> Rough Negotiations, Extreme Tactics > by Nagiman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > No Deal Left Unfulfilled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The small meeting room, no bigger than a small single pony's apartment bedroom grew warmer as the day went on with the summer heat. The lack of a working air conditioner did not help the situation either, as the two ponies in the room kept going back and forth with their meeting. A small table sat in the center with a purple rug covering the floor. Two wooden chairs for seats were worn done from ages gone. On the table sat papers on one side, with a jug of water in the center, and a couple of glasses. With a swipe of her hand across her forehead, Cadance, the pink princess of love, removed the sweat building on her brow. Shuffling through the papers she had been laying out. She had dressed in a royal white gown for her meeting to this small Zebrican village that had started causing trouble with trade routes with Equestria. Taking it upon herself since her kingdom was the first stop of the trade caravans. She didn't want to come off as the most prestigious, or snotty of royals to their tribe. Her brow furled with frustration as she tried each different route of bartering but none would seem to break the stubborn head of their lead Tzanlo. "Look, Tzanlo, there has to be something that we can both agree on that will stop raids on the trade routes. We've been working hard to expand relations with all ponies and zebras across both nations. Please think of more than just your own village, think of everybody involved that can have improvements to their life." Cadance pleaded as the heat weighed heavy on her shoulders. Tzanlo was a blue zebra, with his hair braided back into a ponytail. His fur was different from the rest of the zebra's with their black and white. Not all to common, but something that did pop up from time to time. His face stayed firm like a rock unmoving. "Princess, we do not want anything you offer. We don't want gold, jewels, money. We do not want your outside goods. We just want you to leave our lands, and cease commencing trade. We have lived our lives for many generations without any outside help. Only since you ponies have arrived have our hunting grounds turned empty from the travel scaring them off. We get visits from random guests at any point of the day making demands for lodging when we only build when needed to expand for family." He grabbed hold of a glass and poured it full of water, drinking it down with gusto. "There is nothing, and that is final. Just pack up and leave." Sweat glistened across his bare chest, and down his muscle bound arms as he stood up from the table. Wearing only a leather loin cloth which did not hide his stallionhood bulge underneath. Cadance let out a sigh. Standing up from the table. "We're not done here Tzanlo, I still have a few things left to offer." She spread out her arm to block the zebra from leaving. "Just hear me out for this last one, and if it doesn't sound good, then fine I will leave." Her voice going stern as if dealing with a child. The stallion stopped in his tracks and looked down into the pink pony's eyes. The strong glare of anger fueling a fire inside of him. He gritted his teeth, and fists in the rude gesture. Being annoyed with one pink princess was bad enough, wasting his time for a few hours made it worse, and now she refused to block him. "In our culture, the mares have no say in anything. They do not stop a stallion, nor do they try to. You have a great belief that we'd listen to somepony like yourself, from a foreign area. I'll give you five minutes. That is all I will give you to make a plea. Then you will leave and not cause problems for me or my village." He crossed his arms, face covered with fury, and eyes ready to steam roll over Cadance. Swallowing her fear, and nodding in acceptance of his small offer. Cadance re-thought her plan. She had forgotten her basics when it came to doing ambassador work. Research customs and traditions, be polite with their manners, and never break their standards within reason. Getting a full reminder of how things were around here, reminded her of how things happened in the old pony days where kings were swayed in the bedroom to listen to their wives. "Well, how bout, if you agree to the peace, then I, Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire, will bed you once a month, doing as you wish." Cadance eyes lit up with fire and determination that her offer was bold enough to throw him off and get negotiations back into a normal manner with a double take. Her hands rested on her hips, eyes glaring back up at his, looking like a mother now punishing a child for being rude to their elder. Tzanlo's face went from the stern rock to a soften pillow. His smile reached from ear to ear, as his eyes went from fire of hate, to glows of lust. His arms unfolding and dropping to his side. "So, that's your offer then. It seems you now understand that our customs have some merit to them. However I'm not fully convinced you are true to your word. You've wasted my time enough for today." He feigned his words, making them out to be harsh. "I'll prove it right here, right now." Cadance stood her ground. Reaching behind her back she undid the zipper, and let her gown fall to the ground. Showing off her black lingerie she was wearing. Lacy overlays covered her bra cups with roses, the center clipped with a golden heart. Her hips hugged with a lacy silk garter belt that held up her black stockings. Her panties matched in design to her bra, with a little pink bow at the waist line, and white trim lace around the legs and waist lines. Her heels boost her height and gave her rump a good curve showing off how small they really were, with them sinking between her butt cheeks. With vigor she let out a sultry tone that would charm sailors more than a siren's. "See, I am most certainly telling the truth. This body was meant for that type of fun. So, I'll alter the offer a bit more. I'll give you a trial run right now, if it so pleases, in exchange you will give me an answer after you are finished. What do you say now, big boy." Grabbing the princess by the shoulders he stared down at her. His lust becoming harder to control. "You seem desperate. You are supposed to be married to what I've heard about you as well. What would your husband think seeing you like this right now?" Tzanlo gave his lips a quick lick, as his dick started to drop out from his sheath and peak out from behind his loincloth. "I don't care what my husband thinks when it comes to my bartering. He knows everything I do is for the good of our nation. Now, how bout I start by taking care of this." She reached down and took hold of the slowly erecting dick in her warm hand. Her face smiling, as her eyes drowned with an equal amount of lust. Her nose started to pick up on the musky sweat and testosterone emanating from the zebra. "At this point I don't see a reason to not accept this offer. If you want to deal with me in this way, then I am willing to work things out like we do. Just remember, mares don't have much room in our society as higher ups, you are lessors. Now get to work with that mouth of yours. Hopefully it's better at sucking than it is at talking." Tzanlo took hold of the princess head and pushed her down into a crouching position until she was eye level with his now growing cock. Covered in stripes like the rest of him, his orbs just as blue. It was girthy, thick, veins popping out, and most certainly not lacking size at semi erect state. The smell of sweat and musk was stronger around his groin area, making it worse for Cadance's mind. Cadance was surprise by the size, being as large as Shining at full erection, but Tzanlo being only at half mast. Her mouth watered with delight at the possibilities to indulge in. "Oh my you certainly are big, much bigger than I would have thought. If this was on the table from the start I may have been faster to get a deal going." Cadance rubbed her face along the shaft, caressing it with her cheek. She started at the tip giving it a kiss and leaving a pink lipstick mark on the end, then moved her way down along the rest, leaving a mark at each point she stopped to peck. Reaching his groin, she could smell the musk the strongest, so she took in a deep breath, taking in as much of the smell as she could. Once satisfied with her whiff, she planted a big kiss against his balls. Opening slowly for one orb to slip into her mouth, filling it with his stallionhood and the taste of sweat and flesh. Rolling the orb around in her maw, slavering it in her spit, and giving it a massage with her tongue, licking away at the salty taste. She moaned in pleasure at servicing his sack, taking time to give both family jewels their due. Feeling the warm spit coating his orbs sent a chill up Tzanlo's spine. A royal in a foreign land, pleasuring a simple leader, and being brought down to commoner status made him feel even more powerful. The whole time he had been oogling her while she presented offers, and moved around. Buying his time, and waiting for her to break was the best part of this. Even if she hadn't offered this, he still had gotten his fill through her sweat giving outlines. "I see that you most certainly are understanding your place, however there is more to me than just those pieces. Suck it." He pulled her head back by the horn, and slipped his cock into her unsuspecting mouth. Getting a gag reaction from her as she adjusted to the shock of having his dick shoved into her maw quickly. The gagging slowly subsided as she started to move a bit on her own without the need to push her down his length. Cadance heart skipped a beat when she was forced onto his shaft. The brute force giving a thrill that even Shining Armor couldn't supply. This zebra knew what he wanted, and wasn't going to wait for her to take her time. Following as commanded she continued to suck on his dick, leaving lipstick stains at various points marking the depth of dick she was swallowing. Reaching the medial ring, she started to struggle as his cock was getting into her throat. She pulled back and tried again, and once again stopped by her gag reflex. Then when she pulled back, and went to go forward, she felt her head get pushed hard from behind causing the shaft to slip deep down her throat, blocking her airway, and causing the gag reflex to try and go off. Her body tried to spit out the dick, but it clenched down on the cock, squeezing on it, sending spit around the shaft. Tears welled in her eyes, causing Mascara to run down her cheeks, and her lungs burned gasping for air. The stallion moaned in pleasure watching as the cheap whore choked on his cock. When he deemed it enough he pulled her off. Watching as she struggled to get oxygen back in. Spit running from his dick to her mouth, and now running down her chin. He let out a chuckle, and crouched down, taking Cadance's chin in his hand and holding her face to his. "You still haven't even reached the base, you aren't even close to what our mares can do. You think that is enough to satisfy me, let alone any other of the village. Maybe one of our young colts, but that is about it. I think we'll call it here." He stood back up, towering over the pink pony. Cadance looked up to him. "I'm not done yet. My mouth isn't the only hole I have." She flipped herself over, presenting her ass in the air, panties sticking in her crack proudly. Her garter belt squeezed her cheeks giving them a plumper look from the angle she had taken. Using her magic she pulled down her undies, showing off her wet puffy pussy, and tight wrinkled anus to the stallion. "I'm sure that I can take it fully in either of these, and you haven't even finished yet so might as well seal the deal with a better method that just a simple blowie." Cadance confidence helped her recover, even though her lungs still burned wanting more air and a break. "Is that so? Well you aren't worthy enough to be a brood mare by our standards. Not by a long shot, but a simple whore is fine enough. So following tradition your little foal hole will not be touched for it is not worthy of my seed." Tzanlo took hold of her hips with his strong grasp, squeezing them as he dragged the princess. He pushed her face down, and angled himself so his cock tip rubbed the small pucker of an ass. With one single thrust he hilted himself deep into the princess's butt. The tight wrinkled hole spread wide, as the intruder forced its way past the muscled gate. Her inner walls spread aside as the dick went in. Squeezing down, and trying to slow the shaft from going at full speed, but little happened to it. All Cadance could feel was the slap of his balls against her and the burning in her ass. She had made a grave decision, and did not prepare herself for this turn of event. His speed had thrown her off guard. She let out a howl of pain, that slowly turned to pleasure as she felt him moving back out. Her mind wanted her to stop, but her body encouraged her to go on. It was certainly different than when Shining had tried anal for the first time, but not even close to how small he would stretch her. "Fuck, you're huge. I feel like I'm going to break in half. Is this what it's like all the time for your mares? I could get used to this. Keep going." Cadance grunted as her ass was slapped hard, a crack sounding in the room. Her face now disheveled. Make up running, hair everywhere, and crown falling off. Her tongue hung out, panting like a simple animal in the heat. Her hands grasped into the rug, clawing at it for better grip as her body started to rock back and forth. Tzanlo didn't give any quarter. He was as rough now as when he begin. Gripping his hands more as he pounded harder into her tight hole. He could feel her ass trying to push him out at the same time clenching down on him. It felt great, as if he never wanted to stop. With a slip of his hands, he swiftly laid on her back while his hands went up under her bra and took hold of her breasts. Rubbing her nipples, giving them little twists, massaging her breasts as he continued using her like a little fuck toy. All he could do was grunt over and over as he was enjoying himself too much. Together the pair of them gave into their more animalistic sides. Enjoying the sounds of flesh against flesh, with moans mixed in here and there. Cadance clit was going wild with the pleasure she was receiving. Splashing juices leaking from her pussy out onto Tzan's sack. After a few minutes Cadance had orgasmed from the zebra pounding her rump. Letting out a primal yell as he bit into the rug, along with grasping it so hard so could feel her nails digging into her own palms. Her juices sprayed all over Tzanlo and the ground below him. The sticky fluids ran down her legs, as her body went numb from pleasure. Tzanlo was also close. Cadance's orgasm encouraged him further, as her ass squeezed extremely tight on him, as it tried to shut during her climax. Taking hold of her legs, he scooped her up as he rolled onto his back. Taking her by the hips and lifting her up and down on his cock like a personal sex toy. Making quick shorter thrusts into her ruined hole, until his climax hit him. His flare went huge, creating a plug in Cadance's ass, then came a flood of cum right into her. The warm soothing sensation a stark contrast to the rough raw pounding she had been taking. "Ah fuck, yes. Take it you whore." He grunted in between his gasps for air as his dick pumped out a stream of constant white jizz. Cadance felt every pump, every drop, every movement he made. His hands wrapping around her to keep her balanced and from moving away. His shaft twitching as it sprayed more into her. The cum slowly leaking around his flare by tiny amounts from the back log touching the sore areas that had yet to be cool from her romp. After a few minutes of post orgasm bliss, she could feel his dick shrinking back into his sheath. He lifted her off and set her on the ground. Her ass now gaping to the size of his girthy cock. The cum pooling in her leaking around as the muscle tried to close back, but only caused her a slight stinging sensation. The stallion however stood up, looking down at his handy work done to the mare. "Well, that seemed decent enough for a small pony. Perhaps if you keep it up we can make you into a zebra. Now as for your proposition. I'll make sure we cut down on the raiding until I've gotten first hand proof that you will return, and when you do then I can guarantee that I will have them stop. However if you want to bring more mares with you for my stallions, I'm sure we can arrange for a faster stop to the raids." He dusted his hands off and readjusted his loin cloth to cover his genitals. Cadance laid in her stupor listening to the stallion. Her chest beating like a drum in her ears. Body recovering from the event. After hearing his adjusted proposal she nodded her head. "I'm pretty sure I know of some who would love to come and meet your stallions." She pulled up her panties covering her mess, and stood up. Grabbing her dress and getting it back on, and brushing her hair to make it look less of a mess. "I most certainly say that I can see it being a beautiful relationship Tzanlo." Tzanlo brushed past her to the door. Looking back at her. "Oh and one last thing. Remember our ways, you only have some semblance of power for your crown here, but to me, you are still on the lessor." He glared at her before slipping out and shutting the door behind him. The pink pony's heart thumped in her chest at the words. Never had she been talked so down to, so degraded and demeaned. She loved it. Being the prissy princess all the time was tiring, and these were going to be her days where she could be nothing. Looking around the room she gathered up her papers she had brought with her, and headed to the same door. Walking out leaving a trial of white dripping down her leg behind her until she got into her royal carriage. Her guards giving her a quick look of concern before she spoke to them. "Never mind me. I'm fine, just take me home. Everything is taken care of." The guards followed commands and got the carriage rolling. Inside she sat staring out the window at the different stallions and how they were treating their mares as she rode by. It seems so innocent, and they all seemed content. To her there had to be more and her imagination took hold, seeing them in different positions, and doing various deeds. Reaching into her hand bag she pulled out a piece of parchment and started to write a note. "Dear Twilight."