> Bound for Pleasure > by SilverEyedWolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > RD&Twi Ropeplay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight glanced around the store. Looked both ways up and down the aisles. Grabbed what she needed and trotted to the register. "Will that be all?" the near-catatonic employee asked, sipping from a steaming cup. "Yes please thank you," Twilight squeaked, levitating a bag of coins onto the counter. She pranced nervously in place as the stallion slowly counted the coins. She was looking around herself again when he cleared his throat. "Receipt?" "No thank you, but a bag please," she said, nearly snatching the paper sack from his hooves as she galloped from the nondescript store. Ducking into the nearest alley, she transported into her castle's entryway. Looking into the bag, she giggled through a blush, relaxing as she gazed around the empty room. Conjuring a short piece of paper, she made annotations as she said out loud, "Spike? Sleeping over at AJ's, having a guy's night. Starlight? In the Crystal Empire with Sunburst, working through some magical design work. Trixie? Currently holding a stage in Manehatten. Front door?" She looked over her shoulder, dropping the bolt quietly across the double doors. "Locked." Giggling to herself, she disappeared the note and trotted towards the map room's closed doors. Glancing inside the bag, she blushed deeper before knocking on the doors. There was a chuckle, before a raspy voice called out, "Only you would knock on a door in your own house, Twilight Sparkle." "Are you ready?" she asked through the doors, ignoring the teasing tones. "Are you?" said the voice on the other side, before the doors opened. "Heya Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, stretching her neck up to put her nose on Twilight's chin. "Did you get what I asked for?" Blushing, Twilight held out the package. Rainbow took it and backed away a single step, her fluffy mane tickling Twilight's nose as she opened the bag and glanced inside. She looked up at Twilight, cocking her eyebrow. "Wow Twi, you grabbed the pretreated stuff. Being a princess must be nice. Unless," she said, taking a step closer and pushing her chest against Twilight's to whisper in her ear, "you're just eager? Impatient, maybe?" Twilight opened her mouth to retort but was easily sidetracked when Rainbow stepped away and nibbled on her bottom lip. "Don't worry, Princess," she said, kissing Twilight's nose and prancing away. "I'll make sure you get your money's worth. Hell, I'll even make sure you get it tonight, since you're so very eager and impatient." Twilight shuffled in place, watching Rainbow trot away with just a touch more bounce in her plot than normal, her tail waving playfully but staying in just the right place to show nothing. Dash reached the table and turned to jump up a bit, her ass hitting the crystal slab with a quiet thwack. Looking at Twilight, she feigned surprise with a massive grin. "Why Twilight, why haven't you moved yet? Surely you want to get," she spread her legs slowly, before crossing them, "a little closer? Don't you?" Twilight bit her lip as she gazed at Rainbow Dash. Her ears twitched madly, wanting to give her answer, but she kept her tongue. Rainbow's grin widened. "Ah, look at you Twilight. Always the good student. Learning so quickly." Reaching behind herself, she slowly drug a black cloth bag beside her, opening the top and pulling a thin stick into sight, thicker at its base and tapering into a flat strip of fiber. Lifting it by the handle, she gazed down at it with a distant smile, tapping the tongue against her left hoof. "Of course, you had help," she said lightly, before lightly swatting her thigh. Biting her lip, she glanced up at Twilight. "Gods, I just can not understand why you enjoy this thing so much. And you must enjoy it, as much as you act up on me," she said, looking down and trailing the fiber of the riding crop in small circles around where she'd smacked herself with it. She glanced back up to Twilight, smirking before she hid her lips with the flat of the crop. The poor princess was still standing where she had been, gently shifting her back legs together as she gazed longingly at Dash, her bottom lip none-too-gently held in her teeth and her wings at their fullest extent. Rainbow shuffled her own wings, biting her lip back at Twilight with a giggling grin. "Celestia, Twilight, you're gonna collapse at this speed. Sure you can keep up?" Dash snickered at Twilight's barely perceptible nod. "If you're sure, then. But you know the rules, don't you?" Twilight let out a whining groan from her throat but didn't answer this time. "That's better. Now, here," Dash said, straightening her back and pointing directly in front of her, at the floor. Twilight jumped to comply, her wings fluttering and carrying her across the room in a single motion. Her hooves actually scraped across the crystal floor as she had to lean into them to stop herself from fully running into the perched pegasus. She blushed harder when Rainbow rose both her eyebrows at her, but neither of them mentioned it beyond that. "Now, a good princess would already know what I want, but let me go ahead and spell it out for you," Rainbow said, leaning forward to whisper in Twilight's right ear. "You are going to please me, Twilight, and if I'm not completely satisfied by your efforts, then I'll tack on more," instead of saying more of what, she let the crop fall lightly on her thigh again, "and if you don't do so in a 'timely fashion', then I'll tack on even more. Sound good?" Rainbow raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, leaning back onto her free hoof as Twilight stared at her, her back legs fidgeting behind her wings. "Alright, then," Rainbow said, leaning back and shaking her head as she closed her eyes. "I guess if you don't want to, that's on you. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to. Guess I'll just pack this stuff up and-" "Please," Twilight whispered. Rainbow's left eye opened, peeking at her. "Please," she said, a little louder. "Hmm," Rainbow sighed, smiling again and lightly tapping the tip of Twilight's horn with the crop. "That's three, now," she said, before leaning back and bracing herself with both of her forelegs. "You have ninety seconds," she said, uncrossing her back legs and spreading them slightly. "Oh, and don't skip the foreplay," she said, almost as an afterthought. "Go." Twilight nearly lunged forward, her hooves coming up to Dash's thighs and pressing them open eagerly. SWAT-SWAT Flinching, Twilight withdrew her hooves, a smart stinging sensation in her fetlocks from the tip of the crop. "Nuh huh," Rainbow singsonged, swinging the crop lightly through the air between them. "You know the rules. No hooves, just that sweet mouth of yours," she finished smugly, following it with, "Eighty-five seconds." Quietly whining from the top of her throat, Twilight planted her hooves and leaned forward, careful to only touch Rainbow with her lips as she nibbled gently at the base of Dash's right ear. Dash sighed gently, her coat tensing and shivering as Twilight ran quick but heavy kisses down along her neck. She paused, taking only a second to nibble at that special place where the vein in a pony's torso met between their head and shoulder, before continuing her plummet down along Rainbow's chest. "Seventy-nine," Dash murmured as Twilight once again hesitated, running her tongue lightly around Dash's navel and pulling a giggle out of her from the gentle tickling sensation. The giggle transformed into an appreciative moan as Twilight ran her nose down and gently bit on one of Dash's small but sensitive teats. "Se-seventy," she said, leaning back on her forelegs as Twilight pressed harder into her soft tissues, nipping and sucking until she latched onto a nipple, receiving her first full-throated groan. Relaxing fully on her back, Dash grinned up at the roots above her as Twilight nuzzled between her tits. "Sixty-two," she called, giggling when Twilight huffed and licked her left nipple for a last time before trailing her tongue down further. She felt two hooves tap onto the round table and readied her crop. After a moment of feeling nothing more than Twilight's tongue working down, she relaxed again and let her back legs split from either side of Twilight's horn. Wriggling her hips and stretching her legs further, she shivered as she felt the first of the long, broad strokes of Twilight's tongue along her folds. "Fifty-six seconds to blow my mind, Twilie," she said. Twilight grinned, grazing Dash's lower lips carefully with her chin before running her tongue up and over Dash's slit. She waited until she heard Rainbow pulling in a breath before latching her lips around the slowly winking clit and giving it a small squeeze. "Oooo~" Dash vocalized, letting the sound draw long and deep. "Playing for keeps this time, hmm?" Dash shivered as the very tip of Twilight's tongue ran over her clit. "Or maybe you just studied this time?" she asked between breaths. She felt Twilight's lips tense and could stop a laugh. "That's it, isn't it? You found some book and studied your heart out for me. I-I'm t-touched," she forced out as her legs flexed absently. Her eyebrows creasing, Twilight's tongue pressed against Dash's clit before running down and past her bottom lip. Prodding experimentally, she barely had to push between the folds of Dash's pussy to slip into her hole. "Th-th-thiry six!" Dash squeaked out, her legs wrapping around the back of Twilight's head and pulling her closer. She felt the princess grin against her. She felt the quirk of the tongue inside of her as a lip gently massaged her clit, Twilight's head making small circled as she hummed purposefully. She felt that damp heat growing in her hips, her lower belly, her whole bottom half. Embracing it, she reached down and grabbed Twilight's horn with a hoof, pulling her closer with a tug and running her cunt over Twilight's nose, her sudden alarmed hum sending Dash over with a series of jerks and shivers. She leaned her head back and let out a long, breathy series of moans before slumping onto the table. She took a couple of deep breaths before looking down at Twilight, peeking up over her teats and belly at her. "That was a promising start," she said with a grin, before checking an invisible watch and humming. "But you've only got eight more seconds to completely satisfy me, Twilight Sparkle." "Bu-but-!" Twilight started, before the crop gently came down on her nose with a plop. "Five, four, three, two," Dash counted down, before lifting her eyebrows. "Ah, so close Twilight, only two or three more to go. Ah well. We'll just add that to the total. You're up to, what, seven, eight now?" Twilight made another noise in her throat but kept quiet. Chuckling, Dash lifted herself back into a sitting position. "You're right, you're right. Two times of speaking without permission," she said, tapping the crop twice on the table, "two more for using those hooves of yours, again without permission, and one failure to completely satisfy me in a timely manner. Five." Biting her lip, Twilight said nothing as Dash nodded. "Five then," she said again, sliding off of the table. She watched with a small smile as Twilight mounted the table with her front hooves, laying on her belly with her hind legs braced off of the table. "Once again, Twilight," Rainbow said softly, running the flat tip of her crop up along one of Twilight's legs. She started gently grazing the back of her hoof, scraping gently up her ankle and the back of her knee and further up her thigh. She only paused when she reached Twilight's flank, tapping it lightly. "You're being impatient." Twilight looked over her shoulder, eyebrow lifted and eyes barely creasing. In answer, Dash dropped the crop to the table, before pulling over the brown paper bag. Reaching in, she slowly pulled out the first coil of treated hempen rope and placed it by her flank on the table. Then the second, and the third, before she tossed the bag aside. "We're gonna try something different tonight," Dash said lightly, holding the first coil in her hoof as her wings came up and untied the knot keeping it together. She looped the rope in the middle first and pulled the two strands through, making two generous circles and pulling them slowly over Twilight's outstretched hooves, sliding both her hoof and the rope along Twilight's fur and causing the skin to shiver. She tightened them, then paused. "Twilight," she said quietly, seriously, "I want you to know this is my first time doing this, okay? I need to know you trust me, and I also need you to tell me if something doesn't feel right. No punishments now, so don't hesitate if something feels wrong. So," she paused and tickled Twilight's ear with her lips, "do you trust me?" "Yes," Twilight replied softly, turning her head and kissing Dash full on the lips before relaxing back into her previous position. Dash kissed her cheek before sliding the hoops down Twilight's legs to her chest, fully tightening the strands before splitting the rope and bring them up to carefully loop around her wing joints. Gently pressing the wings out of her way, Dash passed the ropes around to knot together on Twilight's chest before pulling her forelegs down and wrapping the rope in twin spirals around her legs. The ropes then joined over her back in another loop knot, pinning her legs to her barrel. Dash then carefully pressed Twilight's wings back down onto her back and laced the ropes together over the wings and knotted the strands over her chest and belly. Twilight's tail lashed against her own flanks as she pursed her lips, struggling to control the fluttering of her wings. She wasn't expecting Dash to pull on a strand to tighten the knots along her tummy, and she let out a small whimper as Dash's hoof paused. "Good or bad?" Dash asked quickly, and Twilight had to swallow a giggle. "Unexpected, but not really either," Twilight said, tensing her muscles. "I-I-I can't mo-move anything, and it's a lit-little hard to breathe, but nothing-" She had to pause to lick her suddenly dry lips. "It's nothing I can't handle." Dash chuckled as she tucked Twilight's back legs underneath her flanks before she grabbed the rope between Twilight's wings and pulled her into a sitting position, Twilight squeaking at the display of Dash's surprising leg strength. Dash caught her as she started to tilt back and started inspecting the knots along Twilight's barrel. "Nothing pinching or pulling?" she asked, pulling a knot experimentally and listening to Twilight's breath rate increase. "N-no," Twilight gasped out, panting from the feeling of her new harness, of being held by just one of Dash's hooves, the muscles underneath the fur tensing to keep Twilight upright. Dash made sure to inspect every knot, her grin growing as she listened to Twilight's increasingly heavy breaths. "Wow Twi," Dash said slowly, listening to Twilight gulp at the tone in her voice, "I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet and you're edging yourself already. Alright, I get it, I get it," she said, lowering Twilight back to the table and pulling her hind legs straight out behind her. Pulling out another of the ropes, she quickly looped it like she had the first time and placed it on Twilight's ankles, looping it again and feeding the rope higher and higher, until Twilight's rear legs were completely laced together. She carefully rolled Twilight onto her side, using a hoof to tighten the knots in between her legs. "Y'know what they call this? All these loops and knots?" she murmured, plucking at the taut knot between Twilight's thighs and listening to the low groan from Twilight's mouth. "They call it a Ladder Tie," she said, using the same hoof to gently pluck at the knots starting at the ankles and slowly rising up towards Twilight's hips. "Like climbing the steps, right Twilight?" she giggled. "R-Rungs," Twilight whimpered, her wings twitching in their bindings. "The st-steps of a ladder ar-are called rungs..." She sighed when she felt Rainbow's hoof pause on one of the knots before she was rolled over. "Dash?" She heard the quiet slithering of something sliding across the table, and she realized her mistake just moments before Dash reinforced the idea with the crop, the flat fibers sliding through the air and landing with a loud thwack on her haunch, just between her cutie mark and her tail. She felt Dash's hoof twirl into her mane at the top of her spine before Dash's frog seized a large clump of hair and pulled her head up from the table. "I'm sorry Princess, I didn't quite hear you," Dash whispered into her right ear, her breath tickling the furry tip. "I think that you corrected me earlier when I was explaining something to you. What are the parts connecting two halves of a ladder, again?" "R-r-rungs?" Twilight gasped as the crop came down again, swatting the exact same spot on the other side of her tail. "Steps!" she gasped out, panting a moment before whispering again, "steps?" She listened to a gentle chuckle before her head was lowered, carefully, back to the tabletop, her chin resting on the chill crystal. "Good girl," Dash whispered into her ear, kissing the soft bit of neck between it and her shoulder. "But you know, while we're still here...~" Twilight's ears flicked up and forward as she heard Dash moving around over her on the table, before she felt a pair of very firm and slightly weighty flanks straddle her and sit below her wings, squashing her stomach into the table. "Might as well get the other five out of our way," she said with an audible grin in her voice. Twilight shivered as she felt a hoof grip her dock, squeezing lightly before it slid her tail up and out of the way, baring her squished marehood and puckered hole to the doorway she'd entered through. "Oh Tartarus Twilight," Dash said lightly, giving her a lighter smack on her ass. "You left the damn door open." Twilight squeaked and squirmed her shoulders, crawling until she could see past Dash's leg to stare at the open doorway she'd left behind in her hurry to obey Dash earlier. "Close-!" A ringing swat echoed through the room, Twilight's core flexing as the heat ran over her left ass-cheek and the echo died among the walls. "Ah well," Dash sighed, rubbing the tip of the crop in small circles along the now sensitive flesh. "I don't think there's anycreature in the castle. Didn't exactly check though. Hope you made sure before you pranced in her with this," she said as she tugged on one of the knots on Twilight's back. "Or heck," she said, shrugging before delivering another powerful swat to Twilight's other cheek, "maybe you wanted someone to come in. Three. Tartarus, maybe you wanted me to invite someone else to do this," she said with another swat, higher on the cheek this time. "Is that it? Some big dicked stallion out in the hall, waiting to plow you when I'm done?" Edging down off of the heat and the pain and the chemicals her brain was sending her, Twilight panted out, "No, nocreature, no one-" "Good," Dash growled, grinding her ass down on Twilight's back. "Because you," she said before delivering another swat to the cheek on the other side of Twilight's dock, "are all mine," she growled before delivering the last smack in the same spot, Twilight wriggling below her with a moan. "Remember that," Dash muttered before she pulled roughly on Twilight's tail, using the reach of the crop to gently massage over her winking clit, Twilight shuddering as Dash pushed down ever so slightly. "Augh, Dashie, please," Twilight whimpered. Chuckling, Dash gently patted her clit with the crop before standing up off of her and tossing the crop to the side. "You sure do know those magic words," she said, nosing Twilight's ear and nibbling its base. "I guess since you gave me one, the least I could do is return the favor, huh?" Twilight murmured empty vocalizations under her breath, her thighs clenching and attempting to rub against her mound but pulled away by a specifically placed knot, leaving her tensing her legs against nothing. She shivered when she heard the whisper of cloth along the crystal table-top, and nearly told Dash to hurry before remembering how that had gone in the past. So she stayed quiet, panting into the table as she heard the light jingling of whatever Dash was preparing, as well as the pop of a plastic top before something chilly poured onto her asshole, forcing a quiet squee of surprise out of her lungs as she felt a tongue spread the lube around before something firm was pressed against her pucker. She moaned softly as the first presses served to do little beyond coating the implement in lubrication before she felt a hoof near her dock hold the thing in place. She shivered as the poking tip of Dash's favorite dildo, a thick member tipped in a soft conical shape, slid into her hole for a moment before withdrawing. She shivered and tried to flew her legs to raise her ass just that little bit higher, but was pressed back down to the table when Dash's chest slid up her back. She felt the tip prod one of her cheeks as Rainbow reached her wings and grunted as she tried to wriggle it back to where it belonged. Dash chuckled before she stretched out her neck, grabbing a massive tuft of Twilight's mane and pulling her head back once again, listening to the mare underneath her moan as she pulled her hips back and pushed them slowly forward, finding her aim true this thrust. Twilight gasped as she felt the tip slide in, wriggling her hips in an attempt to spread her legs until she felt it actually begin to penetrate her, the first inch sliding easily into her ass. She shivered, biting her lip in an attempt to keep the moans from echoing down the hallway through the open door before a rough tug on her mane sunk more of the firm silicon deeper into her plot, the curved phallus sliding deeper until she felt it's knot settle between her ass-cheeks. "Hmm," she heard Dash hum above her, muffled by her hair. "Please Dashie, please," she panted, flailing her legs as she tried to press her flanks up into her dominatrix's, "please just- just fuck me, please Dashie-" "Shhhh," Dash hummed through her mouthful of hair, before rocking her hips back and pulling the dildo out of Twilight's plot before pushing it home, stretching her teasingly around the knot. "I will," she muttered, before pulling back and slamming the knot against Twilight's muscle. "Just gotta-" she said, trailing off as she let go of Twilight's mane. Twilight let her chin rest against the table as she heard some jingling from around her hips, presuming it to be from Dash messing with the strap-on. She felt herself get pushed along the tabletop as Dash gave an experimental hump, moaning slightly as she said, "Ah, better." Twilight felt all four of Dash's hooves around her, the back two bracing her thighs as the top two came down on either side of her neck, keeping her from sliding again as Dash thrust the knot insistently against her hole. Twilight let out a whimpering groan as Dash reared her head back, not nearly so refrained as her voice echoed among the roots above them. "By Celestia, does this ass feel good," Dash moaned, moving one of her forehooves to the middle of Twilight's back and pressing her against the table as Dash humped harder into her plot, Twilight's eyes nearly crossing as she panted. "Never met another mare who liked their ass stretched like this," Dash panted, grinding her hips up along Twilight's thighs as she dipped her dick into the quivering mess that was Twilight's ass. "P-p-please," Twilight whimpered again. Throwing her head back with a laugh, Dash leaned forward and bit into Twilight's neck as she obliged, humping faster, faster against Twilight's tight ass, the mare squeaking with each slap of hips meeting hips, her horn gathering a light glow as she felt Dash rocking harder and harder into her hole. Seeing this, Dash grinned through her heaving breaths and leaned forward. "No Dash wait-" Twilight moaned, struggling to push her forelegs under her but held fast by the rope. Almost like an ice-cream cone, Dash let her tongue loll out as she ran the thickest part of the muscle up and over the horn. "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah," Twilight moaned, trying to say something, anything as her body shuddered along her spine, her vision sparkling with what looked like white glitter, before her legs seized and her hips forced themselves up into the air, knotting herself on the dildo as she raised Dash's ass up towards her chandelier. Chuckling, Dash used her forelegs to hump up into her end of the dildo, shivering at the material stirring up her insides. After a moment Twilight slumped down, her legs pinning her hips up. Sighing, Dash flapped her wings to get the leverage she needed before she ground herself to her own tipping point, her wings trembling as her coat shivered under her fur through the release. Letting out a winded, "Whew!" Dash chuckled as she worked her legs underneath Twilight and forced her body to relax down onto the table. "You okay Twi?" she murmured, nuzzling her nose into Twilight's neck. "Hrumblahgnauh," Twilight said back, grinning up at Dash. "Alright, I'll take it," Dash chuckled, reaching her hooves down and forcing the trembling away long enough to undo her harness, leaving the silicon knot-deep in Twilight as Dash slumped down beside her. "You better let me out before you fall asleep," Twilight muttered. Chuckling, Dash raised an eyebrow. "Don't make me go find the crop again," she warned, yawning and stretching before she rolled Twilight over and started untying the ropes. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Starlight glanced up at Spike's head just above her, the two of them shoulder to shoulder as they peeked around the open doorway. He’d spotted her coming towards the castle from the train station and had waved her down so they could chat while picking up their respective forgotten items at the castle. The chatting had long since stopped. Spike slowly pulled away, straightening himself and placing his shoulders back to the wall beside the entry. "Holy shit," he whispered, glancing down at Starlight. "Whatcha looking-" he started to ask, before following her gaze to his hips. "Two, huh?" she deadpanned, looking up at him and raising an eyebrow. She lifted a hoof to stop his paw from covering himself, licking her lips as she batted her eyelashes at him. "You think 'Dashie' will share her lube?"