A new way to Survival

by Shadowpony300

First published

Shining Armor trying to make it home.

Equestria and the Zebra Empire is at war once again. But this the ponies are starting to get the upper hand. That is until they find out that the zebras are not the only ones they are up against.

PS this is a sequel to 'Survival of the Fittest.'

A new enemy.

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After the signing of the treaty between the princesses of Equestria and the Emperor of the Zebra Empire over four years ago everyone believe there will be peace. That's until a group of pony terrorists, made out of pony fathers and mothers who wanted their children back, attack a zebra village and killed more than half of the villagers. The terrorists ended up being capture by the Equestria Luna guard one week later in the middle of the night but it was already to late because Emperor Zaka of the Zebra Empire believe that the princesses have broken the treaty so he attack Equestria. But this time the ponies was ready for a war as Princess Luna went to the Donkey and Mule Union kingdom and buys enough black power weapons to match the Zebra Empire's fire power. After three years of shooting each other Equestria begins to gain the upper hand and is about a full invasion on the zebra territories until something showed up catching the ponies off guard.



It was early in the morning, roughly around seven-o-clock, where the ponies are getting their new muskets, flintlock pistols, and canons for the big push straight into the zebra lines. Not only that but they were also making their swords, battle axes, spears, and daggers a lot more sharper then they was before. At the center of the Equestrian lines was a giant tent, about the size of a house, and in was none other than the veteran of the last zebra war Shining Armor. He was looking over a map on a table while he was wearing his unusual royal guard armor with his long sword on his left hip and his new musket strapped to his back. Across from the unicorn stallion was a other unicorn but this was a mare but with a broken horn.

This unicorn mare goes by the name of Tempest Shadow but everyone calls her Tempest for short. She had a past that she used to work for a evil king who calls himself the Storm King. That crazy king was about to take over both Equestria and the Hippogriff Kingdom but Tempest said enough is enough so she assassinated the Storm King in his sleep with a dagger to the throat. After the assassination the storm kingdom fell apart and became no more. As for Tempest she moved to Canterlot and with some help from the alicorn sisters the unicorn mare became Shining Armor's right hand mare for this new war.

As well one more she is going to the next future wife of Shining Armor's herd. After the last zebra war the Equestrian population was low so the princesses allowed stallions to make herds with many mares they want. Shining Armor's herd has Cadence in of course but also Fleur De Lis, Spitfire, Zecora, and Luna. Shining Armor didn't want a herd at first but Cadence change his mind to try to his thoughts away from his little sister's death all those years ago.

First up was Fleur De Lis or Fleur for short. She lost her last husband, Fancy Pants, during a raid on Manehattan in the last war. Cadence finds out about it and sets up a date night between Fleur and Shining Armor. After a little talking on that the two unicorns fell in with each other and Fleur became the first mare in the unicorn stallion's herd. Then there was Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, the pegasus was crossed at Shining Armor for not keeping his word to make sure that her last lover, Sorin, to stay alive and refused to talked to Shining Armor if Cadence didn't stepped in and told the pegasus mare what will happen if she was Shining Armor's shoes which made Spitfire feel bad and says she was sorry about what happen. Shining Armor of course forgives for with a small kiss to Spitfire's cheek making her blush and after talking to each other for a couple of months Spitfire became the second mare in Shining Armor's herd. Next was Zecora after she recovered the fiery torture she got from her own kind back in the last war the zebra mare no longer talked in rhymes because she has a big scar on her throat. Shining Armor was still surprised that the zebras would do that to one of their own so he brings Zecora to the Crystal Empire to help the recovery. But in doing so he made the zebra mare fell in love with him and after making sure that they were alone a week later Zecora become the third mare in Shining Armor's herd with the unicorn stallion tiered for three whole days. And finally Princess Luna she became a member of the herd is when Cadence finds out that Luna had always a crush on Shining Armor a few days after she return from her moon prison. So Cadence made a other date night but with Luna meeting with Shinning Armor which made the unicorn stallion surprised at first but he finally noticed that how beautiful the alicorn mare was in a full moon night sky. Two nights later both the unicorn stallion and the alicorn mare was in the same bed together and when the morning came Shining Armor almost died at the hands of Luna's big sister, Princess Celestia, for touching her little sister. Luckily Luna got Celestia away from Shining Armor and told her that she always wanted to be with a lover and Shining Armor was there in her heart. That made Celestia with no choice but let Luna to become the fourth mare in Shining Armor's herd and is now living in the Crystal Empire with the rest of her new herd sisters. But for Tempest she about to become the fifth member of Shining Armor's herd because she saved his life during a zebra canon attack in the second year of the war and Shining Armor repay that with saving her life three months later from a zebra sharpshooter in a forest. Tempest was shocked that she didn't see the zebra sharpshooter and because of that she fell for Shining Armor like a ton of bricks so one night later she got Shining Armor in her tent that night and kissed him right on the spot. Shining Armor was surprised about how bold Tempest is but that somehow feels alright as he has a thing for bold mares. Shining Armor send a letter about that night and his other wifes was happy to hear that they are getting a new sister in the herd.

Tempest was wearing her old black armor with a short sword on her right hip and a flintlock pistol on her left hip. She was looking at the map until she noticed her future husband wasn't looking at the zebra lines as his eyes was keyed on the royal castle of Emperor Zaka all the while Shining Armor had his left hand was pressing on wood very hard. Tempest knows that look on Shining Armor's face she saw it many times now though out the war. Tempest got to Shining Armor's left side, puts her hand on his shoulder, and snaps him out of his rage like face to turned at his future wife. "Shining you doing it again." Tempest said. "That's the eleventh time l see you making your hate getting the best of you this mouth. When are you going to stop and move on."

"I'm sorry Tempest." Shining Armor said while sitting down on a nearby chair. "It's that after Twilight's death l all ever wanted was to avenged her death by killing that no good zebra Zaka."

"You can't always blame Zaka for Twilight Shining." Tempest said while sitting on Shining Armor's lap. "You need to let go of the past and look into the future. After all you do have a daughter now right." That's true Shining Armor remembers that Cadence gave birth to a alicorn filly they named Flurry Heart and he also remembers how hard it was to look after before the war. "Now think what will happen if that little filly sees her only farther with a dead zebra emperor in his hands covered in blood."

"Hey no fair." Shining Armor said. "I am trying to make sure this war is done how it should have ended not like the last one."

"I know Shining but still your rage will...."

"Captain Armor, Sgt. Tempest." Came a voice outside the tent causing the two unicorn lovers to quirky get off of each other before standing up.

"Yes come in." Shining Armor said as a green pegasus stallion poked his head in.

"Sir l think you better come see this." That both Shining Armor and Tempest Shadow to look at each other before stepping outside and sees very strange across the battlefield and at the zebra lines. There was a lot of green flashes all over the zebra lines. Some of them were small while others were big. The whole Equestrian army was confused why this was happening and as the flashes started all of them stopped showing.

"What in Celestia's sun was that." Shining Armor asked himself before....


That yelled caused all of the ponies to look up to see the green flashes was above them and out came out was creatures they never seem before. These creatures look like hippogriffs but with zebra stripes and mohawks with the wooden armor of the zebras as well the weapons. Shining Armor's eyes widened in complete shock before he shouted. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK." Then the fighting began. These new creatures had the dropped on the Equestrians because the ponies didn't expect a attack like that which causing the ponies to run away in fright or be in complete confusion without any orders. The new creatures began to fight and kill any ponies got in their way with very fast reflexes and somehow be one spot in one second and be at the different spot the next second with those green flashes. Shining Armor cross blades with one of them and was managed to get his enemy on the ground but as the unicorn stallion was about to make the finishing blow the creature disappear in one of the green flashes.

After getting the dropped on the ponies this new enemy was ribbing Shining Armor's brothers and sisters apart. Soon all of the ponies was running away for their lives with these new creatures shooting them in the back. Shining Armor and Tempest was running away too because they had no choice but to try to make it out of there. After like fifteen minutes of a whole lot of running both the unicorn ponies stopped running and rest underneath a huge coconut tree. Shining Armor puts his hands on his knees to try to catch his breath all the while Tempest Shadow fell on her hands and knees with a frightened look on her face. "They're real." She said. "They really are real."

That got Shining Armor to look at his future wife before asking. "You know what was those things."

Tempest nodded yes. "Yes the zebra-griff zulu tribe. I only heard about them during my time the storm king's rule but l always thought that they were a myth a scary story to make sure that young foals weren't get any trouble."

"Well seems they are real alright. But what are they."

Tempest took a deep breath before telling the story. "Around eight hundred and fifty years ago the zebras and the griffins was at war with each other but some warriors from both sides didn't want to fight each other and they left together somewhere within the zebra's territory. Two hundred years later they're descendants became the zebra-griffs. Half zebra, half griffin with the power of dark magic from their zebra grandparents and with the strength from their griffin grandparents they are unstoppable. And legend has it if the zebra empire needed any help they turn to the zebra-griffs for help and they answer yes because they enjoy killing with no hesitation." That got Shining Armor to swallowed his spit in fear after hearing that story. A creature that enjoys killing with no hesitation would be a difficult enemy to kill. "Shining after that attack something tells me that we head home."

That got Shining Armor's face to be in shock again once more." But... But..." He said shakily.

"I know Shining, l really do but without a doubt the zebras has taken over our lines by now. We need warned your wifes, Cadence and Luna, as well Celestia about this new enemy and think up a new plan of attack."

Shining Armor thought it over and the unicorn mare was right. These so called zebra-griffs has dark magic on the zebras side and dark magic is a very powerful weapon against to all who fights the dark magic user. "Alright let's get moving." Shining Armor said which began a long trip back to their home.

Canterlot... Or what's left of it.

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For two whole days both Shining Armor and Tempest Shadow had been walking back to Equestria with the hope of any other of the royal guard or lunar guard made it out of the
zebra-griff surprised attack. Tempest was shocked that the stories of the zebra-griffs we're really real and not just some fake scary story for young foals. But for Shining Armor he was trying to figured out a way to fight back against the zebra-griffs and that was proofing hard to do because this new enemy can do dark magic with only the will of their minds. But both of the unicorns thoughts was stopped when they both hear something like wooden wheels on the ground. "Does that sound like wooden wheels to you Shining." Tempest asked the unicorn stallion.

"It kinda does doesn't." Shining Armor agree. "It sounds like it's coming that way." He pointed to the west. "Come on." Both Shining Armor and Tempest then headed to the and after five minutes of walking to the sound it was getting louder and louder until finally they both hide behind a bush, poke both their heads out, and both of their eyes widened in shock. It was a giant size force of both zebras and zebra-griffs marching and that sound was coming from the huge wagons that they were pulling with them. Each warrior of the enemy army was holding a different kind of weapon. There were muskets, flintlock pistols, swords, battle axes, spears, daggers, pole axes, and they were also pulling giant canons the likes that both Shining Armor and Tempest never have seen before. By the way this huge enemy force going was most likely straight towards Canterlot. After they seen enough both the unicorn ponies went back down the bush with Shinning Armor turning to Tempest. "This is bad. I never have seen a enemy force that huge before. What are we going to do."

"I wish I know." Tempest reply. "But clearly we can't go that way they are between us and home. I guess we have no choice but to take the path though the canyons."

That made Shining Armor's eyes widened in complete shock. "But that path takes more than a month to get though to the other side. Are you sure that there a other way."

"I wish there was. No even with our magic we be ended up over ran. They will most likely kill you with a firing squad and l will end up being enslaved." Then Tempest puts one of her hands on Shining Armor's right shoulder. "I don't want to see the stallion l ever loved before die before my eyes. Please Shining we have no choice."

Shining Armor look at his future herd wife's eyes and can tell that she doesn't want to truly see him die before her very eyes. So with a heavy heart the unicorn stallion said. "Alright Tempest let's go." So the both of the unicorn ponies began their long road ahead to the west with the hope that they will make to Canterlot before the zebras and zebra-griffs do.


Both the unicorn ponies was still walking after their long and rough road though the canyon roads of Equestria. It wasn't easy for them as they were both trying find the way though the canyons and not get spotted by zebra-griff patrols in the skies above. But they did had pretty of food thanks to Tempest. She had grabbed two full backpacks full of food before she ran away with Shinning Armor back during the zebra-griff surprised attack. But now that was behind they as the both unicorn ponies made it towards Canterlot and when they did both of their hearts skipped a beat.

Canterlot looked like nothing more than a huge pile of rocks with very little buildings left. The streets had a lot of rocks, pieces of bricks, broken wood, shattered glass, and trash all over the place. Shining Armor couldn't help but this was bringing back some memories of the last war like Ponyville being attacked, finding all of those dead ponies in the apple farm, and his fight with Talon. Soon he was snapped out of his memories when he feels a hand shaking him a little on his shoulder making him turned to Tempest and sees that she had a worry look on her face. "Shining are you alright." Tempest asked. "You didn't move for two minutes on the spot."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Shining Armor answered. "It's just that well (sigh) it's long time since l have seen something like this."

"It's Ponyville isn't." Tempest asked as she remembers that Shining Armor told her about the whole thing about Ponyville as well the piles of dead ponies, the piles of clothes that belong to both mares and fillies, and finally Shining Armor's fight with the griffin mercenary Talon. "This is reminding of what happen over there during the last war yes."

Shining Armor nodded. "Yes l never thought l will see this kind of damage again."

"Well then let's us take it slow." Both of the unicorn ponies began to walk slowly into the broken down city. As they were walking down the empty street they can see that the buildings that was down to the ground had canon damage sighs on them with some scorch marks. Then Shining Armor noticed one more thing and that was no bodies anywhere which that made him stopped him in his tracks. "Shining what's wrong, what is it."

"No bodies." Shining Armor answered. "No bodies anywhere."

Tempest know what that meant to the unicorn stallion before she got in front of him with her hands on his shoulders. "Now Shining don't you getting any thoughts about what happened in the last war. That couldn't have happened again here in Canterlot."

"But l have to find out." Shining Armor said before he carefully puts Tempest's hands away from his shoulders and started running towards the royal castle with the unicorn mare behind him. After a few minutes of running they made it to the front gate of Canterlot castle and in front of the gate had several pony heads on spears sticky into the ground which made both the unicorn ponies to almost throw up at the sight of it. Then they both looked at each other, swallowing their fears, went past the heads, and past the gate.

Inside was worst as they find a huge pile of dead stallions in the courtyard and the most of them was that of the castle guards stripped-down of their armor and weapons. There was one face that got Shining Armor's eyes locked on too. It was Prince Blueblood with his throat cut at the middle and both of his eyeballs completely missing. Shining Armor's mind was bringing back 'all' of his memories of the last war straight to the core of his mind. But thankfully for him that he hears something hitting the ground making the unicorn stallion to turned to his left to see Tempest on her hands and knees throwing up her guts out. "Most likely she can't stand the smell." Shining Armor thought to himself as he went to Tempest and put his hand on her back. "Are you alright there Tempest." Shining Armor Asked just as Tempest got up to her knees.

"I'm... I'm fine." The unicorn mare reply before she got back up onto her feet. "I was just completely off guard with that awful smell."

"I see. Luckily l have been though this before back during the last war."

"Your lucky." Tempest muttered before she look back at the bodies. "But why they are doing this."

"Revenge." A voice answered Tempest's question making both of the unicorn ponies to look behind them to find a zebra mare wearing black pants and a black cloak on with the hood down that Shining Armor knows all to well.

"Zecora." Shining Armor said before he ran into the zebra mare's arms and kissed her on the libs making Tempest blush to see that. Then the unicorn stallion broke the kiss and look at his herd wife. "What are you doing here in Canterlot."

"After me and the rest of the girls heard about the surprised attack by creatures that look like hippogriffs with zebra stripes l know that mad Emperor Zaka had finally unleash the zebra-griffs for this war." Then Zecora noticed Tempest Shadow was standing making the zebra mare blush and got out of Shining Armor's arms.
"(clears throat) You must be Tempest Shadow my future sister for Shining Armor's herd." Zecora said while she walk over to the unicorn mare and shaking her hand.

"Yep that's me." Tempest said putting her hand away before she remembers something that Zecora said earlier. "What a minute what do you mean by 'revenge' from earlier."

That got Zecora to look at the bodies with a sad look on her face before she said. "(sign) Around five hundred years ago during the very first time that both the Zebra Empire and Equestria was at war the pony soldiers of that time were do raids on the villages with the stallions killed and the mares forced to pleasure the pony stallions lust. Princess Celestia didn't know at the time as she trying to stopped a other war with the buffalo tribes in the desert but after she learn about the raids after she made peace with the buffaloes the princess herself went to the zebra emperor of that time to make a peace treaty and emperor agree for peace but the damage was already done with thousands of zebras dead in the ground. Why do you think there's always been bad blood between Equestria and the Zebra Empire." Both Shining Armor and Tempest Shadow look shocked at Zecora's story about a past that both of them don't know.

"I didn't know." Shining Armor said. "And they still remember that though these centuries."

"The scars of those raids still are in the abandoned villages of the zebra empire territories. But unlike the rest of my kind l know how let the past be the past and look for a new beginning." Zecora said before she walked over back to the front gate. "I believe that we should get moving. There are still many zebra-griff patrols around and l don't want to be around when they see two ponies and one zebra friend to the ponies just standing around." She turned around to walk out of the courtyard only to stopped when a spear landed in front of her. That got all three of their eyes to widened in shock before they turned upwards to see three
zebra-griffs in the sky.

"Back to back." Shining Armor ordered the two mares therefore making all three of them be in one spot with backs touching each other. Shining Armor ready his long sword, Tempest ready both her flintlock pistol and short sword, and Zecora was spear from earlier with giving it a few spins with it to show that she is a spear fighter. Then the three zebra-griffs landed in front of each one of the small group. The zebra-griff in front of Shining Armor was holding a long sword of his own with some spikes on it making the sword looked more like a huge bone saw. The
zebra-griff in front of Tempest Shadow was holding a pair of curved twin daggers spinning in each clawed hand. And finally the zebra-griff in front of Zecora was holding a nasty looking battle axe with a pony skull on the end of the handle. Shining Armor can tell that there was no way out of this mess without teleporting away but he can't do a group teleportation like Twilight did with her friends so he knows a know plan of action.

"Kill the stallion. Take that mare and traitor as the new slaves for the camp we can have some fun with them later tonight." The zebra-griff in front Shining Armor said with all three of them chuckling afterwards. Soon all three zebra-griffs begin to slowly walked towards the group and as they were fixing to attack...




A wave of arrows in a complete circle killed the zebra-griffs before they fell down on the floor. Shining Armor, Tempest Shadow, and Zecora was confused at this until a certain pegasus mare landed on the ground along with the rest of her team. "Spitfire." Shining Armor said running to the worderbolt captain only to get hit right in the face from Spitfire and the unicorn stallion was on the ground.

"That was for scaring me Shining." Spitfire snapped before she pick him up. "Do you know how any idea l was worried all the time l was looking for you."

"Listen Spitfire l know you're mad but mmm." Shining Armor didn't finished his talking as the pegasus mare kissed him on the lips.

Then Spitfire broke the kiss. "Your in going to make up for it in the bedroom. You hear me mister." Then Spitfire noticed both Tempest and Zecora was a few feet a head of her. "Zecora didn't scared the rest of us like that after you ran off."

"Sorry Spitfire." Zecora said.

"Nevermind come everypony... And zebra we have a train still in the station that has all of our names on. Let's go." After Spitfire said that the whole group got to the station, fire up the train, and began the long trip straight towards the Crystal Empire.

Lost of a home.

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Shining Armor, Zecora, Spitfire, Tempest Shadow, and the rest of the wonderbolts was still on the train heading straight for the Crystal Empire and while they were doing that Spitfire was talking to Zecora about leaving. "I mean seriously Zecora you had us worry to death after you ran off like that."

"I am Spitfire really." Zecora said. "But after l heard about the zebra-griffs l just try to help anypony in Canterlot before the attack. But as you already know it was too late."

Spitfire just signed before she brings the sad zebra mare's head to her chest. "(sign) I know, l know. Just tell us that you were going to do that the next time you want to run away to help ponies okay."

Zecora brings her head back up before saying. "Okay." Then the pegasus mare and zebra mare begin to share a kiss with each other. Down the train cart Shining Armor just smile to see his two herd wifes was burying the past before he makes his way to the train engine. As he was doing so the unicorn stallion noticed that some of the wonderbolts was pretty mess up with battle scars, dark magic burn marks, broken arms, broken legs, some of their feathers missing, and many other things.

"This new enemy must be strong like Tempest's story in order to do all of this." Shining Armor thought to himself. "How are we going to fight them if we can't hold ourselves together with the injuries we keep getting." Then he got to the train cart door, opened it, stepped outside, closed the door behind him, and begins to walk over the coal. The unicorn stallion can tell that they were getting closer and closer to the Crystal Empire with all the snow in the air and now the ground. Shining Armor should be feeling the cold air but after living in the Crystal Empire for some time now that he gotta used to the cold air like if it was a part of him. Shining Armor then made it to the train engine where Tempest and a black pegasus stallion was working gears and pipes of the engine. "How's it going." Shining Armor asked.

"We are almost there." Tempest answered Shining Armor's question. "At this rate we'll be in the Crystal Empire in no time."

"Good the sooner the better we get to the empire, the sooner we can think new plans for a counterattack to the enemy forces." Then Shining Armor noticed that the black pegasus stallion had a uneasy look on his face. "Is there something wrong about that wonderbolt." The unicorn captain asked.

"Sir l... Just that... Um." The black pegasus stallion said before he signs. "(sign) With all due respect sir but l heard a different story back in the thorne room of the crystal castle."

"What kind of 'different story' you have heard." Tempest Shadow asked the black pegasus stallion.

"I was guarding the outside of the thorne room, with the doors open of course, until l heard Princess Celestia's voice saying that the war is once again lost and she with the other princesses were sending a messager to the Zebra Empire for our surrender before Spitfire dragged me off to find you." Both Shining Armor and Tempest Shadow can only stand there in shock after hearing what the wonderbolt just said.

But as for the unicorn captain it was like the last war all over again with the lost of so many ponies for the territories to get back from the zebras. He was about to say something to the black pegasus wonderbolt until his eyes saw the Crystal Empire no more than a mile away and soon he will get his answers.


As soon the train stopped at the station Shining Armor got off and runs over to the crystal castle like a madman with his herd wifes trying to catch up. The unicorn stallion was about to go through the main gate until he sees a wagon with a few zebra guards around it. After Shining Armor saw that he resume his running and made it to the thorne room where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence was sitting on the right side of a huge rectangle shaped table with Emperor Zaka sitting on the left side of the table.

Then Cadence noticed Shining Armor before she jumped up from her seat and hugged him. "Oh Shining you have no idea how l missed you so much." The princess of love cried.

"Don't worry Cadence that won't happen again." Shining Armor said before he broke the hug and looking over the other two alicorn mares and zebra stallion. "Now what in the name of Tartarus is going on here."

"It's very simple Prince Armor." The zebra emperor said. "You kind has once again lost a other war and now it's time to pay the dept of losing."

"I wasn't talking to you stripe bastard." Shining Armor snapped making the zebra guards behind their emperor to draw their swords but they were stopped with the wave of Emperor Zaka's right hand making them to put their swords away.

"Please Emperor Zaka let me." Princess Celestia said before turning to the angry unicorn captain. "Shining Armor please try to understand that we had once again have no choice but to try to save what we have left."

"But how many mares, fillies, and colts it will cost for this peace."

"To you the truth Prince Armor." Emperor Zaka stepped in. "This time l am willing to give back all of the ponies l have capture in 'this' war in return all of Equestria's territories." That got Shining Armor's eyes to widened in disbelief after what the zebra stallion just said. If this deal goes he, Cadence, Celestia, Luna and every single pony will have no choice but to live in the territories of the Crystal Empire. "And l believe that is better what could happen like the last time."

"But... But... But you can't do that." Shining Armor said in a shaky voice.

"It's already to late Shining." Princess Luna said. "We have already made this new treaty for this peace that we will keep this time."

"Then l will be leaving now." Emperor Zaka said while getting up from his chair. "I will go and get all of the ponies in the prison camps and also thank you for the new territories." Then the zebra stallion with his guards begin to walk out of the room and the same time walking pass a stunned Shining Armor.

After the zebras lifted the room Spitfire, Zecora, and Tempest Shadow got inside the thorne room with Spitfire asking. "What was that about."

Celestia was the one who answered the pegasus mare's question. "The end to the war."


Ponies was still coming into the Crystal Empire after a week of the new peace treaty. They were coming from cities like New Ponyville, Vanhoover, Las Pegasus and more. Shining Armor was helping with a earth pony family getting a new house in the Crystal Empire. During his time in the empire Shining Armor find out that Spike was able to make it to the Crystal Empire after the zebra-griffs was pushing though Equestria and Spike also brought his herd wifes Rarity, Fluttershy, Cream Heart, and Roseluck with him. Shining Armor also heard that Big Mac got out in time as well with his herd wifes Sugar Belle, Cheerilee, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, and Maud Pie. How Big Mac got the three pie sisters Shining Armor will never know but at least his little brother and best friend is still alive.

After helping the earth pony family Shining Armor deiced to head back to the crystal castle and as he was doing so the unicorn stallion saw a family of zebras getting in their new house. It was Zecora's family after they managed to sneak into the Crystal Empire with some help from Princess Cadence. Shining Armor can still remember how nervous he was meeting Zecora's family for the first time especially when Zecora's father heard about his daughter being one of the unicorn stallion's herd wifes without his permission. But thanks to Zecora the zebra stallion let his daughter to be with the pony stallion she loves.

He was about three blocks away from the crystal castle until he sees both his mother, Twilight Velvet, and his father, Night Light, going inside their new home. Shining Armor was relief when he heard that both of his parents managed to make it out of Canterlot during the zebra and zebra-griff attack on the city. Shining Armor then goes through the main gate and straight into the crystal castle. As he was walking down the hallways the unicorn stallion can see that normal ponies was guarding the hallways in Crystal Empire armor. Shining Armor along with all three princesses thought it was best to draft some
non-crystal ponies into the Crystal Empire's army for some extra protection after the fall of Canterlot. But now Shining Armor just wants to lay down and get some rest from all the work.

The unicorn captain made it to the door of his room and open it. Inside was a desk on the right side of the room, a balcony was also on the right side of the room over looking the whole Crystal Empire, in the middle of the bedroom was a huge bed that is three times bigger than a king size bed for him and his herd wifes to share, on the left side of the room was a closet that look small on the outside but it was big on the inside thanks Luna's magic to hold all of the clothes they need, also to the left side of the room was bathroom that just the normal size for any other family, and there was a baby size bed right next to the main bed with a small alicorn filly sleeping in. Inside the bedroom was his herd wifes with Cadence rocking their daughter, Flurry Heart, in the baby size bed, Zecora was now the main bed reading a book from the Crystal Empire library, Fleur Dis Lee was in the closet looking herself in a mirror with a short blue dress she was holding in front of her, Luna was on the desk writing out some orders for the bat pony guards to guard their new home at night, Spitfire was also on the main bed but she was looking over a map of the Crystal Empire to find a place to train herself and the wonderbolts for shows, and finally Tempest Shadow was sharping her short sword with a rock while sitting down on a chair.

When Shining Armor open the door all of the mares look at the door to see their husband walking inside. "Shining your back." Fleur said as she puts her short dress down on the bed and walked over to the unicorn stallion to give him quick kiss on his lips. "How is everything going with the new home program."

"Going fine but slow." Shining Armor reply before he goes over to the main bed to sit down. "All of the ponies that are still coming in looking for a new home but we have to do one family at a time ever with the huge group of helpers trying to keep everypony to slow down."

"Didn't worry Shining l'm sure everything is working fine." Luna said.

"I know but..." Shining Armor couldn't finished his sentence as his mind started to go back to his little sister.

Cadence sees her husband's face and knows what exactly he is thinking before she stepped in. "Shining don't start thinking about Twilight. You know that what happens in the past cannot be undone." Then she comes up to his right side to sit down. "I miss her too Shining."

"I know but Flurry will never know her like we did while she was alive."

"But Flurry will know her Shining." Tempest said. "Twilight may not be alive but she will be still in your heart." Then the unicorn mare puts her hand on his chest. "Right here."

Then Zecora puts up the sleeping Flurry Heart and sits down on Shining Armor's left side. "And you could tell her how great her aunt Twilight was. How she was a hero to many ponies and how she bested ever villain she face with her friends and sent ever single one of them away." Then the zebra mare give Flurry Heart to Shining Armor and the unicorn stallion thought of something he never thought before. True Twilight is no longer alive but she still is in his heart and from that day on he will keep Twilight's memory alive no matter what for his daughter... Forever.