My Little Gunpla

by echo482

First published

Join Spike and the rest of Canterlot high as they try and take on other schools in a epic battle of gunpla warfare.

Canterlot high has been on a losing streak lately and has been trying to get out of they're funk.

hopefully with Spike moving to the school they may have a chance.
So join Spike and the rest of Canterlot high as they try and take on other schools in a epic battle of gunpla warfare.

ch 1 New School

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My Little Gunpla

Chapter 1 New School.

It was a clear starry night, as the stars flickered, they seem to deem as something exploded over a small planet. “Attention all pilot fall back to Canterlot, I'm pulling back the dolls. I repeat fall back.” a voice called over the coms as the pilot watched the few mobile dolls that could function fly off to a space station that looked lake four large diamonds attached to a smaller diamond in the middle.

Turning back to the fighting the pilot saw the other fighting mobile suits trying to help the damaged suits poll back. “Fluttershy are you okay?” Asked the pilot looking at a tan and pink mobile suit that had both legs and it's right arm blown off.

“I'm fine Twilight, but I think my thrusters are damaged.”

“I got you Fluttershy.” Called out another pilot as a blue mobile armor raced by and picking up the damage tan and pink mobile suit leaving a rainbow vapor trail behind.

“Thank you Rainbow.” Spoke the soft spoken fluttershy.

“Twilight!! We need help!” called another voice over the coms.

“Apple Bloom, where are you?” questioned Twilight looking for Apple Bloom's mobile suit across the battlefield.

“ We're hunkered down in the cargo hold of the Crusader, I don't think my Mercurius shields well hold any longer.” cried Apple Bloom.

'This will take care of them.” spoke another pilot,

spotting the firing of high powered beam weapon coming out of one of the wrecked ships, Twilight raced off to the destroyed ship.

Flying at high speed Twilight made it to the ship before the dolls noticed her and started slicing through them with a beam saber, seeing so meany Twilight gave out a call of. “Dragoons!” and telling ten dart like objects fly off her back and hips attacking the mobile dolls as she went and looked for Apple Bloom and her team.

Letting her darts take care of the dolls Twilight flow to the cargo hold to see the flickering of a shield of Apple Bloom's mobile suit. “Girls are you okay?”

“Twilight! Thank goodness you're here.” spoke another pilot as her mobile suit walked up, looking the other suit over Twilight saw that it's color of it was a mostly white body with light purple and pink high lights on the joints and lining of the mobile suit, it had one eye under a angled back horn to see with and a damaged particle accelerator as a back pack with cables running to fragments of a gun floating behind her with some thrusters mounted into the armor on the sides of her legs recognizing it as a Vayeate.

“Sweetie belle what happen here?” asked Twilight looking around to see a siting down suit that looked a lot like the Sweetie Belle's Vayeate but it a horn that spits into two haft way up. Looking a the rest of it Twilight saw that it's legs where shot off leaving nothing but the cockpit in tack.

“We were heading out of the asteroid field around a colony when we were ambushed by a two squads of dolls and a team of gundams with there ship, diamond tiara tried to shield us with the Crusader but the other ship shot her down before she could get to us.” Spoke Apple bloom.

“we tried to take care of them, but another team showed up and started to attack us from behind. They blew up Apple Bloom's legs, we are lucky that her Mercurius shield held up for as long as it did and Sweetie Belle lost her beam cannon trying to hold them off as we got in here, it's a good thing I remembered to pack this thing.” spoke another mobile suit pilot walking to them.

It had long stocking legs with a short body that had wing on it's back and it's head form up into a point we two prongs at the top it's arms showed off it small wing as she tried to show off it's large beam cannon.

“we were lucky that Scootaloo pack her Taurus's beam cannon or we be sunk.”

“Apple bloom, how are you hanging in there?” asked Twilight.

“Well I've had better days, but I don't think I can hold my shield up anymore.” said Apple Bloom

“AAAAHHHHHH!” screamed Sweetie Belle as her mobile suit exploded.

“Sweetie Belle!” cried Scootaloo as she brought up her beam cannon. “You bastard!”

Twilight watch as Scootaloo fire off her cannon before seeing the Taurus itself was riddled with holes and then exploding.

“Hahaha... Well what do we have here?” Laugh out a gundam walking into the hanger bay holding a large Impulse cannon under it's left arm with a combo weapons pod with some fin like shield on it's right shoulder, it was a Strike Gundam with it's Launcher pack on.

Standing in front of Apple Bloom wrecked mobile suit Twilight pulled out a beam saber ready for a attack.

“What's this? You think you can beat me with a beam saber? That's just hilarious.” said the pilot before laughing again. Raising his cannon he pointed at twilight's gundam.

Readying her saber Twilight was about to rush him when she saw the Mercurius riding it's shield emitters, and crashing into the enemy gundam. “Sorry Twilight.” said Apple Bloom before she activated her shield one more time around her and the Strike Gundam before self destructing.

Shocked flashed over twilight's face as the Mercurius and the Strike Gundam exploded inside the shield before it gave out.

Seeing nothing but white and ringing in her ears, shaking her head twilight saw the remains of both mobile suits flouting around the hanger.

“Twilight. Twilight. Are you there?” cried out as another pilot, her face popped up on her screen. She is what people would call bubble with her big light cerulean eyes and a lock of raspberry hair poking out of her bright pink helmet with balloons and candy designs on it.

“Pinkie Pie, what happening?” asked Twilight trying to get her gundam out of the hole that the explosion put it in.

“We are being surrounded by all the enemy ships and all there mobile suits!”

flying as fast as she could back to the others she saw all the destruction on the battlefield both friendly’s and enemy alike flouting though space. When a bright light flashed on the other side of the battlefield.

Fear showed in Twilight's eyes as she knew what that means they lost.


“Well there you have it folks. We have the winners of this block of the Gunpla wars tournament are the proud fighters of Sweet valley high.” cheered the announcer getting everyone into a frenzy as they cheered for the winners.

“The winners will be heading to the annual Gunpla war high school league finals. Remember everyone we have one more block to go through before the finals, we hope to see everyone there.”

Twilight watched as the S.V. Students cheered and clapped as they celebrate for there win, hanging her head Twilight went to the rest of her team.

Feeling someone hug her Twilight looked up to see Principal Celestia smiling face looking down at her. “You fought well, I am proud of you, of all of you.” spoke Celestia as she looked at her students.

“Ha. Y'all were pathetic, thinking y'all could beat us with only 20 mobile suits and thoughs week as hell mobile dolls.” laughed one of the boys from the other teams standing in front of them wearing the Sweet Valley's team uniform of what looked like a pilots flight suit colored in green and red.

“Lightning Step! That is uncalled for.” Yelled you a large man stomping his way to the kid.

“Principal Thunderhooves!... I.” Spoke Lightning trying to get words out, before Thunderhooves grab him by the ear. “ow!”

“That wasn't just uncalled for Lightning Step, that was rude,” said another student walking up to Lightning. He look more calm wearing his cowboy hat. “Now I can understand trash talking on the battlefield, but not after the win, it's rude and show signs of immaturity.”

“Sorry captain.”

“Now I'm not the one you should be apologizing too.”

Turning to Twilight and her team, Lightning gave a halfhearted “sorry.... ow.”

Twilight watched as Lightning was polled out of the auditorium by his ear by his principal. “Let have a nice long talk about good sportsmanship in my office when we get back to school.”

“He dose know I destroyed his gunpla when I self destruct my Mercurius right?” spoke Apple Bloom walking up next to Twilight with another girl.

“Braeburn, was that guy new or something? Cause I've never seen him before.” asked the other girl lifting up her stetson hat. She wore the teams pilots uniform with yellow and blue as it's color.

Braeburn scratched the back of his head. “Yeah he is. We had to get someone new when one our team mates had to move.” he looked sad at that as he looked at the gunpla battle projector as if seeing someone there playing with they're gunpla.

“Hey Braeburn don't worry so much I'm sure she's fine.” Spoke a girl walking up up next to Braeburn her red dreadlocks bounced behind a yellow bandana.

“I know Tree Hugger.” Looking back the others he scratched his head again. “Again I'm sorry about that Apple Jack, we didn't think he was that much of a jerk.”

Sighing Applejack put a hand on Braeburn's shoulder. “It's okay Braeburn he just needs to learn what good sportsmanship is, and I'm sure you can teach him that.” putting her fist into her pom with a grin on her face.

“By the way Applejack where is Rara?” Asked Braeburn looking at the other team but not seeing her anywhere among them.

Scratching the back of her head Applejack looked down. “Yeah about her, she had a meeting with her music company so she couldn't make it.”

“Really That's to bad, you may have won if she was out there.” Said Braeburn rubbing his nose with a chuckle.

Raising a brow Applejack folded her arms under her chest. “Why, hopping to ask her out or something?”

“ it's just if she was here I think half of my team would of lost to her.” said Braeburn waving his
hands about with a blush on his face.

“Yeah you being one of them I bet.” Chimed in Apple Bloom stepping foreword with a grin on her face.

Braeburn blushed even more as everyone laugh.

“All right now, all right now.” said a woman clapping to get everyone attention and then put her hand on Twilight's shoulder. “We need to get back to our own School so we can prepare for the last tournament before the finals.”

“Yes Vice principal Luna.” Called the kids as they grab there gunpla and packed up the ships. “You two should get to your team too.” said Luna as she stared at the two other kids.

Looking at each other the two went and grab there gunpla and headed to the door. “Latter Fluttershy, hope to see you at the finals.” Sang Tree Hugger as she danced her way out the door.

“Bye Tree Hugger.” Said Fluttershy Waving at the Dancing girl.

“Come on lets get going ourselves.” called Celestia holding open the door as Twilight watched the other leave.

Walking up to Celestia holding her gunpla Twilight gave her a sad smile. “Sorry we didn't win.” Apologize Twilight as she headed out the door.

Smiling Celestia placed a hand on Twilight. “It will be okay, we still have a one more tournament before the finals, we'll make it.”

“But how? With Rara career we wont be able to get her to every match!” Cried Twilight as she flail her arms in panic.

Looking at her phone Celestia Laugh. “Well I think we wont have to worry about that for much longer.”

“Why, what's going on?” asked Twilight raising a brow.

Grinning Celestia put her phone away. “now that would ruin the surprise.” Spoke Celestia as she enter the bus.

“Surprise!? I haven't heard anything about a surprise, what's going on?” asked Pinkie Pie as she pocked her head out the but.

“You'll figure that out in a phew days,” said Luna as she turned in her seat to look at Pinkie. “Now get into your seats everyone and we'll be off.”

Heading to her seat Twilight watched her friends talk about this surprise the the principals had planed for them.

“Hey Twilight over here,” called a girl waving at Twilight to set with her. “So what do you think the Principals had in mind on this surprise?”

“I don't know Sunset,” said Twilight setting down next to Sunset. “But lets hope it's not another water balloon war.”

“Oh please no, we had so meany fashion casualties that day.” mound out a girl in the seat in front of them.

“Oh come on Rarity it wasn't that bad.” Chimed in someone in the back.

Twilight tuned out the on coming argument as she stared out the window as the view past by.

Watching the trees go by as his green hair waved in the wend, looking down at his bag.

He opened it up to see if he had everything, as he reached in to grab something as a laugh rang out.

“Spike I'm pretty sure you didn't leave anything at the hotel.” spoke the woman driving.

“I know Mom, I'm just making sure that I have everything.” Said Spike zipping back up his bag.

“I see or are you just happy to see you Godmothers again?” teased his mom with a grin.

“MOM!” cried Spike looking at his Mother

“What, There's nothing to be embarrassed about, they are two beautiful woman.” said his mom as she got a far off look on her. “I remembered how we all played with you and you said you would marry us.”

“Mom I was six when I said that, I know now that I can't do that.” spoke a red face Spike.

“Oh really? There go's the wedding planes, and we were looking forward to it too.” teased his mom with a big grin.

“WHAT!” cried Spike with a full body blush.

Still blushing Spike looked over at his mother to get a better look at her. She had light green hair dune up in a pony tail with a athletes body and a nice bust that sets high on her chest as she was wearing a yellow tank top and shorts, many men could not believe that she was his mother.

“Oh look we're here.” pointed out his mom as she stopped her car. “And it looks like we have a welcome party.” as they got out of the car.

Stepping out of the car Spike laid eyes on two women standing on the sidewalk, one had on gold boots and purple slacks and a white V-neck under a gold blazer with multi colored hair, she had the body of a model.

The other one was a bit shorter then the other woman. She had on white high heels with dark blue slacks and a purple blouse and dark and light blue hair, her figure look a lot like the other woman.

“Jade Spike it's so good to see you again.” said one of the women as she hugged Jade there breast pressed together.

Spike blushed as he saw his mother and one of his godmothers hug before he felt a pair of arms rap around him before his face was polled into a pair of breast. “hello Spike it's so good to see you again, look how you grown.” Said his other godmother.

“Hi Luna.” said a blushing Spike as his face was buried more into Luna cleavage.

“Careful Luna he doesn't feel like he did when he ask us to marry him.” called Jade as she an Celestia with a grind on her face.

“Oh really? That's to bad and we have the wedding dress all pick out.” said Luna as she hug Spike tighter as if trying to get him deeper into her cleavage.

Pulling his face out of Luna's breast with a blush. “WHAT!?”

Roar of laughter rang out around him as his Mom and Godmothers all put him into a hug.

Spikes head was buried in between there breast as they giggles around him.

Still giggling Celestia let Spike go. Seeing Spike's red face and decide to call off the other two. “All right, I think that's enough. We still need to get Spike in rolled and ready for class.”

“Oh no the movers are at you Place.” Said Jade as a alarm on her phone went off.

“I got to go!” Said Jade as she runs to her jeep.

“Do you have your key to the house?” Called Celestia as she watches Jade get in her Jeep

Sighing Spike polled out a set of Keys from his pocket. “No I don't think she dose.”

“Why do you have both keys Spike?” Asked Luna looking at Spike with the raised brow.

“she forgot to put it on her key ring and almost left in the motel room on the way up here, so I grabbed.” grind Spike as he put it back into his pocket.

“Well she will figure it out and call us when she gets there.” chimed Celestia as she lead them to her office.

Sitting down in her chair. “Well we just need to finish your paperwork and you're all set.”

pulling out a pen Spike sat down and got to work.

Five minutes later Spike put his pen up when the door flew open as a frantic voice cried out. “ I'm sorry principal Celestia for being so late.”

Giggling Celestia lifted her hand in a kind way. “Actually Twilight you're right on time.”

lifting his head Spike turned to the voice to see a beautiful young woman standing in the door way.

She had on a light blue blouse hugging her ampule breast with a dark purple satchel strap resting in between them matching her purple skirt with a star burst design on the right side.

“Twilight?” asked a shocked Spike.

Gasping looked a the boy before her with shock and some tears in her eyes. “Spike?”

Ch 2 Seeing an old friend

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My Little Gunpla

Chapter 2 Seeing an old friend.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, I am so late!” Cried Twilight as she ran around her room trying to get dressed.

“Hey Twilight, you in there?” Called a voice as a knock came from her door.

Running to her door, Twilight opened her door to see a girl there standing in a set of cowboy boots with denim shorts that hug her well-toned legs with a green tank top and an orange plad shirt with the bottom half of it tide under her bust.

“Applejack I can't talk right now; I need to get to school!” said Twilight as runs around her room.

“Whoa there, easy sugarcube.” said Applejack as she grabs Twilight stopping her from running out the door.

“Now I don't think principal Celestia would like it if you show up at school with your skirt in your panties and your bra showing again.” Said Applejack raising her eyebrow at the end as she started to pull Twilight's skirt out of her panties.

Stopping to look at herself, Twilight let out a “Eap.” as she began to make herself look presentable.

Sighing Twilight finished buttoning her shirt. “It was one time, and Celestia said she wanted to see me as quickly as possible.”

“Yeah, but I don't think she mint for you to run out of the shower after gym class with your cloths hanging off of you ether sugercube.” Countered Applejack picking up Twilight's bag. “Now come on everyone else is waiting for us in the kitchen.”

nodding Twilight followed out of her room.

Heading into the kitchen Applejack and Twilight saw the others sitting around an island in the middle of the kitchen.

“Morning girls, where's Rainbow Dash?” asked Twilight as she made her way to the coffee pot.

“Good morning darling, Rainbow is in the garage looking at your scooter.” said Rarity looking up from a fashion magazine.

She was wearing a loose-fitting blouse and purple skirt and light purple wedge shoes.

“Huh what's wrong with my scooter?” Asked Twilight.

“Well for starters your brakes are shot, and you need an oil change, the oil change can be done real quick but the brakes I'll have to do after school.” spoke Rainbow as she wiped off her hands. “Really Twilight didn't I tell you that it was time to change your brakes like a mouth ago!”

Twilight watch Rainbow Dash walks out from the garage wearing her normal sneaker jeans and with a white T-shirt as she reaches for a blue jacket hanging of the back of a chair.

“Your right Rainbow I should have made sure that my scooter was in working order.” Sighed Twilight before finishing her coffee before looking at Applejack. “Applejack can you give me a ride to school?”

“Sure, well come on Apple bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle time to head out.” called Applejack.

with a loud “K.” Twilight watches the three youngest of the house head for Applejack's truck.

“Well, I guess we should get going our self's” said Rarity as she and the others head for the garage.

With look at her watch twilight began panic running to the truck, “Applejack step on it I'm running late!”

siting in the front passenger seat of Applejack's truck Twilight watched as Fluttershy and pinkie pie get into Rarity's car and Rainbow Dash put on a biker helmet and getting on her motorcycle.

As the garage door was open enough Rainbow Dash shots off like a rocket for the street.

Applejack waited for Rarity to pull out first before following right behind her.

“Hey Applejack, where is Sunset?” asked Twilight.

“Huh? Oh, she said she had somethings to do before school, so she went on a head.” Said Applejack as they got closer to the school.

“Oh no, no, no, I'm so late!” Cried a frantic Twilight running through the halls of the school making her way to the principal's office.

Running past other students Twilight heard a call of.

“Where's the fire Twilight?”

Looking to see a girl with blue hair wearing headphone and dark purple sunglasses as well as a white shirt and skirt with purple leggings.

“Can't talk right now Vinyl, I have to get to Principle Celestia office!” Yelled Twilight as she kept running.

Sliding into the door with some force and through the door open with a loud cry of. “I'm sorry Principle Celestia for being so late!”

Standing in the door Twilight looks into the room to see both Principle Celestia and Vice Principal Luna along with a boy standing at the front of Celestia's desk.

Celestia giggled lifting her hand in a kind way. “Actually, Twilight your just in time.”

Twilight watched as the boy turned around to look at her. “Twilight?”

'How does this guy know me?' thought Twilight as she got a better look at him.

The boy had on purple cargo shorts with green hem and liner along with a green shirt under a purple sleeveless hoodie and a small pendent around his neck when she got to his face she froze as his emerald eyes stare into her violet eyes as images of the past flood her mind.


Sitting at a small table drawing a picture as a small boy held up his own drawing. “Hey Twilight, what do you think?”


“Hey Twilight come play!” called the boy as he ran to the door as she was coming in.


Twilight watched with tears in her eyes as the boy was helping his parents move boxes into a moving truck.

The boy jumped down from the tuck and run up to Twilight and polled her into a hug.

“Don't go Spike.” Sob Twilight as she hugged Spike tighter as a set of footsteps came closer to the two.

“Hey, you two it won't be forever, but I have to go to a special hospital for my sickness.” coughed out a man as he tried to pick up both children.

“Easy their Fang.” said a man as he helps his friend by taking his daughter.

“Thank you, Night light, I didn't think that through.” Wheezed out Fang as both men wives came up to join the conversation.

“Fang honey the movers said we are going to need to head out soon if we want to beat the traffic.” Said Jade taking Spike from Fangs arms.

Nodding Fang looked to his friends and gave them each a hug. “Well looks like we got to go, see you later Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and you be good for your parents Twilight Sparkle.”

“Goodbye Fang and get well soon so you can see these two grow up.” said Twilight Velvet as she rubs Spikes head and held up the crying Twilight.

“Come now Velvet do you think the Dragon Knight is going to keel over that easy.” smiled Fang as he flexes one of his arms before a coughing fit hits him.

Twilight watched her friend leave in a Jeep waving at her. “Goodbye Spike!” Cried Twilight waving both of her arms.

Gasping with a look of shock at the boy in front of her and tears forming in her eyes. “Spike?”

“Spike!” Yelled Twilight as she tackled him into Celestia's desk.

Laughter felled the office as the two old friends got to see each other and smiles from Celestia and Luna.

“Well now that Spike has come back to us after all this time, Twilight, we called you to show Spike around the school.” Said Luna with a smile on her face.

“Sure, Vice Principal Luna, come on Spike we have a lot to talk about.” Said Twilight as she dragged out of the office.

As he was being dragged out Spike grabbed a piece of paper off the desk before heading out the door.

Both Celestia and Luna watched both students as smiles crept on their faces.

“So, who do you think will get to him first?” Asked Celestia as she rested her head on her knuckles.

“Tsk... that's a suckers bet; Twilight will most likely sleep with him first. I mean they did share a bathroom at the house so it's only a matter of time.” spoke Luna with a smirk as she looks at her sister.

“But the real question is, will she share?” Asked Luna sticking out her tongue with her eyes sparkling with mirth.

Laughter rose throw out the office as Celestia tried to get herself under control she spoke. “No that's not what I meant, all be it that is a good question, I was asking who would get him into a gunpla battle?”

“Oh.... that's even worst bet.” said Luna as both sisters look at each other as one word rang out of their mouths.

“Rainbow Dash!” as laughter echoed in the office ones again.

Spike walked along side Twilight as she shows him around to school before showing him one of her favorite spots in the school the library.

“And this is the library! One of my favorite places in the school.” Said a happy Twilight as she throws open the door to show off the large library with a big horse bust in the middle surrounded by computers.

with some students working on some last-minute homework looking up at them before going back to their work.

Spike looked around the large library before turning around and saw Twilight's smile fade a little and begin to fidget. “Twilight what's wrong?”

“I'm sorry about your dad passing away.” Spoke a Twilight looking at the ground.

Sighing Spike walk up and put a hand on Twilight's shoulder and gave her a soft smile.

“Hey, it's all right, we knew he was sick and it's not like he keeled over and die. He hanged in there a lot longer than the doctors said he would, I mean he saw me win my first gunpla builders' competition and the seven after that as well as some small-time battle tournaments.”

Spike then grinned and thumbing his pendent. “It's not like dad's not always with me.”

Twilight looks at his pendent to see a small dragon's head holding on to a small crystal vile with ashes in it.

Smiling Twilight grabbed Spikes and led him out the room. “Come on we should get you to class before your tardy on your first day of school. Which is your first class?”

“I think it's English in classroom two o one.” spoke Spike as he looked at a sheet of paper.

“Oh that's Ms. Cheerilee class.” Said Twilight as led Spike up a flite of stairs never letting go of his hand even as they entered a room.

There stood a woman with dark pink purple and lighter highlight and wearing a white blouse with a brown vest and green skirt with yellow flowers designs on it.

“Yes, Twilight is there something you need?” asked the woman as she got up from her chair and walking up to them with a smile and an inquisitive look. “Oh, who's this young man?”

“Oh, there is nothing Ms. Cheerilee I'm just showing a new student around.” Smiled Twilight.

“Hello, miss I'm Spike Dracon and I just transferred here.” Spike introduced himself raising his hand.

Cheerilee gave a kind smile and shakes his hand. “Welcome Spike I am Ms. Cheerilee and I hope you learn a lot here.”

Smiling Twilight and gave a nod to Cheerilee. “Alright Spike I got to get to class myself, but if you need any help I know of some helpful girls in this class.” Twilight said pointing at some girls in back.

“We'll talk more at lunch.” Said Twilight as she headed out the door.

Nodding Spike looked back to Ms. Cheerilee to see her looking around as more students walk in.

“Ms. Cheerilee there's an empty desk over here.” Called a girl with her hand raised near the back of the class.

“Thank you, Apple Bloom.” Cheerilee said before looking back at Spike.

“As Apple Bloom said there is a spare desk next to her.” Cheerilee smiled at Spike. “Apple Bloom can you leave your hand up to show spike where you are?”

Seeing a hand in the air Spike made his way throw the other students as he got a clear view of the girl.

The girl had bright red hair with a big pink bow on the back of her head she had a light tan as if she was outside for a sometime as she is wearing a green t shirt and jean shorts and work boots.

The Girl gave him a big grinned. “Hi, I'm Apple Bloom.” she said with an outstretched hand.

Spike grasped her hand before a cough was heard making Apple Bloom to smile sheepishly.

“Oh, sorry these are my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom said pointing to two girls sitting in front of them.

The girl sitting in front of Apple Bloom turned and crossed her leg over the other stuck out her hand in a lady like way. “Hi I'm Sweetie Belle.”

Smiling Spike shook Sweetie Belle hand, her hair framed her face in light curls of light pink and purple and wore a striped pink and white shirt and a yellow skirt and purple shoes.

More coughs were heard as the three looked at the girl in front cough again.

“Ah Scoots? Are you okay?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, just a coughing fit.” Coughed out Scootaloo reaching for a small pack on her hip only polling out a gray packet causing her to raise her hand.

“Ms. Cheerilee I think I lost my.” she couldn't finish what she was saying before another coughing fit toke her.

Just as Cheerilee was about to go to Scootaloo when a knock at the door was heard.

“Come in.” Answered Cheerilee as she was getting around her desk.

The door swung open as a girl came in. “Sorry Ms. Cheerilee, I know class is about to start, but Scootaloo left this in my truck.”

Scootaloo Got up from her desk and gave a cry. “MY INHALER!” before running up and taking it from the girl and using it.

“Easy there sugarcube, are you alright?” Asked the girl as she started to pat Scootaloo on the back.

“Yeah, I'm fine Applejack, just a coughing fit.” Said Scootaloo giving one last cough.

“Looks to me like a asthma attack to me.” Said Applejack crossing her arms.

Before Scootaloo could reply Cheerilee got their attention.

“Applejack class is about to start.” Replied Cheerilee guiding Applejack to the door.

“Don't worry Applejack I'll be fine; Apple bloom and Sweetie bell will help me if I need it.” Grinned Scootaloo as she walked back to her desk.

Applejack looked at her sister and Sweetie bell getting them to confirm what Scootaloo was saying before she notices a new boy sitting next to her sister and her friends.

'He's kinda cute.' Though Applejack.

“Alright just don't act like Rainbow Dash and be all stubborn and not go to the nurse's office and use your nebulizer.” said Applejack as she looks back to see the boy only to get a small blush and she saw him smile at her.

Spike gave a small smile trying to look friendly as he saw the cowgirl looking girl keep looking at him.

“Oh man I almost thought I would have to go to the school nurse.” Sighed Scootaloo as she sat down in front of spike.

“Oh, and I'm Scootaloo.” Said Scootaloo holding out her hand to Spike.

“I'm Spike Dracon nice to meet you.” Said Spike as he shook Scootaloo's hand and getting a better look at her.

Scootaloo was an athletic girl with a dark tan and had short purple hair that have more upfront thin in the back and she wore a gray T-shirt and green cargo shorts with a small yellow pack at her waist and blue running shoes.

Spike looked up to the front of the class as Ms. Cheerilee began to pass out papers.

Ch 3 grilling the new guy

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My little gunpla

Chapter 3 grilling the new guy.

Spike was sitting through math class as the bell rings ending the class and telling everyone it's time for lunch.

Spike was leaving the classroom and headed down the hall when a boy run up and clapped him on the shoulder getting Spike attention.

Spike watched a boy sliding to a stop in front of him only to see the top of head.

The boy was short for his age only coming up to Spike's chin making him look up at spike as he began to walk backwards giving spike a better view of him, he wore a red shirt and blue jeans and brown sneakers and had a large birthmark on his left eye.

“Oh, hey Pipsqueak.” greeted Spike as he walked on watched Pipsqueak walk backwards like it was nothing.

“Hey Spike, thanks for giving me a pencil in math class, I didn't realize I left my pencil case in my locker.” said a thankful Pipsqueak as he tried to hand back the pencil.

“Keep it I have some more on me.” Spike said as they made it to the lunchroom and walked to the line and got their food.

Walking through the line grabbing food along the way, as they hit the end Spike began to look around as if looking for a table.

Pipsqueak was walking off before noticing Spike looking around. “Hey Spike come on I want you to meet some of my friends.”

Just when Spike was about to walk off to join Pipsqueak.

“Hey Spike over here I saved you a spot!”

Looking around Spike spotted the person he was looking for Twilight Sparkle waving her arm out trying to get his attention.

Smiling Spike look back to Pipsqueak. “Sorry Pipsqueak, I was hoping to catch up with my old friend.”

“You know Twilight Sparkle?” Asked a shocked Pipsqueak.

“Since childhood.” Said Spike before cocking his eyebrow. “Why?”

“Oh nothing, just good luck if you plan on trying to join the gunpla warfare team.” Said Pipsqueak walking off.

“Hey what do you mean? Are they down a member?” Asked Spike watching the retreating back of Pipsqueak.

“You'll find out.” called back Pipsqueak.

Sighing Spike walk off to see Twilight.

Twilight watched Spike maneuver his way through the cafeteria when a tap on her shoulder, to see Rainbow Dash.

“Hey who this guy you want us to meet?” she asked bringing up a fork of mac and cheese.

“He was my friend when I was little, before his family had to move,” said Twilight as Spike walked up to them.

Spike stood next to Twilight and watch her stand up with a bright smile on her face.

“Everyone I want you to meet one of my oldest friend Spike Dracon,” she said before pointing at everyone.

“Spike I want you to meet my friends, Applejack.” she said pointing to a girl with a Stetson hat and orange plaid shirt over a green tank top.

“Howdy, nice to meet you.” greeted Applejack giving Spike a nod with her finger on her hat.

“Nice to meet you.” Said Spike giving a nod back before asking. “Aren't you the girl that gave Scootaloo back her inhaler?”

“Yeah, that was me.” grinned Applejack a light blush coating her cheeks.

Smiling Twilight kept on the next person. “The one sitting next to Applejack is Pinkie Pie.”

Spike smiled at Pinkie before she was right in his face her pink hair still bouncing, “Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, how long have you known Twilight, have you seen Gundam and what's your favorite of the shows?”

Spike took a step back at how fast Pinkie Pie popped up in front of him. “Ah, I've known Twilight sense we were little, yes I've seen Gundam, and I liked Wing, G, Double O, and IBO.”

“Ooh have you played Gunpla Battle or Gunpla Warfare?” Pinkie fired off as she rested a arm on Spike's shoulder.

“Yes, I have, why needing a new member?” Asked Spike quirking an eyebrow with a small smirk.

“Actually, yeah we are, how did you know?” Asked a shocked Pinkie before gasping and putting her hands to her head. “Are you a psychic, what number am I thinking of?”

As Spike was about to answer as small cough was heard.

“Pinkie dear, can we get through the introduction first before we get into other stuff, please?” asked a girl with indigo hair.

“Oh, sure Rarity,” Nods a smiling Pinkie before rocketing back to her seat, “continue.”

Spike smiled at the interaction of the girls before looking back at Twilight giving her a nod.

Giggling at Pinkie's antics Twilight went back to introducing her friends.

“As Pinkie already said the woman right next to me is Rarity.” Said Twilight gesturing to the girl right next to her.

“Hello dear, my that's a lovely pendent you have there.” Greeted Rarity with a soft smile.

“Thank you my mom and I made it after my dad died it hold some of his ashes.” Smiled Spike.

“Oh, I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.” Spoke Rarity.

Spike just waved it off and smiled. “Na it's cool my dad didn't just give in and kick the bucket he held in there for a good long time, a lot longer than the Doctors said he would.”

Smiling Twilight and pointed to a girl seating next to Pinkie who gave an eep and tried to hide in her hair.

“The one trying to hide is Fluttershy.”

The girl gave a soft, “hello.” as she hid in her light pink hair with one of her cyan eye peeking out and held out a shaking hand.

Spike reach out shook the proffered hand with a kind smile.

“Hey sorry I'm late girls MS Harshwhinny needed me to help her with something.” Said a girl walking up out of breath.

Spike saw a girl with red hear and yellow highlights and wearing a amber shirt with a leather jacket like vest and a purple skirt.

“Oh, Sunset perfect timing. I want you meet my old friend Spike. Spike this is Sunset Shimmer,” said Twilight.

“How's it going?” greeted Sunset.

Spike sits down next to Twilight as Twilight was about to introduce the girl next to her when she was interrupted by said girl.

“I got this Twilight, I'm Rainbow Dash the best sports and gunpla player in all of canterlot high.” Boasted Rainbow Dash with a wide grin before a snort was heard.

“In your head.” Mumbled Applejack taking a drink from her apple juice gaining at the glare she was getting from Rainbow Dash.

“Anyways, how did you know we were down a member?” Asked Rainbow.

“Oh. My new friend Pipsqueak told me that you lost a member so I thought that maybe I can try out for the team.” Said Spike

“That's a good idea, with your training you would make an excellent teammate.” Said Twilight nodding her head.

“Now hold on their Twilight. We can't just let anyone in just like that.” Cut in Rainbow Dash giving Spike a sideways glance. “We don't even know if he knows the rules for Gunpla Warfare.”

“I do.” Butted in Spike with a grin.

“Oh yeah, Prove it.” Demands Rainbow folding her arms over her chest.

Spike gave her a dead pan look before smirking. “Okay... It's just like chess you have seven ships two as rooks, two as knights and two bishops along with one as queen and normally a space station as the king.”

“And just like in chess the ships for the Rook the Knight and the Bishops are each the same only the Queen is different as it is the flag ship. And all ships have three gunpla in each ship and the king having the pawns which are any type of gunpla mass production type no name suits can used as a pawn. And after that it's just like any old gunpla battle.”

Spike finished with a smile before he stopped and snapping his fingers like he remembered something.

“Oh, I almost forgot you can't use any type of funnels, bets or fangs if you don't have the right ranks which are Normal Type, Cyber Newtype, Newtype, Coordinators and Innovators.”

Rainbow gave Spike a nod impressed with the summery of the rules before asking.

“And why did the ranking system come to be?”

Spike was eating his food and got a confused look as he had to think about the question.

“If I remembered correctly several schools thought they would win easily if they had every gunpla use funnels, they saw it as some kind of loophole to have more units of the field, but it was a disaster no one knew which was theirs and a lot of friendly fire happened.”

Smirking Rainbow crossed her arms and gave Spike a determined look. “Alright you know your stuff. After school we meet up in the room by the library and we will see if you're good in a fight.

Sighing Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, I don't think you need to do that.”

Rainbow Dash grind. “What's wrong Twilight afraid I'm going to beat him?”

Shaking her head Twilight tried to worn Rainbow. “No, he can fight, I just don't think....”

Twilight was cut off by the bell ringing and everyone began to get up and head back to class.

Sighing Twilight got up to put her lunch tray away when someone grabbed her arm turning see Spike standing there giving her a smile.

“Don't worry Twilight I got this. I wasn't expecting to be let in just like that, I was hoping to show what I can do.”

Smiling back Twilight gave him a nod and walked out of the lunchroom with him.

“Alright just don't be to mean, I know how your parents fight they don't hold back.”

Spike gave her a fake shocked look. “What I would never be mean. But Mom and dad always said never fight anyone halfheartedly.”

Spike was setting in his last class of the day art class waiting for the bell to ring.

As the teacher talking the bell rang and stopped her in her tracks.

Spike clean up his desk and left the room and went for the library.