interest in the diary.
"Oh, sorry I'll continue right away." Twilight said and once again flipping through the pages until he reached something else than some normal daily activities.

17th of October Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

Dear diary I and Radiant are finally parents. It's been one hectic ride of ups and downs during her pregnancy. My hand still hurts, Radiant almost crushed it while giving birth. I was guided to the room where Radiant was and told to hold her hand. If I had known she tries to crush my hand I would have given her something else. Radiant and our little baby girl are home from the hospital finally. Mom, Dad, and Umbra are going to spoil her rotten I just know it. We have learned that this cult of chaos holds its base somewhere near Crystal Mountains. We are planning to send some envoys and guards to negotiate with its leaders for a peaceful surrender of those who have murdered other ponies and make it so that they ban any sacrifice rituals. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this. It seems Radiant and my little bundle of joy has awakened I'll write again soon.

10th of November Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

The worst has happened the guards and negotiators we send to search and talk the cult members to surrender have returned in pieces. The mad pony who delivered their bodies back to us has been arrested, but didn't talk to any of the guards always repeating the same mantra "Omnes et in chao et sanguis". Our scholars couldn't find out what those words meant so I decided to visit him myself as the commanding officer maybe I could get him to talk. And talk he did when he first saw me he just said "you are the one" and answered all of my questions which seemed odd. After all, was done dad and mom had called for an emergency meeting of ruling nobles it seems that the cultists have attacked the smaller villages at the outskirts of our kingdom converting the people and killing those that didn't convert. I was given the order to lead a brigade of soldiers and take these crazy cultists down. I am leaving tomorrow and I have given explicit orders of lethal force only as last resort. I'm sure that there is just some mastermind behind this who is bending the mind of weaker ponies to his will. The next few pages were about him leading his troops in search of the cultists around the outskirts of the empire and cutting down a large number of them.

"I have to give him that he sounds like me a little. I too don't want to use lethal force unless it's absolutely necessary." Shining said while listening to his ancestor's words.
"He sounds so caring and loving. What went wrong with him." Cadance asked.
"Perhaps there is something ahead there are still lots of pages left" Twilight answered and continued to browse through pages further until something special hits her eyes.

21st of December Year 1104 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear diary it's finally over thanks to the divine dragon troops King Spyro send to help us we managed to search the Crystal Mountains for their headquarters and found it. When we marched there they were already waiting for us. Their High Priest who was a dark dragon, imagine the opposite of divine dragon fully black scaled, four curved horns coming from his head and large dark red wings mixed with black stripes on them. High Priest agreed to surrender, but only if I beat him in a duel to the death. I agreed, I didn't want to throw my men's lives away if I could end this with one duel. The soldiers and cultists made a circle around as and we began our fight. For a mad cultist, he surely knew his way around the sword and knew some high-level magic. The battle was exhausting and he had the upper hand. He managed to pierce my left shoulder with his sword and left it there while I fall to my knees and started to walk around the circle gathering roars from his followers. My vision started to blur when I was down on my knees. I couldn't believe that I wouldn't see my foal grow up, then I heard an odd and dark voice which promised me strength to win if I just agree and let it in. I agreed and felt my strength return to my body. I pull the priest's sword out from my shoulder and dash forward towards him. I don't know why but I just saw red at that moment. I don't remember much what happened after that, but I find myself next to the corpse of the priest which has been cut into pieces by my sword. I felt sick at that moment my soldiers looked at me, fear in their eyes, and the cultists were bowing down their heads like worshipping me. After that, we arrested each cultist member there. Spyro's soldiers agreed to take the dragon members with them and question them for any possible info. I and my troops took the ponies in. Upon my return, I didn't tell my family anything that happened to me during the battle. The voice sounded so cold, distant, and dangerous. Did I just imagine it all in my head? I need to get ready for Hearth's warming eve and the festivals it brings to our empire."

"I can't imagine the stress he must have felt during his fight all eyes watching him." Shining commented.
"I'm not an expert, but it sounds like something possessed him." Celestia said.
"Yeah sounds like grandpa that's sure" a voice said behind all of them which was coming from a vase?
"Very funny Eris. Is there something you know and we don't yet again?" Luna said having a little smile on her face.
the vase transformed into Eris who gave a bow.
"You are a wonderful crowd you liked my little transformation trick? Anyways, that description it sounds like grandpa and there is a big chance that he managed to slip some of his power through the "cracks" of his prison." Eris said
"Eris, you know something about Sombra?" Twilight asked with the hope of learning more about what happened to his ancestor.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Twilight, but no I don't know much about Sombra, but the way he has written in your book sounds like part of grandpa managed to enter into Sombra imagine him as a host to a divine spirit." Eris answered.
"So he possessed him? Made him do what he did in the past." Celestia asked.
"Wooow, for a pony who has lived so long you sure aren't smart. Possession is something that dark spirits and other entities do. They force themselves into your body and take control. Grandpa even if he is a pretty nasty guy isn't counted as an "evil" entity. He is a divine being and needs to get permission from mortals to enter into their bodies. Just like Sombra wrote in his book." Eris explained and pointed at the diary.

Eris snapped her fingers and a chair appeared with some popcorn.
"Now don't keep us waiting Twily. I'm sure there is some info about what happens next in there I'm dying to find out. Oh, and your dad says hi Ember and he is delivering that message of yours." Eris said and waved to Ember.
Celestia lets out a sigh "Thank you for your insight Eris. Could you continue Twilight?" Celestia asks.
Twilight gives a nod and starts to browse the diary again the pages are filled with normal day-to-day activities for a fresh father until something hits her eyes.

2nd of March Year 1105 of Crystal's Dawn

"Dear diary the voice has returned and it's ordering me to do horrible things. It wants me to take my crown and conquer all of Equestria. I don't know what's happening to me I thought I just imagined all of it during my fight. I won't do what it says I can't it is wrong what it says. I'm scared and starting to think I need help. Am I losing it and going mad? I and Radiant are going with Dawn Blaze to the park today. I might just need some fresh air."

1st of April Year 1105 of Crystal's Dawn

"The voice in my head has been annoying me to death lately. It said I could find some help to protect the empire from a forbidden section in the Crystal Library where only royals can enter. At first, I didn't want to go, but it agreed to leave me alone for a while if I did it so here I am at the forbidden section searching for something. Necromancy books and other dark magic are sealed in here. Perhaps I should just leave I have no idea why did I even listen to the voice."

"Yeah that's grandpa first he makes you doubt yourself and your abilities making small fractures in your armor so he can take full control of the body." Eris commented.
"So Sombra didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to protect his empire?" Twilight asked.
"It starts to seem so. I really can't fault anyone wanting to protect their loved ones." Celestia said
"So what did he write next?" Ember asked. Twilight starts to read from the next entry in the diary.

16th of May Year 1105 of Crystal's Dawn

"The voice keeps telling me I'm too weak to defend my empire and I need to learn all there is in the forbidden section to make my empire save. Sometimes I wake in the library's forbidden section with no idea how I got there and with new memories of the dark book's contents. I'm starting to lose it I need to search for help, but the voice in me tells me I don't need any help and it did help me during that fight so it can't be so bad can it? Upon returning home Radiant looks scared asks what's wrong with my eyes I rush to the bathroom and see I have a dark red iris and my eyeballs are bright green. The voice in me tells me that power comes with some changes and I get angry smashing the sink with some dark purple magic. Radiant has become more worried about my sudden change in persona she tells me I have been distant sometimes, but I have no memory of anything like that."

1st of June Year 1105 of Crystal's Dawn

"My memory is foggy I can't remember much about last day's events. Radiant tells me I have been like a different person for the past two weeks. I just apologize to her and leave. I need to see my parents in private I'm sure mom has some idea what's wrong with me I can't go on like this I need to get this thing out from my head. But the voice was right on one thing I am weaker than mom and dad. And I have much to learn so I can protect the empire. Once the day when I am to rule over Crystal Empire comes I hope I'm strong enough to lead my people in the right direction. I need to start thinking about some nice presents for my little girl."

"Look at the day sister isn't that the day when... You know." Luna said to her sister who just nodded.
"What is it, Celestia? What's special about that day?" Twilight asked.
Celestia let out a long sigh "It's the day according to our intel during that day that King Darkwing and Queen Amore passed away. And what makes it worse now it seems they were killed by their own son who didn't have control over his own body." Celestia answered the question.
The room fell silent. After a moment Spike was first to speak up
"So... Sombra killed his own father and mother that day?" Spike asked
Celestia and Luna just gave a silent nod to him.
"What did he write next?" Shining asked
Twilight turned to the next page and looked at the text. "This handwriting looks more feminine there's no way Sombra has written this." Twilight said.

"Why didn't my Sombra ask for help. It felt like I was invading his personal space, but I had to know what has happened to my Sombra. After reading his diary I rushed after him leaving Dawn with his aunt, but what I found out when I entered the throne room made me sick. King Darkwing was dead and bloodied along with some dead guards on the ground and Queen Amore was holding what little was left of her life on the ground talking something to Sombra who was crying and sobbing loudly while trying to heal his mother. I couldn't hear what she was talking about, but after she left this world Sombra was crying and laughing at the same time. He turned towards me and yelled at me while tears were coming from his eyes to leave with Umbra and our daughter for the safety of Canterlot and that he couldn't hold it back for much longer. I left in a rush away to get our foal and Umbra to safety. Once I told her what happened to her parents and who probably did it Umbra was mad and cried her heart out while cursing his big brother's name. We made plans to leave for Canterlot with Umbra's personal guard as our protectors we were ready to leave at night, but first, there was something I had to do. I'm going to hide his diary in the throne room and leave it behind a bloodline lock so once some of our descends find the book they will know some truths about my Sombra. He was a kind and caring stallion that thing in him made him do what he did. I just hope that one day whoever of our descends finds this will know that Sombra wasn't evil the thing in him is."

Radiant Hope

A tear passed of from Twilights eye "That's the last page. So Sombra's sister Umbra was the one to give you the info about Queen Amore and King Darkwings death?" Twilight asked.
Celestia shook her head "No it was one of our guards who got it from some crystal guard according to his report." Celestia answered.
"It seems like the same kind of thing happened to Sombra what happened to me. He lost his battle against this Exitium's power." Luna said.
"But why is the question. Why would grandpa take over the body of a unicorn so far away here?" Eris said while rubbing her chin.
Luna was about to say something when the doors to the throne room were opened.

"Princesses we have some important info Lady Rarity and Lady Applejack have managed to apprehend a suspect." A guard said.
"Well what are you waiting for lead them in." Shining said and the guard gave him a nod and yelled for them to enter.
Rarity and Applejack entered the throne room with a tied-up robed pony following them.
"Howdy Twilight we had an interesting day at the town" Applejack said.
"We found one of those ruffians who took Sombras's body." Rarity said.
All looked towards the robed pony. It seems that this day just got better and more interesting.


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Emporium of Crystal Empire

Couple Hours Ago

After leaving the palace Rarity and Applejack were escorted into a carriage that took them to the middle of the largest Emporium of the Empire. Upon arriving and stopping the carriage Applejack and Rarity exited the carriage
"Thank you darlings. We'll be okay from here on. You two can wait here and have some lunch." Rarity said to the two guards that were escorting them. Guards just gave nods and left Rarity and Applejack.

Walking past many different shops in search of materials for her project Rarity looked into the windows of many different jewelry and clothing stores. After visiting many different stores and buying certain materials Rarity had multiple bags of gems, clothing, and other materials.
"Rarity? How much do you need to create these clothes?" Applejack asked while carrying some of the bags.
"Almost darling. There is one shop where we should visit and then we are ready to leave." While walking in front of Applejack guiding her towards the last shop.
"Okay then. So where are we headed then?" Applejack asked following Rarity's lead.
"Oh it's a wonderful and steamy shop. Princess Cadance told me she and Shining get their "equipment" there." Rarity continued talking and shortly after they arrived in front of the shop which had darkened windows that made it impossible to see inside. The name of the shop "Bound Crystal" was artistically written on the signboard above the entrance door. Before following Rarity into the store Applejack had an odd feeling in her neck it felt like someone was watching her.

Entering into the store and silently following Rarity there was a unicorn crystal pony mare on the counter reading some books. They stopped at the counter and Rarity cleared her throat to talk.
"Excuse me, miss? My name is Rarity and we require some help." Rarity said to the clerk. The clerk placed down her book and looked at her new customers.
"Oh you must be the one Miss Cadance told me about. You can call me Moon Heart, how may I help you? Searching for something special to spice the action in the bedroom with your special somepony?" the Crystal pony named Moon Heart asked while having a teasing smile on her face.

Applejack just stood there silently and lets Rarity handle the situation. "Oh I and my friend here are searching for some restrains. Our master would be so happy." Rarity answers having a grin on her face.
"Well now we can help with that come follow me you two. We got some equipment for naughty slaves like you." Moon Heart said and lead Rarity and Applejack into a part of the shop which had different kinds of restrains.
"So is there anything special you are searching for? Maybe some collars and leashes? Some bounding devices?" Moon Heart asked.
Rarity took a book from her bag and showed a page from it to Moon Heart.
"I have done some designing and we need some collars and leashes that fit this design" Rarity said and Moon Heart just gave a smile and collected a couple of boxes from the shelves and showed them to Rarity.
"I'm sure your master would appreciate these on you two." Moon Heart said and opened it showing a golden chain leash and a dark purple leather collar decorated with green crystals and had O ring on it for the leash.
"That looks fabulous. I'm sure our master likes these. I'd take ten of them." Rarity answered and Moon Heart took ten boxes with her and walked with them to the counter.

Walking towards the counter the mares walked past a weird-looking pony who was dressed in a red robe and looked like some monk. Shrugging their shoulders Rarity and Applejack followed the clerk to the counter.
"How much do we owe you, darling?" Rarity asks and starts to get her purse but is stopped by Moon Heart.
"No need to pay miss Rarity. Princess Cadance said that she would take care of the bill. She said that heroes of empire deserve a small gift." Moon Heart explained and packed their purchases into the magical box which shrank down.
"There, simple dispell spell and you can return it into its original size. Now was there anything else I might help you with?" Moon Heart asked.

Before Rarity managed to answer the robed pony jumped on Rarity and had her head on a firm lock in his arms.
"One bearer of Element of Harmony is surely a fine sacrifice for the king's return." Said the robed pony and started to drag Rarity out and revealed his horn from under his robe's hood.
"Don't try anything you two and you may walk out of this alive." the pony said while Rarity tried her best to free herself from his grasp with her magic but her captor quickly placed an inhibitor ring on her horn.
"Not so fast honey. Can't let you escape so easy." The robed unicorn said and started to try to drag Rarity outside the shop.
"Not so fast mister!" Moon Heart yelled and cast a magic beam towards the captor who raised a shield to fight against his attacker. Moon Heart pressed her attack trying her best to overcome the attacker's shield, but slowly and surely the captor was moving towards the exit.
"Your magic isn't strong enough to destroy a shield of an acolyte of chaos." the captor taunted, but had made a big mistake.

When the magic casting started between the two unicorns Applejack knew she had to help somehow but she shouldn't go near that raw arcane energy. A lightbulb lit over her head and she returned to the room where they got their little toys. After a fast search Applejack found boxes of strong shibari robes and let out a chuckle.
"Ah never would have guessed that I use sex toys to catch an angry bull." she commented to herself untied certain knots so the shibari was one long rope lasso now. Returning to the room she saw that this crazy pony was almost out of the shop, but Moon Heart was pressing the attack so the captor was distracted. Giving his shibari lasso a few swings over her head and threw it towards the captor.
"Yehaaw!" Applejack yelled.
The captor heard this and turned his head towards it, but it was too late for him. Lasso was around her neck and with great strength, Applejack pulled on the rope and brought this crazy monk to the ground making his head hit the floor knocking him out.

Both Applejack and Moon Heart dashed to Rarity's side helping to remove the ring from her horn and placed it to this crazy monk's horn blocking his magic while Applejack tied him up.
"You okay sugar cube? Nothing broken?" Applejack asked worried about her friend's health.
Letting out a sigh Rarity turned to Applejack. "I'm okay Applejack. Thank you for the rescue." Rarity said and gave warm smile to her friend who in turn smiled back.
"Who was that? How crazy you must be to capture a pony in a broad daylight?" Moon Heart asked while taking a look at the knocked-out unicorn.
"Ah have no idea. Perhaps he is related that problem Twilight was summoned here." Applejack answered, but didn't say anything about Sombra's possible return, not wanting to spread panic.
"Perhaps we should take the ruffian with us to the palace. The princesses might want to question him if this is related to our problem." Rarity said.
"Are you two going to be okay?" Moon Heart asked.
"Don't worry darling we are okay. Just a little shaken." Rarity answers.
"It takes more than one bull to take me down. Could you help me Rarity? We need to take him to guards and get to the palace." Applejack said.

Rarity nodded and used her magic to levitate the pony up. "Thank you for the help and the toys Moon Heart. We will tell Princess how helpful you were. Take care darling" Rarity said and a bright smile formed on Moon Heart's face and she just thanked the two mares who left with an unconscious attacker on their tow. Walking back towards the carriage they both got many looks towards them and a couple of ponies even asked why they had a tied pony with them. Explaining the situation multiple times was getting on both of their nerves.

The two guards Shining had sent with Rarity and Applejack were waiting by the cart bored out of their mind.
"I'm bored! How long can those two shop around? It's been like two hours already!" one of them whined.
"Can you shut up already. We got ordered to do this and that's what we do. Oh look there they are and they have..." the other guard fell silent seeing a tied-up unicorn behind the two mares. Both of the guards gave questioning looks towards Rarity and Applejack.
"We need to take this ruffian to the castle. He jumped on us and he might have information regarding our visit with other princesses." Applejack answered and lifted the pony from Rarity's magic placing him into the carriage.
The guards gave a look to each other and then back towards Applejack. "You two are element bearers so we trust you for now. Come we must depart and report this to Prince Armor." Said older guard who got ready to pull the carriage waiting for the two element bearers to enter. Entering into the carriage and feeling it start to move Rarity looked towards Applejack.
"Applejack darling. Why would this stallion try and capture me? I barely know anyone from this magnificent city." Rarity asked while pondering her own question.

Applejack looked back and answered. "I have no idea sugercube. All we can hope is that princesses get him to talk."
finishing her talk they could hear a pained groan next to them.
"Wha... What happened?" the cultist asked while trying to touch his head, but couldn't. Noticing and feeling his hands were tied behind his back. And then there was the ring on his horn which meant no casting.
"Well... This is bad. High Priest isn't going to like this at all." the cultist talked to himself.
"Welcome back to the waking world ruffian." Rarity said with a hint of disdain in her voice.
"Take it slow and easy or my fist knocks you out again." Applejack said clearly angry.
"I guess it was stupid of me to try and catch one of the element bearers alone. So what do you want to know?" The cultist said to the two of them.

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and then Rarity began. "First of who you are and you willingly give us the details about this Sombra situation?" Rarity finished her question.
The cultist let out a shilling laugh before answering. "Oh it doesn't matter if I tell you or not. You are too late to stop what is to come. Even if I didn't capture you as a sacrifice there are loyal members who will willingly give their life for a chance to resurrect the king. Capturing one bearer would have made it easier for our true king to capture all of Equestria." the cultist explained clearly enjoying the chance to inflict fear to his enemies.
"I hate to break it, but that isn't going to happen. You see we know little something about this god of yours and he ain't someone you should be following. Also, we got Spike who seems to be this Champion of Draco and according to our dragon friends he can deal with you and your god." Applejack explained which made the cultist sit in silence for a long time until Applejack spoke again.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Applejack taunted the cultist.
"It doesn't matter even if you speak the truth about this champion. You are already too late. Take me to your precious princesses. I have played my part." cultist answered and withdrew back into the corner in silence.
"Miss Rarity! Miss Applejack! We are almost at the palace." One of the guards yelled.
"Thank you, darling. It seems we might get some answers soon." Rarity said and Applejack just gave a nod to her. The rest of the journey was made in silence.

Crystal Palace

Back to the present

Celestia the princess of the sun stood in front of the cultist and gave an angry stare towards the cultist.
"Is it true? Are you part of the group that took Sombra's bones from his last resting place?" Celestia asked her body starting to radiate heat even more. While the cultist cowered little but tried to speak with confidence.
"I am. And your false rule is at its end. Our king will return with our god's blessing and there is no chance you can stop us." the cultist talked with a little stutter in his voice. Cadance walked next to her aunt.
"Auntie, might I suggest not to fry our only lead alive?" Cadance said to Celestia and turned towards the cultist.
"I'm sorry about aunties' burst of anger. But I'm sure you know deep in your heart that this is wrong. Might I get your name?" Cadance asked giving motherly smile to the cultist.

"I... Sky Arrow. My name is Sky Arrow." cultist answered.
"Tell me Sky Arrow. Why? Why are you doing this?" Cadance asked never once dropping her smile.
"The reasons don't matter! I want to get justice for the crimes your aunt did to my family!" Sky Arrow said and pointed towards Celestia.
Celestia was clearly confused and her anger washed away from her face. "Me? What did I do to you? I haven't met you before this day." Celestia answered.
"The war against King Sombra. Your armies killed my father and my mother died to her grief when we returned upon learning his death. I know he was controlled, but you saved so many from Sombra's control so why not my father!" Sky Arrow yelled anger boiling over his reason.
Celestia was looking towards the floor clearly ashamed. "I'm sorry. We learned about the possibility of releasing them from his control late into the war. If there would be any chance to travel in time and make it right I would do it but I can't. You are among one of the many ponies I failed during that time. I humbly beg your forgiveness." Celestia said bowing down towards the floor.

Seeing the princess of the sun bowing before him made a small amount of Sky Arrow's anger dissipate but not all of it. Cadance continued her questioning. "Sky Arrow. I don't know how it feels to lose one's mother and father, but I'm sure they didn't want you to take this path. I don't know how long you have known auntie. But I can assure you she always has the welfare of her ponies in her mind. She would never take a life unless it was the very last option." Cadance explained.
A small amount of anger was vanishing from Sky Arrow's face. "But... The voice of Exitium promised justice for me and my parents back after we resurrect our king." Sky Arrow said. Hearing this Eris was one to speak next.
"The voice you heard is my grandpa. And I'm sorry to break this to you. But grandpa doesn't have that kind of power. Resurrecting the dead takes some serious power and usually, that power requires to sacrifice a living pony." Eris explained.
"But... Why would it say something like that? Why make promises that it can't keep? And how do you know" Sky Arrow was clearly distraught
Eris walked towards the "I'm sure he promised many things to your other fellow cultists. All the grand things he promised were lies. My grandpa cares only about himself and his freedom. You and your cult are only tools for him to achieve his goals. My guess is that he could use Sombra again as a temporary vessel to wreak havoc in the mortal plane." Eris explained.
Cadance continued. "Sky Arrow. You are our only hope to stop anything this Exitium is planning. Please help us to make this right again and I can promise your possible punishment is lenient." Cadance finished.

Sky Arrow was deep in thought. Going through a mental battle with his past and current self. His mother was always a peace-loving mare who cheered him to do the right thing. His father always pointed out how he should help others any way he could. Together they were a family who loved each other. All the good times returned to his mind before he spoke up again. "I... I'm sorry mom, dad. I failed you. I did exactly the opposite you two reached me to do." Sky Arrow said to himself while small tears were let out of his eyes.
Eris conjured a piece of paper into her hands. And offered it to Sky Arrow. "There there. You wouldn't be the first one he has fooled. But you can help us to stop whatever he is planning."
"I don't know If I can forget what you did to my father Celestia. But my parents wouldn't want me to do this. I'll tell you anything you want to hear, but I fear we might be late." Sky Arrow said and looked towards Celestia.
"Again I'm sorry. I'll do anything in my power to help you get through your pain Sky Arrow. Now please tell us all you know about this resurrection." Celestia said.

Sky Arrow took a deep breath before he began to explain. "Our plan was to resurrect Sombra as Exitium told us to do. The spell we are supposed to use requires a blood sacrifice to resurrect the body. The spirit of Sombra was delivered to us by the chosen champion of Exitium so that takes care of the part of retrieving the soul of the dead. The resurrection is supposed to be done today at midnight so we have only a couple of hours of time. I can show you the key entrances to our secret hiding place, but we must act quickly if we want to stop anything that Exitium has planned."
Shining took a place next to his wife. "We need the best on this one. We can take a small company of soldiers to wait at the entrances Sky Arrow shows us to capture anyone who tries to escape. I'll lead the assault team myself. We could use the power of the princesses at our side. There is no telling what kind of powers these cultists can use."
"Of course Captain Armor I and my sister will lend you our strength." Luna said and Celestia nodded in approval.
"You can count us in too." Said Twilight while Spike, Ember, Rarity, and Applejack gave all nods towards Shining.

"I... Twily I know you want to help, but have you ever used a sword or any weapon?" Shining asked little concerned about his little sister. Twilight conjured a purple ethereal blade from nothing into her hand.
"I might not be as good as you, but you should know that dad and mom both gave me some special training after my ascension to a princess." Twilight said and took a couple of slashes at the air with her ethereal blade.
"Alright Twily I get it you can come but you'll have to follow my exact rules. I tell you to run you run. Got that?" Shining asked with a commanding tone of a big brother and a captain.
"Aye aye captain Armor" Twilight answered saluting her B.B.B.F.F playfully who in turn let out an irritated sigh.
"So where is this meeting place of your cult?" Spike asked looking a little intrigued about this situation.
"I need a map tho show it to you." Twilight summoned a map and placed it in front of Sky Arrow. Who in turn placed his hand into the outskirts of the Crystal Empire near Crystal Mountains.
"Here is the place we meet. There is an ancient temple that is in ruins. That temple was dedicated to Exitium. Our cult rebuild the underground halls and hid the entrances. We must make haste if we want to stop him." Sky Arrow said.
"We can teleport ourselves there but we still might need the help of soldiers." Celestia said.
Shining wrote something into paper and gave it to one of the guards standing at the door. "Take this to the commanding officer at barracks now soldier!" Shining ordered and the guard rushed towards the barracks.
Celestia and Luna concentrated and different kinds of armors and weapons appeared on Luna and Celestia. "Now we are equipped to meet our adversary. Gather around and we all shall travel to this temple." Luna said and started to charge another spell with Celestia.

Celestia's Armor
Luna's Armor

When Cadance tried to walk into the circle she was stopped by Shining. "Oh no you don't. You have to stay here. You are the ruler of Crystal Empire and I can't let you walk into danger." Shining said.
Cadance was clearly angry at the comment. "Shining Armor! I'm not some pretty flower to be kept locked in a glass cage. You know how good I am with a sword and with magic. I am coming with you to help." Cadance said anger clear in her voice.
Shining just smiled. "You are also my wife and a mother of our foal. If something happens to us I don't want Flurry to grow up without both of his parents. It's my duty to protect you both so please stay behind and protect Flurry. I know I don't have authority over you, but please do this for Flurry." Shining said smiling and pleading with his wife at the same time.
Cadence rolled her eyes anger disappearing from them. "Arghhh... Fine! But if I don't hear anything from any of you in the next hour I'll be coming for your sorry ass!" Cadence said in a loud voice and gave a quick smack to her husband's rump.
Shining gave a laugh and a quick kiss to his wife. "Of course Princess." Shining answered and was caught in another kiss. After getting free from the kiss Shining walked back towards the group. All of the ponies and dragons laughed a little. Celestia was first to say anything. "I see my niece has you on a tight leash Captain Armor." Celestia said playfully.
"Hey she is a scary mare when she wants to be. And I love her too much to disappoint her." Shining answered.
A big "Awww" sound was heard from the group around.
"True love indeed. Now hold on your insides this might feel a little weird again." Luna said and in a flash of light, the group disappeared only a small trace of magic hanging in the air was left where the group stood.

"You really think I wouldn't be at your side and help you." Cadance said to herself and lit her horn. Bright pink battle regalia similar to that of Celestia with her cutie mark appeared on her and staff to focus her magic on her left hand.
"This feels a little bit too tight on the chest but I think I can manage. Shining will have a heart attack when I get there." With a flash of pink magic Cadance disappeared from the throne room too following her husband.

Return of the King

View Online

Realm of Chaos

Prison of Exitium

God of Chaos was looking into something which looked like a rip in time and space and speaking to the image of a light purple female dragon in it. The dragon looked much like Spike only that her chest has certain curves and her scales were much more pristine. The dragoness eyes were glowing dark green giving her a malicing look.

"My brother's champion is getting closer. One of those cultists told him where you are. You must resurrect Sombra now! I might not be able to manifest my full power through him but it should be enough to deal with those pesky princesses."
Before the dragoness answered she started to twist her head like she was in pain. The glow in her eyes disappeared for a moment but soon returned. After a short moment of silence, she spoke with a chilling tone. "This dragoness sure has a kick in her. Don't worry I have her under control again. She is still fighting my control." Dragoness said to Exitium.
Exitium looked angry and spoke with a deep and angry voice. "Make sure you don't lose your control. She is vital to my plan to get free from this wretched prison. If you can't do your job you can forget our deal."
"Don't worry. I'll hold on to our terms. You in turn should hold on to your own. My master won't be happy if we fail. But I am needed in the ritual site. There is a resurrection to be done." The dragoness said and waved her hand on the image and it disappeared into nothingness.

Dragoness walked out of her personal quarters entering into a long hallway. Walking through the hallway which has different statues and paintings honoring the god of chaos. Some of them were just crafted to look like Exitium others were described him slaying his brother Draco. After a short walk, he reached a large chamber with a symbol crafted into the stone floor. It was a pentagram and in its middle was a whirlpool-looking image and over it was a table with the ones of King Sombra. Next to the table was a smoke which had chains all over it the spirit of King Sombra waiting for the ritual to be finished. There standing next to the table was a cultist who was dressed differently than the rest of his kind. His robe was more dark red and he had a dark red tiara with a big emerald on it. The priest turned towards the dragoness hearing her enter.

"Aah, Barb champion of Exitium. How I may serve you?" The cultist said and kneeled in front of the dragoness.
The dragoness now named Barb waved her hand to the cultists commanding him to rise. "I have spoken with our god. We must resurrect Sombra now. High Priest Shadow Shield! Exitium has chosen you to be the sacrifice to usher in Sombra's return. This is great honor you will be at his side when he is released from his prison and helps you to achieve your revenge." Barb said speaking with a chilling dark voice. The other cultist in the room erupted into cheers yelling their leaders and champions' names.
The High Priest rose and spoke in a loud voice. "If that is is his wish I will obey. Brothers and Sisters! I have been chosen to do this great honor. Do not weep for me, but rejoice I shall return with our god to punish those who have wronged us." The cheering continued as the High Priest laid down onto the table. "I am ready. You must finish the ritual my champion." Barb took a ritual dagger from the table crafted for this moment.

Ritual Dagger

"Easily manipulated fools." The entity controlling Barb though and started the ritual making deep cuts into the high priest's wrist first then moving to his legs and last his throat the blood flowed down and started to fill the image that was crated into the ground. High Priest had a smile on his face and didn't move a muscle during this and slowly the life in his eyes vanished. During this, the real Barb that was trapped inside her own body started to gag. No matter what she tried she couldn't stop this monster that was controlling her body from killing this pony who has been lied for years. After all the blood was drained from the high priest's body it has filled the carved image in the ground Barb placed her left hand on the chains holding down Sombras spirit the other onto the bones of his body.
"All of you unicorns join me you all know what we must do." Barb said and started the incantation with the unicorn members of the cult.

"Taker of life, god of gods, accept my offering. Bone, flesh, spirit. Yours eternally. Bone, flesh, spirit. I beg of you, return Sombra to us." All of them chanted. Finishing the incantation the body of now dead high priest flesh started to peel from his bones slowly moving towards the bones of Sombra and so did the blood on the ground. Slowly the flesh on the bones started to morph into Sombra's old body. After that was done his spirit was drained into his new body until all that remained were chains falling to the ground.

Slowly now resurrected Sombra rose up to his feet and opened his eyes which were normal no dark green or red slits at all. Upon realizing he wasn't under Exitium's influence he started to panic and yell. "You fools! You don't know what you have done! You have all been lied to! Don't..." Sombra didn't get to finish his speech when a familiar dark presence entered into his body taking control of it again.
The dark voice of the god of chaos was back in his mind. "I told you. You are mine and there is nothing you can do to escape my grip." Exitium spoke to Sombra in his mind taunting him and laughing. Sombra tried to fight back, but even a fraction of the power of God was too much for him. "I might not have the power to expel you, but I will not give in this easy!" Sombra spoke to Exitium's spirit. "Last time you managed to do that you had your mother to help you. Now you are alone no one to help you. Alone and unloved just give in." God of Chaos taunted and was in control of Sombras body and Sombra did his best to fight back holding of not letting Exitium use his full power while he had a spirit to fight off so he could fully control his body. At that moment a door was blasted open by the explosion of light green fire and a certain dragon entered into the hall. "Girls... We have a big problem." Spike said as the rest of his group entered the hall

Crystal Mountains

Hour Before Ressurection

A tranquil forest clearing with ancient ruins was teeming with wildlife. Each of the animals was focusing on their day-to-day life eating and walking around the area tending their young and just living. With a bright flash of magic, a group of ponies and two dragons appeared, and all the wildlife in the area scattered fleeing the bright light. Each of the arrivals looked around the area where they were.

"It seems we arrived at the right place there seem to be some ruins here. Are you sure we can trust this Sky Arrow" Shining commented while he drew his sword from its sheath. Sky Arrow as to answer Shinings question lit his horn and focused his magic and stood in his place in silence. After a short moment, the land below them trembled and moved aside revealing a long staircase down. "There. That's the entrance to the temple. Now we must hurry we can't let them succeed in the resurrection spell." Sky Arrow said and started to walk down the stairs.
"Wait. Where's Eris?" Celestia asked taking a look around not seeing the Lady of Chaos anywhere.
"We don't have time to wait for her. Please follow me, Princesses." Shining said and started to follow Sky Arrow.

When the group finally reached the bottom they were in awe of how huge the hall was in front of them. But there was a huge question in everyone's mind why was this place so empty. Sky Arrow pointed towards different hallways which lead to where finally pointing towards the last hallway in front of them. "And that leads to Ritual chamber. Sombra's remains are held there and I'm sure all of the missing ponies are there." He said and guided them towards the door to open it. But to their surprise, the door opened itself only to reveal five ponies. They all had swords already drawn and spoke in a chilling voice in sync ignoring the fact that two of the ponies were missing their jaw.
"No one is allowed to enter into the chambers." They said in unison while having empty look in their eyes.
"What are those they look like ponies and yet..." Spike asked taking a step back.
"Their undead. It seems some pony among these cultists is dappling in necromancy." Luna answered and quickly charge a disintegration spell launching it towards one of them. To Luna's surprise, it quickly deflected the spell with the sword in its hand. The spell hit one of the walls disintegrating a big part of it.

Shining was first to act after that and dashed forward with his sword and started to clash with one of the undead shortly followed by Luna who was wielding her two moon forged blades in her hands and was dealing battling two of them at the same time. Celestia was using her own halberd to deal with the two remaining ones. The undead ponies held on their ground pretty well but the experience of two princesses and the captain of solar guard started to show and after a short battle the ponies' bodies were returned to rest.
Shining pulled his sword out of the body of the one undead pony and cleaned it. "Well that was oddly easy. Your friends should really work on the defense of this place." he commented letting out a little laugh.
At that moment the earth beneath them started to shake. "I'm afraid the real battle is still upon us Captain Armor." Celestia said and got into her battle stance. The rest of the group got ready too. Twilight summoned simple leather armors on her, Applejack, and Rarity with her magic after that she summoned an ethereal blade for her to use while Applejack was ready to use her fists and Rarity use her magic.

Both dragons were also ready for this with the snap of her fingers the armor Ember used in the gauntlet was on her and a two-handed sword that looked like it was made of black obsidian. Spike looked at her in awe letting out a whistle. "You weren't joking when you said you do know magic Ember. You got to teach me how to do that." Spike commented.
Ember had a small hint of blush on her cheeks. "Thank you Spike, but shouldn't you already know? You are Champion of Draco after all." Ember said.
"I... errr... I'm supposed to know?" Spike asked while rubbing his head embarrassed.
"You... You're joking?" Ember said looking at Spike hardly believing what she was hearing. Twilight noticed that Spike was looking a little uncomfortable after that comment and walked next to Spike.
"Spike when you fought against your... I don't know I'll just call it, evil twin. You manifested armor and sword. Your mind mirrors your magical abilities according to Starswirl. I'm sure you can do that in the waking world too. I summoned my armors from a locker in the castle. So my guess would be that the armor you had during that battle is inside you. Magically sealed in you. With your magic, you can draw it out, or at least that's my theory. Focus on that imagine it in your mind and draw it out." Twilight explained giving a quick guide on magic summoning. "I... I'll try. Thanks, Twilight." Spike said and closed his eyes and started to focus while the rumbling grow stronger and more of those undead ponies started to appear from the hallway leading towards the ritual chamber.

Focusing Spike closed his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts. All the sounds disappeared around him it was only him in pitch-black darkness. He could feel something inside him and he latched onto it. The Armor he used on his battle against his evil twin as Twilight called it appeared on her the Deep Purple color shined through the dark hallways. The four-horned helm on his head gave him a taunting look. Last, the sword appeared in his hand with its runes glowing light blue. While focusing on drawing his magic and the armor to him Spike heard a faint voice it sounded like a woman who was in distress "Help my..." And as quickly as it appeared it was gone. Opening his eyes he noticed that he managed to draw this armor out he had no idea was in him.

Spike could see that others were already busy fighting the undead ponies it seemed like there was no end to them. Suddenly one of them lunged towards Spike and pure instinct guided his hand when he pinned to dodge the dead pony and lifted his sword to cut its head off. The fighting against the undead continued with Spike joining in and using his Dragonfire with Ember the dead ponies started to burn up in numbers. Ponies had no hard time dealing with these mindless drones. There were many, but they lacked the intelligence to form up any good opposition towards the invading group. Shining was first to notice that the number of new dead ponies started to get lower with each passing minute. The time flew by during the battle against the undead horde and soon only a few of them were left standing.

After the last undead pony was cut down by Celestia she turned around to see how everyone was holding.
"It's over, for now at least. How are you all holding? This is a ghastly sight but know that you didn't hurt anypony. Their dead bodies were controlled with magic" Celestia asked while walking towards Twilight seeing that they all were looking pretty pale. Shining walked next to his sister and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey kiddo, how are you holding up." Shining asked and Twilight faced her brother.
"I... I feel a little horrified. I didn't know I could do something like this. I know they weren't alive anymore but still..." Twilight explained, but Shining interrupted her.
"Twily. I know how it feels right now. It gets easier by time, but remember that if you ever face another living being like that don't take joy in the act you are forced to do and never be the aggressor." Shining told his sister while keeping her close to him.

Applejack and Rarity were doing a little better and Luna was talking with them possibly about the same thing Shining just talked with Twilight. Celestia walked towards Ember and Spike who were talking about something naughty if the crimson red face of Spike was any pointer.
"Well Spike that armor does suit you, how about after we are done here you show me what's under it." Ember said teasingly while walking around Spike.
"I... I would love to do that Ember, but..." Spike tried to talk while feeling a little embarrassed about the situation.
"I haven't seen Spike like this in a while. I thought I was the only one able to make him like this." Celestia said to Ember and gave a quick smile to her.
"How are you two holding? I know this was ghastly, but it needed to be done." Celestia asked.
"You don't have to worry about me, Princess Celestia. This isn't my first rodeo." Ember answered.
"I don't know why, but I don't feel... well bad. I know they needed to be put down. Maybe it's my dragon instincts?"
Ember just shrugged her shoulders while Celestia thought for a moment before speaking. "Perhaps. But we don't have time to think about that right now. We need to stop Sombra's resurrection. Come let's see if the rest are ready to continue." Celestia said and started to move towards the others when a flash of pink magic flew past her with some undead ponies stuck in it. Celestia just smiled already knowing who was the source of that magic.

Seeing some undead ponies flying by surrounded by pink magic Shining let out a loud groan. "You just had to ignore my plea didn't you." Shining said not looking behind him.
A small giggle could be heard before Cadance spoke. "We did swear to be there for each other or have you forgotten already?" Cadance said while walking next to Shining and Twilight and giving a quick kiss to Shining.
Released from the kiss Shining spoke. "Well Princess if you want to help then you have to follow my orders got it?" Shining asked while trying to sound serious.
"Aye, Aye Captain." Cadance said and gave a salute.
Sky Arrow walked in front of the group and waved them to follow him. "Follow me. We should head towards the ritual chamber." He says and takes a torch from the wall lighting the way for them.

The group starts to move forward into the hallway passing many different pieces of odd art and some doors that probably lead to bedrooms or other areas. Finally arriving at the huge door and trying to open it starts to glow dark red and burn Sky Arrows' hand when he touches the handle. Quickly removing his hand he curses to himself.
"Damn it it's enchanted. We must find a way to dispel it." Sky Arrow says.
Twilight has an overconfident smirk on her face. "You have four alicorns here dispelling a blocking spell is going to be easy." She says and starts to light up her horn. After a short moment, she blasts the door with white magic, but nothing happens. "But... that can't be. I used the strongest dispelling spell I had." Twilight said having a look of disbelief on her face.
"My faithful student let me show you how it's done." Celestia stepped in and tried to dispel the spell but the result was the same. Luna and Cadance tried too as did Rarity and Shining with no results. "What is this magic?" Celestia asked and started to do a magical scan on it.

"It's the magic of Exitium's Champion so we can't get through the door only..." Sky Arrow explained, but didn't get to finish his sentence.
"Draco's Champion can dispel it." Ember finished getting a nod from Sky Arrow.
Ember turned towards Spike. "Go get 'em, tiger. Your turn to shine." Ember said
Spike was tapping his fingers together little nervous. "Ermm... How am I supposed to dispel it? I don't know how to do something like that." He said while the rest of the group just slapped their faces.
"Spike, magic can be overpowered and some magic is weaker against certain types of magic so..." Cadance explained
"What Cadance is saying is that you must just overpower it. So just use your breath on it." Twilight finished.

"Oh, okay here goes then." Spike said and started to gather his fire in his belly. After he thought he had enough of it he released it all. A bright green fire that had mixed gold in it blasted to the door and Spike kept releasing more of his fire. Shortly the spell gave up and the door blew up in a light green fire. Spike was first to enter and there he was King Sombra alive and well.
"Girls... We have a big problem." Spike yelled and the rest of the group entered. All of them let out a gasp upon seeing the former tyrant alive. But what shook them all was what happened next the dark green glow on Sombra's eyes disappeared and he looked towards Twilight and Cadance with a questioning look. "Ra... Radiant, Mo... Mom, you're... yo..." Sombra with a different softer voice than they had heard but suddenly stopped and started to trash his head around.

At that moment Barb jumped in front of Sombra. "Look what these foul ponies have done to our king. Protect him and he will show favor towards you and your families when he sits on his throne. I'll deal with the purple dragon You will help King Sombra to deal with the rest of the rabble." She said and used her wings to fly fast and grab Spike and separate him from his friends.
"Spike!" All of them yelled except Shining who parked orders. "Focus on the battle in front of us Spike can take care of himself! Rarity! Applejack! secure our rear! Luna! Celestia! Protect our sidelines. The rest of us deal with what is in front of us! Use non-lethal force for now!" Shining yelled orders their formation forming in the heat of the battle while they used magic and raw force to knock out the cultists who were trying to fight them while Sombra was fighting for control against Exitium.

Barb was flying while holding onto Spike who was trying his best to free himself from Barb's strong grip.
"This day couldn't get any better. Champion of Draco just walks in here. Exitium is going to be so happy when I deal with you." Barb says while flying. After arriving at the grand hall of the temple she throws him to the ground. Spike gets back up coughing while a dark sword appears from the black flames in Barb's arms.

Barb's Sword

Barb dashed forward trying to cut Spike but Spike managed to parry her attack with his own sword that he summoned back to his hand. Spike takes a look towards the dragoness and recognizes her. She is the one in the mirror. She's his sister. "Is this how you treat your long-lost brother? I mean what gives." Spike said giving a little laugh while they were in a deadlock with their swords.
"My... Bro... Brother..." Barb said with a different tone. Her voice was more feminine now instead of dark chilly masculine. She rolled her head a little and the dark voice was back. "She is ours. She might try to fight back, but it's only a matter of time until she gives in." Barb, said while two of them were trying to find weaknesses in others' defense while still in a deadlock with each other. After an agonizing moment, Barb used her tail to hit Spike's legs. Spike wasn't prepared for this and lost his balance and fell to the ground. Seizing the opportunity Barb raised her sword up and brought it down aiming to finish Spike with one quick strike.

Spike rolled and took a small hit to his shoulder blood flowing slowly from his fresh wound. Using his own wings he dashed forward slamming into Barb with his head which knocked the air out of her. Both of them were on the ground Spike holding her hands down and holding her tail with his tail. While she was trashing trying to get free
"Come on snap out of it. My name's Spike I'm your brother." Spike said. The entity controlling Barb could feel how this dragoness was fighting against its control. Doing its best to hold onto the control it managed to use Barbs dragon breath. Spike saw the build-up of toxic green magic fire on Barb's mouth and quickly released his sister to dodge the incoming attack. Attacking wildly with her breath she spew fireballs towards Spike who dodged them and headed into cover.
"Is this all you got? I thought more of you Champion of Draco." Barb taunted Spike while throwing more fireballs towards the cover Spike was behind.
"I don't want to hurt my sister. Just cool down and we can have a little talk about this you know brother and sister private talk. I got some tasty rubies you might like." Spike said while taking one ruby out of his pocket and raising it up only to feel it blow to pieces by Barb's fireballs.
"Or not... Come on I don't even know your name maybe start with that. I told you mine already."

Black smoke traveled from the hallway leading to the ritual chamber and formed a crack in time and space appeared in the air next to Barb. Spike could hear a deep ancient voice coming from it and the voice and it was sounding pissed.
"I lost Sombra and you aren't ready to face Draco's Champion. Retreat! Now! Or you ruin everything!" The voice yelled sounding a little panicked and the candles around the hall started to burn even brighter when it spoke.
"Fine then I'll retreat for now." Snapping her fingers a dark red portal appeared next to her. Spike decided to look out of her cover seeing that his sister stopped throwing fireballs at him and noticed a portal Barb was entering. Spike dashed forward trying to grab her sister, but seeing this the entity controlling Barb started to use her breath attack again and Spike had to get behind cover again.
"Sorry sweetheart, but I got to go. Barb says bye." The dragoness finished and disappeared through the portal Spike left his cover and dashed forward trying to enter the portal his sister used, but once fully through it the portal disappeared and Spike just fell to the cold ground.

After his failed attempt to get his sister back Spike was on the ground on his knees and started to hit the ground with his fists leaving cracks in the floor. "Damn it! I was so close!" He yelled to himself while pounding the floor while small tears formed in his eyes. A chance to save dragoness who surely was his sister he could feel it in his heart but she slipped past his claws. "At least I learned her name. Barb now that is a lovely name."
"Spike! Are you okay!" Spike heard Twilight's voice behind him and turned his head towards the sound. Seeing the rest of their group running towards him with Sombra behind them who was levitating above the ground.

Ritual Chamber

After Spike's Kidnapping

The cultists were attacking the group but thanks to Shining experience and the raw power of four alicorns they were making zero progress and were easily knocked out one at a time.
"Ugh... These ponies should really get some dressing advice those robes look so dreadful." Rarity said commenting on the robes cultists were wearing while sapping another cultist into sleep with her magic.
"Sugercube... I think this is the wrong time and place for a fashion guide." Applejack commented and knocked one cultist out.
The groups luck, unfortunately, run out when Sombra decided to stop whatever he was doing and blasted them with dark purple magic beams mixed with dark red energy beams. Shining noticed this and thanks to his deep knowledge of shielding spells managed to shield his group Sombra's spell. Most of the damage was absorbed by the large shield, but eventually, it cracked and got destroyed. The remaining energy seared their skin making burn marks on all of them. Thanks to the shield spell Shining cast around them his group survived along with some of the knocked-out cultists. Those outside the shield weren't so lucky. At least they didn't suffer and died instantly disintegrating into a pile of ash. Seeing his enemies were still standing Sombra spoke. "I'm impressed. I can't recall any living being surviving that attack. I might have used most of my energy on that attack, but I still got enough power to control Sombra and use his magic and remove you ants from the board." He said having a wicked grin on his face.

"Sister! No!" Luna yelled to her sister. Celestia ignored her and made a quick dash towards the possessed king attempting to knock him out fast, but Sombra was already awaiting something like this. Like their last duel, he melted into shadows and cast a fear spell on her. The princess of the sun froze in her place and started to mutter something to herself while she was covered in fear of something. "You haven't changed a bit, Celestia. Always raging like the sun so you dash into combat recklessly like last time. Now you'll pay the price, that spell is a little more enhanced from last time." Sombra gloated. Seeing Celestia fall into the same trap as last time Luna and Cadance got ready to fight Sombra.
"Luna and Cadance you flank Sombra's sides. Ember you attack him from the air I'll take him head-on. Twilight you support us with your magic." Twilight gave acknowledging nod and they rushed forward. Shining attacking with his sword, Cadance and Luna were charging their magic on both sides of Sombra while Ember was flying towards him with cyan flames forming in her mouth.

Exitium wasn't even worried. These ants were trying to use force and crush his vessel. It's true that he couldn't use all of his power, but he had some of his power and all of Sombra's left unused. A giant red energy ball formed around him and flaming crimson chains appeared from the ball launching forward all of them and coiling around them slowly starting to crush them while burning all of them at the same time. Cadance, Luna, and Twilight were fighting back better than Ember, Shining, Applejack, and Rarity were losing their strength faster. Shining could feel himself getting weaker by each passing second. "Twily... I'm sorry sis. But you got to take care of Flurry for me I..." Shining tried to continue but let out a scream of pain feeling the chains hold get even tighter. Hearing this Sombra had a wonderful and dreadful idea and stopped the spell from squishing all of them. just keeping them pound for now. "A sister you say. I do take so much enjoyment of crushing all hope out of you mortals so here's what we do." Sombra said and with a snap of fingers, all of them were lying in front of them while Shining and Twilight were sitting facing their other sibling. Another snap and chained Celestia was released from the fear spell. "What is the meaning of this! Release us at once." Celestia yelled upon seeing herself bound.

"Oh, all in good time Princess of the Sun. The bond between siblings is strong. I pondered if I would do this to you and Luna, but these two have far deeper bonds than you two." Sombra said and charged his magic again and a pitch-black blade appeared into his hand it looked like it was sucking all the light around it.
"Thou should speak more clearly. We already know Sombra is being controlled by you, Exitium." Luna said with anger on her face.
"Oh no I have been found out." Exitium said feigning hurt. "But it doesn't really matter. I'm planning to let all of you go, but first I want to drain all of your hope. I want you to feel how it feels to lose someone you really love and admire." Exitium finished and walked next to Twilight and started to press his blade into her shoulder. Flesh gave in and the blade started to sink slowly into her flesh. Twilight let out a loud scream of pain while all of them started to plead to stop what he was doing. "Stop! Please take me! Not my little sister! I'll give you anything don't hurt her!" Shining yelled while tears were flowing down on his cheeks hearing the sounds of pain Twilight was letting each time the blade sunk further into her shoulder.
"You mortals can't give me what I want! Now just enjoy the show I want to feel all your hope draining from your body." Exitium said.

Twilight looked straight into Sombra's eyes. "Please, grandfather! It hurts! Stop this please!" Twilight pleaded.
Love is said to be the strongest magic and in this case, it was proven right. Tears started to form in Sombra's eyes while he was forced to watch while this pony who looked so much like her love Radiant called him grandfather awoke something deep in him. The instinct to protect one's family. He could feel a special connection towards this mare, he was sure that there was a reason why she looked so much like his love. Radiant might have died a long time ago, but their son had survived their lineage survived. "No." Sombra said with his own warm voice and blinked to show the red irises and green color started to vanish from his eyes while more tears were forming and flowing on his cheeks and he stopped pressing the sword deeper.
Cadance could feel the intense love coming from Sombra. The love towards one's family was growing stronger each passing second. "Twilight! Keep going! I can feel the love within him growing stronger!" Cadance yelled.
"I... we read your diary grandfather. You did what you did to protect your family, but you were fooled. Please, fight against his hold. We know you can do it." Twilight said to Sombra her pain seemingly forgotten and was smiling warmly at her distant grandfather.

That smile reminded Sombra of the time when his son was born so long ago. That same smile was on Radiant who was smiling warmly at him when he entered the room to meet his son for the first time. It also brought back pained memories of what he did to his parents or rather what the parasite in him did. He also remembers the smile of his dying mother Amore and her whisper of forgiveness and undying love to him as her special colt. And last guiding words of love conquering all. When he had regained some level of control back then he immediately sunk into a deep depression and lost himself when he realized that he killed his own mother and father in that moment he forgot his mother's guidance and broke giving in to Exitiums will. "Not again!" Sombra said angrily and started to draw the sword slowly out from Twilight.

After the sword was out Sombra's eyes twitched he was having a mental battle against to god of chaos inside his mind. "You are my servant! You do as I command! Kill that mare!" Exitium yelled clearly angry at himself for losing control of Sombra. He shouldn't have used so much power on his first attack now it was biting him back.
"My mother once told me that love conquers all. It's the strongest force in the universe. If I had followed her guidance back then this would have never happened. I just forgot it after seeing what you did to my parents! But no more I won't let you harm my grandchildren!" Sombra yelled at the god in front of him.
Feeling his control slipping slowly away Exitium let out a growl. "You might have won this, but I'll make sure you won't say a word to your family." the god said and shot a beam of energy at Sombra's spirit chains appearing around him and locking him in his place.

Back in the corporeal world Sombra's body just fell limp onto the ground after black smoke left his body towards the direction that dragoness took Spike. The chains around all of them disappeared and Shining was quick to dash to his sister's side.
"Twily! Are you alright, come on kiddo speak to me." Shining said while starting to treat her wound.
Letting out a painful groan Twilight answered. "I'm... ouch... I'm alive Shining thanks B.B.B.F.F" Twilight said while feeling her shoulder slowly healing.
Celestia walked next to her student and fellow princess casting a powerful healing spell on Twilight's wound accelerating its healing. "Forgive me Twilight I almost got us killed." Celestia said.
"You damn right did. You haven't changed a bit, Tia. Still so impatient to rush into action without thinking. I'm glad Twilight managed to do whatever it is she did." Luna said while walking next to the siblings.

Applejack and Rarity walked next to Twilight. "That was some extreme fooling Twilight. Didn't know you had that good skills in speaking." Applejack asked.
"Applejack, Rarity. Shining, and Twilight are related to Sombra. The seal was hiding Sombra's diary which explained lots to us. But that's another matter come we must get to Spike we need to take Sombra with us and get some help for him." Cadance said. Applejack and Rarity's jaw were pretty much hitting the floor upon hearing that.
"I agree. He might have some info for us. Also, I would like to talk to him if he's free from this Exitiums control." Shining said
Twilight placed a hand on Sombra's stomach and a rune of seal appeared on it. "There that should seal of his magic and make it hard to use magic if Sombra isn't controlling his own body." Twilight said
Ember was dusting herself from all the dirt. "Maybe we should see if Spike needs our help." Ember said getting the last of dirt off her armors.
"I agree we must go and Twilight could you use your magic to get Sombra with us." Celestia asked and Twilight gave a nod casting a levitate spell on Sombra. With that, they left to the direction where that dragoness who is supposedly Spike's sister had captured her own brother.

Dragon Lord's Desire

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Grand Hall

"Spike! Are you okay!" Twilight yelled to Spike who was hitting the ground below him. Hearing one of his mates calling him he turned to face the group.
All of them gathered around the dragon checking how he was doing. Celestia's motherly instincts took hold of her seeing that Spike had some burns on his scales.
"Spike? Are you okay? Let me cast a quick healing spell on your burns." She said and green energy washed over Spike healing him of all the burns.
"I didn't know that dragons of all the species could get burns. How is that even possible?" Twilight asked while walking around Spike who started to feel like some sort of test subject once again.
"Yes we are almost immune to all but the most extreme heat sources. But when we dragons breathe fire we can enhance it with our magic. Like with any magic, it can be used for healing or offensive purposes thus the reason for burn marks. Of course, we are resistant to magically enchanted fire, but it doesn't need to reach such high levels of temperature to harm us like fire or magma." Ember explained while having a look of relief.

At that moment a regiment of guards appeared Luna quickly cast a spell around Sombra hiding him from view and a crystal pony in front of the group saluted Shining.
"Lieutenant Heart Piercer of second regiment reporting. We got here as soon as we could." the pony explained while keeping his attention towards Shining
"At ease soldier. There isn't much for you to do, but there are some... bodies in the chamber at the end of the hallway behind us and some surviving cultists. Go and take care of the dead ones and take any living cultists into custody." Shining ordered and the Lieutenant gave a salute and the guards left towards the chamber to fulfill their orders After all the guards were gone Luna dropped the shielding spell around Sombra.

"So... Twilight. What are we going to do with your grandfather is it?" Spike asked not wanting to sound offensive. He was there when Sombra's story was told and felt sadness towards the unicorn.
"We take him into crystal palace. But we need to hide his identity, for now, I'm pretty sure that crystal ponies wouldn't want to see him again just yet." Cadance answered Spike's question.
"Cadance are you sure it's a good idea? I want to learn his history, but... It might be hard to hide his identity for a long period of time." Shining said while walking next to his distant grandfather. Sombra looked like he was in pain wincing silently now and then at something.
"We could take him to the royal wing of the hospital. No one would dare to harm him there." Luna said joining the conversation. Getting approving nods from all of the group.
"There is one more thing." Celestia said and turned to face Sky Arrow.
"Sky Arrow, your help was most appreciated, but your actions require us to place you into custody for the time of the investigation. Will you come peacefully?" Celestia asked.
"I come peacefully, princess." Sky Arrow raised his hands and waited to be cuffed.
"You don't need to be tied Sky Arrow. We believe you have no ill will against us. Come we must get to the palace." Celestia said and waved others to follow her outside. Once out from the temple each alicorn and unicorn prepared to teleport them all back to the crystal palace.

Crystal Throne Room

With a flash of magic, all of them were back in the throne room. Celestia and Luna left for the hospital with Sombra who was under an illusion spell once again to hide his identity for now. Guards escorted Sky Arrow to custody he left with them without incident.
"I kinda missed this kind of action. But what do we do now? All we can do and wait for Sombra to wake up right?" Shining asked after he had changed back to his formal apparel.
"I have arranged suites for all of you. I'm sure you want to take some rest after this adventure. I'm sure you all remember where they were from your last visit here." Cadance said walking next to her husband dressed in an expensive-looking dress.
"Oh that sounds lovely. I can do with a little R&R." Rarity said having a smile on her face.
"Ah reckon a little holiday would be nice." Applejack commented.
"I suppose I could have a little rest. But I would want to take a closer look at the diary." Twilight said and took the diary from the table and left with Rarity and Applejack.
"I need some rest myself these couple of days have been like a rollercoaster for me." Spike said, but before he got a chance to leave Ember latched onto his hand.
"You wouldn't mind showing me where these rooms are my Champion." Ember said with a seductive tone and giving bedroom eyes to Spike.

Shining and Cadance were looking at the display and Shining was holding back his laughter.
"Eeem... sure follow me it's a short walk." Spike said and started to lead Ember towards the suites.
"Ember was giving off some major love energy." Cadance said while holding Shining's hand.
"It seems Spike has caught the eye of the dragon lord this should be interesting." Shining said and felt Cadances hand on his crotch.
"That energy Ember was releasing around her was so rich and I need help on dealing with it." Cadance whispered into Shining's ear seductively while moving her hand into Shinings pants. Taking his wife into his arms and giving a long kiss to her Shining had a wide smile on his face and gave a wink to Cadance.
"As you wish my princess. Let me carry you." He said and Cadance gave a giggle and continued kissing Shining while he started to move towards their bedroom.

Back with Ember and Spike, they were walking towards the rooms Cadance had reserved for them. Ember was pretty much lashed into Spike's arm not that he didn't mind she was a beautiful dragoness to his understanding she was one of his mates now. After arriving at one of the doors Spike opened the door for Ember. "Here we are this is yours and it seems mine is the opposite of yours." Spike said.
Ember placed her arms around Spike's neck and pulled his face near her own.
"Ember... What are you do..." Spike didn't get to finish his sentence when Ember pressed her lips on his own and started to kiss him furiously and pulled him into the room closing the door with her tail. Finding the bed in her room and guiding Spike with her to the bed while kissing the both fell onto it. Finally releasing the kiss they both gapped for air.
"Ember... are you sure you want to do this now of all times? You know I can wait." Spike asked while rubbing Ember's belly and taking a look at the beautiful dragoness and her voluptuous body.

"You know how big of a turn on it was to see you break down that door like it was nothing? Or do you know how long I have wanted this?" Ember asked with a sultry voice and started to undress until all that was left was purple strings with an artistic pic of Spike holding Crystal Heart on them. Spike looked at Ember's panties and then gave questioning look towards her.
"I might have visited Crystal Empire before this and found these in a local clothing store and I just had to get them. Now, how about you help me take them off?" Ember said and used her index finger to beckon Spike closer while having a seductive look on her face. Spike could feel something change in him while breathing in her intoxicating scent. All his senses heightened and something ancient in him told him what to do. Slowly approaching his prey he used his claws to move Ember's wet panties aside getting a perfect view of her wet slit.
"My what do we have here. Someone has been a naughty dragoness." Spike said with a deep voice that radiated power and authority. Ember heard how Spike's voice was much deeper now and it made her leak even more of her juices. "You think you can tame me? Show me what you're made of my Champion." Ember taunted Spike, taking this as a challenge Spike used her tongue and started to lick Ember's clit the battle for dominance had begun.

Feeling Spike's tongue licking her all around her nethers Ember could feel that he was playing around. Looking down between her legs she could swear that Spike had a wicked smile on his face. Not wanting to lose the fight Ember took hold of Spike's head and pressed it closer towards her moist sex.
"I'm your lord and you will pleasure me, you runt!" Ember taunted doing her best to hold her moans at bay. Getting pressed into Ember's pussy made Spike lick her even faster. Feeling her squirm and holding back her moans Spike took hold of her legs keeping them spread and stopping her from using them. Continuing his work Ember's dam cracked a little and she reached her peak for the first time releasing her juices all over Spike's face while letting out a long moan. Licking his snout clean Spike moved up and started to rub her clit teasing his mate.

"You're a naughty dragoness, cumming without permission." Spike said while licking his lips and eyeing Ember's body.
Ember was moaning and breathing heavily and blushing her cheeks turning a deep red. "I... I'm sorry." Ember said in a low voice and her blush deepened and darkened even more. Spike raised his brows in surprise. It seems Ember likes to be at the bottom. Spike's smile turned devious and he aligned his cock with Ember's entrance.
"You're forgiven you just need to tell me how much you want this." Spike said while teasing Ember sliding the pointy head of his cock up and down on Ember's pussy lips. Ember started to speak with a low voice sounding more like Fluttershy than a mighty Dragon Lord Ember.
"I... I want it." Ember answered with a shy voice. Spike gave a strong slap on one of her breasts and continued to tease her never penetrating her.
"Not really convincing are you my dear sweet Ember. Say what you want me to do to you." Spike said while letting out a growl as if reminding her who was on top. Ember was slowly cracking under the teasing she needed to feel him inside him and quench this blasted heat in her. Throwing any decency out of the window Ember lowered herself to begging to get rid of this heat in her.
"Please Spike I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. Claim me and take me as your mate. I'm yours to use my champion." Ember said while panting heavily. Spike smiled and gave a quick kiss to her.
"See that wasn't hard was it?" Spike says before plunging himself into Ember's tight snatch.

Time seemed to stop as Spike pushed into her. Ember grabbed the blanket under her squeezing it with all her might. She could feel pain, but also pleasure. Each time Spike thrust into her the pain started to slowly disappear. It seems Spike was taking it slow noticing that Ember was a virgin. Looking towards Ember lovingly Spike does his best to ease the pain moving slow and steady in her it wasn't long until the pain was all gone and only pleasure was left.
"You can go faster now." Ember said and Spike started to spread his thrusts slow and steady. It wasn't long until Ember was lost to pleasure moaning and panting like slut while hearing growling from Spike.
"Sweet Celestia, your pussy is perfect. And it's all mine." Spike said and could feel Ember squeeze his cock tighter at the end of his sentence and squirting her juices all over his rod.
"Yes! Spike! Take me! I'm yours!" Ember yells while cumming. Spike keeps speeding up with his thrust and leans in to lick Ember's breasts. Ember was holding tightly on Spike, she might be dragon lord, but she melts on Spike's claws. She might like it rough, but the way Spike gives it to her is both rough and loving. Moving her hand over to Spike's cheek and rubbing it a little she looks into those Emerald eyes.
"I'm yours and You're mine now and forever." Ember says and leans into another deep and passionate kiss. Two dragons would keep on mating trying different poses doing it on bed or couch and even at the balcony. The room was smelling of sex and both of the dragons were sweaty and still going and still not showing signs of stopping. Their sex was primal yet loving and it lasted long into the night.

Princess Celestia and Luna were coming back from the infirmary after delivering Sombra there and casting enchanted disguise on him.
"Are you sure about the enchantment sister?" Celestia asked while walking with her sister through the halls of Crystal Castle.
"Please sister, you're talking to the mistress of illusions. The disguise spell will hold at least for a week." Luna said while having a victorious smile on her face.
"Yes, you were always the better one on that category of spells." Celestia replied. Walking through the corridors of the castle where the suites were located the two princesses saw Ember and Spike kissing furiously and shortly after both of them disappeared into the suite.
"Seems like our future husband finally decided to make a move with dragon lord" Luna said and moved behind the door pressing her ear to it.
"Lulu you know it isn't nice to spy on others." Celestia said and walked to her sister. Seeing her sister's face turn red Celestia couldn't resist the temptation and pressed her ear to the door too.
"Oh my... I didn't know Spike was so passionate and firm lover" Celestia whispered and kept listening. Both of the princesses were glued to the door until they heard Twilight's voice behind them.
"Princesses? What's going on?" Twilight asked, this made Celestia and Luna jump up looking towards Twilight with a hint of shame on their face which burned bright red.
"Nothing, Twilight. I have something I need to talk about with you, please follow us." Celestia said and grabbed Twilight's hand pulling her away with haste while Luna followed, Twilight didn't get a chance to say anything and could only follow Celestia with a dumbfounded look on her face.