> Across All Of Imagination > by Dragonfire2lm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Broken Bird AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sky was dark over the streets of Manehatten. Black storm clouds rumbled overhead, the streets empty as citizens cowered in their homes, and waited for the storm to blow over. The wind howled around buildings like bloodthirsty hounds bidding their masters whim. Despite the unwelcoming weather, a lone pegasus mare with white fur stood waiting on the roof of a skyscraper. The pony stood on her hind legs, dressed in black pants and a matching button-up shirt. As well as a black trench coat with a fur lined collar and runes covering the inside of the garment that fluttered in the wind. Her wings were in form-fitting gloves that covered the entire limb and had gold bladed tips on the end of each feather. The mare adjusted her gold-framed glasses. Her long orange mane, tied back, whipped behind her. Around her neck was a gold band with a sapphire in the shape of a four-point star as the centerpiece. Her right eye, gray in colour, scanned the cityscape in search of something. She spotted a flash of red and white and fire rushing towards her. She calmly stepped back as a unicorn mare in a white bodysuit, red boots, a wine red cape, and a phoenix shaped mask flew up to the roof on wings of flame. The pegasus smirked, the wind died down as if to herald her words. "I'm impressed Sunset Shimmer, I didn't think you'd chase me this far." Sunset Shimmer sneered, her mane was tousled, her clothes showing signs of their earlier scuffle. "You couldn't run forever Lillian!" the unicorn landed on the roof, flaming wings vanishing. She walked towards the pegasus, horn aglow. "I will not be humiliated by a weak, pathetic coward!" "Lillian" sidestepped the beam of magic, the unicorn blasted at her, gray mist pooling around her hooves. The pegasus rocketed forward, skating on the magic coiled around her hooves and swerved to avoid another attack. In seconds, she was behind the unicorn, she shot out her left wing, and blasted Sunset with enough wind to send her sprawling to the ground. She watched as the other mare clambered to her hooves. This was the pony took everything, that had refused to heed every warning, every kind word, every scrap of mercy she'd wasted on this cruel, selfish mare. The pegasus spread her wings, black storm clouds formed a barrier around them, and as Sunset turned to face her, "Lillian" stared at her pointedly. A bolt of lighting that crashed down between them, startling the unicorn as it left visible cracks in the concrete. Another landed a hair's breath in front of Sunset as the pegasus spoke, rasing her voice over the noise. "I control this storm, I control the clouds, the wind, the lighting. I have the entire city under seige," the rumbling and crashes of thunder and ceased, the world deathly silent as fear took root in Sunset's eyes. The pegasus in command of the storm stalked towards the unicorn, looming over her as she shrunk back. "Give me one reason why I should care about a self-centered spoiled brat like you?" The storm clouds rushed towards Sunset, coalescing around her into a sphere, and the unicorn could be heard struggling and trying to break free from the dense, magically charged prison. The pegasus watching impassively patted the cloud ball. "Sturdy enough to trap an alicorn. What say we fly you on back to mum?" The pegasus rolled the ball into the Canterlot Castle throne room, to the surprise of Princess Celestia. The alicorn stood from her throne. "Bluebird? What is the meaning of this?" With a flourish of a wing, the clouds dispersed, depositing a quiet and devasted Sunset Shimmer onto the carpet. The looked run down, tear tracks ran down her cheeks, her mane and tail were a mess, and she had no fight left in her. Bluebird was curt. "It's Swan Song now, your highness. I just wanted to make sure I got my point across." A sword of sunlight appeared in her right wing. In one fluid motion, Swan Song swung the blade at the despondent unicorn. To the horror of all those present, Sunset's horn landed on the carpet and rolled to a stop before the stunned princess. Swan Song was gone as medics were called and guards rallied, flying unseen out of the front entrance and rode the wind away from the mountaintop city. > The God in a Box AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That man was wearing Reginald's second hat and his gold dollar sign necklace like a trophy. Like he earned it. Mist had been reassured by Reginald that it was fine, really. But she could see the loathing and distrust in his eyes whenever the new chief went out on a heist. The crew may be singing Henry's praises with how successful he was on missions, but said missions were half-baked, done on the fly, and the winged woman could vaguely recall the early days of her time in the clan, the time before Reginald became chief. Terrence Suave had kept as a pet, a pretty winged attack dog to ensure his getaway on a heist, without care for the people he endangered. She could see Henry Stickmin wasn't that far gone, but the flying by the seat of his pants approach he took was concerning. So, she did the only thing she could. She waited. She waited now, by the bedside of Right Hand Man. He was half dead when Reginald finally found him, barely clinging to life. Now, half his face, his entire right arm, and everything from the waist down was metal. Cybernetics, she'd been told. He was alive but augmented. She'd been told he would regain consciousness soon, so she waited. And she wasn't the only one waiting, sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed was the teenaged girl Right had taken under his wing four years ago. Sunset Shimmer and Mist shared a hopeful look before the young girl went back to vigilantly watching the door and the goddess monitored Right for any sign of wakefulness. The door opened with a hiss as Reginald, looking absolutely exhausted, dragged himself into the room and took the only empty chair at the foot of the bed. The three of them waited for Right to wake up. The three of them waited for Henry to slip up. The three of them waited for their chance at revenge. > Cuddles: Mist x Reginald > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A headache thumped away across Mist's forehead, her gaze drifting away from the report she was reading. Rubbing her temple with a wing, the pegasus set the document aside as she heard someone enter the archives. She tilted her head up to see it was Slice. "The Chief wants to see you, I'll sort this out for ya." She grunted an affirmative and got up, walking past him and heading the bridge. Mist shambled onto the bridge, barely noticing the Toppat Chief's expression softening as he glanced up at her from his post at the airship controls. "Are you alright?" he asked gently. "Headache, painkillers haven't kicked in yet," Mist explained and she came to a stop beside him. She waited for him to turn on autopilot. "You wanted to see me?" Reginald leaned over to pick her up. She blinked at him in confusion as she was hefted into his lap. He removed his necklace, hanging it over the back of the seat, and gently held the mare against his chest. "I think that can wait dear, you need a break." A gloved hand carded through her mane, removing the hair tie that kept it in its usual ponytail. Mist fought against the instinct to rest against him. "I'll be fine." His other hand pulled her into a loose hug. "Well then maybe I just want an excuse to hug you?" Reginald mused with a smirk. "We've been so busy lately... I've missed you, if that makes sense." She giggled, a goofy smile across her face as warm, fuzzy happiness welled up in her from his admission. "Aw! Love you too Reg." His heart-warming smile made her day as she removed her glasses, Reginald setting them aside for her so she could press her head against the soft material of his vest, the pressure on her forehead already helping to ease her pain as her partner resumed petting her mane. Minutes ticked by, Mist relaxed into Reginald's hold, her mind drifting as the two of them let the world pass them by. Each aware of how much the other needed this quiet moment. > Cuddles: Mist X RHM > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only noise was the ambience of the ship's engines as Mist Veil slipped out of her room, she hadn't bothered tying back her mane, getting dressed, or even putting on her glasses as she held her ID card in wing in front of her partner's door. It was late, she reasoned, irrational worry warring with common. Everything's fine- The door opened before she could make up her mind. In the doorway, in light blue pajama's, hat absent, and orange hair as equally unkempt as her own, was Right Hand Man. "Can't sleep?" he asked as he let her in. His room had a bed, a chest of drawers at the foot of the bed, a bookshelf, his fishing gear in one corner, and his dented metal baseball bat leaning against the side of his bed within reach. "Yeah," Mist replied as she walked further in. "You?" "Same," Right sighed and moved to sit on the bed, gesturing for her to join him. She hopped up and didn't mind as he coaxed her to lean against him. He adjusted the pillows so they could comfortably lean against the headboard. "Anythin' on your mind?" he asked as he draped an arm over her shoulders. She took a breath. "...Are you okay with this? With me?" His eyebrows flew up in surprise as he looked at her. "Why you askin'? This 'cause of the mission?" "Yes!" she said, voice raised in frustration. "An entire rutting village tried to brainwash me! It's bad enough that... You know, I'm different." "This 'bout you bein' a pony or the other thing?" Right asked, looking worried as he scooted closer to her. "Both, I think?" Mist said. "It's just- you deserve better than me..." "Nah," Right drawled, a small smile on his face as he looked her up-and-down. "Everyone else can go get stuffed." "But you're amazing though!" Mist protested. "That so?" "Well, yeah!" Mist said, as if it were fact. She looked slightly embarrassed. "I can be me around you... I feel safe with you, and being able to support you and spend time with you is all I could ever ask for." Right's smile widened as he chuckled. Mist found herself lifted off the bed and placed in Right's lap, her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "You're cute." he murmured into her ear. She was puzzled by the compliment. "But... Why?" "You think I care that you're different?" Right asked rhetorically. "Never gave a rat's arse about appearance anyway an' you, are cute." "If you say so," she said, leaning into him. "I can't help it though, I've never been in a relationship before." Her partner huffed in amusement. "An' you think I have? I'm jus' as new to this as you are..." "You have your shit together at least." Mist replied halfheartedly. "Only 'cause I got you lookin' out for me..." he admitted. "Lendin' an ear, showin' me things you think I'd like, jus' offerin' that support, it 'elps. No one's realky done that for me before." Mist's brow furrowed. "But isn't that what I'm supposed to do, hay I like being here for you." "You don' even know my real name." Right pointed out. "You don't even know your real name," Mist pointed out, looking at him. "I have three different names, two of which are aliases but I don't ask you to call me by my real name." "D'you want me to?" Right asked. Mist thought for a moment. "Only if you want to, and only when we're alone." "Fair 'nough," Right said, maneuvering the two of them so he was lying down with Mist lying on his chest. "This alright?" "For the moment," she answered, tilting her head back to look at him, and smiled. "You know what?" "What?" "I think you're the best." Right was smiling as he rolled his eyes and the two of them laughed, very much content to enjoy each other's company. > Dumb Shit Aboard the Airship: A Blue Summoning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...Where's Mist?" Reginald asked as his Right Hand Man walked into the bridge. "Slice wanted to see her about something." "No clue, 'ang on a sec." Right pulled out a small, blue woollen pom-pom from his pocket. And it was as if the mare appeared out of thin air. Right stuffed the pom-pom back into his pocket. "Oi Mist, Slice wants a word with ya." The pegasus blinked. "Okay." she said and vanished once more. Reginald was completely and utterly baffled. "How?" Right shrugged. "She likes following me when she gets bored, developed a system with her, if I need her I pull out something blue, she'll notice darker shades sooner than anythin' else in a room." > Romantic Fluff with Reginald > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bridge was always empty after sundown, the crew retreating to their quarters for much needed rest, and with the Right Hand Man guarding the door to the airship's controls, no one dared to disturb The Chief. Mist was grateful, because Reginald was an absolute sap and positively evil. The pegasus was in his lap, facing him as he reclined in the pilots seat, The Toppat Leader running a gloved hand down her back as he showered her in compliments and said whatever he could to render her a giggling, flustered mess. She never remembered what was said, it was the intent, his sincerity, that mattered, and when talk escalated to far less tame things... Mist clammed up, too embarrassed, flustered, and loved than words could convey. And she loved every second of it because it was with the knowledge that this side of her, the timid (adorable, according to Reginald) thing she was in this moment, feeling perfectly safe with the man who held her heart in his hands, was solely reserved for and because of Reginald. He even took pride in it as he smirked at her, king of the world. King of her world. She felt as light as feather as her giggling calmed and she wrestled her feelings into submission, mind switching gears. A comfortable lull in the conversation gave her a moment to think, and the mare realized there were topics they had yet to discuss. For all his teasing, the two of them had never been intimate, nor discussed the topic. It was understandable, both of them were private individuals, their romance mostly behind closed doors, save for the grand romantic gestures, dates, and dinners Reginald spoiled her with. He liked to show her off when the mood struck him and enjoyed it because it showed how much he actually cared. And such peacocking from him was balanced with plenty of hugs and much calmer, quiet gestures of affection behind closed doors where they could both let their guard down without worry. Mist set the idea of intimacy aside, she would ask him about it tomorrow.