> A Shining Interview > by AppleCider120 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Stockade - Sole Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor stood silent, watching as his relatively newest recruit, Flash Sentry, was being led to a stockade. This particular device was situated deep in the caverns of the old Crystal Mines; as Shining preferred to do these sort of things where nopony could hear, but he could hear everything in an amplified fashion. In fact, he and Cadence would often steal away in the dead of the night just to come here, and relive a twisted slave fantasy she had discovered when she was imprisoned there by Chrysalis. They would get quite the looks from staff when the pink alicorn would come in with some bruising on her coat, but they knew better than to make any inquiries. And what was Flash doing here? Flash Sentry, still a private in the eyes of Shining Armor, had done nothing more that to catch the eyes of the captain's beloved younger sister. The youngest of the four princesses, not counting his own progeny, was often seen gazing off into space whenever she would visit. Shining didn't take too long to find where her eyes would go when she lost her sense of awareness; it was almost always in the direction of his Pegasus guard. Shining could somewhat understand, he felt; at least, when they first bumped into each other-- quite literally--, they seemed to be the exact same in terms of nervousness. And they were both inept, it seemed, at making any sort of advances towards each other. Shining Armor paid it little mind, but for some reason, he felt a small hint of jealousy for his little sister being stolen by some young up-start guard; she was a princess, after all, and likely deserved better. But, her heart, and her eyes, were locked on him. And so, after nearly three years, when the stallion finally made his move, Shining was shocked. In fact, Shining had expected him to outright avoid having his plans noticed, but the private came right to Shining Armor; and asked for his blessing to ask Princess Twilight to marry him. Shining, undoubtedly, was a bit thrown for a loop upon the question being asked. For one, he had never even seen the two ponies make any sort of excursions as far as dating were concerned; and two, he doesn't even remember the last time Flash had made any attempt to ask for a vacation to just visit the mare. Had he really been that distracted? In fairness, he did have his own little princess to look after, now; and she often took precedence over anything that his guards would do when he wasn't looking. Perhaps he had missed more than he had anticipated. In all of this, however, Shining felt there was a need to make SURE that Flash Sentry was the best choice. The young stallion was determined, as his early rookie numbers, and inspections, would show; but, he needed to make solidly sure that his little sister would be happy with her new mate. Which, against seemingly all reason, is why Flash Sentry was currently being locked in a stockade block, and stripped of his armor. Shining Armor had a devious, but self-described perfect plan to test this stallion's steel. After being completely secured, albeit a bit loosely for comfort, Shining and Flash were left alone in the caverns; save for the sound of the underground stalactites dripping water into puddles around them. Flash sentry was quiet; being as his muzzle was covered with a guard, he didn't have much of a choice. He was confused, as he let Shining know quite bluntly when he arrived, but he obeyed the captain's orders without question. Which was a good start, in Shining's mind. Shining, on the other hoof, was ready to begin his work. "Now, Flash," he said, quite informally, "I have no true issue with you requesting my dear sister's hoof in marriage; in fact, I'm glad you decided to come straight to me, in the absence of her father ever likely visiting the Crystal Empire." Flash nods understandingly, eyes glowing a bit with happiness. Shining couldn't help but find the smaller stallion's expression a bit cute, himself. "But," he said, playfully rustling the stallions mane, "she is a princess. It would be a very BIG decision if she is to say yes to your proposal; and your own determination, or lack thereof, can play a vital role in everything a princess does. Cadence, for example; while she makes the decisions most of the time, if she is ever lacking confidence in herself, she comes to me. While in the end, my input doesn't actually do much more than bolster her outlook, it is enough to say that I made the decision for her." Flash nodded again; Shining liked this about the stallion. He actually bucking listened to what the captain would say, for Celestia's-sake. "So," he said, with a sly smile, leaning down to the stallion's eye-level, "I have set this up as a bit of a test. You seem very determined, and confident when you're not shaking in your own boots around a mare. In fact, the only reason you have this muzzle guard on is not for any fear of you biting anypony; it's because you have a minor history of talking yourself into a mess." Saying this, he carefully removed the muzzle guard, smiling as Flash simply remained quiet. "Good boy," he said. "Now, this is quite an unconventional test, but I need you to show if you are determined enough to marry my sister; because, quite bluntly, she is a hooffull, and you need patience. So, Flash, do you accept my request?" He nodded slowly. "Y-yes, Sir! But, um, what does the stockade have to do with this. Shining smiles, chuckling at the cute little stallion's oblivion, and leaned in closer, pressing his lips to the younger one's muzzle. Flash Sentry's eyes snapped wide open at the contact, having his first real kiss taken by his potential mate's older brother. Even more confusing to him, was the amount of sweetness in the kiss; this wasn't a light, family kiss. Shining Armor was kissing the younger stallion as if he was his mate. The two were locked in a standard, straight-forward kiss, before Shining began to take point, and starting pushing his tongue into the stallion's muzzle. Flash, slowly becoming a bit more relaxed at his captain's antics, hesitantly offered the muzzle-space to the larger male; the larger tongue pressed in, wrestling with his own as Shining lightly pet Flash's mane. As the kiss would progress, with their tongues dancing, and rubbing quite roughly, they would both become quite worked up; Shining was already beginning to unsheathe, at the start of the ordeal, and his stallionhood stood at full attention, smacking against his own stomach, easily reaching the bottom of his chest at the tip. Flash was not far behind, as his mottled cock as actually quite stiff, also pressing against his stomach, as his legs were actually shaking a little out of nervousness. After a decent amount of time-- roughly two, or three minutes-- had passed, Shining finally stared to pull back from the kiss; he panted lightly, as his tongue hung down, and saliva trailed between the two. Upon separation, Flash found himself leaning towards Shining when he was pulling away, actually quite disappointed when the kiss ended. Shining Armor had removed himself from the kiss, and was know making slow paces around the younger stallion. Both of the stallion's cocks had become quite firmly erect, and Shining was taking especially good care to notice the other stallion's mottled patterns on his own cock; the admiration of which now led him to crouching beneath the other stallion, admiring his length. "Not bad, Private," he said, taking a curious smell of the the other stallion's lovely cock. It was a beautiful organ, in Shining's eyes. It was perfectly portioned to the size of it's bearer, and the patterns along it were nicely randomized, with none of the two tones overbearing the other. In his lustful gaze, Shining leaned his head up, eagerly, and licked at the stallion's long shaft. The action resulted in a shuddering gasp coming out of the young stallion's muzzle. He kept the first lick at a slow, dragging pace; he took note of ever vein along the shaft, the slight increase in width around the medial ring, and the throb of the cock when he flicked his tongue on the tip. Flash's legs were unstable after just the first kiss, and the licking of his cock made his legs shake a little more; but, he knew that if he collapsed here, the prince might not give him the blessing he had hoped for. And he was right, as Shining proved his point with another long, gradual lick. This time, his thick tongue made its way over the side of the shaft, taking in the texture of the other veins, and the taught skin around it. The young male's scent was quite intoxication, to the prince. He had no doubt Twily would love to bury her muzzle into the fertile young private's scrotum, as he was doing now. He pressed his nose into the base of his cock, where it would turn into the fleshy orbs that hung below, and reached his tongue out to caress them. The large orb fit nicely in the crevasse of his tongue, as he slowly rubbed it around one of them. Flash let out a shuddered moan as the tongue massaged each of his balls in turn; the left received a decent amount of saliva over the skin, as the right was being attended to by the prince's amazingly soft hooves. When he grew bored of massaging the individual ball, his tongue shifted to the center, and drew a line up the middle of his sac, and trailed back up his wonderful cock, along the softer underside of the shaft. His organ throbbed in a desperate plea, as his hips gave a light buck. Shining's own cock was crying for attention, but his own willpower was all he needed to keep his focus on the one in front of him, as he muzzle opened gradually, taking the tip inside him. Flash gasped as he felt the warmth of Shining's muzzle wrap around the rim of his head, and bucked his hips a bit as the older stallion started to sink his muzzle down further. Flash's weak legs were trying to hold him up, desperate to simply rut into this warm hole he was feeling. Shining could feel the young stallion's desperation; he took each thrust down his muzzle happily, letting the throbbing cock make its way through his esophagus. It took some minor effort on his part, but after some eager thrusts form his lover, he had the lovely cock in its entirety down his throat, his chin, touching the seed-bearers underneath. And more to his delight, he was not in control, here. The hungry stallion above him was eagerly, albeit with a great deal of control, thrusting into his captain's throat. With little grunts in between them, Shining was coating the stallion's cock with his own saliva, while he took great care not to stab him with his horn. This resulted in a tilted head for shining, taking the full slap of the stallions balls against his cheek, and bobbing his head in a counter rhythm. Shining moaned in earnest, as the invading stallion's cock tasted more wonderful than he could ever have imagined. It was clear to him, however, that this stallion was not as experienced as he was used to. This was apparent in how quickly the younger stallion's breath was beginning to stutter as his orgasm approached. Shining smiles, using his magic to lovingly grope the stallions balls, trying to urge him to fill his captain's awaiting muzzle. Flash Sentry did not dissapoint, being a young virile stallion; his cock gave one more hard, undoubtedly brutal thrust, slamming it against Shining's snout. As it collided, Shining could feel the flare come open, and choke him slightly as it began firing several thick, hot blasts of the stallion's seed down his throat. He didn't want to waste any, but he had a primal desire to feel that seed on his coat, as he pulled off swiftly, letting his muzzle hang open as he let the remaining seed blast onto his muzzle. His white coat became variably stained with the off-white substance, and the amazingly hot substance warmed his snout nicely. Flash had finally come down from his amazing high; the first orgasm he had ever obtained outside of his own hoof-work nearly caused him to black out. It had been an intense little affair, lasting only a few minutes, but feeling like heaven; mostly, in part, due to his captain's amazingly warm gullet engulfing his inexperienced cock. Shining, on the other hand, was begrudgingly pulling back from his service, not bothering to clean the dripping cum from his own muzzle. Instead, he had made his way back around the stallion's head, showing off what he had managed to catch in his open mouth. Flash's cheek must have been red, because they were warming up a bit, and started burning when Shining leaned into the stallion's lips, again. Flash had been expecting another simple kiss, but as they shared their tongues once more, Flash felt a warm substance being rubbed against his own tongue; the realization, after a few moments in the kiss, made him audibly squeak. Tasting his own cum had been a deep curiosity, but he had never acted on the urge to. Now, here he was, with his captain, the prince, shoving Flash's own cum into the deliverer's muzzle. Their tongues wrestled for some time more, as the seed would make its way, in uneven shares, down each of the stallions' throats. Shining and Flash let out accompanying moans as they felt the rich fluid draining into their esophagi, and once more pulled away from each other. Saliva, cum, and tongue were thick between their muzzles, as Shining adopted an eager smile. "Flash, I'm going to take it you're not experience with anypony, much less a stallion," he said softly, petting the younger male. Flash shook his head, not much for words, at the moment. Shining took his hint, though, and nodded, lifting himself up to brace against the stockade. "Very well," he said. "Then I will take control here. While I would love for you to take the same care I did with your cock, we would be here far longer than you need to be. This may hurt, a bit, so just relax, okay?" Flash just nodded, as Shining's larger cock bumped against his nose. He stared in hesitation at the large rod, nervously sticking his tongue out to lick at the precum-dripping tip. He wasn't too put off by the flavor, to his surprise, so he gave the stallion another lick, simply trying to delay the inevitable throat plunging that was about to occur. "Alright," Shining said, prodding the stallions barely open muzzle. "It's time to return the favor; just let me do the work, and try to stay awake, heh." Before Flash could respond fully, the cock-head speared into his muzzle, opening his jaw wide over the head. Shining gasped, grunting at the stallion's tightness; Flash, on his part, let out a shocked squeak, clenching his eyes tightly as his wings fluttered. "O-Ohhh, buck," Shining said, gruffly. "T... that's a hot tunnel..." Flash, for his part, had his eyes clenched shut as Shining was starting to work his cock deeper; he was trying not to be overtly rough with the younger male, but he couldn't help but put in a few firm bucks as he pushed deeper. Flash could not help but gag some as the head poked against his throat, and finally shoved through, effectively cutting off a good portion of his air; he was now forced to use his nose for breathing, though that was also a bit labored by how thick Shining's cock was. Shining closed his eyes, now in complete bliss; his hips started to gradually rock, sending the thick cock to its base, and pulling it back to the edge of Flash's throat. The choking stallion had to time his breathing with the bigger stallions thrusts, as the thick cock left him only a second or two when he pulled back. The fact that he had any time to breath was a relief, and he began to try and bob his head along the rod, just to make Shining happy. And it did. Shining let out loud, eager moans as he rutted the muzzle of his private, his balls slapping firmly against the younger one's chin. Saliva was dribbling out of the stallion's mouth whenever the prince pulled his cock back, and he was swallowing plenty of the prince's pre-cum as he plunged back into the awaiting muzzle. While Shining would last with another pony slowly working his rod, this tight throat, and his pacing, were working him over well; and he was not far from blasting his own seed down the reciprocating hole. But, while Shining liked the idea of creaming this younger stallion's throat, he wanted to see his work. He swiftly pulled his flaring cock out, and as Flash coughed up a bit, began firing his hot cum over the stallion's face. The stockade made it easy for the prince to aim, painting the now visibly shaking stallion's face, and hooves with his thicker cum. And upon the silent request of his lover opening his muzzle wide, he let the remaining burst fill the stallion's muzzle. And, as the routine had started, he leaned back in, sharing yet another kiss with the stallion; Cadence had given Shining many tastes of his own cum, and the kisses with Flash were just a good. The higher volume of his own gave them a sloppy snowball, and cum dripped out when they would swap in the kiss. He finally pulled away after a good minute, watching Flash swallow down his load; Flash panted hard, watching as Shining would do the same. Shining stared as his work, which was currently a young private with his face soaked in cum, and smiled. It was about time for the main course, and he wanted every inch of his thick cock inside what was likely a very tight crevasse. Without much more than a wink to Flash, he went back behind the stallion, with a hoof gently rubbing along the younger male's back. With little teases on his wings, which were stiff as boards, Shining made his way to his goal, and lightly rubbed the stallion's cutie marks. The flanks of this stallion were unique, though not to him; Shining had seen quite a few feminine stallions in his time in the Empire, and Flash was only a few steps away from looking outright like a young mare. The only thing really keeping him was the shape of his muzzle, as from Shining's angle, his flank definitely had a more rounded shape. And it was quite firm. At a touch, Shining could feel the firm muscles in the stallion's flank, as his hoof trailed down the curve slowly. Flash couldn't help but blush at the feeling, as the wandering hooves worked their way up towards the dock of his tail, and lightly scratched at his flank. The teasing was starting to make his tail hike up, revealing the last treasure that Shining was aiming for. As he figured, this colt's pucker plothole just looked snug, and would no doubt need some work before he could even work his way in. Thankfully, with some experience with Cadence, he knew exactly what to do to get this little stallion worked up for him. Eliciting a little squeak from Flash, Shining lightly kissed the small hole, and made sure his tongue made direct contact immediately after. His tongue dragged slowly across the folds of his hole, making the little stallion actually squirm a bit, and moan a little louder. With a grin, he continued to lick at the hole, using a free hoof to once more begin caressing Flash's balls; his tongue was playing peek-a-boo with the entrance, prodding lightly as if asking for permission. Without an answer, aside from the filly-like moans from his partner, he started to press a bit more, working his tongue a bit deeper into the stallion's plot. The private was moaning eagerly, grinding his hips as his balls were massaged, and his tail hole lubricated for his captain. Just from the ministrations, and his earlier orgasm, he was still quite sensitive; he didn't feel like he would be long for this session if the prince kept playing with him like this. Before he could waste his seed on the floor below him, Shining pulled back, admiring the glistening hole; he had done enough, and it was time to claim his prize. Shining braced, before raising up, and placing his hooves on Flash's side, getting a gasp from the stallion. "Alright," he said softly. "Now, this is the part I've been waiting for. Behave here, and you'll be rewarded nicely." Flash nodded, taking a deep breath as he felt the large tip press up against his plot, and started to apply pressure. He tried to keep himself relaxed, but the more it tried pushing in, the more his body tried to fight it; but, the prince was not discouraged, in the slightest. With a bite on the back of Flash's neck, Shining gave a rather firm thrust, finally forcing his head into the private's puckered plothole, making the smaller male yelp a bit. Flash stood in the stockade with wide eyes, and a clenching hole firmly massaging the invading cock. Shining had to grit his teeth; he hadn't expected it to be so tight, and he was fighting the urge to let go. Cadence didn't hug him this hard. By Celestia, if nature permitted, he would rut this stallion till he was thoroughly bred. But, nature would not allow such a thing, as it sat by to watch as the stallion started to force more of the cock deeper in Flash. Though he did not have to worry about a cherry, Shining didn't want to cause too much pain on the stallion; but, he really wanted to destroy this tight hole he was buried inside. With his medial ring finally reaching the entrance, Shining began to work on his rhythm, slowly thrusting his cock in the stallion; Flash, by this point, was being reduced to moans a grunts, trying to keep up a veil of masculinity. But, the size, and the pleasure, of his prince's cock was softening him up, and turning him into a very needy little colt. "M-More, sir!~" he cried out, shaking. Shining grinned at the stallion, who was dripping precum all over the floor, and began to thrust more of his filling cock into the hungry cavern of the young soldier. He was greeted with the stallion's hole starting to relax slightly, as Flash was trying to thrust his hips back against the cock inside him. Shining and Flash were moaning, echoing throughout the cave as the only other sound was beginning to be Shining's hips smacking into Flash's flanks. The colt would let out a very lewd moan, and it would encourage the mounting stallion to piston even faster, and moan ferally. Shining clamped his teeth on Flash's nape, as his body was beginning to work against him; he was getting close, and did not want to cum before his mate. With fate smiling pervertedly upon him, he wasn't the first to go; Flash let out a squeal, as he started to cum on the floor below him, tightening firmly around the dominant stallion inside his bowels. The tightening of his hole made Shining gasp out; despite trying to hold it off, Shining found himself flaring up, and beginning to fire another hot load into the young stallion below him. He let out a feral neigh, throwing his head back as he came hard, coating every inch of the stallion's walls with his own cum; as both their balls were beginning to drain. When their bodies finally stopped, Shining reluctantly began to pull his shaft out of the shivering body beneath him; it was followed with an audible popping sound, and the young stallion nearly collapsing on the floor of the cave. Shining sat back, admiring his work; a gaping plothole, dripping with his cum, while the recipient was shaking, and dripping from his own cock. His admiration continued, as he got up, unlocked the stockade, and lay down with Flash on the floor. The private collapsed against Shining when he was released, and lay up against the other warm body as they both breathed heavily. Shining smiled, petting the young stallion as he passed out, panting. "Yeah, I think Twily will like you just fine~"