> Loving Embrace > by Damaged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boredom, among the highly trained Royal Guard of Equestria was not something to be commonly found, but Shining Armor was a very gifted pony and was in an extraordinary situation. The situation was being stuck indoors. Cutie Pox had invaded the Crystal Empire with a great fury, and while it was reasonably harmless, there was only so much cure to go around. Everypony was trying to keep as isolated as they could to not stress the resources the empire had—and to ensure they weren't stuck with a dozen extra cutie marks they didn't want without a cure in sight. And it would not do for Shining to catch it and get a cure before anypony in his empire—to say nothing of leading by example. So he couldn't go out and run to relieve his boredom and he couldn't work his frustration out on his lovely wife because she was in Equestria on a diplomatic mission and couldn't return because of the outbreak of cutie pox. Which is why Shining was alone in the royal suite with nothing but his own imagination and the greatest collection of sex toys two healthy adults could acquire. There was only so many ways a stallion could rub one out with only his horn and a good imagination, and this was Shining's answer. He flung open the closet that served as a hidden door to a walk-in closet. Whips, crops, spankers, cat-o-nines, tight clothing galore, rubber cock and vulva models of not just every single species in Equestria—but two of every species, plus more exotic insertables like butt plugs in a whole range of sizes and shapes… Shining, however, wanted two particular things. He grabbed the anal beads that ranged from comfortable to eye-watering and a huge stallion toy that could only be described by the word ambitious. He turned toward the doorway again and saw the message on the concealing door. You're the most amazing pony ever, but don't forget the lube. —Shiny and Cady It was a reminder to both of them to always think of comfort. Of course, under that was a rack with several bottles of lube with various properties. Without a second thought Shining grabbed the tingler with his magic and headed back into the bedroom. In his mind, Shining ran over one of his favorite fantasies. Cadance—becoming an alicorn and embodying all three core tribes of pony—embodying both sexes of pony too. Shining would walk just so, letting his hips weave slowly side to side to entice his lover. Crawling up onto the bed, on his side with one of the ever-obliging maids to help him with his own erection, Shining would let the love of his life enter him and claim his rear. Outside the royal suite, Storm Slice's ears perked. He was literally the only guardpony in the Crystal Empire immune to the pox by virtue of his kind not having cutie marks. He was a bat pony—a member of Princess Luna's Night Guard—and he heard a howl of what he thought was pain from within the royal chambers. Digging his back claws into the carpet, he brought one wing out to yank the door open and leapt inside while flicking his forehoof claw-sheaths open. "Who goes there?!" Shining Armor and Storm Slice stared at each other. Storm Slice, like many of his species, was built tall and sinewy. With his jaw currently slack, rows of fangs were visible in his mouth that could rend bugs and pierce flesh for blood drinking just as effectively as they could a piece of fruit. His wings were huge, easily three times as large as a pegasus', and at their leading edge he had a thumb that had a sharp claw on each side. His back legs, too, were where his species and normal ponies differed. A pony would have a simple set of hooves—Storm Slice had more feline-like back legs that ended in large skeletal claws suitable to grabbing on to things so he could hang upside down. Shining Armor was a different kettle of fish at that moment. He was a big unicorn, his mass all muscle from years in the Guard, and at that moment he was sprawled on the huge royal bed with his back legs pulled up tight to his body, on his side, with a large dildo balls-deep in his ass. He was also harder than any stallion had ever been in their life. Their eyes were locked together and both stallions blushed fiercely. "Y-Your Highness! I heard—I thought you were being attacked!" Storm Slice's slit eyes tried to stay on Shining's, but they kept drifting along his body—always flicking back to Shining's face when they saw anything lewd (which never took long). "I didn't meant to—" "At ease, Sergeant Slice." It took Shining a few more seconds to realize he should roll to his belly and preserve some modesty. "You could say being cooped up in here is driving me just a touch stir crazy." And, on his belly, Shining realized he couldn't get his traitorous tail to stop flagging—showing off the thick shape in his rear. "Uh-Understandable, Sire. I just—" Storm's mind ran wild with what Shining had been doing. Not every stallion liked to think of having another atop and inside them, but it turned out his VIP was one such—despite having a loving mare (probably the lovingest (yes it is a word, look it up)) as his wife. "I was assigned here by Princess Luna herself. When the Pox started, she was determined to ensure your safety—and I can't do that from outside." Storm Slice's brain exploded. His mouth had made up things and spouted them off before letting his brain examine them, and there was only one culprit for who would help it. Yup, Storm conceded, he was thinking with his dick. Shining knew he could order Storm to remain outside. It would be simple to just command him to wait at the only exit and do his job, but part of him relented. He noticed the way Storm's eyes kept tracing along to Shining's butt, he saw the little blush return each time it happened, and he was also thinking with his dick. Even when they were together, Shining and Cadance were happy to share. Apart they had a special proviso—they had to tell the other everything they'd gotten up to. Well, he wasn't planning to do anything with Storm, but part of him wondered if the other stallion was as interested as his eyes were letting on. "Of course, sergeant. You can't very well guard me if you can't tell a cry of pleasure from one of pain. Perhaps you could wait on this side of the door? If you kept your back to me, of course, I would still be able to retain my modesty." His heart thudding fast, Storm Slice tried not to look, tried not to glance down to Shining's rump, and only managed by dint of the steely resolve of his training. Sheathing his forehoof claw blades and folding his wings, he stood as straight as he could and looked above the bed to ignore the gorgeous, hot stallion laying on it. "Sir! Yes, sir!" Watching Storm turn around was quite an eye-opening for Shining. The other stallion seemed to be flagging his tail almost as much as Shining was himself. Lounging back on the bed and flopping to his side, Shining squirmed a little and shifted so that Storm would be able to see his face—then he closed his eyes. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Storm to notice Shining in the mirror. His eyes locked on the face of the stallion, and he shuddered when Shining did. What Shining was doing, Storm didn't know. His mind ran wild with fantasies of the big prince ramming that toy into his rear over and over, using more magic to jerk himself off—all while Storm watched on. Voyeurism wasn't normally Storm's thing, but this was like a forbidden, private show. Shining rolled to his back and tilted his head back. This had the effect of sacrificing another pillow to the god of unicorn horn points, but it also hid his horn. Giving a little moan as he started to shift the toy inside him, Shining drew up a new fantasy—Storm, atop him, plowing his insides to jello. The second moan broke Storm. He turned his head just enough to look back over his shoulder and see Shining doing exactly what he thought he'd been doing. He was lost in that moment. His eyes were captured by the big rubber shape going in and out of Shining's rear. He couldn't even bare to look away long enough to focus on Shining jacking off. Eventually Storm broke eye-contact with that thrusting toy and traced up to Shining's shaft. It was the most masculine things he'd seen in his life. Not that Storm hadn't been with stallions before, but Shining Armor was the pinnacle of what it meant to be stallion. His wing started to dip under him before he got a grip and jerked it back up and turned to face the wall again. Biting his lip not to laugh, Shining could appreciate that Storm was dedicated to his duty—after all, Shining had trained to similar standards. But there were limits. Tilting his head up and forward, Shining looked down along his belly and started stroking himself a little faster. The sound was worse than watching. Storm could hear the noises of wet lube being stroked quickly along Shining's shaft, and each sharp schlick sound was a hammer blow to his stoicism. When he heard Shining let out a whimper, he couldn't help but turn back. After all, he surely suspected the prince was in danger again. It was hard to justify, really, but Storm stuck to his guns and—as he turned to look at Shining again—he rationalized it out as just looking out for Shining. It totally wasn't because he wanted to see the big stallion blow his load. Shining, it was obvious to Storm, was right on the edge of orgasm. The stallion's balls were trembling and twitching and his shaft—a pillar of might—was wrapped in pink magic. When one of Storm's hooves moved, he couldn't stop it. A second one seemed inevitable now that the friction was broken and the gravity of a turgid horsecock pulled at him. The first Shining, rubbing himself right to the edge of his release, noticed of Storm was when the bat pony's claws dragged on the carpet. His magic winked out and his head turned. He looked at Storm, but the other stallion was completely focused and wouldn't look at him. Surprise burst in Shining's chest as he watched the predatory stalking of Storm, the bat's mouth opening to reveal all those sharp teeth. Freezing, Shining felt like a very small mouse staring down the face of a very hungry cat. When Storm reached the bed, Shining's breath caught in his throat and he couldn't move. Still right on the edge of his climax, Shining watched as the bat pony slowly leaned over his body and brought all that mouth cutlery into close proximity with his shaft. Predatory instincts or not, Storm hungered for a particular type of flesh. Shining's scent was intoxicating to such sharp senses as Storm had, it pulled him down and cause him to open his mouth to find out not just how it smelled, but how it tasted. Shining Armor had heard about how bat ponies had long tongues. He'd even seen one yawn and put on a show a changeling would struggle to emulate, but when Storm extended his tongue, curled it around Shining's cock twice, and still had enough left to bring it under his tip and press at his urethra. Locking eyes with Storm, Shining watched as the that fang-filled mouth curved into a smile as it pulled his cock up and into it. A shiver of shock ran through Shining as he felt fangs brush against him from inside Storm's mouth. He dared not move for fear of having to explain to Cadance why he couldn't fulfill his husbandly duties—but Shining Armor closed his eyes and leaned back as Storm began to massage his prick with that huge tongue. Shining tasted different, or so Storm felt. He didn't have the sweet-spice of bat pony semen, he was far muskier and—at least in Storm's mind—more male. Not that he didn't smell a hint of fear coming from Shining too. As Storm massaged up and down Shining's cock, he picked up a prey-vibe coming from the other stallion. It was impossible to hold back. Shining, his eyes showing the other stallion sucking him off while his sensitive cock felt every brush with Storm's teeth, trembled and shook. His balls started to churn, pouring their contents up into his prostate where it was mixed to make semen, then shot down his shaft and to the bat. He watched as Storm's eyes widened, then the cutest thing ever was the sight of his own seed leaking from each corner of Storm's mouth. The musky flavor doubled and then doubled again as Storm took Shining's blast in the back of his mouth. Used to liquid meals, he gulped down every bit of the load but realized he was fighting a losing battle. Each gulp got rid of some of Shining's hot seed, but each gulp left him further and further behind until it started to leak from around his lips. Storm let his mouth close a little more, let Shining feel the tips of some of his teeth lightly touch that most sensitive of organs as the bat made a claim—I am the big-bad here, and you're just amusement until I decide you're a meal. Though, after a few minutes wore on and the adrenaline cooled from both of them, Storm Slice felt the predator/prey dynamic calm a little and he finally, carefully using his tongue to guide Shining Armor's deflated shaft, released the prince's shaft. "Sorry, I got a bit carried aw—" Magic grabbed Storm and dragged him up the bed until his lips were locked to Shining's. The aggressiveness surprised him, but the hungry kiss was an assurance that Shining didn't want an apology. Well, thought the bat, if the big pony wants to play rough, let's play rough. A little voice screamed, But you're supposed to be protecting him, which he ignored on account of being in the room meant he could protect Shining more, not less. The kiss was fun. It was the cherry on top of a wonderful creampie cream pie. Shining pushed his tongue forward, delving into the familiar tasting mouth of Storm's. Immediately he found those warding spikes—weapons every single one of them—and Shining felt compelled to feel them with his tongue, even letting their tips mark the top and bottom of the sensitive muscle. Able to feel Shining testing his fangs, Storm gently wrapped his own tongue around Shining's, pulled it until he saw the stallion's eyes widen, then gently closed his mouth a little. Fear, shock, and arousal colored Shining's expression. He was trapped. Shining didn't dare move. Storm had his tongue in a firm grip and was threatening to bite into it. The problem for Shining was he didn't know if being released or having the bat draw blood would be hotter. When Storm's fangs dented the flesh of his tongue, and then three little dots top and bottom were pierced, Shining's blood ran white-hot and his erection jerked to full mast again. Letting go of Shining's tongue with his own, Storm slowly opened his mouth and released it completely—only for Shining to hesitate in removing it. With a gentle nod of his head, Storm gave Shining permission to withdraw his tongue. "Well now, we know who is the monster and who the weak pony?" It was an angle Shining Armor had never encountered in the bedroom before. It had none of the intellectual dominance his wife sometimes enjoyed (he enjoyed it too, to be fair, in both senses), but there was something base and very primal about having a creature that could rip him apart play with him. "Can we—" Shining shivered as Storm slid back a little and his butt pressed against the tip of Shining's aching shaft. "Safeword. I need a safeword." The words were solid proof to Storm that Shining was into what he was doing. "You like this that much, huh?" Shining's nod only made Storm smile more, showing off his fangs. "Okay. You can shout no and stop all you want, and I won't, but if you shout red, it all stops." Relief and pure titillation suffused Shining. It was one thing to play with a guy who knew how to flip some new switches Shining didn't know he had, but something else to know that stallion understood how to play safely. "Good. Now, get the buck off me and get back to your post!" Storm moved fast. Faster than most threats Shining had faced in his life. It was definitely fast enough that, up close, Shining had no way to respond quickly. He felt more than saw the motion as Storm twisted and brought one rear leg up and to the side of his neck. Shining could feel as those long, skeletal toes curled around the back of his neck while the sickle-like claws curled—two pressing to the underside of his jaw and tightening. Forced to tilt his head back, Shining let out a whimper as he ran out of flexibility and they pressed just a little more. Flexing his toes just a little more, Storm had to admit that the taste of Shining's blood was driving him to be far more predatory than normal. "I only expect you to ever say one word, got it? And, that word is yes. Understand me?" He wondered if he'd get a yes or a red. "Y-Yes." The word was hard to say because Shining could feel the pressure of those sharp claws on his flesh increase as he spoke, but he was more than comfortable knowing that Storm had picked a spot where puncture wounds wouldn't do any serious damage. With his prey secured and humbled, Storm started to explore. He nuzzled at Shining's belly button a few times, his eyes locked on the stallion's cock all the while. Storm knew what he wanted, but he also wanted to have some fun first. With the taste of Shining's blood now imprinted on his mind, he let his fangs scrape lightly over the soft, exposed tummy as he worked down and to the side. Letting out a whine as Storm dodged around his aching shaft, Shining tried to squirm, only to feel Storm's wing stretch around his right flank as the thumb of it came up and under his dock. His eyes widened as he felt yet another claw of the bat's press against sensitive flesh—this time the soft flesh of the underside of his tail. It made him jerk his tail away from his rump and arch his spine in submission. In his mind, he imagined how he must look now. He was literally bowed under Storm—tummy and groin thrust upward, inviting the predator to do as he wished with either. "Such a juicy little morsel. Now that I have you completely under control—not that you weren't already—I think I might take my time in sampling you. These plums, for example." With that said, Storm nuzzled up to the most masculine and musky part of Shining's body. He lashed out with his tongue and curled it around the unicorn's scrotum, securing both plums within the soft flesh. He squeezed, hearing a soft whimper from Shining that only made his blood pump more. Shining was unable to watch, though he rolled his eyes in their sockets to try anyway. The twin blades at his neck were insistent that he only look up and toward the headboard, even as he felt Storm's tongue tighten more around his precious jewels. Tighter and tighter, he couldn't feel any sensation cutting off in them—which is why his attention shifted as he felt Storm's mouth close around one. Sharp fangs touched sensitive flesh again, and Storm held just one of Shining's gonads in his mouth while the other was pressed firmly to his lips. There were safe places on a pony's body to bite, Storm knew, and safe places to bleed. There was a small vein on the rear of a stallion's scrotum that would leak blood in a stream but leave nothing more than a sting for its owner. This is the spot that Storm pressed along the tip of one fang. The prick was sharp, unexpected, and surprisingly arousing to Shining. He wasn't completely aware exactly what had happened until he heard a slurping sound. Eyes widening, he trembled in absolute sexual bliss as he realized that Storm was drinking his blood. No, it wasn't just drinking his blood—he was drinking it from Shining's ballsack! Storm almost relaxed. He almost closed his eyes as the wet copper saturated his palate. He suckled at Shining's nut like he was a foal with a teat in his mouth. It was a different experience to the casual fruit-juice eating bat ponies normally did, or the insect consumption when they needed protein. No, this was ritualistic in the way of bat ponies—he honored Shining's body and Shining himself for the gift that Storm was taking. It was, however, far too much for Shining Armor. The stimulation to his balls wouldn't normally be enough to bring him to climax, but the mental pleasure he was swimming in and the restrictive and intimate bondage made lightning strike a second time. Unlike moments earlier, his balls were not as free to express their joy at copulation and there was far less tadpoles delivered to his prostate—this resulted in that organ not putting its all into the release either. Watching the barest trickle of cum leak from Shining's shaft, Storm almost came himself. It was a fear-climax, and yet not. Shining was fully consenting to the power game they were playing, and yet he was still able to immerse himself in the fun to feel that kind of emotional wall slam into him—and this knowledge was impossible for Storm to ignore. Ceasing his suckling, saying a mental thanks to Shining for the gift, Storm slowly unwound his tongue from around Shining's ballsack while licking the little prick of broken skin. "I think my little blood-pet enjoyed himself a bit too much. Is that it? You love being food so much you shoot your hose off at just the thought of me devouring you?" Shining couldn't see what Storm was doing now, but the sting on his scrotum felt more intense now. It was just in his mind, but that didn't make the perception of the feeding point any less. What he failed to see was Storm bringing his other wing's thumb down to the base of his shaft—but he definitely felt the prick of the claw tip against delicate flesh. It was like an electric charge passing through him. It started with the ever-present twin points stinging his throat, passed through his body to where Storm was gently prodding at his cock, down to the itching bite on his scrotum, and leaving his body at the sharp point pressed to his dock. He trembled and shook, but somehow Storm still did no more than play just the tip of his claw against the thin, sensitive flesh. It was infuriatingly pleasureful, spiking his mind with arousal and anticipation. Shining had no idea what he was anticipating, but it wasn't a line drawn on his penis with that claw. It didn't break his skin, but the scratch had him losing his mind with pleasure. Part of his mind wanted to scream his safe word, but his voice stayed silent as realization set in that there was no wetness to the scratch. It was a delicate art that Storm was practicing. Shining was still shifting and wiggling, the motions of which were amplified through his cock, and yet Storm continued to draw little lines of torment up the underside of Shining's cock—only stopping when the last was just short of the big unicorn's head. "Do you like how that feels?" Clenching his eyes closed, Shining reveled in the visceral sensation of pleasure-pain that soaked his very being. The worst best bit was being forced to say the word that the big predator wanted to hear. "Yes." "Every inch. Fourteen of them. We both know what makes little scratches like this a thousand times worse, don't we? Just a little spittle and a wet tongue to stroke them. Here, let me show you." Dipping his head down to the throbbing shaft, Storm extended only the tip of his tongue to lick the top-most mark. "YES!" Shining didn't know if it was in answer to the rhetorical question Storm asked or at his own body not quite letting him climax again. Two shots in such a short amount of time left his body wanting a long refractory period, but his brain was locked in an arousal feedback loop of epic proportions. "Yes, yes, yesss…" "I didn't get far down you last time, but you know what, I believe in trying again and again until you succeed as well as not leaving a single bite left unclaimed on your dinner plate. You know you're a big morsel, but why don't you count in your head how many little marks I can claim in my mouth?" With that said, and with the game ahoof, Storm angled himself and kissed Shining's tip. His heart thudding like he was galloping in full armor, Shining felt Storm's lips open and the leading edges of his fangs brush against the end of his shaft. This was enough room for the bat's lips to find the first mark again and inspire such glorious agony in Shining's mind as he didn't know if he could keep his safeword from his lips. Foremost in his mind, however, Shining could only think of a singular word. One, he thought. The gates of fangs opened slowly as his tip pressed against them—reminding Shining briefly of his wife's vulva, but hard and unforgiving instead of soft and gentle—the second sharp sting was his next measure. Two. But Storm wasn't stopping. The bat snaked his tongue out and looped it around Shining's medial ring—fuzzing his mind briefly with the feeling of control—before pulling two more little lines of fire into the furnace. Three. Four. But that's when the fangs came into play again. Shining felt them press a line top and bottom again, the sharp touch combining with the stinging ache of the scratches to almost cause Shining to black out from pleasure. He definitely didn't notice that three more lines had been crossed until he came to his senses. Five. Six. Seven. Seven inches. It was about the halfway point for Shining's cock. Storm pondered just holding there for some time, but he really wanted to kiss Shining's groin. Tightening the grip of his tongue to the point it was like a living cock ring, he pulled his head down that huge length even further—imagining Shining counting off nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. Shining's breath was coming in short, sharp jerks of his chest. It wasn't the threat of Storm's grip on him that had him almost hyperventilating, it was how much the bat's actions were getting him off. It felt like every touch was pure ecstasy now, the searing scratches on his dick, the itching bite on his scrotum, even the threatening pricks against his dock and throat. He was horny from the tip of his snout to the end of his tail, but his body was so overstimulated that it wouldn't blow its top like the previous time. He needed more. He got more. Thirteen. Fourteen. Shining was aching for that last inch. He needed to feel the last scratch bathed in saliva and rubbed—what he got was another grip by Storm's fangs. Six more pricks of pain. Beyond reason, Shining felt his will give way as he begged the predator, "Please?" The new word made Storm feel like he should punish Shining, but he liked the word enough that he wouldn't surrender the unicorn's cock for that punishment. Uncoiling his tongue from Shining's shaft, Storm worked it past his teeth and out. Shining could feel the devilish tongue slide along the fuzz of his groin until it found his balls again. His eyes widened in shock as it coiled twice around the base of them and squeezed. Squeezed until he wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Squeezed until his body thought it would lose them, so decided to loose them instead. Storm struck fast. Feeling Shining's body lunge into an orgasm he was sure the big guy wasn't ready for, he relaxed his grip on Shining's balls so they could both shoot a full load and provide a new stringing sensation to their owner, and he shoved forward to claim the last scratch—the one at the base of Shining's shaft. This climax made up for the loss in volume of the previous. Shining's balls sent a huge load of swimmy boys down to his prostate, which was inflamed and shot extra helpings of fluids into the mix—firing the whole lot out with extra force. As the orgasm seemed to rock its way through him, Shining saw white sparkles at the edges of his vision. His head was on fire with the sudden release and he strained against the restraining claws that held him. Gulping for all he was worth, Storm Slice did his best to gulp down all the potent foal batter that Shining Armor was unloading, but even with the head of Shining's shaft lodged in the back of his throat, some leaked out. The problem for Storm was, with the huge shaft plugging his lips, it only had one place to go. Coughing and spluttering, Storm strained not to bite down on the precious tool in his mouth even as stinging semen rocketed through his nasal cavity and shot out his nostrils. Staring at the stain he left on Shining's groin, Storm's eyes fluttered closed a bit as his mouth formed a near perfect cock-sleeve for the prince. When he was released, Shining let out a whimper and shot a final load into Storm as an aftershock. His abused body felt on fire still, but he had no way of knowing how to quench it. Pulling free of Shining's cock, Storm felt dizzy with lust still. Three times he'd gotten Shining off, and now he wanted his own release. "You think I'm done? I've only just started." Looking up at Storm with a confused and hungry expression, Shining felt himself grabbed by Storm's wings as the bat twisted and climbed off him. Shoved over to his side, Storm grabbed one of his legs with a wing thumb and pinned the other to the bed. Forcing his legs apart, the bat tried to shove himself into Shining's ass, only to find it still plugged with the big toy. "Want me to—?" "When I squeezed your balls, that was punishment for one word. What should I do for three?" Storm watched Shining's eyes widen. It made the bat smile wider and show off his fangs again. "Maybe I'll just have another sip?" Reaching down with a forehoof, Storm grabbed the base of the shaft and pulled it free in one quick stroke. Not waiting for Shining to clench down, he shoved his hefty shaft in to replace the toy. Shining's passage was tight, but the toy had been larger than Storm. Doing his best, Shining squeezed down on the new invader as he tried his best to give Storm a good ride. The truth was this was the first stallion he'd been with, and Shining was thankful for the forcefulness from him. When pain blossomed from his raised cannon, Shining let out a little whine. Looking up at Storm, he saw the bat's mouth was closed around his leg just above the hoof. Then he saw it—Shining watched as Storm's throat worked—slowly, oh so slowly, taking sustenance from Shining's body through his blood. The peaceful slowness of Storm's sucking was a counterpoint to the rough pistoning of his hips. Shining was being rocked back and forth with each thrust, the bat showing off the wiry strength that typified his species. Even with the passage having been trailblazed by a huge toy, it still made hungry sucking sounds every time Storm pulled back. Feeding on blood and getting his dick wet—at the same time—was an ultimate pleasure for Storm. He coiled his tongue around Shining's leg and held it tight to him with his wing while he fed—keeping it steady so he wouldn't slip and hurt the stallion. Meanwhile, his hips were almost a blur, but beyond the stimulation of fucking Shining's colon was a very pleasurable tingling sensation. It was maddeningly good, like having mango cubes on top of ice-cream—it just made the sex better. The friction made the special lube Shining had selected become far more active with its effect. Sensitizing and inflaming him, he could remember Cadance describing it as making her ass almost as sensitive as her vagina. Now, with a stallion rutting his anus, Shining could experience the joy that he remembered Cadance describing. Unable to hold back his pleasure—and unwilling to—Storm pounded Shining's rear hard. He drove his groin against Shining's rump so hard it was pushing the unicorn along the bed and made him break contact with Shining's leg. Licking the wound one last time to try to help clean it and let it quickly coagulate, Storm grabbed Shining around the waist with both wings—letting his claws press to flesh as he drove himself in and felt his peak rushing on. The change in pace and position shocked Shining. He was trembling in bliss at the rough treatment, and when he felt Storm's shaft seem to grow in him, he knew what was coming—Storm. An explosion of heat deep in his belly almost sent Shining into his own orgasm. The bat's seed flooded his colon and made him feel woozy. But Storm wasn't completely done. Every few jets of bat jizz that shot into Shining was accompanied by another stroke and thrust, each forcing the air out of his lungs with its intensity, making him mewl audibly in pleasure. When he managed to look back at Storm, he could see the bat flapping his wings—the huge limbs spread out on each side of him like sails. At last Storm slumped forward. He fell onto Shining like a felled tree and jammed himself even tighter inside his lover. But he wasn't done yet. Using his wings, Storm supported himself and reached for Shining's neck to pull the unicorn into another kiss. This time, he wanted to taste Shining's mouth. His eyes widening, Shining trembled as his mouth was invaded by a tongue that seemed infinite in its reach. His eyes rolled back then as his cock, pressed against Storm's belly, shot off another weak load into both their fur. All his muscles let go at once and Shining became a wet, limp noodle. Slowly pulling his tongue back, Storm broke the kiss and let Shining slump to the bed. "Now you look even more delicious." Sliding down the bed, Storm pulled free of Shining and hoped whatever mess he made on the floor would be recoverable—he had a mission. The first Shining knew of Storm's intentions—once the bat had slid all the way off the edge of the bed—was his lips against Shining's abused anus. The kiss was every bit as arousing as the one on his lips had been, and like that kiss he felt Storm's tongue start to probe into him. Any taste that might have put Storm off felching Shining's asshole was long gone thanks to the spicy lube and fruity bat spunk. He pushed deeper, lathering the inside of Shining's ass with his tongue and finally finding the mother lode. When he got a good taste of his own seed, Storm shivered in glee at his next plan. Shining was back to squirming, though his efforts were far reduced now due to exhaustion. It wasn't that he was physically tired, just rode hard and put away wet, as it were. When he felt Storm's tongue withdraw, he let out a slow sigh—only to squeal when the bat started feeding the anal beads into him. "A little morsel like you owning big beads like these? I have to wonder if these perhaps belong to your wife?" Storm watched Shining nod in defeat. "So my little morsel gets maybe this one, and this one"—as he spoke, Storm started feeding ever larger beads into Shining's butt—"but I think this one might have been this little dish's limit. I'm right, aren't I?" The words, accompanied as they were with his rear getting stretched again, had Shining sobbing in joy. He could only nod to Storm—admit to his weakness for playing with Cadance's toys. "This one is normally beyond you, I'm sure." Storm rubbed Shining's anus with his sensitive wingtips, massaging the flesh to let the big ball inside—and inside it went. "First time for that one, isn't it?" "Yeeeeeeessssssss..." Shining's voice sounded broken, even to his own ears—ears he tucked back as the new stretching sensation made him squirm a little more and his dick grow rock hard again. "She wouldn't believe you if you told her you got this one in, either." Again Storm massaged Shining's muscles and flesh. He suspected Shining had been playing with big toys for a while, but had been holding back from stretching himself too much. Storm judged the big unicorn could take all the beads with some work, but he wanted to make it work. When the penultimate bead popped into his rear and his muscles clenched down around the joining cord, he let out another whimper and was aware of how painfully hard he was again. The bat is a menace, he thought, There is no way I can be hard again let alone cum! But hard as a rock Shining was, much to Storm's delight. Part of him was left wondering how many times he could get the stallion off in one night, but he really wanted to show Shining just how stretchy his rear was. "Ready? Hold tight, little mango, and try to relax your muscles." The last bead was pressed to Shining's anus, and it felt a little like the tip of Storm's cock all over again. All Shining could feel at first was the press of a flat surface against his ponut and the bat's treacherous massage around it. But, as the ball started to press inward, Shining could feel that it was actually a sphere. He started panting and huffing, eyes going wide as Storm pressed ever onward. Storm watched Shining's asshole grow wider and wider, stretching and gaping its entrance to slowly accept the huge bead. The truth was that Storm wouldn't have been able to take the ball himself, but he was sure Shining could. When the bead was at its widest point, all it needed was a little push and it would sink in. "Maybe I should leave you like this? The previous one seems to hold the beads in place nicely. Tell me, my little grape, do you want this bead inside you—knowing it will be at least this hard to get it out again?" His rear stretched beyond anything he thought he'd ever be able to take, Shining's voice was a long, constant whine now, but he gathered himself for one word—his word. "Yes, yes, yes!" With a gentle pat to Shining's ass, Storm pushed the bead in and used his wingtip to press it far enough that Shining's sphincter could close behind it. "There we go, that should keep all that cum deep inside. What's it like being my little incubator?" As the words came to him, Shining felt Storm's wing caress his flank. It was soft, gentle, and completely made his night to find the bat's soft side. "It feels—It feels amazing." With that said, and the last of his strength spent, Shining Armor slumped down onto the bed and lost any struggle he might have had with consciousness. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Cadance even reached the door to the royal bedroom, she could smell that her husband had been up to something. She knew the smell of rutting stallion, but the smell of rutting Shining Armor was a distinction she could detect over that. With no guard on the outer door, either he's managed to convince them to leave him to some personal time, or… Cadance's thoughts ran wild. The reason she immediately discarded the idea of Shining having been left alone was that she could smell a second stallion's issue. And what would it mean if he'd taken a lover? If he was gay, she mused, it meant I get some juicy stories and an idea of what my darling stallion liked. Then she started to consider the implications of who it might be. One thought came to mind, given the conversation she'd had with Luna. There was simply nothing else for it. Cadance used her magic to grab the door and pushed it open, breaching the anti-noise and protective seals on the room and also allowing sights and smells to flood her senses. The first and most obvious thing that Cadance noticed was her husband passed out on the bed, covered in drying semen, and tangled in the covers. The way he breathed, slow and deep, told her very well that he was relaxed and at peace. That was enough to make her smile. Cadance could appreciate that her husband had been used hard and given what she liked to call a bed-bath. She already knew there would be sheets stuck to his coat, maybe even a little blood from his ass if he hadn't prepared enough, and maybe—if her guess was correct—a little blood elsewhere. Cadance's eyes drifted to the left. She spotted Storm Slice and her grin deepened. "Well, well, well." The smell of other stallion was hanging around him like a cloud. Under his barrel—soaking into the carpet—was some leftover that Shining apparently didn't have enough room for. "Is my husband comfortable?" Sweating bullets, Storm didn't know what to do. He'd been waiting for Shining to wake up, trusting the wards on the doors to keep anypony out, but obviously when an alicorn wants to get into a locked room, they get in. "He—Uh—That is—I—" "At ease, but don't spoil this. I'd like to figure things out on my own." Walking closer to Storm, Cadance paused when she was well into his personal space. Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for letting him have some fun." The weight that had, moments ago, been crushing Storm was lifted. There was still the problem that he had no idea how to respond to Cadance. Finally, deciding he only knew one way to deal with princesses, he straightened up and saluted. "You're welcome, Princess Cadance!" Already liking her husband's choice of lover, Cadance followed the dotted line of dried semen in the carpet to the bed. The smell of musk was overwhelming here, and it was all she could do to keep her tail from betraying her excitement and shifting her curtain of hair to the side for Storm to see. "By the look of how he'd holding his tail, I'd almost have to guess there's something under it." Cadance used her magic to push the sheet away to reveal not just Shining's matted tail and his dock, but also the ring that was the base of her big set of beads—the ones he'd never taken fully before. "Hrmm." Tugging back more of the sheet, Cadance was struck by the sheer volume of seed on her husband. It was as if they'd been frotting at some point. "Do you like my husband?" Everything in Storm's head told him this was a trap. The wife of the stallion he'd spent most of the evening fucking was asking him if he likes said husband. The biggest problem was she's a princess. "Y—" "Good. He's a very likable stallion." As she circled around to see if she could spot anything else affecting her husband, she noticed the red stain on the sheets. Tugging at them further with her magic she revealed a red ring of feathering around Shining's back cannon. "You know, I was talking to Princess Luna while I was gone. She explained some things to me about bat ponies." To Storm it felt like he'd just caught a thermal and been pulled a few thousand feet into the air in a second. His stomach felt like it was long gone and a chill settled around him. Should he reply? Should he tell her it had been an accident? "Your Highness, I—" "She told me that when a bat pony feels very strongly for another they share blood. Bat ponies don't have horns, Princess Luna said, but they do carry a ring for their lover around a leg." When Cadance turned to look at Storm, she realized he looked terrified. This wasn't exactly what she'd wanted—off balance was more to her taste. "She also told me a bat pony can get carried away during extremely charged sexual situations and perform such a bite without meaning to." As Cadance approached him, Storm's blood ran cold and he clung to that last length of rope she'd extended—hoping it wouldn't hang him. "He—We—" Cadance pinned Storm with her eyes and halted the bat pony's words with just her smoldering look. "Good boy. My husband and I share ourselves with others. I won't snap your neck for making him look so very happy. If you're to be his guard, though, you will also need to protect his image too. Have my husband cleaned, dressed, and presented to the throne room within an hour—Make it two hours." She used her magic to open the door again and walked around Storm and his little puddle—but something was different now. "Don't be late. "Oh, and if you want a sure-fire way to wake him and have his full attention, I believe you'll want to give your lips a workout on his cock." When the door closed, Storm almost collapsed into the mess under him. Shining had been such a sweetheart, but his wife was a dominant monster who could claim ownership over a room with just her presence. But she had given him orders and reassurance. Letting out a sigh, he tried to ignore how hard her presence had made him and walked over to Shining. "Your Highness?" With a bespelled door between her and Storm, Cadance let out a sigh of relief. He was Shining's first male lover, and something about that pushed her buttons far more than the mares she'd shared his bed with. "Okay, Cadance, let's go arrange these cures." "Your Highness?" Shining wasn't reacting to Storm's voice. The prince lay on the bed, eyes closed, mouth curled into a big grin—and that's when Storm's eyes trailed down to the rock-hard erection Shining had. It was an old trick—possibly pre-unification—but Storm knew first-hoof what it was like to be woken by a blowjob. It was his job to guard Shining, to protect him and maybe be his lover? Well, time to show the prince some bat pony hospitality. Shining Armor was in a dream. It was a happy dream. His wife was feeding him her cock while an unseen bat pony was buggering him. His subconscious hadn't latched onto Storm as that bat pony, all it knew was that bat pony meant fun. Stuck as he was, Shining was in his own little slice of heaven. He groaned, moaned, and even gagged around Cadance's cock, but something else was driving his pleasure sky-high—somepony was sucking his cock. Somepony was sucking his cock really well. The new sensation washed away the dream of being a double-ended-onahole and replaced it with his darling wife and her tendency to treat his morning wood to a saliva bath. The thought of Cadance was a sign that he was slowly waking, pulling himself from Luna's domain a bit at a time—one suck at a time. Storm was careful of his teeth, the play he'd used the previous night was one thing, but this was meant to be a relaxing way to wake up. When Shining's forehoof gently stroked his cheek, Storm relaxed a little more and enjoyed the caress for what it was. "Don't stop, Cady, I'm close." Shining rubbed "Cadance's" cheek again, but he realized it wasn't Cadance. Cadance didn't have fangs. Quick to react, Storm let go of Shining's cock just as the stallion jerked away. Free of his fangs, both the prince and his royal stallionhood were undamaged. "Good morning, Your Highness." Shining's heart was racing not just from the blowjob but also because he woke up with another stallion. Images and sensations cascaded through his adrenaline-soaked brain, all the things that'd happened the previous night, but it was the sensation coming from the other end that started to dominate his thoughts. "I need to use the bathroom." "You're going to need to be relaxed if we're to get that toy out." With Shining having scrambled to the head of the bed, the thick ring at the base of the beads was visible to Storm. He climbed off the mess that was the bed and started walking to the bathroom, then paused. "I don't think you'll get it out on your own." Shining's mind spun, but one thing tickled his senses. Above the smell of sex all around him he could smell Cadance. Not just the scent she left in every room she'd lived in after a while, but this was a recent scent. He needed answers and a huge toy removed from his ass, he only had one pony that seemed willing to help. Carefully, avoiding the worst of the mess on the bed, he climbed free of the bedding and took his first step on the floor. "How did you get it all in?" It felt like he was being split in half—he practically waddled after Storm. "There are tricks. When a stallion is getting close, certain muscles clench and relax automatically. I have an idea for how to get it back out without doing any damage." Walking into the bathroom—the palatial bathroom—Storm's claws made soft tinking sounds as he walked. When he stopped, it was to look at a bottle of lube that sat on a little table between the two sinks. Shining spotted the target of Storm's gaze. "What?" "Smear some of that into my ass and fuck me, you big stud. When you shoot your load, I'll pull the toy out." Storm took a wide stance with his back legs and reached with his wings to grab each butt cheek and spread them wide. Anal sex wasn't new to Shining, but having a stallion offer himself like this was new. New—and a fantasy. He didn't go for the lube first. What Shining wanted more than anything was to smell Storm's musk. Pressing his snout down and under the bat pony's taint, he found Storm's ball up between his back legs and inhaled. Storm had expected something else. He had been ready in case Shining wasn't used to this, but to be sniffed in such an intimate manner pushed a few buttons. "Like that?" "Y-Yeah." Shining took one more inhale before easing his nose out from between Storm's legs. "I'm big." Able to think straight now, Shining used his magic to squirt out some of the lube and levitated that over to Storm's rear. Storm Slice had been with other ponies, but never a unicorn, and never one that used his magic to grease a butthole. All thought of being a big, vicious predator flew from his head as Shining reamed him out and greased him up. When the magic shoving the lube into him vanished, Storm let out a pitiful whine and his forelegs slid on the tiled floor. Greasing his cock—once more rock hard—Shining stepped up to Storm while the bat was down on his chest with his rear in the air. "You still with me, uh—" "Storm Slice. You can call me Storm." Getting his head back into the game, Storm reached back with a wing-claw between Shining's back legs. "Yeah, get in there—Your Highness." As Shining stepped forward to stand over Storm's back, he felt the huge shape in his rear twitch. It was an intimate feeling—his body realizing that there was something very big back there that shouldn't be in him. With his wing gripping the ring at the base of the beads, Storm tried to stay as relaxed as he could while Shining mounted him. He'd expected a novice, a stallion who'd never entered the exit door, what he got was the thickest stallion-meat of his life plunging into him and stretching him like a rubber glove over a hoof. "You need to—to relax your ass as much as—as you can." Barely able to keep his words straight as it was, Storm melted into the floor when Shining drew back. The feeling of emptiness was so profound that it was like having his battiness removed. Shining wasn't an evil stallion, though, and the return thrust drew a deep moan from Storm that encapsulated everything he loved about anal sex. Shining was no stranger to anal sex, particularly with topping, but he'd never been in this situation with a stallion before, and he'd certainly never seen somepony get off so hard to just the first thrust before. It was different for him in other ways, too. While his wife was a big and strong mare, the stallion under him was so much more—a lethally-trained guardian and a warrior, but there was more. As he started to build up his pace, Shining remembered the previous night as he'd been well and truly fucked by the big predator under him. Each stroke became an act of dominance, a reminder to the vicious bat pony that Shining wasn't just a submissive prey. It was hard for Storm to keep focus on what this was all in aid of. Shining's shaft was like a battering ram, and each time it stroked he felt the flared head strike his prostate. The repeated stimulation of the thunderous blows caused Storm's mind to melt into a puddle of bliss. With one wing still holding the ring at the base of the beads in Shining's ass, he curled the other under his belly. Slow, deliberate strokes of his shaft were completely out of time with Shining's thrusts, but it was more than enough to bring him to the edge of orgasm. Shining, too, was getting close to his end. The lewd sound of the lube squelching as he humped into Storm made his ears perk forward, but the excitement was building in the form of a tightness in his balls. Churning, they made ready to deliver their load to the dangerous predator's ass. But, at last, Shining was undone by Storm. When Storm lost his own grip on reality and started humping and clenching down on Shining's maleness, the additional stimulation drove Shining over the edge. Powerful hips drove Shining's shaft forward, spearing Storm's rear and firing the first jet of seed deep into his colon. What Shining wasn't prepared for—though he should have been—was the hard jerk on the beads in his rear. The first and largest bead strained and then pulled free. The force of it tugging out stole all of Shining's focus, but his body was intent on creaming Storm's ass so his hips continued. Each thrust caused his body to trembled and his rear to spasm, clenching and then releasing. Each time he released, Storm jerked on the beads. There was no escaping the rutting stallion on his back or the exploding release under his belly, but Storm kept a firm grip on the ring and pulled it when he felt Shining's body release. After the first bead, the second came, then the third, and when he jerked it for the fourth time the rest came free in a rush. Falling, Shining felt like a puppet with all his strings cut. He tumbled sideways and slumped down onto the bathroom floor. His shaft had pulled free of Storm's rear, but it was the feel of the bat pony's cum leaking from his ass that took up his full attention. The beads' removal had done more than release the mess Storm had left in him, it had let loose all the memories of the night. Feeling more than a little drunk on the pleasure, Shining finally managed to get his head into order and started climbing up to his forehooves. Beside him, laid out on the floor, was Storm Slice. There was an odd sort of completion he felt as he watched his own seed leak from Storm's rear as Storm's was leaking from his own. For a few minutes he remained in contemplation before he remembered something. He'd smelled Cadance when he'd woken. "Did Cady—Cadance—see us?" Storm, his mind slowly getting a grip with complex concepts like consciousness and thinking, chuckled at Shining's question. "She found me guarding the door, saw you on the bed, and put together what we'd done." Memories of the event, his terror at her presence, and finally her command came back. "She commanded me to wake you, get that toy out, and clean you up, s-sir." "Clean me—How long do we have?" Shining stood up slowly, his rump still feeling a little tender. "You need a hand getting up?" He reached out to the huge shower and turned the water on. "I can get up." Storm started struggling to get his hooves and claws under him, but every movement of the latter reminded him of how much Shining had reamed out his ass. "I totally got this, just… Thanks." Lifting Storm up, Shining helped him into the shower and followed after. "Sorry if I got carried away last night. I was missing Cady, and you looked and smelled—" He had to stop speaking when a leathery wing closed carefully over his snout for a moment. Removing his wing from Shining, Storm chuckled. "I get it. Well, I kinda get it. Your wife seems pretty amazingly cool about it, do you share often?" Shining, being a unicorn, was more than capable of cleaning the both of them at the same time. His only problem was he'd never showered with another stallion in such an intimate setting—though he had his time in the Royal Guard to fall back on. "Often enough, but you're the first stallion." "Your first-first?" Storm lifted his wings when Shining's magic nudged a pair of scrubbing brushes at his flanks. "So what made you want me?" "You were into me. That helped." Shining found himself getting way to focused on Storm's wings. He'd played with his wife's, and several other pegasi's, but bat wings were way different. "Also I was really horny." "And just now? When you plowed me so hard I thought I was going to cough up your cum?" Storm reached over Shining's shoulders with his wing and pulled himself closer. When Storm kissed and nuzzled the underside of his jaw, Shining stiffened—in more ways than one. "Y-Yeah. I—uh. You're kinda amazing." "For your first time with a stallion, you're not shy." Storm left his mouth open and carefully ran his teeth over Shining's jaw. It was something he'd done a lot, and it always left a little of the scent-mark that was uniquely his. "Princess Cadance said we needed to be down there within an hour." Trying to keep his voice steady, Shining tilted his head up a little to let Storm have full access to his throat. "She knows I like long showers." "We spent thirty five minutes between your wake-up-blowjob and getting that toy out." Storm smirked and made sure he rubbed his other scent gland along Shining's neck for good measure. Even the water wouldn't wash the oily musk out. "We should probably get ready." The water, for now, hid the smell of the bat pony scent from Shining's nose. Working quickly, he set more brushes to work scrubbing them both clean and used yet more magic to rinse them off. Stepping out of the shower, he felt as Storm ran a wing-claw down his side. It reminded him of the games they'd played the previous night in a rather enjoyable way. "How do you manage that and not scratch me?" "How do you juggle six scrubbing brushes, two bottles of wash, and rinse us off with more magic at the same time?" Storm walked past Shining and hooked a towel with his wing. He just started to dry off his wings when a blast of warm air ruffled his hair from nose to tail, drying it all instantly. "And then you do that. Damn unicorns are so handy." Tossing the used toy into the sink and filling it with hot water, Shining stepped out of the bathroom and turned toward the walk-in. Getting dressed was easy for him—he grabbed his dress uniform and slipped it on. Just wearing it reminded him of his wedding and Cadance. "What about the room?" Storm asked, looking over the mess that was the bed and floor. There was still a dildo that had found its way to lay on one of the pillows. Backing out of the oversize closet as fully dressed as he was ever likely to be without armor, Shining looked at the bed and grinned. "We have the best cleaning staff in all the world, though I won't leave this for them to deal with." He picked up the errant toy and floated it into the bathroom to soak with its friend. Storm Slice stretched one wing and then the other. "We have five minutes." "We'd better head down. It's better to be early where Cadance is concerned—never comment on her being late to our wedding, by the way." Shining opened the door and was about to step out into the hallway when Storm rushed past him. "Right, guarding me. Sorry." "Follow me, Your Highness." It was easier to slip back into his job once he used formal address for Shining. Storm was big on formality as far as royalty went—the previous night had definitely been an exception. When they reached the throne room, Shining spotted his wife standing at the end of a table with a pile of little spray bottles beside her. While he watched, a pony walked up, she sprayed the puffer in their face, and they walked off. The line was immense and snaking around the room several times. "Good morning, dear. Good news I hope?" "Shiny! Great news, but don't come any closer until I've given you a spray." Cadance noticed that Storm was at her husband's side, looking very official and not at all like they had earlier. She tried not to purr. "Your sister arranged for a large shipment of the cutie pox cure. All of Ponyville worked through the night to get it processed and packaged." Watching as a blue-gripped, levitating bottle floated toward him, Shining let Cadance administer the spray and inhaled deeply. "That's it?" "That stops it and protects you for three days. All we need to do is get everypony in the Crystal Empire sprayed in the next three days to completely eradicate it." Cadance floated the bottle back to herself and gave the next pony in line a spray. Properly armored now, Shining walked down to the line of ponies and took up a bottle himself to start puffing it in the faces of his citizens. While he was working—and the line was moving faster—he noticed a scent that wasn't the otherwise odorless drug. It was musky and dense, and the more he breathed of it the more Shining was reminded of Storm. When Shining turned and looked at him, Storm recognized an unasked question in his charge's gaze. Stepping forward, he watched as Shining's pupils narrowed and his nose twitched. That was the answer Storm needed. "Yes, Your Highness?" With Storm a little closer, Shining could smell the scent stronger. It wasn't hard to connect the dots and come up with the answer as being it was Storm's musk. How it had gotten so strong with the bat so far away, Shining still wasn't sure. "You could help by taking a spot at the desk and spraying." Storm wasn't sure what he'd expected, but three days of inoculating ponies against cutie pox wasn't it. He'd been given his own rooms in the castle—a tiny suite near Shining and Cadance's chambers—and was basically collapsing into sleep each night. Ironically, he wasn't even guarding them. After three days—on the evening of the fourth—Cadance and Shining both gave him a significant look and nodded toward the stairs that led back upstairs. As always, Storm rushed to walk ahead of them and ensure everything was safe. Unlike the previous few days, however, he was at peak awareness and ready for anything. Anything except for the twin kisses on each side of his rump when he stopped and reached for the door to their chambers. Storm froze and both his wings jumped out a little to each side in shock. "Y-Y-Your—" "None of that. Scoot inside and we can have a little talk." Cadance had absolutely loved the way Storm jumped when she and Shining had kissed his rear. The work he'd put in—beside them—had confirmed in her own mind that he was a good stallion to keep around. "We haven't really had a moment to talk about—" Shining couldn't complete the sentence without a mild shudder as memories poured back into the fore. Held down, threatened, bled, and more. Taking a slow breath, he managed to make the nearest thing to a chuckle he could. "The wild night." "In case you somehow manage to miss all of my husband's body language, he is nervous as fuck, Storm. He whispers every night"—Cadance had to use her magic to fend off Shining's attempt to stop her talking—"about how much he enjoyed having sex with you. I already guessed most of what you'd done, but just hearing about it pushes buttons I didn't know I had." Frozen in shock mostly at hearing the princess of love use the word fuck casually, Storm watched as said princess stalked toward him. "Do you have any idea how rare it is to be blindsided like that these days? It makes me curious and more than a little horny just to think about." Taking a deep breath, Cadance shivered—the motion starting at the back of her neck, ruffling her wings, and finally causing her butt and tail to squirm. Luna had been big to Storm. She was the princess of all bat ponies, after all. This was different. Cadance was in her own domain here, and she spoke of him like a hero. She spoke of him like an equal. He wondered how he should respond to that. His mind raced with ideas, but in the end he took what she'd said to heart. "There's some things about you that—that affect me too, C-Cadance." Standing stock-still, Cadance was curious where Storm would go. He seemed intent on walking around her, but his nearest wing reached out and stroked down her side and to her rump. What made her want to purr, though, was the way he lazily trailed his claw over her. The tingle as the point of that razor-sharp nail stroking down her spine made Cadance shudder. Ponies were soft and curvy—Storm was angular and threatening. Watching as Storm inspected Cadance, Shining strode over and grabbed the other stallion's jaw with his magic. Shocked at the roughness of Shining's treatment, Storm had no time at all to respond before the prince's lips pressed to his own. Switches were being flipped one way and then the other, and though he had no control over the process himself, Storm was a party to it. Cadance looked back at the two, kissing over her back as it were. She moved out from between them, symbolically and physically, and circled back to Storm to whisper in his ear. "I want to see you impaling him, biting him, making a mess without a care in the world." Lust, pure and simple, rushed down from Storm's ears all the way to his groin. He couldn't believe how she'd spoken, or what she told him to do. "We need to talk about this first." But he was no plaything. Shining laughed. "Good for you, but if what I heard her tell you was right, I really want that too." Honesty counted for a lot with Storm. He shook his head to free it of the cobwebs of desire and need so that he could think straight again—hard to do with a sexy stallion and literally the hottest mare in the world. "Limits. Wants. Dislikes. We need to—to establish what we're all comfortable with." "Well," Cadance said, nodding toward Shining, "we don't intend to have safe words or anything like that. If we want that kind of game, there's a mare in Ponyville that—Well, she's very good at it. I will tell you the moment you are hurting me too much or if I want something different." Nodding his head, Shining gestured to Cadance. "I'll have what she's having." "Right, but what if I want to let you cry out a bit?" Storm looked between the two, taking in their surprised expressions. "Bat ponies hunt. We attack things with tooth and claw. I want to be able to hurt you, hear you cry out, but keep going." Opening her mouth to reply, Shining paused as he realized he couldn't think of a way around that. "I—I kinda like the idea of that too." Cadance just nodded. "Okay, yeah, I love your ideas, Storm. So a safe word to shout?" "Red. We used red last time." Storm's eyes locked on Shining's and he licked his lips. "And I want to feed from both of you. I don't care what rumors go around—I've never tasted alicorn blood before." "Does it hurt?" Cadance asked. Shining actually giggled. "K-Kinda. It hurts in good ways. You should see how his eyes glow when he's drinking from you. He wasn't just fucking me, he owned me, Cady. I was prey to him." "Well, that sells me on wanting to try it. Luna mentioned you hadn't exactly shown an interest in mares before." The question was one of great interest to Cadance since Storm had shown interest in her. With a safe word established, Storm felt far more ready to play with Cadance. "I don't dislike mares, I just greatly prefer big, strong stallions." Stretching his wing out again, Storm traced over Cadance's shoulder, drawing little circles in her fur with his claw. "Confidence, strength, size, and focus. I've watched you work for days now and I've retired to my bed and collapsed with an erection that wouldn't go away." The touch against her breast surprised Cadance, but as Storm ran his cheek up and along her throat, she felt his fangs brushing at her flesh. He was dangerous and monstrous in all the right ways. "Go on." When Storm paused for a moment, Shining let out a giggle. "Storm, she's not going to break. Tell her what you want to do. She's the princess of love—and love-making." Storm, however, was done with talking. He'd gotten all he wanted and needed to feel confident in sharing their bed—at least for a night. With his scent already heavy along Cadance's throat, he moved fast and grabbed her with one wing. Then he threw Cadance. Shining had seen trained bat ponies doing some of the most amazing things before. He'd watched them tackle a bugbear and restrain it, he'd seen a pair of them move so swiftly in a sparring match that he didn't even know when blows were being struck, but he'd never seen one grab an alicorn with one wing, roll on the ground to build momentum, then toss her across a room and onto a bed. It made him smile. Sparing a glance to Shining, who looked to be enjoying the show, Storm rushed to the bed and pounced atop Cadance. "Don't get me wrong, you're big and strong and everything I like, but what I like I take." Shining didn't need to be asked. He walked to the closet and levitated out one of their pump-packs of ultra-slick lube, and walked back toward the bed. Cadance had been disorientated by the throw, but now she had a talon closed around her neck she was regaining her focus, and that focus was on the stallion who had pinned her under him. She'd been dealt with physically by both King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis before, but neither had left her feeling so powerless. She struggled, squirmed, and tried to twist free, but when his claws closed against her throat, Cadance froze. The feel of her surrender made Storm's lust rise and his predator side out even further. Leaning down to Cadance's throat, he started rubbing his scent glands against her again and again, focusing on marking her properly. Biting his lower lip as he watched Storm work his magic, Shining figured a little assistance would be called for. Squeezing out some lube, he levitated it over to Storm and under his belly. The feel of cool magic and goo smothering his cock made Storm pause in his securing of Cadance. He looked over to see Shining holding the lube, horn aglow with pink telekinesis, and figured it out. He gave a nod to Shining in thanks when he felt Cadance start to fight again. Only getting one wing free, Cadance started to use it as a lever to pivot herself when Storm crashed his weight down on the limb. With one wing pinned by Storm's, she tried to free her other only to get the same response. Her legs were pinned under her, her wings were held down, and her throat was being threatened with sharp claws. She could have used her magic, of course, but Cadance didn't want to cheat. Straining, she felt more of his weight crush her into the bed. And that's when she also felt something poking around her rump. Unlike with Storm, she couldn't see that it was Shining prepping her, so when a thin stream of cool lube sprayed into her rear it was a surprise. Working on Cadance's left wing, Storm pulled it toward her body and folded it up at her side—then he shoved sideways. Rolled onto her back, Cadance spread both wings again in shock but she couldn't do anything with them—wings were meant for going up, but for her up was down. She stared at Storm, watched his hungry eyes, then bit her lip and forced her body to relax. It was a symbol—a sign that Cadance had surrendered. Swapping his back foot at her throat for a wing, Storm made sure she felt the claw there before he shifted his body to line up with hers. "You know what I did to your big stallion? I nibbled on his balls and drank blood, I marked his penis and made him whine and squirm under me—begging for my cock. "I'm not going to do that to you, tasty little dish you are. I'm just going to fuck you however and for how long I want. I'm going to break you in to being my little blood-puppet, and I'm going to make you want me to feed off you. And then I'm going to fuck you some more." Storm waited a moment before asking, "Well?" "P—" Cadance didn't get more than the start of a syllable out. Storm's hips crashed forward and shoved his cock into her unlubed (but wet enough to drown a sea pony) vulva and ground his length in as far as he could. She'd been expecting anal, what with the preparation, so the filling of her cleft sucked all the wind from her lungs and made her eyes roll up in her head. Shining, too, had been surprised by the turn of events. He circled around the bed and shuddered at the sight of his wife having been restrained and taken. This wasn't, of course, the first time they'd had a pony to play top to their bottom, but it was the first time it had been brutal. Being savaged, Cadance couldn't stop her body from welcoming Storm. Her depths massaged his long shaft, and though it was thinner than Shining's, the head of it felt bigger. When he lifted her back leg up and against his neck, she tried to tilt her head to see what he was doing—but the claw at her throat gave her no option. The bite and accompanying pain made her tense for a moment, her safe word on her lips, but the pain was washed away and mixed with pleasure when his next thrust came. But his fangs didn't draw too far from her cannon. Cadance's eyes narrowed to points when she realized what was happening. Her lips moved as Storm closed his around her leg—she whispered silently, "Band of blood." Three words that described what she'd seen around Shining's cannon, and soon she'd wear it herself. It was a ritual, or so Luna had told her, but she thought Storm just liked it. His thrusts became wilder and his grip on her tightened. Stunned at the feel of his suckling at her leg, Cadance could nonetheless sense that her blood was leaving her body. A thudding sound in her ears combined with a sense of oddness about her body—that had nothing to do with being repeatedly slammed by bat pony cock—made her fight his grip on her throat. Startled at the movement, Storm let Cadance tilt her head forward just enough that she could see past her snout. His eyes met hers and he smiled around her leg. Looking into Storm's eyes, Cadance almost lost awareness with his long strokes going in and out of her at the connection he made. In the light of the bedroom his eyes had a slight glow about them, the same as a cat's would, but he was far bigger than a cat and he was feeding on her. The first Storm knew of Shining's intentions was a little wad of lube that shoved into his ass by a pink cloud of magic. He knew what was coming next, and if he weren't balls deep in Cadance at the time, he would have pushed back against Shining. Waiting for Storm to push all the way in on another stroke, Shining braced himself against the bat's rump and leaned over him—and forward. Storm's anus didn't offer any resistance thanks to the lube, which meant that with one stroke Shining could get deep into the bat and pin him in place. "Got you." Storm struggled not to bite down harder on Cadance leg, and failed. His teeth pressed into the flesh and he wept tears as Shining started to bugger him. Straining not to hurt Cadance, he looked up into her eyes again and was startled at how hungry she looked—she was practically devouring him with her eyes. Cadance wasn't just watching Storm, she could see Shining over his shoulder, and she knew exactly what his thrusts felt like—but now Storm was pressed firmly against her and not so much fucking her as just feeding. She'd been about to try to encourage him when he bit harder. It was like a bomb going off, the pain mixed with pleasure became an intense cocktail that Cadance discovered she had quite a taste for. She started into the bat pony's eyes and tried to will him to resume—to resume fucking her. Cadance's eyes weren't begging and they weren't asking. Storm could feel the command from an alicorn—the princess of love—demanding he comply and resume his fucking of her. It wasn't easy with a big, powerful stallion reaming him out, but he found that each time Shining pulled back, he could time his own hips and pull back from Cadance a little before the stallion behind him would thrust back in hard and pin him to Cadance's rump again. Getting a far shorter stroke, Shining couldn't stop from making little growling sounds even though he could see that Cadance was enjoying things far more. The sounds and sensations were building Cadance quickly toward her peak. Wet slapping sounds echoed in her ears, punctuated by grunts and growls. The origins of the latter surprised Cadance—she'd never heard her Shiny so aggressive in his lovemaking. All the attention was taking its toll on Cadance's stamina. She normally prided herself on being in control of her orgasms, but being taken so roughly combined with the added pain element did things for her that defied her capacity to control. Her pleasure sky-rocketed and from one heady moment to the next—at the behest of one of Shining's thrusts—she lost control. Shining knew what one of his wife's screaming orgasms sounded like. He heard it welling up from deep in her diaphragm, pressure building to a hurricane in her lungs, and then the hurricane that passed her vocal cords and was given her full voice. Just hearing his darling wife trumpeting her climax sent Shining into overdrive. Simultaneous orgasms were not common, but it was always a sign that she was enjoying sex if he could get her off before himself. Picking up the pace, he started pounding Storm as hard as he could. The clamping pressure, pulsing as it was, ensured that Storm couldn't pull out of Cadance anymore. He could feel her trembling and he would have had to be a poor bat pony indeed not to hear her screaming her climax. Not having been with many females before, he wasn't exactly sure what he should do. With Shining picking up the pace, Storm felt like he was being hammered—his dick a nail driven deep into Cadance's cavity—and as a lover of stallions it was more than okay. He had given up his grip on Cadance's throat to focus on feeding from her, but her leg started to tremble and move, and he was nothing if not physically out-classed by both the ponies. He was stuck in a royalty sandwich, however, and was extremely okay with that. It was too much, though. Storm had to let go of Cadance's leg so he could screech out and flap his wings. His balls tightened and started sending their squirmy payload to his prostate—which was getting a good seeing-to by Shining—before he shoved forward as hard as he could and unloaded into Cadance. Shining didn't hold back either. The tight muscles in Storm's rump egged him on to climax and he had no intention of slowing the freight train of his lust. Slamming against Storm's rear, he was amazed at the wingspan of the bat pony or the pure exuberance his flapping betrayed. Far from needing safe words, he could see, hear, smell and feel that everypony had enjoyed this—even as his own body exploded into release. Panting, grunting, and even a little moaning (the latter mostly from Cadance) was soon all that could be heard in the room. Storm pulled his wings in just enough to grab each side of the huge bed and keep himself locked tight against Cadance. While he didn't want Shining to leave his butt, either, he trusted the big stallion to keep his rod planted where it was. Cadance, having found her release first, was the first to recover enough to both think and talk. The first words out of her mouth were, "Oh my fuck." Snorting, Shining nuzzled at Storm's neck, nibbling and licking the soft fur. "I've only heard her say that ten times. Good job." Storm had never been complimented for fucking another stallion's mare—even if he was more acquainted with females, that would probably still be a new thing to him. "It was mostly—mostly you two. She went wild when you started fucking me." "Still getting my head around how to explain it," Cadance said. Now without her throat being held, she could use her magic to pull a pillow over and prop it under her neck. Finding himself face-to-face with Cadance, Storm squirmed a little at the affection Shining was showing him. When a particular twitch caused Cadance to blink her eyes wide open for a moment, he apologized. "Sorry. Not really used to this." Cadance giggled and reached a foreleg up to rub Storm's breast. "We aren't either. Well, with a stallion. What's say we get cleaned up and snuggle on the bed while we talk about it?" "I suppose you want me to retreat?" Shining couldn't keep the pout out of his voice. He'd been with several mares, but there was something far spicier about a stallion. It made him think of the fiery foods from Mexicolt. "I don't want you out, but I can't kiss you unless you back up." The moment he said it, Storm heard Cadance gasp. He looked down at her to see a huge grin on her snout. He got the impression that she'd like to see them kissing a lot. "There is a problem." Shining started easing back, slowly drawing his slightly deflated shaft from Storm's rear. "Huh?" Storm asked. Cadance leaned up and kissed Storm's nose. "When you pull out, I'm going to leave a mess." "Normally I pick her up with my magic and carry her through to the bathroom." Almost completely free, Shining felt Storm clenching down harder and harder. "Your Highness, you trust me?" Storm stepped forward, pressing his groin more firmly against Cadance's rump and earning him a small gasp from Cadance. It also popped Shining's head from his butt. Looking up at Storm, Cadance nodded—not trusting her voice not to let loose a moan, given he was now putting pressure on her cervix. She only realized what he was doing when his wings started to curl in and under her. Long, finger-like spars wrapped under and around her back and lifted her up. He hadn't seemed like he should be strong enough to carry her, but as he lifted and walked backward off the bed, she felt safe and snug. "Ooh." What Shining liked was that, being about the same mass as his wife, he was pretty sure he'd be able to talk Storm into carrying him like that. "This way." "I know the way to the bathroom, Shining." Storm kept his movements deliberate and careful, not trusting himself to lift more than one leg at a time with such a precious cargo. Sure she'd survive being dropped the short distance to the floor, but he had a reputation to maintain. The time spent in the bathroom wasn't long. Shining cleaned himself off using his magic to hold the spray hose from the bidet, while Cadance emptied herself into one of the commodes and Storm the other. In all, they all made relieved sighs as they got ready for bed, but finishing his ablutions first, Shining walked back into the bedroom to straighten up the bed and move the bottle of lube to the bedside table. Just as he got the multitude of pillows and covers set just right, he felt a feathery touch on the shoulder. Turning, a natural and practiced motion, Shining met Cadance's lips in a loving kiss that made him sigh in bliss. "Shouldn't I—err—stand guard?" Storm asked. Breaking the kiss early, Cadance gestured to the bed. "Now the Crystal Guard are all immunized, they have resumed their duties." She waited for Shining to climb in before stepping onto the soft mattress. It was everything but a direct order to get into bed. Storm knew, however, how to read the emotion in the room. Walking over, he used a wing to tease back the covers so he could squirm under them too. "That makes me feel a little—well—superfluous." "You guard us during the day, and at night you're the last line of defense. The guards outside will raise the alarm before either will fall." Cadance, on her back, stretched a wing out and under Storm before using her magic to pick him up and lift him between her and Shining. Storm had been with pegasi before, but none had possessed enough wing to cradle his back from dock to poll. "You seem to have this all planned." "What," Shining asked, "did you think she spent most of today running through her head?" His ears twitched and he looked across Storm at his wife—who looked excited about something. "What?" "She said, 'Now kiss.'" Storm, seeing an opportunity, did just that. He leaned a little closer and used his thumb to hook Shining and pull him in and down. When their lips touched, he almost melted—Shining had leaned into him and deepened the kiss. Cadance wanted to bounce out of bed and flap her wings in excitement. "So cute…" Shining heard Cadance that time, though he was too distracted to care. Relaxed on the luxuriant pillows, he could have happily kept kissing Storm all night. He nuzzled and kept good contact, then slowly pressed his tongue out and started feeling around Storm's teeth. Feeling Shining's big, blunt tongue, Storm reached forward with his own, coiled it around Shining's, and pulled. Feeling it was a little more dominant than just a snuggle, Storm reached a hoof out to rub Shining's chest—right between his forelegs. He waited, holding Shining's tongue captive until he caught a slight nod from his lover. It was surrender, in a way, but it was a safe surrender. Shining had a good idea what Storm was going to do—he knew it would hurt a little, but that he would probably enjoy it by the end. When the inevitable bite came—when a fang pierced his tongue from top to bottom—Shining reached one foreleg to Storm's chest and returned the slow rubbing. The copper taste in Storm's mouth only made the moment more intense. He'd tasted Shining's blood before, but now they were both tasting it. He loved the return of the arousing petting—loved more that he felt Shining poking him in the belly with something that definitely wasn't a hoof. Shining was well aware of what blood tasted like. As part of his Guard training he'd been hit enough times in the face to get used to it, but this was far more personal. The rich taste of blood was a delicacy to Storm, though, and it made Shining feel good that he could share it with him. He could see passion and desire warring on the bat pony's face as they both continued to suck and drink down the trickle of blood from his tongue. Spotting a little red foam at the corner of Storm's mouth, Cadance took a moment to reflect on what she thought they were doing. In the end, though, she waited for their prolonged kiss to end before asking, "What did you—?" Her question halted as she saw the red stain on the front of Shining's lips. It almost looked like her husband had put on lipstick. "You were feeding?" Storm had to lick his lips to clean the blood from his mouth. He took his time, looking into Shining's hungry eyes as he did the same thing. "From his tongue." "He pierthed it with hith fangth." Even to his own ears Shining couldn't help but find his speech comical. He giggled around the soreness of his tongue and leaned in to nuzzle at Storm's neck. Having had some time to think, Cadance let out a slow breath. "That's all kinds of adorable, but I'm not sure about including myself in this. I—I enjoyed it, I certainly won't deny that, but there's some parts I need to really think about." Lifting his head out of Storm's ruff, Shining looked across at his wife. "You need thome time? Wath it the dominanth?" Cadance let out a sigh. "That's just it. I enjoyed a lot of it, but there was an edge of something there that I'm unsure of. I'll have to work it through my head and get back to you two about a next time. Until then, don't let me stop you from having fun." Forcing himself to roll away from Shining, Storm turned to look at Cadance. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Pulling her back leg forward, Cadance held it out for Storm's inspection of the red ring that barely stood out on her pink coat. "Hardly. This is just a thing I need to puzzle out before we do anything more like—well, like we just did." Mulling the idea over, Storm was more than a little surprised when Shining grabbed him with his magic and pulled. Rock hard still, Shining snuggled Storm against his belly to spoon him, which only made Storm sigh happily. "Please, Your—How am I supposed to address you in the bedroom?" "Just Cadance is fine. It's not anything about you, Storm. If you want to have less—If you just want to have sex, I'm perfectly fine with that. Or kinky stuff too. But, let's just keep the biting to non-sexual situations for the moment." Cadance reached her wing up and used a single feather to boop Storm on the nose. Surprised at the touch, Storm sneezed. "Wait, so no blood drinking during sex with you? I'm fine with—" "Or claws. I like softer things." "Oh. Well, you can always take over if you want?" Storm surprised himself at what he'd said. "If you want to get out a whip and collar and take control of this ravening beast, I'm fine with that." Blinking a few times, Cadance tickled Storm's nose with her feather again just to hear the adorable sneeze he made. "I wouldn't mind trying that." "Maybe," Shining said, nuzzling at Storm's neck a little, "you could unleash your monstrous pet on your overbearing husband to subdue his wild tendencies?" What Shining learned about bat ponies was nibbling their ears made them squirm a lot—which is why he nibbled a bit more on Storm's. "Tomorrow, though. If you don't mind, I would like some snuggles before I sleep." Cadance was unsurprised that Shining started pushing and shoving Storm toward her. His intent to get them all close together was obvious, so she stretched one pink wing over the two of them and around Shining's back. What surprised and delighted Cadance was when Storm yawned and closed his eyes before his own wing reached around her and pulled her against him. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance had woken first and, given her size, had woken Shining and Storm up as she departed the bed. She was halfway to the bathroom when she looked back to see Shining rolling to his belly and Storm rolling atop him. Freezing where she stood, Cadance watched as Storm reached out and grabbed the lube bottle from the bedside drawers with one wing—pulling it closer and starting to smear himself and Shining's rear with it. When Storm humped into her husband, Cadance shuddered and her wings fell a little limp at each side of her. She wasted no time teleporting a dildo out of their toy room and positioned it before her sopping vulva before spearing herself unceremoniously with it. The sounds of moans filled the room. Nopony had anything in their mouth and nopony felt obliged to moderate their exclamations of pleasure. For all Cadance had intended to have a quick shower before the two stallions, she was trapped by her own lust—watching Shining getting taken vigorously. Keeping time with Storm's hips, Cadance liked to imagine he was on her back—sans biting and clawing from the previous night—and reaming her out. When his pace quickened and he slammed into Shining hard and fast, she hit her peak and let out an almighty screech of lusty pleasure. Eyes closed, Cadance rocked in place as she kept working the toy in and out. Her wings were spread out now, held low still, and gently flapping along to the thunder of her orgasm. "Maybe we—we should charge for tickets?" Storm asked. Shining, feeling full of bat and bat spunk, looked around to see what Storm was looking at—then he saw Cadance's wide eyes. "Tickets? Why don't we charge admission instead?" "You think I should go, lube her ass up, and plow her too?" The thought of it had Storm rock hard inside Shining. Reaching over to the bed, he almost managed to grab the lube before Shining's pink magic picked it up. "Cadie? You want a good plowing before breakfast?" Shining asked, floating the container over to his wife. Floating in the sea of her climax, Cadance nodded dreamily. "No biting or clawing or any of that. I just want—I want something alive inside me." Storm blinked in surprise at the commanding tone. He watched as the magic around the lube bottle turned from pink to blue, then a large glob of the stuff came out and (with its own blue glow) pressed into Cadance's rear. Huger, desire, and pure and simple horniness overtook Storm. He dismounted Shining and turned to face Cadance—who had turned around so her rump was toward him. Now it was Shining's turn to watch his partner get reamed by Storm. He formed his pink magic up as a flat plate over his ponut to stop from leaking, and walked past the pair just as Storm mounted Cadance. "I'll take first shower." When Storm's tongue started lapping at the point between her wings, Cadance relaxed even further into the buggering she was getting. He was being far more gentle—and she appreciated it. It was a little confusing for Storm that he'd wound up in a situation like this. Princess Cadance, he reminded himself, was the pinnacle of feminine beauty and a literal sex symbol for most of ponykind. Her husband was held in similar regard not just for his own physical presence and intelligence, but because he was married to Cadance. And here was Storm riding Cadance's back just after having serviced her husband, plowing out her colon and nuzzling at her wings. Before he'd come to the Crystal Empire, Storm would have considered himself mostly gay except for a few instances where a mare had caught his eye—now he was grinding his shaft into the peak of feminine beauty. Or at least her ass. Cadance couldn't keep her wings from beating in time with Storm's thrusts. So lost in the moment was she—still with the dildo in her vagina—that she barely noticed Shining's singing in the shower. When Storm picked up the pace, Cadance's forelegs gave out and she slumped to the floor with her rump held in the air by her back legs. Able to drive a bit deeper thanks to the angle, Storm loved watching Cadance's wings flap weakly as he geared up for his finale. He could feel his balls pulling up, his rear end tightening, and barely managed to hold back his pleasure for long enough to drive her into her own orgasm. Storm spread his own wings over Cadance and flapped hard. It didn't take much work on his part to not get any lift from the flapping, but as his shaft flared and shot his seed deep into her rump, he nonetheless flapped hard and in time with her own wingbeats. With her second orgasm of the morning met by Storm's second, Cadance felt her back legs start to wobble before—seemingly in slow motion—they started to give out. "Ugh… Dammit, you're good at this." Dragged down atop Cadance, Storm nuzzled and licked gently at her bunched muscles around her wings. "Flattery will get you everything you want from me." Leaving the shower, Shining looked at Storm and Cadance and smirked. "I'll head down and get them to prepare breakfast. Don't take too long." What warmed his heart more than just seeing his wife enjoying herself, was seeing that Storm could play nice with her. Easing himself backward, Storm pulled slowly free of Cadance and then, when he was out, she jumped to her hooves and ran into the bathroom and the waiting shower. About to say something, he noticed her head poke back out. "Are you coming?" Not needing to be asked twice, Storm chased after Cadance and into the shower. Despite the size of the two of them, it didn't seem crowded in the least. "Well, I could be. I think I should clean myself up first though." Sitting at the meal table in the throne room, Shining was nibbling on some toast and reading the daily reports from the seneschal. First was the report on the Guard of the city, which he was happy to see had resumed their duties fully now they were all inoculated against the cutie pox. What completely and utterly failed to feel bad was his rear and his back leg with the red ring. Using his magic, Shining smeared another slice of toast with butter and crystal berry jam, and this time rather than nibbling he bit into it to fully savor the treat. "Is that coffee?" Cadance fairly pranced into the throne room, making her was toward the meal table where Shining was already eating. Beside and just behind her, Storm Slice marched with the full gravity of a Guard who was ready for anything. "Oooh, it is. Please, Shiny, I need it so much." Pouring two more mugs of coffee, Shining levitated one to Cadance and one to Storm. "I was just going over the morning reports." Shining judged that the time the pair had taken was more than enough for a shower and a bit of fun besides. "We're getting close to the Equestria Games again. Are we going to get an invitation, do you think?" Cadance wasn't ready to speak on business until she had some coffee in her. Giving Storm a blowjob had required more than a little twisting on her part—accomplished by getting on her knees in the shower—but it had been worth it to thank Storm for adjusting his approach. Once she had the mug in her grip, Cadance gulped down two mouthfuls and sighed in delight as the hot drink met something else that was hot and in her belly. "You should just send a request to Twilight." "'Send a request'?" Shining shook his head. "Cady, you remember last time we just sent a request to my sister?" "Technically that wasn't us, but you're right. So what do you plan to do?" Sipping his own coffee, Shining let out a chuckle. "Well, I'll have to visit her in person." "You could tie that in with a thank you from the Crystal Empire for the assistance with that dratted pox." The coffee was starting to have an effect on Cadance, her mind clearing more as she started preparing herself some toast. "It's only right that I stay behind this time." Shining started to open his mouth to complain that he hated traveling alone, but then he remembered Storm. "Guard Storm Slice, you will be accompanying me to Canterlot." "Of course, Your Imperial Majesty." Storm dipped his head, not showing a trace of the mirth and excitement that bubbled up inside. Leaning closer to Storm, Shining whispered, "If I fuck you on the train, will you stop calling me that?" "No." Turning his head and nipping Shining's ear—piercing it with a fang—Storm added, "But, I'll fuck you on the train anyway." Shining's heart thudded in his chest. "O—Okay. We'd better leave soon, then. It takes nearly half a day to reach Canterlot from here." Finishing up a piece of toast with a mouthful of coffee, Cadance cleared her throat. "You'll need a gift for Twilight. She's a ruler now, and it's expected that when visiting, you bring a gift." "It should be something," Shining said, "that is not just singularly Crystal Empire, but also something she wouldn't normally have." Looking down at the table before him, Shining laughed. "Crystal berry jam." Their luggage had been checked on and was being taken care of by a pair of Crystal Guard while Shining and Storm had the royal carriage to themselves. Sitting down, they both waited for the train to start moving before each started to look at the other with hungry expressions. "You promised me—" "I did, didn't I? How much privacy can we expect here?" Storm's eyes focused on Shining's belly and he couldn't help but lick his lips. Part of Shining's morning had involved him memorizing a powerful spell. It was a combination force-field and obfuscation of senses. Closing his eyes, he imagined the walls of the carriage around them and started building the pattern with his magic. Not as good at memorizing spells as his "little" sister, Shining was still no slouch when it came to keeping ten good combat spells memorized—only now it was nine good combat spells and one to maintain privacy. The pinkish glow that radiated through his closed eyelids reassured Shining. When he opened his eyes, he watched as the final bit of his magic settled into the walls, doors, and windows of the car. "There, now—" Shining's eyes opened wide when Storm's tongue probed into his sheath. A low, happy groan left his through, however, when Storm found the tip of his shaft and started licking at it. "You are far too good at that." Storm rolled his eyes up so he could look at Shining. The big stallion hand one hoof holding onto the chair and the other reached over and planted itself on Storm's head. He teased at the head of Shining's shaft, coiling his tongue just behind the flare and squeezing it—coaxing it into his mouth. "Horseapples, that feels good." As he watched, Shining noticed that Storm didn't move his lips back from Shining's sheath, instead letting his expanding erection push straight into Storm's mouth. Sliding his tongue down Shining's length as it grew into his mouth, Storm slowly jerked him off while keeping his fangs well away from doing any damage. The very different style of blowjob had Shining squirming in the seat. He whined and shuddered with each stroke of Storm's tongue, but decided not to hold back his reward for such a wonderful duty. It seemed way too early, and Storm was barely warmed up, when Shining's balls started to jerk. Storm knew what was coming, so relaxed his throat and tightened his tongue just a little. Shining felt the first explosion of his seed shooting down his shaft and started to moan—only to gasp in shock when Storm's tongue halted the flow from getting free. It was the most startling way to halt his orgasm he'd ever felt. He whined as the second blast launched through his piping, but this time Storm let up. The instant relief of getting control of his climax back made Shining wobble in place and, when he finished dumping his cum in Storm's throat, he flopped sideways onto the chair. Sucking on Shining's shaft to get the last of his load, Storm eased back and let Shining's dong hang free, pristine and clean. "Shining?" "Hrmm?" It was hard to focus. Shining Armor barely made out Storm doing something—reaching toward him—before he felt the circle close around his throat. He didn't say a word when Storm fastened the buckle. "That implies how we're going to spend the rest of this ride." "It's a training collar. It's about time, Shining, that you learn how to suck dick. Your wife, earlier, showed me how good she was at it. Time for you to learn." Climbing up on a lounge, Storm spread out on his side and slipped one rear leg a little further back than the other. He was still in his sheath. "Well?" Biting his lip, Shining walked over to where Storm was laying and sat down on the floor before him. "I'm—I'm really new to this, sir." Storm's eyes widened a little at the honorific. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Go slowly, recruit. You saw how I showed you to do it. Just try to relax and let me fill you." Almost melting at the "command", Shining leaned forward and studied Storm's sheath. Licking his lips, he leaned the last little bit and kissed the fuzzy end of the sheath. Bat ponies, unlike other stallions, had fur all the way up their sheath. He kissed it again and again, then made the contact last and pressed at the opening with his tongue. "There you go. Get a feel for my musk—you're going to be tasting and smelling a lot of it today." Shining closed his eyes as the earthy taste of Storm's sheath warred with the musky smell in his nostrils. He'd let the bat mount him readily enough, this was just a more personal version of that—or so he told himself. Working his tongue around the small and deflated flare of Storm's shaft, Shining finally felt the stallion twitch. And then again. He repeated the motion and got another twitch. He'd discovered that the underside of Storm's shaft was especially sensitive. Shining tilted his head a little, resting his cheek against Storm's belly and letting his horn lay along his ribs. Like this, Shining had lined up his tongue to slide along the underside of Storm's length with every movement it'd make. He started licking. Clenching his muscles, Storm's eyes widened at how quickly Shining had found the key to physically arousing him—well, one of them anyway. The constant ripple along the underside of his penis had him press out of his sheath and into the warm cave of Shining's mouth. The taste only intensified. Shining closed his eyes and listened to Storm's muscles work—not the least being his heart beating. The size of the shaft pressing along his moving tongue, to the back of his throat, and then stopping, made Shining groan a little in submissive bliss. Shining Armor was not new to dominance and submission—Rarity had shown him what it meant to surrender—but this was just on the fun side of things. He could still think straight, he could still be him, but he could also suck dick like a champ. "You know it'll take you forever to get me off going so slow. Not that I'm complaining, newbie. A long train trip with a virgin mouth around my shaft is actually my idea of a good time." Storm reached with his wing to rub Shining's ear. "You just take things at your own pace." The ear rub reassured Shining, though he did want to take things a little faster. Slurping and sucking on the shaft in his mouth, he realized he didn't have Storm's extra long tongue to give more than a slow stroke along the bottom of his shaft. What he did have, however, was magic. Opening one eye, Shining reached out with his magic and took a gentle hold of Storm's balls. His first, gentle squeeze was cut short when storm flicking his horn with one of the long fingers of his wing. For a moment Shining panicked. Having his magic disrupted by physical contact was effective, but it also left him feeling a little confused and discombobulated. That it was the kind of thing a parent did to a recalcitrant foal only made Shining relax a little more into the relaxed submission. "None of that, rookie. You get my cock only for now. Show me you can handle that, then you can expand your horizons—and don't make me get a horn-ring." His cheeks blushing a little, Shining got back into things. He wasn't allowed to stimulate Storm in any other way, just licking him wasn't going to get the bat pony off, and he had to keep his head down like this—there was only one thing Shining could think to do. Storm was about to flick his horn again, but then he felt a tightness in Shining's mouth and he smirked. "Clever. Mmm, good." The praise was enough to make Shining smile around the base of Storm's cock. He'd made a tube-like grip of magic in his mouth and was using that to stroke Storm's length. But, that didn't mean he would let his tongue and lips go idle. He suckled at the base of the cock, worked his broad tongue along the underside, and stroked Storm's pleasure higher and higher. Shining could hear Storm's heart rate increasing. He could feel as the bat pony's muscles bunched and released rhythmically—in time with the strokes of Shining's magical mouth pussy. The smell and taste seemed to intensify, and Shining opened his eyes to see that Storm's fuzzy balls were twitching and jerking up against his body. The moment had come, and so had Storm. Shining felt the first blast shoot right into the back of his mouth. Pushed forward so far, he had only two options—choke and splutter and pull off or gulp down Storm's load for all he was worth. The feel of Shining suckling on him only made the climax better. Storm reached down and grabbed Shining's horn. He knew it would disorient the unicorn and test his dedication to taking everything Storm had to give. Mewling around the thick and flared cock in his mouth, Shining stared blindly as he gulped down the cum. Again he'd had his magic disrupted by a stroke of his horn, and now it was repeated little tickles that left him unable to focus—on anything but swallowing. "There you go, newbie. How's that for lunch? I hope you want second, because you have a lot more dick-sucking to do." Storm rubbed at Shining's horn and used his forehoof to stroke down the unicorn's shoulder possessively. Each time Shining thought it would be the last spray of seed, Storm gave him another to deal with. Finally, though, he gulped down and wasn't given another flood. Breathing through his nose, Shining lay there while Storm played with him. The repeated touching to his horn was one of the most intimate things Shining had felt, it was a caress that touched not just a sensitive part of his body, but a part hard-wired directly to his brain to inspire submission when touched. "You can start over whenever you want." With his nose pressed firmly to Storm's belly, Shining tilted his head a little into Storm's grip and felt the bat pony start to stroke his horn. It was as close to mind-numbing as any action short of mind-control could get that didn't have the word pleasure tacked on. Barely able to construct a positive thought of his own, Shining latched onto what Storm had told him and started to suckle again. Storm kept stroking Shining's horn, watching the stallion's eyes droop as he kept up his servicing. "Tell me if the dominance stuff is too much." Good as it felt to be treated like a wing-operated-onahole, Shining wanted to give back a little more than he was right now. Stretching his neck, he levered his mouth off Storm's shaft and started advancing up the bat's body, pressing his pre-leaking shaft to Storm's anus. "So long as you only use soft ways to enforce dominance, I'm fine with it. What about you?" It surprised Storm how much Shining had turned from the submissive little cocksucker to this huge beast perched over him. His wild side wanted to reassert control over the situation, but as Shining's hips slammed forward, Storm's desire for control evaporated as his need for Shining's shaft flew to the fore. Listening to Storm's moans, Shining leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He felt Storm melt into the kiss while Shining's hips slammed up again and again. He gracelessly made out with Storm while buggering him, completely bucking the previous submissive act to become dominant over his male lover. Hammering, Shining didn't let up even as his end rushed forward to meet him. He could feel as his body prepared to unload, and at the very moment he was almost over the edge—a knock from the door distracted him. Storm almost laughed as Shining froze in place. He could see how much his lover was straining to hold back, and reached his wings up to pull Shining's head closer. "Finish. Whoever it is can wait for that." Drawn into a kiss, Shining crashed his hips forward to connect with Storm's rear and he came. His shaft flared inside Storm, the tip especially swelling out like some kind of hammer head, and gave a series of short humps as he unloaded. The door opened when neither stallion replied, and the royal maid stepped in and froze. Blinking a few times, she watched his royal highness buggering his personal guard—including what she'd call a passionate kiss—and had to fan herself a little with her duster. "Don't mind me. I'll clean around you." Storm squirmed a little, breaking the kiss with Shining only to notice the prince smiling. "H-H-Who are you?" "She's the head maid of the royal quarters of the Crystal Castle." Shining shoved a bit harder and pinned Storm to the bed. "When there's a mess, she outranks everypony. I hadn't realized she'd be accompanying us." "Spring Cleaning, at your service. You can relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before." Gathering up the pillows on the bed (since she'd seen a few stains on them), Spring tossed each into the air and used her mouth to pluck the covers off them and toss said covers into a basket beside the door. "Though, I will say I've never seen His Highness with another stallion before. You have good taste, sire." Looking down, Shining kissed Storm's cheek. "I like to think so." "I'm confused," Storm said. Walking up to the bed, Spring kissed Shining's cheek in a show of her position. "Head maid and royal servant to the emperor and empress' needs. Welcome to the club." Realization dawned and Storm's worry that he was doing something wrong eased. He relaxed and appreciated for a moment how full his colon was with Shining's seed. "Well, okay then. Are there any rules I need to know? Are there secret meetings? Maybe I have to wear a special uniform?" "There is some secret training. Advanced blowjobs and pussy eating. If you'd like, I'll put you down for the latter?" Spring moved her snout down and kissed Storm's cheek. Remembering his own inexperience with mares and in particular with pleasuring Cadance, Storm turned his head to look up into Spring's eyes. "How about a trade?" "I am unsure what we would trade, but I'll hear you out." Spring looked into Shining's one eye and beamed. "I'll teach you everything I know about blowjobs if you teach me everything you know about cunnilingus." Storm trembled at the feel of yet another jet of Shining's hot seed inside him. "I've been—rather exclusive with stallions in the past, but I have one I'd like to please very much." "Oooh." Spring leaned back and walked over to the basket. "Does her name begin with Cadance?" Storm nodded and nuzzled against Shining's breast fluff. "Yeah. We had some fun, but while this hunk of a stallion goes gaga for a little biting and dominance, she wasn't overawed with me letting the beast out to play." "She likes to take charge. As far as I know, only one pony has ever brought out Cadance's submissive side well." Spring raised an eyebrow at Shining and got a nod back from him. "So you know about Rarity?" "I've heard the legends. I don't want to step on her hooves, but I think Cadance enjoyed parts of what we did. I'll have to wait until she can work out if she wants more—but I'd like to show her you can teach a bat new tricks." Reaching around Shining's back with his wings, Storm pulled himself up firmly against Shining's belly. "I'm going to need a cleanup if we're going to do something else." There was a small rush of accomplishment—a boost to Shining's masculinity—that he'd have Storm needing to clean up after just one little climax. "Our best bet is the bath in the back corner. You holding on tight enough? Use your claws too if you must." Not willing to turn down being able to claw at Shining, Storm reached his back legs up and over his lover's back and hooked his claws together while pressing them in a line over Shining's croup. "How's this?" The threat of having his skin punctured did happy things to Shining, and his previously flagging arousal reversed itself into renewed strength within Storm. Standing, he started to strut his way toward the bath, catching a glimpse of Storm's stunned expression with each step and sway. "How're you riding down there?" "You are doing wonderful things to my prostate," Storm said, barely able to hold his voice from cracking. "Ugh, you made a mess on the sheets, too." Spring gathered up the bedclothes and tossed those in the basket too. "Don't think I can wash any of this stuff on the train. When we get to Canterlot, every maid in the castle will know I'm cleaning up the smells of two excited stallions." Carrying Storm over the tub, Shining stepped into the large steel vessel and eased his cargo down. "We could make it two excited stallions and an excited mare, if you're up for it?" Spring's head snapped around to look at Shining and Storm—both of which were looking at her with interest. "You know what? I think I'll veto that. At least one of us should be able to walk into the castle without waddling." Shining laughed as Storm unhooked his legs and slowly let go of Shining with his wings. Standing a bit taller, he stepped back from Storm and drew his length from the bat pony's rear. "How're you still so tight back there?" "Lots of practice with big stallions—though you are the biggest I've had." Storm checked the plug was out of the tub and lifted himself a little higher in the tub before divesting himself of his royal load. Again Shining felt a strange sense of accomplishment, this time brought on by the sound of his seed leaving Storm and plopping into the tub. "Have I ever said how nicely you take all that? Cadance is a big mare, and can take several loads with ease, but—" "Oh, don't you get me started." Spring rolled her eyes as she set about making the bed with fresh linen. "The first time Cadance invited me to join the two of you, you plow my ass full, then swap over to my pussy. Not only couldn't I walk straight for days, it felt like you were inflating me like a balloon." "But," Storm said, looking across at Shining as the other stallion used a cloth to clean his penis, "I think I like it. Certainly makes you appreciate him." Spring nodded and let out a wistful sigh. "Sometimes walking is overrated, anyway. Some days you just want to flop on a bed with a belly full of cum, and revel in the sensation." The ego-stroking was more than enjoyable for Shining. He didn't normally partake of any of the mares in their little group of special friends unless Cadance was involved too, though even that rule had been bending of late. One thing he did promise himself, though, was to ride Spring and fill her just like she'd quasi-complained about. If she didn't want to do it on this trip, he'd ask her nicely if she'd like to when they got home again. "And, when he looks at you like he's doing to me right now, watch out," Spring said. "I don't think I've ever had anypony look at me like he's looking at you. Hey, Shining, if Spring said yes, how long would it take you to get over there and mount her?" Storm asked. "Accounting for a teleport? Not long." Shining winked at Spring. "But she declined, which means you're the only balloon to fill here." Storm's rump twitched in response to those words, almost like Shining had control over his rear entrance. For a moment or two, Storm couldn't articulate what he wanted, but finally he managed to get his thoughts in order. "I could give her a demonstration on how to suck such a girthy shaft." "Good. If you swallow it, there'll be less mess for me to clean. Also, I doubt you could get all that in your mouth." It was a challenge, Spring knew, but the moment she said it Storm's eyes told her it was well-received. Turning on the tap and getting some warm water flowing, Storm used a wing to clean his rump and wash the mess out of the tub. Standing, he stepped out and toward Shining. "On the bed and let me show you why mine is the only mouth that can satisfy you anymore." Shining didn't want to show that he was too eager, but at the same time he loved the way Storm gave blowjobs. Walking as calmly as he could manage, Shining climbed up on the bed and rolled onto his back. Putting the cover on the laundry basket, Spring froze in shock as Storm leapt onto the bed and landed atop Shining. It was strange for her to see a pony move how Storm did—the bat pony was all claws and wings as he reversed himself on top of Shining and eyed his prize. "Wow." When Storm's long tongue wrapped around his shaft, Shining let out a long and low moan. Unable to get a good angle to reciprocate Storm's actions, he instead pressed his snout into a pair of musky bat pony balls. With the smell flooding his head with desire, Shining could feel when Storm's lips met his tip and kissed it. The gentle nuzzling to his balls encouraged Storm to get a bit more creative. Tilting his head to the side a little, he peeled back his lips on one side and rubbed his fangs along Shining's cock, the length jumping stiffer still. Spring watched all this going on before her like it was a carefully cooked feast for her eyes. Her own arousal started to grow and she whispered, "I have some regrets." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining and Storm might have the freedom to buck each other silly into the small hours of the night, but Cadance had made Spring promise to make the pair of them presentable before the train pulled into Canterlot. With about an hour until that would happen, she busied herself laying out a uniform for Shining and polishing Storm's combat harness. Of the two stallions, Storm had woken first and shifted to slip off the bed. "Good morning." Not having heard Storm move, Spring jerked her head up and stared at him a moment. "Good morning. You wore him out, I take it?" "It was mutual wearing-out. Ugh, he didn't lie—I feel like a balloon." He waddled a little, clenching down with his butt as much as possible, until he reached the commode. Settling into the little room, he finally relaxed and let everything loose. "You're really loyal to them." "Built in. Can't help being loyal—it's why I joined the Guard in the first place and why I joined the Royal Dragoons." Letting her mind wander, Spring Cleaning smiled as she worked the oil into the leather harness. "Wait." Storm poked his head out of the door. "You were in the Royal Dragoons?" "Made sergeant." "What happened?" "I had a little too much fun one night. A few weeks later and I'm hurling up each morning. So I go get a test and they tell me the charm I'd used to stop impregnation didn't work. I couldn't give her up, not once I knew I had a new life inside me. Tried keeping up with the Dragoons, but into the third trimester I was losing stamina and was lucky to hold my water for more than two hours. "Commander gave me a choice of taking some months off or swap to one of the less-active Guard groups. What I didn't realize—when I chose the latter—that Princess Celestia had a plan for me. She had a pair of newly married royals and they needed staff. It was only temporary at first, just until Shimmer Breeze was born, but I liked the change of pace." It was surprising for Storm to hear such a story. "You are yet another bodyguard, then?" "In a way. Our foals were born at the same time. Flurry is as much a sister of Shimmer as if they were born of one mare. Where one goes, the other goes too. Being in Cadance's court means I can raise my daughter, work, and find time for more interesting pleasures than the Dragoons ever got me." Testing the leather for suppleness, Spring spread it out over the arming dummy. "They just kinda attract ponies like us, I guess." Stepping out of the commode, Storm shook his wings to get his blood flowing better. "How long do we have before Canterlot?" "We both know we'd be a mess if we did anything. Here's your equipment harness. Your weapons are in the chest over there." Summer gestured to said chest with a little crackle of her magic. "I don't expect anything to try to accost him, but we are both his bodyguards." Curbing his excitement, Storm let out a sigh. "When I said I haven't had much experience with mares, I meant it—but I guess I have a thing for mares who could kick my butt." Standing up, Spring walked toward Storm, her eyes focused on his with as intense a stare as she could manage, and just as she reached him she drove her breast against his shoulder while using her magic to stop him from stepping the other direction. Storm's eyes widened as Spring effortlessly knocking him over sideways and then—as he fell—caught him in her magic and wrapped his wings and limbs tight against his body. He was at her mercy, and her mercy resulted in soft lips pressed to his own. She felt as Storm trembled a little—felt it through her magic and through her lips. She wanted to continue things, that is to say her body wanted to continue things, but she had her duty. Breaking the kiss, she rubbed one cheek under Storm's jaw. "Fuck that's hot," Shining said from the bed. "Both of you need a shower. There should be enough hot water for one if you share it. No fucking, no sucking, in fact, no shenanigans. I promised Cadance I'd have you both presentable and I intend to keep that promise." Twirling Storm upright again, Spring loved the way his legs wobbled a little as she set him upon them. Walking across the room, Shining pondered disobeying Spring for several moments. A little part of him wondered if she'd get kinky and punish them. "I could announce that we need to visit Ponyville." "How long would that buy us?" Storm asked. Spring cleared her throat. "Enough of a head-start that I'd not catch you until sundown." "Why are you so sexy when you talk like that?" Storm tilted his head to one side, his tongue snaking out to run over his lips and taste the last of her on him. "And how do I attain this power?" "You don't. I hold it over you until you are a drooling wreck. Now get your fuzzy butts in the shower." Using her magic, Spring gave them both a firm smack on said butts. Shining was supremely thankful to Spring as he stepped off the train and realized his "little" sister was there waiting for him. She rushed up and hugged him. "Hey, Twily." "BBBFF! Cadance didn't come with you?" Twilight, now taller than her brother, let go of him to take a moment to look around, hoping to spot her sister-in-law. "She wanted to spend a little time with Flurry. It's tough for a filly to grow up as a princess already, and she only really has one friend. Plus—I'm rambling." Stepping forward and ignoring all political protocol, Shining hugged his little sister. "It's good to see you, Twily." "Oh, you know, still getting the hang of things. I'll probably say that for the next hundred years." Snorting a giggle, Twilight squeezed her brother for all he was worth. "So, are you hear to visit your sister or Princess Twilight Sparkle?" "Both, and your royal advisor." Disengaging from a mare as big as Twilight took a few moments. Shining managed it only because Twilight helped. "Should we make a royal procession to the castle?" "You brought guards with you, right?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. I got sick of you, Luna, and Cady berating me for not needing guards, so here they are. Storm Slice, Spring Cleaning?" The moment Shining said their names, mare and stallion rushed from the train car to flank him. Spring was wearing a literal maid uniform that resembled the exact opposite of Storm's harness that was covered in throwable, enchanted blades. "Sire!" Storm and Spring said in unison. The walk to the castle took far too long by everypony's reckoning, on account of everypony in Canterlot wanting to see Twilight and Shining walking together. The swathe of bodies only thinned when they actually ascended to the castle grounds. Waiting for them in the throne room, filling out piles of paperwork and humming under her breath, was Luna. She spotted Shining and Twilight, but her eyes shifted across to Storm Slice. With a heavy sigh, Luna stood up from her favorite task of writing letters and she stepped out from behind the small desk she liked to keep in the throne room—despite Twilight begging her to have a throne back. "Your Imperial Majesty!" Luna said, trotting forward and dropping to one knee before Shining. "I trust your new servant is working out?" "Please, Luna, don't kneel," Shining said. Only when she was standing did Shining step forward and hug her. "Thank you for sending him." "His ears are good enough to hear us talking about him like this. I hope he found a place to spread his wings? He was being stifled here." Luna leaned back out of the hug. "Storm Slice, report!" Storm almost moved. He almost ran to Luna and bowed to her. It hurt so much to resist her command, but he turned to look at Shining and asked, "Sire?" Shining looked at Storm and smirked. "You can follow any of Luna's commands, so long as they don't contradict those of myself or Cadance. She is an alicorn princess still." "If you'll excuse me, Sire, I'll arrange your room to be prepared. I believe we can trust the Royal Guard to maintain your security here." Bowing to Shining, and waiting for him to nod to her, Spring stepped away and turned back to retrace their steps to the entry hall. She spotted their luggage and lifted it with her magic. "What suite has been assigned us?" "This way, ma'am." Lightning Breaker wasn't a fool, he recognized Spring from their time together in the Guard. He'd become Royal Guard, she'd become Royal Dragoons. Leading the way for her, he waited until they were in a more private hallway before smiling. "It's good to see you back, sergeant." "I'm not a sergeant anymore. Just a maid." Spring couldn't help but smirk. Snorting, Lightning ruffled his wings and gestured to huge parade of luggage following them down the hall. "You're carrying more load than I've seen any Royal Guard unicorn ever manage. I bet that dress has a dozen weapons hidden in it, too. You're still guarding, only now you're being more sneaky about it." "Why are you so concerned with what's under my dress, Lightning?" Tilting her head toward him, Spring raised a brow. "I promise you, corporal, I am nothing more than a humble maid who waits on Their Imperial Majesties every word and is never too tired to combat the ingress of dust." "What happened, Spring? Why'd you quit the Guard?" "That's a personal matter, but I can assure you I hold no ill will against the Guard, nor they me." Stopping as indicated, Spring waited for Lightning to open the door to the royal suite. "I'll just put a few things away and organize lunch." "I'm pretty sure Princess Twilight has things—" "For Storm and me." Setting down the big trunks of luggage, Spring opened just one up and started parading the contents into the dressing room adjoining the master bedroom. "I know how the castle operates, this isn't my first time here in this role." "Hey, Spring? Is this our—?" Storm froze at the doorway when he saw Lightning in the room. "If you're busy, I'll come back later." "Corporal Lightning Breaker was just leaving, Storm." Spring turned to look at the hunk of bat standing in the doorway. Being in the Royal Guard, and having to deal more with diplomacy than actual combat, Lightning could feel the sexual energy just jump in the room. His mind didn't need to look far to put two and two together. "Absolutely, Sergeant Spring Cleaning." Waiting for the pegasus to pass him and leave the room, Storm closed the door and grinned at Spring. "Old friend?" "We knew each other in the Guard. He joined the Royal Guard and I didn't. Are you hungry?" Spring walked to the door and used her magic to open it. "Because I am. Herding you two to get ready for this meant I skipped breakfast." "I could think of something you could eat." Storm risked nuzzling against Spring's cheek, only to feel a barrier of magic form between him and her. "Hey." "If you think for a second I'll let you cozy up to me like that, you have another thing coming." Spring let down the barrier and rubbed her cheek along Storm's neck. "I'll make you earn it." That's when it hit Storm what she'd been doing. Spring didn't have musk glands like he did, but she was doing the same marking-motions he'd make. He blinked in surprise at the realization, only coming back to his senses when he realized Spring was walking off down the hall. "Hey, wait up." had to trot a little to catch up, and just before he reached her side he realized she was swaying her hips more than a mare really needed to to walk. Not that he'd taken particular notice of mare rumps before, but Spring really put some sway into her step. Spring felt a little strange about returning back to Canterlot. Sure, Storm had been here far more recently than she had, but she remembered that the bat ponies often kept to themselves. "What, you're not going to wait for His Highness to come to his room and ambush him?" Aware of her movement having calmed somewhat, Storm shrugged. "I just don't feel comfortable in those kinds of rooms alone. There's too much… fancy stuff." "You get used to it. There's no difference between a fancy, heirloom couch and a normal one but the price tag, and that's all taken care of by Princess Celestia here." Turning a corner, Spring could smell the kitchen getting closer. "In the crystal castle things are way newer. Half the furniture Sombra had was horridly uncomfortable." "Yeah, but what if I break it?" "You're surrounded by unicorns and not a few alicorns—ask one to fix it." Pushing the door open, Spring stepped into the kitchen and took a hard left. "Follow me and don't get in anypony's way." The kitchen was busy. Storm tucked his wings up tight (not that he was flapping them about in the hallway) and kept close to Spring. Glancing around, it seemed like chaos at first, but then he started to notice an almost militaristic coordination to the process of cooking lots of meals. "Why didn't we just order something to be brought up?" Spring spotted a mare at their destination already. She was sitting on one of the couches at the end of the kitchen and had a coffee and toast with her. "It's more cozy in here. Hey, Bread Basket, getting ready for night-shift?" "Yeah. Just grabbing some grub. You coming back for good, or just visiting?" Taking a long sip of coffee, Bread was almost halfway through the cup and was still struggling to feel awake. "Visiting. Escorting Shining and his friend here." The moment her rump touched the couch, a commis chef approached with a slip of paper. "Thanks!" "Just pick what you want. We're making so much tonight because the prince from the Crystal Empire is down. Big feast and no warning." "Yeah. Where would we be without it though, eh?" Bread asked. "Bored," the junior chef replied. "I'll just grab whatever that fancy stew is. Storm, do you want anything here?" Spring was mostly being kind. She knew bat ponies generally had their own food requirements, most of which were fruit. "No I—Wait. You're serving lobster?" Storm looked up at the chef, who nodded back. "Uh, if you have any legs or claws you aren't using, I could—" "Just get him a lobster, Gazpacho. What he doesn't eat, I can handle." Bread took a bite of her toast and slid back a little on the couch. "Yes, ma'am." Turning, Gazpacho took the orders back to the counter and put the note on the end of the line of tickets. "Two walk-ins." "There's the other reason to come down here, Storm." Spring winked to Bread as she turned her head to look at Storm. "You see, when the shift finishes down here, it becomes a bit of a party, if you catch my drift." "Wha—?" Storm's eyes widened. "You mean they—" "Fuck." Hiding her mouth behind her coffee mug, Bread Bowl grinned as she went on. "Once they have all the meals out, and everypony has caught a snack or meal, that's when the orgy starts." It was perfect. Spring sighed and wiggled a little in place. "With Shining busy with the party, you and me—and anypony else who wants to join in—can get down to business at last." Storm's eyes were wide. When he'd lived at the castle, it had been as Luna's special guard. They hadn't deviated from their duties except to a small bar in the city that catered specifically to bat ponies. "Y-You're joking, right? Right?" Turning to Bread, Spring leaned over and they were a bare hoofwidth from making out when Gazpacho returned with a bowl of stew and a lobster. Jerking back, she looked up at the chef. "Thank you!" Storm looked between the two mares and then back to where they'd put his plate. "R-Right. Thank you." Spring was about to reveal the gag when she watched him rip a claw off the lobster and toss it into his mouth. The crunching that followed made her punchline die in her throat. He chewed and chewed, grinding up the chitin of the animal before gulping it all down. "Sweet Luna that's good!" Staring in shock, Spring watched him rip off a leg next and start grinding it up with his teeth. "So, uh, I hope I didn't interrupt anything?" Storm asked, turning to look back at Spring and Bread. Spring's expression of mute incredulousness made Bread laugh. "Well, I think Spring was trying to set you up for a gag. She gave me a signal to play along, but your meal there kinda broke her brain." Finally, regaining control of her faculties, Spring asked, "Why don't you remove the meat from the shell?" "Because it wouldn't be as crunchy then." Storm grabbed another leg and started crunching away on it. "So, are you two dating or something? I mean, you said he was the prince's friend, but prince's friends don't come to the kitchen to slum it for dinner." Bread nibbled on more of her toast. While Storm was distracted with his meal, Spring slurped at her stew a little before replying, "Things have gotten complicated. I can't really gossip about most of it, but no, we're not dating. Still thinking of having some fun with him, though." "You're a bit more up-front about that than you used to be. I remember talking with some others, and they said you were pretty forward about what you wanted, but you never…" Bread glanced over at Storm as he took on the body of the lobster. "He is kinda cute, though, but I'm spoken for." "Wait, you hooked up for real? I thought you were all I can't date anypony who works under me kinda thing?" Spring asked. Bread laughed. "That's just it. We're waiting to announce it until we have permission to." She hid her silly smile behind her coffee cup again, even though it was empty. "Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty serious, but I won't pry." Attacking her stew in earnest, Spring tried to ignore the unprovoked decapod attack going on beside her. Slipping into the hallways of the castle, Shining felt relief that he'd escaped the party in his honor, but now had a debt to Luna—since she'd covered for his retreat. He made his way up to the area where royal suites were, and took directions from his the Guardponies on duty. Opening the door, Shining spotted Storm and Spring chatting on the big couch in the middle of the living room. "Did you find something for dinner?" Spring was first to reply. "We did, Your H—" "No. Don't use that title here. I want to completely forget about my obligations for a while." Shining removed the formal clothes he wore as he walked over to the couch. He dropped the clothing on an armchair then lay down at the foot of the couch Storm and Spring was on and flopped his head on the cushion. The mood wasn't hard for Spring to read. She reached a hoof down and gently rubbed Shining's ears. Him leaning into the touch earned a smile. "Storm, is there anything you can think of that will distract this poor stallion from his duties?" "A massage." Reaching out with his wing, Storm rubbed along Shining's jaw. It wasn't hard to see the game Spring had concocted, though it was obviously something she and Shining had done before given how readily he walked into it. Spring's head snapped around and her eyes narrowed. "You can give massages?" The intense tone made Storm laugh a little. "Around the barracks, you either learned how to be cozy and keep things working or you stopped being there. It became custom for all of us to learn how to give a good massage to relax tensions." "I didn't know that." Shining tilted his head up a little and looked at Storm. "Could you teach me how to do it?" Storm leaned down and rubbed his cheek along Shining's horn, and through it he felt Shining shudder. "I teach by demonstration, which means there are two ponies here who need to be massaged." Coiling his tongue around Shining's horn—following the spiral—he gave a little suck at the tip and smiled as the big stallion whimpered. "But I think, before I give a demonstration, I should help somepony relax." Squirming, Shining couldn't stop his tail from flicking in excitement as he nuzzled forward and worked his nose under Storm's belly. Liking Shining's enthusiasm, Storm looked at Spring. "Could you lift this cute little unicorn over to the table? He needs to stretch out so I can access all of him." Shining gasped as he was forcibly pulled away from Storm and lifted into the air. Spring's telekinetic grip was as steady as iron but soft as silk as she carried him to the table and then set him down on top of it. "Perfect." Storm used his wings to draw the chairs away from the table one by one and set them aside. With a quick hop, he jumped onto the table and sat down beside Shining. "Let me start with your shoulders." Shivering at the long, low sigh that left Shining when Storm started, Spring watched as Storm started working in earnest. He used the ball at the front of his wings to massage with, working the smooth joint in and along Shining's body. "Wow, you are good at that. His eyes are closed and everything. He's pretty much instantly out of it." Climbing over and effectively mounting Shining's bigger body, Storm leaned down and put some pressure on Shining while he kept up the massage. "He's so tense. Maybe you could help by giving him something else to do with his mouth than moan?" Spring blinked in surprise at first, unsure what he meant. A moment later, however, she realized he meant for her to literally gag Shining with her body. "I don't know, are you sure he's been good enough for that?" She was already moving to stand with her rump against the table—looking back over her shoulder. Watching as Spring pushed back toward him, Shining was well aware of her tail swishing to the side to reveal her anus and vulva to him—the latter twitching a little before her clitoris flicked out at him invitingly. When her rear finally got close enough, Shining stretched his head forward and kissed her labia. Letting out a pent-up sigh of her own, Spring pushed back a little further and bunched her legs up under her. "There, just there, now start going in with your—Sweet Celestia, yes…" Storm rewarded Shining by moving the massage up to his powerful neck muscles, working each knot of tightness until it relaxed. "I've given plenty of massages to mares before, and gotten a good few too, but I don't think I've ever been in this situation before." With her forelegs locked stiff to keep from falling, Spring nodded her head and, when she tried to speak, only got out a moan as Shining's tongue explored her depths. Rallying her focus, she managed to get out a few words before being cut off again. "Same for me." "I'd ask Shining, but he seems to have his mouth full." Storm slid backwards a little now Shining's neck was devoid of tension knots. While Storm working down his back, Shining could feel the bat pony's shaft sliding down his spine and croup. The sensation was more than enough to bring himself to full mast while his snout was occupied with Spring's depths. It was far from his first time exploring a mare, but it was his first time exploring Spring. Throwing her head back, Spring's eyes widened and she started making a high-pitched squeal as Shining shoved his tongue deep inside her, spread it out, and curled it along her depths. She tried to beg him to go slower, faster, or just throw Storm off and fuck her properly, but his tongue was master of her desires, and her desires had a firm grip on her brain. "What do you think, Shining, should I push deeper and make you scream your lust deeper into her?" Storm didn't wait, of course. Pushing his hips forward, he sunk another two inches of himself into Shining. The cries of Spring were music to his ears. He found himself growing to be quite the connoisseur of pleasured mare sounds, even if he wasn't directly effecting them. Deeper. Further into him. But, what made the sex even better was that Storm was still massaging his shoulders and neck. It was more what he'd call lovemaking than just sex, and even though his wife wasn't involved, he was enjoying it a lot. Springs legs wobbled more and more as she moaned and squealed, the oral sex pushing a lot of buttons for her. She looked back, unable to see Shining's head past her hips, she instead caught Storm's eye. The bat pony, to her keen eyes at least, was enjoying himself. He was rocking back and forth on Shining like he was trying to drive Shining's head all the way into her. Storm was nearing his end, and though he delighted in drinking Shining's blood, his eyes were fixated on Spring's rear. "C-Can I—Can I feed—on you?" The raw desire in Storm's eyes struck to Spring's core. She gulped and, while he kept buggering Shining, thought about it. On one hoof, she trusted him not to do any damage, but she wasn't sure if she'd be woozy or otherwise affected. Biting her lower lip, she nodded. "Lift your—Lift a back leg up for me." It meant trying to balance on just three legs, but Spring got a better idea. Using her magic, she pulled a chair around and floated couch cushions over to slip under her until she could settle most of her weight on it. Lifting her left-back leg, she felt it grasped by Storm. Storm, holding Spring's leg close to his mouth, licked along the back of her cannon. "Watch." The command sent a shiver down Spring's spine that had her neck moving almost of its own accord. When she looked at Storm, it was just in time to see his long tongue lap her fur again. When his mouth closed around her cannon, she felt a slight sting as for razor-sharp fangs pierced her skin. Compared to her time in the Guard, the pinpricks were nothing, but a new sensation started as Storm started to suckle on the tiny wounds. The blood was more than enough to send Storm into a wild frenzy. Sucking through the small veins for all he was worth, he gave up his slow and tender mating and resorted to a good, hard fucking. The sounds of excess lube squelching with each thrust only served to excite Storm more. He grabbed Shining with his forelegs and free wing and drove himself in and out of the bigger stallion, finally squeezing his eyes closed as his end came. Along with the rough treatment, Shining felt when Storm exploded inside him. He couldn't stop himself from moaning into Spring's body, but wasn't quite enough to send him over his own peak—even as he felt Spring start to clench down repeatedly and moan. He was trapped between two ponies having a great time, and though he didn't loose his own seed, he was still more than excited enough to have enjoyed it. But, as moments drew on, Shining had to squirm and pull back from Spring. With the extra pushing from Storm and Spring's enthusiastic counter pushing against him, his nose and mouth were both trapped inside her. He managed to get himself free from her and sneezed, blowing a small typhoon of her fluids onto her rump. In all, Storm hadn't drunk too much from Spring, but the symbolism of it made his groin tighten all over again, even as he was going a little limp. He let go of her leg with his mouth and then slowly licked at the wound, his focus on working the glands on the tip of his tongue into making a coagulating agent to smear over the wounds. In her time working in the Guard (and even a few times working for Cadance and Shining) Spring had smelled plenty of blood. The Royal Dragoons were the offensive wing of Celestia's personal forces, and they consisted of shock troops and scouts—they were all trained for both roles. She'd even smelled her own blood on occasion, but this was something different. Blood, semen, and feminine sexual arousal was heavy on the air. "Mmm. Smells good back there." Storm let out a happy, yet slightly drained screech. "Blood and sex are both potent to a bat pony's libido." He felt through what he wanted, and knew it was right in front of him. "You want to go down on him while I provide you with incentive? I can't smell Shining's cum." "You mean he's still pent-up?" Spring tested her wobbly legs before trusting them with her weight. She turned and looked at Shining. "Well, Storm, you need a shower before you put yourself in me, and the showers are big enough here that we can all fit in one together." She eyed both stallions, an idea of what she wanted already forming. Storm helped Shining up and the pair followed Spring to the bathroom. By the time they reached the door, the sound of torrential rain was already coming from within where Spring had a decadently large shower running. "Why is it so big?" "Princess Celestia, a lover or two, and it might start to get crowded." Spring stepped into the shower and let out a happy moan as the heat poured into her weak legs. "I could get used to this." Slipping in second, Storm loosed his wings a little and let the hot water pour over him. "Alright, this was a great idea. Shining, we should listen to Spring more." "Yes, you should listen to me more. I want to do it." Spring turned in the shower to face the two stallions. "Pick an end, or do some kind of stupid game to figure it out, but figure it out before I change my mind and chicken out." Storm looked from Spring to Shining. "Royal prerogative makes it easier. Pick an end, Your Highness." Looking Spring over, Shining contemplated for just a moment. "I'll take the back. I warmed her up back there and I don't know if I wouldn't choke her if I used her mouth." "Yeah, I'm a bit slimmer. That means I can spend some extra—Hey!" Storm's eyes widened as he felt a sudsy sponge working up and down his shaft. It didn't take a genius to spot Spring's horn aglow and jump to conclusions. "F-Fair enough, just don't go too fast or this will be a very short double-stuffing." Now that her mind was made up, and the two stallions had worked things out to their (and her) satisfaction, Spring was feeling decidedly more naughty. She let Shining do what he wished behind her while she kissed Storm. His fangs were the first thing to surprise her, but the main event was his tongue pushing into her mouth and a little down her throat. She was far more forward than Storm would have expected, but he had to remind himself that she had been in the Royal Dragoons. He wanted to test her, though, and pushed his tongue to the back of her throat and then a little further. The feel of her lips pulling into a grin shocked him almost as much as her lack of a gag reflex. When Storm finally drew back, Spring raised an eyebrow. "That's quite the tongue you have." "That's quite the mouth you have. Want me to explore it more?" Storm stepped a little closer to Spring, reaching out to rub one of her cheeks with his right wing and giving her another, briefer, kiss. Behind Spring, Shining used his own magic to grasp her tail and give it a tug to the side. Her reaction was as immediate as it was inviting—she winked at him. "Definitely ready for more. Storm, are we gonna do this?" "Do her? I thought you'd never ask." Wasting no time, Storm reached forward with one back leg and grasped Spring around the neck with his claws while bringing his shaft to her lips. "Open up." The grip at her throat surprised Spring. For a brief moment she felt like she'd react violently, but the smell of Storm's musk blew away all her thoughts about getting away from him. Kissing his tip, she opened her mouth slowly and let him push inside. Shining didn't often spend time with smaller mares, which made him a little awkward with his first few thrusts. He missed several times before he finally connected with her vulva and, like it was welcoming him, it stretched around his tip and squeezed at him. Still pent-up from the previous bit of fun, Shining was in no mood to take things slow. He was liberated by his loving wife and their new bedroom companion, and that meant he could finally just let himself fuck. Spring would have howled out in surprise as Shining Armor shoved as hard and far into her as he could. It was so much that it pushed her forward and impaled her mouth on Storm. When Shining's second hard thrust came, she was braced enough to absorb it. Now that Shining hard found his pace, and she was getting used to his girth, Spring could appreciate why Storm had grabbed her neck. He wasn't trying to choke her, he was feeling for when she might have problems taking him. It would look, Spring thought, like she was being used and abused by a pair of bigger stallions, but the care they both showed her made the wild ride one of the sweetest of her life. She moaned and squealed around Storm's shaft as Shining's larger one swelled a little more with each thrust, seemingly trying to reshape her body into a penis-shaped mold. And all the while she thanked herself for indulging her desires and just letting her have some unadulterated fun with them. Storm walked a tightrope, balancing his desire to just fuck and fuck and fuck her mouth for all he was worth with his care for Spring. Even the feel of her pulse at the two big arteries in her neck had become a thing of arousal for him, making him want her all the more. Shining could feel his end coming up. He felt like a steam train rushing along the tracks in a tunnel. The stupid metaphor might normally make him laugh, but as involved as he was he thought it was perfectly valid. She was like a furnace—a tight furnace that was trying to keep him from pulling back even as it welcomed him in again. Spring's legs were straining. She'd stood watch sometimes for days on end—sleeping on her hooves—and she didn't feel as wonky as she did now. Squeezing her eyes closed, she couldn't avoid the orgasm that hit her like a pair of cocks ramming together within her body. She trembled, shook, tried to scream and shout, but ultimately all she could do was stand there and take the pair of males that still hadn't hit their peaks. As she came back down from her rush, Spring was just getting back into her groove when she felt Shining and Storm start to both swell up further at the same time. Beneath the hardened soldier she'd trained to be, the careful bodyguard she was, and even the maid she pretended to be, Spring had fantasies just like any mare, and she was about to have one come true for her. When the pair of them peaked, and their shafts swelled up further still inside her, Spring clenched her eyes closed and focused on taking one last breath around Storm before the first blast came from Shining. It was a wet, warm feeling that blossomed in her velvet tunnel. Before she could truly start to appreciate how much Shining had pumped into her on his first spray, Storm let go down her throat. She'd been with big stallions before—several bigger than Storm—but none were as big as Shining, and it had only ever been with one at a time. The feel of the two of them flooding her with their seed was a giddy, heady sensation that made her want to jump for joy. It had long been a fantasy and the reality of it lived up to her expectations. "Is she meditating or something? She's"—Storm grunted and let go another blast of his seed—"breathing around me, calm as a cucumber." "Maybe she needs some more?" Shining was already spent, but he had a habit of reaching for more stamina when he thought his lover needed it. Bracing on one foreleg, he used the other to rub slowly up and down Spring's back. "You want more?" Spring tried to say yes, tried to nod her head, tried just about everything she could think of to tell Shining she would be happy to have more—Storm's cock made just about every single method (short of semaphore with her ears) impossible. In the end, she realized there was one way to tell him her intentions. There wasn't much more Shining needed to stir his libido back up and tell him what Spring wanted, than having the mare push back against him and squeeze tightly at his shaft. "She wants more, Storm." "You're both crazy, but I don't mind her sucking away on me while you give her another round." Using one wing to reach down to Spring's cheek, he gently stroked her jawline with his thumb. "She's cute down there." Sliding his hips back, Shining gave a slow drive forward until his sheath connected with Spring's vulva with a wet slop sound. "She's cute back here, too. I think she's pretty cute everywhere." The severely slow pace that Shining set was driving Spring more than a little crazy with need. Even though she felt bloated with the amount of seed he'd pumped in already, she wanted more and she wanted to climax while he fed it into her. Not that she was completely devoted to Shining—Storm's shaft was still in her mouth, and Spring intended to make sure he knew how much she enjoyed his treatment. Like a train Shining continued in an unstoppable and slowly speeding. Running through his head was some words Cadance had told him when they'd first talked about being open with their marriage. Harems. She'd spoken of them as if they'd both get a bevy of cute little fillies, but that image had never suited him. Storm and Spring were soldiers, like him—warriors. The idea of a harem had never suited him because he'd always imagined ponies he'd have to protect. Watching the pair rutting from his own interesting angle, Storm focused on Shining. "You look deep in thought." "I'm balls deep in—a gorgeous mare I—haven't really—realized—realized…" Losing track of what he was going to say, Shining sped up. He was hammering now, his pace growing faster and more erratic as Spring shook under him. She clutched at his shaft, grabbing at what she could and trying to keep him inside. Her ears tucked back, Spring nonetheless wasn't pinning them down—she was intently focused on trying to hear what Shining was saying. So focused, in fact, that she barely noticed when her orgasm started to break over her. She screamed, Spring just couldn't help it. The wave of pleasure was more than a wave, it was a tsunami, and as her gagged shout started, she squeezed down hard on Shining. The vice-grip around his shaft was more challenge than anything. Shining planted a hoof in the middle of Spring's back and jerked out all the way to his tip before he plowed back in. The tightness was too much, now, and lurching forward harder with his back legs, Shining started shooting his second load into Spring. This was it. This was exactly what Spring wanted. She was just hitting white-out in her pleasure as a new hot rush blossomed inside. Risks of pregnancy be damned, she had a connection and she trusted Shining and Cadance not to leave her wanting for a place to live with another foal. Spitted on two cocks, Spring Cleaning came harder still at the primal sensation of being bred. Leaning forward, Shining sought Storm out and their lips met. He'd never been in such a situation before he'd met Storm. Even Spring on her own hadn't enticed him. As he melted into the kiss while his hips still pumped and his balls blew load after load into Spring, Shining realized it wasn't just one or the other of them—this worked because they were together. Shining could take no more. His hips stopped and the last spray of heat rushed down his shaft and into Spring. He broke the kiss, loving the way Storm let his tongue trailing out and flick his nose. "We need to talk, but I think Spring needs some cleaning first." "If you pull out, now, she might fly off you like an untied balloon." Storm carefully eased backwards, his shaft still long, but rubbery instead of hard. Letting out a deep sigh as her mouth was freed, Spring rolled her jaw side-to-side a few times. "So long as neither of you apologize I'm fine with talking while we clean up." She felt Shining move a little inside, and had to share Storm's assessment as likely being true. "Maybe a teleport?" Storm, his shaft nicely clean and not leaving any mess, pranced through to the bathroom and opened the doors along the way. "It's not far." Biting his lower lip, Shining said, "Get your butt back in here. I can teleport, but not super-well. That's kinda my sister's thing. Spring, I'm going to teleport you into the shower, then I want a bat to wrap his mouth around me so I don't drip." "You're only doing it this way because you want a blowjob." Spring turned and looked up at Shining, then winked and charged her horn. Shining had barely a moment to plan for what she intended before—with a pomf—they were both standing in the shower. "I kinda forget you're better trained with a horn than I am." "Don't think I'll forget your shielding power so soon. You do some amazing stuff yourself." Spring stepped out from under Shining, his shaft pulling from her with a lewd pop. The next thing she knew there was a hot, wet rush down the backs of her legs. Staring at the mess, something tightened in Shining's belly at the sight of a mare leaking as much as Spring was. "So, how would you two like to be part of my harem?" > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Really?" Cadance didn't want to give anything away of her joy, so she narrowed her eyes and looked from Spring to Storm, and finally settled back on Shining. "A harem?" Clearing his throat and wishing he had wings to spread over Storm and Spring, Shining stepped toward his wife and nuzzled her cheek. "Cadie, don't do this to them. Please?" He looked into her eyes with a burning need to hear her support him, too. "Of course I'm happy to hear you have taken the two ponies Luna and myself have been trying to—ahem—ship you with. Shiny, I love that you have found more love in our home. Storm lives up to his name, and while I am still wary, I think I'd like to spend a little more time with him. I've been trying to put stallions in Spring's way since she arrived here. It turned out I wasn't looking at the right stallion." Cadance stepped past Shining, gathering him up with her wing, and ushered him over to Storm and Spring. Enjoying the feel of Cadance's wing pulling her against Shining, Spring had to ask, "Don't you already have a harem?" "Therein lies the question, right, Shining?" Cadance asked. Shining nodded. "Separate or combined." "But that's not our decision to make, Shiny." Kissing her husband on the nose, Cadance gave Storm and Spring a squeeze. "I always said no to your invitations, it just didn't feel right to be part of your harem." Spring firmed her stance despite the soft touch of Cadance's wings. "… when it was Shining you loved?" Cadance asked. At Spring's blush, Cadance giggled. "I can see that you love him in the very air around the pair of you. If it helps, he loves you too." "So we'll be Shining's harem." Storm bit his lower lip carefully not to make a mess. He looked at Cadance. "But I don't mind warming your bed, too." "It's the same bed," Shining said. "It's a big bed. Will either of you be upset if I have one of my harem with me while Shiny has one or both of you?" Cadance asked. Straining not to blush, Storm looked at Spring and got a nod from her. "So long as Shining is there, I'm okay with it." "I—I'd like a buffer in that situation." Spring was surprised at the big smile on Cadance's face. She felt a need to say more but couldn't think what to say. "I don't know what to say, or what else to say. I know I came here to find somewhere to raise my foal away from the Guard, but you made the castle here my home. I feel comfortable with both of you—and now with Storm—but I don't know if I'll feel that way with another pony I don't know." Shining gave his wife a smile before he leaned against Spring and nibbled at one of her ears. "Just tell me if things are uncomfortable." Seeing her husband make such a connection made Cadance glow a little more with the light of her talent. "I'm proud of all of you. Please, don't do anything unless you wish to, but I can assure you that if you keep an open mind, we can all continue to find love aplenty." "Well, um, there might be a little more love on the way." Spring looked between Shining and Storm. "We were gone for two moons and I didn't have my monthly time the second one." She wasn't sure what to expect. "Any clue as to which stallion?" Cadance asked, while Storm and Shining were silent in shock. Spring giggled. "I don't know if bat ponies are compatible with unicorns." "We're not," Storm managed to say. Blushing, Spring looked up at Shining. "I guess you are quite the stallion, then." Her expression, she hoped, betrayed the raw joy she felt at the idea of having another foal. Finally shaking off the shock of the statement, Shining whinnied in pure joy. "We're going to have another foal?" He wasn't sure why he deserved a kiss from Cadance and Spring for just asking that, but he was happy to roll with it. "We need to get Spring bigger quarters. We need more teachers. We need—" Storm silenced Shining with a firm kiss on his lips, drawing a surprised but not unhappy sigh from the bigger stallion. He broke the kiss and reached his wing claw up to carefully poke Shining's nose with it. "We need to calm down and listen to Spring." Leaning over to Spring, Cadance said, "He's really good at this, isn't he?" "Shining or Storm?" Spring asked. "Yes." Cadance managed to keep a straight face for nearly a whole second, which is when she and Spring broke into laughter. With the two stallions resuming their kiss, Cadance turned her full attention to Spring. "You have a choice here. Don't think I—" Spring felt certain enough to cut Cadance off. "I definitely want to keep them. They were conceived in lovemaking and have a loving home to grow in. Assuming that's alright with you?" "Honestly? I'm amazed we haven't had a plethora of foals. Shining, as you know, has always been happy to play when I'm involved. If it weren't for those birth-control amulets, we would have foals aplenty by now." Cadance kissed Spring's cheek. "Your foal will be part of our family, as you already are." "It was a long trip. If you don't mind, Your—" "Just Cadance is fine, in public, court, or private." Spring smiled. "That will take some getting used to, Cadance. As I was saying, if it's okay with yourself, I believe I am going to have a long soak in a bath and then sleep for several days." "Would you like company? I think these two are going to be busy." Cadance nodded toward the royal bathroom. The bath that was bigger than her bedroom beckoned Spring, and suddenly it was all she could think about. "I would say that sounds wonderful." Shining stirred from his post-coitus nap. He was wrapped in warmth and had the weight of another stallion on his back—which only meant one thing. "Storm?" "Shh. Sleeping," Storm said, his mind still mostly immersed in a dream of a hunky stallion. That was when Shining's brain got a message from his colon to say that not only was it full of bat spunk, but that it still had a large quantity of bat dick, too. The wings folded around him were, of course, Storm's. Without a doubt he loved the soft, fluffy wings of his wife, but he could appreciate Storm's too. Adjusting his legs a little, Shining slipped backward off the bed with Storm still on him. Straightening his legs, Shining considered waking Storm, but figured a nice shower would do that. He turned and made his way to the bathroom. Shining froze in the doorway. Cadance was taking up nearly half the bath—by using her spread out wings on the surface—but both the mares seemed asleep with their heads resting on the edges of the bath. "Storm, wake up quietly, please?" To help wake his cargo Shining wiggled his rear—something that almost made him moan. As he slowly ascended from sleep, Storm shifted, realized where he was and who he was on, and humped forward. "Mmmm-morning." "St—Storm. Pick a mare and start massaging." His legs wobbling, Shining made his way over to the side of the bath. Lifting his head from Shining's neck, Storm looked at the setting before them. "Oh my. And I can take my pick? Cadance." It was calculated. Though he wanted to show Spring how much he loved her company, Storm wanted to make it up to Cadance that he'd come on a little strong with their first meeting in the bedroom. "Watch her shoulders. She flies more than she walks, so focus more on her wing muscles." As he stepped into the water, Shining could feel the bath's enchantments burning away what dirt and mess was in his coat, and when Storm pulled out of him and drifted toward Cadance, Shining let out a low sigh of relief as his rear started to recover. Keeping his own wings in close, Storm swished with his wing-fingers to make his way over to Cadance. She was, to his mind, big for a mare. Not as large as Celestia, but he'd never been invited into a bath with Celestia. Reaching over her body with his wings was a careful thing. Storm didn't want to give his game away and startle her awake with a stray drop of cooled water, so slowly reached around each side of her from one side and gently rested the balls of his wing-hands against the big flight muscles every pegasus had. The two heavy cords of muscle reached around from where they anchored on Cadance's breast to her shoulders and back to her wings. Storm could feel through just the slightest contact that they were still tense despite what had been quite a bit of rest. So, without going too hard, he started to roll against the muscles and slowly work at the tension. It was relaxing for Storm, too, to just ease into his task. Her muscles were built different to a bat pony's, but muscles were muscles and hers needed some love and attention. After some time he hadn't realized he'd been leaning against her, but heard a soft sigh come from Cadance. "Storm?" Cadance asked. "No, don't stop. Thank you, but could you work a bit more on the right one? There's a knot a little down from where you—Ohhhh…" He'd found it. There'd been a little knot that had bothered her during her flying and each roll of his wing-hand over it reduced it a bit more until—finally—it was eased away completely. "Anywhere else I could apply my talents?" Storm reached back across to give both flight muscles attention again. He'd felt the moment her whole body had gone limp, though, and figured Cadance had been suffering that muscle knot for some time. "Rump. I stretched a muscle on my left side when I was taking off earlier. It's not sore, it just twinges every now and again." Was it an open invitation to her husband's lover to work over her rump? Cadance knew the answer to that, and was perfectly fine with him doing whatever else he could find to do back there. Shifting around behind Cadance, Storm started at the peak of her croup and started slowly circling down over her muscles. If he didn't look, Storm could certainly imagine it was a powerful stallion he was massaging, but he didn't need to. He could admire Cadance as a big and powerful mare without the hint of dislike that normally crowded his appreciation for a fine butt when its owner was female. Cadance let out a deep groan, completely unreserved, when Storm found the stretched muscle. He was gentle with it where she was tender and firm where he needed to be. In all, she felt herself becoming putty under his grip and, when her muscles were relieved, she lifted one back leg up and looked back over her shoulder. "Hungry?" Storm used one wing to cradle Cadance's hoof. Leaning a little closer, he could see her eyes widen just before he kissed the frog delicately. "I've already eaten, but I appreciate the offer." "Oh." Cadance was surprised she sounded a little sad. She'd been building herself up to the offer, and now he didn't need to feed. His kiss, however, turned into a nuzzle, and she let out a happy little sigh at the feel of his attention. "Anything else you'd like?" "If you're asking if I want sex, I'll decline. I can appreciate you, Your—Cadance, but without that big hunk of your husband involved, and without me being worked up already, I'm afraid I don't know if I can perform." Storm leaned forward and rested his head on Cadance's croup. "Perhaps we could swap positions, Shining?" "Storm," Cadance said, "you might want to look behind you. I believe Shining is busy." Lifting his head from Cadance's rump, Storm looked back to see Shining on Spring's back, his hips slamming into her repeatedly. The urge to approach him and take his rump was almost overwhelming, but he didn't have to rush—and he wanted them to have as much personal time as he got with Shining. "Why isn't the water sloshing?" "Magic. This whole castle is brimming with it." Folding her sodden wings down, Cadance stepped aside from the special spot she'd been occupying where a pony could relax safely. "Your turn. Is there anywhere I should focus on or avoid?" It took a moment for Storm to catch up with Cadance's thinking, but it seemed like a different idea so he decided to just go with it. "I don't think I've ever been in this situation. Just—Just be careful about anything erogenous. I don't know how I'll feel about it." "What if I ask you?" Cadance asked. "That would be okay. As for muscles, my shoulders have my forelegs and my wings, I have most of the normal muscles until you reach my rump. Bat ponies have a twisting pelvis that allows our back legs to rotate." Storm spread his wings and tried to relax, letting the membranes hold his weight in the water by cupping a little air under them. He looked back over his shoulder to see Cadance reaching for his left rear leg with her hooves. Bat pony muscles were different to pony ones, Cadance realized, but only in some places. His thighs were just as thickly muscled as any stallion's, but there were other muscles that provided the twist that Storm had told her about. "Extend this one for me, please, and twist it." She cupped his ankle as he stretched the leg to where it was pointing down and back almost completely straight, then he rotated the limb around his thigh, and reached up above his rump with it to show off his talons. "Wouldn't have taken me two years of dating to get Shiny in the sack if I could do that." Storm couldn't keep back his giggles. He rested his neck on the padded brace and sighed. "Just don't try to lift it further than that without asking first." Her hooves, though, were gentle beyond belief as they traced his muscles. Leaning in to kiss the palm of his talon, Cadance watched as his claws flexed but didn't come close to closing on her face. Trust—she knew she had to build it and that it was two-way. Feeling around his talon, she only found tendons and not a sign of muscle. Working up (or down, as it were) to his cannon, she finally felt an inkling of where all those tendons were gathering. Gentle as she could, Cadance put the lightest of pressure on each tendon, tracing it down from its anchor to each talon. "How much strength can you exert with these?" "I can crush bones with them if I get the right leverage, but it's the claws that are most effective." Storm had never had anypony examine him so closely. Not a single lover had ever spent the time to give his muscles, tendons, and bones so much attention. Working toward his thigh, Cadance found one tight set of muscles. "These are what twist your leg around." It wasn't a question. Cadance slowly ran her hoof over the muscles. "Relax them, Storm." She felt as he did, and could see his leg untwist. That's when she realized it had been his inner thigh she'd been rubbing with her hoof. "Was that an ero—?" "Not particularly. It was sensitive, but I was okay with you touching that. Under my belly and behind me is too far." Storm slowly lowered the leg back into the water to let Cadance continue to feel his muscles. Now Cadance started to massage properly. She knew the muscles in his thigh so knew how to work them. "Storm, you have my permission to push me, shout at me, or even kick me if I go too far." "Mmm. I'd be more inclined to grab now. That's nice." "Sometimes it's easy to forget that as a princess I have a lot more…" Cadance fumbled for a word. "Dominance? Bearing?" Storm said. "Those. Yes. If I do something wrong, you have my permission to end it in whatever way you would feel safest." She worked up his thigh and over his croup, then down to the other. "You're not asleep are you?" Storm's sigh was wistful, completely devoid of the seriousness Cadance's words had carried. "It'd be easy to sleep like this. Nopony has ever done this before." "Massaged you?" "No. I mean, just felt over my muscles and body like that. You were gentle, and I felt safe, and it was incredibly arousing. I don't know any other way to say it." Storm surprised himself by admitting it all. "If you lead with that, I'd follow." Working her way up and to his back, Cadance spent a little time rubbing the sensitive spot every pony had where their tailbone meets their spine. It wasn't one of his off-limits spots, but she was interested to see his reaction. "Is this okay?" "Yessss…" The touch was on that border between erogenous and just enjoyable. Storm's hindquarters twitched and danced, while in his mind he could imagine a big stallion giving him this work-over in preparation for something more intimate. When the stallion in his mind's eye turned into the very real mare that was massaging him—and he felt okay with it—he pondered telling her to ignore his previous comment about limits, but wanted to take things slow with Cadance. Working her hoof over to his other thigh, Cadance leaned her head down on Storm's croup and let out a sigh. "Part of why I love—pardon the pun—my domain so much is the discovery and trust involved. Meeting somepony, showing them everything I am and letting them teach me what I can do to make them happy." She inhaled deeply, her nose picking up the musk Storm was too distracted to suppress. "You prefer stallions, though." "P-Prefer. Yeah." His defenses were down, but Storm had made the choice to lower them. The smell of his own arousal was strong, as it was for most bat ponies, but he could smell Cadance's too. "Sexual attraction is too complicated." "I like to uncomplicate it. Love and accept whomever you wish to—be honest and inquisitive." Cadance worked down Storm's other leg, feeling him relax and twist it up for her. "Would you like to do more than just massage?" "Mmmm… No. Not now. I don't want it to be just sex." Shifting, Storm drew-in his wings and rolled over in the water. "I want to feel something. Romance me." Blinking a little in surprise, Cadance almost bit her lip at the rampant stallion denying her advance. He wanted the softer side of things—romance. "You want to date?" Now she couldn't help but smile at his nod. "Well, where—?" "No. I want you to date me. Take me out. Show me a good time." It was antithesis to all he had been. Dominant and gay, he wanted something soft and cuddly—no. Storm realized he wanted to be held and cuddled. Stepping around beside Storm, Cadance pondered the reality of what he was asking. "This sounds more than just agreeable—it sounds fun. In a week. Lunch. We'll go on a date. Be ready and wear something pretty." Shining looked over at his wife and couldn't keep back his smile. The situation had begun in a calm I've got this and had steadily evolved into what he was watching. "You're nervous and it's adorable." "I'm not nervous—you're nervous!" Cadance's accusation made no sense, but then, neither did her complete inability to find a brush for her mane. "Where is the brush?!" "Cady?" "I don't have time!" "Cady!" When Cadance spun around to glare at him, Shining used his magic to gesture above her head—where the brush was floating in a field of blue telekinetic magic. "You are literally holding the brush right now." Lowering her magic down, Cadance stared at the brush she'd been holding. "I can still barely get used to having a horn and it's been how many years now?" Shining leaned in and kissed Cadance's cheek as she started brushing her mane. "You're just distracted because you want to make a good impression on Storm." "I just—ugh, a knot"—Cadance tilted her head, squeezed one eye closed against the uncomfortable tugging, and jerked the brush free—"I really like him and want him to feel safe and comfortable here." "He already does, trust me. You just need to be yourself." Taking the brush from Cadance's grip, Shining started to work it through her mane with significantly less destructive force. "Just relax." "How do you expect me to calm down? I'm going on a date with the princess of love!" Storm wanted to stomp around the room but couldn't because of the deep red jacket Spring was adjusting on him. Lifting her head from the pin she'd just worked into the jacket, Spring raised an eyebrow as she looked into Storm's eyes. "Do you really want me to explain it again?" He was meant to be the self-assured guardpony stallion—the aloof and exotic bat pony—not a nervous colt feeling panic growing as his first date approached. "M-Maybe." "It's super easy. You see, when the princess of love—also an empress, remember—asks you if you want to have some special fun-time, you say yes or no. What you don't do is challenge her to a contest where she holds all the cards and you are a quivering pile of bat." Spring was beyond sparing Storm's feelings. "You wanted this. You asked for it. Now, Storm, you have to go through with it." "I could tell her I'm sick." "Storm, no." "Or you could go instead of me!" "Storm…" "I just need to find you a wig, some stick-on wings, and we can use some cutlery glued to your back hoo—" Holding Storm's head in her magic, Spring looked into his eyes and kissed him. It didn't last long, but she wanted to make sure he'd stop talking. "You're not sick and I am not helping you in some convoluted plan that will almost assuredly result in me fighting a duel to the death with a yak. Hold still and let me finish pinning this up so you can—" She was interrupted by a knock at the door. Stepping back from Storm, she examined him with a critical eye before nodding. "Wait there." Storm found himself stepping from forehoof to forehoof as Spring walked to the door. When she opened it to reveal Cadance, he froze. She was wearing a long and flowing blue dress that gave glimpses of her hooves with each step. "Date!" Cadance shouted. "Yes!" His reply was only marginally quieter than Cadance's only because Storm wasn't raised by a mane who had the full knowledge of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Spring looked between Cadance and Storm and narrowed her eyes. "You two are buckin' perfect for each other. Go on, inflict the glory of your combined awkwardness on the rest of the Crystal Empire." Shooing them out the door and down the hall, Spring spotted Shining watching her with a big grin on his face. "What?" "I'm not the one being outrageously dorky for once." Shining covered the distance between them and kissed Spring on the cheek. "I have to go and manage afternoon court. Want to join me?" "Not particularly, but I will anyway. Lead on." Spring felt all aflutter at the cozy warmth that had been blossoming with Shining. Stealing looks at Storm, Cadance liked the way he moved and strode with purpose at her side. During her brief stint of dating in high school—before she'd found Shining—Cadance had dealt with the fact that she was going to be bigger than most stallions well, though the stallions themselves weren't so fine with it. Some seemed to want to puff themselves up to look bigger while others had kept their distance a little more. She liked to think they did it in case she fell over and crushed them. Storm kept close enough to her that she felt the whisper of air along her shoulder sometimes and he didn't radiate that air of skittish panic that those poor dates of yore had. No, Storm had his own panic that seemed to be slowly leaking out. "Am I making you nervous?" "No!" Shaking his head, Storm tried to free himself of the useless fear that'd gripped him. "I mean, a little. I—I wasn't exactly joking when I said I wanted you to take me out on dates, but I didn't expect you to go along with it this much." "But?" Cadance asked. "There's always a but somewhere." "But I started looking forward to it. I barely slept last night and now I'm nervous for no reason and I'm scared if I start talking I'll begin to ramble and I think I'm starting to ramble right now and—" Storm was grateful for Cadance's blue magic holding his muzzle and quietening him. What he didn't expect was for her to lean down and kiss his cheek. "Th-Thanks." "You're welcome. Would it help if I said I felt the same way?" Cadance nodded toward a fancy-looking coffee shop not far away. "I didn't sleep at all and now I'm worked into a mess because I don't want this to go badly and for you to form some kind of dislike for me and then have that poison your relationship with Shiny." It was a shock to see how much she cared. Storm looked up at Cadance and leaned a little closer to kiss her cheek. "I don't think we could have a date go that badly." The affection helped buoy Cadance up further and she started to prance a little. "I had five dates before I cornered Shiny. Each of them was more disastrous than the previous until aunt Celestia made me promise to only have them in cities that weren't magical constructs hovering over certain doom should said magic fail." Storm blinked in surprise. "But—They couldn't have been that bad!" "I got embarrassed and tried to slip out the window at The Eggplant Cafe. Not only didn't I fit out the window, but using alicorn-level magic to make myself fit collapsed the bathroom and part of the dining room—and I still didn't get myself free of the window frame." At Storm's disbelieving stare, Cadance smiled. "My second date was so terrible that my partner tried to escape in a similar manner. When I caught him, the blast I accidentally unleashed radiated pure love across half the city. Auntie had to donate a large sum to Canterlot Hospital's maternity wing as a result." As his eyes opened further at the description of complete and utter date-destruction, Storm waited for Cadance to admit it was all a joke and she was just kidding—it never came. "And there were three more?" "Three more worse than those two. One resulted in a fire." "How big a fire?" "Have you ever noticed how the tower I lived in was slightly different stone to the rest of the castle?" Cadance grinned. "It turns out beds can catch fire really easily, and if an alicorn doesn't know how to keep their magic in control, the sparks generated by intense emotions can ignite flammable things." It was too much for Storm—he started to giggle. "Then you found Shining?" As soon as he said Shining's name, Storm felt a flood of warming emotional magic radiate from Cadance. It wasn't overwhelming, though, and he wasn't worrying about catching fire—at least he wouldn't have been before her previous description. "Here we are." Cadance gestured to the coffee shop on the corner just ahead. "They make a lovely coffee from the husks of a particular crystal berry. It lacks some of the bitterness of traditional coffee, but has more kick." Making interested sounds, Storm stepped into the cafe behind Cadance and looked around. The little shop was decorated with forest-print wallpaper and had tables scattered around the floor with several ponies already enjoying their lunch. At least, they had been. Most just gave Cadance a nod, but others froze and stared at her—he couldn't blame them. Walking to the counter, Cadance used every ounce of the poise Celestia had drummed into her to ignore the stares and engage with the barista instead. "Fresh Bean, it's good to see you again." For Fresh Bean, who was just a normal crystal pony trying to make her little dream business succeed, having royalty as a customer had been hard to adapt to. There was a level of presence that just demanded certain words spill forth and she'd been told Just call me Cadance, please so many times that she was sure, one day, it would sink it. "Your—Majest—Princ—Cadance! It's good to see you again. Can I get you something?" But today wasn't that day. Cadance could see the mare waiting for it. It had become ritual at this point. "Please, just call me Cadance." There it was. It was out of the way now and behind her—Fresh Bean relaxed. "Your usual perhaps?" "What's your usual?" Storm asked. "Two serves of my usual." Cadance used a wingtip to reach out and boop Storm on the nose. "A double of sugar for Storm." For Fresh Bean, making Cadance her usual was already a trial of trying to fit more sugar in a cup of coffee than said liquid could usually suspend. She'd started buying specially prepared sugar from a unicorn in Canterlot that used magic to make it more able to be absorbed into water without thickening it. "I'll see what I can do, Y—Cadance." Waiting for the barista to become involved with a machine that took half the wallspace of the shop, Storm gestured with his wing to a seat. "Should we take our seats? I can fetch anything you require." "It would probably be the better idea. Poor dear often struggles to make my coffee for some reason." Relaxing on the seat, Cadance inhaled the fine scents on the air. It was coming on toward spring—her favorite season. "Love is in the air." "Is that your way of saying I smell musky? I assure you, I was careful to—" When Cadance giggled and shook her head, Storm halted. "So what then?" "I might be empress and all that, but I'm still Princess of Love, Storm. When a pony feels something for another pony, it gives me a rush of pure joy." Closing her eyes, Cadance inhaled to prove her point and giggled. "Also, you do have a slight hint of musk, but I like that." Storm wasn't sure what to do, so he blushed and tried not to feel self-conscious. Male bat ponies, he well knew, had a unique musk that was all their own. He tried to distance himself from it due to the intensity and how it tended to turn a lot of ponies off. "It normally loses a bat pony dates." "I could see that, particularly if it got too strong, but like this is nice. I think Fresh is having some problems with your drink." Cadance could smell ozone, a good sign that arcane forces were ahoof. When there was a crackle of lightning from behind the counter, she started to worry. Carrying a tray with two huge, pink drinks and a pair of pastries, Fresh Bean tried not to betray how worried she was for the health of her royal customer's companion. "Two Royal Specials, one with double sugar, two eclairs, and a smile." She delivered the last as best she could given the magical forces she'd just had to wrestle. Staring more at the pink monstrosity before him than at his date, Storm felt fear. His acute sense of smell—specifically designed to detect sugar and carbon dioxide—was pinging like crazy and, for a fraction of a monad of time, he could almost feel cavities start. "You drink this?" he asked Cadance. "That's a double-sugar." Lowering her voice and leaning forward, Cadance added, "I only have that after an orgy." Growing adept at ignoring the things royal ponies said was an art that Fresh Bean had started to master. She knew of Cadance's parties only because the mare never quite managed to take her usual amount of care about her appearance after one. There was also rumors. She ensured the pair both had their order and dipped her head. "If you need anything else, Cadance, Storm, please don't hesitate to get my attention." With no further requests, she backed away with the tray on her back and went back to her usual duties. Bringing the straw of her drink to her lips, Cadance took a long suck on it and shivered with the pinkness of the drink. Of course it tasted nothing like coffee, but it had the legacy of coffee in its depths. Her eyes alighted on Storm as he stared into the abyss within his own drink. "It's not going to kill you. The sugar should pep you right up." Despite the effort of that unicorn in Canterlot, the sugar had started to thicken Storm's drink. As he sipped at it, fought fluid dynamics and reality itself, he finally got a taste of it. The berries were obvious, but while they hinted at the taste of strawberry first, it developed into something far stronger. The sugar, however, was what sent messages through his strange metabolism direct to his brain that this is good for you. Taking a longer suck, he let out a surprised little meep noise when he let go of the straw. "That's really good." Beaming in success, Cadance used her magic to pick up the eclair. "Aunt Luna did tell me a little bit of care instructions for bat ponies. Sweet things, she'd said, could never be sweet enough for a bat. I figured I'd test the theory." "The only thing will be I am going to need to burn it off or lose it. Would you like to go flying after this?" By the way his question got an unguarded and startled look of surprise and delight on Cadance's face, it told Storm that he'd guessed right. A little research had told him that she'd been a pegasus before she'd become an alicorn—flying had been part of her longer than magic. "I—I'd love that, actually. Shiny doesn't have wings, and there are few enough pegasi among the crystal ponies." She felt giddy and unable to resist smiling even more. To keep from blurting something silly out, she sipped more of her drink and nibbled on her eclair. "I haven't seen a bat pony flying before." "It's not usually something we do during the day. Night time is when we soar through the skies, looking for delicate mares so we can invade their bedrooms and fulfill their fondest desires." It was hard to keep back his own giggles, even as Cadance almost spat out her eclair due to her laughter. "I see you have seen that genre of fiction too?" "Seen it, read it, spent wistful nights with an open window." Cadance ticked the items off on three of her wing feathers. "Did the writer even know anything about bat ponies?" "No. Not a thing. Consider that she got just about everything wrong. You didn't believe it?" "Pfft, of course not." Waving her hoof dismissively, Cadance tried to forget those chilly nights or how they'd been her first introduction to masturbation. "But it's nice to have fantasies." Storm's mind raced and he remembered back to the one book he had read. Feminine in the first person, it had been relatively easy to transpose himself into the ravished mare's place. "Now that would be something to role-play." "You'd want to role-play that?" Inside, the young mare who'd spent those nights with her hoof behind her back legs started jumping up and down in excitement. "I mean, if you'd be okay with it, I wouldn't say no." "On one condition: I'm fine going first, but when it's your turn, we're going to have to make you a bat costume." Storm thought it was absolutely reasonable, even if he was happy to see Cadance break down into a fit of giggles. "Deal?" Trying to halt her laughter, Cadance nodded. She reached for her drink but stopped as more giggles made it inadvisable. Finally, she cleared her throat, sipped some of her drink, and said, "I'll have to dig out some of those books for research purposes." "Oh, of course. Maybe we could read them together? I'm not sure I remember enough beyond the flying down and entering windows bit." He did, though. He remembered reading how the bat pony would drink the blood of their victim direct from their neck while doing all sorts of fun things that were typically the domain of more stand up and buck types. He hadn't minded too much, suspension of disbelief was strong when you had your dick in your wing's grip. "For research purposes, as you say." Along with the laughter they both shared, Cadance felt unimaginable relief. She suspected that Storm had read the books too, and for the same reason she had, but it was finding shared ground that helped her learn more about him and not just about bat ponies in general. He liked flying, he liked bedroom games, he mostly liked stallions (though that had changed a little recently), he loved sugary drinks, and now she was finding that he liked her. Storm was following a similar path that Cadance was exploring. He knew for sure now that she enjoyed flying, fruity drinks, and bad adult romance books. It was shared ground for him that had the whole situation just feeling right as far as being a date went. He chatted with her about other things too, small things like her thoughts on mares and stallions, and he'd even shared the more intimate thoughts he'd had about mares in general and her in particular. "Strength is what's doing it for me. You're not just strong, Cadance, you're imposing. I need that for some part of me. It feels good to not just let you be imposing but to shatter that imposing into—" He stopped before sharing too many details of their love life with anypony who might be listening to them. Cadance smirked at that and nodded. "I know what you mean, and while I do enjoy that, I already have somepony who makes me feel that. I'll need to talk with her, I think, before we try that game again." "If—If it would be okay, I'd like to talk to her too. You can ask her if she'd be okay with that, of course." Slurping up the last of his drink, Storm could feel his body metabolizing the sugar and pouring the liquid energy into his blood. He added the last of the eclair to his stomach for good measure. "To talk shop?" Following Storm's example, Cadance polished off her lunch too. "Yes. No. I don't know. I have feelings and I guess I never had the chance to speak to a pony about them before. I learned all the stuff about safe words from other guys, but it was all just parroted, you know?" Somehow he found himself inspecting the bottom of the glass his drink had come in. "The way you spoke about her, she knows what she's doing." "She absolutely does. If you'd like, I will send a letter asking to meet her in Canterlot. You can be my guard there, and I'll ask her if she'd be willing to speak with you." "Why don't you ask in your letter to her?" Storm asked, not saying anything further as Fresh Bean came to collect their dishes. "Are you both done? Can I tempt you with anything else?" Fresh was more than a little shocked that Storm had finished his drink without bouncing off the walls. "We'd better be going, I think. I promised a pretty mare I'd go flying with her." It was so cliché it almost hurt Storm to say, but the widening grin on Cadance's face told him that although it was corny, it had worked. Pulling out his coin purse, Storm asked, "How much do I owe you for that?" Shaking her head, Fresh Bean said, "The Pr—Cadance pays a monthly bill." "Not for today. I'll pay for that." Storm was starting to get nervous about how much it would cost now she was talking monthly accounts. "Four gold bits for the drinks and two silver for the pastries." Not exactly sure what was going on, Fresh rattled off her prices. "Total." It was more than he expected, but given the crackle of magic still in the air his suspicions that the drinks were expensively fancy were now proven true. Counting out five gold, Storm set them on the table. "Thanks, the drink was great." It was also a week's pay. Cadance waited until they were outside the shop before saying, "You didn't have to pay." "It's important, though I'm sure it originally began as ponies trying to prove their ability to support a mate. Not sure if it makes sense in this situation." Storm walked to the middle of the street and spread his wings. Having seen him use them in the bedroom often enough, Cadance was nonetheless surprised to see how expansively wide they were. "Your wings are amazing." The words were unguarded and honest. Tilting his head to look back at Cadance, Storm smiled at her. "Well, come on, spread yours too." Doing as she was told, Cadance took her time to stretch out one wing and then the other. She watched as Storm's eyes traced her feathery appendages until both were stretched wide—with roughly the same wingspan as his own. "Well? Are we goi—?" Storm didn't wait for Cadance to finish. He pumped his wings and almost literally threw himself into the air from the lift. Pegasi had all kinds of tricks to gain them the aerodynamic advantages they had with such small wings, but bat ponies had to make up for their lack of flight magic with pure physics. A shout of joy escaped Cadance as she poured magic into her wings, pumped them, and took to the sky after Storm. Though her wings were the same size as his, they weren't as wide and she wasn't as light as Storm. Having all the magic of an alicorn to pour through her wings, however, easily made up the difference. When Storm started flying acrobatic twists and patterns, Cadance joined in as best she could. She wasn't able to perform them at the same time as Storm, but she only lagged a moment behind. The flying wasn't all acrobatics. Storm slowed down to a gentle glide and aligned his wingtip with Cadance's. He'd seen pegasi fly far closer together, but there was no chance of doing it as they were thanks to their wings. Gliding side by side, Cadance drifted back to the palace with Storm and they landed on one of the balconies overlooking the central square of the Crystal Empire. Furling her wings when she touched down, she looked over at Storm and couldn't help but smile like a filly on her first date. "You can fly." "So can you. There aren't many pegasi who can keep up with that, let alone ones with as much presence as you." Walking closer to Cadance, Storm hesitated before leaning toward her. Cadance was not about to be denied. She leaned toward Storm, too, and pressed her lips to his. With all the pegasus magic she'd been burning, there was a crackle of static as their lips found each other. She nuzzled forward, working her lips as if she would consume him, only to have Storm return her advance with his tongue leading the charge. Giving as good as he got, Storm finally came up for air and let out a hungry groan. "C-Cadance, I—" "Come along. You wanted your date, you got it. You wanted to fly, we did it. I was even gentlemarely enough to finish the date with a kiss." Leaning closer to Storm, Cadance pitched her voice low as her mouth brushed his ear. "Now, would you like to retire to the bedchambers?" "To, uh?" Storm asked, his head spinning a little from the kiss. "Cuddle. Snuggle. Maybe even kiss again." Leading the way, Cadance made sure to flick her tail around and try to entice Storm to follow her. Storm couldn't have stopped himself from such an invitation if he'd tried. Trotting after Cadance, letting his mind wander, he felt an onset of lewd thoughts that, if he wasn't careful, would leave him helpless to resist Cadance's wiles. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor was soaking wet. After the workout Spring Cleaning had put her through, he'd needed it. "You actually blasted through my shield." "What? No. I blasted around your shield. Your defense against physical and direct magical attack is way too much for me, but not if I cast through a loophole." Spring was damp too, she'd just had a little more time to fluff her coat out after their shower. "The trick is to pin the spell to a physical object, in this case a rock, and then teleport it through the barrier." Staring at Spring for a moment, Shining shook his head. "I can't believe it was that simple." "Simple? It was never simple. You try wrapping a stone in a magic-disruption spell and then push it through a teleport without setting it off." Spring rubbed her side against Shining's, feeling like she wanted to prance. "Did you hear? Cadance and Storm are going to Canterlot for the weekend." It was common knowledge that the pair were taking things slow and steady. Shining was delighted to see them more comfortable with each other, but he also knew why they were going to Canterlot. "Storm wants to ask Cadance's mistress if he can dominate her. Uh, Cadance that is." "This is a big thing for them, isn't it?" Spring asked. "Yeah. Cadance isn't comfortable with doing certain things with him without talking to—to her mistress. Those just happen to be the things Storm enjoys doing most." Shining proudly wore two red stains around his rear cannons proclaiming how much he enjoyed letting Storm take control. "I've been trying to keep that side of him satisfied." "When you're not letting me beat your flank around the practice ring, right?" Spring started prancing a little faster, barely pulling ahead of Shining before he built his own motion up to match. Spring and Shining exchanged nibbles at a trot all the way back to the palace and up the stairs. When they entered the royal bedroom, it was just in time to see Storm and Cadance packing the last things they needed into cases. "Almost done?" Shining asked. "Our train leaves in ten minutes." Storm was giving a case the fight of its lifetime to get it closed. When he finally had the latch fastened, he bound it closed with ribbon. "Our train will wait," Cadance said, using her magic to close three other cases. "And now we're going to go meet it." Shining and Spring waited by the doorway and each got two kisses on the cheek from each of them. Storm, would couldn't help inhaling Shining's scent, sighed softly as he chased Cadance out of the room. With the two gone, Spring let out a little sigh. "The room seems so much larger without them in here." "I know what you mean. When Cadie isn't around, it feels like part of me is missing." The part that was missing, Shining mused, wasn't anything tangible. It was an absence of someone important to him, someone so close they were more like a mirror of his very self. Distracting himself from deep thoughts, he nuzzled at Spring's neck and jaw. Letting out a happy sigh, Spring tilted her head up and to the side to let Shining have full access to her neck. "You're so tactile. So many stallions I've been with just want to climb your back. You—You make love to all of me." Setting his horn afire with pink magic, Shining picked Spring up off the floor and carried her to the bed. "Well, then, how about I keep doing that and you decide when or even if you want me to 'climb your back'?" Squirming to get comfortable, and to entice Shining, Spring watched him bring his snout down and kiss her belly. She wasn't showing yet, but the action stirred a delight in her at the simple act of his acceptance of her pregnancy—and of her foal. The kisses strayed down, the soft fluff of her belly sensitive to not just his lips but his breath too. When Shining reached her teats, more pronounced than a mare who hadn't had a foal in the past, Spring closed her eyes and arched her spine. A long, low, and drawn out moan left her in a guttural expression of the longing need his lips inspired. He kissed, licked, and nibbled at everything he could reach and it all sent sparks of pleasure through her. Shining had a good amount of experience pleasuring mares and it wasn't all climbing backs, as Spring had put it. He explored. Finding the places that made Spring squirm and cry out. Building a map, he started to focus on the places one after another, seeking to bring as much pleasure to Spring as he could without so much as touching her vulva. It took the last shreds of Spring's self-control to keep from loosing her magic along with her orgasm. She trembled and shook, making soft whining noises while Shining barely let up. He worked her body up to her orgasm, through it, and when the paralyzing pleasure receded, he was still nibbling away at her. "W-Wait. Let me catch my—heee—breath!" Spring squirmed and tried to shift away, but Shining was already moving to give her a breather. Using some meditative training she'd gotten in the Guard, she slowed her heart rate and brought her breathing under control. Shining was standing up and looking along her body at her. "You look intense." "I'm waiting." "Waiting for…?" "For you to be recovered enough to continue." Shining smiled wide at the look of surprise on Spring's face. "Just say the word." Staring at him for a moment, Spring bit her lower lip. "This time, when I'm close, please, mount me." "Maybe give the foal already in there a twin?" Shining reached a hoof out to gently rub at Spring's belly. The flare of her eyes and the raw look of hunger on her face told him everything he needed to know about her feelings toward role-playing that. He knew she wouldn't be receptive yet, but that didn't have to stop the fun. Spring's libido was attaining new heights. A stable home and a stable family did wonders for her desire for foals, and apparently this stud"You big, rutting, stallion. You'd just love to put me through that, wouldn't you?" Before she could come up with another word to deepen the little role-play, he bowed his head to her belly again, kissing it, then moving back along her underside without the little line of kisses. She was about to ask him what he was doing when he licked her slit from end to end. The howl his lick induced made Shining hard again. After Spring's first orgasm, he'd gotten rock hard and then deflated a bit due to the lack of further action. Now, though, with her scent in his nose, Shining wouldn't be going soft until he either came in her or rubbed one out himself. Another lick, another cry. Another lick, this time she squealed and writhed. It was too slow and not penetrative in the least. Springs moans turned the needy whimpers. She focused as best she could to ask, "Just get in me, please?" "You really want another foal that bad?" Shining asked. When she nodded, he didn't waste any time at all. Stepping up, placing a leg each side of her body, he walked forward until his hips lined up with her and he crouched just enough to press his shaft to her entrance. On her back, Spring had no way to hurry him up or get that shaft inside her. She had to suffer through a long and slow penetration that stretched her out and made her insides squeeze and try to milk him. Shining would have liked to take his time and make the rest of his rutting as slow as could be, but he didn't have a hope of it with such a sexy mare under him. The moment his thighs met her rump, he started to buck into her. When he started fucking her in earnest, Spring let out a long moan that was punctuated at intervals by Shining's plowing deep into her. It was paradise, and the silly role-play had set her up to fantasize about getting with a second foal—and just the thought of that was driving her fast along the path to another orgasm. Feeling her body tense up, Shining kept his pace up as Spring plunged into her orgasm. Nuzzling at her neck, Shining clamped his teeth into the flesh of her throat—careful to grip . Spring felt as Shining bit down on the loose skin of her throat. It reminded her of Storm so much that she could almost believe that he was there with them. She tried to squirm and buck, but Shining's weight on her and the bite at her throat reduced even her warrior trained body to a quivering and impotent mass while she came hard. After a moment, when she could catch her breath enough to realize that Shining was still going, Spring managed to ask, "Are you close?" Letting go of her neck, Shining tilted his head lower so his mouth was by her ear. "Yeah. Was waiting for you to come down a bit. I like seeing the look of surprise on your face when I give you everything." If there was one thing his wife had taught Shining, it was that loving good ponies was a good thing. He'd been raised in a family already quite free with its perceptions on love and sex, but Cadance had taken that to a new level. "I love you." The words, combined with a hot rush of seed inside her, made Spring tremble and wrap her legs around Shining. It wasn't an orgasm, more like an aftershock, but it was her head and her heart that were feeling the brunt of the release. She clung to him, holding him on her and herself to him, while his hips tried to continue what little motion remained to them as he came. As was normal with him, though, there was a lot of blast to his hose. After a few moments she started to squirm, then wiggle more, and finally she moaned loud as the pressure became too much and escaped around his shaft. Feeling the warm, pooling substance on her dock, Spring finally came back to reality, grabbed Shining's muzzle with her magic, and pulled him into a kiss. She didn't linger too long, breaking away and smiling as she said, "I love you too." The loving words, coming from anyone but his wife, were new. They fit, though, and tied nicely with him having said them. He nuzzled her cheek and started kissing along Spring's jaw and down her neck. A sound of doors opening surprised both ponies on the bed and each turned to look and see Cadance standing in the doorway, a huge—almost manic—grin on her face. "You said it!" Cadance said, bouncing on the spot in her excitement. Shining and Spring looked from Cadance to each other. "She teleported to the outside of the door?" Shining asked. Nodding back, Spring said, "She couldn't have made the big entrance if she'd teleported into the room." Turning her head and looking at the buzzing princess of love, Spring said, "Yes, Shining told me he loved me and I said the same back." Rushing the pair, Cadance wrapped her wings around them and squeezed them to her in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you could take this step! You're getting—" Lifting her left wing, Cadance stared at the dripping mess that was now stuck to her feathers. Spring barely managed to say, "That's how much he loves me," before she broke into a stream of giggles—followed shortly after by Shining and then Cadance. Storm had noticed a difference in Shining and Spring. They moved far more comfortably together and both seemed completely fine with the other in their personal space. After several days of noticing it, he realized he was jealous. The sex was still amazing, both Spring and Shining shared him, but he felt distant from them both. Finally he realized things weren't improving for him. "I need help." Cadance looked at Storm. She'd been enjoying their dates and how things had been building—until he stopped asking her out. "What's wrong?" Her magic told her it was something to do with love, but it was silent on an exact reason. "I don't know. That's the thing. Everything seemed fine and then—then one day they seemed closer to each other." It felt terrible to have to admit. He saw something between Shining and Spring and, though it was beautiful, it was something he didn't have. "I—I'd like to request to be transferred back to Canterlot." Cadance froze up, staring at Storm. "You're really that unhappy here?" Nodding, Storm let out a breath he didn't know he'd held. "They have something now. They have a bond that they don't share with me. I tried to be part of their lives still, but nothing I do pulls me into that bond." "I…" Unable to find the words to use, Cadance stopped and focused on what Storm had said further. "I'm glad you came to me to talk about it. You mean a lot to me, Storm, and I don't make this offer lightly, but if you'd wish to become part of my harem, I would be honored to have you." It took one look to see that he was both surprised but also uninterested. "Then, for at least a week, please stay somewhere in the city while I get to the bottom of this." "Alright. I owe you that much. No, I owe you a lot more, but I need to think about myself too." Storm stood up from the couch he'd been on, chatting with Cadance. He felt a little better about things, but there was a new pain, a raw pain. He was going to leave and walk away from probably the best time of his life. "Thank you for trying." He walked out of the reception room, leaving Cadance staring after him. She had to count to ten to get her emotions under control enough to leave too. Walking to the throne room, she spotted the usual two guards at the door and approached them. "Have either of you seen my husband today?" One guard shook his head, but the other cleared his throat and said, "Practice grounds, ma'am." The walk out to the Guard's practice grounds was a reminder of how much Storm had taught her to enjoy flying again. Finding her husband giving a lesson on magic, Cadance waited for him to finish and made her way to the officers' area. With the room going silent at her entry, Cadance found a spot to sit down and await Shining. When he looked in, and saw her, she saw (and felt) all the love her husband was capable of rush out in a hurricane targeted at her. "Shiny, do you have more classes today?" "Nothing I can't put aside if you need me, Cady." Shining walked up to Cadance and gave her a warm smooch, not caring at all if anypony saw it. "Perfect. Do you know where Spring is today?" Standing up and giving an appreciative wicker for the kiss, Cadance started for the door. "We need to talk." Spring had been doing a light workout in the form of a run around the city, and it was only by luck that she'd spotted Shining and Cadance on her rounds. With no explanation other than we need to talk, she let herself be led all the way back to the castle and a private room. All the way home she had to fight from the urge to brush against Shining and give him the kind of affection she wanted to in a less public location. "So," Shining asked, "what are we talking about?" "Storm." Cadance had everything as straight in her mind as she could make it. "He came to me earlier almost torn apart emotionally, and requested a transfer back to Canterlot." Her words, she was glad, had a lot of impact on Shining and Spring. "Wh-What happened to him? What's wrong? Why didn't he come to me?" Shaking a little, Shining looked to Spring and then back to Cadance. "Where is he now?" Cadance had been careful not to find out exactly where he was staying precisely so she didn't have to lie. "He promised me he wouldn't leave before the end of the week, which is why I wanted to get your side of things. He believes he is being neglected." "We have been spending a little more time together, Shining," Spring said. "Storm has been—I guess he felt more distant too." "But we were—That was because we admitted our love for each other. Spring and me, that is. Storm—It never came up with him." Working through the problem, Shining couldn't see why things had happened the way they had. "We just hadn't had a chance to share that with him. Is that why he left?" "We got distracted with each other. Shining, we have to find him and fix this because—because I love him too." Spring looked at Shining, waiting for his reply. "It's been harder with him. Don't get me wrong, I feel love for him, but it's harder to say it. I'm still getting used to being with stallions and that—that might have made me do something stupid." Cadance smiled. "Now you need to tell him that. I'd suggest asking around and trying to find him before he realizes he doesn't need my permission to return to Canterlot and finds the train station." Shining nodded to Cadance. "I think I know what I need to do. Where is he staying for this week?" "You'll need to find him, Shiny. I offered him a place, he refused." Raising one eyebrow at her husband, Cadance dared him to hunt out Storm. Leaving the castle, Shining looked around for the ever-present guardponies that kept watch at the entrance of the castle. They were, of course, flanking the door he'd just left. "Did you see which way a bat pony went?" "That way, to the south, sir." Spring had to gallop after Shining, her hooves flashing as she caught up to and kept pace with him. "That was the easy part. Now we have to find whatever temporary lodgings he's found." Two hours later they'd finally narrowed down to just one bed and breakfast to which they approached carefully. "Have you worked out what you're going to say?" Spring asked. "I've been in a panic since we left the castle. I screwed up and it screwed us all up. How does Cadance manage to not go crazy? She has five mares in her harem!" Trying to calm himself wasn't working. Shining felt himself start to Twilight and once he reached that state, he knew, he wouldn't be able to get back to being sane for some time. "I won't say relax, but you need to calm down and let your heart do the talking. We also need your authority to ask which room Storm is in." Spring led the way to the entrance and opened the door for Shining. Stepping into the entryway, Shining looked around for somepony to ask about Storm, only to see his target sitting on a couch through an open door to what looked like a living room. "Storm?" Jerking his head up, Storm spotted Shining and then Spring as she walked in behind him. Panic, worry, terror, and hope were the more intense of the emotions he felt. He watched the big stallion walking toward the room with trepidation before remembering he'd been talking to somepony. "S-Sorry, I need to go and talk with some friends." "Listen to their hearts more than their words." The last words from the older mare didn't surprise Storm, and he wanted to follow them given the time he'd spent unloading his heart to her. Approaching the doorway, he looked at Shining. "Cadance told you?" "She told me what you said and I figured out the rest—I think. Can we go somewhere and talk?" Shining, suddenly, had no clue what he was going to say. Words seemed hard when all he wanted to do was hug Storm and beg him for a second chance. Unsure what it was that would help, Storm nonetheless nodded and led the way down the hall and to the bedroom he'd rented. The bed was stiff and there was a slightly dusty odor to the room he couldn't ignore, but it was a safe place. Walking in, he had to bite back some worry at inviting Shining and Spring into it. There was a small desk and an appropriately sized chair, a bed, and little else for relaxation in the bedroom. Shining was huge, Spring wasn't a small mare, and Storm wasn't a tiny specimen either. "I'll sit down over here to give you some room," Shining said. "And if I said I don't want room?" Storm was surprised at his own words. "I want—" When he didn't continue, Spring waited for a bit before asking, "What do you want?" "You. Him. Happiness. I just—" Storm met Shining's eyes and he ached to hear the stallion tell him those words he spilled to Spring so easily. For over a minute he tried to say what he needed, but it didn't come out. At last, when his anxiety was distracted with the extended silence, he whispered, "I want to be loved." Shining relaxed a little. This was something he could help with. "You are loved." Realization dawned on Spring. She gasped and then let out a weary breath. "We're idiots, Shining. You have to tell him that." "I just did!" Watching the argument, feeling his heart twist, Storm froze when Spring walked up to him. She looked intently into his eyes as she got into his personal space. He bit his lip and—tasting a little blood—sucked on his breath when Spring's lips parted. "I love you, Storm." For Storm, hearing those words was like a huge crack appearing in the wall he'd put up. He didn't want to get hurt, but opening up to the pair—without love to bind them—would only hurt. Tears sprang to his eyes and he turned to look at Shining while Spring nuzzled his cheek. "Tell him, Shining," Spring said after a moment. "You have to tell him too." "He—Storm, you know I do, right?" "Shining!" Spring turned around and glared at him. "You said it to me earlier. Tell—Storm—you—love—him!" It didn't feel wrong, it felt strange. If it had felt wrong, Shining would have said so and backed away from the problem. He would have gone to his wife and said how it felt wrong and why he didn't want to go through with it. Since it felt strange, though, it was a problem that should be solvable. "That's it." Storm felt all the tension and emotion he'd been dealing with come to a head. He stomped over to Shining and got in his face. "If you don't tell me—if you can't tell me—I'm walking out that door right now. You—You'll never see me again." Panic slammed into Shining's straight stallion sensibilities. He felt rattled and scared that he would lose Storm because he couldn't say—"I love you." The three words had tumbled out of his mouth in a moment of complete defenselessness. He sucked in a breath as tears started to fill his eyes. "I love you, Storm Slice. I love you so much it hurts that I couldn't say it. I love you like plants love rain. I—I need you in my life and I'm so sorry I couldn't say it until now but it just—I don't know why it was so hard to—" He was silenced, finally, by a kiss. Staring into Shining's eyes, Storm started to accept that Shining had said it. His own vision became blurry when, in a moment when their lips weren't touching, Shining repeated the words. "I love you too, but why didn't you say it earlier?" "I couldn't. I mean, I wanted to, but it didn't make sense. I just—" Shining was halted by another kiss, this time from Spring. There was mirth in her eyes that he had questions for. When she stopped kissing, though, she started talking. "You've been with mares exclusively, right?" Spring asked, and when she got a nod she continued. "You thought you were straight—that mares were for you?" When Shining's eyes strayed to the side, Storm's direction, she cut him off before he could reply, "Before Storm and before you shared your bed with him." Realization hit Storm. Of all the things he'd thought might be motivating Shiming's reluctance—"I never considered that. You were straight as a die before me?" When Shining blushed, Storm let out a giggle. He couldn't help it. "I was your first." "Y-Yeah. Cadance tried to get me with stallions in the past, but it was never—It only worked when I was with her, and only then because I focused on her. Storm, I want to be with you." Burning with need to express his love, Shining kissed Storm, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply the scent of him. The willingness, the revelation—it all worked to reassure Storm. His feelings were real, and he was still awash in all kinds of emotions that would take time to analyze and sort. When the passionate kiss ended, he was left gasping and hungry. "C-Can you take me home?" "First I have to say one more thing," Shining said, nuzzling at Storm's cheek. "I love you, Storm Slice." Storm's legs wobbled all the way back to the castle. He had Spring on one side and Shining on the other, both nuzzling him, rubbing their flanks against his, and making it hard to think about anything but the words they'd both said. He needed time, though, to process. When they reached the castle, he kissed each. "Can we just snuggle? No sex, I mean. I just want to think about all this and get my emotions under control—but I still want the reminder of what you both told me." "Of course. Want to hear it again?" Shining asked. Storm couldn't help his excitement, and it showed. Dancing in place, he nodded. Circling around, forcing Storm and Spring to stop before him, Shining looked into Storm's eyes, looked across to Spring, then back to Storm. "I love both of you so much. Storm Slice, I love you. Spring Cleaning, I love you too. I love you both and I want to hear you say it back so much it hurts." Looking to Spring, Storm smiled and darted in to kiss her cheek before saying, "I love you both too. I've never loved a mare as much as I love you, Spring, and this hunk here getting over his inherent straightness to say those words means a lot—I love you too, Shining." Retiring upstairs, they selected the master bedroom for some cuddles and Storm contented himself with relaxing between Spring and Shining, just like he'd asked. Laying there, reassured of their love by their presence and whenever he asked for them to affirm it, he sorted out his emotions. First, he felt his own hurt wasn't as justified as he'd thought. Yes, he deserved to hear the words earlier in their relationship, but he could see that it was partly his fault for not seeing Shining's situation. The next part was all the extra emotions he'd felt prior to hearing those words. He'd thought his situation was hopeless. He thought he had nowhere else to go but back to Canterlot. He was wrong, of course. Cadance would have let him do anything he wanted in the Crystal Empire. She was as much his friend as Shining was his lover. This was all on him. These emotions were his own fears and doubts splintering into nightmares he couldn't even justify at the time. When Shining nuzzled at his neck, Storm couldn't help but let out the bat pony equivalent of a happy sigh—which was only marginally different from a wheezing screech. "Something wrong?" Spring asked. Storm shook his head. "Something right. I let a lot of emotions fester. They blinded me to things I should have seen clearly enough to know that there was more to this than my hangups." "You know Cadance has meetings with her harem? They spend time talking through their feelings. I always thought that was a bit much, but I think I see why now. Feelings seem to be more complicated the more partners in a relationship." Shining reached a foreleg over Storm's shoulders and tugged him closer. "Do either of you have a problem with Monday nights?" "Monday? That's—Okay, I have a few days to get myself organized before I have to externalize." Storm had to tilt his head back to look up at Shining, but doing so left his breast stretched and unprotected for Spring to nuzzle. Groaning under the assault, Storm flopped sideways under Shining, giving Spring more access to his sensitive breast. He tilted his head forward but kept his neck stretched up, looking at Spring rub her cheeks against him repeatedly. The door of the bedroom opening didn't do much to distract the three from their cuddles, but as Cadance approached the bed, it was like their feelings for one another intensified a dozen fold. "Dare I ask what happened?" "Well—" "You see—" "I was—" All three of them froze as they started talking at once, then looked at each other and giggled. "Storm, you first," Shining said. Clearing his throat, Storm related what he'd said to Cadance before he'd left the castle. "And, with all that self-doubt and pain, I ran. I ran from all the best things to have happened to me because I couldn't see that I needed to help someone. "Shining was struggling with his own feelings toward me. I should have noticed it but I was too tied up in a pity-party made for one." "Spring?" Cadance asked. "What are your thoughts?" "I was too passive. I got so caught up in how Shining was treating me that I was blinded to how I should have been treating Storm. We were still having fantastic sex, but I didn't see how much he was hurting." Pressing her nose against Storm's fur, she took a deep breath and bathed her olfactory sense in his personal scent. "I should have been focused on both my loves." Shining nibbled at Storm's ear just a little. "I wasn't able to properly put my feelings into words for another stallion and it almost cost me somepony I care a great deal for. I was overcompensating my confusion with Storm with Spring. I threw myself at her every chance I could get so I didn't have to admit to my fragile ego that I loved another stallion." "And now?" Cadance stopped beside the bed, letting her presence spill over without a care as to which of the three it touched. That it connected with all three of them was a sign to her that they had connected again. "You have Thursday nights, so I figured we could have our discussions on Monday nights." Shining hooked his legs around Storm's back and, rolling back and to his side, he pulled the smaller stallion against his belly. "I don't exactly know how things will work, but we're going to talk about our feelings for each other." Nodding, Cadance leaned over and gave Shining a little nip on his dock. "That's a good start. I might suggest finding somepony more expressive and understanding for your harem's next position. Such a pony will act as the lubricant in the relationship. Even if they aren't a member for sex, the improvement to the dynamic will be significant." "More?" Shining lifted his head and looked back at Cadance. "Won't more ponies complicate things more?" "Other way around. More ponies means more forgiveness and more love to share. There are still pitfalls, but with understanding and an open heart, you will find it gets easier." Cadance had to fight her desire to jump on the bed too. The three looked so cozy and relaxed together that their love was like a beacon to her. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a long day. Shining let out a deep sigh as he collapsed on the bed, closing his eyes. "These negotiations are driving me batty." When another mass landed on the bed, Shining opened his eye and grinning. "You shouldn't let them bother you so much," Storm said. "And don't call me batty." Nuzzling Storm, Shining chuckled at the joke. "If anypony ever tells you 'I'll just be gone for a few days, what's the worst that could happen?' I'd suggest panicking." The scent of Storm's coat was particularly soothing to Shining. With his nose pressed firmly against his batty-lover's chest, he let his olfactory sense soak in it. Neither looked up from the bed when the door opened and closed again. When another weight settled on the bed, however, both stallions shifted, turning their attention to the arrival. Spring felt bloated and huge, as unsexy as ever before in her life, and she could feel the need to pee creeping up on her again. "I don't care if it was Shining that got me pregnant, I'm going to order you both sentenced to hard labor for this." "Mmm, but then we couldn't do this," Shining said, sliding up beside Spring and nuzzling at her neck while reaching across her chest to give her a hug. "Or this." Storm nibbled more than nuzzled, running his teeth along Spring's neck but not breaking the skin. "You'd give all this up to punish us?" Letting out a little whine of defeat, Spring felt the tension pouring out of her. "Mmm… no. Not if you keep that up." Storm didn't just keep it up, he traced his way down to Spring's shoulder with his teeth, leaving tingly little scrapes as he went. "This?" "Yesss." Spring squirmed and turned so her tummy was toward Storm. He seemed to take the hint because he nibbled his way down to her belly and gentle as a kitten nuzzled at it. "They're as much yours as Shining's." Shining nuzzled at Spring's side and then carefully propped himself up so he could lean over her and repeat the gesture at the side of her pregnant bulge. "Ours." Compared to the solitude with her first foal, this bond was something Spring adored. To have the stallions she loved there for her when she was feeling down had her almost purring. But there was one problem even they couldn't solve. "I need to use the bathroom." Knowing the urgency that those words were backed by, Shining lifted Spring in his magic, turned her around carefully in the air, and put her on her hooves at the foot of the bed. Only when she was out of the room did he turn to Storm and ask, "Any ideas for how to make her feel special to us?" Storm reached one wing-claw out and ran the blunt side over Shining's cheek. "Strategy five. Play eleven." Nuzzling Shining's jaw, Storm added, "We'll be her servants—her boy-toys." Climbing off the bed, Shining walked over to the bathroom door and lowered his forequarters to the floor. When he saw Storm heading for the lube, he relented and used his magic to apply it liberally to both their shafts. Resuming the position, Shining took one last look at Storm to see him doing the same on the opposite side before they both lowered their eyes. When she had her relief, Spring walked out into the bedroom again and paused at the doorway. She knew this game, knew the two were doing it for her, and found it absolutely wonderful. "There's my two little pets. Come over here and praise your queen." Storm marched in lock-step with Shining as they both followed Spring. "What do you will, oh queen?" Sighing as she mounted the huge bed, Spring rolled to her side. "A massage and maybe something more intimate?" She looked between them, the feeling of empowerment their submissive poses gave her made her want to squirm in bliss. Shining and Storm both knew what they were best at out of the two activities. Storm flexed his wings and reached for Spring's left-back leg while Shining leaned down and started nuzzling at the larger-than-normal udder Spring was sporting. "You're such good boys." The tighter grip of the cannon of her left leg was a prelude to a slightly sharper prickling there. The moment she felt her blood slowly flow into Storm, she let out a low and loud moan of approval. With a front-row seat to Storm's snacking, Shining was reminded that all four of his cannons were marked with dark red, as were Spring's. What might have been a ritual to some bats was his and Spring's way to show how much Storm mattered to them. Nuzzling her vulva, he started lapping at her—eager to hear her voice rise in volume. And rise her voice did. As Shining worked his tongue in deeper, lapping at Spring's inner walls, she started a moaning wail that was music to his ears. Even as Storm swapped sides, taking Spring's other cannon in his mouth and massaging her leg, shining continued. Her first orgasm rushed upon Spring without her noticing it. One moment she was slumped back comfortably and moaning from the attention, the next her body was a wild thing—dragging her mind along for the ride of her life. She actually screamed. Spring hadn't noticed during her first pregnancy, because she didn't have sex during the entire gestation, but now that she had two wonderful stallions who doted on her—and it made her want to scream and shout and tell everypony how great they were. That she literally couldn't help herself from screaming out her orgasms was a testament to that. The strength of Spring's muscles as she clamped around his tongue and flooded his mouth with wetness only egged him on. He stretched his tongue out and scrunched his snout hard up against her to get as deep as he could, even as she tried to buck around. Storm held both Spring's legs, mostly to protect Shining from taking one to the head during her strenuous release, but also because he liked the feel of her straining against him. When she seemed to come down from her peak, he let go of her legs with his wings and mouth, and massaged both thighs over her cutie marks. "My queen approves?" "Fuck. Yes. Bite me more, please?" Spring held out a foreleg for Storm, saw his eyes flicker with an inner, reflective glow, and just like always she was stunned at how fast he could move. Before she could even think about his movement, he'd rushed forward and clamped her foreleg in his mouth. She got to stare into his beautiful eyes as the sharp pricks of his teeth signaled him starting to feed. Spring's eyes flicked to Storm's throat, watching it work as she felt the slow drain of blood from her leg. Feeding a bat pony alone would have been dangerous, but she and Shining had both increased their iron intake, as well as eating extra protein—they were both passionate about feeding their hematophage lover. When Shining pulled his mouth back from her and started climbing up the bed, Spring let out a little gasp of surprise. Adventurous as she was during her pregnancy, Shining was a big stallion and many of her internal organs were already dealing with a pony inside her. "Ahem, your queen demands that pole for her"—she let out a little gasp as Storm's grip tightened around her leg—"for her… Just get your cock up here. I want something to keep my mouth busy." Even with the setting for their little role-play stretched, Shining still adjusted his motion and worked his way up the bed to offer his lower belly to Spring, using the bed so he could tilt his shaft up a little for her. She didn't hesitate or disappoint. With a low grunt, Shining had to fight his body's instincts to hump at the touch of her lips to the underside of his shaft. With Spring's mouth now occupied, Storm thought it a good time to please her himself. He kept his grip with his mouth, shifting himself to be carefully atop her without putting any weight on her body. He spotted a surprised glance from her just as he lined up with her rear. Spring was set to let go of Shining's shaft when she saw Storm moving into position, but she hesitated when she felt him snug under her tail. He was a smaller stallion, and her rear wasn't nearly as tightly cramped as her vagina felt. Closing her eyes, she felt inch after inch of bat pony pushing slowly into her, and moaned around Shining's hefty tool. With a shudder, Shining looked down and watched Spring tending to him, and in the process opening her mouth and sliding it over his length. Not just any mare could get more than a muzzle-full for him, but Spring had spent months practicing. Their eyes locked while she straightened out her neck and fed his length into the back of her throat. Holding her breath while she was getting her rear pounded by Storm was a trial, but she loved seeing the look of shock on Shining's face when she pressed her lips to his sheath. It was a trial, and she'd been practicing both breath control and dealing with an often traitorous amount of gag-reflex. Even Cadance hadn't been able to go all the way down on him, and as far as she had ever gone she'd definitely not been able to hold in place for so long while caressing him with her throat and tongue. It was slower, more intimate somehow than normal sex. He wanted to jerk his hips and rut her mouth, but the results made his mental control well worth the effort. Storm watched Spring come up for air, pulling her lips almost halfway back down Shining's length. Her lungs pumped hard and fast, something he recognized as her trying to fill her blood with precious oxygen for another deep-throat. Keeping up his moderate pace, he stopped drinking the blood from her leg and instead just mouthed at her cannon. Just as Spring worked her way down Shining's length again, and her tongue stroked the underside of him, she felt him flare larger. She hadn't realized how close he was, but decided that taking him directly to her stomach was probably for the best. Reaching a foreleg over him, she held on as his balls churned and the first hot spray of seed washed all the way down her throat to her belly. Seeing the mixed expression of bliss and relief on Shining's face, Storm sped up to hasten his own climax. It wasn't hard to rush, and he didn't normally like doing it, but for Spring's sake he was happy to make the effort. Focused on the sensation, he thrust with more and more vigor. Still dealing with an almost literal fire hose in her mouth, Spring was caught off-guard by the rush of heat in her rear. She couldn't turn her head to look at him, but she could feel the intensity of Storm as he kept bucking hard and fast while his climax raged. All that, being filled from both ends and loving every second of it, pushed Spring into her own release. She had to jerk back from Shining's length, letting just its tip linger in her mouth while she screamed around it. Everything felt amazing—perfect. Storm had to catch himself from slumping onto Spring. He could feel her body gripping him tight, massaging him as she rocketed through her orgasm, and it pleased him immensely that he could give as much pleasure as he got from her. Using one wing to brace himself better, he used the other to carefully rub at her flank as she slowly came back down from her pleasure-high. Only when Shining was done did Spring pull her lips free from him and let out a long, low whine of relief. She tried to talk, to tell them what they meant to her, but the truth was she could barely think two words into a sentence and figured "sex good" was probably a little too simplistic to describe events—so she waited for her faculties to return. "You're both amazing and I love you to bits." "How many bits?" Storm asked, nuzzling along Spring's shoulder and back. He'd gladly fallen back and to the side to not put any weight on her, and now he was reluctant to withdraw himself in favor of just cuddling. Turning her head to look back at Storm, Spring used her magic to tug him a little closer. "I'm not that delicate, Storm, you can get a bit grabby if you want." And, when he reached a wing down to her midsection to cradle her bulging tummy, she let out a happy sigh. "I love the feel of your wings holding me." Shining, his shaft polished clean by Spring's efforts to guzzle all his seed down, shifted around, turned, and then lay so his belly was facing Spring's. "I know. I thought it would be weird, but it's good-weird." "Sexy-weird," Spring said, tilting her head to nibble on Storm's wing-thumb. "My wings aren't weird." Storm's claim fell on deaf ears, mostly because he was too busy nuzzling Spring's neck to really put any feeling behind the claim. "Are my teeth weird too?" Spring tilted all four cannons as far as possible as the tickle of his fangs sent tingles up and down her spine. "No. Your teeth are just sexy." "They kicked." Storm froze, all his attention focused down on the wing across Spring's stomach. "I—Again." Tilting his head and curling up somewhat, he pressed his cheek against his wing's membrane and listened/felt each little kick. "They'll be your foal as much mine," Shining said, barely able to bend his larger frame down to nuzzle Storm's ear. "They'll be our foal." He tilted his head back up to look at Spring. Overwhelmed with pure, giddy joy, Spring couldn't stop from crying as her emotions tumbled over her. Compared to her first pregnancy, she found herself with two stallions who wanted to be by her side. "Did I say how much I love you two in the last minute?" "I think you did, but I'm still recovering and can't be trusted." Shining kissed Spring. It was a date night—a special date night. Special meant twice a week, but Storm and Spring didn't mind, they still had each other to keep them company while Shining and Cadance had their own, private evenings. "Where are we going next?" Storm asked. "Ice cream!" the filly riding his back said. "Powdered Snow, we are not going to get you more ice cream. You had two bowls at the restaurant." Walking along beside Storm, Spring was as wide as could be and almost prancing. Since the time when Storm had taken more interest in being a father, he'd started asking more about her and about Powder. "Well… maybe a little ice cream would be nice. I wonder if they have caramel mint fudge?" Storm shuddered at the very idea. "Is this normal?" "The cravings?" When Storm nodded, Spring returned the gesture. "With Powder, I found myself craving shellfish. There was a griffon butcher in Canterlot who sold seafood to other griffons and pegasi. It wasn't cheap, but complete satisfaction rarely is." "Well, for this one craving, I'm sure we can afford complete and utter satisfaction. Come on. Powder, show me where the ice cream shop is!" Turning in circles, Storm ignored the squealing unicorn on his back until she finally shoved a hoof out. "That way!" Spring followed the pair, trying not to giggle as she did—and failed. It had been a whim to introduce Storm to her daughter, but turned out to be an amazing one. "Are you sure you know where—?" "Moo-ooom. I've been there so many times!" Powder stuck her tongue out at her mother, then giggled when Spring pulled a silly face back at her. "'So many times'?" Spring asked, and noticed Storm's ears folded back as if she'd chastised him. "Well, well, well—" Freezing in place, Spring had a familiar sensation she'd only experienced once before in her life. "Storm?" Smelling something odd, Storm nonetheless turned back to look at Spring. To him, her face looked shocked and more than a little concerned. "What's up?" Spring looked at Storm with begging eyes. "My water just broke. Can you—Can you come to the hospital with me?" She wished her voice wasn't so shaky, but it was hard with the knowledge that she was about to have one of the hardest days of her life. Picking up on her mother's mood, though unsure of the source, Powder reached out and patted her mother's shoulder from Storm's back. "Is Mommy okay? Are you okay, Mommy?" "Your new brother or sister is coming, Powder." Storm reached over Spring's shoulder with his wing and rubbed her opposite side. "Walk as fast as you can, Spring, and we'll be there in no time." "I know that, but I'd rather teleport—except literally everything I read about going into labor told me never to teleport while doing it." Spring, for the moment, just felt awkward. Her legs were damp, and she knew she'd made a mess on the street, but there wasn't really much else for it. She walked at Storm's side, appreciative of him escorting her—and doubly appreciative of him keeping Powder calm. When they reached the hospital, Storm led Spring up to the emergency area. "Hello?" His question was answered by a mare sticking her head around a corner ahead. "My—mate is in labor." Freezing for a moment, not used to having to think about what his actual relationship was with Spring, Storm was relieved when the mare rushed out. "Where are you at, dear? Water's broken, any contractions?" "A few little ones, nothing strong yet. Not like my first time." Spring looked gratefully at the nurse, but she kept looking back at Storm. Mate was not a word she would have thought of, but she liked the way it sounded. "I've been seeing Doctor Strong Heart. I'm Spring Cleaning." "Well, Spring, my name's Nurse Soft Heart. Doctor Strong Heart's not in right now, but I'll page her for you. Let's get you somewhere more comfortable and get you cleaned up." Storm felt a little superfluous, but though Soft Heart focused most of her attention on Spring, she still urged him along. "Is there anypony else we can contact? Maybe someone to look after this little dear?" Soft Heart asked Storm. "Oh! Uh." Storm felt at a loss. It was Shining and Cadance's special time, but this was also a special time and an important one. "C-Can you contact Shining Armor?" Soft Heart blinked a few times in surprise. "Emperor Shining Armor? Uh, whom should I say sent word?" "Storm Slice. Just tell him his filly is coming." Noticing things moving a bit faster, and feeling her contractions become more insistent, Spring was relieved when the nurse brought her to a room with a bed to climb up on. The nurse set her up with a button to push if things got serious fast, and she promised to contact Shining. "Do you want me to ask how you are?" Storm asked, not fighting as Powder climbed up on top of his head to look at her mom. "Are you going to poop the foal out?" Storm tried really hard not to laugh, and only managed to succeed thanks to not having to look at Powder. Spring, however, had no such protection. She laughed and reached her hoof out to cup Powder's cheek. "I am, though it will be really fast. You were so quick the doctor had to use a big glove to stop you shooting out the door." Surrendering to a chuckle, Storm lowered his head so Powder could climb onto the bed beside Spring—only she remained content on his head. "Ewww! I don't want to be with Mommy when she poops a foal!" Scooting back from the bed, Powder slipped down Storm's neck a little so that only her head peeked over it. Watching the moments when Spring's features tightened, Storm felt a little anxiety rise. What annoyed him the most about the situation was that he couldn't help her directly. "Is there anything I can—" He was startled when Spring's magic field pulled him closer to the bed and tilted his head toward her snout. The kiss, forceful as it was, surprised him with its intensity. "You're already being the most amazing pony ever, Storm. Just—Just stay with me." She looked up at Powder, who was hiding all but her eyes and her mane behind Storm's head. "Sweetie, Mommy won't be pooping the foal out. They'll come out fine because doctors are really clever." "Oooh!" A knock at the door heralded Soft Heart's return. She liked to give couples some warning that they were getting a visitor. "We contacted the Guard. They said they'll attempt to contact Shining Armor, but that he and the princess had gone out on a picnic." Soft Heart had been relieved when the Guardponies had taken her request seriously. She'd been half expecting to be brushed off. "Would you like me to arrange somepony to take care of your filly?" Straightening herself up on Storm, Powder puffed up her fur and said, "I will stay with my mom. I'm a big girl and know foals aren't just pooped out." Even the tension of a contraction wasn't enough to stop Spring from grinning at the nurse's surprised look. She did start counting over. "They're speeding up and getting more intense." "Your doctor should be here any minute." Soft Heart checked a few things on the chart, added the time and that she was present, and set about busy-waiting for the doctor. Even as the contractions became more intense, and her doctor coached her through them, Spring was thankful for having Storm there. When she wasn't panting, puffing, or squeezing as per her doctor's encouragement, she focused on how Storm was keeping Powder calm and answering all her questions. Storm was struggling not to enter full panic. He had a filly to look after, though, and he clung to Powder (metaphorically) as if she were a life preserver. None of his training had prepared him for the events unfolding, though he was grateful when the doctor took over everything and put up a modesty cover for Spring. The birth, so far as Doctor Strong Heart was concerned, was absolutely by the book. Spring worked her way through each stage and was soon pushing. When all was said and done, presenting Spring Cleaning with her little colt was a high point of Strong Heart's day. She cleaned Spring up and lifted down the modesty cover to let her relax. Leaving her new bundle to nurse, Spring let the doctor guide her onto her side. She was lathered in sweat and her throat was a little hoarse from cursing Shining Armor's name, but none of it mattered as she lay there in maternal bliss. "So milk comes out of Mommy?" All-but done with making up things to ensure that Powder understood the gist of what was going on without having to know the more wretched parts, Storm just nodded. "All newborn foals need milk." "So why doesn't Mommy make porridge with that milk instead of buying it?" It was a perfectly valid question, or so Powder thought. She climbed over Storm's head and landed on the side of the bed. Walking up to her mother's head, she hugged Spring. "I love you, Mommy, but you are confusing sometimes." The door flew open with a blast of pink magic and, looking in, a completely manic-looking Shining Armor finally spotted the ponies he'd been looking for. "Spring! How's foal? Has she had our Storm yet?" At the giggles he got in reply, Shining tried to rephrase his question. "Have you had our foal yet?" When Spring shifted and lifted her rear leg a little, Shining lost the little bit of mental clarity he'd worked hard to regain. "Sh—Colt or filly?" "Colt, Shiny." Spring looked down too, her heart overflowing with love at the wiggling little tail on her foal. "We need to think of a name for him—at least to last until he can come up with his own." "Wiggly-butt," Powder said. "Because he is!" Storm reached his wing out to adjust the pillow when he saw Spring shifting her neck as if in discomfort. "We can't call him Wiggly-butt. His butt doesn't wiggle nearly enough." "You should have seen my sister when she nursed. She was at least twice as wiggly." With Twilight so far away, Shining felt perfectly safe giving away at least one of her secrets. Looking up at Shining with surprise, Powder asked, "Who's your sister?" "Princess Twilight Sparkle." When Powder's look grew even more incredulous, Shining nodded. "It's true. Her tail went crazy when she had milk. Still does, I think. I'll have to test that." "Why not Wags?" Storm asked, gesturing at the colt whose tail was still flicking. "You can't name a foal Wags," Spring said, but as she said the words she was already warming up to it. "I-I guess it will just encourage him to change it when he gets his cutie mark." Shining laughed. "It's a good name for a colt. We just don't tell him why he has it until he's a stallion, that will increase the ribbing potential that Powder has." Reaching her hoof out, Powder prodded Shining until he looked down at her. "What's ribbing?" The door opened behind them all a nurse walked in. "I'm going to have to ask anyone who isn't direct family with Miss Spring to please give leave and let her get some rest." When nopony looked to be moving to leave, she was about to speak more insistently—then she recognized Shining Armor. "S-Sorry, Your Imperial Majesty, I didn't mean to—" Deploying his most winning smile, Shining Armor reassured the nurse. "It's alright. Storm and Spring are in my harem. Storm and I are both fathers of—Wags?" He looked back at Spring and got a nod from her. "It'd be great if somepony could bring the paperwork for us to put his name down officially."