> The Cozy Glow Diaries > by awesomeaustinv > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Cozy Glow Diaries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cozy Glow Diaries Part 1, The Freeing As Starlight Glimmer entered the throne room, she knew Twilight wouldn’t like what she had to say. “Um… Twilight?” Starlight looked at her with worry in her eyes. “It’s gone.” “What’s gone?” Twilight asked. “The statue! Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, all gone!” Starlight explained. “WHAT!?” Twilight shouted in horror, “Did somepony steal it?” “Or…” Starlight hesitated, “They were freed.” Entry #1 Dear Diary, my name’s Cozy Glow. Yeah, that Cozy Glow, the most hated filly in all of Equestria. Wanna be friends? Of course you don’t, nopony does. But you have to, because I stole you and wrote the first entry, so you’re mine now, so deal with it. Sorry, not sorry. Truth is, I think all this diary nonsense is dumb, but… I needed someone to talk to. So I’m going to tell you everything. For starters, last year we were all freed. I don’t know how or why. Maybe Discord did it? Seems like something he would do, but there’s no way to know for sure, and he probably wouldn’t admit to it. You might think that after 5 years trapped in stone, we’d be pretty eager for revenge. But really, after we were freed, all we did was argue about whose fault it was that we were defeated. We got so sick of each other that we’ve gone our separate ways. Without teamwork, there’s no chance we’d be able to take over Equestria now. Even with teamwork, how could we have done better? I’ve been wandering Equestria for a while now, hoping to find somewhere to settle, but everywhere I go ponies know my name. And worst of all, they’re on the lookout for me, ever since news got out that the statue was missing. I don’t want to be a statue again, and there’s no way Twilight and her friends will give me a second chance now. I don’t know what to do. Entry #2 Dear Diary, it’s been a few days since we last talked. I know, I know, diaries aren’t supposed to work like that, I don’t care. I was busy stealing this lovely little saddle bag from some random schoolpony so I can carry you around. Don’t judge me, how am I supposed to pay for anything without any bits? Or get a job, when anyone who recognizes me will report me… Or find a safe place to sleep… Oh hay, I haven’t slept in days. Too dangerous. But there’s a train station not too far from here, and I’m hoping I can sneak aboard a box car or something. Gotta go, can’t miss the train! As Twilight paced around the throne room, she thought about the missing villains. A year had passed since they had gone missing, and still none of them had been found. As she heard Starlight Glimmer enter, she decided to ask once more. “Hello, Starlight. Any update on the missing villains?” “Unfortunately, no.” Starlight replied, “It seems they’ve all gone into hiding. We haven’t had any reports of suspicious behavior, or anything really out of the ordinary. It’s strange. I thought for sure they would be planning someth-” Just then, Spike burst into the room, shouting, “Twilight, we just captured Chrysalis!” “What? Where?” This was the most intriguing news Twilight had heard in a long time. “She just wandered into Ponyville, ranting incoherently, and stole a barrel of cider from Sweet Apple Acres. By the time we got there, she had drunk about half of it, and seemed pretty upset,” Spike explained. “The strangest part is, she didn’t even put up a fight. She gave up as soon as she saw us. It was as if she just lost all hope.” “Doesn’t that seem a little suspicious to you?” Twilight asked. “Do you think she could be planning something that requires her to be in Canterlot?” “I don’t know. She said some pretty unflattering things about Tirek and Cozy Glow, though. I don’t think they’re working together anymore,” Spike answered. “Do you think we should talk to her?” Starlight asked, “She might know something about the others’ whereabouts.” “Yes,” Twilight replied. “Spike, take us to Chrysalis!” As they wandered down the twisting corridors to the dungeon, Twilight’s heart was racing. The first of the three villains had been found! What might she know? As they rounded the corner and came to Chrysalis’s cell, Twilight was surprised, however, to see the most depressed and disheveled-looking changeling she had ever seen. Looking up at them, in a defeated tone, Chrysalis said, “Oh, it’s you. Come to punish me, I suppose?” “No, not yet,” Twilight replied, “We’ve come to ask you where Cozy Glow and Tirek are.” “You might as well get it over with, you know,” Chrysalis moaned, “Turn me into stone, send me to Tartarus, I don’t care anymore! You’ve won, there’s no hope for me or Tirek or any of us. I’m ready for this to be over.” “But do you know where Cozy Glow and Tirek are?” Twilight repeated in frustration. “If I did, I would’ve told you. Nothing matters anymore. I don’t care what happens to me, or them, or anybody,” Chrysalis replied icily. Entry #3 Dear Diary, it’s been three months since my last entry. I would’ve written sooner, but I was discovered on the train. I’ve been on the run for months, and I’ve only just now been able to lose my pursuers. I’m currently camping in the Everfree forest just outside of Ponyville. It’s a nice view, I can see that stupid castle and the School of Friendship from here. So many memories from that place… The place where I first learned the power of friendship! So much for that, I guess. I’m on my own now, and I have a feeling that’s how it’s going to be for a long time. Nopony wants to be friends with Cozy Glow, after all. But who needs ponies? I’ve got a diary to write in, and this nice tree to sleep in where nopony will find me. I’m finally saf- “Rarity, I just wanted to check what’s happening in Ponyvi- Oh, sorry, it seems I’ve called the wrong book. I’ll just- (gasp!) COZY GLOW!?” Twilight was not expecting this. Of all the books in Equestria to call by accident, she ended up in the one being held by none other than Cozy Glow? With a horrified scream, Cozy Glow slammed her diary shut. Part 2, Starlight’s magic It had been a few days since the incident with the accidental Cozy Glow sighting, and Twilight was frustrated that she didn’t manage to gain much useful information from it, other than that Cozy Glow was reading a book, and Twilight couldn’t figure out how to call that same book again. As she sat and thought about this, she heard the sound of flapping approaching. “Spike, do you hear a flapping sou-” Just then, Derpy came crashing through a skylight, landing unceremoniously at Twilight’s hooves. “Package for you, Princess Twilight!” She said, handing Twilight a small box. “What is it?” Spike asked. “It’s a book… a diary!” Twilight exclaimed, “But why would somepony send us this?” “Maybe you should read it,” Spike suggested. “But diaries are supposed to be private! I don’t want to do that,” Twilight objected. “But it could be important!” Spike argued, “Why else would it be sent to us?” “It was sent by Applejack! She found it in the Everfree forest and said you should read it,” Derpy said before flying away. “Hmm…” Twilight opened the diary, intrigued. “Spike! This is Cozy Glow’s diary!” “Seriously? Cozy Glow has a diary?” Spike replied. “Apparently! Or at least, she did. This must be the book I appeared in by accident when I saw Cozy Glow. If she thought I might try to appear in this book again to spy on her, that could explain why she abandoned it.” Twilight suddenly realized her surprise encounter with Cozy Glow may not have been a waste after all. “It’s been two years now since the villains were freed from stone. If they haven’t tried any schemes yet, perhaps that means they’re content to be left alone?” Spike wondered aloud. “But we don’t know that for sure! As long as Tirek and Cozy Glow’s whereabouts are unknown, we have no way of knowing whether Equestria is truly safe!” Twilight stated, “But now that we have this diary, we might have some clues.” Entry #4 Dear Diary, my name is Cozy Glow. It’s been about a year since I abandoned my old diary. I didn’t want to, but keeping it was too big of a risk. As is everything about my appearance. I’ve tried changing my mane style, but that only goes so far. And I’ve tried wearing a cloak to conceal my cutie mark, but cloaks can be accidentally stepped on and pulled off. Not to mention they get very hot in the summer, and I can’t fly with one. I’m tired of having to steal everything. Farmers go looking when crops go missing, and shopkeepers tell each other to be on the lookout for thieves when they all notice food disappearing. It attracts too much attention, and I always have to be on the move. Even worse, I’m tired of being alone all the time. I hear families everywhere laughing, playing, telling stories… I’ve taken to occasionally hiding under windows behind houses, just to listen to conversations! I can never have what they have. That ship sailed long ago. But I think I have a solution. I remembered hearing from somepony about Starlight Glimmer’s old days when she ruled over a town of ponies who had all had their cutie marks removed, with an equals sign taking its place. I hoped against hope that she hadn’t destroyed that spell, that I would find it somewhere in that town. I’ve managed to hop aboard a boxcar on a train headed there, and we should be arriving soon. Then maybe I can finally put all of this behind me. “Stupid!” Twilight shouted indignantly, “She called my castle stupid! Why, that little-” “Seriously? That’s what you’re taking away from this?” Spike interjected. “But what’s so stupid about it?” Twilight asked, as Spike rolled his eyes at her. “Alright… So she’s been wandering all over Equestria for the past two years, hiding from everypony and stealing food.” “Right,” Spike replied, “and if this diary is any indication, it seems she doesn’t think there’s anything she can do to defeat us.” “But she’s still evil. Just because she doesn’t think there’s anything she can do, doesn’t mean she won’t try something later. We need to keep looking for her. And now that we have her diary, we know where she’s been. We have a trail of clues to follow!” Twilight exclaimed. Entry #5 Dear Diary, I found it. But I was nearly caught. There’s a different family living in Starlight’s old home now, and I had to break in under the cover of nightfall. I figured there must be a secret passageway or loose floorboard somewhere where she would’ve hidden it, so I checked under every rug, and sure enough, as I crawled under one of them, I found one board that was a bit wobbly. Since I’m not a unicorn, I tried to pry it out with a spoon, but I guess I made a bit too much noise. Another filly came down the stairs, and as I heard her coming, I tried to hurry up with getting the floorboard out. Finally I managed to jimmy it loose and sure enough, there was a spell hidden in there! But as I looked up, I was confronted by this filly, no bigger than I was, looking me straight in the eyes. “Wh… Who are you?” she asked. I almost couldn’t answer. It’s strange, I’ve faced enemies much more powerful than this little filly, and yet at that moment I was terrified. I realized the rug was still draped over my flank, and she hadn’t seen my cutie mark yet. But I was still an intruder in her home. I stammered, “I’m… I’m nobody. I was just leaving,” and then the rug slipped off. She recognized me immediately and screamed. I ran for the door and didn’t look back. As I flew away, I heard a bell ringing, and ponies screaming that I had been spotted! I need to find somepony to perform this spell on me soon. Luckily, I think I know just the one. Part 3, Rosie Glow As Cozy Glow entered the cave, she was more than a little excited. “TIREK!” She shouted, smiling in anticipation. “(sigh) Just how the hay did you know I would be here?” Tirek replied, with obvious disappointment. “Admit it, you always liked Grogar’s cave. Nopony ever goes here. It’s perfect for you,” Cozy Glow explained. Tirek could be so predictable sometimes. “What do you want? Not to continue bickering, I hope,” Tirek said in annoyance. “No. I need you to perform a spell,” Cozy Glow said sweetly. “NO! I’m not trying to take over Equestria with you again. You saw how well that worked out last time. I do not want to turn back into stone!” Tirek snapped. “Neither do I!” Cozy Glow said, rolling her eyes. “That’s why I need you to perform this spell. I want you to remove my cutie mark.” “What? Why?” Tirek replied in confusion. “Aren’t those supposed to define what makes you special or something?” “Yes, but at the moment all it’s doing is announcing to the world that “Hey, here’s that little pony we all hate! That’s her infamous cutie mark, right there!” It’s too problematic. I want it gone,” Cozie Glow stated. “And just what do you think you’re going to do if I say no?” Tirek asked. “Do you know how Chrysalis got caught?” Cozy Glow said, with an evil grin spreading across her face. “What? That wasn’t you. You’re bluffing,” Tirek said, starting to panic. “Do you want to take that risk, or perform a simple spell?” Cozy Glow asked. “Alright, fine! But only to make you go away,” Tirek said, defeated. Entry #6 Dear Diary… wow, that feels weird to write again. I was still just a filly the last time I made an entry, but it’s been at least three years now since the last time I wrote, and I’m a teenager now. I was so excited to have my cutie mark removed that I didn’t see a need to write anymore. I was delighted to find that not only did my flank now have an equals sign, but the color of my coat was dulled as well. I had successfully made myself look like a different pony. Or at least, I can plausibly deny that I’m Cozy Glow now. I’ve been telling ponies my name is “Rosie” instead. In these past few years, I’ve managed to find shelter in the form of a dilapidated, abandoned caravan. I’d fix it, but part of the deal with the equals sign on my flank is that I’m no better than anypony else at anything, which means I tend to hurt myself when I try to do any sort of renovation. I’ve at least patched a few things up, so the roof isn’t leaking… Well, at least not over my bed. And the holes in the wall aren’t big enough for animals to get in, though it’s still pretty drafty. I thought that part of the benefit of having Tirek do this to me would be that I could finally talk to other ponies again. For a moment, I thought I could gain power once more, but the flaw in my logic became clear when I realized that without my cutie mark, I’m terrible at manipulation. I can never go back to that town again… And everywhere I go, people point and whisper about what my cutie mark means. It’s almost like being a blank flank all over again, except this time I have to tell everypony that it means I’m not special, and never will be! I can’t hold a job, either, because there’s always somepony better qualified than me who will take over after I’ve made enough mistakes. I feel like even though I’ve regained the ability to interact with the world, I no longer have a place in it. I have nothing. No purpose, no special part of me to help other ponies. Of course, I still have my original cutie mark in a glass jar hidden in my caravan. I’ve thought about opening the jar and taking back my special talents, but would that really be better? It can’t be that my only useful talents are evil! Who ever heard of an evil cutie mark, anyway? Did the universe play some horrible trick on me? What is my purpose? I can’t go on like this, moving from town to town trying to find work, perpetually unable to keep a job. And what’s more, I still can’t make friends because I’m afraid that if they talk to me too much, they’ll find out something about me, because part of being terrible at manipulation is being a terrible liar! So that’s why I’ve started writing to you again, Diary. You’re all I have. It had been about 5 years since the villains were released from their stone prison. Twilight still wondered what happened to them, but aside from Chrysalis, the search had been fruitless. The Cozy Glow sightings had ended at Starlight Glimmer’s old village, and Twilight had begun to wonder if she didn’t need to worry about them anymore. Or had they been spending this whole time forming a plan… As she walked through the castle, she came across Spike at a table, surrounded by maps. “Spike? What are you doing here?” She asked. “Oh, just working on the old Cozy Glow case,” Spike replied. “Why? I thought you said the trail went cold years ago!” Twilight inquired with a chuckle. “Well, that’s just it! It’s one of Equestria’s most fascinating unsolved mysteries! Whatever did happen to Cozy Glow? It’s like she just dropped off the face of Equestria after fleeing that town, and nobody’s heard from her since.” Every dragon needs a hobby, Spike figured, and this was a fun one. “I will give you that, it is pretty interesting. Found any leads?” Twilight asked. “Actually, yes!” Spike replied. “Well, I’m sure something will turn up eventu-WAIT, WHAT?” Twilight shouted in surprise. “Well,” Spike continued, “I think I’ve figured out where Tirek might be. Remember the caves where they were hiding out?” “Ugh, don’t remind me,” Twilight snorted in disgust. “Well there you are. The place nopony likes to go. The place nopony would think to check,” Spike explained. “You might be onto something!” Twilight said excitedly, “Let’s go.” A few days later, as they were standing outside of the cave, Twilight looked at all of her friends and the uncertain expressions on their faces. It was good to see them all again, even if they were there just in case the elements of harmony were needed. “Ew… Darling, why did we have to come back here?” Rarity asked, clearly not thrilled at the prospect of entering the foul cave. “Yeah… Not that I’m scared,” said Rainbow Dash, “but if I were scared of something, this place would give me the heebie-jeebies.” “Oooh, why couldn’t we look somewhere else?” Fluttershy said from behind a rock. “I know nopony likes it here, but we think this is where Tirek is,” Twilight explained. “And you want us to capture him all on our own?” Applejack asked. “Not exactly.” Twilight gestured to a royal guard emerging from the bushes. “I brought reinforcement this time.” “What, a royal guard?” Pinkie Pie asked incredulously, “It’s not like they’ve been much help before. No offense.” Suddenly, the royal guard changed shape, taking on the appearance of queen Chrysalis. “None taken,” she replied. “AAAAGH!! Villain! Get back, fiend!” Pinkie Pie shrieked, about to charge. “Calm down everypony, it’s fine,” Twilight explained, “She’s on our side now.” “Huh?” Pinkie Pie had not been expecting this. Nopony had. “It’s true. I was mad that my hive had seemingly abandoned our proud, tough, warrior traditions in favor of friendship, and turned soft. The way I saw it, they threw away our entire culture in favor of ridiculous pony garbage, and I blamed all of you. But after I was captured and gave up the fight, ready to give in, Twilight introduced me to Pharynx. He showed me that it is possible to be loving, tough, and fearless all at the same time. That these things are not mutually exclusive. To my amazement, the other changelings accepted me back into the hive.” Chrysalis then changed her appearance to that of a reformed changeling. “Now I get to share our proud traditions with a new generation of changelings, while embracing our loving and friendly future. And if anyone can help you handle Tirek, it’s me.” And with that, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Chrysalis all entered the cave. “Tirek? Are you there?” Twilight called out. “Did Cozy Glow put you up to this?” Tirek asked bitterly, “Did she betray me?” “So you have been in contact with her!” Spike said excitedly. “I’d hardly call it that!” Tirek spat, “She came in here once, three years ago, demanding I cast a spell on her, or else she’d reveal where I was! Fat lot of good that did, it seems.” “A spell? What kind of spell?” Twilight inquired. “A very strange one. She wanted me to remove her cutie mark using some old spell Starlight Glimmer wrote,” Tirek said, remembering the strange event. “Now why in Equestria would she want that?” Applejack wondered. “So nopony would recognize her,” Twilight realized. “That’s why the trail went cold! Everyone was on the lookout for a pink pony with a rook for a cutie mark, but if she had that spell cast on her, then she would be a pale pink pony with an equals sign for a cutie mark. She gave up her special talents to remain anonymous.” “So now what? Are you just going to turn me to stone like you did before? Or perhaps send me back to Tartarus?” Tirek asked grumpily. “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Chrysalis said. “Well, isn’t this a strange sight!” Tirek remarked, “The changeling who hated friendship, reformed.” “It could happen for you, too,” Chrysalis offered. “You can’t be serious,” Tirek replied. “Would you rather spend the rest of your life hiding in this miserable cave, or give this a chance?” Chrysalis argued. “Well, it’s better than Tartarus I suppose.” Deciding to accept her offer, Tirek extended a hand and shook Chrysalis’s hoof. “You ponies can leave now,” Chrysalis said with a smile, “Go look for Cozy Glow. I can handle Tirek on my own.” Part 4, The Tree Entry #7 Dear Diary, I’ve had to move out of town again. There are no more jobs left for me to do. At least, no jobs anypony is willing to consider me for. Everypony knows I’m no good at anything. What’s the point of all this? Why don’t I just break out my cutie mark, embrace my manipulative true self, and let Twilight and her friends do what they will to me? This is no way to live. But I don’t want to go back to my old ways either… I tried to live like the other ponies. I tried to be good! But I couldn’t do anything right, and I still had no friends to reach out to. Oh shoot, it’s starting to rain, and my roof repairs haven’t held up too well. I’ll have to end this entry early. There’s a ravine in the Everfree forest not too far from here that might have a cave I can sleep in, but I’d better get moving if I want to reach it before nightfall. Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer’s work was suddenly interrupted by something she hadn’t seen in years. “What the hay? That hasn’t glowed in a long time.” Starlight Glimmer looked down at her cutie mark as it glowed and flashed. “I have work to do, but… I guess I can’t ignore my cutie mark, can I?” She walked to the crystal map to see where she was supposed to go. “The Tree of Harmony!?” She exclaimed in surprise, “Well, this should be interesting.” In another part of Equestria, Twilight and Spike were now in a small town overlooking the Everfree forest. They had been searching all day for Cozy Glow, and had been surprised to learn that in nearly every town they visited, not only did the ponies know of the pony that matched their description, they all had much the same thing to say about her. “Excuse me sir, have you, by any chance, seen a pale pink pegasus pony with an equals sign for a cutie mark?” Twilight asked. “Oh, that mare,” the pony replied, “Calls herself “Rosie?” Yeah, I know her. Strange one, she is. Poor thing can’t do nothin’ right, barely talks to anyone, fails miserably at every job in town before moving on.” “That’s what everypony in the other towns told us, too!” Twilight was excited to finally have a good lead. “Do you know which way she went?” “She left last night in the direction of the Everfree forest,” the pony replied. “That’s great! We can still catch her!” Twilight said, flapping her wings in excitement. “Now, if you don’t mind me askin’, what’s so significant about Rosie that the princess of friendship herself is lookin’ for her?” the pony asked, now very confused by the situation. “Oh yeah, turns out Rosie’s actually Cozy Glow,” Spike said as Twilight leapt into the air, speeding towards the forest. “WHAT!?” the pony shouted in surprise. “Sorry, gotta go, missing villain to track down! Bye!” Spike said as he took off after Twilight. “What in tarnation… ?” the shocked pony said as he wandered back home. Cozy Glow was growing increasingly frustrated. “Of all the rotten luck! Why’d you have to get stuck in a rut now, you stupid piece of junk caravan!” she shouted angrily, “And right when it’s raining, so - ” Cozy Glow slipped and fell in the mud “ - ARRRGHH!!!! I can’t stand this anymore! I…” Suddenly, Cozy Glow’s blood ran cold as she heard the familiar sound of Princess Twilight’s voice, shouting, “Hey, over there!” “NO! Not today!” Cozy Glow screamed. Panicking, she frantically kicked at her caravan to get it unstuck, until finally the caravan’s wheel sank into the mud, causing the whole thing to tip over. As it came crashing down on its side, Cozy Glow was horrified to hear the unmistakable sound of a glass jar breaking, releasing her cutie mark. “What’s happening over there?” Twilight asked as Cozie Glow’s cutie mark floated back to her. “I think she’s getting her cutie mark back…” Spike said in wonder. “No! I don’t want it back!” Cozy Glow cried, “Not after everything I did to get rid of it!” She began floating in the air, and in a flash of light, her cutie mark reappeared on her flank. “You can’t hide anymore, Cozy Glow!” Twilight shouted at her. “Just leave me alone!!!” Cozy Glow shrieked, flying away as fast as she could. “She’s getting away!” Spike shouted. “Oh no she’s not!” Twilight replied as she lifted off in pursuit. “This can’t be happening… Not after everything I’ve done to build a new life! Why did she have to find me?” Cozy Glow thought to herself as she darted between the many trees of the Everfree forest “It’s over, Cozy Glow!” Twilight shouted, “You can’t run forever!” “Watch me!!” Cozy Glow cried, as she desperately picked up a large tree branch and hurled it at Spike, knocking him out of the air. “Spike, no!” Twilight screamed as she watched Spike fall to the ground, “How dare you!” Furious, Twilight aimed a blast of magical energy at Cozy Glow and fired without thinking. At the last second, Cozy Glow dodged the blast and ducked into a cave. But the blast hit the roof of the cave instead, causing a rockfall and sealing Cozy Glow inside. “Oh no… What have I done?” Twilight said quietly. As Cozy Glow opened her eyes, she realized she couldn’t even see her hoof in front of her face. “No… no…” Cozy Glow whimpered. “Who’s there?” Starlight Glimmer asked, lighting up her horn, “(gasp!) Cozy Glow!” At the sight of Starlight Glimmer, Cozy Glow suddenly burst into tears and collapsed on the cave floor. “What are you doing here!?” Starlight Glimmer asked, barely able to believe her eyes. “I’m sorry, okay!” Cozy Glow said between sobs, “I didn’t pick this cutie mark! It’s not my fault the only thing I’m good at is manipulating others! I tried to live like the other ponies by removing it, but that didn’t work!” “Huh…?” Starlight Glimmer said in shock. “Here,” Cozy Glow said, as she reached into her saddle bag and pulled out her diary, handing it to Starlight. As Starlight sat down to read the diary, her eyes grew wider, until several minutes later, she finally put the book down and said, “Wow.” “So now you know the tragic tale of me,” Cozy Glow said miserably as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I can’t do anything right, and all of Equestria hates me when I try to do what I’m good at.” “Are you sure about-” Starlight started to speak, but was interrupted as the crystal cave walls began to shift and change shape. “What’s happening?” Cozy Glow asked. “I don’t know…” Starlight Glimmer said in wonder, “This is the cave where the Tree of Harmony used to be, and I know its magic is still alive, but…” “And what are you doing here, anyway?” Cozy Glow inquired, “I have an excuse since I was running from a crazy princess who wants to turn me into a statue, but what about you?” “My cutie mark was glowing, so I have a friendship mission…” Starlight Glimmer explained, “and I think that mission has something to do with you.” Suddenly, an opening appeared in the cave wall. “That usually means the tree is trying to show you something. I’d go in there if I were you,” Starlight said as Cozy Glow got to her hooves. Cozy Glow then stepped forward into the opening, and as it closed behind her, Starlight said, “I sure hope you find whatever you’re looking for in there.” “Hello?” Cozy Glow said as she wandered through the dark tunnel. “Who’s there?” another voice said. “You tell me your name first” Cozy Glow said as she stepped closer and saw the dim shape of another mare about her age. “Okay… My name’s Butterscotch,” the other mare said, “Do you have any idea why the tree brought us here?” “I have no idea,” Cozy Glow replied, “Got any problems?” “Oh, well, my cutie mark is a bag of sweets, so I’m studying at a confectionary school in Canterlot. I just started, but I’m already feeling overwhelmed. I don’t think I’ll be good enough,” Butterscotch said sadly. “Pfft. Of course you’ll be good enough!” Cozy Glow told her. “You really think so?” Butterscotch replied. “Of course! You said it yourself, your cutie mark is a bag of sweets. Did you get your cutie mark by making sweets?” Cozy Glow inquired. “Yes… And everypony in my family loved them!” Butterscotch answered, “But will they be good enough for-” “Don’t think about things like that!” Cozy Glow interjected, “If you keep thinking you’ll do badly, you’re only setting yourself up for failure.” “Thank you. I really needed to hear that.” Butterscotch seemed to brighten up. “What’s your name again?” “My name is…” Cozy Glow hesitated, “My name is Cozy Glow.” Butterscotch gasped. “I know,” Cozy Glow replied sadly, “I understand if you don’t want to be friends. I don’t deserve friends.” Butterscotch then surprised Cozy Glow by wrapping her in a big hug. “Huh…?” Cozy Glow said in amazement. “I don’t care. I’m going to be your friend anyway,” Butterscotch said as Cozy Glow shed a tear. “Really?” Cozy Glow said as joy filled her heart. “Of course,” Butterscotch replied, smiling. At that moment, the cave opened back up. “What happened?” Starlight asked. “I… I made a friend,” Cozy Glow stammered, the words sounding like music to her ears, “This is my friend, Butterscotch.” “I think I know what the cave was trying to show you,” Starlight said as she stared at the two young mares, still hugging. “You do?” Cozy Glow asked, curiously. “Your cutie mark isn’t for manipulation, it’s for encouragement!” Starlight said excitedly. “What?” Cozy Glow said in surprise. “How did you first get your cutie mark?” Starlight asked. “I convinced my brother to play a game he was afraid to try because I wanted someone to play with. I always thought that meant I had a gift for getting people to do what I wanted them to do,” Cozy Glow recalled. “But did he enjoy the game?” Starlight asked. “Yes… In fact, he was really good at it. He said he’d always wanted to try, but I was the one who finally convinced him to do it. He eventually earned his cutie mark for playing that game and… oh,” Cozy Glow said as the truth dawned on her. “Now you see. Manipulation is similar to encouragement, but the difference is in your motivation. Cozy Glow, when you want to help someone, you’re an incredible encourager!” Starlight said to Cozy Glow in amazement. To their surprise, the cave began to shine as beams of light flowed from Starlight and Butterscotch’s hooves into Cozy Glow. “WHAT’S HAPPENING!?” Cozy Glow shouted in bewilderment. “I don’t know!” Starlight shouted back. The cave faded from existence as Cozy Glow was transported to a strange, dreamlike dimension. Once there, she saw standing before her the princesses Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and Luna staring at her, dumbfounded. “Err… Hi?” Cozy Glow said awkwardly. “Alright, what the hay happened in that cave!?” Twilight shouted, as she struggled to process what she was seeing. “It looks like Equestria is about to be blessed with another princess,” Celestia said calmly. “WHAT!?” Twilight and Cozy Glow shouted in unison “That is what this place is for,” Luna explained, “It’s where you first became a princess, Twilight, and Cadance before you.” “Hi everypony,” Cadance said as she appeared beside Twilight, “sorry I’m late, what’s going o-What is she doing here!?” “Cozy Glow is going to become a princess!” Twilight shouted. “WHAT!?” Cadance yelled as she stared in shock at Cozy Glow. “I know, right!?” Twilight replied. “PRINCESSES, SHOW SOME RESPECT,” Celestia shouted in the royal Canterlot voice, “THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A REVERENT OCCASION!” “Sorry,” Twilight and Cadance both said. “Now, if I’m not mistaken, Cozy Glow here has an incredible gift for encouragement. And that would probably explain why she’s wearing what appears to be a seventh element of harmony,” Celestia continued. “But that’s impossible!” Twilight blurted out. “The Tree of Harmony sure is full of surprises, isn’t it?” Luna said, smiling. “This is a lot to take in…” Cozy Glow said as she felt her head spin. “Don’t worry, we’re all here to help you in whatever ways we can,” Clestia reassured her, “Remember, you’re not alone anymore.” “Thank you,” Cozy Glow replied. “All of you. I’ll do my best.” “We know.” Twilight stepped forward and hugged Cozy Glow with her wing. “If the Tree of Harmony trusts you, I guess I trust you too.” Cozy Glow stared in amazement as she started hovering in the air, and light enveloped her as her transformation into an alicorn began. Back in the cave, Butterscotch and Starlight were frantic. “Cozy Glow!” Starlight called. “Where did you go? Come back!” shouted Butterscotch. Appearing in a flash of light, Cozy Glow said to them, “Don’t worry girls, I’m back! And look, I got a horn!” Part 5, Princess Cozy Glow Entry #8 Dear Diary, I’ve never been happier to write to you! In that cave, the most amazing thing happened. I made a friend! My new best friend, Butterscotch. What’s more, I learned that I was looking at my cutie mark all wrong, and in fact my destiny is to do incredible good for all of Equestria as the princess of encouragement! After I got my new unicorn horn, the first thing I got to do with it was try it out by blasting the rocks out of the cave entrance so we could leave. Then I got to meet Princess Twilight again and apologize for giving Spike a concussion. That was a bit awkward. In fact, the whole coronation ceremony was rather awkward. The news of me becoming an alicorn again, but this time as a princess, spread like wildfire and it seemed like all of Equestria showed up to see it. There was so much staring… some of it friendly, some of it not so friendly, but I know I’ll prove myself to them in time. I got to meet some of the people I used to work for when I was Rosie, and they were very forgiving. I’ve once again enrolled in Twilight’s school of friendship, so I can take the lessons seriously this time. For the first time in my life, everything feels okay. I know I’m where I was meant to be. And with that, my time writing entries in this diary is over. I won’t be needing it anymore. And so it’s time to say goodbye! The End