> Home far away > by The Storyteller world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome home! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The breeze rolled into the cabin of the truck through the open window while music played. The arm hanging out of the truck tapped gently against the door in rhythm with the beat. Moving back into the cabin the arm joined the other in grasping the wheel, turning the vehicle off the highway into a side road. The figure inside hummed with the music as they steered casually across the road as it turned into dirt. A glance to their side towards a suitcase packed with the few things they owned set the feelings of what they had chosen to do back into their mind. "Well no going back now." The person's voice chuckled. Turning with the road they felt a strange prickling cross over their skin causing hairs to stand and goosebumps to flash over their body. "Uhhg. What the hell?" They muttered, shivering slightly. Slowing to a stop they stuck their head out of the window to look around only seeing the same trees and road they had been traveling. Nothing was out of the ordinary at all. "Huh, must have been my imagination..." They grumbled, pressing on the pedal to continue forward. Time passed further until they took notice of farmland and buildings appearing just on the horizon. Speeding up slightly they began to hurry, wanting to get into town finally. As they drew closer the road turned to asphalt once more as other cars could be seen. Once they entered into the town properly they slowed down taking in the area. People could be seen walking around in mixes of fashion. Some looked like what you'd imagine a farmer or company job person would wear but others had stranger outfits like era's in the past around the world. "Maybe there's some kind of event going on." The driver rationalized, taking note of the people stopping to stare at them. "Must not get a lot of new people here." They thought, focusing back on the road. Passing slowly by a café the driver felt their stomach growl. Turning into a parking space they parked and stepped out of the truck. A boot connected to the ground connected to jeans with a small hole building around a knee. A tee shirt and unbuttoned flannel on top finished the figures outfit though a part that changed stares from slight glares to curiosity was when they noticed spiked green hair on top of the figures head. Whispers floated around as the figure walked into the establishment, taking in the smell of fresh baked goods. Ignoring the stares they received the driver walked to the counter and rang the bell. "One moment!" Came a chipper voice from behind the door across from the figure. Soon a slightly pudgy woman with bouncing pink hair skipped out in an apron covered in flour and icing. Pressing her large chest against the counter caused the figure to blush slightly as she asked "What can I get for you?" Her eyes still closed with a big smile. Though when they opened she gave a loud gasp, disappearing in a flash behind the door. "Weird service here..." The figure thought to themselves, ringing the bell once more. "Um, excuse me? I'd like to order a few things." They called out, looking around in embarrassment. they could see the pink hair of the woman peeking just through the window in the door before ducking back down. Soon the woman stepped back out looking slightly shaken. With a somewhat strained smile she said "Hello, my name is Pinkie Pie. What can I get for you?" Her hands grasping at her apron tightly, shaking slightly. Waving their hand in a friendly fashion the figure replied "The name’s Spike. It's a pleasure to meet you. If possible could I have one chocolate chip muffin and a banana bread muffin to go please." Spike put on his best smile wondering why this girl was suddenly so scared of him. "Do I look like a robber or something?" He thought, feeling self-conscious. Stuttering slightly Pinkie grabbed the items, bagging them with quick movements. "T-that'll be...six fifty please..." She quietly asked, looking everywhere but at Spike. Digging out his wallet he held out the exact change to the woman but was taken aback when she flinched away from his hand. Sighing, he gently placed the money down on the counter. "I'm sorry if I'm being a bother. I'm new in town and just looking for a certain place. You don't have to help with it but do you know how I can get to the Drake manor?" He apologized, asking for a little help. All sound in the place stopped making him look around in confusion. "Uhhh, did I say something wrong?" He asked aloud, looking back and forth between the now frozen girl and the rest of the people. A large man in a bulging flannel shirt and cowboy boots slowly stood up and walked over to him, bearing down over the smaller man. The straw of wheat in his mouth bounced slightly as a deep voice came from the man. "And why are ya lookin' for that place?" He growled, cracking his knuckles. A southern accent heavy in his voice. Spike could feel his fight or flight instincts kicking in at this mountain of a man. "That's uhh b-because I-" He started to mumble out. "Big Mac quit it!" A second southern voice spoke up. A woman with blonde hair in a ponytail stood in the doorway, a Stetson, flannel tied up above her visible abs, daisy dukes hugging muscular legs, and finished with a pair of dirty cowboy boots. Marching across the floor towards Spike with a glare she pulled the large man away without a care. Wiping at Spike's shoulders she patted his sides before looking him in the eyes, still holding a glare. "Sorry about that stranger. We don't get many new people in town here so it's lead to some suspicion from past bad people who up showed up." She explained. "Now why are you here?" She questioned. Realizing he wouldn't be able to go anywhere Spike took a breath to calm himself. "I'm here because I recently came to own a place called the Drake manor. I figured I'd try for a new life and get some new life experience then the one I was living in." He answered, looking out for any negative reaction. While waiting he noticed everyone's attention leaving him to now stare at the blonde woman as if waiting for an important decision. Turning so her side faced him she pointed towards the door. "If that's your truck nearby then keep heading down the street for two stops then turn left and just keep going straight. You'll eventually get to the manor." She listed in a neutral tone. Nodding his head in thanks Spike took his muffins and scooted awkwardly around the woman, leaving the café to get back into his truck. Those listening could hear him mumbling the directions over and over again. Pulling out of his spot back into the road he drove slowly to as not miss a turn, finally knowing how to get to his destination. The people looked to the blonde woman with eyes carrying questions while Pinkie Pie leaned over the counter to whisper loudly "Applejack what do we do?" Concern written over her face. "Call the others. We have a hunt on." She darkly ordered, a roar coming from the customers around as people rushed out to spread the news. Applejack herself picked at a sharp canine, a flash of change in her eyes. Spike sighed heavily, digging out a muffin to finally eat something after such a long drive. "What the hell kind of town did you live in Grandpa?" He grumbled aloud, munching into the muffin finding it delicious. "Wish the place wasn't full of such scary people or else I'd go back to grab more." He thought to himself in annoyance, thinking back to the scary mountain man apparently called Big Mac. Turning up the music from his stereo Spike tried to relax as the road winded around thick and probably incredibly old trees. Soon though as he reached for the second muffin he noticed an old gate with a stone wall covered in vines blocking his way. Just past he could see a heavily overgrown garden that probably hadn't been touched in years and a heavily dilapidated mansion just across from it. "Is this it?" He said aloud, stepping out of his truck. Looking around for any indication of where he was led him to walk up to the gate, giving it a tug. SQUUUUUUEEEEECCKK CRASH!!!!! Spike dived out of the way as the gate fell from it's holding towards him. "Holy shit!" He cried out, breathing in a panic. "Can't believe this is the spot I got from the old man." He complained, standing shakily. Gathering himself together again he moved to the fallen gate giving it a small kick. "Stupid freaking gate, no one would find me if you fell on me." He grumbled, picking up one end to drag it off the road. After it was moved fully off he wiped his hands on his pockets. Stepping back into his truck and driving through the new opening he slowly curved along the inner road till he stopped once more in front of some stone steps leading into the entrance of the manor. Walking up them he took in the broken windows, cracked walls, and damaged pillars. Sighing as he pressed his hands against the doors he gave them a small push with his eyes closed ready for them to crash down. When no loud bangs came he opened his eyes to see a dust and vine filled main hall with winged staircases and multiple doors leading to who knows where. Pulling his wallet out he looked at the remaining cash he had left. "Poop, gonna need a job before this place is back to top shape." He whined, tucking his wallet back away sorely. Moving through the building he took a mental list of the state the building was in finding some places more secure than others. He took note of multiple rooms that seemed styled for different tastes but that had clearly not been touched in years. Looking out a window towards the back in a massive dining hall he could see a large barn with crop patches full of weeds to one side. A sprawling garden as out of control as the one in front is easy to see. A track field and what looked even like an obstacle course with a shooting range filled the farther edges. A sound above drew his attention upwards. "The hell? Don't tell me there's animals in the attic or something." He said to himself, making his way up the stairs while looking for the attic entrance. Finding a staircase going across the far walls upwards lead him to a wide open space stacked high with all manners of antiques and old pieces. Picking up a strange looking orb Spike noticed the weird etchings across its surface. A bump came behind a wall of boxes drawing his attention away from the orb. Placing it down he worked his way through the cobwebs and clutter to the far end finding nothing living. What he did find was a massive flat surface covered with a white tarp. Feeling a draw towards it he reached slowly towards the tarp to pull it off when a honk from a car horn broke through the air. Startled out of his daze Spike shook his head and turned to move for the entrance, casting a glance at the tarped object. Pushing open the main entrance doors once more Spike took in the sight of a limousine parked just behind his truck. As soon as he stepped past the door a group of people came from inside the car. He took quick notice of Pinkie Pie, the strange  café girl and the blonde haired woman that had stopped that large man from possibly hurting him. Although now there were others. First to draw his attention was a shorter girl with a hair full of every color in the rainbow, she was dressed in a tight fitting tracksuit that fit her form well chewing gum with a sneer on her face. The next one a woman dressed in a sapphire covered dress with a slit to allow one of her legs to show off and ample bust covered slightly by a fur collar scarf, she gently fluffed her curled purple hair and gave a calculating arch of a single eyebrow in his direction, looking him up and down with a slight frown. After her was a woman dressed like one from a veterinary clinic, so far she was the tallest and held the largest bust of anyone he had seen hiding behind soft pink colored hair that hung to the bottom of her waist. The final one to step out was what appeared to be a librarian with sharp looking glasses pressed under lavender hair with a streak of lighter purple in it, her form much more average then the others but he could see she also carried a large clipboard. "Hello there, ah thank you for the directions again." Spike greeted them with an unease smile, bowing slightly towards the blonde haired girl. He flinched slightly when she glared at him, folding her arms under her bust. He quickly changed where he was looking to not stare. The librarian stepped forward swiftly, drawing a paper from the clipboard and holding out to him. "You must be the new person I've heard about. I'm sorry but you need to leave this property right away." The woman ordered. Spike gently took the paper from the woman, reading it over. "Notice of removal from Drake manor? What the heck is this? I'm not leaving, I just got here." He said, trying to hand the paper back. A dangerous flash passed over the woman's glasses as she pulled out more papers. "Under the property ruling of the Drake manor paragraph four section two 'any individuals taking up residence must be removed with immediate action.' So yes you will be leaving." The woman listed, showing the paper to Spike. Looking it over Spike couldn't argue it's what was listed but he knew when something was smelling fishy and this moment reeked of it. "Again, I will not be leaving. This is my place now so if anything you all are the ones trespassing." He countered, folding his arms and standing firm. He would not be bullied out of his new home he just got too. The rainbow haired girl groaned heavily, pushing off the limo. "Just give it a rest Twi. Let me at him and he'll be leaving real quick." The woman threatened, cracking her knuckles while stomping up towards Spike stopping only when the now identified Twi raised a hand. "What proof do you have about owning this property?" Twi questioned, staring at the man over the top of her glasses. Gesturing to his truck Spike replied "I have the documents showing the transfer of ownership in my suitcase. If it'll get you all off MY property faster I can grab it and show you." He was now growing annoyed at this threatening conversation. "Or will you just sick you guard dog on me?" He challenged back at her with a wave towards the colorful woman. "Bite me!" The woman in question spat, getting into a fighting position. The woman in the dress gently patted the angry woman on the shoulder. "Now Rainbow dear, don't start fights. Especially those with such rude dispositions." She soothed with a verbal jab at Spike. Giving a 'hmph' at the comment Spike moved around Twi towards his truck. "Your humbleness knows no bounds queenie." Spike shot back to the lady in the dress. As he opened the passenger door and looked through his suitcase he didn't notice the woman grind her teeth in annoyance and take a step towards him only to be held back by an arm from Pinkie Pie who shook her head. When Spike popped his head out of the truck he held a folder and a muffin in each of his hands. "Here it is. You'll find official documents all in order." He stated, munching on the muffin lazily. Twi took the folder from him and flipped through the pages. Her figure visibly grew angry, shaking with repressed rage before she slammed the folder back into Spike's chest surprising him and the others. "Get back into the car we are leaving!" She barked angrily at the group. "Um but Twilight?" The vet questioned, raising a finger. "Can it Fluttershy! Get into the limo." Twilight snapped at the now named woman who immediately ducked into the car. Jabbing a finger towards Spike she growled out a warning. "I'll be back for you at a later date when I know I can get your ass out of here." Her anger coming off in waves. Spike finally hit his limit of being attacked for what seemed just existing in this spot. "Can't wait to see what you try to drag out your ass next time. Now get the fuck off my property, I got to start getting this place fixed up. It's obviously gone to shit in a handbasket." He jabbed back, biting into his muffin and turning to enter the manor once more not noticing the wave of annoyance or anger race over the girls at the comment. He closed the door behind him hearing the limo peel out of the driveway. "Not even a full day in town and it already feels like my last place." He grumbled, looking down at the half eaten muffin and feeling his appetite leave him. "So annoying..." He thought to himself, placing it down on a dusty table as he moved deeper into the house. Twilight bit into her thumb in anger, thinking over the meeting with that man. "Fuckin' bastard thinks he's untouchable doesn't he?" She said aloud, gnashing down on her thumb till blood was drawn. Fluttershy gently leaned over and took the hand from her companions mouth, treating it with a handkerchief from her pocket. "I know you have your reasons for not wanting someone to mess with the place the same as the rest of us but approaching so aggressively clearly isn't going to work." The larger woman soothed. "Are you sure the documents were all correct?" She asked, looking over the already healing wound. Twilight sighed heavily. "Unfortunately everything was exactly up to code. Every T was crossed every I was dotted. Nothing can be done with that route...and sorry for snapping at you Shy." She grumbled, blushing at the end. Fluttershy gave a small giggle before patting her friend's cheek. "All is forgiven. Does anyone else have any ideas?" She said, looking to the others. Applejack leaned spread wide across her section of seats. "Could go the old fashioned way and drag him out." She offered. "I know Rainbow or me could probably take him easy ourselves." She added a boast at the end, flexing her arm. "As much as I would like to see that fiend removed swiftly I believe we will need a more subtle take on this plan." The woman in a dress said, sipping delicately at a tea cup while uncrossing then re-crossing her legs. Pinkie Pie looked between everyone before finally speaking up. "Um Rarity you were a little rude at him first and well he seemed nice at least to me when we talked last." She gently said. Rainbow leaned forward from her spot. "What's really on your mind Pinkie Pie. You are normally the loudest and most energetic of us yet you are being more quiet than Shy when she gets spooked by her shadow." Rainbow questioned, pointing a thumb at the easily scared woman over her shoulder. Having all the eyes on her Pinkie's hair seemed almost to deflate slightly. "When I first spotted him he looked just like the old man when he was younger and well... Even though we know the old man never told anyone about here it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to take such actions against someone, especially one so similar to Him." She finally spoke out, ready to receive comments on how she felt. "Ya ain't alone there. He does strike a close resemblance to the old guy. And far as I can tell he hasn't said a single lie to one of us." Applejack comforted, tipping her hat down and leaning back, shutting her eyes. "Far as I'm concerned though is the fact the feller is staying in the place and is going to try and fix it up though how he'll do that without a contract is beyond me." She added, yawning slightly. Twilight cast glances at all the girls around her before grunting in annoyance, her mind working over all the info they had. "Then if we don't want to force him out then maybe we can scare him out instead." She offered. This caught all of their attention as Twilight smirked, the plan already building in her head. "In fact... let's get the rest and start tonight!" She said happily, sitting up straight now with a wicked grin on her face. "I'll show you not to look down on us." She thought menacingly. Spike pulled a set of tools from his truck. Carrying them inside he started to organize the chaos that was the home. "Should probably fix up the bedroom first." He spoke aloud to no one. Making his way through the hall he took in the quiet of the place. "Bit depressing but better than the train tracks next door." He thought, thinking back to his old place and how he came to this situation. Spike dragged himself from his chair in the dark office space. His computer was the only light illuminating the place. With a massive yawn he clicked send on the last bit of work that had been piled onto him last second by the other workers. "Finally time to head home and sleep." He mumbled groggily. After shutting the last of his section Spike stumbled into the elevator, untucking his shirt to relax a little. When he hit the ground floor he waved goodnight to the late night cleaning staff he passed by. The drive back to his apartment was filled with nothing interesting to help him fight off sleep leading to a few close calls. Finally though he parked in his spot, stepping out into the cold air. A train blew it's horn loudly as it passed by. He could practically feel the ground shaking, though he knew his room was definitely shaking. "If I could just get out of here." He grumbled, checking the mail slots. Even after so many empty times he made it a habit to always check. To his surprise he found a small flat box inside addressed to him. "What the hell?" He questioned, pulling it out and looking it over as he made his way up the stairs to his floor. "From Grandpa Drake? Well he must be part of the family if he has the last name Drake but why is he sending me stuff? Or more importantly how'd a guy I don't even know find my address?" Spike thought to himself, feeling a sense of unease. Fumbling with his keys Spike unlocked his door to step into his room, flicking the light switch only to find it didn't work....again. "Ugh fuck it. I'll worry about this tomorrow." He whined, tossing the package onto his dining tray he used for a laptop stand since he couldn't get a desk. Collapsing into the bed he let sleep take over him. To his enjoyment he only woke up three times that night unlike the normal five from passing trains! When morning came he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, spotting the package once again. Picking it up he looked it over a few more times before grunting. Opening the box wasn't difficult and he found only papers and a note inside. "Huh, no bomb I guess." Spoken aloud with a slight bit of disappointment. Reading over the papers Spike was confused more and more. "Transfer of ownership? Drake manor? Who the hell is this old fart and why is he pulling a prank like this on me?" He asked to the room. Grabbing the note he began to read it over. "Dear Spike, I hope this letter finds you well. I know we haven't talked and yes we have met though you barely had been born at the time so I forgive any forgetfulness. This letter is to explain to you that I am giving you my home and all possessions and assets inside of said home. I know this is sudden but I don't have long on this earth. Soon I'll join the great feasts above so I don't need such materials anymore. I hope you'll take the plunge and take this offer. The staff are second to none, each a master in any needs that you may have in more than one way. You'll find directions to the place on the back of this letter. Good times and strong faith to you Spike Drake, my one true successor. Love eternally Leandros Drake or old fart to you!" Spike read, his eyes narrowing at how this note called him out in such ways. Spike let the letter hang in his hand after looking it over, finding the directions really on the back of the note. For a time he sat there thinking over the letter while looking at his surroundings. A train passed by loudly, shaking his room once again. Looking to the passing train Spike's thoughts slowly collected themselves till finally he looked down at the letter. "Fuck it, when am I going to get a chance to just jump the gun like this again!" He shouted above the noise, throwing his things together while dialing his boss. "Hey boss! I quit, bye!" He shouted down the line. Once everything had been collected which didn't take him more then twenty minutes he rushed out of the building to his truck, racing out of the parking lot and onto the road. A smile on his face. Spike brought himself back to the present with a small slap to his cheeks. "Come on focus." He coached himself. He began the slow process of cleaning up the main bedroom, collecting any broken pieces into a pile until by the time night fell he had secured the master bedroom into a much cleaner state. "Much better!" He said happily, clapping his hands. He crawled into the bed feeling fatigue grip at him. Even if the bed had no sheets it felt like heaven to him laying in such a massive bed. "Must be at least twelve feet wide..." He mumbled as sleep finally took over him, unaware of forces building outside of his home in the shadows. A few hours past till the moon was high above when he jolted awake. He heard a shuffle above him. Knowing the attic was above he made his way through the home upwards, throwing on his clothes. Flashing his phone light around he couldn't spot any creatures. Spike blinked for a moment in thought but on opening them found himself standing in front of the tarp once more. As if being guided he reached out and took hold of the tarp. Giving a tug he let the fabric pile up around his feet as the object was revealed. "What the hell?" He questioned, leaning closer. It was a massive painting showing an old man with short green hair and sharp smile dressed in a suit. On all sides of him were a bunch of people in strange outfits or what looked like monsters. Some even made Spike think he'd seen them before somewhere. Though the strangest thing was a small bundle of fabrics around a baby in the old man's arms. The child could be seen with little spikes of green hair like the old man's. To Spike it looked like he had just been aged up to look like the old man. "What the hell is this?" He mumbled, pocketing his phone to try and lift the painting. "Urgh! Come on now. You can't be this heavy." He grunted, straining to even move the frame a little. "Rah, fine don't budge." He pouted, pulling out his phone. Loud banging boomed through the building startling the young man. "What is it now?" He shouted slightly in shock, marching down the stairs while casting a glance at the painting. Another set of bangs could be heard from the main entrance startling Spike once more. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He shouted out as he worked his way down the stairs of the main hall. Peeking through one of the broken windows his eyes widened at what looked like a mob stood outside of his door. Each person dressed in strange and unnatural outfits. Some looked like they had fake wings on while others seemed to tower over others with wolf heads on their heads and a few just looked like they held no form at all shifting between states.. "Fuck kinda ritual bullshit is this." Spike grumbled, opening the door to find Twilight standing in front of him with her fist raised to hit the door again. He took stock of the outfit she was wearing. A large brimmed hat like that of a witch or wizards sat on her head while a corset with frills held her bust up along with tall black leather heeled boots. "You know Halloweens not for another few months right?" Spike joked, folding his arms with a frown. Twilight raised her hand to cough into it. "You are to leave at once. Your presence isn't wanted here and as such the town has voted to remove you. If you do not comply then force will be used." She stated, taking a paper from an owl that landed on her shoulder. Holding it out to Spike he could see it was a secured petition with dozens of signatures on it. Crumpling up the paper Spike tossed it over his shoulder before shouting loudly enough for the mob behind Twilight to hear. "Get the fuck off my property. I have full ownership of this building, all buildings near it, and the two hundred acres surrounding said buildings. You all are the ones trespassing and If you don't like it, well, too bad. I am the legal owner of everything here. Even the well underground is mine. The only thing that is your town's is the power connected but you can just cut that if it's such a problem. Now leave!" He ordered, slamming the door in Twilight's face. "And don't come back!" He could be heard shouting through the door. He took the letter he had received from his grandfather with a scowl. "Great town you brought me to, gramps." He complained, tossing the letter to the side onto a dusty couch. Twilight stood on the other side of the door dumbfounded that someone would still not get the message. Turning slowly to the crowd they could feel the underlying anger in her as she coldly ordered "Do not try kill him but don't worry about injury or if you do end his life. The hunt starts now." She snapped her fingers, a broom appearing next to her. She grabbed hold of it floating above the mob who roared in answer, charging the building. Spike was halfway up the stairs when a sudden yell of a crowd echoed out behind him. Just as he turned to look back at the entrance two figures crashed through the windows, large wings covering their arms with sharp talons and bird legs where their feet should have been. Immediately after that a clawed hand broke through the door, ripping it off the hinges. Stepping inside was a massive wolfman, covered in bristling red fur. "Oh what the fuck!" Spike shouted, running up the stairs and down the hall hearing crashes and more creatures breaking through other windows or doors. One creature looked to be a mix of a demon with curved horns and a spade tail, it's muscles appearing on the outside broke through a door in front of him. "Shit!" He shouted, scrambling through a door to his left, finding himself in a dark room. Panting he looked around frantically for a way out, finding no doors out other than a window. Rushing over to it began to fumble with the lock to open, hearing the monster stomping just outside of the room. Slamming the window open he jumped out onto the roof, flying people or creatures above him. Twilight stepped into the house after the mob had dispersed out to hunt Spike down. The others she had arrived in a limo stepped in with her looking around. "Shame we have to do this to the place but we can't let trash defile such a special place." She said to the others. Fluttershy looked at the damage so far with a frown. "They could have been a little more gentle. Oh, I'm going to have to clean up so much." She whispered in a soft tone, flickering slightly as a single long horn curved from her head and she grew three feet in size. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow walked in next, their forms having turned into slime and the other with wings and talons for hands and feet respectively. "At least it's easier to fix the damages the faster we get the asshole out." Rainbow replied, sweeping up some of the broken glass with her wings while Pinkie Pie moved over the glass on the other side with her body. Applejack and Rarity both stepped through, Each in a different form then the morning. Applejack was covered head to toe in fur, looking like a werewolf while Rarity twirled a whip slightly around herself as she walked in little fabric other than patches over intimate spots, horn curling around her ears to frame her face. "At least the kitchen hasn't been messed with as far as I can smell." Applejack added, sniffing the air. "But it seems he's on the roof. Should we join them?" She pointed out. The others nodded, moving out the door to climb the walls. Fluttershy moved to follow but spotted a paper on the couch. Slowly approaching it she picked it up and read over, her eyes widening in shock and horror. "Oh great damnation." She muttered, rushing out of the house after the others. Spike rushed across the roofing dodging dives from the figures flying above while scrambling higher above to get out of the way of massive hands slamming around him. A werewolf skidded across the roof knocking shingling off the surface. It swiped wildly as Spike he twisted to the side, onto the roof. Throwing his own punch Spike knocked the wolf off balance, watching it tumble down off the roof with a yelp. He balanced across the peak of the roof, a dozen different monsters slowly crawling up to his spot while others flew above. A potion was thrown by a flying figure on a broom that splashed onto Spike's shirt, eating quickly through the fabric and burning his skin. "Nngh, shit!" He grunted, gripping at his side. A flying figure dived at him in this moment of distraction only to be grabbed with one arm by the young man. "Fuck off!" He roared, swinging the winged girl into one side of the monsters. A blast of fire exploded near his feet making him stumble backwards closer to the edge, grabbing an old chimney to stabilize himself. "The next ones going into your chest!" Twilight shouted, rising from the side of Spike as the other girls slowly made their appearance. "I'm giving you one more chance. Leave and forget everything you saw here." She extended one last time towards the sweating man. His grip tightened on the slowly crumbling chimney while he ground his teeth. "I've been bullied and forced to do what others said for so long I barely remember how to speak for myself." He began slowly causing the group around him to look at him in confusion, leaning in. "But I've had enough at that. I took a chance to change my life for the better. To stand up for myself even if it means standing up to those with more power than me. So let me tell YOU one last time!" He continued taking a massive breath. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!" He roared, determination flaring up in his eyes. Twilight was taken aback by his declaration as a memory flashed through her mind of someone else who said something similar to her. Shaking her head clear she glared down at the defiant man. "Then die!" She screamed back at him, launching a fireball through the air into his chest. The blast sent his body flying off the edge of the room, the chimney crumbling to pieces. "NOOO!!!" Fluttershy screamed, rushing past everyone to dive off the edge after the man. Her hands outstretched she just grabbed hold of his hand, taking in the sight of a scorched and burnt chest with empty eyes. Twisting herself she pulled him to her large chest to turn her back towards the ground, slamming into it with a large CRASH! "Shy!" The people above yelled after her, rushing to the edge to see what happened. What they saw shocked them as a quiet filled the air other than crying. Fluttershy laid in the cracked ground clutching the man to her chest while crying, stroking his burnt hair. "I'm sorry little master..." Her voice could be heard to the others. "I'm sorry. If only we knew." She wept, clutching him like a mother would her child. Rainbow landed next to her with worry on her face. "Shy, why would you dive to help him? He was trespassing on the manor." She questioned, looking down at her crying friend only to lunge back when a large hand slammed the ground where she stood just a moment ago. "Whoa Shy!" She called out. "You don't get it do you..." Fluttershy growled, anger boiling inside her. "He's Leandros' grandson! He's the successor of the manor and title we were told about!" She roared before breaking back down into sobs. "We failed the master by harming his heir." She muttered, clutching the limp body tightly. Everyone's eyes widened as some of the monsters turned into humans dressed as doctors, rushing towards her to look over the unresponsive man. Twilight and the other girls stood there in shock as the medical people screamed out orders and needs to others, tears building in their eyes. "We fucked up." Was the only thought that passed through their minds. Spike himself was feeling like he was falling through a dark void, faint crying echoing in the distance around him. "So tired..." He thought as he faded away. > An Offer They Can't Refuse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike hurt...like a lot. His head felt split with a massive migraine and his chest struggled to fill with air. "Ngh, what happened to me?" He thought, his eyes fluttering open as the world around him slowly came to his senses. The sounds of construction could be heard around him from the striking of multiple hammers to even the chatter of people talking about paints and wallpapers. "Wah?" He questioned, blinking a few more times as he soon took sight of a high ceiling with a slowly rotating fan just above him. Turning his head to the left his eyes fell on to a record player softly playing music that sounded like it was from the forties. "At least it's something good." He mumbled, turning his head to find his face in a large set of breasts pressed against him. As his eyes widened he felt his arm securely pressed between him and the body, more specifically between the legs. He could tell from touch the only fabric on this mystery persons body were panties. Once his mind caught up to his situation he gave a yelp. "Ahh!" Jolting to the side further into the bed before crying out in pain. "Sonnova' bitch!" He yelled, clutching at his ribs. The figure that had been laying next to him rose quickly as if having been woken out of a deep sleep. "Wah huh? Oh Master!" loudly said by the large woman with long soft pink hair. She reached towards him with an outstretched hand. "You shouldn't be moving so fast. Your body isn't healed yet." She lectured slightly, worry written over her face. Spike looked back at the female voice to which his eyes widened as he shouted, pointing a finger as he crawled weakly with one arm while trying to ignore the pain. "You're one of the bastards that attacked me! Get the fuck away from me you freak!" He screamed, tears building up in his eyes from the pain ripping through his body. After only making it a few scoots away he curled into a ball, crying softly. "G-goddammit. It hurts so much." He cried gently, hugging his sides. Fluttershy winced at the harsh words thrown at her but even if it hurt she felt more pain for letting him get in this state. Throwing off the sheets on her almost fully nude form she grabbed a syringe on the nightstand behind her, filling it with a clear liquid. After checking the level she moved towards Spike's curled form. "Please hold still. I'll give you some medicine to ease the pain." She tried to sooth while moving closer to the young man. Spike swung a arm wildly to keep her back. "Don't touch me! I don't want anything to do with attempted murderers!" He screamed, his voice cracking from the pain rushing through his body. One of his swings hit the hand holding the syringe, sending it flying to break across the room. He curled back into a ball when Fluttershy pulled back in shock and sadness. She herself teared up slightly at the pain he was in knowing she needed to calm him somehow. Reaching back she grabbed the bottle, popping the cap off it and filling her mouth with some of the medicine. "Forgive me master for doing this." She begged mentally, grabbing ahold of Spike's shoulders quickly before he could react. Using her weight and strength she forced her mouth onto his while pushing the medicine out. As the last of it left hers she massaged his throat to help him swallow it. As the last of it was drank she pulled away from the kiss with a heavy blush and concern in her eyes. Coughing at the forced drinking Spike sputtered "S-so now it's *cough* molestation huh ha haaa." He tried to say before breaking out into a cough, feeling his chest warm up. "The hell'd you give me?" He questioned, his cheeks taking on a flush of color as the pain in his body numbed to a more manageable level. Backing away from the young man Fluttershy bowed her head to the bed. "I'm sorry Master but I needed to give you that medicine to help the healing process. I can't bear to watch you in pain." She apologized, staying in the bowed position. She looked up from her position with tear filled eyes at the slowly uncurling figure. Spike looked at her position and face before looking away with a blush. "Still the fact you forced yourself on me doesn't help me relax. Also why are you naked!" He started to grumble only to remember her clothes state before glancing at himself to find he was stark naked other then heavy bandages around his chest.. "And why am I naked too!" He added, embarrassed at his situation. "Well you took a nasty hit so I along with the more medically trained staff have been having to change your bandages regularly and well... As an Oni I have some some regenerative abilities I can extend to others but only through physical contact so the less clothing you could say the better the healing." She explained, pulling the blanket to cover her chest as she slowly raised from her bowed position. "I'm sorry we attacked you. We didn't know you were the old Master's grandson. If only I had been faster I could have stopped it." She apologized, striking at her head. A minor shock went through Spike at what she said and her actions. "Hey...HEY!" He said, gathering her attention. "Stop hitting yourself geez. Just I don't know, get me some clothes and for gods sake put on some yourself. It's uncomfortable being near a naked girl I don't know." He ordered, watching her movements with weariness. "I gotta figure out how to get out of here but that can't happen if I don't play along with these people." He thought to himself. Fluttershy quickly got out of the bed, her large chest bouncing freely as she moved to a closet near the side. She pulled from inside it some of Spike's clothes and rushed over to him, kneeling in front of the bed side closest to him. "Here Sir I'll dress you!" She happily chirped, smiling warmly to the injured man as if he hadn't just screamed at her a few moments ago. Covering his privates with one hand Spike snatched the clothes from her hands, turning his head to the side. "I can dress myself. You should worry about covering yourself up first. It's distracting..." He complained, blushing. Looking down at her form Shy sighed sadly. "I'm sorry if my body isn't to your liking Master. I'll cover it right now." She quietly said, a ribbon working it's way from out of her hair over her body. Everywhere it passed suddenly had clothing over it which amazed Spike who could only stare in wonder. After she was fully clothed now in a French maid outfit she cupped over her bust in shyness. "Is this satisfactory Sir?" She asked, looking up to the young man with puppy dog eyes. "Uhhh ummm ah yes, yes that works." Spike answered, shaking himself out of his stupor. "Why the hell is this monster so cute. Wait! Monster." He thought to himself as he struggled to pull his shirt over his head, spotting Fluttershy move to assist him but stopping short when she remembered what he had ordered her to do. "You said you were an Oni right?" He asked, keeping an eye on the kneeling woman as he pulled one leg through his pants. On getting a nod he continued "Like the legends? And what other types of mon...people are here." He questioned, stopping short of calling her a monster although it was clear she knew what he was going to say. Nodding her head Fluttershy stood up, giving Spike a peek up her skirt with how tall her legs were. "Yes, I'm an Oni like the legends. As for the others we have many different types of Outers from werewolves tand succubus to even angels and demons." She answered, moving to near the door where a wheelchair was leaning against the wall. After bringing it over she reached to grab the now clothed Spike. "Don't!" He yelled, flinching away from her touch. Breathing slightly fast while she pulled away he reached for the chair, pulling it closer. "I-I know how to get in one myself. This isn't the first time I've been hurt badly..." He sighed. After struggling briefly he sat in the wheelchair with a grunt. "And why the hell does it sound like a construction company is here?" He asked, wheeling himself to face towards the woman. Clapping her hands Fluttershy gave a small jump. "Oh, my apologize Master. You've been asleep for a week but in that time some work has been done on the manor to fix it up with the help of the whole town. Since now the heir is here it needs to be brought into a fit position especially before the contract can be signed." She answered happily while smiling softly. "A-a week! And there's a bunch of those fuckers who attacked me here! Is that bitch with the fire here too!" He shouted in anger before clasping a hand over his mouth with his hands. "Fuck, let my real emotions come out." He thought, worried if he'd be attacked again by the woman in front of him. His brain stopped though when she suddenly collapsed to her knees crying loudly. "I'm so sorry! W-we needed to do something to pay back for attacking you. We should have looked more into who was living here before taking such actions! If we had known you were the grandson of our hero and the heir we would have never said such mean things or done such cruel actions." She cried loudly. Her loud sobbing was beginning to make Spike uncomfortable and annoyed. "She really thinks an apology is going to make everything ok?" He thought to himself. "Could you stop crying so much!" He loudly ordered towards the woman. Her sobbing stopping almost immediately as if trained to stop on command. "Just...I don't fucking know man." Spike began slapping his hands in exasperation onto his legs. "The hell do I even do in this situation huh? I was attacked day one of arriving here. I also learn that this whole town is full of people that turn into monsters and fucking mythical creatures. On TOP of almost dying by some high and mighty bitch who thinks she can command me to leave a place that was given to me by some old bastard I don't even remember having in my shitty messed up family!" He complained getting louder and louder till he was shouting with tears pouring from his own eyes. He felt himself being pulled into a gentle hug, on looking up he saw Fluttershy holding him close to her whispering soothing nothing to him. She held him like that till he stopped moving. When she pulled away she could see he had tired himself out into a empty state. Wiping a few tears away she stood and got behind the wheelchair. "come on, let's show you around your home. I'm sure you'll like what's been done to it." She spoke softly, pushing the chair slowly out of the room. The hall was full of light from the various windows scattered around, some even having stained glass images of different mythical creatures. People moved through the hall in different outfits. Some looked like everyday clothes while others had what seemed like they had just clocked off from a corporate job. Each on spotting the two moved out of the way with bows. Although Fluttershy took quick notice of the empty stare Spike held, like someone stuck in a deep depression. Soon the pair arrived at the stairs that lead to the main hall. A chandelier hung high above. One would think it was made of thousands of glittering diamonds. The doors were fully repaired as were the windows like the damage had never happened. Fresh new furniture sprinkled across the floor helped fill in the area. Stopping at the top of the stairs Fluttershy gave a small wave and call out to a group of women talking near the middle of the hall. "Girls, Master has awoken!" She shouted over the sounds of construction. Spike's world slowed as he blinked registering the girls as the others who had started the attack on him but his attention was mostly focused on Twilight who turned with a smile at him walking towards the stairs, the still fresh memory tearing across his mind. As Fluttershy waved she took notice as Spike's form leaned forward to stand but watched him stumble quickly partially down the stairs towards Twilight. "Master!" She cried out, rushing for him as the others followed suit. "Sir are you ok?" Twilight asked, concern written over her features as she reached a hand to help Spike up. "DON'T TOUCH ME" Spike roared, slowly bracing himself on his arms as pain shot through his chest. "All of you don't fucking touch me!" He yelled, cough violently as he dragged himself up the railing to his right to help him stand. "You freaks have the fucking gall to be here. All of you are smiling and happily approaching me as if nothing happened. As if you never tried to kill me." He spat out, each word dripping with venom. His head snapped up to glare at Twilight as she reached slowly towards him causing her to yank her hand back. Breathing heavily he let loose another round of coughs, this time a small splatter of blood escaping his mouth. "Sir!" Twilight said in worry, pulling a handkerchief to wipe the blood from his face. Swinging a backhand at Twilight he struck her across the face, sending her flying back into the other girls behind her. "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME!" He screamed. By now every other person in the area had gathered to watch what was going on, letting out gasps at the hit. Standing up straighter Spike looked over all of them with hatred in his eyes. "I wanted a peaceful new life." He said in a low tone. "I wanted to escape my dead end job. To escape my shitty family who used me as a punching bag. But no..." He continued, building up in volume. "Instead I find a town full of monsters who without any reason vehemently hated me and harassed me on the first day before I had even unpack what little shit I had. Who even after being told and SHOWN that I owned the place still ordered me to leave." He loudly said now breaking into a crazed laugh. "And ha ha haaaa AND THEN! They decide to attack me in my home, diving and clawing at me with reckless abandon. And to finish it off after scrambling to the roof ha haaa You!" He yelled, pointing a finger at the slowly rising Twilight. "You. Throw. A. Fucking. Ball. Of. Fire. AT ME!" Punctuated with a jab in her direction. "Sending me off the roof to what should have been my death had this one not figured out who I am connected to." He finished, pointing a finger now at Fluttershy. "We didn't know. We're sorry!" Pinkie Pie loudly said replied, fear building in her eyes at the man in front of her. "Oooohhh sorry. Of course! Because an apology is going to make everything all better. You are absolutely right. Here why don't you come closer so I can kiss the feet of such a wise and intelligent person." Sarcasm coating every word. Rainbow stepped between Pinkie Pie and Spike with a glare. "You can't talk to her that way." She challenged. Spike's head slowly grinded to look at the woman. "Shut. It. Birdie." He commanded. Taking a moment to take in a ragged breath Spike looked over the crowd that had gathered. "Tell you what. Let's try this one last time and see if it finally gets through you all." He smiled with a happy tone, worrying everyone around him. With a large smile Spike clapped his hands before opening his arms. "Collect all your things and get off my property and don't ever come back." He ordered, turning and walking up the stairs he had fallen down with the help of the railing. Fluttershy looked nervously at the others, scooting out of the now weirdly calm man's way. The others looked just as lost. Applejack spoke up for the first time since Spike waking up. "And what will ya'll do after we go?" She asked, looking at the leaving man. Shouting over his shoulder with a twisting wrist. "I don't know. Probably see how long it takes me to just die in my room." His voice holding a bored tone as he disappeared deeper back into the manor. The crowd looked to the girls on what to do next as they all had arrived at their push. Rarity took this chance to take charge. "You heard the young Master. Everyone gather your things we must leave so that he may have peace." She ordered softly, waving her hands for people to follow her out. As she moved down the stairs she gave a soft pat at Twilight's shoulder while the other woman rubbed at her cheek with tears in her eyes. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure we can think up something." Rarity coached, smiling slightly as she moved down the stairs and out of the manor. The crowd followed through the stairs, moving past the stunned group of girls. Fluttershy looked back the way her young Master had gone then back to her friends. "G-girls, why don't you go ahead. Let me see if I can't smooth things out with him." She suggested, awkwardly stepping backwards before turning away from them to follow after Spike. "At least I hope I can." She thought to herself. As the last people left the property Fluttershy knocked on the doors to the master bedchamber. "Sir, may I come in?" She asked softly. No sound came from inside but she knew he had retreated to this room once more. She could feel it. Deciding not to try the handle she kneeled down in front of the door, telling Spike she would be here if he needed her. Spike for his part laid in the bed, partially dressed as he had taken off his shirt to let his chest breath a little more. He heard multiple cars and even flaps of wings sound off outside signaling the masses leaving. He stared blankly above at the still slowly rotating fan. "What does one even do in a situation like this?" He thought to himself. A dark voice chuckled in the back of his mind. "Why not take out all this anger on the freak show outside the room? I'm sure she could take a beating or twenty." The voice offered cackling in glee. A lighter voice spoke up with a feeling of a warm breeze. "No! She of all of them is the one that never raised a hand or voice to you. You should speak with her and get her voice on the matter." The voice carrying sincerity. The two voices in Spike's mind squabbled over each other, countering the others previous point till Spike couldn't take it. "Shut up!" He yelled allowed, suddenly hearing humming stop. Fluttershy's voice came from behind the door. "My apologies, I'll stay quiet." He voice soft like a pillow. "God damn it." He grumbled, feeling his stomach growl hungry. "Need to get some questions answered first." He mumbled, grunting as he lifted himself off the bed, stumbling towards the door. Knocking on it he ask "Still there?" already knowing the answer. "Yes Sir." The woman on the other side responded. Looking around the fully repaired master bedchamber Spike sighed before pressing his back against the cool wood of the door. "Can I ask a few questions?" He asked, trying to keep his emotions in check. "All I know is yours Master." Fluttershy answered moments after he asked. Taking a second to gather a list Spike spoke up. "Ok so first set I have. Why do you keep calling me master and sir? Why is this place so important to everyone they would attack someone for living in it even if they had documents saying they owned it." He listed slowly. A few more seconds passed as silence filled the room. As he was about to ask if she was there Shy's voice spoke up. "You are Master because you are the heir to the title. We must bow to you in respect especially from the last wishes of the late Master Drake. This place it is the home of generations of what you could consider holy men and women who wielded powers that could challenge even the gods. It is a sacred place that not just anyone can exist in." She answered each question, a few times her voice hitching in her throat. Thumping his head slightly against the door Spike mulled over what she had said as he selected the next questions he'd want to ask. "At least that explains a little the constant harassments. Not that it makes it ok though..." He thought. "Ok next set. What's the title and it's importance? What other things can I expect while healing in this place? And..." He began before surprising Fluttershy when he opened the door. "Is the kitchen repaired enough to be used?" He finished with a look away from the kneeling woman. Looking up at this man illuminated by the light coming through the windows made Fluttershy's heart skip a beat. He looked just like a younger version of the old master minus a few scars when she had first met him. Smiling wide she slowly raised herself and bowed. "As the successor to the title known as Magi you are labeled as one of the few humans who not only can but ARE allowed to interact with Outers, those being what you'd call people like me and the ones in town. You help guide areas under your control and help in the supplying of Ether to the other side." She began raising a hand when he looked at her confused. "I'll explain that more later Sir but before that other things you can expect are creatures known as ferals. Ferals are Outers who couldn't receive needed ether to control their powers and as such went mad, reverting to a state similar to how our predecessors acted. Also the kitchen is fully functional and stocked. If you'd like I am trained in over four hundred forms of culinary styles and skills." She finished explaining, puffing out her chest slightly in pride. Wincing at a throb in his side Spike looked back to the bottle of medicine on his bed. "Hmmm, ok then let's see what you can do but please just keep it simple and...can you give me some more medicine I think the first set is wearing off." He said, blushing at the memory of how she had to deliver the last one when he was fighting her. Struggling to keep her own blush from forming Fluttershy moved into the room and produced a new syringe from a drawer. "Of course Master." She replied, helping him relax and guiding him once more towards the stairs and into the manor, a large smile on her face while holding the young man close to her side. A few hours had passed since the waking of Spike Drake and his explosive response towards the girls who now sat gathered around a table in a small restaurant. Each looked haggard in their own way. Twilight herself hadn't spoken a word at all in the time between the event and now while Fluttershy still had not returned to them. Pinkie Pie slowly walked up to the table, placing down plates of food and drinks with a small smile. "Come on girls! Don't let this keep us down. We just need to think of a way to make it up to little Drakie." She said happily, with a undertone of hidden sadness. "Maybe he likes the same stuff the old Master liked?" She offered, pulling a notebook from her hair. "Let's see, how about a gun show?" She suggested. Rarity waved her hand at the offer. "No, no, this needs to be more subtle. We can't just barge in there and demand this and that for him to do." She countered, leaning back and tapping her lips with a finger. "It doesn't help I don't know his financial records or his measurements to make a suit. Gods above knows he needs one since the one we found in his suitcase was absolutely atrocious." She added, remembering giving a scream at such an ugly piece of clothing. Raising her head slowly the girls jolted slightly at the red bloodshot eyes Twilight had going. With a hoarse voice Twilight muttered "maybe I should call Lady Sun and Moon?" Her question making the others perk up. Building confidence in their reactions she finally cracked a small smile. "Yeah, that should work. They've been around much longer so they would totally know how to handle a situation like this." Energy building in her voice and body. Slapping her hands down onto the table Twilight stood suddenly. "Come on girls let's go ask the Ladies some questions!" She commanded, moving out of the restaurant with the others quickly following behind although Pinkie lagged slightly as she was putting down money to pay for their orders. The girls scrambled through the town towards a large building with multiple glowing flowers surrounding it and a massive tree on the roof whose roots reached all the way down the walls and into the ground. Producing a key with the sun on one side and the moon on the other Twilight slotted it into the keyhole, giving it a turn. Opening the door showed a swirling portal of colors. One by one the girls stepped through feeling tingles run over their skin. Popping out on the other side they stood now in the middle of a castle courtyard full of towering hedges with flowers of all kind on the edges of the hedges. Candles and small bubbles showing scenes inside floated through the air. "Aww my faithful prodigy! To what do I owe such a visit." A motherly voice asked. Looking one would find a voluptuous woman with sun kissed skin in a flowing white gown and small tilted crown on top of pastel colored hair, sipping gently at a cup of tea floating next to her. On her back was a pair of angelic looking wings as big as she was. "Looking at their state I imagine they screwed up something and need us to fix it." A bored voice interjected before any of the girls could answer. This one belonged to a a woman in a short dark blue skirted dress with striped knee highs. Pale skin clashed with the leathery black wings on her back though they were much smaller then her. A wide sun hat sat tilted over her head. A book floated out of nothing and into her hand as she hovered in the air. Flinching at the statement Twilight clutched at her sleeve as she stepped forward and bowed. "Lady Sun, Lady Moon. We beseech thy to grant wisdom on a matter most dire." She begged, fearing to look at the two. She could see her friends looking away from the two as well. The pale woman frown. "Well spit it out already. The Moon known as Luna does not like waiting." She ordered. The white gowned woman gave a giggle as she raised the tea cup to her lips. "Oh don't rush her. Besides I'm sure it's nothing to serious. The Sun known as Celestia permits you to speak." She said before starting to drink. Twilight shut her eyes as she blurted out "We attacked the heir to the Drake manor and I almost killed him so now he's furious at us." Taking a deep gasp of air she waited for punishment only to hear the sounds of a teacup hitting the ground, shattering into pieces. Peeking up she could see the two beings frozen in place. "Um, Wise ones?" She asked softly. "Oh dear this is a serious problem after all." Celestia spoke, her eyes open wide but no light behind them from the shock. Before anyone could continue a small snow white fox hopped from the flower bushes with a phone in it's mouth. Stopping short of Luna it offered it to the floating woman. Reaching down she took hold of it thanking the creature. "Yes?" She asked, listening into the device. "Mhm... Of course... I understand. Thank you for working on this matter so quickly dear, I will notify the others." Luna spoke quickly into the phone before closing it. Turning to the girls she cleared her throat. "You may be able to avoid punishment for creating such an issue. It seems one of your friends has come to an agreement with the heir. I suggest you go to them quickly now." She explained, snapping a finger to create a portal near them. "Do not screw this up again." She command, flicking her wrist to launch the others with magic through the portal. Celestia looked with a sideways glance at her partner. "Do you think they can fix this?" She questioned. Shrugging before opening her book once more Luna relaxed back into a recline in the air. "Well if they don't we'll just step in to fix it." She answered, licking her thumb to help turn a page. A few moments prior.... Spike wolfed down the soup that had been set in front of him with reckless abandon. Fluttershy sat neatly off to the side giggling slightly at the lack of restraint the young man was showing. "I'm glad you enjoy it Master." She said in joy, clapping quietly. "Mmmmmmm." Was all Spike got out as he breathed for a moment before diving back into the soup. After enough time passed for him to suck up the last drops and pieces. Giving a loud belch he blushed, putting a hand over his mouth. "Sorry about that." He apologized. Humming to herself while producing a napkin she gently dabbed at the corners of the blushing mans face like a mother worrying over her child. "No offense taken Sir. I'm happy to know my skills haven't rusted with lack of use. I'm sure if I made a few more I could make meals even better then this one." Boasting slightly with a grin. Pushing away gently Spike took on a thoughtful look whilst setting his spoon down. "What was he like? My grandfather I mean. I don't even remember the man or even the fact I HAD a grandfather out so far from everything." He softly asked. Fluttershy sat for a moment, one hand resting atop the young man's own. Patting it softly as an idea came to her she stood up, offering help to lift him to his feet. "I think before I answer that, I show you something first." she suggested. Once the both of them were standing she lead him softly by the hand through multiple doors till the moon and starry sky revealed itself to the pair. They had entered into the back of the manor. Spike's mouth hung slightly at the sight of the moon and sky reflecting off the surface of a calm pool. It looked like a massive mirror with how perfectly it shown back what was above as if one could fall into it and into another world. Glowing fireflies flew around them as gentle music played in the air sweetly. Rows upon rows of flowers and trees filled the rest of the yard with paths snaking in and out of view between them. A tug at his sleeve from the large woman lead him deeper into the tree line. "Your grandfather was at the time the most recent holder of the title Magi or more specifically Grand Magi as others held or do hold the first title. He was a man who devoured knowledge of any kind from magic to techniques to even just knitting styles." She began to say, moving with a purpose through the paths. "He was one of the first to help develop proper harvesting of ether, a magical substance this world and the one I come from produces." She said. "Are they the same or is there a difference?" Spike questioned, his curiosity growing slowly. There is a difference! You see in my world a little ether is only a little ether and takes a lot of energy to acquire but your grandfather well." She continued laughing a little at the end. "He figured out how to pull a little ether from earth, your home, and make it produce enough substance to feed millions from my world. He quite literally saved millions from ever having to worry about turning feral. Now those that do are only outcasts or those shunned from our society for horrible crimes." She complimented. "But what was he like and what does it have to do with me?" Spike questioned again, adding a new question on top of the old one. Trying to keep track of the new information given to him. Turning towards him as she slowly walked through a set of trees that moved out of the way on their own to reveal a pavilion with a small spire in the middle. "It has everything to do with you. He was a kind and loving man. Me along with the other girls owed him our lives. He took runts, rejects, failures, and castaways under his wing. He built us up into heads of our respective species. He crafted sanctuaries like this town across the world to help us supply ourselves while keeping the outside world itself away from us. It's one of the reasons we are so suspicious of people who show up." She answered twirling in place. "Sure it's easy to pass through the gate and normal people never notice anything out of the ordinary but let me ask you. Didn't you feel a strange sensation when you got close to the town?" She explained, ending on her own question towards Spike as she walked around the spire and sat on a bench. Thinking back on the drive into town he did remember feeling a tingling sensation over his body at one point. "I mean yeah but I just chocked that up to the breeze and slight cold." He answered, walking slowly around the stone piece. Looking it over he could see strange runes etched into the rock face. "That was the protective barrier set up by your grandfather to help hide how we really look and the magic affecting this land. The fact alone when we unfortunately gathered outside the manor that night you could see our real forms shows the Drake bloodline runs through your veins. He decided out of everyone in your family that you were the only one worthy to succeed in upholding his title. To further the development between Outers and humans." She replied, lowering her head as if in prayer. Raising it once more she continued in a more quiet tone "Although he was not the first human we had contact with. There was a time where a leader of our world made contact with a woman from this world. Everything was going well and we each traded secrets between each other. Magic from our world, technology from yours but it seems the woman had other plans." She explained, looking sadly to the side. Spike listened and he had to admit his curiosity was turning to interest. "She had been spreading the use of magic to a faction she had created in the hopes of training an army to break into our world and purge us with the goal of taking control of both worlds. We fought back and resisted but ultimately were burning through all remaining supplies of ether we had. It seemed all was lost..." She began to tell. Spike's attention was pulled from the spire to the sitting woman, moving closer to kneel to the side of her feet he looked up at her with wide eyes, becoming enthralled by the story like a small kid. "What happened next, did a hero show up?" He asked, resting his hands on her knees. Patting his head with a smile Fluttershy nodded. "You are correct! A hero or rather heroes did show up. Apparently there were those in the woman's faction who did not agree with what they were doing. So to help they snuck us positions, plans, and even what ether they could gather from their side which remember was vastly richer then ours. These people became the first Magi, some where even ancestors of yours. The first ever Drake's." She confirmed, nodding towards the man. With their help we were able to push back against the invaders and for a time we even pushed into this world. Some wanted to go further but the Magi begged we simply close the gates and contact. We agreed and shut off all access to our world while keeping an eye on this one." She told the wide eyed young man. "After a time we opened contact again with the Magi that had stayed in this world and found projects they had been working on to help us further." She happily added. Spike mulled over what he had been told. "So the Magi are...incredibly trusted magic humans?" He questioned, a want to learn more burning inside him. "You see the Magi aren't just humans we teach magic or simple allies in fights." Fluttershy stated, shaking her head. "They are the one true neutral party we can rely on to help in arguments between my people or to help bring more trusted people into contact with us. Your grandfather was the greatest of them all and a treasured individual." She finished, folding her hands in her lap. Spike thought over what he had been told before feeling a whisper in his mind. Turning to the spire he could have sworn he saw lights illuminating the runes. "How important is it that I pick up where my grandfather left off...?" He asked softly. For a time the woman did not answer before sighing. "To be honest your family has had Magi of great skill or importance since the beginning. To not have a Drake fill the role would lead to a major power imbalance that could throw a lot of good people into a bloody war." She finally answered, not wanting to lie to her new master. Spike stared at the spire more, now seeing for sure lights fill in the runes. As if being called to it he stood up and walked to the spire. It rose to just above his stomach. He could feel Fluttershy watching him silently, as if expecting something. Raising a hand he placed it just above the top of the stone where suddenly a spike of light shot up from it into his hand, a dragon encircled in runes appearing at the top of his hand. The light spread, surrounding him as his clothes changed. A long purple tail coat covered his arms, the sleeves rolled to his elbow. A green vest with purple tie covered his torso under the coat as purple slacks appeared on his legs. A cane with a jade dragon head and amethyst length grew from his right. Grabbing the cane he struck the ground, sending sparks scrapping across the ground. Turning with a cocky smile tinged with nervousness he said "No pressure or anything right?" Smiling while wiping a tear from her eye Fluttershy took on the sight of the young man, her mind drawing up the first time she had seen her old master transform. "You look dashing Sir." She complimented. "Listen to me and please listen well. I don't want to repeat myself on this moment." Spike ordered in a moment of seriousness. Once he had her attention he cleared his throat. "I still don't forgive you all for what you did to me. I especially don't forgive the others for attacking me directly though I am giving a softer edge towards you. I want you to contact them and gather them once more for an important offer I wish to make them." He explained, looking away so she couldn't see the scowl on his face. Her smile lessened but nodding all the same she pulled a phone from her chest, dialing quickly into it. "I think I know where they might be. One moment Master." She replied, putting the phone to her ear. After a few moments someone picked up on the other side. "Yes hello? Could you send my friends to me please. Master wishes to speak with them. Yes, thank you very much ma'am." She said quickly, closing the call. "If you could sit next to me Sir. I recommend it for your safety." She suggested softly, patting the spot next to her. Moving as fast as he could with a slight twinge in his side Spike sat next to her, feeling her wrap an arm through his and rest her head on his shoulder after scooting away to make it work, much to his embarrassment. Soon a swirling portal appeared in front of him, startling him. The girls soon were tossed from the portal into a heap in front of him and Shy. Groans of pain and annoyance sounded off from the pile as they undid themselves. "Where are we? Huh, Shy? Spike!?!" Applejack questioned, rubbing her head as she took in the two before scrambling slightly away from the man. "Shy why the heck are you so close to him?" Rainbow asked, looking the two over. "And why is he suddenly wearing such a quality outfit?" Rarity added, looking over the details from a small distance away. After everyone stood untangled Fluttershy cleared her throat before taking on a commanding tone unfit for her image. "Spike Drake has accepted the contract of taking the title Magi. From this point on he is the master of this estate and all the surrounding land connected to it. He is my Master and I will do anything for him. He also wishes to say something to you all." The second she got out the statement her appearance shrank behind her hair in slight fear. Tapping the cane Spike took their attention away from the woman at his side and onto him. "I want to preface this before anything else. I don't like any of you. In fact one could say I adamantly hate you. BUT!" He began, watching their heads hang as he talked before perking up. "Thanks to Fluttershy here on explaining a few things I have seen SOMETHING of an understanding behind your actions against me thus...I am extending a one time offer for you to take back up your positions you held within this house and to work under me as you did with my grandfather. This will be your chance to TRY and work back even to a neutral position with me." He said, a frown clear on his face. Twilight stepped forward but frozen when he whipped his attention to her. "Is this offer serious. Even after what we did?" She asked quietly. "Again, let me be clear. I do not like you nor anyone in this town. Even Shy here is not forgiven but she is on a higher standing because she saved me from the fall and spent the time to heal and talk to me even through my harsh words and actions against her." He lectured, leaning back in the bench. "So what's your answers?" He asked to the girls. "Can't be helped." Applejack replied, taking off her hat and kneeling to one knee. Her head bent downwards. "If it means making up for what we did and possibly becoming friends I'm all for it." Pinkie Pie happily chirped, bouncing around before dropping to one knee. "My apologies for my crude actions prior. I hope I can show I am a true lady." Rarity said, kneeling down. Rainbow looked at the others in disbelief before at the man. "You won't order anything weird for us to do or abuse us right?" She asked, fidgeting in place. Raising an eyebrow at the question Spike shook his head. "I'm not an animal. I just want you to do the functions you did for my grandfather but now with me." Spike answered. On hearing his reply Rainbow slowly kneeled in front of him like the others had done. Twilight was stunned at what was happening. She was sure it would have taken longer to get back into the house yet here Fluttershy had worked her way into this mans heart just enough to offer kindness to those that had harmed him. Kneeling slowly she said "My life is in your hands. Do with it as you please to repay the debt." Shy stood and twirled in place to face the seated man. Dropping to a knee she smiled through her hair with a blush. "Whatever Master commands I will obey. No questions asked." She answered. With them all kneeling in front of him Spike leaned forward onto his knees, the cane in his lap. " Then first order of business is calling the town back to finish fixing up this place." He ordered, his hands just in front of his mouth hiding a growing smile. > Let's Start Slow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bashing of hammers on wood broke through the air early in the morning. Some shouting could be heard outside of the open window. Grumbling at the loud wake up Spike turned in his bed, pulling the bed sheets up over his head as he snuggled deeper into some large pillows at his side. Sighing in comfort he nuzzled into the pillows while kneading at them. A soft giggle and shift seemed to come from the pillows making him open his eyes. He noticed quickly the distinct lack of fabric on the pieces he was resting his head on. Looking upwards he saw Fluttershy's face hidden partially by her hair with a large smile and blush on her features. "Good morning Master. I'm glad to know my body is comforting for you." She cooed, stroking at the back of his head softly. Another hand tracing circles on his shoulder. "Bah!?!" He cried out in confusion, jumping back across the bed and off, falling to the floor. "Ow..." could be heard from where he fell. "Oh dear. You must be careful Master. My healing is top notch but it's not immediate. You are still healing." She said, scooting to the edge to peek at the prone man. "Need assistance Sir?" She asked, cocking her head cutely to the side. Looking from his position upwards Spike couldn't help stare at the woman above him. "Damn, why is she so cute." He grumbled in his mind, dragging himself back up while waving a hand in dismission. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He answered before his eyes rested on her bountiful body squished against the bed. Averting his eyes he stuttered out "Pl-please p-put some...some clothes on." Looking down at her body Fluttershy cocked her head. "Am I too distracting in this form Sir? Your grandfather didn't mind it since my race doesn't consider clothes really needed other than for events." She asked, pulling the ribbon out from her hair once more. Turning his back to the woman Spike rested his head in his hands. "Listen just... please for now put some clothes on. I'm still not even used to the idea of letting people take care of me especially people in your guy's positions." He explained, scratching at his cheek as he moved to grab a shirt. Once her outfit had appeared on Fluttershy rushed over to Spike's position saying "Oh no Sir! Let me help dress you!" Reaching for the shirt, grabbing ahold. "Hey! I can dress myself you know." He complained, tugging against the woman. The two moved around the room but Spike's foot landed awkwardly on a loose shoe sending both him and Fluttershy to the ground with a thud. The rest of the girls appeared at the door in slight looks of panic at the noise the two were making only to see a scene of Spike on the floor being smothered by Fluttershy's chest with his hands on her hips. "What in tarnation are you two doing?" Applejack demanded, moving closer to pull the large woman off the man. "Listen Shy I know he's a younger man and the Master but you can't just jump his bones like this even if he orders you too. At least I hope he didn't order you too." She teased, shooting a look at the blushing man. Fluttershy stammered to the point one would think steam was rising off her head. "N-no wait! It's... it's not what yo- you are thinking." Pushing her face into her hands. Spike tapped on her thing rapidly. "Can't breath." He wheezed, her lower body resting just on his stomach and chest. With the help of Applejack pulling her off he let in a deep breath before coughing as he stood slowly. "Holy cow, thought for sure I was going to die from that." He said, bracing on his knees. "Don't know how guys can say they want to die being crushed by a woman." He muttered. Luckily for him only Applejack heard who gave a slight chuckle at the statement. "Well since you're awake now Boss, want to go over what we talked about last night?" She offered, patting her friend on the back before turning fully towards the man. The others walking up behind her. Taking the time to look them over Spike spotted the different outfit styles they had chosen. Fluttershy was in her French maid uniform once again, blushing and hiding in her hair. Rarity and Rainbow to his surprise were in suits. Rarity's a pure white suit with purple accents and shirt underneath, fully pressed and buttoned up. While Rainbow's was a cyan blue with a grey shirt underneath, unbuttoned but still clean. Pinkie Pie rocked back and forth in her own maid outfit similar to Shy's although this one was covered in glitter and the fabric had a pink coloring to it instead of black. Twilight seemed dressed in a frilled secretaries uniform with pencil skirt and blouse, Her hair was in a bun with two pencils pressed through it. Applejack stood out more then the others as she still had her hat and boots on but was walking in full jeans and a tucked in flannel shirt. Seeing them all standing in front of him made him slightly uncomfortable in the way one would feel being looked upon by a crowd. "L-listen so...I want you all to show me what an average day here is like if that's possible with repairs still going on." He said, pulling the shirt over his bandaged chest. The girls looked between themselves nodding their heads as they talked with each other. "Easy enough. The rooms the Master used are already repaired." Twilight said, bringing a finger to her chin. "Is there anything else we can do for you Sir?" She asked, leaning forward slightly while tilting her head. Thinking for a moment Spike asked "I don't believe I know your full names. What are they?" Pinkie Pie hopped forward in glee. "Oh, oh, I can answer that!" She exclaimed, a large smile on her face. She began to direct Spike's attention to each girl as she hopped by them. "You have Rainbow Dash, Applejack which by the way Apple is more of a clan name style incase you were wondering, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy Kijin, Twilight Sparkle, and of course me Pinkie Pie!" She listed quickly. Spike nodded along with them as he took in the information. "Good, now I actually know more about who I'm dealing with." He thought to himself when an idea came to him. Spike became noticeably quiet before a very faint voice said "Could you show me your forms?" "What'd you say?" Rainbow loudly said, leaning in with an ear. "If you are going to give orders we actually have to hear you Boss." She stated. Fidgeting in place Spike looked to Shy with a worried look before gesturing for her to come closer. Once she leaned in he whispered to her. "Is it like wrong or something special to ask to see your other form?" He asked, worry in his voice. Fluttershy felt her heart squeeze from the cuteness that was his concern of offending. Leaning away she shook her head with a giggle while transforming. "No Sir. It's perfectly ok to want to see our other forms." She explained gently like a teacher. "Girls if you could do the same please." She softly ordered. The others gave small giggles as they connected what he had mumbled with Fluttershy's order. Each began to shift and change quickly in front of Spike. Fluttershy stood now at close to ten feet tall. Her body having swelled and grown, stretching the outfit to it's limits. A large horn grew from her forehead, curving slightly backwards. A sharp grin and air of confidence coming off of her. Sliding up next to the now much smaller man she traced a finger along his chest. "Am I satisfying enough Master or would you prefer to see more?" She questioned, tugging lightly at a string that holds the chest piece of her outfit tight. The closeness and sudden boost of confidence and directness the woman was showing left Spike speechless. "Ah wah huu..." Was all that came out of his mouth. A clawed hand covered in orange fur pulled the large Oni away. "Sorry 'bout that. Shy get's a bit aggressive when she's in her Outer form." a southern voice growled slightly. Turning one would find Applejack now looking like a werewolf. Her muscles clearly bulged against her clothes. She hadn't grown in height but he could tell she held strength. "Gah, I forgot to take off the jacket!" Rainbow suddenly cried out in annoyance. Looking at her showed clumped up feathers poking out where her hands used to be and clawed talons where her feet were, a pair of shoes kicked to the side. Ripping off her jacket let loose a massive set of wings for arms colored in layers of a rainbow she sighed in contentment. "Ahhh much better." Pinkie Pie reached down and picked up the discarded jacket, neatly folding it as her skin started to slosh off her while changing hue color into pink. Soon she was partially see through with a almost gelatinous form, a few items floating where her hair used to be. "Come on Dashie, you should know by now to always take off your coat before changing." She said with a giggling snort, her entire body bouncing from her movement. His mouth slightly open Spike looked to the others until his eyes landed on Rarity stripping down to which his jaw dropped full. "Uhhhh, what are you doing?" He asked, putting a hand over his eyes so as to not see anything important. Scoffing slightly Rarity dropped her bra to the side. "Oh Darling this is nothing, You should see my mother. That woman leaves nothing to the imagination." She divulged easily, striking a pose. "Feel free to look, You are my Darling after all and I can feel you won't do anything without permission anyways." She maintained with a calm tone. Despite his best resistance Spike looked to find what looked like a thin piece of fabric winding itself across her body to cover her intimate parts. Starting from her left hand and ending at her right foot. He could see a forked narrow tail twirling softly behind her while her head had a pair of horns curling around her ears on top of her hair still in it's original curly form. Coughing into his hand he gestured to the girls absently. "I'm guessing Rainbow here is one of the harpies, Pinkie is a slime, and you are a succubus..." He said before getting a nervous expression. "Um, I know this is probably inaccurate but you don't...ya know suck life force or force people to do things with ya do you?" He added towards Rarity. Snapping her fingers a nail file appeared for her to grab, working on her fingers. "Simple answer no I don't do that nor do other Succubi Or incubi thanks to feeding on ether. Longer answer though being we can do many things to gain sustenance but yes most go the sexual route. As for me I much prefer when my partner gives consent. Makes the flavor much more enjoyable." She answered, extending her hand out to look at her long nails before going back to working on them. Satisfied with that answer that actually calmed but also confused slightly Spike turned to the last girl Twilight to find her fidgeting in her place. "Is something wrong?" He ventured, Looking at her with mild annoyance and confusion. Tapping her fingers together Twilight looked down and to the side with a blush. "Um, I don't really get into my Outer form in front of others. Even Mister Leandros never saw me transform. He'd always look away for me too." She confessed, flinching expecting backlash. Spike for his part put aside his uncomfortability and other feelings in this moment to approach her. Rubbing at the bridge of his nose he sighed heavily. "Listen, I already promised you guys I wasn't going to order you to do things you didn't want to or abuse you. I just want you guys to treat me the way you did my grandfather. So if he didn't look when you transformed because it made you feel uncomfortable then I can leave the room to let you do it and come back in if you don't want too." He explained. The others gave rise against him leaving and that she as a servant under him should be the one for proper etiquette only to be stopped when he raised a hand. "I want this to be understood well. I honestly don't care about the whole master servant thing. If you all suddenly dropped the master, boss, or darling thing and started calling me just by my name I wouldn't really bat an eye at it. But I also have a few points you should know." He began to lecture, turning to look at them all. "When I make a promise I keep it so don't expect the one I made you to be broken so easily. I'm also not heartless. I still have issues with all of you especially this one." He continued, pointing a thumb at Twilight who hunched slightly, already knowing what he meant. "And even though I have those issues I'm not going to force people, even those I have issues with, into spots they don't want to be in, because that would make me no better than trash so! If you want Twilight." He finished, turning to look back at the woman. "I will now leave the room as it makes it easier for you to fill the request." He directed, moving to leave the room. The others were stunned as they hadn't expected this kind of characteristic to exist in this man. Twilight tapped her fingers rapidly as he shifted around when before she could think her hand grabbed his shirt. "Wait...You don't have to leave but um please don't look till I finish." She muttered, her head feeling dizzy at what she was about to do. Spike for his part resisted the urge to slap her hand away, resting his arms folded across his chest. "Take your time I guess." He allowed, closing his eyes as a breeze seemed to push against his back after she let go. "O-ok you can look now." He heard quietly behind him. Turning showed Twilight in the same outfit he had seen on the night when everyone attacked him. The large witch hat had a bend at the top of it with small bells silently shifting when she moved. A white frilled blouse for a shirt was held tight by a corset that showed her slim figure off more while drawing attention to her hips that flared out wider covered by a black long skirt that seemed to lay longer on one side then the other. "I'm what would be called a witch or warlock depending on gender." She explained. The sight of her caused him to instinctively to take a step backwards. He could see everyone's reactions on his movement, each gaining their own look of sadness or embarrassment. Closing his eyes he steadied his heart, breathing in and out before reopening them. With a tight lip he nodded in appreciation towards the girls. "Thank you for showing me this. I figured it would be best to get used to these types of things early on if I'm to deal with Outers more often." He quietly said before clapping his hands together. "If it's awkward to work in those forms here you obviously don't need to keep them up for me. Now on to the meat of today! I would like you all to take me through a day in the life of a Grand Magi or rather as close as you can while I try not to freak out to much about this." He commanded, doing his best to put up a professional air. The girls looked at each other before nodding. Only Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash stayed the way they were while the others reverted to their human forms. Stepping forward Fluttershy bowed while gesturing to the door. "If you will then, Master, it is time for breakfast. I'll keep it simple if you so desire." She suggested, smiling at the young man with a massive blush. "i might suggest putting your shirt on though." She softly added. "What?" He thought looking down at himself. "OH GEEZ!" He yelled in shock, much to the girls enjoyment. Once he slipped his shirt on he moved out of the room with the others following. Rarity moved next to him while buttoning and tucking her clothes into place. "The normal order of a day with the Grand Magi consists of three major points. First being meals and supplies at specific times to always make sure Darling isn't ever wanting. That's handled by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Second is going over documents, finances, project plans. That parts my specialty. Third and finally is training and experiments. That one is mixed between AJ and Rainbow Dash as they shift patrol times. Twilight handles experiments you wish to conduct and magic you wish to learn or find." Striding neatly while making a folder appear, flipping through a few pages. Spike looked at a few people who were staring as they passed by. "So basically Pinkie and Shy are the main house care force, AJ and Dash are security, while you and Twilight are paperwork." He tried to summarize receiving a nod of approval. "Exactly Darling though with you knowing nothing means we will have to handle things till you reach an acceptable level of knowledge to run things yourself. Our jobs were primarily support to your grandfather. Even while on his death bed that man didn't want to let go of more stressful things." She explained, sighing in memory of the late Magi. "By the way Boss do ya know how to fight hand to hand or do we need to add that to your schedule?" Rainbow inquired. "Your body at least shows you don't skip working out that much. Of course we could shred a few pounds and build some nice definition on you." She critiqued, flexing a bicep. Rolling his eyes Spike looked over his shoulder as he moved down the stairs. "For your information I do work out regularly and yes I know how to fight. I took boxing and muay thai for a few years but it has been a while and I'm guessing from your question that I'll need to fight people. I'll admit I've never been in a real fight, I try to avoid them." He replied. "By the way how much longer will it take to repair this place fully? It already looks like it's made a lot of progress." He asked the group. Twilight answered first with "We should be finished in two to three days. When you signed the contract this place began to repair itself to better fit your style as you are the official owner." She took on a sadder tone when she add "The reason it looked so bad when you got here was because the loss of the contract between your grandfather and here..." The rest of the group gained a noticeable dreariness around them while Spike stopped in the main hall to look around. Remembering what he had said to them about how the place had fallen into disrepair he began to scratch at his cheek. "Listen um...sorry about that time I said about how this place looked. I now understand a little more why it looked that way and it was wrong of me to say it in front of you all." He apologized, not looking at any of them. They looked to each other in surprise before looking back at the man. Small smiles grew on their faces as Fluttershy stepped forward, patting his cheek. "It's ok. We understand you didn't know and the fact you even wanted to fix the place even if it would have just been yourself shows us you also care." She brushed off sweetly. "Now let's get some food for you all!" She happily urged, moving swiftly down the hall. The group entered into the massive dining hall that Spike had passed through when he first arrived at the manor. While taking a seat, Pinkie and Fluttershy disappeared behind a side door. The remaining girls chatted amongst themselves over small things while Spike listened in. His attention peaked when he heard Applejack's family was having problems with a farm of theirs in the town. Rarity's boutique fashion business was needing new life to be thrown into it. While Rainbow Dash was struggling from lack of new courses to try her flying on. Twilight seemed to be the only one content as the Library was handled by the town. Soon the side door opened once again to reveal the two missing women carting in trays of food, laying them along the table with expert movements. "Here you are Master, first servings." Pinkie Pie offered, placing a large plate with sizzling bacon and fluffy pancakes in front of him. Grabbing a fork he slowly took a bite of the pancakes, chewing them slowly. The girls looked to him expectantly when he suddenly started to dive into the food with reckless abandon. The others gave smiles, happy he was enjoying the food though Rarity tried to put up a show of disgust at his actions though even she had on a grin. The group enjoyed their meals. Once everything was eaten the two who cooked the meal bowed to Spike. "We gotta go! This place won't keep itself clean for long and we can't have out new Master living in a dirty home." Pinkie Pie waved, disappearing in a flash of speed out a door. Fluttershy took a slower rate on leaving, waving silently to the remaining group as she left through a different door. AJ and Rainbow Dash stood both talking about needing to patrol the area but they'd be back in time for any training that Spike may need leaving only Twilight and Rarity with the young man. The two had smiles but one could see a slight sweat building when they felt the young man turn his attention to them. For a time no one said a thing and the two thought that maybe now was when he was going to let loose his held emotions on them. Both jolted when Spike stood up and walked along the table, sitting down between them. It became clear to both of them that even he was feeling nervous at being left alone with them. Coughing slightly Spike straightened himself up, nodding towards the two. "Ok, I want to keep as professional as I can with this situation so...Can you please teach me about Outers more, How to use magic, and what are the proper steps one must take when dealing with higher standing people from your side. Fluttershy already tells me you all are respective heads of your species." He laid out slowly, folding his hands into his lap. The two blinked in unison at what he just said before feeling themselves deflate. They had let themselves get worked up over nothing. Rarity waved a hand over her finished dishes making it all disappear. "I think I know where to begin Darling." he started, tapping the table to create a image of multiple creatures. "Outers are defined by groups with each having their own hierarchy. There are three groups. Each can do what the other can but one group will be better at one thing than another by quite a bit. except for a specific group." She explained. "Do these groups have a name?" Spike inquired, looking at the images in wonder. It was like a three dimensional version of people. "Officially no as it's not what one would say legally defined but through just years of build up it has many unofficial names. Simple versions like this group." She answered, pulling a werewolf image to the front. "Werewolves belong to the group sometimes called Strung. This group is known for their might and strength. Oni are also part of it including some dragons. But then.." She continued, flicking a succubus and witch to the front now. "These two are part of the groups some call Dran. Dran are known for their magic skills that few can rival but they aren't as physically strong." She described. Thinking over it Spike pointed out two that looked like an angel and a demon. "Where do these two fall into? Are they part of the third group?" He observed. Twilight spoke up this time. "Correct, they are part of the God-born. We have many gods that walk the world and as such sometimes they have children. Keep in mind the angels and demons aren't like the ones from religions of this world but those are the titles that fit best." She lectured before getting a proud air around her. "My teacher actually is a angel herself! One of the most powerful in fact. She controls the sun in our world." She boasted, a look of admiration on her face. "Got it so be careful not to piss anyone off especially these God-born." Spike voiced. Rarity leaned back in her seat with a nod. "Correct. Now at the moment a few species are the top of these groups but this part changes a bit every few decades or so depending on next generations strengths. At the moment Oni, Witches, and Angels are at the top of their respective groups with Werewolves, Succubi, and Demons pulling just behind. Slimes and Harpies belong in the Strung group just behind Werewolves." Rarity listed, raising a finger for each race listed. "Wait hold on for a moment." Spike suddenly interjected. "I know Shy said you guys have risen to be heads of your respective species and races but does that mean you all are princess' or something? Why are you working here?" He questioned looking between the two. They looked to each other before bursting out into laughter for what felt like minutes. Gaining her breath Twilight waved her hands while still giggling. "No you have it all wrong. Our parents are the ones in charge it's just that we all used to be considered failures by the families. Your grandfather saw something in us and helped us reach our goals, gave us proper teachings, and didn't give up on us." She explained with a wave. "Basically as quote unquote heads of our different people it just means when our parents pass down their positions it will most likely go to us. Keep in mind they don't have to we are just the most likely candidates." She finished. Hanging his head in relief Spike let out a breath. "Ok got it, got it. Now about magic, how does that work?" He said, moving on to the next thing. "Simple, just like this!" Twilight happily beamed, summoning a ball of fire above her finger. Spike dived out of the chair, knocking Rarity out of her own seat in his scramble to escape away from Twilight. "Ahhhh!" He screamed in fear, his body reacting before his mind could even read the situation. Twilight waved a hand to cancel the spell. "Shit! Bad spell to start with! Stupid, stupid, stupid." She mentally scolded, helping Rarity up before moving towards the cowering man under the table. "I'm sorry Sir. I wasn't thinking when I did that, my sincere apologies." She begged, moving to kneel in the hopes of looking at Spike but instead feeling a hand on her shoulder. Looking back she could see Rarity shaking her head at her. Understanding the message she stepped back to let the other woman handle things. As Rarity knelt down she could hear slight whimpering coming from the shaking body. "Poor Darlings scarred. It's our fault too. Can't believe I thought we were making amends so quickly." She thought to herself. Looking at him she soothed "Come out little one. Don't be afraid, it was a lack of forethought. I promise Twilight only wished to show you the wonders magic can provide." She reached slowly, just barely touching his body. "Stop it!" He cried out, scrambling further away. "I-I don't want to learn about magic. I just want to be left alone!" His outcry range uniquely in Rarity's head. Looking at the young man her concerns at what she was thinking grew even further. "How old even is he? He can't be much older then twenty. He's practically still a child being pushed into the role of a leader." She commented in her head. Letting out a breath Rarity sat down on the ground to look under the table at the shaking young man. She could see his face on the verge of tears. Taking a deep breath to ready herself Rarity began to speak. "Master Spike, as the Magi you must learn how to use magic. You can consider it a sort of job requirement. Clearly the torment we put you through is fresh in your mind and it shames me to not have noticed the brave façade you've been holding since yesterday. This all must be turning your life completely on it's head and I apologize." She said, reaching a hand a little in front of her. "Please come out from under the table. We will stop with any more information involving magic and our world for a time until you are comfortable to talk about things. I know this is asking more than you should ever give someone like me but please trust me..." She finished, staring directly at the man. Shaking in place Spike listened to every word she said and he had to admit it sounded tempting but a large part of him was screaming for him to just run out back to his truck and leave this place. But when he looked into the seated woman's eyes he could see clearly that she meant what she had said with her heart. Slowly like a scared animal approaching a strangers hand he crawled under the table to her hand, resting his own in it. "You mean it...?" He softly spoke, like a person trying to stay quiet or else their world would be blown away. Rarity felt her heart grip at the sight of this person in front of her. "I promise. We can just bring you to the others to see how the property is doing. No talks of magic, no talks of Outers. Just a stroll and seeing the freshly planted flowers." She promised, nodding her head. Slowly but surely she worked him out from under the table when to her surprise he clung to her tightly in a fearful hug. Frowning at the sight Twilight knew she caused she pulled out a phone and dialed Applejack's number. The phone rang before sending itself to voicemail. "Huh, that's strange..." She muttered, looking at the device. "Is something wrong Twilight?" Rarity asked, slowly working Spike to let go. Shaking her head she replied "I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe they just got caught up in a contest again." but on finishing that statement a loud crash filled the air. The three moved to the window where they could make out a large dust cloud coming from near the forest. A howl soon followed the crash like a wolf getting injured. "Is that Applejack?" Spike asked, worry setting into his heart. "Most likely." Twilight answered, rushing for a door while a circle filled with runes appeared at her side. A broom was pulled from the space and soon Twilight disappeared only to be seen flying through the sky on said broom. Turning to the still shaken young man Rarity gave him an order. "Stay here Darling. We will be back soon. If anything weird gets close just yell for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie." Once she said what she needed she also ran for the same door leaving Spike alone to watch from the window. "B-but wait!" He called out but no one was listening. Fear and panic began to set in his chest as another howl tore though the air. Soon after a screech like a birds pierced outwards. His mind filled quickly with worst case scenarios as he paced back and forth. "What do I do?" He muttered. "There's nothing I can do, is there?" He mumbled. A large fireball lit up the sky causing the ground to shake. On spotting it something inside of Spike sparked. "I'm going to regret this aren't I?" He questioned to the world, rushing for the door. Applejack clutched at her shoulder to slow the bleeding. Rainbow lay bent over Twilight's broom which was circling above in the air while Rarity turned in circles to keep an eye on the trees. "This is bad girls. We weren't ready for them to show up this quickly after him taking up the contract." She shouted to her friends. "Forget me and just go grab the guy and run. He's who they're after." She ordered, waving her good arm at Rarity. Cracking a whip Rarity glanced at her friend. "I'm sorry dear but he's unfortunately not in the best state to be moved and I can't leave well alone a friend in a time of need." She countered, poising with the whip above her head before striking a shadow that moved in her peripheral. A growl filled the air. "You best not get dirt on my clothes. They take forever to clean just right." She targeted the hidden enemy. "Watch out Rares! There are at least seven near you!" Twilight shouted from he perch above. "Is the barrier weakened because Spike hasn't fully accepted the title?" She thought, doing her best to not lose sight of the targets. Applejack watched her friends fight to defend her, anger and annoyance at getting hurt flaring inside her. Being so caught up in her own mind she didn't notice one of the enemies approaching behind her till a growl and the sounds of breaking branches sounded off behind her. Turning her world slowed as she watched claws extend outwards from the hands of a savage looking werewolf, it's fangs bared, already dripping blood. "So this is how I die, alone and without a mate. This sucks." Was her thought process as she faced the monster lunging at her. Crunch! A knee flew into the face of the monster sending it flying into the tree line to her right. Standing in front of her was a shaking and heavily breathing Spike. "BOSS?" She yelled in disbelief. "Can someone tell me what the actual FUCK I just kneed?" Spike shouted, his eyes landing on the bleeding Applejack. "Holy shit AJ!" He yelled, rushing to her side. A growl came from the woods as the werewolf Spike kneed slowly walked out. Applejack looked at it with an annoyed expression. "Well Sir... That would be a feral. And an alpha of a pack at that." She explained, struggling to stand. Spike looked at the creature and gulped. "We can't talk our way out of this can we?" He hoped. "Nope." Was the only reply he got from the blonde woman as she tranformed into her Outer form. Looking around he spotted the others who were now noticing him. Focusing his attention back onto the creature only one thought passed through his head at the situation he just dragged himself into "Fuck." > The Dragons Cry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ducking as a clawed paw ripped through a tree behind him Spike gave a small outcry in shock. Diving to the side he barely dodged a snap of jaws at his head. Scrambling back up he looked just in time to see Applejack collide with the alpha that was taking shots at him. He knew before the fight even built up that Applejack would lose what with all of her fur covered in blood from the large slash across her shoulder. Around him he could hear Twilight and Rarity fighting off the other ferals around them. "What do I do? What do I do?" He thought in a panic. A scream broke his thoughts as the alpha bit down on Applejack's wound. His mind emptied again like it had when he decided to rush in the first time. Panicked breathing escaped his lungs as he sprinted across the small distance, climbing on top of the alpha. Gripping the edges of its mouth he worked with all his strength slowly loosening its grip on AJ's shoulder. Once she was able to yank her shoulder back out Applejack nodded towards Spike. "Thanks Boss!" She said, stretching her good arm back before shoving into the open jaws of the wild enemy. Forcing her hand down it's throat to scratch and tear at its insides. As it squirmed from the attacks AJ laughed out. "What? Didn't you like my taste just a moment ago?" She goaded. Spike strained to keep the monster's mouth open through this exchange. "Applejack, pull your fist out now!" Spike shouted as he felt himself losing his grip. Just as she pulled her fist back out he lost ahold, instead shifting his hands around the neck of the monster. "Where the hell are Fluttershy and Pinkie pie when you need them!?" He shouted in annoyance, being thrashed around on the back of the large werewolf. A large cat-like body was thrown through the air just past his body causing Spike and the monster to stop for a second to look in the direction it came from. Standing in the Morning rays of sunlight a furious and slightly smoking Fluttershy stood bent slightly over. Her horn curved outwards with a large pink flame bursting from the tip. She seemed to suck in the air around her as if to let none exist before billowing at the top of her lungs “I'LL SHRED EVERY ONE OF YOUR BASTARD THAT LAY EVEN A HAIR ON MY MASTER!!!" Before diving into two ferals that had been pushing Rarity back. They stood no chance as she gored one with her horn, scorching it to cinders while the other was crushed between her enlarged hands. The alpha Spike was awkwardly riding start to shake and whip itself around to get him off faster as Fluttershy tore her way closer and closer with each feral. Spike held on for dear life until he noticed the alpha angling himself a certain way. "Oh god please no..." He muttered as the alpha threw itself towards a tree to crush Spike between it and the monster. Spike closed his eyes ready for pain to shoot through him but instead found himself striking something soft and malleable. Peeking with one eye he found a pink shifting smile aimed back at him. "Hiya Spikey! I didn't know you liked rodeo?" Pinkie Pie said, shifting her body around Spike and pulling him away from the alpha. Setting him to the side Pinkie adjusted her position to be between the enemy and her master. "Let us handle things now. Thanks for looking out for Applejack by the way." She thanked, shooting a hand outwards into the monster's face, covering its mouth and nose. As it struggled to tear off the slime she smiled again at the shaking young man. "I'll make a nice big cake as a proper thanks after we clean this all up. How's that sound?" She offered. Without waiting for a reply she moved closer to the feral, slowly working her body into surrounding the creature as it struggled to breath. "Be careful!" Spike called after the energetic slime girl, a hand raised in concern. Twilight watched from her position above as she noted the turning of the battle. "Ok, things are going our way now." She thought to herself. Spotting Spike off to the side she shifted her broom to dive for the frozen man. A rush of air pushed her off course. "What the heck?" She questioned, looking around. A small group of harpies with some missing feathers snickered in her direction. They circled her and with each passing closing the circle further. A grunt behind Twilight made her turn to see Rainbow Dash raising her head. "Damn chicks... Think they're hot shit for ganging up on me." She grumbled, dropping off Twilight's broom to hover next to her. "Hey Twi, help me fry these chickens up so we can help the others faster." She ordered, lightning sparking from the tips of her feathers. Twilight didn't answer as she summoned fireballs to float around her. The two flew in opposite directions each taking half of the circling harpies. Twilight sped her fireballs into rotating wheels of flame. Chasing after her group she couldn't help enjoy the squawks of fear they gave off at her flaming image. "Take this you shit birds! Attack my home will you?" She cackled, engulfing the fleeing monsters. With torched feathers they each quickly fell to the earth. Bolts of lightning leaped off the rushing Rainbow Dash as she charged into the first harpy. It's form lit up and one might even see it's skeleton underneath from the energy being shoved into its body. As it's smoking form dropped she flew feet first into the next harpy, sending it rocketing into the tree line. The third one flapped its wings at a furious beat to escape from the grinning Outer girl. "What? Not feeling like the hot shit you thought you were a second ago anymore?" Rainbow boasted, lightning charging above her head. With a flap she shot her wings forward at the fleeing target. The held lighting lashed out, arching through the air at blinding speed into the back of the monster. An outcry cut short as the body fell down. The two gathered back together as they looked to the battle on the ground. They could see Rarity standing on a pile of ferals, each chirping or whimpering in submission to her. The Alpha had fallen thanks to Pinkie Pie's work but a new problem had risen. "Raaaahhh!" Fluttershy shouted, ripping a tree from the ground to get at a cowering feral. Her form had warped and changed into a darkened black shell over her normally yellow fur that her oni form had. The pink fire at the tip of her horn had roared into a raging flame, igniting the tree line above as she tore through the landscape. Applejack stood nearby trying to calm her but to no avail. "Girls! She's going feral!" She yelled at the others, a swing from the raging oni sending her flying through some trees. "Ah, fudge sticks that hurts." The southern girl groaned, lifting herself from under a tree. Spike's heart dropped at the statement. "Feral? But I thought that only happened when Outers didn't get ether. Why would she go feral?" He asked in confusion looking to Rarity and Pinkie Pie nearby. When the two looked away his mind raced for an answer, finding one rather quickly. "My grandfather passed away long enough that you guys didn't have anymore to get." He said, his form drooping. "No, they would have told me that if it were the case." He tried to reason with himself. "Plus I'm the new contract holder so shouldn't ether have been produced by now?" He added, his thoughts running wild. Until one thought struck him. "Wait...how is ether even made? Do I need to know magic to make it happen?" He questioned himself, realizing that his inability to listen during the magic lesson earlier this morning probably would have touched on the ether problem. He also remembered he had been out cold after the attempt at his removal thus spending even more of the already low remaining ether storage. Fluttershy gave another outcry as she slammed the feral she had been chasing into the ground, cratering the ground. Tossing the body to the side she seemed to sniff at the air, whirling her attention towards Spike. "Feeeeeeed!" She roared, rushing across the ground on all four. "Please stop!" Spike begged, holding his hands outwards towards the charging rabid woman. As she bore down on his position, swinging a massive hand at him he felt a cool rope wrap around his waist. A tug followed sending him into the air and away from the attacking oni. "Whoooaaa!" He cried out as he flew through the air. The rope left his body as he sailed through the air, allowing him to see it had been Pinkie who had pulled him from the danger. Rainbow dived at his flying form, grabbing his arms with her talons. "Gotcha boss. Lets get you away from here before you get into more trouble." She coached, turning her form to fly them away from Fluttershy. Spike squirmed and thrashed. "No, we have to try and stop her before she hurts herself or others."  He countered, struggling in her grip. "Hey, hey, easy Boss. I'd be in pretty hot water with the others if I accidently dropped ya." Rainbow warned before continuing. "Besides there's nothing you can do. Once an Outer goes feral they can't be turned back. Best thing we can do is put her down quickly so she doesn't suffer."  Rainbow's voice sounded matter of fact but Spike felt her talons squeeze a little tighter on his arms. "Even your grandpa couldn't figure out how to reverse the change and he was the top dog in terms of magic." She tried to reason. "I don't care! Take us back right now. That's an order from your Boss." He shot back. "Out of all of you she tried the hardest to patch things up so the least I can do is try the same. Even if it's just calming her down." He explained. When Rainbow continued in the direction they had been flying he begged her one last time. "Please." His voice was soft. Rainbow racked her mind for a counter but couldn't think of one without insulting the young master. "Rahhh fine! But you better tell the others this was your idea so they don't yell at me." She finally agreed in annoyance, shifting her wings to circle back the way they had come. After Spike had been taken away Rarity and Pinkie Pie stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the rampaging Fluttershy. "Fluttershy darling, I'm so sorry you had to turn while trying to protect the master. Please don't hate us for what we have to do." Rarity apologized, thrusting her whip forwards to wrap it around Fluttershy's throat. Fluttershy grabbed the whip, yanking as hard as she could. As Rarity flew towards her she shot a fist forward meeting Rarity's stomach with a small shockwave. Rarity couldn't help vomit over the outstretched arm as her vision blackened briefly. "Feed!" the crazed oni roared once more, stepping on to the prone succubus in the direction of Spike's last direction. Pinkie Pie rushed in, repeating what she had done with the alpha. Her mouth had twisted into a frown as she felt her friend choke from the forced feeding. She felt Fluttershy swipe at her form, forcing her to open her body to make the strike miss. "Please Shy. Just go to sleep." She begged sadly. She could feel her friend's actions slowing down until with a groan she felt the larger woman fall to her knees and collapse. Pulling herself out she watched as AJ and Twilight moved to stand next to her. "Well... she's unconscious now." She stated coldly, shifting into her human form. Her hair had basically deflated into straight length. Applejack looked to the barely moving oni then to the other ferals scattered across the area. "Why in tarnation did they arrive here? The barrier shoulda still been good for at least a few more days. We shoulda been warned if they had gotten in." She questioned, her teeth bared in annoyance. For Twilight things were hard to fully accept. One of her oldest friends was gone. "It has to be the transfer of ownership. Maybe it used up the last of the energy faster than what was thought left over." She reasoned. "If we can teach him magic then we can put up a new barrier to keep things out." She added. Rarity's hand gripped over Applejack's using it to pull herself up from the ground. Wiping the stomach acid from her lips she spat out some blood. A Itch at the back of her mind that she fought to keep it down. "Might have a problem with that since Darling doesn't want to learn magic thanks to us scarring him. On top of that we don't have any ether left to keep people calm." She countered. "I can feel the itches now as I'm sure you all are feeling as well. If things don't turn around or we get a solution we'll have to shut down and evacuate everyone back to the other side before things get worse." She warned. The others couldn't help look everywhere but at her as they couldn't argue back. The itch to just go wild had been growing for each of them and this fight didn't help the situation. Clearing her throat Twilight stepped forward with a hand raised towards Fluttershy, a light flashing in her palm. "Well either way we need to get rid of any threats to the master before he can get hurt." She was distracted. Her hand shook as she slowly pulled the magic in her palm. "Come on. Just get it over with. We all knew the risks picking this line of life." She coached herself, trying to let the magic shootout but finding it a mountain to get over. Closing her eyes Twilight gritted her teeth as she finally started to release the magic built up. "Stop!" A voice ordered from her left. Reacting to the shout she raised her hand straight into the air making the shot go harmlessly above. Her eyes snapped open to see Spike descending from above with Rainbow holding on to him. When they got close enough to the ground Rainbow let go allowing him to drop nearby. Rushing forward Spike slid to kneel next to the unmoving Fluttershy. "I don't know what you idiots are thinking harming a friend but clearly we have some different ideas on helping." He jabbed at the stunned women. The girls slowly reverted into their human forms after his appearance. "Spikey what are you doing here. It's not safe for you. What if more ferals show up." Pinkie Pie worriedly spoke up. Tugging at his arm to pull him away from Fluttershy she found him firmly planted. "Spikey...?" She quietly questioned. Jerking his arm free Spike looked at the girls with a glare. "I already know about the situation involved if you all turn but I'm not one to just take the cookie cutter answer to things. Twilight, give me a crash course on how to use magic." He ordered, turning his attention to the witch. "Master..." Twilight started but was silenced when his eyes sharpened at her. "Magic is a universal power everything has inside. Some races or things have more than others. Some even feed on magic as a main form of sustenance." She explained, her gaze held at the ground. Spike looked over Fluttershy's injured body, taking in the cuts and bruises visible on the surface of her skin. Some looked serious enough that he knew if he didn't do something soon she'd die from the injuries alone. "Crash course Twilight Crash course. Just tell me how to use it." He commanded, whipping his hand in a circle. Reaching a hand out Twilight drew a circle in the air where Spike could see. Etching in runes of different types into the center soon the circle looked like one would imagine a magic spell. "All spells require a magic code of sorts. Many people have different ways of casting or drawing them. Some use blood, components, or even their souls as well." She listened in a quickened tone. "Some have spirits that help list them. From what I remember the old master saying the Drake bloodline had a guardian spirit that could have helped draw power or write codes for them. How they contact it though is something only a Drake knows." She explained. "Spirit that helps? Where or how could I contact it then?" Spike mumbled to himself. Thinking he started to try different things. Flicking his wrist he shouted various words that old magicians would say. Each time failed causing his anger to grow further. The girls watched from behind unable to find any humor in his attempts due to the situation. "Poor Darling." Rarity mumbled. "I'm sorry Boss." Rainbow and Applejack apologized, hanging their heads at his growing frantic attempts. Pinkie and Twilight just held their tongues as Spike began to pound his fists into the ground. "Damn it." Spike muttered quietly. "Damn it." He said louder, striking his fist into the ground. A heat building in his chest. "Damn it!" He shouted, a spark launching off his fists as they hit the ground once more.This caught the attention of the girls as he raised his hands above him. The heat in his chest grew uncomfortable as if a fire was being held against it. "DAMN IT!" He roared, striking his fists once more to the earth, a flame appearing in his hands.. The heat in his chest swelled and what felt like the weight of a mountain slammed onto his shoulders but he wouldn't let himself bend. "JUST FUCKING WORK YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" His voice deepened, taken over by something else. When his hands collided with the rocks beneath him a wave of purple and green fire erupted from his knelt form. The girls gave outcries at the sudden appearance of flames, covering their faces to block the element. Their concern and fear turned quickly into confusion as they felt no pain from the sudden burst. Instead as they lowered their arms they found that they felt no pain or rather more like they felt good. Really good, as if receiving the best treatment possible. All around them the strange flames lashed out but nothing burned. In the center of it all was Spike with a strange twisting armor made of the fire covering his body, looking more like a humanoid dragon than a man. Before any of them questioned what was going on the flames extinguished themselves in a flash leaving no trace of it behind other than a crystalized shimmer they knew very well. "He... He just made pure ether." Twilight whispered in pure wonder. A groan came from the prone Fluttershy causing the others to go on guard only to find her scratching at her head as she raised herself from the ground. After shifting into a kneeling position Fluttershy's body changed back into that of a humans. "What's going on?" She asked, looking around confused. She gave a small start as Spike's kneeling form fell forwards into her chest. "Master? Are you ok?" She asked, getting no reply. Other groans filled the area as the ferals they had taken out slowly woke up and stood. all of them complaining and wondering where they were before outcries replaced their confusion. "I can think again!" One shouted. "My bodies back to normal!" Another yelled in joy. The girls looked on in confusion before snapping back to the present. "Quick, Pinkie and Rarity. You two gather everyone here and get them into the manor's guest hall to be questioned. Applejack and Rainbow, look around for anyone not close by just in case some didn't get affected by whatever the master did." Twilight ordered, the others nodding and launching into the work given to them. After that was handled Twilight turned to Fluttershy. "What's the last thing you remember Shy?" She questioned, a serious tone heavy on her words. Holding Spike close to her Fluttershy looked at her friend. "I-I was fighting to get at the alpha that Spike was latched onto but before I could get to him things started to blur and then everything went red." She answered, stroking the spiky head of hair her master had. "Did I do anything bad?" She inquired innocently. Giving a heavy sigh Twilight helped her friend stand up while they cradled Spike. "Let's get you and everyone inside. I'll explain as we go ok?" Twilight offered with a tired smile. The two made their way as the others rounded up the other Outers. Questions rising faster then answers could cut down. This was definitely not a normal day that Spike's grandfather would have had. But then again he wouldn't fully know that till he woke up once more. > Lessons In Uncommon Sense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh, my head..." Spike groaned, sitting up slowly from his prone position. Struggling to open his eyes he flinched at the brightness that surrounded him. "Ah! Sonnava..." He cried out, rubbing at his eyes. "This is just reminding me why I quit drinking." He whined. Slowly he opened his eyes fully to take in the annoying light assaulting his sensitive orbs. Once he could finally see with only minor discomfort he took in the surroundings. "What the hell?" He said aloud. He was in a cave like system with walls of gleaming crystals and gems. He could see diamonds as big as his fist, opals as large as his head, and emeralds that made him look like a child in scale. Breathing out a gasp of wonder and intrigue Spike took in the one of a kind environment. Standing slowly while rubbing at his temple to ease the headache throbbing deep in his skull Spike looked over a crystal near to his side. "I wonder if this could even be bought by anyone. Just one of these could eat a person's fortune to acquire." He examined the crystal, his complexion and appearance perfectly reflected back at him. Leaning back he looked around, finding a path leading away from his position. "Well no point sitting around. Clearly things aren't what they seem like since I was..." He started to say, tailing off at the end when he realized his memories were too fuzzy to recall his last actions. "Oh that can't be good." He mumbled, beginning his trek through the cave system. The sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls around him. Spike for the life of him couldn't spot any openings that would allow light into this area leaving him stumped at why it was so bright. "Maybe they are magic or something." He thought to himself as the pathway he was moving through widened into a section with large crystals pressing upwards from the ground. Walking through it he could see his reflection multiplied across all of the crystals. Leaning near three of them he could see his face and the sides. Turning to his right showed another reflection close to his face. "Huh, was this one here before?" He muttered, leaning till his nose almost touched the reflection. "Boo!" It suddenly shouted, sending him flying back in a fear fueled scramble. "HAHAHAHHAHAAAA!" The image of himself roared in laughter, stepping out of the crystal. "Oh! Oh my sides! You should have seen the look on your face." The now out in the open copy of Spike gasped out, clutching his ribs. "You were just like 'WAAAHH!' HAHAHAHA!" The copy cat teased, ripping into another belt of laughter. "Who the hell are you!" Spike barked out, his cheeks flushed with a blush of embarrassment. The copy didn't answer for a moment as it struggled to calm it's laughter. "What are you talking about? I'm you kid." It answered, walking through the area, casually pulling the large crystals from the ground and tossing them to the edge of the area at least a hundred feet away. "I'm being serious! Who are you!" Spike demanded once more, standing now with fists clenched at his side. Waving lazily at Spike the copy looked around like one trying to figure out the best place to put their new couch. "Listen kid, you need to clean out your ears. I'm you, especially since you used my power." It absentmindedly replied. "Which reminds me, are you special in the head or something? Where do you get off pulling that much power with that little of care?" It added, now looking at the young man like a stern teacher. Spike was just growing more confused at each word this copy spoke. "What are you...?" He started before grunting in pain, gripping at his head. It felt like it was about to split open from pressure. "Argh! What's happening to me?" He grunted, falling to a kneeling position. The copy walked up to him, flicking his forehead. The pain suddenly vanished. "That was a taste of magical rebound. You used up so much magic your body was starting to collapse on itself. Honestly the fact we are even having this conversation is a miracle in of itself." The copy explained, sounding more bored than worried. Spike's mind cleared and the memories that had been fuzzy flickered clear in his mind. "Fluttershy. The others... Are they ok?" He asked, looking up to the copy of him. Another lazy dismissive wave. "Don't worry lover boy. That hottie with the body is fine, in fact everyone's doing great actually. You can thank me for that though haha." The figure answered with a short laugh at the end. "Ok, if you are me then how about what you are instead." Spike questioned, standing slowly. Having grown calm again thanks to the relief. Clapping their hands , the copy Spike smiled. "There we are. The right question. You can consider me your guardian angel!" It replied proudly before narrowing it's eyes as it looked to the side with a quizzical air around it. "Or I guess guardian dragon would fit better but it just doesn't have the same ring as an angel." It muttered loudly. "Hold up." Spike interrupted, crossing his arms in an X-shape. "You're telling me you're the dragon spirit that's been helping my family or something like that?" He questioned. "You don't exactly look like what I'd imagine you to be." He jabbed slightly . "Ohhh, grandson actually has some fangs eh?" The copy smiled sharply at the young man. "But yes I am so you can trust me. Been with your family since the first Drake that crossed over to the Outer side." It answered. "Though don't worry. You won't have some voice talking in your head. Not unless you end up on death's doorsteps again." They added, bowing to the young man. Shaking his head Spike could feel himself warming up to this weirdo. "Then you knew my grandfather well right?" He inquired, gaining interest at talking with a dragon. Another sharp laugh came from the copy. "You kidding! The man was the best wielder of my power since the first Drake. That is I guess till you came around kid. Which reminds me!" They answered happily before raising a finger in the air. Pointing it at Spike they suddenly roared in a booming voice "Do you have any idea how fucking stupid it was of you to pull that much energy!" Before straightening back their spiky green hair. Shaking off the stun from the shout Spike rubbed his ears. "Yeah, kinda can't argue it was probably really bad with that reaction. Though I imagine you want to complain more about it." He said, looking at the expectant copy. Nodding sagely the copy replied "Of course I do and I will." Clearing his throat the copy waved a hand showing a childlike drawing of Spike's body and a large dragon next to him. "Every living thing has a certain amount of energy they can hold in their body. You being a Drake and everything means you already got a stupid big pool in ya." They began to lecture. "But with me helping you can force more energy out. Problem is that you need to train to help lower the rebound issue I already told you about or else that extra magic will tear up your insides like a super powered blender." They explained. Snapping a finger another simple doodle of a person appeared next to Spike's figure. "This is your grandfather. He had about as much magic as you do right now at his peak. So already you are a monster with no training. On top of this difference at his peak your grandfather could only draw out about thirty five percent of my magic." They added, numbers appearing near everything. "I'm guessing I pulled out more than that." Spike answered after raising his hand like a student at a lecture, receiving a nod from the other Spike. Nodding their heads like a proud teacher, the copy smiled. "Why yes you did. Only a little bit more like say oooohhhh I don't know SEVENTY PERCENT!" The shouted at the end, cracks appearing in the ground around them. "You, a little shrimp kiddie with no training whatsoever forced out double what your grandfather could achieve at his peak with decades of training." They added, sighing in annoyance while pinching the bridge of their nose. "When I say it's a miracle you aren't dead right now I mean it. If a normal person pulled the same thing they wouldn't even have a body to bury with how large the rebound would be." They finished. The world around them slowly began to crack. Crystals and gems falling around them. Spike looked around in worry. "Will I be able to use your power again? Like if there's another emergency like last time?" He asked, feeling his body disappearing. The copy shook their head. "technically yes, but I've already put a lock on all my power so you can't touch it again." They explained, raising a hand to stop Spike's reply. "It's to keep you from pulling another stunt like you did again. You burnt through probably a lifetime's worth of luck surviving it. Until you get some training to control your natural pool you aren't allowed to touch mine." They further explained. "Will I see you again when I can?" Spike asked, his body reduced to just his shoulders and head. The copy nodded their head back and forth. "Course! This is just a safety measure to make sure the Drake line doesn't die because little Spikey couldn't keep his powers in his pants. So best think things over if stuff gets hairy." They said, turning to walk away. Stopping for a moment a suggestive smile flashed on the copy's face. "By the way, enjoy the surprise when you wake up. Your old man was too proud to make any moves but I'm sure a young kid like you has more than enough energy to share." They added, laughing as Spike's vision finally left him once more. Spike slowly opened his eyes, feeling a pressure all across his body. Looking down he saw he was in his bed that was inside the master bedroom but what shocked him the most was what was on top of him. His arms were taken by Fluttershy and Applejack, his sides had Rarity and Twilight lightly snoring with their breaths tickling his skin, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were wrapped around his legs with their faces a little too close to a certain spot. His panic only grew when Pinkie Pie nuzzled into said certain spot leading to his thoughts going a little like "Don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard!" He tried to shift around, to help himself look over the room when he heard Twilight give a soft almost catlike noise. Lifting her head Twilight rubbed the sleep from her eyes. When they opened and made contact with Spike's own she paused for the briefest moment before shouting in an excited voice "Master, you're awake!" Scrambling in the bed to hug him tightly. This led to an explosive effect as the others awoke with starts at the shout. Each giving their own outcry before wrapping themselves tighter around the young man. It was only then did he take notice of the very small amount of clothing each was wearing. "Please let mhhgf." He tried to speak before having his head pulled into Fluttershy's chest. "Master, thank you for the struggle you went through to save me. If I could give any more of my life to you I would." She said, tears falling on top of his head. Struggling under the weight of all of them Spike gasped when he was able to pull his head away. "All of you off me now." He ordered. In a flash they stood in front of the bed at attention. Sighing heavily Spike took his head into his hands. "Again, I don't feel that comfortable to be around you all after what happened. Please stop showing up in my bed every time I go to sleep." He requested. Rainbow raised a hand slowly. "Um, no offense Boss but every time you've gone to bed." She started, making quotation marks around bed. "You've kinda been close to death. In fact if we hadn't been around you you'd probably have died in your sleep from lack of magic." She finished. "It's true Darling. You even started having rebounds in the middle of the night but before any of us could react they calmed down." Rarity mentioned as well. Rubbing at his chin the young man mumbled to himself "Huh, if it happened at night that means that place's time is different from here." Pinkie leaned in at him talking to himself. "Um Spikey? What are you talking about?" She asked, cocking her head like a child. Groaning loudly Spike fell back into the bed, kicking his feet lightly. "Ugh, don't even get me started. For a guardian dragon the guy has such a weird personality." He whined, turning to the side to clutch a pillow into his chest. "He didn't have to shout so much. My ears still kind of hurt." He complained. The girls looked to the young man acting childish for a moment before all of them shouted at once "WHAT?!?" “PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!” He shouted back. “I’ll explain during breakfast.” He grumbled, looking out the bright window so he couldn’t see their bodies. Sitting around the dining table the girls each had different expressions and positions of shock at what Spike had told them. "Honestly like I get it's a big thing but it can't be that big like you all are making it out to be." Spike said, digging into the omelet prepared by Fluttershy. Smacking a hand down on the table Twilight frowned at her master. "You don't understand Sir. People with guardian deities like the Drake lines don't just meet the guardian unless it's to help them cross into the afterlife. On top of that you are saying you and him will meet again when you can earn access to his powers again." She lectured. Putting down his fork Spike folded his arms, leaning back into the chair. "Well course I know it sounds crazy but then again I went most of my life not knowing there was another world full of magic and fantasy style people. Common sense isn't exactly at the top of my list anymore when dealing with things right now." He fired back. Applejack couldn't help snort at the reply. When Twilight glared at her she raised her hands in surrender. "Listen Twi, ya gotta admit the Boss has a point. Besides he pulled out a level of spell that's never been seen before. Even the princesses want to meet him about it." She defended herself. "Well Darling I suppose you want to try and actually fulfill that order you made yesterday about having a normal day?" Rarity forced into the conversation to distract everyone. "Yeah..." Spike trailed off, tapping at the table slowly as his face twisted into one deep in thought. His tapping increased in speed as he looked intensely at the middle of the table. The girls stayed completely silent at his strange behavior. After a minute of tapping he stopped suddenly. Deep breath in, deep breath out. "Ok Twilight, explain magic to me and show me an example." He commanded, his tone having a steely edge but Rarity could hear the small waver inside. Rarity sent a signal with her eyes at Twilight that read clear as day. "Don't just throw up a spell." Gulping at the look Twilight scanned the other's faces. Noticing all of them gave small reactions as they had been filled in on what happened prior to the fight. Sighing Twilight gathered herself. "Magic can be ranked in levels. Each one covers a range and a spell on a lower rank can be raised to a higher level with enough magic poured in." She began, deciding on the spell to explain. "The lowest rank is called commoner. A spell that fits in this level is the light rune." She explained, grabbing a clean napkin and drawing on it with a finger. Soon a rune like piece flashed to light on it illuminating the napkin face. Waving the napkin slowly around the light followed it. "This is a spell anyone from our side or even this one could use. After it the ranks go in order as apprentice, knight, wizard, king, saint, demigod, and finally god." She listed. Spike was finding it much easier to stay calm thanks to the simple spell chosen. "So in total eight levels." He summed up, leaning forward in attention. "Can anyone get the higher levels with training?" He questioned. Fluttershy chimed in at this. "The shortest answer is no. Some of these spells require large amounts of magic to use so for the races that don't have a lot of magic per person they have to use groups to fill the need. Witches', succubi, and the more magically filled races though can perform high level ones with just single individuals or two person groups." She said, a proud smile on her face. "Then what about your teacher Twilight? Are they able to use god level spells since you said before they can move the sun." Spike asked, looking back to the witch. Adjusting her glasses she shook her head. "Actually she can only use demigod level. To use a god level spell would require you to be a well.... god. I believe that's the level you used as well to return Fluttershy and the others back into their sane states." She answered, looking away from the stunned man. Spike was calm until an idea popped into his head that caused him to visibly panic. "Holy shit, I didn't like breaking some taboo or rule that could get gods angry at me did I?" He questioned. "Easy there Spikey." Pinkie Pie soothed, hoping up from her chair to hold the panicked man. "It's more like an achievement to be able to cast one without well...You already know about rebounding thanks to that guardian dragon." She calmly explained. Easing up knowing he wasn't going to be hunted down Spike gently pushed away Pinkie Pie when he caught up to the present. "T-thanks. Um I guess could you show me the process of casting spells and how to avoid any complications. After that I'll move on to Applejack and Rainbow's training so I don't become a slouch." He said, standing from the chair. Moving through the room towards the door he looked to the girls with a determined look. "I am glad no one died as it would have made things awkward but let's pick up the pace on teaching me things so we can avoid an issue like that again." He ordered. The girls each saluted before rushing to their needed spots. Rarity and Twilight taking a hold of Spike's arms to drag him towards the study. Entering into the spacious room full of books they sat him down at the main desk towards the back. The two moved like whirlwinds, grabbing books left and right till the desk had a wall of writing on it. "There. That should be enough to cover the basics for you Darling." Rarity happily said, taking a book off the top. Peeking around the pile Spike looked at them with a raised brow. "All this to get the basics?" He questioned, glancing to the wall. Rarity flipped through the pages of the book she grabbed before nodding. "Yep, as a Magi it is a requirement to have a solid understanding of all types of magic be that the elemental, alchemy, taboo, or niche." She answered, setting the book into Spike's lap. Massaging his shoulders she continued. "Of course this doesn't mean you have to be able to USE all these types of magic. More so you just need to be able to spot what type and have a simple knowledge of it." She hummed slightly before giving a 'ah ha.' "I suppose it would be more fair to say you just need an elementary level understanding of it while picking which ones you want to learn further or possibly make your own." She said, giving an example that helps things connect for Spike. Spike picked up the book in his lap and looked at the first page, taking note of the author's strange name. "Elements for infants. An introduction into elemental magic. You know I would take offense at having to start at baby level but considering everything that has happened I'm glad it's something easy." He remarked, looking at the two giggling women. "I guess I'll just dig into these and ask questions when I get stuck. What will you two do?" He asked. Twilight pulled a stack of papers out of the air. "Well for now I need to sort expenses and organize where and what we will do with the ether you produced. Honestly it's enough that we can cut back on how much we need to import almost to nothing." She answered. Rarity gave a small bow towards Spike. "And I'll be handling any personal needs or desires you may have Darling. I am yours to do as you please." She replied, placing a hand on her large chest. Gulping Spike tore his eyes from the view, turning to the book. He could hear the giggle from the two at his blush. Focusing his attention Spike took in all the book had to offer. A few hours passed as he finished the first, second, and even third book quickly. Each being picked by Rarity to help the learning process. Soon he was half way through the fourth when he closed it. "I need some containers holding the different elements. I want to try something." He requested. Rarity disappeared in a flash before popping back into the room with four bowls. "One filled with dirt, one with water, one empty one to help for air, and finally one with kindling that can be sparked to make fire." She listed, pointing to each bowl she set on the floor. Spike picked up the four books and carried them over the bowls. "Let's see what we can't do." He said to himself. The girls stood back to watch what he did, ready to jump in at any sign of danger. Stretching out his hand Spike started the process of trying to feel his magic. For half an hour he sat silently trying any way to connect like the book instructed. Growing annoyed Spike hunched over the books, flipping between pages to try and connect what he might be missing. Soon he sat on his rear with a heavy sigh. "I expected this to be hard but honestly I'm more bummed then I was thinking I'd be." He said out loud. The two approached him, sitting on either side. "Have no fear Darling. I'm sure you'll get it soon. Everyone starts at this point where they can't even feel the magic. I was the same way." Rarity soothed, rubbing at his shoulder. Twilight leaned towards the bowls and flicked a finger above each one. The bowls and their contents reacted as magic poured into them. "I'll give you a bit of advice my teacher gave me when I was at this point." She spoke calmly. "Magic is a power that allows one to defy common sense." She recited. "For example the light rune I showed you. It isn't common sense to draw a doodle on something and suddenly light appears from it. Each person connects their magic in some way. You just need to think how to get to yours." She coached. "Defy common sense huh?" Spike repeated quietly, staring at the bowls. Reaching out a hand Spike hovered over the now once more empty bowl. "Defy common sense." He whispered over and over again, focusing all he had on his hand and the bowl. Then... a spark His chest heated up, his vision warped and changed to show a vast dark pool reflecting a starry sky filled with objects covered in flames of all colors. His vision snapped back to the moment and he twitched a finger. A gust of wind flew from the twitch, knocking the bowls and books around them. The girls moved to cover Spike but found him smiling, laughing like a small giddy child as he looked at his hand. Scooting forward he twitched his finger again causing another gust of wind. His laughter grew as he turned to the two silent women smiling back at him. "I failed! But I also did it! Holy crap that was awesome! Help me control this stuff better. I want to make this power mine!" He happily yelled. The two couldn't contain themselves as they clapped at his reaction before lunging forward to hug him. > Tell Me A Tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike consumed the lessons the women gave. Spending another few hours just practicing.  He was able to tear through a quarter of the book wall that Rarity had placed on the desk although he still couldn't control the amount of magic he poured out. After the third fire extinguishment they decided future lessons would be better handled outside. "I'm so happy to see you having the same thirst for learning as your grandfather did Darling. Truly solidifies you as his heir." Rarity complimented with raised hands in a praying form near her cheek. Place a book down on the desk Spike smiled softly, a tinge of sadness in the corners of his eyes. "I'm also glad but... I don't exactly know the man. I mean obviously he must have been a great guy with how much everyone talks about him but well..." He replied, looking over the study room in thought. "I honestly can't remember a time meeting grandpa and like. Why didn't he pick me up earlier? He clearly knew where I was with how a letter got to me with all the documents." He sighed, tapping the desk slowly. Twilight adjusted her glasses, the light catching the surface. "We can not answer as to why he never contacted you before. He was open with us about a lot of things but even then there were certain secrets or mysteries he wouldn't share no matter how trusted the person he could have confided with was." She answered, picking up a few books they had finished. Slotting them back into their spots she turned back to her new master. "But if you want I can tell you a story about him if you'd like?" She offered. Spike perked up at this offer. When Rarity voiced her own agreement with the idea he couldn't help nod, gesturing for Twilight to start. Clearing her throat Twilight raised a finger. "One of my best memories is when he helped me finally break through into king level magic." She began, a far off look in her eyes. Master Drake, are you absolutely sure this is a good idea?" A little Twilight questioned, fidgeting in her spot atop a large mountain overlooking a valley full of trees. "Princess Celestia says this kind of magic shouldn't just be thrown around without proper planning placed first." She continued, gripping the purple dress that hung to her knees. Her foot slowly dug circles on the ground in black buckle shoes. A late middle aged man straightened out his back with a grown. "Bah! What does that old canary know?" The man challenged. "You can't make an omelet without flipping a few cows!" He shouted. "It's breaking a few eggs mister Leandros. Besides, my magic always goes crazy whenever I try this level of spell. I need my limiters." The young Twilight corrected, stepping over to a table that had been set up. On it were cuffs with heavy looking chains that ended in sharp barbs. Snapping his fingers, the table and its contents disappeared. "You don't need those horrible things. You'll never grow as a witch if you don't get rid of crutches like that. Besides!" Leandros said, thumping his chest. "If anything goes crazy you got one of the best show stoppers around. Now step up to the plate Sparkle and show me some fireworks." He soothed before encouraging her to approach an actual baseball plate. Slumping her shoulders Twilight trudged up the plate, kicking at a rock next to it while hanging her head. Raising it once more she went to argue. "But Sir!" She yelled. "No buts missy. You're one of the most powerful witches ever born with a pool of magic that would put even some God-born to shame. This is a gift you need to take hold of and run." The man shot down the argument. Looking to the young girl his expression took a much gentler tone. Kneeling down to her level he placed a heavily scarred hand on her shoulder. "Listen Twi, you remember the first thing you ever said to me?" He asked, smiling softly at her. Looking the man in the face Twilight looked over his features. A well built chin, spiky green hair that had faded in some spots, and twinkling eyes that carried seas worth of kindness in them. After looking him over she blushed slightly, turning her face to the side as she pouted in embarrassment. "Please teach me how to become a mage that can control her powers..." She mumbled quietly. Chuckling at her antics he smiled more openly. "And have I led you astray at any step up to this point? Have I ever failed to bring you back when you went crazy?" He questioned further. Kicking a foot slowly Twilight shook her head. "No...You helped me all the way to wizard so far." She muttered, looking out towards the valley. Standing up Leandros gave a pat on her head. "And I'll keep doing my best till we can get you to demigod. Hell if I can help it might even aim for god level." He encouraged, stepping next to her. Reaching a hand out, palm facing downward he instructed her "Do as I do. Feel the magic build up and when it's at the right amount release with the image of what you want it to do like all the times before." With the coaching out of the way he turned his palm upwards where then a ball of fire appeared. Tiny and easily only the size of a golf ball. Soon though it extinguished but the man remained calm. After a moment passed he snapped his fingers. A second later a quarter of the valley erupted into flames as an explosion of fire spawned out of the air. Smiling in contentment the man turned to twilight. Bowing while gesturing in the direction of the valley he said "Now you try." Twilight blinked slowly at what he had done before gulping. Stretching her hand outwards Twilight focused as instructed. Pooling the magic in her hand she could feel the magic move through her body. For a moment she felt it go wild and fear gripped her. Glancing at the Drake standing next to her, she took a quick note of his calm posture and air. It influenced her, calmed her own heart. The magic stabilized until she felt it was where she needed it. With it she shut the ball away and... Snap The entire valley engulfed in flames as the fireball went off, scorching even halfway up the mountain they were standing on. In a panic she dropped to her knees in front of the man, dirtying the front of her dress. "I'm so sorry. I failed again and couldn't control it! Please don't punish me." She begged, her mind running wild with what might be done to her. A single laugh, then a chuckle, finally developing into an uproar of laughter from the man as he swung downwards to scoop up the little witch. "Bravo! Magnificent! Absolutely splendid my dear!" He shouted in joy. "You just skipped over king and performed a demigod level version of the spell. I knew you had talent but to just skip straight ahead is shocking in the best way possible." He continued to compliment. "I? Wah? Huh?" Twilight mumbled, slowly passing out from lack of magic. Soon she felt a warm sensation fill her body as she was shifted into a princess carried by the man. Chuckling once more the man's voice was now much more quiet. "I suppose I should have at least expected this outcome from it though. Rest well dear. You have more achievements to collect." He instructed, looking out to the cratered valley. With a smirk he tapped the tip of his shoe on to the ground, a green spark coming from the contact. As a portal came to life and he walked through, anyone watching could have seen the valley filling with life once more as if no damage had been done to it. "He helped me break through so many hurdles. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in the position I am now. It's why I am more than happy to serve the Drake line with everything I have." Twilight finished, smiling softly. Spike sat silently, enthralled by the story. "Sounds like grandpa didn't hold back his feelings." He thought to himself. He jumped through when a small alarm went off near him. Pulling a phone from a breast pocket Rarity clicked something on the screen. "My apologies Darling. It seems it is time to join the other group to see their side of things." She said with a nod towards the sitting young man. "If you'd like I can organize these books back into their place." She suggested. Waving a hand Spike stood up from his chair. "Nah, no need. I'll keep reading them tomorrow." He brushed off, moving for the door. "Whelp, thanks for teaching me even if I've been messing up so far." He thanked them with an awkward smile as a flash of the events prior flashed through his mind. He scurried out of the room heading for the backyard to join Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Twilight looked to each other with small frowns. Each had noticed the shift in his mannerism. "Well, can't expect to repair things fast now can we?" Twilight sighed. Patting her friend's hand after crossing the room Rarity gave words of encouragement. "Keep showing him our true selves and eventually the wounds will heal. We've already made the first steps after all." Spike pushed open the doors to find the garden in pristine condition. Not a weed in sight and not a rose out of place. Walking through it he found Pinkie Pie except with one little issue. "WHY ARE YOU SO SMALL!?!" He screeched in shock at the half pint Pinkie Pie. She looked to be at his hip or lower when originally she stood about to his mid chest. "Oh hiya Spikey! Just needed to make better access to the lower bushes is all." Pinkie happily replied, skipping over to him. Another Pinkie walked into view carrying a bucket full of trimmings. A third walked around Spike while holding a hedge trimmer. Each was the same size but he could tell they were in the Outer slime form. "Something the matter Spikey?" One of the mini Pies asked, cocking their head. Looking at the three Spike looked away while taking breaths before turning back. "Um, no...just wasn't expecting this so got a bit surprised." He answered, scooting slowly around the three Pinkies before speed walking away towards his target. The three Pies looked to each other in confusion before shrugging, going back to cleaning the garden. Spike sprinted for the training ground, jumping down the stairs into a mixed landscape, skidding to a stop while wheezing heavily. Gripping at his knees Spike gasped for air while a shout called out in front of him. "Strike! You lose!" As his mind registered the words a steel ball rushed past his head, embedding itself into the concrete wall behind him.  "Huh?" He said softly, looking up to see Applejack and Rainbow rushing towards him at full sprints. Looking behind himself at the still spinning steel ball he could only repeat himself. "Huh?" His knees giving out from under him. "Boss!" the two cried out, reaching him in a flash. "Speak to us Boss!" Applejack yelled, shaking the dazed young man aggressively. "Oh hell, what am I gonna tell the others?" She worriedly said. Rainbow Dash gave a small squawk "You? What about me? Flutters' will turn me into hot wings if we don't wake him up." She said, flapping her arms wildly like wings. Spike slowly woke back up to see the two arguing over him still being shook rapidly. "Co-could you s-stop shaking me." He struggled out, trying not to bite his tongue. The two looked to him in relief, stopping the shaking to instead help him step back up. "Sorry about that Boss. Just weren't expecting you to arrive so soon. Normally your old man would show up closer to four so you're a bit early." Applejack apologized, stepping away after brushing Spike off. Stepping away from her a little to handle himself he looked back at the now still steel ball. "Care to explain why that's there now?" He questioned, gesturing at it with a thumb. "Oh that's easy! We use that to train our stopping power." Rainbow answered, walking around the young man to pull the ball out of the wall with one hand. "Your grandpa would toss these at us or vice versa to train our ability to stop fast moving objects without physical ability." She explained further, tossing it easily into the air. "Could I see that for a sec?" Spike requested, holding out his hands to hold it. Rainbow smirked as if knowing something as she placed it in his hand. "Whoa!" He cried out as his hands dropped quickly when the orb entered his grasp. A thud came off the ground as it quickly connected. "The hell? How much does this thing weigh?" He asked, looking to the two laughing Outers in shock. Clearing away any laughter Applejack picked up the piece. "Well this here is about fifty pounds of steel and tungsten. Though it's one of our lighter ones we only use for warming up." She answered, tossing it between her hands. "Biggest one we got is about five hundred but that one's more for tacklin' and moving across the field." She added nonchalantly. Spike's jaw hung open before shaking his head, gripping his temples. "No, no, don't think too much about it. This is just another one of those different world different rules things." He grumbled loud enough for the two to hear. "Ok, how about we move on to training instead. I imagine you both have a plan to help me survive this new world lifestyle better." He continued, looking at the two. "Ya already know us so well Boss." Rainbow teased, moving across the landscape to a circle drawn in the ground. "You already have some experience but also said you haven't had a real fight before. Though I suppose that's changed now to one fight since yesterday." She pointed out, tapping a foot against the ground. "Just so you know each of the servants know how to fight hand to hand in a few different ways. It's just me and AJ who went for a security specialty." She added. Walking up to the circle Spike took note of the slabs of concrete that jutted out of the ground around them. "How exactly strong are you all naturally?" He inquired, watching as Applejack walked up to one of the slabs. He watched silently as she calmly placed a fist an inch away from it. He noticed only a small twitch in her form before the slab crumbled into dust. Applejack didn't even say anything as she smiled sweetly towards the once again collapsed young man. Dragging himself back into a standing position he wandered slowly into the ring. "Please don't kill me." He begged slightly towards the sadistic grinning Rainbow.  "Of course Boss. Can't get you ready to face those stronger than us if we kill you." She soothed, cracking her knuckles. Raising a shaking hand first Spike asked "So out of all of you are the strongest?" Applejack tore a new slab from the ground to replace the destroyed one. "Ah, that's easy. It's Shy. That girls a walking mountain when she gets into it. Basically no real dropping her if she's in her Outer form and fed up on ether." She casually replied. "Alright champ we are gonna start simple. I'm gonna toss you around and you just need to get used to it ok?" Rainbow coached, getting into a stance as she slowly approached the frightened young man. Gulping Spike raised his fists like he had learned in boxing. "G-got it..." He got out before the collar of his shirt was grabbed and his world turned upside down. "Oh. Would you look at that it's starting." He blankly thought as the ground connected with his back. Pain, agony, torment even. That is what Spike felt. It had been a few hours of being tossed around by the two with a break finally at the end by Fluttershy bringing snacks. When Spike crawled slowly towards her she immediately scooped him into her lap and healed his bruises. Eventually she ended up massaging his shoulders while slowly feeding the tired man with small sandwiches. "Feeling better?" She asked, smiling at the man. "mhm." He mumbled childlike through a sandwich. "Gotta say Boss, you certainly can take a tossing." Rainbow complimented, wiping the sweat off her chest after she had taken off her shirt to reveal a sports bra underneath. Tearing his eyes off her abs Spike looked around the garden. "Have you guys gone to town recently?" He questioned, looking between the three. "Actually been meanin’ to visit the family for a bit. Wonder if Mac is handling the farm work well?" Applejack replied first, looking off into the distance. Swallowing the rest of the sandwich Spike patted his legs before hopping up. "Whelp, I think I've had my butt kicked more than enough today. How about we go into town? Need to get used to others and what not." He suggested. The three gained happy expressions but they dampened when each took notice of his slight shaking. "You know Master, you don't have to force yourself into uncomfortable spots. We all recognize that work still needs to be done before you trust us again but if this is too much you don't need to for our sake." Fluttershy pointed out gently. The other two gave nods of understanding as well while hiding their own discomfort at being reminded of the gap between the Master and themselves. Clenching a hand into a fist Spike glanced around before slumping his shoulders. "Honestly I still have problems accepting this life and being near you all. I'm trying to keep professional so as to make things smooth and gaining some amazing things like using magic are a plus but... god just thinking back on that night with how intense everyone was it just.... It scares me to face them again." He admitted, spewing out his concerns. Fluttershy reached out but stopped halfway. Pulling her hand back she nodded. "We mean it when we say that we are truly sorry about what we put you through and that if we could change what happened we would." She began, hanging her head. "But..." She started to pick up only to trail off quickly afterwards. Applejack stepped forward, taking off her hat. "What Shy means is we would do anything to fix that blunder no matter the cost and that you don't need to push yourself or hide your feelings just to keep some face of professionalism. We fucked up plain and simple. No ifs ands or buts about it." She took over the talk easily, her green eyes staring intently at Spike's emerald pair. "Your grandpa wouldn't force us to do things we didn't want to do so it's only fair we hold the same care to his grandson." Rainbow added, peeking around Applejack's form. Looking at the three Spike sighed, slumping his shoulders further before straightening himself out. "Tonight let's go into town. I can hide in fear all day but I can't see another's side of the story if I never face the person." He said, pulling on an awkward smile. The three nodded before suggesting they all get cleaned up. Fluttershy would tell the others the plan and they could head as a group into town. With the plan in motion they walked through the gardens, Spike taking care to look over a few purple roses with a green inside. "Let's hope nothing crazy happens in town." Spike mumbled, stepping into the hallway of the mansion. The sun setting slightly behind the tree line, lighting up the area through the windows and casting his shadow down the hall. "God I'm so uncomfortable."Spike thought to himself. The limo had arrived faster then he had anticipated ruining any chance to gather himself before heading out. Now he was pushed in the middle with Flutteshy and Applejack on either side of him while the others sat scattered along the seats, chatting amongst themselves. "Uh, you girls don't have to sit so close to me if you don't want to." He said, glancing at the two larger women. "Nonsense Master, this position helps me serve you at the most efficient speed." Fluttershy brushed off smoothly. Giving a snort Applejack looked out the window. "Goin' into a place fresh for ya means security has to stick close. It's what we did for your grandfather." She pointed out, throwing an arm over Spike's shoulder. When she felt him tense up she sheepishly pulled her arm back. "Sorry Boss..." She mumbled, frowning at causing him discomfort. Leaning forward to make a little room between himself and the two Outers Spike couldn't help as his leg bounced up and down. "I-It's fine. Just gonna pop into town, get a meal and then come back. Simple and easy." He waved off, clearly setting his mind as the lights of the town appeared. Sighing, he rested his head in his hands, just listening to the girl's chat. "I do hope Sweetie Belle has been running the shop well. Though I suppose that depends if the other Crusaders came over to visit." Rarity said, flicking through some images on her phone. Rainbow gave a laugh. "If Scoots and Bloom showed up I wouldn't be surprised if the place is a warzone now. Especially since Sweetie tried cooking." She added, slapping a knee. Pinching her nose Rarity rested her head backwards onto a window. "Ugh, don't remind me. I love the girl with all my heart but how does someone burn water? I mean even Pinkie and Fluttershy couldn't teach her any recipes." Rarity whined, breaking her perfect image for a moment. A chuckle from Spike drew everyone's attention. Covering his mouth he waved. "Sorry, just sounds like sibling troubles, am I correct in guessing?" He spoke out after gathering himself. Nodding at the question Twilight flipped a page in her book. "Correct. Sweetie Belle is Rarity's little sister. When Rarity is at the manor Sweetie Belle handles the Carousel Boutique. While Apple Bloom is Applejack's younger sister. Then you also have Scootaloo which is Rainbow Dash's adoptive little sister." She answered. "They make up a group called the Crusaders rushing around to find what they are good at. But so far they have found a hundred and twenty seven things they are bad at since starting the group." She added. "Little sister huh?" Spike quietly thought aloud, resting his chin in a hand. "Wish I could have such a nice connection like that." He said, a tinge of envy in his voice. Pinkie looked at the thinking man with a questioning expression. "Do you have siblings Spikey?" She asked innocently. A frown quickly took over the young masters face. "Yeah, just not as well liked as your guy's are." He slowly replied. The others looked to each other at how he had replied before the limo pulled to a stop next to a park. "We're here Master Spike and Co." The driver said into the cabin. The group shuffled out of the vehicle into the cool evening air. People moving around stopped to stare as Spike finally stepped out. "Whelp, let's get some food. I'm famished." Spike ordered, putting on a smile to hide his thoughts. He began to walk down the street, the others walking behind him with their own thoughts taking over their minds. > A Mother's Meal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So where should we eat?" Spike asked the girls as they circled around him. He glanced around the area taking in the lights and decorations scattered around. "Looks more like a regular town. You wouldn't think it held such a massive secret." Spike thought to himself. "Oh, oh, how about Sugarcube? Since Spikey liked the muffins there and I think they just expanded the restaurant section too!" Pinkie offered, skipping happily next to Spike. Spike slowed his steps slightly as he remembered his first experience in the town. His hand slowly twitched as his mind cycled through the rest of the day. "I...." He quietly started. Pinkie continued to talk, not noticing Spike's actions yet. "Mrs.Cake has already heard about Spike becoming the new Magi of the area. I think it would be good as she wants to really apologize for what happened to Spikey too." She added, looking back only to now see what Spike was doing. A dark shadow hung over Spike's face as he looked down, his hands clenching and unclenching. He gave a small jolt when Fluttershy touched his shoulder. "I'm fine!" He squeaked out, walking quickly forward. "So Pinkie, what would you suggest to get for a first timer?" He spoke in one breath as the girls moved to keep up. Giving a nervous laugh Pinkie glanced at the other girls who gave signals to be careful what she said. "Ummmmm, how about the chili meat stew? Great for packing on weight. If I remember right your grandfather said it's important when using magic to keep a healthy body full of all it's needs." She directed, throwing in an old memory to hammer the option in. Spike's clenching eased up as she talked before he turned with a thankful smile. "That sounds...great right now." He slowly replied, his footsteps slowing down back to normal. "Why don't you all tell me about the town more and things I might have to do as a Magi now." He suggested, looking around the town. He could immediately see a music shop with two women arguing out front with posters in their hands. Rainbow Dash gave a laugh when she spotted the scene Spike was seeing. "That's Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch. They run the music shop when not touring around in their music shows. They argue a lot but it's just over their clash of music styles. Octavia prefers the classics and Scratch likes dubstep and bass." She explained. "Don't worry, they always make up in the end." She added, just as the two used rock paper scissors to settle things with Octavia winning it seemed with her happy dance. Spike gave a small laugh before looking at the building next to the music shop. A sign with a quill and sofa hung above the entrance where a man with a blue employee vest over a white shirt brushed off the chalk writing on a small stand near the door. Twilight answered this time saying "Quillium, owner of Quills and Sofas. Yes it's a weird name but what he really sells is writing supplies and furniture. Your grandfather used that shop a lot when he was making new spell scrolls...and also to replace the furniture in the mansion when those scrolls went off prematurely." She patted at a part of her hair in the way only someone who lost it could. Walking slightly in front of the young man Rarity turned to look at him. "As a Magi you don't need to worry about technical things like taxes or how the town is run. Just focusing on ether production, magical incidents, and any events from our side of things that happen in this world like Nightmare night." She explained the parts he would have to care for. "So not a mayoral position but more like an intermediary for the two worlds." Spike summarized easily, thinking over what he would need to research in the study to prepare. Tapping with a single finger to lessen contact Applejack got the man's attention as they arrived in front of the familiar café. "Here we are Boss. Are you sure you want to eat here? Foods great but if you can't relax it'll all taste like sand." She said, wanting to confirm for the last time before stepping inside. Spike's face scrunched up as he looked over the colorful façade of the building. With a shaky wave at the building Spike looked to Pinkie Pie. "C-could you g-go inside and get a seat for us so I don't have to stand waiting to l-long." He stuttered out the request. "I'll make sure it's in a less crowded section Spikey!" Pinkie Pie said, saluting before darting inside. The group waited for a minute before she popped her head back outside. "All ready Master." She happily stated, opening the door further to let them inside. Fluttershy moved forward only to get startled slightly when she felt a hand grab her sleeve. Looking back she took in the sight of Spike shyly hanging his head, peaking upwards at her. Smiling softly, her shoulders relaxed slightly. "Just hold on Master. We'll get you in a seat right away." She soothingly said. Giving only a small nod of recognition at what she said Spike followed the larger woman into the building with the others keeping a tight circle around him. Stepping into the bright building Spike felt dozens of eyes on his form. Panic set in as he looked over the residents in the place, his mind connecting a few to ones that ended up close to physically harming him during that night. Fluttershy placed a hand over his own that had tightened on her sleeve. With quick steps she took him to the large booth that Pinkie Pie now stood next too. With a jerk of her head she silently told Twilight and the others to get the people to stop looking. The girls scattered to the different tables explaining a simple version of the situation. Almost everyone looked away once they heard about what was going on with Spike. A few even asked for their apologies to be given about said night's problems. Spike was squished in between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as the others took spots on the crescent moon booth. Spike would normally be in a panic being so close to all of them but his mind was busy keeping itself busy on other issues. His mind quickly shifted gears when a soft blue apron came into view. Looking up he took in the gentle smile of a plump woman with a swirling pink hair that looked like a frosting design.. "Uhhh..." He started. "Good evening Mister Drake. I'm Mrs. Cake, I'll be your server."  The woman cheerfully explained before taking a meeker appearance. "I also am one of the people who caused some trouble for you a while ago and sincerely apologies." She added, bowing deeply to the man. Waving his hands nervously Spike gave a weak smile. "Raise your head. It's in the past now." He lied, a slight twinge running through his eye. "If you feel you need to repay then how about just making a meal? Pinkie Pie tells me the chili meat stew is a good choice for new people." He suggested. Straightening herself back up, Mrs. Cake smiled. "Of course! I'll wipe it up in a jiffy full of love!" She proudly stated, taking everyone else's orders down. As she walked away Spike looked to Pinkie Pie. "That's a bit of a weird thing to say to a customer isn't it?" He questioned. Giggling loudly Pinkie gestured around the decorative building. "This place is actually known for its home style cooking. Plus Mrs. Cake is a special type of succubus." She answered. Spike's attention swiveled towards Rarity near the edge of the booth who was silently laughing at his reaction. Clearing her throat Rarity explained further. "Where I am a more traditional Succubus who gains or gives nourishment from more intimate emotions Mrs. Cake does the same with familial emotions such as a 'mother's love' as she put it." She gave quotation marks around the emotion used as an example. "This includes adding it to her food she makes. It's why this place is quite popular in not only the town but by visiting Outers." She added. "Huh, then this will be a new experience." Spike said as a bowl was placed in front of him. It's warm contents swirling an image of care in his mind from smell alone. Twilight thought on what he said, getting an slightly uneasy feeling that something was going to happen soon. As she placed the other plates down Mrs. Cake sat her hands on her hips. "Put everything on express order to get it to you fast dear. Eat up, I hope I can impress another Magi!" She proudly stated, gesturing for Spike to take a bite. Looking at the others chow down on their various meals Spike looked to the stew. Hesitantly he picked up a spoon, scooping up a piece. Weighing it slightly to let the drops fall he blew on it softly. Once he felt it was cool enough he opened his mouth and ate the spoonful. Chewing slowly Spike let the taste wash over his tongue until... The others paused in their meals to look at Spike only to be startled when they saw him frozen with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Spike! Are you ok?" Twilight questioned, leaning over Fluttershy to get a closer look at the young Magi. "Did I make it taste bad?" Mrs. Cake asked, getting worried about what might happen to her if he hated the meal. Spike slowly lowered the hand that held the spoon to the table as he raised another hand to his face, lightly touching the tears. "W-why am I cryin..." He started to speak before stopping his train of thoughts suddenly. "Oh... That's why." He sadly muttered. Taking a shaky breath Spike waved off the group's concern.  "Don't worry I'm fine. Mrs. Cake your food is very delicious." He complimented, putting on a smile as Fluttershy helped wipe away his tears. "May I ask dear why you suddenly cried after taking a bite? I've never had someone tear up before from my cooking." She asked, gently sitting after pulling a stool up to cup his hand in her own. Spike didn't pull away from her touch which didn't go missing from the other's attention. "It's a bi-bit embarrassing but well... It gave me the feeling of a mother's cooking which is...… not something I've ever had before." He answered shyly, the group gasping lightly at his response. "What do you mean by that Boss? You've never had a family meal before?" Rainbow inquired only to have a hand from Applejack slap over her mouth. Stirring the stew slowly Spike sadly looked into the liquid. "I had to eat separately from the family whenever it was meal time. I usually got the scraps if there were any left. Though that's what happens when you are the freak of the whole family line." He replied softly. Rarity broke her composure for a brief moment as she darkly muttered "If I could get my hands on them for doing that to a child." She looked back to Spike after slipping a mask over her emotions. "Well you never have to worry about them ever again. You will get only the best from now on. Right girls?" She said, looking at the others who agreed wholeheartedly. Squeezing Mrs. Cake's hand slightly, Spike put on a smile. "Thank you for making a great meal. I'll try not to get any more tears into the bowl." He tried to change the subject, looking the plump woman in the eyes. Frowning before putting on her own smile Mrs. Cake patted his hand softly, giving it a small rub as she let go. "If you ever want a proper meal with a mother's love mixed in just come on back sweetheart. I'll whip you up anything you could want. That's a promise." She proudly said, getting up from the chair and waving at the group as she left them. Spike silently bite into his meal with gusto, now used to the feelings it was giving him. The others wanted to speak more but knew right now wasn't the moment. Settling in they ate their meals once more, enjoying the taste but noting a slight sour flavor in their mouths as they thought about what else their young master may have gone through. Soon all the plates and bowls were clean of their contents and the group got ready to rise only for the girls to stiffen as if something powerful was looming around them. Spike looked at them confused which grew even more as he saw all their heads snap to the entrance of the restaurant. In stepped a tanned giant of a woman with pastel colored hair in a white skirt and golden long sleeved shirt over her large bust. Beside her was a smaller but still tall pale skinned woman with punk rock vibes from her tattered and rough clothes with  a headphone set on her head looking like bat ears poking from the speaker sections. The two strolled their way towards his table after spotting him. As they approached Spike could see the girls shaking more and more with each step the women took as if between two options they wanted to do. In no time the two stood at the front of the table. The tanned woman hummed mirthfully. "Awww, did we just miss dinner? A shame but you wouldn't mind if we had you stay for dessert?" She suggested, her voice warm like the sun. The pale one scoffed before nudging the taller woman's waist. "Maybe you should skip dessert this time dear sister. Your clothes can't handle anymore increases to your size." She teased with a cool voice like a calm night, taking a seat afterwards with a laugh. "Heeeeey! I am keeping to my diet rather well thank you very much. This is just a cheat day for me." The taller one whined slightly, pulling a chair over and sitting down. The chair groaning ever so slightly from her stature. "More like cheat week..." The pale one muttered, sliding her headphones off. Turning her attention to Spike she snapped her fingers. The girls sitting down obediently. "So you're the big star shaking up the order of things around here huh?" She said, looking him up and down with a SLIGHTLY interested look. Placing his elbows on the table Spike leaned forward looking at the two strange women. "I'm sorry but I don't think we've met yet. Who are you two?" He questioned, hearing the girls around him inhale sharply through their teeth. After pouting from her sister's comment the tan woman smiled warmly at him. "Our apologize Mister Drake. My name is Celestia and this is my 'darling' sister Luna." She answered, drawing out the word darling with a glare only a sibling could give to Luna. Ignoring the look she received Luna leaned on her arm towards the man. "We're here to get a first hand look at the new Magi and owner of the Drake manor. On top of hearing that you pulled a rather interesting stunt that brought some pure ether into the world." Luna explained. Resting his head in a hand Spike tapped his cheek. "Celestia and Luna..." He muttered, racking his brain to remember where he had heard those names before. When his mind came back empty handed he shrugged. "Sorry but...no clue who you two are really." He answered honestly. The two stopped for a moment, their heads shifting to Twilight and the others who shirked away from their gazes. Sighing Celestia leaned back, catching a waiter's attention and placing a few orders. Once that was handled she looked back to Spike. "We are the ones who move the sun and moon for the Outers. Does that ring any bells?" She brought up, holding her hands out in a 'ringing any bells.' way. Thinking once more Spike thought hard until a comment from Twilight popped into his head. "Oooohhh! I think I know now. You are Twilight's mentor right? The angel and if you are an angel then Luna is a demon right?" He finally answered, a bright smile on his face as his hands slapped the table. Clapping slowly Luna congratulated him. "Good job, you really figured out this puzzle in record time there champ." She teased lightly. "Though it would have helped had the others taught you more about us. We aren't just an angel or demon but the highest level there is. You could basically consider us royalty." She added. Spike perked up. "Ah, then do you want me to get up and like bow or something or just try in my seat? Kind hard to do since I'm surrounded by Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy here but I'll give it a whirl." He asked, gesturing to the two shying away women. Fluttershy nudged Spike in the side before leaning towards him as she whispered "Spike! Are you ok with this? Their Outers and high ranking ones at that. Don't you have any apprehension towards them?" She said, in a hushed shout. Cocking his head slightly Spike thought about it before shrugging once more. "Not really. I mean yeah it's a bit weird to be talking to royalty like this but I don't get the impression they are offended. Plus yes them being Outers is a BIT weird but they weren't ones who attacked me." He answered, looking at the two women as one of them specifically dug into a chocolate chip fudge sundae that was swimming in caramel and had a massive peeled banana on top. "I don't hold animosity towards them as they have yet to do anything towards me." He added with a small chuckle as Luna looked at her sister in slight horror at how quickly she was eating the sundae. "If anything I feel calmer with them here." He finished with a louder laugh as Celestia pushed a banana shake towards him with a 'go on' gesture. The Oni blinked slowly at the smiling man before deflating slightly thinking this was alright then. She leaned back with a content smile. Turning his attention back onto the two polar opposite women he smiled. "Well I've admittedly barely scratched the surface in terms of becoming a Magi and in terms of the pure ether situation... I honestly couldn't tell you how exactly I did that. I've been blacking out more than what's considered healthy recently with past events." He answered Luna finally. "So, any other reason you came to visit me besides curiosity?" He inquired, taking a sip of the shake. Wiping her mouth clean Celestia coughed into her hand to compose herself. "We figured it would also be good to show you the other world you would be helping protect and converse with some Magi who worked with your Grandfather. Build some connections if you will." She offered. Spike sat silently for a moment thinking it over, his hand tapping the table in a steady beat. The girls had already learned to pick up this signal of his as him thinking. Once his hand stopped they knew he had a verdict. "Sure, but is it ok for me to leave this place? Aren't there still things I need to handle first?" He agreed but raised a question. With a wave of her hand Luna shook her head. "You need not worry about that. We will sort things as necessary to make your trip more relaxed." Her answer put him at ease. "Well when do we go?" Spike asked, folding his hands together. "Now." The two royalties said in unison as they reached over and grabbed Spike by the shoulder, his world flipping inside out. The girls watched in shock and minor horror as the spot Spike had filled was now vacant. Applejack took off her hat and rubber the heel of her hand into her eyes with a groan. "Well shit." She complained, before being hit over the head lightly by Rarity.