> A Pocketful for Posey > by Vis-a-Viscera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "What a sweet Suprise!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course I’m gonna have to be the one Wonderbolt to follow another Wonderbolt holding the shovel. Don’t even get a break on Nightmare Night, because, again of course.  At least where I gotta go tonight’s close to the Academy.  Really, no wonder my home city’s so big. It’s ’the only place where a pegasus has a reason to keep their feet on the ground... and the second you feel that ground, you’ll know why. The catwalks and alleys I darted through are like marshmallows under my Reebuck-covered feet. Almost massaging, really, to the point you could get lost in it if you’re not care- FA-FWOOMPH!  And speaking of that, nearly boob-bashed the boss, Spitfire. The leap I took, though, only ensured her mane - now done up into a fuzzy eraser-like plume - brushed right against my crotch.  “Oh shi-shoot! Sorry, boss, I didn’t mean to-” Thankfully, Spitfire’s raised hand kept me from tripping over my tongue. Two stumbles in ten seconds would’ve been super embarrassing. “I trust I don’t have to worry about why you’re out this late without a costume, Surprise?” Spitfire’s tone was clipped but still tinged with a bit of mischief. The orange Nightmare Night-lights above us seemed to sway in their mad dance, as if in anticipation of what Spitfire would do next. I ended up letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Promise that you won’t, ma’am.” Especially considering Fleetfoot would have both of my heads if I blabbed just why I was out today...  ...Well, I mean, it’d be in the hottest way, but there’d probably be a lot of un-sexy yelling, too.  “Goodie!” the captain responds enthusiastically. It warmed my heart to see that smile cross Spitfire’s lips; there’s only about five times she’s done it in public without Soarin nearby, and it’s almost as much of a marvel as a promotion. “I hope I look alright for the Canterlot visit, at least.”  I wanted to respond quickly - time was of the essence, I knew that. But of course, Spitfire starts her self-appraisal by revealing another inch of amber cleavage from the hem of that tattered black top she’s tugging at. And her shifting legs bring the shine of her wonderfully painted-on tights dancing in my widening eyes.  And well… It’s a good thing these suits of ours have solid cups down there too. “S’pretty stunning, ma’am...” I managed to mumble out, barely coherent. Modern miracle, really, with my cheeks feeling like lit firecrackers. “Again, Surprise; at ease.” And so my pale shoulders almost click as they relax at Spitfire’s words. “Besides, you’re not the only one who’s jumpy tonight. Wait’ll you see what my mom’s going with me in. I can trust that any photos I send you don’t hit any eyes beyond yours?”  “Aye aye!” I salute to her. Spitfire returns it, right before she giggle - uh, coughed as her finger bounced off against one of the head-bolts of her costume. (Sorry, the Captain insisted I not tell anypony how that sound came off.) A flare of golden wings later, and Spitfire was gone, a fake-stitch covered blur in the starry sky.  Which again only leaves me. And what ended up happening on this inky Nightmare Night.  So buckle in for this one, because I was there and barely believed it.   Also, get out your jokes about how my namesake and that statement now. 'Cuz I promise you it’s been done to death already, folks and folkettes. So, several shakes of my bright yellow tail later, and I’m finally in front of the main door of Casa Del Shy. I’m pretty positive I’m prepared for everything. My badge is prominently displayed on my chest, a gold-plated shortcut through pleasantries. I’ve got a good excuse on the tip of my tongue about emergency practice to sate the Shy parents, and I’ve a good enough map-out of the house to ferry out Lightning Dust from whatever room Fluttershy squirreled her into.  Oh, and considering how Dust and Flutts’ clandestine meetups go, I’ve also got a note to... smooth things out if the need arises. Let’s see here… ‘You owe me you pea-coated pinhead, and the next time Fleet and I are banging, you know what to do.’  … What? I didn’t say that note was for the Shys. Besides, Dust is the heaviest sleeper this end of Equestria; her drool’ll keep it on her cheek till she wakes up. The sexy lucky bitch. But yeah. In and out. Two-minute adventure, tops. I gulp at the wonderfully imposing door - another contrast to the pegasi that dwell behind it - and start my encounter. My hand creeps up to the doorknob, then debating hitting the bell, then realizing Flutter’s heart might not take it, and… RAP RAP RAP The moment that follows is the tensest half-minute of my life. But the breeze of wonderfully cool air that greets me as the door swings in? Sweet relief to my nerves. “Well, what a sweet surprise this is ton-hmm?” The smooth, kind voice of Shy’s mother graces my ears as the door fully opens, but she’s given pause as I’m overcome by my own namesake, wide-eyed and speechless.  The Shy family matron is clad in the tightest, most scandalous, illest-fitting “little black dress” I’ve ever seen. Her cream-colored mammaries are only given the barest hint of modesty by the hopelessly overworked cups of her dress, rippling like a waterbed whenever she so much as breathes. They’re still sloshing about from her quick motions opening the door, for Celestia’s sake! Shaking my head to try and make myself look like less of a shameless perv, I use every ounce of willpower to draw my gaze up to where propriety demands I should be looking.  No matter how distracting the “balcony view” might be. Besides, distracting myself would also keep my rager from tearing through my suit, which was definitely a plus. Focusing on Posey’s face, I got to see the cute little pair of costume fangs that jutted from her cherry-red, pouting, perfect cock-sucking - I mentally slapped myself, forcibly derailing that train of thought before it got a chance to leave the station. I needed to control myself or this whole operation would come crashing down like a house of cards. Lightning and Shy would never forgive me if it did. Well, Flutter might forgive, but goodness, the kicked-puppy looks she’d have would make me want to kick my own ass. Control was a hard thing to acquire, though, when the smoking-hot forty-something in front of you was pulling out all the stops to make your cock explode by mere proximity. From that sheer aura of temptation she was exuding, to the Fancy-Pants-rich tilt to her voice, Posey was a mouthwatering marvel. “U-uhh...a-ahem, t-trick or treat, ma’am!” I mentally slapped myself for the horrible delivery of that age-old cliche. That my voice cracked when my eyes inevitably strayed down to that valley of absolute cleavage didn’t help my ego, either. That motherly, knowing titter she replied with nearly made me cream myself on the spot. “Don’t you think you’re a little old to be trick-or-treating, dear…” she purred, her eyes flashing tantalizingly as they met my own. “S-sure am, ma’am, b-but I’m actually here f-for somepony else,” I got out. Extra credit; that was technically the truth too, considering Soarin’s trying to avoid another Wonderbolt being known for knockin’ up half of Cloudsdale. Now if I could only remember their names, I might not look like a cherry lollipop with the blush I was sporting. Don’t worry, though; fate is apparently good with visual cues (in addition to being a colossal cocktease!) Because right behind the generous curves - and amused giggles - of Posey, two figures sped past, clearly aiming for the spare bedroom on the other end of the living room. Fluttershy’s hands were clasped to her maw as she bolted, clearly not trusting herself to keep quiet about the reason for her over-slickened thighs. And Lightning Dust… well, she looked like the spitting image of Zephyr, right down to the same shit-eating grin as she followed Fluttershy. Dead positive that Dust’s gonna give Posey grand-sextuplets, sooner rather’n later.  Good news is, Posey didn’t notice either of them as they slipped into the next room. Bad news? She certainly noticed the needy throb of my cock through my suit, due to those two pegasi being in nothing but their birthday suits. Seriously, it was a modern miracle that Flutter’s huge tits didn’t slosh out her location as she darted out of sight. At least now I knew that the “quirk” of having bra-destroying tits was hereditary in the Shy family. “Oooh, what's this now?” Posey’s tone got even huskier, breaking me away from Shy and Dust's sprint of shame. “I didn’t think you’d be this excited on Nightmare Night.” One of her eyebrows rise, and so does my heartbeat as she licks her lips. “Or perhaps you’re in need of a different kind of treat, hmm?” “W-wait!” I stammer. “I swear I’m only here for Dust!” Then you might wanna get the tremble out  your voice, Surprise! I scold myself. “Oh, it’s no worry. My dear daughter has already told me that Wonderbolt is taking wonderfully good care of her tonight.”  More like just plain taking her, I don’t add.  “I couldn’t possibly ask Dust to leave without handling all the Night-or-Biters! She’s done wonders for Flutter’s composure - she was so quick to greet me when I came home early! And such wonderful treat suggestions too! I only wish they didn’t take so long for me to collect...” And suddenly I realize just why Lightning was grinning like a jackal. “I-I don’t think Fluttershy minds you being out for so long. Y’know... considering what came of it.”  “Oh, certainly!” Posey said. “Especially in terms of this wonderful cosplay I put together!” Then her eyes are on me again, and I gulp to take away from the tightness in my chest. By Celestia, she’s so sexy. “Goodness, though, Dust has been so terribly elusive! I’d love to show the Bolts how I appreciate your service this fine Nightmare Night.”  My mind, for one last time, looks for an out. Gotta remember Soarin’s words. “Well, I-I’m certain we’re never short on donations. B-besides, I’m sure Gentle Breeze wants to be in the know too-” “Good thing I’ve sent in to Fleetfoot to help… pitch in too.” My jaw nearly tunnels through the cloud-tile below me. “And besides...did you really think I wouldn’t notice this~?” She reached down with her pointer finger extended, curling it as she ran it imploringly up my body.  I look down, and my face goes whiter; if that’s even possible. Don’t know how it eluded me before - or how I didn’t lose an eye to it - but I just now realized that my erection had escaped my suit’s cup and worked its way up the interior. There’s a painfully obvious bulge up my abdomen that Posey’s prodding now. Yikes. “U-UMMMmm! I suppose that’s true, M-missus Shy…” My voice hitched again as her finger grazed a sweet spot on my underside, and I bit back a hiss as my cock jerked and throbbed in her deft touch. Soon, it relents, dribbling out a gout of pre that spreads warmly down my belly and forms a dark patch in my suit.  I glanced frantically behind me, but thankfully, nobody walking down the street was looking our way. Back to Flutts’s mom and - was that regret in her voice as she tapped at my chin? “It’s a shame, really… I’m afraid I’ve already given out all my treats for tonight, as much as I’d love to give you one. But perhaps you’d like to give me a trick instead, hmm?” Goodness gracious, who was this mare and what had she done with the real Posey Shy? Then again, did I ever really know her? As if sensing the cavalcade of mental questions flooding my mind, she smiled wanly at me and stepped back into her foyer. An imploring ‘come hither’ crook of her finger later, and my feet dragged in pursuit of her. “Alas, when you get older like me…” she began. “It can take more to get the blood flowing, if you catch my meaning~!”  Soon, Posey gestured meaningfully to a giant grandfather clock behind her. I quickly noticed the inky reflections of a camera’s lens staring back at me from the center of its ivory face. My mind reeled again at the revelation of the older couple’s voyeuristic tendencies, so much so I barely even registered when Posey slung one of her lithe arms across my back. In short order, Posey used her free hand to start giving me a proper handjob, grinding and gripping me through the tight fabric of my suit. My original reasoning for even being here washed away in a flood of shock and awe for this hot-to-trot mare. The ever-shrinking part of my brain that could still string thoughts together reasoned that Lightning never did say how I should “distract” Flutter’s family. “Oh my! You seem quite pent up, don’t you, dear? I haven’t been with many mares like you before. Buuut, I can see that stories of their libido are far from exaggerated,” she cooed breathlessly in my ear, making me dizzy.  And yet that mirage I’d been entertaining before wouldn’t leave; I just had to grab this mare by her shoulders, pin her face-down ass-up, and go to town on her right in the middle of the foyer! I was so distracted by my lecherous thoughts that I only noticed the older mare leading me towards the living room sofa when she pushed me down onto it. It knocked the wind out of me, and was even enough to make the furniture tilt back a bit before its front legs thudded back down onto the floor. Despite my arousal, I gulped...this mare was a lot stronger than she looked. Before I could even think to muster a response - or try to sit up - Posey gripped my shoulder and wagged her finger at me. Instantly, I’m rooted to my seat. Her grin grew increasingly seductive and self-satisfied as she reached down and tugged at the front of that little black number, shifting it out of the way as I heard the faint sound of a metal button snapping free underneath the mysterious fabric of her dress. But what was she doing, and why all this prep? Then desire shot through me as the hot, heavy, throbbing, musky answer to my question asserted itself...up through my cleavage and into my face. The fattest, thickest, and darkest marecock I’d ever seen had slithered its way out of the layers of Posey’s costume. For a moment, the world stood still, as I gaped at its throbbing head, as dark and imposing as staring down the barrel of a cannon. “Do be more careful, dear...I did say this was a trick, didn’t I~?” Posey purred, swaying her matronly hips in a way that batted the crown of her monstrous marecock into my cheek. “W-what the...w-what…” I stuttered, surprised beyond belief at what I was seeing. Posey giggled, biting her lip as she continued to wiggle her cock in my face. “How do you think I knew so much about a futa’s libido, dear~?” Well, I felt like an idiot now. Even though she’d been distracting me so efficiently with her feminine wiles. Still, there was no way I’d have realized it before it was literally slapping me in the face....and the forehead...and the top of my head…and mercy, it’s dripping pre into my mane! Luna’s leaking labia, this thing must be at least two feet long! “B-by Celestia’s fuckin’ crown, how'd you ever hide this!?” I stuttered. Yes, even as my assaulted senses filled me with heat and want. Sweet Tartarus, how would it feel to suck and fuck this unbelievably gifted mare until that mammoth cumpipe erupted? “In the throats of cute little doms, dear!” she responded with a grin wide enough that I wondered if Luna would be calling it to the sky soon. “And it certainly seems like you’re game. Prepare yourself, sweetie.”  “P-prepare f-” But those last three words from Posey were all the warning I’d get. Before I knew it, the bloated flare of her dick had pushed its way past my lips with a single, glorious buck. “And don’t ever call me a filly again, little one. Your limbs are far too short to box with goddesses.” Posey scolded. To her credit, though, her honey-sweet tone didn’t leave for an instant. Still, that stung for me. I was around a foot long myself, right up there with a well-traveled stud like Shining Armor, but mares like Posey reminded me all-too-effectively how small I really was by dickmare standards. I was unable to voice my protests, though, considering how this shockingly dominant MILF was still feeding her fat marecock down my clenching esophagus with ease. If anything, trying to protest would’ve given her more pleasure, what with my vocal cords vibrating around that swelled head of hers. Her smoldering gaze boring through me quickly dissolved into an imperious, self-satisfied sneer as my throat muscles rippled around her pulsing length. It was a beautiful contrast to my desperate gurgles, as I made several futile attempts at swallowing the intruding pillar of spongy, rigid flesh.  “Don’t think I’ve been ignoring how much this hot throat-pussy of yours has been begging for my load, little miss Wonderbolt. I can feel how much you want me to fill you, even if you won’t admit it! Mmm-fuck~!” Her debauched purrs cut off to a deep moan as her plump medial ring kissed my lips. My eyelids flutter despite how much my conscious mind told me I should be resisting and hating this.  Posey purred in satisfaction as her ring was stimulated by my soft lips, bucking slower and longer as she began deep-dicking my face, demanding further entry with that thick ring of hers. “Gods above, that throat on you, filly! You’ve a dick of your own, but you were just made to service superior mares like me! Oh! Mmmph!” The feel of her soft, creamy hands running through my messy yellow curls and pressing insistently at the back of my head was equal parts exhilarating and infuriating, my inner dom still staunchly resisting Posey’s commands even as the rest of me felt like mewling like a kitten. Those fat, dark nuts of hers smacked heavily into my chin on every harsh, balls-deep thrust she made, plapping wetly as a mix of pre and my own spittle ran in trails from the corners of my mouth and down my suit-clad chest. I briefly considered whether the force might be enough to leave any hard-to-explain bruising on my face and chin. Alas, that thought was promptly stifled as Posey moaned loudly and shoved me down hard into her crotch while simultaneously bucking upwards. My brain locked up as my eyes rolled into the back of my head from the savage, dizzying motion, Thankfully, Posey didn’t continue thrusting right away. “Mmh, I hope you’re ready for a true dry run, Wonderbolt, because I’m only just getting started!” the older mare giggled. “Try not to pass out while I’m humping that cute little face of yours into submission, dear~” My brain had barely processed what she said before she did just that. My vision became a whirring kaleidoscope of cream-colored fur, supple muscle and sparkling sweat. And we punctuated every second in tandem; my choking gags and her reedy moans as she went at me with abandon. A heavy pulse from the fucklog railing my esophagus was all the warning I got before a thick gout of pre washed its way almost straight into my stomach. My eyes watered from the odd sensation even as my libido roared to new heights.  What was this mare doing to me? Besides the orgasmically obvious? “Fuck yeah, baby, drink everything I give you...don’t spill a drop…hah...” The increasingly feral tone in Posey’s voice spoke volumes about how close she was getting. I wanna say it sent a shudder of fear tickling down my spine, but shit, I was hard as diamond and getting harder by the minute. “It’s - ahfuckyes! - been a while since I’ve had such a tight hole to fill, dear, so I might cum a lot...mmh…” Her thrusts came to a jarring halt as she hilted herself as deep as possible, grinding her hips into my snout as she groaned low and long. “Ooh, fuuuckkk…”  I could audibly hear the ominous churn of her cumsacs, those musky orange-sized balls clenching against my chin as I felt her flare deep inside me. Her humongous horsedick grew taut within me as even more blood rushed to fill it, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt my lungs begin to burn. Then, the first pulse of thick seed jetted past my lips, and I was lost in the lust. The scale of her orgasm was just as impossibly vast as her equipment, and after only two long, bulging spurts, a sudden rush of ecstasy overtook me. Purring around the flesh so wondrously flush against my maw, I came hard into my suit, without her ever really touching me. I shuddered as my own flared cock unloaded strings of seed all over the soft fur of my stomach. The logical part of my brain, barely a whisper now, told me that was going to be a bitch to clean up. But for now all that overwhelmingly concerned me was our glorious, twinned ecstasy. She was still filling my belly with that thick monster of hers by the time I came down from my own high, though I could tell that her own spurts were starting to taper off. Posey, in keeping with her usual behavior, ended things on her terms; with a deep groan, she pulled back a bit before slamming home with bone-jarring force, sending twin trails of cum spewing from my nostrils.  I felt a release of pressure around my neck as the bulge in my throat caused my suit’s zipper to explode off of its track with the plink of tortured metal. The top of my suit flapped open, my tits and cock trembling in the pungent air. ‘Luna’s lurid lumps, what is this mare feeding herself?!’ I thought to myself, eyes wide. Even as the older mare steadily pulled her limp, soaked tool from my greedy depths, her eyes burned with insatiable lust. With a sucking pop that echoed loudly through the room - one that Dust and Flutts must have heard, that is if they weren’t too busy rutting themselves - her prick plopped free of my lips. Following it out was a trail of her hot, heavy load along with it, which I was all-too eager to catch with my hands and lick away. “Since you’re so eager to drink down all of me, my lovely little slut, why don’t you finish the job and clean up your mess?” She’d phrased it like a casual offer - as if she were offering a houseguest a glass of water. But the threateningly familiar, motherly tone in her voice belied her true intent; it wasn’t a request, but a demand. Posey plopped down heavily next to me on the couch, then gestured imploringly down at her slickened mare-splitter. “Well, dear? Much as I take to cleaning, labors of love require both partners’ attention, you kno-ahhh…”  Posey hummed in satisfaction when I sprang into action, getting on my knees before her as I buried my face in her crotch. I couldn’t help myself - those weighty nuts of hers looked delicious pulsing on the couch cushions, and I took to my task with gusto.  My soft, broad tongue lathered her up from those hot, plush globes all the way to the intimidating base of her flare. Each hot pulse of blood beneath my tongue sent a matching thrill of lust rushing through me, keeping my mind in a heady fog of submissive glee. Apparently I was having too much fun with this; as only a few moments later, when I’d nearly finished cleaning her of all our mixed essence, Posey put a steadying hand on my head to halt my progress. “There’s only one place this next load is going, little filly, and it’s certainly not all over that soft face of yours, pretty as it is~” She caressed my cheek with the back of her hand while gazing into my eyes, though that soft smile of hers turning devilish made my heart skip a beat. “Hop on up, dear.” Biting my lip in nervous anticipation, I carefully straddled Posey’s waist. It was only now that I realized I was still altogether too clothed for the situation. But that didn’t seem to be much of a concern for the older mare - she gripped the two unzipped edges of my suit near the clavicle and pulled. With a grunt of exertion, my suit’s zipper was unable to stand up to her abuse, and obliterated itself completely, exposing me from stem to stern on my front side. My nicely-sized boobs, fully freed from their tight spandex prison, jiggled enticingly in front of the humming MILF. Now without support, my cum-glazed and iron-hard rod swung downward, colliding with Posey’s equipment with a meaty smack before bobbling itself back upwards. A heavy aroma of sweat and cum wafted between us; I could see Posey’s nostrils flaring in interest as a renewed flame of desire roared to life in her eyes. Naturally, I sweatdropped; My equipment was impressive in any other scenario, but frotting myself into Posey’s own prodigious length, it was a toothpick against a tusk. Posey gestured upwards, and I quickly lifted my hips; no way in fuck was I leaving without feeling Posey pound me. Her fat bulb slid against my own length as our crotches ground against each other, teasing itself against my swollen outer lips and the plump balls resting above them. With a bit more downward force, I started to sliiide myself down onto it while wiggling my hips to give both of us some extra stimulation. “Fuuuck…” The breathy curse left both of our mouths at once, and I could swear I felt parts of myself shift as the impossible marecock slid deeper and deeper and deeper. Oh Gods, this was a mistake, I was going to end myself trying to take this beast, it would be the most embarrassing death in Wonderbolt history, Dust would laugh herself mute at my funer- Then that fear - and the air in my body-  was driven away in a single, heart-skipping stroke as Posey’s throbbing flare hit home deep inside me. It angrily demanded entrance to my womb as it pulsed and twitched up against my poor cervix...which had no idea what was in store for it. A glance beneath me confirmed that Posey still had a few inches left to go, and if the Shy matriarch’s previous statements were any indication, it would all be going in. I was beyond words at this point. My eyes were focused solely on the mind-boggling heat that radiated through me with every pulse of the thick mare-meatlog stuffed into me. “Mmh, so tight! My, have you never been fucked by anyone as gifted as me before?” Posey teased, but at this point I was too far gone to respond with anything coherent. Groaning dumbly as she jerked her hips upward once more, I felt the wind get knocked out of me as her thick, throbbing length rammed deep inside me, making me dizzy with pleasure. The feeling of two soft, furry weights enclosing around my own cock led me to glance down. And wouldn’t you know it, I nearly came on the spot as I saw Posey’s hefty tits, bulging around the upper half of my length due to our positioning. And boy howdy, did Posey notice it.  “Oh, my! Maybe you aren’t so small after all, dear...I suppose looks can be deceiving, hmm hmm~” Wiggling her buxom chest around my tool dragged another wanton moan past my lips. It was a hypnotizing, mouthwatering sight, to see so dominant a pegasus be so subconsciously generous. But the feeling of those heavy chest balloons entombing my throbbing cock paled in comparison to what it felt like when her plush lips wrapped around my twitching flare. Those enchanting, kind, and vaguely predatory eyes of hers stared deeply into my own as her maw stretched further and further onto my cock. I felt a spurt of pre rocket out of me unbidden as her soft tongue caressed my underside, splattering into the back of her throat. She didn’t shudder or gag from the feeling; if anything, she only intensified her sucking off with every inch. Mister Shy was a lucky, lucky stallion! Our eye contact broke as her eyes slid closer, sinking herself further and further onto my length until it rivaled the blowing I gave her only moments before. For somepony so dominating, I certainly hadn’t been expecting her to be blowing me so vigorously now, but it seemed this mare was simply full of surprises. ...Although at the same time, the Surprise was definitely full of her too; a fact that Posey was all-too-keen to remind me of. In a flash, her dainty hands blurred into action - violently swatting my pale asscheeks in a rapid rhythm as her thrusts picked up. Her meaning was clear--she might be the one sucking me off right now, but she was also the one giving me the breeding of a lifetime. Those heavy, fist-sized nuts of her swung heavily into my perky ass with each of our deep, jerky movements. We were both getting close, but I was definitely approaching my peak faster. And with that quadfecta of her hot and thick tool grinding against my prostate, her lips and tits bear-hugging my cock, and her prodigious flare battering against my cervix, I was begging to burst. Another smack across my ass prompted my sore hips into action, thrusting myself as deep as I could get into Posey’s maw despite a brief growl of protest from the mare. I only had a moment to realize my error as her eyebrows knit in consternation, and she retaliated. Those inviting arms of hers showed their true strength as they wrapped around my waist like a steel trap. Suddenly, I was locked in as her thrusts traded their building speed for a sudden increase in power. After a scant few additional thrusts, Posey’s broad cockhead pried its way through my tight innermost barrier, and I could hear the muffled pop as her flare entered my womb. I slumped bonelessly atop the older mare as the flood of pleasure and pain completely overwhelmed me. But she didn’t let up, her bestial instinct too focused on her own pleasure to even let her think about relenting in her rutting. Her final few short, raw thrusts were accentuated by blasts of warm air against my crotch, huffing hotly as the exertion pushed her meat-stuffed airway to its limits. My hips swiveled atop Posey as I felt her flare directly in my womb, my base instincts wailing needily for the breeding she was about to give me. Despite my inner pony alerting me that I was swelling within the other mare’s hot maw too, I just needed to feel that hot rod of hers fuck me full before I could even think about getting off. A pleasured groan sang out from her vocal cords, which vibrated directly against my flare and sent me careening over the cliff.. My nerves were set alight as I erupted down into Posey’s throat; there was so much that it even started to ooze out around her lips, drizzling down onto those heavy tits of hers. It gave them a warm, creamy glaze that I was too far-gone to even drool over. The story down below couldn’t have been more different, though; the moment that the first bulge of Posey’s release forced its way through my cervix, I knew that I was in for one hell of a wild ride. The firehose analogy turned out to be pretty accurate - ’cause that was what it felt like when it finally erupted from that pulsing, flared cockhead! Fantasies of carrying an entire herd of Fluttershy’s siblings flooded my mind’s eye, as I surrendered completely to the pleasure that this unbelievable mare was giving me. My bloated, inflating womb started to push apart the unzipped gap in my suit just as her positively tremendous orgasm started to die off. But from the way she continued to throb, stiff as a flagpole, even after that intense and very thorough breeding she’d just given me, told me that this encounter was far from over. She either had the stamina of a goddess or was unbelievably pent-up. For a single terrifying-yet-thrilling moment I considered the third option: that both of those things were true about the unassuming, relentless breeder of a MILF that Posey Shy was. My spent, gradually deflating tool slipped free from Posey’s lips with a wet plap. I gasped as it flopped limply onto her vast bosom even as she studiously went to work licking both it and her own breasts clean of my spunk. Posey was a thrilling paradox of a mare - a relentless belly-bloating futa dominatrix in one moment, and a kind, obliging, and loving partner in the next. It was, to put it mildly, intoxicating. So intoxicating, in fact, that I barely remembered the entire reason I’d come here in the first place until it was staring me in the face.. Lightning Dust, leading Fluttershy by the hand, slipped from the back room and stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw the two of us. Evidently, the clandestine couple had finished their romp at around the same time that me and Posey had, but this synchronicity would prove to be their undoing. The other Wonderbolt appeared to be stunned into silence at the sight of me - skewered, bloated, and an absolute mess just in general, as if Dust somehow hadn’t known Posey was evidently one of the most gifted dickmares in Equestria even though she was drilling her daughter on the regular. Shaking off her apparent shock, Dust continued her escape attempt, still staring at me as she tiptoed past the dining room. The window that they were preparing to escape through chose precisely that moment to creak loudly as it was opened. Posey’s ear flicked at the sound, and I knew in that moment that a lot more mares than just me were now utterly fucked.  “A-hem. And just where do you think you’re going with my sweet little daughter, Lightning Dust? Certainly not to do anything else indecent, I hope?” Posey said loudly, and I could see how the two mares started to tremble in fear at having been caught. My world shifted as Posey began to stand up, and I moaned shamelessly as she dragged her steel-hard length from my depths with a lewd, sucking pop. With an unexpected grace and kindness, she gently laid me down onto the couch and intimately caressed my cheek before walking towards the caught couple - her tool of marely destruction swinging like a lewd pendulum as she did so, and capturing both mares’ eyes despite every attempt to resist. "You'll have to try harder than that to pull the wool over my eyes, dear Dustie...I think I'm going to have to punish the both of you for going behind my back so brazenly!" Posey purred proudly, grabbing the thick trunk of her cock and hefting it imploringly in their direction. “You could’ve just asked to take my dear daughter on a date and I would’ve said yes. But making my daughter lie so unconvingly just to rut behind my back? Oh ho ho, that’s another trick I’ll have to rectify.” Dust and Flutts shared a glance at each other before gulping in unison - and even though I couldn’t watch the conversation, I couldn’t help but share in the swallow. Well, if it wasn’t already a Nightmare Night to remember before, it definitely would be soon.