> Apples to Apples > by Sunshine Smiles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm morning on Sweet Apple Acres, just as cliché as can be. No clouds, Just a slight breeze, and the sun high overhead. Heck, one might just say the pegasi did a right fine job. Now, Apple Bloom and Applejack were just cleaning up the mess of the barn the parasprites got to. Messy as it was, it was a fun day, pitching posts and building walls. Applebloom just has a talent for painting and decoratin’, but that’s for her to find out. So, she was working her little magic on that wall, quite amazing actually, Nopony thought two coats could be applied so fast, Applejack can’t even hold a brush let alone paint with her caution and skill. After Bloom was all done and tuckered out, she yelled out to Applejack “Sis, do you see anywhere I messed up? I don’t want Big Mac mad at you again.” Applejack giggled a bit, “Of course it’s great, you did a mighty fine job lil’ sis. So fast too, aren’t you just the little painter?” “You really think so?” She called out in the sweetest of sweet voices. “Why of course little filly, It’s downright perfect if you ask me.” “So… he won’t be mad?” She looked down, blushing softly, her snout a light pink. Applejack looked at her with my brow raised slightly. “Ok, ok, I get it” She giggled slightly After that bit of... randomness, one would say, they trotted on inside to get a glass of lemonade Applejack had made earlier. The sweetest and best lemonade Applejack had ever made, ESPECIALLY after the long days work. Bloom was dancing away in her room with that clumsiness she always had, again, she is definitely not a dancer. She was shaking her little flank to some Sapphire Shores and well, Applejack just exploded with an overload of cuteness. Applejack giggled a little as she swayed around and she looked back at Applejack and, again, the biggest little blush the world’s ever seen. She planted her little rump on the ground and started pouting. “Well what’s wrong, why’d you quit?” Applejack giggled a bit with her eyes closed Bloom looked away not making eye contact. “Its fine Bloom, it was cute as I’ll get out” “Well then, get out.” She looked down more, Very embarrassed. “Well don’t get snappy with me, It was a COMPLIMENT.” When I walked out and closed the door I heard the tapping of hooves on the floor and smiled to myself. All of a sudden, the tapping stopped. I opened the door back up and peeked inside and Bloom was looking at a picture of me. So I stepped inside and looked at Bloom until she turned around and looked back to me. “I… uhhh…” Applejack had noticed she hid the picture as she was fumbling with her words. “What was that sugarcube?” Applejack said softly. “It’s nothin’ sis.” She looked down with an ashamed look on her face. Applejack walked over to her and looked in between her legs and saw the picture. “You mean that nothing down there?” “It’s a picture of you…” She lowered her head still looking at Applejack. “Well, why were you sitting in a corner looking at a picture of me?” “I love you…” She said in a scared voice, puzzling to Applejack. “Well, I love you too, but I don’t go staring at pictures of you.” Applejack rolled my eyes. “Now, let me see the picture.” “No,” She stammered. “It’s mine.” “Well, technically, its mine.” Applejack laughed. The younger slid the picture out of under her legs across the floor. “There.” She said in a stubborn tone, very reluctant to do so. Applejack looked down at it and her jaw dropped as she looked at Applebloom. “Where did you get this.” It was one of her ‘risqué’ photos that she kept locked in her drawer. She knew she had them, but they were old. “Why were you looking at this?” Applejack glared at her. “I love you…” She said very quietly, almost a whisper. “Well, I kn-….” Applejack paused. “Wait. LOVE!?” She voiced out loudly. Bloom nodded her head slightly and Applejack looked down at her with a strange look. “You have a crush on me?” Applejack laughed slightly hoping it was a joke. “D-don’t laugh at me.” She said, her eyes watering. “It’s fine little one.” Applejack said still shocked. “It’s just a ph-” Before Applejack even finished her sentence, Bloom popped up and kissed her, not a family kiss, but a romantic kisses that was held for more than a few seconds. Applejack reared her head back instantly. “Woaahhhh nelly.” She was a little weirded out. “You can’t just go around kissing me.” She looked around awkwardly. “We ARE family you know.” “Well that’s the bad part, I wish you weren’t my sister so we could be together.” Applejack opened her eyes wide hearing this. “Wh- What brought on THESE feelings.” “They have always been there I guess.” Apple Blom looked down, her eyes still watery. “Really now?” Applejack replied, sort of hazy. “Well… Yeah… Besides, it couldn’t be THAT bad us being together, right?” “Don’t you talk like that.” Applejack snapped at her. “No one will know.” She said in her sly voice and a smile. “Oh my, what’s wrong with you.” Applejack looked down and put her hoof over her face. “What..? Is it really THAT bad you have to act like that?” She smirked deviantly. “Yes… it is Applebloom.” Applejack sighed. “Well. Are you sure?” She said slightly sad. “Yes… I am.” Applejack looked at her with disappointment. Again Apple Bloom swooped up to kiss her. This time, applejack didn’t find herself able to let go and it went on for about 10 seconds before they broke the kiss. “Uhh?” Applejack said with shyness, she felt her cheeks light up, they were burning… She just kissed her little sister. “See, not so bad is it.” She pushed Applejack over who yelped in surprise. “N-no, this is n-not right.” Applejack stuttered. “Well, I don’t mind it.” She laughed with a sexy backing to it, something Applejack couldn’t believe. She lowered in to kiss her again, a little deeper as Applejack relaxed and went fluid. Apple Bloom moved her head down to Applejack’s neck and pecked it softly. “Please stop Bloom.” “Why do I have to?” “Because… I’m your…” Applebloom cut her off with a lick to her neck. “Bl-” Again she did it. It made Applejack feel so dirty, but she was getting more and more turned on by this. Applejack stroked her mane as Apple Bloom suckled on her neck, easing into what they were doing. “What am I doing?” Applejack asked to herself out loud. “Being sexy.” She said softly as she lowered her head kissing down Applejacks body and stopped just above her pelvic area. Applejack blushed a little bit and nodded in confirmation. She proceeded to lick softly, a small glaze of moisture on Applejack’s skin and lips, she whimpered in a soft moan, just as delicate as Applebloom was being with her. She pushed her tongue in slightly, penetrating in some, Applejack bit her lower lip and rested her head back, legs shaking. “Do you like it?” She asked. Applejack nodded her head as she continued to lick. She stopped and crawled up and kissed Applejack tenderly on the neck, and then the lips. They shared a passionate kiss as she stroked her cheeks softly. “Don’t stop, please.” Applejack said slowly in a moan. It felt so good, she didn’t think this would ever happen. “Okay.” She slithered back down and continued licking. After a while she began to rub on her, she could feel her fluids dripping onto her tail and floor. Applejack was panting hard. Apple Bloom had made her feel good. It was amazing to her actually. Applejack felt Applebloom break the surface with her hoof as she started to force it into her. It hurt at first, it was Applejack’s first time. She yelled out in a mix of pain and pleasure as Apple Bloom slowly pumped her foreleg in and out. Applejack was nearly screaming in ecstasy at this. Her breathing continued to flare up and get faster with every stroke of the hoof. Soon after, she could feel it coming, she was about to release. The mixture of her hoofing and licking felt great, and she was almost done, so fast, almost as soon as it began. There it was, Applejack was beginning to orgasm. Applejack screamed out in pleasure while she was releasing and being licked. Once She was finished she closed her eyes, still breathing hard. She rolled over slightly and felt Apple bloom crawl up next to her and lay a gentle kiss. applejack kissed her back feeling that Apple Bloom’s face was wet. She slightly opened her eyes and smiled, kissing Apple Bloom’s nose. “I love you too.” Applejack said to her as she drifted off to sleep.