> High School Bully > by TheOneWithoutAName > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Crossdressing Nerd... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith wasn’t a happy pony. High school was tough for him, seeing as he was one of the weaker and more effeminate stallions, with a nice juicy ass, smaller than average height, a nerdy face and a lithe body frame. His coat was an off-white color with a black mane. He wore a black hoodie to help him better blend in with his surroundings and seem more inconspicuous. His body wasn’t toned. Not even slightly. No noticeable muscles to speak off. Just your average nerdy loser as far as he was concerned, which was why he tried to avoid trouble. Of course not that it worked out most of the time as trouble looked for him. Weak victims that couldn’t fight back. Name calling was one of the better things that could happen to him. He shuddered to remember the incident where a griffon jock had flushed his head in a toilet bowl… Too bad that this very griffon was the one he now had to work on a school project with, hence the reason why he was not a happy pony. Honestly, he would rather have worked together with his sister. While she was a griffon, Griselda was a looker at least. Not to say that Lanzo wasn’t, but Keith just didn’t swing that way and like mentioned prior, that griffon was a bully, so there was that. He sighed as he entered his room. Celestia knows he would have wished the griffon had training today so that the lanky unicorn could at least get some reprieve while playing some RPG games on his console, alas it wasn’t meant to be as he looked over his withers. Both of them were teenagers and yet Lanzo towered over his body easily, making Keith wonder if he had already fully matured. His fur was dark grey with black plum on his neck and head as well as a yellow beak. His frame was broad, his muscles rippling with every step, showing that he wasn’t one of their top athletes in the school for nothing. “J-Just take a seat,” he said nervously, gesturing to the bean bag next to his bed. His bed was in one corner of the room facing a nice flatscreen TV that stood on an open cupboard that housed his gaming consoles and games. Next to that cupboard was a desk with his PC and a chair. Left to the door was a closet that was built into the wall. “Will do that, dweeb,” the griffon said before sitting on the bed itself, ignoring the bean bag. Keith wanted to say something, but held his tongue, knowing it was better to let it go. They were alone at home with his parents gone for the day. That alone made him more helpless against him. Not to mention that any retaliation against that filthy bird he would get back ten times worse. The griffon sat a bit spread legged too, showing off his grapefruit-sized black furry balls. Something Keith couldn’t help but stare at for a moment with his face glowing slightly. “Now, where to start. The topic is rather broad isn’t it?” Lanzo mused as the colt quickly looked away embarrassed and nodded, making the griffon quirk a brow at the silent colt. “What, still grumpy because of that toilet dive?” he mocked him with a roll of his eyes. “N-No, not at all. W-We should probably determine how to build up the topic. Read up on a few facts about it. I have gotten some books about homosexuality,” the pony said with a more notable blush now. Keith wondered how unlucky he could be to draw this topic along with this particular griffon as a partner for it. This just seemed to double the awkwardness. “In short, facts about why faggots exist and what makes them faggots?” The unicorn jolted a bit at the crass language but nodding stiffly nonetheless as he sat on the bean bag and pulled out two books off his saddle bag. “Or maybe the better question is if you are a filthy faggot?” Keith jolted again, staring wide-eyed as the griffon took a phone out of his green and white colored sports jacket, before showing off a picture. ...A picture of Keith. It was not the best one, taken at a distance, but still showed him stealing a green cheerleader outfit with white trim from the locker room. He was frozen at this and Lanzo took this opportunity to eye the teenage colts dresser. He stood up and before the unicorn could utter but a squeak pulled it open. Suffice to say the pony was horrified at this, jumping up and approaching him, as he looked through the dresser before quickly discovering a lot of female outfits, the cheerleader one included. “What do we have here?” he asked with a jeer, throwing the cheerleader outfit on the ground, then a blue one of a japanese school swimsuit, then another one that looked like a stripper outfit, with net stockings a short red skirt and a black tube top with pink letters spelling ‘DADDIES GIRL’ and a heart beneath it. “I...It is my sister's clothes,” he argued lamely in defense, while not managing to look the intimidating griffon into his eyes. “Is it now? And she keeps her stuff in your closet?” “S-She likes to hide the more risque outfits there.” “Prove it. Wear this whore outfit then and if it doesn’t fit you I might believe you,” he stated in a challenge, picking it up and throwing it on the colt's face as he sat back down on the bed, legs spread. He was now not even trying to appear decent, showing off those sizable large orbs once more. Keith whined but still did as he was told, slowly and hesitantly putting the net stockings on, then the skirt and then the top. His movements were slow as if he was hoping to procrastinate the inevitable to think of a plan of action. Just that none came up. And that the outfit in the end fit perfectly on his slutty form. The griffon gave an appreciative whistle. “Damn. Even some nerdy bitch like you can look decent in the right clothes. Of course they fit, meaning they are yours. How about trying out the others after you filly give me a twirl.” “O-Okay,” Keith agreed, turning around to show off his body, feeling quite shameful at having to play dress-up for his bully. And yet he did. The first outfit was stripped and the swimsuit was donned. He once more went full-circle, showing off his sexy ass to the griffon who then gave it a slap, making Keith squeak at the assault on his rear, light tears stinging at his eyes. He turned around to the meanly smirking griffon who sat on his bed. “You were asking for it. Just look at you, dressing up like a slutty filly. Calling you a colt was too generous. Now, get to the next outfit.” “N-No, I think that was enough,” Keith said, trying to finally assert himself, “W-We need to work on the project.” Keith’s ears shot up when he heard an unmistakable snap. His eyes flitted to Lanzo, seeing him with his smartphone snapping a few pictures of him. The colt stumbled back in shock, letting loose a distressed whinny. “D-Don’t!” “Too late. Besides, why wouldn’t I take photos of a faggot all dressed up for me? Now, get the cheerleader dress on. Otherwise I might just post this online.” His mouth flopped uselessly, trying to form words, but not finding any that would stop his bully from following through on his threat and exposing his crossdressing hobby to the entire school. Dressing up seemed like a small price to pay for his silence, so he nodded in agreement. “You stole some green lipstick as well, didnt you? Get it and apply it to your lips. Might as well complete the look.” Another silent nod followed as he quickly changed to the last item without further ado, while also applying the green lipstick he kept in his nightstand. Much to his distress Lanzo made him pull up the white and green striped panties with his ass facing him. His head was entirely red and he was glad when he was finally done, turning in a circle to show off. It was then that Keith noticed that the griffon had a claw on his cock. A fully erect cock. The colt gaped seeing this, not having seen his bullies erected shaft before. It was really big, with barbs covering the length up to its pointed end with a thick bulb at the base. The entire thing was easily bigger and thicker than anything that Keith himself was sporting, making him feel rather inadequate. “Need a picture of it?” the griffon teased, making the colt aware just how long he had been staring and he quickly avoided his eyes. “I-I’m fine.” “Then ass to me you slut.” His teeth clenched in apprehension as he did that, his cheeks having a constant embarrassed glow that wasn’t going to abate anytime soon with how the griffon constantly addressed him with derogatory terms. Then he felt those two massive claws sink into his soft tush, fondling it and effectively molesting him in his own home and his own room. It felt as if his safe haven and sanctuary was defiled as much as his body by this filthy bird. The claws just made him shudder in revulsion and not at all with any sense of pleasure! Despite himself, the close intimate contact made his small dick stir lightly, poking out of its sheath and against the panties. “Enjoying yourself? We can’t have that now can we? Not yet at least,” the griffon leaned over and purred hotly into his ear, making the colt tremble again, before he left his rear alone, simply sitting back on the bed and stroking his erect prick. “Turn around now.” Keith did so, flinching as his face was too close to the griffon shaft, but a claw to his hair swiftly stopped any form of retreat he could have initiated. “Sit your ass down,” he ordered with a commanding rumble of his voice. A voice that seemed to shake the weak nerd to his core who instantly did it like a mere dog. As if his body could by instinct tell who his betters were. It got only worse as the griffon claw pulled him closer by his hair, making him whine as his eyes were mere inches away from the dick in front of him. “Now then, the school project was about pathetic faggots, wasn’t it? How about we test out just how much of a gay little sissy you are?” “I-I am not gay though. I am into girls.” “Girls? Like how you were ogling my sister before?” the griffon growled, making Keith fearful at the clear undertone of rage. “N-Not into griffons,” he weakly mumbled, though it was a weak excuse. He did indeed stare at his sister’s ass after all. This was the reason why his head got flushed in the toilet in the first place. And while he did dislike griffons, his instincts as a male, however pathetic they may be, could still recognize an attractive female when they saw it. Or maybe it were just his hormones. Lanzo of course didn’t believe his deflection for one second, instead he smacked his cheek with the throbbing piece of griffon meat. Keith yelped at the slap, looking up tearfully at his bully who glared down at him. “I don’t tolerate lying sissies,” he hissed in clear contempt, making the weak pony tremble in fear. The griffon’s claw grabbed his head, pulling at him before he could even answer. Keith squeaked out in surprise, a high-pitched whine of distress following as his face was mushed against the large griffon prick. He could even feel the barbs on it, who had a certain firmness to it, no doubt making any girl scream that felt them raking against their sensitive insides. “N-Not the ass!” he pleaded as an image of this monster raping his boypussy came to mind, making Lanzo bark out a laugh. “That is all that you can say? Then the mouth is fine?” he taunted him, a certain glint appearing in his eyes. “N-No…” “Too bad dweeb. You are just some gay little shit, so I will rape your face like one,” he growled, grip tightening on his mane as he pulled it up to the end of his prick, setting those full lips on it. It was a sexy image, even with Keith being a colt. The lipstick did well to emphasize the kiss that he was forced to give to the tip. The unicorn was made shamefully aware that this was actually his first kiss. And it went to the cock of his bully, right before his face was getting mercilessly raped. And a second later it was shoved right in, the barbs slipping past the lips and into his mouth, the griffon's cockhead punching against the back of his throat. Keith gagged as Lanzo’s shaft pulled back, only to swiftly punch it again and again, as if trying to force it down into his gullet. He helplessly pushed against the much stronger athlete, his nerd-like qualities becoming a clear disadvantage in this situation as he continued to gag and choke right before Lanzo finally managed to claim his throat. A large bulge formed on his neck, showing how deep his shaft reached inside the inferior pony and yet it stopped at the knot, not able to stretch his mouth wide enough. Instead his muzzle scrunched up as his lips kissed it with each new plunge, smearing the green lipstick on it, almost like a trophy. Keith let out a distressed gurgle. Not at all wanting to taste this superior and much bigger griffon cock on his tongue. It was deeply humiliating, making him feel even more embarrassed and ashamed than before. Something that even increased as the griffon started to move his head, using him as if he was not a pony, but a cheap fleshlight. The barbs were teasing him along his mouth, giving off a strange feeling. Stranger than having a real dick using his throat for the first time in his life. “Nice throat fag. I bet we can get the school project done rather easily with this, though I have to document it properly~” he said in a mocking tone, before the camera on his phone went off. Tears streamed down the colt’s cheeks as he whined in a desperate protest, his hooves hitting against him and pushing still, albeit with no effect. The only real effect it had was Lanzo keeping his esophagus plugged, choking him and depriving him of his precious oxygen. “Hooves off bitch,” he growled menacingly, making the small pony tremble. Keith hesitated for a mere moment before following the order, gagging as he was slowly turning blue. Lanzo spat on his forehead, his saliva running down between his eyes as the unicorn could do little more than flinch at this further humiliation. “That’s it. Be a good little faggot. This is all you are really worth. Besides, you slut love it! Your little dick clit is fully erect,” the griffon pointed out as he pulled out of Keith’s gullet, letting him take in big gulps of air around the meaty dick. The colt tried to ignore the strong musk of a real male as good as he could while doing it, but it was hard. And upon being called out that he was indeed hard, he felt like melting into the floor in shame. “I-It is your smell. Not my fault,” Keith muffledly mumbled an excuse. An excuse that the athlete wasn’t buying as he snorted. He increased his pace, slamming the colts head into his knot repeatedly, wet smacking echoing around his room as he was forced to do so. “It is your fault. You are just a pathetic sissy. I will make sure you will never look at my sister or any mares again. Make sure you will only think about superior griffon cock and how much your own pathetic excuse of a dick clit is falling short!” he growled dominantly, a tight grip on that black messy mane as he was turning Keith into an obedient little cocksucker. Drool and precum was dripping down his chin, and landing on the small bulge on his panties which twitched excitedly. Despite this though there was already a small stain of precum on them. And one which would no doubt grow the longer this went on. The griffon shaft in his maw pulsed in clear enjoyment, precum spilling on his tongue and down his gullet with his barbs raking along it as well. “Glug, mmpfh, gluck, m-mmphf!” came the sounds unbidden from his mouth as it was abused, each thrust faster and faster, before his jaw stretched, threatening to dislocate as the bulbous knot suddenly slipped into him. A distressed high-pitched gurgle followed, a cry not possible with the thick rod spearing Keith’s throat even deeper than before. Lanzo groaned, letting the lipstick smear on the base of his mighty tool as the lowlife struggled beneath him. The griffon couldn’t help but grin smugly at the tears that were streaming down his face while he was slowly choking this pony bitch. And then he pulled back, making Keith cough violently as soon as the tip of it rested on his tongue. And then his throat was speared and tugged off again and again. The griffon was grinding deep into the faggot, making him take the entirety of it in full with each new thrust. His mane stung from the continuous pull as his lips wetly met the shaft in the middle, the barbs teasing along his tongue and gullet. Lanzo spat on the unicorn again, this time hitting his muzzle and letting it run over his painted lips, adding to the degradation of this unicorn sissy as he grunted. “Not a bad mouth you got on you. The only real way for you to get useful. I hope you’re hungry slut, because I am about to nut down your stomach and fill it up with a faggot’s favorite meal. Bet that is something you bitch could note down for the project!” Keith seemed mortified at the mere notion of actually swallowing the vile liquid of this dominant jock, his hooves pushing fruitlessly against his legs as the pace got faster and faster, almost disorienting for the colt. The large ballsack slapped his chin like he was nothing more than a little cocksucking bitch, drool and precum creating wet sounds around the room as the griffon reached his crescendo. He groaned out, pulling him close, bulging his neck before filling his stomach. Volley after volley of slimy sperm was fired, the salty liquid shooting down directly into the nerdy colts stomach and expanding it. Keith was shocked just how much there was. He felt full, as if he had eaten a meal. A fact that made him rather aware just how much cum he had just involuntarily eaten. Just like a filthy faggot. The prick was pulled out of his lips at just that moment, wet strings connecting the stained dick with his lips. The unicorn seemed a bit dazed as he stared at the still hard rod and the two notable lipstick marks at the base and the beginning of the knot, making him gawk at the reminder that this entire huge monster had fit inside his maw. It seemed almost surreal. Just like the bulge in his belly his hoof rubbed over. But it wasn’t over yet. Lanzo gripped the colt's waist, making him squeal in surprise as he was lifted up and then turned around towards his bed. His back was set on it, so his head was hanging from the edge as he saw the bully grinning down at him, making him gulp in clear apprehension. “Didn’t think I was done yet, did you?” he asked the pony, humping his prick over Keith’s muzzle as his claw wandered to his panties, pulling them down and letting the unicorns equine shaft plop free. “So small~” he mocked, making the nerd blush and squirm on his bed. Even more so with the precum dripping from it as it twitched pathetically. “Go ahead. Take your dick clit and jerk it. We both know you want to, you cunt. You are just a faggot after all. You cannot help it but want to touch yourself as a superior male griffon is owning your throat~” The unicorn hesitated, whining in clear embarrassment at the order, actually thinking about disobeying it. At least until the griffon glared down at him and set his claw on his neck, giving it a warning squeeze. The message was clear, so the unicorn powered up his horn. Only to flicker out as the griffon hocked a loogie on it. “Use your hooves lowlife,” he demanded, making Keith shudder as his hoof reached down, nervously gripping his member and starting to move it. “Good faggot,” he said while poking the ponies lips with his own shaft. They parted without any resistance as Keith simply let the bully do whatever he wanted to his body. The weight felt familiar enough seeing how it hasn’t even been five minutes since the last time he had it inside of him. It breached the entrance of his throat, settling back into it as the griffon started up his thrusts. His heavy balls slapped into Keith’s forehead, still wet with drool and precum, making sure his face would be even more messed up than it already was. Of course the nerdy colt wasn’t adjusted to it. The only experience he had before being the earlier facial abuse he had received by this prick (the dick and the griffon). As such, he gagged repeatedly, esophagus convulsing and involuntarily massaging his bullies pole. The griffon chuckled at that, squeezing his neck a bit. “That’s right. You just love it. You love to suck my superior griffon dick off, don’t you slut?” he purred down to him with a mean grin. Keith could only stroke his small dick in response, feeling it would be better to not answer or even attempt to at all. Not like he would have a good chance of defending against these claims as his vocal cords were currently occupied by that thick slab of griffon cock. Lanzo thrust his hips hard against the ponies muzzle, fucking it into the side of the bed and making it shake violently as he increased the pace as well as the force of it. It showed rather well his physical prowess and conveyed quite clearly that listening to him was the right choice. This griffon could easily beat him up without too much effort. This is proven even more with the claw pressing down on his neck, cutting off the airflow even further as his gullet was used. The unicorn colt panicked, while his hoof movements accelerated, hips thrusting upwards as precum spilled on his skirt. “That’s right. Keep jerking that small worthless pony dick. If you cum I will let you breathe again,” the bully said, making Keith panic, his mind feeling dizzy as his movements became faster and clearly desperate. He could hardly believe that this was happening. That his life would be threatened if he didn’t manage to reach a climax in time. Or maybe Lanzo was just joking? Suffice to say the awkward nerd didn’t want to risk it. His hips bucked into his hoof as he frantically and erratically masturbated as the griffon’s barbs rubbed along his squeezed esophagus. The sensations seemed even more intense, constant gagging and gurgles being heard while Keith slowly turned blue once again. And he got closer. Each time those balls slapped into his face he felt like he was getting closer, pleasure gathering as he was doing his best to bring himself over the edge. And then, finally, he managed. The pony's body tensed and twitched, hips moving skyward, back arching as he held that position while a powerful orgasm took hold of him. His small dick spurted out its seed, leaving a wet slimy trail of his sperm from his dick up all the way to the underside of his chin. He was shamefully covered, his top, skirt and belly stained. “Nice mess you made, bitch,” Lanzo complimented, releasing Keith’s neck and letting him breathe once more. The spunk that got on his claw was quickly rubbed off on the ponies black hair while said pony started to breathe in big gulps of musky air, every time the dick wasn’t occupying his throat. “Hope you are ready for the big finale~” he teased, his motions increasing one final time as his speed reached a crescendo. Keith tensed at this loud exclamation, his hoof instinctually pressing against his cum-swollen belly, a clear reminder of what was to come. Only that Lanzo had different plans in the end. He did ram his face just as mercilessly as before, but when it came to it, with his dick throbbing violently and his huge orbs churning, he pushed his hips back. A wet mess of drool strings connected his gaping maw with this glorious prick, the prick of a real alpha male, as it was aimed at his face. Then Lanzo screeched out in triumph as it exploded. Volleys of spunk burst into the ponies face and then his mane as the griffon shoved it into the black hair. He made it slimy with his spunk before aiming at his body again, ruining his top further, then more splattering on his belly and lastly, he aimed for his retreating twitching dick clit. Keith whined with some pleasure as he felt the superior hot sperm coat his member which did tremble in excitement from the treatment. It was running down over it and over his balls, marking him seemingly and showing him what a real male can do. Only once the colt was a complete mess with his dick fully retreated and bathed in sperm, did he stop and sighed out in satisfaction. The small nerd trembled as he looked up exhaustedly at the strong griffon as he simply laid there on the bed. Showered in griffon seed with messy cheerleader clothes. No, showered might be too weak of a word. Bathed seemed more accurate with how it was running down his sides in steaming hot rivulets. He set the shaft to his lips, a large globe of cum on it. The unicorn had his mouth closed, the cum smearing against it as he growled. “Clean the tip bitch,” he demanded and the pony obeyed with a pathetic whimper. His needy maw opened and suckled on the tip, his tongue lapping at the entrance where more baby batter dripped from. He only stopped once it was clean. Lanzo then pulled out with a smirk. “I would say we have made great progress with the project today. I trust that you will finish it on your own.” The griffon’s shaft was retreating by now in his sheath as he stepped back, rolling his shoulders, ready to leave the pony behind. He was about to turn around, but decided to snap a few last pictures, his face getting closer to his sticky one after he was done. “Don’t you ever dare look at my sister’s ass again. If you do, it will be your ass next time. I will fuck your boypussy so hard you will never be able to think about any cunt ever again, got that?” Keith gulped in apprehension, frantically nodding his head to show that he had understood. It made Lanzo grin as he hocked a loogie across the nerd’s muzzle and his lips. “Good. See you dumb cunt in school then~” he mocked, turning around and walking out. The unicorn could see the hefty furry griffon balls swaying tantalizingly with each step. It made him almost drool. Keith shook his head clear of it, before sighing out, feeling very much drained and filthy. He was in dire need of a shower... > The Griffon Gangrape... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith walked along the sidewalk, a nervous pit in his stomach. After Lanzo had used his mouth the day prior, he had ordered him to his home the very next day. The unicorn was rather sure it was for another blowjob. The thought made him roll his tongue in his mouth. He could still remember the salty taste of the griffon on it... He had pulled the black hoodie over his head, trying to inconspicuously find his way towards the bullies home. In all honesty, he had hoped the walk would go on forever. Sadly it didn’t. That was the right street number as well as the right street. A street in his mind practically infected with griffons as they made up quite a large proportion here. “Birdbrains,” the teenage colt muttered, not able to really speak his thoughts out too loudly. Especially in case Lanzo heard it. He blushed as his thoughts instantly travelled to the griffon in question and the crotch view Keith had when he had his virgin throat pierced by the truly massive griffon cock. His hoof went to his lips, touching them, but also reminding himself of the red lipstick that was there. A lipstick Lanzo wanted him to wear for today. Not to mention the saddle bags that held a slutty outfit in them that Lanzo had also requested for him to bring. Oh yeah, there was no doubt about what he was going to do to him. And despite himself, the colt felt his small dick throb in its sheath. Keith gulped as he slowly started to approach the house. Just a normal house and not looking as dirty or run down as he imagined it would be. Soon the door was reached and then he pressed the doorbell hesitantly. A chim went out, making his legs wobble slightly and his heart jump, before a moment later one could hear mighty steps get closer. The door was yanked open and Lanzo appeared in his green and white colored sports jacket giving him a mean grin. He stepped out of the way, motioning for the pony to go in with his claw. A lion inviting prey into its den. Keith moved, almost automatically, his eyes for a moment tracing downwards to those dark furry balls and then avoiding it as he made his way in. Lanzo laid a hand on his plush ass, shoving him in even faster as his other closed the door in an instant. A squeeze to his rump followed as the unicorn colt was molested by the much stronger griffon. “Ah!” the pony squeaked out, surprised by the shameless action and ashamed that his dick had throbbed again. “You bitch best have the clothes I ordered you to bring ready. Strip and get into the right outfit. No one wants to see you in your ugly black hoodie,” he ordered, making Keith shiver. “W-Will do that straight away,” the colt agreed instantly, sitting on his plush ass and letting the saddle bags slide off his back. He pulled the hoodie over his head, getting naked and feeling a bit violated from just that before getting the outfit as he turned around and rummaged through the bag. It was an all too familiar outfit as well. Net stockings, a pink thong, a short red skirt and a black tube top with pink letters spelling ‘DADDIES GIRL’ and a heart beneath it. The thong was something Lanzo wished additionally this time around and as shameful as Keith was to admit it...he did have one. The unicorn would have sighed at that normally, but right now was too nervous to do so as he felt the sharp eyes of the griffon male on him. It made Keith self-conscious as he slowly donned the outfit, knowing full well just how slutty he would look. Just like a prostitute. The requested lipstick and blue eye-shadow only seemed to hammer the point home even deeper. Once he was done, Lanzo nodded. “Very good. Seems like even such dumb nerds like you can be taught a trick.” Keith was about to reply how this was an oxymoron. How a nerd can’t by its very definition be dumb. Then again he was reminded that he had come to the griffon's place, knowing full well what would happen to him. One could argue that it was because of the blackmail, however he could have risked it and went to his parents, teachers or even the police. Not that the colt actually had the balls to do so. Just a reminder that this was his own fault. “This way, fag,” Lanzo said, waving for him to follow, which the pony did. He came into a spacey living room with a couch, cupboards, a TV and most importantly a whole gang of griffons. The jocks from their hoofball team to be more precise. An array of various griffons in different colors could be seen. Some wearing their green and white-colored sports jackets, others not. All of them were very athletically built and made the teenage colt look small in comparison, though him shrinking in on himself did help in that endeavor. It of course did nothing to hide him from those leering stares. “Damn, that sissy really came. And with that outfit too,” one of them voiced, while another chuckled. “Weak ponies always follow their nature. To submit to strong predators.” “Getting hard just looking at this slut.” “Calling dibs on that ass. My barbs will make him squeal!” “Ha! Look at that! The little bitch is getting hard!” Keith’s cheeks started to glow at this. He had the urge to look down and confirm it, just to make sure, but he could definitely feel himself stirring shamefully while his eyes had wandered over to these well-trained griffon hunks. He was definitely not gay. Just...appreciating that they looked that athletic and it was a nice thing that anypony could compliment, right? A claw squeezing his ass cheek brought him out of his musings as Lanzo pulled him into his side, the feathers feeling far softer than he would have given them credit for. “The picture’s alone should have made it obvious. Keith is a little pony faggot. One that was lusting after my sister no less. So I seek to correct it.” “Heh. Griselda would beat his ass up if he ever tried to flirt with her.” “No doubt about it, but this is more entertaining than watching this slut getting beaten black and blue by her.” Keith squirmed a bit at the comments, not really wanting to imagine himself getting rejected by Griselda in such a manner. He thought he might have a bit of a shot with her. Well if he was interested in a female griffon. Mainly liking her body being curvy and her wider ass like any teenage colt would. Not that this was a pressing concern, seeing the current situation. “W-Wait a moment!” Keith squeaked, gathering his courage, “Y-You didn’t say anything about any other griffons!” A coward he may be, but Keith still had his principles and it was worse enough that one filthy birdbrain was taking his mouth for a ride, but now the whole griffon hoofball team? It was where he drew the line! But looking around...neither of the griffons seemed to care too much about it, grinning dirtily at him and making him shudder as he tried to back away, only to be held in place by the claw still fondling his asscheek. “Really now? So you don’t mind if I release the pictures?” Lanzo asked pointedly, causing clear discomfort in the colt. “I-I do mind. A-And I’m not saying I can have a repeat with you but all of them is a bit much,” he said, averting his eyes as he fumbled around with his words, trying to get out of it. The claw that gripped his mane clarified well enough that he wasn’t. He was dragged painfully over to the green couch. One of two which were arranged on one side of a rectangular glass table each. Lanzo took the seat and spread his legs while forcing Keith to sit down in front of him, musky furry balls and large griffon dick presented. Two other griffons sat down next to the bully as well, their own shafts standing erect with their intimidating barbs and bulbs and an alluring pink color. “If you don’t mind a repeat then you lowlife best not mind servicing my friends as well. Or do I need to get more convincing with you?” Keith gulped at the light glare the strong predator sent him, but his hooves still hesitated to reach out to the cocks nearby. Too bad that Lanzo wasn’t up for playing that game. The unicorn’s neck was grabbed along with his waist as he was pulled over the larger griffon’s lap, his belly facing down like a naughty colt. The teenager’s cheek was mushed as it was met with the griffon dick that sat to the left of his bully. And before Keith could even voice his confusion or apologize, a large hard talon smacked down fiercely on his behind. “AH!” he yelped, ass cheeks stinging somewhat harshly. The skirt was too short to give any real protection. And then his tail tucked between his legs to try and cover at least a small part of his behind? Lanzo grabbed it in his beak, pulling on it so much his dock was throbbing as it was stretched, leaving him exposed. And then another slap followed. His ass jiggled in a way no colt’s should, showing his clear feminine side to the others. “Oh! Look at that slut’s ass shaking!” “Fucking faggot. With how that small dick is throbbing, he clearly asked for this and then he tries to refuse to service us?” “I like it more when pony bitches are resisting. Lot more exciting that way. Gets the blood pumping, ya know?” “Heh. In the end they all beg for our cocks anyway.” Meanwhile Lanzo had not even once stopped, claw continuing on merrily to spank the colt’s sorry hide like he was a naughty boy. “S-Stop! I-I’m s-sooooorry!” Keith whined and screamed out, tears by now gathering at the edge of his eyes from the pain, but before he could say anything more, another claw grabbed his mane and then shoved him on the hard rod that was by his face. It seemed like the griffon had gotten impatient and decided to have fun with this sissy as Lanzo carried on with Keith’s punishment. The pony muffledly screamed as his mouth was forced down that massive griffon dick. From the short peeks he had taken he knew that they were all really big. Some might say superior to pony cocks even. The barbs rubbed along his mouth, giving him that interesting sensation again as he had to fellate the other bully. His screams from the spanking were hereby rather pleasant to the length he was servicing, vibrating it in his maw as precum was shooting out of it in approval. “Ahhhh, not too bad. This cunt got quite the mouth on him.” Lanzo smirked at that, halting his claw for a moment. “I told you. He was made for this. Just a bit unwilling still, but we can train that out of him.” A laugh followed, as well as some other griffons chuckling. “We certainly will~” The bully administered some more loud and painful smacks to Keith’s backside as the colt was whimpering by now, tears running down his cheeks as he started to blow the griffon on his own terms, trying to be as complying as he could to convince Lanzo to stop it. His ass had red painful marks on it by now, practically glowing from the abuse it had received. “That’s it little pony. Suck my prick like a lollipop. Then you will get a nice treat~” The teenage colt whimpered an affirmative, head bobbing on his own now as he did his best to make him cum. He forced it down his throat with a gurgle, his neck bulging out as his lipstick-clad lips met the bulb at the end of it. It was an action he repeated time and time again until finally he felt Lanzo’s claw slow down and then leave his ass alone. The unicorn could practically feel the predatory eyes bore into the back of his head. “Behaving now, are we?” he asked mockingly to which Keith gave another affirming gurgle around the griffon prick he was servicing. “Good. You best keep it up, because there are many cocks you have to service, including my own.” After he said it, Lanzo got out from under Keith as the griffon right from him slid a bit farther along the couch to leave him some space. Mere moments later a large and hot throbbing piece of griffon dick meat was slapped on the colt’s ass. He already had an idea what was about to happen. In response Keith protested muffledly on the shaft he was sucking, trying to pull off to speak properly, however his head was firmly held in place. “You don’t get to pull off bitch! You want to form words with that whore mouth of yours? Then you best get me off first!” A whine left his lips as he still tried to pull off, seeing if he could somehow make it and prevent his anal cherry from being popped, without avail. The griffon bully by now set the dry length on his flexible little pucker, his talons spreading it as well as digging into his redly glowing ass cheeks, causing a few more tears to roll down his face from the stinging sensation. Then a wad of spit hit his sphincter, though it was barely enough to count as lubrication. Lanzo seemed to notice what Keith was thinking as he answered him. “If you fag protest that much it just means I won’t lube up properly. Just another punishment for you until you finally learn your place as our toy.” It was as simple as it was cruel. And it was a cruelty which was openly displayed as the jock was now pushing in without a second thought. The little bit of saliva that was provided barely was enough to wet the tip of the griffon’s cock, let alone the entire length of it with its bulb. As such the barbs felt especially fierce as they raked dryly across his virgin anal walls, causing the unicorn to scream as inch after inch was rammed in. Lanzo wasn’t going easy on him as he made sure the teenage colt’s ass was filled on the first go with only the bulbous base being kept outside. It was everything other than comfortable as the dark-feathered griffon started to move, while the other started to facefuck him and spear his throat. Keith was too distracted to fellate him by then and with that was simply used as an onahole. He briefly wondered if he should try and use his magic to get them off of him and run away, but one look around the room squished any such foolish notion. The dark grey griffon that was sodomizing his ass was more than capable of hindering him from using magic on his own, so an entire group of them? Chances are they would damage his horn if they found him too uncooperative. It made his heart sink as he closed his eyes and started to suck off the griffon in front of him again, trying to ignore the pain of the large dry insertion in his ass. If he actually helped along it would be over sooner and he could be on his way again. At least that was the easiest way for him to go about it. So he simply submitted, as the bulb was punching his ass repeatedly as if trying to force its way in. Keith hoped the griffon would cum before his backdoor would give in and invite that bulb inside. The normal length alone was thick enough in and of itself after all. “Oh shit! I’m about to cum!” the griffon that was currently occupying his mouth exclaimed, groaning as he bounced the teenage colt’s head off his dick faster and faster. Keith gurgled, feeling the barbs rubbing along his tongue and throat as more and more precum was spilled inside him. Much to his shame it was something that didn’t taste bad, just like with Lanzo before. And then the large slab of griffon meat throbbed? It made his heart flutter a bit as he knew what was about to come. Barely seconds later after the speed increased did the griffon plug up his mouth, bulb smashing against his lips, making him kiss it one last time as it pulsed and volley after volley of his seed was released inside his gullet. Like a good little slut, he simply took it, letting the brute empty the entirety of his balls into him and fill his stomach up, making it bulge out a bit from the sheer volume. It seemed that all griffon’s were as virile as Lanzo if this was anything to go by. His exhausted limb head was pulled off by his mane and then pushed down to those furry balls, letting him rest there as he was forced to give them a kiss. “Woah nice ring there!” “Lipstick was definitely the right choice~” The unicorn turned his eyes a bit, noting that there was indeed a very notable ring of his red lipstick smeared where his lips had met the bulb, making him blush as he moaned into the balls. This moan did remind him that the thrusts of Lanzo were easier on him now. After a while of using him some precum was leaking from his tip, making it easier for his bowels to take it. It was still uncomfortable, though much to his shame, Keith had to admit that he did feel some minor pleasure from it as well, even with the griffon rolling his hurting ass cheeks in his palms, seemingly quite enjoying his behind. His little dick was tenting the pink thong as his tip was spilling some of his own arousal as well. It was good that he was laying on his stomach as this way the others couldn’t see and humiliate him because of it. “The ass any good?” “Not better than any other ponies but it will do,” Lanzo replied simply carrying on with railing the unwilling colt’s behind. “Heh. Bet it is at least tight. Such loser’s like him are always virgin’s in every sense of the word.” The unicorn stayed silent at that, cheeks glowing a heavy shade of red as he didn’t want to admit that he indeed was never with another pony sexually and that Lanzo pretty much was his first in a sense. Both oral and anal. Not really a comforting thought. “Oh it is,” Lanzo meanwhile confirmed before sitting back down on the couch, his claws digging into Keith’s inner thighs as he pulled him with him. “A-Aah! D-Don’t move so suddenly!” he told the griffon, though doubted he would listen to him anyway. And then a few griffons stepped in front of him? He was suddenly getting quite aware that this new position would allow his mouth to be targeted again. The griffon dicks in front of him varied in size, barb-shape and color, with all of them being mighty tools that made his own cock seem insignificant and small. “If he can bitch around this much he has enough energy to suck dick,” the one directly in front of him said, the musky length being slapped on top of the colt's face as he whined pathetically. Some cum was still on his lips from last time and yet there was no rest to be expected as his hips pulled back to align it with his maw, while his claw went to the back of his head, digging into his mane. A moan escaped him as his behind was bounced off of Lanzo’s own prick, the opening this caused was more than enough for the griffon to suddenly cram it all down his throat. Keith choked, not prepared for it. His front legs wanted to push against him to pull back out for some air and take it slower, but before they could the griffons next to him had grabbed each one of them to set it on their hard throbbing poles. It was clear what they wanted even before they forced his hooves to move up and down. They let them go after a moment too, though it was obviously expected for him to continue. So that is what he did. His stinging rear was rather convincing when it came to listening to whatever they wanted. They were physically strong and he was weak. A small prey animal like him couldn’t disobey strong predators without consequences. “That’s it sissy. Stroke my cock like you mean it. This is all you will ever amount to be in your life anyway. Just a pathetic cum dumpster.” “Especially with such a fat ass!” “With how hard his small dick clit is, it is safe to assume that he was hoping for this!” Again he kept silent. Not that he could protest with his esophagus being stuffed with fat griffon dick. He could only deny those assertions quietly in his mind. Little good it did of course with both of his ends being skewered. And that the pleasure started to actually overtake the uncomfortable feeling in his ass wasn’t a big help either. When he first sucked off Lanzo he did note that those barbs might make any girl scream as they raked over their sensitive insides and now he slowly could confirm just that. It was a sensation that did tease along his walls, scraping along them roughly and with power to elicit euphoric squeals.  Minute after minute this sentiment seemed to grow as Keith started to suck fervently on the length that was provided for his slutty maw as well as jerking the rods to his side eagerly. “Getting into it, isn’t he?” one of the griffon’s asked in a mocking tone as Lanzo chuckled, his claws squeezing his fat thighs as he was grinding his knot into him. “I told you he was a proper faggot,” he answered simply, before the pressure increased as Keith was pushed down. He had only a moment to squeak before the large bulge was suddenly stretching out his flexible pucker, claiming it as it was spread around it. The teenage colt’s body quivered, his small member twitching against the precum stained thong as the griffon dick went even deeper. The obscene bulge that was seen on his belly went deep, showing just how much of a cocksock he had become. And this was only the first dick he was taking up his ass. “O-Oh fuck! Slut’s throat is squeezing me! Can’t hold it any more!” the one at his mouth exclaimed, bulge pressing against his lipstick-covered lips as his balls were churning with his load as it was fired. Spurt after spurt went directly down the unicorn’s gullet, eyes slowly turning up in his head as Lanzo started to move again, popping his bulbous base in and out of his poor abused sphincter without care. There was something tantalizing about his position. The way his rear was worked over as well as the dick throbbing on his tongue as it made his belly bulge out a bit more. Keith had a hard time to put his hoof on it, so he simply leaned back and let it happen. By now the griffon in his throat was finished, groaning as he pulled out, the barbs rubbing along his tongue before his maw was empty once more. “Good bitch. Hey, anyone of you got a marker?” the griffon said, still holding the ponies head. “Sure do,” another griffon answered, giving a black marker to him as he adopted a crooked grin with his beak. He unclasped it and held his head still as he started to write. Even Lanzo slowed his thrusts considerably for this, making sure the weak-willed unicorn would be a perverted piece of art. ‘STUPID FAGGOT’ was written straight on his forehead, along with ‘LOVES GRIFFON COCK’ and ‘FREE BLOWJOBS’ on one cheek, with a dick and some hearts scribbled on the other. ‘HANDLE FOR FACEFUCKING’ was written on his right ear and ‘BITE ME’ on his left with a dotted line presenting a possible bite mark. Next was a target between his eyes, with the words, ‘AIM HERE’ written above it, clearly indicating for his buddies to just blast their load all over his slutty face. And it was slutty with all the writing that adorned him now and yet, the griffon was far from finished. ‘GRIFFON CUM DUMPSTER’ was next in big letters on his belly, ‘PATHETIC CLIT’ was further down with an arrow pointed to his small dick that was pulsing needily at the slow gyrating rhythm his ass was receiving. ‘EASIEST UNICORN IN MANEHATTAN HIGH’ followed with ‘FREE USE SISSY’ at the last available spot on his belly. ‘FREE HOOFJOB’ and ‘CUM RAG’ were written on his hooves each before Lanzo held out his hand. The griffon did give him the marker, Keith blushing as he realized it was not over as he had watched them defile his body with their nasty words. The cool marker was writing along his flank, words unseen to him, though he could make out an arrow being placed under the words, probably talking about his ass. An apt assumption as his bully smirked while writing. ‘BREED THIS FAGGOT ASS’ with an arrow drawn as well as ‘ANAL SLUT’ on his other cheek and then ‘COMPLETE BOTTOM’, ‘MALE FAILURE’ and ‘BETA BITCH’ on his back. Only then did they stop to humiliate him like this further, Lanzo dropping the marker on the couch as he set his talons back on the colt’s inner thighs making him quiver. Such a strong teasing touch as his thrusts sped back up again, bulb slipping inside and out as he was taken deeply. A few snaps made Keith whine as several griffons now took photos of him, his cheeks coloring in embarrassment as he was anally raped and forced to give out hoofjobs to some other griffons still. And then a large splatter of salty slimy cum hit the right side of his face, making him squeak out in surprise. “Ooh nice!” one griffon commented while the other griffon groaned as more spurts followed, streaking his black mane as well as his muzzle and then his neck. “Careful where you fire it,” Lanzo warned, not wanting to get anything on his feathers. “I did,” the other complained before he was shoved out of the way. As soon as the teenage colt’s hoof was left unoccupied, did another claw force it on a new barb-covered prick. Being blasted on his face wasn’t something he wanted to endure again, but he figured it was a lot better than sucking on it or riding it like a...faggot… Not to mention the weird conflicting feelings it was giving him. “Fuck! Fuck those hooves!” the one to his left said, leaving the grip of his hoof before suddenly shoving that fat slab of meat in his muzzle. Thankfully it didn’t go down his esophagus as he was already done, groaning as more spunk followed. His cheeks bulged out as he wasn’t prepared for it, hesitating to gulp it all down as it then instead shot out of his nose and mouth. He coughed as the white load was running down his face and over his body, making him messier, despite finishing inside his needy maw. Once done the jock sighed out in relief and stepped back. “Enjoying yourself, slut?” Lanzo asked, his rock-hard member throbbing inside of him. His beak was close to his ear, his voice seeming to deride him. “N-No…” Keith denied, albeit only after some hesitation. He moaned out then Lanzo’s talons moved down on his legs lifting him up and freeing his contracting ass of his shaft. “Is that so?” he asked, not seeming convinced. “Maybe I should kick you out of my house then as you are and let you walk home.” The words felt like a relief to the unicorn who stopped stroking the dick by his side at this point. “R-Really?” he asked, before his mind caught up to just what exactly he had said, so he clarified, “A-After changing?” Lanzo snorted. “Fuck no. I will throw you out immediately. And I will keep your sweater to wipe off my dick of your ass.” The ponies eyes turned to pinpricks. In this outfit and with cum dripping from him there was no way he could walk home without anypony taking photos and the entire school seeing him like this by the end of the day. He should have known that his bully wasn’t about to give him a reasonable escape. It was either walking around looking like a cheap street hooker or keeping it all a secret as the other griffons finish up. Considering how balls-deep Lanzo was already in his ass just a minute prior it was an easy choice. “I-I will stay then,” he voiced, trying to continue the hoofjob, albeit the other griffon stepped away stopping him and his bully wasn’t continuing to fuck his rear either. “Do you now? Then beg for it,” he demanded cruelly, making him gulp. “B-B-Beg?” he asked, trying to make sure he understood him right as his head was looking up at the larger male. “Beg for us to rape your worthless body. Your mouth and your ass. To be our little cum dumpster for the day, like the pathetic nerdy loser you are.” The colt bit his lip, hesitating though knowing full well that he had to say it. It was the lesser evil. Not that this made it any easier to say things as degrading as this. Fearing Lanzo would get impatient he quickly opened his mouth trying to voice the lines, albeit doing so shakily. “I-I am a pathetic faggot loser. J-Just a griffon cum dumpster for you to use, s-so please rape all of my holes. F-Fuck me so hard that I-I won’t be able to walk straight for a week.” A chorus of cheers was heard, which was quickly droned out as his bully let go of his legs, letting gravity spear his ass with that fat griffon cock down to swallowing the bulb as well. A pathetic cry escaped his lips as his hooves were set on two dicks which he was forced to masturbate as his body was bounced up and down by Lanzo’s powerful thrusts. The wet slapping sound echoed around the room as the unicorn’s mouth was formed into a constant ‘O’ of pleasure. He could feel the dicks in his hooves pulse as much as he felt the one in his ass punching his prostate as if it was a sport. His tongue was out, giving him quite the slutty look, but it was a look he couldn’t help as the assault did indeed make him feel pleasure, as loathe and ashamed as he was to admit. Barely a minute past, though it seemed so much longer for the teenage colt, before he cried out in a high-pitched voice as his small length twitched and a meager deluge of cum fired out. It was of course halted from making too big of a mess with the thong covering the hole, so it instead soaked and leaked through the pink fabric with slimy white globs dripping and running down from it. “Look at that bitch go!” “Knew he would come before Lanzo!” “Fucking slut! You deserve everything we do to you!” The pony could hear those harsh words, but they didn’t quite register fully as his body was tense as his mind was alight with pleasure. Enough so that he almost didn’t notice his position changing, his body suddenly laying belly-down on the glass table in front of him with a massive body covering his own. He lost grip of the dicks for a moment, though it was swiftly regained as the hunks sat on the glass table next to his body. It was a rather sturdy table with how it could take all of their weight. Keith could see those musky heavy balls resting on the glass as his hooves were once again trying to please their shafts. It was hard to focus with Lanzo on him of course, especially with how his pace was increasing constantly and many grunts and dangerous growls were escaping his beak. The throbbing made it clear that he was close. And then he plugged his ass up as his rock-hard cock spurted out his seed as he came. The unicorn’s eyes widened as he could feel the slimy semen flooding his anal walls and coating them in their load. Filled up with griffon sperm from both ends and yet with many more to follow. For a moment there was clarity and disgust, but as a pair of talons gripped his mane and shoved in another prick between his lips, it was lost again. He gave a muffled sound as his neck was bulging with another dick being invited in as Lanzo sighed out, pulling his shaft with him and leaving a gaping spunk-leaking asshole behind. He sat down on the couch, relaxing a bit as he waved for his other buddies to go ahead. Not that they needed any encouragement. The griffon who made it fastest took the teenager’s legs and flipped his body around, Keith choking as the shaft in his maw was also twisting around while his forelegs lost their grip on the other barb-covered rods. He was disoriented as he laid on his back on the glass table before his hind legs were gripped and his lower back was positioned to hang straight up, thong-covered dick hanging above his face as a fat slab of griffon meat was smacked on his ass. “Let’s see if you are still tight enough after taking Lanzo’s prick,” the new griffon stated, before repositioning his own pink member and then plunging it all in in one go, bulb included. Keith screamed at the new large insertion, or tried to, as his face was fucked it was a hard thing to do. His front legs quickly started to find the other dicks again, stroking them once more as he was utterly and totally fucked from all sides. So why did his legs actually wrap around the burly griffon on top of him? He didn’t know. Couldn’t know as he was surrounded by those throbbing dicks, their barbs rubbing along his hooves, throat and anal walls all too pleasantly. Their precum was making his hooves sticky as with his mouth and tongue or his ass. It were copious amounts too, showing off the virility of the entire team. He started to suck on the length in his mouth, tongue lapping at the base of it as the bulb was hitting and scrunching up his muzzle slightly with every go. Keith opened his lips wider and then suddenly felt it slip in. A surprised sound from him as well as a groan from the griffon above announced that the bulb was now inside. His jaw hurt a bit from the stretching it received as all of the dick was buried inside of him. “Fuuuuuck! Faggot is sucking me in!” he told the others, with some chuckling. “Can’t wait to smear that lipstick on my own bulb,” another one said, stroking his hard member in clear eagerness to get a turn with him. “And he is clinging to my hips. If he isn’t broken in already, it won’t take much longer,” the other one in his ass commented. “Hear that sissy? You already done for or need a harder pounding?” the one at his mouth asked taunting him. “Heh. Slut is gone.” Keith could still hear what they said and wasn’t quite gone yet, but he had a hard time to really dwell on it. He was too distracted as he was servicing all of their shafts. And then he felt the one to his left pulse wildly before a groan as well as volleys of hot cum followed. It was hitting his side, painting the area by his belly and black tube top. He was made even more messy, which only seemed to make his body arch in pleasure as he was taking it all in. And then as soon as the warm shaft left his hooves a new one was presented to him, which he dutifully gripped as he started to move his hoof up and down. He was full. Surrounded by musky griffon dick. His mind seemed to blank out amidst the wet slapping sounds and the splashing of seed on his body as another griffon groaned and painted his midsection. It was getting harder to deny that the slutty colt did in fact derive pleasure from it. The piledriving position with his own ass hanging up into the air gave the griffon much more leverage to plunge his prick in to the hilt. Same as the one in his mouth that took over a substantial part of his esophagus. Their large bulges reached deep enough to practically look as if they could meet up in his middle. By then he was slowly losing track of time, feeling throbbing hard cocks all around him. Some of them firing off their load on and inside him, his ass being smeared with a new load as much as his stomach as dicks were pulled out and instantly replaced by new ones. The griffons made sure to keep his ass up in the air at all times, while he gurgled, squealed and writhed. Especially as he also came himself. His pathetic load dripped through the pink thong and onto his face as it was pounded relentlessly. And he would come again before the next set of griffons were done with him. It was a constant pounding with balls slapping against his body and his eyes rolling up into the back on his head as he sucked and clung to his cruel captors needily, encouraging them to fuck him even harder. Something they did without hesitation. Almost an hour later the never-ending line of cocks abated as he felt his hooves flop down on the table as everyone had pulled away. Much of his body was white with spunk as he was practically showered in the stuff. His ass was widely gaping, having yielded to the many bulbs it was stuffed with over the course of the time. A wrecked mess and true cum dumpster for the superior griffon jocks. It didn’t register to Keith at first as he was still trying to suck at a shaft that wasn’t there anymore as his hips weakly humped against air. Only a minute later did he realize that it was over, his eyes travelling to inspect his body, marked and owned by the griffons. “I-I am totally fucked, aren’t I?” Keith spoke out into the room, his cum-streaked body laying limbly on the glass table. Lanzo smirked as he leaned down towards him. “Not enough yet~” The unicorn’s lips twitched upwards a bit as he heard that while his bully gripped him by the mane and pulled him off the table. Painful and yet beyond a distressed cry he didn’t mind. He was set onto the ground in a sitting position as more griffons surrounded him, seemingly ready for one last blast before sending him home for the day. The griffon who started this all was standing on the helm of it, his dick barb-covered prick smacking on top of his head heavily. “Now show us what you learned sissy,” he demanded and Keith did so immediately, tongue lapping at the underside of it, showering it with a series of wet eager licks. Gone was the deviant teenage colt from before, replaced with a dumb needy griffon cum dumpster. “That is where nerds like you belong. Down on your knees sucking our cocks,” Lanzo commented further, pulling his hips back and setting his dick on his lipstick-smeared lips. The inferior pony did not need any more encouragement. His head bobbed up and down his length willingly, taking it in and forcing it down his neck. Then his forelegs reached out, quickly finding two more cocks to jerk as the other griffons around him simply masturbated. His small dick clit twitched in excitement at his predicament. No doubt there would be no speck of his fur visible after they bathed him with more of their spunk. A fitting reward for him. He was stupid to ever have defied them. This was where he belonged. Beneath his griffon superiors. It was then that a female voice chimed in. “Hey bro, what are you up to-” Griselda said, walking into the living room before scrunching up her face in disgust. “For fucks sake, can’t you fuck your little faggot toys in the backyard?! I am not cleaning this mess up,” the grey-colored griffoness groused with a scowl. “Relax Gris. I will take care of it,” Lanzo told her casually, waving her off. “You better be. And yeet his worthless ass out once you are done. I don’t need some filthy pony to stink up this place,” she growled, before turning around and stomping up the stairs into her room, making the bully chuckle. “Charming, isn’t she? And you wanted to tap her ass. Well, not anymore at least, though like we pointed out she would have beaten you up if you tried anyway. And after that I would have also beaten and then raped your pathetic nerd ass for even trying,” Lanzo told the pony that was fellating his rod. Keith felt a certain sting at Griselda’s comments, but couldn’t help to agree with Lanzo here. His attraction towards her was foolish. Especially with so many griffon cocks that needed serving. Considering his own size, it was doubtful he could satisfy her anyway. She deserved some good long griffon shafts like these, not the inferior equipment he had. So he moaned in approval as he was pushing his mouth forward to kiss the bulb, before swallowing that one as well. His jaw seemed more flexible now, albeit a bit sore as well. It did help him out as he was able to do just as his bully wanted. His hooves glided along the two lengths by his side with ease, as they were still lubricated from whatever hole of his they had occupied earlier. Eager as the pony was, he was slurping noisily, enjoying the spurts of precum on his tongue that the delectable griffon rod offered him. Griselda’s words played across in his mind, about him being a pony and stinking up the place. Maybe he did stink, though of griffon sperm in his current condition. He would have chuckled if his gullet was free enough to do so. Groans could be heard as a few griffons were getting close, before one stepped up and shoved his member into his black but also cum-stained mane. It was too clean for that griffon’s liking, seemingly as he grunted shaft pulsing as his hot cum was pouring inside and soaking it up more, turning it white. It was flowing down, running along his neck and making Keith shiver pleasantly. This felt so right now. Chances are he could cum from the smell and feeling of their virile sperm alone. So when he felt another one blast right against his back? He squealed, hips lurching forward before moaning as his small dicklet strained against the thong, the friction feeling oh so right to him. Then another one finished, blasting his side. And the next one did his front, albeit he aimed for his little member apparently. Feeling it bathed in the superior payload, the teenage colt trembled again. He was so close… And then another one fired, aiming for his little dick too. A muffled scream followed as his hips bucked and a small burst of cum seeped through the stained underwear, much to the amusement of the jocks. “Ha! Don’t even need to fuck this bitches ass for him to cum!” “What a whore!” “Best believe I will be tapping that daily if he is that needy.” His back arched and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he was still writhing in his own pleasure-induced high. This sounded not too bad to him. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Lanzo got impatient with the unicorn slowing down on his blowjob, so his claws gripped his ears, as he started to facefuck him for the last stretch. It was a stretch that was as fast approaching as the griffons carried on with blasting his body as another volley went off, hitting his right foreleg. His neck was showing off the bullies clear outline as he was now hammering down into his slutty little muzzle, claiming it with all his might as Keith was simply taken along for the ride. The unicorn’s body twitched as the prick in his hoof was peppering the left side of his face with its spunk, almost not noticing it from the rough handling Lanzo was bestowing upon him. More wet gurgles followed. This was it. This was the end. He was going to claim him one final time for the day. And then his throat was speared. The mighty griffon shaft plugged him up one last time as he felt it pumping down its load right into his bloated stomach. He looked pregnant with how much cum he was forced to swallow and yet Lanzo was still giving him more to add. Almost as a side note, the other length he was still jerking fired off as well, hitting him above his right eye and making sure no spot was clean. And it wasn’t even the last cock yet. His tail was pulled roughly as he could make out two shafts sinking into it and cumming as well. It made his dock sting a bit, but at the same time it delighted him to no end that they were making sure his tail would drag onto the ground, wet and weighed down by their own semen. It did take a moment before it was all over, some random dicks firing off their last few spurts, streaking over his face and body as Lanzo let go of his ears. He stepped away and Keith slipped off it, falling backwards with a wet splatter onto the ground. His leg gave a few minor twitches as he was spent, more snaps of photos being made to be heard, though the teenage colt didn’t mind by now. Then Lanzo gripped his mane, pulling him up with a grin and spitting on his face, causing the small unicorn to shiver. “Had fun you dumb faggot?” he taunted him before snorting, the answer obviously clear. “I’d offer you a shower, but you heard what Gris said~” he continued, the words only slowly registering to his mind as he was dragged towards the front door. Only as it opened did his eyes widen. But it was too late to react as he was thrown out into the front yard. “Will see you faggot in school. Make sure you get home without being seen~” Lanzo mocked with a grin, slamming the door shut before the pony could even turn around to protest. With a distressed whine he started to run home, his walk of shame not going unnoticed by several ponies and griffons. It was clear that he would be the talk of the school by tomorrow for better or worse.