> Sunset in Japan > by madhat886 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Loud screaming echoed throughout the schoolyard, Mitsuomi Takayanagi was screaming as he’s being fed into a wood chipper legs first. His arms are bloody stumps, both having been fed into the spinning blades of the chipper. All around the school are the bodies of all of his enforcers. All maim with limbs cut off and the males have been emasculation with all the parts thrown into the wood chipper. The one who is feeding the school president into the wood chipper is the American transfer student Sunset Shimmer. Who isn’t from America but from the newly discovered planet Equestria. And is no longer hiding who she is, her bird like wings are in display and the focus gem on her forehead is glowing brightly. Her telekinesis which once she’s fully grown will be as powerful as her mother, who is able to move stars and planets. Against that, Mitsuomi couldn’t hope to fight back or over power her hold on him. The entire school are being forced to watch the maiming of the students. Soldiers armed with advance energy weapons and dress in horse like armor stood guard. They seen what the guns are able to do as the enforcers who tried to fight back were blasted and screamed in pain till their hearts gave out. As the guns cause direct neuro-stimulation of pain receptors. All of them with the effect lasting as long as the one firing the ray is holding the trigger. Which the soldiers didn’t stop till the one they’re using the gun on, heart finally gave out. All are guilty of the crime of attacking princess, Sunset Shimmer the crown princess of Equestria on a planet on the other side of the sun, in sync with that of Earth. Sunset had decided to help with the now open relationship between the two planets. By becoming a transfer student and ended up going to Japan undercover with only top government officials knowing about it. So that people won’t be bothering her if they knew about her being an alien princess. The school Todo academy she transferred into is one that allows students to fight each other. Which she got caught up in with her being attack by one of the enforcers after school. Which she killed in self defense as he was trying to rape her. She lifted both of them up into the air till her attacker spilled the beans as Sunset kept on dropping him from the sky only stopping him right a couple of inches from hitting the ground. Then drop him so that he landed right on top of the school. And she called her mother about it. Which cause Celestia to come to Earth with a full military detachment that surrounded the school and rounded up all the enforcers. “So you had no idea that Sunset is my daughter?” Celestia ask the head master of the school. “I didn’t,” the head master cried out, his limbs all twisted around and in folds. News cameras are filming everything as reporters were allowed into the school grounds. “Well seeing how the news crews are here. The next school will not make the mistake of letting their students do as they like. I had thought that the Japanese government would had made sure that my daughter would be place in a nice school and that the school staff would be informed about her. The government officials are going to make sure that something like this won't happen again,” Celestia said before turning to the rest of school staff who are all bein held by gun point with their hands behind their heads. “And just to let you all know the government once informed about what happen and how you all been allowing things like the near rape of my daughter to take place, thanks to someone there making the mistake of sending her to this dump. You all have been thrown under the bus, where as long as there aren't any deaths, we can do as we like to you all. So that I won’t be cutting off all ties with your world.” ! At the Japanese Government HQ - The government officials are scrambling to fix up the mess caused by a official in education making the mistake of sending a very important VIP from another planet to a school that allows students to fight and kill each other. Lots of blame is being thrown around as people are doing their best to pass the blame. The government doesn’t want to be responsible for causing first contact to be ruin because of something like this happening. To save face and keep open relationship with Equestria a space traveling civilization. The Japanese government had no choice but allow Celestia punish the students and enablers who allowed the school to be like that. And with it all being reported on by many news outlets as well as overseas reporters. The Japanese government is working overtime in damage control. ! Todo school - “Well looks like you’ll never be a fighter anymore, Mitsuomi,” Sunset said looking down at the now limbless school president. “Fighting styles are completely useless when you have no limbs at all. Not to mention fighting someone who only has to think to crush you, what were you really expecting to happen. By just thinking about it, I broke your arms and legs along with your minions all at once. What kind of fighting style can match that?” (1) “You bitch,” Mitsuomi gasp out. “Well that’s rude. Looks like I have to take something else,” Sunset said as she used her telekinesis to hold him down as she sat down on his chest and grabs his head and press her thumbs into his eyes. “No stop!” Mitsuomi began screaming as Sunset slowly press down on his eyes, savoring the feel of his eyeballs slowly being crushed till they finally pop. “It’s not over yet,” Sunset said as she got off of him and motion for a royal guard to come forward holding a pot of hot cooking oil. Using her telekinesis Sunset pulled off Mitsuomi’s pants and underwear. “Just to let you know, I’m pouring boiling hot cooking oil on your groin,” Sunset said. “No, no!” Mitsuomi shouted out. “Oh yes,” Sunset said pouring the hot oil onto his groin causing him to scream in agony. The hot oil fried his penis and balls, giving him second-degree burns which will result in Mitsuomi losing them. As the doctors will have to remove his sex organs due to the sheer amount of damage. Mitsuomi was left as a limbless, eyeless, and second-degree burned, sobbing mess on the ground. All caught on camera, of a once powerful fighter reduced to nothing in such a short amount of time. All because he messed with the wrong person, who unlike the ones he was use to, didn't played by the same rules he did. (2) "Are you done?" Celestia ask Sunset. "Yes mom. I think I got my point across. It doesn't matter how strong or how good of a fighter you are. Mess with me, and I'll just bring in an army and humiliate you before crippling you. I do hope the next school won't allow things to get to this point," Sunset said. "Yes and before we go," Celestia said as one of the Equestria spacecrafts appeared above the school. Teleporting from the ship a team of 4 guards had a man with white hair bound in chains appear in front of Celestia. The man being Sohaku Kago the head of a group known as F and the reason why the Todo school has been allowed to operate as its been doing for so long. "Whose this?" Sunset ask. "Sohaku Kago the leader of F, or was the leader as I had all the other high ranking members rounded up and killed. He's the reason why the school is how it is. He also has the power to keep himself alive and bring people back from death's door. Of course he can't just bring people back to life when they're really dead, just when they're close to it," Celestia explains. "What are you going to do to me?" Sohaku Kago ask scared for the first time in centuries. He had watched the others killed by the aliens and fighting back was useless thanks to their forcefields protecting them. "Dragging hope just so, I can take it away," Celestia said as she opens a portal that shows nothing but empty space. "I'm going to toss you into the empty void of space. For the crime of sending your thugs after my daughter. I read your mind and know that once you had learned about Sunset, someone very strong that you gave orders to Mitsuomi to get her to join F no matter what. So that you could use that body hopping power to get a stronger body. Resulting in everything that has happen here." "Too bad. You pick someone that you can't intimidate, use your government connections to get your way," Sunset said. "No!" Sohaku shouted as he was lifted up by Celestia's telekinesis and toss into the portal leading to space. "Sunset if something like this happens again. Don't waste time, just open a portal and toss them into space. It doesn't matter how strong they are or what they can do. They can't survive in space," Celestia said. "Well do mom," Sunset said. (3) ! > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hyakkaou Private Academy, a high-class elite school housing the children of Japan's most wealthy and influential people and with many future leaders and professionals among the student body. However, the student hierarchy in this school is not determined by academic performance or athletic ability, but rather by gambling. Students are ranked by their monetary contributions to the student council, which fuels an intricate gambling system where students freely bet their fortunes against one another after class. Those who win earn popularity, prestige and connections, while those who lose and fall into debt become "house pets" slaves to the whims of the remainder of the student body, nicknamed "Doggy" or "Kitty" depending on gender and identified with a collar-like tag around their necks. Pets who are unable to clear their debts by the graduation receive "Life Schedules" which dictate their futures as they pay their debts with their lives. (1) Into this cutthroat school steps Yumeko Jabami, a new transfer student whose innocent facade hides a psychotic addiction to gambling and high-stakes situations. With a keen intellect able to pierce through the elaborate cheating methods used by the most powerful students to rig games in their favor, Yumeko threatens to destroy the twisted hierarchy of the school simply for the thrill of it. That was till six new transfer students were sent to the school. Yumeko like all the other students watched as princess Sunset Shimmer got out of the armored limo. Standing at 6’11 feet Sunset is by far the tallest girl in the school, not to mention her beauty and body. Yumeko couldn’t help but guess that Sunset bra size should be somewhere in the G cup range and remembering what she saw of her mother Celestia, they would only get bigger. Of course seeing how her mom stands around 10 feet tall, of course she would only get bigger. Since what happen at the Todo school, Sunset no longer hides her features. Her orange skin, her long red hair with a yellow strip, her orange wings and the gem that’s embedded on her forehead that helps to focus her powers. Sunset isn’t alone as she is now guarded by bodyguards who are around her age who were in the military school on their world. Before being hand picked to be their princess’s bodyguards. They are called the Shadowbolts and there is always at least two of them with Sunset at anytime. Indigo Zap she is extremely competitive and has an unbridled passion for winning, a light amber-gray mare with E cups dark blue and cerulean hair with arctic blue streaks. Standing at 6 feet tall with a slender but powerful built. She is a pegasus with large wings on her back. Sugarcoat who displays an overly blunt, cynical attitude towards others, pointing out their faults without hesitation. Standing at 6’5 a blueish-gray mare with F cups and opal-gray hair with arctic blueish-gray streaks. Hers was usually done up in twin ponytails. She’s a unicorn having a gem on her forehead. Lemon Zest demonstrates the behavior of a wild, obnoxious rocker girl. Standing over 7 feet tall a grayish-amaranth mare with H cups and light pistachio hair with grayish-green and lime green streaks. She’s an Earth pony with a powerful body who is super strong. Sour Sweet has somewhat of a bipolar personality where she alternates between being sarcastic and rude (sour) and obnoxiously nice (sweet). She’s a pale, light gold mare with rose-colored freckles on her cheeks, upper part of her F cup breasts, shoulders, hips, and butt. Her hair was a mix of rose shades with a streak of aquamarine. It was usually done up in a ponytail. She’s a pegasus who stand at 6’3 tall. Sunny Flare is the most poised of her teammates, having elegant and self-confident mannerisms, but with an arrogant, rude, and aloof demeanor. A light-turquoise mare with E cups and grayish mulberry hair with light raspberry streaks. She’s a unicorn who stands at 6’7 feet tall. “What do you think?” Yumeko ask her friends Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui. “She’s the new queen of the school,” Mary said. “Really?” Ryota ask. “She’s the princess of a entire planet making her both rich and powerful. She can crush a mountain just by thinking about, and she has magic and super advance technology. With her feeding the arms and limbs of all those students who attack her at the old school she was sent to and her jabbing her thumbs into the leaders eyes. Getting away with it thanks to how the government wants a trade deal with Equestria. What can anyone here do to her?” Mary ask. "Good point," Yumeko said before thinking of something. "Wait seeing how she reacted to a school full of fighters, how is she going to react to a school full of gamblers?" "Oh ho," both Mary and Ryota said. ! School Council Room - Kirari Momobami was pulling her hair as she couldn't believe what's happening. Her twin sister Ririka is also in a panic, having just heard the news this morning. Their school is going to be the new school for princess Sunset Shimmer. For some reason someone in the education department of the government decided that sending the alien princess to a school full of rich students would be a good idea. Which would had been ok if it wasn't for that the school is one centered around gambling. The other student council members also realized what's going to happen once Sunset learns about what the school really is. Sunset being an alien princess of a super advance world, would have nothing to fear from any of them. She has full diplomatic immunity and all the governments are watching Japan after what happen to Sunset in the Todo school. She'll either expose them or she just won't care but the school will still be exposed by reporters or people who been assigned to watch Sunset. "This is so bad," Yuriko Nishinotouin crewing on her nails. "Once she learns about what goes on around here..." "My dad has been talking about Equestria and how important they are. All the families of the students and teachers from her old school have been black listed. No matter who or how rich and powerful they were. The government will throw all of us and our families under the bus!" Itsuki Sumeragi said gripping her head in despair. (2) "We'll be lucky to have a job in a fast food place," Yumemi Yumemite said as she holds her legs to her chest tightly as she rocks back and forth. Her dream of going to Hollywood fading away. ! Back with Yumeko - “They’re all be panicking right about now,” Yumeko said. “The only reason why the school has been able to operate as it has, is because of so many rich and powerful families are here. But seeing how Sunset is way more important, all she has to do is speak out and it’s all over,” Ryota said. “And looks like there are government agents on the lookout to make sure what happen at Todo doesn’t happen again,” Mary said spotting several people in suits here and there. “Of course. Haven’t you watch the news? The other countries are doing what they can to woo Sunset to come to their country for schooling. Our government is more than willing to throw anyone under the bus to save face,” Yumeko said. “How long you think it will take?” Mary ask. “I’ll say about 2 to 6 hours,” Yumeko guessed. ! An hour later - “Wow she works fast,” Yumeko said as she, Mary and Ryota watch as government agents came out of the school with boxes of files and computers. Teachers and several students are being lead out of the school in handcuffs. “There is going to be a lot of heads rolling because of this,” Mary said. “And another scramble to keep Sunset from leaving,” Ryota said. A loud crash was heard getting everyone’s attention. Turning to the source they saw a young man had slammed into Sunset and her bodyguards, leaving them all in a heap on the ground. Mary face paled as she recognized the young man who had just slammed into the alien princess and her guards. “Ouch, where did that tomboy sent me this time?” the young man said. “Ranma!?” Mary shouted out. “Mary?” Ranma ask spotting his cousin running up to him. Ranma than noticed that his hand is on something large, soft but firm. Looking down he saw the face of an angry redhead staring at him as his hand is squeezing her breast. And he noticed that he’s also on top of a pile of other girls all glaring at him. And that there are several people in suits all pointing guns at him. “Oh boy!” Ranma said raising his hands in the air as cops quickly rush in and put him in handcuffs. Sunset was getting back up helped by her guards when another boy crash into her. “You got to be kidding me,” Sunset said glaring at the young man who has his face between her breasts. “Keitaro Urashima?” Mary asked seeing her old friend. “Mary?” Keitaro ask before he was lifted up into the air by Sunset using her telekinesis on him. A third young man was flying straight at Sunset, but unlike last time she was ready. Kenichi Shirahama blink as he was held in the air with what looks like government agents pointing guns at him. (3) “Hi cousin Kenichi,” Ranma said seeing his cousin on his moms side of the family. “You too?” Mary ask. “Hi Mary. Haven’t seen you since the wedding of aunt Sue,” Kenichi said. “Alright boys,” Sunset said using her telekinesis to bring all 3 boys in front of her facing her. “You better explain what’s going on. Or I’ll drive my thumps into your eyes.” “Sunset there is no need for that,” a dark blue woman said walking up to the group Everyone was taken aback at the sight of her, namely because of her standing around 9 feet tall. She wore a woman’s pencil suit with pants that’s been fitted for her size. From their vantage point the three boys saw the tall woman from the side and gulp upon seeing her. The suit she wore is tight fitting on her that showed off her busty form. Her chest is completely covered but there was no hiding those melons her shirt and jacket struggle to hold in, and her butt molded itself to her pants. Then there are her large wings that are coming out of her back. “Aunt Luna what are you doing here?” Sunset ask. “I’m handling the talks with the Earth's governments. And while I’m here I’m going to be keeping an eye on you. I also saw what happen and it looks like these boys were all sent flying by someone else,” Luna explains. “Right so I’ll find the ones who sent them to hit me and tear their limbs off,” Sunset said. “Yes that’s how you do it,” Luna said. “This is bad,” Kenichi said. “But shouldn’t they just like the cops handle it?” Keitaro asked. “Didn’t you watched what happen at the Todo school? The government is going to let them handle it. You 3 better not do anything to make them mad or they’ll just rip your limbs off or feed them to a wood chipper,” Mary said. “I can’t believe this is happening,” Keitaro said. “Welcome to my life,” Ranma said as the clouded sky decided to start raining and he became a short busty redhead. “Ranma did you just transform into a girl?” Mary ask blinking seeing her cousin change gender in front of her. Along with everyone else around them. “It’s a curse,” Ranma said. “More like Discord handy work,” Luna said staring down at the now girl before her. “This is his brand of magic written all over it.” “How can you tell?” Sunset ask. “The magical aura has his name on it,” Luna said making the magical aura around Ranma visible for everyone to see and while it’s a transparent light brown color, there are darker letters that spell ‘Discord’ on it. “So you magical amazons can cure me?” Ranma ask. “Magical amazons? Ranma don’t you know who they are? And amazons, really?” Mary asked. “Well the only ones I know that use magic are the amazons. They’re all well shaped and muscular like that amazons. The redhead has the same angry face as Shampoo and with my luck there’s some dumb law that has me being her husband because I crash landed on her thereby defeating her and kissed her,” Ranma said. “You kissed my niece?” Luna asked glaring at him. “As if I would ever want to kiss her,” Ranma said. Earning him a slap at the back of his head from Mary as the ponies all glared at Ranma, “Mary what’s that for?” Ranma ask. “Ranma seeing how you’re an idiot. Sunset Shimmer is the alien princess from the planet Equestria. Who went and massacred the students from the Todo school, by feeding their arms and legs into a wood chipper while soldiers from her planet held all the others at gun point with energy guns. Then she went and poured hot cooking oil on the leader’s penis right after she drove her thumbs into his eyes. And you just insulted her,” Mary explains the best she can with her idiot cousin. “Oh...,” Ranma said realizing what he just done. “It’s time to teach you some manners boy,” Luna said glaring at him. ! > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Motoko Aoyama and Naru Narusegawa we’re escorted to the police car after being arrested for assaulting Princess Luna a foreign diplomat. All caught on camera from the reporters who followed the royal party. Followed by Kaolla Su who had also attacked Luna using her robots, and a search of her room found many weapons and materials that are ban in Japan among international laws. The Kingdom of Molmol which Kaolla Su is princess of, is now in hot water, seeing how she used official channels to get said items in the first place. The other residents of the inn are also being taken to be question at the police station, seeing how they all knew what was going on and never reported it. “You been living here? Hina’s Inn that is full of crazy women who abuse you?” Mary ask Keitaro who’s family is friends of the her family. “Yeah,” Keitaro said. “Yes those two are living in their own little world,” Luna said looking over the sword that she took from Motoko. “This is a piece of crap.” “It is?” Keitaro ask. “Watch,” Luna said as she easily snaps the blade starting from the tip to the bottom where it meets the hilt. Than drops the pieces to the ground. “My family’s sword!” Motoko shouted. “Save it for the court,” Luna said walking up to Motoko and towering over her. “You went and attack me, along with that Naru girl. I’m not going to settle this out of court. I’m going to make this into a public spectacle. A real media circus that have both of your faces and names plaster everywhere. Really ruin your futures once it all done with, not to mention you Motoko. You’re the heir to your family sword school. And you’re a man hater just because your sister didn’t want it and instead get married and you blame all men. What kind of school allows someone like you to be the heir? Well after the court case and all the attention you and your family be getting. I’m sure they’re going to be finding someone else. As for you Naru, you struck me because I was defending Keitaro by pointing out it’s your own fault. For that I’m pressing charges that will end with you in jail, and all this attention on you will ruin your life, and seeing how I had a camera pod filming everything. If any lawyer says that it can’t be used in court I’ll get my sister to cut ties with this planet.” Luna left the two young women pale as her words sank in, both knowing that even if everything went well for them. Their futures would be grim, as few places would ever give them a chance. Not with a police record hanging over their heads. “Also before you two go,” Luna grabbed Motoko’s hands and crush them in hers like squeezing a slice orange and snapping her waists as well. Leaving nothing but crush bones, like a hand being caught in a industrial press. Luna drop the young swordswoman who is crying out in pain. “There nice and crippled so you can hold, and move your hands to use a sword anymore.” Luna then grabs Naru’s hands and crushes them as well with her waist. She grabbed both of the girls by their faces and squeezed their jaws till their jaw bones broke, letting both of them drop back to the ground. Leaving the two crying and moaning in pain. (1) “An object lesson. You two aren’t important and never will be. And once anyone attacks me or my niece, we can do what we want and your leaders will allow it. As keeping us happy is more important than your lives or anyone else who attacks us,” Luna said walking away from the two crippled girls. “Really pushing your weight there,” Mary said as she waited for her the rest of the family to show up. Seeing how the school she was attending would be closed and that her cousins were in trouble she had tagged along. As she pointed out her cousin Ranma tend to talk without thinking and she would be there to slap him to stop him. Which he protested and stop when she pointed out that knowing him, he would enraged Sunset who will pour boiling cooking oil on his penis and balls. Which Ranma asked if that’s true which Sunset’s bodyguards showed a large container of cooking oil, a big pot, and one of them creating fire in her hands. That shut him up. “You’re really strong,” Kenichi said. “Of course she is, she is an alicorn,” Sugarcoat said. “What’s an alicorn?” Ranma asked. “Seeing how it’s going to take time for your family to get here. I’ll explain,” Luna said as she brought Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest over by picking them up with her mind and did the same with Sunset. Luna steps over to Indigo Zap first. “Our race the ponies come in four races all of whom can interbreed which each other. So much in fact that two Earth ponies can have children that are either a unicorn or pegasus because of having a grandparent who was either. Indigo Zap here is a Pegasus pony with a light but powerful body and are the smallest of the ponies, a fully grown Pegasus rarely ever grows taller than under 7 feet. They can walk on clouds and move them around giving them some control over the weather. They also use wind magic to help them fly and are create powerful gust of wind,” Luna explains. Luna walks over to Sugarcoat. “Sugarcoat here is a Unicorn, who all naturally can use magic. The gem on her forehead is a focus gem that helps in controlling the magical energy. Without it using magic is like someone who needs glasses having to focus in making out what they’re looking at or reading something. Standard height is under 8 feet. They’re also the weakest physically compared to the other pony races, but still much stronger than any human,” Luna explains. Luna walks over to Lemon Zest. “Lemon Zest is an Earth pony who are the largest and strongest of the pony race. Standard height is under 9 feet. They’re able to use earth magic which helps in growing plants and allows them to locate rare earths and metals,” Luna explains. Luna walks to her niece Sunset. “Sunset is an alicorn with only 6 members counting herself and me. We have the prefect mix of all 3 races of ponies blended into one. Far stronger, powerful and faster, we're also the longest lived with me and my sisters being in Earth years over 1,000, and still going strong,” Luna said. “So you’re over a hundred,” Ranma ask Sunset earning him as slap at the back of his head from Mary. “I’m 17,” Sunset said frowning. "Ranma are you trying to having boiling cooking oil poured on your groin?" Mary ask. "The cars are here," a agent said to Sunset. Black cars drove into the front of the inn. In the cars are the family members of the boys who crash into Sunset. All been collected by the government agents and brought to Hina's Inn as it's in the middle of the place where all the family members could be found. In the first care is Genma and Nodoka Saotome, Ranma's parents. The second car has Kenich's family, Mototsugu and Saori Shirahama his parents, and Honoka his little sister. The third car has Keitaro's family, Hana and Robert Urashima and his sister Kanako. (2) The last car had Mary's parents Violet and Frank Saotome. All were nervous having been picked up by government agents and informed of what happen with their kids. All being brought to Hina's Inn, that none of them had gone to since Sue's wedding a couple of years ago. They also been watching the news on their phones or the tv in the cars they're in and saw what happen to the two girls that had attack Luna. All of them were brought over to their kids. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Mary asked. "Seeing how you tagged along with the boys, we came to get you," Violet said. "Well someone had to keep Ranma from getting the ponies madder at him," Mary said. "He takes after his father," Frank said looking at his brother. "Hey," Genma said glaring at his brother. Sunset takes out a water bottle and splashes Genma turning him into a panda. "You're curse too?" Frank ask his brother who nods. "He couldn't read Chinese and just went to the curse springs thinking that they're a training ground," Ranma said. "Why am, I'm not surprise," Frank said shaking his head. "Enough," Luna said causing the two brother's attention to go to her. "I called you all here because of your sons slamming into my niece. Yes, I know that they were sent airborn by someone else. I already personally punished the girl who sent Keitaro flying. The police are already arresting the ones who did for assault both on the boys and on my niece." "Akane is getting arrested?" Ranma ask. "Appachai too?" Kenich asked. “You were hit by a big mallet and you Kenichi were thrown. Both showed no concern of if you two could survive or where you two would had landed. What you think would had happen if you two had landed on a busy road or landed on top of someone other than my niece who can take it? Like you two landing on top of a small child or on top of a baby stroller with a baby in it?” Luna ask making the two boys turn pale thinking of what would had happen if that had happen. “Speaking of which, I’m surprise that the police around here never got any calls about that, or anything else,” Sunset said looking at the 3 boys. “Has the police ever gotten involved?” “Nope,” Ranma said. “They only show up afterwards,” Kenichi said. “This is the first time I have seen the police here,” Keitaro said. Luna grabs one of the police and pulls her over to her. “Why has none of you ever responded to this before?” Luna ask. “I can’t say till the department is ready to give a statement,” the policewoman said sweating under the stare of the alien princess. “This is a truth spell,” Luna said casting it on the policewoman. “Now why do you the police never respond?” “We’re ordered by the top brass to cover it up and not to respond,” the policewoman said talking as she tries to stop herself. “Do you know why?” Luna ask. “To maintain the public image that there aren’t any fighting that happens in the streets and cover things up so there won’t be any bad press,” the policewoman said. “To make thing looks like there aren’t people who just attack people because they think they have the right to do so. Maintaining a public image that Japan is a safe place and to cover things up so that you all can save face with the image that Japan pretends it has?” Luna ask. “Yes,” the policewoman said before being drop by Luna, her face very pale. Seeing how news crews are recording everything. “Sunset why don’t we just leave this country and go elsewhere. A country like this where they let crime like this happen just for the status quo, isn’t worth investing into,” Luna said before turning to the cop who still is under the truth spell. “If there were any deaths would you cops would just sweep it under the rug?” “Of course we would,” the policewoman said even as she covered her mouth. (3) “There you go,” Luna said. “At this point I want to see how much more I’m going to be uncovering,” Sunset said before turning her attention to the 3 boys. “Now for your punishments.” “For you Keitaro. Seeing how you already been through a lot. I’m just going to let you go home and take the inn from you,” Sunset said. “What?” Keitaro asked. “I really don’t like the building serving as the Equestria embassy that I have been staying at, especially with all the government officials kissing up to me. So I’m kicking you and everyone else out and taking it for myself as you’ll be signing it over to me. And I’ll won’t be pressing anymore charges against what happen. Seeing how while you were the one being abused by those girls, you and your grandmother were enabling them to act like that,” Sunset pointed out. “Ok,” Keitaro said. “Now for you two,” Sunset said looking at Ranma and Kenichi. “I like to point out you caught me before I hit you,” Kenichi said. “True,” Sunset said thinking about it. “So you’ll just go with you parents care.” Kenichi was teleported over to his parents and sister. “As for you,” Sunset said looking at Ranma. “You went and grope me and kiss me.” “As if I would had wanted to do that with you,” Ranma said earning him a slap at the back of the head from Mary again. “Stop taunting the alien princess,” Mary snap at him. “You have no idea what you did do you?” Luna ask walking up to him making him be intimidated by her sheer size. “No,” Ranma said look up to meet her glaze, not helping was that her giant breasts were making it hard for him to look at her face. “Seeing how grope and kiss my niece and she isn’t ok with it,” Luna said. “I’m not,” Sunset said. “You either trying to make your moves on my niece or trying to dominate her,” Luna said. “Come on like I would ever want to make a move on her. I already have enough crazy women after me and I don’t need an alien princess too,” Ranma said. “As if you’re even in my league,” Sunset said. “So what are you going to do with me?” Ranma ask. “You’re going to be staying here,” Luna said. “What?” Ranma ask. “The curse that you’re under is unlike any that I have seen before. I’ll like to study it and you can either work here at the in. As a worker or you can go to jail,” Luna said. “I understand boss,” Ranma said not wanting to have a police record. “Fine whatever,” Sunset said wondering what else Japan has in store for her. ! > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hachimitsu Academy, one of the strictest girls' academies in Tokyo, has decided to admit boys into their system. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of these new boys, but he discovers to his shock that he and his four friends—Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji "Joe" Nezu, and Reiji "Andre" Andou—are the only male students among 1,000 girls. The draconian laws that are still in place make the school even worse, which punishes even the most minor infractions with a stay in the school's prison. The five boys all commit to voyeurism in the school's bathing area with the lecherous philosophy of "all for one, one for all". Their capture and "arrest" by the Underground Student Council causes the five boys to receive an ultimatum: either stay a month in the school's Prison Block or be expelled. The boys are incarcerated in the Prison Block together and Kiyoshi is overwhelmed by the discovery that all the other boys are masochists that revel in the punishments handed to them by their attractive but vicious supervisors. The school is now swarmed by police and government agents as mass arrests are being done. Which only happen after Luna decided to teleport to the school after being told which school her niece Sunset would be going to next. Shortly after appearing in the school she spotted the prison and discovered what’s happening there and shortly afterwards made it a media circus that got the cops and the government to take action. “Are they even trying?” Sunset asked as she lays on her aunt Luna as they watch tv. Luna is spread out on the couch while Sunset is laying on top of her with her head resting between her aunt’s massive firm and soft breasts. “Do you two really need to be like that?” Mary ask blushing as she sits nearby. Since the closing of her old school her parents are trying to find a new school for her and this time not like the last school. And seeing how Ranma is now working for the Equestrians. She’s staying mostly to keep Ranma from putting his foot in his mouth, and is helping him out. Which he and Kenichi who is also working at the embassy as his father is having him work there and away from the masters who had been training him. Saying that he doesn’t want his son to be around people who don’t care what happens to him after they toss him into the air. Which the masters are facing charges as Luna is making it known that she will be very displeased if there isn’t a punishment for all guilty parties. And saying that she’s more than willing to take matters in her own hands if she needs to do so. “This is normal back home,” Sunset said. “Really?” Mary asked. “We like sleeping with others and Sunset has been sleeping on top of me since she was born,” Luna said. “And using your breasts as pillows?” Mary ask. “She always likes using them as pillows, after drinking her fill she nuzzle her face in them and falls asleep,” Luna said. “Wait you breast fed her,” Mary ask. “Of course as a filly Sunset was an eating machine. Always hungry and wanting more milk, but all foals and fillies are like that, with them only stop growing when they’re around 80,” Luna explains. “But wait I thought only after having a child females give milk,” Mary said. “Our race females once fully sexually matured will always have breasts full of milk to feed any child in the herd,” Luna said. “Herd?” Mary ask. “We mares form herds together. My mom and her sisters all formed a herd together, which is common for sisters to share a stallion between them and raise any child together,” Sunset said. “You all share a husband?” Mary asked. “There are always more mares than stallions so it’s just easier to form herds. We do have artificial ways of making sure that there are more foals born than the old fashion way but there is still more mares than stallions. And yes we mares have no issue in having sex with each other, we have no idea why you humans see same sex relationships being wrong. Sure I can see it like two stallions refusing to have sex with mares and the birth rates are low. But like us there are now sperm banks and egg donation places, so the whole herd centered around one male isn’t needed anymore. But since it’s apart of our culture we still do it to keep a close kit family,” Sunset said. (1) “So that means your dad is shared among your mom and her sisters?” Mary ask. “I actually have no idea who my dad is,” Sunset said. “My sister went to a sperm bank where the sperm was mixed together with many other samples and that’s how Sunset was born,” Luna said. “Really?” Mary ask. “No one tried to woo any of you?” “Plenty had tried and we had plenty of sex but none ever got any of us impregnated. Celestia got tried of all that sex for no reward and just got her egg fertilized and implanted in her womb instead,” Luna said. “Not to mention any guy who wants to be in the royal herd would have to be able to take my mom and her 3 sisters,” Sunset adds. “Wait as in them... all together at once?” Mary ask blushing. “Males of my race unlike your males are able to cum more than between 1 to 3... 5 at the max before they’re spent. And instead of being around 3 to 5 inches on the average, a stallion having a 15 inch penis is consider to be small. Well depending on body to penis ratio, like a really short stallion isn’t expected to be that big,” Luna explains. “15 inches is small?” Ukyo ask as she, Kodachi, and Shampoo hang in the air helplessly. “Yup and seeing how you three broke in to attack me. I just might go hentai on you all and have dildos that big and bigger stuff into your holes,” Sunset said making the 3 girls go pale. “And I wouldn’t mind breaking the butts of you 3 boys with a strap on,” Luna said to Ryoga, Tatewaki, and Mousse who are also hanging in the air, making them all pale too. “You should know she uses a 28 inch long and about a soda can thick one,” Sunset said to the boys making them sweat. "Shouldn't you leave this to the local police?" Kodachi asked as while she and the others be arrested for breaking into the inn and attacking Luna. It be better than what they have plan for them. "This is an embassy and by sneaking in here and let alone attacking me. Can be seen as an act of war. Four Japaneses and two Chinese nationals attacking me because of you all either wanting to save or kill Ranma. The embassy is in the eyes of the law is Equestria soil. So you all aren’t going to face Japan justice but Equestrian law, and the punishment for attacking a member of the royal family is death or imprisonments in an Equestria work prison for the next 50 years which will be served on my home planet,” Luna said. "Isn’t there anything else?” Ukyo ask scared of being on an alien planet prison. “Cutting out your brains, putting them in jars and putting them in front of mirrors so you can see what has happen to you,” Sunset said causing all six to gasp in horror. “You’re going to do what to them?” Ranma ask entering the room. “From what I heard you have no reason to save them,” Luna said. “Shouldn’t you just let the police handle this?” Ranma asked. “Ryoga and Tatewaki, are angry about how that girl Tendo, Akana or whatever is in jail,” Sunset said. “That’s not her name,” Ranma said. “Why do you care? I used the truth spell on her and she said that she doesn’t see you as a person but as an object and that no matter what she will never trust you and will always think the worse of you. And she didn’t care if you died when she hit you as it doesn’t matter how many times s you saved her she will never be grateful. And it’s all on camera which really sealed her fate and that I didn’t take the truth spell off of her so when she was being questioned by the police she could only tell the truth. Joined by her sister Nabiki after she revealed how she’s been selling pictures of you and other girls to boys. Which open a whole can of worms in the area you’re all from. I can’t believe that the school would allow that insane man to run a school,” Sunset said. “And Mousse thinks that by killing you then Shampoo will fall for him,” Luna said. “I’ll just do the cutting off the limbs, popping their eyes and pouring the boiling oil on their groins before handing them over to the police,” Sunset said to the horror of the six teens. “Didn’t you already do that?” Ranma asked. “Yes but it effective. Like trying someone to the rail so that they be run over by a train,” Sunset said before humming as she began thinking. ! Later - Sunset dress in a black suit, a black cape and a black top hat, stood over the tied forms of Ukyo, Kodachi, Shampoo Ryoga, Tatewaki, and Mousse on train tracks. Her aunt Luna is with her watching as well along with her bodyguards and Ranma. A crowd has also formed with the police holding them back and doing nothing as their hands are tied. “Trying people,to the train tracks a relatively cheap cost and the terror that comes with the growing anticipation of an oncoming train, plus the minor hope of escape,” Sunset said. “Sunset please just let the police handle this,” Ranma pleaded. “Stop caring about people who wouldn’t do anything for you,” Sunset said as she cast the truth spell on the boys. “Would any of you save Ranma?” “No,” the boys said quickly. “There you go,” Sunset said. “What about the girls?” Ranma asked. “Naw,” Sunset said waving him off and looks down the tracks. “Where’s that train?” “The trains is staying out at the other stations,” Lemon Zest said looking at her phone causing the six tied to the rails to give out a sigh of relief. “I dressed up for nothing! Ok I’ll do it myself,” Sunset said as she lifts the three boys up into the air using her telekinesis. The three young men scream as their limbs were torn off leaving them limbless. Sunset toss the three to the side where the cops took them to the nearest ambulance. The medics quickly went to work to stop the bleeding and stabilized them. Sunset then lifts the three girls into the air. “Sunset isn’t there anything else you can do besides maiming them for life?” Ranma shouted out. “Well there is the punishment of enslavement where I place a slave spell on them making them my slaves,” Luna said. “Wait you make them your slaves?” Ranma asked. “Yes we enslave prisoners who choose that punishment instead. So what will it be girls? Be made into slaves or have your limbs torn off?” Luna ask the three young women. “Is it for life?” Kodachi asked. “For the next 30 years,” Luna said. “30 years of being a slave or having my limbs torn off and being cripple for the rest of my life,” Ukyo said. “I’m ok being a slave.” “Me too,” Shampoo said not wanting to lose her limbs. “I’m for being a slave,” Kodachi said. “Alright,” Luna said casting the slave seal on the three women. “The seal will make you do whatever Sunset or me tell you and none of you can’t do any harm to us. Or betray us in anyway.” “At least we have three new workers for the embassy,” Sunset said untying the girls and setting them back on the ground. ! > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sunset stared at Yujiro Hanma as he slowly suffocated as she held him in the air and had the plastic wrap wrapped around his head. No grand fight or anything like that. Just a pathetic death where he gasp for breath. He gave one last twitch before he finally just ran out of air. Nearby is his son who he was fighting and their fight caught Sunset's attention. “I don’t care how strong you are. You still need air and how dumb are you humans are? You allowed him to do what he wants because he’s just strong when all it would take is for someone to gas him or even drown him,” Sunset said to the reporters who just caught the death of the dreaded fighter Yujiro Hanma. “Also there is also something else anyone can do.” Sunset waves to Indigo Zap who walks up to Yujiro opening her jacket revealing she’s packing a gun on a shoulder harness. She takes out the gun and fires one shot at Yujiro’s head blowing the back of his head off. Even if he’s still alive with a damaged brain there is little he can do. Sunset opens a portal to space and toss Yujiro’s body through it. To make sure he’s dead as even if he does have something that makes it look like he’s dead, there is no way he can survive in space. Making many watching wonder why they never thought of gassing Yujiro Hanma or putting a bullet in his head when they had the chance. (1) ! Later - Hayate Ayasaki Watch silently as his parents screamed for him to save them. Sunset held them up the air and slowly rips their arms and legs off. Than drop them on the ground where medics rush to save them and the police waited near to arrest them for child abuse among other charges. Which because of Sunset exposing how they the police has been covering up things to maintain the illusion of safety and order in Japan. The police has been under more and more pressure from all sides to do their job. The utter humiliation and shame of the news that the police had been allowing school kids to fight and do what they want, covering it up even the deaths. Just to maintain the image that Japan is a safe place, has broken the faith of many in the police. Not to mention how schools are allowed things to happen and just to cover things up. Like the school that was selected to go to the prestigious Utopia Gakuen. Which was a school where the male student body is encourage to abuse the female students and for the female students not to fight back. Needless to say the school was shut down and most of the male students missing their limbs the others who were force to go along with it only had broken limbs. The teachers also lost or had broken limbs. With the ones behind the school being publicly arrested after Sunset paid them a visit. With the males who were all for the way the school ran having boiling oil poured on their penises and balls, utterly destroying them. (2) “First the school where the male student body are encouraged to abuse the female students. And now this? How long has these two been doing this?" Sunset ask Hayate. "All my life," Hayate answers. "And no police or anyone ever showed up to take you away from clearly abusive parents?" Sunset asked. "Nope," Hayate said. "You did report them right?" Sunset asked. "Yes and the cops never did anything," Hayate said. Sunset appeared above the cops and casted a truth spell on them. "Alright did you cops covered things up for those who know about this?" Sunset asked the group of cops. "Yes," the cops who knew about Mr and Mrs Ayasaki answered. Causing them to go pale as they just revealed another scandal. "Why am I not surprise," Sunset said. (3) ! > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “So let me get this right. The department of education decided to send my niece to Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy, where the female students have been violently oppressing their male classmates out of paranoia ever since the school became co-ed?” Luna asked the official who was called in to meet with Luna in front of said school. Which is on the news with the five girls who the school allowed to attack male students, hanging by their arms with signs hanging on them with their full names on them while they’re only in their underwear. And being pelted by the male students with rotten fruits and vegetables, with the girls only being able to cry in shame and humiliations. The cops are arresting the school staff who allowed the attacks to happen. All under the eyes of Sunset and her Shadowbolts, as like the other times the cops have been looking the other way. The cops are now under a lot of pressure to do their jobs and not being publicly humiliated. Not to mention what happens to those who openly try to downplay or try to stop Sunset from exposing things. The last station that tried, all the cops who were in on covering things up had their knees broken and hands crushed. All caught on camera which brought great shame to the police across Japan, thanks to Sunset asking the viewers across Japan if the police ever do their jobs at all. And telling people to just post it online for the world to see as that’s the only way to get them to do their job. Besides her literarily forcing the cops to do their jobs with any cop not having their arms and legs broken with her telling the remainder the next time she’ll just rip them off. Causing the cops to be falling over themselves in doing their jobs whenever Sunset calls. (2) “We’re terribly sorry for this,” the woman the department sent said. “Tell your bosses that the next school better be one that they would send their own child to. Or I’ll just go there and start ripping arms and legs off. It worked for the cops in making them do their jobs,” Luna said making the official sweat. ! Later - Luna lead Sunset and her bodyguards out of the restaurant which is a wreck after the youngest made it known how they felt about the expensive and meager portions being served. Not to mention how the staff refused to make them bigger, so Sunset and her bodyguards wreck the entire restaurant. They had used the same spell that Sunset had used to make her look human, they had wanted to have a meal without people knowing who they are, and when they revealed who they are to the staff and owner, was only then that they realized how fucked up they are. All the furniture and other items were smashed, the kitchen wreck with all the cooking tools ruined, the food spread out through the building. The staff tossed around and having broken bones and hanging from the ceiling upside down. Even pulling up the water pipes out of the floor and tore the wires out of the walls. Leaving the entire restaurant in ruins and the owner sobbing over her wreck building. “I told you that I would wreck your restaurant if you didn’t give me more food,” Sunset shouted at the owner as they walk down the street. “Well that was a waste of time,” Sour Sweet said. “I’m still hungry,” Lemon Zest said. “Let’s hit another restaurant,” Indigo Zap said. “I’m sure that news of this has spread already,” Sugarcoat said. “They won’t dare not to give us what we want,” Sunny Flare said. “That’s the last restaurant I go to that was advised by the government,” Luna said. Sunset’s eyes narrowed as she actually sees police cars coming to the restaurant. “So you all came this fast only when it’s a big fancy place,” Sunset said to the first squad car that stop as the cops saw who it was that destroyed the high class restaurant. “We got a....,” the policeman said nervously but was cut off. “Save it for someone who cares. You cops are a waste of money,” Sunset said leaving with her group. ! > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Balalaika and her men of Hotel Moscow were preparing to make their final move on the Washimine Group, when the ship they been using as their base was lifted up into the air. The ship was rocked back and forth as it traveled through the air with the Russians on board hanging on for dear life. The ship suddenly stop as it was place on the ground. Running to the deck Balalaika and her men all saw that they been placed in the middle of a Japan military base with soldiers surrounding the ship with guns drawn. “You all been making a mess,” Sunset said standing on the roof of the bridge of the ship. They all stared up to see Sunset the alien princess standing above them and looking down at them with her bodyguards. Around her are those camera pods she and the others of her group been using to broadcast what they do. There are already news copters in the air around them. But what got Balalaika and her men interest is how Sunset and her bodyguards are dress. Sunset is dressed in a black fedora and trench coat, Lemon Zest is wearing a suit of armor, Sunny Flare is wearing a fire fighter uniform that has flames designs on it, Sour Sweet is dress in a backless blue leotard, Sugarcoat is wearing a jester outfit, and Indigo Zap is wearing a outfit with lightning designs on it. In all it looks like they all just came from a fan convention. “What’s with the outfits?” Balalaika asked keeping a cool front but inside she’s scared as she’s not in control anymore. With cameras everywhere and being stuck in the middle of a Japanese military base, there’s little she’ll or her men be able do to without exposing themselves. And shooting Japanese soldiers on live tv would cause the rest of the Russian mob to cut all ties with them. “We’re dress as supervillains,” Indigo Zap said. “We we're thinking of dressing as old time mobsters but we went with this instead,” Sugarcoat said. “Besides we are much more powerful than you humans to begin with,” Sour Sweet adds. “We don’t need guns,” Lemon Zest said as she picks up a mini gun that’s laying next to her. “But I can’t say I don’t want to fire this at you.” “Wait for the rest of their gang to get here first,” Sunny Flare said. “The rest?” Balalaika asked. Screaming could be heard causing everyone to look up as the rest of the Russian mob came flying to the army base. They all suddenly found themselves unable to move and were sent flying through the air and pulled to the army base above the ship they came to Japan on. The Russians on board the ship suddenly felt like someone just grabbing them and they were all lifted into the air helpless. "So, you're the Russian mob that got my niece interest,” Luna said landing next to her niece looking down at Balalaika the only one left that’s not hanging in the air. (1) “You’re wondering why I suddenly decided to mess around with you and your gang? Well, I was asking around and the girl you been messing with told me about what you been doing and asked for some help. So, I decided to help out and kick your butt, especially when your men shot up the restaurant I was on the phone on trying to order some food,” Sunset said using her own telekinesis to grab Balalaika and lifted her into the air. “Of course, that’s way too easy. I’m much stronger than you are, and it wouldn’t be a fight.” “All this because you couldn’t ordered some food? So, what are you going to do? Rip off our limbs?” Balalaika Asked putting a brave face. “Nope, I’m going to make you do that to your own men. And I heard that the restaurant served some good shrimps and you killed the cook and the owner told me he was the only one who knew how to make the dish just right. So yeah, I’m mad,” Sunset said as she floats a gas powered chainsaw to Balalaika who against her will grabs it and turns it on. “What are you doing?” Balalaika asked in a panic as she was being controlled unable to control her body. “Using my telekinesis to control your body and have you use that chainsaw to slice off your men’s limbs, da,” Sunset said smiling at the look of horror on Balalaika‘s and her men’s faces. What followed was Balalaika’s men scream for their boss to stop as she was made to cut off their limbs as they all floated in the air. When all of their limbs were cut off the men were put down on the ground where medics went to work to stop the bleeding and save their lives. Of course, without limbs they like the others who got on the bad side of Sunset would be cripple for the rest of their lives and be dependent on others as they have no limbs to be able to take care of themselves. And unlike the people who have no limbs from birth, they don’t have a lifetime of learning how to live their life without limbs. Or be able to have artificial limbs to replace their old ones. (2) “Well that should be all of them,” Sunset said looking at the pile of limbs. “You bitch!” Balalaika shouted losing all self-control after being made to cut off the limbs of all of her men. She would never be able to replace them, not that she would have the chance to, no with all of this happening the others will cut ties with her. She’s too hot and well known at this point. “Not so fun when you’re not in control is it?” Sunset laughs as she makes Balalaika drop the chainsaw and puts her on the deck of the ship. “Now I’m going to tear your limbs off with my bare hands.” Balalaika tried to fight back but Sunset proved too strong as she tosses Balalaika around, with nothing she did even hurting Sunset. Showing that even a veteran soldier who seen action like Balalaika is no match for someone who is just that strong and tough. Sunset grabs one arm and twist it off, all awhile Balalaika is screaming and begging for her to stop. But Sunset doesn’t stop, she kept twisting and ripping off her limbs till Balalaika was just like her men. Leaving her broken as she was taken away by the medics under arm guard. “Alright humans,” Sunset said staring at the cameras. “While I’m here Japan is my turf and I better not catch something like this happening again.” “Sunset really? Playing as a villain?” Luna asked. “Seeing how the cops around here don’t do their job. Me playing as a villain who doesn’t like others messing around would make things a lot safer,” Sunset said. “And the crime families that are already here?” Luna asked. “Pay tribute to me?” Sunset suggested. ! > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! "Ok I have to ask, why did you take the ship?" Mary asked as now the Russian ship after it was emptied is now resting next to the inn. "It's to act as the auxiliary power supply for the building," Sunset said as cables are connecting the ship to the inn. "But it's a gas powered ship and you're...," Mary said as she stares at Kodachi, Uyko, and Shampoo running in giant hamster wheels to power it. "I need to find something for them to do," Sunset said. "Couldn't you had taken a solar panel or something?" Uyko asked panting as she and her rivals are forced to run or lose their legs. "Just run till the ship engine is running," Sunset said. "But the inn already has power and you're just making them run for nothing," Mary pointed out. "I know," Sunset said. "Can we please stop?" Shampoo asked. "Never!" Sunset said. "Didn't you have enough fun when you and the others wreck that city?" Kodachi asked. "Roanapur and it's in Thailand or was seeing what's left of it," Mary said. "So me and the others made sure to really wreck Hotel Moscow by destroying their base in that city and taking care of what's left of the mob members there," Sunset said. "But you and the others went to war with the other mob groups there and you pick up the entire city and drop it," Mary pointed out. "That's what happens when they open fire on us," Sunset said. “So you’re all bulletproof?” Mary asked having watched as Sunset and the others were blasted by multiple machine guns which just pissed them off. “I won’t bore you with the details but the clothes we wear aren’t cloth or fiber. They’re synthetic materials that act like armor by your standards. Combine with our much stronger bodies and denser skin, allow us to be shot by your bullets without doing much harm,” Sunset explains. (1) “So only weapons that will do anything are high powered guns and things like rocket launchers?” Mary asked. “Pretty much, but of course once we showed them that bullets wouldn’t work on us we just turn on the force fields,” Sunset said. “So why let yourselves but shot at all?” Mary ask. “To show that it’s useless,” Sunset said. ! Elsewhere - In a run down hotel room, Rokuro "Rock" Okajima and Rebecca "Revy" Lee have been laying low after Sunset took out Hotel Moscow. They had planned on returning back to Roanapur, but after checking into a hotel room for the heat to die down. They learned that their plan of returning home had been derailed, thanks to the news stations playing what happen there and the aftermath. Sunset and her bodyguards still dressed as supervillains went to Roanapur and took care of the remaining members of Hotel Moscow, who were at their HQ in Roanapur. Stealing everything and gathering all the evidence from their HQ in the city, which after everything they gave copies to all the major law enforcement agencies around the world. Of course doing that in a city like Roanapur caused people to try to gun down Sunset and her crew, which only caused them to attack. The Kan Yi Fan Triad the only real rival to Hotel Moscow was destroyed, followed by all the other crime groups that operate in the city. They watched as Sunset and her bodyguards acted like the supervillains they’re dressed as, with them just as unstoppable. Showing everyone how powerful ponies are compared to humans. Lemon Zest in her suit of armor just charged head first with nothing thrown at her doing anything to her. She was just a juggernaut as she picks up vehicles and used them on anyone who attack her and tossing them into windows where a shooter was taking potshots at her. She even just stood there letting rockets be fired at her, just so that she could reveal herself once the smoke cleared that it didn’t work. The only thing that slowed her down was when a gang managed to blow up the street from under her sending her falling into the sewers. Of course that just had her hands bursting from beneath the street grabbing the people who had sent her falling and pulling them down, even if the hole she made wasn’t big enough for their bodies to fit through, she just kept pulling till something gave. Sunny Flare wearing the fire fighter uniform that includes a gas mask with flame designs on it, set things on fire. She held a fire axe as she with her free hand cast fireballs and streams of flames on everyone that attack her. Her fire fighter uniform protected her from bullets and kept her protected from the flames. Which she controlled with her flooding any space with flames once someone open fires on her, before pulling it back keeping an out of control fire from burning the city. That would endanger her friends and kept people from fleeing the city by creating a wall of flames around it. Sour Sweet dress in the backless blue leotard with knee high blue boots, flew around in the sky armed with twin curved swords and blades that pop out from the bottom of her boots. She flew around attacking from the sky cutting anyone she spotted, cutting off the arms of gunmen popping out of buildings. And twisting around in the sky creating tornados that pick up people and objects sending them flying, and tearing parts of buildings off. And any attack never got close to her as she had a force field around her that protected her. Sugarcoat dress as a jester of a rainbow of colors and armed with a staff with a blue orb on the top, was casting spells on anyone she spotted that was attacking her. With the orb she created things out of thin air, like creating a big anvil that fell on top of a car that was speeding towards her, or creating a giant saw blade that saw through a building causing the top half to slide down the cut and onto the street below. And no one could harm her as she always had a force field around her. Indigo Zap wearing the full bodysuit that is black and has silver lightning designs on it, and armed with a lance that allowed her to send lightning down from the sky. No one on the ground could hit her as she was far too small and high to hit her, not that it mattered as any shot was deflected thanks to a lightning shield that’s around her. With her sight she could see clearly what’s happening on the ground, hitting anyone with bolts of lightning. She also blasted anything that tried to leave the city from the harbor. She blasted boats with lightning till it sank or blew up. Which Rock and Revy saw when she blew up the old PT boat with Dutch and Ben on it when they tried to escape the city. Then there was Sunset who dressed in a black hat and trench coat showed how dangerous someone with telekinesis is. No bullet or rocket could touch her as she caused anything flying at her to stop before they even came close. Crushing people like they’re soda cans, pulling the guns away from people pointing the guns at their face instead before pulling the trigger. But mostly she just lifted them into the air before dropping them or just pulled off their arms and legs and leaving them where they fell. Then once the fighting died down she lifted the remaining buildings up into the air by several feet before dropping them, causing many to either be wreck or collapse into themselves. Also she destroyed the city’s power stations and power grid and destroyed the water treatment plant and her lifting up all the buildings up caused all the water pipes to burst flooding the city. The entire city once it was over was in ruins and would cost more to rebuild than just moving away, which the survivors did as there was nothing left. Seeing how Sunset and her group had taken just about everything of value from the crime groups before they left, with Sunset even grabbing a kitchen sink from the ruin Hotel Moscow HQ just to rub it in. (2) The Thailand military were force to standby as Luna had followed her niece and her bodyguards. The army group that tried to enter the city just found themselves lifted up into the air and were teleported back to the base where they came from. With Luna telling the Thailand government that they been turning a blind eye to the city of Roanapur for years and only when her niece is broadcasting what's happening to the world that they act. She told them to just let her niece handle it as they never cared to do anything till they're made to, which is just to save face. And that any attack by the Thailand government on her niece will be seen as an act of war, forcing them to order the army to stand down. “There’s nothing left,” Rock said wondering what he and Revy will do now. Watching as the Thailand army marched into the ruins to round up any survivors. Followed by another clip of Sunset shouting out that Japan is supervillains only and no other crime group is welcome, as she destroys the Triad HQ. “There is still one thing,” Revy said pulling out her gun. “We kill that bitch.” ! > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Bokutou Station Traffic Section have seen a lot of strange things over the years, but a superhero, supervillain battle isn’t one of them. All the officers that could be called in have surrounded a construction site as the resident nut job Strike Man faced off against the alien princess Sunset and her five bodyguards. Who are still running around dressed as supervillains and are helped Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi who are dress in green domino masks, red and yellow striped long sleeve shirts, purple pants and running shoes. When asked about the outfits the 3 slave girls are wearing. Sunset explains is that they’re wearing eye catching and bright colors to draw all the gun fire. Which the three girls didn’t like knowing the reason why they’re running around in bright colors for, but have to do what Sunset says or lose their limbs. Ever since they destroyed Roanapur and proclaiming that Japan is supervillain only, they been running around robbing any Yakuza clan holdings. Any business that is owned by a Yakuza clan would be visited by them, from demanding free food from restaurants or walking into a gambling den and walking out with bags of loot with yen signs on them. Which they made themselves as they’re not even trying to hide what they’re doing. (1) They also robbed gangs and anyone else who tried to commit a crime. Bursting into gang hideouts and shaking them of everything they got. Even the school gangs weren’t safe as they were attack too. Often beating them bloody and crippled, to the point where crime actually dropped as everyone is too scared of drawing Sunset’s attention. To the point where once they show up the people running the business will just hand over what they’re there for. With some clans sending tribute to them just to keep them from showing up and scaring away customers. All thanks to the fact that the department of education is still trying to find a school to send Sunset to that won’t have her aunt Luna showing up to rip limbs off. So Sunset has nothing better to do but to play the supervillain. Which after illegally parking causing Strike Man to deflate the tires of their limo, Sunset and her bodyguards are facing him in a construction site. With Strike Man actually holding his own against the supervillains, somehow. Armed with baseballs that have been hollowed out and filled with gunpowder and other things, Strike Man is actually doing pretty well for himself. Being a badass normal against a group of villains with powers. “Ok how is he doing that?” Natsumi Tsujimoto asked blinking as Strike Man fends off Sunny Flare by spraying her with a hose after she tossed some fireballs at him. “He’s been working out?” Miyuki Kobayakawa suggested. “No they’re playing along,” Ken Nakajima said watching the fight. “What?” Natsumi and Miyuki asked. “Strike Man is already a large ham and Sunset and her bodyguards are playing along with the act. Like how in the Flash comics the villains know that he can beat them all without even trying, which is why they dress up and ham it up so that he plays along and giving them a chance against someone who can beat them before they can blink. It’s the same thing that’s happening here, Sunset and her bodyguards are sandbagging themselves instead of just ending the fight,” Ken said. Strike Man throws a smoke ball at Sour Sweet’s face, blinding her as she kept flying and slam into Sunny Flare. Lemon Zest charge at Strike Man swinging an I-beam at him as he duck and jumps to avoid being hit. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat both blasted at Strike Man, but he did a slide and dodge the energy and lightning attacks. Lemon Zest didn’t and while her armor protected her it, she ended up falling flat on her face. And while they were distracted from hitting their friend, Strike Man toss a couple of ball bombs and smoke balls at them. Leaving him facing off with Sunset who has just been standing by watching. Sunset picked up several construction equipment and toss them at Strike Man who began running away, with her following him. Followed by her bodyguards who had recovered and gave chase as well. With the chase wrecking everything in their path. "Aren't they heading for the station?" Ken asked. "Oh ho," Natsumi and Miyuki said. ! Later - Bokutou Station Traffic Section has been turned upside down, literately. The police could only stare at their station that has been ripped off of the foundation and flipped upside down, as Sunset and her bodyguards searched the building and wrecking everything inside it. All in the search of Strike Man who had run inside. "They wreck the station just to find Strike Man," Miyuki said staring at the wreck station. "And they're still wrecking it while Strike Man is right out here," Natsumi said eyeing Strike Man who is standing next to them. "They're just wrecking the station for fun at this point," Ken said. "Hey Strike Man is right out here!" Natsumi shouted. "You're not fooling me!" Sunset said poking her head out of a window. "I'm not going to stop till we check every square inch of this station and you dressing up someone won't draw me out." "You're just wrecking our station for fun!" Miyuki shouted. "So what?" Sunset said going back to wreck the station. ! > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! At the Kanagawa Police Prefecture, Inspector Keita Kurokochi is a textbook Dirty Cop. Having a position at the second brigade of the Prefecture tasked with investigating organized crime and white-collar crimes, Kurokôchi knows every local politician's little secrets and their bribes allow him to live in luxury. On the contrary, Commissioner Shingo Seike is a Naïve Newcomer at the Prefecture full of idealism. Now the entire prefecture is being torn apart by Sunset and her gang of supervillains. Kurokochi like all the other dirty cops have been crippled as one way or another had their limbs cut off. The same went with the many crime groups that operated in the prefecture. Both the legal and illegal businesses were ransacked, the leaders assaulted in their own homes where they were dragged out and publicly beaten and crippled. Which happen with the local politicians as their dirty secrets were exposed for all to see. And no one had any idea what had set her off for this to happen. ! Elsewhere - In his hospital room Mitsuomi Takayanagi could only listen to the news on the tv. The one proud fighter now reduce to a hollow shell of what he use to be. He’s now helpless without someone helping him, he doesn’t have limbs and he lost his eyes, even having his genitals having to be removed because of the boiling hot cooking oil that was poured on them. And he doesn’t have a lifetime to learn to move around without limbs. Not that it would help him as he’s blind. (1) He’s also has a long list of crimes that’s being poured onto him, with a court hearing coming soon. Which all of his followers in school, the teachers and many more are also facing for all the crimes they did and allowed to happen. Not only that seeing how they had no limbs anymore many of the people his group use to torment are now tormenting them, now that their fighting skills are completely useless. Mitsuomi himself have lost count how many times he was slap in the face, punch spat on and other things with him unable to do anything to stop it. The one time he tried he only fell from his bed where he was kick in the face. Hard to fight back without limbs or being able to see, with no skills in either. Made worse as his heart conditions was fixed by Sunset, so that he wouldn’t die young. With her telling him that she only did it so that he could live and suffer. The only thing he had left is his hearing, his sense of smell and his mouth. Sunset took just about everything from him, the organization that he took from his father is now bankrupt as Sunset stole all the funds and wreck everyone in the group. With most of the group cripple and in jail or like him in a secure hospital, the remaining members all left seeing how no one is paying them anymore and they didn’t want to get on Sunset’s bad side. Not it would had help, seeing how the government is throwing everything they can at him and others of his group, blaming him for the mess they’re in now. Attacking Sunset and causing her to look upon all humans with distain, and it just snowballed from there as one school after another just kept giving more fuel for Sunset’s view on humans. Which because of how bad things have gotten the Japan government has ordered all schools to be reviewed and any crime at all be reported and fix. No matter who or what family is behind it, and just to make sure the agents sent do their jobs. They were told that if the next school Sunset is sent to is bad for any reason, the agent who was the one who reviewed the school will be given to the alien princess to do as she wants. Which cause the agents to be completely ruthless in reviewing the schools, even pulling guns on school staff if they did anything to interfere. With a disturbing amount of schools were found to be hiding things or allowing things to happen that would get Sunset to wreck the school. With the threat of sending Sunset to the school where she would rip all the limbs off of the school staff and students who cause trouble, and having everything dragged out with it being all over the news. Which got results as no one wants to be dragged out into the public eye and not to mention Sunset crippling them. Which the Japanese government would allow as they really messed up in giving Sunset a good impression of Japan, not to mention the rest of the human race. A government agent had explained to him how the Ponies are not only an advance race and have abilities out of fiction. They also have a space empire with 39 colonies on planets across the galaxy, double that of planets that they have claimed for their own, having alien races join the empire or made alliances with others advance races and empires. (2) While Earth has only learned that there are other advance life in space, with the Ponies having no interest in making contact till a space probe crash into one of their satellites. And the camera showing that there is another unknown planet that’s been on the other side of the sun to the human race. With the reason why the ponies never made contact was an old law to not interfere with less advance races and that after the ponies began exploring other planets and meeting new races in other galaxies, Earth was just forgotten about. Then there are the princesses, who all can move planets and stars around just by thinking about it. They already met Celestia, her daughter Sunset and Luna, but there are 3 other alicorns. Solis and Moon the older sisters to Celestia and Luna, both are the ones in charge of the military of the ponies. And Cadance who is busy governing over a colony. Anyone of them can destroy Earth either by flinging it out of orbit or sending rocks to slam into it or even the moon. Earth stands no chance at all against the ponies and the ponies know it. Not that he can do anything about it. All he can do now is lay in bed and hope that one of his many enemies won’t sneak into the hospital to attack him, again. The only way he and the others like him could have a normal life would be if the ponies share their advance medical technology, as they do have robotic replacement limbs and things like that. But seeing what happen they’re not going to be sharing anytime soon. Not that he expect him of all people going to be getting those cybernetic parts. No Sunset would make sure he remain as he is, limbless, eyeless and worth nothing of value. ! > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mary read the latest news on today’s paper in the kitchen, with the headlines of the schools that are being closed down. Tenbi Academy where students settle thing s through duals. Daimon High also been closed down for the same reason. Then there the Gakuen Ouji school which use to be an all girl school, and the few boys who enter the school are out numbered and the girls there have taken to raping them. Which none of the teachers bothered to stop at all. Made Mary wonder how so many schools could allow stuff to happen and no one ever said anything about it. “Hey Ranma here’s something you would had like,” Mary said to her cousin who she’s been keeping from getting Sunset and her group mad enough to cripple. Which wasn’t an easy thing to do. “What is it?” Ranma ask who is in his girl form. “Turns out that the schools in the Kento region around Tokyo been having a full scale gang war between schools. In the style of the 3 kingdoms of China, like the game series. Thanks to Ms. Luna's threat of tearing the limbs off of the board of education for the next school they send her to, has something bad that people just covered up instead of taking care of it. Caused the police to bring out the guns and have gunned down several students who tried to fight back. Mass arrest, of students and teachers and...?" Mary was saying till she saw a picture of someone she hasn't seen for awhile. "What is it?" Ranma ask. "It's cousin Hakufu," Mary said showing him the picture of their cousin Hakufu Sonsaku standing in front of the closed down Nanyou Academy. "She was arrested for being the leader of the gang of fighters of her school." "Wow, I had no idea that she was that good of a fighter," Ranma said. "I'm beginning to think that there is something wrong with our family. I was part of a gambling school, Hakufu and Kenichi are in fighting schools, you having those strange adventures... it's like our lives are a manga," Mary said. "Where is Kenichi anyways?" Ranma ask having seen him working around the former inn, now and than. "He only works here to take care of the yard work a couple of days out of the week," Mary said. "So what is your job here?" Ranma ask. "I'm in charge of you and your harem," Mary said. "I have to keep you all from getting yourselves cripple. I have to slap you at least once a week to keep you from putting your foot into your mouth." "Oh yeah," Ranma mumbles. "Hey looks like it's another turning students into sex slaves. This time it's the Morimoto Financial Group who's CEO Reina Morimoto who was the head mistress of St. Arcadia was behind it. Help by her sister Leona in having the girls made into sex slaves for politicians and businessmen," Mary said. "Again?" Ranma asked. "Yup from that all female school St. Gyaku where the male teacher was made into a sex slave by the principal of the school. Allowing her daughter and the other girls to rape him, along with her throwing sex parties for other mothers of the school girls. That lone guy who was transferred into a class with nothing but girls and they turn him into their sex toy. The all girl school where that guy Shusaku went and blackmailed the women there to be his sex slaves. That guy Keisuke who turn his two classmates and hometown, teacher into his sex slaves and getting the male staff into it as well. The guidance counselor, Toshikazu Fujimi who used drugs on the female students. The all boy school where the boys gang rape the female staff. And all those schools with gangs raping female students and teachers and the school and police do nothing. Till they’re force to either do their jobs or have their limbs pulled off,” Mary said. (1) “I really can’t believe the police and government allow things like this to happen,” Ranma said. “With the right pay offs and people in power being in on what’s happening, can go a long way. It worked at my old school, pay offs and powerful families being in on what’s happening. Of course now that Sunset’s people have showed up, no amount of money or what company they’re the head of, can compare to her. I’m surprise that you haven’t gotten her to fall for you,” Mary said. “You think that I would want her chasing after me too?” Ranma asked. “No way, I have enough trouble with Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi all living here. The only good thing is that they can’t behave like they did before or they will have their limbs pulled off like the guys.” “What happen to them anyways?” Mary ask. “I have no idea what happen to pig boy and don’t care. Kuno is in the care of his dad and duck boy was sent back home,” Ranma said having been told what happen to them by Kodachi and Shampoo. “What about your arrange marriage?” Mary ask. “The whole joining the schools together has fallen apart. Only one left is Kasumi and yeah she would make a great wife but she has no interest in me. Her sisters are in jail and I’m stuck here,” Ranma said. “Why are you here?” Mary ask. “Turns out the curses are caused by a lord of chaos, Discord who visited Earth a long time ago. All the magical stuff around here, he had a hand in before he left. And Luna is studying me and Shampoo curses,” Ranma said. “Can she cure you?” Mary ask. “She’s working on it and she told me that the only reason why Sunset hasn’t rip my limbs off is because she’s stopping her,” Ranma said. “You really should make sure that Sunset won’t be ripping your limbs off then by not ticking her off,” Mary said. “How do I do that? I really don’t know how to deal with women,” Ranma ask. “Seeing how you deal with girls who just attack you and only see you as a prize I’m not surprised. Well seeing how I don’t want to see you limbless. I’m going to help you in learning how to not to act around Sunset and make yourself useful to her. At least she won’t have a reason to just rip your limbs off. As she only does that when she has a reason,” Mary said. “Where do we start?,” Ranma ask. “Everything should cover it. You need to know how to not enrage a woman,” Mary said. "That's going to take you a very long time," Luna said entering the kitchen. "Seen men like him before." "Really?" Mary ask. "Yes and they like Ranma are very hard to train. Of course there is a fast way that works for me. If he does something bad, I'll just bend him over and break in that ass of his with this," Luna said making a massive dildo appear out of nowhere. "That goes up my butt!" Ranma shouted in shock seeing how big and thick it is. "I heard of size queens but that's just too big," Mary said. "Yes and this is small for me and only gets bigger from there," Luna smirks at the pale form of Ranma and Mary. "Isn't there anyway to keep Sunset from ripping Ranma's limbs off?" Mary ask. "Well I could talk to her about her using my sex toys on him," Luna said making Ranma go paler. "Something that doesn't have anything to do with his butt," Mary said. "Well there is you letting her have her way with you as a female," Luna said. "I...," Ranma said not sure what to feel. "Are you ponies really that free with sex?" Mary asked. "We have a very hard time having children having a free love culture helps in that problem. That was till artificial impregnation was invented but we still kept the free love culture," Luna said. "So you all just have sex with each other whenever you want?" Mary ask blushing. "Well I have seen you and the other girls stare at me and the others at the hot spring. Care to see what it's like?" Luna ask. "No... I... really... Well it's hard not to stare as you and the others all have such sexy bodies," Mary said blushing. "Well when you want to try you only have to ask," Luna said before turning to Ranma. "Also you might be impressive for a human, but for a pony you're just too small." "Hey," Ranma said causing Mary to laugh. "You ponies are much bigger then us humans." "Yes that is a good point there," Luna said. "But you can make it up by endurance and skill in love making. Like using your tongue." "Really?" Ranma asked. "Yes like this," Luna said as she opens the fridge and takes out a popsicle. And to the amazement of Mary and Ranma using only her tongue, Luna shaped the popsicle into a copy of the statue, 'The Thinker'. "Wow," Ranma said amazed. "No kidding," Mary said blushing as thoughts of what that tongue could do to her ran through her mind. "One way or another you're going to have to get on my niece's good side if you don't want to lose your limbs or be butt fuck," Luna said. ! > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mary really hated it when she wants to use the hot spring and the ponies are already there using it. With their huge breasts, large buttocks and flawlessly bodies, made her well how she looks compared to them. Made worst as it isn’t just Sunset and the Shadowbolts using the hot springs but also Luna the older alicorn. Not to mention how they could all eat and eat as much fatting foods and not gain any weight. Which Sunset had explained as due to their bodies using what they eat to fuel their magic, with only ponies who don’t actively use their magic or really pig out are fat. And even in her current predicament Mary couldn't help but to be astonished at the mere sight of their ultra-fit bodies. Never had she seen such muscular or curvaceous figures before. They all had mammaries the size of melons bulging from their chests with impeccable firmness. Though their waists were thin and their hips wide, their abdomen was absolutely ripped with finely chiseled muscles. As where their backs, shoulders and arms. But none where burly. They all had slender yet powerful builds, as if the muscle was glued to their bones. The only exception where their glutes and thigh muscles. Their thighs where thickly built and bulged to the sides like tree trunks and their buttocks plump while being incredibly taut as well. Mary was truly amazed, outside of their ample breasts there weren't an ounce of untrained fat on them. “Still uncomfortable around us?” Luna ask as she laid back in the hot spring. The outdoor hot spring is now an indoor one as Sunset didn’t want it to be an outdoor one where it depends on the weather outside if you could use it or not. “I can’t help it,” Mary said not being able to not stare at Luna who’s chest seems to be taken up by mostly of her giant breasts that have no hint of sag to them. “You’re intimidated by my aunt’s body. Seeing how you’re nothing compared to her,” Sunset said siting next to her aunt. “Now, now Mary is still a growing girl and you are all aliens who are different from us humans,” Sonsaku Goei said who is in the hot spring with her daughter Hakufu. “Don’t worry Mary, I’m sure you’re going to be like me when you’re my age,” Hakufu said. “You’re younger than me!” Mary snaps at her cousin who is not only younger but bustier than she is. “Mary there is no need for that,” Goei said. “Hakufu is here to work here and you two should get along with each other.” “I know so that she won’t go to jail. But why is she here?” Mary ask pointing at Ryomou Shimei who is in the spring as well. “Ryomou does like dressing up as a maid and you need help here. And she’s in trouble with the law as well,” Hakufu said. “And them?” Mary asked pointing to Ryuubi Gentoku, Kan'u Unchou, Chouhi Ekitoku, Chou'un Shiryuu and Shoukatsuryou Koumei. “The same,” Hakufu answered. “Even her?” Mary ask looking at Koumei. “Yes,” Koumei said. “I don’t mind, it gives me more time to torment these 3,” Sunset said looking to Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi, who all sweated. “Do you really have to do that to them every day? They’re already know that the only reason why you haven’t rip their limbs off is because of Ranma,” Mary said. “Well I could just make them have sex with each other,” Sunset said causing the girls to blush. “And if they don’t give me a good show off with their limbs.” “What’s with the limb ripping anyways? You do it all the time,” Mary said. “It works and I do heal them so that they don’t just bleed to death and won’t have to live without limbs for the rest of their miserable life. Seeing how replacing limbs is expensive and takes much time in learning to use the artificial limbs. Like how Kodachi’s brother has to see doctors and others in replacing his lost limbs and learning to adjust to his new limbless life. Which many others don’t have that kind of money,” Sunset said. “As for me ripping off limbs all the time. Why change something that isn’t broken. Everyone is terrified of losing a limb and for fighters it’s them losing years of training and rendering their fighting skills completely useless. What’s the use of being the best fighter with skills that no one can match if you have no limbs.” (1) “And it keeps them in line,” Mary said looking at Kodachi, Ukyo, and Shampoo. “I’m looking forward to ripping their arms and legs off. I’m still deciding how to do it, like just doing it by hand and starting with their fingers and toes and work my way up. Or just force them into a wood chipper and enjoy their screams,” Sunset said making the three women tremble and turn pale. “You girls should just put on a show for my niece and pleasure her to the point where she enjoying you three being her sex toys over pulling your limbs off. It worked on me with my own slaves,” Luna said. “As if they could pleasure me,” Sunset said waving them off. “Oh all they need is someone to teach them,” Goei said. “Oh you’re going to teach them with hands on learning?” Luna asked. “Ranma does seem to care for them,” Goei said. “I’m going to rip his limbs off the moment aunt Luna is done with him,” Sunset said. “Do you really have to?” Mary ask. “While I might enjoy his girlfriends once they’re learn how to please a woman. He on the other hand is just too small for me,” Sunset said. “And I do mean his penis size. Seeing how the average size is between 2 to 4 inches compared to 14 and above,” Sunset said. “Your men are that big?” Goei ask Luna. “It does depend on the body size of the male and also having watched some sex videos. I can tell you that males when they cum are like what you find in a hentai. Seeing how they have on average grapefruit sized balls, some can cum gallons at a time. Which is because we females have a very hard time getting impregnated, so our males are sex machines. Where after cumming they don’t go soft but keep on going,” Luna said. “And because males are always lower in number then females we form herds around a male. Which is why they’re sex machines as they have to have sex with all the herd members. And males who can’t measure up or able to fuck more than one female and the ones who are one shot wonders and most of all those who can’t last long enough to make a female cum. Were all bred out as they couldn’t find a mate and only those who are sex machines and are able to last for hours and able to bed a group of females were the ones who had children,” Sunset explains. "That must be nice. Hakufu's father wasn't much in bed," Goei said. "EWWWW mom!" Hakufu said blushing along with Mary. "At least we don't have to deal with that," Kodachi said. "That's what you think," Sunset said using her magic to.... ! The Living Room - Ranma was enjoying being able to watch some TV when the girls who were all in the hot springs came bursting in. And all of them are naked. The only ones missing are the ponies and aunt Goei. "What happen?" Ranma asked wrapping a blanket over his head so he couldn't see the girls naked. "Sunset gave herself a dick like in a hentai with those futas," Ukyo said. "She's huge, much bigger than you," Shampoo said. "And that scared all of you to run out naked?" Ranma asked. "It wasn't only that. Luna casted that spell on herself and.... she's massive. Big as my arm... no bigger," Mary said growing pale thinking of what that monster would do to her. "And she asked if any of us wanted to have sex with her... so we ran," Ryomou said seeing how shaken the others are and wondering if jail wouldn't be safer. "Where's mom?" Hakufu asked. Loud screaming could be heard as Goei made herself known. With it clear that she's enjoying herself very well in the hot spring. "Oh god no," Mary said her eye twitching, hearing her aunt having sex with what sounds like all the ponies. "My mom’s a pervert," Hakufu said blushing as it's her mom in there. "Should any of us should be surprised?" Ranma asked. "No," all 3 cousins said together. ! > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The talk show host who had been interviewing Sunset who had agreed to come to his show. Is currently screaming in pain after his tongue was ripped out by Sunset using her Telekinesis on him. The entire studio is quite as they couldn’t believe what just had happen, watching as the host of the show rolls on the ground holding his bleeding mouth. “I warned you not to keep talking and putting words in my mouth,” Sunset said and looks to the staff of the tv studio. “Take him away and replace him with someone who won’t keep on talking and knows their place.” “But we can’t just…,” a studio head began but was lifted into the air gripping his throat. “Let me make this quite clear I want to do an interview with someone who won’t talk over me and I want to do it now. If not I will go and look over the payroll to track down everyone who works here. So I can personally tear off their limbs,” Sunset said dropping the studio head and it was a mad scramble to find a replacement. Suddenly the orb that’s been following Sunset around started beeping and displayed a screen before her eyes. “What do you know my aunt Solis is coming to visit,” Sunset said. ! At the inn - Ranma was watching the interview with the others when the light suddenly darken. Going outside they look up to see a solar eclipse but it wasn’t the moon causing it. It was something heading for earth that’s blocking the sun. ! Back at the tv station - “What’s blocking the sun is my aunt’s planet ship, Lightspan. Yes a planet ship and no it’s not a giant space station that’s shaped as a planet, my aunt is using an actual planet as her flag ship,” Sunset explains to the viewers. She brought up a display showing a scale down view of the planet in question. The planet is like earth as in having land masses, oceans, polar caps, but has huge cities that cover some parts of the planet. (1) “It’s the first planet that my aunt conquer with the natives enslaved as a workforce. They were one of those 'you must respect my culture but I don't have to respect your culture and you must only take my feelings into account.' They just thought that the landing party would have known that being born under a certain star is a mark of doom and the ones who are born under it must be killed. Which my aunt pointed out how could her landing party would know something like that when the stars aren’t all the same for different planets, which the leader said that it didn’t matter as she should already know that and that she should have all the crew of her ship born under their doom month of their 19 month calendar. And the leader refused to admit she's wrong right up to the point where she was force to watch as her races young were all killed and the adults including her had their brains removed and made into the processors for robot bodies. She broke down begging and pleading for it to stop as her entire race was made into immortal cyborg slaves with all of their children killed off. Leaving them a race with no future but a slow death,” Sunset said. The screen now shows a robot that moves on tracks with two long arms and a dome head. “My aunt has been using the footage of what happen with the natives of Lightspan, when coming across new planets with sapient races. It’s very good at making sure that the new races won’t be making that mistake. And yes the natives are all still self aware of what happen to them but the systems that keep the robot shells running. Keep their brains alive and keep them from escaping into madness or something like that, knowing that their race is dead, with only those trap in robot bodies being the last of their kind and they been suffering like that for thousands of years,” Sunset said. (2) The planet ship Lightspan stop advancing towards Earth. “Just to let you all know my mom and aunt Luna are the nice ones and the most reasonable. Aunt Solis and Moon both have wipe out between them 35 races with them keeping the last ones as slaves. They’re not to be messed with or anger as, once they’re insulted as when a member of one race thought they were being insulted when aunt Moon place her hands on her hips and attack her. The end result he was force to watch as she had his entire bloodline killed in front of him and making him admit that if he had told her that’s an insult for his culture and that he’s an ass for just expecting her to know it before hand, than his entire family bloodline wouldn’t be put to death. She also used footage of that during first contact to remind the new races to just tell a new race about what they find as an insult and not being an ass during first contact,” Sunset said. The screen shows a ship escorted by a number of smaller ships leaving Lightspan and heading for Earth. “And don’t worry about the gravity of Lightspan messing up things for Earth or the Moon. My aunt has completely mastered her powers and is preventing that from happening. The entire planet is home to my aunt’s main military force which is home to billions and protected by a forcefield that covers the entire planet and powered by thousands of different power sources that would take a Death Star level weapon to even do something to it,” Sunset said. (3) ! Out in space - Sitting in the command center of her personal transport, a massive dreadnought class warship Redflare, Solis the eldest of the four queens of Equestria sat. She sat at a table as the bridge crew took the the ship into orbit around the blue planet that’s been sharing their star system. The humans have come a long way since she bothered to look at the planet. Which was when her mother Galactica still ruled and she and her sisters were still fillies. Her mother had took a liking to the planet after taking a trip to it in her younger days. Giving it protection from Equestrians from landing on the planet which kept other alien races away, besides a few now and than slipping through or crashing on the planet. Allowing the race on the planet, the humans to grow and advance themselves. “I don’t see why mother bothered with this planet,” Solis said grabbing a fruit from a bowl on the table that has a entire banquet laid out on it. The table has plates of food fresh from the kitchen, bowls of fruits, bowls of drumsticks and non alcohol drinks. Because of her always using her powers to maintain the delicate gravity of nearby planets whenever she flies close on Lightspan, Solis needs to eat a lot to fuel her power. There is the gravity machine to maintain gravity orbit and to fly the planet around when she’s isn’t around or sleeps. But it’s nothing but a pale copy of what Solis is able to do. “My queen your sister Luna,” Tempest Shadow said. “Bring her on screen,” Solis said and a screen opens up showing Luna. “Hello sister, I thought you would be away longer,” Luna said. “The Salia race won’t be a problem any longer. They surrendered once I flung half their race into space. The Oila race won’t have anymore attacks on their shipping lanes,” Solis said. “It’s nice for you to visit but did you really needed to bring your planet with you?” Luna asked. “I’m having calls from the human leaders about you showing up. I have the U.N. where representatives of the governments of Earth meet on speaker.” "Oh if, I wanted to do anything to your planet. I would had already done it. Not to mention there is nothing on your planet that, I want or need. I'm just here to visit my sister and my niece who, I learned haven't been treated well by the government of Japan. Don't worry seeing how it's only Japan that has given my niece a horrible time in their schools. Really how hard is it to check the schools to make sure that its a place for education and not for fighting, gambling, making students into sex slaves and all that? Any action I'll take will be limited to Japan only," Solis said. "And to let you all know. My sister Solis has personally wipe out 23 races, leaving only a handful of survivors, when she didn't turn most of them into robotic slaves to make a point," Luna said turning off the speaker. "There is also another matter. The boy who glomp Sunset's breasts and kissed her," Solis said. "I'm keeping an eye on him. He is cursed to become a girl thanks to Discord's magic," Luna said. "You didn't tell this Ranma boy what he did, did you?" Solis asked. "He has no idea and Sunset doesn't care about it, saying that it doesn't matter. And she wants to rip his limbs off the moment I'm done with him," Luna said. "That's my girl," Solis smiles. ! > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ranma and the others all couldn’t help but stare at Sunset’s aunt queen Solis. Namely because she stands at 11 feet tall and while Luna and Celestia are like a beautiful show horse. Their elder sister on the other hand is a warhorse. She wore a soldier’s uniform of a grey dress shirt and pants that covered her entire body but did little to hide her figure. Her massive wings are tucked and folded to make it look like she’s wearing a feathered cape. She wore a metal breastplate that covers her entire torso, the chest area exploded outward hinting to the massive breasts hidden beneath. Her long flowing flaming hair reached down to her legs and a red gem embedded on her forehead peaked underneath the tall hat she wore. “So this is the boy?” Solis asked Luna who stood next to her. “Yes,” Luna said. Ranma was suddenly lifted up by Solis using her telekinesis and brought up to her eye level. Without a word she reaches down into his pants and Ranma froze as her massive hand felt him up. Her eyes narrowed and pulled her hand away and pulled his pants and underwear down so she could get a look for herself. “Are human males this small?” Solis asks Luna. “They are and Ranma is above average,” Luna said. “Six inches is above?” Solis asked. “Average is 2 to 4 inches,” Luna said. “Way too small,” Solis said. “He won’t grow that much taller than he is now,” Luna pointed out. “Hmmm, that at least justify it then,” Solis said dropping Ranma who pulled up his pants and underwear. “You need to tell Sunset you’re sorry and want to break it off.” “I’m better off not know am I,” Ranma said looking up at the big and powerful woman. “Yes,” Solis said. ! TV Interview - “Why are you continue to mistreat Japan after the ones who attack you have been punished?” the nervous female reporter asked who was picked to give the interview. “That’s simple because Japan is a crap sack country. When I first got here and Mitsuomi’s goons began attacking me, I tried to get the teachers to do something, but they did nothing or the cops. It’s only when I revealed who I am and what I can do, is when they’re falling over themselves to do their jobs. So, I’m doing whatever I want as your government shown that they will not do anything be completely useless in doing what they’re paid to do unless, I threaten them and their families. Which I am as I told the police if they don’t do their jobs I’ll just rip their limbs off and their families as well. It got them actually arresting students and staff of schools which they otherwise wouldn’t bother doing. And with all the schools where the staff allowed students to fight and kill each other, the schools allowed rape to take place and all that. I have no reason at all to respect anyone here in Japan as you all shown me nothing to respect,” Sunset said. “What would it take to get you to stop,” the reporter asked. “When it’s earned as seeing how I have to threaten you people with maiming you all for life is the only way for you all to do what’s right. I have no respect for people who only do their jobs when it’s their life on the line. Like for example when I transform myself to look a human and traveled to a small rural village of Hisatate Town,” Sunset said. (1) She opens up screens showing the police stations of the towns and cities around said town. The screen than changed to show the inside where the police in the different stations all stared at the screen showing the alien princess. Then Sunset transformed into a young woman that had appeared at each of the stations reporting what’s happening at Hisatate Town. “I with this disguise went to each of your stations reporting that in Hisatate Town anyone who breaks the rules is punished without mercy. The residents are viciously beaten for trivial reasons. And had recorded videos of it which I gave and yet not one of you police of the stations that I went to ever went and check or did anything. I waited for a month and still nothing. The last station who doesn’t answer why you haven’t will have all the staff limbs torn off,” Sunset said. That got a reaction as the police in the stations all began shouting reasons why they didn’t do anything. “Hard to figure out which is last, so I’m going to just have to tear off all of your limbs than,” Sunset said making all the police to turn pale. “I won’t do it only if you all send every cop you have to Hisatate Town and do a mass arrest the people in that town. And you have an hour starting now.” This caused the cops to scramble as the stations all began sending all the cops they can to Hisatate Town. Sunset closed the screens. “As you see even after telling the police about what’s happening in that town and even showing video evidence about it. They did nothing for a month. Now that I’m threatening their lives are they doing something about it. So tell me why should I respect Japan when you’re not worth respecting,” Sunset asked. “Also, the natives on the planet that your aunt enslaved. Wasn’t that much for a group of them killing the landing party?” the reporter asked wanting to talk about something else. “Don’t want to talk about the failing of the Japanese police? Alright then, the reason why my aunt was so brutal on that race is simple, one of the members of the landing party was a cousin. She couldn’t let the death of a member of the royal family to go unpunished. The natives had a one world one government who all believed in what they did is right and refused to hand over the people who killed the landing party. So my aunt responded in such a brutal way and recorded everything to serve as an example of what happens if a race not only slaughter a member of the royal family but also refused the hand of friendship and refusing to even try to make amends. Which is why the natives watched all of their children killed off and are all now trap in robot bodies that they can’t control, knowing that their beliefs is the reason why they’re suffering a never ending fate worse then death. My aunt allows the leader who refused to make any kind of compromise and sticking to her culture is right no matter what, talk by turning on her speaker. She begs each time for it to end and to let her race die. Which my aunt plays back a recording of her saying she rather see her people’s children die and they all live a never ending nightmare than admitting that her belief is wrong. Poor choice of words,” Sunset said. “So, it’s because of the death of a royal family member?” the reporter asked. “Yup and that was over 6,0000 years ago by your years and my aunt has gotten better at being the dreaded of the galaxy. And just to let you all know, aunt Solis is Diet Coke version of my aunt Moon who does worse. But don’t worry we only do that stuff when it’s clear that there no point being friendly with a race or a group anymore. Which Japan has shown me and I’m only not doing what my aunts would do because there be too many people from other countries caught in the crossfire which I have nothing against. So I’m just staying here to see if there’s anything or anyone who can give me a reason to give Japan a second chance. Which all of this waiting and not doing anything isn’t helping at all,” Sunset said. “There must be something,” the reporter said. “Well, if the person who sent me to Todo academy, had just showed up in person, admitted they made a mistake and said sorry. That would had done it,” Sunset said. (2) “That’s it?” the reporter asked stunned like everyone else. “When someone admits they make a mistake and said sorry is completely different from people in the school department of the government blaming others and making excuses. Which happen after the mess at Todo, as no one stood up saying they’re the one who picked the school and that they’re sorry for the mistake. And it’s way too late to say sorry at this point as the head of the department who was the one who picked the school hasn’t once showed up in person and said sorry to me,” Sunset said. “And is the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing.” ! Later - A man in a suit with a black eye and bleeding lips was pulled out of a army helicopter by soldiers with the leader of the soldiers pistol whipping the man to his knees and pressed the gun to the back of his head while grabbing his hair. Having dragged the man in front of Sunset who stood outside the tv station with her bodyguards at the news copters helipad. Having been called by the government to please wait at the station. “I’m sorry for everything,” the man said through a mouth with broken teeth. “Would had mattered more if you weren’t forced at gunpoint to say that but I’ll accept it,” Sunset said making the man who was the head of the education department of the government to sigh in relief. Sunset looks at the leader of the soldiers who brought him in. “Shoot his kneecaps and fingers off one at a time.” The soldiers followed the orders, pinning the screaming man on the ground blowing off his fingers one at a time. Followed by the soldiers kicking him over on his back where the leader shot both kneecaps. Leaving the man crying on the ground with bleeding fingerless hands and ruin kneecaps. Sunset turns to the news crew who are filming. “Japan now has a second chance, don’t disappoint me,” Sunset said. ! > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Akuma one of the most feared fighters in the world the user of Satsui no Hadou. Which forces unto its wielder the urge to win every battle at any cost, even if it means the death of their opponent. Only the strongest warriors have even the smallest chance of fighting him and walking away. Akuma sensed the power coming from the inn that the aliens are staying at which drew him to the area. He like everyone else on the planet, heard of the aliens and saw the planet that is used as a spaceship. Unlike what everyone might think he does keep up to date with the news and technology. After all how could he possibly be able to keep track of all the different fighters around the world and who might be a challenge to him if he didn’t had internet access. Which he also used to make money as a day trader and order things online that he needs. (1) “So you want to fight me,” Solis said staring down at Akuma. “You do realize that all, I have to do is use my telekinesis and send you into space to win. Or just have my soldiers shoot you, and while you can dodge bullets can you dodge lasers?” Around Akuma are a number of the Sun Guards the elite soldiers of Solis’s personal guards. All heavily armed and pointing their weapons at Akuma. While by the inn Sunset and the others watched. “I can tell you are a powerful warrior, don’t you thirst for battle?” Akuma asked. “True it has been long since I have actually face someone in battle without just killing them. Very well, let us fight,” Solis said. Akuma took a battle stance which Solis recognized and held up her hand in a stopping motion. “What is that fighting style?” Solis asked. “Ansatsuken,” Akuma answers. “Ranma,” Solis called out to him who is standing at the side lines watching with the others. “Yes?” Ranma asked. “You seem to know about different fighting styles. Tell me is his fighting style ancient?” Solis asked. “From what I have heard yes,” Ranma said. “It is an ancient fighting style pasted down,” Akuma adds. “Sugarcoat do a search on the Earth’s internet of fighting style that are ancient and been passed down. Then give me the data,” Solis said making a view screen appear over her eyes. “Yes my queen,” Sugarcoat said as she made a hard light computer appeared in front of her and upload the information to Solis. Solis was given the information on all the fighting styles that are ancient and gave out a chuckle. “Luna I just found out what mother had been doing while she was visiting Earth. She taught some humans our fighting style which broke into different branches down the ages,” Solis said. “Really?” Luna asked. “So grandma went and taught some humans in the past the Equestria fighting style and they broke it into different school,” Sunset said thinking about it. “Well at least that explains why Shampoo used some fighting moves that reminded me of the basics.” “Wait all of the fighting styles are based on yours?” Ranma asked shocked like all the other fighters in the group as well as the ones watching thanks to Sugarcoat broadcasting it online. “Yes let me show you,” Solis said as she began showing off signature moves of different fighting schools. That have been seen and recorded from different fighting tournaments. Dead or Alive Tekken Street Fighter Art of Fighting King of Fighters Final Fight After showing off the Raging Storm and Hurricane Punch, Solis had one of her soldiers a sword and began to show weapon skills that some fighters in the Battle Arena Toshinden tournament used. As well as other sword skills that are only handed down to master and the new master of their sword style. “All those fighting skills that are ancient and been passed down are either been taught or was used to create a new style. I can understand why there are different branches. You humans can only be at your best between the ages of 18 to 40 before it becomes just so much harder and slowing down. The fighting style that all those fighting styles are based around is meant to be mastered by someone who measures their lifespan by centuries. The normal lifespan of a pony is around 10,000 in Earth years. So we have all the time in the world to master the fighting style that my mother taught you humans who with your shorter lifespans have to break it down into different branches,” Solis explains. (2) “Sounds like grandma,” Sunset said. “How long ago was this?” Mary asked. “I think it’s around the time of your Bronze or Iron Age when mom started talking about the humans she met while on Earth. She even spent a couple of years here in Japan and raised the first emperor of Japan,” Luna said. “Wait that means the reason why the royal family is said to come from a sun goddess is because of your mother?” Mary asked shocked. “Yup and the reason why I never said anything was that the subject just never came up,” Sunset said. “What about Jesus of the Christian faith?” Mary asked. “Was one of her best students in healing magic. And after she learned what happen to him she just stop coming to Earth,” Solis said. “And while she was in Egypt the locals there were so taken by her clothes and makeup they copied her,” Luna said. “So our history has been mostly been shaped by your grandmother visiting Earth in the past?” Mary asked Sunset. “Yup,” Sunset said. “And Discord seeing how Ranma and Shampoo are cursed by his chaos magic. Which also explains the other nonhumans and things that shouldn’t be here. He does like to create strange things and just leave them to be handled by someone else,” Luna said. “I will have to look into this more. But first I have some fun,” Solis said looking at Akuma. “Yes let’s fight,” Akuma said as launches himself at Solis. Solis caught his fist and getting a good grip began slamming him on the ground. Swinging him up and slamming him down like a child with a doll. Reminding the humans watching of the scene in Avengers where Hulk did the same thing to Loki. Solis slammed Akuma one final time on the ground before jumping up and slamming both of her feet onto his chest breaking his rib cage. Solis stared down at Akuma who is grasping for air as he looks at her in fear. (3) “That was fun but you’re just no match for me,” Solis said turning to one of her guards. “Get him to the medic bay on the ship and patch him off before sending him away.” “Yes my queen,” the guard said casting a teleportation spell that sent her and Akuma to the ship to be healed up. “I didn’t think anyone could do that to Akuma,” Ranma said amazed at what he just watched. “No one from Earth,” Sunset said. ! A couple of days later - "More of your family showing up?" Sunset asked as she stood with Mary, Ranma, and Hakufu. "Hi guys!" Hakufu waved at her cousins a boy and a girl who came with her mother. "The boy is Hodaka Saotome. Who was the lone male attending Moteshiro High School, who like his cousin Ranma attracted girls to him. And the girl is Yae Saotome who is a boxer," Goei said. She has moved into the inn to keep the kids in line and to be Luna's and since coming to Earth Solis's lover. Behind her are two more members of the extended family a young man and a young girl. (4) "So why come here?" Sunset asked. "I just want to go to a normal school that doesn't have me the only guy in it," Hodaka said who is tried of all the attention the girls keep giving him. "And I like to learn some boxing moves," Yae said. "You really can't just bring your family here," Sunset said to Goei said. "Oh, I can make it up to you in bed tonight," Goei said. "What?" Yae asked blushing. "You're having sex with her?" Hodaka asked. "Oh yes, I been enjoying myself with Sunset and her aunts, her bodyguards, and those soldiers," Goei said smiling. Causing her daughter to hide behind her hands, her nieces and nephews to gag or blush or both. "It's been like this since she got here," Mary said wishing that she came from a normal family. ! > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The man known as Isshinsai "Kensei" Ogata, Flow was screaming and pleading to Solis for mercy, in front of the other members of both Yami and Yomi. All the members had been captured by Solis’s soldiers and gathered in front of the inn. The reason why is because Solis had yanked the man's eyes out of their sockets with the veins still attached and is dancing him around like a marionette. With Ogata doing his best not to cause his eyes to be completely rip out as Solis made him dance or risk losing his eyes which are held between her fingers. “Now this is fun,” Solis said looking into Ogata’s eyeballs as the man followed her pulls or risk losing his eyes completely. “This is too much,” Kenichi said who is pale like his cousins who are all watching along with the others. Some of the others had ran inside once the eye thing started unable to watch. “My sister wanted to see if any fighters here are even worth her time,” Luna said. “And I’m surprise that these fighters are just allowed to do what they want. When all it takes is a bullet to the head,” Sunset said. “Yeah seeing how Kenichi's dad could fight off his older teachers with his gun. I don’t see why I no one here ever did that to these guys,” Mary said. “And while they could survive, there’s nothing they can do about brain damage,” Sunny Flare said looking at Silkwat Junazard who she shot in the head and he survived but is now a drooling idiot who is playing with a toy car. (1) The other members of Yomi and Yami all stared at horror at what has become of Junazard who is no longer the fighter they once knew. The guards aren’t even bothering to pay him much attention, they did a scan on him and found that the parts of his brain where his personality and memories were, are gone. There is nothing for him to remember anymore, and the ponies are threatening them with brain surgery where the parts of their brains will be cut out and if they still remember who they are they can go free. None of them dare to risk that fate. “I had hope that someone here would had at least make me work for my victory but sadly none of you are strong enough to even give me a challenge,” Solis said looking at the Yami and Yomi group who she had defeated in one sided fights. “So what are you going to be doing with them?” Kenichi asked. “Cut off their limbs making the years they spent training themselves, all for nothing,” Sunset suggested. “Is that all you can come up with?” Solis ask. “It works. The fighters have spent years training to be great fighters and by cutting off their limbs, means all of those years they spent training is all for nothing. They wasted years of their lives only for me to cut off their limbs leaving them unable to do anything with those skills. And that seeing how robotic limbs is expensive and rare, it’s not like they be able to get them. For the ones who do they would need to spend a very long time relearning how to move around with their new limbs. And that’s for the robotic ones, the more cost effective ones aren’t design to be used in a fight. So even if they do get new limbs it wouldn’t be like they can fight anywhere near the same level as they use to be able to do with their old ones. Not to mention that they will need to be supported as they can't fend for themselves anymore, which seeing how many of them seem to have no jobs or life outside of fighting have nothing to support themselves or people to look after. Which will lead to many limbless homeless beggers in the future," Sunset said causing the Yami and Yomi groups to feel like they gotten punched harder than ever. (2) “I see you been taking lessons from Moon,” Solis said. “She is a good teacher in making sure people get the point across,” Sunset said. “I had hope that there be a fighter who on this planet who actually make me work for it,” Solis said disappointed in the fighters she had fought. “Well there are lots of fighters around there world,” Ranma said out loud. “Really?” Solis ask interested. “I should see that myself.” "You can't just attack them for no reason," Mary pointed out. "True, so I just offer some gold bars if they fight me. They get all of it if they win and one if they show me a good fight," Solis said. "Wait you use gold bars?" Mary ask blinking. "Yes unlike that space tv show, gold is still has value to many races, either for money or to use to make things like electrical devices," Solis said. ! France - Solis blocks all the punches and kicks from Abel before she did an open palm stick that sent him falling onto his back. She holds Abel underneath her foot as she press her weight on his chest. He taps the ground shouting that he gives up. Eagle strikes with his clubs at Solis who grabs them and lanks them out of his hands tossing them aside. She brought her hands together clapping Eagle's head between them. Remy darted in and out trying to throw Solis off balance. Solis slaps him with her wing once he was in range and sent him flying into the side of one of the nearby buildings. Shermie has her orochi powers are pulled out of her by Solis. Ash Crimson smash into the gound by Solis's fist. Elisabeth Blanctorche blasted Solis with her light attacks. Solis powers through all of them and body slams into Elisabeth. Carol Stanzack throws her Olympic gym ball at Solis who punches it right back at her and into her face. Marco "Joker" Bariadrid tries to use his skates to keep away from Solis but she proves faster and slams down on top of him. Sylvie Paula Paula is crush underneath Solis's massive body. Hyena is sent falling by Solis hitting the top of his head with her fist. Duke Balthermi Rambert face off against Solis who is armed with a massive double bladed lance. Solis is able to spin the lance like a copter blade thanks to advance tech built in the pommel of the blades. And she breaks Duke’s sword after a couple of hits. Helena Douglas is thrown down on the mat by Solis. Helena gets up telling Solis that she’s rusty from fighting. Jean Pierre uses throws his rose at Solis who catches it and he asks her for a date. Which she rejects but thanks him for the gift. Lion Rafale is smash between Solis wings. Jean Kujo is given a knee to his face by Solis. ! Austria - Zola whip is caught by Solis and pulls her to her and into her fist. ! Kenya - Elena used her powerful legs to keep herself on the move as she danced around Solis who just stood there blocking all of her hits. Solis grabs her leg pulling her to her and Elena quickly found herself on the ground with Solis pinning her down. Zazie Muhaba doesn’t want to fight Solis as he’s busy protecting the wildlife from poachers. ! North Africa - Kukri is sent flying with a kick from Solis and is than elbowed slammed by her as she flew next to him in the air. ! Canada - Abigail charged at Solis who charge at him as well. They both throw a punch that struck the other's fist. Abigail screamed as his hand is broken followed by a palm strike from Solis sending him flying. K is sent flying by an uppercut to the jaw from Solis. Maxima unleashes his chest cannon on Solis who powers through the beam of energy and brings both of her fists down on top of him. Kula Diamond is grabbed as she charges at Solis spun around and is thrown into a snowbank. Foxy's rapier is grabbed by Solis and is then punched away. Rig is smash down by Solis wings slamming on top of him. Wolf Hawkfield is grab as he tries to body slam Solis and is toss out of the ring. ! Ireland - Anna Williams uses a kick on Solis who caught it and punches her face knocking her out. Nina Williams attacks Solis with a knife which Solis grabs her hand and twists it making Nina let go. Followed by Solis slams her around like a rag doll till she stops moving. Krizalid charges at Solis with his claw gloves and is grabbed by his head and smash to the ground. Oswald plays a game of cards with Solis instead of fighting thanks to his failing health leaving him unable to fight. And wins the game getting a gold bar. ! Norway - Balga blocks the strikes from Solis’s lance, till with one swing she breaks his sword. ! Peru - Atahua uses his blowguns on Solis who catches the tranquilizer darts and throws them back at him, hitting him instead. ! Russia - Kolin unleash shards of ice on Solis who blocks them with her wings and flies forward, breaking through the ice wall that Kolin had created. Solis blasted Kolin with a ball of red energy that sends her flying as the blast engulfs her. Necro using his flexible rubber limbs attack Solis who blocks them and grabs his arm tossing him into the air. Solis appears above Necro and kicks him down to the ground. Zangief used his Spinning Piledriver on Solis who reverses it in midair and slams him into the ground. Showing that trying to use a move like that, doesn’t work when the one it’s used on can fly. Alisa Bosconovitch the robot woman bends her knee in front of Solis asking to allow her to serve her. Solis takes up her offer, wanting to have her studied to see how advance she really is for something created on Earth. Sergei Dragunov is grabbed and toss through the wall of a building by Solis. Nicola Zaza uses his high tech shield to block Solis's punches but after repeatedly being punch the shield is shattered to pieces and she slaps him away with her wing. Antonov is slammed into a wall and through it by Solis. Duke Burkoff is kneed to the ground and crush under the weight of Solis. Sofia whip is caught by Solis and is lank to her who punches her out. Bayman is grabbed and is swung into a wall till he breaks through it. Karnov grapples with Solis trying to push her back but ends up on his back. Gonzales is picked up by Solis and slammed to the ground. ! Thailand - Adon kicks at Solis who caught his leg and swings him around before tossing him out of the ring. Sagat used the Tiger Uppercut trying to catch Solis off guard. She blocks it and copying his own special move sends Sagat flying. Fahkumram on one knee looks up at Solis who had beaten him. Wondering if this is what smaller fighters felt when facing him as he never had to fight someone who is bigger then him before. Hwa Jai attacks with a kick but is caught by Solis and she tosses him out of the ring. Samchay Tomyamgun leg is grabbed by Solis and flip over and lands on his face. ! U.S.A. - Alex grapples Solis trying to get her into an arm hold. Only for her to simply stand up while he hung from her arm, thanks to her being so much taller then him. She slams down on top of him pinning him down. Balrog throws as many hay makers as he could trying to hit Solis who took all of his punches. He didn't even see the punch that knock him out. C. Viper hangs by her leg as Solis holds her in the air by it. Both of them looking down at Viper's daughter Lauren who has wrap herself around Solis's leg trying to help her mom. Both older women just look at each other and Solis puts Viper down and she pulls Lauren off of Solis's leg. Solis opens a portal leaving the mother and daughter alone, as it’s just awkward now to continue to fight. Cody punch was caught by Solis and she slams him into the ground. And planted her foot on his chest. Ed grunted as Solis punch sends him stumbling backwards before another punch sends him flying across the room. Solis slaps away Guile's Sonic Boom and leans her body back as he tries to hit her with his Flash Kick. Her arm shot forward with her grabbing his neck and squeezed. Guile struggled as he was held in the air while Solis waited for him to run out of air. Solis drops him once he passed out. Guy leaps onto Solis's back and tries a neck hold on her. Only for her to slam her back onto a wall which she repeated till Guy who was between her back and the wall was knocked out. Solis grabs Ken's fist as he used the Shoryuken and twisted it causing him to give out a shout of pain before he was pinned to the ground. Lucia leaps at Solis using her police baton, which Solis catches and punches her away. Rolento toss a grenade at Solis who caught it and held it in her hand tightly. It explodes in her hand with her hand muffling the blast and did no real harm to her at all. Solis using her telekinesis pulled the pins from his grenades from his belt which, he panics as he tries to get rid of them but is blown up with his own weapons. Rufus surprised Solis with his big fat body being faster than he looks. She blocks all of his attacks before grabbing him and slamming him into the ground and kicking him so that he rolls to a stop in front of his girlfriend Candy. Telling him that she is very impress that he's self taught. Sodom attacks Solis with his twin jittes, Solis grabs his arms and crosses them in a hold and slams her forehead into his helmet breaking it. T. Hawk manages to slam Solis into the ground using his Condor Drive. Only for her to grab him and flies up, followed by her slamming him into the ground. Cracker Jack told Solis that he can't fight as he's sick with a fever. Mike Haggar tells Solis that he's retired and out of shape to be able to give her a good fight. Paul Phoenix was knock backwards by Solis followed by a energy blast that knocks him into a wall. Marshall Law found himself on his back after his attacks were all blocked by Solis followed by her kicking him in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground. She helps after healing him and now she's literally eating everything in his restaurant but on the other hand she is paying him and is drawing a crowd. Michelle Chang received a haymaker to her head knocking her out. Julia Chang attacks with a flying kick and was blown away by Solis's wings. Bruce Irvin fell to the floor grabbing his leg as he had tried to block Solis's kick with his own but ended up breaking his leg instead. Solis healed him and thanks him for the fight. Bryan Fury used all of his long range attacks only for Solis to tank all of them and slams her massive body into him and into a wall. Robert "Bob" Richards grunted after being tossed around by Solis saying that if he was fat he wouldn't be as easy to beat. Leroy Smith tells Solis no that he's not interested in fighting her. Terry Bogard used the Hurricane Punch on Solis who used the same move on him. The two attacks struck with Solis's Hurricane Punch proving stronger, sending him flying into a wall. Andy Bogard attacks only to be blasted back by Solis's Burning Knuckle. "Blue" Mary Ryan grapples her from behind using a charged up electrical attack and Mai Shiranui attacks with an elbow strike right between Solis's breasts which did nothing to her. Solis grabs Mai and used her to pummel Mary. Hokutomaru tries to attack, only for Solis to grab him and tie him with with that long red scarf of his. Duck King tells Solis he's not into fighting anymore as he runs his own nightclub now. Richard Meyer is now running his own cafe now and doesn’t want to fight. Bob Wilson tries a hand stand spinning kick on Solis who grabs his leg and spun him around. He slips out of his pants sending him flying into a dumpster. Michael Max is now a trainer and doesn’t want to fight. Big Bear tries a body slam on Solis after climbing onto the fence pole of the ring. Solis catches him and slams him onto the ring and pins him down. Billy Kane strikes at Solis with his staff only for it to be grabbed and lank away from him and Solis slams it into his face. Hein use his gravity attacks on Solis who just walks through it and punch him out. Geese Howard uses his Raging Storm on Solis who uses her own Raging Storm. Solis's Raging Storm overpowers Geese's sending him flying. Axel Hawk is knock out by Solis with a one two punch. Franco Bash is sent flying out of the ring by Solis's kick. Li Xiangfei tries to slide underneath Solis to attack her from behind only for Solis to just flop down with her big butt slamming down on top of the smaller fighter. Rick Strowd worn out from punching at Solis while she blocks all of his attacks, was punch out by her in one punch. Rock Howard used an energy attack on Solis as she's charged at him with her ramming through the ball of energy and slamming into Rock. Kevin Rian tries to block Solis's punch with a riot shield. Solis's fist punches through the shield and hits his face. Grant (Abel Cameron) smashes his fists into Solis's face and grasp in pain and looks down at his burised hands. Solis smiles at him and smashes his face with her elbow. Kain R. Heinlein unleashes his flames on Solis who just walks through it like they weren't there and punches him out. Ralf Jones is punched by Solis across the room after trying to block it. Clark Still is kicked into the side of his car by Solis. King is grabbed by Solis and is thrown to the floor. Heavy D! is knocked out by Solis with one punch to the face after wearing him out with her blocking his attacks. Lucky Glauber tires to bean Solis in the head with a basketball only for her to punch it, sending it flying into his face. Brian Battler charges at Solis who is charging at her as well, when the two smash into each other its Brian who is sent flying. Mr. Big is grabbed by his head and slammed into a wall by Solis. Seth is rammed into a wall by Solis. Vanessa is body slammed by Solis. Max Eagle axe swing is grabbed by Solis and is kicked away. Gordon Bowman tonfu is grabbed by Solis and is elbowed in the head. Alice Garnet Nakata is sent falling by Solis wing slapping her and followed by her body slamming on top of her. Mignon Beart tries using her magic on Solis who shows her what real magic is and powers through her defense. Ninon Beart blasted Solis with her magic only to be grabbed in a hug and Solis falling on top of her. With Ninon suffering a marshmallow hell as breasts bigger then her torso are smash around her head. Rungo Iron massive stone club clash with Solis’s lance. Till Solis cuts the club in half and followed by Solis hitting Rungo with her wing. Tracy attacks with her twin tonfas with Solis blocking them with her lance till she kicks her in the face. Ripper attacks with his twin hand blades and Solis bats him away with the flat side of her lance. Leon swings his cutlets at Solis who blocks it with her lance and punches him away. Rachael attacks with her twin double-sided twin tonfas. Only for Solis just to bats her way with her lance. Zack greets Solis on his resort island and tells her he’s not into fighting anymore but she and her family are welcome to his resort. Tina Armstrong grabs onto Solis’s leg trying to trip her, only for Solis to start hovering thanks to her wings. Which Tina still holding her leg tells her that cheating. Which Solis agrees and stops with her falling right on top of Tina pinning her down on the ring. Bass Armstrong is spun around over Solis head before she tosses him out of the ring. Lisa Hamilton body slams into Solis who doesn’t even move when she’s hit. Solis grabs Lisa and falls face down on top of her. Diego tries blocking the incoming punch from Solis but is still sent flying across the room. Ray McDougal fist is caught by Solis and is elbowed to his face. Barts is double punched by Solis into a wall. J. McCoy is punched out of the ring by Solis. Sarah Bryant attacks Solis but is pin to the ground when Solis grabs her and slams her to the ground. Jacky Bryant is shoulder slamed into the ground by Solis. Vanessa Lewis is rammed into a wall by Solis. ! Sri Lanka - Chaos attacks with his scythe with her blocking his strikes with her lance. Solis grabs his scythe by its staff pulling him towards him and headbutts him. ! Finland - NiCO is body slammed by Solis. ! Sweden - Lars Alexandersson was slammed around like a rag doll after Solis caught his cape and used it to swing him around. Chris orochi powers are pulled out of him by Solis. Marie Rose is knock down and suffers from marshmallow hell as Solis lands on top of her with her head smothered by her massive breasts. ! Italy - Rose using her psychic powers tried to battle Solis in a battle of the minds. Rose fell over with a nose bleed as her mind was no match for Solis. Vulcano Rosso grunted as he was knock into a wall be Solis and waves to her that she won. Claudio Serafino was forced to his knees as Solis slammed her fist onto his shoulders followed by a knee strike to his face. Robert Garcia is grabbed in midair by Solis and slam to the floor. Leon kick in his side by Solis as he tried to get behind her. Marstorius is slammed to the ground in a body slam by Solis. Brad Burns hits on Solis in a very forward manner and is slap by her wing and into a wall. ! Turkey - Solis having grabbed Hakan by his legs spun him around and out of the ring. Ellis throws her knives at Solis who blocks all of her knives with her lance by spinning it. Till Ellis simply ran out of knives to fight with and is slapped away by Solis’s wing. ! Monaco - Emilie De Rochefort attacked with as many punches and kicks as she could throw at Solis who just steps backwards avoiding all of them. Solis made her move by rushing forward and tips Emilie forward while slamming down on her back using her body weight. ! Mexico - El Fuerte found himself pinned to the ground after Solis wearing a luchador mask slams down on him. King didn't even had time to move as Solis grabs him by his neck and shoves him to the ground under her. Armor King power drive only allowed Solis to give him a powerful uppercut to his guts and out of the ring. Tizoc/Griffon Mask is grabbed in a head lock by Solis and is pinned to the floor. Ramon is elbow slammed by Solis. Angel is crush underneath Solis body slamming on top of her. King of Dinosaurs slams into Solis as the both did body slams on each other. Solis bigger and heavier body sends King of Dinosaurs falling and lands right on top of him. Azteca tries to encase Solis in a stone pillar but she breaks free and slams into him. El Blaze does a flying body slam but is grabbed out of the air by Solis and ends up under her when she slams down on top of him. ! England - Birdie using his chain managed to lasso Solis's arm and he pulled with all of his strength but couldn't move her. Solis lanks the chain sending him flying towards her and into her fist. Cammy uses her Spinning Drill kick on Solis. Who caught her legs and spun her around till she lets go sending Cammy flying into her Delta Red teammates. Dudley and Solis traded blows as they boxed in the ring and followed all the rules of boxing. A punch to the guts and to his jaw sends Dudley out of the ring. Area using her high tech gauntlet and roller blades charged at Solis with her gauntlet leading the way. Solis charged as well slamming her fist into Area's gauntlet, causing it to shatter. Area just stared at her ruined invention and up at Solis, before falling to her knees defeated. Steve Fox after lasting two rounds with Solis was knock out. On her ship Bonne Jenet is thrown backwards she Solis sent her flying with a gust of wind from her wings. Bonne sees that she landed on crates of rocket launchers. Armed with two rocket launchers she fires them at Solis who catches both of them and tosses them into the water behind her. Bonne pales as Solis flies at her and she tries to block the incoming punch with the rocket launchers, but is still sent flying off of her ship. At a slaughterhouse Freeman is grabbed by the neck and Solis snaps it leaving him unable to move. She tosses him into the pig pen where he is eaten by the pigs. Lien Neville uses the Kill Sat on Solis who fires a beam of energy at the laser, powering through the laser destroying the sat. Solis then blast Lien with another energy blast. Lilly Kane is slap away by Solis wing strike. Kayin Amoh sword clashes with Solis’s lance as the dueled. Solis disarms Kayin with a spin of her blade. David attacks with his chainsaw and Solis jumps to the side and cuts the chainsaw with her lance. Ten Count Looses his sword with a swing from Solis’s lance and sent flying with a punch. Judgement charges at Solis with his chainsaw and Solis swing down her lance right on top of him. Christie is grab by her neck and punched in the face by Solis. Eliot is toss in the air by Solis and slap away by her wing. Matlok Jade is slap away by Solis wing strike. ! Malaysia - Miss Til uses her psychics powers on Solis in a battle of the mind. Solis left her with a shattered mind. ! Hong Kong - Chun-Li used her Spinning Bird Kick which Solis copies and when the two slammed into each other, Solis's proved to be stronger. Sending Chun-Li flying backwards. Fei Long did a flying kick at Solis who punches him in his face while he's in the air. Thanks to her arms being longer than his legs. Yang and Yun the twin brothers both attack Solis together. Solis grabs their arms and pulls them together making them slam into each other and than tossing them into the sides of the near by buildings. Lei Wulong tried to use hand-cuffs on Solis who to his surprise switch it around so that his arms are cuff around a light post. Hon Fu is knock backwards as Solis elbow slams into him. Cuiling attacks with her long claws with Solis cutting them with her lance and kicking Cuiling away. Pai Chan gives all she got fighting Solis but ends up being smash between her wings. ! China - F.A.N.G. unleashed all the poisons that he had on him on Solis who took it all and showed no effect at all. She grabs him but his neck and snaps it leaving him unable to move his body. Gen used all of his skills in his long years of a fighter, all proved to be worthless against Solis. Who sends him flying into the air followed by her engulfing his body in a ball of energy that gives him the death he's been seeking. Feng Wei is slammed into a wall by Solis body slamming into him. Sie Kensou psychic powers proved no match for Solis psychic power. Chin Gentsai doesn't fight Solis but has a drinking contest with her instead, which she drinks him under the table. Bao tried using his psychic powers on Solis who just walk up to him and grabs him holding him upside down and trickles him into submission. Lin uses his prison on Solis who just smashes her fist on top of his head in response. Duo Lon is grabbed by his ponytail by Solis and is slammed into the ground. Shen Woo is stomp underfoot by Solis. Chung Paifu staff strike is block by Solis and is slap away with her wing. Mian tries using her ability to change directions in midair to have a advantage over Solis. Who shows her that ability is useless against someone who can fly and slams her into the ground. Shun'ei using his water powers sends a stream of pressurized water at Solis, the water pressure is so powerful it broke the wall behind Solis. When Shun'ei stops blasting with water, Solis is still standing there and blasts him with her own blast of water taking him out. Meitenkun worn out from trying to hit Solis who blocks all of his attacks falls over with his head buried in his pillow and falls asleep. Ronron use her hand held stun gun on Solis which does nothing but earns her a punch to the face. Lei Fang is slap away by Solis wing strike. Jann Lee is grabbed and pin to the floor by Solis. Gen Fu has a cold and couldn’t fight Solis. Brad Wong was too drunk to fight Solis but they did had a drinking contest which Solis won. Liu Feilin is kicked in the face by Solis sending her falling to the ground. Wulong is uppercut into the air by Solis and is kicked away as he falls. Lau Chan is now too weak due to his sickness to fight Solis. Shun Di used the drunken fist on Solis to confuse her with what he's going to do. It works till Solis had enough and just blows him away with a gust of wind from her wings. Lei-Fei grunts as he got up after being knock to the ground by Solis's fist. Telling her that he thanks her in showing him how far he has to go. Eileen uses her speed to get behind Solis who side kicks her into a wall. ! Germany - Falke swings her staff at Solis who caught it and pulls it. Sending Falke jerking forward into Solis's fist. Hugo grapples with Solis being one of the few humans who has the size and strength to match her. Solis showed who's stronger as she lifts him up and body slams him onto the ring. Poison attacks with her riding crop which Solis's just ignores and punches her sending her flying out of the ring. Eleonor "Leo" Kliesen was lank by the chain that she wore on her sleeves and into Solis fist. Laurence Blood sword strikes are all dodged by Solis who grabs onto his rapier and bends it followed by a punch that sends him flying through the door behind him. Walking into the room where Wolfgang Krauser waited for her. Krauser used his Blitz Ball, which Solis used her own with both impacting each other. Solis's Blitz Ball absorbs Krauser's attack and hits him sending him flying into his pipe organ. Adelheid Bernstein is grab by Solis and slammed to the ground. Silber is smashed between the wings of Solis when he tried to attack her from behind. Alba Meira and Soiree Meira hits Solis with their energy attacks of lightning and wind, which she blocks with her own blast of energy the powers through theirs and sending them flying. Luise Meyrink using her flying ability fights Solis in the air both blasting at each other with energy attacks. Solis showed Louise she’s more skilled in flight battle knocking her out of the sky. Welt Rottweiler (Wolf) wooden sword is cut in two by Solis’s lance and is punched out. Schultz swings his scythe ready to fight Solis who throws her lance at him and impales him to the wall. Hitomi is body slammed into a wall by Solis. Clown is grab by Solis and has his neck snap. Marco who was transformed into some kind of monster, kneels down before Solis asking her to make him normal again. ! Jamaica - Dee Jay and Solis did a dance battle in a nightclub. Which quickly just devolved into them having a dance off. ! Brazil - Blanka grabs hold of Solis by wrapping his body to her torso which also cause him to bury his face between her massive breasts. He pumps as much voltage into her as he could till he completely drained himself. Looking up all he saw was Solis pissed off more for him burying his face between her breasts than anything else. She flies up into the air and drops down on top of him. Laura attacks with a kick which Solis using her longer and stronger legs blocks. Solis wraps her leg around Laura's and sends both of them falling to the ground where she holds Laura with a leg hold. Sean is sent flying with a kick from Solis. Eddy Gordo kick was block and got a punch to his head instead. Christie Monteiro was punched in the guts after she tried to do a body slam on Solis. Katarina Alves kick was caught and was swung around by Solis. Gigas is held in the air by Solis using her telekinesis as her soldiers bond him for transport to Lightspan to see what can be done for him to return him back to normal. Marco Rodriguez is swung around by his arm and thrown into a wall by Solis. Heidern is grabbed by Solis and is thrown through a wall. Leona Heidern has the Orochi inside of her pulled out by Solis. Whip's whip is caught by Solis and is lanked out of her hands. Solis used the whip to tie up Whip. Nelson attacks Solis with a series of punches trying to get through her defense. Wearing himself out from repeatedly punches is knock out by Solis’s left hook. Bandeiras Hattori using his ninja skills to appear and disappear around Solis trying to get her off balance. Solis arms shot out grabbing him in midair and slams him into the ground. Tau sword is block by Solis’s lance and is punched away. Liza is slap away by Solis wing. ! Colombia - Zarina is back fisted by Solis as she tries to attack her from behind. ! Australia - Craig Marduk is picked up by Solis and repeatedly slammed into the ground. Jeffry McWild is tossed into the sea by Solis. ! India - Dhalsim used his firebreath on Solis engulfing her in his flames. When the flames cleared Solis was just standing there unharmed. Solis used her wings to create a powerful gust of air that sends Dhalsim flying. ! Japan - E. Honda and Solis faced off in the sumo ring. Both charged at each other and Solis's bigger and heavier body sends him flying out of the ring. Gouken unleashed a massive burst of energy at Solis who was engulfed by it. Once Gouken couldn't keep it up anymore he had to stop blasting Solis, who dashed forward and punch him in his face. Ibuki used smokes and her night skills to try to keep Solis off balance. Solis just stood there as the young ninja danced around before giving a kick that caught Ibuki off guard and sending her flying. Karin launches punches and kicks at Solis who blocks them all before being slapped away with a flap of her powerful wing. Maki leaps downward with her tonfa pointing down at Solis's head, who caught it before it hits her. And headbutts Maki out. Makoto held her neck as Solis grabbed the scarf wrapped around her neck and held it up forcing her to be on her tip toes. Solis trips her while letting go of the scarf and sat down on top of the young girl. Oro the over 140 years old mystic looks at Solis who appeared in front of him challenging him to a fight. He responded with asking her if she's here for a date. Solis left with Oro a cold no. Rainbow Mika launches herself butt first at Solis who kicks her butt sending her flying out of the ring. Ryu used the Hadoken at point blank range on Solis who took it smiling. When the smoke cleared she was still standing there smiling. Faster then he could follow she used her own Hadoken sending him flying. Sakura attack Solis with a Sunpukyaku and Solis responded with a clap of her wings creating a powerful gust of wind that sent the young girl flying. Zeku used every trick he knows as a ninja but all of it was just seen through by Solis. Who told him that the ninjas arts that he's using is nothing but basics for a pony. She used tricks only a few masters could pull off and others that he never seen before. A kick to the stomach sent him flying out of the fight. Hokuto tries to use a throw on Solis but she prove to be simply too big and heavy for her to throw. And Solis fell right on top of her pinning her to the ground. Asuka Kazama attacks but found herself underfoot literally as she holds Solis's foot from crushing her. Till she taps out. Kazuya Mishima screams as the demon within him was pulled out by Solis who than blasts the demon to nothing. Jin Mishima scream as his demon was pulled out of his body by Solis. Ling Xiaoyu hugs Solis thanking her for saving Jin. Yoshimitsu was grabbed out of the air by Solis who slams him onto the ground, followed by a stomp on his chest. Lee Chaolan tried to wear Solis out so that she would run out of strength but he found himself running out of energy as he had to continue to avoid her attacks, till one finally connected and sent him flying. Ganryu falls to his knees after receiving a punch to his guts from Solis causing him to throw up and leaving Solis disgusted. Solis slams Kunimitsu to the ground after she tried to attack her from behind. Solis caught the other Kunimitsu the daughter of the first one and slams her on top of her mother. Heihachi Mishima screamed as Solis having grabbed his arms and pulled them both right off leaving him armless and screaming in pain on the ground. Kazumi Mishima demon is pulled out of her by Solis. Lucky Chloe found herself in a hug as Solis found her cute thanks to her cat outfit. Joe Higashi screams as he was spun around by Solis and thrown out of the ring. Jubei Yamada tries to grope Solis's breasts which she responded by leaving a hand print on his face. Sokaku Mochizuki encases himself in fire to fight Solis. Who just igrones the flames and grabs him and slams him into the ground. Ryuji Yamazaki attacks Solis's with his knife only for her to grab his arm breaking it and with his hand still holding his knife uses it to stab himself in his face. Gato is grabbed by his hands and is swung into the side of a building by Solis. Hotaru Futaba charges at Solis and is kicked away by her. Kyo Kusanagi special fire attack on Solis who grabs his face and slams him backwards into the ground. Benimaru Nikaido unleashes powerful volts of energy into Solis who just reacted like someone gave her a static shock and slams him into the ground. Goro Daimon tries to match Solis's strength and quickly finds himself being slammed to the floor. Takuma Sakazak tries to throw Solis by grabbing her arm and trying to pull her over his shoulders and fails with her throwing him to the ground instead. Athena Asamiya tries using her psychic powers on Solis. Who just slaps Athena's mind attacks away and does the same with her. Iori Yagami orochi power is pulled out of him by Solis. Eiji Kisaragi is grab by Solis from his hiding spot and thrown through a door. Saisyu Kusanagi is smash to the floor by Solis using her wings on him. Kasumi Todoh tries to grapple Solis who just grabs her and falls down on top of her. Chizuru Kagura tries using her Shinto priestess powers on Solis who just powers through that with her own magic. Yashiro Nanakase orochi power is pulled out by Solis. Shingo Yabuki is punched to the ground by Solis. Orochi is captured by Solis and her soldiers transport him to Lightspan to study. Hinako Shijou used her sumo skills in trying to shove Solis out of the ring which she couldn't even move. Solis palm strikes Hinako out of the ring. Malin hammer is caught by Solis and is punched away. Momoko goes googly-eyed as she stares at Solis's busty form and then shake her hips in an attempt to reassure herself. She tries using her psychic powers on Solis but can't keep her eyes off of Solis's chest and is crush underneath her when she body slams into her, smashing her giant breasts into Momoko's face. Sho Hayate throws his boomerang at Solis who catches it and throws it back at him hitting him. Gozu and Mezu attack with the claws only for Solis to fly with her wings and double kicks them in their faces breaking their masks. Jyazu launches himself at Solis and is blasted away with an energy blast. Gai Tendo shouted this is for his cousins as he charges at Solis who brings her leg up and smashes it down on top of him. Nagase used her doppelgänger attack trying to confuse Solis of which of her clones is the real one. Solis slams her wing down on one of the Nagase clones which caused all the others to disappear as it’s the real one. Eiji Shinjo face off with Solis with his sword ready. Solis pulls out her lance and attacks Eiji who blocks her attacks but is disarmed thanks to a powerful blow that sends his sword flying. Mondo strikes with his spear at Solis who cuts the spear in half and slap him away with the flat side of her lance. Gaia With his zanbatou manages to hold his own against Solis with her massive double bladed lance. The y clash their weapons together till Solis disarms Gaia of his weapon. Sho Shinjo lashes out with his sword at Solis who blocks them with her lance. He never even saw her move as she cuts off his sword arm off. Followed by her just walking away from him after healing him so he wouldn’t bleed to death. Cupido attacks with her rhomphaia in revenge for manning her husband. Solis catches her with her telekinesis and disarms her if her weapon, telling her she’s with child. Much to the shock of the married pair. Nagisa Iwashiro Fires his gun at Solis who reflects it back with her lance right into the barrel of his gun. Shizuku Fuji attacks Solis with her kiseru pipe, Solis catches it and punches her in her face. Toujin attacks with his spear with Solis cutting it and slapping him away with her lance. Ryu Hayabusa attacks with his dragon sword with Solis blocking all of his strikes. Solis eyes the sword and used her telekinesis to pull it out of Ryu’s hands so she could look at it better. She told Ryu his clan’s treasure sword is really an Equestria sword that she remembers her mother showing her before one of her trips to Earth. She tells him to look into his clan’s most forbidden scrolls and such to learn more before leaving with the sword. Kasumi kneels before Solis when she appears before her, asking to serve her as she’s tried of running away from her clan. Ayane falls on her stomach and her head is stepped on by Solis, telling her that her sister Kasumi is now one of her soldiers. Hayate doesn’t even get a chance to fight as Solis just zooms at him and punches him in the guts. Raidou is blasted by Solis destroying his cyborg body with her leaving nothing but blacken metal behind. Kokoro is body slammed to the ground with Solis on top of her. Momiji Dragon Spear is taken by Solis telling her it’s another Equestria weapon and take it with her. Rachel hammer is caught by Solis with one hand and she punched away. Miyama no Nyotengu trade blows with Solis as they both fly in the air, both experience in fighting others while flying. Solis brings her hands together and slams them down on Miyama sending her falling. Honoka hits Solis with all of her strength and did nothing to her, and is rewarded with a closed fist on top of her head. Makoto Mizoguchi is slam down in a midair kick by Solis wing slamming down on him. Ryoko Kano is held upside down by Solis who is staring at the 17 year old who look 14. And is sent flying away by her wings creating a gust of wind. Kazuya is stomp to the ground by Solis. Akira Yuki is crush underneath Solis who body slams into him. Kage-Maru is grabbed by Solis from his hiding spot after getting tried of his hit and run tactics and is slammed into a wall. Aoi Umenokouji is punched into a wall by Solis. Taka-Arashi slams into Solis trying to knock her out of the ring who palm strikes him out instead. Goh Hinogami is grabbed by his head and his skull is crushed by Solis with one hand. ! Tawain - Cheng Sinzan is sent flying into a wall by Solis with a kick to the stomach. Lihua attacks Solis with her sword which she blocks with her lance. With a powerful swing Solis disarms Lihua and punches her away. ! Philippines - Josie Rizal rolled to a stop after being hit by Solis's wing. ! Poland - Lidia Sobieska was thrown into a snow back by Solis slamming into her. ! Saudi Arabia - Shaheen is punched by Solis as he tried to evade her sending him flying. Najd is sent into the air by Solis’s wing strike and is punched into a wall as she was falling. ! Spain - Vega screamed as Solis grabs his claw arm and breaks it followed by her grabbing his face. She works her fingers into his mouth and rips his lower jaw off. Leaving him on the ground with a ruin face. Miguel Caballero Rojo was slammed by Solis who tanked his energy attack like it was nothing. Rosa swings her sword at Solis who dodges her swings and blast her away with a energy blast. Mila arm is grabbed by Solis and she’s is swung up and down to the floor. ! Egypt - Menat channels Soul Power through her crystal ball aiming it at Solis who just walk towards her. Menat's eyes widen as Solis grabs her crystal ball with one hand and slap her away with the other. Zafina was unable to block the elbow hit that knock her out, even if she saw Solis doing it to her in a vision. ! Middle East - Rashid using his parkour skills dodged the strikes from Solis who flew after him. Solis appeared in front of him and slams into him and into the ground. Pullum Purna attacks Solis from behind only to be slap away by her wing that hits harder than she thought. Darun Mister tries to rush Solis and pins her down. But Solis proves to be too big and strong for him to do so and he find himself pinned down instead. ! South Korea - Juri kick was caught by Solis and she was slammed into the ground. Baek Doo San tells Solis that he has no interest in fighting her. Hwoarang was punch into the side of the building after he tried to block Solis's punch. Kim Kaphwan launches himself at Solis from the side to catch her off guard only for her to use her wing to slap him out of the ring. Kim Dong Hwan steps up and in the middle of the match hits on Solis who just gives him a flat look and smashed him between her wings. Kim Jae Hoon steps up and is grabbed by Solis thrown out of the ring. Chang Koehan swings his ball and chain at Solis who catches the metal ball and lanks it forward sending Chang flying into her fist. Choi Bounge launches himself at Solis with his claw gloves and is kicked away by her. Xanadu is grab by Solis by the back of his head and smash into the ground. Jhun Hoon leg is caught by Solis who smashes him into the ground. May Lee Jinju is smash underneath Solis falling on top of her. Kim Sue Il swings his bo staff at Solis who blocks it and punches him into the air. Gang-Il tries using his kicks that he said could break through any defense and Solis proves him wrong as no kicks could break her defense. Solis gives him a kick sending him flying. Chae Lim kick is block by Solis and pushed down to the ground with Solis on top of her. Liu Yungmie kick is caught and Solis slams her to the ground. ! Vietnam - Luong tries to wrap her legs around Solis’s neck but the moment she did, Solis slams down to the ground on top of her. ! Elsewhere - Q dodge the blows from Solis, hitting her with blows that would had taken down other fighters but did nothing to her. Solis punched the ground in front of Q which exploded in a blast of energy that engulfed him sending him flying through the air. ! Elsewhere - Twelve used its shape changing fighting style to put Solis on the defense. Solis using her scanner on her eye piece saw what Twelve is and using an ice spell freezes him in a block of ice. She calls in a squad of her soldiers to contain Twelve and bring him back to Lightspan for study. ! Elsewhere - Urien blasted Solis with all of the power he had creating a powerful blast that left a crater behind and no sign of Solis. Urien thought her won only for Solis to grab him from behind by his head and blasted him as she held him. Leaving his headless body to fall to the ground. ! Elsewhere - Solis punches M. Bison into the air and appeared above him as he was in the air. She hits him with a powerful blast of energy that completely destroys him. ! Elsewhere - Seth copied all of Solis moves with them playing a beam of war against each other. Solis is impress in how someone on Earth could create such a weapon but ends the struggle by actually putting effort in her power and Seth was engulfed in the beam of energy reducing him to nothing. ! Elsewhere - Gill using his mastery of pyrokinesis and cryokinesis gave Solis a fight. Solis broke through all the walls of ice and just went through the walls of fire unharmed. Solis grabbed him by his neck and toss him into the air, and with no effort at all she blasted him with a blast so powerful that it lit up the sky, when it was over there wasn’t a trace of Gill left. ! Elsewhere - G the president of the World greeted Solis as an equal and decline a fight with her as he doesn’t want any bad blood between them as leaders. Which Solis respected and left. ! Elsewhere - Eliza block the punch from Solis and blast her with energy. Solis creates balls of energy that surrounds Eliza and set them off with her in the middle. ! Elsewhere - Azazel blasted Solis with a powerful blast of energy which she blocks and encase him in a ball of energy and sent him flying high into the sky where the ball of energy blew up along with Azazel. ! Elsewhere - Ogre stares at Solis below who threw him up into the air followed by her blasting him with a massive ball of energy that destroys him. ! Elsewhere - Master Raven looks at Solis as she without effort breaks her sword. Behind her is the fallen form of Raven. ! Elsewhere - On his airship Rugal Bernstein is grabbed by his face by Solis who crushes it and then blast his head with a burst of energy leaving him headless. Mature and Vice orochi powers are pulled out of them by Solis. ! Elsewhere - Leopold Goenitz is blasted by Solis till he was just gone. ! Elsewhere - King Lion faced off with Solis who pulls out her lance. King Lion attacks with Solis blocking all of his sword strikes followed by her cutting his head off. King Leo draws his sword and strikes at Solis who blocks them with her lance. Solis cuts off both of his arms when he tried to smash his way through her defense and cuts off his head. ! Elsewhere - Uranus with her machine wings flew in the air while firing her bow at Solis who spins her lance blocking the arrows. Solis shows Uranus what it’s like to fight against someone who knows how to fight in the air. Solis cuts off Uranus wings sending her falling to the ground below. Vermilion fires his guns at Solis who with her lance sends the bullets back at him, hitting his face killing him. Master summons her multiple psychic swords out of thin air ready to fight Solis who is ready with her lance. Solis throws her lance at Master before she was ready impaling her with her lance. ! Elsewhere - Adam is crush into a metal ball by Solis and pulls off both Abel and Veil arms and legs. Then teleports them over a slurry pit full of pig feces where they fall into and drown, giving them a undignified death instead of one they had wanted. ! At the Inn - "Well that should do it," Mary said as she and the others had watched Solis take on just about every high level fighter in the world and did it in only one day. "What did you really expect when my aunt has thousands of years of hard won battle experience fighting all kinds of races across the galaxy," Sunset pointed out. (4) "Wait she hasn't fought Dan yet," Ranma said. "You mean Ryoga's uncle?" Ukyo ask. "Oh yeah she didn't, she beat the Tendo's cousin but Dan was nowhere to be seen," Kodachi said remembering Dan. The inn's front door open and Dan Hibiki enters the inn escorted by Solis's soldiers who were left guarding the inn. "Dan Hibiki is here to challenge the one who crippled my nephew," Dan shouted out. "You got to be kidding me," Sunset said staring at the fool. "No that's Dan for you," Ranma said who like everyone else can't believe he's related to Ryoga. ! > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Saotome Harumi is screaming as his eyeballs have been pulled out and he’s being played as a puppet as Sunset. She and her bodyguards had come to the tennis game to see what’s the game is like while using magic to make them look like normal Japanese girls. And saw how much the Higa Chuu team is cheating and no one is calling them out for it, Sunset step onto the court and called them out for it. (1) Which resulted in the coach of the team comforting her and insulting to her to her face. Which she reveals herself to him and now is making him beg on his hands and knees in front of camera broadcasting it live all over Japan. Along with his team made up of Kite Eishirou, Kai Yuujirou, Tanishi Kei, Hirakoba Rin, and Chinen Hiroshi for forgiveness. “Seeing how the guy who suppose to be calling out when you people are cheating which you all are and isn’t doing his job,” Sunset said pulling the guy sitting on the high chair out and putting him in front of the cheating team. “You cheaters beat him and break bones or I will make you rip your penis and balls off make you all eat it.” This cause the Higa Chuu team to attack and beat the game ref to a bloodily mess and broke several of his bones. All awhile Sunset coldly watch while still holding their coach’s eyeballs in the air with her telekinesis making him dance around or lose his eyes. And all being broadcasted all over Japan. “Oh look the cops actually showed up,” Sunset said seeing that the local cops showing up. “I think he’s dead,” Kite said as he and the others stop their beating as the man isn’t moving anymore. “He’s still alive,” Sunset said as her floating robot orb scanned the man showing he’s still alive. “Next game I go to and one team is cheating and the ref isn’t doing their job I will pull their limbs off and keep on doing it till the message is good and clear. Or there aren’t anymore games being played. Whatever comes first.” “You’re going to be following us?” Kai asked. “I do live for thousands of years so I can follow you all around for years and torture you all for the rest of your lives for fun. Of course you all are going to jail for beating the game ref nearly to death just to save your own hides,” Sunset said turning to the cops. “Arrest them or I’ll have them beat you nearly to death too.” The cops quickly arrested the team and the medics rush to save the game ref. “Also if you all get off because of your lawyers or the judge giving you all a light sentence. I’ll keep ripping limbs off till you are all in jail doing hard time. Or I can just make you all cut the limbs off of the judge and lawyer families if they don’t give you all the maximum sentence for beating that guy and I’ll be checking,” said as she rips Harumi‘s eyes out leaving the coach screaming in the ground. "You're just tormenting us for fun," Tanishi said. "Yes but what are you going to do about it? Also I expect no less than 10 years for each of you with no chance of early release. Or I'll just rip your arms and legs off, shove my thumbs in your eyes and pour boiling cooking oil on your groins," Sunset said. ! At the Inn - "We really need to get her into a school before she does something else," Mary said watching the news of what Sunset did at the tennis match. "But she is right for some reason the ref and the judges just allow that team do what they want without them facing anything," Hodaka said. "And did you really had to come here just to transfer to another school?" Mary ask her cousin. "I tried and just got red tape. I just want to go to a normal school and not having to face crazy stuff. By being with Sunset's group I'll be able to join any school she joins without any road blocks," Hodaka said. "Seeing how Sunset had the former head of education be shot in his knees and all fingers be shot off, all the others in the department can't move fast enough to make sure that doesn't happen to them," Mary said as the news about what's happening because of how badly the schools of Japan are managed is giving the country a very bad image. Where people are being arrested and kick out of office, with their choice of either that or be the one to be blame and Sunset be allowed to do what they want with them. (2) "Where is everyone?" Hodaka asked. "They're all with Yae to see how she is trained in the boxing art of Equestria," Mary said. "I think you and me are the most normal members in our generation of our family." "Tell me about it," Hodaka said. "But Yae is pretty normal and is only here to learn boxing." "Yeah," Mary said looking outside where Dan hanging upside down having been left hanging there by Sunset. "I can't believe he's trying to fight Sunset just to get her to either grow new arms and legs or replace them with robot ones for that pig boy." "He's either very brave or very stupid," Hodaka said. "Or both," Mary said watching as Dan throws weak looking balls of energy at the rope holding him upside down from a tree. Hitting it and causing him to fall onto his head. "Yup it's both." ! > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! On Equestria in the royal palace, Celestia walks down the hallways heading for her mother’s personal chambers having been called to see her. Entering her mom’s room she entered what humans would think be ancient Egyptian chamber, but it was the ancient people of Egypt who copied her style. There in front of the tv is former empress Galactica is having tea with her mother, Cosmica both alicorns. Galactica looks like Celestia but with pale brown skin tone and her mane is dark like space with sparkles like stars in it. She stands at 10 feet tall and because of her giving birth to four fillies had enlarged her breasts which Celestia own massive breasts pales against, which after giving birth a mares breasts will always enlarges. Which she wore them with such womanly pride that they made her appear even more Queenly and regal. And wearing a thin silk dress that barely covers her voluptuous body. Cosmica on the other hand isn’t as regal looking as her daughter as she is dress only in a tank top and shorts that shows off her still powerful body standing at 12 tall. Since stepping down from ruling, Cosmica had taken up living in the middle of EverFree forest which is the oldest still standing forest in Equestria. Her old body had not been worn down by the humble and secluded lifestyle. On the contrary, it had hardened her as well as kept her fit and healthy. She’s just like her granddaughters Solis and Moon, having a strong and powerful body, she is the one who personally trained both of them into becoming the powerful warriors they are now. “Grandmother I didn’t know you’re here,” Celestia said. “Stop by for a visit and to talk about that daughter of yours,” Cosmica said pointing to the tv which is showing the Earth’s news that’s happening in Japan. “I still can't believe that the government of Japan would just keep sending Sunset to one bad school after another. But thinking about it, it does explains why all that stuff happens in the first place," Galactica said. "And that sister of yours just parking her planet above Earth and taking on all those fighters. I would had thought some would had made Solis work for it, instead of being one sided," Cosmica said turning to Galactica. "I would had think you teaching those students would had paid off." "Don't I know it. But they did break it down into different fighting schools," Galactica said. “I don’t know why you were so interested in them,” Cosmica said. “They show much promise and since they reached their Industrial Age they showing what they can be. Not to mention you do enjoy those tv shows. You really like ‘I Love Lucy’ when it was first airing and other shows,” Galactica said. “I just wished that the Japanese government didn’t need a gun pointed at their heads to get their act together. I’m just about had it with them delaying things about which school will be picked,” Celestia said sitting down next to her mom. “Grandmother is asking why Sunset doesn’t just be taught in her school,” Comica said. “It’s Sunset’s choice and she volunteered to go to Earth as an exchange student. And what is grandma planning this time?” Celestia ask. “That your daughter while has every right to angry with how she’s been treated is over doing things,” another alicorn said as she came out of the bathroom. The first alicorn of the royal line and the oldest member of the royal family, former queen Oriana. Who used her vast magical powers to halt a comet from hitting Equestria and transforming herself into the first alicorn. Which following the birth of Comica born as an alicorn the bloodline is now, all made up of alicorns. Both her sisters Solar, and Aural tries to copy her feat to become alicorns themselves but never did but their family line has continued with Solar’s line producing Cadance who managed to become an alicorn like her great aunt did. (1) Oriana while ancient is still a stunning mare with a voluptuous body that is more than a match for her younger family members. She is a dark purple with a mane that looks like it’s made out of sky blue water. She stand at 9 feet tall and only wore a purple loin cloth and two strips of fabric that hangs over her breasts hanging from a collar around her neck like her loin cloth, that only needed to be pushed aside to show her nipples. She is also the master magic user of the royal court with her long life allowing her to master all forms of magic, and is the headmistress of the royal magic school. “She’s too head strong and with how young she is, while she is strong while on Earth, she is still the weakest of us. I buried both Estelaria and Heaven because they believed that being an alicorn made them unbeatable,” Oriana said as she sits down on the other end of the coach. “Both Luna and Solis are with her,” Celestia said. “And that's an improvement?" the last alicorn member of the royal family said entering, the former queen Infinitia. Infinitia is the complete opposite of her mother Oriana, for she is the one who jump started the industrial age of Equestria and also began the space age as well. And over the years she proved to the other races is that she's one of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy. What makes her so dangerous is how she reacts to any new break through in science. She displays a terrifying interest of a mad scientist hell bent on twisting the new and interesting power or machine that could help her in gaining more knowledge. She studies the new subject in question and works to replicate, even improve them. And more often than not, she is successful. Infinitia stands at 9 feet tall, wearing small, round spectacles perched on her nose, her long mane tied back into a pony tail that looks like it's made out of fire. The short skirt she wore came to just above mid-thigh, giving a glimpse of stocking tops, while her blouse showed the start of a deep cleavage and the sides of her white lab coat would never meet each other thanks to her huge breasts. She started wearing the white lab coat after watching a human movie. “The humans are still a young race and only just found out that they’re a small fish in a sea filled with much bigger fishes. The only thing they got going for them is their entertainment,” Infinitia said. “Celestia you are to go to Earth and keep your daughter under control,” Oriana said. “And I can take over while you’re away,” Galactica said. “No you’re going too as you’re the one who shape their history and need to clear up somethings,” Oriana said. “I also did left somethings on Earth when I left,” Galactica said. ! Japan - A dark ceremony existed for thousands of years in the old town of Rinin, handed down from generation generation. The name of the ceremony, in particular, is in the oldest of records. That ceremony, enacted to protect the region from disease and crop failure from a curse from the region's guardian deity, Iwaanaga-Hime, occurs in the evenings between the new moon and full moon. A maiden is disguised as Konohana Sakuyahime, another goddess, and gangraped to appease Hime Iwanaga's anger. In regards to the maiden, there must be an special kind of woman participating in the gang rape, in other words, that woman must be selected by a blood relative, husband or love, or themselves. After the gang rape, if a pregnancy occurs, Hime Iwanaga's anger is abated, and a good harvest and safety upon the region will be promised. However, if a pregnancy does not occur for the sake of suppressing Hime Iwanaga's anger, the maiden is supposed to be covered with semen, and floated down the river alive, as a sacrifice. After the Tashio era, the ceremony itself had vanished into the dark history, but kept ocurring at at Rinin High School; the cruel, improper traditions being inherited over into a secret society through actions carried out by the Gang Rape Club. For generations, the president of the student council of the High School has served as the head of the Gang Rape Club, not allowing even one day to pass uneventfully, submerging numerous women to the dark, suffocating pleasure. “That’s another town with a dark secret that has continued to the modern day dealt with,” Sunset said as she helped Suzuko Yamazaki in ending the club, just not in the way she thought. The entire town has been lifted up into the air before dropping the buildings which destroyed all the infrastructure of the town. The entire town has been gathered up with the help by her aunt Solis’s soldiers where they’re being sorted. The ones who took part of the rapes are being castrated and having their limbs cut off. Those who are apart of the cult but didn’t take part of the rapes, are losing their arm that they use most often and a leg. Same went for those who covered it up which the police of the town did, as well as having the word in Japanese, Rinin being place on their forehead with a branding iron. So that they be marked for the rest of their lives. “But what will happen to the rest of the town what will the people do?” Suzuko asked as the entire town is in ruins. “Pray to that god the cult is base around to rebuild it?” Sunset said loud enough to be heard by the townspeople. “I’m sure that it’s real and not an excuse to rape women.” “This is serious,” Suzuko said. “This is a toxic town and with it destroyed, the remaining people will be broken up and be living elsewhere,” Solis said overseeing her soldiers who are fresh recruits. “Besides most of the men are going to jail so there be nothing here,” Sunset said looking at the many police vehicles that came and the news crews. She made sure to expose how the cops of the town had covered things up and that the cops around the town refused to do anything either. “Didn’t you say you be giving Japan another chance?” Suzuko asked. “Yes but that only works when you people actually show me something worth giving you another chance. I’m still waiting,” Sunset said. “Sunset we need to go, your mother is here,” Solis said. ! The Inn - Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi wanted to cover their naked bodies as they hanged in the air but couldn’t move their bodies. They’re being looked over by Sunset’s mother and grandmother, Celestia and Galactica, who came to Earth by a portal. On the side the other inn staff Ryomou Shimei, Ryuubi Gentoku, Kan'u Unchou, Chouhi Ekitoku, Chou'un Shiryuu and Shoukatsuryou Koumei are standing waiting for their turn. All of them are now staff of the inn as Sunset said they did need people around to keep the inn clean. Ranma, Mary, Kenichi, Hakufu, Hodaka, Yae, and Goei are watching from the other side of the room. “Sunset has just been making them do things like running in a human size hamster wheel?” Celestia asked Luna. “She’s been enjoying making them do things just for her enjoyment. Like how she makes them dress as her henchwomen when she and her bodyguards go out as supervillains,” Luna said. “Reminds me of you and your sisters playing pirates,” Galactica said to Luna, and Celestia. "Mom," Luna grunted. "Hi mom, grandma,” Sunset said entering the room with Solis. “Sunset what is this you not using these slaves as you should?” Galactica said as she cups both Shampoo’s breasts causing her to blush red as she was felt up. “This one has the largest breasts, nice and firm.” Galactica went to Kodachi and cups her butt. “This one has the biggest butt, nice and blubbery,” Galactica said. She went to Ukyo and cups both her butt and breasts. “And this one is a nice middle between the two. True they’re not much compared to a pony but nice for humans. You really should stop playing around and just make them into your sex toys. They should be fighting each other to be the one who gets to shove her face between your legs,” Galactica said. “What I got my bodyguards and that I’m waiting till they reach their breaking point where I have a reason to tear their limbs off,” Sunset said. “Hey,” Ranma said. “Quit you,” Sunset said glaring at Ranma. “Remember the only reason you have your limbs is because I choose not to.” “Right,” Ranma gulped. "Sunset, I know you really don't have a good reason but do you really need to keep going around and doing stuff that shows how bad cops or government workers are?" Mary asked. "It's for fun and there isn't any good reason for me not to, seeing how the cops and local government just turns a blind eye unless I force them. Also there is nothing anyone can do to stop me," Sunset said. (2) “Seeing how your aunt has her war planet hovering above Earth, there is nothing anyone on Earth can do about it,” Mary agreed seeing how there is nothing could be done about it. “There is also we ponies are the only thing keeping order around this section of the galaxy and been keeping Earth safe as well. No pirate or anything like that ever dared to enter this solar system because of us ponies scaring them away. We’re the mammoths that scare away the sabertooth tigers away and the moment we’re gone you all will have to deal with the tigers,” Galactica said. (3) “There aren’t any of those animals around anymore,” Mary said. “Not on Earth. I took breeding herds of ice age animals with me when I saw them dying out,” Galactica said as she waves her hand and in a flash of light a big sabertooth tiger appeared in the room causing all the humans to back away in fear. “Hi Fann,” Sunset said petting the tiger. “Don’t worry she’s tame,” Celestia said. “And the moment we’re gone she’ll be tearing apart one of you,” Galactica said causing the humans in the room to be fearful. “Just toss these three in a room with Fann,” Sunset said looking at Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi who are all pale at the sight of the tiger. “I have a better idea. These three will be servicing me tonight and if they don’t please me, they get to entertain Fann,” Galactica said looking at the three girls. “You three will either be proper slaves for Sunset or I’ll cover you three in honey and toss you in a room with Sweety.” “Who’s Sweety?” Ukyo asked. “My pet a short face bear,” Galactica said making Sweety appear in the room. The largest bear any of the had ever seen appeared in the room. “I’m ok in licking pussy,” Kodachi said sweating as Sweety sniffs her and the others. “Good,” Galactica said as she teleports her pets away. “Got any dinosaurs?” Mary asked. “Of course not. Even grandmother Oriana is only over 400,000 in Earth years,” Galactica said. “Grandma Oriana is the first alicorn and at that time we ponies were just starting our Industrial Age like you people during the late 1800’s,” Sunset explains. “So that’s why you’re so advance. You ponies just had a longer time to advance,” Mary said. “That and unlike you humans we never had a collapses like after Rome fell there was just hundreds of years of no advancements as all the infrastructure needed for such advancements wasn’t there anymore. And that humans at the time had to worry about raiders appearing over the hill destroying everything that you made and having to start over. I watched a lot of nature documentaries about you humans when I was Sunset’s age,” Solis said. “Wait you ponies made nature documentaries about us?” Mary asked. “Yes up till you people started advancing again. The ponies who did the documentaries were doing that to record what could had been you humans becoming hunters and gatherers thanks to groups of people raiding people who tried to build something. Like those Huns or whatever raiding and burning cities instead of conquering it. They would had never would had built anything of their own that would last and would had been nothing but nomads. Till they conquer and took over China that is,” Celestia said. I rather like it when there were other humans around. I use to go around and teach them how to make fire,” Galactica said. “Wait you taught early humans how to make fire?” Mary asked shocked. “Yes, teaching them how to cook and make bedding out of grass and such. I even got mother to make Earth into a nature preserve and got the ponies who were trying to make settlements to leave. I do miss those days where you humans and your other branches use to gather around me and learn what I thought you,” Galactica said. “So you are responsible for making us humans advance thanks to you teaching the ancient humans?” Ranma asked. “Yes she is and you all should be bowing to your goddess who made you humans into what you are today,” Sunset said. “I got tried of that and that people just kept asking me for thing s instead of doing it themselves,” Galactica said. “So the old tales of gods walking among early humans are base on you?” Mary asked. “Yes thanks to me using my powers to help people start a settlement but they just ended up praying to me for more and expecting that just by praying things will happen. You people don’t do that anymore, instead of doing something you just pray and hope for the best?” Galactica asked. “Just the religious nut jobs. Like parents instead of taking their kid to a doctor just pray and hope that god of whatever religion they believe in will magically come down and heal their kid,” Sunset said. (4) “I really did had high hopes for your humans,” Galactica said as she sighed. ! > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Loud screaming echoed through the halls as Sunset slowly press her thumbs into the eyeballs of her latest victim. One of the teachers of the school that turned a blind eye to what was happening, so she’s making sure she will remain blind for the rest of her life. All being filmed so that everyone could see how rotten the school is, allowing what happen to one of the female students name Nanases take place. Nanase’s father had just been arrested for murder. While his guilt remains in question, a perverted gang of Nanase’s classmates have already passed judgment, and are punishing her for her father’s crimes. To atone for his sins, she must obey their every sexual command to satisfy their twisted desires. At school, in her room, even on a crowded train, no matter where they are, Nanase must pleasure them in any way possible. But not all of Nanase’s classmates can be so easily satiated. Someone’s publishing very detailed articles about her nightly lustful escapades in a special Atonement Newspaper. Now all those male students have been dealt with, their limbs torn off and forced to shallow their balls and cock after they were cut off. All being filmed and shown on live tv and on the internet, as the student were forced under armed guards to wait in line as they were personally dealt with by Solis, who gave Sunset some of her soldiers to round up the student body and the staff. They're also being aided by the members of Yami and Yomi who are now slaves to Solis. Who has injected them with nanomachines that make them obey her commands, if they tried to fight or disobey the naomachines would cause them pain. The nanomachines cause all of their pain sensors in their bodies to go off all at once, while repairing their bodies so that they wouldn't die. The nanomachines also could cause them to experience a state of complete sensory deprivation while fully conscious. For the duration of the period, they will perceive time at a significantly dilated rate. A punishment of 10 minutes is 10 hours for them. Solis made all of them feel what its like for 2 minutes which for them felt like days with all of their senses gone. All the members of Yami and Yomi after coming out of that state, all were broken from what they went through in that void. All a more once they learned that they were only in that state for 2 minutes, when for some it felt like they were there for days or weeks. Solis filled them with horror as she explains that their punishment if they disobey her is for them all to go through that again but this time for 1 hour. The nanomachines would keep them from ever escaping into madness and will keep them alive so that they can't escape by death. The only way she would allow them the release of death is when she feels like it. (1) Solis told them that there are people like them who have angered her and she did the same to them. With some being lock in that void state for hundreds of years now, making all of them to stare in horror at her. Seeing what she will do to them if they ever disobey her. And that the nanomachines can't be destroyed as the only thing that would do it would be a massive blast of electricity which the voltage needed would kill them outright. Seeing how the charge needed would be enough to power up a city block. It broke the fighters of Yami and Yomi, they all obeyed with no questions asked. Doing anything to avoid facing that void that was just hell for them. Nothing they ever experience or training they went through could match that hell. "That should be the last of them," Sunset said as she turns to Nanase who contacted her about what was happening to her. "Thank you," Nanase said who just watch silently as all of the students and staff were punished. The only ones spared were the ones who had no idea what was happening. "And don't worry if anyone even tries to bring up any charges against you, I'll step in," Sunset said as she turns to a news crew filming her. "Anyone who has something like this happening. Just contact me and I'll step in and do the same to those doing harm to you." (2) ! > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “Sunset you remember Lala Satalin Deviluke of the Deviluke empire?” Celestia said as they sat down to eat at a restaurant. “What about her?” Sunset asked. “She tried to runaway to here on Earth to escape her father trying to marry her off. But she was caught by broader patrol and was sent back home,” Celestia said. “Wait there’s another alien empire?” Ranma asked. “Of course there is, there are many alien races out there and we’re the ones who keep them away from Earth. Can’t have uninvited guest coming into the solar system whenever they want. You have no idea how many aliens have tried to enter the solar system. From people trying to sneak in to spores that can travel through space. Had a bunch of spores that would had turn humans into like that alien in the film The Thing. If we hadn’t picked them up and threw them into the sun. There are also criminals who try to flee to Earth to hide from the space cops,” Sunset explains. “They really should know better then trying to hide on Earth,” Celestia said. “Why do they try?” Ranma asked. “It’s thanks to you’re films and tv shows that’s picked up and broadcast around the galaxy,” Sunset said. “We been receiving Earth broadcast since radio was the only entertainment. Other races have picked that up from us,” Celestia said. “Oh,” Ranma said and then asked. “Why am I here again?” “I wanted to get to know the young man who gotten my daughter’s interest,” Celestia said. “As if I would be interested in him,” Sunset said. “Can I take your order?” a nervous waiter asked. “Give me number 3, 6, 2, 9,” Celestia said. “And keep them coming till we’re full or I’ll wreck the restaurant like I did with the last one that refused to give me larger portions of food,” Sunset said. “Right away,” the waiter said going to the kitchen to tell the cooks to make sure the food comes in large portions. “As I was saying you have taken an interest in Ranma as he still has all of his limbs,” Celestia said. “I just find him entertaining to have around and will rip his limbs off when I’m tried of him,” Sunset said. “You’re still doing that?” Ranma asked. “I never stopped,” Sunset answers. “Also,” Ranma said eyeing Celestia. “Shouldn’t you be on your planet ruling?” “My grandmother is covering for me,” Celestia said. “Really?” Ranma asked. “My godmothers have step in time to time whenever one of them or mom needs time off,” Sunset said. “I needed time off to raise Sunset when she was younger as she is still a child even now by our race standards,” Celestia explains. “I really don’t get the age thing and how children are allowed to run their own businesses and live on their own,” Ranma said remembering the stories the ponies shared with the others of their home world. (1) "It's a cultural thing," Sunset said. "Speaking of which, I'm surprise in how many problems that Japan has allowed to fester. If it wasn't for Sunset going around and making people do something about it. I wonder how long or if anyone would had stop any of it," Celestia said. "So many schools allowing students to fight to the death, letting students rape others and such. Then there are those people in power who allow things to happen for their own pleasures or for money. I'm really began thinking of just taking over and making you all behave or be maimed," Sunset said. (2) "What?" Ranma asked shocked which the other people in the restaurant also heard. "You heard me seeing how the government keeps on giving me red tape in why there isn't any school for me to go to and how I'm getting emails of rape clubs and such. I have no school to keep me distracted so, I'm going to get some of aunt Solis soldiers and conquer Japan. I'm sure placing bomb collars or injecting nano machines into all government workers, from the cabinet members to law enforcement will make them do their jobs or else," Sunset said. "Sunset really?" Celestia asked. "What?" Sunset asked back. "You're going to have to make a bigger example than that," Celestia said. "What?" Ranma asked shocked. "I am tried of people giving me a run around about why my daughter isn't in school and making an example out of Japan will make the other countries know what not to do," Celestia said. "Isn't that a bit much?" Ranma asked. "It's been 2 months," Sunset said. "Oh yeah," Ranma said as it's been a long time since he's been in school. "But to be fair we can give Japan the right to the conquers law," Celestia said. "What's that?" Ranma asked. "It's where instead of a war between armies, it's a one on one duel. The conquers law was made to keep damage to a world low. We have used it time to time so that there wouldn't be any unneeded death and destruction," Celestia said. "Which means anyone who challenge me will be fighting for Japan's freedom," Sunset said. "You?" Ranma asked. "I could just ask aunt Solis," Sunset pointed out. "But she already beaten.... just about everyone who is a powerful fighter," Ranma said. "Which is why it's me vs anyone," Sunset said. The front door of the restaurant burst open as a familiar face pops inside. "Dan Hibiki is here to challenge the one who crippled my nephew," Dan shouted out. "And there's your champion Japan," Sunset smirks. "Did, I miss something?" Dan asked wondering why everyone is staring at him. "Welp we're dead," Ranma said voicing what many are thinking. ! > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In a baseball stadium Dan Hibiki faced off against Sunset Shimmer for the freedom of Japan. In the stands is his niece Ran Hibiki who is a reporter for Taiyo High's school newspaper. She came not only to take pictures of what will be her uncles last day of not being crippled, but also to wheel her cousin Ryoga around. With him losing all of his limbs he needs to be wheeled in a wheelchair. Which has kept him from wandering away like his half of the family. Neither she or her uncle Dan has seen Ryoga’s mother or father in years. “I can’t believe that you’re related to him,” Sakura said as she and the other school fighters of their school are in the stands. “Tell me about it,” Ran sighed. “At least uncle Dan is only fighting Sunset,” Ryoga said. “And you call that lucky? She’s strong enough to rip our limbs off,” Batsu Ichimonji said. “But she isn’t going to be using any of her powers or telekinesis,” Ran pointed out. “And that still has her being strong and trained like her aunt Solis,” Hinata Wakaba said. “Who defeated every single fighter in the world who are powerful,” Kyosuke Kagami adds. “And that it’s your uncle who is fighting her,” Iincho points out. “The odds are stacked up against him, a billion to one,” Hayato Nekketsu one of the teachers of the school said. “It can’t be that bad,” Ryoga said. “That’s the odds that the betting pools are giving,” Hayato said. “And there are only 4 people betting on Dan to win in the whole world. The rest of us are betting on how long he's going to last.” “Who would bet on him?” Sakura asked. “Me,” Ran said showing her betting ticket. “Ryoga wanted to bet on uncle and I forked over what I had in my pockets to make the bet. So we’re sharing the bet.” “They’re letting teens bet?” Hinata asked. “Sunset said anyone in Japan can bet as it’s our country on the line,” Ran said. “Not for long,” Hayato said. ! In the Ring - Sunset dress in sport’s tank top and shorts stood on her side of the ring. On the other is Dan dress in his pink gi which is only like that because he washed it with colors. Around them are Equestria soldiers with a forcefield that surrounds the ring with camera pods filming everything. “Prepare for the main event,” Celestia said as she plays the announcer with her sisters Solis and Luna. “About time,” Solis said. “And we can stop having the Japanese government stop calling to make a last minute deal,” Luna said as they been getting nonstop calls from the government. “They had 2 months and only after Sunset decided to takeover Japan and have all government officials and workers be force to do their jobs or be executed. Do they actually finally found a high school for Sunset and her friends,” Celestia said. “Let’s just leave their punishment to Moon,” Solis said. “For you humans to know. Our last sister Moon, likes to make jewelry out of the eyeballs of her enemies. When we need to make a real good example of what happens when you bring the wrath of Equestria down on them,” Luna explains causing many to feel their hearts hit their stomachs. (1) “When she gets here do not piss, or do anything that upsets her in anyway. Moon once grafted a young child’s head onto a tree after the child made her mad and refused to even say sorry. The head is still self aware and pleading to have her suffering to end,” Celestia said. “Remember when she had an entire planet females of breeding age, all be impregnated at the same time. Just so that she could have all the children be sewed up inside their mothers bellies, so that the children would die inside their mothers and the mothers die from the infections of the rotting bodies of their children stuck inside of them,” Solis said. “That race really brought that kind of a response down on them big time,” Luna said. “Moon did warn them what would happen to them if they didn’t just hand over the ones who started the whole mess,” Celestia said. ! At the Ring - “Is your aunt really like that?” Dan asked. “Yes and she also writes the best horror and gore books. She loves it when she gets to use her ideas in real life on races that need to be made an example of,” Sunset said. “Well, I Dan Hibiki will defeat you!” Dan shouted out. “We see about that,” Sunset said. Dan shot forward using an uppercut which Sunset leans back avoiding and brings her wings together to smash Dan between them. But to her shock Dan ducks down avoiding being smashed and attacks with 'Goh Koryuken' releasing a flurry of punches and kicks that knock... Sunset down to the ground and out. "SUNSET IS KNOCKED OUT!" Celestia shouted as she and everyone else stares in shock. "I did it!" Dan shouts out in joy. "Dan Hibiki is the winner," Celestia said not believing what she saw. "WE'RE RICH!" Ran shouted as as she and Ryoga are the only ones who bet on their uncle to win. Mostly out of petty but its still pays off for them. "I can't believe it," Hina said having bet alot of money on Dan losing. "Who else made a bet on Dan winning?" Iincho asked staring Dan and how if she had made a bet on him she would be set for life. Like Ran and Ryoga cheering for their uncle who made them rich. "Uncle Dan betted on himself," Ryoga said. But who else did?" Batsu asked. ! Brazil - "Dan won!" Blanka shouted as he had watched his friend fight and win. He also the only other person to had bet on Dan to win. ! Japan - "I won!" Dan shouted in joy. "You sure did," Sunset said getting back up. "You're not out cold?" Dan asked. "Nope, I just threw the fight after seeing that only 3 other people have made bets on you. Which is why, I placed a bet on you to win. Meaning I just won all of the losers who betted on me, hard earn money!" Sunset shouted out. "Wait you stole that from South Park!" Dan said. "I did, so what?" Sunset said. "But, I didn't won the fight," Dan said. "Yes but you're rich now," Sunset points out. "How rich?" Dan asked. "This rich!" Sunset said making a computer screen to appear in front of his face and showing him how much he just won. "I'm rich!" Dan shouted. "And it's all tax free or else I'll conquer Japan for real!" Sunset said. "Even better!" Dan shouted as he was picked up by Sunset's telekinesis along with Ran and Ryoga. "Now let's party!" Sunset said as she leads the three off to have a big party for Dan's victory, with the ponies following her. Kyosuke noticed Sakura tearing up as she watched the group leave. "What's the matter Sakura?" Kyosuke asked as he and the others looked at her sobbing. "I could had bet on Dan like they did and, I COULD HAD BEEN SET FOR LIFE!" Sakura cried out as she watched her old teacher and his family being carried out like they're winners even if the fight was fixed. It didn't mattered as they're all set for life now. ! > Chapter 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Tomoko Kuroki is a legendary high-school girl with over fifty years' worth of romantic experience and over one hundred male admirers... in the otome gaming world. In the real world, she is an unattractive, lonely, creepy fifteen-year-old Otaku schoolgirl with severe self-esteem issues, so much so that she avoids all contact with her classmates. When she enters her first year of high school expecting her life to suddenly turn around, she is stunned when absolutely nothing changes. This forces her to take a hard look at herself for the first time, and resolve to become more sociable and popular. Which all went down hill for her, even if she is hanging out with her old friend Yuu Naruse and her other friend Kotomi Komiyama more. (1) Even with all that has been happening around Japan, nothing has changed in her school. The alien princess has been making waves around Japan and instead of something happening that cause a big misadventure, nothing changed around the school. Leaving Tomoko wondering when something will happen as she walked into the office having been called by the school master about something. “Hi Tomoko!” Hakufu shouted as she grabs her cousin and hugs her. “Cousin Hodaka, Mary, Yae, Ranma?” Tomoko asked looking around seeing all of her cousins in the office. And she blushed as Hakufu continue to hug her, pressing her massive breast into her flat chest. “Sunset is going to be coming here tomorrow and we got sent here early so that if there is anything wrong we can just tell her before she gets here and save everyone lots of trouble,” Ranma said. “You mean Sunset is coming here?” Tomoko asked. “Yes and seeing how you’re family you’re the one who is going to give us a tour around school to make sure there isn’t anything wrong with it,” Mary explains. “Yes,” Tomoko said as she imagines all the adventures that she’ll be having with Sunset in her school along with her cousins. Her boring school life is going to be ending tomorrow. ! A week later - Tomoko stared at the white board wondering when something is going to happen. Since Sunset got here there has been nothing, no school bully being maimed, no dark secret coming to light, no sex ring, not even any big crimes happening where Sunset and her bodyguards steal the bank vault. Just nothing, nothing is happening at the school but the same old stuff. “What’s the matter Tomoko?” Yua asked who is now in her class with her. “I thought that with Sunset here and the rest of you. My life be like a manga or an anime where strange misadventures would happen at least once a week,” Tomoko said. “You actually want to have misadventures like the rest of our family?” Yua asked. “Yes,” Tomoko said. “You don’t want that trust me. I’m only here because I’m training with the ponies in their form of boxing,” Yua said. “I would at least one adventure and not just another day at school,” Tomoko said as she stares out the window counting down. “That setting things up for something to happen doesn’t work in real life,” Yua said. “Then why does it work for Ranma?” Tomoko huffed. “Bad luck,” Yua said. "At least his life is exciting," Tomoko said. "He told me he rather have my life then having uncle drag him around to be the best fighter in the world, which thanks to Solis is impossible as he would have to beat her for that title," Yua said. "You and the others all have something exciting happening in your lives out of a manga or anime. Both Hodaka and Ranma are harem guys with Ranma having magic, fighting added to it, you and Hakufu are fighters, and Mary is a gambler. While I'm the one stuck in the boring school life," Tomoko said as she sank in her chair. "I thought that having an alien princess in the school would make this school more exciting with her around. Where's the battles? Where's the romance?" "Romance?" Yua asked. "I figured that the only reason why Sunset hasn't done anything to Ranma yet, is because she thinks he's cute," Tomoko said. "I do not!" Sunset voice ranged out from the classroom above theirs surprising everyone in class. "Wait you can hear us?" Yua asked. "Yes, think of me like Superman with his super hearing. And I do not think Ranma is cute," Sunset said. "What about his girl form?" Tomoko asked. "Quit that! I don't find your cousin cute and I'm only keeping him in one piece because of your aunt being nice to me," Sunset snaps. "What's Hakufu mom doing for her?" Tomoko asked Yua. "You do not want to know," Yua said having spent many sleepless nights hearing aunt Goei having sex with the ponies. ! > Chapter 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The reporter screams as he is being controlled to slowly forced two pens into his eyes after he angered Sunset. He isn’t even anywhere close to Japan as he’s in America, and doing an interview with Sunset. And it seems that the reporter didn’t learn anything from what happen to the last reporter. “Let me make this clear, I can make you poke your eyes out and nothing will happen besides you losing your job and being blind for the rest of your life. Your government won’t do anything and you can’t do anything but be an object lesson on what not to do with someone who can reach out and make something like this happen. I can also just make it look like you lost control of your car or trip down some stairs or kill yourself anytime, I want. But I have something better,” Sunset said as one of the eyebots appeared in front of the reporter and zaps him with a ray. The reporter found himself free from Sunset’s control. “What did you do to me?” the reporter asked. “I gave you cancer. The type that kills you slowly and painfully, making you suffer for years as you spend your savings trying to cure yourself,” Sunset said to the horror of the reporter. “I should be doing this instead of cutting off limbs, it’s much more effected in spreading terror. Or radiation poisoning, yeah I give people who piss me off radiation or cancer so that they die a slow and painful death. I should do that to the next fighters who piss me off instead of cutting off their limbs.” (1) “You gave me cancer?” the reporter asked in a state of shock. “Yes for being rude to me and pissing me off. We ponies can cure most cancers but of course that’s for my race for humans, I have no idea if our cancer cures. And even if it could work on saving you, I’m blacklisting you from any treatment using our technology. So that you can die knowing that if you hadn’t pissed me off and listen to me about my warning not pissing me off you wouldn’t die with the hope of a cure out of reach,” Sunset said shutting off the fee. ! In Space - Princess Moon the second eldest of the four queens who rule Equestria, known as the cruelest of the four. Her elder sister Sun is known for her brutally, Luna is known for her cunning, and Celestia is known for her trickery. But when it comes to plain being cruel, Moon is the Queen to be feared. Moon watched the recording from Earth of her niece Sunset’s interview with a rude reporter. Who she just gave cancer, something that is still a killer for most races. Her people have cures or just replacing the infected body part, but what works for one race hardly ever works for others. Moon brushes it off as she leaves her privet quarters and heads for the control room. She walks pass guards and workers of the castle, till she reaches the control room. Inside are many computer stations where workers are looking over the incoming data coming in from all over the planet. Like her sister Sun, Moon uses a planet as her main warship, the planet Effulgence. A planet that she took from the evil goddess Quadisha who ruled over a fantasy type world, where her pleasure cults rape, pillaged, and burn in her name. Till Moon came with her warships, and took over. All the races that followed their dark goddess were were flung off the planet and into the harvester ships. Where they were harvested for their brains to be made into cyborg slaves, never being allowed to die. Their bodies were used for organic materials. Leaving their entire race as immortal cyborg slaves of brains in jars being used to control robot shells. As for the goddess Quadisha, she was trap in a state of complete sensory deprivation, where 10 minutes felt like a week for the person. And Quadisha has been trap in the isolation prison for over 2000 years and counting. With only Moon letting her out now and than to see what state she is in, breaking the crawling passing of time of the mind numbing horror experience. Only to put her back so that when Quadisha becomes lucid, instead of screaming as she has been doing every single time that she was pulled out, that she realizes that she had just missed her chance of escape, she would fall back into despair and madness. Moon looks up at the display screens showing the salvage ships stripping the wreckage clean that surrounded the planet before her. The planet is also being strip of anything of value by robot drones that broke all the objects created by the race of the planet from buildings down to paved roads into their basic materials. Where the materials are teleported to Effulgence to be used to keep things running, leaving the race of the planet with nothing. All of their buildings and technology is being taken away, that allowed them to seem to bend reality by less advance races. They would have to rebuild everything from scratch. “Bring the prisoner to me,” Moon commanded. Two guards came teleporting in with the female alien named Sophia between them. Sophia’s eyes widen seeing her home planet and what has happen to it on the screens around her. Since she was captured she was kept in a cell with her only interaction being with a robot that brought her meals. (2) “You’ll be return to your planet and unlike your race, instead of stripping all memory and knowledge. I’m leaving your race with your minds intact, just stripping you of all of your belongings and technology. If you all can work together and build up using the natural resources that my people are leaving your race,” Moon explains to the horrified Sophia. “What have you done?” Sophia asked. “Did what your people did with the Ewoa race. Your people erased their minds because you believe that they could become a threat to your race. And I think the same of your race and doing the same just the opposite of what you did. It is for your own good,” Moon said. “Our own good? How dare you say this is my races own good,” Sophia shouted. Moon merely played the recording of what Sophia said to her when she was captured. “If the Ewoa are inherently good, then the civilization they'll ultimately build from the ashes of the old one is worth the short-term suffering they're undergoing now. If they're evil, then giving their memories back means they'll eventually destroy themselves and the threat they present to space. It is for their own good,” the recording of Sophia said. “I told you when we captured you. Either return their memories or face my cruelty. Which you refused to answer if you could or couldn’t. So I just went and conquer your planet, killed a large number of your planet’s soldiers and learned that you couldn’t had restored their memories,” Moon said to Sophia. “All this because I wouldn’t tell you?” Sophia asked breaking down as the full weight of what her refusal to answer the question has done to her people. “Yes, all because you refuse to answer my question. Also I’m broadcasting this all over your planet so that they know who to blame for what happen to them. They have no shelter, no technology, just the clothes on their backs, the odd hand tool that will be missed, no supplies, no clean drinking water, nothing that allowed your race to do what you use to be able to do. Just the basics of what a race just learning how to make fire has at hand, well for those who know how to make fire anyways. Those who have survival skills will be on the top for a good while, while those who have no skills that would be useful in your new world like computer programming will have to learn new skills or die. Seeing how skills dealing with food, water, and shelter will be prized above all else. Enjoy your new world,” Moon said. "You will pay for this," Sophia screamed. "Who?" Moon asked. "Who?" Sophia repeated. "Who is going to make me pay? Your races allies? Wait no your race isolated themselves from the rest of the universe. The other planets that have intelligent life on it, have all been mind wipe by your race, as your race is fearful of any other race advancing themselves. So your race have been doing the mind wipe on other races for such a long time and have no contact with any other races, there is no one who will avenge your race. For its clear that it's your race who are the villains here. And just to let you know, I am broadcasting this on the galactic network which your race would know about if you actually interact with other advance races instead of cutting yourselves off. Who cares about your race who would mind erase their race if given a chance just because your race fears any other race who could be a threat to them, so you all make sure there aren't any other race who are advance," Moon explains. "So what race would save your race?" Sophia said nothing as she glares at Moon with all of her hate. "You and your race are the threat to every other race out there. And now your race will be reduce to fighting among yourselves for the few bits of food, water, and what else you need to survive now that you have nothing but the basics, not that many of you will be able to survive the first few weeks. It be everyone for themselves, but they all will be looking for you to take their rage on," Moon smirks at Sophia before teleporting her down to the planet where her people would be looking for her. “My Queen the drone teams are almost done on the planet. Unless you want them to search for more hidden supplies?” one of the ponies at the computers said. “Yes better do one more sweep with the drones. I want to make sure that they have to start with just about nothing and build from there. And Berry Punch how is the Ewoa project doing?” Moon asked. “The robots we left are re-educating them as we speak. But it looks like the children are the ones who are learning quickly will be the ones who will rebuild their civilization,” Berry Punch said. “Reminds me of that one planet where all the children could speak and have higher minds than their parents,” Moon said. “Also your sisters are asking if you’ll be coming to Earth,” Berry Punch said. “It has been awhile since all of us have been together,” Moon said who has been keeping herself informed of what’s been happening to her niece. “And I should make it clear to the Japan government that dragging their feet and only doing what they’re suppose to do, only when their lives are on the line. Isn’t a good way to make a good impression.” ! > Chapter 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! "Anyone who pisses me off won't be losing their arms and legs. They just be blasted with the cancer ray and they die a slow, painful death. Of having tubes connected to them and having to use diapers, clinging to life unable to get out of bed where they will die a sad pitiful death. Which is caused by them being dumb enough to make me mad," Sunset said in front of the student body as they had all assembled in the auditorium for the morning speech. Which Sunset used to tell everyone what she’s planning on doing as a fair warning so they know not to piss her off. The students and teachers have been making sure not to anger her or do anything to have her do what she did to every other school she had been sent to before. Their school is normal but school staff have taken steps so they won’t anger Sunset. Seeing how all the staff of all the other schools who weren’t crippled, jailed, or both, have been banded from teaching. The same went with the students who found it hard for them to find any school that would take them in. Forcing many to go to public schools instead of privet schools. (1) “Now take me to class,” Sunset said as she jumps on the small wagon with a chair on it being pulled by Ranma. “This is too much,” Ranma said who is fitted with a harness of a horse. “Your name does mean horse so I’m treating you as one,” Sunset said as she uses a carrot hanging by a string on a stick to get him to move. “Hey,” Ranma said glaring at the carrot. “Just do it so we can get to class,” Tomoko said as she and her other cousins all watched the show. “Or I go with shoving a dildo up your butt,” Sunset said. “Eek,” Ranma said taking off and pulling the wagon behind him. “Has she done that?” Tomoko asked. “No but she has done it to others,” Yua said. ! In Space - In her personal warship a dreadnought class ship, Cruel Wrath and escorted by smaller warships. In the bridge of the ship Queen Moon is talking with the captain of a ship of a race of humanoid chickens. Who were heading for Sol before they were detected by the long range scanners of Equestria early warning system. (2) “So your race after learning that Earth has a animal that is used as a food source, looks like your kind. Are heading to Earth to tell the humans to either stop eating chickens or be destroyed. Completely ignoring that you’ll be wiping out a race of a planet that is in my races system, that I can use as an act of war and conquer your world?” Moon ask the captain. “It’s not my decision,” the captain said. “Following orders. I understand that but you really want to follow orders that will lead to a war that your race can’t win. Your race might be new to this sector of space but you should have heard of Equestria being the dominant force in the galaxy. The only reason why I’m not using my warplanet to travel, is because it’s needed to finish the operation of a conquered world. Which I’m sending you a data file to look through to see what I did to that race. And for you to turn your ship around and head home as yes it is offensive of a race eating an animal that looks like your kind. But do you have any idea how many races there are that look like an animal that is used as a source on another planet. Are your race really that thin skin where you just have to destroy another race just because of that? My race for example came from an animal that looks just like the work animals that the humans use. And you don’t see my race taking up arms,” Moon said. “The offense won’t stand,” the captain said. “Let me explain, I am Queen Moon, also known as Nightmare Moon because of my sheer cruelty for my enemies. You enter my domain of space and I will take it as an act of war. Your race will lose and I will show you my cruelty. I will have your race become a food source for other races. I will have your race bred to have low intelligence so that your race will no longer be sapient. Don’t worry about you and your last generation, I will have all of your brains removed and place into robot bodies. Where you all be force to watch as your races descendants bred to have lower and lower intelligence, till there is nothing but a race of animals farmed for food. And you and all the survivors will be force to watch and live as long as i can keep you all alive,” Moon said to the captain who looked at her in horror. “Also I been broadcasting this to your home planet along with recordings of what I have done to other races who cross me.” “You what?” the captain asked as he is alerted to a call from his home planet. “That should be someone who will order you to return,” Moon said. The captain muted her and took the incoming call. He listened before unmuting Moon. “Your leaders decided to just pay no mind to Earth and humans eating chickens?” Moon said. “Yes,” the captain said ending the call. On the view screen Moon watch as the ship turns around and heads back home. “Berry Punch be a dear and tell general Golden Carrot to have Effulgence on the trip back home to take a detour and fly through the system that the chicken planet is located in,” Moon said. “Yes my Queen,” Berry Punch said sending the orders back to the war planet. “Now full speed to Earth,” Moon said wanting to see her family again. ! > Chapter 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Planet Equestria - In her office Twilight Sparkles work on the pile of paperwork in front of her. She is one of the top students of the magic school run by former Queen Oriana the headmistress of the school. During her school years she often see Queen Celestia walking around the school as she often came to the school to check up on her daughter, princess Sunset who is being personally taught by her grandmother Oriana. Twilight often dreams of being the personal student of Queen Celestia, which has happen with her and her sisters. Each taking a personal interest in a promising student and mentoring them. But all of Queen Celestia’s attention was placed on her daughter. The other Queens had already chosen students. Queen Sun took Moondancer under her wing. Queen Moon took Starlight Glimmer under her wing. Queen Luna took Trixie Lulamoon under her wing. Leaving Twilight having to do her own thing. She did get mentored by princess Cadance her old babysitter who is now married to her big brother but seeing how she’s busy ruling her own planet. There was only so much video chat could be done. But her luck change when she caught the eye of former Queen Infinitia. Who was impress with her organizing skills in her work at the school library and gave her a job in one of her factories as a manager. The pay is good and she puts her talent for organizing things to get government run factories to run effectively. She’s living a pretty good life but can’t help but wonder what her life would had been like if she had became Queen Celestia’s student. ! Ponyvile - Ponyvile is a farm town that helps supplying food to the rest of the planet. The town is near Canterlot the capital city of the planet and been supplying the city with since the early days of Queen Oriana‘s rule. And has changed since those far off days. “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shouted causing the lazy Pegasus to fall off the chair she’s been sleeping on. “What is it?” Rainbow Dash asked getting up. “Stop sleeping and do your job. You’re lucky I even hired you with you sleeping on the job,” Applejack said. “Rainbow please don’t sleep on the job. I worked hard to get you this job,” Fluttershy said to her friend and works in the farm animal domes. “I was on my break,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well breaks over,” Applejack said walking off to over see the rest of the factory where the crops collected from the indoor farms are taken and shipped out. The Apple Farm uses the latest farming technology to make as much food as they can within their environment control indoor farms, with some of them stacked on top of each other due to limited building space. “Come on Rainbow we still have 2 hours left on our shift,” Fluttershy said. “Coming,” Rainbow Dash said wondering how she ended up working on a farm instead of being a Wonderbolt. Even if she did sleep a lot as a soldier didn’t mean that she wouldn’t had made a great Wonderbolt. She pass a poster of Pinkie Pie’s kid show, where her acting as herself made her a favorite for young kids to watch. And pass a magazine with the cover showing Rarity on the cover. Ever since the Sun celebration a few years back where Rarity got to make a custom dress for Princess Sunset, her frame as a designer has taken off. “Man I wish I was on a planet where weather patrol is still a thing,” Rainbow Dash said thinking of the stories of the past where Pegasus ponies use to control the weather and live on cloud cities. “Rainbow you know that the weather machines handle that and all the farms are indoors now,” Fluttershy said. “I know but if I could I would use that time to practice so, I can be a Wonderbolt and be part of the military,” Rainbow Dash said. “Dash those Wonderbolts are just for show. The real military doesn’t do airshows, they’re just part of the old military from the first Queen’s young days that managed to hang on. They’re more of a recruiting branch than anything else,” Fluttershy said. “I know but some of the best fighter pilots had their start as a Wonderbolt,” Rainbow Dash said. “Or you could work as a Shadowbolt,” Fluttershy suggested. “They do work close with the princess, but I heard you have to either be personally picked by the princess or the other members back you for membership,” Rainbow Dash said. “Well they are protecting the princess,” Fluttershy said. “Have you seen what they been dealing with on Earth?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I have and they really should go elsewhere,” Fluttershy said. “I wonder what she’s doing right now?” Rainbow Dash wonders. ! On Earth - “Is there anyone there?” Ranma’s muffle voice asked as he has his head stuck in a bucket and unable to see where he’s going. “Ranma how did this happen?” Mary asked him. “Never mind, how it happen I need this thing off,” Ranma said who is having a hard time figuring out where Mary’s voice is coming from so just turn where he thinks it is. “Did you put that on so you don’t have to hear the training your girlfriends are going through?” Mary asked. “Yes,” Ranma said. “Well it’s either that or them playing with the sabertooth tigers or those bears,” Mary said who seen the royal family’s pets. “I wish they didn’t have to be slaves to that sex hungry bimbo Sunset. I mean she has plenty of girls already and our aunt. She just a female version of the old pervert,” Ranma said. “Ranma,” Mary said her voice heavy with dread. “Sunset is right behind me isn’t she?” Ranma asked. “No that would be much better than what you just did,” Mary said. Ranma felt the bucket lifted off of his head and sees that he has wandered into the kitchen and Mary is at the counter by the fridge while standing in front of him is Sunset. Who is glaring at him. All Ranma could do was give out a weak laugh seeing what a mess he has gotten himself into. ! Present - “And that’s why Sunset is using Ranma as a pack mule,” Mary explains to her younger cousin Tomoko. “Wow, Ranma such has rotten luck,” Tomoko said. “Tell me about it,” Ranma said pulling the cart that Sunset is riding in, as he pass them by. ! > Chapter 26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sunset sat at her desk as she watches the news report of a Mr. Kimura being arrested from a nearby high school for being a pervert who only took a teaching job to look at young high school girls. That up till now he was allowed to keep his job, with the entire school and students knowing about it. But because of her actions with so many schools, anything that is a problem is being taken care of before she shows up to make it into a Hugh thing that cause the entire school staff to be blacklisted for allowing things to happen. “Ms. Shimmer would you please stop playing with you iPad. Please turn it off and pay attention,” the teacher asked. “Sure,” Sunset said as she does as she was asked. The teachers of the school are all been told to be polite with Sunset at all times along with her bodyguards. If they upset her besides what Sunset will do to them which she will, they will be blacklisted from all teaching jobs and will end up like all the other teachers from the schools that Sunset went to before. The ex-school staff members are all struggling to find a new line of work and keeping a roof over their heads, with many already finding themselves homeless. And those are only the ones who weren’t involved in what happen to cause Sunset to go on a rampage that got the school to be closed down. Many school staff are now in jail and awaiting trial as Sunset said that either they’re in jail with a record or she’s pull the limbs off of government officials till they do as she orders. Even the ones who she maim and cripple are in jail, having to face their crimes for allowing things to happen as they did. Not to mention all are facing lawsuits and other legal matters. Making the staff of her new school to be careful around her and not to make her mad. Seeing how she now using a cancer ray on people who makes her mad. ! After School - Sunset and her bodyguards watched as a single high school boy repeatedly punches the face of a local gang member who he and his gang been robbing and beating. So he emailed Sunset about it and now, all the gang members have been rounded up and the boy is beating them with brass knuckles, in the schoolyard where all the other students could see the local gang being humiliated by the boy they all bullied. Which the gang can’t do anything to fight back or Sunset breaks their arms and legs, which she already has done to several gang members who tried to fight back, run away or just tick her off by screaming at her. Followed by the boy beating them up even with them crippled. “There you go all of the gang members are beaten by you,” Sunset said to the boy as he stood over the last member who he has just punched out as many teeth as he could from like all the others. “Thank you,” the boy said. “You’re welcome and don’t worry about any legal matters,” Sunset said eyeing the staff members of the school. “Seeing how you all turn a blind eye to this bullying. He stays in the school the bullies are expelled. Or I’ll do what I do to bad schools with all the staff having no limbs. Or I’ll just give you all cancer.” “Yes princess,” all the staff said bowing down to her. “Hands and knees people,” Sunset said causing all the staff to fall onto their hands and knees. (1) The police are helping the ambulance teams to get the gang members to the nearest hospital. With families of said gang members showing up after hearing what’s happening to their kids. But they like all the other families of the people Sunset has crippled, they can do nothing. “If I don’t see charges with jail time for those gang members, I’ll give all of you cops cancer,” Sunset said as she flew up in the sky with her wings and pointed her cancer ray at the cops. (2) ! At the Japanese Government HQ - Queen Moon stood before the government officials, who all have a small robot drone floating behind their heads. Each of the drones would blast the official they’re behind with a cancer ray. Which Moon showed by blasting the new head of education who got the job of his old boss. And it turns out while the first few schools were just accidents in placing Sunset in them, the current head of education had used his former bosses mistakes to keep sending Sunset to one bad school after another as a power play. Having it be such a mess that his boss would be strip of his position and he could become the new head of education. Which Moon force him to reveal with a truth spell and blasted him with a cancer ray. “Unlike my sisters, I won’t mess with words or play the politic games,” Moon said into the mic so all the people in the room could hear her as she had an operating table brought in with the head of education strap on it. Moon cuts opens the man’s shirt revealing his naked flesh beneath with a knife and stares at the man as he pleads with her. “I won’t gag you, as I enjoy hearing the screams and it will help in making it clear what happens when someone like you thinks that they can use me or my family in a power play plot. You could had just ask for aid in removing your boss, seeing how he only said sorry for his mistakes, only when he had a gun press against his head. But here we are with me making an example out of you,” Moon said as she puts on an apron and gloves. Moon bends down to whisper into his ears, while making the mic be close enough for everyone to hear her. “It’s going to hurt and no it won’t ever get better,” Moon whispers as she holds surgeon knives that have been sharpen by lasers to the atomic scale. Moon turns to the government officials. “You all are free to leave, but you will be given cancer. And yes this is cruel making you all watch, but seeing how badly you all made things. You all have to make it up to me and my family for putting my niece through all this trouble in the first place. Besides why should I be nice or show any amount of respect to people who need to have a gun press up against the back of their heads for you people to do your jobs.” Moon said as she began making cuts on the torso of the head of education. When Moon was finally done with the head of education, she left a horrified image in the nightmares of the government officials who had watched the operation. The man she operated on was quickly rushed to a hospital where he would need several operations to undo the damage done to him. Even then he would forever be deformed and scarred. Queen Moon had cut him open and broken his body, reshaping it to be a mockery of a human. For the crime of using her niece for a play in power, that sent her to one horrible school after another. ! > Chapter 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In Egypt former Queen Galactica the mother of the four current Queens, is with a royal escort of her personal guards and a number of robots. There are also the Egyptian soldiers who have been assigned to protect her. The visit to the ancient kingdom, is so that Galactica could see what’s left of the kingdom she helped raised and who had copied her style of dress. Galactica has been traveling around Egypt, uncovering ancient ruins that have been buried underneath the sands of the desert. She also revealed what the hieroglyphs say and why some of the artifacts were built and what for. Uncovering so many secrets that people have been wondering for centuries thanks to her actually being there when they were made. Galactica also uncovered a massive palace that had been hidden beneath the sands that turned out to be her old palace on Earth when she use to visit Earth. And is where she and her pony party are staying at, with robots having cleaned up and repaired the palace to its former glory. Which has gotten many tourist to come and visit the palace to see what an ancient Egyptian palace looks like, as Galactica had the palace be in that style. Galactica is also been helping here and there, mostly having the Pegasus ponies to cause rain storms, and Earth ponies to turn the desert back into the green lands that she remembers. She is also helping with the water problem by gifting Egypt with several advance water treatment plants that turns salt water into fresh water, even having pipelines that connect it to all the water pipes of Egypt and laying new ones. The treatment plants are able to supply the entire country of Egypt with fresh water, and it’s entirely powered by solar power. The solar power crystals that harness the power of the sun that powers the entire country that would had taken several Earth made nuclear power plants to have the same power output. All of that is because of how the people of Egypt had treated her well and how they kept the ancient wonders of the world, the pyramids, and the great Sphinx which Galactica revealed is modeled after an old friend of hers. The Sphinx is modeled after her friend Nix who was an alien, who came to Earth with her during one of her trips. Ending with him being used as the model for what became the Sphinx. All the aid that Galactica is giving out for free to Egypt, got the other countries looking to make any of the members of the royal family visiting them to be very welcoming. None of them want to end up like Japan, with how badly they messed things up where Princess Sunset is doing what she wants and there’s nothing they can do to stop her. (1) ! Japan - It’s the weekend and school is out, which is why Sunset and the gang are once again dressed up and rampaging through the city. Which is her showing up at businesses that are fronts or owned by the local crime groups and gangs and them giving her tribute to keep her from targeting them. All the Yakuza clans have to bow and submit to the whims of Sunset, as they know that they can't fight her but they could reason with her or at least keep her happy with them. "There they are," Rokuro "Rock" Okajima said to his only remaining friend still alive, Rebecca "Revy" Lee. Both of them have been laying low since the destruction of Roanapur, with most of the people there being killed, or left crippled. The leaders of the different crime groups were left alive but all had a spell put on them making them tell the truth no matter what and given over to the Americans to handle. With Sunset paying each of the crime groups that are connected to the people she captured, and making it very clear that either they just take their lumps with their local justice departments or she'll just take care of them herself. With her making examples by ripping a limb off of the leaders, with her flipping a coin to decide which limb she pulls off, leaving the leaders very easy to identify. Now all the crime groups around the world are avoiding doing anything in Japan. None of them want to get Sunset's attention on them. As unlike what they're use to in dealing with, they can't pay off, threaten or blackmail their way out of this mess. As they're just only on one planet and in a small region of said planet, while Sunset is the princess of a vast space empire and her soldiers are all well paid and too loyal to her family. "Stuffing her face at a fancy restaurant owned by one of the crime families," Revy said behind the wheel of the gas truck she hi-jacked. "You do know what will happen to us. Even if this does work and she is killed. What her family will do to us... or they just destroy our world," Rock said sitting next to her. "So what?" Revy said. "This is a crapsack world anyways. Besides, we're both going to die so that they can't turn us into robots." "Alright if you're sure about this," Rock said. "I'm sure am," Revy said as she turns the key and drives the truck on a crash course to the restaurant that bitch princess is in. Revy was smiling as the trucked neared the building with people seeing what's going to happen running in a panic. Then everything stops as the truck, Rock and herself was frozen as they're lifted into the air. Both Rock and Revy were teleported out of the truck and found themselves in a cell together. "Really you two actually think, that I wouldn't have my daughter and her friends being shadowed and watched at all times?" Celestia asked standing in front of the cell they're in. "You knew?" Revy asked grabbing for her guns but found nothing as she realized that she and Rock are naked. "Made sure there wasn't anything for you two to use," Celestia said. "So what now?" Rock asked. "Make examples out of you two," Celestia said as she held them in the air with her magic. "My sister Moon is known for her cruelty but I can be just as cruel once I have a reason to. Like you two trying to kill my daughter." "Just turn us into those robots already," Revy said. "Oh that's not going to happen, that's too good for you two," Celestia said as she has cast several spells on the two so that they wouldn't just die and spoil her fun with them. ! > Chapter 28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Revy woke up once again in a operation room, naked and strap down with tubes connected to her body that’s supplying her with what her body needs. Around the table are medical robots ready to operate on her. Revy would had screamed but the robots had cut her vocal cords so that she couldn’t speak. The medical robots began cutting into her body removing organs that are prepared for organ donation. Revy wished to die but because of the advance medical technology that the ponies have, she couldn’t die. The tubes that been inserted into her body fed her a green fluid that cause her organs to regrow as quickly as they’re cut out. There’s a machine that’s been attached to her chest that acts as a heart, so that when he real heart is taken out her body can work without it. The entire operation is a assembly line where the medical robots removed organs from her body, till there was nothing left to harvest. The advance medical machines attached to Revy’s body kept her alive, with the green fluids cause her removed organs to regrow, while other tubes feed her nutrients and other things that the new organs need to grow. Where once all the organs are replaced, the whole thing happens again. (1) In the room next to hers, is Rock and is under going the same thing as she is going through. All of their organs are being donated to people who need them and are able to have them be transplanted into them. With Queen Celestia actually making sure that everyone on Earth knows what happens when someone tries to kill her daughter, by having it covered by the news stations of Earth with her showing and explaining what she’s doing. With all the organs being free for anyone who can use them and telling people that if they’re not used she would just have the organs be used as material for biofuel. So it’s just better to use the organs before they spoil. ! At the Inn - “Ryoga what are you doing here?” Uyko asked as she, Shampoo, and Kodachi are relaxing in the tv room after their training with Sunset’s aunts and mother. “Not sure,” Ryoga said looking around walking again thanks to his winnings on betting on his uncle Dan, he is now set for life with hundreds of millions in the bank. That allowed him to pay out of pocket for his new robotic limbs. “You really shouldn’t be here,” Shampoo said. “You have robot limbs now but just because they can be rip off and be replaced. Doesn’t mean that Sunset won’t think of something else to do to you,” Kodachi said. Her brother has robot limbs now but is now scared to be anywhere close to Sunset now. “I better leave,” Ryoga said growing pale as he remembers that day where Sunset made his years of training as a fighter to become all worthless with the lost of his arms and legs. “Before I give you to my aunts who will butt fuck you to death,” Sunset said entering the room. Ryoga didn’t say anything as he bolted out of the inn. “I would had figured that he would have a GPS or something to tell him where to go. He’s rich enough now,” Sunset said taking a seat on the couch and watch the news with the others. The current news story is about the man and woman who tried to drive a gas truck into the restaurant that Sunset and her bodyguards were inside of and blowing themselves up. But instead Celestia used her telekinesis to lift the truck up and teleported the pair of assassins away, than place the truck at the nearest police station to take care of it. And is using them as organ donors, with Equestria advance medical technology allowing them to regrow their organs that are cut out of their bodies. “Their punishment is them being cut open for their organs?” Ukyo asked. “Yup as they did try to kill me, even if that wouldn’t had work. There are cameras and robots watching me all the time and my surroundings. And if that truck had blown up than tons of people would had died. So for as long as we’re on Earth mom will be giving away their organs for free, and no there’s nothing that’s preventing them from feeling pain and they’re completely aware of what’s happening to them. After we leave Earth the real torture can begin,” Sunset said. “This really isn’t helping your races image,” Kodachi said. “So? You humans are only around because of my race protecting you guys,” Sunset said as she pointed to the tv where the recording of her aunt Moon talking with the chicken aliens out of forcing the humans from eating the animals that look like them. By telling the chicken aliens if they don’t turn around she’ll turn their race into nothing but a food source animal. “Your race keeps our planet safe?” Shampoo asked. “As long as your world is apart of the Equestria Empire, your world will be protected by any other race who wishes to do you harm. Those chicken aliens are just one of many times that we scared away threats that you humans have no hope in fighting. Not to mention how we been preventing large space rocks from hitting your world. There are also all of those demons and monsters that we quietly handled so that like a pest problem won’t become a bigger one later. We have been doing so only because my mother likes this planet and that lately your entertainment industry is entering for the most part anyways. So you humans should just be grateful that we been keeping you humans safe all of this time without asking for anything in return. And yes we are treating Japan badly and torturing people who attacks or does something to bring our wrath down on them. For everyone else take it as a lesson in what not to do with us, as my mother has shown what happens when a place and people actually treats us nicely and don't need us pointing a gun to their face to get them to do their jobs,” Celestia said on the tv. (2) “There you go. You humans should be grateful for keeping you all safe all of this time. Without our protection you would all be either eaten or been killed off. We’re the biggest power in this sector of space and you humans for all you have done, wouldn't stand a chance on your own,” Sunset said. (3) “How bad?” Ukyo asked. “My race is a level 7 where a race is a full fledged space empire and is powerful enough to keep it. Your race is a level 0 as in not even being able to travel to other planets in the solar system. Which we already claimed as our own so Earth only has its moon to claim,” Sunset explains. “We’re really that far behind?” Kodachi asked. “Yes but your entertainment is very popular so you have that,” Sunset said. ! > Chapter 29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sunset is standing in front of her classroom to give a report on the Level System that is used to grade the civilization of that race. That everyone in the class is listening too as well as people watching as she’s having the students use their phones to film it. Which has news stations also board casting the filming. “The levels is how advance a race is, by how advance they are on a scale of being able to travel in space,” Sunset explains. 0 - Is where Earth is, where there is limited space travel or none at all. (1) 1 - Where a civilization has at least one base on the moon of their planet or a space station that can be lived on full time. 2 - Where space travel has expanded to a base on another planet. 3 - All planets in the system are either been terraformed or there are colonies or bases on them. Or that space travel is common enough that it’s like being on an airplane. 4 - Where travel to another solar system is possible with generation ships. 5 - Faster than Light travel has been discovered, some races have skipped to this level. 6 - Have colonies on other systems or a trade network with other races. 7 - A empire or a group of planets controlling a sector of the galaxy and being able to travel to other galaxies. 8 - Control a large part of a galaxy or all of it. 9 - Have beyond faster then light travel technology. 10 - God like to other races. “Number 10 is basically like Q from Star Trek whose race is so advance that they’re gods to most other races. We deal with one by the name of Discord who pops up time to time to have some fun like how he made those curse springs that is the reason why Ranma changes into a girl with cold water. Equestria is level 7 because we’re an empire, can use planets as space ships and not just with one of my aunts using her powers to move said planet but with an engine to do it, and are able to travel to other galaxies. Earth is level 0 because even if there is a space station, it’s not like anyone can live there full time. Also there’s the fact all the other planets and their moons have been claimed by Equestria already. So Earth isn’t going to be able to level up beyond level 1, and we also claimed all the star systems around our solar system already,” Sunset explains. “All is claimed already?” Hodaka asked. “Yes all already been long claimed by us… well there is one system that isn’t. It’s a one rock planet and two gas planets system. The lone rock planet is a livable world but is a nightmare world, like a death world but way worse. The planet is a high gravity planet populated by a species of beasts that are just about indestructible. So we just left the planet alone as it’s just too much work for little reward,” Sunset said. “They’re that dangerous?” Hodaka asked. “That and the planet just doesn’t have the resources that would be worth the effort. It be like spending a million and making a profit of a 100. We maybe a space empire controlling a vast region of the galaxy but we still have a budget. More than one empire ended up bankrupt and fell apart as there wasn’t anything to pay the government workers. Like in that episode of Rick and Morty,” Sunset said. “But changing the value of a currency like in the episode wouldn’t work as the few times that did happen people weren’t so greedy that they rather have their way of life fall apart then work without pay till the problem could be fix.” (2) “So there’s nothing left?” a female student asked. “No systems of worth anyways. There are rogue planets and space wrecks of generation ships that appear now and then but that’s it. You humans are just way too behind to catch up. But your entertainment is good, the ‘I Love Lucy’ is still a big hit with some races re-creating it for their own race so what is completely alien or taboo for their culture be replace with something else from theirs. You humans are really known by your films, tv shows, music, and video games. So you all have that going for you, as a entertainment planet,” Sunset said. “Also once you humans join the wider galaxy some of the smart ones with technology or machines might find a way to refine something better then it was before.” “Refine technology?” a male student asked. “Yes refine a existing technology so that it works better is something that happens all the time. When less advance races join the Equestria empire there are times that an idea that just never crossed anyone else’s minds just pops up and a technology is refined or in some cases makes leaps. But not for Japan as with how badly I have been treated, Japan will be the last ones in line for…. everything,” Sunset said. “Really?” Hodaka asked. “As if I have any reason to change my mind when it took me pulling a fake takeover just so that I can do the whole South Park thing with me taking a drive and betting on myself, for the government to finally place me in this school where it’s just a normal school with nothing going on like in all the other schools I been sent to,” Sunset said. “I have no reason to treat anyone nice in Japan. With some expectations.” “Don’t we get another chance?” a male student asked. “Would you be nice to someone who takes pointing a gun to their face to do what they suppose to do?” Sunset asked and the room went silent. “That’s what I thought.” What about making it up to you?” a female student asked. “It would have to be from the government a whole dragged their feet till, I had a gun press to the back of their heads, to do what they said they would do. Putting me in a good school where I wouldn’t have to deal with anything like all the stuff that was happening in the other schools they sent me to. For me to give them another chance and not just ransack Japan as a supervillain just for fun,” Sunset said. “You’re already doing that with all the crime groups,” Hodaka pointed out. “Yeah but I’m getting tired of shaking them down and want to something else. Besides the only hero around here is Strike Man. And once, I get bored with playing supervillain, I'll just take care of the crime groups for good,” Sunset said. "What?" a male student asked. "Make them into robots and stuff like that," Sunset said. "The whole being a supervillain robbing the local crime groups is just getting boring for me. So unless they do something to make it fun for me, I'm just solving your organized crime problem. By getting rid of all of them at once." ! > Chapter 30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “You what?” Mary asked staring at Sunset who is watching a animated show. “I told them either to redo the entire show and put back the gay characters and give it a full season as the creators want or I’ll rip the limbs and give the people who made those changes and gave the show the axe cancer,” Sunset said. “And they did this all in one month?” Mary asked. “Yup the ones in charge are losing money but they won’t be limbless and have cancer. I liked the show but then that episode where the guy’s boyfriend is killed off screen with only flashbacks of their relationship. I went and gave them what I wanted and what I will do to them if they didn’t redo it. So that’s why the show was put off the air and a new episode was made with the other episodes having the gay couple in them instead of burying their gays. Or because one guy in charge thinks that the show doesn't fit in with their brand,” Sunset said. (1) “Equestria is all for gays?” Mary asked. “With so few males the females of my race have always found comfort in the arms of the same sex. As for males it’s ok for them to love the same sex but they still need to breed with females. As them only having sex with only one mate and it being the same sex with no children from the union is just selfish. When that happens the male is force into being a stud,” Sunset explains. “Force to have sex with females?” Mary asked. “In the time before artificial impregnation, my kind couldn’t let a male who prefer to only have sex with one mate or same sex while never having sex with other females. We couldn’t afford not having as many children as possible. We do have long lifespans but it’s super rare for a mare to have more than one child in her lifetime, and rarer in having a boy. So a male who refuse to have sex is just forced to have sex with as many females as possible. It’s about survival as a race,” Sunset explains. “Like how China has a 3 child thing now?” Mary asked. “That’s completely different. The one child thing that started the whole mess is different as unlike my race who have a hard time having children. The government there forced people not to have children for so long that entire generations never know what having a sibling is like and with the shrinking workforce of young people they’re doing what they can in getting people to have more children. But with the sheer cost of having children and how things were under the one child thing, there is going to be one hell of a bubble burst down the line. While my race before artificial impregnation, many were desperate in having at least one child," Sunset said. "What about your aunts?" Mark asked. "Old fashion way, after grandma took a bunch of highly expensive fertile drugs and magic spells, which is why my mom and aunts are all one year apart. And throwing one hell of an orgy. Which my mom tried and failed so she just went with artificial and that's how I came to be," Sunset said. "So you have no idea who your father or grandfathers are?" Mary asked. "Nope, have no idea as having sex with lots of males when we're in heat is the best chance of having a child. But we mostly do it the old fashion way till mom broke that tradition," Sunset said. "So your grandmothers didn't like the artificial way?" Mary asked. "They didn't do it because they didn't want to miss being in a pile of bodies," Sunset said. "Oh," Mary said creep out by how casual Sunset and the others are in talking about sex. And that all of them have bodies that she would love to have. ! > Chapter 31 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In the Diet Building of the Japanese government once again Queen Moon stood before the government officials. All of them have a small drone appear behind them and latched onto the backs of their necks. The officials all felt their bodies became paralyzed unable to move, which is when Queen Moon came into the building and took the floor. "I'm not playing around. I have injected you all with nanomachines that I can control. Either making you unable to move or just make you stop breathing. Do not try to remove them, they all have a small bomb inside of them which even if they're small, seeing how they're inside of all of you. Them blowing up will cause you to die of internal bleeding, which only Equestia medical technology would be able to heal, which none of you would ever be allowed to have any access to use," Queen Moon said. (1) Queen Moon press a button on a computer screen that appeared in front of her from a drone. The government officials all were able to move again. All of them look at fear at the alien queen before them. "Seeing how you all dragged your feet till your lives are in danger. I made it so that if anything else goes wrong with anything with my niece. I will activate the nanomachines inside of everyone here, either killing you or crippling you, whatever my mood is," Queen Moon said. "So remember your lives are on the line if anything happens to my niece, and I do mean anything. From teachers not doing anything if fellow students bother her, or turn a blind eye if she points out bullying. Do what you need to do, have the teachers be beaten and have soldiers armed with guns come in and publicly beat whoever. Or I'll just press the kill switch and new government officials will do what they need to do to keep my niece's stay here nice. And remember you all brought this on yourselves for not doing anything till, I'm doing this to you all." ! At the School - "Well at least in this school there's nothing like in the past schools," Mary said to Sunset who she's sitting with for lunch with the others. "True but there are plenty of other schools and other stuff that people turn a blind eye to," Sunset said. "About those nanomachines. You haven't done that to any of us, have you?" Kodachi asked worried along with Ukyo and Shampoo. "Why would, I need to when you all already do whatever, I say," Sunset said. "So those nanomachines are safe right? I read about out of control nanomachines in fiction," Tomoko said. "You really think we would use nanomachines that we can't control? We're not a lame plot device that is the reason why something happens that unleashes a nanomachine end of the world thing," Sunset said. ! > Chapter 32 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “I WANT MY MOMMY!” a high school young man sobbed into the megaphone as he’s hangs from his arms as Sunset using a a glowing red cattle branding iron of her personal symbol of a sun, jabs it into his belly making him scream. “Another day and another bully who the teachers allow to get away with rape,” Sunset said as she brands the high schooler name Busujima Iwao a big and fat young man who from a rich family. He went from one high school after another finding girls to make into sex slaves for rich business men and others with the money. The bodyguard he had is screaming in pain as ants crawl all over his naked body that’s covered in honey. His arms and legs have been cut off and his genitals have been burnt using boiling cooking oil. For Busujima his genitals were cut off and he was force to shallow them whole. “Sunset we got his files,” Sugarcoat said as she returns from the raid on Iwao’s home. “Round up the others who are apart of his group and castrate them. Get some of the guards to help rounding them up,” Sunset said as she press the glowing red branding iron on Iwao’s face making him scream as it burns his flesh, cooking it. “You want us to hand them over to the cops or just hold them so you can play around with them?” Sugarcoat asked as she gave Iwao a punch to his chest cracking his rib cage. “You and the others can have your fun just don’t kill them. That be just giving them the easy way out,” Sunset said as she presses the branding iron onto Iwao’s armpits one at a time getting him to scream more. Before stepping behind him and shoving the branding iron up against his butthole cooking his flesh. Sunset left the iron there till the iron cooled off before taking it out. By then Iwao had passed out from the pain and blood lost. Sunset walks up to the waiting paramedics and wave them to save the rapist and walk over to the cops. “Either he stays in jail no matter what or I’ll do that to you and your families,” Sunset said. “What?” one of the cops asked paled. “You heard me, he had to be paying off you cops or your higher ups. So either he doesn’t get bail and stays in jail or I’ll take it out on all of you cops and your families,” Sunset said to the stun cops and turns to the reporters. “It shows how bad cops are around here when the only way to get them to do their jobs is by holding a gun to their face.” (1) “But that’s just….,” a reporter said. “Well what is anyone going to do about it? We already control the government, they either do as we say or we just flip a switch and they die. So you either do as I say or be torture, and that goes for you reporters,” Sunset said before she teleports away. ! Egypt - In her old palace former Queen Galactica is having a party, with dishes that were cook during the days when she use to visit Earth. The buffet is loaded with food with the servers setting up plates or cutting choice cuts to the many guests. With many taken by surprise at the whole roasted animals on the tables. There’s a boar with fries, a flock of roast geese, several roasted sheep and goats. An omelette made with eight dozen eggs, a whole school of fish, an ox, a cow and veal all place on the same table. A huge mound of caviar, a camel, a several fountains of different kinds of wine. Many other dishes that are filled with food and the center piece a whole roasted mammoth stuffed with olives. “Wow I been to high class parties but never like this,” Mary said as she and the others have been invited to Sunset’s grandmothers place for a party. What they found was full of world leaders, government heads and other important people. And a number of people that got invited because they were invited by the host of the party. "Yeah this is a real whose who around here," Hodaka said. “I can't believe that they farm mammoths,” Yae asked who is with her parents. All of their parents came with their kids once they learned about the party they were invited to. Ranma, and Hakufu are stuffing themselves like Ranma's father, Keitaro is with his parents like Kenichi is with his. They're all sharing a table together far from the main table where the royal family are feasting together. “Yes they do. Sunset grandmother went and gather many ice age animals and others before she stop coming here. Many are in reserves, transplanted on other planets, on farms or as pets. Mammoths are raised like cattle on many farm worlds,” Hakufu said causing everyone to stare at her. "Did you get zap by a smart ray?" Koumei asked who is with Ryuubi Gentoku, Kan'u Unchou, Chouhi Ekitoku, Chou'un Shiryuu and Shoukatsuryou Koumei. Who are all at the servant table with Kodachi, Uyko, and Shampoo who all got to come as well. "Oh that, I brought Hakufu with me when, I got invited to this place. While, I was entertaining Cosmica and her daughters, Hakufu learned about the mammoth that was being kept in a pen," Goei explains. "Wait entertain?" Tomoko asked. "Oh yes, Ranma you remember was being treated as a horse by Sunset with him having to pull her around on a cart. So, I made a deal with Sunset's family to get her to stop," Goei said smiling. "Aunt Goei," Yae said turning pale like the others who know what their aunt have been up too. "You went and slept with them didn't you?" Violet said glaring at her sister. "Oh Violet, it was nothing compare to keeping our nephew safe," Goei said, making the rest of the parents groan. "How are we related?" Violet said face palming. ! > Chapter 33 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Former Queen Galactica was enjoying herself as all of her daughters and granddaughter are all together. Having a nice family get together is rare, with both Moon and Solis flying around in their war planets with their war fleets handling trouble in their empire. Luna going around as a diplomat to other planets, for trade deals and peace talks. And Celestia is the only one who stays home anymore as she has Sunset to raise. Like she did with them when they were young and her mother and grandmothers helped her in her duties. Galactica scanned the room as many world leaders, diplomats, and other important people have come to her party. Many are looking to make good impressions with her and her family. With how advance and little hope in competing with the Equestrians, some countries are now looking into joining the Equestria empire. With all the stuff Galactica has done for the country of Egypt from turning the desert back to being a green place, providing power and water to many places that didn’t had them before. All coming out of her own pocket, in all the improvements she has done, even building paved roads to every settlement in the country. That has cause a boom for Egypt as easier transportation allowed more goods to be moved around and people are able to get to places that they had a hard time getting to before. Of course thanks to Japan the countries also know how cruel they can be to those who piss them off. With it all ending with Solis injecting the government leaders of Japan with nanomachines to control them, making the country of Japan under her control. The government leaders either do what she tells them to do, or she just press a button and makes them. Like the surviving members of Yami and Yomi who are working as servers for the party. Having been made into slaves of the royal family by Sunset and been injected with nanomachines that made all of their strength and skills useless, seeing what's use of them against someone who can with a push of a button can cause their hearts to stop of make them stop breathing. Making the other countries worried about what would happen to the, if something like what happen with Japan were to happen. The government of Egypt has been making sure that Galactica gets whatever she wants, and that anyone who gives her a hard time is dealt with swiftly. When Galactica wanted a shipment of goods and it was out of stock, a government owned plane was used to have the goods picked up and taken to her. Whenever someone gives Galactica a hard time in something, the person is fired, arrested and sometimes made an example of, like the village leader who was very rude to Galactica because she’s a woman. He was arrested and publicly beaten by soldiers for his behavior. (1) Galactica in an interview pointed out that seeing how the only reason why Earth is still around as humans know it, is because of her making the planet into a reserve. Which kept other races from landing on the planet besides the few that managed to slip through now and then. They kept space rocks and other space bond threats that would had ended up destroying or at least killing off large percent of life on the planet. Not to mention developers looking to build on a ideal world like Earth only being stop because of the planet being a reserve for humans. Galactica scanned the room seeing the other races that she had invited are mingling with the humans. Many of which have visited Earth when she was living here. The Diamond Dog party made up of ambassador Fid, and his aides Rao, and Tach are enjoying themselves. Even if they made a scene barking at the dog of one of the diplomats. Seems that they can understand what the dog is saying to them and they didn’t like it. The Diamond Dogs to the humans look like their dogs but with human bodies like werewolves. The Griffons party of diplomate Drake and his granddaughter Gilda. They have large powerful bodies covered in fur, have large feathered wigs on their backs, feathers for hair and have beaks. The griffons are the merchants and traders of the galaxy as they love money, like that race from that show Star Trek. Of the Dragons is princess Ember daughter of the current dragon lord her father Torch, who couldn’t travel to most places thanks to him being Godzilla size. Which Torch has been asking if Sunset needs help dealing with Japan, he’s more than happy to destroy Tokyo. Which Ember showed a picture of her with her dad and her mom, with her standing on her mom’s index finger giving a good idea of how big her parents are compared to her. Which is normal for dragons to start off small and grow big when they’re adults. Not true for all dragons with some dragons only getting to be at the norm for small dragons being around 18 feet tall. Ember only being 60 in earth years is only as tall as humans. Thorax of the Changelings has come to the party. The Changelings are another empire, who has an uneasy peace with the Equestria empire. They’re an insect race who serve under a Queen who is their mother of their hive. Hippogriffs a subspecies of griffins who have furless bodies with bird parts. Eddie an old friend of hers has managed to come to the party. Prince Rutherford of the Yaks came with, Little Strongheart of the Buffalos, and Ironwill of the Minotaurs. All three races are from the same planet with them being closely related where they can interbreed with each other. All of which have them standing around 10 feet tall and powerfully built. Then there are the Breezies who are fairy like beings. Who are the ones who started the myths of fairies on Earth when some of them visited Earth. Of the Kirin who are a closely related race to ponies is Winter Fire and Summer Breeze. They’re like the space elves of Star Trek suppressing their emotions and always trying to remain calm and in control. Because once they lose control they transform into demons till they calm down. Then there Lord Trek of the Centaurs who came with Clover-Max-Alex a Chimera, who has three heads and Zoa a gargoyle. All three come from the same planet with their races breeding together and the children gender being which race they’re born as, with sons taking after their dad and daughters taking after their moms in race. Then there is Matt a sphinx who is related to her old friend who is the model for the Great Sphinx. His race walk on all fours but use their front limbs as hands. In all the party is going good with people feasting and having a good time. The humans are getting to see more races from other worlds besides ponies and learning how the wider galaxy works. Galactica could see many humans talking with the other races, trying to make connections and earn favors. All of which is just as she planned, as the humans have been isolated for too long and protected from the wider galaxy for too long. ! At the back of the room - “Yes being used like that by all of them is wearing me out. But it does keep Ranma safe and I never knew what it’s like being used as a object lesson by an aunt teaching her niece how to use me, was so hot. Then when the rest came, I never imagine being sandwiched between a mother and daughter or having four sisters, or their mother, or all 3 generations at once. And then there are the others, I really am checking off my bucket list of fantasies that I never thought I would be able to do. Or find real life futanaris,” Goei said uncaring about how her nieces and nephews are staring at her in horror, disgust, and… no not lust as any thoughts of it being hot was immediately sunk by the fact it’s their aunt who is telling them her sex life. “Goei, stop talking,” Violet her sister growled as her face turn red. “Oh come on we’re all old enough for me to talk about my sex life,” Goei said waving her off. “No we’re not,” Tomoko said as she now has so many hentai ideas in her head. All ruined by it’s her aunt who is in them. “She’s been having fun with the royal party a lot. You’re lucky as you’re not in the inn when she does,” Mary grunted as she picks at her food, as she’s feeling ill. “We had to sound proof most of the inn to keep the noise down,” Ranma mutters not feeling hungry anymore. He wasn’t the only one as the others are picking at their meals while turning green. “That figures,” Violet said glaring at her sister remembering how her sister would have sex just about anywhere in their old home, including her room. “It is the only reason why Ranma still has all of his limbs,” Goei pointed out. “And now that I gotten a taste of them. I can’t help but wonder what it be like with a male Equestrian. The girls are great and all but from what, I heard the males are studs that can go nonstop for 16 hours at the minimum before they’re spent. With some males being about to go for a day and more before they have to stop, not counting bathroom breaks. And that’s with more than one female, the males have been bred to be sex machines.” Goei grabbed a wine bottle and tried to close her hands around it at where its the thickest. “Yeah their tools are about this thick and I didn’t see anything smaller than 16 inches and that’s for the girls around Sunset’s age. The older ones are way longer,” Goei said. “How?” Saori asked while the adult men felt very small. “Oh come on now. After having Hakufu, even if they’re big they’re still not as big as Hakufu was. She really stretch me out,” Goei said. “That, I agree with,” Violet said remembering her labor with Mary. A trio of unicorns walk past their table heading for the royal table. The one walking in front is the tallest at 6’11”, she has a light yellowish gray coat, red mane with purple highlights, and purple eyes. She also has massive breasts and a massive butt that strain the black floor length dress she wore. The next is a blue unicorn with a white mane, standing at 6’10”. She wore a matching purple magic hat and cape and dress in a purple tux. She isn’t as big as the first unicorn but her hourglass figure put any human female to shame, and she knows it. The last unicorn is lilac in color, and has a purple and teal mane, standing at 6’9”. She wore a red dress that’s cut to show off her breasts and long legs. The three walk up to the royal table chatted with the royal family before taking the empty chairs at the closest table to the royal family. “Those are the personal students of the queens,” Goei said. “Students?” Frank asked wanting to talk about something other then his sister in law sex life. “Every 100 years or so the queens take a hand pick personal student to teach. Usually when they’re young, from what I learn they were only 6 when they were picked to be the queens students. Moondancer the first one with the massive breasts is Solis, she a bookworm who studies all the time. The blue one is Trixie Lulamoon who is Moon’s student and she loves to put on shows. The last one is Starlight Glimmer who is Luna’s student, she’s the military one who is learning to be an officer under her,” Goei explains. “Wait, I been hearing people calling Solis, by Sun sometimes,” Genma pointed out. “Luna told me that while her name is Solis, she and the others call her Sun as their mom use to call her Sunny. Like how mom use to call Violet, Bunny because she love wearing that….,” Goei was saying before her sister stuff a cloth napkin into her mouth. “Stuff it!” Violet growled only to be slap in the face by her sister. “Alright that’s it!” The rest of the family could only watch as Violet tackles Goei and the two of the, began fighting. The two were pulled apart as unicorn guards pulled them apart with their magic and escorted them away. “This is just like what happen at the wedding,” Robert Urashima said as he and his family were also invited to the party after his son Keitaro signed over the deed to Sunset. “At least this time they didn’t ended up falling into the wedding cake,” Frank sighed wondering where he have to pick up Violet after fighting with her sister and making a big scene, again. “Why can’t we ever have a family get together that doesn’t end up with something like this happening?” Tomoki asked. “Because it be boring if it didn’t,” Tomoko pointed out to her brother. “I’ll take boring,” Ranma said. “Me too,” Yue said. “Same,” Hodaka said. “Ditto,” Hakufu adds. “I wish I had a boring life,” Kenichi said who came with his family to the party. “You two are lucky you don’t have our lives,” Mary said to Tomoko and Tomoki. “Well, it like I’m the only one in our generation that doesn’t have something interesting happening to them,” Tomoko said. “Oh that’s not true,” Mary said. Bursting into the room came Ryoga pulling a cart with three people riding in it. Which the family recognized as part of their family. The one driving the cart holding the rope attached to Ryoga is Miki Onimaru, the really tall redhead next to her is Aikawa Maki, and the guy is Seiji Sawamura who has a hand puppet on his right hand who is Midori Kasugano. The cart stop as Luna grabs hold of the cart stopping Ryoga from running, but also sent the riders flying onto the table where their family is sitting at, landing on the plates of food sending it all flying. (2) “Hi uncle Frank,” Seiji said as he landed on the plate of his uncle. “Sorry about this,” Midori said causing everyone to see that the puppet is alive. “Do you have a living girl on your hand?” Frank asked. “Yeah I know it’s strange,” Seiji said. “No this is normal… for this family,” Frank said seeing his brother is now a panda and his nephew is now his niece. “As, I said my life is boring,” Tomoko huffed. ! > Chapter 34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Former Queen Galactica press her thumbs into the eyes of a naked man who is part of a terrorist cell who operates a sex slave ring. He had tried to operate around her palace and was caught were he was forced to tell about his group operation. Ending with all members being caught by her guards. She smiles as she blinds him and as he was screaming grabs his arms snapping them from his elbows, she followed suit with his legs from his knee caps. She grabs his by the back of his neck and rips his screaming head off, where she cast a stasis spell to keep the head alive. She flings the now headless body into a pig pen, where dozens of massive pigs waited. The pigs are food for her meat eating pets. The pigs seeing the headless body began tearing apart the body to fill their stomachs. (1) Galactica turns to the ones who crashed her party who had watched the maiming and feeding to pigs of the headless body. Miki Onimaru, who had forced Ryoga to pull the cart as she had wanted to go to the party the rest of her family had been invited to and knows with him being able to get lost and ends up someplace else. He’s the best way for her to get to Egypt, as she has no money for a plane ticket. And as she was horse whipping pig boy to run, she ended up picking up her cousins Aikawa Maki, and Seiji Sawamura who has Midori Kasugano on his hand that looks like a hand puppet. Galactica turns away and waves for the guards standing by to bring the next naked man for her to cripple, rip his head off and then feed to the pigs. A guard took the still living head frozen in the stasis spell to be made into a robot slave. All awhile making the 5 watch who grew paler and paler as Galactica works off her anger at her party being wreck. Once all the 20 men were crippled, heads rip off and what’s left fed to the pigs, Galactica turns her full attention to the five kids. “Ryoga seeing how you were forced into this you’re free to go,” Galactica said having used a truth spell on all of them to find out what happen. “I get lost,” Ryoga said as he already lost his arms and legs and didn’t want to lose anymore body parts. “Same for you two,” Galactica said to Aikawa and Seiji. “Can you undo this spell please?” Midori asked. “Sure,” Galactica said zapping her and Seiji with a spell ending with Midori no longer a living hand puppet and back to normal. “Sorry about wrecking your party,” Miki said sweating and pale remembering how saying sorry would had said Ed the head of education if he had done it the first time. There is also the fact that she just seen Galactica cripple and fed 20 men to pigs. “Sorry isn’t going to cut it with me,” Galactica said. “Should I rip you apart and force you to watch me feed the pieces to the pigs? Strap you down where your arms and legs are sticking in the pen, where the pigs will try to bite them off. Or maybe put you in with Honey and Sweety my pet bears covered in honey and see how long you last.” Miki became paler and paler realizing how deep in shit she is in. ! Inside the Palace - “Mom is mad,” Solis said watching what’s happening at the courtyard where the animals are kept with the others. “Is that bad?” Mary asked worried about her cousin. Sure Miki is a jerk and… actually Mary couldn’t think of anything good about her at all. “Who you think I take after,” Moon said as she taps the necklace she’s wearing that has preserved eyeballs encased in glass. “She’s the one who taught me everything I know.” “Is she able to just feed people to pigs?” Yue asked. “Sure, she is the only reason Earth isn’t a colony of Equestria and why you humans aren’t either enslaved or dead. She’s been keeping this planet as a preserve, killing things like mind controlling spores and big rocks from getting anywhere close to this world. Once she’s decides she’s no longer cares for this planet. All the protection you all unknowingly have is gone,” Sunset explains. “How bad would that be?” Tomoko asked. “The protection kept a space rock covered in nano machines that would had spread out with you humans having to deal with swarms of nano machines that will eat everything metal to make more of themselves,” Luna said. “At least it’s just metal,” Ranma said. “The reason why your blood is red is because of iron,” Celestia points out. (2) “Not to mention once the protection is gone, Equestria is moving in and for those in power the only power they will have is what we allow them to have. But for everyone else like here in Egypt, the standards of life will be better. In fact, this can be a good teaching lesson for Sunset as she can govern over the planet. She is going to rule the empire and having some experience is something she needs,” Luna said. “Anyone who says no to anything, I want will have their arms and legs pulled off and blinded,” Sunset said. “Now, now Sunset you can’t just do that. Sometimes people who say no do have a point or what you want can’t be done for one reason or another. You do that when the ones who keep saying no are the ones who have no reason but as a power play. Or willing to do whatever it takes just to have a bit of power. Like the officials in charge of the United States government. Seeing how one side has no real plan but to say no to everything the other wants to do. You go do that and the ones in charge will do what you want,” Solis said. “Is that how you govern the planets under your control?” Ranma asked. “When it comes to planets that have issues because of certain government leaders. We mostly let the old government remain to handle the day to day tasks of running the government. When government leaders for example are taking funds that are suppose to be used for something else is when we step in and do a purge with many old leaders becoming slaves with their brains in robot bodies and must fix the mess they created. Or just replace the entire government with a new one,” Celestia explains. “Seeing how only because we have the entire Japanese government under our control with nanomachines that will torture them anytime we want. Is the time where they can’t move fast enough to do their jobs. It be a big improvement. Seeing how their excuse for taking months just to put Sunset in a school is them doing it by the book,” Luna said. “That reminds me of the easiest conquest of a world that could had given my forces a real fight. The planets entire military of a military lead governed planet were just a bunch of over-glorified legalese bureaucrats who expect all personal to fill out paperwork in duplicate and triplicate before taking any action whatsoever, and any heroic action done without proper paperwork is considered dangerous. I outwitted them by giving them overwhelming heaps of paperwork to be filled out in duplicate, triplicate, and other multiples beyond that, leaving them with a burden full of excessive paperwork to be authorized and notarized. By the time they were done with the paperwork I had conquered the entire planet and the leaders had been executed. And the people were all for it as the government with their paperwork is life, forced it down on everyone. They even had to fill out paperwork just to go the the bathroom. My party didn’t even had to do anything as the people burn the soldiers and government leaders in piles of paperwork,” Moon said. “Hey grandma decided in what she’s going to do to Miki,” Sunset said. “Make her into a slave?” Mary asked. “Yes,” Sunset said. “Oh well,” Kenichi said. “She isn’t well like in the family is she?” Celestia asked. “She isn't,” all members of the family said. ! > Chapter 35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In New York City, Detective Frank Cosgrove and Kevin Bernard were driving a down the street when a body was thrown out from the front doors of a barbershop followed by gunfire inside the shop. Both cops grab their guns and Frank who is driving the car hit the siren, while Kevin calls for backup. (1) “Shots fire at 13 ave, inside….,” Kevin was saying but stop as a tall figure came walking out of the ruin shop. Both recognized the armored figure from news footage of her group’s rampage through that city in Thailand. Lemon Zest one of the bodyguards of the alien princess Sunset Shimmer, who like her boss likes to dress up as a supervillain. In her hands she carried a gym bag and in the other she held a man screaming for help as she held him by his foot and upside down. “Front for a money laundering by the Eaden mob family. And this is one of the higher ups,” Lemon Zest said to the cops. “Help me,” the man screamed at the cops. “Just put him down,” Frank said as Kevin is explaining what’s happening to dispatch. Neither one knew what to do seeing how their guns would have no effect on her, having seen footage of her tanking rocket fire. And that if they could do anything without it causing Sunset to do what she has done to Japan happening here. “Nope,” Lemon Zest said as a portal opened up in front of her and she walks through it. Leaving the two cops stun as more cop cars came onto the scene. ! At the police Station - Lieutenant Kate Dixon wasn’t in a good mood, thanks to all the supervillains rampaging through the city. Every business and building owned by Eaden mob has been hit by one of the bodyguards of Sunset Shimmer in their supervillain costume. They left members of said mob with broken bodies, some burnt and some have their limbs cut off. The business looted and a whole lot of evidence on the Eaden mob family coming to light. The lieutenants that taken and showing up later with missing body parts, all begging to talk about crimes they know and committed just so they wouldn’t have to face the supervillains again. The crimes ranging from weapons, drugs, money laundering, and human trafficking. All of which was recorded and board casted by them. “Ok what did the Eaden mob do that pissed off the princess enough to send her supervillain bodyguards here?” Kate asked the room of cops. “Whatever it is, it could be anything. What does the state department doing?” Kevin asked. “A whole bunch of red tape and not wanting to damage the relationship like Japan did. Turns out the princess called up the government about this and told them what she’s planning on doing,” Kate answers. “And they just letting this happen?” Frank asked. “Seeing how powerful the princess and her bodyguards, they really didn’t have a choice. You all saw what they did to that city in Thailand, all those gangs and crime groups hit them with everything they had and did nothing to them. They are just kids and her mom and aunts have control of the real army. They just want her to do what she came for and leave,” Kate said. “Let her rampage and have her fun?” Frank asked. “Yes, she and her family made it clear that the only reason why they’re not ruling our world, is because of their good graces to let us. Their words, they let us have self rule and once they decide it be better to takeover, there be nothing we can do to stop them,” Kate explains. “Well at least under their rule we be able to just go after the criminals without having to play by all the rules,” Kevin said. “If we even have jobs,” Frank said getting everyone’s attention. “According to the princess, seeing how worthless the police are in Japan. She’s planning on replacing them all with robots, that can’t be reprogrammed thanks to their technology being Equestrian and DNA lock to only work for her race.” (2) “And the government there is just letting it happen?” Kevin asked. “They all have nano bots inside of them. They have no choice but to do what she wants,” Frank said. “Which is why the government doesn’t want to give the princess the excuse to do the same to them,” Kate said. “At least they will have to do their jobs then,” Kevin said. “Turn on the news,” one of the cops shouted out. ! Equestria Embassy - In front of a growing crowd on the lawn of the embassy, John Eaden the head of the Eaden mob is hanged up by his arms, naked facing the crowd. One of the most powerful mob bosses in the city is sobbing in pain as he was poke by the electric cattle prod set to high voltage by Sunset who is dressed up as a supervillain. Standing around are armed Equestrian soldiers and robots keeping the crowd at bay, warning the crowd that anyone who jumps the wall will be shot. “Now people of New York, you all might be wondering why your city suddenly got supervillains running around. You all have Mr. Eaden to thanks for that,” Sunset said to a floating camera pod. “He went and made a deal in Japan with the Duma clan without paying tribute to me first. I thought I made it clear that Japan is my turf and anyone wanting to make a deal with any of the crime groups there has to pay tribute to me first. Which is why I had my girls hit all of his businesses wrecking them, crippling his men and taking his top lieutenants who told me everything after enough body parts were cut off and shown to them. Leaving Mr. Eaden with no men in his payroll, which means he has no muscles anymore and for his money, drained all of his bank accounts even the off shore ones and donated it to the US treasury, have fun trying to get it all back along with all the evidence of all of your crimes. Japan is supervillains only, the crime families there are only operating because I let them and they pay tribute to me. Which you didn’t.” Sunset went to work on Mr. Eaden as he pleaded to make a deal with her. She smash most of his teeth out of his mouth, tore off his fingers one by one and burning the bleeding stumps, used a welder on his groin melting off his penis and balls off. She cut off strips of his flesh off and poured salt on the open wounds. She cut off his nose and ears, followed by breaking his kneecaps. While she was doing that she also made him talk about where to find bodies and evidence of his pass crimes. All awhile cameras captured one of the most powerful dons of the city reduced to a sobbing wreck as he beg and pleaded for it to stop. “Now, that I have reduce him to a crying wreck, he is finish, never going to live this down, it will follow him for the rest of his life. Him screaming and begging will never be forgotten, the image of him being untouchable and powerful gone. Showing that in the end he’s just a weak old man who needs others to do his work for him. For every Don and leader of every crime group in this country, I’m sending you all a package with instructions in what kind of tribute I want from all of you. Or I’ll be doing this to you next. For the United States now has supervillains as the top dog in the crime world and I either bleed you slowly or this will happen to you. And for everyone other crime group out there, you better be ready to pay tribute.” She grabbed Mr Eaden by his leg and flung him over the side of the wall. The cops quickly help the paramedics load Mr Eaden into the waiting ambulance and rush him to the nearest hospital. Where he be detained as across the city the police have searched the places where bodies could be found and other things that Sunset force out of Mr Eaden. “Remember humans, I’m not bound by your laws, and can do what I want. The only reason why you humans aren’t under the rule of Equestria, is because my grandmother allows it. Be grateful for that, and don’t do anything to change my grandmother’s mind. Once that protection is gone, there is going to be a purge. I’m going to govern this world to get some experience to rule the empire one day, and I don’t care for crime groups operating and are known but are protected by the very laws they break all the time. And with my race having mind reading machines and magic spells, there be no mistakes and the old laws and rights they use to hide behind will be gone,” Sunset explains. ! The Police Station - “Well it looks like we’re going to be living in a comic book world now,” Frank said to the other cops. “And the government will be letting her, or lose what power they have,” Kevin said. “That’s for sure,” Kate agrees as she knows that the people in the government will be bending over backwards to keep Equestria from outright ruling and taking away their power. ! > Chapter 36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Kyou Shigoku Is screaming at the top of his lungs as Shun Uruma using a plier crushes his left testicle. He’s been stripped naked and four pony soldiers held his arms and legs leaving him completely helpless. Shun squeezed the plier down hard popping the testicle, causing Kyou to scream and cry in pain. Shun smiles at his former bully as he repeats it with his right testicle and his penis which Shun crushed and twisted till he finally managed to rip most of it off. All being filmed by reporters all over Japan and the world as Kyou was maimed and made to scream and beg for it to stop. “You sick fuck!” Kyou cries out as he spits on Shun. One of the guards holding his arms shove her fingers into his mouth and lands out the four bottom teeth of his lower jaw. Followed the breaking of his fingers and toes by the guards. Then the guards used tasers on him at low voltage so that it’s painful but not enough to knock him out. The electrical shock of the tasers caused him to lose control of his bowls and bladder. “Shove his face in his shit,” Shun said. The guards flip Kyou over so that he’s facing his pile of shit and piss. They drop him face first into his shit and piss, followed by one of the guards grabbing his head and shoving it into the mess. Wiggling his face into the mess before lifting his face for everyone to see his shit and piss covered face. He was met with mocking laughter, with him only being able to cry as he was held up for the world to see. Shun covered the plier with the shit so that it’s covered with it. The guards held Kyou head in place as his mouth was rammed by the plier, which Shun jabbed it into his mouth. Kyou held his mouth shut, using his teeth and lips to stop the shit covered plier from entering his mouth. “Cut his lips and pull out his teeth,” Shun said. The guards used a pair of scissors to cut off Kyou’s lips and shoved their hands in mouth pulling out his teeth. He tried to bite, the guard he bite grabbed his lower jaw and squeezed till she broke his jaw. With his jaw hanging open and no lips to cover it up, Shun shoved the shit covered plier into Kyou’s mouth. Shun works the plier around in Kyou’s mouth, making said high schooler to gag on his own shit and causing him to vomit. Shun caught Kyou’s tongue with the plier and squeezed down hard causing the owner of the tongue to scream. Queen Moon watched with approval as the bully is being cold blooded tortured by his former victim. The entire school is being force to watch and the teachers who turned a blind eye to the bullying, had one eye pulled out by her. She made a necklace out of the eyeballs and is wearing it. With Sunset being in school, Moon decided to show her niece how to really send a message to the humans. The other bullies have already been dealt with in the same manner as their leader. Like their leader, Katsumi Senkouji, Yuuga Ushiro, Hiro Madoka, and Daichi Kuga had their balls and penises crushed and torn off. They been tortured in different ways but all of their fingers and toes broken, their kneecaps and their shoulders smashed to pieces. Moon will have their useless limbs cut off just to make sure they will be completely crippled or she could do something else. “Now what to do, with you boys?” Moon said looking at the boys who looked at her in fear. “I know I will have you all be made into brain bots. No I’ll inject you all with nanobots that make you obey any command that Shun tell you. And the nanobots will make you be unable to do anything to harm him or do anything.” (2) Moon enjoys the scared looks on the boy’s faces. “No, I’ll let Shun decide what happens to you all,” Moon said to the boys. Moon turns to the teachers of the school who all are missing an eye. “Shun is under my protection and he can do anything he wants. So he can be as disrespectful to any of you, hit you, spit in your faces, talk anyway he wants to you. As you all just saw what he was being put through being harmless. He can do the same to you. If you quit or do anything to him, I’ll be… no wait,” Moon said thinking of something. A swarm of eye pods covered the teachers as they injected them with nanomachines. “There you are all now his slaves. I programmed the nanomachines to paralyze you if you quit. Shun can order you all around and cause you to feel pain whenever he wants. Like this,” Moon said causing all of their nervous systems to feel pain. The teachers all screamed as the worst pain any of them had ever felt hits them, causing many to soil themselves. “It will never get better,” Moon said to them. ! > Chapter 37 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “Turn to stone?” Tomoko asked Sunset as they ate lunch together in the cafeteria with Mary and Yue. “Yes grandmother Oriana turns people into stone once she’s had it with them. I had two great aunts, grandmother’s other daughters who died in battle. Grandma Oriana turn the races who killed them to stone. They’re still self aware of the world around them but are trap as stone statues. If you think it’s cruel of me in cutting off people’s limbs, popping their eyes or giving them cancer, try being a statue for a couple of hundred years. The ones who were turn back begged to do anything to avoid being turn back to stone. Being turn to stone is by far the worst punishment my planet has,” Sunset said. (1) “Really?” Yue asked. “With everything else even with being turn into a brain bot. There is only so much we can do to keep you alive before you just die. The longest a brain bot can survive is only a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand of years. Depending on what race, long lived races brains last the longest after all. But with being turn to stone is you trap forever in stone. There are stone statues that were already ancient when grandmother Oriana was young, who can be brought back to life. And have and they begged to be killed so they wouldn’t have to suffer anymore,” Sunset said. “That does sound bad, at least with what you do the people you did it to will die. Turning to stone is just a fate worst then death,” Mary said. “There is also another punishment that is just as bad, memory erase. The person has a selective memory completely wipe away, with no way of ever getting it back. Like ripping pages from a book, no way to recover them as they’re just not there anymore. So the next fighter who spent most of their life learning to fight, I can just have all of their fighting knowledge erased. Making all of the years spent learning the hard won skills completely useless, like how without limbs the skills are just as useless. I can’t decide which I should do. I guess it depends on who it is,” Sunset said. (2) “You know there’s this loser time wasted or something online saying that all the people you have done that to don’t deserve it and you’re worst then them,” Tomoko said. “There’s someone saying that the ones who beat other kids sometimes to death, brutally bully, rape and leave lives in ruin aren’t as bad as me?” Sunset asked. “Yup proud of saying that they side with them even saying you and the other ponies are Nazis,” Tomoko said. “Oh, just another loser who says anyone who is against them is a Nazi,” Mary said rolling her eyes. "And saying that Earth be able to beat you ponies, not even caring how even without magic that you ponies have a vast empire with billions of soldiers and even more robots with super advance technology. When, I asked how can Earth beat that they just went and said something about ass pulling something out that isn't realistic in anyway, like a poorly written story where bullshit powers just pop out of nowhere," Tomoko said. “Yup just a loser with no life and does stuff like this to make themselves feel big and important,” Yue said. “Just a Karen who wants to feel important,” Sunset said. “So you’re not going to go and maim them?” Mary asked. “Time Wasted picked a good name, plain worthless, a nobody who when they die they won’t be remember and be forgotten. Time wasted on a lost cause,” Sunset said. ! > Chapter 38 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Pai Mei could only gasp in horror as all of his knowledge of the fighting arts, was just simply gone. He was an extraordinary martial artist with an ego to match. As a result, he assumes he can do whatever he pleases, since nobody can take him in a fight. (1) “You really shouldn’t had been a jerk,” Sunset said to the old master who had used her magic to remove everything he knows about fighting from his mind. “The memories of what you learn are just gone, no remembering them or unlocking them. I just erased everything you know about fighting. Leaving you just another miserable old bastard who treats almost everyone around them like dirt.” “You bitch,” Pai Mei shouted as he rushes at her only to be frozen in place and lifted in the air by her magic. “Don’t worry, I won’t kill or cripple you. I want you to suffer as you can spend what’s left of your life trying to regain what I just took from you. All of those years of learning and costing you everything else in your life just to be a master fighter, all gone. Will you go and try regaining your fighting skills at your age, or try to have a life at your old age, after you have long since burn all the bridges and destroyed any kind of relationship you had, if any are still alive. Which means you had nothing else but your fighting skills, and I’m going to be dropping you off someplace far from here and you have to somehow survive. I’m going to go with you becoming a beggar as you have no social skills and no one loves you. As I know you survive by stealing from the people around this temple as no one can fight you. Which means if I leave you here lots of angry people will come here and take their revenge as you are just an old man now with no fighting skills,” Sunset said causing Pai Mei to become scared as he has lots of people who would want to take revenge against him. Sunset makes a revolver appear and cause Pai Mei to grab it in his right hand and place the barrel into his mouth. Sunset makes him jerk it in and out of his mouth. Making it look like he’s sucking the gun off as camera pods broadcast everything. “Pull the trigger and end it on your terms,” Sunset said. Pai Mei glares at her before he pulls the trigger only to hear a click. “A coward who will kill himself when he no longer has the advantage. What a piece of shit you are, old man. Only brave when you know you’re stronger and a coward when you’re not. At least this shows what you are,” Sunset smirks as she glances at the crowd of people watching who had gathered since she began broadcasting what she’s doing. “And I’m going to filming you being serve your just desserts from the people you been terrorizing.” Sunset teleported away, leaving the old master alone. The people who have been living in fear of him and his fighting skills, now saw that he’s nothing but an old man now. They ran at him as he turn and run away, seeking safety in his home. He managed to get inside but the people just broke into his home and dragged him out. Beating him as he wasn’t able to fight back, they gave him a horrible undignified death as they beat him to death all awhile he was pleading and begging them to stop. All caught on camera from Sunset who is filming it from high above. ! Japan - “As you can see, I can also just erase anyone’s knowledge of something like fighting making their entire life’s work completely wasted. And if they like that old piece of shit has enemies. I’m more than willingly to leave them to their mercy and film it. While making their last moments completely undignified for them and making their last moments humiliating,” Sunset said to the reporter interviewing her. “So no more crippling or giving people cancer?” the reporter asked. “I’m still going to do those, it’s now more case by case thing. After all for some losing all the knowledge and skill they gain from years of hard work is just as bad as me cutting off their limbs. Seeing how some fighters especially the old ones who gave up everything they had in their lives and only to lose it all, is worst for them. As they’re now old and only had that in their life and they can’t just train to relearn it that had taken up most of their life to learn. And leaving them to be beaten to death while pleading and begging as I film it, is just icing on the cake,” Sunset said. “So what did he do to you?” the reporter asked. “I saw him pushing around people at the local market, taking what he wanted. I asked why they let him push them around and they told me all about him. So I decided to take care of him for them, but seeing how they wanted in, left him to do as they please,” Sunset said. “After all, why should people care more about the bully when they’re the one being beaten?” “There is also another thing, about how you look down on us humans,” the reporter said. “That’s because from what, I have seen and experienced first hand. For Japan at least is just all about appearing to look nice while there are so many problems that the people in power let happen. I’m racist against Japan not all humans. The only reason things are changing is only because my aunt has the entire government under nanobot control and if they don’t do as she wants she makes them feel pain. I’m not going to respect you Japanese when it takes pressing a gun to your hand and pressing the barrel on a finger, pulling the trigger and blowing off one finger at a time. For you people to finally realized that if you did what I ask or handle the problem before hand, that you wouldn’t be missing fingers. Only after I did that do the police show up when something like a street fight happens, teachers stepping in and handling troublemakers instead of turning a blind eye, and people actually being thrown into jail," Sunset said as she makes a screen appear next to her. The screen shows the internet company, Seagull being raided after Sunset had revealed that they clone applicants just to put them through Hell just to figure out who would be the best to hire which they call it 'The Quiz'. Sunset already cause their stocks to drop down to nothing by buying up their stocks and selling it off at a price that ruined them. "Making clones who will die, just to figure out who to hire? What kind of logic is that?" Sunset asked out loud. The next scene had another school where students fight each other. A fighter is being beaten by a group of cops, using clubs and tasers on him, while two cops have their pistol barrels shoved into his mouth. Two cops with sledgehammers crush every bone in his hands, before breaking his shoulders, and knees. While the other students watched in horror, as the police are making sure that all of them know what happens if they fight. All the fighters of the school have cops aiming their guns at them, as they're marched pass news crews with the cops making the fighters pose for the cameras with their names on big signs hanging from their necks to make sure they can be identified. Any who fight back would end up like the young man who has been crippled for life. "The police are at last taking action and not turning a blind eye, as I told them either they take extreme measures in stamping out fighting and such that happens in schools. Or I just blast every single cop and their families in Japan with the cancer gun. And you can see, that's why the cops are actually doing their jobs and making sure that those kinds of things are being stopped. The schools are also taking a zero tolerance on any bullying or gangs with said students being expelled and dragged out of school by police. So that, I don't show up and do my thing to the teachers who allowed it to happen in the first place," Sunset said. The screen turned off. "You Japanese aren’t worth respecting, and it’s too late to change my views, not without you people actually doing something that would cause me to give you people another chance. Till then, I just like being able to kick you people around like your culture allowed others to do, I’m just making sure that everyone else can see it and not hidden away to make it look like Japan is nice,” Sunset explains. (2) ! > Chapter 39 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Oriana is the first alicorn which the royal bloodline comes from. She's the oldest and most powerful magic user in the entire known galaxy. The head mistress of the royal magic school where only the most elite of magic users who finish their schooling are allowed to go to, basically it's a college where only those who have clean records and good grades are allowed to attend. With Oriana firing any staff member who tries to cover or turn a blind eye to such behavior. Every now and than Oriana takes special interest and takes that person as her personal student. All the students she has taken, have all made a name for themselves. Her two sisters Solar, and Aural tried to become alicorns like their sister but even with her help they could never become ones. Their family lines have continued with Solar’s line producing Cadance who is the only other alicorn that’s not part of the main family. Cadance is governing the Crystal star system. Aural’s line newest generation is currently Prince Blueblood. He's a rich noble who spend most of his time partying around with mares. Oriana had 3 daughters, Infinitia, Estelaria and Heaven. Both Estelaria and Heaven died before they could had children. They were slain during the Baor wars when said race launch a invasion on the Sol system, the Baor home world is now a husk and the surviving Baor race turn to stone. Infinitia jump started the Industrial Age of Equestria with her inventions and during the war. Any new technology discovered or traded for once the space age began with contact with other races, she studies and improves on. Her knowledge and wisdom makes her the smartest being in the known galaxy. She's the head of the Jolt Academy, only the best and brightest are allowed into the exclusive school, that has separate departments that deal in the different research and sciences. The school has attracted many other races to come to study at the school. Which is why it's very heavily patrolled and guarded at all times. Infinitia has two daughters Cosmica and Polaris. Cosmica was a warrior queen when she ruled, conquering star systems of the enemies of the empire. Her fighting skills both unarmed and armed are legendary, with her laying waste to entire armies by herself. She also the reason why Earth was left mostly alone, as she had the entire planet made into a training ground for the soldiers to fight in the Callus wars. Which is where many of the legends of gods and monsters came from. The younger daughter, Polaris became a explorer who is still traveling around, finding new pathways and star systems, on her planet ship, which she was the first one to do. Her planet ship is the Callus former colony world of Vesa, now renamed Stardust. She has a daughter Hekatia who is the governess of the Heka star system. Hekatia governs the Heka star system which she's named after. Her mother Polaris, discovered the star system and the one to name the star. The system is a major space port, thanks to it being in the major space shipping lanes. The system has 6 gas planets that are mined for their gases, and the lone rock planet is the main space port. The rock planet was barren of life before it was terraformed. Hekatia has two daughters Galatea and Helia. Galatea is known as the monster maker, her magic talent is in shaping magical clay and creating golems. Her creations are sought after for their beauty and as magical guards. She likes to make monsters out of clay and bring them to life, using them as cannon fodder to wear down the forces of an enemy before sending stronger monsters. She travels with her grandmother Polaris, using her clay creations to help during any battle with an enemy force. Helia is known as the businesswoman of the royal family. She’s the head of the Starbolt shipping company, which escorts space vessels protecting them from space pirates. Completely ruthless and has no time for anything else, she is married to her job. With it being rare for her to show up at events. Cosmica has two daughters, Galactica and Eclipsa. Galactica spent most of her reign handling domestic affairs. She is also fashion-obsessed with her style being copied by the ancient Egyptians of Earth. Galactica often visit Earth that was mostly left alone as a training grounds for soldiers of the empire, started by her mother Cosmica. Spending time on Earth and meeting with the natives of the planet, she turn the entire planet into a nature reserve for the humans. Her sister Eclipsa, is known as the juggernaut with the planet ship named Juggernaut. All alicorns are born with very powerful magic, but Eclipsa was born with too much magic, where even the most basic of spells are overpowered when she cast them. Made worse by the fact she couldn’t hold back the amount of power she cast her spells with. She’s always using full power with her magic at a level that would either kill or burn out any other magic user, even an Alicorn. Both her grandmothers, Oriana and Infinitia work together to fashion power limiters in the form of jewelry for Eclipsa to wear. The real problem is that the older an Alicorn gets, the stronger they become, with the power limiters having to be upgraded over the years to contain her power. She uses her vast power to power her planet ship and use it as a weapon that’s unstoppable. She powers up the planet wide forcefield with her magic and simply rams her shield planet into any warships in space. Or supercharge the hyper death ray to destroy targets as far away as several solar systems away. Eclipsa is always dead serious, never bothers with posturing, monologuing, codes of honor, and never underestimate an enemy. She’s the one who takes care of threats as fast as she can, and leaves making an example out of an enemy to others in the family, after she has beaten them down first. Galactica has four daughters, Celestia, Luna, Solis, and Moon who all rule together. “And finally there is you,” Tomoko said looking up from the iPad she’s been using to look up the alicorns of Equestria. “Yup there is only 15 alicorns alive,” Sunset said. “And there is no males in your family?” Tomoko asked. “There is cousin Blueblood, he’s the only male currently alive that shares the royal bloodline. But there are smaller noble houses that come from grandmother Oriana’s sisters,” Sunset said. “Is Blueblood just a rich guy who just parties all the time?” Tomoko asked. “As the only living male member of the royal family, he’s expected to mate with lots of mares to provide backup heirs and one might be able to turn into an Alicorn like cousin Cadance did. Which neither she or grandmother Oriana can really explain how they did it,” Sunset explains. (1) “So if you were born as a male, you would have a harem?” Tomoko asked. “Yup and would never be allowed to leave the planet or castle. I would be just too rare and important to risk, just like cousin Blueblood. He’s always under heavy guard and rarely leaves his mother’s manor. The only time I see him is during family or important events. Otherwise he’s too busy having sex with many different noblemares who want to try to become apart of the royal family. We haven’t had a man in the family since great uncle Orbit Shine. He passed away when grandmother Cosmica was my age. Like Blueblood he was basically a stud to increase the royal bloodline and have cautionary heirs in case something happens to the main family,” Sunset explains. “So none of the older family can have kids anymore?” Tomoko asked. “They can all still have children but just choose not to have any more children. Not to mention it’s already hard for us to have children and how few males there are. But aunt Eclipsa is trying to have a child of her own as well as aunt Galatea, and aunt Helia is just married to her job,” Sunset said. “What about your aunts?” Tomoko ask. “Trying the old fashion way, saying it’s more fun. Mom just got tried and went to a sperm bank,” Sunset said. “How long do I have to do this?” Ranma asked as he’s peddling a trike rickshaw, with his cousin and Sunset riding on the back. “Till, I say so,” Sunset said. “Or you want to be my family’s boy toy?” “What does that mean?” Tomoko asked. “Instead of having sexual fun with your aunt Goei, my and my family have fun with him instead,” Sunset said. “No way,” Ranma said as he peddles faster. “Awww what’s the matter you don’t want to be the toy for a bunch of hot females who have magical futa dicks bigger and better than yours?” Sunset mocks. “Can you please not talk about that,” Tomoko said turning green at the thought of her aunt Goei with Sunset and the others having their way with her. “Well we don’t have to use the futa spell, we just play with him and laugh at him after he fires his load and can’t do anything more with his small dick,” Sunset said. “That’s not fair, the males of your race are more than half my size. I can’t compete with that,” Ranma said as he and the others of his family while at the party in Egypt, got their first look at a male Equestrian. A mountain of muscles standing at over 9 feet and surrounded by mares. Turning out to be a son of a noble who was invited to the party, who is used by his mother to gain favors and make power plays with the noble mares trying to become pregnant. And maybe get the attention of the young princess or other members of her family. “Hey I was wondering, whatever happen to that old pervert Happosai?” Tomoko asked remembering the news footage of him at the Tendo Dojo. “I don’t know, he just disappeared,” Ranma said. “He tried to steal my underwear and I handed him over to aunt Luna. She turn him into stone and smash him to pieces. The pieces were flung into space so there is no way for him to become whole again, without someone finding all the pieces, putting them back together and undoing the spell. If even one small piece is missing will cause the spell to fail or him dying. It depends on how much he’s put back together, where it fails or it does bring him back but because of the missing pieces he dies,” Sunset explains. “Oh and he’s self aware?” Ranma asked. “Yup the spell keeps the victim self aware and keeps them from going insane. So that he’s immortal but can’t ever enjoy it. It’s just a prison for him where it only ends at the heat death of the universe,” Sunset said. “Good,” Ranma said. “Agreed,” Tomoko said as the old pervert is just that bad. ! > Chapter 40 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! At the lunchroom Sunset and the rest of the school are having lunch. What’s strange is that Sunset has a whole bunch of lunch boxes that she and the Shadowbolts stole from some grocery stores. She’s even giving them away for free to the other students. (1) “Turns out getting half price lunchboxes is a big deal in the area where I got all these lunchboxes. They just let people fight over the discount food, so when Ranma failed to get me a something to eat because of him getting caught up in a bawl. I went to the store and put all the people fighting for the lunchboxes in the hospital. And trash the store while I was at it. Then did the same thing to all the other stores that allow people to fight over the discount food. I also made the ones fighting for the food to pay for the lunchboxes I took from them, or instead of just suffering from broken bones and such, I would just tear their limbs off. With how bad the stores are trash and me telling why I trash them in the first place. The remaining stores in the area are now stopping the discount lunchboxes,” Sunset said. “Wow, isn’t that like what happen with you and pig boy?” Tomoko asked Ranma. “Yes over bread,” Ranma said. “I’m surprise you didn’t just fight,” Yue said. “I’m rusty, I haven’t fought anyone for months,” Ranma said. “It’s not like fighting would get you anywhere. All the fighting styles are just watered down basic fighting that grandma taught to some human students. Besides to master the fighting style for real would take you about a 100 years,” Sunset said. “And that you been using me as a pack mule and the work horse,” Ranma said. “I’m still treating you better than what that Tendo girl treated you. The reason why she always goes green eyes when the other girls go after you, is because she only sees you as her property. And she is unable to trust you with anything, and went into pure denial when I made pig boy turn into her pet pig. Which I ended when I kept breaking her fingers and toes, till she admitted that she is an entitled bitch who only cares for herself and only sees you as her property. Which she only said so after I brought out the wood chipper to feed her limbs into,” Sunset said. (2) “Yeah, that bitch finally got what’s coming to her,” Ranma said as time spent away from that toxic relationship and form all the crazy that happen, gave him time to think about his life. “Either Kodachi , Uyko, and Shampoo, would have made a better girlfriend than her. Speaking of which,” Sunset said looking at the 3 human slaves. “To show you Ranma, I’m not all bad. You can use them as your slaves as well and yes you can have sex with them.” “WHAT!” Ranma bust out with everyone in the lunchroom staring. “What, I used them as sex toys and let others have their fun as well, like my bodyguards, my family, your aunt,” Sunset said. “Eeewww,” Ranma said turning green with his cousins. “Your aunt is the reason why I haven’t rip your limbs off. Besides sex is a great stress release,” Sunset said. “Can we stop talking about my mom’s sex life,” Hakufu asked as her face turn bright red. “There is nothing embarrassing about your mom’s sex life Hakufu. I have sex with her and my family,” Sunset said. “Isn’t there a taboo with having sex with family for your race?” Ranma asked still green. “Of course there is, inbreeding is against the law for my race. Nothing good comes from a brother having sex with his sister,” Sunset explains. “But having sex with your mom is perfectly ok?” Ranma ask. “Of course, there is nothing to worry about of having an inbred child if it’s just sex with the same sex and it’s consensual that’s fine. There is no risk of creating a child that is full of birth defects because of inbreeding,” Sunset said. “So having sex with your mom is ok for your race, but when it comes to sex with a male member of your family. That is wrong as any child born from that union will have birth defects that be passed down the family line,” Yue ask. "Yes, having sex with your family members who are the same sex is ok when both are all for it. When it comes to sex with your brother or father, that's wrong as any child will have birth defects," Sunset said. "She does have a point there," Tomoko said. ! > Chapter 41 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! On the world ship, Stardust in her command center in her palace, Polaris watch as the planet below as several ships take off from the planet surface. The world is one she found centuries ago, where a race with psychic powers enslaved a race without powers, even making them into rat like beings so that they wouldn’t look like them. She came to the world and ended the rule of magic after the magic users attack her granddaughter Galatea. Polaris had the gene that allowed the race to have powers be deleted from their genes, as in all of them. Leaving them without their powers and making it a death wish if any of them ever regain their powers. If they use the psychic powers even once their bodies will shut down leaving them all but dead. And making them completely unable to harm in anyway the rat race, making them slaves to them instead. For the ones who do before they can escape their suffering by dying they are made into brain bots to continue to serve their masters. That was about 400 to 600 years ago and the rat people ruling the planet has turn it into a factory world. With the slave race working themselves to death, with them being turned into brain bots when their bodies fail. Making sure that they continue to suffer, as long as their lives could be extended. To the point where the slave race now pray for death. (1) The reason for the visit is that the Oni Empire had tried to invade the planet not knowing that it’s allied with the Equestrian Empire. “Your forces better not pull this again. The commander of your invasion force, needs to be made into an example of. How hard was it for her to check to see that the system is under Equestrian protection,” Polaris said said to the screen showing Lum the young queen of the Oni empire. “She’s already been strip of her rank and power with the invasion fleet. She’s going to be personally be strip and dress down in front of the other military commanders as an example of what happens when you don’t make sure that the star system isn’t allied with another empire,” Lum said. “You really should root out commanders who need to have this happen, where I have to come in and bring out the big guns to make her realize that when the leader of said planet shows her that they’re under the protection of my family’s empire. Now because of this, I have to postpone my search for new systems, because of your commander who refused to believe till, I brought my planet ship and had you order her to stand down,” Polaris said. “I understand, this embarrassment won’t be taken lightly,” Lum said signing off. Polaris left the command room and headed for the mess hall where lunch is being served. She likes to eat in the mess room with her soldiers, she’s very casual with her status as a member of the royal family and still acts like she’s in her old ship Starslam when she first went off to explore the vastness of space. The palace does have a grand dining hall but that’s only for special events and parties, plus she likes the plainer food that the mess hall serves. Stepping into the mess hall, Polaris saw palace staff and guards eating. Looking around she spots her granddaughter near the condiments station and the refreshments, manning the barbecue grill. The food on the grill ranges from massive prawns, to big caterpillar-looking insects and big red spiders. Which she’s cooking up and serving to the line of palace staff. Galatea loves to cook and when she isn't making golems, she can be found cooking something. “So grandma what’s going to be the Oni Empire punishment for this?” Galatea ask from the massive barbecue grill she’s manning. "Yes Queen Lum is going to make an example out of the commander. She doesn't want to repeat what happen with her parents," Polaris said. "They were asking for it, making Eclipsa mad, is a death wish. She can literary smash through any space force, like she did with the Riofaldians. Or when she toss the Trisolarans home planet into one of their suns when they used that probe to attack the scout ship," Galatea said. "They followed the Dark Forest logic. Using probes that can travel at light speed to destroy any ships that come close to their system, thinking that it's better to destroy then try to even think about just greeting other races," Polaris said. (3) "Where is Eclipsa?" Galatea ask. "She's heading home after she took care of that living planet, Hellstar Remina. She crushed it and rip it apart, now it's body is being mined," Polaris said. (4) "Should we head back too?" Galatea ask. "Might as well, seeing we're close. Besides, I want to meet this human that caught Sunset's interest," Polaris said. ! > Chapter 42 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Princess Eclipsa stood in front of a crowd of the natives of the planet, their cities are in ruins and being looted. The war, if it could be called a war, barely lasted more than the time it takes to order a pizza, before it was just pest control for the Equestrian forces. The bunkers that held the people in power were all bombed from space, either blasting the harden targets with massive energy weapons, missiles that drill down into the bunker before blowing up, or using rail guns to fire space rocks down onto the planet. Now there is only one bunker left which Eclipsa have been saving for last. Using the power her family that has allows them to move stars and planets, Eclipsa pulled and lifted the massive bunker out of the ground. She broke the bunker open like an egg letting the ruling government officials to fall out and stop before they hit the ground by her. Eclipsa has effortlessly conquered the entire planet herself when she destroyed all the weapons of the planet. She followed by capturing all the people on the planet and bringing all of them together in one place. But not before lifting all of them over their cities and settlements to watch as she mentally destroyed all of them. Her soldiers are now shifting through the ruins for resources and treasures, taking care of the odd person she missed out of the around 8 billion that called this world their home. (1) “All you needed to do was bring me this person,” Eclipsa said as she brings forward one of the people who were in the bunker. The woman is a general of the arm forces of the planet. Eclipsa using her telekinesis pulled the woman’s head off and step on the head, crushing it underfoot. “There, now I’m done here and me and my soldiers are leaving along with all the resources and treasures that your planets has. Leaving you all with a ruin planet and lack the needed resources to rebuild quickly. Most of the people of this world will die from lack of food, shelter and security,” Eclipsa said. “You’re just leaving? Stripping our world and just leave?” the leader of the planet ask. “Yes, I said I would pull her head off and crush it underfoot for what she did. Which you rather had all of this happen than give her up. I don’t care why she’s so important that you rather have this all happen, just to keep her alive just a little while longer, before I killed her. Was she so important? Her life for the survival of your race and your way of life? Of course you won’t be alive that long,” Eclipsa said turning to the mass of people of this planet she brought with her to watch. So that all of them could understand why their lives have been destroyed, where they would have to survive by doing horrible things to each other. There is no infrastructure left, no aid coming, they would have to rebuild from scratch if they’re able to pull themselves together to do it. But for now, all of their attention is focus on the ones who could had stop it from happening if they had just handed over one person. Eclipsa smiled darkly as the leader and his group realized what’s going to happen to them once she’s gone and there is nothing left standing between them and the mob. She teleports away and the mob surged. ! On Earth - Ranma like the other humans of the inn could only stare at Sunset's grandmother, the oldest of the alicorns. Former queen Oriana the first alicorn, who united the tribes together under her rule. She's nearly 100,000 years old and while ancient is still a stunning mare with a voluptuous body that is more than a match for her younger family members. Her coat is a dark purple with a mane that looks like it’s made out of sky blue water. She stand at 9 feet tall and only wore a purple loin cloth and two strips of fabric that hangs over her breasts hanging from a collar around her neck like her loin cloth, that only needed to be pushed aside to show her nipples, the same went for her loin cloth. It’s clear that she’s not wearing any underwear. She is also the master archmage of the royal court with her long life allowing her to master all forms of magic in the known galaxy, and is the headmistress of the royal magic school. "Grandma!" Sunset said hugging her grandmother, while her mom and aunts stood nearby. "What are you doing here?" Celestia asked. "Came to see the young man who has the curse that has you all trying to undo and something else," Oriana said as she walks up to Ranma who is standing in front of the others of the inn. With a wave of her finger Ranma suddenly found himself naked and floating in the air. His female cousins shrieking and covering their eyes, the other girls of the inn stared at his naked body. Goei the only human adult in the inn smirks as she sees her nephew naked. "Well Ranma you're a whole lot more impressive than your father or his brother, Mary's father," Goei said and turns to Mary. "Yes, I have seen your father naked, I walk in on them having sex. They were skinny dipping in the hotel hot spring and got us kick out. But 9 months later you were born." "EEEEWWWWW!" Mary said in disgust and horrified at hearing how mom got pregnant with her. "Not bad for a human, I guess," Oriana said looking Ranma over. "He's puny and I do mean both body size and where it counts," Sunset said smirking at his penis. "So can you cure me?" Ranma asked trying to remind himself that the ponies are bigger than him in body size. "Discord's magic has always been bothersome to undo and this curse has been allowed to feaster for centuries," Oriana said as she casted her magic on Ranma. “There you’re cured.” “Just like that?” Ranma ask. Oriana created a ball of water and splashes him with it and he didn’t changed. She turns her attention to Shampoo and casted the same spell followed with her hitting her with a ball of water, which Shampoo didn’t changed. She turns her attention back to Ranma. “Sunset when are you going to decide if he’s going to mate with you or not?” Oriana ask. “What?” Ranma ask. “You kissed my granddaughter who has never had sex with a male before. She decides if the male who kissed her is worthy of being her first male lover or not. Which Sunset hasn’t made clear that she wants to say no or is interested yet,” Oriana said. “I don’t want to have sex with her,” Ranma said. “So which of slaves are you interested in?” Oriana asks looking over to Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi. “I’m not ready yet, I want to just have sex and have kids before I’m ready!” Ranma said. “Ah, I see you want to enjoy your life first. Nothing wrong with that,” Oriana said and turns to Sunset. “Just have fun with your slaves till he’s ready for sex.” “Grandma! I don’t like him,” Sunset huffed. “Yet you haven’t killed or maim him yet,” Oriana said turning back to Ranma. “You need to be nicer to Sunset or whatever feelings she has for you won’t save you. Or your aunt can’t just keep distracting her with her body.” “Yes, but I’m willing to take her and your other family members to keep Ranma safe. No matter how much sex I have to put myself through,” Goei said causing her nephew and nieces to turn green is disgust. “Grandma why are you here?” Celestia ask. “Eclipsa is returning,” Oriana said. “Aunt Eclipsa?” Moon ask looking worried. “Better tell mom her sister is coming back,” Solis said. “Is she bad?” Mary ask. “Mom’s sister is the most powerful Alicorn ever born and she only gets stronger as she ages. Grandmother Oriana is more powerful because of her sheer experience and skills. Eclipsa is a juggernaut for everything else, she doesn’t bother in anything fancy or playing around. She will just toss people into space and if they don’t need to breathe, she will just crush them with the force needed to move a star. She a force of nature where she just powers through anything and if that doesn’t work she just puts more effort. She’s like the star from One Punch Man, she’s so powerful that she’s completely bored out of her mind when it comes to fighting. The only one who can fight her is grandma, but the last time she tried…. Grandma just grab her ear and dragged her to her room and grounded her,” Luna said causing the humans in the room to look at Oriana. “She came into my room while, I was looking after Sunset when she was still an infant. I just put her to bed when Eclipsa came bursting in and woke her up. Sunset was just born and I was looking after her to give Celestia some much needed rest from all the breastfeeding and crying Sunset did during the first days. Just like everyone else did after they were born,” Oriana said. “The first few days is always the hardest,” Goei said remembering the sleepless days and nights with Hakufu. (2) “So you understand that I wasn’t in the mood to play around. Eclipsa hasn’t bothered me with wanting to fight since,” Oriana said. “Anyways, Eclipsa is very blunt and if she says she wants something done, it better be done. Her power is such that she can do what she wants and very few can stop her, and she knows it,” Luna said. “So she’s like you all but has no patience to wait like you all did when the government dragged its feet in finding Sunset a good school?” Ranma ask. “After the second time, she would had already force them to do their jobs like I did,” Celestia said. “She can fight a race with the military might to fight our military forces to a stand still. We’re called in to break stalemates when that happens and some races are strong enough where it takes more then one of us,” Solis said. “Both Estelaria and Heaven died because they refused to pull back when they faced off with a force that could kill them. Eclipsa on the other hand has faced off with even worst odds and won,” Oriana explains. “That’s bad,” Ranma said realizing how bad it would be if Eclipsa becomes upset about something while she’s on Earth. ! > Chapter 43 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Teleporting to the planet Earth, Princess Eclipsa appeared in front of the inn that most of her family have gain an interest in. Such a long range teleportation would be hard for even her family with the exception of her grandmother Oriana, but for her, she isn't even sweating. She is simply, just too powerful for her own good. Grandmother Infinitia, has tested her for centuries to figure out why she's so powerful. Her magic is so powerful that no spell could be cast by her without it being overcharged. She has tried to hold back but she simply can't hold back, making her as dangerous to her side as to their foes. Turns out she’s a mutant when it comes to the Alicorn breed. All alicorns get stronger and more powerful as they age, she on the other hand just gets stronger much faster than any other Alicorn, without having to worry about senescence like so many other races as they grow older. True there is a small number of alicorns to compare her to, but she’s the only one who has displayed the stronger with age gene, working faster than any other. Which is why both Infinitia and Oriana have created a number of power limiters to focus her energy instead of having her throw simple low level spells that leave nothing for miles. At full power she destroys solar systems, from several solar systems away. Forcing her to create her own brand of magic spells, as the normal spell levels are simply beyond her to be able to safely use. (1) She has seen that anime Dragonball and wish that she lives in that setting, she would fit right in as a god of destruction with them being the only ones who can give her a challenge. Besides Oriana, she hasn't met anyone who can make her actually have to work for a victory. There are other galaxies but, if she left for a wild adventure when she returns the empire might not be there anymore at worst or she would miss out on lots of things that happen while she was away, like the last time she visited another galaxy. She didn’t even know Celestia had given up trying to have a child the old fashion way and given birth to Sunset during her time away, only finding out when she return and decided to have another fight with grandmother Oriana. Bursting into her room where she had just put Sunset to sleep and woke her up, resulting in Sunset crying and her grandmother grabbing her ear and grounding her in her room. Not to mention her being force to look after Sunset after that, so that she knows how hard it is to care and look after an infant. Like her mother Cosmica, Eclipsa stands at 12 feet tall and is as well built as her mother. Because of the amount of magic she holds, her body has to be as powerful to be able to handle the strain her magic. Her long purple and black mane contrast with her bright yellow coat. Clan in armor that is really power limiters so that she doesn’t accidentally destroy something. Her body also is covered in magic runes that limits the amount of power she can use, not that she couldn’t just destroy them all simply by flexing herself. But it would take lots of time for the runes to be painted back on her body and for a new set of armor made. She is also very stoic, finding just about everything not interesting even in the heat of battle. For the uninitiated, Eclipsa is a stone-faced, unloving person but her family have witness of the emotions she possess. “Welcome back Eclipsa,” Galactica she appearing next to her sister by teleporting. “I’m taking down the protection act you put on this planet,” Eclipsa said bluntly. “What?” Galactica asked. “Earth is only independent because of that protection you place. Even with how clearly making us angry would be bad for them. The government of Japan took Sunset pulling that little stunt of hers where she took a drive and betted against herself, for that government to finally get her into a good school. Which took 5 Earth months and it’s only when they been implanted with nanobots that we can use to torture or kill them anytime we want, is when they’re actually doing their jobs. So I’m simply taking away their ability to make their own choices as they have shown it’s only because of the threat of their own lives is when they suddenly care enough to do their jobs,” Eclipsa said. “I have been humoring them too much,” Galactica agreed. “Which is why we need to make it clear to them that, we only been letting them do what they want and now it’s time to get to work. Or they be replaced with robots,” Eclipsa said. “Robots really? Sunset does need some experience in ruling,” Galactica said. “She does…. I guess young future leaders could be put in charge. But we do need to make sure that everyone on this planet who are in a position of power, is that they’re all completely replaceable,” Eclipsa said. "We can't just replace all the people in positions of power," Galactica said. "I see you like some of them. We just pick and choose but we have done that before and with the humans only living at a 100 at best. The future generations will just never know a world where we weren't in charge," Eclipsa said. (3) ! > Chapter 44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “Now we have to learn more stuff that we aren’t going to be using in real life?” Tomoko grumbles as she ate with Sunset and her group in the lunchroom. It’s been a month since Equestria took over Earth, with Sunset’s aunt Eclipsa taking it over herself. She literally disarmed all the world’s armies at once, taking all the big guns and nukes by using a swarm of robots that teleported all the weapons away. Then having an occupational force of robots appear all over the world to keep order. The governments of the world have been dismantled and replaced by new people or ponies who using their superior technology has fix everything that was a problem. The environment has been fixed, companies that caused the pollution problems have been taken over or bankrupted by the new pony companies. Endangered animals are now protected with every single black market shut down and all buyers for them have been taken cared of, one way or another. Every single crime group has been taken down with any criminal being mind scanned to see if they’re innocent or not. The entire Justice system has been dismantled and replaced with a new one. With people accused of a crime having the choice of having their minds scanned to show if they did the crime or not. While people who were in power, now have none in the new world. For many people their standard of living have increased, with medical care, power, indoor water, food, and shelter. That many people don’t want to return to the old times, where the few elite are in charge of things and could get away with many things. Which many are now brain bots or now have nothing being stripped of all of their power. “Yes, auntie is focusing on the young like you,” Sunset said. “Why?” Tomoko ask. “So that you grow up knowing how much better your life is compared to your parents and how they did things. I can’t shake down the crime lords anymore, because they’re all gone. The police who weren’t fired and had all their benefits stripped because of corruption or crimes that were covered up, are now mostly there to give a human face to the police bots. The people with power are gone or now have to answer to my aunt. Who has solved every problem that were deliberately being procrastinated by the people in charged,” Sunset said. “What’s the catch?” Tomoko ask. “Earth is now a farming and entertainment planet,” Sunset said. “What?” Tomoko ask. “Human entertainment is the biggest value of trade the planet has that can’t be found elsewhere. So we expect to be entertain,” Sunset said. “So no more people who make horrible films or shows like the Star Wars films or tv shows like Velma?” Tomoko ask. “Yup and I’m even having the people who made Velma redo it with Velma being treated horribly as she should be with how she acts. And redoing the last two Star Wars films, so that the story actually makes sense and not be trash. With anyone who doesn’t like the fandom not being allowed to work on it. Like how people who actually are fans work on the Mario movie and the One Piece live action series, made something that fans like,” Sunset said. (1) “I’m getting the feeling any wild and strange adventures won’t be happening in my life,” Tomoko said. “Well once the school year is over, I can take you on a tour of my world,” Sunset said. “Really?” Tomoko ask. “Sure, you’re much better company then Ranma,” Sunset said. “Where is he anyways?” Tomoko ask. “I figure, I need to do something nice to him now he’s no longer curse and he has learned not to make me bad,” Sunset said. ! Elsewhere - Ranma is inside room with one large bed in the middle, a large bathroom with a large bathtub, with a machine that serves him any kind of food and drink he wants. The only problem is that he’s naked and he’s not alone. In the room with him are Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi, who are also naked. The one keeping them in the room is Sunset’s grandmother, Galactica. Sunset gave them to her grandmother to let them have a nice vacation at her palace in Egypt. Which Galactica decided that the best thing she could do is lock them together naked in her sex room. A room that’s like a love hotel with the ones inside but much fancier. And Galactica told them that they all need to talk to each other and work out their problems. As the girls are in love with Ranma and because of them always fighting is the reason why Ranma was put off, till Sunset made them all stop. Now in the room alone they have no choice but work out their issues. Something that they just never done before, with them unable to fight but just talk. Made easy thanks to the fact the angry tomboy is in jail who will always think the worst of Ranma no matter what. (2) ! > Chapter 45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Mari Nagare smiles as she stares at the glass brain cases that contain the brains of the bullies who caused the deaths of her son. Their names have been wipe from them as they are only have the numbers of their brain cases. Their brains are being used to run the brain bots to do labor. Completely self aware and the whole system they’re connected to, would never allow them to be able to go mad. They’re stuck forever as brain bots to do labor till the day their brains simply die for one reason or another but most last for hundreds of years before that happen. They’re nothing but nameless bots now with no hope of ever escaping from their fitting punishment. (1) “All thanks to the mind scanner that shows if they’re guilty of the crime or not and if it was just an accident or like what happen was on purpose,” Sunset said to Tomoko as they ate lunch. Both of them watching a news report of the new Justice system. “No more court cases or jury?” Tomoko ask. “There are still civil cases like who gets what after someone dies or claims or divorce cases. The mind scanners are for serious crimes like the bullies driving a fellow student to kill himself,” Sunset said. “There are so many things that I need to know now. What old laws are still the law and what isn’t and the laws that are now the law,” Tomoko said. “The world is now under one rule and my aunt has done this over 500 times now. It’s nothing but a normal routine for her to destroy the old government and make a new one. Getting rid of all the politicians who do nothing but make power plays and getting people to vote for them or the ones who jury rigged the elections to stay in power. She just had them killed or turn into brain bots. The United States government now runs much better and faster thanks to her getting rid of all the clowns,” Sunset said. “And had the people who protested turn into brain bots,” Tomoko said. “Well that what happens when people think that the old freedom of speech still protects them. Besides there are billions of humans, culling the numbers of the trouble makers is just something that my aunt does. And there is no stopping her, so just stay out of her way. My aunt is a veteran warlord who has conquered planets and made entire race extinct. Her taking over and making this world run as she wants is just Tuesday for her,” Sunset said. “No one on one fight like you did?” Tomoko ask. “I was just playing around and let Dan win so I could rip everyone who bet against him. Aunt Eclipsa, is just going to kill whoever tries to fight her. She’s just too strong where she’s just bored of fighting, the only thing that gives her pause is when she’s dealing with something that can destroy a normal space fleet, like a probe that can travel at light speed and just wreck a standard space fleet. She is also very smart, having gone to the best schools and teachers, and learning from experience. She’s also one of those who never falls for the same trick twice. Anytime she lost she just make sure she can’t be beaten like that again, plus she also very good at planning and manipulation,” Sunset explains. “But all she’s been doing when dealing with the old leaders, is you do what I say or I turn you into brain bots,” Tomoko said. “Earth isn’t that hard to deal with and after she took down all the weapons that were the only threat, there was nothing left to stand in her way. And bio weapons don’t work when all you have to do is walk into a health tube and be cured of anything wrong with you. You’re looking much better after you used it,” Sunset said. “Yeah, I do,” Tomoko said who looks a lot more healthier after she used the heath tube. “Besides my aunt has done lots of good to show that while you humans are now our subjects, you are well taken care of in return for resources and entertainment,” Sunset said. “She has also been exposing all the secrets that the governments have been hiding too,” Tomoko said who has been reading all the secrets the old governments hide and covered up. It’s even bigger the Wikileaks. “My aunt loves to kick people out of power and then expose all the secrets and coverups that the old governments did. Leaving the people who did it totally expose and have no protection at all. And that everything that the people who did those things with the mindset it’s for their country, is all for nothing. That they’re now exposed, they have no retirement plans or any support, the very government they work for is gone, leaving them having to deal with all the stuff they did. Which is for nothing, and ruining support to return to the old ways. Hard to get support when the government was involved in human trafficking,” Sunset said. “And that there’s nothing to pay the soldiers,” Tomoko said. “Unless it’s a mindless drone like some insect races or robots. Once you can’t pay people to be soldiers to die for a cause they don’t even believe in, the army will just break up. Besides many veterans from the United States were used up and thrown away by the old government and now unlike before they actually are being taken care of by my aunt’s new government. By the standard health care that all of our subjects are given,” Sunset said. (2) “I really can’t believe how much the standard health care takes care of,” Tomoko said. “That’s the marvel of being ruled by a highly advance space empire and that your planet is right next door to our homeworld,” Sunset said. “Living in a high technology world with a higher standard of life,” Tomoko said. “There be some problems here and there but that always happens at the start and seeing how my aunt and grandmother been around since before humans were a thing. We can afford to wait centuries while at best a human can only live around a 100 at best. Making the changes that will cause the very cultures of this world to change. And all the things that people held dear to them, means nothing to the people hundreds of years later,” Sunset said. (3) ! > Chapter 46 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! “All students and all of the school staff are to assemble in front of the school now,” the head master’s voice of Todo academy said over the loud speakers. The students and the staff of the school all assembled in front of the school as they were ask to where a stage was setup. The head master appeared walking to the stage along with the alien queen Celestia, from newly discovered planet Equestria that was always hidden behind the sun thanks to being in prefect sync with the Earth’s orbit. She’s not alone as her personal guards made themselves knows all around the school, all heavily armed and armored with equipment thousands of years ahead of anything that Earth has. And the Equestrians also are able to use magic, an all but a lost art on Earth. Camera pods are in the air filming everything, as Celestia took the center stage and spoke into the microphone. “Todo academy has been choose by the Japanese government to be the school where my only daughter will be attending after winning the bidding from the Japanese government. If anything happens to my daughter or anyone upsets her and the school doesn’t punish said person,” Celestia lifts her finger and all of the cars of the school staff and students are suddenly lifted from the parking lot and floated in the air and are all crushed into small balls no bigger then a softball. All the students and staff stared in shock and horror at the display of power the alien queen just showed. “I like the rest of my family have vast telekinesis and control of gravity to the point where we can move planets and stars. This isn’t like those mangas or comics where when someone with gravity or telekinesis grabs ahold of you, Mitsuomi Takayanagi,” Celestia said as she lifted the top student up into the air and brings him before her. Before the entire school she makes him slap himself silly followed by him bending over and doing the butt dance before the entire school. Many students began laughing as the top fighter of the school is making a fool of himself. “As you all can see he’s completely helpless, the strongest fighter in this school. Utterly helpless and unable to do anything to stop me making him a fool, with many of his fellow students recording him doing the butt dance. Which will follow him for the rest of his life, the strong fighter made to do the butt dance,” Celestia said stopping and bringing him up to face her, which thanks to her massive size compared to him, he’s floating in the air. For his part Mitsuomi is scared shitless of the powerful alien queen in front of him. He’s been trying to fight her hold on him but couldn’t move anything and just had to take it. “I know all about your little club but my daughter is more important then you will ever be and while she’s a long way from my power level, she’s nothing like you weak puny humans,” Celestia said as she with her hand pulls down the front part of his pants and she looks at his manhood. “No correction, tiny, baby size human male. Not even an inch, have to throw you back.” Mitsuomi could feel the stares from behind him as the alien queen is belittling him for his penis size. “There are trillions in trade deals on the line for every country on this world on the line. If my daughter’s stay isn’t good, the deals are off and all the countries who are counting on the trade deals will have their hopes and dreams dash. All because of this school and the Japanese government in picking this school, for my daughter to attend. Now what do you think will happen to the students and staff for letting my daughter’s stay be a bad one. Being blacklisted and the only work any of you be able to find being black companies who will squeeze everything out of you and you have to take it or be homeless, is the best you can hope for. As, I’m all for in making all of you examples of, to show the rest of this world what happens if you treat a member of the royal family badly,” Celestia said making all the students and staff feel dread of what would happen to them if the princess of Equestia’s stay at the school isn’t a good one. “You have nothing to fear, she will be treated well here,” the head master said. “My daughter didn’t want to be treated special and people treating her nice because she’s a princess. Which is why since last week she’s been using a magic spell to make herself look human and has been attending as a exchange student from America, under the name of Rebecca Shoichet,” Celestia said causing all the students and staff to turn to the exchange student who joined last week, all with a look of horror on their faces. (1) Sunset walk over to the stage lifting the spell that made her look human. Wings appeared on her back, her skin turning orange and a gem appearing on her forehead, her figure filled out showing that she takes after her mother who has a very voluptuous body but still a long way to go, and her blonde hair turning red with blonde stripes. She’s been complaining to the teachers about all the fighting and the students harassing her, which they done nothing about. Causing the students and the school staff be filled with dread knowing they’re all in deep shit. Sunset looks at the horrified face of the head master. “I told you all about the harassment and the attacks on me. Which you did nothing about. So I handled it myself and called my mother and she brought in an entire army unit that has the entire school surrounded. Those camera pods have hijacked all the tv channels in Japan so that everyone knows what’s happening. That this school allows students to be attack and harassed, which the school staff will do nothing about. So tell me headmaster who will lose his job, his home, his savings, this going to affect your family. This is your one chance to give me a good answer why you let all of this happen? Come on all of Japan is watching.” The headmaster was frozen as the camera pods pointed at him waiting for an answer. He remembers how Rebecca, no Sunset had come to him about all the students that kept on attacking her and ask why he’s allowing it to happen, and him telling her that’s how the school is that’s how things are done. And her telling him that she’s betting if he had to explain himself in front of cameras with all of Japan watching, he wouldn’t be able to say anything without him looking like a cruel old man who likes watching his students fight to the death for his own twisted pleasure. He shouted to her to get out or he would expel her. “No answer like I said. You have nothing to say because as I told you, that anything you say to justify this, would only show that you’re a cruel old man who takes pleasure in watching his students fight to the death. Since you won’t lift a finger to do anything, you don’t need any limbs,” Sunset said as she holds up her hand to him. The head master was lifted up into the air and to the horror of the student body and school staff, his limbs are folded into themselves. First the arms and legs folded once which anyone could do, then the limbs were folded again, loud snapping of bones filled the air and the screams of the head master filled the air. Sunset didn’t stop till she couldn’t fold the limbs anymore. A medical pod came and injected the head master with something that would keep him alive and awake. Sunset turns to Mitsuomi, who is so scared of her that his face turn white. “This what’s going to happen, I’m going to tear off all of the penises and balls of all of your male enforcers and tear the wombs of the females so that they will never have children. Then I’m going to deal with you by having your arms and legs be fed into a wood chipper. For I don’t care how good of a fighter you are. What use does all those fighting skills you have when you don’t have any arms and legs to fight with,” Sunset said to the horror of the school who messed with the wrong person. (2) ! Present - “And that’s what happen,” Sunset said showing Tomoko the video of when she first revealed herself. “So what happen to them?” Tomoko ask. “The ones I maimed, are in jail serving time and when they finally get out will all be pass the age of 40. The teachers are also serving time for allowing what happen at the school to happen and lost everything. As for Mitsuomi, he’s also in jail and have to go out in the general population, I had his eyes grown back just so that he can see the other prisoners mock him, even had his heart problem fix so he wouldn’t die young. He has cheap artificial limbs on him which the other prisoners knock him over and steal them. He’s their bitch and he can’t fight back. When he tries he’s just kicked around,” Sunset said. ! > Chapter 47 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In the lunchroom Mary pokes at her food looking horrible, along with Hakufu and Yua, both of them look just as horrible as Mary does. As do Hodaka and Ranma who also look horrible, along with his girlfriends Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi. All 4 of them have returned from their little vacation and have worked things out. “What happen to you?” Tomoko ask her cousins. “Mom, again,” Hakufu said. “Aunt Goei, has taken to being the royal family’s lover too well,” Ranma grumbled. “And doesn’t care if it’s out in the open,” Mary growls then turns green thinking about it. “I regret coming here,” Yua said. “Me too,” Hodaka said. “I had forgotten how aunt Goei is like.” “At least you all aren’t force to join in,” Ukyo said, as she Shampoo, and Kodachi were force to service all the people in the orgy. “At least the school year is almost over, just another week and it’s over,” Mary said planning on moving back with her parents and away from her sex crazy aunt. “Sunset is planning on transferring overseas, saying she has it with Japan,” Tomoko said. “Oh good, I can just stay here and go to school here,” Mary said having taking a liking to the school. “Lucky you,” Ranma said knowing that he and the girls be dragged along. “I’m going to go too,” Tomoko said surprising her cousins. “Why?” Mary asks. “I like having misadventures that happen around her and I’m caught up with her,” Tomoko said. “That’s because unlike me you aren’t made a laughing stock,” Ranma said causing everyone to stare at him. “What?” “Ranma you’re the one who sets her off,” Mary said. “And she does go easy on you,” Kodachi said. “Yeah, she on her worst days is still better than the tomboy,” Ranma said. “You’re lucky that Sunset likes you,” Shampoo said to Tomoko said. “And when you go with her, you can take over in keeping Ranma in line. Just smack him in the back of the head like me,” Mary said. “Hey,” Ranma said to Mary. “You can also try to keep Sunset from doing what she did here to wherever she goes next,” Hakufu said. “The other countries aren’t going to be making that mistake with here. I did talk to her about how she and the other ponies have treated Japan in how they’re acting so cruel and hypocritical at times. Sunset explains it that for them with how short we live compare to them. We just don’t matter in the long run. When Sunset is her mom’s age she told me that I’ll be lucky to be remembered by her if she doesn’t have any old pictures or videos with me around. Her grandmother Orian the oldest of the alicorns has a vast library of old journals of her early life, because the fog of eons just causes her to forget many things but the ones that made an impact or important in her long life. When she doesn’t want to remember something she just rips the page out of the book and it’s just forgotten. To her all of us are just like short lived pets that are around then die and she moves on. And that she kept being sent to one horrible school after another and how Japan as a whole allowed them to happen for so long and only acting because of her. Japan as a whole hasn’t shown her any respect and she sees no reason to show any in return. Especially seeing how even without her powers, she still can call down a military strike team or army to come down on any target at anytime she wants,” Tomoko said. (1) “Then why had she been kicking Japan while it was already down?” Mary ask. “Because of the culture of Japan allowed people our age go and fight to the death and it’s all covered up. How the police and government do nothing when things happen and only act when they have no choice to do something, till she step in and force them to act or she would ruin their life. How she waited for months for the government to finally do their job in putting her in a school where students don’t fight to the death, has a sex thing, and other things like Mary’s old school happening and no one doing nothing about it. And worst of all the guy who sent her to that first school that started this mess who gave his word it be a good school, only said sorry when he had a gun press to the back of his head,” Tomoko explained. “Wait, that’s the reason why she’s so jaded?” Mary ask as shocked as the others. “Yup, once a word is given and is broken, plus with never even freely admitting that they were wrong. Is a big thing for ponies. It’s a cultural thing,” Tomoko said and saw the stun looks from her family and friends. “You mean none of you actually really talked to her?” “So, I just have to say sorry and I wouldn’t had to pull her around on the cart like a horse?” Ranma asked. “Yes,” Tomoko said. “Why you never tried?” “Never worked before,” Ranma said. “Unlike that brat who hit you with that hammer all the time, I do accept an apology,” Sunset said walking up to the table with the Shadowbolts. “I made all the arrangements and after the last day here, I’m heading to the United States. Tomoko if you want to go with me you’re welcome to come along. Ranma you and your girls be coming along too,” Sunset said. “Oh America, where are we going?” Tomoko ask. “Still deciding which state to go to,” Sunset said. ! > Chapter 48 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Tomoko was nervous as she stands near Sunset and her bodyguards who have them surrounded, using them as a wall. They’re on Stardust the world ship of Sunset’s great aunt Polaris who is the sister of her grandmother Cosmica. Sunset is talking with her other aunt Galatea who is Polaris’s granddaughter. Reminding Tomoko that Sunset is still a growing, Galatea is a fully grown adult and the differences could be seen very well. Plus she’s the only human on the world ship that’s outside of the solar system. Galatea is a blue coated Alicorn with an orange and green mane and tail. Like the other adult alicorns she has seen, Galatea has massive breasts that are as big as her torso and a massive butt that her form fitting bodysuit shows off. And with her standing at 9 feet tall, she towers over Tomoko, who was already small compared to Sunset and her bodyguards. Around them are other adult female ponies with the rare male now and then, reminding her how small humans are compared to ponies. “Hi girls!” a young filly around Sunset and her bodyguards age said running over to the group. Her mane is a strong cerulean with moderate arctic blue streaks in two ponytails. Her coat is a pale light grayish olive. She’s an earth pony who stands as tall as Lemon Zest, who has a larger chest at I cups. “Tomoko meet Juniper Montage,” Sunset introduced the new filly to the human teen. “So you’re finally ready to join?” Sunny Flare ask. “Yup, the shoot is done and I can rejoin the Shadowbolts,” Juniper said. “Juniper’s uncle is in the entertainment business and Juniper was busy while we were on Earth,” Sugarcoat said to Tomoko. “Is she one of the human slaves?” Juniper ask. “She’s a cousin of that human guy who kiss Sunset. The one that she likes,” Galatea said. “Hey!” Sunset growls glaring at her aunt who just smiles at her niece. “So why are you here?” Juniper ask Tomoko. “I’m here to watch the negotiations,” Tomoko said. She had tagged along when Sunset told her that she and her bodyguards would be visiting her aunt on her world ship to see a court case happening there. ! The Grand Court - With the Equestrian Empire being the most powerful empire of the galaxy, many races who have trade or contact with them use them as mediators for negotiations with the royal family sometimes stepping in to end a conflict. The other empires avoid having a conflict with the Equestrian Empire the ones who didn’t, learn the hard way why the Equestrian Empire is the biggest in the galaxy. The Equestrian Empire for their part don’t interfere with other conflicts or other races, till they’re force to, or were asked for help. Many conflicts ended because one side asked for help from the Equestrians and they answered the call for help. Of course the help doesn’t come for free, either in trade deals with Equestrians getting the better deal or the race who called for help joining the empire. Many planets join the empire out of fear of the wider galaxy, due to many of the dangers that space holds. Ranging from warlords and smaller empires looking to add planets to their region of space they rule, space pirates ranging from attacking ships to raiding planets, to hostile lifeforms that bring death to other planets. The planets that are under the rule of the Equestrian Empire are fully protected and are with all the benefits that come with it. “So your grandmother acts as a judge?” Tomoko asks Galatea. Both of them are with Sunset and the others in the peanut gallery watching. “Yes all of us royals are able to override any ruling from any of the judges in our legal systems. We can remove judges anytime we want with only another royal member can challenge our ruling. It’s to make sure that bribes and judges with their own views making unfair judgement, which is also why the courts normally have robot judges who can’t be bribed or their personal views cloud the ruling,” Galatea said. “Oh, so that’s why many of the judges have been replaced by robot judges,” Tomoko said. “Yes, the human judges were lacking to our taste and replaced with ones who make rulings and uphold the laws. The ones left know that they’re only allowed to maintain their jobs that gives them power over others, because we allow them,” Galatea said. “The royal family has lots of power,” Tomoko said. “We’re the ones who built the empire and maintain it. Of course we have the power, we’re the ones who have all the pressure and all the faults that happen are blame on us,” Sunset said. (1) “That’s the price of being rulers,” Galatea said. “So what’s the court case?” Tomoko asks. “Grandmother is overseeing the claim from the Kalifadik race that the Jaws solar system is theirs because of a ship of theirs finding it but left. The reason they want it is because an Equestrian xenobiology team while studying the native life on the lone life baring planet also discovered it’s rich in rare metals. Their laws have any unregistered planet they find is theirs. While there are lifeforms on the planet who are as intelligent as you humans when grandmother Galactica first found you humans,” Sunset explains. “Oh,” Tomoko said. “You know of the Judge Dredd comics?” Sunset ask. “Yes,” Tomoko said. “The Kalifadik home planet basically followed that story line of nukes destroying and making most of their world a wasteland. With a system that’s has the government being nothing more than fascist, power-hungry thugs just like the comic. Also all crimes are equal with the punishment being death, wherever it be going below the speed limit in a warp speed zone to tearing off a mattress tag. They have no allies as making diplomatic ties with people who have the mindset that all crimes are equal is not worth it and trade with other races only happens outside of their boarders where they can’t enforce their laws. Their home system is only kept together by their brutal system and that the only ones allowed off their planet are their military police. It’s like North Korea but worst as they refuse any technology that could restore their world so that their people wouldn’t have to live in overcrowded megacities,” Sunset said. “Why?” Tomoko ask. “If they did restore their world and the people no longer are force to live in overpopulated cities. Where the brutal system is the only thing that keeps order, the reason for the system would be not needed and they lose their power,” Galatea said. (2) “Oh,” Tomoko said. “The team on the planet protested about the Kalifadik taking the populated planet that has intelligence life on it. Which was met with guns pointed at them and being told that the lifeforms would be put on reservations, for their own protection against any other race that wants to strip mine the planet. With the lead researcher being told that, ‘They need those resources. Long as the freaks need our protection then we're here to say. And, trust me, we'll make sure these dumb alien simps always need protecting.’ Which the lead researcher revealed that she’s a member of the royal family from a minor house. Cousin Dusty Zap,” Galatea said. “That changed the Kalifadik landing party’s tune as they’re very aware of what happens to any race that kills a member of the royal family. So now they have to make a case that they can both mine the planet while keeping the emerging intelligence life safe and be able to evolve,” Sunset said. “So any of you going to be visiting the planet and help the natives of that planet to evolve?” Tomoko asked as its now common knowledge that Galactica is the one who help the early humans to learn and evolve. “It’s the reason why the Kalifadik are making the case to grandmother. They don’t want one of us making the planet a protected planet for emerging intelligent life. They filed the paperwork and before any of us could do that, they have a court case and we have to hear them out by our own laws. One thing about the Kalifadik’s that other races brave to deal with them, is that they have experts in every legal system,” Galatea said. “What?” Tomoko asked. “Yeah, they have an entire department in their government that deal solely in the laws of other races. They charge high but they can find every single legal loophole and work the legal system. It’s the only reason why many races put up with them and the only real lifeline of revenue that their race has,” Sunset said. “So they’re slimeball lawyers?” Tomoko asked. “No they’re actually very honest and help their clients with all legal matter. As if they do a bad job at a legal case, or any other underhanded thing that you think of when it comes to lawyers, they’re killed. For bringing shame to their legal system,” Galatea explains. “Oh,” Tomoko said who sat back and waited for the court case to start. !