> The Artist Rifleman > by knight117117 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Rifleman (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly marching through the rain David trudged through the mud, his hard leather boots working well enough to keep out the sludge, his worn clothes weighed heavy on his shoulders wet and muddy like he had just crawled through no man’s land. Four years, four years of trench warfare had left him unfazed by the harsh weather striking cold through him like a rifle round, marching forward towards the dimly lit village before him he walked along against the weather, his rifle in his left and slowly tremors rattling his free right hand. Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity rushed through the pouring rain sprinting as hard as the rain towards the library, the dark grey clouds masked Luna’s night sky hiding the bright light of the moon that would have lit their way. A bright flash of lightning illuminated the village for a moment before the deafening thunder shook the sky, clearly the pegasus’s were making up for lost time the pony’s thought. Making it to the library, Rarity nearly broke the door off its hinges instantly rushing inside as Applejack and Twilight made it inside standing by the door. Twilight’s hands were on her knees as she panted for air, Applejack placed a hand on Twilight’s back speaking in a slightly worried voice. “You alright Twi?” Leaning up, Twilight straightened her posture as she replied in a revealed voice panting heavier after each word. “Yeah just out of breath, who knew Sugar Cube Corner was so far in the rain.” Hearing a deafening shriek, AJ and Twilight looked up to see Rarity drenched from head to toe. “Ahh my mane, My beautiful mane! It’s ruined! Ruined I say!” Flapping the rain off her hat AJ spoke unimpressed by Rarity’s display, “It’s just a bit of rain Rarity, just grab a towel and dry yourself off before you catch something.” Giving her a glare that could cut a diamond, Rarity responded in an outraged tone, “Just grab a towel! it’ll take hours to fix this!” Ignoring their bickering Twilight turned to the door to shut out the cold coming through it. As she began to close it another lightning strike lit up the sky, spotting a figure out there in the rain. Twilight held the door shouting out into the street, “Come on, get inside! It’s only going to get worse!” Watching the strange figure move slowly towards them, she waited impatiently for whoever it was thinking they must not have heard her over the rain, another flash and thunder Twilight saw the figure go down on the ground unmoving in that brief moment. Turning to the others Twilight shouted over their bickering, “Girls! Give me a hand, someone is out their!” Without another word they rushed out the door back into the rain charging towards the grounded figure, picking him up. Applejack and Twilight slung his arms around their necks as they dragged him off towards the open door of the library lighting their way. His head dropped down to his chin resting against his chest, his hat falling from his head landing in the mud like his rifle. Dragging him off towards the giant tree before them, his feet dragging behind them as Rarity grabbed his hat and the long wooden device by his side. Getting him inside Twilight’s home they dragged him in front of the fire laying him on his back, looking down at him they saw he was covered in mud, his face was completely obscured, the only thing they could make out was his stuttered frozen breath. Twilight turned to the unlit fire beside him a purple glow emanating from her horn launching into the fireplace instantly igniting it into a roaring fire, returning her gaze to him, Twilight spoke to her friends and herself in a panicked tone not noticing the difference between him and them. “We need to warm him up!” Unfastening the webbing of bags wrapped around his body, Twilight tried to pull them off him as Applejack sat him up, pulling on his bags they tugged his unconscious body from side to side until Rarity dropped his hat and rifle on the floor beside them. Seeing him sway from side to side barely staying upright as they pulled him about she used her magic to undo the applets holding his bags in place, next was the belt wrapped around his waist over his trench coat, this was far easier in comparison to the bags until the corned that came from his holster snagged around his neck. Placing it with the others they began unbuttoning his coat, upon touch they felt how cold it was making their hands seize up on contact, pulling that off they saw the dry brown woollen dress tunic silently deciding to leave it on him as it wasn’t wet or cold. Leaving him by the fire they all went off to do separate things. Applejack took his coat over to the coat rack by the door as Twilight headed towards the kitchen to fetch some water, Rarity on the other hand stayed by his side looking over his clothes, they seemed to be some kind of uniform. Looking over to his hat she began whipping the mud off it thinking it was such a shame for a uniform even one she didn’t recognize it be tarnished in such a way, feeling something stuck against his hat she pulled the hard lump off it’s front at first she thought it was a small stone or scrap of bark, but upon hearing the back end of a badge drop she realised she was wrong. Holding the muddy lump up to the light, she saw faint patterns shining under the smeared filth coating it, whipping it away she saw the ornate engravings upon the bronze badge becoming entranced by its elegant design. Two heads one behind the other both wearing helmets similar to the royal guard with the inscription “Artist Rifle” beneath. Calling out to the others Rarity spoke with a curious tone, “Twilight, Applejack, come have a look at this.” Holding up the badge a purple glow surrounded it as it floated over to Twilight as she walked back into the room with a bowl of water and cloth, eyeing up the insignia she spoke as she crouched beside the unconscious man, her tone was as confused as Rarity’s “What do you think it means?” Looking over his clothes Rarity saw the same wording stitched onto his shoulders above another stitched insignia. It had a black background with two gold strips that curved down in the middle, “Maybe he’s an artist?” Rarity said, unsure of herself. Gently dabbing the wet cloth across his face Twilight’s expression slowly turned to shock as she saw the face she was unmasking, her voice was stuttered as she spoke being full of alarm as she called out to the others in the room, “G-girls, can you come take a l-look at this?” Walking over to Twilight they saw the foreign face of the man beneath them, frozen in place. Applejack spoke her unnerved tone as clear as Celestia's day “Twi do you know what he is if it’s even a he?” Whipping away more mud twilight spoke “No. I’ve never seen anything like this before not even in books” Kneeling down, AJ saw what she thought was green fur on his hands but upon touching it felt wet and cold, fearfully her hand tensed, slowly she pulled on the saggy green glove revealing a pale white hand. After Twilight finished washing his face she saw how he looked, his nose was small compared to a pony’s, his mane short and unkempt being a dark brown like the ruff stubble on his face. Leaving him by the fire Twilight began searching his pocket much to the dismay of the others Rarity voices her concern, “Twilight dear, do you think that’s a good idea? We don’t know what he is. He might not take kindly to you rummaging through his things.” Twilight didn’t even look up as she replied unfazed by her concern “If he wakes, I’ll explain that I was looking for anything that could tell us who he is.” Unbuttoning his jacket she saw a green knitted vest over a blueish-grey shirt but the thing that court her eye was not his clothes but the metal objects hanging from his neck, one looked to be a long calendrical whistle while the other had two disks hanging from it, one was brown and the other was red. Lifting them up she saw the writing stamped on them, she didn’t understand what the numbers meant but she could read the mantle above them “David J Mason.” Standing up Twilight moved over to his bags announcing to the others what she had learned “His name is David Mason, hopefully we can find something more in these.” Walking over, AJ voiced her concern “You're playing a mighty dangerous game Twi, we know nothing about this man.” Opening his bags Twilight spoke with a slight degree of excitement rushing through her voice “I know, that’s why I’m doing this!” Sitting down Twilight began searching his bags and found many things: a bayonet, cigarettes, matches, and bullets. Out of all these the only one she recognised were the matches but before she opened another she found a magazine, stopping on the magazine she admired its cover calling over the others even Rarity admired its cover. The title was large and bold simply reading “Blighty” with the writing at the bottom saying “pictures and humour from our men at the front” the picture was of a man dressed like the one beside the fire with a blond woman clinging to his arm as they walked through what looked to be open country. Coming up from behind, AJ handed Twilight a book, its cover was hard with slight tearing across its front cover, looking up Twilight asked in a curious tone “Where did you find this?” Sitting down beside her, Applejack spoke with a huff knowing all too well that Twilight wouldn’t have stopped until she found something “It was in his coat.” Motioning over to the coat rack by the door. Twilight didn’t pay much attention to AJ as she opened the book announcing what it was in an almost triumphant tone. “It’s his diary!” Rarity’s eyes almost lit up like stars to gossip as she spoke in an excited voice “Well go on, read it!” Applejack interjected trying to be the voice of reason “Now ya’ll know this isn’t right to read another pony’s dairy.” Twilight again waved off AJ concern “But that’s it he’s not a pony this could tell us what he is!” Before Applejack could say another word Twilight started to read it out loud “28th of July 1914, I have decided to keep a journal of my time at the front so when I am old and grey I can remember the glory I won and the country I fought for, war has been declared and I, my brother’s and every man I know has answered the call. Tomorrow we march to sign on to fight for king and country. Mother dearest is worried about the battles to come, but the draft man said it’ll be over before Christmas and besides I won’t be alone, my brothers will be there to protect me, we've got six months of training and then we’ll be trained men able to withstand anything. Father understands, he’s done his service for the empire fighting overseas but still mother worries, father says it’s good it’ll make men out of us for the good of our great nation we must be strong like the men that came before I only hope I make him proud.” Flipping the page Twilight continued “29th of July 1914, the signing office was packed tighter than the local pub on Friday night after a good pay, men were signing left right and centre many of them younger than I, I’m 24 and yet I see men in their 30’s coming in droves and teenage boys begging to join only dragged out like cattle, me, jack, and john have all signed up hoping to become officers by the end of the year. I heard one of the men saying the king wishes 100,000 men to sign up, but it looks like a single county could give the king his wish three times over, it didn’t feel like we were going to war it felt more like a parade of British spirit before we knew it the 6 in the evening the cheers of the men drowned out the bells of church mother gave us a right thrashing for that but we didn’t care we were going to be men of the king the, pride of the empire” “30th of July 1914, to say mother is mad is an understatement she found out Gordon has joined as well, mother did not take kindly to find her three sons joining the war but we were men and it is our right, but to find her fourth-youngest son had joined to had sent her barmy Gordon despite how old he acted was still a young lad 17 and still willing to join he says; “We’ll die if he isn’t there to keep us safe!” So we took him to nags head for a few rounds to dull the pain before we get it I thought, but still coming home drunk in the dead of night mother’s scorn was as harsh as ever. I don’t think father’s laughter helped.” Twilight had to stop reading for a moment as she and others laughed before continuing smiles on all faces present “31st of July 1914, the men came out in droves to fight for king and country and they did again as we marched off with the men, father had finally managed to calm mother down somewhat but that didn’t stop her from trying to keep us home, we would miss her but this would be good for us, we would return home as heroes of Britain. Marching off to war spirits were as high as the cathedral that sat on top of the highest point of the midlands, we were all waving and flapping our caps as we passed the homes we were going to protect the wives and daughters waved off and kissed their husbands. Even saw Phil leaving his house ready for the war before I could say a word to my friend Lucy saw me she even gave me a kiss much to the anger of her brother god I was going to miss her we had always been friends maybe we could be more after I return but after her cherry kiss I had to walk with Phil by god he was mad anyone would have thought I did worse with how mad he was but a dear friend he was and a dearer friend his sister was I probably shouldn’t have told him that but what’s done is done.” Rarity gave out a soft ahh to the romance in his words as Twilight continued “5th of august 1914, me and my brothers have been assigned to the Artist Rifles it’s a proud day for us, this will be the fast track to becoming an officer for all of us, the men have taken kindly to us we may not have grown up with the most money but all of us were all educated going to Oxford even Gordon despite only starting the year before. The higher-ups seem to take particular interest in me after I said I worked in the postal service while in Oxfordshire. We spent the days bayoneting hanging sacks and aiming our shots. The commander told us this would not be like fighting the jerry’s and I shouted back saying “Of course not we give the sacks too much credit.” Got a good laugh out of the men but a glove to the back of the head. He wasn’t mad but I was out of line. later on one of the men pointed a bayonet at another man, god I thought father had a foul mouth but this man was something else.” Unaware to Twilight, AJ had moved around her snatching the book out of her hands saying firmly “That’s enough Twi, we know who he is and what he does.” Much to Twilight’s irritation she had to agree she wanted to read more leaving a book unfinished was like pinky not finishing cake just not right, leaving at that they turned in for the night leaving the man by the fire Twilight wanted to write a letter to the princess’s but she had no clue what to say, he had not been violent or anything he just collapsed outside her house. 1 Waking up the next day the three ponies and small dragon that had slept through everything that happened last night, they found David still asleep by the cold burnt-out fire Spike standing behind purple furred legs of his guardian as he spoke slightly scared of the unconscious form before him “W-what is that?” Looking down at him Twilight replied in a soft voice trying to calm the purple dragon “His name is David, he passed out last night in the rain so we brought him in.” His eyes are not breaking from the unmoving form “Is… it… dangerous?” Rarity spoke, placing a hand on the back of the dragon's head instantly making him feel more relaxed as her tone sounded almost romantic as she talked about military men “He’s a soldier, I doubt he would do anything, besides you're a dragon, I’m sure you can protect us. Now why don’t you help me make breakfast.” Feeling like a knight in shining armour, Spike marched off with Rarity towards the kitchen, Applejack and Twilight went back to David his breath was shallow and his body was still. Kneeling down beside him she placed a hand on his head, Twilight checks his temperature finding him to have a mild fever, a sudden loud bang came from the kitchen startling them as Rarity shouted out to them, “Sorry, dropped a pan.” Looking down to David Twilight and Applejack both wondered why he didn’t wake from that bang, turning her back on him twilight picked up his rifle holding it across her chest with the barrel pointing towards the wall lined with books as she spoke in a bewildered tone, “Wonder what this is? It’s heavy for its-” Twilight’s words were cut off as her finger pulled the trigger firing a shot into the wall destroying one of her precious books right before her eyes as her ear rang to the loud bang. Before she could drop the rifle in her hands David shot up from his back standing to her right, he grabbed his rifle breaking it from her weak grasp as he elbowed her to his left knocking her to the ground, before she even reached the hard wooden floor he had turned the rifle round to her pointing directly at her as he pulled the bolt handle loading a new round into the chamber as the casing fell to the ground. Applejack just stood there terrified of what she saw as Twilight laid on the ground looking up in sheer terror to the man above her, this was the first time she saw his eyes they were a deep blue staring straight into her they reminded her of nightmare moon only worse these eyes held no emotion. In a single blink, those eyes changed they were scared, his rifle rattling in his hands struggling to keep it pointed at her while his breath sharp and stuttered endlessly as he stood above her, closing his eyes he dropped his hands lowering his rifle to his left side as he raised his right rubbing his eyes. Turning his back to her he leaned his rifle against the fireplace with a light clunk as he let it go, falling back he hit the wall slumping to the floor removing his hand from his face he saw the unending tremors shaking his hand they wouldn’t stop they refused to stop. Twilight and Applejack just watched as he took hold of his right hand in his left in an attempt to stop the shaking, as they watched him they saw his face he looked afraid and ashamed as his hands slowly fell into his lap and his head drooped down. Applejack walked over to Twilight helping her up as she spoke in a caring voice “You alright sugar cube?” Looking up to AJ Twilight cleared her throat “Yes just didn’t expect that. Do you think he’s ok?” Applejack looked over to him, his slumped form did not bode well for his well being “Ad dunno Twi maybe you should get Redheart.” Warily Twilight approached him placing her hand on his forehead she lifted his head up getting a better look at his face but she as she did she noticed his fever didn’t seem to be any better, letting go of his head instantly dropped it’s only support taken away from him as she spoke still gazing upon his unconscious face “Maybe you're right I don’t if she can do anything but she knows more about medicine than me.” With that she disappeared in a flash of purple sparkles that quickly fizzled out of existence as she teleported away, turning towards the kitchen Applejack decide to help the others make breakfast she knew she was going to need it but as she did she saw Rarity and Spike standing in the doorway watching the whole thing both wearing a worried expression like a hat. It didn’t long before Twilight teleported in with nurse Redheart she was carrying a white medical bag that matched her fur as Twilight spoke guiding her to the I’ll man resting in her home “He’s over here, now he’s quite different from your average stallion.” Chuckling softly, nurse Redheart spoke “All stallions say that but in truth...” her light blue eyes widened in shock as she saw the strange being before her somewhat warily as she approached him. Opening her medical, she took out a flat stick, her shaky hands almost afraid to touch him, prying his mouth open she stuck the stick into his mouth placing it on top of his tongue looking inside. After a moment nurse Redheart jumped back terrified scurrying back across the floor pointing at his unconscious form as she spoke in an almost shriek of a tone “Teeth, his teeth!” Helping her up Twilight asked “What? What’s wrong with his teeth?” Standing up Redheart spoke her jittery voice struggling to form words “H-h-his t-teeth… their… th-they're… sharp… he’s a m-m-m-meat-eater…” Taking a step back from him Twilight instincts instantly complied her to flee but she stood her ground, he could have killed her she was at his mercy and he chooses not to he choose to leave her be, fighting her instincts she stood her ground, she knew he was sick he could be dying passing out repeatedly was clearly a sign that he wasn’t well even to pony like her. Standing her ground she determinedly spoke her mind “Nurse Redheart please, he needs help.” Not breaking eye contact with the uncontentious man nurse Redheart spoke her voice still filled to the brim with fear “But… b-but… what if he attacks me… what if he eats-” Twilight placed a hand on Redhearts’ shoulder comforting her somewhat as she spoke in a firm but soothing voice “He won’t, he didn’t to me and he won’t to you, he’s hurt, he needs your help, you’re a nurse and he’s your patient.” Remembering what she is, she spoke her voice, still fearful but stronger and more willing. “You're right, but we need to get him to the hospital. I don't know what I’m doing, I don't even know what I’m looking at.” Smiling Twilight walked over to him with nurse Redheart using her magic to teleport them to the hospital. In a purple flash of magic that comes out from her horn the three of them disappear leaving Applejack, Rarity and Spike behind. A few seconds later they heard a scream “Applejack!” Grabbing her hat Applejack sprinted out the door finding Twilight and nurse Redheart standing above David laying on the damp ground. Applejack's voice was confused and panicked “Twilight! What’s wrong, why aren’t you at the hospital?!” A look of sheer shock and terror was as clear as anything on Twilight’s face as she spoke in a frantic voice “I don’t know, it should have worked!” A flash of light blue and rainbows landed beside them “Twilight what’s wrong, why were you…?” Rainbow dash’s voice trailing off as she saw the man beneath them. Frantically speaking Twilight thought of a solution on the spot “Rainbow, good timing, help AJ carry David!” Rainbow dash’s wore a bewildered expression that matched her voice “Who?” Pointing down to the man on the ground Twilight almost screamed “Him!” With that Applejack and Rainbow dash carried him one on either side of him wrapping his arms around the back of their necks as they dragged him off towards the hospital. 2 A few hours later nurse Redheart returned with a paper folder in hand guiding them to a single room in the hospital. Entering they saw to the right of them pressed up against the wall was a few armless chairs, of the left wall was a wide-open window letting a cool breeze of fresh air in, in the centre of the room pushed up against the far wall was a bed David was laying in, to his left was another armless chair with his jacket folded over it’s back while a bedside table was pressed against the right of his bed. Nurse Redheart spoke in a low tone to the ponies behind her, “Miss Twilight, I think you should take a look at this.” Walking over to the bed they saw David under the white bed sheets still unconscious, lifting the sheets nurse Redheart exposed his bare chest revealing a slew of horrors. His body was covered in scars, the largest of which wasn’t a scar but would defiantly become one, the right side of his chest was blistered dry and cracking while other deformities were smaller and older. There were two of these scars, one in his left shoulder the other in his abdomen a few inches below his ribs on his right side. Placing the folder on the bedside table, nurse Redheart reached over gently taking hold of his left side rolling him over and exposing his back side, revealing a whole new slew of horrors, the small scars on his front went straight through to his back while the main bulk of his back was covered in small scars ranging from an inch in length to several. Twilight’s eyes widened in shock to what she was seeing as the others sat down across the room, but before she could speak nurse Redheart opened her folder, handing over speaking in a low tone “There's more…” Looking over the sheet she saw it was an x-ray of his chest, she could make out the bones of his rib cage and what looked to be lungs, looking up to the nurse she spoke in a bewildered tone “What am I looking at?” Taking the x-ray back nurse Redheart pointed to a large white mass extruding out from behind his breast bone. “I don’t know, for all my years here I’ve never seen anything like this. This looks to be his heart but there's something else underneath it, at first I thought it was his heart but it’s two thirds the size it should be.” Before Twilight could speak the loud brash voice of Rainbow Dash cut her off “So Twilight are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Looking over at the blue and orange pair sitting with their backs against the wall, Twilight answered her call, her voice unsure of her words. “I don’t know, we found him last night in the storm passed out. All we know is his name is David Mason and was fighting in a war.” Eyeing up Twilight Rainbow dash spoke “And how do you know that?” “We found his diary.” Applejack said bluntly, still annoyed they read it. Holding in a laugh Rainbow Dash sniggered as she tried to form words through her laughter, her cheeks swelling as she spoke “He keeps a diary. What kind of stallion keeps a diary?” A sharp painful slap on the arm quickly shut Rainbow Dash up as she turned to Applejack beside her as she almost growled to the sudden physical act “What was that for?” Looking her square in the eyes AJ tone clearly unhappy with Rainbow’s attitude “Time and place Rainbow, he’s in hospital with Celestia knows what’s wrong with him.” Meeting her with more attitude Rainbow Dash spoke, raising her voice “He’ll be fine Twilight can just whip up a spell and send him on his way.” Twilight eyes hung low as she broke the bickering between the two ponies “I don’t think I can, I tried teleporting him here from the library and barely made it out the door.” Hearing a wheezing groan they all turned to the man in bed crowding around it they saw his groggy eyes half opened as he tossed and turned against his pillow, throwing the sheets off him he tried to get out of bed much to the shock of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. This was the first time they saw the scars lining his chest. Quickly Twilight pushed him back down to the bed, her tone frantic and shocked “What do you think you are doing!?” Half awake he replied this had been the first time they had heard his voice. It was tired and weak befitting a man at death's door, his accent took them by surprise, they expected something else, something rougher, but what they heard was almost the exact opposite. His voice was well-spoken having a lingering roll on the r in his pronunciation more akin to the nobles of canterlot but unlike them, there was a distinct lack of arrogance in his calm demeanour. “Getting out of bed, I must get back to the front… I must get back to the war.” Hearing this nurse Redheart and Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened as Rainbow asked “What war?” Laying back down his eyes closing he let out a soft chuckle. “What war? The only war, the Great war” They all just stood there around his bed in shock at his words as he began to drift off again, but before he could a dry violent cough shook him awake, as it began to subside nurse Redheart put a stethoscope on his chest staying away from his blistered right side. Listening to his heart and breath she took it off his chest speaking in a low tone. “There's something wrong with your lungs and your heart has an irregular beat.” Rolling his head over towards her, his eyes nearly closed as he replied his voice as weak as before. “My lungs are still healing. I was a tad low in gas attack, took in a breath or two of chlorine before I finally got my mask on. As for my heart, there is nothing wrong with it, if you check my disc you’ll find in my report I was born with two.” After a few minutes of silence, the same thoughts were running through each and everypony’s mind that was present, what kind of attack involves gas, his disc being connected to some report somewhere and his two hearts did all his kind have two why would they have two. Twilight was the only one who had some idea of what he was talking about. The numbers on those discs around his neck must match a document with all his details but the other things she had no idea she racked her brain but still she had no clue of what he meant. Tossing and turning his head swayed from side to side as his eyes granularly opened, after a moment of looking around at the strange creatures before him he sat up his head leaning back on the pillow as he looked up to the ceiling above them as he spoke in a low tone “That’s it, I’ve finally gone barmy.” With all eyes on him, Twilight spoke not understanding his words but guessing he was referring to his sanity “I assure you you're still quite sane.” Lowing his head he took in the sight before him each one as strange as the other as his eyes jumped from one form to another he saw how different they were from one another, he noticed they were all women and all naked apart from the fur covering them. They all appeared similar in size and shape apart from a couple of differences like the lead one being slightly shorter but looking taller than she was by the purple horn coming from her head that matched her fur and eyes along with the darker hair that ran past her shoulders, at first he thought it down to her knee but saw it wasn’t hair but a tail. Looking over to the others he noticed the orange and blue one looked similar supporting a more athletic build, on both of them he saw the outline of muscles more so on the blue one. The orange one had blond hair and green eyes while wearing an American hat that he could only describe as a cowboy hat while her hair and tail were both tied into ponytails. The blue one was strange even for them. Her hair was shorter than the other looking like she had barely brushed it before getting into bed but the strangest thing of all wasn’t the pink eyes or the rainbow pattern that continued down to her tail but the two blue feathered wings coming out her back. Next was the nurse who had white fur and pink hair that she hid partly under a white hat, upon looking at her pink tail he saw the red cross standing out against her white fur on her flank. Doing a double-take on all the girls he noticed they all had colourful symbols on their flanks: a bundle of red apples on the orange one, a cloud and rainbow in a lightning bolt for the winged one and a purple star with white stars for the purple one. Feeling a bit insecure too the way he looked at them they felt like he was a hungry predator eyeing up a meal or a perverse stallion staring at them for other deeds but with them being naked he kept his eyes off their breasts only catching them in the corner of his eye as he looked at them trying to be as modest as he could for the naked women before him. Bringing her hand up to her mouth Twilight coughed bringing his attention to her as she spoke acting as the leader. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions for us but I’d like to ask you a few first.” Rubbing his eyes he spoke with a groan, “And they can talk, how am I not insane?” Crossing her arms Rainbow Dash snorted a response out “Well that was rude.” Turning to her Twilight shot back “Easy Rainbow.” Just the glare that Twilight shut Rainbow up as she went back to the man in the bed, “Sorry about her, element of loyalty and all. So back to our questions you said something about a war, can you tell me about that?” Looking up to her he spoke his voice was still and cold, speaking in a distant tone like he wasn’t talking to her, “It’s not just a war, it’s the great war, the greatest war ever fought, three years over four hundred miles of perpetual warfare.” He didn’t even give them the numbers or the horrors he had endured and yet he could see the shock on their faces. Hearing the pounding of shells in his head he raised his right hand up rubbing his temple, after a moment he lowered his hand seeing uncontrollable tremors shaking his hand again. Seeing this AJ spoke in a worried voice. “You alright there friend?” Slowly closing his shaking hand into a fist he spoke, “Yeah just shell shock, it’ll pass.” Watching him closely Twilight asked almost afraid of the answer “Shell shock? What’s that?” Looking up from his hand he spoke, “I don’t know, all I know is it’s caused by repeated high-velocity shell impacts, at the Somme I heard over million of shellings in a week if anything was going to give me the shacks it would be that it” Still hoping to satisfy her curiosity, Twilight asked another question. “You said something about having a second heart, is that normal for… actually we don’t know what you are.” Adjusting himself on the bed he sat up a bit straighter as he replied in a still tired tone. “Human, I'm human and no normally a man is only born with one, gave the doctors quite a shock I’ll tell you that.” Feeling somewhat satisfied with his answers, Twilight still wanting more answers to her long list of questions. “Do you have any questions for us?” His voice was straight and direct like his answer “Only three, what are you? Where am I? And how do I get back?” Placing her hands on her hips to his bluntness she answered “We’re ponies, I’m Twilight a unicorn that’s Applejack an earth pony;” she said pointing over to the orange one “and that’s-” Before she could finish, Rainbow interrupted, announcing herself with her voice full of pride “And I’m Rainbow Dash, a pegasus, the element of loyalty and the best flyer in all of Equestria.” Getting a disapproving glare from both Applejack and Twilight they heard an annoyed groan come from David, “Great, we got an RFC wanna be.” Looking at him with a sharp pink eye, Rainbow replied in an agitated voice “I’m no wanna be, I'm the best and I know it, besides what’s the RFC?” His answer was plain and simple “The Royal Flying Core, best flyers the world has ever known, nicknamed the aces of the sky.” Intrigued by his words Rainbow and Twilight both wanted to know more but he was still owned answers so Twilight gave them to him. “As to your other questions, you're in Equestria, ruled by the alicorn sisters as for getting you back to the front as you call it I don’t know.” Leaning back on his pillow he said a single word that summed up his life and in a low clear voice almost tired of life he said it “Bugger.” > The march across the everfree (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few days and David was being released from the hospital. Standing in the lobby was Twilight with nurse Redheart waiting for him, as they waited, nurse Redheart talked about her experience with him, “He’s quite strange you know and awfully polite, he would apologise for taking the bed sometimes.” “Well, that’s good to know.” Twilight said. “There's another thing, his fever may have broken, but I don’t think he’s been sleeping.” Redheart replied. Looking to nurse Redheart, then David walking down the corridor wearing the same clothes he arrived in she spoke, “Maybe his kind don’t need as much sleep as us, but I’ve still got a lot more questions that need answering.” Leaving the hospital, David noticed how nice everything looked, the grass was green, the trees were full and the houses of this village looked like they had never see a war, looking around he’d forgotten how things were supposed to be even now he couldn’t remember how his home looked, all he could remember was the cratered poisoned land of France. Arriving back at the library he saw it was made inside a giant tree, but after spending two days in a hospital filled with colourful ponies some of which used magic, a library inside a tree wasn’t the strangest of sight. Walking over to Twilight’s home he saw many ponies, each one of them as colourful as the last, but there was another thing he noticed apart from the lack of clothes, each and every one was staring at him. Entering the house, Twilight rushed in front of him wanting to show him around her house. The ground floor was just a library with a door against the back wall leading to the kitchen. Taking him up stairs she showed him what looked to be a living room where he saw all of his things piled up against the wall next to the fireplace. Showing him a different room she said “...And this is the bathroom, take as long as you need.” Closing the door behind him she left him to clean himself. She didn’t want to be rude but he hadn’t washed in at least two days. Taking off his clothes, he got into the warm water of the bath. It had been too long since he’d had a wash, to say it was relaxing was an understatement, three years of flooded trench’s mud, blood, rats and lice. A warm bath was as close to heaven as a man could be. Minutes turned to hours as Twilight waited for him, but as the hours passed her eyes were drawn back to the book that started it all, sitting on top of the pile of bags was his diary, picking it up she heard a noise come from the bathroom. Looking down to it she wondered what wealth of knowledge was hidden inside its pages and in that moment she decided to take fate into her own hands, using her magic she copied his diary scratches and all quickly hiding it among the hundreds of other books around the room. Coming out of the bathroom, she saw David, the rough hair on his face completely gone being replaced by smooth pale skin. Giving him a slightly annoyed look, she spoke in a snarky tone. “You sure took your time.” Barely looking at her as he replied in a relaxed tone, “You won’t believe how good that felt, I can’t even remember the last time I had a warm bath. Now, back to work, don’t suppose you have any maps?” With a smile Twilight led him down stairs to the big roundtable in the centre of the room. As David walked past his bags he grabbed the magazine on top of them taking it down the stairs with him. Arriving at the table he saw multiple sheets of paper, looking at them he saw they were all maps of the same region some more close and detailed than others and some more distant showing surrounding countries, looking at the maps he heard Twilight speak in a cheery voice, “There you are, maps of Equestria! Unfortunately the north hasn’t been explored since the loss of the Crystal Empire and other regions like the Badlands are to harsh to be mapped out, the zebra home land on the other hand haven’t been explored to much not for a lack of trying, but because zebra culture is rather weary of outsiders. We do know quite a bit about the griffin empire only because they are a neighbouring nation that are willing to trade, but I’ll try to find a few older maps and rumour of other regions.” Opening up the magazine he flipped to the back where the map was, placing it on the table on top of the other maps leaning against the table, his head hung low as he looked down to the maps beneath him. “This can’t be right. There’s no way this can possibly be right.” He said with a low tone. Looking at his map and hers, she couldn’t see what he was talking about so she asked “What’s wrong?” His tone remained the same as he explained, “This can’t be right, these maps don’t correspond to mine in any way that shouldn’t be possible.” Looking to all the unknown regions beyond Equestria’s borders, she spoke her voice soft and calm, “Why can’t that be possible? There are many parts of the world still unknown to us, can't you be from a far off land?” Sliding his map across the table to her he spoke his voice as still as night, “There are no unknown lands. All corners of the map have been filled in already, this land shouldn’t exist, I should be right here in France.” Twilight's eyes widened as she heard that, finding it hard to believe his world had been completely explored, looking to the point he had his finger on she spoke in an unsure tone, “Maybe you're from another realm like the one Discord lives in?” Closing his eyes he dropped his head speaking in a sombre tone, “That sounds like a lot of biblical nonsense…” Looking at him with a confused expression she spoke seeking answers, “Biblical what?” His hands slowly fell from the edge of the table holding no strength as he stood up right “Heaven, Hell, God, the Devil, just a load of old hogwash people use to believe.” It was clear as day that he once held belief, but now that belief has become another casualty of the great war like many others. Twilight felt sorry for him not only was he alone in their world burned from a war she couldn’t even imagine, but he had lost something he had once held close to his heart. 1 After a few minutes of looking over all the maps they packed them away. Twilight refused his help wanting to keep her papers in order, leaving Twilight alone with her things David left walking upstairs to his things. Arriving at his things he crouched down to his bags finding his diary on top of them, picking it up, he opened it finding the worn photos still tucked into the back. There were two photos, one was of his mother and father. They were both dressed well, his father wearing a suit while his mother wore a long dress. They looked happy as they held each other, his father’s hands holding his mother’s as they looked into the camera, his father was to the left of the photo and his mother was to the right, behind them was father’s black piano and beside his mother was her easel with a painting of open country slightly blurred from the photo. The second photo was the one he treasured most. It was a photo of him and his brother before they joined the front, that was the last time they were all together, they all wore the same uniform since the only difference between them was their hats and helmets. To the left of the photo was Gordon smiling with a baby faced grin standing a tad shorter than him wearing a steel helmet, next was him hunched down slightly with his arms around his brothers beside him. He looked different. It may only have been three years but he did look different, full of hope sporting a mustache he always thought it made him look more like the officer he would become, to his right was John, standing about the same height as David as well as wearing the same rifleman’s hat. Beside John was Jack standing slightly shorter than them wearing the same steel helmet as Gordon. Jack was smiling proudly waving at the camera, cigarette in hand as his right hand hugged John’s back. Hearing a distant scream, David slammed his diary closed dropping it into the pile of bags as he pulled his bayonet out from his bags, quickly standing up he grabbed his rifle walking down the front door, he saw Twilight looking out the window with a look of pure dread on her face. Fastening his bayonet to the end of his rifle he kicked open the door raising his rifle to the outside world, running towards them he saw a red haired yellow furred child, behind her is a timber wolf in close pursuit. Looking down his rifle he lined up his shot, but the child blocked his line of sight on the wooden wolf, lowering his rifle down to his hip he sprinted forward charging towards them. Seeing the strange creature run at her with what looked to be a spear pointed at her, Applebloom felt scared like the walls were closing around her, but as the spear wielding creature came into reach he ran past her. Turning her head as he moved past her he plunged his bayonet into the timber wolf’s wooden hide. Piecing the bark of its chest all 15 inches of steel halted its advance, dragging the skewered wolf down to the ground, its bark splintering under its wound. Once grounded David pulled his bayonet out from its chest before plunging it into its head killing the beast stone dead, the green glow leaving its eyes as its wooden structure collapsed in on itself. Pulling the steel out of the wooden pile, he heard growls and the clattering of wood quickly approaching, seeing the second wolf charging him, its jaw hanging open revealing a green saliva that matched the sickly green glow in its eye. Dropping to a knee he raised his rifle firing at the wolf. The bullet tore through its wooden body with ease shattering its jaw and the side of its chest into splinters, falling to the ground it skidded across the earth a couple of feet flailing its legs as it laid there, unable to move. Marching over to it David loaded a new round into its chamber, metal grinding against metal as he did, stopping at its head he didn’t break his aim on it before firing another round into its head obliterating its wooden skull. Running to Twilight, Applebloom spoke in a panicked frenzy, “Twilight! Scootaloo and Sweetie belle are trapped in the Everfree we knew we shouldn’t have gone but we wanted to get our cutie marks, please their were Timber Wolves” Leaning down, Twilight put a hand on Applebloom’s shoulder speaking in a serious but reassuring voice. “Applebloom, calm down, where are they?” Taking in a breath, Applebloom spoke her voice slower and calmer than before, but this time tears began to fill her eyes, “Their in the Everfree passed the poison joke trail hiding in a tree, please Twilight save them, theirs surrounded by Timber Wolves.” Twilight’s face dropped as she spoke “Applebloom, go find Applejack and tell her what’s going on, we’ll meet her at the poison joke okay.” Nodding, Applebloom ran off home as David marched back into the library marching past Twilight, following him into the house she saw him coming back down stairs, his holster on his belt over his jacket but under the many bags webbed over him. Marching back down stairs, he headed towards the door grabbing his hat on the way out, Twilight followed him seeing him awaiting her almost standing at attention like a royal guard awaiting his commander to lead him to battle. 2 Arriving at the edge of the Everfree they saw the trail leading down into it’s dark secluded heart, following the trail they saw the low blue glow of poison joke looking down to them. Twilight spoke before David could walk into them, “See those blue flowers over there? That’s poison joke, their pollen has a nasty magic that can make you pretty sick, we best wait here for the others.” As if on queue Applejack arrived running over from behind them speaking in an exhausted tone, “Twi, so good your here, Applebloom told me everything, poor thing was scared half to death.” Applejack’s face dropped as she saw the poison joke knowing too well the consequence of poison joke poisoning, she would happily risk it, but if she shrank again she would be no help to the fillies. “Is that poison joke?” “Yes, it looks like we’ll have to go around.” Twilight said. A look of dread washed over Applejack’s face as she spoke, “How long do you think that’ll take?” Looking to her left and right she saw the horrid blue hue spanning not continuously, but enough to make her hate her answer, “An hour, maybe more, maybe less.” “Twi, that's no good, we have to get going now.” Applejack said, full of worry. As they racked their brains for ideas they saw David walk out into the blue flowers, Twilight's eyes turned into pin heads as she screamed, “David don’t!” Stopping several meters into the blue meadow crushing the deadly flowers underneath him he turned to face them, hearing his raspy breath they saw a strange brown mask over his face, large glass circles over his eyes with a long pipe leading down to a black box in his bag at his side. Advancing through the blue field he left the ponies behind him following the blue trail until he passed the flowers border, taking his mask off he put it back in his bag a safe distance away from the flowers. Eventually the trail disappeared into the forest becoming no more than another bit of land, marching forward with his rifle in his hands before him he struggled to keep his footing, almost slipping several times before slipping, falling to his knees. Standing up he saw the churned up land before him the smell of smoke and death in the air, continuing to march over no man’s land he struggled to keep his footing the iron studs doing as much as they could to keep him steady. Walking over the rotting remains of men unable to tell friend from foe their uniforms drenched with as much mud as the trenches themselves, hearing a noise to his left he turned his hands ready for combat but upon turning he was slammed to the ground, mud lopping as he thrashed about. Above him the grey suited enemy held him down his hand over his rifle pressing it into his throat crushing the very life out of him, the man above him looked crazed burns cracks across his face a savage snarl and roar coming through his clenched teeth. Gasping for air David tried to lift his rifle off him only for it to be slammed back down against his throat again and again they struggled in the mud, looking around for anyone anything he grabbed a chunk of debris slamming it into the Jerry’s helm. Rolling over on top of the man he pushed the man down raising his broken brick up he hit the scarred man again and again, after several more strikes the man stopped moving stumbling back David dropped the bloody brick his right hand shaking again. Looking up to the man he saw a wooden wolf, its head caved in by a green coated rock by David’s side, struggling to stand, David held in his stomach knowing full well the German wasn’t real, but the feeling was to him, he had just killed a man like a savage. Collecting his things, he struggled to stand continuing deeper into the forest on unsteady feet, a few hours passed as he moved through the forest, his stomach easing with each step. Hearing a high pitch scream that cut through the air like a whistle he moved on towards it, in the distance he saw two fillies in a tree as three timber wolves jumped up clawing at the tree tearing up its bark. Dropping to a knee David lined up his shot watching how the wolves moved as they jumped up against the tree, waiting for the right time he took his shot hitting the wolf in the back as its claws dug into the tree. Stopping their assault on the tree they looked to the thunderous bang that came from David’s rifle, within a second he had readied his next round firing at the green eyed beast staring at him. The last wolf ran off into the woods unable to understand what was happening but intelligent enough to understand it was alone, moving forward to the tree he kept his rifle ready, pointing at the closer of the two downed wolves giving it a firm kick before moving to the next. Seeing that both of the wolves were dead he called up to the tree. “It's okay, they’re nothing more than fancy firewood now.” Dropping down the two fillies looked scared one was orange with a light purple mane and tail with two small feather wings coming out of her back, the other was white unicorn with a mix of pink and purple in her main and tail, he wasn’t sure if they were more scared of him or the wolves. Kneeling down he spoke, his voice was soft and reassuring as he tried to calm them down. “It’s okay, I’m not going to harm you, your friends sent me, they shouldn’t be too far behind.” Looking up to him Sweetie Belle spoke her voice carrying a nervous undertone, “Are… are you David?” Looking somewhat surprised, David answered her, “How do you know my name?” Seeming more relaxed Sweetie Belle replied in a calmed tone, “My sister told me about you, she said you were a soldier.” Standing up he gave them a small smile, “That’s right, now let's get you two home.” The walk back was slow and uneventful, but after an hour of walking David started to notice something overhead, stopping David sensed something was stalking them, but before he could do anything Rainbow Dash landed before them getting a loud high pitch scream from Scootaloo, “Rainbow Dash!” Running over Scootaloo hugged Rainbow Dash, getting a happy smile from her, “Hey there squirt, you alright?” Breaking the hug Scootaloo spoke trying to sound tough, “Yeah you know me, no timber wolf can take on this pegasus.” “Atta girl!” Rainbow dash said roughing up Scootaloo’s mane. Barely recognising the blue pegasus David spoke, taking Rainbow by surprise “How did you know we were out here.” Looking over to him she replied in a prideful tone, “Applebloom told me you lot were out here fighting timber wolves, can’t exactly let my honorary sister have all the fun can I? Come on, I saw Twilight and AJ this way!” After ten or so minutes they heard noises close by. Stopping they hoped it was the others, but this was the everfree. It could easily be another timber wolf, taking the lead David aimed his rifle toward the noises ready to fire at the first sign of hostility. Bursting through the bushes Twilight and Applejack appeared, lowering his rifle he softened his stance as Rainbow spoke in a snarky playful tone, “What took you so long?” Placing her hands on her knees Twilight panted as she spoke looking up to David, “We had to go around Celestia knows how much poison joke, while someone decides to go straight through it, despite my warnings.” “Time was of the essence, I had a way through so I took it.” David said in a straight tone. Sweetie bell rushed over to Applejack almost hugging her legs, “Where’s Applebloom is she okay?” Crouching down, Applejack smiles, “She’s alright, she’s back at the farm.” Seeing the relief in her eyes Applejack smiled, it was nice that her sister had such good friends even while still in danger they thought about her safety, looking down to the cracked watch on his left wrist he spoke in a commanding voice, “As much as I can appreciate a loving reunion we are still in hostile territory.” Straightening herself up Twilight agreed, “He’s right girls this is the Everfree, Celestia knows what is still out here.” After an hour of walking it was getting too dark to continue, stopping between the trees David unfastened his bags dropping them by a tree with his rifle, fixing the steel head of his trenching tool onto the wooden pole hidden in the mists of his bags. Digging into the ground he felt the eyes of the ponies watch him as he filled the hole with sticks and scraps of cloth off his leg bindings, Applejack spoke in a strange tone, “You alright there sugarcube?” Not looking up he replied “Yeah, making camp.” After a few minutes they were all huddled around the fire as David rummaged through his bags pulling out an assortment of items, putting a collapsible pan over the fire he threw in the content of several brown boxes. After a while he was stirring a dried vegetable broth thickened by the smashed up biscuit in it, if he had any other source he could have given it a bit more flavour, but he used the last a few weeks ago back in the trenches. Handing the pan over to the two filly’s he spoke, “There you go, that should keep you warm after you're done, pass it over to the others.” As they thanked him, Rainbow spoke in a playful tone, “Don’t suppose you’ve got a bottle of cider in those bags.” Laughing to herself Rainbow Dash didn’t expect him to throw a bottle at her, quickly catching it she looked in shock at the large glass bottle, “It might not be cider, but it does the job.” David said. Opening the bottle she took a sniff, her nose wincing to its strength speaking in a slightly disgusted voice, “What, is this?” His answer was plain and simple, just like the drink, “Rum.” Taking a shot Rainbow Dash struggled to keep it in, coughing slightly to its burn as she handed it to Applejack, smirking to Rainbow’s reaction Applejack took a swig trying desperately to hold in the cough as she throw the sealed bottle back to David, who took a larger swig not showing any sign of coughing to the burn. Leaning against a nearby tree David dropped the rum into the pile of bags beside him with a loud clunk as he took out a cigarette and match box from his jacket, lighting the cigarette he took a drag, blowing out a fine cloud of smoke like a warm breath in the cold. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth he moved his rifle to his lap looking over to the ponies as he spoke, “Go on get some sleep, you lot probably need it more than me, don’t worry I’ll take first watch.” Laying down the ponies tried to get some sleep, afraid of what was out there among the dark forest... Waking up Twilight saw the fire was still burning illuminating their little camp site. Looking around she saw Rainbow asleep on her side facing the fire while Applejack laid on her back her hat covering her face, looking over to the fillies she saw they were sitting up right against a log sitting next to each other with a brown jacket blanketing them. Standing up she saw David standing at attention with his rifle in hands while his back leaned against the tree behind him, his jacket was gone revealing the blueish grey shirt and suspenders that were hidden underneath. Rubbing her groggy eyes Twilight spoke, “What time is it?” Looking down to his cracked watch he answered “ten to six.” In her tired state she spoke with a little shock to how long he had been up, he looked rough, his eyes looked old with how tired they were, like a single night had taken decades away from him, “Have you been up all night?” Still looking out into the brightening forest he spoke his voice slow and weak, “Yeah, I’ll get some sleep when we get back, should probably wake them up soon.” > Artists and Officers (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting on her sofa late at night Twilight read another book, one of many thousands surrounding her, Spike was already asleep but even so she checked the room around her as she grabbed the book calling to her hidden amongst the rest. Checking over her shoulders she searched for prying eyes as she pulled out the copy of David’s diary she made, she knew she shouldn’t have made it, but the temptation was too great and now it called to her, the only book of another world, another culture nopony had ever seen before, it was like an itch she needed to scratch, she couldn’t help it. She needed to read it. Sitting back down with the book in her hand Twilight opened it squeaking as a sheet fell from it, thinking she tore a weak page. She flicked through the pages frantically trying to fix it, but no pages were missing, in fact there were extra pages held in by paper clips. Opening the folded page on her lap she read it, the page had multiple round smudges like it had been caught in the rain. “David please, I’m sorry it’s been two months since your last letter, I don’t know if you’ve been getting these but, if you are, please send one back. I need to know your safe. Please, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn’t know what happened, I’ve been hearing stories, horrible stories about the front, before I sent that letter. You remember Mary? The one that used to slip you boy’s a few sweets under the counter when you were younger, she said men have been changing, becoming violent, attacking friend and foe alike. I thought I’d lost you. I thought you became something you weren’t, when Tom told me what happened I was so scared I thought I’d lost my boy. The boy I raised, the boy I loved, I couldn’t even hear him, only later I heard the rest. I'm sorry, you can’t imagine how sorry I am. Please, let me know you're safe. God bless I hope I’ll see you again soon.” - Mum. Sitting there, Twilight could hear the woman’s voice sobbing as she read her words, she didn’t know what to think. This woman was pouring her heart out, the stains clearly that of tears. Finding the one paper clip without a paper she saw it was near the end; it was probably only a few weeks old, maybe a month. Slipping it back into the pages she closed the book, placing it back with the others before heading to bed regretting what she did. 1 Walking through the dreamscape, Princess Luna watched over the ponies of Equestria acting as protector of their minds, but as she did she sensed a dream, a dark dream, a nightmare that instantly brought her attention to the pony’s mind in question. It wasn’t the first time she had faced one of these dreams, normally she would face one every week, but over the past few weeks she had been sensing it almost every night, but everytime she searched for the source it disappeared. It was gradually taking its toll on her, making her lose faith in herself. She was failing her duties as princess, ruler of night and dreams, and this pony was suffering because she wasn’t fast enough, rushing through the realm she found the source, a door like many of the others, but this one was transparent, something she had never seen before. Reaching for the knob her hand fazed through it like it was a ghost, again and again she tried to open it, but it was like it didn’t exist. Even closed minds that tried to keep her out were just locked, but the door felt real as she rattled the handle, but was something she had never seen. Waking up Luna joined her sister for breakfast. Celestia is making a mountain of pancakes for them, “G’morning Luna,, I hope you had an easy night,” Sitting down Luna groggily began to eat, not having much strength in her fork as she tore into her food. “that bad?” Celestia said, her voice dropping. Looking up, Luna spoke, her voice sounding beaten and defeated, “It was that nightmare again, this time I found the door it came from but I couldn’t enter it, it was like it wasn’t there, my hand just went straight through it.” “Luna, whatever this pony is facing you will be able to help, it's just a matter of time.” Celestia said in a firm but reassuring tone. Looking up from her breakfast Luna replied, her tone not changing in the slightest. “But what if it’s too late? What if they are passed the point of help? Maybe they had something horrible happen and the first time I sensed them I could have helped them, but I wasn’t fast enough and now they are beyond my reach, maybe this is my punishment for failing them to sense their pain every night. Two weeks sister! Two weeks I have failed this pony!” Seeing the tears in her sister’s eyes Celestia walked over, hugging Luna from behind speaking in a calm voice. “Nopony is beyond help, sure we may fail them from time to time, we may be a bit slow or make the wrong decision and have to pick up the pieces, but the fact you feel this way shows that you haven’t failed them in your heart.” Looking up to her sister, Luna spoke with tears in her eyes as her voice softened to Celestia's words, “How is it you know what to say for every situation?” Giving a slight chuckle Celestia spoke, “Practice. Now eat up, we've got a busy day today.” 2 Walking around the gallery Celestia and Luna looked over the paintings standing on easels with their artists standing proudly beside them, Celestia walked around with a small crowd around her while Luna walked around mostly alone her only company were a few night guards keeping their distance. Walking passed the painting Luna’s eyes lazily glossing over them not caring for her royal duty, she had to nominate one as well as her sister, but each one was good and she could appreciate them, but each one was the same, they weren’t the same in style or what they were painting of, but they were all in broad daylight. It seems after all these years nopony has come to appreciate her night. After a while her tired blue eyes noticed a tall easel alone with nopony beside it, walking over her eyes widened to what she saw, the paint made used deep blues, blacks and gentle whites. The scenery was all in black with the silhouette of tall bare trees and several figures walking behind them over a lump mud road, above the road and men was a deep blue sky with countless stars and a fogged over moon, underneath the mud road at the bottom of the painting was what looked like a lake mirroring the sky, trees and men perfectly apart from a single ripple that created a shimmer across the mirrored sky. Looking around Luna looked for anypony that could be the artist behind this piece that captured her night so well, after a while she noticed nopony was coming. Looking down to the bottom right corner of the painting she saw the letters D & M. Catching the eye of one of the organisers, an older unicorn with a pale white coat and glasses along with a grey mane. “Can I help you princess?” Turning to her she spoke, “Yes, do you know who painted this?” Looking to the painting the organiser spoke, “I believe that was posted by a, David, Mason.” “Great. Where is this pony? I wish to express my aberration for his work.” Luna almost exclaimed. A little taken back by Luna’s volume and excitement, she spoke in a lower voice than before. “I’m sorry princess, but he never came, it was just sent in the post, if you would like I could get the address it was sent from.” Smiling, Luna spoke her voice still filled with excitement. “That would be most excellent!” 3 The rest of the day went rather fast for Luna. Her sister nominated a beautiful scenic painting of Canterlot, while she nominated this David Mason’s painting, after giving out the prizes Luna received the address the painting was sent from. Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres. The next day Luna was heading to Ponyville with the painting wrapped up under her arm, arriving at Sweet apple Acres she saw Applejack tending the farm replacing a rotten fence post. Upon spotting her Applejack instantly straightened up speaking in a shocked tone. “P… princess Luna!? What are you doing here?!” “Greetings Applejack, I’m looking for a pony named, David Mason. Apparently he sent a painting from here.” Looking down slightly hiding her eyes under her hat she crossed her arms across her body rubbing herself as she spoke in a quiet tone. “Ah about that, he didn’t send that… I did.” Looking at Applejack in disbelief Luna spoke in a degree of shock. “So you're the artist?” Taking a step back Applejack in a jittery voice. “No no no I would never take credit for something somepony else did, he let me borrow it to show ma friends and I kinda sent it off without him knowing.” Sighing, Luna looked down shaking her head as she spoke in a low tone, “Applejack, I would expect this brash behaviour from Rainbow dash or Pinkie Pie, but you're the Element of Honesty.” “It's not like that, I showed the girls and they convinced me to send it and I thought it would be nice, if he won it might have cheered him up a bit. He always seems down in the dumps.” Applejack said. With another heavy sigh Luna spoke, “I don’t suppose you know where he is?” Looking off into the distance to the apple fields, Applejack lifted her hat up. “There's an old cabin in the orchard, he’s been living there for the past week but before you go he’s… quite different.” Looking at her too odd statement with a confused expression that matched her tone, Luna spoke, “What do thou mean?” Stroking her arm again Applejack looked away from Luna’s gaze, “Well, he’s not exactly a pony.” Luna’s expression relaxed somewhat as she spoke, her tone holding less confusion. “So he’s what, a griffin or a minotaur?” Applejack spoke in an uneasy tone, “No he’s a, umm… I’m not sure what he is, but just be aware he’s different.” Heeding her advice she walked towards the cabin finding it right where Applejack said, it wasn’t big but it was easily big enough for somepony to live alone. The wood of the walls was dull and beginning to show signs of rotting making it perfectly clear that before this man had lived there, nopony had maintained it. The two windows on either side of the door were clean on the inside but filthy around the edge on the outside, with dirt and moss trying to grow. Approaching the door Luna knocked against the weak wood feeling it wane against her fist, hearing nothing she tried the door handle only for it to rattle against the lock. Sighing, Luna turned around to leave. This was an unannounced visit, so he could be anywhere, leaving the cabin she began to walk back down the road she came from stopping as she heard something. Standing there in silence she listened to the sounds slowly approaching, becoming clearer with each passing second as the sounds became barely audible words of a man. “-by order of the king, god bless him, we’ll fight and win or die. The empire and the king, god bless him. Is the nation’s cry, our country’s pride are fighting, god bless them and vict’ry bring. For they are gladly dying just to keep the old flag flying, by order of the king...” As the source of the low murmur of a song came into view, Luna just stood there not sure what she was looking at, he was wearing the same clothes he arrived in minus his overcoat and bags that wrapped around his body. His holstered belt was wrapped around his waist supported by the strap that was wrapped over his right shoulder, in his left hand was a large heavy bag that clunked and cluttered with each step. As he drew closer to the Princess of the night she heard his voice call to her, “You alright their dear?” Still somewhat gawking at him she spoke her words, “Err… yes. Applejack sent me, I’m looking for a David Mason.” Approaching her he began to fumble with his keys as he spoke, “Well you’ve found him, come on I’ll stick the kettle on, might not have much but I haven’t lost my manners.” Opening the door for her David let Luna into the cabin, stepping into the cabin Luna saw it was rather bare, by the wall to the right of her was a small iron box fire with a wide pipe leading to the ceiling. In front of the fire was a pair of old armchairs being worn down in various places with a small pale side table between them, in the corner of the room next to a standing easel was a stack of canvases. Walking over to them she saw the painting on the easel, it was of four men dressed in the same uniform as David, their arms locked around each others shoulders as they smiled, looking closer at the painting she saw the man seconded from the left was missing his face, but in the bottom right corner was a photo in black and white, the photo of the men untouched by the paint. Looking down to the stack of canvases beside her she saw they had all been used, kneeling down beside them she began to flick through them. The first of which was of men similar to David in the trenches surrounded by mud and rain. The men where huddled around a roughing fire watching intently as a more detailed man spoke his mouth open, smiling being mid sentence as his arm hung out synthesizing what he was saying, he was dressed in similar clothes except a long cloth was wrapped around his head, hiding his hair unlike his thick black beard. The next painting was depressing: a man in British uniform was laid over the spiralling barbed wire of no man’s land, a helmet laid beneath his limp head, all she could see was his short brown hair hiding his dead face. His motionless right hand reached out into the trench beneath him, holding a blood stained letter while his left held his rifle. The next painting was even worse, there was a man in the trenches crawling back against the mud, his hands clasping at the dirt behind him in fear, his terrified expression was hidden behind a gas mask, but what she saw in his glassed over eyes was worse. In his right eye was a black silhouette of a man in heavy clothes armed with a flamethrower spewing flames, in his left eye was an even worse sight, a man holding his arms above his face bracing himself for the fire that was already engulfing his body. Almost afraid to look at the next one, she continued to flick through them, finding the next one to be more cheerful, men smiling as they rode on a giant metal beast just before tipping into a large puddle. The painting after that was, different. It wasn’t of mud, blood or men. It was beautiful. A pale grand cathedral sat on top of a tall hill ornate with ancient carvings and long glass windows and a dark roof, across from the cathedral was a castle, its pale stone walls over shadowing the city below. Walking in, David dropped his bag next to the coat rack as he hung his hat and jacket up as he entered the main room. “So what brings you here, umm sorry I didn’t get your name.” Standing up from his painting Luna turned to him, speaking in a slightly shaky voice to what she saw. “Luna.” Rummaging through his hanging jacket he found the box of matches hidden amongst his supplies as he spoke, “isn’t there a princess named that?” In that moment she knew he didn’t know who she was. She was just another pony to him like any other, “Yes my mother named me after her, does thou remember that painting you let Applejack borrow?” “The clear night march, what about it?” he said. Perking up Luna spoke, her voice became more cheerful and energetic. “Well you see, she didn’t exactly show it to friends. She entered it into a gallery and it won, it was nominated by the princess herself but after finding out you weren’t there she sent me to find you. So congratulations, this is a high honour, the princess of the night has never cared for a work of art like this, she said she never knew a painting could capture the beauty of her night.” “Well I’m glad she enjoyed it, judging by your reaction she wouldn’t approve of my, other work.” he said calmly. For a moment Luna was taken aback thinking he had seen through her lie, but looking back down to the paintings beside her she spoke, her shaky tone returning, “Yes, they are quite unsettling.” Tilting his head to the side he looked down to the paintings beside her, a light grin forming on his face. “Hopefully not all of them, I know the midlands aren’t the grandest of sights, but it’s still my home and besides that first one there is of a good laugh at the time and a good time painting.” Walking over he picked up the painting allowing Luna to see as he held it up chuckling as he spoke in a pleasant tone to the memories resurfacing. “That guy in the middle telling the story, that was Rajesh, of the Indian regiment, now he was a right laugh he could do any ascent without fault, this one time we had orders coming through, but half the men missed it, so without batting an eye he repeated the orders in the commanders Yorkshire ascent, right to the commanders face the entire regiment was laughing so loud the we got reports that the French could hear us. The closest Frenchman was four miles away!” Even Luna started to let out a light laugh as she heard his story, not to the idea she had no clue what a Yorkshire accent was, but regardless she just laughed with him not to the story but how he told it. Pointing to one of the men beside Rajesh, Luna saw he was rather young looking compared to the others as she listened to David speak, still laughing lightly as he did. “You see this guy here, that’s Tom the Tommy or Tommy Tom, sixteen years old, god he was wet behind the ears, we could have gone fishing behind them, but he was a good lad, not ruff and ready or prim and proper like some of the others, but a good lad nonetheless, so we took’m under our wing and kept him safe.” Smiling to him, Luna was beginning to get an idea of this strange man, gently placing the painting with the others he spoke, “Right, the tea.” Walking over to the iron box he began filling it with cut longs from the pile beside it humming a low tune, recognising the tune Luna spoke in a curious tone. “What is that?” Looking up and back from the box he answered, “What’s what?” “That tune your humming.” she replied. “Oh that, it’s just a marching song.” he said in a calm tone. Her curiosity getting the better of her she asked, “What about?” Lighting the fire in the iron box he replied, “War and what we fight for and how we fight.” Moving up from the fire he moved over to the cabinets across the far wall pulling out a kettle and cups as he began to sing in a slow low tone while Luna moved to one of the armchairs ``The empire’s pride, stand side by side, Upon the battle field. Like knights of old, so brave and bold, the King and Flag to shield. For each brave heart, will do his part, for Country and for King, and gladly go, to meet the foe, just hear them proudly sing, by order of the King, God bless him, we’ll fight and win or die. The Empire and the King, God bless him, is the nation’s cry, our Country’s pride are fighting, God bless them and vict’ry bring. For they are gladly dying just to keep the old flag flying, by order of the King. The clash of steel, may make us reel, but we’ll not give an inch. For right and fame, we’ll play the game, and we will never flinch. Thro’ sounds of war and cannon’s roar, we’ll ever pray and sing, God give us might, to fight for right, by order of the King. By order of the King, God bless him, we’ll fight and win or die. The Empire and the King, God bless him, is the nation's cry, our Country’s pride are fighting, God bless them and vict’ry bring. For they are gladly dying just to keep the old flag flying, by order of the King!” As he sang she saw him prepare the side table moving the few books on it, but before he moved them she saw the titles. ‘Starswerl’s theory on dimensions and realms’ and ‘magical transport for none unicorns.’ Sitting down on the other chair David poured the tea for Luna and he offered her milk and sugar, but upon lifting his cup he looked to be in discomfort almost dropping the tea on the saucer as the discomfort became clear pain. Leaning forward he began to violently cough into his right hand becoming weaker with each cough, Luna’s eyes became wider with each wheeze of his lungs. As she spoke, her voice full of concern as she leaned in from her chair. “Does thou need help?” David’s eyes began to water, as he held in the coughs holding up his right hand to her in a dismissive fashion, upon seeing his open palm Luna’s eyes shot open in shock as she saw what was pressed into his skin, the sight was as clear as day, the sight of blood. Slowly his breath returned to him like his hand and upon seeing the state of his hand he spoke in an almost defeated tone as he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket whipping away the blood. “Good grief.” Jumping up from her seat Luna flared her wings as she yelled frantically, “What’s wrong, do thou need help!? Do you need a physician!?” Weakly speaking, his voice more of a wheezy breath than anything, “No. No I’ll be fine it’ll pass in no time it always does.” Luna’s wings slowly softened returning to her back as she spoke in a doubtful firm tone “No thou aren’t, I may not be a doctor, but even a foal knows coughing blood is bad, you need help.” Leaning back in his seat he rested his head back as he let out a few light coughs, his voice getting stronger as his breathe returned to his burned lungs. “There's nothing a doctor can do, my lungs have been torn up pretty bad, all we can do is wait for them to heal, it’s not nearly as bad as it was.” “What… what happened?” Luna said, her voice full of worry. “Was in a gas attack a week before I came here, the buggers use some damn nasty stuff on us, blisters the skin and melts the lungs. I was able to get the mask on in time but I still breathed some of it in.” he said in a slow worn out voice. Luna’s face just froze in horror as she spoke, barely able to make words. “That's terrible... I can’t imagine what it was like to go through that.” “That's war for you, but enough of old wounds and battle scars. What about you? I've been here for a while now and I’ve never seen one like you.” he said, his voice returning to normal. “I could say the same of thou I’ve seen many a creature, but nothing like you.” she said, eyeing him curiously hoping he wouldn’t press the question of alicorns. Giving a slight chuckle David replied with a worn out smile, his words sounding more like a revised script than natural. “You won’t believe how many times I’ve been asked that. I’m a human I’m twenty-seven hailing from the United Kingdom of Great Britain, born and raised in Lincolnshire, educated in Oxford university Officer of the British army, Corporal of the Artist Rifles.” Blinking in surprise, Luna tried to take in all that information he had given her. “What?” Rubbing his eyes he pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke in a defeated tone. “Sorry, that was rude, I’ve been asked that question so many times I’ve become a bit numb to it.” “It's quite alright, I’ve been there, when I was sent to the Griffin lands I had to repeat thyself a number of times.” Luna said in a reassuring tone. Removing his hand from his face he spoke in his low tone becoming calm, “No let me do this with the courtesy you deserve. I’m a human, I’m twenty-seven, I have three brothers John, Jack and Gordon and I’m the eldest. Three years ago war was declared on Germany, so we all signed up to fight for King and country. We were assigned to the Artist Rifles. I became an Officer and worked my way up to Corporal. That painting you saw with the cathedral is where I grew up, eventually I moved to Oxfordshire to attend the Oxford university where I studied cultural art and heritage before going home. My father is a musician and my mother is an artist, guess it’s easy to see who I took after.” He ended his words with a soft chuckle as he looked up to Luna sitting across from him “What about you? What's your story?” Dreading this question she looked to her side pulling out the paper wrapped painting handing it back to its owner. “Well I have one older sister, we’ve kind of been opposites most of our lives, but recently we’ve made amends and now we are living together, she works most days while I work at night which didn’t help us in the pasted, but now I’m helping out at the gallery in Canterlot. Oh the princess wanted me to tell thou she really admires your work, truly she does.” A strange mix of emotions dwelled from within Luna’s chest tightening around her heart and flooding her mind, at first she was afraid of him then she laughed with him and now she feels sorry for him. In fact she felt a connection to him, he was in a strange world surrounded by ponies and customs he did not recognise or understand just like her and right now he was treating her like anypony else, it was strange to her, no titles or decrees just the two of them getting to know one another naturally unlike all the nobles who she had been briefed on beforehand. So before meeting them she had an opinion on them never being able to just meet somepony and get to know them through them, not their title. After a while it was getting late and Luna had to be back at Canterlot to raise the moon, standing up to leave Luna spoke her voice soft and pleased as she thought of a reason to return. “Before I leave the princess asked if thou would be willing to do some paintings for her, thou see she loved the night sky, we almost had to pry it from her when she left.” Giving a light giggle as she finished. Standing up he handed her back the painting with a smile. “She can keep it. Wouldn’t want to bring down the princess’s wraith would I?” he joked. Taking the painting in hand she just stared at it speaking in a bewildered tone, “I couldn’t possibly take this, isn’t it personal? Thou didn’t even know she had seen it.” Waving it off dismissively he spoke, “I’ve still got the memory and I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate the other.” he joked. “Thank thou, I’m sure she will enjoy seeing it again, but she did want more, she’ll pay thou, money is no bother she said, you are the only artist that can truly capture the beauty of the night.” Luna said hoping she would have a reason to return. Looking around the mostly empty room he spoke in a calm voice. “Money’s not really an issue; But I don’t suppose with her being a princess she has a piano going spare?” Seeing the confused expression on Luna’s face he continued. “It doesn’t have to be a grand master piece, doesn’t even have to be in tune, would just be nice to play again.” Smiling, Luna replied with a soft voice, “I’m sure I can come up with something.” > Stories and Memories (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and two of the main six set out from the library going out into the night of nightmare night, Twilight was dressed as Star Swirl the Bearded wearing long blue robes with a large wizard hat adorned with bells over her fake white beard. While Rainbow dressed as a Shadowbolt, its skin tight suit blending into the night with its deep blues and dark purples, the only thing that stood out was the yellow tinted goggles that hide her pink eyes. Pinkie was dressed in a chicken suit, the white feathers poofing her out quite a bit with feathers falling from her costume with every step. Bouncing out the door Pinkie spoke in her hyper, not slowing voice like usual, “Come on slow pokes we’re going to miss the games!” “Yeah Twilight, all the best prizes are going to be won!” Rainbow yelled back into the open door of the library. “Rainbow, they're not going to run out of prizes, the event started two minutes ago. Some stands aren’t even set up yet.” Twilight replied in a slight huff as she closed the door behind her. Bouncing along the road, Pinkie turned around to the girls behind her continuing back down the road as she did. “So Twilight, where’s Spike?” “He's with the crusaders, they have a plan to go around every house in ponyville.” Twilight answered. Walking through Ponyville they passed multiple stalls of foods and games, even finding Applejack tending a stall dressed as a scarecrow, “Howdy girls, fancy goin bobbing for apples?” “Sure thing Applejack!'' Pinkie said as she bounced over to the open top barrel before plunging her head into its water. Turning to Twilight, Applejack spoke, “So y’all got any plans for tonight?” Pulling out a check list, Twilight replied listing off the checklist, “We’re going to go around for a few hours to meet up with Rarity, ask Applejack if she wants to come over for some scary stories later.” Realising what she just said Twilight asked, “So do you want to come over later?” Smiling she answered, “Sure thing Twi.” “Great and last on the list is meet up with Princess Luna, apparently she’s been looking forward to this all week.” Twilight continued. “Well that’s nice Twi, after last year it should be nice for her to enjoy the whole night.” Applejack replied. Looking over to Pinkie, Applejack saw her head thrashing about under the water of the barrel sloshing the once still water and apples about, “Come on Pinky! I want a turn!” Rainbow said impatiently, getting only a load of bubbles in response. After a few minutes Rainbows head was in the barrel as Rarity arrived walking up to the girls dressed in a mermain costume, a long aqua dress adorned with sequins and a head dress of sparkling shells. “Evening darlings, having fun?” Before anypony could answer, Rainbow Dash’s head launched out of the barrel as she gasped for air before diving back into the barrel, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Rarity said with a giggle. “Rarity, so good to see you, care to try ya hand at apple bobbing?” Applejack asked. Looking over to Rainbow and Pinky she saw the state they were in, their costumes were drenched with Pinkies missing a pillows worth of feathers. “No, I think I’ll give it a pass.” Rarity replied, not wanting to sound rude. Turning to Twilight, Rarity spoke in a curious tone, “So Twilight, you all set for tonight? Can’t disappoint royalty can we?” Smiling Twilight spoke, “Yep! Everything has been set, all we need is the princess.” After an hour, playful screams could be heard as ponies court glimpses of Princess Luna flying overhead, her deep blue fur and stary mane blended almost seamlessly into the night sky. As she began her descent the playful screams of fillies increased as Luna spoke in her royal voice of old. “Ponies of the night, it is I, your Princess, your ruler and guardian of the night, hear me like I hear you. For the last thousand years this night has been the longest darkest night of the year, but instead of fearing it you have come to embrace like your Princess of old, so hear my royal decree and enjoy this night like any other.” Landing, Luna walked over to Twilight and the others with a smile on her face as she spoke in a jesting tone, “Ah, Star Swirl, it is good to see you again.” Smiling Twilight let out a light laugh as she replied, “It’s good to see you too Princess, how are things?” Continuing her smile Luna spoke in a cheery tone, “Actually I’m well, I’ve been becoming more accustomed to modern times and made a friend.” Rarity instantly jumped into the conversation, her voice becoming high and energetic, “Really, who is it, a knight, a noble or maybe royalty from a foreign land?” Cutting her off, Luna spoke in a calm voice, “Calm down Rarity you already know him.” “Him! It’s a stallion, oh is it that nobleman Fancypants!” Rarity almost squealed. Trying to calm the gossiping pony she spoke in a louder voice, “Rarity please, compose yourself, it’s not Fancypants, it’s David.” “David! Your friends with David! Oh this is even better, a lone stallion becomes best friends with a Princess, oh this sounds so romantic I can’t wait to tell the girls at the spa!” Rarity squealed. Stopping Rarity before she could get too carried away Luna spoke in a louder tone verging on her royal voice, “Rarity! He’s just a friend and I would appreciate you not telling anypony! I would hate for ponies to start bothering him because of me.” Quieting down Rarity composed herself muttering in a low tone to Luna, “Sorry…” Turning to Twilight, Luna spoke, “Twilight I was wondering if it would be alright if I invited him to the scary stories later.” Twilight’s purple eyes widened to her words as she answered in a cheerful voice, “Of course you can, why didn’t I think of it before! We could learn so much about his world just from a few stories.” Lowering her head slightly, Luna spoke in a quieter tone, “Twilight, there's something else, he doesn’t exactly know I’m a Princess…” Feeling all eyes on her, she saw Rarity almost shaking with excitement as she continued, “...When we met, he didn’t know who I was and just treated me like anypony else, so I may have told him a little white lie about me not being a Princess.” Speaking up, the element of honesty spoke in an unapproving tone, “Why would ya do such a thing?” Looking up to her, Luna replied in a low voice, “You don’t know what it’s like, ever since my return everypony I talk to has been scared of me, not that I blame them, even the nobles in Canterlot barely tolerate me. But David doesn’t just tolerate me, he genuinely enjoys conversing with me. I just wanted a friend like any of you so I lied, I thought if he knew who I was he would find out who I was and judge me before he even got to know me like all of the others.” All the eyes on Luna were on the verge of tears as they listened to her almost pleading words, Twilight taking a step forward rested a hand on Luna’s shoulder as she consoled her speaking in a calm comforting tone. “Luna, I can’t imagine how hard things have been for you, of course you can invite him and don’t worry, we won’t tell him.” Lifting her low head up Luna looked to Twilight with a weak smile, “Thank you.” 1 Sitting in the main room, David sat with his right leg crossed over his left as he read the old newspaper he brought with him to this world, a lit cigarette rested between his fore and middle finger of his right hand as he held the paper. Hearing a knock at the door he leaned back in his seat yelling back, “It’s open!” Opening the unlocked door Luna winced as she was hit with the strong smell of paint and smoke, stepping in despite her nose she saw the back of David’s head as he folded up his paper. Standing up he took one last drag on his cigarette before stamping it out in the ashtray on his side table, turning around Luna watched as he exhaled a fine warm cloud of smoke. The moment he saw her he spoke with a smile in a cheerful tone, “Ah Luna, isn’t this a pleasant surprise, what brings you to my neck of the woods?” Smiling back Luna spoke in an equally cheerful tone, “Twilight’s hosting a little get together tonight and I was wondering if thou would like to come, it’s nothing big or fancy just a few friends meeting at the library to tell a few scary stories.” “Sure, I’ll grab my coat.” He said walking over to the coat rack. Looking around the room Luna saw a few new paintings scattered about, the unfinished painting of David and his brothers was finished hanging from the wall in front of the chairs. Leaning against the stack of finished paints behind the easel was a finished piece in full view of anyone standing in the doorway, it was of a beautiful scenic painting making use of all the blues to create a stunning image of a star lit night with tall dark trees off in the distance while a shadow of a deer drank from the lake beneath the sky, breaking the perfect mirror the lake created of the sky with a wave of ripples. Looking up from the stack of the paintings she saw the pile had grown somewhat and a new unfinished painting was now mounted upon the easel. This one was different; It didn't just make use of blues and blacks, but deep reds and lush greens. The painting was taken from the top of a hill overlooking the sky which was a mix of colours, deep blue almost black at the top slowly working down the canvas to a deep blue then a milder blue then to dull red and warm orange, on the left side was large bare tree its black branches arching over to the right under dark green grass shadowed by the sky. Luna wanted to see more but the middle was fairly basic, just more of the same colours, but without the detail, the right side had even less, no paint, just faint pencil lines marking the distant hills and where the slow fade of colour should take place. Stuffing the folded up paper into his overcoat he took his belt and holster over his jacket, putting his coat on he grabbed his hat turning to Luna as he spoke in a calm but curious voice, “So, any particular reason for this shindig?” “Don’t thou know?” Luna asked in a slightly shocked tone. “Know what?” he replied. “It’s nightmare night.” Luna answered, getting only a confused look like she was speaking another language so she proceeded to explain, “It’s a holiday about Nightmare Moon, ponies dress up and go around demanding candy from others.” Getting a light hearted huff David spoke in a light tone, “It sounds like Halloween.” getting a similar response from Luna he continued to explain, “It’s a holiday back home, god only knows how long we’ve been doing it. Rumours are it dates back two thousand years or more back to the original Britons, if I remember correctly, it was a festival for the gods when the harvest season ends and the dark winter slowly takes over, they believed the veil between worlds would become weak and evil spirits would come through. Unfortunately that’s the most anyone can know. The Celts weren’t known for their literary skills, most things we know were from word of mouth but you tell a story enough times over enough generations bits lost and changed. The Romans were better, they kept records but we don’t know what’s true and what’s not, the Romans didn’t exactly like the Celts in fact they were terrified of them so all the writings are quite biased.” Realising how much he had said he gave a light sigh, “Sorry I’m rambling again, now should we head off.” 2 Walking into the library David and Luna saw the lights were out with the main six apart from Fluttershy were sitting in the middle of the room already half-through a story, Rainbow Dash was telling the story holding an exaggerated tone as she did, “Looking up the mare saw what had been following her. The headless stallion raising his sword above his headless neck ready to cut her’s off, she knew what was coming and what he would do with it, he would take it as his own, he would wear it like at hat like all the other heads and he’s still out there, waiting for any ponies to cross his path with a slightly better head.” Wincing slightly Rarity spoke, “Now that was dreadful, imagine wearing somepony else's head instead of your own, the fur would never match!” “Now I don’t think ya quite got it Rarity.” Applejack said. Drawing attention to herself Twilight spoke, “Regardless who’s next?” “I think that would be me,” David said, making all of them jump. Giving him a glaze, Rainbow spoke, “When did you get here?” “About a minute ago,” He replied as he hung his coat up walking over with Luna as they both sat down joining the group. “How come we didn’t hear you?” Rainbow asked spuriously. “You were too busy listening to the story to take note of the door, now what sort of stories are we telling?” David asked. Pinkie piped up “Scary stories!” “Yeah, the scarier the better.” Rainbow added. “Come on it's your turn, we’ve done three now: The Headless Stallion, The Mirror Pool Horror and Crystal Ghost. So you own us three.” Twilight said wanting to learn something from another world. Smirking, David spoke, “I’m not sure this is fare, but okay I’ve got a few stories.” Getting comfortable he thought of all the stories he was told as a boy and all the books he later read, “Now I’ve got two stories one from just over a hundred years ago and another from about thirty years ago so which one do you want? The strange case or the monster?” The girls all started shouting, but Twilight was the only one that said a strange case while everyone else said monster so he leaned forward and began, “The year was 1817, the industrial revolution was well under way, it was an age of innervation and invention mankind was pushing the bounds of possibility. The world was changing faster than anyone could have imagined and one of its leading men was a visionary, a Doctor, Dr. Victor Frankenstein. Like many doctors he would study the dead, at first it was good to learn why the dead die so the living can stay living, but his ambition got the better of him, he began to experiment on the dead, it wasn’t long before he was kicked from the medical community.” Wide-eyed, the girls all watched him intently as Twilight spoke, speaking for the group “What happened next?” “A detective inspector from Scotland yard arrived at the hospital asking about him, apparently there had been multiple grave robberies in Scotland not long after Frankenstein was spotted nearby. After being discredited he was the main suspect, but he couldn’t just arrest him he needed evidence, so he searched Frankenstein’s office and found his old journal with all his notes and what he saw shocked his very soul.” “Wh… what did he see?” Applejack asked in a slightly shaky tone. Continuing he gave her his answer, “Sketches of organs and body parts with notes, his work was advanced, far more advanced than any other doctor in any field of study. But as he flicked through the pages it became less about healing and more about creating, it was clear that this man wasn’t going mad that stage was over a long time ago, by now he was completely mad if not insane. The final page was what shocked him, a full sketch of a man made from the dead.” Sitting there the girls were all on edge not making a noise as they listened to him, “When the detective arrived in Scotland the town was in a state of panic, every grave was dug up, every body was taken man, woman and child. It didn’t take him long to find out where Frankenstein was and the moment he did the town followed, with pitchforks and torches in hand, the mob marched on the castle in the dead of night. And now this is the part of the story everyone remembers. The night was dark and stormy, lightning would strike the castle again and again as if god himself was laying siege to it, breaking through the gate the men were stopped at a portcullis, but through the iron bars they saw the doctor and his creation. A man laid out on a table, his skin was grey and covered in scars, a few wires were bolted to its chest leading to a machine. At the front of the mob the detective called out; “Frankenstein! Frankenstein! End this madness!” He yelled, but he was too far gone, shouting back; “Madness, you call this madness?! This is creation! No god, no divine intervention, just me!” The building would shake with each lightning strike that struck the keep, the madman walked over to the machine, the monster was wired too watching waiting for the right moment. And then it came, he activated the machine and the motionless body of the monster tensed and then nothing.” “Is that it! That was the pay off! Seriously Fluttershy could tell a better ending!” Rainbow yelled in annoyance. “Rainbow please be nice, we don’t know about his culture, this could be very important to his people.” Twilight remarked. Sighing Rainbow replied in a huff, “I know but I was expecting more, I’m sorry David.” “You should be, I’m not finished.” David replied, making Rainbow’s eyes light up as she leaned forward, “So where was I? Frankenstein walked over to his monster looking down on his failure, but then he saw it, it's cold lifeless hand began to move, its chest began to rise and fall and then it took a breath. Frankenstein began to laugh saying something under his breath before turning to the mob and repeating: “IT’S ALIVE!!!” Reaching under the table he turned a wheel tilting the table, the mob and Frankenstein watched the monster as it took its first steps. It was like a man, but wasn’t at the same time. It was seven, maybe eight feet tall, built with muscles on top of muscles, but its eyes were the worst part. Back home my mother would always say the eyes are the window to the soul, but this thing had no soul, its eyes were dead, they were completely fogged over. The monster was slow, its large heavy body moved like wheels on a train as it pulled out of the station. The detective saw this and pulled his gun on the beast, shooting it twice in the chest. Any normal man would have died, but this thing wasn’t a man or alive. It charged the mob throwing the portcullis up over its head while the mob stabbed it with their pitchforks and torches, but it did nothing, for you see, the dead can’t feel pain.” By now the girls were all scared some of which were moving away from David while other moved in closer, mainly Rainbow and Applejack, “Running away the mob ran over the wooden bridge that connected the castle and the mainland while the mob dropped their weapons, setting light to the old rotten bridge, soon the bridge was completely engulfed in flame as creator and creation stepped onto the bridge. The monster was single minded, willing to walk into fire while Frankenstein yelled at it to stop, but it didn’t work. It just kept walking forward towards the fire, Frankenstein began to pull on the beast, but it was too strong as it continued forward. Getting more and more annoyed at his creation until he was almost upon the flames, he hit his creation in the vain attempt to stop it and it did. The monster turned to the doctor and grabbed him by the neck lifting him up with one hand before slamming him into the rotten railing, the railing might as well have been made of sticks for all the good it did, the moment his back made contact with the wood it snapped like a twig, sending the man over the edge down to the rocks and sea.” The girls had shocked looks on all their faces as Twilight spoke, “So he was destroyed by his own genius…” David nodded in response, “Yes and the monster just looked down at his creator, Frankenstein may have given it life, but he didn’t get it a soul, it felt nothing, it wasn’t a man, it wasn’t even an animal, it just stood there as the fire spread until the bridge burnt down taking the monster with.” The girls just sat there processing it until Rainbow cheered. “That was awesome!” “I'd have tah agree.” Applejack said. Pinkie was hiding under her cushion as Rarity poked her, “Pinkie darling are you alright?” The moment her hand touched Pinkie jumped up yelling, “IT’S HERE! THE MONSTER HAS COME FOR ME!” Landing on her cushion she realised who it was speaking in her normal high pitched voice. “Sorry.” ending it with a playful giggle. “Did you say that story was over a hundred years old?” Twilight asked, resisting the urge to get a notepad and pen. “Yes, why?” David asked in a curious tone. “Just making a mental note, now don’t you own us two more.” Twilight stated with a hint of impactions. “Okay umm, what was the other choice?” David said, sensing her eagerness. “You don’t remember?” Twilight said with a displeased tone. “I think it was a mystery story. You said a strange case of some kind.” Luna said. “Thank you. The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.” David said smiling at Luna. “Now thirty years ago during the time of the Ripper.” David started in a low voice. “The Ripper? Who was that?” Twilight interrupted in a confused tone. “A serial killer that terrorised the whole of London, but this story isn’t about him or the fact that he was never caught,” Getting looks of intrigued and disgusts from the ponies “This is about Dr Jekyll and how Mr Hyde came to be, now Jekyll was working on a way to strip a man of his dark half, believing that if he did, a man would no longer feel the urge to be cruel or maybe even lose the ability to be capable of it altogether.” Luna began to lean in watching him more intently as he spoke, “Everyday he injected himself with chemicals writing down what happened, each time little would change, his heart rate would go up by a few beats, he might feel a bit warm but nothing really affected him in the ways he wanted. By the twelfth. He was growing frustrated at his lack of progress, but this time the solution had an affect. In less than a minute he was on the floor in pain, about to pass out and then he did. When he awoke he was in a cold sweat with vague memories of a nightmare, he didn’t know what it was about, but he remembered the feeling, he was angry, angrier than he ever thought he could be.” Again his words hit Luna the hardest she knew these dreams and felt bad for the poor doctor, but she didn’t speak, she just listened hoping it would get better. “He locked himself in his lab following this lead, but the next day the paper arrived, the front cover was of a man who had been murdered near by, but the papers put it down to a drunken brawl. Taking another injection of chemicals he passed out with another nightmare, but this time he stayed awake longer feeling an intense pain in his head before passing out, and again he woke up in his lab with another newspaper this time a woman had been murdered, but this murder was strange they thought it was a mugging gone wrong, but her jewels were still with her so a state of warning was announced that a murderer was about, some thought it was the Ripper coming back to finish his work, but it didn’t seem right, this woman was beaten the Ripper always used a knife.” Gagging Rarity winced to his words hating the image she was imagining as he carried on for the others, “With the increase in murders the streets were filled with bobbies.” “Bobbies? What a bobby?” Twilight asked, confused by his choice of words. “It’s Londoner for police.” He answered. Continuing despite Twilight’s interruption he spoke, his voice still calm and low as he told the story, “So the streets filled with bobbies, looking for the man while the good doctor continued his work, this time the doctor stayed awake longer going to the sink to cool his burning face. Lifting his head from the water he wiped away the steam from the mirror checking his face, but it looked off. He couldn't pinpoint it, but then he saw it, his face began to twist and turn until someone else looked back at him. Then, he woke up. Rushing to mirror all he saw was his face thinking it was some fever dream, he continued his work like nothing had happened until he saw the newspaper on the front page, there was a sketch of a face, the face he saw in the mirror that was not his own.” Reaching over to him Luna placed a hand on David's shoulder asking in a caring tone almost forgetting it was just a story. “What did he do?” Turning to her he replied, “He read the paper finding out this man attacked a policeman, nearly killing him and now there was a warning that the attacker is armed, dangerous and still at large.” Almost jumping, Rainbow yelled in an annoyed voice, “Wait, so you're telling us they only think he’s dangerous now?!” Shacking his head David spoke, his tone unchanging, “No, now they know he’s dangerous, the first murder could have been a simple drunken brawl gone wrong, the second could have been personal, but now he’s not just dangerous he’s worse. When he attacked the policeman he took his gun.” “What's a gun?” Rainbow interjected. “Yeah half the stuff ya said doesn’t make a whole lotta sense.” Applejack added. Sighing he lowered his head reaching to his side pulling his revolver from its holster, even now after three years of service it still felt heavy in his hand. Holding it up he showed it to the girls keeping his finger off the trigger as he spoke. “This is a gun, it’s a weapon of war, you can kill a man at fifty yards or more.” “Pffft now I know you're lying, how can that possibly kill, it looks like some kind of paper weight!” Rainbow mocked. Applejack turned to her blue friend with a concerned expression as she spoke in a lower tone. “Rainbow, he's telling the truth.” “But look at it! How can that possibly be a weapon?!” Rainbow half yelled. “Rainbow it’s true I was there when he killed two Timberwolves.” Twilight answered. “It was five,” David added as he holstered his revolver again. A collective “WHAT!?” came from all the ponies as David looked back up. “There were three more in the woods, anyway should we get back to the story?” David answered. Getting a collective nod of agreement David continued, “So Jekyll went into the bathroom not believing it, but then he saw something in the corner of his eye, looking back it was just the mirror, thinking it was just a trick of the light he continued to get washed. When he got round to the mirror he was greeted by a face that wasn’t his own, the very same face that was in the paper, and it moved, it moved on its own, smiling at him and said; “So now we finally meet, hello Jekyll, I’m Hyde.” Jekyll just stammered back; “No, no, you're not real! You're just some drugged up hallucination!” Hyde just smiled and lifted his hand clamping it around his neck and Jekyll just stood there, finding his own hand wrapped around his neck. He was then brought out of his trance by a knock at the door, but when he looked back to the mirror he saw Hyde was gone, at the door was a policeman saying Hyde had been seen entering his house so they searched the house and found nothing, they left. Afterwards the good doctor went back to bed where he found the gun Hyde stole, with that he stopped his work, he decided in that moment no more would die to his failure.” Seeing Rainbow was about to speak, David spoke first. “For the love of god Rainbow, I’m not finished!” Piping down Rainbow slumped down with a huff as David finished his tale. “So Jekyll went to bed, but when he awoke he felt stronger, tougher, even a tad taller. Looking in the mirror he fell back looking over his body, he wasn’t Jekyll anymore, he was Hyde. He spent the rest of the day as Hyde working in his lab working on a way to turn back. Later in the day the police were at the door, but it wasn’t just one it a small army’s worth, to start with they called in to Jekyll saying they know he’s hiding Hyde.” That last remark getting a slight giggle from Pinkie. “He didn’t respond just focusing on his work, but the men began to kick the door down breaking in, Jekyll ran to his room, barricading the door as he heard the men running through his home coming to his door. They tried to break down the door and the men called to him; “Jekyll are you in there,” but they heard a voice that was not Jekyll’s; “Go away please he’ll kill you.” Hyde was taking over Jekyll, feeling his anger growing at an ungodly rate, grabbing the gun Hyde lifted it pointing it towards the door and then.” BANG, making everyone, but David jump as he slammed his fist into the floor, “Hearing the shot the police doubled their efforts breaking into the room finding only Hyde dead on the floor with the gun still in his hand, they never found Jekyll, it was like he had just disappeared. They never knew what he did or what he became, but the name Jekyll was remembered fondly as the good doctor he was.” “Well that was horrifying.” Rarity stated. “Are you kidding? Rarity it was great, who knew he became the monster.” Rainbow boasted. “I don’t think he became the monster, more unleashed it.” Twilight corrected. Glaring daggers at Twilight Rainbow replied, “Egghead” “I think it was mighty chivalrous that he sacrificed himself to stop him.” Applejack added. In an uneasy tone Luna spoke, “It was quite good, if I may be excused I need some air.” Watching Luna leave through the door David stood up. “Back in five.” 3 Stepping out of the library David saw Luna with tears in her eyes as he walked up to her speaking in a concerned tone, “You alright Luna?” Turning to him she wiped her eyes in an attempted to hide her tears as she spoke in an unconvincing tone, “Yes I’ll be fine.” Pulling a metallic box out of his pocket he flicked it open pulling out a cigarette before putting it back as he replied, “Luna, any woman with tears in her eyes is not alright.” “It’s just that story, it struck a nerve, that’s all.” Luna replied hoping he wouldn’t press it. “Luna, a simple story can’t drive someone from the building in tears, so are you going to tell me what’s wrong or are we just going to stand here until you feel better?” David said his tone was caring but firm. Releasing a heavy sigh Luna answered, “Remember when I said me and my sister had a pretty bad falling out?” “Yes, you said you two made up and now are living together.” David replied. Her voice hung low as she told him the half truths. “When we fell out for the longest time I became quite bitter and hateful, I wanted to hurt her, it was like poison spreading through me. Eventually I got to the point where I didn’t know who I was without that hate, that story just brought back some memories I would rather forget.” Feeling his arm slowly wrap around her back rubbing her shoulder as she slumped into him listening to his comforting words, “Luna I don’t know what happened between you and your sister, but your not like that now and besides you said it yourself, you made amends with her, so it couldn’t have been that bad if she could forgive you.” Leaning on his side Luna spoke in a shallow voice. “I know but it still hurts. Have you ever hurt anyone?” Luna just stood there resting her head on his side, her eyes almost closed, unable to see David’s blank expression, as he stared off into the distance detached from the world around him as Luna waited for a response. After a while David shook it off with rubbing his heavy eyes with his off hand before answering her in a low almost shameful tone, “No, but I have failed them, sometimes I think that is worse.” Standing there she felt his arm move from around her as they parted, lighting his cigarette he took in a breath of smoke offering it to Luna. Taking it between her fingers she just looked at it unsure what to do, so she asked, “What is this?” “It's a cigarette, it's good for stress relief,” David answered. Unsure of what to do she lifted the cigarette to her lips taking in a short breath, her blue eyes shot open as she gagged, coughing up the smoke. David let out a slight chuckle as he gave her a light pat on the back as she spoke in a disgusted voice. “How can you stand that?” Taking the cigarette back off her, he took another drag before replying, “You get used to it.” They stood there in silence for a time with Luna just staring up at the stars proud of her work, spotting this David, spoke drawing her attention to him, “Beautiful in’t it.” Smiling Luna leaned on his side again enjoying the fact someone appreciated her work as she spoke, “I’m sure the princess would appreciate that.” Wrapping his arm back around her his lit cigarette still in his hand as he held her, “I’m sure she would.” Lifting his other hand he pointed to a row of stars as he spoke in a pleasant tone as he began to reminisce, “You see those three stars up there? Back home we call them Orion’s belt.” “How do thou know that?” Luna asked in an intrigued tone. “My uncle was a sailor, whenever we visited him, he would take us out on the boat, late at night he would show us the sky saying you could have no tools no crew, but as long as you had the stars you could find your way home.” David said before stamping out the last of his cigarette, “Come on, I’m sure the others are waiting for us.” Smiling, Luna followed him back in. 4 Sitting back down with the girls Rarity’s nose winced a bit to the slight smell of burnt cigarettes clinging to David as Twilight spoke, “Now I think you own us one more story.” “Yeah, but can it not have a doctor in it this time?” Rainbow added. “Rainbow’s right, that's getting mighty samey.” Applejack said. Lifting his hands dismissively he spoke, “Alright, alright just let me think.” After a few moments Twilight spoke in an impatient tone, “Can’t you think of anything?” Looking up to her he spoke in a defensive tone, “Just give me a minute, I’m trying to think of something scary.” Looking over to his coat, he smiled as he spoke, “Alrigh’ you want a scary story? I’ve got one. The siege of Osowiec.” With that the girls all became giddy with excitement as he began. “Now two years ago the Russian army was out matched by the German forces, so they enacted the great retreat pulling back all their forces to regroup. But they needed a rear guard to cover their escape, they did this by holding forts for as long as possible to give their men as much time as they could to escape. Now these Russians were outnumbered eight to one, but they held the fort, repelling attack after attack until the Germans got impatient. They knew the Russians had no masks to protect themselves from what was going to come, one morning the Germans used a weapon, not a weapon of war, but a weapon of cruelty, they released a cloud of poisoned gas. It killed everything, the grass turned yellow and leaves turned black, but what happened to the men was worse. Once the gas cleared the Germans saw the horror they made, but still they advanced through the dead field. Fourteen battalions, eight thousand men advanced on the fort and then,” “BANG” David slammed his fist into the floor making the girls jump like before. “A German dropped dead, now the troops thought one or two might have survived the gas so they continued until,” “BANG” David slammed his hand down again, still making the girls jump. “and another German fell, but still they marched onwards. That was until they saw the doors to the fort burst open and an army of men that should have already been dead charged, the Germans just stood there looking at the hell they brought upon themselves. Only a hundred of the nine hundred Russians survived the gas attack but it didn’t matter the Germans were terrified of the sight they saw, crud bandages covered dissolved flesh that did nothing but catch the bits of blood and lung they were coughing up. The Germans went into a panic, trampling their own men as they ran away, the Russians took back their guns they had lost in the initial attack, by the end only a handful of men survived and the papers later called it ``The Attack of the Dead Men.” “Now that’s a horror story worthy of tonight.” Luna said. “Yeah that was awesome!” Rainbow cheered. “It was super scary, like imagine not just one zombie but a hundred oh imagine if there was more like a thousand or…” Pinkie happily added. “I think we get the idea Pinkie, it was rather heroic for those men to stay behind to defend the others.” Rarity said. “So where did you get these stories from?” Twilight asked with an intrigued tone. “The first two were books, the third was in the paper.” David answered. Twilight’s eyes instantly lit up to the word of books as she spoke in a cheerful tone, “So you have scary stories in the newspaper that’s interesting.” Shaking his head David smiled as he replied, “No, it was the news.” Getting a collective “WHAT!?” from everyone. Sitting there with an open mouth Twilight spoke in a bewildered tone, “Wait are you telling us that this attack of the dead men was real!?” Getting a simple “myes” in response from David. “HORSE APPLES!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Rainbow, watch your mouth, we are in the presence of royalty!” Rarity remarked glaring at said mentioned pony. “RARITY!” Twilight yelled making Rarity realise what she did, if her coat wasn’t white she would have turned white as a sheet as she realised she had just broken the promise they made to Luna. “Ha somepony’s in trouble.” Rainbow dash remarked like a mocking child. “Time and place Rainbow!” Applejack said like an annoyed parent. Sighing Luna lowered her head as she looked over to David only to see he was gone, looking around she saw him by the door rummaging through his coat oblivious to what Rarity said. Letting out a collective sigh of relief the girls hoped he missed what Rarity let slip, sitting back down David held a newspaper unaffected by the looks the everyone was giving him as he spoke in a slightly triumphant tone. “You wanted proof, here!” He said holding out the folded up paper for Rainbow, but the second she reached for it he lifted it up giving her a light slap on the top of the head getting a slight laugh from the girls. Handing the paper over to Twilight with a smile as his tone became slightly more cheerful, “Here read this.” Reading it she saw the title Attack of the Dead Men, her smile soon faded as she read the facts finding everything to be true as she spoke in a shocked voice, “It’s true, it’s all true…” Quickly taking the paper back David spoke realising these ponies weren’t like the men of the front, he was so used to the man’s world of the war were men could take anything in good stride, he had never taken time off from the moment he was at the front, he never left, never on leave, but the men that did would often say there was two worlds, the man’s of the front and the woman’s of home. He never really believed it until now, he had become numb to the things that would make civilised people sick and now he could barely understand why, he guessed this was just another thing the war had taken from him. Clapping his hands in a cheerful manner, he got everponies attention, “How about I tell you girls a funnier story.” Getting a collective nod he started, “Okay, to understand this story you need to know what a bullet is.” Reaching into his left breast pocket on his jacket he pulled out an assortment of metallic objects that clinked in his hand, in his hand was three medals and a bullet making Rarity pipe up, “Are those medals.” She said in an excited tone. Lifting up the medal they saw the ribbon stripped with blue, white and red with a round iron medal with a picture of the king on one side and the words “For Bravery in the Field” on the other surrounded by ornate decorations. Looking at it David spoke. “Got this when I was promoted after the battle of the Somme, the Captain took a hit, so I moved him somewhere safe and took command leading the men across no man’s land, they even melted the German guns down to make these.” Lifting the second one, they saw a bronze star with two crossed swords and an insignia in the centre saying, “1914” with a bright red, white and blue ribbon. “This one was awarded to everyone who took part in the campaign in France at the start of the war.” Lifting the final one they saw it had a solid crimson ribbon with a black medal, it was in the shape of a cross with a lion standing proudly on top a crown with a words, “For Valour” underneath them. “Got this one after a failed advance into no man’s land, me and a handful of men got pinned in a shell crater. I was the fastest shot so I stayed behind, laid down some support, and was firing off so many shots the Germans called out Maschinengewehr, Maschinengewehr. They thought we had a machine gun in there, after the men were gone the Germans decided to fire a shell at me, luckily, it over shot, but it was a shrapnel shell and I was caught in the backlash. Got hit with a load of shrapnel in the back, had to lay there for six hours until night before I could crawl back to the trench, the men thought it was a bloody miracle, I thought it was a bloody pain in the arse.“ Letting out a chuckle, he saw the faces of the girls around him all mortified at what he told them, Luna being the only one to speak in a saddened tone. “How can you laugh at something like that?” Giving a shrug he answered her in a nonchalant tone, “It’s the British way, stiff upper lip, take it in good stride and carry on. A lot of foreigner think our humour is quite dark, truth is, it’s like wine, like it or hate it, we have it dry.” Hoping for a slight laugh out of the girls he got nothing as Luna spoke her tone still as disheartened as before, “That’s a horrible way to live.” Giving another shrug he answered in an unfazed tone, “It’s just how we are, the world could end and yet we could still have a laugh, tongue in cheek that’s how we deal with it. Once I saw a car had crashed into a shop, the wall was completely gone and the next day there was a sign in the window saying we are still open just a little more than usual.” Getting a slight laugh from the girls David placed his collection of medals back in his pocket leaving him with a single small bullet, “Now this, is a bullet, it’s like an arrow to a bow,” David said showing the girls. “What’s that on it?” Twilight asked, noticing some markings on it. Rolling it over in his hand he saw his name scratched into its brass side “Ah, it’s my name, there's a saying in the trenches ‘There's a bullet out there with your name on it’. So we started carving our names on them for good luck, and it worked, Jim got hit one night, we thought the poor bugger had brought it, but somehow the bullet bounced off the one in his pocket, the very one with his name.” Placing the bullet back in his pocket with the medals he continued, “One night me and the men had some time off, so we headed off to the pub, had a few laughs, had a few drinks, there was even a few Russians with some advisor.” Chuckling to the memories David continued, “Now those Russians knew how to party, they showed us this dance & by god we fell on our arses more times than I could count, they even passed a bottle of something, got the men good and drunk but blimey I swear you could strip the paint off walls with that stuff. After a few hours one of the men burst through the doors yelling “JIM’S BIT THE BULLET!” Without missing a beat we all got up, grabbed our guns and ran out to him. Outside just across the road was Jim, slumped against the wall off a building, so we ran over to him shouting “JIM! JIM!” Shaking him, he woke up and spat a bullet in my face and said with a groan ``I think I cracked a tooth.” Laughing at the memory the girls began to join in as the mood lightened up. > Pranks, tests and bruises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting in his chair David tiredly read another book Twilight had lent him, his eyes felt heavy and dry his inability to get much sleep was taking it’s toll on him. After an hour of reading he was passed his natural limit but he pushed on despite the pounding in his head. After another hour of fruitless research into a way home he slammed the book closed, tossing the book aside to the side table he raised his hand to head rubbing his eyes as the head ache became worse. Arching into his hand he felt the tremors return digging his fingers into his eyes, pulling his hand down into view he saw the uncontrollable shacking, clenching his hand into a fist the shacking continued as his nails dug into his palm. Cupping his fist with his other hand in a vain attempt to stop the tremors, as the pounding in his head got worse forcing him to support his head on his shacking hands. Closing eyes to the pain in his head his face twisted and contorted in pain as it got worse becoming a full blown migraine, it started as a headache like any other but it quickly turned into something more, soon he could hear his heart beat in his head but that quickly subsided into something worse far worse than a migraine. Pressing his fist harder into his forehead he felt the pounding become more intense driving him nearly to tears, soon the pounding sounded less like the throbbing of a headache and more like the fire of artillery. Leaning deeper into his hands he heard the sounds of the Somme, the explosions of endless shellings gradually getting closer driving him further and further into his hands. Feeling the war around him he uncupped his hand pulling the revolver from his side as he raised his hand back up to his head the hilt of his revolver pressing against the left side of his forehead. Opening his eyes he straightened himself up breathing in a stiff breath as he composed himself, his body rocked slightly as his stilted breath slowly became normal and steady. Looking down to his hands through watery eyes he saw his clenched tremor stricken fist slowly subside while his other hand held the cold heavy steel of his service revolver. 1 Walking out of the cabin David headed towards ponyville, today he had a few things to do Rarity had offered to make him some more clothes which he happily excepted, that was a couple of days ago when she took his measurements and today was the day she said it would be finished. Also Twilight had asked him to come to the library for some tests, apparently she had better equipment than the hospital and the doctors have asked her to see how he was progressing which he agreed too if she could help him with some training which she agreed to before he could even finish. Walking through ponyville with his rifle slung over his shoulder he saw that the ponies were mostly leaving him alone with only a few staring at him as he walked by. Realising this he thought they were becoming too accustom to him, he was beginning to think he had been their for too long, he needed to get back to the front back to the war but before he could think on it any fervour Rainbow dash and Pinkiepie ran passed almost knocking the rifle off his should as he side stepped to avoid them. Chasing after them Applejack yelled in an irritated voice “get back here you apple painting vermin!” Paying them no mind David continued heading towards the library, opening the door Twilight was in a huff on all fours scrubbed the floor cleaning it of purple dye as muttered to herself in an irritated tone “Stupid Rainbow and her antics, does she know what damage she could have caused with dye in a library, no she doesn’t” hearing the bell as David walked in she yelled back trying not to sound irritated or rushed as she called out “be with you in a minute” Walking over David saw her from behind grateful that her purple tail drooped down between her legs hiding her private regions from his eyes, that was one thing he still found strange about this world the lack of modesty and the one thing he won’t be taking part in or becoming accustom too. Looking down to Twilight her head nearly under the table the dye was dripping from as he called out “I think that would take longer than a minute” Getting up Twilight nearly hit her head on the underside of the table she was under, clipping her horn on the edge as she rose she winced grabbing the horn, it felt like banning your funny bone except a lot easier to do. Wincing she heard David’s concerned voice “you alright their Twilight?” With a hiss she replied “I’ll be fine in a minute. So should we begin the tests?” Placing rifle down on one of the many tables Twilight’s eyes widened to it after last time it destroyed one of her precious books as he replied “sure” Instantly Twilight’s mood changed becoming better as she thought of the knowledge she was about to gain, so much so that she forgot about the dye staining the floor as she almost yelled in a cheerful tone “excellent!” Leading him to a treadmill with a monitoring machine next to it she spoke her tone quieting down slightly but still clearly excited “okay if you take your clothes off I’ll hook you up” Giving her a disgruntled look he spoke in a puzzled tone “my clothes?” Smiling she repeated herself “yes just take your clothes off and I’ll hook you up” Looking down at her with a straight face he spoke in a serious tone “I’m not taking my clothes off” “oh come on don’t be a baby it’ll be over before you know it” she said ignorant to what he meant. His tone became firmer as he spoke “Twilight I’m not pony, I’m not going to walk around naked for you, I may respect your culture and customs but there is only so far that respect can go and my genitals are far passed that line” Blushing to what she had asked of him and his bluntness with it she changed her request speaking in a bashful tone “oh umm would just the top be okay with you?” Getting a simple calm “yes” he took his clothes off, she never noticed how many pieces of clothing he wore. First was his holstered belt then his jacket with his green vest following afterwards, then he took of his suspenders letting them hang from his waist as he took of his grey back shirt. Seeing the naked skin of his back she saw the scars she saw when they first met but now knowing how he got them she felt sorry for him to suffer in such a way for six hours no less, but their was still two on his back like on his front, one on is left shoulder and the other below bottom most his right rib expect they were bigger at least twice the size of the scars on his front. Turning around he walked over to the treadmill waiting for Twilight to hook him up, gently placing the suckers on his chest afraid of hurting his scarred form Twilight looked upon his blistered right side. The sickly yellow colour of the blister had faded mostly shrinking in size but still clearly filled with fluid, the skin was still thick, white, cracked and dying with the surrounding healed areas scarred red. After sometime she had him hooked up to the monitor, stepping onto the treadmill she spoke in a caring soft tone “I’m going to start it out slowly and then gradually it’s going to get faster until your at a steady jog, I’m going to see how long you can run but if you need to stop just say and I’ll stop it” Getting simple “okay” from him she started up the treadmill, soon he was a steady jog with Twilight jumping between him and the machine, worried about his health but not wanting to miss anything. Soon her worry was gone and she just watched at his heart beat rose staying steady at a one hundred and ten she didn’t know if this was healthy especially with his second weaker heart. After two and a half hours she just stared in amazement as he looked to keep going with no sign of stopping, increasing the speed he kept pace 7 mph, 12mph, 15mph she took note of how his heart beat was steadily rising with the speed until she heard the bell. Turning around quickly before turning back she saw Rainbow dash walk in she with a shallow expression as she spoke in a low ashamed tone “hi Twi I just came round to apologise about earlier, I hope I didn’t ruin anything” “Twi?” Rainbow asked. “Twilight?” she asked again. “HEY TWILIGHT!” Rainbow yell. “What!?” Twilight shouted back. Standing their in a huff Rainbow repeated herself as she crossed her arms in frustration “I came round to apologise for this morning, what are you even doing?” Turning back around Twilight answered “doing some tests on David to see how he’s progressing, he’s been running for two and a half hours now with no sign of stopping I think he’s done 20 miles now” With her head turned Rainbow smiled as she approached the treadmill seeing David focused expression and steady strong breathe, sneakily reaching for the controls she turned it up to near max. Hearing the machine speed up Twilight turned to see Rainbow’s mischievous smiling face as David went into a full on sprint looking back to the machine Twilight saw his heart was climbing at a fast rate one fifty, one sixty, one seventy. Turning it off Twilight saw David’s pace slowed with the machine but his heart was still going up, the monitor let off an alarm bringing her eyes to it. His heart was dangerously high for a pony, two hundred and ten a ponies heart couldn’t go passed two hundred and his was still going up. Turning to Rainbow Twilight yelled at her “RAINBOW!” Seeing the scared look on Twilight’s face she knew something was wrong and when she saw the monitor she knew, David was panting as he arched over with his hands on his knees but his heart rate was still rising holding for a few seconds on the deadly number two hundred and twenty five before slowly dropping to a resting beat of sixty beats per minute. Rushing to him the in a panicked state the ponies spoke “David are you alright?” Twilight asked. While Rainbow became a blubbering mess of a pony “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Waving Twilight off in an exhausted fashion David spoke in a near wheeze “I’ll be fine” Turning to Rainbow dash Twilight yelled “Rainbow what were you thinking!?” Looking up to her with wide pink eyes she spoke in rush “it was a joke I didn’t think it could kill him” “well you should of! he’s wounded remember!” Twilight yelled back. Interjecting David spoke through heavy breathes “what… are… you… two... talking… about?” Trying to calm down for him Twilight answered in a semi normal tone “your heart went over two hundred beats per minute, a pony can’t go over two hundred without risking a heart attack but you went even higher you could have died” she said nearly breaking into a tears for what she had put him through. Dropping his head he let out an exhausted laugh “Twilight… I’m not a pony... a human heart… can go up to… two hundred and… twenty” “but yours went even higher!” Twilight yelled in response. “Twilight… I’m fine look” David said in a low tiered voice gesturing to the monitor. Turning around Twilight saw the heart monitor reading, it was lower than before and steadily falling to a resting rate. With a huff Twilight turn back to them as she spoke in a revealed tone “thank goodness, you had me worried their for a second. So how about we get those results” Walking over to the monitor Twilight looked at the sheet the monitor was printing “okay so your heart stayed at a steady one thirty when running at seven miles per hour and jumped up too one sixty when at fifteen mile per hour. Now just before you stopped you were at” Twilight’s face dropped before she yelled “RAINBOW!” “what?” Rainbow said in an almost whining tone. “you maxed it out! he was at twenty five mile per hour” Twilight yelled. “Wait are you saying he was running twenty five mile per hour, AWESOME!” Rainbow cheered “we could be work out partners, no pony can keep up with me but he might” Getting annoyed with Rainbow’s ego Twilight interjected “Celestia’s flank you are, you almost gave me a heart attack with that little prank you pulled” Glaring at Twilight an irritated expression “Twilight he’s fine he said so himself...” her voice trailed off as she saw his scarred chest as he unhooked himself from the machine, adverting her eyes from him almost afraid to look at him as she spoke in a low tone “David are you okay I didn’t hurt you did I?” Putting his clothes on he answered in a calm unaffected voice “no I’m fine just took the wind out my lungs that’s all” Rainbow just stared at him with a blank expression unable to process how he could cope with such horrific wounds, turning to Twilight David spoke “so Twilight is that all the tests or was their any others?” Teleporting a scroll in with a purple flash of magic, Twilight opened it looking at her list “okay next on the list is your strength” “now I’ve got to see this” Rainbow said in an enthusiastic tone. “Rainbow these are medical tests not some work out in the gym” Twilight replied in a stern tone. After a few more hours of test they were almost done, Rainbow dash had left much to the behest of Twilight as she nearly pushed her out the library. Smiling Twilight looked over her research reading it over and over again as she muttered to herself in an astonishment “this is incredible, this is absolutely incredible. I can’t believe I’m the first pony to see these results, your so similar to us yet your endurance is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. With short breaks you could run all day if you wanted too and your strength, if ponies didn’t have latent magic in them you would be stronger than Applejack” Happily looking over her list again she spoke in an up beat tone “okay we’ve got only two more tests” teleporting in an empty syringe she spoke with an uneasy smile that matched her tone as she winced slightly to her own words “all I need is a little teeny tiny sample of your blood” Expecting more of a reaction Twilight just stared as he rolled up his sleeve for her, holding his arm out straight for her she broke the skin wincing as she drew blood. Placing the sample on her desk she spoke in a surprised tone to how calm he was “okay I’ll check that later, just need one more piece of information, what’s your cutie mark? They can affect the results” Giving her a confused look he asked “what’s a cutie mark?” Looking at him with wide eyes she almost yelled “you don’t know what a cutie mark is? Everypony knows what a cutie mark is” realising what she said she revised her statement “oh right, it’s the mark on our flanks it appears when we discover our special talent” “oh I thought they were tattoos, Human’s don’t get cutie marks” David said in a nonchalant tone. “you don’t get cutie marks!? But that’s one of the most important days in a pony’s life, how do you know when you found your special talent!?” Twilight yelled in shock as she looked down to his thigh in disbelief. “we don’t, we all start out the same sure some people are better at some things than others, but we just work at something and get better at it, if you don’t it’s just not meant to be or you work harder. It’s just how it is” David said his tone unaffected by Twilight’s tone. “wait are you saying that you choose what you are good at rather than having it decided for you!? that’s incredible! I knew you were different from us but this is beyond anything I could have imagined even Griffins have hidden magic, it’s not as pronounced as it is in ponies but they still have it but you, you come from a culture where cutie mark magic doesn’t make one pony any better at something than anypony else” Twilight said in an excited tone as her mind ran faster than her mouth. “we don’t have magic all together” David said in a calm tone as Twilight stared barely able to comprehend what he was saying. “YOU DON’T HAVE MAGIC!” Twilight exclaimed before continuing in a slightly calmer voice “actually that makes a lot of sense, that would explain why magic barely affects you” “barely affects me?” David asked in a confused tone. “oh when you first arrived I tried teleporting you to the hospital on the other side of ponyville but I barely made it out the door” Twilight answered. Turning to the blood sample with an intrigued look she spoke “just give me a sec I want to try something” Walking over to the desk Twilight took the syringe in her hand quirting some of it’s contents into a glass test tube, watching the blood sample carefully she began to let her magic flow through it with a simple heating spell. Watching the test tube in her hand glow a light purple she just stood their with her mouth slowly opening in astonishment that matched her tone “David your body is highly resistance to magic. I just tried heating this sample up to a boil and it barely feels any warmer than before, if I’m right you could be hit by the elements of harmony and come out with little more than a headache” “Twilight I think that’s enough for test for one day, now I think we had an agreement” David said in a tiered voice. Deflating somewhat Twilight huffed as she spoke in a slightly defeated tone “okay but I want to do more test at some point” 2 Following Twilight with his rifle slung over his shoulder they arrived at Sweet apple acers, turning to David Twilight spoke in a confused tone “David I don’t know what kind of training needs a watch, a large piece of scrap metal and one thousand yards of uninterrupted country land” Not turning to her he spoke as he stared off into the distance “you’ll see soon enough” Approaching the entrance they saw Applejack pushing a wagon of apples, smiling she waved them over “howdy, y’all here for that training Twilight told me about?” Nodding David gave a simple “yes” Smiling Applejack left the cart leading the way into the orchard as she spoke in a pleasant tone “great follow me” Walking along through the lines of trees Applejack turned too Twilight as she asked in a curious tone “so Twi do ya know what he’s got planned? it’s not everyday somepony asks for a long strip of land to train” “I’m not sure but I think it has something to do with that thing on his back” Twilight replied in a slightly worried tone remembering the last time she saw that thing and what it did to those timber wolves. Arriving at the area they found a square chunk of metal about two feet squared lent up against a tree as Applejack happily proclaimed “here we are one piece of scrap metal and a thousand yards of uninterrupted land” To either side of them were apple trees that continued in every direction, setting up the firing range David took the metal sheet walking off into the distance, stabbing it into the ground it sunk into the earth staying firmly in place as it stood up from the ground. Walking back to where the girls were he spoke “alright Twilight you got the watch?” Beaming with pride she smiled as a pocket watch teleported in, in purple flash of magic as she answered “yep” Taking his rifle off his back he laid down facing the scrap metal in the distance as he spoke to the pony above him “okay Twilight this is called the mad minute, all you need to do is tell me when the minute starts and when it ends, and be sure to be loud when telling me it’s done” Getting a simple nod and an “okay” from her as David adjusted the sights of his rifle, watching the second hand tick away Twilight began to count down for him “okay the minute will start in three, two, one, now” Firing off his first shot the ponies almost dodged as they held their hands over their ears to the loud sounds erupting from the rifle almost instantly followed by a metallic ping from off in the distance, firing the rifle David was able to pull back the cold metal bolt loading and firing the next round without moving his rifle or his head keeping his weapon and eye lined up on the target. This continued until his fifth shot was made where he pulled back his bolt leaving the chamber open, pulling a clip of five rounds he lined up the clip with open chamber pushing the bullets down into the chamber before tossing the empty clip aside. This continued four more times with each shot receiving a loud sharp ping as the bullet struck the scrap metal, holding her hands over her ears she heard the gentle tick of the watch in her hand. Pulling her hand off her ear she saw the ticking hand of the watch seeing it approach the minute mark, yelling she shouted at David hoping for him to stop those noises “TIME!” Halting his fire he stood up collecting the bullet casing on the ground around him counting them as he did, counting twenty-seven Applejack spoke in a deafened loud voice “DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO LOUD?” Looking to her as he swung his rifle over his shoulder he answered his voice unaffected by the rifle fire “right should have warned you about that” Putting the casings in one of his pockets a single casing slipped through this fingers landing in the dirt beneath him, kneeling down Twilight went to pick it up but before David could tell her not to she picked it up it’s hot brass burning her finger tips as she squeaked out in pain. Waving her hand she spoke in a shocked rushed tone “it’s hot! Why is it hot!?” Picking up the last casing the mares stared at David with wide eyes to how his bare unprotected skin could bare the heat that an insulated fur hand couldn’t bare causing Twilight to yell “how can you hold that!?” “thick skin and a high threshold for pain” David answered. Watching David walk down range Twilight stayed put wondering if all human’s were like this, but her mind quickly changed direction as she saw David walking back passing her, in his hand was the wide sheet of scrap metal he used as a target with twenty-seven small holes in it. Each hole that tore through the metal sheet left behind a bent inwards jagged edge, all the holes that breached the dense hide of the target were all within half a foot of it’s centre. Twilight just stared at the metal target with a rush of fear running through her like adrenalin as her mind went wild, what kind of people would devise such a weapon, what kind of war was he fighting in and how could they defend themselves from such a weapon. 3 Walking back down the street of ponyville David headed for the carousel boutique but as he did he heard shouting off in the distance, getting closer he saw Rainbow dash outside sugar cube corner shouting at a Griffin that was up in her face pressing her beak almost into Rainbow’s nose. “what the hay is your problem Gilda? Why would do that to Pinkie?” Rainbow yelled furiously. “pfft… why do you even care? she’s so beneath us like look at her she’s probably the lamest pony out their” Gilda shouted back with an edge too her voice. “HEY DON’T SPEAK ABOUT MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!” Rainbow yelled her voice becoming more wrathful with each word. “OR WHAT!? IS THE LAME PONY’S FRIEND GOING TO CRY LIKE THE LAME PONY SHE IS!” Gilda yelled back in a mocking tone. Seeing how aggressive the griffin was becoming David shouted over to them his voice was calm but loud unlike theirs as he approached them “you alright their Rainbow?” Turning to him Gilda yelled at him mid turn her voice becoming more aggressive than what they were to Rainbow dash “STAY OUT OF THIS!..” giving him a mixed look of confusions and anger she continued in a slightly dumbfound tone “weird… fur less freak” A slight smirk appeared on David’s face as he got closer to them replying in a somewhat prideful sarcastic tone “great wordplay chicken wings” “CHICKEN WINGS!” Gilda retorted. Sniggering Rainbow had to cover her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing as David continued with his sarcastic remarks “don’t like that name Feather brains?” “FEATHER BRAINS!” Gilda yelled in response as she flared her wings while Rainbow burst out laughing caving as she did. Laughing out loud Rainbow dash arched over with her hands on her knees as Gilda turned to her with a scowl “AND WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!” Failing to compose herself Rainbow spoke still laughing as she tried to speak “nothing… feather brains” “THAT’S IT PONY FEATHERS!” the griffin yelled as she lunged at Rainbow dash pushing her to the ground, rolling around the two of them fought with Rainbow pushing the griffin above her away. Struggling on the ground Gilda eventually pined Rainbow dash down her wings crushed between her and the ground while Gilda’s talons wrapped around Rainbow’s wrists pinning them to the ground either side of her head. Walking over David reached down wrapping his arms around the griffin above Rainbow picking her up off her, her claws nearly cutting Rainbow’s arm as she dragged her up with her as David spoke in a bit of a huff “alright that’s enough you two” Struggling against him Gilda tried to pry his arms off her as she yelled out in anger “LET ME GO YOU FREAK!” “calm down and I will” David replied calmly to get aggressive voice. Dropping her down David released her as Rainbow dash brushed herself off, turning around Gilda swung her fist at him punching him in the chest as she yelled at him “NOT SO TOUGH NOW!” Reeling back David clutched his chest gritting his teeth as he groaned in pain, feeling his chest he slipped his hand under his jacket feeling the area over his blistered wound finding his shirt still dry so for as raw as it was it hadn’t burst. Looking up to her David spoke with a harsh edge to his low words “lesson here Gilda your cruising for a bruising right now” “oh this that a threat, is the freak trying to act tough” Gilda stated in a sarcastic tone as she took a step forward towards him. “GILDA! DON’T HE’S WOUNDED!” Rainbow yelled in concern. “AND YOU WILL BE TOO RAINBOW CRASH!” Gilda retorted. Flaring her talons Gilda swung her left claw at Rainbow, recovering David stepped in taking Gilda by the wrist pulling her claw away from Rainbow and too David’s left, kicking her left leg from under her she fell to the ground. Following her to the ground David pulled her arm out straight to the side as he rested a knee on her back between her brown feathered wings. Struggling under him Gilda swung her right elbow back in retaliation hitting David in the ribs, grunting in pain to his right blistered side he pressed more weight on his knee driving it further into her back, with his right hand he grabbed her right talon by the wrist slamming it down to the ground forcing her to squawk out in pain. Thrashing about for a bit Gilda tried to escape his hold until she gave up, slumping into the ground turning her head too Rainbow dash as she spoke in a defeated huff “fine you win, I didn’t want to stay here any longer anyway ponies are too lame anyway” Releasing her David stood up and Gilda gave Dash one final look before flying off, it was a look of shame and loss for what she had done. Rainbow dash just stood their watching her once close friend leave to never return, slumping down in her stance Rainbow looked over to David giving him a weak smile “thanks for that, you okay?” Brushing himself off he replied “I should be asking you that” “I’ll be fine Gilda and I just had a falling out that’s all” Rainbow said in a low tone. “you sure your going to be alright?” David asked unconvinced. “yeah she was a bully glad to be rid of her, can’t have someone like her ruining my awesome reputation” Rainbow proclaimed trying to save face. 4 Entering the carousel boutique the door bell rang getting a call from Rarity “I’ll be with you in a seconded” Looking around David saw the room was filled with golden mirrors, manikins and racks upon racks of clothes. The room it’s self was rather pink, having multiple dressing rooms with lavender curtains, the walls were a mix of cream and light pink chequered squares while the ceiling smoothly arched up somewhat like a church ceiling. Rarity was with one of the manikins sticking multiple pins into the cloth draped over it, turning around she saw David, she was wearing red rimmed glasses and a yellow tap measure slung over her shoulders and the back of her neck, it’s ends running over and passed her white furred breast “ah David darling was wondering when you would arrive. I’ll get your clothes won’t be a moment” she said in a cheery tone. Walking off up stairs to one of her many rooms she returned with a neat pile of folded up clothes in her arms “You wouldn’t believe how much of a pleasure it was to make these for you, fashion from another world I can hardly believe it” she said in a somewhat dreamy tone that quickly changed to confusion and curiosity as she continued “but some of these pieces were rather odd” she said lifting up a black leather shoulder holster. Dropping the holster back on top of the folded clothes in her arms, smiling Rarity handed David the clothes almost pushing them into his chest eager to see how they would look on him “now if you would be so kind” she said in an endearing tone as she ushered him into one of the many changing rooms. Hearing the curtain rings scrape shut behind him he turned to find the a lavender curtain wall, turning back around he saw a full dress mirror mounted against the wall and a long varnished bench. Placing the pile of clothes down on the bench he began to change, taking his jacket, vest and shirt off he stopped. Catching his reflection in the corner of his eye he turned to the mirror, this was the first time he had saw himself, standing their the thread around his neck drooping down to his chest where his identity discs rested over the top of his breast bone. Looking over his body he saw how battered he had become, faded yellow blisters covered the right side of his chest with thick white dead skin around them, surrounding the blisters were a good few inches of scarred red skin. The two other scars he recognise instantly, the round scars for bullets but he knew his back looked worse, thinking that the bullets had shattered as tore through him bursting his back open. His face dropped to a distant lost expression as he stared unfocused into the mirror being brought out of it by Rarity calling into the changing room “everything alright in there darling? If any of it doesn’t fit please don’t force it, I would hate for you to tare it. If it needs it I’m sure I can do some quick adjustments” Shacking off his disorientation he answered her in a low groggy tone “yes everything is alright, I’ll be out in a bit” Looking down with a low sigh he got changed being careful as he put on the new shirt, looking into the mirror he saw his new outfit, his pointed shoes were a freshly polished black, his trousers were a deep navy blue like his waistcoat and tie, black suspenders held up his trousers over a white collared shirt. Picking up the black shoulder holster David slid it through his left arm up to his shoulder, warping the long strap around his back he tucked it back into his open waistcoat through the sleeve holes fastening the straps across his chest. After buttoning up his waistcoat he pulled his revolver from his belted holster slotting it into his shoulder holster, slipping the loose cord around his neck it’s slack drooped down his chest to his waist before running back up his body to the iron ring on the bottom of his revolver. The next article of clothing was a matching buttoned blazer, the final piece was a long overcoat that was ever so slight darker than the rest of his clothes. Leaving it open he straightened the collar seeing their was more, completing the outfit he saw their was still more clothes that didn’t match what he was wearing. They were closer to his rifleman’s uniform, the trousers were brown like the one’s he arrived in but they were less baggy looking straighter and more befitting of a suit, the buttoned collared shirt was a light lime that contrasted against the solid dark green of the tie on top of the pile. Looking in the mirror he saw himself, it felt strange for the first time in three years he looked like himself. Walking out of the changing room with the rest of his clothes in hand he almost walked into Rarity as she stood their eagerly awaiting him with a smile “now don’t you look absolutely dashing. I rarely do anything for stallions but the chance to do a full suit is something I couldn’t let pass me by, let alone the chance to use designs from another world” she said with a proud tone. Looking over his clothes he smile as he replied in an astonished voice “yeah you’ve really outdone yourself, thank you” “oh it was no bother, but if you could drop those I would like to take some photos. Fashion magazine is going to have a field day with this” she said in a cheerful tone. Leading him away too another room Rarity manned the standing camera that pointed to the blank wall across from them checking it’s film, placing the clothes down on a nearby stool Rarity eagerly ushered him into position. After a while of moving and manipulating David’s stance Rarity slumped behind the camera as she spoke in a huff “I don’t know what it is but it’s just missing something” Looking down over his clothes he replied in a calm voice “I think might know what it’s missing” Perking up Rarity spoke in an upbeat tone “I’m all ears dear” Watching him walk over to his jacket he rummaged through his inside pockets, pulling a sliver pocket watch out of his jacket by the long fine silver chain. Smiling Rarity spoke in an enthusiastic voice “of course! A simple splash of silver to contrast against the blue, why didn’t I think of that?” Clipping the end of the chain to his vest he slip the watch into it’s right pocket. With a new found energy Rarity began to direct David into several poses, after taking a few photos each flash nearly blinding David Rarity spoke with a smile “now that you have a nice vest you can wear that stunning watch and get rid of that gristly one on your wrist” Lifting his left sleeve he saw the cracked face of watch as he chuckled pulling out is pocket watch “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen” lifting up his silver watch he shock it earning a light metallic rattle from it as he saw the aggressive scratch on it’s back “broke in the first raid against the Germans, saved me from a pretty nasty wire pole” he said calmly. “why haven’t you gotten it fixed? Surely you want something so dazzling to serve it’s purpose? If anything it’s an insult against fashion to let something so splendid suffer like that” Rarity asked in an almost demanding tone as she became more frantic with her words. Giving her a shrug he answered in nonchalant tone “not a priority, when your fighting a war maintaining your weapons and your men come first. Besides wouldn’t want to break luck” Looking at him curiously Rarity asked in a dismissive tone “don’t tell me you believe in those silly superstitions?” Pocketing his watch David answered her his voice becoming slightly elevated to her tone “I come from a long line of sailors if it wasn’t for those superstitions I wouldn’t be alive” Tilting her head mockingly Rarity replied “Really?” “yes really. Rats leave the ship, the ship get sunk. The rats started fleeing the trench, there’s a gas cloud on the horizon. Those superstitions saved my ancestors and their still saving me and my men” he confirmed in a dry tone. With a mild look of disgust Rarity replied in a matching tone “well at least those ghastly things can serve some purpose” Getting back to the photography Rarity spent another hour taking photos of David new clothes, smiling at her work she asked in a pleasant tone “now that we are done how about we celebrate, I’ll invite girls I know Twilight and Applejack had a long day planned. I know this quaint little place in the centre of town” Straightening himself he replied as he picked up his clothes “if there is one thing I’ve learned from France never turn down the chance for food” Clapping her hands together she wore a bright smile as she spoke in an equally cheerful tone “excellent” 5 After dropping his clothes off at the cabin David walked through the streets of Ponyville in search of the restraint. Getting close to the centre of town he saw Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow dash and Rarity standing out side of the restraint. Smiling they waved him over with Twilight looking to be a bit jittery that matched her energetic tone “finally you were eleven seconds from being late” Giving her an odd look he replied in a dismissive tone “okay” “but now that your here we can go in, hopefully they’ll have space but somepony thought it would be a good idea to show up without a booking” Twilight said in a sarcastic tone towards Rarity. “Twilight dear I’m good friends with the owners I’m positive they’ll make room for us” Rarity answered back in a calm reassuring voice. “I dunno Rare’s it looks might busy” Applejack interjected. “how about we just go in and see if they have space” Rainbow said becoming a tad irritable with their bickering. Heading in they saw it was rather fancy with dark varnished wood furnishing and white cloth tables, the restraint was quite busy with what looked to be all tables full with colourful seated ponies. Walking over to them a light grey unicorn spoke in an out of breath voice “welcome to the… Rarity how good to see you again, sorry I would love to chat but as you can see we are quite busy” “oh that’s no problem darling, don’t suppose you’ve got room for five?” Rarity asked happily. A glum look spread across the owners face as she replied “I’m sorry but we are quite full tonight, normally I would be able to squeeze you in but we’re having a lot of problems tonight” “oh” Rarity said in a disheartened tone. “if you only booked in advance like I said none of this would have happened” Twilight said somewhat smugly. “what sort of problems are ya having?” Applejack asked. Sighing the owner spoke in a huff “the musician hasn’t arrived yet, we advertised tonight as special night for couple and they are becoming difficult to deal with” “typical” Rainbow stated. “so what kind of music you looking for?” Applejack asked. “Piano” the owner stated in a dull tone. “if I can play for while would you be able to get us a table?” David asked moving up from behind the girls. Getting a strange look from the owner to what he was she answered “you know how to play? Do you know lovers hooves?” Shacking he answered “no” “what about spring trot?” she asked. Shacking his head again he gave the same response “no” “can you read sheet music?” she asked with fading hope. “no, I play by ear” he stated calmly. “do you know anything romantic?” she asked in a dull voice getting disgusted expression from Rainbow as she gagged. “mainly classical but some have a romantic feel to them” he answered getting an intrigued look from Rarity and Twilight. Sighing she spoke in a defeated tone “just don’t pull a pinkie pie and I’ll get you a table” Not knowing what she was talking about he followed her as she lead them too their table, taking them to the corner of the room by a large black piano. Taking off his overcoat he folded it hanging it over the back of one of the chairs, sitting down before the piano he ran his finger across the white keys feeling each indent between them. Picking up the sheet music he tossed it onto of the piano’s black top as he began to play. Watching him the girls saw how his fingers elegantly moved from key too key as he played the soothing music they have never heard before, finishing he found the entire restraint staring at him. “David darling that was incredible, what was that piece?” Rarity asked in an astonished tone. “Fur Elise it means for Elise, written by the greatest composer who ever lived for the woman he fell in love with. Thought it was fitting for occasion” he said in a calm almost distant voice. Rushing through the door a lime green earth pony ran over to the owner, her voice was loud and frantic as she panted “sorry… thought… I was… coming tomorrow” composing herself she continued in a steadier voice “did I miss something?” Turning to her the owner answered “you certainly did” Taking over the musician took David’s place at the piano letting him join the ponies at the table. Opening the menu before him he could feel their piecing eyes of the ponies looking at him, from his table and the surrounding ones. “so David were did you learn that? Some grand school filled with books from across your world?” Twilight said in a dreamy tone as she imagined all the knowledge a school like that could contain. Shacking his head slightly he answered not looking away from his menu “no, my father taught me since I was a boy” “oh, well that’s nice” Twilight said with an air of disappointment, hoping he would tell her of books from this strange world he came from. After a minute they heard an audible disheartened huff from David “what’s wrong partner?” Applejack asked. “nothing, it’s just their no meat” he answered getting a shocked look from the rest of the table. “you want what?!” Rainbow yelled almost standing up from the table. “Rainbow keep you voice down” Twilight hushed. Sitting back down Rainbow glared at Twilight as she spoke “but Twilight he eats animals, imagine how Fluttershy would act if she found out” “relax I’m a civilised man, I’m not going to eat you or your pets” David said in a somewhat cold voice too their reaction. “what… what do you eat?” Rarity asked in a shaky voice. “beef, pork, chicken, lam. While I’ve been here I’ve been supplementing my diet with fish from the river” David answered. “well that puts my mind to rest but how come you can eat vegetable as well?” Twilight asked in a curious tone to what she was hearing to what she had seen. “how do y’all know he can eat veg Twi?” Applejack asked in a slightly mocking tone. “he had a bag of vegetables when we were out in the everfree, why would he carry food he can’t eat” Twilight retorted. Flipping over the menu David spoke to himself “I need a drink” after a moment his face turned to confusion as he couldn’t find any drinks “please don’t tell me this is a dry country” he said to himself as she tossed the menu down to the table beneath him. “you got nothing to fear friend, this place sell the best cider in the whole of Equestria” Applejack answered in tone full of pride to her own work. “yeah Applejack’s cider is the best around, they sell it all the way in Canterlot” Rainbow boasted. “Don’t suppose they do anything stronger?” David asked in a still voice. “STRONGER! Ma cider is the strongest stuff around, the strongest we do is eight percent alcohol” Applejack yelled in surprises and defence. “the rum I drink is forty” he stated getting a collective look of shock from the girls. “forty!” they all said in unison. “you drink stuff that is forty percent alcohol?!” Twilight asked in an astounded voice. “yeah it’s standard rations” David stated. “STANDARD!” Twilight yelled. “why are you so shocked by this?” he asked not knowing her thought process. “because that level of alcohol is dangerous for a pony, if we drink that amount of alcohol it is rare like once a year at most and even then it could put us in hospital” Twilight said in a panicked shaky voice. “really?” he asked getting a collective nod from group as he continued “The British army gives us two table spoons a day” getting more shocked looks from the girls. Speaking in a more cheerful tone David spoke “if that’s how you react too rum I’ll like to see you react too brandy” “why how strong is that?” Twilight asked her voice calming down with each word. “can go up too sixty percent” David stated calmly anticipating their reaction with an ounce of excitement. “horse apples!” Rainbow yelled. “Rainbow we are in public!” Rarity yelled back in a more hushed voice. “come on Rarity he’s lying, like come on at least make it believable. Back me up Applejack” Rainbow proclaimed in a loud obnoxious voice. “sorry Rainbow but he’s telling the truth” Applejack replied knowing Rainbow wasn’t going to like the answer. “WHAT?!” Rainbow yelled again” “Rainbow will you please compose yourself” Rarity demand with harsh tone in her hushed voice. “but come on sixty percent” Rainbow pleaded in defence. “I know drinking that would be lethal but we are in public” Rarity replied in a softer voice before turning to the group “now how about we order, I think I’ll be having the hay dressing salad. What about the rest of you?” “fruit delight for me, got to say fit if I’m going to be a Wonderbolt someday” Rainbow said with pride. “same for me, got too keep ma strength up for the farm” Applejack added. “I think I’ll go with the fruit combo” Twilight said. Picking up the menu David looked over it again before dropping it back down “I’ll ask them to surprise me, as long as it’s fresh it’ll be than what I’m use too” “army food that bad dare?” Rarity asked with a hint sorrow in her voice. “it’s not bad it’s just, tasteless. But the rum helps and besides it could be worse” he said plainly. “how? From what you’ve told us it sounds pretty bad already” Twilight asked in a way not wanting the answer. Giving an amused huff to how little they knew he said a single word that could have stopped the world “rats” Quietly Twilight stammered out a response “what?” His voice was low and hung over him like a cloud of depressive smoke “the rats, men ate the rats. Not that we could call them that, they’d grown fat off the bodies, when I last saw they were the size of cats. The Germans have it worse they love it when we take them prisoner, first descent meal they’ve had in months. Their fighting an unsustainable war, we have the empire and all her colony at our backs and all they have is Germany. The food shortages affect all sides of the war but the Germans have been reduced to cattle, they eat turnip soup with turnip bread. Rumours are they’ve begun to eat each other” Twilight voice was like a lump in throat struggling to get out “you don’t mean they” she couldn’t continue they didn’t have the word for it such a thing never existed in their world “that their capable of... of...” “cannibalism, it’s called cannibalism but their only rumours, but if you ask me, I believe their capable of it” his voice was still hung low becoming laced with sorrow as he continued as his eyes drifted off looking at nothing, it was like they were looking back in time back to war and all it’s horrors “the war will come to an end, but until then there’s many miles of ground too cross and many more men will die” The ponies just stared at him in shock, it was like they were frozen, they couldn’t speak or even comprehend what he had told them. Each and everyone of them felt sick to their stomachs, rats eating men, men eating rats and even men eating men. They couldn’t imagine it, every word he spoke painted a darker picture but one day the painting would be complete, and they were afraid of what they might see. > Art of the moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking through the dream scape Luna found that dreaded door again like so many times before, it never changed it’s blue paint splattered with wet and dry mud especially along the bottom. It’s ghostly form never stayed long four maybe five hours at most, but yet again it was only an image an illusion that she couldn’t touch let alone enter, the forgotten dream. Every time it appeared in her realm she sensed it’s presence from the darkness behind it, all she could do was stand their and try in a vain attempt to open it until it disappeared like every time before. Waking up Luna was almost in tears to her continued failure, for weeks now she had been finding this door on and off, with each failure she felt less sure of herself. Sitting up in her bed she just sat their, the blue sheets of her bed covering her lower half. Slumping down in guilt and sorrow she just sat their looking down to the blue clothed sea beneath her, after all those nights helping ponies with their nightmares and fears she was beginning to find that she had begun to develop one. Every time she watched that door disappear she thought of the poor pony that it must belong too, that door always seemed to bring back the memories of how she became nightmare moon, how closed off she became and how quickly it spiralled out of control. With a heavy heart she fell back to her pillow believing this was some divine punishment for what she was, maybe it was her door to the pony she was before the nightmare. 1 Walking toward the outskirts of Ponyville David followed the road he arrived by in search of a way back, wearing the clothes he arrived in he sceptically traversed the terrain. Leaving his rifle at the cabin he marched on with his revolver at his side, approaching the outskirts he turned around looking down the street he tried to imagine what the colourful thatched buildings would look like at night in heavy rain. Trying to remember the night he arrived he believed this was the way he came but he couldn’t be sure. Turning back around he saw the everfree forest off in the distance, following the road towards it despite knowing what lurked within, he remembered walking through a woodland in France before arriving in ponyville. Hoping he would find some clue to how he arrived he pressed on as the road became less and less until it was barely a rugged dirt trail, walking into the heart of the everfree his hard studded boots struggling to find grip as he tried to keep his footing. Looking around he hoped for any sign that might indicate he came this way, but upon looking around all he saw was the surrounding trees he was in the shadow of, their dark leaves and bark appearing even darker under their own shadow, looking passed them into the forest off from the trail was like looking into night, their was little too no light off the trail and the further he looked away from it the darker and denser it got becoming thick with dark foliage. Walking back along the trail David tripped over an upturned root of one the many trees running beside either side of the trail, hitting the ground grunt of pain as he landed on another root. Rolling on to his back he laid their in pain gritting his teeth as he did, looking straight up he saw light breaking through the overhanging branches that painted the ground black. Slowly getting up he felt stiff and sore feeling that he had at least bruised himself, standing up with a quiet groan he brushed off some of the dirt. Continuing deeper into the everfree he stopped as he heard a noise, he couldn’t tell what it was if it was anything but it was quiet and quick he was barely able to catch it. He knew what was out their and knew he was in it’s domain, knowing this he armed himself pulling his revolver out the slack of it’s cord drooping down passed his raised arm. With his hand raised and his finger on the trigger he slowly advanced, his movements were slow and quiet as he crept forward hoping not to alert anything that might see him as a threat or a meal. Seconds stretched too minutes as he lessoned out for what could have caused the noise, soon he was beginning to think that this mind was playing tricks on him. It was quiet almost unnaturally quiet like the forest was scared of him, looking up he saw the light above the trees begin to fade as the wind began to pick up. Above him he saw the weather change at an unnatural speed as the branches over head shock violently, seeing this he turned back, he had only heard rumours about this forest and its unnatural ways and quite frankly he didn’t want to test them. The sky above him was beginning to grow dark as he started to run, he could hear the trees around him thrash about as the howling wind screamed at him, but it didn’t stop it only got worse as the dark clouds began to roar with thunder. His run soon became a full on sprint as he ran to beat the storm, but it quickly became a race against the dark as the already limited light diminished with the sight of his surrounding. A loud crack of thunder breached the black sky making David flinch almost ducking down from the strike that never came, running with his sight against him he struggled to keep his footing, their was a reason why he train with such far targets he was far sighted, in day his sight at close range was fine he could read for an hour or two before he got a headache would set in but right now his eyes could barely see what his feet were landing on. Running back towards ponyville he still couldn’t see it only the sight of the enclosing forest around the trail, continuing to sprint onwards almost blind to the ground beneath him as the dark sky over took him. The sounds of thunder roared across the sky like the light that lit his way if only for the briefest of moments, struggling with his footing he felt the uneven ground pulling him off to the side but he carried on until his foot stuck something that refused to move tripping him up. Landing in the dirt David saw another flash of light followed by the unmistakable roar of artillery fire, laying their with shells approaching he braised his head with his hands. An explosion off to his right sent bit of earth and tree flying with some of the smaller pieces landing on him, looking up he saw the ground not three meters away erupt up in a small explosion forcing his head back down as more debris landed on him. Closing his eyes he heard the sounds of shells screaming towards the ground before ripping up the earth in a loud explosion, the lighter sound of debris landing like rain quickly followed the explosion. He then heard the screams of dying over the sounds of bullets whizzing passed, he could hear them missing their mark as they struck the earth around him with a hard pat. Around him he heard men dying falling to the churned up earth beneath them only to be swallowed by it. Braising his head even harder as if to shut out the sounds of the war, he heard them becoming louder and louder closer and closer. David’s eyes shot open as he pulled himself out of the mud screaming as he pointed his revolver forward, firing two shots off into the distance as he charged to meet his enemy. But in a single blink he was back, the storm had passed the wind was calming and the sky was clearing. Seeing where he was and what he had done he just stared in shock, collapsing by a tree resting his back against it with his knees raised putting him nearly in the fetal position. With his arms slumped over his knees he looked down with tears in his eyes too the revolver in his weak hand, sitting their alone he raised his free hand to his mouth clenching it into a weak fist as he tried to muffle his sobs. His glazed over eyes didn’t break from the gun in his hand as he thought of what was happening to him, he only had one thought on his mind the thought that was driving him crazy, how was he going to get back. In his mind if he got back and saw the end of the war he would no longer be plagued with these thoughts, he felt as if he had failed as a man, to him it was unbecoming of a man let alone officer to breakdown in such a manor. 2 Having returned to the cabin David got changed into his new blue clothes, leaving the blazer and vest off he rolled up his white sleeves and began to set up his painting station. Continuing one of his unfinished pieces he heard a knock at the door, opening he found Luna standing before him “morning David I’m not interrupting am I?” Luna asked hoping he had time for her. “certainly I’ll stick the kettle on” David answered with a smile. Letting Luna walk in he asked in a pleasant tone “so what brings you all the way out here?” “oh the princess wanted to know how’s the paintings are coming along, and I thought it had been a little while since I saw thou” Luna answered in a half truth. She did want too see how they were coming along, she had spent days searching for a piano as not only payment but a gift for a friend. “why don’t you take a look” David said as he motioned towards the stack of canvas’s by the wall. Flicking through the paintings Luna was amazed at his work, despite how heartbreaking some were the ones he had clearly made for her were beautiful. Their was a new one with the silowet of two knights in a fighting stance, the one on the left held his sword low while the other held his in a higher guard. Between them was the bright full moon that looked to be setting under the lake they stood on, in the mirror of the lake the two knights crossed blades across the moon’s reflection. The moon looked to be a perfect sphere with a shining white light running across it marking the edge of the lake, the sky was a deep blue making the black shadow of the knights hard to see unlike the white and pale yellow stars that contrasted against the darker shades. Smiling Luna spoke in a bewildered tone to how well he had captured her night “this is incredible, I’ve walked the halls of castle so hundreds times and not once have I seen a painting capture the night like you can” “castle? I thought you worked in a gallery?” David asked to her odd statement. Glad she was looking away from him as she looked through his paintings, her face dropped as she realised what she had said as stammered back a response “oh… I… went on tours of the castle of the princess’s, and now that she needs me to talk to thou I see a bit more of the castle” “well at least it gives us the chance to chat” David said unaffected by her jittery voice. Looking through the rest of his painting she replied in a calmer tone “that certainly is an advantage” Luna ended with a light giggle. Realising what painting she was about to see David spoke up in a louder rushed voice “not that one!” Expecting something horrifying to his tone she prepared for the worse, but the painting wasn’t of mud and blood or other horrors of war but her, it was a painting of her. Standing up from her kneeling position with the painting in hand she turned to him, their was no background and it was rather odd depiction of her. Her tail was too short, her mane came out too far and her proportions were all off like her hips were a bit low and her arms a tad too long. Looking up to him with wide sky blue eyes she spoke in a quiet tone, it was hard to tell if it was shock or amazement or a mix of the two “David, have thou tried to capture my likeness?” Looking away slightly he answered in an uneasy tone “yeah, tried being a word for it” Looking up to him with astonishment that matched her tone “thou painted this for me?” she hoped he had, she wanted him to have done it for her not the princess but for her. “yeah, I wanted to have a go at painting a pony. So I thought of painting a friend would be a good start but as you can see, painting ponies is not exactly my forte” he said in a slightly down trodden voice. Placing the painting on top of the others Luna leaned into him wrapping her arms around him as she pulled him into a gentle hug, not expecting this David just stood their for a while before hugging her back. Wrapping his arms around her back sliding his hands over her hips before moving up her back, as his hands moved up her back he felt the long delicate feathers that lined her wings and tickled his skin. She was couple of inches shorter than him with her horn reaching the top of his head which he actively avoided, feeling her rest her head on his shoulder he felt her soft blue fur brush against his cheek. Hugging her back he heard her speak almost into his ear “even if it’s not thy talent thou did it for me, I don’t think anypony has been done such a thing for me. Thank thou” Letting her arms slip back to her side she felt his hands glide over her soft fur ruffling it as they parted, smiling Luna walked passed him too just beyond his easel as she spoke in a playful tone “so what pose would thou wish to paint me in?” Smiling David took off the half finished canvas replacing it with a fresh one, moving a chair into view David guided Luna into a pose with words and hands. The armchair faced him while Luna sat on it’s left arm, her legs hanging off it’s side with her right leg crossed over her left showing off her cutie mark, her vibrant blue tail ran passed the arm of the chair she was sitting on trailing over it’s cushioned seat. While her waist twisted to her left her chest was slightly straighter but still naturally curving with her legs as she balanced on the arm of the chair, her right hand ran across her lap resting out of sight on her thigh. Her left hand was held out like the was presenting something, her face was angled to her left but he could still see her gentle smile and both her light blue eyes. Finally her wings were flared out slightly giving him a good view of the long blue feathers that warmed her back while her left was mostly hidden behind her from her angled body. She enjoyed how he instructed her, he wasn’t afraid of her or her royal title he wasn’t even afraid to touch her, as he moved her leg and hand to make little adjustments to her pose that vastly improved it as she showed off more of her cutie mark. She found his voice to be soft but not timid as he told her how to move much like his touch, as she felt his hands touch her his skin meeting her fur she found them to be gentle as his words. He didn’t instruct her like a princess but like a friend which she thoroughly enjoyed. Holding her pose Luna spoke with a smile “so is this how thou has been thy time?” Looking back and forth between her and her incomplete counter part he spoke in a casual but somewhat distant tone as he worked “mostly. Went out this morning for a walk, I was hoping I would find some clue to how I arrived here but all I found was myself in the middle of a storm” Breaking her fixed expression Luna wore a face of confusion that matched her tone “a storm? That can’t be right their was no storm scheduled for ponyville this morning” “it wasn’t in ponyville I was in the forest” David answered. “forest what forest...” Luna said in a confused voice that trailed off as she realised where he had been “THE EVERFREE! Are thou lacking common sense! The everfree is one of the most dangerous places in all Equestria!” she yelled reverting back to her old Equestian royal voice. Reeling back to her sudden outburst he rubbed his ears from the ringing in them, with his ears returning to normal he spoke in a surprisingly calm voice “well I wasn’t expecting that out of you” Looking at him with an expression of shock she spoke in a bewildered tone “how can thou be so calm about this? The everfree is filled with timber wolves, manticores and cockatrices. Only a handful of ponies have even dare venturing beyond it’s border, most don’t even make it passed the mirror pool” “The mirror pool? How far is that?” David asked as a point of reference. Thinking for a moment Luna had to reimagine the map of her old home, she knew where it was in relation to the castle and where ponyville was in relation to the castle “it’s about two miles from the edge of the forest, most ponies think it’s a silly old legend. Thy reflection that can come forth, but I know it to be true” reminiscing about her passed, the world before her banishment brought her voice back down to a more relaxed tone. Leaning back as she thought about that pool and it’s magic she wobbled in her seat as she nearly fell back, steadying herself she gave David a stern look as she realised what he did as she spoke in a loud shocked voice that showed her surprise “how did thou do that?” “do what?” he asked. “distract me, a moment ago I was shocked at how reckless thou were and then I wasn’t. Not even my sister can do that” she answered waiting an explanation. Give her a shrug he answered in a nonchalant tone “beats me, if I could do it on demand it would have probably save me from being clouted half as much as I was” he ended with a smile and a laugh. “clout?” she asked not recognising the word “what does that mean?” Still speaking with a more cheerful voice he told her it’s meaning speaking fondly of the memories that surfaced with it “it means smack, god mum’s back hand was scarier than a teachers cane. Could have sworn John’s ears stuck out because of that, for a week it was like having a pare of wings on his head” he said with more laughter. Luna’s face instantly dropped to a look of horror as she spoke in disbelief and remorse “thou mother beat you?” Still laughing he answered “god no, she was disciplining us. They were nothing more than light slaps, a quick clip behind the ear. It didn’t hurt but by god was she quick. But don’t get me wrong she was quite capable of giving beating, I will always remember the time John was given caning by the head” “John? Which brother was he?” Luna asked nearly interrupting him. Smiling David pointed to the painting on the wall as he spoke his voice still staying full of joy to the memories running through his head “that’s John, second from the right wearing the same cap as me. He was twenty two when we took the picture that painting is based off. Anyway one day John was given ten slashes with cane for getting into a fight and when mum found out she went barmy, John said the boys called mum a skivvy because she was a clearer before she met dad. And… John may have made a few remarks about their mothers falling in class and their questionable legitimacy” Holding back the beginnings of a laugh she sniggered out a response “that’s horrible” Giving a light shrug he replied “that may be true but you insult a Mason we’ll insult you twice as much back. When our mother found out about the caning she may have made some comments not befitting a lady and certainly something I wouldn’t repeat to one” Feeling a little bashful too him calling her a lady she felt a little flushed as if she was blushing under her fur, it was not like when nobles had called her my lady, they did it out of royal standing but he wasn’t he was doing it out of his own judgment of her. Trying to compose herself she fidget a bit in her seat as she stammered out a response “that’s... high praise coming from an officer, but now I’m intrigued what did she say?” Smiling he let out a light laugh to what his mother said all those years ago and Luna’s reaction finding it cute how she fidgeted in place “when we speak I don’t speak too you as an officer, but I was raised as a gentleman and theirs no way I’m going to repeat that” For a moment Luna became a tad disheartened by his response but then she remember who she was, with a sly smile she spoke “if thou remembers correctly I am the one who speaks to the princess, and if I say thou art isn’t up to par thy request of a piano could be void” David’s face dropped slightly to her statement as he replied in a flat tone “you really want to know what she said don’t you” Smiling with a wide smirk she answered and a playful voice “yes” Rolling his head back he looked up to the ceiling as he replied with a huff “blackmailed by a pony with a piano how the might have fallen” Lowering his head he answered thinking this was unbecoming of him “fine” Smiling Luna eagerly awaited his reply, leaning back with her hands on the back of her head in victory she fell back forgetting that she was sitting on the arm of a chair. With high pitch scream she fell into the chair with her legs tipping up into the air like a see-saw, her arm flailed up as if to grab something to stop her decent and wings spread out. She sat their trapped between the two arms of the chair as her rear sank into it’s cushion, looking passed his canvas David saw Luna her legs bent at the knee drooping down with the side of the chair. Seeing her and hearing her high pitch squeak of a scream he held his hand to his mouth holding back a laugh, turning to him Luna she saw his face knowing he had a huge grin under his hand so she yelled at him “DON’T LAUGH AT MY STUCK PLOT!” Bursting out laughing David arched over to his knees with his hand failing to muffle is laughs, straightening up he walked over to her taking his hand of his face letting her annoyed expression see his grinning one, taking her hands in his he pulled her up with a simple “up we go” as she rose back to the arm of the chair. Sitting their with an embarrassed expression on her face she looked up to his her hands still in his “Don’t think this get thou out of finishing that story” Feeling his thumbs gently stroke the fur of her hands he spoke in an equally gentle tone “I kind of was” he said with a smile. Breaking his hands from her’s he told her what she wanted to know “so when my mother found out about John’s caning, she stormed into the headmasters office demanding to know what happened. After he told her and admitted that the others started it she...” Looking up to him with those big blue eyes she asked “and she what?” Sighing David continued “she threatened him. She said if he ever caned any of her sons again she would find the longest cane in the school and shove it up his arse, but no matter what cane she would find, it would never be as big as the one that is already up their” Failing to hold back her laughter Luna fell back into the chair only to be court by David not by the arms but in a hug, pulling her up into his chest she laughed into his chest as she spoke through her laughs “thou can’t be serious, thou must be jesting” Pulling herself off him she saw his face looking down with a smile not nearly as wide as her’s as he spoke in a truthful voice “theirs an old saying back home, one my father liked to use. Hell has no fury like a woman’s scorn” Still laughing Luna struggled out a reply “I think that sums up my sister when somepony eats her cake” Giving her a laugh in return he walked back to his canvas as he instructed her in a pleasant tone “okay how about you get back into your pose and see if I can do you justice” Smiling Luna did as he told her finding it even more enjoyable than before, she became filled with excitement to what it would look like when it was done. 3 Finishing up Luna happily jumped up from her seat rubbing her rear as she groaned “I have spend hours sat down on that infernal throne and yet my plot has never been so sore” Moving the canvas to the others hiding it contents from view he spoke “the princess lets you sit on her throne?” Realising what Luna eyes widened as she stammered out a quick lie “oh no she doesn’t... it’s what I call the reception in the gallery. By Celestia those chair might as well be made of stone” trying to change the topic she continued “so are thou going to show me your work?” “only when it’s done” he answered back. “it’s not done? How has thou not be finished I was stuck in thy pose for hours” she asked in a bewildered tone. “perfection takes time” he replied smugly. “I thought it was perfection is held in the eye of the beholder” she retorted in an equally smug tone. “your sister, she doesn’t win too many arguments does she?” David asked but it sounded more like a statement. Smirking she replied in a triumphant tone “nope” Sighing slightly in defeat he spoke in a flat tone “how about you let me finish the background and in return I’ll paint you many more” Dwelling on the thought Luna weighed up her options, she wanted to see what all of her waiting had brought but with all her excitement the idea of more painting was tempting. Bobbing her head slightly has she hummed in thought she gave him an answer “fine thou has won, thou has bested me but I expect thy best” Smiling he spoke in a prideful tone to his victory “don’t worry Luna I’ll be sure to give you a painting that’ll even make a princess jealous. Now how about we have a break for a bit” Giving him a confused look that matched her tone “thou wants me to take a break from what?” “from more poses of course, that’s if you still want those paintings?” David said in a calm voice. Slumping into an armchair she spoke in tired voice “fine but could thou please spare me from a pose like the last, I don’t think my plot could take it” Sitting down across from her in the other chair he answered with a groan to his stiff body as he spoke in playful tone “if thy lady commands it, then it shall be” Luna just stared at him, she had never had somepony jest at her in such a manor. Smiling she spoke in an uplifting voice “if thou was any other pony I would be insulted, but thou isn’t thee only one with amusing mannerism” Still smiling he retorted out a playful response “like what? Would thou like to indulge me?” Letting a laugh slip through her lips she answered with a smile to his playful word choice, Luna even found it somewhat pleasing to hear her native tongue from another even if it was in jest “thou uses strange words that we don’t know despite the fact we speak the same language. Thou uses words like clout, skivvy and the likes, thou would not believe how hard it is to understand thou at times” Letting out a laugh of his own David replied “you can talk, I had to look you up and down before I knew what plot meant” Feeling a blush run across her face she lessoned to his voice as he continued “but your a lot easier to understand than some of the others” Giving him a confused look that matched her tone she asked “what does thou mean?” “how you talk it reminds me of home” he answered. “really? Thy people talk like I?” she asked curiously as she leaned in eagerly awaiting his answer. “no but you speak in a Victorian fashion” he answered. Her face twisted in confusion as she spoke her mind “is that some province in your land?” A light smile appeared on his face as he shook his head dismissively “no, it was an era. The era of Queen Victoria, in fact I’m a Victorian” he ended with a light laugh, he never really dwelled on it. He was born into the Victorian era, lived through the Edwardian era and now he was in the rule of another monarch. Smiling Luna spoke pleasant tone “sound like thou and I have something in common” Leaning back in his chair he laughed as his head rolled back pointing to the ceiling “I guess your right, two Victorians one from the start of the era” he said guesting to her “and one from the end” he said casually tapping his thumb on his chest. Smiling at his words she did find what he said to allude her somewhat “what does thou mean start and end? How different could things have got?” Dropping his head down to look at her as he answered with a smile “the Victorian era spanned over sixty years and changed quite drastically in that time, it started at the end of the industrial revolution rising up from the steel and smoke too age of art and gold. But you my blue furred friend have the voice of the queen who’s seen it all, while I on the other hand was raised in the Victorian era, I grow up in the Edwardian era and now I’m under the rule of yet another monarch. But my voice is a bit of a mix, I grew up in the midlands so I’ve got the county accent” “county? what’s a county?” Luna asked confused to this new word he spoke. “a large region that governs under the government” he answered plainly. “Wait, wait, wait. Government? I thought thou said thy ruler was a king? Does thy king not govern or is their an emperor for thy empire?” Luna asked her voice becoming more confused with each thing he said and each thing that she remembered. Rubbing his eyes David knew this question would come sooner or later so with a groan he answered in a tiered tone “it’s a very long complicated story” “I have time” Luna said with a smile as she awaited his answer. In a softer voice David replied in what some would take as a plea “Luna it’s a really long story going back over seven hundred years” With that her smile grew as she leaned in like a child eagerly awaiting a parent to read their favourite book “I do love a bit of history” With another groan he leaned in resting his forearms on his legs as he spoke “okay I’ll tell you a short version. Seven hundred years ago the king had a rebellion of peasants and nobles alike, but instead of facing rebellion he signed a treaty that limited his power and as long as he kept it the nobles would stay loyal. And that was the start of the government but it really got power after the civil war between the cavaliers and the round heads, after king was executed the puritans took over with houses of parliament, but it wasn’t long before the people got sick of their rule and got the prince back. After that the prince was crowned and things mostly returned to what they were before the war, and now men elect the government in instead of only nobility having the vote” Speaking up Luna asked in a confused but firmer voice to what she was about to say “men? Is that what thou calls the males of thy species?” getting a nod from him as she continued “thou said men elect their government but what about the mares?” “they don’t, women can’t vote” he stated. “why? That doesn’t make any sense, stallion and mares are equal here. The mayor of ponyville is a mare and the mayor of Manehatton is a stallion, and anypony can vote for them. Why doesn’t thy world let them vote?” she said with an edge to her voice at the shock of his world’s system. Leaning back in his seat he spoke in a lower tone than before “it’s a man’s world, men put bread on the table, build the buildings, work in the factories and fight in the wars. So we get to vote, it’s suppose to be the man of the house voting for the house” “I understand the whole one vote pre household but it doesn’t add up, what if their are several ponies in one house while another has only one” Luna stated. Letting out an amused chuckle he leaned back in with a smile “you’ve got a smart head on your shoulders Luna, that’s why the women’s union has been making a lot of head way recently. Last I heard they were using the theatre to spread their message” “and what’s thou opinion on the matter?” Luna asked almost afraid of the answer, she had met foreign dignitaries with similar ways. The minotaur would be quite aggressive and dismissive to females of theirs and other species, it wasn’t that they looked down upon them for being female but they respected strength and strength alone, and after a few shows of earth pony strength the dignitaries became less dismissive of ponies as a whole regardless of gender. But David was strange he wasn’t dismissive of mares, he didn’t act like they were less than him or anything he just treat them like how they treat each other, which made how his world work all the more puzzling. Letting out another amused laugh he answered “after twenty-seven years of watching my mother and father live together I’ve learned one thing, if a woman wants something they are going to get it regardless of what you say” Letting out an amused sigh Luna spoke in a more uplifted voice “that doesn’t answer my question” “yes I think they should have the right to vote” he stated much to Luna’s relief as he continued “now what was I saying before all this?” “something about the king I think” Luna said trying to remember were this tangent had started. Straightening himself somewhat he answered “okay the so British Empire isn’t ruled by an emperor but the United Kingdom of” “thy people have a kingdom and an empire!?” Luna yelled in surprise as she interrupted him. “yes the British Empire is ruled by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” he stated. Smiling Luna spoke in a pleasant tone “thou wouldn’t believe how Twilight would react if she were here instead of I” “let me guess she would take enough notes to make a book” David answered with a smirk. Laughing Luna replied in an equally humoured tone “true or until she ran out of ink” 4 After sitting their for a while Luna gaze fell upon the painting of David and his brothers, staring at it for a few minutes Luna turned her gaze too the stacks of painting in the corner. She had noticed that all the painting that had people were all men, turning to him with a curious look she asked the question plaguing her mind “David I’ve notice that all thy paintings seem to be of stallion men, apologies force of habit. But now I must ask what do thy women look like” Standing up with a stiff groan he answered “hang on a second” walking off into the bed room he returned with a photo in his hand, sitting back down across from her he handed her the photo of his mother and father “their you go” Looking over the photo she spoke in a slightly lower and distant tone, she didn’t exactly know why her words came out like that but they did “is this thou and thy, how would thou put it woman friend?” Almost collapsing in on himself as he laughed he tried to stammer out a response “god no that’s my mother and father, I know I look like him but I’ve never been mistaken for him before” With a look of mild shock Luna replied in a rushed voice “my apologies I didn’t mean to offend” Waving her off he replied in a cheerful voice as his laugher died down “none needed, I do look like him. But my mother on the other hand I wouldn’t date by any means, she’s too smart for her own good” Looking at him with curiosity she asked “how so?” With that he remembered his mother and his laughter instantly returned if not returning with greater force “every time she introduced my father to one of her friends she would introduce him as her big amadan or loveable amadan” “amadan? What does that mean?” she asked never hearing a word like it. His laughter grew even stronger as he tried to answer her “and like I said before you’ve got a good head on your shoulders, it took my father years to asked that question. Now you see my mother is half Scottish and she knows a lot of Gaelic, but my father doesn’t speak a word of it. For at least sixteen years he thought it was something romantic, but when I turned seventeen he found out it meant idiot” his laughter got even greater as he tried to continue “all those years she had been calling him her big amadan or loveable amadan she was calling him her big loveable idiot” Laughing with him Luna almost caved into her leap as she replied in a joyful voice “and thou said he didn’t know for seventeen years” “at least, god knows how long she was calling him that. She could have been calling that from the moment they were married or the moment they were dating” he stated in a fit of laughter. After their laughter died down Luna looked at the picture again, seeing that David did as he said take after his mother as she saw the woman of the photo standing by a painting she had made. Looking back to him she asked a new question plaguing her mind “David thou has painted so many pieces with so many of your people, but why has thou not done any with women?” Letting out a weak huff that matched his voice “it’s been two years since I’ve seen a woman, apart from the nurses but they jump patient to patient so much you barely see one for more than a minute. I wanted too, I wanted too quite a few times but I think I’ve forgotten what they look like” Looking back down too the photo in her hands she spoke in a slightly dismissive tone “but thou has this” Shacking his head slowly from side too side he answered her in a defeated tone “it’s not the same, not for me at least. I could do it with the other photo of my brothers because I was with them when it was taken, and I had been around men in those uniforms for three years so I knew ever detail of them. If I was too paint my mother it would turn out like my first painting of you and I couldn’t do that too her” Seeing the depressed look on his face Luna looked back down to the photo in her grasp she asked one more question “so if thou had a mare, woman, a woman before thou to pose as I did thou would be able to paint her?” Getting a slow low nod he replied in an equally low tone “yes but the nearest woman is a world away” ending with a slight barely audible chuckle escaping his lips Luna knew he was lonely but she couldn’t imagine what he was going through. He had been fighting for years away from any chance of find love and now he was away from his own kind, away from his family. Even Luna didn’t know what that felt like, she didn’t really remember her banishment only brief flashes as time went by and she still had her sister and subjects. But he had nothing and with that she felt pity for him, but he did have something he had her he had their friendship. Putting the photo of David’s parents down she stood up with a smile as she walked over to him, reaching out she plucked a hair making him reach up covering the spot she pulled from as he yelled “ow what was that for?” Lifting up the hair she stretched it out between of her fingers at eye level, inspecting the hair intensely she spoke in a soft soothing voice as she never broke eye contact with the hair “like thou said it’s been two years since thou has seen a woman so I’m about to show thou a woman” With that David wasn’t sure of what she meant and why she had pull one of his hairs out, but he was sure that he was a tad scared of her despite how much he would deny it. He thought with her words and act that it was some kind of mating ritual but before he could say anything she began. The horn on top of her head let out a soft blue glow that slowly spread across her body until it reached her fingers, stopping at the hair stretched out between her fingers the soft blue glow of magic became stronger becoming brighter until her whole body became surrounded in a blinding white light. The last thing too be coated in magic was the hair in her hand, slowly the blue magic forced it’s way across the hair struggling to move forward as it resisted her, focusing more Luna pushed through determined to enact her spell. As the blue magic completely engulfed the her David shielded his eyes, with his arm over his eyes he turned away as white light became unbearably bright blinding him. Sensing the light was gone he turned back to Luna only to find a woman, a human woman standing in her place. Lowering her hands she began to twist and turn as she examined herself, while she examined herself David did so too. Standing before him he found the woman to be not just attractive but out right beautiful, her hair was long and straight running halfway down her back, but it’s colour was strange it was dark not black but so deep of a blue that you could barely tell the difference between. Her skin was pale but vibrant looking to be smooth like silk, completely devoid of any flaws. Her eyes were as blue as her magic unlike her subtle pink lips, even her nose was appeared small and delicate like the smile she wore as she looked over herself. Unable to keep his eyes up high they slowly moved down her body taking in her naked form, she had a rather slender build with her breasts and hips nicely complementing her figure. Slowly trailing down from her face he saw her bust straight in front of him at eye level as stayed seated, they were the same as her pony form but right now they had his attention which he struggled to look on from. Moving on his eyes slowly pasted her chest to her flat belly and slim waist that exaggerated her hips giving her an hourglass figure, moving further down her he saw she was completely hairless apart from the hair on the top of her head. Passing her hips he saw her womanhood in full view as he moved down her shapely legs. Looking over her new form she spoke as she slid her hands down her arms feeling her new smooth skin “so what does thou think?” Looking back up to her with widening eyes he spoke in a mix of shock and confusion in his voice “Luna? How did you…?” Smiling she quickly interrupted “magic” Lifting her arms up she looked over her hands stroking her palms before letting her slender fingers slide over her face, feeling her new face she enjoyed the sensation of soft skin, it was so strange to her, her skin was as soft as her fur but it was smooth like silk but not nearly as warm. But as she stood their her eyes widened somewhat as she felt no horn, twisting her head around in surprise she looked over her back finding only that her back no wings no tail. Looking down her side her eyes widened even further as she saw her thighs, franticly twisting and turning between each thigh the shock on her face becoming clearer by the second. Standing at a slight angle too David Luna showed off her left side as she reached down too her rear with her left hand, clutching her rear she stretched it out slightly almost taunting him as she stared in shock to her missing cutie mark. Her voice became somewhat erratic as she spoke to herself and anyone who could hear “MY CUTIE MARK! WHAT’S HAPPENED TO MY CUTIE MARK!? PLEASE SAY I DIDN’T DO THE SPELL WRONG!” Looking between her and her rear David spoke in a calm voice “Luna” Being too focused on her missing cutie mark Luna didn’t register him as she continued “I KNOW IT’S ADVANCED MAGIC THAT FEW PONIES CAN DO BUT I’M AN ALICORN!” Repeating himself he spoke again in a slightly louder voice “Luna” Still refusing to her him Luna continued as if he said nothing “WHAT IF I’M STUCK LIKE THIS? WHAT IF I TURN BACK BUT IT’S STILL GONE?” Repeating himself yet again David yelled her name “LUNA!” Snapping her head around to him he saw the fear in her eyes as she yelled back “WHAT?” Retuning to his previous calm tone he spoke “Luna your fine humans don’t have cutie marks” Looking at him with sad pleading eyes she asked in a low quiet voice “really?” Nodding he answered “really” Relaxing in her stance she he spoke in a more cheerful voice “thou would not believe how much of a relief that is to hear, do thou know how important a cutie mark is to us?” A small smile appeared on his face as he spoke remembering all to clearly Twilight’s reaction “yes I believe I have an idea” Smiling back Luna spoke as she began to stretch, learning how her current moved “that’s good, I suppose it’s kind of hard to miss. Let me guess Twilight asked what thou’s was and went on for hours about them” Letting out a soft chuckle David answered with a smile “you make it sound like you were their” Letting out a laugh of her own she gave him a warm smile as she slid her hands down her body to her hips as she spoke in a pleasant but curious voice “so what does thou think? Thou never answered my question” With that David realised he was still staring at Luna and she was still standing before him displaying her naked form for him, he wasn’t sure how she had done it but somehow she was able to make him forget that she was naked. Luna’s smile grew wider as she took a shaky step forward, her feet crossing each other as if she was balancing on a rope. Leaning down to him with her hands sliding behind her back with them cupping each other behind her over where her tail would be, with an ever growing grin her tone became mischievously alluring “well are thou going to answer or are thou just going to st...” With a sudden sharp squeak Luna fell into him landing on him, awkwardly landing on him her head rested on his right shoulder with her long dark hair sprawled out over his face. Her chest was pressed deeply into his which she found somewhat uncomfortable which wasn’t helped by how she was laying on him, her knees rested on the edge of on his seat while his right legs was sandwiched between her’s. Her arms on the other hands jumped from behind her back too either side on him. With a slight groan Luna spoke as she felt David’s hands cup her sides lifting her off him somewhat much to her pleasure as it took the pressure off her chest “sorry I guess my lack of wings through me off balance” With a groan of his own as he moved her off his wounded chest he answered with his voice becoming as mischievous as Luna’s was “it’s alright, it’s not everyday a woman is so eager to sit in my lap” Letting out light laugh as she pushed herself up she lowered her left hand down to his taking it off his side, lifting it up she pried his hand open with no resistance from him. Matching her hand with his she noticed he was quite different from her’s in small ways, his hands were bigger than her’s even with her slender fingers over his she could still see his coming out from behind her’s, his skin was also different Luna found it to be tougher and rougher maybe even thicker. In a calm voice as soft as her skin she spoke as she inspected his hand “thou hands are different to mine” Interlocking her fingers with his she felt his rough skin brush against her soft skin as he closed his fingers with her, with their hands joined Luna slowly moved her head back but as did her cheek brushed against his. Feeling how smooth and soft the skin on his face was she brushed her cheek against his again, pulling back again she turned to him her cheek still against him as David turned to her. Luna’s soft blue eyes were almost shut as she enjoyed the new sensation of soft skin on soft skin, she found it relaxing so much so that she could fall asleep in his arms, unlike fur she didn’t sink into it or ruffle against it as she moved she merely just glided across it’s warm surface. As they turned into each other their lips slid across one another, closing her eyes a bit more to soothing sensation running across her lips she felt it become deeper. Smiling in near bliss as she felt David’s left hand slowly move up from her side up to her back, his hand stroking her naked back as his fingers intertwined with her long dark hair. Soon she felt his hand glide across her neck too the back of her head ruffling her hair as he gently held her head in place, slowly she opened her groggy eyes like she had just woken up only too see David’s eyes still closed as if they were as asleep as her’s were. Slowly pulling back with wide blue eyes she realised what they were doing, as she leaned back she felt their lips part as she felt David lean forward unwilling to end their kiss almost chasing it as it left him. As their lips parted she saw his eyes open thinking for just a moment them to be a mirror imagine of her’s, with a blush running across her face with a shy expression she lifted her hand up to her lips feeling them with a slender finger “did thou just kiss me?” Leaning back in his chair back to his previous position, his hand moved down with him to her neck gently cupping it as he spoke in a low bashful tone that sounded a little distant “sorry I don’t know that what came over me” With a warm small smile and an equally warm voice she spoke as she took her hand off her face, moving her hand over to him she cupped his cheek softly brushing his lips with her thumb “thou has no need to apologise” Leaning back in Luna smiled as she placed a soft kiss on his right cheek, breaking her quick kiss she moved back her face level with his as she spoke in a soft soothing voice “beside I asked what thou thought of my form and I think I liked thou answered” Feeling the cold air of the cabin brush against her naked skin she repositioned herself, taking her hands off him she sat on his lap as she wrapped her arms around him, leaning into him as a source of warmth as a cold shiver ran up her spine. With a shiver in her voice she spoke “I suppose thou kind are made for heat” Wrapping an arm around her he stroked her side for warmth as he spoke in a light laugh “not all of us” Taking her head off his side she looked up to him fighting back the shudder in her voice as she asked “if thou is attempting to jest thou would make a poor jester. Just look at me theirs not a patch of fur on me, I’m freezing” Smiling at the slight pout on her face he answered her “England’s a cold country their are times were the sky is grey and cold for weeks” Leaning back against him she spoke in an irritable tone “that still doesn’t make me feel any warmer” Moving his left hand too her he began stroking her right arm, but while he did the white sleeve of his shirt began to roll up against her as he moved. Feeling the hair of his arm brush against her she recoiled slightly as it tickled her skin, pushing off him slightly she saw his arm. Sitting up Luna took him by the wrist holding his arm up in her view, with an irritated scowl she demanded an answer “what is this!? I thought thou said I did the spell perfectly and yet thou has fur” Looking down to her and her scornful scowl he matched her tone with a calm tone of his own “you did and it’s not fur it’s body hair” “so what? Do thy mares not have fur while thou does? that’s not fare, at least too me I’m freezing” Luna said in an irritated pout. With her arm still around him David stood up scooping her legs up under his arms that she held, breaking her grip on his wrist she swung herself into him wrapping her arm back around him as he stood up. With a squeak she felt him spin her round before gently placing her back down in his chair, watching him walk away Luna spun around in her seat as spoke in a more shocked than irritated tone “hey what’s thy idea?” Watching him walk back with his blue coat in hand, walking around behind her he wrapped his coat around her shoulders. Pulling the seems closed she heard him talk behind him in a calm comforting tone “their you go that should keep you warm” Turning over in her chair she curled up in her seat letting his blue coat act more like a blanket as she spoke “I suppose this is why thou wears clothes” Sitting down in the other chair David replied “that’s one reason” Hugging herself under his coat for warmth she gave him another questioning look that matched her tone “one reason? Why would their be any other reason?” Avoiding her gaze he looked down too her blanketed body as he replied in a bashful tone “you don’t want to know” A sly smile spread across her lips as she pried him for the secrets he was hiding from her “oh now thou has to tell me or would a word to a certain princess loosen those lips of thou’s” Lightly shacking his head he replied his voice becoming slightly firmer in his bashful tone “Luna you really don’t want to know” Straightening herself up in her seat before leaning forward towards David her grin grew wider as her inquisitive tone became stronger “thou are not helping thy self, now tell me what I want to know or would another kiss loosen thy lips” Looking up to her he saw the smug grin on her face as he held his hands up in defeat “thou wouldn’t want to kiss me again I may never let you go” he said in a jesting tone. Fidgeting in her seat in excitement she spoke in a triumphant voice “good now tell before I do” “fine don’t say I didn’t warn you. The other reason why we wear clothes is to hide our body’s from the public, nudity is not just frowned upon it’s illegal. The only time a man and a woman see each other naked is when they are husband and wife” he said in defeated tone knowing full well how Luna would react. Luna’s face dropped more with each word he said as she pulled his coat tighter around her for comfort as she spoke in a shocked plea to herself “I’ve been posing for thou as a pony for hours, I’ve been flaunting my human self before thou like an animal in heat, I was naked in thy lap kissing thou. Thou must think so little of me, I’m never going to live this down” Leaning forward David spoke in a loud enough voice to get her attention “Luna this isn’t my world it’s yours, and if you want to walk around naked who am I to tell you not too” Looking up to him with almost sad eyes as she spoke in a plea “really? Thou doesn’t think any less of me” “of course not, you couldn’t have known what I would considers inappropriate or scandalous. And besides your the only woman I can talk to around her without a million questions coming my way” David said in a reassuring voice. Smiling Luna found his words comforting, knowing how ponies could be to outsiders she asked in an almost sure voice “twilight again?” Letting out a laugh he confirmed her suspicions “yeah I feel like she has been stalking me, it feels like every time I step out that door she’s their with a note pad and pen” Letting out a laugh of her own she spoke in a happier tone than before that quickly returned to her lower tone “she can be a bit intense. I hope no pony find out about this, if my sister found out about this I would never hear the end of it. Truth is Twilight has asked me a couple of questions about thou. Imagine how she would react if she knew I can change into a human mare… woman, a human woman” “well she won’t find out through me, neither of them will. And besides I wouldn’t want this to get out, it might start a war” David joked. Distracted by his words Luna asked in a calmer tone “what does thou mean to start a war?” Continuing his jesting tone “if thou went to my world the great war would come to a swift end, and the war for thy hand would begin” Blushing she fidgeted in her seat as she looked away from him with a bashful expression “thou shouldn’t jest in such a way” holding back a mischievous smirk she looked back up to him her tone slipping into a more playful one no matter how much she tried to hold it back “or thou might find me back on thy lap” Calling her bluff he spoke in a slightly mocking tone “and thou might find me unwilling to let thou sit anywhere else” “are thou mocking me?” Luna asked in an annoyed tone to him beating her at her own game. David leaned in ever so slightly giving Luna a good look at his motionless face and unwavering voice “does it sound like I’m mocking you?” Holding his still expression he saw Luna’s expression hold for awhile but her sky blue eyes widened and her face dropped as she began to believe him, slowly his composure began to waver as he fell into his knees as he blurted out a contained laugh “I’m sorry Luna I can’t I just can’t keep it up, you should have seen the look on your face” Standing up Luna was determined to win their little game of chicken, walking over to him Luna sat back down on his lap. Looking up to him she wrapped her arms around his neck almost hanging off him, feeling the cold cabin air wash over her front as his coat opened with her arms, looking into his eyes that match her’s she spoke in an alluring tone, she intensively watched as his face turn from joy too shock as she leaned into him pressing herself against him “and thou should see thy face” Taking her hands off him she caved into herself as she raised a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter, while her other hand pinned the open coat over her shoulders closed “thou are right it is hard to hold a straight face” Soon David was laughing with her, as their laughter subsided she leaned back into him as if he was the back of their chair. Slipping her hand back under his coat she curled back up into it hiding her legs under it again, looking back up to his behind her she spoke in a calmer softer voice than before “I suppose thou was lying about my beauty as a woman” “and what makes you say that” David asked looking down to her. “thou’s jesting tone” Luna answered. Wrapping an arm around her he spoke his voice as true as her eyes were blue “well you are, your a living work of art more beautiful than anyone artist can capture. But that won’t stop me from trying” Giving her a light pat on the knee she stood up, turning to him she spoke in a playful tone “can I at least keep some clothes on this time” 5 Standing behind his station he painted another painting of human form, this time she wasn’t wearing his coat she had used her magic to summon a long blue dress. She was in a similar pose to her first painting but this time she was more sprawled out over the chair, sitting on the arm of the chair she leaned in on the back of the chair. Her right side leaned against the back of the chair as her right hand gently caressed it’s top, while her left hand rested on her lap over her pressed together knees that were angled to her right. Her dress was a deep blue the kind the sky was on a clear summers night, her dress was sleeveless held up by two thin straps that ran over her shoulders. Their was a single splint in the front of her dress just above her left knee, this allowed David too see the full length of her left leg from the knee down too her shoes, which were high blue heels that matched her dress perfectly. With her body angled to her right she looked on slightly more to him but still to her right, her hair was swept back as she wore a soft comforting smile. Even with her smile wavering in her pose after a few hours of staying still, she still looked to be enjoying herself as she watched David’s head move back and forth between her and his work. After a few moments Luna noticed David hadn’t looked at her for a little while, hearing the soft tap of his paint brush being placed down against the wooden palette in his hand, she couldn’t see him but she heard his pleased voice “okay I think that’s done” Happily jumping up Luna didn’t even stretch her sore body as she walked over to see how he had captured her likeness, walking over with a wobble in her step she realised how much of a struggle it was to move, she hadn’t the balance of her wings or tail and she wasn’t use to heels but still she pressed on. Stepping aside for her David moved away from his work giving her a moment as she took it all in, raising her hand over her gaping mouth as she stared in awe. Was this really how she looked she thought, the chair was basic lacking most of it’s detail unlike her, he had painted her in perfect detail. In the hours she had been a human she had never seen her face and now she had, taking a step closer to the painting she reached out almost ready to touch it. The tips of her fingers were so close to it before retreating back to her, lifting hand up to her she felt her fingers glide across her face feeling every little detail of the face she never saw “is that what I really look like?” she asked in a low tone. Not even seeing him walk off and return as she stayed fixated on her painted counterpart, giving her a triumphant smile he handed her a mirror. Standing their for a little while David held out the mirror but she didn’t take it, she didn’t even know he was holding it she was too focused on the painting. After a while she hesitantly took the mirror slowly raising it too her face, her eyes widened as she saw herself, she was the spitting imagine of the woman in the painting but the one thing she saw was her eyes, they were the exact same eyes as she had as a pony. Taking a shaky step towards him she almost fell into him as she wrapped her arms around his chest, resting her head on his right shoulder she squeezed him tight as she spoke in a tone filled with warmth like crackling fire “thank thou it’s beautiful” Hugging her with half the force she was putting into him he replied in a modest tone “don’t thank me just yet I still got a lot more work to do on it, and besides I should be thanking you for letting me do this” With a soft smile she took her head off him as she looked up to him with a playful smile that matched her tone “if thou want to thank me thou could help me to my chair” With that Luna felt David move his arms around her picking her up with a sudden loud yell of surprise he picked her up bridle style, clinging onto him for dear life she wrapped her arms around his neck before he gently placed her down in her chair. Smiling to the comfort and relief she felt as she finally got off her aching feet, kicking off her shoes she stretched with a soothing groan “thou would not believe how much my feet hurt” Walking off too his bags by the door he returned with a wide round tin in hand, handing it to her he spoke like he did when he instructed her in her pose “try rubbing this on your feet it should help” Looking at the tin it looked to be a tin of shoe polish but the label had completely faded away “what is it?” she asked. “rubbing oil for your feet, it’s part of the standard provisions for troops” he answered. “is their anything thou doesn’t have in thy bags” Luna said in joking tone. Throwing the tin back to him he court it against his chest as she spoke in an increasingly playful tone “well go on then, my feet hurt” A soft laugh escaped his lips as Luna twisted in her seat laying across the whole chair, her back was resting against one arm while her legs hung over the other “an officers and gentleman I am and if thy lady asks thy lady will get” he playfully replied. Kneeling down before her feet he unscrewed the tin, its worn metal scraping against it’s self like rusted gears. Taking a blob of the clear oil in hand it’s consistency being more like thin cream than water as he began to massage her feet, coating her whole foot in a thin layer of the oil she recoiled, retracting her feet nearly into her dress to sudden cold biting at her skin. Cupping her foot in his hands he pressed his thumbs into the souls of her feet rolling them around just under her toes. A soft moan was able to escape her lips as she relaxed into her seat before she could muttered out a soft word “thou should look into working in the ponyville spar, ponies would pay bits for this” Giving her a light laugh he replied not even looking up to her as he ran his hands across the full length her feet “thanks but I think I’ll stick to the oil of paints” Finishing up he sat back down across from her as she stayed sprawled out over her chair, turning to him he saw her relaxed expression as she rubbed her legs together stroking her feet against one another “where did thou learn that? I don’t suppose thou’s army training included foot massages” Chuckling as he dropped his head somewhat he spoke in a voice that matched her’s “in a way they did, each man was told too take good care of his feet and to do daily inspections of each others” Turning around in her seat she sat up as she asked in a curious tone “why would thy leaders tell thou men to do that? Are thou feet prone to injury?” “no but there is a disease running though the trenches, we call it trench foot. I got it twice from spending mouths standing in flooded muddy trenches” he stated. Looking at him with a degree of shock that matched her voice “that’s sounds awful” “It wasn’t so bad, court it early both times so I got to keep all my toes. And it got me in a warm bed for a few days so that was pretty nice” he said in a casual tone. Her expression softened ever so slightly to how little it seemed to bother him, so she thought it couldn’t be that bad of a condition “but that still sounds like awful conditions to stay in” her face dropped as she realised what he said before as her voice dropped with her “did thou say all thy toes as in thou can lose them from this condition?” “yeah but it’s pretty rare now, everyday we inspect each others feet to prevent it” he stated in an ever so slightly lower voice that quickly became more cheerful as he continued “I remember one day I had to check Jim’s feet, by god they were the most revolting things that ever to walk the earth. I swear I would rather face the Jerry’s gas before the smell those things produced. One day in the middle of summer I remember seeing him asleep airing his stinking feet, then I heard him laughing in his sleep. You won’t believe what was making him laugh” Eagerly waiting the end of his story Luna lessoned closely as he continued almost leaning in “When I turned to face him I saw a rat perched on his leg like a parrot licking his feet, it probably thought it was cheese, when he woke up he screamed like a little girl. I could have sworn a couple of the men hid his boots just to make him a walking rat trap” Luna laughed gently at his story finding it a little mean but it sounded to be all in good fun, if not made up. He knew by her laugh that she could tell it wasn’t completely true but found it funny anyway, the truth was that Jim panicked when he saw the rat but it wasn’t a scream of fear but pain. When he moved the rat bit into his foot nearly taking his toe off as he shook it, which he then shoot off when he aimed for the rat on his flailing leg. 6 After another hour or two Luna left returning home as a pony, arriving back in Canterlot Luna made her way back to her chambers but was court by the one pony she didn’t to see “and where have you been?” Celestia called out in an annoyed voice that only a mother could produce. Turning around in the corridor just outside her chambers she saw her sister before her with arms crossed over her chest, she was wearing her golden crown and matching neckless that drooped down hanging just over the large white breast. Looking down to Luna Celestia held a good half a head of height on her, looking her sister up and down she saw Luna was not wearing her royal attire. Looking down to her sister with a scornful expression she spoke in an irritated voice “Luna you’ve been missing all day, I thought you were going to help with the preparation” “preparation?” Luna asked tilting her head slightly. Letting out a loud annoyed huff that matched her increasing riled tone too Luna blatant disregard for her family “the preparation of Cadence’s and Shining Armor’s wedding” in that moment Luna realised that she had been slipping in her duties, the royal wedding was fast approaching it was less than two months away and now they were a day behind because of her. Gesturing too Luna lack of clothes Celestia spoke as she slumped slightly in not defeat but sheer fatigue “and why aren’t you wearing your crown?” Luna’s voice was a little shaky as she shied away from her sister’s gaze “I was out” “out where?” Celestia demanded. “with a friend” Luna answered her voice becoming quieter and shyer too Celestia pressing questions. Celestia’s expression softened somewhat happy that Luna had a friend that she could rely on, but still annoyed at her missing presence and her keeping her friend a secret form her “so who is she?” “he my friend is a he” Luna stated shyly. Celestia slightly recoiled to Luna’s words, she wasn’t expecting Luna to be keeping secrets from her but now she did. Walking over with a teasing smile she pulled her little sister into a tight hug almost squeezing the air out of her lungs, speaking in a teasing coo of a voice “oh look at you, my little sister has gone and got herself a little colt friend. Has thy wedding preparations stirred up some feeling for him, ooh maybe we will have another wedding before the year’s end, oh wouldn’t that be nice lulu” Pushing back against Celestia’s hold Luna broke free taking a few heavy breaths matching Celestia’s teasing tone with a mocking tone of her own “please sister we haven’t had the first wedding and thy are already scheming for a second cake, if thou eats two I fear that thy flanks may be to much for thy dresses to bare” Celestia paused for a moment in shock to Luna’s retort before firing back a furious defence “I’ll have you know my flanks are perfects, everyday I catch some guard staring at them with stars in their eyes” Realising what she said they both began to laugh, calming down their laughter Celestia spoke with less of a tease in her voice “so who is this royal courter of yours?” “sister please we are not courting, he doesn’t even know I am of royal birth” Luna answered in a slight whine. For the first time in hundreds of years Celestia was taken completely by surprise what matched her flabbergasted voice “how can he not know you aren’t the princess of the night, theirs only three alicorns in the whole of Equestria” “well he’s not exactly from Equestria” Luna stated nervously knowing Celestia would want to pry as much information as she could out of her. Smiling widely Celestia wrapped an arm around her sister as her intrigued voice became more pronounced “ooh do tell” Feeling Celestia shack in excitement through her hug Luna answered her voice becoming even more nervous “theirs nothing to tell” Pulling Luna in tighter Celestia wrapped one of her wide wing’s over Luna’s side as teasing tone returned with greater strength “come now Lulu there most definitely is” Sighing she deflated as she answered her sister’s pandering questions “his name is David” “and?” Celestia added with a long drawn out tone. “and he’s an artist” Luna stated reluctantly. Loosing her hold on Luna Celestia took a moment to process what she just said “wait is this the same artist that you nominated at the gallery?” Hanging her head low Luna answered her sister’s playful interrogation in a low tone “yes, but he didn’t even know it was submitted, Applejack did it on his behalf” Yet again Celestia was taken completely by surprise, once in a hundred years was a rarity but twice in a single day was unheard of. In her state of bewilderment Celestia’s hold on Luna weakened as she spoke “wait he’s in ponyville? Is this the same creature Twilight has been sending me letters about?” Looking up to her sister Luna spoke with a degree of shock “Twilight has been sending thou letters about him?” Her tone started off normal and calm but soon turned lower and distance in pity and remorse for someone she had never known “yes but she knows next to nothing about him, all she has managed to tell me is his situation is quite dire. Apparently he’s been wounded quite severely multiple times from this war of his, Twilight said he could barely breathe when he first arrived. I was going to give him asylum if Twilight and her friends vouched for him, but apparently he wants to go back out of some strange sense of duty. Imagine wanting to go back to that, has he told you about this war of his?” Thinking back Luna hadn’t realised how much he had told her about himself and the war, her face dropped slightly as she remember the stories he told them on nighmare night. Luna’s tone was similar to her sister’s but worse, her words were slower and lower holding more sorrow in them “he has and it sounds worse than any nightmare I have faced, it even sounds worse than the war against Sombra” Celestia froze as she remembered the war of the crystal empire, and dark magic it’s king used. She was brought out of her hazy memory as she heard Luna continued, her voice almost romantic as she spoke of his work with the beginnings of tears glossing over her eyes “unlike the others I’ve seen little glimpses into his war. He’s an artist, and he’s painted it he’s painted so many horrible things. But he’s also the only one that has ever been able to captured my night. He paints so many beautiful things, he’s done paintings of his home, thou should see them they truly are remarkable, he even did some of me” Luna remained silent for a moment as Celestia just stood their watching her sister, she had never seen her feel so much pity for a creature before, not even one of their little ponies “it sounds like you and him have grown quite close” Celestia stated in a calm tone filled with warmth and care. “yes I suppose we have, it’s nice being able to converse with somepony that doesn’t see the titles or my past. But it doesn’t feel right, every time we talk I lye to him, I’m lying to my only friend” Luna said in a voice as cold as night and as lonely as the moon on a starless sky. Feeling Celestia pull her into a soft comforting hug, her warm feathers wrapping around her like a blanket as she spoke in an equally soft and comforting voice “come now Lulu I’m sure he’ll understand” Resting her head on her sister chest she spoke her words muffled by her sister’s pure white fur “but what if he doesn’t? I don’t want to loose him. It’s been so nice to have a friend again” She didn’t look down as she spoke to the little sister in her arms, she looked like a little filly so scared hiding from the world in her big sister’s arms as she spoke words of encouraging “Lulu if he truly is your friend then he will forgive you” Hugging her sister back the blue alicorn as she spoke with a soft unseen smile “thou are right, I will tell him” Unwrapping her wings from around her little sister Celestia eased up their hug, still holding onto each other as their hug subsided “and if you need any help or advice I’ll be right here, day or night I’ll be here for you” Celestia added in a reasurring voice. “well their is one thing thou could help me with” Luna said taking up her offer. Holding a deep heartfelt smile Celestia replied “anything” Shyly tilting her blue furred head away Luna asked “could thou acquire me a piano” Recoiling to her request Celestia was expecting something else, something along the lines of advice on how to tell David who she was “what do you need with a piano? You don’t play do you?” Celestia said losing confidence in herself thinking that she was beginning to lose her sister again. Still shyly looking away Luna answered her sister’s prying question “it’s along story but David may believe that I sent by the princess, and that if he does a few paints for her she will gift him with a piano” With a gormless expression Celestia spoke her confused mind “okay that makes sense but I thought you said he did paintings of you, but why would the princess that you said you weren’t want paintings of somepony else” “I told him the princess wanted paintings of her night, but he put them on hold, he put painting ordered by the princess on hold so he could do one for a friend, for me” Luna stated in warmly. “well he sounds like a special kind of pony, maybe thou should invite him to the wedding, I would love to meet him. And maybe Cadence could tell me if there is something a little more between you two” Celestia teased. Blushing Luna stammered out a response “Celestia must thou insist on this childish notion” A wide grin spread across Celestia’s face as she watched her sister squirm under her playful questions “but thou didn’t deny it” 7 It had been a week since Luna had seen David and thanks to his company Celestia had noticed a substantially change in her mood, Luna didn’t just appear happier she genuinely seemed happier. Gone where the morning were Luna would walk in miserable and tiered, now she always seemed how she was before the nightmare happy and content in her duties. Every night she had been doing her duties in the dream realm, and every night she had looked for that one particular door that plagued her mind. But now it was gone like it had never existed which made Luna hopeful for the first time in years that it had all worked out, that the pony that owned that door had gotten the help he or she needed. Teleporting all the way to Ponyville first thing in the morning, she walked towards the David’s cabin under the red morning sky. Knocking on his door she was greeted by David and the horrid smell of smoke “Luna what are you doing here so early” he asked in a tired voice “accurately your timing couldn’t be better I’ve just finished the last painting” he stated interrupting himself. Stepping into his cabin she saw how worn out he was, heavy dark bags were under his eyes making her speak out in concern “when was the last time thou got any sleep?” “couple of hours last night why?” he replied his tone a polar opposite to her’s. “thou looks tired” she answered. Smiling he let out a soft chuckle “that’s became I am, I’ve sent all week working on these” he said as he pulled out the canvas’s. The first was of her as she is, it was of her in her first pose. This time the rest of it was painted in, the chair she was sat on was painted a light violet, with the walls behind her painted a dark aqua. Behind her was an open window with curtains a lighter violet than the chair she was sat upon, tied back with thick golden rope in the middle. Through the open window she saw the bright glow of a full moon, just below the moon was her out stretched left hand presenting it to the canvas’s audience. The glow of the moon turned the once dark sky into a softer blue, but hidden in the mists of blue sky was the slight twinkle of distant stars, the same twinkle he captured in her mane and tail. Silently gaping at his work she moved on to the next painting, it was the one of her human form that she saw before. This time the rest of the details were filled in, the violet chair she sat upon nicely contrasted against the blue of her dress. Unlike the last painting their was no window or natural light, the painting wasn’t dark but had a natural glow with an ever so slight orange tint of an unseen fire place. Behind her against the shadowed aqua wall was a wide brown varnished cabinet, that took up a fare amount of the left side of the painting, a single lit candle stood alone on the cabinet’s edge illuminating the room with it’s glow. The next one was also of her human form as she wore his long blue coat, it’s large size evidenced in how baggy it appeared over her as it nearly blanketed her completely. The painting was of her from the right side as she sat beneath a large tree, her back was resting against it’s old trunk as she curled up into the fetal position. Her knees were pressed against her chest making the coat bulge out while her naked feet poked out from beneath it’s covers, her feet gently rested on the dark cold ground barely ruffling a blade of grass as she looked up to the star filled sky above her. Her hair was long and could easily been mistaken for the sky, her painted counterpart looked so peaceful like she had just finished painting the sky. Off in the far distance passed the rolling hills and dark orchards was a little village, it looked like ponyville, a warm glow emanated from the windows of all the homes making the little village look even cosier than it was in reality. Luna’s voice was quite but filled with astonishment as she lowered the painting back to the ground from which it came “their beautiful” turning around Luna wrapped her around around him pulling him into a soft hug “thank thou” Feeling him hug her back she eventually broke their hug as she moved off, moving to the corner of the room she began to move his furniture with her magic. As the chairs and cabinets became engulfed in a light blue glow David asked “Luna what are you doing?” Smiling as she cleared a space she spoke in a voice that matched her cheerful smile “I told the princess about thou paintings and she decided to send this early, besides she still has thy first painting” In a bright flash of blue light a grand black piano stood before her in the corner of the room, staring in awe David stammered out a response “how did you?” seeing the proudly smug expression on her face David answered his own question “magic” Nodding in response she stepped aside as David admired his instrument, running his fingers across the white keys he felt each individual key, they were smooth almost glossy as let his fingers glide across it’s surface. Sitting down on the stool that teleported in with it he hesitantly struck a few keys, too his amazement they held a perfect tune “it’s in tune” he whispered in astonishment. Smiling Luna spoke from behind him but he didn’t even break his gaze from her gift “the princess wanted only the best for thou, she truly admires thy work” watching his hands rest on the keys as if he was about to start Luna asked “go on are thou going to play something?” Turning to her she saw how thankful he was, he looked as if she had just returned something more valuable than a mountain of gold and gems, no a mountain of gold and gems to a diamond dog “any requests?” he asked with a smile as he spoke in near bliss. “I think I’ll let thou decide, I’m sure thou will play something I’ll like” she stated in a soothing tone. Readying himself he placed his fingers on the keys about to play, but he didn’t press the keys. Only after realising that he had no idea what she would like, his hands fell off the keys white edge. Turning to her he looked at her for any indication of what would please her, but he saw nothing her lack of clothes gave nothing away. That was until his eyes fell upon her cutie mark, his gaze stayed fixed on the crescent moon on her black flank for so long that it began to make Luna feel a little uncomfortable “I think I know just the piece” David answered in a sure voice as he looked up to her with a confident smile. Turning back to the black piano be began to play (moonlight) lessoning to it she found it’s slow rhythm to be laced with sorrow, it seemed such a simple piece long beats with the same three notes playing over and over again but yet it didn’t feel like he was repeating himself. Hidden in the music was an ever so small ray of hope as the notes moved from their deeper side too a the gentler middle, but their was also a present feeling of dread as the notes lingered as the piece fell back to the deeper side, but no matter where his hands were his slow pace stayed ever constant. After what felt like a few seconds but was probably minutes his hands trailed off, but before she could say anything he began again like he had never finished. This time he was right in the mild of all the keys playing a more cheerful tune, that jumped about a bit more too shorter notes. Even when he moved back to left to play the heavier notes that seemed to linger for longer, it didn’t seem to hold any other emotion other than swelling hope. Now closely watching his hands and how he played she saw his hands stop for just a moment as the most dramatic change came in, his hands went crazy fingers staying less than a split second on a key before moving on. Their was a lot more variety in his choice of tone, he was using everything the piano had to offer and she could see by the look of determined joy he was loving it “He must have truly missed this” Luna thought, he wasn’t even using a sheet he had completely memorised this which on it’s own was remarkable. The music it’s self was grander holding a confidence that the other piece didn’t display, the only thing she felt from it was pure excitement like the piece it’s self was excited to be played. Luna could see in how he played that the piece was filled with life and energy, even when it got louder it wasn’t in sorrow or grief but it was as if the very piano itself was cheering him on. When he was finally finished he had completely forgotten Luna was there, he panted slightly as his felt his rapid heart beat. Feeling the rush of adrenalin die down he turned too Luna, turning too his left he flinched as he found her sat beside him silently smiling to his music but now she was sporting a mischievous grin “Luna what are you doing their?!” David said in a panicked voice. Leaning on his panicked side she could feel his racing hearts “enjoying thy music of course, it was beautiful. How did thou know I would like it?” Luna asked in a teasing tone that became somewhat dreamy by the end. Wrapping an arm around her waist he answered in a calm voice as he pulled her in slightly, cupping her hip with his hand he poked her cutie mark making her flinch as he answer her “by thou’s cutie mark and thy name” Turning to him with wide sky blue eyes she spoke in a flustered voice “thy people named it Luna?” Shacking his head slightly he answered her in an ever so slightly lower voice “not exactly, it’s called moonlight sonata. It was written by the greatest composer of in history” “he must have had quiet the ear for music” Luna said in a relaxed tone as she rested her head on his side finding the crook in his neck to be a perfect fit for her head. Letting out a stiff chuckle he answered her in an amused tone “not really, he was deaf” Moving off his side as she spoke in a suspicious tone “are thou saying the greatest composer of thy world was deaf?” Not looking away he answered her “yes” Breaking into a fit of mocking laughter “if thou wanted to jest thou should come up with a better story” Looking down to her he loosened his hold on her letting them part slightly as faced each other “I’m not joking” he stated in a sure voice. “come now thou wants me to believe the greatest composer in thy history was deaf, the stallion that wrote that couldn’t hear his own work” Luna said in a mocking voice. “he wasn’t always deaf by the time he wrote that it was quiet hard for him to hear, that’s why it made use of the heavier notes. My father once told me when Beethoven conducted his final symphony he had to be physically turned around, his hearing so far gone that he couldn’t the audiences applause, they were right behind him less than a couple of feet and he couldn’t hear them but he could see them and they made sure he knew how much they loved his work” David said in a sure voice almost reminiscing about how his father told him those stories. Luna’s expression dropped somewhat as she spoke in a lower voice of disbelief “thou are telling the truth, I can’t imagine loosing my hearing but he lost it and he needed it more than most” Hearing her depressive tone he spoke in a teasing tone “I can, you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack with that stunt you pulled” letting out a soft chuckle Luna found herself laughing with him as he continued “I know I’ve got two hearts but I don’t think a heart attack would do either one of them any good” “now I know thou are jesting” Luna stated in a flatter tone as her laughter died down. David met her tone with an equally flat expression that made her question herself “thou know it is getting quiet hard to tell when thou are jesting and telling the truth, at this rate I might have to call on Applejack to get through a single conversation with thou” “do you believe I’m lying?” David asked in an almost lonely voice. “lying no, jesting yes” Luna stated with a wavering confidence. “do thou want to find out?” he asked with a slight smugness in his voice. “and how would I do that? I’m no doctor” she stated before a mischievous grin spread across her lips that matched her mocking tone “or are thou trying to make me human again” she said thinking that she would feel if her other form had a second heart. “or you could just lesson” he answered plainly. Luna’s grin faltered into a small pout as she failed to toy with him, but as she stood up it returned with greater force as she sat back down on his lap, draping her soft blue furred hands over his clothed chest she rested her head over his heart. She planned on teasing him in almost every way she could, she revelled in her plans for him like a villainous scheme but that all disappeared as she heard the double beat of his hearts that echoed in her ears. Gently pushing herself off him she looked at him with a nearly frozen expression of disbelief but her eyes were as wide as the sky with shock “thou were telling the truth, how does thou have two hearts? When I was human I only had one” Leaning in with a suspicious smile he whispered his answer into her ear “a gift from god” Leaning back she answered in a whisper of her own “what?” Bursting out in a fit of laughter he almost fell into the pony in his lap as he saw how innocent she looked as she stared at him in awe like he was some kind of miracle “no, it’s just something my mother use to say. God gifted me two heart so I could love twice as much” Leaning back on his chest she lessoned in amazement to the double beat in his chest, that nearly lulled her back to sleep. The rest of the day passed rather quickly as David played more pieces for her, with the day drawing to a close Luna stood up to leave, saying her good byes she opened the door only to be met by poring rain and harsh winds “that’s not right, the rain was scheduled to start tomorrow morning not tonight” and with a heavy sigh she continued to talk to herself “the weather ponies must have gotten carried away again, how are ponies suppose to know the weather if they keep doing this?” From behind her she heard David’s calm voice “was the sky red this morning?” Turning around to him she gave him a confused look to his odd question as she felt the cold wind ruffle her blue fur “yes but what does that have to do with it?” she asked in a confused tone that matched her expression. Looking passed her through the open door out into the dreary orchard he answered “red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in the morning sailors warning” “so thou can tell what the weather will be by the colour of the sky” Luna said in amazement before softly laughing to save face as she realise what she said. “it’s just an old nursery rhyme sailors made up” David stated. “well regardless of what those sailors say flying home will be a challenge” Luna said as she looked out the door dreading her journey. Closing the door before them David spoke in a sure voice “Luna I wouldn’t be much of a man if I let you walk home in that, you can have my bed tonight” “but were will thou sleep?” Luna asked a little shocked at his generosity. “I’ll sleep in the chair or on the floor” David stated nonchalantly. “I will not have thou sleeping on thy own floor at my intrusion!” Luna almost yelled. In a calm soft voice David reassured Luna that she was not a burden “your not intruding Luna your my guest and besides I can’t sleep in a bed any more, haven’t been able to in years to use to sleeping in the trenches” His word for how comforting they were to her impeding on his lone time were somewhat sad, forcing her to ask a question she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer too, a question about the war “do they not have beds in the trenches?” “no, you sleep where you can when you can. On a good night we would sleep in a dug outs along the trenches, cold walls and tough beds were our comforts but it kept the rain off our heads. On the other nights we would sleep outside against the trench wall, men to my left men to my right, their were more men than wall to fit them on. But it was good I trusted those men I rely on those men, I could have not met the man beside me not ten minutes ago but it didn’t matter he was mate and you didn’t want anything to happen to him” David said as he reminisced with Luna finding it heart warming as well as heart breaking, she didn’t know what happened to those men but she could feel the looming fret in his words. Luna noticed through the window that the sky had turned to night in her absence, the moon was raised high into the sky from the pale glow of the clouds that covered it. She knew that Celestia had done her sacred duty of raising the moon for her, letting out a soft giggle she knew Celestia would berate her for this but she didn’t care, she enjoyed her day to much to care what her sister would come to think. She didn’t enter the dream realm that night, she just wanted to relax too enjoy a good night’s sleep like anypony else, but despite that she could still feel it’s presence’s drawing her in to the dark nightmares that hid behind so many doors. Stirring in her sleep she awoke to the quite sounds of creaking floor boards just outside her room, getting up she hesitantly tip toed her way to the door, it’s old rusted hinges squeaking at the slightest movement. Upon opening it she saw David from his left side, a small side table to his left stood between them. At first she though he had fallen asleep in his chair like he said he would, but then she saw him without looking pick up the wide short glass. Even from her distance she could smell the dark rum’s strength “David?” she asked quietly. Leaning over the arm of the chair as he turned to her with a surprised voice “Luna? What are you doing up?” “I heard a noise and thought thou was awake” she said in a tired voice. “sorry was getting myself a drink” he stated as he shook the glass in his hand sloshing it’s dark liquid against the inside of the glass. “that’s okay but why are thou drinking at this time of night? Shouldn’t thou be sleeping?” she asked in an almost worried tone. Dismissively waving her off he spoke in a voice just as tired as her’s “I was I got couple of hours sleep, as to my drinking I always found that a stiff drink works wonders on a restless mind” he said as he downed the rest of his drink. “are thou having trouble sleeping?” Luna asked her worried tone becoming more pronounced in her words. Dismissively shacking his head he adverted his eyes from her gaze as he answered “it’s nothing, I’m just having trouble sleeping out of the trenches that’s all” placing his glass back on the table with a clunk as his tired arm gave out on him, falling back his head resting against the back of his chair, his eyes fell shut as he continued his voice growing more tired with each passing word “it’s just so quite here, I can’t believe I forgot how quite the night could be. I’ve missed this, I’ve missed this so much...” Hearing his words trail off, Luna walked around the chair to find him fast asleep in his chair like he had never woken up. In a quiet flash of magic she summon a blanket above David, which she let fall down to him like a stray feather. The moment it landed on him he seemed to snuggle into it, Luna found it cute how he curled into it’s warm wool like a little foal. Pulling it up over him she tucked it loosely around his shoulders, seeing a small smile spread across his lips she instinctively cupped the side of his head, brushing his hair away as leaned in placing a soft kiss against his forehead. > A Royal Catastrophe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been another week since Luna had seen David, she had spent those days trying to figure out a way to tell him who she really is. Arriving at his cabin Luna knocked on its weak wooden door that waned with each hit, as the door opened she was greeted by David who was wearing a wide smile that matched his pleased voice “ah Luna, was wondering when you would turn up again, I finished the Princess’s paintings” Following him in she hesitantly spoke in more of a whisper than anything else, shying away she looked down as she spoke “David I need to tell thou something it’s...” Looking up she saw David hadn’t heard a single word she had said, he spoke in a louder prouder voice than her’s as he showed her the painting on the easel “here we are, my crowning piece for a crown princess” A light giggle was able to escape her lips as she saw his painting. The right side of it was obscured by a red cloth, but from what she could see it was the unfinished painting from before. The top of the painting was still a deep blue, that slowly worked down the canvas to a softer blue, after the blue the sky turned to a warm orange with clouds creating dull patches of dark red. In the mild blue middle of the painting, the ever so slight specks of stars starting to become visible, but as the sky grew darker the stars grew stronger becoming brighter and clearer. Just above the rolling green hills, and just under the black overhanging branches that came from the tree on the left, was what Luna could only describe as a giant pale curved horn that was surrounded in a blue ora. Stepping in closer Luna saw it wasn’t a horn but the rising of her crescent moon, reaching up she flung off the cloth drooped over its right side. Luna just stared in shock and awe, standing there on the right side of the painting, watching over the rising moon. She saw herself in her royal attire, her obsidian black tiara sat elegantly atop her flowing star-filled mare. Even her tail seemed to capture the night, the faint sparkles of stars amongst the vibrant blue. She could see her cutie mark on her left flank, it matched the rising moon perfectly. Her horn was surrounded in a sky blue glow, the same glow that surrounded the moon she was rising. Standing there in silence she just stared at the painting of her doing her royal duty at dusk, even when he spoke in a proud voice “so what do you think Princess?” Still in shock, she slowly gave him an answer “it’s beautiful” turning away from the painting she turned to him lowering her head as she spoke with a low ashamed voice “so thou knows I’m really the Princess” “yes” he stated in a rather calm voice. “how long have thou known?” she asked her voice somehow becoming lower and more ashamed. “ooh, I would say two, three days after we first met” he answered in a calm casual tone like it was nothing. “thou has known from the start I am Princess Luna Ruler of the night?” she asked her voice becoming more lively as she asked. “yes, I thought it was a good idea to look up this princess I was painting for. Who would have guessed it, that the face I saw in those papers was my good friend Luna” he stated in a pleasant if not cheerful voice. “I suppose thou is mad at I for deceiving thou?” she stated more than asked in a cold lonely voice. “nonsense, in fact, it’s been rather fun watching you trip over yourself” he said with a laugh. “thou has fount it amusing to watch me try and deceive thou?” she asked in a more pleasant but confused voice. “yes, your not very good at it. How many times did you let slip that you were the princess” he said as his voice became more cheerful with each word. But before she could answer he continued “and besides your rather cute when you stutter” Feeling a blush warm her blue face, she asked in a shy timid voice “so thou are not mad at me?” “Good lord no, whenever you turn up it’s the highlight of my week. And I have the sneaky suspicion I know why you did it” he stated in a nonchalant tone as he brushed off her question. “really? Why do thou think I did it?” she asked her voice slowly becoming stronger as they talked. “to escape the strict rules of royal life and the stupidity of the nobles that inhabit it” he stated more than asked acting like there was no other answer. “How did thou know that?” she asked in an astounded tone. Leaning in he spoke in almost a whisper “thou are not the only royal in the room” Her eyes widened like a parting sky as she spoke in pure shock “thou are of royal birth?” Leaning back he relaxed in his stance as he let out a soft chuckle “not really, but my father use to tell me and my brothers that we have a drop of royal blood in our veins. He use to tell us a story, he would say we were descendants of a prince, that denounced his claim to marry masons daughter. He even gave up his name for her, taking the name Mason for himself” Taking a silent step forward towards him, Luna rested herself against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him in a soft hug “that’s a romantic story, I hope it’s true. I think thou are worthy of being royalty” His voice became low if somewhat ashamed as he hugged her back, his hug was weaker than her’s like he no longer held the strength to do so “no, I’m not worthy of being royalty. But I appreciate the thought” Listening to his weak words, Luna thought he was just being modest “no thou are, and thank thou for forgiving me. I was trying to think of a way to tell thou all week, but thou has made it so much easier for me, thank thou” Hugging him a little tighter she felt him hug her back just as much “that’s okay Luna, I wouldn’t want to lose you too” he answered in a calm comforting voice. She didn’t know why he forgave her so easily, her only idea was that he valued their friendship as much as she did. After a little while and a few silent tears of relief they broke their hug “there was another reason for my arrival today” Luna stated shyly. “really? What is it?” David asked curiously. Looking up to him with big blue puppy dog eyes she answered “theirs going to be a royal wedding in Cantorlot next month, and I was wondering if thou would like to accompany me” realising how much like a date it sounded she blushed, as she stuttered out the rest of her words “that… that’s if thou wants too. The wedding is for my niece and the captain of my sister’s guard, but I won’t know anypony there. I… I was really hoping thou would come, I could use a friendly face. I’m still not too comfortable at social gatherings” Her quiet voice trailed off as she was pulled into David, feeling him pull her comforting hug he spoke “like I said you're cute when you fumble your words” “so will thou come?” Luna asked hesitantly. “yes, I will come to the wedding for you” he answered in a warm voice. Jumping up Luna broke his hold on her, as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Happily jumping into him like a schoolgirl in love, she wore a wide bright smile that could surpass her sister’s sun “thank thou, thank thou so much” she cheered kissing him on the cheek. 1 The month passed rather with little of interest happening, and now the day of the wedding was tomorrow. On the train to Cantorlot Twilight sat in a pout with the rest of the element bearers around her “come on Twi, I’m sure Shining didn’t mean to hurt ya” Applejack said as she tried to console her friend. Twilight’s response was as irritated as her “that’s an excuse for missing a birthday or hearts warming, but he’s getting married for Celestia’s sake. I didn’t even know he had a special somepony” “Applejack is right dear, he’s captain of the guard he probably been busy. And he’s marrying a princess, they probably wanted to keep it quiet. Maybe they kept it a secret all this time like it was forbidden, ooh that sounds so romantic” Rarity stated in a dreamy tone. Taking in some of what Rarity said, mainly the part about them wanting to keep it secret, Twilight spoke in a huff of a tone “but he’s still my brother and should have told me” “I know Twi, I wouldn’t be happy if Big Mac got married without saying anything either” Applejack stated in a sympathetic voice. “I don’t know Applejack, he barely says anything as it is. In a few years, you could be in Twilight’s place, maybe he’s got a marefriend right now” Rainbow said in a snarky tone. “HEY! DON’T YA BE TALKING ABOUT MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!” Applejack yelled back in defence, as she turned to her. Finding her sat on the other side of the train, next to Pinkie Pie. As they all turned to Rainbow they saw Pinkie Pie, she was on her knees looking over the back f her seat as her folded arms rested on its top. Her pink poofy tail bounced playfully from side to side, leaning forward to get a better look at what Pinkie was doing Fluttershy spoke in her usual timid tone “umm Pinky what are you doing?” “theirs somepony back here” she stated in the only way she could, hyper and enthusiastically. “Pinky please leave the poor pony be, there’s is no need to be rude” Rarity almost scolded. “yeah Pinky get down from their” Rainbow said as she lightly elbowed Pinky Pie in the side. “no silly I think I know him from somewhere but I don’t know where” she happily replied. Moving up Rainbow looked over the back of her seat as she spoke in a slightly irritated voice that turned to surprise “come on Pinky leave him alone… It’s David” Standing up the others looked over to him, finding him asleep resting his left side against the window. His arms were crossed and his cap was drooped over his eyes, hiding half his face from the light and prying eyes of ponies as he slept. Letting out a squeaky giggle Pinky Pie turned to Rainbow mare beside her “don’t be silly Rainbow, it can’t be David, he doesn’t have a patch of fur under his nose” Looking at him they all saw he did indeed have a moustache again, but Rarity took notice of his clothes, he was wearing his officers uniform with new straight brown trousers she had made for him. Before they could say anything the train was rocked about as it went over ruff tracks, the standing ponies braced themselves wavering in their stances as they nearly fell into one another. But all the while David stayed asleep in his seat, unfazed by the train violently rattling him about like sardines in a tin. Staring in slight disbelief Twilight wondered how he could sleep under all this noise, or how being bashed about in his seat wouldn’t even stur him. She knew some ponies could be deep sleepers but this was ridiculous. “umm, Twilight who is this David?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Turning back around to face her friends, she sat down with them as she answered in a calm voice “he’s a soldier from Celestia knows where, he showed up about two months ago and is looking for a way back” “he’s a mighty fine artist too” Applejack added in a slightly ashamed tone to going behind his back. “umm, why haven’t I heard of him before this?” Fluttershy asked shyly not wanting to pry too much into somepony’s business. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because he would scare you under the table” Rainbow said in a sarcastic tone. “RAINBOW!” Twilight yelled in defence of her friend. Getting a little defensive Rainbow replied “what! He would, you saw what he did to those timberwolves” “that’s beside the point Rainbow, it wasn’t very nice” Twilight said. “umm, what did he do to the timberwolves?” Fluttershy asked somewhat afraid of the answer. Placing a caring hand on Fluttershy’s, Rarity spoke in a tone more befitting of the element of kindness “Fluttershy you know how dangerous timberwolves can be?” Nodding she let Rarity continue “well a pack of them attacked poor little Sweetie Belle, and the girls. David used some kind of weapon against them, from what the girls say he was able to reduce them to splinters in a second” A sharp squeak rushed out of Fluttershy’s mouth before she could pull her hands out from Rarity’s, raising her hands over her mouth she spoke in a mortified voice “he… killed… them?” “yes but they would have eaten the girls, he did what he had to, to save them. It’s not like I like it, but Timberwolves aren’t like other animals Fluttershy, even you can’t stop them” Rarity said in a low sympathetic voice. “I know but too think those poor critters had to be, killed… It’s horrible couldn’t he have found another way? Maybe trapping them somehow?” Fluttershy said in a low saddened tone. Slowly Rarity shook her head as she spoke in a tone that matched her friend “no from what Twilight said Applebloom was being chased, there was no way he could have trapped them in time” Fluttershy became quiet more quiet than usual, as she curled up slightly in her seat to the idea of choosing between a friend and an innocent animal. She knew they were nothing more than feral instinct, and that it had to be done but she still didn’t like it. She always thought there had to be a way to help those wolves, and killing them was like killing an animal that could be just a bit more than instinct someday. Still looking at David Twilight noticed that his seat, and the one next to him was constantly vibrating. She thought of why this would be but then the answer came to her “how can he sleep like that, he’s sat right over the wheel” she thought to herself. Watching him sleep in what she would describe the most uncomfortable bed in all of Equestria, he began to stir, while he slept David heard the rumble of the track. The train jolted every few seconds as the wheels ran over the narrowest of gaps between rails, from his seat the sound of the clunking wheels sounded eerily familiar. It wasn’t long before the beat of the track became the beat of the trench, it didn’t sound like wheels rolling along a bumpy stretch of track, but the unending beat of picks digging up the trench or digging below it. The sound of picks became ever more intense as time went on, it wasn’t becoming faster or louder but sharper and harder like the men were digging through tougher and tougher earth desperately digging for safety the trench would provide. With each jolt of the train rocking his body about like a pebble being swept away by the current, he felt as if he was digging in the trench with shells exploding all around him, the derby and force of the explosions knocking him nearly off his feet. With one final bump in the track, David was nearly launched from his seat, waking him up as his back collided with the back of his seat. Now awake he rubbed his eyes before lifting his cap up off his face “morning sleepy head” Pinky happily greeted. “morning Pinky” he greeted back in a groggy voice, before replying in a confused voice as he looked around to find the rest of them staring at him “what are all of you doing here?” “we’re riding the train silly” Pinky cheerfully said. “We are going to Cantorlot for my brother's wedding” Twilight answered in an irritated tone, that was quickly becoming more default tone. “is that the royal wedding?” he asked sleep still present in his voice. “yes” Twilight answered her tone still harsh as before “wait you knew about the wedding!? When did you find out!?” she yelled in shock. “about a month ago” he stated dismissively. “A MONTH AGO! YOU FOUND OUT A MONTH AGO! IT’S MY BROTHER’S WEDDING AND I ONLY FOUND OUT TODAY!” Twilight yelled in a voice that could have easily drowned out the whistle of the train. “oh, Celestia here we go” Rainbow muttered under her breath. “HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND OUT!?” Twilight demanded. “Blimey I thought the shells were loud” David muttered before he answered her in a calmer voice “Luna came round last month, and invited me as her guest” Instantly Rarity’s mind went into overdrive, she was struggling to keep her thoughts contained in her head. She thought it was so romantic the officer and the Princess, no the lone officer and the forgotten Princess. But these romantic fantasy’s weren’t the only thought that ran through her mind, she had to ask him what his world’s weddings were like. In that instance she longed to know what a human wedding would entail, images quickly flashed through her mind as she imagined what a spectacle it would be to behold a human wedding. “SO THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT CAN FIND THE TIME TO JUST POP IN TO INVITE HER FRIEND! BUT SHINING ARMOR MY STUPID INCONSIDERATE BROTHER CAN’T EVEN GET FIVE MINUTES OFF TO TELL ME HIMSELF!” Twilight yelled in anger. Twilight’s face dropped as she saw the shocked expression of the others, it took her a moment to realise what she said in her rage. Lifting her hands over her gaping mouth to cover a muffled scream, she had just broken a promise to the princess. In that instance, she knew Luna was going to be furious with her, probably more than she was at Shining. She was the student of Princess Celestia, one of the elements of harmony, sent out to learn about the magic of friendship and she had just probably destroyed Luna and David’s friendship. Lowering her shaky hands from her mouth, Twilight asked in dread “David… Please tell me you didn’t hear that” “what? The bit about Luna being the Princess?” David asked back calmly. “AHH!” Twilight screamed “PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA DON’T TELL LUNA!” Recoiling somewhat from her outburst David asked in a surprised voice “tell her what?” “THAT YOU KNOW SHE’S A PRINCESS! AND HAS BEEN LYING TO YOU ALL THIS TIME!” Twilight yelled back. Raising his voice slightly not to match her’s but to get her attention “I’ve known that for mouths” “I know you’re mad but please don’t tell them, I don’t want to be sent back to magic kindergarten” Twilight pleaded before his words court up with her “wait you already knew? This entire time you knew!? Do you have any idea how hard it has been to keep up this act!?” Twilight asked in an increasing irritated voice. “clearly too hard, Rarity let it slip the first time we were all in the same room” David shot back in a snarky tone. “well it’s not everyday one spends an evening with royalty” Rarity protested before shifting blame to somepony else “besides I wouldn’t have blown the whistle as it were, if somepony would watch her mouth” “HEY! WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!” Rainbow yelled back. “come now Rainbow, you of all ponies know how much of a foul mouth you can have. Come on Applejack back me up” Rarity answered back in a voice that Rainbow Dash found to be irritatingly calm, like she knew she was right. “she’s right Rainbow, out of all of us you have the worst mouth” Applejack answered. “like you two are any better” Rainbow shot back. “how? I wouldn’t dare use such language especially in front of the princess” Rarity said in a dismissive tone. “ya you don’t swear but you do have meltdowns over every little thing that doesn’t go your way” Rainbow answered in retaliation. “I do not meltdown over every little thing, to think one such as I would break down over the slightest miss alinement of a single thread” Rarity said her voice becoming more irritated at she remembered making a slight mistake on a dress through off the whole design. “see you're getting annoyed already, should somepony break out the ice cream?” Rainbow teased. “I do not eat ice cream when I’m upset! It’s terrible for my figure” Rarity answered in a hurt voice that quickly turned to a whine. “yes you do silly, Mr and Mrs cake always save a few tubs for you” Pinkie happily added. “PINKIE THAT WAS A SECRET!” Rarity shouted back in surprise and shock. “oops, should I go find some ice cream, I’m sure the train will have some” Pinkie happily offered. Hearing a pleasant chuckle the ponies turned to its source, finding David laughing at their arguing “and what if I may ask is so funny?” Rarity asked in an irritated tone. Wavering her off he answered in a cheerful tone that quickly turned to low laughter “it’s nothing, just all this arguing reminds me of my brothers. After a year the bloody Sargent had enough of us, so he split us up, sending us to different parts of the trench” Quietly Fluttershy spoke in a voice laced in sorrow “so you’ve been alone ever since?” Still speaking in a laugh David answered “god no, there were millions of us. But Gordon was moved back after six months, which gave him enough time to finally come up with a counterargument. When he finally got round to saying it, I told him to shut up and to make it an order. In the entire time we were talking he never noticed the second stripe on my shoulder” he said tapping the two gold striped insignia on his arm. “so you pulled rank on him” Twilight said in a slightly shocked voice, thinking how it would feel if her brother did that to her. If anything she wanted to do that to Shining, to have him reprimanded after leaving her out of his life. Still laughing David answered “yes but he made sure I paid for it, every time we spoke he would address me as Corporal Mason. After a week I was debating having him promoted for his wit, or removed for insubordination” 2 As they arrived in Cantorlot they noticed the entire city was encased in a purple protective dome, it seemed to ripple as the train slowly passed through it. Twilight and the others felt a cold shiver run down their spines as if they were being scanned, while David felt nothing, not even a cold breeze. “what in tarnation was that?” Applejack asked in a panicked voice. “Shining’s shield magic, but I’ve never seen him push it to cover a whole city” Twilight said in a slightly amazed voice, but her amazement didn’t hide the anger in her voice. “well he is the captain of the guard Twilight, so I’m sure he’s quite skilled in magic. You two must share that trait being as skilled as you are” Rarity said hoping that complements would improve her mood, like they always did for her. “that we do Rarity, but it’s clear that he doesn’t share the trait of talking to his family” Twilight added in an annoyed voice. For a moment Rarity held a smile as she thought she had taken Twilight’s mind off her brother, but quickly fell as she heard Twilight’s words. Arriving in Cantorlot Twilight marched through the golden castle gate, quickly followed by the other as they fell behind struggling to keep up with her enraged pace. Marching right up to the castle wall, she could see an armed pony adorned with golden armour at every crenelation, it look like they were preparing for a siege. Seeing her brother atop the castle wall, his purple armour and blue plumed helmet made him easy to spot amongst the standard golden armoured guards. He seemed to be giving them orders as they saluted him before moving off to begin their assignments, looking up to the battlements Twilight shouted up at her brother in an angered voice “I’ve got something to say to you mister!” The moment she said that she was greeted by the guards manning the battlements, all of which pointed their spears at her ready and waiting on their captain's command. Leaning over the battlements their captain saw the source of the disturbance, yelling back in a pleased voice “Twilly!” Walking down the pale stone stairs Shining Armor took off his helmet, greeting Twilight with a wide smile that matched his tone “it’s so good to see you” As he closed in for a hug Twilight pushed him away wearing an angry scowl that emphasize her scornful tone “how dare you not tell me in person you were getting married! I’m your sister for ponies sake!” Recoiling from her sudden outburst, he slumped into his stance somewhat as guilt overtook him “It’s not my fault Twilly, theirs been a threat made against Cantorlot and the Princess’s. We’ve been increasing security for weeks now, I couldn’t leave without putting everything at risk, look” he said in a sombre tone. Closing his eyes he lifted his head up his sky, pointing his white horn straight up. A light purple glow surrounded his horn, but instead of it casting the spell it seemed to be charging. As the magic built up in his horn the glow became brighter, almost unbearably bright until it shot out in a beam of magic that seamlessly merged with the protective dome above them. Shacking off the dizzy spell his magic has caused him, he heard Twilight’s sympathetic voice “okay I get it, you’ve got a really important job protecting the city in a force field only you can conjure up. But it still hurt. I thought since I’d moved away I was no longer important to you” Hearing how hurt his little sister was, he pulled her into the hug she originally pulled away from “I’m sorry Twilly, I really am but I couldn’t put Cantorlot at risk, I couldn’t put my fiance at risk” breaking their hug Shining got a good look at his little sister’s heartbroken face before he spoke, his voice becoming more cheerful with each word but still holding an ounce of dread “I hope you can forgive me, but I’ll understand if you didn’t want to be my best mare now” Instantly perking up she replied in a questioning tone “really? You want me to be your best mare?” Smiling he replied the dread in his voice instantly disappearing “well yeah” “I would be honoured” she said with a wide smile before hugging him again. But this hug didn’t last long as she forcefully pushed away from him, as her tone became more aggressive “but I’m still pretty mad at you, who is this PrincessMi Amore Cadenza?” Smiling he answered her in a calm almost proud voice “Twilight Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, is her official title. But I think you remember her as Cadence” Twilight’s face dropped as her eyes widened in surprise “Cadence? You mean Cadence!? As in Cadence the best foal sitter of all time!?” she happily squealed. “I don’t know she was your foal sitter, you tell me” he happily asked. “where is she? I haven’t seen her in ages” Twilight asked like an excited child. Looking over the castle Shining answered not looking at Twilight as he thought of where she must be “she should be around somewhere, I think she said something about getting Princess Celestia permission to use some kind of artefact in the wedding” Turning his head back to Twilight then to her friends and back he spoke with a smug smile “but before we find her how about you introduce me to your friends, you seem to have quite a few” They both turned to Twilight’s friends, gesturing to each one of them as she introduced them “right, this here is Applejack Celestia asked in her letter if she would do the catering” “I’m sure y’all love Granny Smiths famous apple pie” Applejack bosted. “I’m already looking forward to it” Shining happily replied. Moving along to the next mare, Twilight spoke with a smile “and this here is Rarity, your royal wedding designer” Giving him a bow Rarity spoke in a humbled voice “Captain Armor it is an honour that you have entrusted me with your attire” “theirs no need for titles miss Rarity, Shining Armor will do just fine” Shining replied making Rarity blush slightly as the captain of the royal guard addressed her so formally. “and this here is Fluttershy, she will be providing the music for the ceremony with her choir of birds” Twilight said. Quietly Fluttershy spoke in a timid voice “umm thank you for letting my birds and me be a part of your wedding. I’m sure they’ll do their best” “I’m glad you all could be a part of it, can’t have Twilly getting bored” Shining said as he tried to put her at ease. “and this here is...” Twilight began before being cut off. “Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty, best flyer in all Equestria, future wonder bolt. And the only pegasus capable of making a sonic rainboom” Rainbow boasted as she interrupted Twilight. Twilight just stood there gawking at Rainbow’s abrasive behaviour, while Shining Armor just stood there holding his composure to Rainbow’s sudden speech “I’m sure the whole of Cantorlot are looking forward to it” Shining stated calmly. “The whole of Cantorlot?” Rainbow stammered back in a quieter in fear. “yes, from what Celestia says it should cover the whole of Cantorlot. It might even catch the eye of another captain I know” Shining stated in a hinting tone. Rainbow’s tone and expression turned to one of confusion “another captain?” as her mind slowly tried to figure out who he was talking about, her pink eyes widened in shock as she almost screamed out in excitement “WAIT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CAPTAIN SPITFIRE!? CAPTAIN OF THE WONDERBOLTS!?” Smiling Shining Armor nodded as Rainbow’s excitement grew “SPITFIRE! CAPTAIN SPITFIRE IS GOING TO BE WATCHING ME PERFORM A SONIC RAINBOOM! SHE MIGHT EVEN MAKE ME A WONDERBOLT THE SECOND SHE SEE’S HOW AWESOME I AM!” Rainbow boasted. Watching Rainbow still continue to talk to herself, Twilight spoke in a slightly raised voice talking over Rainbow Dash’s “and this here is Pinkie...” Yet again Twilight was interrupted by another of her friends, cartwheeling over Pinkie Pie jumped forward. Taking his right hand in both of her’s she began shaking it up and down wildly as she spoke in her usual energetically voice “Pinkamena Diane Pie but friends call me Pinkie Pie I hope we can be friends, thank you for inviting me to your wedding. I’m going to be hosting the reception and I’m sure it’ll be the most super dooper wedding of all time” “Pinkie” Twilight said in an irritated tone to her near-constant interruptions. “oops sorry Twilly, I think I got a little carried away” Pinkie said before realising she was still shacking Shining Armor’s hand. Removing her hand’s from his Shining tried to comprehend what Pinkie said, but before he could say anything Pinkie bounced back a couple of times. Twilight then moved on without even looking “and this here is Dav...” Looking around Twilight’s tone turned from lingering irritation to confusion as she called out thinking he must be close by “David?” Looking over to her friends she asked “did anypony see where he went?” They all began looking over their shoulders as Shining asked in an unsure voice “Twilight who is this David? You never mentioned him in your letters” Still looking around Twilight answered with a hint of worry in her voice “he’s Princess Luna’s guest” “oh Corporal Mason, the princesses have talked about him a few times. Come on he couldn’t have gotten far” Shining said. 3 Walking through the Royal gardens, David admired the well-kept grounds. Following the laid out path for him, he walked past multiple exotic plants, but the further into the gardens he got the stranger it became. The first thing he took note of was all the plants seemed to be in bloom, not one of them was just coming in or out of season. Even the trees seemed off, a little too close to the path for it to be as smooth as it was. They were no bulges or breeches in the earth as roots grew, it looked to be picture perfect but then he realised it must have been magic. Even after being in Equestria for a while now, magic was still something he was coming to grips with, he had a lot of trouble with the idea that the moon was controlled by Luna. But after a quick demonstration, he couldn’t deny it, but it was still difficult to accept. The garden was perfect unlike the everfree, the overhanging branches still letting more than enough light in so that all of the plants appeared bright and colourful. He recognised many of the flowers but they looked better healthier, more vibrant but then there were others that he didn’t recognise but could imagine growing in America or Asia. After slowly continuing through the garden, his slow pace halting every couple of steps to admire another foreign plant that he had never seen before. Nearing the end of the light dirt trial David saw it was blocked by a large tree to his right, its long overhanging branches arching over the path with long thin green vines drooping down acting like a curtain. Beams of light were able to break through the wall of vines and leaves that covered them masking the exit in shadow, so much so that he almost missed something that he knew couldn’t exist. Kneeling down before it he reached out to the deep blue rose, brushing its delicate petals, he then removed his hand looking at his fingers for any indication of dye but there was none. Picking it he saw it had no thorns as he twirled it in his fingers, keeping the blue rose in hand he stood up walking through the green curtain of nature. Brushing the veil of nature aside he was assaulted by Celestia’s, he didn’t realise how much of her sun the trees had blocked out. Walking out of the royal garden’s he walked over to the balcony that overlooked the city, resting his forearms against the golden guard rail he looked out over the city as his hands drooped over its edge. It looked so peaceful so unburdened by reality, all the houses and homes looked as fresh and vibrant as the flowers of the garden almost like the whole city had just been given a fresh coat of paint. Taking in the sight he was so focused on he didn’t hear the pony silently approaching him, he didn’t turn to the familiar soft voice behind him as he continued to look out over her city “beautiful isn’t it” “yeah, but it would look better under your night” he replied with a smile. Walking up to him Luna rested against the golden guard rail to his left, leaning forward Luna smiled as she looked out over her city “I’m sure thou will see it, thou are staying a few nights?” she asked hoping he would stay. Nodding he turned to her with a smile “of course I am. Do thou really think I’ll leave thou on thy own after thou went to so much trouble to invite me” As she heard his words her expression beamed with joy, before faltering as she saw his face. Her expression quickly turned to shock as she snatched his face in her hands, the soft blue fur of her hands pressed hard against his skin, to the point that he couldn’t feel how soft it really is. Pulling his face closer to her’s her, hands smushing his cheeks together as she spoke in a rushed shocked voice “David what is wrong with thou?!” Struggled to speak David distorted voice managed to escape his quashed lips “nothing, it was a joke clearly in bad taste” Not letting go of him she inadvertently pulled him even closer as she continued to speak in her panicked voice “no not that. Thou face, what has happened to thy face?!” Recoiling somewhat in her grasp, he was barely able to move half an inch in Luna’s godly hands, his expression turned to something similar to Luna’s but not never as extreme “my face? What about it?” he asked in a slightly worried voice. “under thy nose, thou are growing fur” Luna stated in a worried tone. If he could he would have given her a soft reassuring smile as he spoke in an equally reassuring voice, but his comforting tone was still muffled by his constricted face “Luna I’m fine, it’s a moustache” Loosening her grip on his face she no longer scrunched his cheeks and lips together, finding the warm smile that she was masking under her grasp “but thou never had it before, and the rest of thy face is smooth” she stated in a voice of disbelief and confusion as she stroked the smooth skin of his cheek with her thumb. Lifting his hands up to her’s, he took her hands in his gently wrapping his around her wrists. The thornless blue rose still in his right hand, its long green stem almost sinking into the soft blue sea of fur covering her arm, as he slowly lowered their hands down past their chest until they rested between them just above the waist. Luna found his voice to be calm but sure, which was both reassuring and relaxing “that’s because I shave” Sliding her wrists out of his hands, her soft blue fur glided through his loose palms, it felt almost like he was stroking her fur like she was his cheek. She stopped her pulling her hands back until her hands were laid softly in his “but why have thou stopped shaving thy top lip?” she asked in a confused voice. Smiling he replied but as he did Luna’s sky blue eyes were drawn down from his to the hair above his lip, intensely watching it as he spoke “military regulations” he answered plainly, but upon seeing the look of confusion on Luna’s face as she tried to interpret his simple reply he continued “every man in the British army has to shave daily, apart from his top lip if he can grow a moustache” he answered again in more detail for her. “But thou are not in the army right now, so why would thou want to grow one?” Luna asked inquisitively. Smiling to her question he remembered telling her she had a smart head on her shoulders, and he was tempted to remind her but he decided to answer her “Luna I’m an officer of the British army, I can’t let thou be seen at a royal event without looking the part” he stated casually. Her expression quickly turned into a smirk as she spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her replied “thou are thoughtful, but I think thou looked better without it” Returning her smirk with one of his own he replied in a teasing tone “I’ll remember to tell the Sargent that, Princess Luna ruler of Equestria guardian of the night raiser of the moon, thinks I look better completely shaved” Her mischievous smile grew more pronounced as she matched his tone “I was referring to just thy face, but if thou wants to shave the rest of thy body I might be willing to help. Might give thou some insight on how I felt as a human, thou would not believe how cold it was without my fur” “I can imagine” he replied with a continuing smirk. Faltering in her stance Luna began to laugh, her head dropping down as she did “I suppose thou can” Upon looking down she saw their joined hands and the blue rose still in his grasp, letting both of her hands slide over to his right rose baring hand, she gently cupped them as she lifted them up “and what are thou doing with one of my roses?” “I thought this was your doing” he said through a warm smile. Still looking down at her creation in his hand, she smiled even in the daylight they stood out just like her but she truly loved how they shone in the night “thou certainly has an eye for flowers” she said with a pleasantly uplifted voice. “The English have always had an eye for flowers especially for the rose, even the civil war was marked by a rose, it came to be known as the war of the roses. But I’ve never seen a rose as blue as you” he said with almost a romantic voice. Taking the blue rose out of his hand she twirled it between her fingers, smiling as she did “I hope thou sees them at night, I enchanted them to shine when the light of the moon touches them. I’m glad sister saved them after all these years” she said in a soothed voice as she reminisced on how they lit up the royal gardens at night, in the light of day they merely fell into the background amongst all the other flowers being worth nothing more than passing glance, but David had done more than notice them he instantly knew they were her’s. “I’m sure I can find time for that” he answered warmly. “good I would hate for thou to miss it, it truly is a beautiful sight to behold” Luna said with a proud smile that matched her voice. Pulling her hands back from him Luna wrapped her arms around his left arm interlocking them together as she spoke in a determined voice “Now we must make hast, the others are probably waiting for us” 5 Walking atop the stone battlements Shining and David overlooked the city, in an anxious voice Shining asked “so David notice any points of concern in our defences?” Not looking back to the captain David opted to look out over the city as he replied, his voice not nearly as concerned as Shining’s but still holding an air of cold strategic thinking “that mountain up there, is it defended?” Looking to the high rock face that bordered the east side of the castle Shining spoke in a puzzled tone “no, it acts as a natural barrier. Why would we defend it?” “If someone wanted to scout out your troop deployments, they would have a full view from up there. If they wanted to they could even relay your positions in real-time, and that’s without phone lines, simple mirrors and smoke would be more than enough to coordinate your positions with the enemy” David said strategically. Looking up at the mountain, Shining stared in disbelief at how he missed such a simple strategic blunder “I’ll schedule a patrol to head up their next shift change. Did you find any other holes in our defences?” Shining asked hoping his strategic voice would hide his worried tone. Scanning his surrounding David replied in a calm manner “not really, high walls, wide moat, draw bridge, only the one road up the mountain. Canterlot is a fortress, my only point of concern is the magic of this world” Looking up to his purple magic dome that surrounded the city Shining spoke in a calmer voice than before “my dome negates magic, no pony can fly through or teleport passed. The only way in or out is through the main gate and train station” “that’s good, I know my history and my castles, but magic to my knowledge can bypass every defence a castle can offer” David stated in a cold voice. Shaking his head with a smile Shining replied in a warmer voice “magic may be able to do that but not every pony can, teleporting takes years to learn and teleporting through even a sheet of paper more than triples the effort required” saying that Shining’s expression and tone quickly changed becoming curious as a question formed in his mind “speaking of castles, Twilly told me about how you come from a land without magic. I would be interested to learn how a people without magic design castles” With a slight nod and an equally slight smile, David replied “we did have some beautiful castle, thousands of them in fact” Staring wide-eyed at David Shining sturred out a response “th… th.. thousands? There are only a hand full of castles in all Equestria, even if you add in every castle in the surrounding kingdoms the number wouldn’t even break a hundred. Why would you need so many castles?” David’s voice instantly dropped becoming cold and stoic “we’ve had a lot of wars, and most of them took the castles with them. Most castles now are decaying relics of a bygone age, but we still have a few scattered about” “Why don’t you rebuild them?” Shining asked. David’s answer came in a low tone “theirs no point, our offensive capabilities have surpassed our defensive abilities. We don’t even wear armour anymore, what I’m wearing here is all the protection we get in the trench” Shining Armor just stared in shock at his words, how could a uniform be the only protection worth wearing in a war, a simple knife would pierce it. But that lead him to a more terrifying question, if armour was so worthless to the point wearing it was not even worth it, what kind of weapons was he using? What kind of weapons was he up against? Speaking his mind Shining asked in a hesitant voice almost afraid of the answer “C… Corporal, how long has it been since your people used armour like ours?” Thinking for a moment David tried to remember his history as he spoke in a more casual voice than Shining would like “between three maybe four hundred years ago” Standing in shock Shining’s mind was in a state of frenzy as he tried to imagine what David’s people must be like being so much more advanced, before his mind could come up with a question a soft feminine voice called out to them “are the two of thou done perusing our defences?” Turning to their right they saw Princess Luna slowly approaching them. Straightening up Captain Armor’s tone became more formal as he addressed his ruler “yes we are about done here, Corporal Mason has been quite insightful” Smiling pleasantly Luna spoke in an equally cheerful voice that almost felt like her Royal Canterlot voice “wonderful. David would thou like to...” in an instant Luna’s expression dropped as his voice trailed off. Looking passed the two of them Luna dreaded who she saw walking about the battlements. After a moment David turned around to see what she was looking at, behind him scattered about the battlements was golden armoured guards looking away from them as they looked over the battlements. But off in the distance, he saw a white furred blond mane pony being escorted by two solar guards. Turning back to Luna David spoke up with a hint of worry in his voice “Luna? You alright?” “yes, I’m quite alright theirs just some pony coming that I would rather not see” Luna replied with clear disdain in her voice. Turning back around all he saw was the same white pony with two guards, they were quite the distance away being nearly the full length of the training grounds away. Turning to Shining Armor David saw his expression falter just like Luna’s “who is it?” David asked not too sure if he wanted the answer. “Prince Blueblood” Luna answered in a scornful tone. “a brother?” David asked in an unsure tone finding it odd that even if she had a brother that she didn’t like she wouldn’t mention him. In an insulted huff Luna replied “thankfully not” “is he from another kingdom?” David asked. Sighing Luna spoke “no unfortunately he is from Canterlot” Wearing a confused expression David questioned their relation to one another to warrant such a title “if he’s not your brother then why is he a prince?” With a deep tiered sigh Luna answered him “Before I and my sister became royalty the three pony tribes had their own royals, Prince Blueblood is the last of the unicorn royalty. In the past, the royal unicorn family was known for being wise and kind ponies, always ready to learn and lead the way in new spells. Celestia was very close with them too the point of thinking of them as family, she was even the godmother of a few of them. Unfortunately for us and the whole of Canterlot Blueblood’s mother was one of them, from what sister says she was a kind loving pony that was the symbol of what the unicorn family was. When she passed he took her place in the castle with the honorary title of prince, sister has wished to strip him of his title on more than one occasion but every time she thinks of it she remembers his mother and backs out” Luna ended in a disheartened tone. “that’s good” David stated clearly in an almost distant voice like he wasn’t paying attention. “How is that good? He is a constant pain in the royal flank. All royals, not just I and Celestia have been burned by his outrageous behaviour, even the pegasus and earth pony royals that haven’t been in Canterlot in a number of years have had their titles sullied by mere association. How is that good?” Luna retaliated in a riled-up voice. Replying with a mischievous smirk that matched his tone as he attempted to lighten the mood “it’s good because I was beginning to fear he was your betrothed” Luna was taken completely by surprise as his words entered her blue furred ears, but the word that her mind lingered on was fear, his fear for her comfort and well being brought a sudden wave of warmth to rush over her face like a surprisingly warm wave of water. As her irritated expression faltered entirely with the blush quickly overtaking her face, hoping that her fur was able to hide her new flushed expression as she spoke in a self-conscious voice more befitting of Fluttershy “W… why would thou think he was my betrothed?” Finding her bewildered state cute he answered, his smile still a mischievous smirk that parted to speak his teasing words “you said his title was honorary so I thought he somehow won the heart of a princess to have such a title bestowed on him, thou was the first princess that came to mind” Composing herself Luna spoke in a playfully serious voice “I would rather be banished to the moon than marry him” she ended with a disgusted tone. “could thou just banish him to the moon instead?” David remarked. Shining instantly snorted as he tried to contain his laughter and composure, while Luna on the other hand made no such attempt laughing wholeheartedly before replying through a wide smile and a cheerful tone “as much as I would love to be rid of him, I think Celestia would never let me hear the end of it. Now I think I shall take my leave, best of luck thou are going to need it” Teleporting away in a blue flash of magic David and Shining heard somepony call out from behind them “ohhh has the royal princess become tied of the pair of you” his voice held an air of grossly overestimated self-worth about it, but David instantly became annoyed with not the tone of voice being used against him but the voice itself. To David it was like nails on a chalkboard, his accent was irritatingly fake, it sounded like a bad actor who had never heard an English accent trying to do an impression of the king. Turning around to the voice David and Shining saw Prince Blueblood smugly standing before them, he was dressed in a black suit with a blue bow tie. He had white fur and a long blond mane, behind him were two solar guards armoured in golden armour armed with spears and bitter frowns they aimed towards the Prince. Eyeing David up with his baby blue eyes he turned to Shining speaking in a smug disdaining tone “ah I see you’ve obtained some entertainment for your wedding, and here I was thinking it would be nothing more than a bore. But I don’t think aunty Celestia would approve of that, wouldn’t the poor thing be more at home in a zoo and if they don’t take him I’m sure the circus would be willing to take him off your hands” Looking down at the pony before him David standing nearly half a foot taller than the prince, looking down his nose at him with an expression that spoke volumes not even attempting to hide the sheer amount of loathing he held for the prince. Turning to Captain Armor David spoke in a clear voice devoid of any feeling which unsettled the prince “Captain Armor I believe the court jester is addressing you, would be so kind to shoo him away so we may get back military matters” Shining Armor’s eyes instantly shrunk to pinpricks as he heard David’s retort, attempting to hide his amusement Shining feigned a cough bringing a hand to his mouth to contain the non-existent cough. Behind the prince the two guards made less of an attempt to hide their amusement, David and Shining could both see the pair smirking a wide toothless grin as they muffled their laughter, the only sound they made was the clanking of their armour was they shook in their silent laughter. The prince on the other hand was not pleased in the slightest, nearly shouting in a voice of venomous rage “I am no jester!” David’s response was calm almost to the point of being cold “clearly not your jokes are appalling, made in bad taste and worse offence of all unfunny” This remark brought the guards to a more auditable laugh that they struggled to contain with little snorts breaking through their once sealed lips. In front of them the prince was getting increasingly annoyed which was clear in his rising voice “I am the prince! And I will not be spoken too in this manner” Turning to Shining Armor he spoke in more of an order than a request “Captain Armor seize this creature, maybe a trip to the dungeon will teach him some manors” he ended with a lingering tone of disgust as he looked towards David. Straightening himself slightly the Captain of the royal guard answered in a tone of fact, not opinion-making him sound emotionally distant “Prince Blueblood Corporal Mason is here at the personal request of Princess Luna” Letting out an irritated snort Blueblood knew that if he was to go against his man he would have to face the lesser of the two princesses, even with Celestia giving him more leeway than she should permit, he could get away with noting when the younger of the two was involved “can’t you order him away or something you’re a Captain and he’s a lowly Corporal” his tone as dismissive as ever. “unfortunately Corporal Mason is not part of the Equestian guard, I hold no rank over him, I would have better luck ordering a griffin warrior about” Captain Armor stated bluntly. Giving another irritable snort Blueblood spoke “I don’t know why I’m bothering with this, clearly all this dirty soldier work is beneath me” turning to face David Blueblood spoke directly to him for the first time with an unnaturally smug tone “so Mason how are you liking our peaceful lands, it must be quite different from that war-torn land you hail from” Turning away from him he looked over the castle surrounding them as he spoke in a much calmer tone “it’s nice, reminds me of home in a few ways” turning back David held an unmoving expression, as his tone turned holding a slight hint of smugness of its own “but whom ever you’ve been listening too is clearly mistaken” “it was the princesses that informed me of you, are you saying that they were lying?” Blueblood almost spat back. “that or you weren’t listening, I’m English the war is in France” David replied bluntly. “I heard you were Brit... something or other” Blueblood said hoping to catch him out in a lye. “British, and I am, England is part of the British Isles and the United Kingdom of Great Britain” David corrected. Feeling insulted Blueblood retaliated in a voice laced in arrogance “so you're from a rivalling kingdom” “an empire, in fact. The British Empire is ruled by the United Kingdom of Great Britain” David corrected again riling Blueblood up even more. “well I’m sure this empire of yours doesn’t rival what our Princess Celestia is capable of, I’m sure our newly returned Princess has told you the power her sister possesses. I highly doubt the British empire holds any sway over the sun” Blueblood stated smugly. “that may be true, but for all that magic she holds over the sun, the fact of the British empire remains the same” David stated boldly gaining both Shining Armor’s and Blueblood’s attention. “and what fact is that?” Blueblood scoffed. “The fact that the sun never sets on the British Empire” David stated with a hint of smugness to his words, watching the shunned expression of the prince turn too a confused look as David elaborated “the British Empire covers a quoter of the globe, the empire is so large so vast that when the sun sets on one part of the empire the sun rise in another” Getting increasingly annoyed Blueblood spat out a spiteful response “and yet your a lowly Corporal in such a large empire, their must be hundreds of Corporals like you in your empire. How long did it take you to earn that rank? Captain Armor here has been in the royal guard for nearly fourteen years now, how long did it take you to achieve your rank? Nine, ten years?” he mocked. David just stared at the prince with a cold expression that matched his tone “three, I joined three years ago when war was declared. And in that time I have been promoted twice” Blueblood just stood there a little worried as to why David became so cold and serious, in that moment Blueblood saw an opportunity to crack this Mason like the stones that made his name. With a sly grin he spoke “three years and you’ve been promoted twice, your army must be quite desperate too promote somepony so unskilled. I bet if I joined I would be giving you orders within half a year” David just stared down at the prince his voice as cold as it was serious “I highly doubt you would make it through basic training, the noise alone would probably shake the fur right off you” In an aggravated huff Blueblood yelled like a spoiled child “I am will not be call a coward by some commoner! I am Prince Blueblood! I don’t have to stand here and take these insults from some barbaric freak!” Upon finishing Blueblood turned his back to them about to walk away, but as he did David spoke his tone as cold and still as before which only annoyed Blueblood all the more “then you shouldn’t have insulted me first” Turning back around Blueblood glared at David like his eyes were daggers “mark my words aunty Celestia will hear off this!” Marching away Blueblood’s guards followed with clear smirks across their faces “I wouldn’t worry, Princess Celestia doesn’t take him seriously. Last week alone he made two separate accusations, one against a guard for assault and another against a maid for theft, both were dismissed in seconds as Blueblood walked into the guard who was standing watch, and the maid didn’t steal anything Blueblood just forgot to empty his pockets before asking the maid to wash his clothes” Shining said in a calm unfazed voice clearly use to Blueblood’s antics. Facing Shining David replied “that’s good to know, I don’t think Luna would be too pleased if he got me thrown in the dungeon” “if the Princess’s do lesson to him I’ll tell them the truth, and if worse comes to worse, I know a spell that can show memories” Shining stated confidently. In a slightly unnerved tone to the idea of people looking through his memories “that’s an interesting use of magic” “We use it for screening the new recruits, helps keeps the bad apples of pony society out of places of power” he explained. They heard a sharp snap of magic as somepony teleported in, instinctively David reached for his side arm snapping his head around to the sound of a possible gun shot “well that was quite amusing” a familiar feminine voice said from behind them. Turning around they saw Princess Luna standing before them with a wide bright smile that shone like the moon, David on the other hand wore a shocked expression that was almost as pale as the moon as the sound of her magic made his blood run cold. Straightening himself up David hesitantly took his right hand off his holster, a little shocked at the sheer look of fear on David face Luna continued waving it off as her sudden appearance surprising him “thou certainly has a way with words” Smiling back David spoke in an equally pleasant voice “if thou remembers correctly I told you if you insult a Mason, we insult you back with twice the ferocity” David tone quickly became more inquisitive as he continued “but I did learn something from him, something that I never thought I could understand” Looking passed David to the back of Blueblood’s head as he walked off in further into the distance Luna asked in a curious tone “how could one so lacking in the mental department possible teach thou something?” Smiling David replied in a nearly teasing voice “and I thought I was the one with the quick wit” earning a slight giggle from Princess of the night “I think I now understand the French” Tilting her head in confusion like a puppy with wide blue eyes Luna asked “the French? aren’t those your allies?” “yes they are, but the French are quite different to the English. For one the English don’t go around beheading ever member of the nobility they see, but now the French do make a tempting argument” David said in a mockingly serious voice that worried Shining Armor. Smiling Luna returned his voice in kind “I’m sure Cadence would find that to be a lovely wedding present” Luna teased before taking on a more serious tone “now if thou are done would thou care to accompany me” Luna asked earning an arm for her to hold as they walked. 5 Walking down the lavender hallway Luna clung to David’s left arm almost hugging him as she guided him through her home, to either side of the was a near white stone pillar that repeated ever couple of feet, between each stone pillar was a stone stand standing four feet tall with a wide lavender vase filled with pink and white flowers. About half way down the hallway was a door on their left taking the place of the stand and flowers that would have been their, interrupting the alternating pattern of stone pillars and flowers. The door was a slightly darker shade of lavender than the walls making it stand out amongst the wall. As they made their way down the hallway Luna began leaning more and more on his side until she was practically resting on him, her eyes even began to shut as she relied on him more and more. But before she could let her eyes rest they shot open too the one voice that she was not ready to hear, but the voice wasn’t directed at them it was preoccupied by another voice “so how go the preparations?” Celestia asked still out of sight of her sister. “all is going as schedule Princess, but Captain Armor has revised the guard deployments” stated the male voice that Luna assumed was a guard. “why has he done that?” Celestia asked. “he needed a scouting party to check the mountain for potenal spies, apparently they would be able to see the whole of Canterlot from up there” the guard stated at their voices became slightly clearer. “a wise decision I’ll have comend him for that” Celestia said in a thoughtful tone. “it wasn’t Captain Armor’s idea Princess, he took it under advisement from a Corporal Mason” the guard corrected. “umm is this the same Corporal my sister invited to the wedding?” the princess asked. “I believe so Princess” the guard answered. “umm I wonder where he is, Luna has become quite found of him” Celestia stated in an intrigued voice. “I believe he’s with Princess Luna, I think she took him on a tour of the castle after he fought Captain Armor in a sparring match” the guard unseen guard said his voice becoming clearer as they got closer. “he fought Captain Armor?” Celestia asked in surprise. “yes and I believe he won but I’m not sure, I was on patrol at the time so I only court the end of it” the guard answered. In a pondering tone Celestia spoke her mind “a Corporal was able to best the Captain of the guard. I wonder if he would be willing to share some of these skills with us, Twilight has sent quite the number of letters about him and his skills. Would you be so kind to send some pony to find him? I want to meet this Mason as soon as possible, Luna has been spending a lot of time with him and I would like to know what kind of pony he is” Luna thought Celestia was being a little over protective, but she was the older sister and the older sister of any household did have a tendency to be a bit over protective Applejack being the prime example that came to mind. Luna stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Celestia and a solar guard appear at the end of the intersecting hallway, they weren’t looking down the hallway where David and Luna were, but straight ahead to the hallway that lead to the right of them. “certainly Princess” the guard answered with a salute. Before the guard could even move Luna teleported away in a sudden flash of magic, turning to his left David saw the empty space where Luna was a moment ago, the only indication she was there was a few bright blue sparkles of magic that quickly fizzled out like a silent firework. Before Celestia could turn to the sound of Luna’s magic, the lavender painted door burst open and from the dark room came a pair of blue furred hands that latched on to David’s left arm pulling him into the darkness. Before him he saw a light blue glow surround a darker blue horn, the door to his right promtly shut trapping him inside. Beneath the fading blue glow of magic he saw Luna’s face “Luna what are you doing...” David asked in a surprised voice before being silenced and pushed against the unseen wall, for a moment he thought Luna had kissed him by something soft pressing against his lips but it was far too wide to be her lips, he knew what they felt like when they were human even as a pony a kiss from her wouldn’t have changed so drastically. Feeling her slender fingers brush against his cheek he realised it was her palm pressed strongly into his mouth almost pressing the back of his head into the wall behind him. Nearly holding her breath Luna heard footsteps out side the door as Celestia came to investigate the noise, closing her eyes she silently prayed for Celestia to move on. Luna could only dread what Celestia would do if she found them, the teasing alone would be relentless. Feeling David begin to move Luna wrapped her free arm around him in an attempt to keep him from knocking into anything that might catch Celestia’s attention. From outside the door David and Luna heard a voice call out “princess” for a moment Luna panicked pressing herself against David in a vain attempt to hide from her sister but the voice wasn’t hers it was somepony else making Luna’s tense body soften into David “prince Blueblood has requested your presence in the throne room” called out the voice again. With a tired huff Celestia spoke in a worn out voice “what’s he want now? Never mind lets get this over with” Walking off Celestia and her guard headed to the throne room, letting out a breath of relief Luna slumped into David resting her head upon his right shoulder. Hearing a muffled voice whisper to her “Luna?” Lifting her head off him she saw she still had her hand over his mouth “sorry” she said in an embarrassed voice as she hesitantly took her hand off his mouth. “that’s alright but why are we hiding in here?” David asked in what Luna found to be a surprising calm voice. Shying away as she gave him an answer “I… I panicked, theirs something I wish to show thou, it’s important and I thought that if my sister saw thou I wouldn’t get the chance” shying away even more she spoke in an even quieter voice that was barely audible “and I wanted to spend a bit more time with thou” Feeling his arms gently brush again her fur as they wrap around her with his hands moving up to her back she fell back into his comforting embrace, looking up at him unable to see the soft eyes that he looked at her with in the darkness of the room, unable to see the eyes that refused to see her as the nightmare she once was, they didn’t even see her as a princess they saw her as a friend. She found the way he looked at her to be full of compassion like he would never stop caring for her, it was soothing and she couldn’t be more grateful that. Leaning into him she rested her head on his chest her ears picking up the gentle dual beat of his hearts, her once still ears began to twitch ever so slightly in perfect sync with the beat she heard emanating from his chest. Letting her hand drop from his face she let it wrap around him only to be met by her other hand as they wrapped around his back returning the affection he showed her, while her tease wings slowly joined there embrace wrapping around them like a warm comforting blanket on a long winters night. After a little while they left the dark confines of the room, leading him through the castle again she rested on his left side like she had before hugging his arm as they walked “were here” Luna happily chimed as they stood before two large navy blue doors with black iron fittings. Stepping in David saw it was Luna’s room, the ceiling was an explosion of stars, a constellation of beauty only the night could offer. The walls seemed to change in tone, the bottom of the walls were like the a starless night but as you moved up the wall it seemed to get lighter like you were watching the night sky give in too day as the sky lightened up. Luna’s bed was a large crescent moon that headbord curved up and over the pale blue pillows that she would rest on. Looking around the room as Luna left his side he saw many no all of his painting mounted on her walls, before he could look around any further Luna called out “David over here” Walking over he saw Luna standing before a polish black desk, she wore a wide smile as she presented what she wanted to show him. Mounted on the wall just above the desk was a large old painting, easily dwarfing any of his by nearly twice the size. The first thing he notice was the painting was increadible old and uncared for, the corners were all rotted away and the entire piece was covered in cracks with many pieces flacking away. It was still easy for him to tell this painted meant a lot to Luna and held great beauty once even now it was quite beautiful, the painting was of Luna, she was dressed as in silver armour that clung to her body perfectly showing every curve she had. She was completely covered in finely polished armour that didn’t have a single scuff on it, the only parts of her that wasn’t covered was her head and most of her wings, the top of her wings were armoured with silver plate that looked to have joints were her wings would bend. She sat upon a large rock in the middle of a dark forest with a castle off in the distance as the full moon she commanded lit up the forest, in her right hand pointed towards the ground was an ornate longsword, but sadly he couldn’t make out many of the details as the paint had flacked away leaving large clunks of the blade missing along with half the hilt and Luna’s hand. Turning away from the painting he saw Luna staring at him with hopeful eyes that begged for something “so this is what you wanted to show me?” David asked trying not to sound too confused to not inavertaly hurt her feelings. “yes but that was not the only reason I wanted to show it too thou” Luna happily said hoping his answer to her next words would be the ones she wanted to hear, her tone became nervously quite as she made her request “and I was hoping that thou could restore it” Looking back to the painting David inspected the old weathered paint already knowing the answer before turning back, he spoke in low remorseful tone “Luna, I’m sorry but I don’t see any way to fix it. Can’t you use magic?” Lowering her head in sorrow that matched her depressive tone that David hated the moment he heard it, it just didn’t sound right coming from her “no. I can’t, there are spells for that but they need to be performed by the one that painted it or one taught by the painter. Unfortunately that isn’t an option, I was hoping that since your people don’t have magic thou would know of a way to fix it. This painting means a lot to me, and it would mean a lot to me if a friend as dear to me as thou was able to mend it” As Luna lowered her head in near despair David took her hands in his speaking in a sure soothing voice that was easily able to comfort her “Luna, I may not be able to restore it to it’s former glory but I might be able to paint you another” Looking up with tears swelling in her eyes speaking in a shaky but hopeful voice “really? do thou really think thou can paint another?” David couldn’t help but smile back as he spoke “I don’t know but I’m willing to try” Finding his simple words to much to bare Luna lunged forward jumping into David wrapping her arms around him knocking him off his feet, before he could hit the ground there was a blue explosion of magic. When he hit the ground he found it to be incredibly lumpy and soft, surrounding them was a fleet of navy blue pillows but his mind wasn’t focused on that but the princess on top of him that squealed in delight “thank thou! Thank thou! Thank thou!” she cheered squeezing him as tight as she could before kissing him on the cheek. Letting his hands gently wrap around her waist he felt Luna’s wings become tense to his touch, lifting herself up off him coming face to face with him, he stared into the blue eyes that could easily mirror his own “well I’ve got to keep thou coming back somehow” he half tease. Taking a hand off him Luna playfully poked his moustache “if thou would be willing to shave this off I might be more inclined too visit” Before either of them could utter another word an official sounding voice called out to them “Princess Luna” Both of their head snapped towards the door spotting a grey stallion in night guard armour, realising how it looked with Luna on top of David Luna jumped off him almost flapping her wings in the process, with blush so bright and clear she could have been mistaken for having naturally red fur she spoke in a stammered voice “err… yes… Steel Hoof what is it?” Adverting his eyes from the scene he spoke almost off into the distance “Princess Celestia has requested yours and Corporal Mason’s presence in the throne room” Looking down to David Luna with a still flushed expression she spoke attempting to steady her humbling words “come on lets not keep her waiting” she said offering David a hand. Taking it Luna pulled him up and they headed towards the throne room in an awkward silence. 6 Arriving at two large golden doors that towered over them, as the pair walked in they saw Shining Armor standing next to Cadence and the element bearers to the right of the stairs leading up to the throne. Directly across from them was Prince Blueblood arguing with Princess Celestia, she was taller than Luna probably the same height as David without the horn but with she was maybe half a foot taller than him, her figure was slender like Luna’s but her hips were a bit wider and her breast were a size larger. Like her sister she wore no clothes apart from her golden regalia showing of her pure white fur, her multicoloured mane flowing to a non present wind. Before anypony could spot them Luna noticed her royal announcer and a sly smirk appeared on her face as she gave him a subtle nod, taking in a deep breath the announcer declared them in a crystal clear voice “presenting her royal highness, guardian of the night, protector of dreams Princess Luna. And her esteemed guest ambassador of the British Empire, Corporal of the Great war, decadent of the old royalty, David Mason” Turning too the Princess by his side he saw her wearing a wide mischievous grin like a medal “ambassador of the British Empire? Decadent of the old royalty?” David asked in a hushed voice. Her grin seemed to grow all them more like she was proud of her actions as she spoke in an innocent voice “I don’t know what thou are talking about” Leaning in his irritated voice only rained in the other present “you know what I’m talking about” “but thou are our only link to the British Empire, so thou are an ambassador of sorts, I thought making it official would sound better for the announcements” Luna answered in feigned ignorance. “don’t play ignorance you know what you did. Decadent of the old royalty, that’s just an old story. I don’t even know if it’s true, I don’t even know if I believe it or not” David nearly spat out in panic keeping his voice quiet. “well I believe it to be, so by royal decree it is true” Luna whispered in jest. With a mischievous smile of his own he replied in equal humour “well if I’m a royal now I can denounce my title” “and if thou does so, thou would not be able to refuse it when I restate it” she tease back. “and if you do I can just denounce it again” David teased back with greater force. Looking at him with pleading puppy dog like eyes she spoke in a sympathetic voice that couldn’t hide the true teasing nature of her words “would thou really wish too throw away a gift I know thou are worthy of, if thou still won’t do it for thou self would thou be willing to do it for me?” With a deflated huff of defeat David gave his answer “I hate it when father is right” earning a genuinely confused look from the Princess by his side “no matter who you are, no matter how many battles you’ve won, a man will always be defeated by the smile of a beautiful woman” Feeling a sudden flush rush across her heated face she spoke in a composed voice “so thou submits?” Lowering his head somewhat he answered “yes” “I didn’t quite hear that” Luna stated in a playfully smug tone. “I submit to thou” David said with a hint of protest. Luna’s grin only grew wider as she pressed him for the answer she desired “no not like that, thou must do it with the titles” Sighing in playful humiliation David gave Luna the prize she earned “I David Mason Corporal and ambassador of the British Empire, Decadent of the old royalty submit too Princess Luna” Proudly smiling Luna almost jumped up as she cheered in a playful voice “huzzah! thou were a worthy adversary, thou are indeed worthy of thy royal standing but never the less thou has fallen too me” Continuing their march forward they met with the ponies already in the room, Rarity after hearing the announcement was staring at them intensely, it didn’t take them more than a glance to know her head was swimming in romantic ideas about the David and Luna, which was true her mind was churning out ideas like a crazed writer like the titles of the newspaper that would report on them “the princess and the hidden royal” was the main one that came to mind. Upon noticing them Princess Celestia wore a warm smile as she spoke in a loud clear voice “ah Luna thank you for coming I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything” For a moment both Luna and David thought she was insinuating that she knew of what the guard walked in on, with Luna that notion was quickly swept aside as she knew it was her guard that walked in on them and they were loyal to her and wouldn’t talk especially when she knew which one would have started the rumour. David on the other hand was wearing his best poker face hoping to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment for himself and Luna. “no sister, I was just showing David here some of the paintings thou retrieved from our old castle” Luna replied. “ah so this is the esteemed David you have been talking about, it’s a pleasure to meet you David” Celestia said with a smile. “likewise princess” David replied. Looking at her sister inquisitively Luna spoke “now that pleasantries are out of the way, why have thou summoned us” Still smiling Celestia answered turning to the prince standing slightly behind her “oh right, prince Blueblood here has made some rather nasty accusations” Looking to him they saw he was wearing a slightly nervous expression, in fact Luna had noticed that he had been wearing it since the announcer announced them “oh has he now” Luna answered in a suspicious voice. Still wearing an amused smile Celestia answered “oh yes he said David made a number of insulting remarks against him, I don’t suppose you would know anything about that?” Celestia asked looking at Luna. Shyly looking away Luna answered in sheepish voice “perhaps Captain Armor would be willing to fill thou in?” “I will be asking him a few questions about this but I wanted to hear it from you” Celestia asked with a smile, probing Luna not for the information that she already knew but how Luna would defend him. Sensing her sister’s teasing nature hidden behind her words Luna spoke in a slightly nervous voice “David may have said a few choice words in retaliation too Blueblood’s antics” A loud pompous voice could be heard through out the throne room “ha! see aunty even your sister admits he has no self control, he isn’t fit to be allowed in our kingdom let alone a royal wedding” Luna instantly glared daggers at her disgrace of a nephew, even Celestia wore a look of contempt for his sudden behaviour “now now the first words out of your mouth were an insult, I merely returned it in kind. You were quite quick to cast the first stone even before we met, but as the old saying goes men who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” Blueblood’s face instantly dropped to David’s words as both Luna and Celestia stifled a giggle, Luna struggling far more than Celestia “THAT’S IT I DEMAND SATISFACTION!” Now Luna and Celestia faces dropped to the shire stupidity of Blueblood’s demand, as they heard David speak pulling his revolver from his side “so be it” Turning his head to Shining Armor David asked “Captain Armor would you be so kind to let the prince know what he is getting into?” In a hesitant voice Shining answered “Corporal Mason here was able to best me in single combat, and he has gone on record of being proficient with weapons that are at least three hundred years more advanced than our own” Blueblood had a look of sheer terror running across his face as he watched David rotated the cylinders of his revolver with his thumb, with each rotation earning a metallic click from it. In an attempt to save face Blueblood spoke “I… I wasn’t talking about some barbaric blood sport you guards like to play I was… I was… talking about some other kind of challenge” Cadence watched the prince intensely with her cunning green eyes, watching him stutter and struggle to come up with a challenge she spoke in a calm caring voice “how about a musical challenge? didn’t you say you were taking lessens every other week?” Perking up Blueblood spoke in a more confident voice “ah yes that would make a wonderful challenge Cadence. Aunty would you be so kind to summon a piano” Giving a tied nod and weak smile to his antics she teleported a grand black piano in a golden flash of magic, Luna on the other hand had a massive grin on her face as she instantly knew Blueblood was out matched. Sitting down at the piano Blueblood turned to the ponies and the human in the room as David holstered his revolver “prepare to be amazed, normally this would be a high honour for nobles let alone common ponies. Cadence since this is your wedding I think you should have the privilege of deciding the victor” he ended with a fake smile of affection that she could easily see through before he turned to the book of sheet music before him. Blueblood’s piece was rather slow and simplistic for the most part, it wasn’t bad just lacking something, it was like something from a ballet but without the performance of the dancers it wasn’t great. Cadence wore a calculating grin as she saw her plan was working, she could sense the emotions coming from the ponies around her as Blueblood played, unfortunately the joy emanating from them was soured by their loathing for the prince. But oddly she found no loathing or joy from David, even now with everyponies emotions flourishing to the sound of music she still felt nothing from him, he was an emptiness void of all feelings and that scared her she couldn’t sense his emotions she wasn’t even sure if he was capable of them capable of love. After a few short minutes he finished earning a series of claps from the ponies, the weakest of theses coming from Luna as she whisper into David’s ear “if I can make a recommendation thou should play moonlight sonata again, I have wished to hear it again” Turning to her with a smile he replied in a confident voice “as much as I appreciate that Luna I had something else in mind” Walking over to the piano he passed Blueblood with Blueblood sneering out a response as they passed each other “I highly don’t you can win after that, the falling feather is a classic my oh so dear aunty loves” Sitting down David picked up the sheet music tossing it atop the piano, taking his dark green tie off wrapping it around his head covering his eyes. The ponies all looked at him in confusion as he ran his fingers across the keys, pressing a few keys David figured out where his hands were earning a pleased scoff from Blueblood. Finding his place David began playing the one symphony that could never be rivalled, the one that every man knew, even those who didn’t care for music. the sudden strength of his notes took everypony by surprise as they stared in amazement as he quickly shifted too calmer notes at a faster pace earning the surrounding ponies to huddle around. Watching in amazement to the persision of his fingers as his hands jumped about the piano, he was playing faster than Blueblood had or could, using a greater range of notes than Blueblood had. Glaring at the blindfolded man making a mockery of the prince, Blueblood anisated a simple spell that would end his performance. Smiling as his magic made contact with the piano he waited for it to take affect, but as David played nothing happened he had hear that this creature was resistant to magic but he struck the piano not the man, his face dropped like a stone as he saw the princess of the night looking straight at him with a look that could cut glass, if it wasn’t for the piano between them he would have sworn she was about to send him to the moon. Her horn was light in her magical blue glow dispelling his own magic with ease. David continued playing unaware of what had transpired around him, Cadence loved what she could feel around her, this man and a piano was able to inspire so many emotions in the ponies around him, excitement, hope, relief, tranquillity, anticipation, and she was absolutely loving it. Their was even darker emotions that crept into the music and the hearts of ponies present, dread and terror too name a few but these came as quick as they left living a life on the back of a single brief use of a note. For one brief moment she felt something more from Princess Luna, the princess of the night had always been a hard one to get a sense of but as Cadence focused on her she felt nothing but pure malice aimed directly at Blueblood, she nearly waved it off as nothing out of the ordinary but it was way more intense than anything she had seen the princess feel before. Turning back to David Cadence noticed that even the ending notes seemed to have a life to them, they seemed triumphant as he finished. Blueblood found this final triumphant finish as one final mocking blow to his diminished standing and skill. Taking his blind fold of David nearly jumped as he saw the crowd surrounding him, turning too Luna Celestia spoke in an astounded voice “I think I now know why you like him so much, you always did have an ear for music” in an instant Celestia’s tone changed shifting too a more suggestive one as she leaned into Luna slightly “has he given you any private performances Lulu?” Celestia teased causing a slight blush too appear through Luna’s blue fur. Turning away from her squirming sister Celestia smiled at her niece “so Cadence have you decided on a winner?” Soaking up all the affection Celestia was showing Luna she spoke in a satisfied voice “I believe I have” “well cousin get on with it” Blueblood nearly ordered. Holding back a glare Cadence really hated how he spoke ever since she arrived in Canterlot “Blueblood rendition of Falling Feather was faithful to the original” in that moment Blueblood straightened himself up holding his head up high as if he had already won “but lack emotion not just in the piece but I could barely sense any love for it from everypony here” Blueblood froze at her words before slumping in his stance as Cadence continued “David’s performance of… of… what was it called?” “Beethoven's fifth symphony or symphony of fate” David answered as he put back on his green tie. “right. David’s performance of the symphony of fate was truly inspired, I think I speak for everypony here when I say no pony has ever heard anything so enticing” turning to Blueblood with a sly smirk and a playful tone she spoke “sorry Bluey but I’m afraid you’ve been bested” Speaking like a spoiled childed Blueblood had his tantrum as he pointed at the Luna “you planned this didn’t you! All of you! You knew this would happen! His cutie mark is probably a piano for aunty’s sake! You’ve made a mockery of me!” “Prince Blueblood!” Celestia nearly yelled almost returning to her royal Canterlot voice before softening “the only one who’s made a mockery of you is yourself, now I think it would be best if you leaved before you embarrass yourself any further” With an irritated huff Blueblood stormed out, Luna leaned into David whispering to him “thou won’t believe how long I’ve been wanting to see somepony put him in his place” Leaning in he whispered back “that wouldn’t be hard, that boy’s thick as pig shit” A loud snort echoed through out the throne room as Luna failed to stifle her laughter, drawing many eyes to her as he continued “I wonder how he would react if I told him music wasn’t my talent, or if we told him the composer was deaf” David answered in a hushed voice. “music isn’t your talent?!” Celestia asked in a surprised voice that nearly turned into a yell. Taking everypony and the only human by surprise, even Blueblood stopped for a moment in silent rage, not only was he bested by somepony else but it wasn’t even his pony’s talent. David replied in a somewhat sheepish tone “no, umm I’m not sure. I always enjoyed it, but I don’t know I always thought I had more of an eye for art than an ear for music” “I can vouch for that, but thou is certainly quite skilled in the musical arts” Luna added. “well regardless of what your talent is, that certainly was entertaining” Celestia said with a smile before turning to Cadence and Shining Armor “Captain Armor would you care to take Corporal Mason on a tour of the castle, we still have plenty of preparation left to make for tomorrow. Oh and it might be wise to keep him and Blueblood separate for the time being” With a nod Shining made his way too David only after giving his wife to be a quick kiss on the cheek, once the pair had left Celestia began delegating jobs to Twilight and her friends. While she was doing this Cadence walked over to Luna speaking in a curious voice “you have made quite the friend their aunty” “he’s a good stallion” Luna said in a heartfelt voice, Cadence could feel the love coming from Luna spilling out like an over filled glass, it wasn’t she same type of love that she felt from Shining or Twilight’s love for her friends. It was something in between them, stronger than love for a friend but weaker than love for a spouse. Probing her with her pink eyes Cadence decided to pry a little further “looks like you were quite lucky that the dignitaries from Saddle Arabia had to cancel” “that was rather odd how they just cancelled all of a sudden” Luna stated. “yes that was odd but it worked out for the best” Cadence casually brushed off before speaking in a more caring tone “but now you have somepony to dance with” “dance? Me and David?” Luna asked nervously with a slight blush of embarrassment to the idea of her and David dancing to a slow romantic song as everypony watched. Smiling Cadence pressed her advantage with a hint of latent magic that would enhance emotions, normally this would make close friends kiss but alicorns had a much higher resistance to her magic “of cause me and Shining can’t be the only couple dancing” Unable to feel the affects of Cadence’s magic Luna became more sensitive about her affiliation with David feeling as close to him as when she was human, no as close to him as when they kissed “c… couple David and I? We aren’t a couple we are just friends, close friends” “very close friends” Cadence said with an implying tone. “yes very close friends” Luna answered before realising what Cadence was implying, with wide shocked eyes Luna quickly took back what she admitted too as Cadence wore a sly grin “no, just close friends, I mean we are very close but not that close” “are you sure?” Cadence said in disbelief. “yes we even kissed but nothing came of it” Luna said nonchalantly before freezing in shock for a few seconds as if she was able to see the words leave her mouth. With her mouth hanging open she slapped both her hands over her mouth in some vain attempt to stop the words after they had already left. Cadence’s grin grew as wide as it could, she had some sneaky suspicion about Luna and this strange creature but now she could practically see the love emanating from her. With intent hidden behind those pink eyes that Luna saw Cadence focused her magic, if she focused any more it would become a full blown spell and Luna would have been able to see what she was doing by the green glow surrounding her pink horn “why did I say that?” Luna mumbled to herself. “my, my Luna and here I thought I was the princess of love, Celestia never told me you had a way with stallions, in fact last week Celestia was hoping I could update you on how courting works now, but now it seems you’ve started without me” Cadence teased in a suggestive voice. “please don’t tell anypony” Luna begged with pleading puppy dog eyes as she lowered her hands from her nervous mouth. “I won’t unless you refuse one little request of mine” Cadence teasing tone becoming more menacing, making Luna shy away slightly “oh don’t be like that, were all mares here. I just wanted to know how he was, he is the only human in Equestria and from what Celestia says the first to kiss you” “please don’t” Luna beseeched hoping for some semblance of mercy from her overly intrigued niece, Cadence’s influence nearly making Luna tell her what she wanted to know on the spot. Smiling a cruel grin Cadence lifted her head back speaking in a rained in yell that only Luna could hear “oh Celestia” “NO!” Luna yelled jumping forward muzzling Cadence with her soft blue furred hands as her tone lowered with her head “please don’t bring her into this” “only if you tell me what I want to know” Cadence replied as she pulled the princess’s hands off her. Sitting down on the stool in front of the piano Luna spoke “fine if thou really wants to know” Leaning with an intrigued smile she answered “I do” Running a finger across her lips Luna recalled the sensation she felt as they kissed “it was soft and warm like I could just sink into him, his skin is so different to our fur its so smooth and soothing I could just fall asleep at his mere touch” Luna said in a heartfelt voice as Cadence’s magic drew out the words she hid from everypony. “wow maybe I should steal a kiss before the wedding” Cadence teased hoping her magic would do its work. Jumping up Luna’s wings flared out in a magically enhanced outburst “thou will do no such thing” the second Luna did this she almost retreated into herself, she had never acted like this before and she had no idea why, David kept popping up into her head far more than normal and she couldn’t dismiss him as easily as she once did. Smiling to her handy work Cadence replied, defusing the situation before others noticed “don’t worry I would never hurt my poor little Shiny in such a way, the love we share is to great” her tone quickly became silent as she spoke under her voice “and tasty” Smiling Cadence hoped her magic would be able to sway Luna’s mind, it may not last long but if it could it would be to her advantage, she could only dream of the love that resided in that lonely princesses heart. Her tone became more caring as she spoke planting the thought in Luna’s mind with as much sincerity as she could muster “think on those feeling Luna. A lonely heart is worse than a broken heart and from what I’ve seen he doesn’t want you to be lonely any more” Luna just sat their saying nothing, but Cadence remembered something she planed that would defiantly get a rise from the princess “Oh and before I forget since David was never on the list for the wedding his room was never prepared, so looks like he’ll be sleeping with you” Cadence said in a most playful of tones. Almost jumping up Luna yelled out in surprise “What!?” Smiling at her handy work Cadence continued “yes and before you ask all the hotels in Canterlot have been booked, so unless you want him to sleep in the corridor he’ll be staying in your room” “thou planned this didn’t thou” Luna accused. “maybe” Cadence answered cutely like an innocent child. “why would thou do such a thing?” Luna asked. “weddings are suppose to be fun aren’t they, or has that just been in recent years?” Cadence replied in a mischievous voice. “wedding have always been fun” Luna answered back plainly. “then grant me this little bit of fun, I’m sure David would appreciate it, I bet he finds your fur rather comfy. Or would you rather have me inform him that his oh so close friend won’t share a room let alone a bed with him” Cadence’s voice sounding like a poetic slur of playful intent. Slumping in defeat Luna spoke in a tone that matched her stance “fine, he can sleep in my chambers. But not a word of this to any pony else” “even aunty Celestia?” Cadence asked innocently. “especially Celestia” Luna answered with a serious edge to it. Smiling at her handy work Cadence left the princess of the night she did have a wedding to prepare for. 7 It had gotten late and it had been quite some time since Luna had seen David, walking down the corridor Luna could hear David along with a number of the guards “take me back to dear old blighty! Put me on the train to london town. Take me over there, drop me anywhere, Liverpool, Leeds or Birmingham well I don’t care! I’d sure love to see my best girl. Cuddling up again we soon shall be! Woah! Tiddley-iddley-ightly. Hurry me home to Blightly, Blightly is the place for me! What about the Equestians? Take me back to dear old Equestia! Put me on the train to Canterlot. Take me over there, drop me anywhere, ponyville, Cloudsdale or Appleloosa well I don’t care! I’d sure love to see my best girl. Cuddling up again we soon shall be! Woah! Tiddley-iddley-ightly. Hurry me home to Equestry, Equestry is the place for me!” Smiling to the sound of his voice, Luna did love the way he sung. Following his voice Luna found the door to the kitchen hearing one of the guards ask with what she could only imagine was a wide smile to the stallion’s jovial voice “do you really sing that in the army?” David’s voice was as cheerful “yeah the keeps the men in high spirits, and helps us keep pace when were on the march. How about another song?” Getting a loud cheer from the guards Luna stepped into the door way, instantly her nose was assaulted by the strong aroma of alcohol that burned the princess’s nose like a branding iron. Upon looking into the kitchen Luna saw multiple guards all stallions, most of them were Celestia’s guards but a few of them were her night guards. They were all sat about the room facing David who was sat on a table with his back to Luna with Shining Armor sat beside him. David lead the guards with them joining in the chorus “if you want to find the conol I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is, if you want to find the conol I know where he is, home again on seven days leave, I saw him, I saw him, home again on seven days leave, I saw him home again on seven days leave. If you want to find the captain I know where he is I know where he is I know where he is if you want to find the captain I know where he is he’s drinking up the company rum I saw him I saw him drinking up the company rum I saw him drinking up the company rum” David patting the Captain beside him on the back as he sung earning a laugh from Shining Armor “if you want to find the sergeant major I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is, if you want to find the sergeant major I know where he is, pinning some more medals on his chest, I saw him, I saw him, pinning some more medals on his chest, I saw him, pinning some more medals on his chest. If you want to find the quartermaster I know where he is, I know where he is, I know where he is, if you want to find the quartermaster I know where he is, he’s drunk upon the cook house floor, I saw him, I saw him, drunk upon the cook house floor, I saw him, drunk upon the cook house floor.” Standing up from the table David didn’t dance but more moved about to exaggerate the song “If you want to find the battalion I know where they are, I know where they are, I know where they are, if you want to find the battalion I know where they are, their hanging on the old barbed wire, I saw them, I saw them, hanging on the old barbed wire, I saw them, hanging on the old barbed wire” Turning around David saw Luna in the door way, with a mischievous smirk he continued his song “if you want to find a princess I know where she is, I know where she is, I know where she is, if you want to find a princess I know where she is, she’s looking pretty pissed at me, I saw her, I saw her, looking pretty pissed at me, I saw her, will somebody please help me” Laughing the guards didn’t notice the princess of the night until she spoke “alright that’s enough now” In an instant the guards silenced their laughing straightening up as much as their drunk bodies would allow “all of thou best be off, we’ve got an early start tomorrow” Earning a quick nod from the guards they left, with Shining Armor stumbling a bit as he walked back to his quarters. Turning back to David Luna found him rummaging through the cupboards, tilting her head off to one side like a confused puppy she asked “David? What are thou doing?” “looking for one last drink before bed” he answered his head deep in the confines of the cupboard that echoed his voice. “David are thou drunk?” Luna asked. “they are, I’m not, and I drunk twice as much as them” he dismissed. Looking about the room Luna saw just how many bottles they emptied, it looked like each one had at least three drinks each, so David must have had far more. Luna knew four drinks of the stuff they kept in the kitchen was more than enough to get any stallion drunk, alicorns may have been able to drink more than the average pony but if David was telling the truth he could even surpass her. Before Luna could speak she heard David beat her to it as he close the cupboard doors “looks like your out of rum, bloody tipical not one of the guards touch the stuff, and we are still run out” Luna’s eyes widening was the only response she gave him, the chief only used that for rum cakes and they would only use a drop at that. Watching David search the other cupboards Luna heard him sing again “if the sergeant steals your rum never mind, if the sergeant steals your rum never mind. Though he’s just a bloody sod let him take the bleeding lot, if the sergeant steals your rum never mind” As much as she enjoyed the sound of his voice they had to go to bed “come on David it’s late even for me” “I suppose your right” David agreed following Luna out the kitchen. Upon leaving the kitchen Luna found David had slung his arm over her far shoulder, being so close to him she could smell the rum on his breath. She had only ever smelled alcohol this strong come from a pony once before, and that was from Celestia when her cake order was delayed by two weeks. Noticing how much he was relying on her to walk she wrapped an arm around him for support, as they walked she heard a few murmured words that soon turned into a slow song that only she could hear “Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed, I had a little drink, About an hour ago, And it's gone straight, To my head. Where ever I, may roam, On land or sea or form, You can always hear me, Singing this song, Show me the way to go homey home home. Where ever I may roam, On land or sea or form, You can always hear me, Singing this song, Show me the way to go homey home home” Turning to him with a smile Luna spoke in a soothing voice “that quite the song” Turing to her with a bit of a wobble to his head “what was?” he asked. “that song thou was singing” Luna answered. “I didn’t even know I was singing” David replied in a little bit of a haze. “what song was that? It was rather different to the others” Luna asked. “it’s an old sailor song my grandfather use to sing to us” David answered. Reaching Luna’s bed room she used her magic to open the dark doors, stepping in Luna heard David’s voice clear as day “Luna, did I ever tell you what it felt like when we kissed?” Almost tripping over her feet to his sudden question Luna approached the bed in the centre of the room, playing it off as his drunk mind making him say drunk things she replied in an uninterested voice “no, I’m sure it was lovely and warm” “no far from it Luna, it was cold” he said with a smile. Dropping him onto the bed she nearly through him down in irritation to his words, even if they weren’t his true words they still hurt “would thou like to repeat that” the threatened with venom in her voice. Landing on his back David wore a wide unending smile as he replied in jest “certainly. It was cold and refreshing a bit like home, it was like kissing the night. Have you ever felt a cool breeze on a hot summer night? It was like that” A wild uncontrollable blush lit up her face like a rose bush “you certainly have a way with words” Luna answered in a stutter. Pushing himself upright David with a drunken smile that matched his words “you just said you” Luna eyes widened slightly “thou must be mistaken” Luna lied. “no you said you I heard it” David pressed. “thou are drunk, thou must have missed heard me” Luna said hoping he would believe her, he had been singing without realising so it was hard to believe he could have miss heard her. Smugly smiling at her his tone becoming more of a tease than a slur “Luna I’m tipsy not drunk, I know what I heard” he argued. “I had to carry thou to bed, thou are drunk” Luna stated. “don’t try and change the subject you said you” David retorted. Lowering her head she spoke in a low saddened tone “you are right, I said you” Hearing it now it just sounded wrong not just the words but the tone, hearing her voice in such a sad tone just didn’t sound right to David “Luna what’s wrong? it’s just a word” David asked in a concerned tone. Luna’s tone was low, heartbroken even as she walked off to the balcony with her head held low “it’s not just a word, its me. I’m still living how I was before my banishment, so much of my world is gone, ponies don’t speak the way I do any more, they don’t act the same way any more. Music has changed to much for me, my home is now an accursed forest. I feel like if I keep my royal vocabulary something of my home survives with me, even if sister says change would do me good” Looking out over the balcony Luna raised her moon into the dark empty sky, upon finishing her sky she felt something large and gentle press against her back, it wrapped around her waist holding her gently in place. Looking down Luna found David’s arms wrapped around her waist resting softly on her flat belly, a small smile appeared on her face as she cupped his hands in her’s sandwiching his skin between her soft blue fur. Leaning back slightly Luna leaned into him as he spoke “I’m sorry Luna, I’m sorry I brought it up” “it’s okay thou didn’t know” Luna said in a caring but still saddened tone. “but I do, I’m doing the exact same thing clinging onto anything of home I can” David answered nearly resting his head on her shoulder. “like what?” Luna asked. “art, music, sharing tea with a friend” David answered his hands stroking her soft belly. Smiling Luna fell into him resting against his warm body almost falling asleep in his embrace, they stayed like this for a few moments, they just stood their in complete silence, as Luna just enjoyed the feeling of being held. “would you look at that” David said under his breath in sheer bewilderment. Looking over the balcony Luna saw a familiar sight, the Royal Canterlot gardens were lit up with a magical blue glow that matched Luna magic. Smiling Luna leaned back into David as she spoke in a sweet voice “told thou that my roses were a sight to behold” “those are your roses?” David questioned seeing the blue bushes scattered about the garden glowing like blue flamed candles. “indeed they are” Luna proudly said, taking her hand off his she teleported one of her rose’s into her hand, the blue glow that summon it staying within its pettles. Slowly rotating it between her fingers for David to see. Staring in amazement he spoke his tone as amazed as before “it’s beautiful” “thank thou, its good to see somepony… someone can appreciated them. Maybe thou should paint them” Luna ended with a tease. Hearing her teasing tone he returned it in equal force “maybe but I can think of something else blue I would rather paint” he said while tightening his arms around her waist, his fingers running through her blue fur. Teleporting the rose away Luna ran her now free hand down his arm, enjoying the feeling of his skin against her fur. For a while they stayed like this before Luna spoke “I believe its time we retired to bed” “I suppose your right, early start tomorrow” David answered as he stayed still. “we should probably get moving” Luna added not making any attempt to leave his embrace. “we probably should” David answered still reluctant to go enjoying the comfort her body provided to much. They couldn’t tell how long they stayed like this, but once it ended they both wished to hold each other again. Sitting down in a blue arm chair that matched the rest of the room David got as comfortable as he could get, Luna on the other hand got into bed. Laying in her comfy bed surrounded by warm sheets she spoke her tone was shy but caring “you… thou know, we could continue what we were doing if… thou was willing to share a.. bed with me” After the words left her mouth, the blush illuminating her face couldn’t be hid by the darkness of her night, it was like a torch guiding his gaze to her embarrassed expression, that she tried to hide under her sheets. Leaning up from his seat David saw Luna hiding under the sheets like a frightened child “as much as I want to, I’m afraid I can’t sleep in a bed any more. But I’m sure those wings of yours would make lovely blankets” David said in a caring tone. Blushing even more to his words, Luna laid in silence hoping that he couldn’t see her through her bed sheets. She wanted to hold him again to give him the comfort that he gave her, she wanted to do what he said, she wanted to wrap him up in her wings as they slept but sadly she couldn’t. Falling asleep she didn’t feel as alone as she use to, but she could only imagine what it would feel like to fall asleep in David’s embrace. The next day went perfectly, Cadence’s demeanour had returned to normal. Like most ponies thought, it was just stress caused by the wedding that made her so unlike herself. Luna wore a long blue dress just like the one David painted her in, Luna walked to the ceremony with her arms interlocked with David’s. Sitting by his side Luna saw Shining standing at the alter waiting for Cadence, upon seeing Shining Luna could sense magic surrounding him, focusing on him Luna cast a quick spell seeing through the magic. Stifling a laugh Luna saw Shining looked a right state, dark bags under his eyes, tired expression. Watching Cadence walk down the aisle in her pure white dress, Luna leaned slightly on David’s left side as she slide her left hand over to him cupping his hand in her’s. Upon feeling her hand surround his he pulled his out from under her’s, sliding his hand back up her’s he took her by the wrist lifting her hand up to meet his lips. Luna’s eyes widened then softened as he kissed the back of her hand, before cupping it with his other hand. The day just seemed to fly by after that, one moment she was watching the bride and groom getting married, the next they were dancing to a slow song. Smiling Luna watched from the side lines as the pair danced the night away, walking in front of her David held out a hand for her. Hesitantly Luna took his hand letter him guide her to the dance floor, slowly her hands worked their way around him as his did around her. For a while they slowly swayed from side to side, Luna eventually dropped her head to his chest resting on him as they danced. She felt like she could have stayed like this for a thousand years and still want more, feeling his hand pull away from her she felt him it slip between them. His hand slid up between them gently cupping her chin guiding her up to him, lifting her head from his chest she followed his gentle touch until she was looking up at him. All Luna saw as she look up to his was loving blue eyes, she was so drawn to them she didn’t even notice that he was moving closer to her, before she could react she felt his soft warm lips press against her’s in a quick gentle kiss. The kiss was quick, nothing more than a brush of lips, much like their first kiss. Tightening her arms around him she lifted her head up to him, pressing her lips against his once again. With each second that passed their kiss became more intense, it started as just as simple kiss just her lips pressed against his, but now it was deeper holding more passion that she had ever known. Pressing their already close bodies closer together, she brushed the inside of her right leg against the outside of his stroking his leg with her’s. Pressing herself further into his body she parted her lips, closing her eyes as she ran her tongue across his smooth teeth feeling every little indent as one tooth met another. Pressing her kiss Luna heard muffled David’s muffled voice all out to her “Luna” ignoring him she continued their kiss not wanting it to end not even for a moment “Luna” he called out again his voice still muffled by her lips. Holding him even tighter still enjoying the comfort his warm body provided, she felt him return her embrace earning a smile that bleed through her kiss. Opening her eyes Luna wanted to see his but all she saw was here dark room, sitting up she saw she was still in bed and David had never left his seat. She felt disappointed that it was just a dream but still she got up walking over to the balcony to lower her moon like she always did, after she finished clearing her sky she walked over to David. He looked quite peaceful, not wanting to disturb him she gently shock his shoulder speaking in a soft voice “David” Getting no response from him she shock him a bit more speaking in a slightly louder voice “David” Still getting no reaction from him, Luna couldn’t bring herself to be any more forceful than she had already been. Moving in front of him she leaned in, her horn glowing with sky blue magic as its tip slowly moved towards his forehead. The moment her horn touch his head she enacted the spell, it was rather difficult like when she transformed into a human, even while asleep he resisted magic even the magic of an alicorn. Entering his dream Luna found herself to be standing by a wide dirt road, with lush green fields hidden behind short crumbly stone walls that separated the road from the field. Looking at the landscape she wondered if this was his home, if this was England. The day was bright so much so that she had to shield her eyes, but as she did she pulled her hand back inspecting it. It wasn’t the hand of a pony but the hand of a human, looking over herself she found his mind had turned her into a human. She was wearing the same blue dress that she wore when he painted her. Looking about for the owner of the dream, Luna found nothing. Trying to use her magic she found that even David’s mind negated magic, she couldn’t turn back into a pony or move about the dream like she normally would, all she could manage to do with her magic was leave. All in all she was human while in his dream, walking about the dream Luna followed the road but as she did she began to notice things. Normally in a dream little details would be off like shadow not lining up with the sun, plants coming into bloom out of season. Now becoming more aware of it Luna knew what this was, it wasn’t a dream it was a memory. Hearing something off in the distance Luna looked around for its source, finding it not to be one thing but many. Walking over with a bit of a wobble for even in a dream she lack the balance her wings provided, getting slowly close to the moving forms in the distance she saw it to be hundreds no thousands maybe even tens of thousands of men marching. As she drew closer to them she saw they were marching in rows of three, they looked so similar to David, some wearing helmets others wearing caps and all armed with rifles. The men seemed to parse her by without even batting an eye, looking between the men Luna had no idea if David had passed her or not, from a quick glance they all looked the same, unlike ponies they didn’t have a full range of colours for their fur and what fur they did have was concealed by their hats and helmets. On the verge of franticly looking for David like a lost child she heard one of the men speak but his voice was younger than David’s “so what do you think they’ll call the battle Serg?” “I don’t know, Marmetz, Beaumont perhaps” the sergeant called back. “the Somme” answered David in high spirits like the rest of the men. In that instant Luna tried to follow his voice but their was too many of them, even if she saw him he would disappear as easily as a drop of water in the sea. “the what?” on of the men asked. “it’s the name of the river, the river Somme, word is the Manchester’s have already dug us the trenches” David answered. In that moment Luna knew she had to find him this dream could easily turn from a memory to a nightmare, she remember that name and what he said happened to him their, but still she couldn’t find him as she ran up and down the rows of men. “battle of the Somme” the sergeant laughed “you artists rifles are a funny lot, are all of you so poetic in your names” “who cares what they call it, takes two sides to make a battle” a younger jovial voice called out earning a cheer and laugh from the men. “come on lets get back to it men” the sergeant ordered. Still following Luna couldn’t tell if she had passed David or not, she could have passed him a hundred times and not even noticed. She didn’t hear David again, only the sounds of heavy boots wearing down the road, and equipment clattering against the men. Slowly she heard the sounds of men singing, it was quiet to start with but quickly got louder as more men joined in drowning out every other sound. “Up to mighty London came an Irish man one day. All the streets were paved with gold so, everyone was gay! Singing songs of Piccadilly, Strand and Leicester Square, Till Paddy got excited and he shouted to them there: It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square! It's a long long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there. It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square! It's a long long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there. Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly-O, saying, "Should you not receive it write and let me know!” “If I make mistakes in spelling, Molly, dear", said he "Remember, it's the pen that's bad don't lay the blame on me"” Luna continued to search but as she passed one of the men, he grabbed her by the wrist and waist. Snapping her head round she saw David who spun her out of the formation of men, wildly rocking her back and other as he danced. The men just stared some laughing as the others continued to sing. His sudden brazenness had taken her completely by surprise, but seeing the life in the smile he wore, she couldn’t help but join in smiling away herself as they dance. “It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square! It's a long long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there. It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square! It's a long long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there.” As the song ended David continued to dance with Luna, earning him a kick in the rear from one of the men walking by. This kick nearly knocked him off his feet making Luna stumble back a bit too, if it wasn’t for David still holding onto her she would have fallen. “come on David get back to it” the man said. Making sure she was steady on her feet before letting go, they parted with a smile “sorry to love you and leave you dear, got to get back to the war” he said before merging back into the sea of men. Luna just stood their for a moment not understanding his phrase “did he love her” she thought or was it some kind of saying. But she couldn’t dwell on it for long as the men walked off into the distance. Running after the men Luna stopped and stared in horror, before her what, David and all these men were marching into, was what looked to be a city easily the size of Canterlot all in ruins. Everything from old stone churches too brick homes, all had been shelled to oblivion. Nothing remain just burned rubble of a once beautiful city. Following the men she saw just how had it was, black iron railings that once made up fences bent out into the street. Under her blue heeled shoes was the remains of the buildings, broken shards of glass and ground up bits of brick, that crunched and cracked under foot. Each building was reduces to a mere shell at best at worst it was completely gone, not even rumble remained. Catching up to the men Luna had to remind herself that it was a dream, it wasn’t real, at least it not any more. Luna saw the men they all had looks that resembled her own, just shock not fear or hate just shock at what had been done. Finding David she found him standing with a man she thought looked familiar. To their right was a mostly intact building, it looked to be the remains of a church. All the windows had been shattered, and the doors had been blown off their hinges, they could see a mountain of rubble of inside through the open door. Hearing movement from inside the church the man beside David went to investigate, pulling his rifle from his back he entered the church. Noticing him walk into the church David followed suit readying his own rifle as he peered through the open door, following like a line of ducks Luna joined the line, but before she got to the door she heard moment followed by the sound of stones sliding down stone in a small landslide. “JESUS CHRIST!” echoed from the confines of the church. “relax it’s just a rat” David said through a stifled laugh. “fucking horrible things, damn near scared me shitless” the voice called out. “don’t worry our uniforms are brown for a reason” David called out. Smiling Luna struggled to stifle a laugh as she heard the sergeant call out “come on you two get back to, if you want to go to church you can wait till Sunday like the rest of us” “right sergeant” David answered. Taking two steps from the church, David was nearly knocked off his feet by an explosion from within the church. Raising an arm and turning away Luna shielded herself from the explosion, she could feel the cloud of dust and the shattered bits of brick hit her. “JOHN!” David screamed. Turning back Luna saw David was already in the church, she couldn’t move, she wanted to but she just couldn’t. It was terrifying, their was no warning just an explosion out of no where, David’s brother could be in their, it could have killed him. After what could have been hours, David came out with John’s left arm slung around the back of his neck. John was caked in dust looking like a ghost, dropping him to the ground just outside the church, David rolled him over onto his back. Coughing his lungs out for a good few minutes John spoke in a dry exhausted voice “don’t... suppose… you’ve got… the… rum rations” Letting out a light laugh David replied in a worried voice “you just had a church fall on you, and you drink” “oh course, were Masons. If were cover in stone and mortar were done a hard days work and entitled to a drink” John replied through a weak smile. Grabbing him by the arm and back David helped John up to his feet “come on lets get you up off your arse, so a drink can put you back on it” David said through a weak smile. Once up on his feet John found them too be weak, leaning on his brother their weak smiles dropped as they heard the firing of shells of in the distance. Looking around Luna saw the faces of the men, it wasn’t shock or fear but dread, pure dread, they knew what they were heading for, they had seen it before and they were still going in spite of it. Looking out Luna saw what cause these men such dread, and she could only stare out in shock at his world. Off in the distance she saw the edge of the war, once green fields upturned like plowed land, once tall trees stripped to the bone some not even that, some being reduced to splintered stumps all while the sounds of firing and exploding shells went off, the earth erupting up into clouds of destruction all across no man’s land. Staring aimlessly into the horror of the war Luna heard wane of a large wild animal “CORPORAL GET THAT ANIMAL UNDER CONTROL!” the sergeant yelled. What ever it was it was large from the sound of its hooves it had to be a bull, turning around Luna saw a large horse sprinting towards her. It was taller than her with brown fur making a noise she could only describe as a grunting breath, just before it ran into her it stopped rearing back on its legs while kicking the air above her as it wailed a wild scream. Breaking her connection too his dream she woke up in front of him, still in shock she took him by the shoulders shacking him, her tone a rushed cry of consern as she yelled at him “DAVID!” Stirring David began to wake up, he wasn’t sure what woke him, the shacking or the yelling, but the first thing his swaying head saw was Luna’s worried eyes. In a tiered voice he answered “Luna, what’s wrong?” Calming down to his voice Luna spoke in a caring voice “you… thou was having a nightmare” David’s reply was as tiered as before “no I wasn’t, I was dancing with a beautiful woman” Blushing slightly Luna spoke in a shy voice “I know” Waking up a bit more David straightened himself up a bit in his seat, feeling a weight on his legs as he moved. Speaking in a bit of a groan “I wasn’t talking in my sleep was I?” Smiling Luna replied “no thou wasn’t, I entered thys dream” Staring at her with confused gaze he replied “you entered my...” his eyes widened as his mind woke up making him speak in a louder accusing voice “it was you I was dancing with” Moving her tone hands off his shoulders up and around too the back of his neck “yes and thou was rather good at it” she said with a smile. “well maybe thou will get to experience the real thing later” David teased. Shying away slightly as she felt his right hand against her waist, his arm around her back pulling her in slightly. Having not see where she was Luna looked down seeing she had moved in her sleep to his lap, sitting on his right side she saw his other hand was on one of her pressed together knees. Her tail on the other hand was a lot more bold than her expression, it was practically hugging him, it was wrapped around the back of his waist, sandwiched between him and the chair. Fidgeting in his seat David playfully slapped Luna’s knee “come on, we best get ready” Getting off him Luna replied “I suppose thou are right” Once up out his chair he heard Luna, her voice curious if not a tad concerned “David, can I asked you… thou something?” “you just did” he teased hoping to lighten up the serious under tone of her voice. Luna wanted to smile but the she couldn’t the question weighed down on her to much to muster a smile “was… was thy brother alright, after the explosion?” “yeah he was alright, couldn’t walk for a few days, so the sergeant took him off duty. I will say he ended up regretting that” David answered. “why would he regret that? After what I saw I wouldn’t be surprise if he was hurt” Luna asked with a heartfelt voice. “he wasn’t. Well at first he was, nothing serious just a couple of aches and pains to go with his bruises. Took the nurses two days to figure out he hadn’t been hit in the head, he’d just been hitting the bottle. And I’ll tell you they were no angels of mercy when they found out” David said with a laugh. Letting out a little laugh Luna spoke in a more cheerful voice, he always seemed to find the right words to cheer her up “come on you… thou, we best get ready” Standing up David smartened himself up as he spoke “Luna can I ask you something?” “you already did” Luna answered back in a cheeky voice that matched her smile. Smiling to her humour he asked in an uneasy voice “why are you saying you so much?” Luna knew the reason, it wasn’t hard to know why her demener had changed so drasticly with him. She felt at ease around him, like she no longer had to hold to her old ways, like she could just be herself around him like she had before but more. But she couldn’t admit it “I’m just tired that’s all, once I wake up I’ll be saying thou with out problem. Now if you would be so kind I need some help with this” Luna said as she pulled a long blue silk dress out of her wardrobe. By the time David reached Luna she had already slipped into her dress, it was a similar dress to the one she wore when he painted her. But its blue silk was lighter than the one before being lighter than her fur being a closer shade of blue to her eyes, like the dress before it was sleeveless with thin straps going over her shoulders. A long parting in the left side of the dress ran up her leg up to her cutie mark, parting just enough to show off the crescent moon that adorned her flank. Turning around Luna showed her back to him, brushing her long blue star filled hair aside, she showed him what she wanted help with. Above her angel like wings was an open set of flaps that had holes at the end of each flap to be laced up like a corset. “I just need thou to lace up the back” Luna said as she handed him a blue strip of silk. Lacing up the back of her dress, he found her wings to get more and more in the way as he worked his way down the loops. Gently taking her wings in hand being careful with his touch not to ruffle a single feather, he guided her wings down out the way before tying up the bottom. Her wings slowly and stiffly flared out to his touch. “their you are, all laced up” David announced. Shyly she replied “thank you” Seeing her wings stick out unable to move he asked “you alright Luna?” “yes why?” Luna asked hoping he wasn’t talking about her wings. “you haven’t moved your wings back” he stated. Quickly thinking of a reason, any reason that her wings would be stuck she said the first thing that came to mind “it’s just a trapped nerve, give me a few minutes and it’ll sort itself out” she said hoping he didn’t know took much about pegasuses and this particular problem they had. Seeing she was uncomfortable he decided to offer her a helping hand “Why don’t you sit down, I’ll see if there is any thing I can do to alleviate the pain” Her wings immediately stiffened even more to the mere idea of him touching them “what!” she yelled in surprise as she turned around to meet him. Thinking she was afraid that it would hurt even more than he thought it already did “don’t worry I’ll be gentle, if at any point it hurts I’ll stop” his voice reassuring and caring. “w… w… what will you do?” Luna asked in a bashful voice forgetting her royal demeanour. “I’ll massage them” he said nonchalantly making her squirm ever so slightly in place, that he passed off as her wings causing her more discomfort as she turned to him. “you… you’ll massage them?” her voice breaking down to the mere idea of him running his hands over her wings. Hearing her near frightened voice he replied his voice as kind as ever “yes, remember how much better your feet felt afterwards” It was true she did indeed remember how good she felt when he ran his hands over her aching feet, shyly she replied in a hesitant voice “please be gentle, wings are rather sensitive” “I won’t ruffle a feather” he answered as she moved over to the bed. She sat on the edge of the right side of the bed, with her back and extended wings facing the bed. Kneeling down on the opposite side of the bed, facing her wings David, his presence deforming the mattress nearly making Luna fall back into him. Reaching out he started at the base of her wings, earning a sharp breath to get court in Luna’s throat. Slowly working his way across her wings, he gently worked her joints enjoying the feeling her soft feathers felt against his hands. Her wings became stiffer as he ran his hands across them, unseen to him Luna was biting her lip as she squirmed in place, her thighs rubbing together as he caressed her wings. Moving further down he used the subtlest of pressure on her wings earning a sharp quiet cry from Luna. His concern voice quickly followed as he stopped his hands “Luna are you alright?” he asked. “yes, please continue” she needy begged. Without a word he did as she asked, continuing to work his way down her wings. Upon reaching the tips of her wings, Luna’s whole body tensed as his subtle touch brought her to the brink of collapse. Working back up her wings David felt the tremors emanating from them as he caressed them, pressing her thighs together as tight as they would go Luna felt as if she could scream to the heavens. Hearing a few squeaks from her, luna’s wings finally softened as she fell back into him, her back and wings pressed against his chest as she spoke in a soothing voice of satisfaction “thank you” as she reached an arm up wrapping it around the back of his neck, using it to lift herself up to him planting a satisfied kiss on his cheek. “your welcome” he said looking down at her pleased expression. They stayed like this for a moment before David broke the silence “say Luna would you mind lending me a hand” “certainly” Luna said in a dreamy tone, she would have given him anything after what he had just done to her. “could you help me with my medals” he asked. “of course” Luna said leaning into him even more like she was about to go to sleep. Resting against him for a little while she head David’s voice call out to her “Luna?” “yes” she answered with closed eyes her tone still as dreamy as before. “we need to get ready” David stated. “I am ready” she answered in a near sleep like state. “I’m not” he answered back. “well you best get ready then” Luna replied. “you said you would help” David reminded her. “did I?” Luna questioned. “yes you did” he confirmed. “I guess I should help then, what did I say I would help with?” Luna asked the sleep in her voice refusing to leave. “the pinning of my medals on my chest” David stated as he watched her cute form beneath him reluctant to move, she was like a small child on a cold winters morning refusing to leave the warm confines of her bed. “just use your magic you lazy stallion” Luna demanded in her sleepy state. “I can’t I don’t have magic” David reminded her. Smiling David thought of a way to wake her back up, his voice a kind whisper that gently entered her ears “Luna I’m sure their making breakfast right now, I’m sure thou wouldn’t want to miss all that food specially made up for a royal wedding” Instantly Luna shot up his words working greater magic on her than magic would have, sitting up she span around eagerly opening his jacket in search of his medals. Upon finding them she took them out the precious metals clinking in her hand, once they were pinned to the left side of his jacket. Quickly rushing about Luna summon a pare of matching blue heeled shoes, upon putting them on she took David by the arm pulling him off the bed dragging him towards the dinning room. 8 Arriving at the dinning room Luna was on David’s left side, as both her hands clung to his left arm as they walked. Entering the dinning room they saw the a large table with only one pony sat at it’s end next to a pile of news papers, smiling Celestia greeted them “good morning you two sleep well?” Walking in Luna answered with a smile as she eyed up her sister with a bit of suspicion “quite well sister, where are the others?” “oh Cadence is overseeing the final preparation. Shining Armor has decided to stay in his room until the wedding, Cadence didn’t want to risk him seeing her in the dress. Rarity is making some last minute adjustments to said dress. Applejack is overseeing the catering, Pinkie pie is bouncing about somewhere. I’m not to sure where Twilight is but she said something about talking to Cadence, and I think Fluttershy and Rainbow dash are in the gardens” Celestia stated in her usual caring tone. “so its just the three of us” Luna stated in a somewhat accusing tone. “so it would seem, well look on the bright side it gives us plenty of time to chat” Celestia stated with a calculated smile. To the right of the dinning table was a buffet table, walking over they both took a plate piling it with food, once met with the toast and jams David asked “Luna any idea what these jams are?” Leaning over Luna him she spoke in a flat voice “their should be labels on them” “none that I can see” David stated. Calling back Luna asked “Celestia do thou have any idea what happened here?” “I believe Pinkie made mini paper planes out of them” Celestia recalled. “so do thou know which one is which?” Luna asked. “yes Lulu let your big sister Celestia fix everything for you” Celestia tease in an overly motherly voice making Luna roll her eyes, she hated it when she did that, she may have been gone for a thousand years but she was no little filly that needed mothering. “from the right it’s marmalade, strawberry and then your favourite I got specially in Lulu, plum and apple” Celestia said with a caring smile that matched her caring voice. Smiling Luna began spooning the dark orange jam onto her toast, but in the corner of her eye she saw David, he seemed to grimace at the mere mention of plum and apple jam “what’s wrong David? don’t like plum and apple jam?” Luna teased as she held out a spoon for him over flowing with orange jam, making his face twist even more in disgust like a child being spoon fed medicine. “its not that I don’t like it, its just we got no end of the stuff back in the trench. Three years of nothing but plum and apple jam for breakfast would make anyone sick of it” David stated the disgust clear in his voice. “not me” Luna added with a smile before putting the overflowing spoon in her mouth. “well you have the tins I brought with me” David said happy to be rid of them. “REALLY!?” Luna yelled spitting out bits of jam. “Luna, don’t speak with your mouth full” Celestia scolded like a mother. “David not that I have any reason to doubt you but how can you feed an army on plum and apple jam? It’s the most expensive jam out their” Celestia asked in disbelief. “it’s cheap as rain in Britain, and it rains more than enough for the whole of Europe” David stated getting mixed looks of confusion from the alicorns present “guess it’s Equestria’s version of spice trade going down the silk road” “what are thou talking about?” Luna asked in a confused voice, barely understanding a word of what he said. “the spice trade. Go back a thousand years or so, and spices use to be worth more than its weight in gold. Not by its worth but by how far it travelled, it would change hands more than a thousand times before making its way to Europe, with each man making a small profit each time it changed hands. And after travelling half way across the world all those little profits add up” David explained with a bit of enthusiasm. “so thou are from a land full of plums and apples?” Luna asked in an astounded voice, this home of his seemed to be something from her wildest dreams. “pretty much, they even work their way into a song” David answered. “thou are jesting, thou doesn’t know of a song of plums and apples” Luna challenged hoping to get a song out of him. “why would I jest about something as serious as plums and apples” David tease back. “well go on then prove it” Luna demanded. “who am I to deny a Princess her a melody” he tease knowing full well what she was planning. Singing as he carried on filling his plate up “Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war, who wouldn't be a soldier, eh? Oh, it's a shame to take the pay. As soon as reveille is gone, we feel just as heavy as lead. But we never get up till the sergeant, brings us breakfast up to bed. Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war, what do we want with eggs and ham, when we've got plum and apple jam? Form fours, right turn, how shall we spend the money we earn? Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war. Up to your waist in water, up to your eyes in slush, using the kind of language, that makes the sergeant blush. Who wouldn't join the army? That's what we all inquire, don't we pity the poor civilian, sitting beside the fire. Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war, who wouldn't be a soldier, eh? Oh, it's a shame to take the pay. As soon as reveille is gone, we feel just as heavy as lead. But we never get up till the sergeant, brings us breakfast up to bed. Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war, what do we want with eggs and ham, when we've got plum and apple jam? Form fours, right turn, how shall we spend the money we earn? Oh, oh, oh, it's a lovely war” Sitting down in triumphant Luna smiled to as be begun to sing, as she ate her breakfast, but as she lessoned to the lyrics her smile dropped. She was torn on how to react, on one hand she loved his voice when he sung, on the other she couldn’t imagine how he could sing about his war like that, from that she saw it was anything but lovely. Joining them David sat down beside Luna, earning a smile from her and her sister as he enjoyed his breakfast “so David how are you finding life in Equestria? I hope my little ponies have been treating you well” Celestia asked genuinely curious. Instantly David noticed the difference between Luna and her sister in just the way they spoke “yes they have, their rather a friendly people especially Luna here” David answered gently patting her closest hand before cupping it in his, this earned a warm smile from Luna as she turned to him as she felt his hand meet her’s. Noticing this interaction between them Celestia smiled, happy that Luna had finally found a friend “is that so?” Celestia questioned in an implying tone earning a swift kick in the shin and glare from Luna. Turning to Luna Celestia’s mentally noted Luna demeanour was different, normally she wasn’t in the best of moods in the mornings. But today she seemed to start the day in a more pleasant mood, more alert than her usual half asleep state. Ending her playful antics she spoke in a more serious tone of implementation implying tone “Luna is their anything you want to tell me?” “such as?” Luna asked with a slight edge to her tone. “such as your relationship with David” Celestia stated catching David and Luna off guard making them drop their breakfast. David had no idea what she was implying, but Luna did. Her eyes went wide as she thought Celestia heard them this morning, if she knew how she let him touch her, how he ran his hands through her wings. David may not have known how sensual wings are, or how indecent what they did was, but Celestia did. And if she did Celestia would never let her live it down, she would never be able to look her in the eye again “w… what are thou talking about? We are just friends” Luna said in a shaky voice. Celestia’s white horn lit up in golden magic, as she levitated one of the folded up newspapers over to Luna, taking the paper in her hands Luna read the title “hidden love in Canterlot” “what are these publishers talking about? princess Cadence and Shining Armor’s love is well known” Luna stated flatly. “unfold the paper” Celestia instructed. Doing as she was told Luna found the picture on the front page to be greatly disturbing, it was of her and David in the royal gardens. They were facing each other with smiles adorning their faces, Luna’s hands cupping his as a blue rose sprouted out from their joint grasp. Standing up the chair behind her shot back from her screeching across the floor, holding her hand over her gaping mouth she turned away out of embarrassment. Standing up David turned to her “Luna what’s wrong?” David asked in a worried tone. Taking her hand off her mouth Luna came up with a way to save face, silently mouthing the words “play along” to him. With her back to Celestia Luna’s horn lit up for a breath moment as she teleported a silver ring onto her left ring finger. Looking up to David with a mischievous smile she spoke as she draped her hands over his chest “David can… can I tell her?” Luna asked in a heartfelt voice. Wrapping his arms gently around her waist he spoke in a tone much like her own “of course dear” “tell me what?” Celestia nearly demanded. Turning around still in David’s arms, she held out her left hand letting her wrist drop, giving Celestia a clear view of her ring. Celestia just stared wide eyed as Luna spoke in a soft caring voice “we were hoping that we could tell thou after Cadence’s wedding, we didn’t want to take attention away from her most special of days. But I’m sure thou has guessed that I and David are engaged” “WHAT!? BUT YOU HAVEN’T KNOWN HIM FOR THAT LONG!” Celestia yelled her voice turning into her royal Canterlot voice as she shot out of her chair. Luna retracted her outstretched hand, letting it move up passed her head, her left hand cupped the side of David’s face before gliding over his skin as it reached the back of his neck, guiding him down to her where she placed a soft kiss upon his cheek. “does it matter? He and I are in love. He said it was the right thing to do now that we are expecting” Luna said in a soothing tone as she cupped her right hand in his guiding it up to her flat belly, which he happily embraced. “WHAT!? YOU AND HIM ARE…!” Celestia yelled before falling back into her chair in shock “how is this possible? How could my poor little innocent Lulu be with foal” Celestia muttered in disbelief. Stifling a laugh Luna spoke in an amused tone “Celestia thou are older than me, thou should know what it takes to make a foal. But if thou would like we could talk thou through it” Luna said nearly breaking out into a fit of laughter. “Luna this is no laughing matter you are with a foal! Do you know what this means for you!?” Celestia yelled. “yes it means thou are a bigger fool than your cake filled flank” Luna said through a massive child like grin. Celestia’s mind stalled like an old car as Luna broke out in a fit of laughter, David chuckled to himself behind Luna, his arms still wrapped around her waist as she spoke her ring teleporting away “I am not with foal sister thou has fallen for one of my most greatest of pranks” “LUNA YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK! WHAT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY POSSESSED YOU TO DO SUCH A THING!” Celestia yelled back her voice returning to her Canterlot voice. “think of it as payback for dyeing my fur pink” Luna answered back. “she dyed your fur pink?” David asked curiously struggling to imagine Luna with pink fur. “yes, she used magic to dye my fur pink, I didn’t find out until after night court. It was most embarrassing” Luna stated with an air of irritation in her voice. “don’t forget your mane and tail, I do think purple suited you quite nicely” Celestia said with a smirk still proud of her handy work. “don’t make me swap your rainbow cake with real rainbows again” Luna threatened. “that was you!” Celestia snarled back remembering how much its spice burned her tongue. Speaking under her breath Luna whispered “I didn’t do that. I got a maid to do it” “what!” Celestia yelled in betrayal. Luna felt David’s body shack behind her as he laughed “and what are you laughing at?” Celestia demanded, earning a glare from Luna at her aggressive tone. Taking his hand off Luna’s flat belly he waved her off dismissively “nothing its just, this all reminds me of how me and my brothers use to behave. God we use to drive each other up the wall” he answered in a reminiscing about the good times he spent with his brothers. “well if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to spend a penny” David said slipping his hands out from under Luna’s. Reluctant to let him leave Luna pulled his hands back around her “thou knows your currency has no value here” Luna stated enjoying his embrace. “I know that, I need to go to the W.C.” David corrected. Turning around in his arms Luna faced him, tilting her head like a confused puppy as she did. This earned her an explanation “the water closet” David explained. “water closet? I have no idea what thou are speaking of” Luna stated in a bewildered tone. “the loo” David stated flatly. Finally understanding him Luna let him go as she gave in a slightly embarrassed answer “down the corridor second on the right” “thank you” David said leaving the room. After David left Celestia spoke in a concerned voice “Luna we need to talk” Turning around Luna still held a wide smile on her lips as she spoke in a pleasant voice “please sister we were just jesting nothing more, and thou has done far worse to me” Luna said thinking back to the pink dye. “no Luna it’s about Cadence, she has asked about the artifact again” Celestia stated flatly. “would it be so bad, it was made for these kinds of ceremonies” Luna stated remembering how beautiful those ceremonies were. “yes but that was before Sombra corrupted it” Celestia said with a shudder remembering how he used something made for love as a tool for evil. Luna lowered her head as she remember all the horrible things he did with that particular artifact “I believe thou are right, the risk is too great” Luna said in a mournful tone. “thank you Luna, now all we need to do is tell her” Celestia stated in a slight relieved voice. “that won’t be easy, she has been quite adamant in its use in the ceremony” Luna stated in a worried tone. 9 Finally the moment everything had been building towards had finally arrived, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were stood at the alter under a flower arch. A red carpet separated the two sides of the throne room, with ponies on either side of it leading up to the alter, to the right was Shining Armor’s best four stallions. Two of them were in adorned in golden solar guard armour, while the other two were in Luna’s night guard armour. Across from the stallions on the other side of the red carpet was the ponies from ponyvile, but David noticed Twilight was missing, missing from her own brother’s wedding. David and Luna were sat together in the front row, Luna sat on the white silk chair with the red carpet to her left and David to her right. Hearing her plus one lean over by the jingling of the medals she pinned to his chest, she heard his voice whisper across into her ear “have you seen Twilight?” “Celestia said she had a fight with Shining and he revoked her invite” Luna whispered back. Before they could say another word Celestia spoke in a truly heartfelt voice, it was clear as her day that she was truly happy for her niece. She stood under the flowered arch, standing before the bride and groom. She wore a long white dressed that matched her fur but unlike the brides wedding dress it was decorated with golden swirls that seemed to bend like dancing flames. David and Luna ceased their conversation, as Celestia went through the ceremony. Luna leaned ever so slightly on David’s side as she reached over to him, sliding her right hand into his left. In return David lovingly cupped her hand in his, sandwiching her soft blue fur between his smooth pale skin. Celestia’s proud loving voice echoed through the through the throne room “princess Cadence and Shining Armor it is my great pleasure to pronounce you...” “STOP!” Twilight yelled as the throne room doors slammed against the walls. “why does she have to be so possessive of her brother” Cadence spat out in an angered fury, earning looks of shock from everypony. Her eyes widened in shock as everypony stared at her, faking a pleading cry she sniff out a new sentence “why does she have to ruin my special day?” “because it’s not your special day it’s mine!” Called out Cadence’s voice. Turning around everypony gasped and murmured to each other as they saw another princess Cadence, her fur and mane a dirty unkept mess from her time in the cave. Once David turned around he saw the new Cadence, she looked like the other one but her horn was normal like any other unicorn. Her eyes were a solid purple unlike the green eyes of the Cadence he met yesterday. Leaning over too Luna David spoke in a hushed voice so they could still hear both Cadences “what’s going on?” “I’m not sure, I think this must be some kind of illusion. Their is only one way to make a copy of ones self, but most ponies think that to be little more than myth” Luna whispered. “well it can’t be that, unless the spell went wrong” David said looking at the differences in the two Cadences, thinking of the spell like a newspaper press printing a smudged copy. “why do thou say that? They are identical” Luna stated in a confused. “look at her horn and eyes” David instructed. Doing so Luna looked at the pair seeing no difference in them, not even a single strand of fur out of place. They were both perfect copies of one another, right down to the voice. Luna could only imagine this as the work of the mirror pool “David theirs no difference between them, they are exactly the same” Staring at Luna in confusion he replied “can’t you see it? Their horns are completely different” “what are thou talking about? I don’t see any difference” Luna asked in a baffled tone, thinking it must be something small that he noticed. “the Cadence at the alters horn is black and deformed, while the others is more like yours” David stated. Hearing that Luna’s face dropped as one word came into mind. Changeling. “what! How did you escape my brides maids!?” the Cadence at the alter yelled in a confused fury. “their brides maids, even under your spell they know to chase the bouquet the real bride throws” Cadence said with venom in her voice. “uh clever, but your still too late” the fake Cadence said with a hint of amusement. “I don’t understand, how can their be two of them?” Applejack asked to no pony in particular. “she’s a changeling! She takes the form of somepony you love, and gains power by feeding of your love for them!” the real Cadence accused. The Cadence at the alter was surrounded in green flames, that burned away her illusion and clothes. Rarity wanted to scream as she watched all her hard work burn away, but then she remember that she hated it, once it was her pride and joy but after that thing altered it, it she couldn’t see any glimmer of beauty in it. Laughing the changeling took form, as the brunt remains of her dress fell from her body. She was as tall as Celestia, with a pitch black chitin hide. Her transparent bug like wings held a slimy blue tint to them, much like her mane and tail that a much stronger colour to them, they were longer as well, her tail ran passed the back of her knees while her mane ran down over her large breasts. Her once green pony eyes twisted into cat like slits as she spoke her cruel words holding a mocking tone of triumph “Right you are princess, and as queen of the changelings it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I have ever encountered, my fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it, that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!” “they’ll never get chance! Shining Armor’s protection spell will keep them from ever reaching us!” Cadence yelled in a sure voice filled with anger. Chuckling to herself Chrysalis replied in a mocking tone “oh I doubt that” turning her head back to the alter she spoke in sickly loving tone “isn’t that right dear” Nodding his head in an unaware sleep like state, he humming in conformations. “for the passed week now, I have been feeding off his love for you. And with each day he has been getting weaker, and when a unicorn gets weaker so... does... their... magic” Chrysalis said as everypony heard the magic doom protecting all of Canterlot shatter. The noise that followed was a buzzing like a swarm of insects, as the changelings stormed the city. Cadence charged at the changeling only to be stopped as Chrysalis’s horn lit up in a sickly green glow “ah, ah, ah don’t want to go back to the cave do we” “but you will be, now that you have foolishly revealed yourself” Celestia proclaimed in destain. “oh how could I forget about you? Maybe it was the fact that there is so little love in that oh so little heart of yours, that I couldn’t sense you” queen Chrysalis mocked. “I hold more love for my subjects than a parasite like you could ever know” Celestia countered proudly. “of course. You give all that love your little heart can give to your subjects, no wonder their wasn’t enough to save your oh so little sister from becoming Nightmare Moon” Chrysalis taunted taking joy in every word. “I may not have been able to save her then, but I’ll save her now from the likes of you” Celestia announced in a scornful voice. Their horns lit up as both shot beams of magic at each other, colliding in the air the golden and green beams met pushing against one another. The beams moved back and forth as they fought for dominance, with Chrysalis magic getting the upper hand forcing Celestia’s golden magic back into her horn, blasting her back as Chrysalis magic touched her searing it black as she fell to the ground. As Celestia hit the ground her golden crown fell off her head scraping across the floor as the crowd gasped, Luna jumped up from her seat screaming as she did “SISTER!” Rushing over to Celestia, Luna was joined by the main six as they all called out “PRINCESS CELESTIA!” as they crowded round the princess of the sun. A cruel laugh emanated from Chrysalis as she spoke looking to Cadence “looks like Shining Armor’s love for you was stronger than I thought, consuming it has made me more powerful than Celestia herself!” Chrysalis announced in victories voice. Celestia’s voice was weak as she laid defeated on the ground “the elements of harmony… you must get them… before Chrysalis does… they are the only thing powerful enough to stop her” nodding the main six charge out the room towards the vault the elements were kept in. Smiling Queen Chrysalis saw all the pieces of her plan fall into place. At the alter the royal guards looked to their captain for orders, the one that spoke was clearly in a state of panic “Captain what should we do?” Slowly turning his head too them he spoke in a sleep like state, his words were slow and disconnected from the ponies he was talking to “you should sit back down. Its my wedding after all” Hearing a series of glass shattering sounds echo through out the throne room, the guards turned to see changeling breaking in through the stained glass windows, shattering the history they held in their artwork. Soon the room was filled with changeling flying in, their bug like wings buzzing like a swarm of bees. Looking over the throne room Queen Chrysalis greedily gave her hive its orders “capture everypony in Canterlot and bring them here, I want them all to witness my victory!” The throne room erupted into a fierce brawl, changelings fighting hand to hand with ponies as they tried to subdue them. The guards were scattered about the room fighting changelings one on one, they all seemed to be reluctant to use their spears, hitting more with the blunt end of the pole than the steel spear head. Quickly getting up out of his seat David lunged at the ground before him, grabbing a disregard spear dropped by one of the guards. Seeing the choas around him he shouted in a commanding voice “GUARDS ON ME!” The guards that could made their way towards David, as he made is way to the princesses, they were attacked on all sides by changelings. The guards beside him became locked in their own conflicts as changelings charged them, grabbing the spears the guards held forcing them into a tug of war over the spear. Using their magic the changelings subdued the guards, blasting them with magic knocking them too the ground, before using their magic again encasing their limbs in a green sap like substance that hardened in seconds gluing them to the floor. With the guards to David’s left and right now bound to the ground, the changelings turned to David attacking him from both side. Holding the spear tightly in both hands as the changelings attacked him, he elbowed the one on the right sending it stumbling back a few paces. Changing his stance into one he knew all to well, the one that was drummed into him day in and day out ever since he signed up three years ago. His stance was the same one that he used against Shining Armor in their dual, changing into it as he turned to the changeling on his left. Thrusting his spear forward into the changeling left shoulder, it screamed out in pain grasping at the spear lodged in its shoulder, but David didn’t hear the screams or the battle around him, he heard his sergeant shouting in an aggressive voice as the men bayoneted suspended sacks of sand “DON’T TICKLE THEM! ONE POINT IN! THEN WITHDRAW!” Doing as he was instructed so long ago he pulled back on the spear, its head coated in slimy green changeling blood. The changeling screamed out in pain as it grasped at the gushing wound, green blood trickling through its fingers. As the spear head lined up with David’s body he thrust it forward again, stabbing it deep into the changeling’s chest using its length to lever the changeling down to the ground. It screamed out in pain but David paid it no mind, he didn’t want to kill, it wasn’t easy for him, he had just become use to the screaming of the dying, and the horrid fact that they might be coming from the end of his bayonet. As the screaming died down the changeling behind him charged his horn, a beam of green magic came from his horn striking David in the back. The moment the magic touch him it disperse, doing nothing more than a strong gust of wind. Pulling the spear head out of the dead changeling, David turned to his right, spinning the spear around in his hands, so that it pointed towards the changeling that just attacked him. Thrusting his bloodied spear head at the changeling, it raised its arms in defence, but that did little to stop the spear as its sharp edge grassed the changeling’s arm, before meeting its chitin coated chest creaking its shell like crust. This changeling only hissed as the blade cut its arm, but then gasped for air as the spear piecer its lung. Pointing his spear down the skewered changeling was dragged to the floor, pulling his spear out of the dying changeling, its body heaved with it green blood trickling down its hard shell like body. Still the changeling didn’t scream, he just gasped for breath that never came, each breath of air he took seemed to leave him, which it did his lung had been punctured, no matter how many breaths he took he would never catch his breath. Moving passed the bodies like he had done before, he arrived at Luna by her unconscious sister. Upon reaching her he saw a changeling was on top of her, its hands wrapped around her wrists pinning her to the ground. Its twisted horn glowed a sickly green colour, as it cast a spell that wrapped around Luna’s horn, encasing it in the same green resin that restrained the guards. Dropping his spear David charged the changeling, launching himself at the changeling he tackling it forcing it off Luna. Now on top of the changeling David lifted his fist, but before he could strike him the changeling’s horn glowed, hissing the changeling cast its spell striking David in the chest. Its eyes widened in horror as it saw that its spell to launch the creature above it up into the air did nothing but blow his clothes like a drier. Punching the changeling across the face its head turned under David’s strength, the changeling felt dizzy unable to turn back to David as he delivered another powerful punch, knocking the changeling’s dizzy state into a deeper haze. Grabbing the changeling’s head with both hands he forced the changeling’s head down to the tiled floor, slamming the back of its head against the hard ground David knocked the changeling out. Getting up David rushed over to Luna crouching down beside her and Celestia “can you teleport her out of here?” David asked in a rushed voice. Trying her magic failed to leave her resin coated horn, the magic was being trapped like a plunged tap. Gritting her teeth Luna tried to force the spell, hoping it would shatter the resin that encased her horn. Letting out a built up tense breath she replied “no this is blocking my magic” she said pointing to what the changeling had done to her horn. Seeing more changeling enter the throne room David grabbed his spear, standing up he saw three changeling dead ahead charging at him. They slowed their approached knowing full well what he was capable of now, they didn’t want him they wanted princesses he was protecting. Thrusting the his spear back and forth wildly changing directions with each thrust, he kept the changeling at bay. Upon pulling his spear back for another thrust the changelings charged him, the one straight ahead grabbed the spear pushing its wooden shaft against his chest pinning it against him. The other two grabbed him from either side, using all of their strength they pushed against him trying to knock him over. Pushing back David shoved the one to his right off him, it tripped falling to the floor. The spear David and the changeling were fighting over pointed up to his left, using his strength David angled it down jolting it forward. The spear head stabbed into the changeling to his left, its sharp tip going two inches into the changeling’s belly, the changeling fell back clutching its bleeding stomach wailing in pain as it did. The changeling before him still held onto the spear, trying to pull it from David’s grasp. Twisting the spear back up, the changeling doing all he could to stop the spear’s bloodied edge from getting closer. The changeling’s bug like eyes widened in fear as it saw the spear head slowly draw closer to him, it moved passed his right eye tremors shacking its steel head as the two fought for control of the weapon. As the spear head became level with his face, David took a single step back forcing the end of the spear down, aiming it right at the changeling’s throat he thrust it forward. The changeling fell back coughing up green changeling blood as gasped for breath, only gargling up more blood as it did. “DAVID!” Luna screamed. Turning around David saw Luna in the grips of queen Chrysalis, she was behind Luna her right foot pressing down on the back of knee, this forced her down onto her knees. Luna’s left arm was pinned behind her back by Chrysalis, as Chrysalis’s right hand wrapped around her neck. “you’ve hurt a lot of my subjects human, it would be a shame if I had to hurt this one to because of you” Chrysalis threatened with a deadly slur to her words. The look in her eyes told him all he needed, unlike Luna scared eyes that begged for help, Chrysalis’s were focused and cruel. Dropping his spear it clattered about as it hit the ground, Luna head dropped in defeat as she watched the spear fall. Smiling at her victory Chrysalis spoke into Luna’s ear, her voice was cruel and demeaning that seemed to become more sexual with each slurred word “I see you’re trained him well, I wonder what else you’ve had him trained in?” Standing there with hands by his sides, David watched as Queen Chrysalis tormented the Princess in her clutches. Slowly moving his left hand up too his holstered revolver, he knew these changelings didn’t know that a gun was, and he knew once it was in his hand he could rush her. While his hand slowly crept towards his holster, the unwounded changeling behind him that he knocked to the ground. Starting to slowly get up the changeling trying to remain silent, succeeding the changeling snuck up on David. Silently picking up the spear by David’s feet in its green magic, the changeling lifted the spear up into the air, before slamming the blunt wooden end into the back of David’s head knocking him to the ground the moment his hand touched his leather holster. Falling to his knees David clutched the back of his head as Luna looked up from the floor “DAVID!” she yelled out in fear before another hit to the back of the head knocked him completely to the floor. 10 Waking up David saw the battle inside the throne room had ended, but outside he could hear the buzzing of changeling wings as they swarmed through the city. He was lent against a wall, his arms bound behind his back, his wrists encased in something hard. Around him he saw multiple guards scattered about the room, they were tied back to back with the green changeling goo that seemed to harden in seconds. Luna and Celestia were up on the alter in a similar position to David, along with Blueblood who was cowering in his spot. Shining Armor still stood idly by in his sleep like state, his eyes glazed over in a green haze as he stared off into nothing. Cadence sat down at the alter her pink fur hands bound by the wrist in front of her ragged form, she glared daggers at the changeling queen as she yelled in a hateful voice “you won’t get away with this Twilight and her friends will…” her voice trailed off as she saw Twilight and her friends being dragged in by changelings. “will bring me exactly what I want” Chrysalis smugly said through a wide grin. The changelings dragged Twilight and her friends into the throne room, placing them with the princesses at the alter. One of the changeling’s carried a large purple and gold box in his hands, getting down on one knee he held it above his head presenting it to his queen. Smiling Chrysalis took out one of the elements of harmony, it was Rarity’s element of generosity, holding it up to her neck its purple diamond shaped gem sitting between her breasts. Turning to princesses Chrysalis smiled as she flaunted the element in her hands “what do you think? Suits me quite nicely” Celestia glared at Chrysalis as she defiled the element, her tone matching the contempt she felt towards the changeling “that is the element of generosity, not some common trinket to be worn by somepony as unworthy as you” Celestia barked. Holding a hand over her heart Chrysalis dramatically faked being hurt “unworthy, I am the most generous changeling out their” Chrysalis mocked. Tossing the element aside like a worthless toy, it clattered to the ground earning a gasp from the ponies as they watched their most valuable artifact fall to the ground. Turning to her changelings Chrysalis eyed them up looking for something in particular “did you find the artefact?” Chrysalis asked in a sneer of an order. A changeling approached his queen kneeling before her as he spoke his head held low “yes my queen we did, the ponies were foolish enough to open the vault for us” the changeling said holding up a single gauntlet in his hands. Smiling a cruel smile Chrysalis took the gauntlet, placing it on her right hand. It looked like any other steel gauntlet, its only distinguishing features the black heart shaped crystal on the back of the palm, and the golden hearts that adorned each knuckle. Admiring it like an engagement ring she spoke in a pleased voice “much more fitting than a wedding ring don’t you think” Turning to Celestia Twilight stared in uncertain fear at the gauntlet “Princess what is that?” Staring in horror Celestia spoke her eyes never breaking from the gauntlet she spoke in scared voice “the lovers gauntlet” “I’m sorry princess but I’ve never heard of it” Twilight stated in uneasy confusion. “that was the idea Twilight, we decided to let Equestria believe it was vanished along with the crystal empire” Celestia said her voice still holding fear at the mere sight of it. “but it didn’t, you stored it away hoping no pony would find it” Chrysalis added in glee. “after what Sombra did to it, we had no choice!” Celestia barked back. She wanted to cleanse it from Sombra’s corruption, but she couldn’t nor could she destroy it, its magic was just to strong. “you did and I’m oh so glad you made this choice” Chrysalis taunted. “what… what did it do?” Twilight asked hesitantly. “The gauntlet has the power to pull out somepony’s heart. It was used in displaces of love, the gauntlet was used to remove the hearts of two pony’s getting married, when the ceremony was done the hearts would touch creating a beautiful explosion of made that would shower the room in magic” Celestia explained. “we did love those ceremonies, so much love for us to consume, we didn’t even need to turn into a pony to feast” Chrysalis said in a salivating tone. “that was until Sombra corrupted it” Chrysalis hiss in hatred. “what did he do to it?” Twilight asked in a shaky fearful voice to no one in particular. Smiling her Chrysalis spoke in a cruel tone “would you like to tell her or should I tell her what you have been keeping hidden in that vault of yours, next to your oh so precious elements of harmony?” “Sombra corrupted the gauntlet with his magic, he used it to take the hearts of his subjects. He used those hearts he stole to extend his own life beyond natural means” Celestia mournfully stated in fear. Twilight and the rest of the girls just stared in shock, this gauntlet had been nearly completely erased from history. They could never have imagined that something so evil had been hiding in the very same room as their elements. “and now I shall use it like it was intended” Chrysalis hissed in pleasure. Walking over to the bound princess of the night, Chrysalis kneeled down to her level a cruel smirk on her lips as she spoke “I hope you have been enjoying my wedding Princess” “I enjoy my thousand years of banishment on the moon more than thou’s wedding” Luna shot back. Chrysalis placed her hand over her heart as she replied in a mockingly hurt voice “and I went to so much trouble for you, did you ever wonder why your friend over their was able to come when the wedding was fully booked?” Chrysalis said gesturing to David. “the dignitaries from Saddle Arabia cancelled” Luna stated. “well they did but not by their own choice” Chrysalis said through a cruel grin. “what did thou do to them?!” Luna accused. “nothing much just made sure they could attend, it’s funny what you can do with one changeling and a fake letter. They should find out those diamond dogs didn’t kidnap any pony in a week or two” Chrysalis stated taking joy in the chaos she sowed. “how could...” Luna yelled but was cut off by Chrysalis. “how could I? It was rather easy they weren’t needed for my plan, a little side project if you would. You see Shining Armor’s love has been so nourishing, but he is still only a unicorn. I hoping that by allowing your friend here to attend I might get a meal more fitting for a queen, I have never tasted alicorn love before” Chrysalis stated salivating over the idea of how much power the love an alicorn could give her. Grabbing Luna by the arm the Queen of the changeling’s dragged her off the ground “let go of me thou beast!” Luna screamed. “and why would I do that? I’ve been looking forward to this” Chrysalis taunted before throwing her to the ground before David. “LUNA!” David yelled as she hit the ground, seeing she was for the most part was alright he pulled at his bindings hoping to break free. Licking her lips Chrysalis turned to Cadence smiling with a wicked grin at her plan “Cadence come here” she ordered. “what ever you wish to do you can do it your self!” Cadence spat back in pure hatred. Sighing in irritation Chrysalis lowered her head as she spoke in a more tired voice “why must you ponies be so difficult” lifting her head up she aimed her gaze at the stallion still under her spell “Shining would you be a dear and pick up that sword” she asked looking at one of the many weapons still scattered about the floor. “yes my love” he answered his voice devoid of all emotion. Walking over he picked up the sword as all the ponies stared in shock, especially Twilight and Cadence “now would please rest it against your neck” Chrysalis asked in a cold voice knowing he would comply. “as you commanded” were the only words he said as he placed the edge of the blade in his hand against his neck. “now would you...” Chrysalis started smiling at the displace she was making with her puppet. “STOP! Please stop… I’ll do it, I’ll do it. Just please don’t hurt him” Cadence screamed before begging through tears streamed down her face. “good now come here” Chrysalis ordered in a satisfied voice. Walking down her head held low she joined Chrysalis scared of what she was about to do, looking down at Luna and David Chrysalis smiled with hungry eyes. Turning to Cadence Chrysalis gave Cadence her order, the ordered that save Shining’s life “use your love magic on them” Her head still held low she whisper “I’m sorry aunty” Her horn hit up in pink magic that shot out surrounding David and Luna in its glow, David didn’t feel anything but Luna did. Even with her alicorn resistance to magic, she still felt its affects, she wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to tell him everything was okay that he never had to return to the war. “ah let me help you princess, I’m sure he would love a kiss” Chrysalis mocked before blasting away Luna’s bindings apart from the one on her horn, even under a spell alicorn magic is something to be feared. Luna slowly crawled over to trapped man like a predator, sliding her hands up over his bound body. Slowly her hands made their way up his chest, feeling the tough wool of his uniform and the body underneath. Wrapping them around his back she pulled him into a tender embrace, with her head nestled into his neck she saw the green changeling resin binding his wrists together. The magic may have been influencing her mind, drawing out these emotions but she was still in control, regardless of how much she wanted to enjoy the comfort she felt with him. Slowly trailing her hands down his arms she reached the bindings, leaning back she looked into his eyes knowing that he knew what she was planning. He leaned in his lips joining her’s, leaning in Luna pressed deeper into the kiss as she tried crushing the hard bindings, she may not have had magic but she was still an alicorn and they did posses the strength of earth ponies. Feeling the resin silently crack she continued to press deeper into the kiss, with each second that passed she found it harder to remember her task, she just wanted to kiss him to enjoy the softness of his lips. The magic may not have been in control but it was indeed influencing her mind, with out knowing it her tongue had slipped into the kiss dominating his mouth like the magic in her brain. Before she could retract her tongue from him her body was surrounded in a green glow that pulled her away, before she could react Chrysalis pinned her back to the floor. Chrysalis sat on top of Luna her hands wrapped in a bone crushing grip around Luna wrists “you really seemed to be enjoying yourself princess, I hope it tastes as good as it looked” Chrysalis purred. Chrysalis leaned her head down right over Luna’s heart, Chrysalis opened her fanged filled mouth. Struggling against her Luna trashed about under Chrysalis grip, a wide pink stream of magic seemed to flow from Luna’s heart right into Chrysalis predatory mouth. As the love left her heart Luna struggling became weak, seeing Luna was in no condition to fight back Chrysalis sat back up speaking in a satisfied voice “my, my Luna. I had no idea such a lonely pony like could have so much love stored in that little heart of yours” Letting out a satisfied hum she continued nearly rubbing her belly on how well it quenched her hunger “If I had known alicorn love was this good, I would have taken Shining’s place and feed of Cadence” David continued to struggled against his restrains as Chrysalis turned to him smiling as she did “oh don’t think I’ve forgotten about you” Walking over she crouched down in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders pushing him back against the wall. Lowing her head down to his chest, she opened her mouth wide like a snake ready for its meal. The thin pink stand of love that left his chest was no thicker that the tip of a needle, Chrysalis pulled her head back in shock “that can’t be possible Cadence placed a love spell on you two, you should be over flowing with love” Chrysalis said in disbelief. Looking at the gauntlet she was still wearing Chrysalis smirked “maybe I have to get a little more invasive with you. I’m not going to lie I’m a little excited to try this and I’m sure Luna is too, once I’ve got your heart I’m going to take hers. You should feel proud you’ll be the first two to experience this since the Fall of Sombra” Chrysalis taunted. David voice was as cold and serious as his gaze “you’ll find nothing in my heart but blood and hate” Chrysalis just gave him a smirk that matched her smug tone “I think I’ll be the judge of that” Reeling her hand right gauntlet welding hand back like she was about to punch him, she launched it forward ready to grab the beating heart within his chest. Luna could only watch in her weakened state as Chrysalis stole his heart, she was barely able to muster is name “David...” The gauntlet magic by passed his clothes and flesh like they wore nothing but air, David clenched his teeth to the pain in his chest. The pain was intense even more than being shot, it felt like a white hot meat hook had reached around his heart and stabbed it only to pull enough to cause pain bit not tare it out. David grunted in pain through clenched teeth, looking up at the changeling before him he glared into those cruel green eyes staring down at him. He knew what these changeling feed on now, he knew love was their food so something else might be poison to them. So with every fibre of his being he pushed ever ounce of hate he was capable of into his heart. He had no idea if this would work but if they were going to take his heart he was going to make sure their was no room for love in it. He wanted for the moment that his heart was removed to be the most hateful being in all creation, with each tug of his heart he became more hateful, remembering every time he raised a hand against his fellow man. He wanted to hate, and the worse bit of it all wasn’t that it was easy, but that it was familiar. David screamed out in pain as Chrysalis pulled back pulling out the gauntlet with his heart, but his heart didn’t come out. A thick black swirl of magic forced its way out of his chest wrapping around her wrist, stumbling back in surprised Chrysalis tried to get away, but the swirl of magic continued to come out and continued to follow getting larger with every second. It almost looked like a black fog as the magic folded in on itself as it grew, it didn’t take long before it was larger than Chrysalis looming over her like an abyss that was ready to swallow her whole. Without warning a swirl of magic wrapped around her throat dragging her across the floor, struggling against it she reached out for the magic tendril with her free left hand. The moment her hand met the magic she found it to be solid, staring in fear she watched helpless as the magic around her took shape. The large shapeless cloud of magic began to slim down, its form slowly turning more and more defined. The black tendril around her neck slowly took the shape of a hand, a large strong human hand that continued to squeeze her throat. Her eyes shot up to the round swirl that formed into a head, and the face it wore terrified her not by who’s face it was but by the narrow hateful blue eyes. It smiled and spoke in an eerily polite voice “hello I’m blood and hate” It then through her to the floor like she was nothing, standing up they all saw the creature that stood before them. It was another man like David, it even wore his face. But their was something off about it this man was at least two inches taller than David, but his forward slouched lowered his height so he was equal with David. His arms seemed to stick out a bit more to his side like he had books sandwiched between them and his body, they couldn’t see much of his hair under his black flat cap that caught the light on its edge like a knife. His clothes were the same as the clothes Rarity made for David except they weren’t a deep navy blue but black like a moonless night, his waist coat was a dark grey unlike his the rest of his black clothes. Chrysalis stared up in fear at the beast of a man, she could help be cower in his presence. Unlike David she could sense his emotions and their was nothing but hate, this thing that she pulled from David was just hate “w… what are you?” Chrysalis asked hesitantly. Looking down at her his dark gaze cutting through her like a knife “weren’t you paying attention, I already told you” he said in an irritation that could shatter glass, his voice was like David’s even down to the accent, but it held a loathing that couldn’t be matched. “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO OUR QUEEN LIKE THAT!” one of the changeling hissed. “why not? she’s not my queen. She’s not any queen right now, she’s just some bitch on the floor” he stated in a dismissive voice. “HOW DARE YOU INSULT OUR QUEEN!” the changeling hissed getting ready to defend his queen. The man just flashed a cruel calculated smile as he knew how to rile this changeling up, taking joy in each confrontational word. His words cold and still empty of emotion but filled with intent “trust me that was no insult. If I was to say she was a worthless clapped out whore that couldn’t get work in brothel, even that wouldn’t be an insult just another bitter truth she would have to swallow” “WE’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THAT!” the changeling snarled, using its magic to teleport a sword to him. Calmly the man replied unfazed by the changeling’s words “is that a threat?” “YES! NOW GET ON YOUR KNEES AND OUR QUEEN MIGHT SHOW YOU SOME MERCY!” the changeling ordered pointing his sword at the man. The man held his head low not out of shame or fear, but so his animalistic eyes could stare down the changeling. It was like looking at a wolf, his black flat cap shrouding his feral eyes in shadow “do you realise how perfetic you sound, a child could come up with a better threat then that. How about I take your threat and raise you a better one. If you don’t shut that stupid trap of yours, I’m going to snap that flimsy horn off your head and use it to cut out your tongue” Yelling out in fustration the changeling charge him, raising his sword as he ran. A cruel smirk made its way across the man’s face as the changeling charged, his right hand reached into his jet black over coat. Chrysalis saw this and yelled out “NO DON’T!” But her words fell on deaf ears, the changeling charge stopping just before the man, swinging his sword down. The man in black just court the changeling mid swing, stopping him by the wrist with his off hand. His right hand came out of his coat with a small knife, it wasn’t large or impressive or even intimidating, it was just a small simple knife. This man, this monster of a man step in plunging his small knife into the changeling abdomen. Still holding the changeling’s sword baring arm above them, he looked into the changeling’s eyes, watching as they grew weak. The changeling didn’t grimace in pain he just looked weak tired even. Giving the changeling a single shove was even to send it flying to the ground, it didn’t even try to hold on to its sword. Letting out a low groan of pain he clutched his wound with both hands, while the man that defeated him slowly and calmly walked over, the wooden shoes of this shoes echoing with each step. Arriving at the downed changeling he looked down his nose at it speaking in a disappointed voice “you should have shut that stupid mouth of yours” Raising his foot like the building of a tidal wave it came crashing down on the changeling’s horn, snapping it from the changeling’s head with a bone like crunch. The changeling scream in pain taking his bloodied hands from his wound too the bleeding stump that was once his horn. The man shrouded in black raised his foot again, slowly lowering it down until it rest on the changeling throat “shh what did I tell you about that mouth of yours” the man said in sickly calm voice devoid of all empathy. Pressing down not to crush his throat but enough to restrict his breathing, he looked up his empty blue eyes staring straight at the fallen queen. His words were slow and cut like ice “you see queen Chrysalis, this is what you are. Small, weak, insignificant, a bug to be crushed under foot” With a single twist of his foot the changeling’s neck cracked, making the queen grimace in disgust and fear. The only thing that Celestia was grateful for was the chair the blocked this terrifying display of cruelty from her and everyponies sight. The man now walked over to Chrysalis kneeling down to her level, the moment she heard the wooden echo of his soles, she stared at him unable to blink for fear that if she would he would kill her “you see Chrysalis you made a grave mistake involving a Mason in your plan, you see that man over their” he said gesturing to David “he’s not like you, he wasn’t train to capture the enemy, or wound the enemy, he was train to kill the enemy, as was I. Now if a single one of your changelings gets in my way, I’ll hold you accountable, and since you have such an interest in ripping out hearts, I’ll send you their the old fashion way” his voice was serious and calm if not a bit quiet, he didn’t need to yell and scream to enthuse his intent. The look in his eyes could have done that alone. Seeing her as no longer an issue he got up turning his back on the very same Changeling that over powered Celestia. Slowly he walked over to David he saw the him down on his side, crouching down the man reached out to him. “leave… leave him alone...” Luna weakly called out. The man didn’t even acknowledge her as he pulled David up right “come on, theirs only two times a man should be on his back, when he’s in bed with a woman, or dead. And your neither” he said in a strangely casual voice. Looking up weakly at the man David asked in a sore voice “who are you?” Smiling the replied “you know my name. Why don’t you tell them” the man said gesturing to David friends. Weakly shacking his head David replied “I don’t know. I’ve never met you before” Still smiling the man replied his voice getting slightly darker as it to a more serious tone “yes you have, we’ve been together a long time you and I. Now what’s my name?” “I don’t know” was all David replied, his arms still bound behind his back. The man’s voice instantly became more aggressive as he pressed the issue, getting right up in David’s face as he spoke “yes you do. Think David its not hard, good, bad, light, dark, Cain, Abel, God?” David’s face dropped as he spoke the next part of the sequence “The Devil” Smiling his cruel at the man that wore his face spoke in a much calmer if not amused voice “not quite” Punching David across the face, the strength of the blow knocking him to his right, only to have the man in black drag him back up to him “you may have been made in gods image, but I was made by the Devil” he proudly proclaimed. “So what’s my name!” he snarled in an animalistic anger. Wrapping his hands around David’s neck he forced him back to the wall behind him as he continued to press the question “Come on now captain, your a smart man figure it out. What’s my name?” David’s breathe became weak under the man’s grip as he snarled out more words “Come on Jekyll figure it out” The moment he heard that word he knew “Jekyll? Hyde” he weakly answered. Letting go of his neck the man smile speaking in a calm soothing voice “see that wasn’t so hard now was it” before grabbing David by the head slamming it the back of it into the wall behind him “AND THAT’S MR HYDE!” he announced. Turning around Hyde smiled satisfied with himself, all the ponies looked at him in horror which he took delight in. His eyes hungrily trailed over the captive ponies like meat in a butcher’s “now which one of your friends should I start with?” he asked in a slow calculating voice. Looking down he saw Luna sprawled out on the floor, exposed like turtle on its back. She looked so weak so vulnerable, all she could do was look up to him. Kneeling down beside her he stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand, if anyone else did that she would find it romantic but some how his gentle touch terrified her. Luna looked up to him with fear in those teary blue eyes of hers “don’t worry I won’t hurt you” Hyde said in a caring voice. His face stayed pointed at Luna while his eyes turned to David slumped against the wall “if you could read his thoughts, you would fear him more than me. If he had his way you would be up the duff before the nights end, and with your magic you could make that night last as long as you want” Groggily David opened his eyes seeing Hyde standing over Luna, twisting his wrists he felt his bindings crack and become looser, but still they bound his arms behind his back. Seeing his Hyde spoke with a smile “ah the hero of the Somme awakens, or was it the terror of the Somme?” he mocked. “leave her alone” David answered weakly. Getting up Hyde walked over to his better half “why? You going to kill me like those Jerrys?” David’s answer was blunt and simple “yes” A cruel triumphant smirk ran across Hyde’s face that matched his victorious voice “their you are! Theirs the real Mason I know! Do they know this part of you? What you did at the Somme?” David broke his hateful gaze from Hyde out of shame “they don’t do they. You told them how you earned those medals but not how you earned your rank” he mocked taking delight in David’s torment. Kneeling down Hyde’s cruel voice was all anyone could hear despite how quite it was “why don’t you tell them” David’s eyes fell upon Luna as they fell down, seeing how afraid she was, he couldn’t tell if it was of Hyde or of him “I killed men that were killing my men” A few gasps came from the ponies, they knew he was a soldier in a war, but still it was shocking to hear him say it “come on, you did more than that. Why don’t you tell them about the first time you went over the top, how you stood behind the creeping barrage and took that one shot that saved so many men. Do you remember him? That machine gunner you killed” Hyde tormented. “he was a German” David stated in a distant voice. “and?” Hyde demanded getting no answer in response “your an artist paint them a fucking picture” Hyde barked grabbing David by the jaw as he snarled out another order he would make the rifleman follow “tell them who that gunner was, what he looked like” “does it matter he’s dead” David shot back with hostility. “it does and if you don’t I will” Hyde said his voice becoming more sinister with each word. David just sat their either calling Hyde’s bluff, or unable to answer out of fear for the ponies or himself. Pushing David away Hyde stood up turning to the ponies as he proclaimed David’s secret of the Somme “fine I’ll tell them myself how you shot that gunner, how with a single shot you blew his brains out. And how he was no man, but a boy no older than fifteen” Everyone just stared in shock, this man had to be lying they thought. But Luna knew it was true, she saw the look in his eyes, they held more shame than even she knew “he was a soldier just like me, he took the Kaiser shilling as I took the King’s. And he was killing my men, he killed at least twenty good men and I stopped him. I only found out he was fifteen until after I took the shot” David said in a shaky voice brimming with guilt. Turning back Hyde faced David again, his voice as dry and bitter as stale bread “what’s wrong with you? You should be proud. He was killing your men and you killed him, how many men did you save ten, twenty, fifty, more. And all it cost was a single shot from your rifle, one dead boy, and a lot of sleepless nights of one British Officer. Now I don’t know about you but I call that one hell of a bargain” Hyde turned to the ponies delighted to see the fear in their eyes, taking out his bloody knife as he spoke “now who should I cut first” he pondered out loud. “YOU WILL NOT HARM ANYPONY HERE!” Celestia yelled her voice as loud as Luna’s canterlot voice. “I don’t believe you are in a place to make demands” Hyde said walking closer to them, his foot steps echoing through out the throne room as he drew close. Still fighting against his bindings, David felt them wane and crack like an over burdened tree branch. “now who should I play with first” Hyde’s sinister voice cutting through them like a knife. Walking up to the trapped ponies Hyde casually pointed his knife at them, moving over each one as he announced his vicious intent starting with Celestia “the princess who failed her subjects” earning a look of shame from her as she lowered her head as she ears drooped down. His knife slowly moved pointing towards Twilight “or how about the student, that no body lessoned too” His knife then moved on to Fluttershy “maybe the quiet one, I’ve heard the quietest girls make the loudest screams” making Fluttershy curl up in terror. “HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!” Rainbow Dash yelled coming to the defence of her friend. Taking his eyes off Fluttershy he moved to Rainbow “ah the bold one, how about I scalp you and make you truly bald” making her reel back shacking slightly like Fluttershy. Feeling a bit of movement in his ever weakening bindings, David continued to struggle against them. Hyde moved on moving to the white furred unicorn with a sadistic smile “no. How about you? No one would miss you would they, no one would come to help your worthless hide. The princesses tolerance of you has been waning for years, they despise” Prince Blueblood’s face dropped at Hyde’s words “no, they respect me. My input on matters of court have always been welcomed” “you are a blight on the royal family. You are hated by all, royal and commoner alike” Hyde said in a pitiless voice. “the common ponies...” Blueblood started before being cut off. “will you shut that infernal mouth of your. Do you have any idea how irritating your voice is” Hyde sneered. Stepping forward his bloody knife still in hand, Hyde grabbed the bound prince by the face, his fingers and thumb digging into his cheeks. Hyde’s voice was slow and cruel holding a terror that no pony could ever replicate “how about I make your voice a little more appealing” Lifting his knife up Hyde manoeuvred its sharp blade into Blueblood’s open mouth, its bloody tip scraping against his clenched teeth. Closing his eyes in fear Blueblood wished for this man to disappear, hoping that if he closed his eyes his fear would go away. Squeezing Blueblood’s face even tighter he spoke as if he was baiting a fish “come on open your mouth, show me that sick tongue of yours” Seeing Blueblood was unwilling to part his teeth, Hyde sighed taking his knife out of Blueblood’s mouth, pressing its tip on his closed eye lid. Blueblood winced as Hyde pressed it down, he didn’t press down enough to cut or cause injury, but more than enough to cause Blueblood discomfort. Hyde’s voice was cold, devoid of all empathy “open your fucking mouth, or I’m going to cut out your fucking eye” Feeling the knife press down with more pressure, Blueblood hesitantly parted his clenched teeth. Seeing this Hyde took his knife off Blueblood’s eye, placing it back into his mouth “good so a dog can learn new tricks, to bad you couldn’t have learned to shut up” Hyde said revelling in his sadistic nature. After struggling for what felt like hours, David’s bindings finally broke. Getting up David had some trouble walking in his near concussed state. Pulling his revolver from his side he pointed it at Hyde’s back, arriving at the base of the steps to the throne David yelled “HYDE!” Lowering his head slightly in disappointment, Hyde took his knife out of Blueblood’s mouth “why won’t people just be quiet? Looks like you’ll be keeping that tongue of yours a little while longer. How about a little preview of what’s to come” Hyde said catching the left corner of Blueblood’s mouth with the edge of his knife, slicing a half an inch through his lip. Falling back Blueblood screamed as he clutched his wounded mouth. Hyde just sighed in announce to Blueblood’s screaming “oh man up” Turning around Hyde face David taking a step forward “why are you defending them? Their weak, they couldn’t even see the princess was a fake, but we could. we’re better than them” Pulling back the hammer on his revolver he answered his dark half “by what right are we better than them?” “BY EVERY RIGHT! WE WERE MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE NOT THEM!” Hyde yell in a voice that could have been mistaken for gun fire. “look at them bound by a single skill, branded on their flanks like cattle at a market. We are not cattle, we are anything but, we choose what we want to be” Hyde sneered. “and you choose violence” David stated. Lunging forward Hyde grabbed David’s right outstretched arm, lifting it and his revolver up into the air “I AM VIOLENCE! What was it you called me? Blood and hate” With both of Hyde’s hands up in the air holding on to David, he brought the back of his right hand down striking David across the face. Instantly after striking David Hyde grabbed the cord around David’s neck, pulling it over his head as he disarmed him. Holding David’s revolver in front of him Hyde spoke in a mocking tone “ready to shoot an unarmed man, the empire trained you well” Tossing the weapon aside, its steel frame scraping across the tiled floor. With his right hand in the grasp of Hyde’s, David struck with his left hitting Hyde in the right side of his chest. Looking down at David with disappointment “just because your injured doesn’t mean I am” Hyde said with contempt. Mirroring his other half Hyde punched David in the same area, taking a step back to steady himself David pulled his arm free from Hyde, clutching his chest David felt a searing pain burn across his blistered wound. Still weak and now off balance Hyde jumped him, tackling him to the ground. Landing on top of David Hyde wrapped his hands around David’s neck, chocking him as David struggled “we both know how this story’s going to end, your going to be bluer than her” Hyde threatened as he looked up to Luna. With each passing second it was getting harder and harder for David to breath. David struggled under Hyde’s strength, pushing and hitting franticly. But no matter what he did it didn’t faze Hyde, if anything he enjoyed it. Grabbing Hyde by the wrist David made one final attempt to free himself before everything went dark, but after a few seconds Hyde winced in pain. From under David’s bare hands was smoke, black magical smoke, the same smoke Hyde formed from. Twilight whispered over to Cadence as she blasted away Cadence’s bindings “Cadence, go to him” Sneaking over to Shining, Cadence hugged him her eyes filled with tears “please work” Her horn glowed pink with magic that swirled around them both ending on Shining’s head, blinking Shining’s hazed over eyes returned to normal “Cadence? What’s going on?” Shining asked in a disorientated voice. Smiling happy to have him back but still with fear in her eyes Cadence answered in a rushed voice “no time, we need your protection spell” Trying Shining’s horn glowed purple, but it shorted out like a light with a broken fuse “I can’t I’m too weak” he said in a winded voice. “then let our love give you strength” Cadence said in a loving tone as her magic surrounded them both. As her magic flowed through him, Shining found the strength to perform his spell its purple doom emanate from them and their love. Now grunting in pain Hyde was barely able to hold onto David’s neck, hearing the noise behind them Hyde turned his head only to see the wave of magic coming his way. Letting go of David Hyde ran to the tall stain glass window, that shattered as he jumped through it. While David let out a series of violent coughs before crawling over to this revolver, getting up he rushed over to the broken window. Raising his revolver to Hyde he watched as Hyde turned into a dense black cloud of magic, that flew off out of range. Lowering his outstretched arm, David watched in horror as his dark half escaped. No pony heard his words as he lowered his head in defeat, while changeling were forced out of Canterlot by Shining Armor’s spell “what have I done” Less than an hour later the black cloud of hate hit the ground, taking form as it did. Standing up Hyde straightened his clothes before spotting a village a few miles away, smiling Hyde headed towards the village of Ponyville as he sang a twisted little song “oh, oh, oh it’s a lovely war, to kill a Jerry hey, oh I’m not going to take the fucking pay. As soon as the battle is done, I move on to the next, and I’ll never be done until I’ve slit all their necks. Oh, Oh its a lovely war, to kill a pony hey, to hear them scream in dismay” > The things we hyde > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train from Canterlot ran down the tracks, taking the fasted track to Ponyville. Inside the rattling carriage sat everypony “David, who exactly is this Hyde, you seem to know him?” Celestia questioned. David looked down to the revolver in his hands with a steely gaze, loading it as he speak in a distant voice “only by reputation. Hyde is the personification of a man’s worst self, my worse self. He is made up off all my worst qualities. He is capable of nothing but evil, because he is made up of nothing but evil” Everypony stared at him in shock, only once before had they faced somepony’s evil side. And that’s why they brought the elements along with them, if Hyde was truly David’s dark half the elements could defeat him like they had nightmare moon. “I take it another Hyde has existed?” Celestia asked. “no, before today Hyde was nothing more than a made-up character in a book” David answered. “couldn’t we use that to our advantage? If you know how that story ends then we know how to defeat him” Shining Armor added. Shacking his head to the notion David answered “that wouldn’t work Jekyll and Hyde were the same man like” “like nightmare moon and I” Luna added in a weak ashamed voice. Wincing slightly Celestia pressed on “regardless of the differences how was Hyde defeated?” David’s tone was low and quiet, he didn’t want to go down this road but he would if he had to “Jekyll killed himself, and he took Hyde with him” Looking up to him with wide sad eyes Luna spoke “we won’t let that happen” “SURE! WHEN WE FIND HIM WE’LL KICK HIS FLANK” Rainbow Dash spouted. “but we’ll have to find him first” Shining added. “he’s heading for Ponyville” David stated coldly. “Ponyville?… how could you possible know that” Twilight asked in a worried voice. “my rifle is back at the cabin, along with more than three hundred rounds of ammunition. With it he would be able to kill at three thousand yards. But it gets worse, hidden in my bags are two grenades” David stated coldly as he continued sliding bullets into the empty chambers of webley. Seeing confused and worried looks from the ponies David knew they didn’t have them, they didn’t even have the word for them, so he explained “it’s an explosive, about the size of an apple, pull the pin and in five seconds it’ll explode” David's hands stopped as the horror of the situation hit “he’ll use them as traps” “How?” Twilight asked her voice clearly within fear's grasp. “my brother tripped a wire when he went into a church, the wire was tied to the pin of a grenade. The explosion brought the roof down on him, he was lucky to get out of there alive, Hyde will make sure we aren’t” David answered. “so what the plan Princess?” Applejack asked. “yeah, I bet you’ve got a whole army of guards waiting for us in Ponyville” Rainbow spouted loudly. “Unfortunately all our guards are back in Canterlot, dealing with the remaining changelings. As for Hyde, we are on our own” Celestia answered with a heavy heart. “come on Princess, this should be a cakewalk. We have three alicorns, and the elements of harmony, how hard can this be” Rainbow boasted. “it won’t be that easy my little ponies. Luna and I are still weak, and Cadence isn’t as well versed in magic as us” Celestia answered, her tone like herself becoming more scared with each passing second. Looking over them Twilight saw what she was referring to, Celestia’s white horn was still chard black from Chrysalis’s magic. Luna just looked weak like she had all her strength drained from her, her eyes were on the verge of sleep like the rest of her weak body. “so what is the plan Princess?” Twilight asked. “We are going to find him, and once he has been subdued, we will use the elements against him” Celestia answered. “and how will we...” Applejack asked before being cut off. “it won’t work” David stated dismissively. “I beg your pardon, but why don’t you think it will work?” Celestia asked not even attempting to hold back the fear in her voice. “Hyde came from me, so like me, it is possible that he will be able to resist your magic” David stated with a hint of worry to his voice. “I take it you’ve come up with a plan of your own then?” Celestia asked. “I have, all we need to do is get me within fifty yards of Hyde and I’ll be able to kill him” David said in a low cold tone as he snapped his revolver shut. “and if it doesn’t work?” Celestia warily asked. “I’ll have five more shots” he answered plainly. Holding his revolver out he continued “it only takes one shot to kill a man, and this webly holds six” this earned horrified looks from all the ponies present. 1 A cruel smile crept onto Hyde’s face as he arrived at the edge of ponyville. Walking through the village of ponies Hyde headed straight for the cabin. No pony stopped him or even really noticed him until he started to whistle, this earned him a few passing glances as ponies miss took him for David. Hyde began to kicking up water from the shallow puddles along the street “Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres she hasn’t been kissed in 40 years. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. Our top kick in Armentieres broke the spell of 40 years. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. You didn’t have to know her long to know the reason men go wrong. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. She’s the hardest working girl in town, she makes her living upside down. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. She sold her kisses for ten frances each, soft and juicy as sweet as a peach. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. Madame. you’ve got a daughter fair, to wash the soldiers underwear. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. I didn’t care what came of me, parlez vous. I didn’t care what came of me, parlez vous. I didn’t care what came of me, parlez vous. I didn’t care what came of me, so I went and joined the fucking infantry. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. Went in her bed, she sure was fun working her ass like a maxim gun. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres. I had more fun than I could tell, beneath the sheets with Mademoiselle. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. They say they mechanised the war parlez vous, they say they mechanised the war parlez vous, they say they mechanised the war parlez vous. So what the fuck are we marching for? Hinky dinky, parlez vous. You might forget the gas and shells, parlez vous. You might forget the gas and shells, parlez vous. You might forget the groans and yells, but you’ll never forget the mademoiselles. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous. Many and many a married man, wants to go back to France again. Hinky dinky, parlez vous. Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous, Mademoiselle from Armentieres Parlez vous. Just blow your nose and dry your tears, we’ll all be back in a few short years. Hinky dinky, parlez vous.” After a few minutes of walking, he heard a loud squawk behind him “THAT’S HIM!” Stopping Hyde turned around to the noise seeing two griffins. His cruel smile grew as he recognised one of them, Gilda. “HE’S THE ONE THAT ATTACKED ME!” she yelled while pointing at him. “right” the male one said as he marched over wearing nothing but an aggressive scowl, before yelling at the top of his lungs “You think you can hurt Gilda and nothing will happen!” “will you shut your fucking trap” Hyde growled out. “not after I break yours” the griffin shot back. Hyde’s face dropped as this animal tied to stand up to the might of man “who the fuck do you think you are?” Hyde spat out with enough venom to kill. “Gilda’s boyfriend that’s who” he shot back. “Really? I thought you were her brother” looking over Gilda his hateful eyes boring into her “punching above your weight aren’t you love” Gilda felt a deep dread weigh down upon her as his gaze cut through her “err thanks” she nervously replied. Intently looking Gilda up and down Gilda’s boyfriend snapped “ou! Look at me when I'm talking to you!” Casually rolling his gaze back to the loud griffin before him he replied in an equally casual voice “I’ll look at who I bloody well choose” “you’ll be looking through black eyes in a minute” the griffin yelled as he approached Hyde staring him down in a vain attempt to intimidate him. “you’ll be lucky to have eyes in a minute” Hyde threatened as casually as breathing. Looking passed the griffin blocking his view, Hyde looked Gilda up and down again before returning his gaze to the other griffin with a mildly intrigued expression “say do you griffins give birth or lay eggs?” The sheer obscenity of the question made the griffin’s mind stop for a moment as he tried to comprehend what Hyde had just asked, the griffin was lonely able to stammer out a quick “what?” in response. Hyde’s cruel smile returned as he explained himself in a calm well thought out voice “well I’m rather famished and I want to know if I gut that little chicken of yours, will I be dining on eggs or plucking her feathered hide for dinner” The male griffin somehow went a little pale at his words before spitting out a disgusted response “your sick” Just passed the griffin Hyde saw Gilda’s recoil in disgust, shying away in fear for her body. Still, as calm as ever Hyde replied in a dismissive condescending tone like he was speaking to a child “no the word is hungry, can you say that?” The griffin just stood there unable to find the words that he wanted to say. Hyde on the other hand had no trouble finding his vile tongue that spat out a patronising tone “what’s wrong? Can’t you say that? Does that little bird brain of yours not understand?” “All I need to understand is I'm going to enjoy this” he squawked before raising a talon to Hyde. Slashing Hyde across the left side of his face, his head turned with the blow giving the griffin a full view of the damage he had done. The cuts were deep, deep enough that any normal creature would be at least griminising in pain but Hyde didn’t. Not even when the wound began to bleed, but it didn’t bleed blood but a black smoke that hissed like a cattle brand, it came as quickly as it left, and when it did the wound was gone. This would have unsettled the griffin but what he saw next was even more disturbing, after being greeted with violence, Hyde let out a low controlled breath as reached back pulling off his black cap revealing a satisfied smile as the flat cap fell passed his face, speaking in a calm almost soothing voice “your right am going to enjoy this” Before Gilda could utter a word Hyde lifted his cap striking her boyfriend with its beak, the simple blow brought the griffin to his knees. He couldn’t understand, the man’s fist never made contact with him, only the flimsy cloth of his hat touched his face. So why did it hurt so much? Looking up he saw his answer as Hyde lifted his bloody hat up, along the cap’s edge was his blood and the faint flash of a silver edge sowed into its beck. 2 The train came to a screeching halt as it arrived in ponyville. Exiting the train the ponies quickly rushed out with David and Luna weakly following behind. The sharp sound of steel scraping against steel broke the silence of the world, and upon hearing the sound that rolled over the tops of the trenches David’s head snapped to his side. Staring down the sight of his revolver, he saw it was nothing more than the old sliding door a few cars down. Upon seeing David like this Luna softly called out “David?” He didn’t seem to respond, perhaps he didn’t hear her. Hesitantly Luna reached out to his shoulder, this prompted a reaction out of him. His tense stance seemed to relax to her touch making him lower his revolver “David are you alright?” Luna asked worriedly. “yeah, just a bit on edge” David answered in a distant voice. Beginning to walk out of the station David felt Luna’s hand slide down from his shoulder to his arm. Luna’s hand acted like an anchor to David’s body stopping him dead in his tracks, turning to her he saw the frail state she was in, not only did she look weak from what the Chrysalis had done to her, but she looked afraid more afraid than he had ever seen her or would even want to see her. “Luna? What’s wrong?” David asked in a concerned voice. Looking up to him with those wide blue eyes she answered in a low heartbroken tone “this… this won’t end like that story will it? I… I don’t want you to die” Cupping her hand in his as he answered her plea in a reassuring voice “Luna, that’s not going to happen. Hyde is just a man like any other” his tone then became much emptier as he took no pleasure in his ending words “and he’ll die like any other” Luna knew his comforting words were all for her benefit “just… just don’t die… I don’t want to lose you” Pulling her hand off his shoulder he continued to hold it as continued to comfort her “don’t worry you won’t” Marching down the streets of ponyville the group of alicorns, ponies and human made their way to David’s cabin. The group seemed to form some kind of order as they moved through the streets, with the men taking the lead. David knew what Hyde knew and what to look out for, while Shining Armor marched alongside him ready to perform his duty as a guard for the princesses, and as a husband for his wife. The three princesses walked behind them, with Luna walking right behind David as Cadence walked right behind her finance, acting as her shield. The main six followed suit, each wearing their respective element in preparation of the fight ahead. As they walked through the cobbled streets of ponyville they saw multiple ponies running towards them, at first they thought they were running towards their princesses like they have done every other time, but this time was different they just ran straight passed them. Some of them call out in panic hoping some pony would help “GUARDS! CALL THE GUARDS!” Continuing against the rushing stream of ponies, they made it to its source. Upon finding it they saw Hyde towering over a griffin, along with another griffin too afraid to move. But to Applejack her eyes met a certain wagon, it was off to the side of the road nestled to market stalls. An eagerness to use the elements took over her, as she knew where that wagon was so was Big Mac, maybe even Applebloom as they picked up supplies for fixing up the farm. As they drew close Rainbow Dash saw who it was cowering away “GILDA! GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Still beating down the other griffin Hyde stopped upon hearing her name “DID I SAY YOU COULD FUCKING MOVE!?” Hyde yelled pointing his bloodied cap at her. A moment later Hyde saw his lesser half, along with the rest of the ponies that accompanied him. Seeing the threat they posed Hyde lifted the battered griffin up, keeping him between Hyde and the ponies. Putting his cap on Hyde replaced his weapon of choice with a small knife. “Twilight now!” Celestia called out. Stepping forward the element bearer lined up, magic flowing through each gemstone around their necks joining into two streams of pure white, that flowed into the element of magic before shooting out. The magic that came forth from Twilight’s element was spun into a rainbow of magic, that passed seamlessly through the griffin. Hyde felt the magic hit him like a wave, but it didn’t have the strength of one. It smashed against him with no more force than that of a steady stream. The ponies saw Hyde fight against the magic like he was fighting the tide. With one swift step to his left, Hyde stepped out of the magic beam dragging the griffin out with him. Everypony just stared in shock as they watched him not only resist the elements of harmony, but defy them. Giving a prideful smirk Hyde spoke in with an equally aragont tone “six elements of harmony. If only you had one more you might have stood a chance, as small as it may have been, but my seven beats your six” Fearing for herself and her subjects Celestia hesitantly asked “seven? What seven?” fearing that he somehow possessed magic greater than the elements. Still smiling over his superiority he answered “the seven sins of course” In a somewhat state of panic, Celestia asked “seven sins? Seven sins of what?” “the seven sins of man” Hyde replied just soaking up the state of panic he was inducing “how about I show you one” Hyde announced with glee before pulling the knife back stabbing its narrow blade through the griffin’s ear. The worst part for the ponies to see wasn’t the knife going through the griffin like butter, but the lack of a reaction from him. He was so bloodied, Hyde inflicted so much pain on the poor griffin that he only managed a muffled groan as they passed through him. “David what does he mean? What are these sins?!” Celestia asked in a state verging on frenzied. “their just words nothing more” David answered strategically. “you know as well as I do that’s a lie. But you have gotten rather good at that haven’t you” Hyde shot back earning an officers revolver to be aimed squarely at his head. The ponies watched as Hyde seemed to cower away slightly, using his griffin hostage as a shield. But still, Hyde pressed on taking delight in David’s willingness to violence“you see even with me out here he still as prideful as ever. They call that one the first sin, the one that drove the first man ever born from a woman’s womb, to kill his brother” Eyeing up the gun in David’s hand Hyde spoke, hoping a deal would alleviate the situation “why don’t you step aside Captain?” “and why would I do that?” David asked not caring for the answer. Smiling Hyde gave David the proposal that could change history, and put his cruelty and lust for violence to use “because I could do what you won’t, and go back to the trenches. Imagine it, me in your place, killing those fucking boche. I could end the war, but not before killing the butcher of the Somme. I lived in your head for twenty-seven years, I know what you want to do to him, for all those he sent to their deaths, I could do it for you. I could drag Haig out of his office, nail him to a post, and make him stand watch over no man’s land like a fucking scarecrow. But he won’t scare no crows, he’ll be eaten by them” David found his offer to be tempting, so tempting that David’s revolver baring hand began to falter. So many birds with a single stone. Hyde could take his place, he wouldn’t have to fight anymore, the war could be over for him. Hyde and his violence wouldn’t be noticed in such a bloody war, he might even be right, and he could possibly end the war. Even if he can’t end the war he would be gone, the war might even kill him like so many others. But what if he didn’t die, and the war did end, Hyde would be free to do as he wished. Raising his revolver back up he aimed straight at Hyde, who responded by tightening his hold on his living shield “you know that bullet will go through his head before it goes through me. How about we settle this like men? You hostler that gun of yours, and I’ll sheath my knife, and we’ll settle this as men should, with our hands” After a few tense moments, David lowed his revolver, earning a pleased smile from Hyde. His eyes moved to the white furred princess as he spoke “and you princess, you best keep those fucking horses of yours out of this, or I’ll break them like those changelings” Looking down at the griffin skewered on his knife “guess I’ll be needing this back” Hyde proclaimed before tightening his grip on his knife that’s blade still protruded from the griffin’s ear. Hyde pulled it back ripping through the bottom half of his ear. The griffin cried in pain as he felt his ear nearly ripped from his head, clutching it in hopes to keep it from falling from his head, unlike his frail body which fell to the ground which Hyde happily stepped on as he sheathed his knife back into his coat. The two men met in the middle of the cobbled street, surrounded by the empty market stalls not long abandoned. David took a crude stance that he had learned from the regimental boxing, his left arm was outstretched while his right dominant fist stayed back ready to strike. Hyde just snorted dismissively in response, casually reaching back Hyde scratched the back of his head before taking hold of the back of his cap. With a quick flick of his wrist Hyde swung his cap out, the razored beak striking David across the face. Flinching back the razors were just able to glazed David’s left cheek, pressing his advantage Hyde swung his cap back. Leaning back David dodged the bloodied cap, before stepping forward and striking Hyde across the face. Both men stumbled slightly, Hyde too weight behind David’s fist, David too his poor stance and the over swing of his punch. Steadying themselves Hyde responded by tackling David, driving him back into the stall next to Big Mac’s wagon. David’s back crashed into the stall knocking almost everything off it, as his body arched back with the edge of the stall. Towering over him Hyde wrapped his left hand around David’s neck, he didn’t have the strength to chock him with a single hand, but it was enough to keep him in place. Lifting his right hand with his bloody flat cap wrapping around his fist, Hyde began beating his other half. Raising his left arm David shielded his face from Hyde’s onslaught of blows, the sheer repeated force of them drove forearm into his face. Even cushioned by his arm he still felt the weight of each blow. After a moment David began clawing at the hand around his neck with his free dominant hand, driving his nails into Hyde’s hand seem to do nothing, even pulling seemed to do little to nothing. But David’s continuous contact with Hyde seem to do more than strength, Hyde began to wince in pain, it wasn’t much nothing more than a pinprick but the longer their contact was maintained the worse it got. Looking down Hyde saw the source of his pain, the hand he had wrapped around David’s neck was beginning to burn, deep black smoke was starting to come from his hand, the same smoke he became when he was pulled from David’s heart. With Hyde’s grip loosening, David was able to pry Hyde’s hand off his neck. Raising his leg David placed a boot on Hyde’s abdomen pushing him off. Stumbling back Hyde gripped his left hand looking at the burn that seemed to be carried away by the smoke that quickly dissipated. While Hyde nursed his wounds David lunged forward tackling him to the ground, colliding with the wet cobbled ground Hyde almost bounced back as David landed on him. Squirming about on top of him David mounted Hyde, sitting on top of his abdomen David pinned Hyde beneath him. Each punch was wildly overswung, knocking David off balanced and nearly off Hyde with each hit. Holding him down with his left hand while steadying himself, David punched with his right driving Hyde’s head back to the cobbles below and off to the side with each punch. After two punches Hyde punched back, knocking David off him. Falling off him David saw an upturned stone beside a flooded pothole, reaching for it David pulled it back its ruff surface being twice the size of his fist. Remounting Hyde David pinned him beneath him, as he raised the rock up above him. The ponies just watched in horror as the well-spoken officer they knew, mercilessly beat his other half. All form and function was gone, there was no skill to this savage display of brutality. Swinging the rock down David struck Hyde across the face, driving him to his right as he spat out blood. The heavy weight of the rock and the blow sent David to his left, reeling back for another blow David raised the rock above his head. Swinging it back down David was ready to kill Hyde, but as he did Hyde reached out catching David by the wrist halting his blow mid-swing. Launching his free hand forward Hyde struck David in the throat making David clutch his neck as he gasped for breath. The heavy rock fell from his grasp as Hyde kicked David off him, falling back David fell to a knee. Smiling through bloody teeth Hyde pushed himself up off the cobbles, grabbing David with both hands before throwing him to the right. David collided with the brick wall of a house behind the stall, landing just beneath a window. Groaning David nursed his wounded left shoulder as Hyde approached, picking him up again Hyde struck him across the face. The heavy blow nearly knocking him off his feet, but Hyde held him upright. Reeling back David took Hyde’s head in both hands slamming him into the wall, pulling his arms back David pulled Hyde’s head from the brick wall before slamming it back into it. Clenching his teeth Hyde let out a hissed of pain as he fought back, wrapping his own hands around David’s head he mirrored David slamming him into the house, but David’s head didn’t hit the stone cold brick but the brittle glass of the window. With his head through the shattered window sharp shards all around him, Hyde got behind David at first pushing his head down and neck towards the sharp glass beneath him. When Hyde sent him through the window David had let go of Hyde, his hand now laid flat against the edge of the window frame pushing back against Hyde's force. Hyde continued to push until his rage got the better of him, punching David in the back of the head over and over again, each punch sending David’s neck a little closer to the glass below. Seeing the glass slowly approach like the waves of the sea slowly swallowing the beach, each wave creeping a bit closer than the last. The moment Hyde’s fist left the back of David’s head, David grabbed a large shard snapping it from the frame, it’s edge cutting into his right hand as he swung it back into Hyde. For a moment Hyde screamed out in pain before silencing himself. Letting go of David Hyde took a step back, breaking David’s hold on the bloody shard. Taking it into his own hand Hyde pulled it from his right arm, swinging it down like a dagger in his left hand making David back up. Falling back David fell to the ground, with Hyde following landing on top of him. Swinging the glass spike down towards David's chest, David court Hyde by the wrist stopping the glass well above his chest. Within seconds it became a war of strength over skill, David had both hands on Hyde’s left arm desperately trying to keep the shard up high, while Hyde pushed down with both hands, but his pushing soon became beating as he beat down on his own hand like a hammer on a nail. David pushed to the left driving them both off to his left, but the shard still went down as it when off to the left. The shard cut David straight across the chest, it wasn’t deep enough to draw blood but it scraped his jacket, tearing his left breast pocket and severing the cord that went down from his neck down to his holstered revolver. The glass slipped from Hyde’s grasp as their hands went off to their left, clattering as it scrapped over the cobbled ground. Quickly recovering Hyde wrapped his bleeding hands around David’s neck, choking him Hyde moved himself up on top of David pinning him beneath him like David had before. Struggling for breath David tossed and turned in an attempt to shack Hyde off him, but that didn’t work as Hyde pressed a knee into David’s chest squeezing what little breath he had out of his chest. Wrapping his own hands around Hyde's wrists, David tried to pry himself free but Hyde pulled him up by his neck slamming his head down in response. Dazed and now gargling on his own breath, David was now kicking like a fish in some desperate attempt to escape. Taking a hand of Hyde’s wrist David push against Hyde face trying to push him off him, thrashing about like a wet dog Hyde made it hard for David to keep his grip for more than a second. Now wheezing like an old man David was becoming more desperate, driving his thumb into Hyde’s eye as he tried to pry him free of him. Hyde winced in pain and for a second loosened his grip on David, releasing his grip on Hyde’s other wrist David wrapped it around Hyde’s head driving his other thumb into Hyde’s eye. With each moment that passed David grew weaker, while the pain in Hyde eyes grew greater. It wasn’t long before Hyde squeezed tighter, trying to squeeze the last breath out of his better half before the pain got too great. But with each moment that passed Hyde’s groan of pain grew louder until he screamed, black smoke pouring from his eyes and the sides of his head where David’s hands were. Releasing his other half Hyde back up breaking the connection between them, the moment they were parted the smoke began to dissipate. Rolling over onto his side David braced himself as he coughed into the ground, his coughs were so laboured it sounded like his lungs were about to give out. Having recovered Hyde sneered as he approached his downed half, gritting his bloody teeth Hyde yelled “you little bastard!” before kicking David in the chin, even the ponies could hear David’s teeth snap together. Blood flew from his mouth before he collapsed to the ground, but David was too weak too beaten to move, he could barely even breathe. Hyde didn’t continue his assault on David, instead looking back at the wagon behind them. Walking over to it Hyde spotted something that made him smile, Big Mac may have intended for the farm but Hyde had other plans. Now on all fours, David slowly began to recover, but as he did he heard Hyde slowly approaching him, each step on the cobbles were like the echoing tick of a loud clock in an empty room. The moment David began to push himself up off the ground he saw something pass his eyes, it was as fin as a string but grey like stone. It took a moment but when he realised what it was he reached up to defend himself, putting his left hand between his neck and the barbed wire below. Hyde pulled back on the wire dragging David up with it, wrapping its long length around his neck again. Pulling tighter barbs dug into David’s left palm, while many more barbs cut into the back and side of his neck. Reaching up with his other hand David tried to pry himself free, but all that did was pull the wire down more onto the back of his neck. Spotting a flooded pothole a few feet away Hyde pulled on the wire, dragging David back to the ground. Pulling on the barbed wire like a dog's collar Hyde dragged David over the ruff road, the edges of each stone in the road adding yet another little cut to the side of his face. Once they reached the edge of the hole, Hyde plunged David’s face into the shallow water, kneeling down on top of him, pressing his knee into the side of David’s head so he couldn’t come back up. His face was half submerged in the water, each breath taking in a mix of muddy water and air all while fighting back against the wire cutting into his neck. Leaning down Hyde spoke his voice even more sadistic than before “just like Passchendaele isn’t it? How many men do think died like this? No guns, no shells, just consumed by the earth” The ponies could see David as losing hope, his strength was obviously waning as he fought back less and less with each breath. “that’s it, just let it take you, one breath at a time and it’ll soon be over” Hyde said like the devil whispering into David’s ear. David’s movements became less, he was barely struggling under Hyde now. Focusing solely on David, Hyde never saw the pony charging right for him tackling him off David. As Hyde was ripped off David he felt Hyde pull on his left side. Being tackled off David, Hyde was now standing arms locked with the pony that tackled him. Seeing who it was Hyde pushed back against Shining Armor, pushing Shining Armor off him Hyde swung something in his left hand down across Shining’s face. Shining may not have seen what it was but it was hard and heavy, and more than enough to knock him off his balance. “stay out of this” Hyde sneered before swinging his right fist back into Shining’s face, the blow wasn’t just strong but powerful, powerful with magic. A black burst of magic exploded from Hyde’s fist the moment it made contact with Shining, sending him flying back a couple of feet to the ground. Looking at his hand Hyde wiggled his fingers as dark magic swirled between them “now that’s new” Hyde said in an intrigued voice. Gasping for air David pulled the wire out from around his neck, adding yet more cuts and scraps to his battered body. Pushing himself off the ground David reached for his holster, still on his knees David’s head fell in defeat as he felt his empty holster. Hearing the click of his revolver’s hammer locking in place, David slowly got to his feet. Turning around David faced Hyde, his own gun staring back at him “do you really think I know you so little that I wouldn’t know you would go back on our little deal, and now you’ve lost” Hyde said smugly. Still standing there defeated David said nothing just sighing heavily “What? Not going to run back to the trench, you still think you can win?” Hyde questioned. “I’ve got to try at least try” David answered his voice low and beaten. “you know bullets are faster than men” Hyde stated. “I do, but I’ve faced the lead before and I don’t doubt I’ll face it again” David stated morbidly. “just remember Captain, officers don’t duck, the men don’t like it and it doesn’t do any good” Hyde said quoting many officers before him, but Hyde’s redition was more sadistic like a cat toying with its prey. “I know” David said with an empty hopeless voice. Advancing on Hyde David took his first step forward, but before his boot could touched the ground, the hammer on his revolver slammed into the loaded cylinder. The loud bang was deafening, forcing all the ponies present to wince at the sharp sound. The ponies also saw something fly out of the gun, they may not have not known it was a bullet or what a bullet was, but they did know what they saw had just flown into David and out the other side. Losing his balance David took a step back to brace himself, slowly his hands fell down to his abdomen. Pulling open his jacket he saw the expanding red stain on his shirt, the sight of it made him faint, not because it was blood but because it was his blood. Pressing his right hand into it David tried to stop the bleeding, but it did little to help as blood dripped through his fingers. Feeling his strength leaving him David fell to his left, falling onto a market stall beside him. Leaning against it David tried to recover his strength, pushing himself off the stall David launched himself at Hyde. Hoping to grab the gun David dived for it, his bloody hand reaching for it. But before he could even reach Hyde, Hyde shot him again. The moment the bullet entered David’s left shoulder he fell to the ground, his limp body collapsing on the wet cobbles. Towering over his fallen half Hyde roughly picked David up, placing him back against the stall he had just collapsed on. David was now seated up with his back only being propped up by the stall behind him. Crouching down Hyde grabbed David pulling on his hair like a puppet's string, bringing his limp head up to him “strong enough to rule, but too weak to lead. That’s always been your problem” Hyde mused to David. “let's see how strong you truly are” Hyde pondered in a smugly amused voice. Placing the revolver in David’s right hand, Hyde pointed its barrel towards himself aiming directly for his own heart. With his own hand interwind with David’s, Hyde placed his finger behind the trigger “all you’ve got to do is pull that trigger, and all this will be over” Hyde stated. Weakly David tried to pull the trigger, but he wasn’t just pulling against the weight of the trigger but the strength of Hyde “come on your stronger than that, don’t you want to kill me?” Hyde taunted in a sickeningly soothing voice “come on kill me, KILL ME!” Hyde demanded with a fury only a wrathful beast could muster. Pulling the revolver from David’s grasp Hyde yelled “PATHETIC!” before swinging it back across David’s pale face, knocking him back to the ground. Catching the ponies in the corner of his eye Hyde pulled David back up, placing the revolver back in David’s hand. Hyde pointed it towards the gathering of ponies, this time Hyde’s finger on the trigger while David fought against it. “maybe this will bring out that strength of yours” Hyde sneered. David could feel Hyde pulling on the trigger as he waved it about wildly, moving its target from pony to pony “who shall you fail to save? Your blue winged angle?” Hyde stated pointing the revolver at Luna. “her neglectful sister?” Hyde’s aim now squarely on Celestia. “her niece, the pink whore” Cadence now staring down the barrel of the revolver. The second Hyde pointed it at Cadence Shining Armor teleported in-between them, acting not as a husband but as a shield “or how about the boy playing soldier?” David struggled against Hyde hoping to push off Hyde’s aim, but little came of it. Hyde was stronger than him and kept his aim steady regardless of David’s defiance, slowly David felt the stiff trigger push his finger aside. Once again they heard the revolver fire, the bullet piercing Shining’s purple armour. For all the good steel was against sword and axe, it mattered not, for all its worth in gold it did not stop the bullet. Shining fell back into the arms of his beloved while clutching his armoured leg, the bullet pieced his armour twice as it cleanly cut through him. Shining Armor screamed out in pain as he felt the wound burn all the way through his leg, like someone poured boiling oil into the whole the bullet made. Standing up Hyde snatched the gun from David, the moment Hyde’s hand left his it fell weakly to the ground. Looking up to him David spoke in a tired hopeless voice “I suppose you're going to kill me now?” Smiling at his victory Hyde crouched down “I will but not in the way you think” Hyde said cryptically. Raising the revolver in his hand Hyde swung it down on the defeated man, whipping David across the face with the butt of the gun. The ponies just watched him sit there, unable to fight back as he took his beating. His limp head had rolled down to his right, blood drooling from the corner of his bloodied mouth. Pulling David’s head up by his hair like a rag doll, Hyde force David to look at him “by the time I’m done with you, you won’t be you. You’ll die in you and then you’ll be me” Hyde detailed. Letting go of David’s hair his head flopped back down to his chest, his eyes barely able to stay open. Raising his revolver again Hyde readied himself to continue David’s beating, but once his hand was raised he felt something hit him in the side, it was no stronger than a gust of win. Turning Hyde saw the sauce of what had struck him, he turned so fast the magic around Luna’s blue horn hadn’t had the chance to dissipate. Pulling the revolver on Luna Hyde aimed straight at her still glowing horn “didn’t I tell you to stay out of this. Maybe taking that horn of yours will teach you to mind your own business” With that Hyde took a shot at Luna, the bullet missing Luna’s head by a good foot to the right. Instinctively Luna ducked to the sound not the bullet, as the bullet had already passed her by the time she heard it. Adjusting his aim Hyde prepared to take another shot at Luna’s horn, but another blast of magic struck him, throwing off his aim before he could fire. The magic exploded against his outstretched arm in a golden shower of sparkles. Turning Hyde saw like before, that a princess was the cause. Turning to Celestia Hyde didn’t aim for her but her little ponies “you lot really are as dumb as horses, but even a horse can be broken in. I think I’ll just break you though” Hyde sneered. Aiming at the ponies in front of Celestia, Hyde saw all their scared faces as they wondered who he would kill. When Hyde was about fire Luna charged forward both hands latching onto his right arm pushing it up, firing Hyde shot clear over the ponies heads. Looking down at Luna Hyde spoke “eager to get your hands on a man aren’t you” Struggling to keep his arm up Luna replied through gritted teeth “my only eagerness is protecting my subjects” Pushing her off with ease Hyde aimed his revolver down at her weak form, aiming for her horn again “you should have focused on protecting yourself princess” Hyde proclaimed. Looking down the sight of his revolver Hyde felt a heavy weight hit his back, but unlike all the blows before this one wasn’t magical it had weight behind it. A hand came from behind taking Hyde by the wrist, prying his aim away from Luna. Looking down at the hand Hyde saw who it was, David was giving his last “defiant until the end” Hyde mused before elbowing back into David’s ribs. The blow almost brought David to a knee, but he rooted himself to Hyde like roots in the earth. Swinging his other elbow back David grabbed Hyde’s forearm, restricting Hyde’s movements somewhat, but that was all he could do. Hyde’s response was to beat the man behind him in whatever way he could, delivering more elbows to the ribs, swinging kicks back into David’s legs, each one nearly knocking him off his feet. Hyde started to become more enraged with each second, but Luna saw his face. The hiss of anger wasn’t one of anger but pain, his furious state was caused by the pain David was causing him “let go damn it! Let go!” Hyde hissed through clenched teeth. But David didn’t let go, in fact he became bolder his right hand moved over Hyde’s overshadowing his control on the revolver. As David’s hand moved from Hyde’s wrist Luna saw the burn and black smoke, unlike the other times Hyde wasn’t able to break the connection. This continued to get worse for Hyde, as the longer they stayed connected the more smoke seemed to bleed from between them. Now David was almost shadowing Hyde, smoke bellowing from every single part of them that touched. Hyde was now pulling franticly away from his other half “No! Get away from me, I won’t go back! I won’t die in you! Not again!” Hyde yelled in a mix of fury and fear. And with that Hyde disappeared into the black smoke from which he was born, the black mist seem to stick to David like a thin fog, but unlike fog it didn’t dissipate but was absorbed into David through his clothes and skin alike. He just stood there weakly like he was about to fall, standing where Hyde stood even with his revolver back in his hand. Getting to her feet Luna spoke softly afraid that a loud word would shatter him like glass “David? Are you alright?” He didn’t respond his limp head hanging low as he fell forward into Luna, reaching out Luna court him, his head hanging over her right shoulder. Reaching up Luna took him by the face, gently holding him as she lifted him up to her as she called out in a worried voice “David? David? Are you alright?” Regaining some focus he opened his eyes, letting out a sigh of relief Luna felt her heavy heart lighten. And for another brief moment she felt it sink again as David's eyes fell shut as he fell forward, but this time his lips fell upon her’s. Her eyes widened in shock at first but soon softened to him, his hands wrapping around her, one around her back and wings and the other around her waist. Realising the others were present she pulled away from him, but he pulled her back. At first it was subtle but then it became forceful, holding her in place as he forced himself upon her. Opening his eyes she stared into them, they were his eyes but colder, like they had never felt warmth before, like they had never seen light, like a nightmare. Breaking the kiss he span Luna around, his left arm around her chest pinning her to him. Standing behind her he pressed the barrel of his revolver against her horn “you won’t believe how much David has wanted to taste those lips again” he proclaimed in a cold tone that begged for warmth. “DAVID WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” Celestia yelled in her royal voice. “god you are stupid, you’ve seen this all before and yet you don’t know what is happening” he mocked. “Hyde” Celestia sneered. “That's right. I didn’t die in him, but he’ll die in me” Hyde proclaimed through David’s mouth. Leaning into Luna’s ear he spoke in a softer, more precise voice that cut her with every word “I can still hear him you know, he’s in so much pain right now. Two bullets and a beating will do that to a man, but he can still feel everything I feel. Why don’t you alleviate some of his suffering?” With that Hyde loosened his hold on her pulling his left arm back just enough for his hand to reach her breast, groping her exposed chest he kept her pinned to him. Turning away from him in fear and disgust Luna closed her eyes trying to hold back a whimper, it felt so wrong, these hands were David’s hands, the hands that held her so gently before but now they belonged to another. “remember what I said before? I won’t kill you, what I have planned will be much more pleasurable” he whispered into her ear, Luna’s fear lingering on each word. “Such a pity I’m going to have to take that horn, you'd be stuck as a pony, unable to become something more, something human. Despite that, blue has always been my favourite colour, and David finds it very enticing as do I” Hyde said through David’s voice in an alluring voice that sounded more like the purr of a predator. Looking down her smooth body Hyde slowly moved David’s hand down from her breast, gliding over her soft blue fur down towards her womanhood. His voice was slow and quiet like he was teasing a lover “why so shy? You want this, you want him. I’ve been watching you from behind his eyes, every chance you get you are all over him, and now he can be all over you. And you’ll love it, along with any bastards I put in you, but they won’t be mine they’ll be his” She could feel his hand, David’s hand slowly creeping down her body, she knew where it was going and what he would make David do. She could feel his spread fingers ruffling her fur as it slid down her flat belly, his hand became level with her hips ready to go further but it didn’t, his hand just stayed in place like it was unwilling to go any further. This didn’t go unnoticed, Hyde knew what was happening, he knew David was stopping him. But it matter not, stalling a single hand in a single moment wouldn’t stop him from breaking the blue princess. The ponies just stared in horror at him, but after a moment he noticed something was off about their gaze “what?” Hyde sneered. In the corner of his eye he saw it, what the ponies were staring at. The revolver he once held at Luna’s horn was now nearly pressed against his own head. In an instant he forced it away as the man within pulled the trigger, the bullet shot up into the air as the sound deafened him. Clutching his ear revolver still in hand, Luna broke free falling to the ground. The ringing was deafening making Hyde yell out in pain “you stubborn bastard!” Seeing Luna on the ground Hyde pointed his revolver at her, she looked so weak, so helpless. Easy prey for the hunter, he wanted to hurt her, to kill her. Pulling the trigger he found it stiff, too stiff to fire “come on! Come on damn it!” Hyde gritted through struggling breaths. Hyde’s laboured breaths quickly grew more difficult, his wounds, David’s wounds that Hyde inflicted were now taking their toll on the inflicter. Luna had a full view of his deteriorating state, the two red stains on his front were expanding, they didn’t expand much or fast but it was seeping through multiple layers of thick clothes. Falling to his knees Hyde continued to fight for dominance, the weakening body failing him. His once stay aim swaying to a breeze that wasn’t there, in an arm wrestling match against another arm that wasn’t there. Hyde wasn’t just failing to pull the trigger but also failing to hold his own, Hyde watched as the hand that was not his own slowly and shakily fell out of his control. It happened so slowly, bit by bit David’s hand turned against Hyde’s will, and on his own head. The barrel of his revolver was slowly creeping towards his head, much to Hyde’s resistance. Looking down the barrel Hyde felt David’s finger struggling against the trigger, fighting against his other self with all he had, they both felt their strength failing on all fronts. With their strength failing them they fell from their knees to the ground, landing on his right side the revolver slipped from their grasp. With the last of their strength they reached out for it, they weren’t sure who was in control for they both wanted it for two different reasons, but for the first time since their parting they were in sync. Reaching out their fingers met the gun but they lacked the strength to pick it up, their fingers doing no more than brushing the cold steel. Their hand fell to the earth just before the revolver unable to move. Hyde looked to the gun and then to the hand that he could no longer move, his voice was tired, defeated, almost excepting of what was happening “we both know how this story ends David, you’ll end up bluer than them” he said before his head fell like his eyelids. Rushing over Luna knocked the revolver out of the way, its steel scrapping across the stone cobbles of the street. Yelling out his name Luna was about to grab him but stopped just shy of him afraid of who might answer “David!” but he never answered his body as still as the earth. 3 The sound of a continuous beep emanating from a heart monitor filled the sterile hospital room, its sound was the only indicator that David was alive. Outside the room the Princesses argued with the doctor “why hasn’t he awoken yet it’s been three days?” Luna demanded in a panicked voice. “Please princess you must understand we know next to nothing about him” the white unicorn replied trying to hold her composure. “but you healed Captain Armor in a matter of hours” Luna shot back. “princess with all due respect this is far more complicated than a simple healing spell, even with Captain Armor we couldn’t just heal the wound with magic, we had to remove the projectile first be we couldn’t do it with magic. And their was something else, something worrying, the projectile was comprised of lead” the doctor said with an unnerved tone. “lead? Isn’t that poisonous” Celestia asked. “Sister what are thou talking about? Isn’t lead just a metal like any other?” Luna questioned. “Unfortunately not dear sister, at some point in the past thousand years ponies discovered lead was poisonous” Celestia answered with a heavy voice. “so they have been poisoned” Luna answered the worry in her voice becoming more dominant. “yes and no princess. It would have poisoned them if they hadn’t been removed but we were able to, but something was different about them we couldn’t use magic to remove them. We had to go in surgically to remove them. After we did that we could close the wound with magic, but David was a different story” the doctor's voice dropped as she started to talk about David “He had lost a lot of blood and we had no way to replace it, we were able to stop the bleeding but with no way to replace it all we can do is wait for him to naturally make more” “so once his body has made more he’ll wake up?” Luna questioned with a hopeful voice. The doctor always hated this part of her job, telling the friends and family the odds weren’t the best and with a sombre voice she answered “Hopefully, but there was another thing. While looking for the projectiles one was missing, it looks to have gone straight through his body, but while looking for it we found trace amounts of lead in his back, less than a few grams each but it looks to have been there for a while. Normally lead poisoning takes months or even years of exposure, but these scars have faded so they are at least a year old” The doctor forced on a more hopeful tone as she continued “the amount is small so I don’t believe he is expensing lead poisoning, but it could be a factor in his recovery. But the truth is this is all speculation, we don’t know how his body works. But to be safe we removed the lead from his back in hopes it will help his recovery” “how long do you think it will take for him to wake up?” Celestia asked. “Hopefully in the next few days but we have no way to know” the doctor replied. “is there anything we can do?” Luna asked her voice still concerned for his well-being. The doctor's voice was heavy as she gave them the answer they didn’t want “all we can do is wait, if you would like you can stay with him until he wakes” “thank you Doctor, but have our royal duties to...” Celestia started before being cut off by her sister. “I’ll stay with him, thank you doctor” Luna said in a low tone. “Now if you’ll excuse me princesses, I have patients to see to” the doctor said before bowing to his monarchs. Once the doctor had left them, Celestia turned to Luna wearing a bit of a scowl “Luna you can’t stay with that thing” Within an instant Luna turned to her sister wearing a hurt expression “David is no thing!” Reeling back Celestia’s expression and voice softened in response “Luna that is not what I meant, we don’t even know if it will be David when he wakes” “it will be, he was taking back control” Luna answered back her voice almost pleading for him. “regardless you won’t be staying with him” Celestia stated like a scowling mother. “And why not? You already have him chained to the bed like this hospital is a dungeon” Luna shot back. “well, it’s not like I can use my magic to find out who is in control” Celestia retorted. “you could talk to him once he wakes up, I highly doubt he’ll be in any state able to fight us” Luna reasoned. “yes but this is just a precaution, if it really is David then we shall release him, if not then he can’t hurt you. He really wanted to hurt you, I can’t risk that. My neglect created nightmare moon, I won’t neglect you again, I won’t allow you to be hurt again” Celestia pleaded with tears swelling in her eyes. “and I can’t neglect him” Luna said pitifully. 4 For the next day and night Luna stayed by David, forgoing her royal duties for him. She sat beside his bedside waiting for him, her arms laid crossed on his chest while her head was slumped on his side as she slept. Waking up David saw Luna resting by his side, reaching over David cupped Luna’s hand in his. Waking up Luna sat up pulling her hands away from him, David’s hand followed until it was brought to a sudden stop. Around his wrist were handcuffs chaining him to the metal frame of the bed. David’s voice was dry and tired “morning Luna” “Morning” was the only response she gave in a sombre voice as she kept her distance from him. Letting out a deep sigh of self-loathing David spoke in a low slow voice “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what he did. I’m sorry for what I put you through. I… I tried to stop him” His words earned him no sympathy only a harsh smack across the face, scowling down at him Luna gave him her reply “do you have any idea what it was like?!” “Luna I’m sorry” David tried to say before being cut off by yet another slap across the face. “I had to watch! I had to watch you try and kill yourself! You promised you wouldn’t die and you tried to do it yourself!” Luna yelled in a tearful fury. There was fear and guilt to David’s words as he replied “Luna, he wanted to hurt you, truly. I felt it, I could hear his thoughts. The things he wanted to do to you, I… I couldn’t let that happen” “so you tried to kill yourself!” Luna yelled giving him a scorn only a woman could give. “to save you, the things he wanted to do to you would have made you want to kill yourself” David said pleading with her hoping she would understand. Feeling her anger starting to slip away Luna stood up, and with an irritated huff she spoke “I’m going to get the others” Watching Luna leave David saw how tense her body was, she was shaking because she was so angry with him. Now being left alone David saw how restricted he was, he incredibly limited movement. His hands could barely make it across his chest before yanking on the chain. After an hour of being alone, Luna returned with the rest of the ponies from the incident. Luna sat by his side again the anger still clear on her face, while Celestia stood by the foot of his bed. The rest of the main six, stood half to the left side of his bed and the other to the right side. Shining Armor and Cadence stood at the back of the room behind Celestia, Shining Armor still in his armour. “David?” Celestia questioned. “Hello princess” he replied. “How are you feeling?” Celestia asked as she eyed him up questioning who she was talking to. Letting out a heavy breath David spoke “tired” Celestia gave Applejack a rehearsed look before turning back to the man confined to the bed “forgive me for asking this, but who are we talking to?” With a low tone he gave her his answer “it’s me princess, it’s David. Hyde’s gone” Turning back to Applejack Celestia didn’t need to ask, Applejack just gave her the answer she seeked “he’s telling the truth princess” “I can vouch for that” Luna added in a lonely tone. “How?” Celestia asked with a puzzled look. “I slapped him” Luna stated casually. “you what!?” Celestia nearly yelled as Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie struggled to hold in their laughter. “Twice” David added. The three ponies were now splitting at the seams, little chuckles and giggles slipping out from their sucked-in lips. “Luna, what would have compelled you to do such a thing?” Celestia asked still annoyed at her sister. “I had to see if it was really him” Luna stated. “and how would slapping him in any way help determine who he is?” Celestia asked in an astoundedly dump found voice. “because Hyde would have retaliated, and David would not” Luna answered like it was obvious. “but couldn’t he just act like he was David? He was part of him originally so wouldn’t he know how to act?” Twilight asked still keeping a distance away from the bed. “It's easy for the civilised man to play the savage, but a savage like Hyde would never have the temperament for a simple slap go. He would have lashed out like the animal he was” David answered coldly. “how can we believe that? For all we know this could all be one big act” Rainbow Dash spouted. “Applejack said he was telling the truth, I think the element of honest can tell if somepony is being honest” Rarity added. “but that’s the thing, the elements are magic and we all know David resists magic. So he could be negating her abilities” Twilight speculated with a hint of worry to her words. “he’s not lying” Luna stated simply from the corner of the room. “How could you know? If we act too fast we could let that monster loose again, you saw what that thing did!” Twilight nearly yelled, becoming somewhat timid after her little outburst. Luna gave Celestia a knowing grieved look that Celestia returned, the memories they shared were less than pleasant “I know this because Nightmare Moon tried to once, she used magic to hide what I became. But it failed, Celestia saw through it the moment Nightmare Moon spoke. She couldn’t hide her true self nor would Hyde be able to” Luna said with a down-trodden tone. “so Hyde is gone?” Celestia asked with a more hopeful voice. “yeah, he’s gone. Back to being just a made up character, in a made up story” David said in a sombre voice. “don’t suppose we can dispense with these” David asked raising his hands, halting to the restraints chaining him to the bed. “I’m afraid we can’t do that yet. Theirs some things I’ve been meaning to ask you” Celestia stated, their meeting feeling more like an interrogation. “Like what?” David asked hesitantly, his eyes glancing at Luna before returning to Celestia. “like this war, your part of” Celestia stated bluntly. “that’s none of your concern” he replied with equal bluntness. “I’m afraid it is Corporal, if this war of yours spills over into Equestria then it is my concern” Celestia stated her concerned voice coming from the care she held for her subjects. “it won’t. Even I don’t know how I got here, and don’t think they're looking for me because their not. With a war of this magnitude being fought, with how many men are dying do you really think they would spare anyone to look for me” David said in not a cold voice but a sure tone, like he knew they wouldn’t look for him and didn’t care if they did or didn’t. “but what if the battles change the borders, they could end up stumbling in here like you did” Celestia speculated not even wanting to argue with him. Letting out an amused snort David gave his reply “I’ve been in this war since the start, and in three years the trenches have barely moved an inch” Celestia was taken aback by his words but didn’t let it faze her as she pressed him for information “but what if it does? I need to know what Equestria would be up against” “how big is your army?” he asked almost like he was reversing the near interrogation. Hoping that if she gave him this he would return the information in kind “at the moment, sixty thousand but in a time of war we could go up to two hundred thousand maybe more. Why?” Nodding slightly David spoke in a low voice seeming impressed with her answer “sixty thousand, that’s a lot of men. The King wanted more, he wanted one hundred thousand in three mouths. We gave him half a million in two” The ponies at first thought it was a bit much but not unreasonable for a leader to ask that much of his subjects, Celestia would ask as much of her ponies in a time of war especially if it was a bad one. But the sheer amount that answered the call shocked them, they couldn’t imagine what kind of war would need that many men. In a slightly flustered voice, Celestia clarified “so there are half a million of your people fighting in this war” “no. The British army currently holds over six million men” David said stated in a heavy voice. “S… Six million?” Celestia choked out. “yes. And that’s just the British” David added. “that can’t be true, you want us to believe your people have an army of millions like it is nothing. Come on Applejack tell us he’s lying” Rainbow Dash spouted earning a glare from the princesses. “Rainbow he is telling the truth” Applejack defended. “so there are six million soldiers between us and this war?” Twilight asked. “no. There are six million Brits, but there are a lot more in the trenches than just Brits. India sent over a million and a half men at the start of the war, probably more now. The colonies contributed another million. The French have probably sent the most men, it is their home after all” David stated his words clearly weighing heavily on him. “how many have they sent?” Celestia asked hoping just to keep the conversation going more than the facts. “I don’t know, some men say as much as eight million. Now you can see why Hun aren’t going to get here, they’ve got to get through a lot of men before they get their one in a million shot at finding this place” David answered. “David this is not like looking for a needle in a hay stack, Equestria is an entire country” Celestiaour maps stated. “with all due respect princess but it is, Equestria isn’t on any map. Equestria doesn’t exist, at least not on earth. Twilight said something about portals, so if this portal still exists it’s small and easily missed” David seemed almost saddened by this outcome, even though it was best for Equestria it wasn’t best for him. “I see. With that out of the way, there are some other things I need to ask you, like how did this war start?” Celestia asked holding her composure. “I don’t know” was his answer. “then what do you know?” Celestia asked incredulously as she watched him intently. “I know it started with the assassination of the Archduke of Austria. At that point everything started to fall apart, the alliances that stopped wars from breaking out were the reason they were being fought. Every country from every corner of the globe was being roped in because of an alliance they had too another. A lot of us thought it wouldn’t come to his, myself included. We thought King George would stop this before it happened, he was cousins with Kaiser Wilhelm” David stated his words becoming slower and heavier with each word before being interrupted. “Who?” Twilight asked. “Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia” he answered. “so he is at war with his cousin” Luna stated. Looking over to Luna David saw that fact was hitting her more than most, she looked hurt, the type of pain you can hide but can still be seen weighing on the eyes. Probably painful memories from her passed “he was fighting two cousins, King George had another cousin on his side, Nicholas the Tsar Emperor Russia” Luna’s face dropped this man was fighting not just one but two of his family “David… W… why did you join the war? You don’t seem the type who goes looking for a fight” Luna asked trying to hold her shaky voice. “duty” was his answer as it was simple. After a moment he continued, his eyes looking off into nowhere as he spoke “they told us war would be over by Christmas, it would be a good chance to see the world. Their was a lot of men thinking the war would be over before we made it to the front, but Christmas came and went like many others. It was rather easy in the beginning, it was a lot like camping with boys. There was very little killing in the beginning, there was a very live-and-let-live attitude about it all. But then it got worse, it all got worse. Then they started splitting up the regiments” “Why would they do that?” Celestia asked. “regiments were regional by design, men would sign up together, train and then go to the front together. We would have entire regiments of men coming from one town, they would have all been fathers, sons, brothers, and neighbours. Everyone would know everyone, command thought it was a good idea for morale. But then there was a battle, a bad one not like that narrows it down but every man who was in that regiment died in that battle, not one of them survived. An entire town back home had to be told every man they waved goodbye to is never coming back” They just stared at him in shock, many of which turned to Applejack for confirmation hoping this was some kind of sick joke but it wasn’t “after that they started splitting up the men, trying to spread the pain I guess. It’s been nearly two years since I’ve my brothers” David said in a hollow voice. Celestia struggled to continue finding her mouth to be dry to the question she needed answering “h… how bad were these battles?” The look he gave her wasn’t one that she would normally question, it was a look that would end a conversation. But still, she needed to continue, not for the ponies or Equestria but for Luna, she had to know who Luna was friends with “don’t make me answer that” he replied in a deadly serious voice. “you will” Celestia demanded her tone still soft though. “sister I don’t believe that is...” Luna started. “it is” Celestia nearly snapped back. “how many wars have you fought?” David asked reversing the situation. Celestia deflated slightly to his question but that still didn’t stop her from answering it, hoping her method of give and take would hold out “two wars since Equestrias founding, the worst of which was against the Crystal empire and King Sombra” “casualties?” he asked. “forty-seven thousand over sixteen years” Celestia answered with grief in her tone, she still grieved for those that died in those years. David seemed to acknowledge her answer but didn’t hold much weight to her words “forty-seven thousand, that’s a lot of men. At the Somme, we lost twenty thousand” “Twenty thousand in three years, I know that is a lot but I’m struggling to understand why you haven’t told us” Celestia said regaining some of her composure. David shock his head slightly at her naivety of her statement “it wasn’t twenty thousand in three years, it was twenty thousand in a single day” For how quiet the room was before it seemed to get even quieter, even Celestia voice seemed to be a shadow of what it was “that’s not possible” “Unfortunately it is. The worst bit is it hasn’t made a bloody dent in the war, in fact it has become the standard. Each battle now cost hundreds of thousands of men, at Passchendaele we won six miles of land but it wasn’t worth the cost” David said with an empty voice, he wasn’t sad or depressed it was more just in shock that it was true. “w… what did it cost?” Celestia asked afraid of the answer. “half a million men” his answer didn’t hold any emotion treating it more like a bitter fact than peoples lives “their was a maths teacher in my regiment, it didn’t take him long before he worked out how much a single life is worth in this war. He told me, and I told him to keep it to himself, or he’ll end up on the wrong side of a firing squad” They didn’t know what a firing squad was but they could read between the lines. The main thing that got them worried was not knowing if David was warning or threatening. “David. What was the number?” Luna asked with a hesitant voice. “half an inch” his answer plan and simple “that’s what I’m worth in this war, half an inch of land. It doesn’t what my rank is, what I did before the war, or what I could make after. It doesn’t change the fact that all I am worth is half an inch of land” His words seemed to drain all the warmth and life out of the room, leaving everypony in the silent void left behind. They just stood there in silent contemplation, barely able to process the idea of being worth so little. From within the silences came a sound they all focused on, it wasn’t hard for them, it was the only sound they heard. It was light but sharp, a continuous clinking of steel against steel. It took them a moment to find the source, it was David, a tremor had entered his right hand making the handcuff bounded to his wrist, sending waves of tremors down the chain causing them to jingle like chimes in the wind. “David, is there something wrong with your hand?” Celestia asked with a hint of hesitation. Looking down at his open hand, he slowly closed it into a fist in some hope to squeeze the shaking out “just another cost of the war, it’ll pass. It always does” “After we are done here I’ll get the doctor to have a look at it” Celestia stated in a caring voice hoping to help. “that’s quite alright, a doctor already told me that it’s shell shock” David stated in a distant voice as he focused more on his hand than on her. “but what if it gets worse?” Celestia asked her voice being slightly worried. Shacking his head dismissively he answered her in an equally dismissive voice “that’s not how it works, the doctor told me it’s caused by shell impacts and the longer you're around them the worse it gets. I don’t know if it’ll get better but it won’t be getting worse” “David? How much worse can it get?” Luna asked in a hesitant but thoughtful voice. David’s voice was low and distant like the distant call of a ghost “a lot worse, some men have the shacks more than not. The worst I saw was Jim, it just kept getting worse with him. He was shaking more each day and it lasted longer each time, at night he would scream like he had gone mad. For a while we thought he was getting better, he stopped screaming at night, but he started spacing out during the day. He had the thousand-yard stare, nothing would break him out of that stare, men would shout right next to him and he wouldn’t hear it. He was like that for days, until he stepped on that ladder. I remember he looked so sure when he did it, like it was easy to step out into no man’s land. By the time we got to the ladder, the Germans had already shot him” And yet again the ponies were in shock, they could see the sorrow behind his eyes and the tears he refused to shed. A pair of yellow furred hands gently rested on the frame of the bed, her soft touch matched by her softer voice “David it’s okay to cry” Looking at Fluttershy David replied “no it’s not, men don’t cry and any man that does is no man, they are no better than a boy” “David that is a terrible attitude to have” Celestia stated with a disapproving voice. “I must concur” Luna added. “well it’s the attitude all men have, we are this way not by choice but by necessity. It is the duty we are born with as men to be the protectors in war and at home. The man of the house needs to be the one pillar that supports the family, we need to be the one thing the family can be sure of. We are relied upon and if we can not be relied upon we are worthless” David answered his voice sounding like a meditated mantra he had repeated over and over again. Getting a better insight into the man Celestia pressed another question hoping it would grant her more knowledge of the war and David as well as lighten the mood in some regard “David you keep saying the word men when referring to the war. Are mares banded from service?” “it’s the man’s burden to fight the wars, so the women can be spared the horrors of it” He answered. “but the woman can still fight in it?” Celestia asked. He gave a sombre nob “some have been able to lye their way in, the signing office is getting desperate. They're doing less checks each year, even Tom was able to lye his way in, he was only a boy sixteen not even a man, he didn’t even look that old” “they would let teenagers into this war?” Celestia asked. “We wanted to be part of this war, they sold us on the idea of war. They told us it would only be six months, and we would all be home by Christmas. This would be our war, our mark on history, we would see parts of the world we would never otherwise have seen. Even the women fell for it, there was this one girl she wanted to do her bit like her brothers, I wasn’t having it I had seen too much death that day I feel bad for what I did but I got her out of the war” David said in a disheartened voice. “What did you do?” Celestia asked worried about the answer she would give. “I dragged her out of the trench by her hair, I didn’t care how much it hurt her just that it got her out. I showed her what this war was, I showed her what men did every day and it scarred her. I showed her blinded, the crippled and the dead. But what broke her was the man loading the bodies, it was one of her brothers, I didn’t realise who they were until later but just seeing him do that broke her” David said his voice clearly shameful. “David from what you’ve said couldn’t she have just left?” Celestia asked. Dismissing the idea David shook his head “no, she wanted to be part of this war. I had to take that want away from her, I just wish I hadn’t been so forceful” “you were only trying to help” Luna consoled. “and in doing so I hurt her, that two I’ve hurt now. There won’t be a third” his voice was that of a broken spirit, it’s not that he didn’t want to help but that he had lost hope for it. “why not third times the charm” Pinkie chimed in. “Pinkie perhaps this is not the best time” Fluttershy added in a hushed voice. “David you spoke of a second time. What happened?” Celestia asked. “it was Tom, good old Tommy Tom. He had the shacks but it was getting worse, he started screaming in the night. We feared he was going the same way as Jim, before that we went over the top. We made it out of the battle but afterwards he broke down, he was only seventeen, another year he would be a man, another one after that and he would have been old enough to join. But he was young and eager joining at sixteen, seventeen years old and one of them wasted in this bloody war. I knew of a way to get him out of the war, I gave him all the money I had and told him to go to the closest town, he would find a brothel there and he would find a woman there, and she would give him a disease that would get him sent home” He answered with a heavy heart. “wait your people partake in that vile act? That is disgusting!” Rarity said nearly gagging on her words. “Rarity could you please let him finish” Luna ordered nearly in the way she would address her guards. His words were slow like he was describing a horror that was right before him “he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t move he was that scared. It was like he was standing on a mine that would go off if he moved an inch, but I had to get him out of there. I put his hand on the ladder we came down, and with the butt of my bayonet, I broke his hand. It wasn’t quick and it wasn’t painless, I had to hit him at least five times. I had to make sure he wouldn’t be able to pull the trigger again, if he couldn’t fight they would send him home. But I had to be sure they wouldn’t want him back, I’ve been wounded but all they did for me was put me in a bed for a week and then send me back. So I had to make sure he was worst than I had been, so I stabbed him” Everypony in the room gasped at this revelation, it was clear as day why had done it but still the act horrified them. “he was my friend and I stabbed him, I told him to tell an officer he had been wounded in the battle. That would spare him the cowards feather” David continued. “The coward's feather? What is that?” Celestia asked a little worried about the answer she might get. “a badge of shame, that will be with you until you die” he answered with an empty voice. “David how much longer do you think this war will last?” Celestia asked, hoping for some shred of hope for his people. David’s breaths had become tired and laboured as he answered “I don’t know, they said six months and it's been three years. I don’t know if it will ever end, some men call it the war to end all wars. Others call it the war to end it all”