> Project Wingpony > by BusterBuizel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Operation 1: END OF CURRENT CONTRACT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== The low hum that rang in my ears of my engines casted a peaceful rumble as I looked out into the boundless blue ocean to my right. The sun was high and the visibility excellent. At that moment it was a little hard to believe we were still at war, honestly. Although I sat in a multimillion bit SU-33 I could have just flown fine under my own wingpower. I have to admit, though, I’d have a hard time carrying all this payload just on my back. Hey, you know what they say; a fighter jet is just a tank for pegasi like me. I looked up at the frame of the canopy and flipped down one of the back facing mirrors towards my face. My green eyes shifted around for signs of trouble at my six o clock. Nothing but my wingpony trailing my starboard wing. <> the blue pegasus mare flying the MiG-29K announced her boredom in my ears. <> <> <> I rolled my plane up and over the top of hers and slid right behind the fuel line. With a few clicks on the instrument panel the refueling probe of my jet popped out from the side as I slowly slotted it into the drogue and began taking on the rest of the fuel, <> <> <> <> she reported out to our radar plane as I finished refueling to join back in the lead position, <> <> our E-2 Hawkeye gave us the go ahead as we turned course and headed back. <> The low rumble of my aircraft was interrupted by a faint beep on my radar screen. I furrowed my brow in curiosity as a sinking feeling welled inside of my guts. Contacts? Here? <> <> A confident smirk streaked across my face, <> Dash and I jettisoned our empty fuel tanks and set our radars to active search. Multiple signatures popped in and out of my screen as the unknown craft closed into range. <> <> I pitched my nose up and kicked my throttle to full. Missile warning alarms were also blaring inside of my cockpit as the unknown planes started the engagement. I flipped the master arm switch and readied my weapons, <> <> <> <> Dash was in deep trouble as I saw two aircraft trailing her fighter. I dove straight in to assist. <> with a hard lock of my Archer missiles growling in my ears I ripple fired two missiles from the racks as they curved cleanly into the tailpipes of the first stealth fighter, <> Dash managed to break off from her pursuer and climb as the other fighter dove to disengage, <> <> I smiled smugly as I shot past my wife’s side to see her many kill marks painted on the side of her MiG. How many had it been? Forty? Fifty? At some point we just gave up counting, <> <> I could almost feel the wink in her eyes from that comment. <> <>  <> I tuned in to passively listen to the enemy. Sure enough some of their voices chattered like panicked crickets on the radio, <>  <> My eyes perked at the message, <> <> <> Dashy punched her afterburners and climbed away while I dove to the right and gave chase to the low flying bombers. Their blue painted bodies blended with the ocean below as I inverted my plane to scan the sea. They were still in a tight staggered formation and the squares that overlayed each one marked their position on my visor’s HUD. I levelled out my plane and looked to my feet to acquire the lock off my nose. Two more missiles separated and streaked towards the rear stealth bombers, <> Both archers connected in a fiery explosion that rocked the skies below me. Like a shorebird I wove back and forth as I swiveled my head around and viewed my prey splash into the water. Once I got their attention each of them scattered to evade as I heard their panic set in on the radio. <> “Think those cheap toys are gonna save you huh?” I spoke to myself as I saw their radar signatures shift back and forth to confuse my targeting computer, “I still got guns baby!” <> Galaxy reported enthusiastically as I descended to meet their altitude and swerved behind one of the Shafaqs. He didn’t see me as I dove in from the sun at my back. A quick burst from my 30mm rendered into his plane as mechanical fluid, shrapnel, and jet fuel erupted like blood and sinew from a wounded beast. His wing held on for about a full second before the buffeting ripped it asunder from the fuselage. <>  <> A new voice came in from the radio, <> Dash chimed in. Her own radar blip was right behind me and a few thousand feet up, <> <> <> <> <> <> Four of our long range Adder missiles shot forth from our planes as we both turned away and climbed. Luckily our foes were slow on the draw as they stopped tracking us on radar. Good, we had them on the defensive. <> Another kill, a trailing fireball plunged into the abyss below. <> A rush cascaded through me as I slammed my throttle forward. Giant plumes of blue hot flames roared from my engines as I charged into the confused and scattered enemies.  I could hear their intercepted calls over the radio, <> The thrill of the kill… Like a predator stalking a wounded beast… My fur stood on ends… Every move, every jink, and every maneuver matched with my foe. I grasped the trigger on my flight stick and led my target. <> <> I broadcasted to the open channel as I let loose a burst from my cannons. The high explosive shells punctured several holes into his ailerons and tailfin. I also managed to land a few into his right engine as it began to sputter out thick smoke. I let go of the trigger and flew away, <> I switched my radio back to the encrypted channel to report in, <> <> after she shot down another fighter Dash flew back beside my wing and back into formation, <> <> <> a pure white F-18E appeared over the horizon. It was Cirrus, another pilot from our carrier, <> <> I waved my hoof jokingly at her as she passed by my canopy, <> <> <> Dash inquired. <> Dash gave a bit of a huff as we turned our planes home, <> <> I looked to my radio and realized she turned off hers, <> <> Cirrus was the first to circle above the ship. The EMS Fairview was a massive supercarrier well known in the former Lunar Republic. I flew by her side and I could still spot the single white strike across the letters “NLR” that signified her service during the Infinite Eclipse. <> the carrier crew gave her the go ahead to land. I circled just behind her hornet as she made her final landing checks, <> Just another day. I just wanna go home. ===================================================================== > CONTRACT FINISHED: Home... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burning clouds and choking air filled the atmosphere as the two sisters stood above the land, regal yet commanding. Behind them was an eclipse, ever growing in size. One half was engulfed in flames that burned with Daybreaker's fury. The other dark as dark could be, almost vantablack in nature. A void, a never ending chasm only one Nightmare Moon could conjure. Beneath the mountain an army stood at their defense. Ghosts and old phantoms. Ponies who had given their lives as their eternal subjects and soldiers stood ready to defend their corrupted princesses. A legion of black singularity and white hot fury. Hundreds of tanks, tens of thousands of infantry, and dozens of aircraft filled the skies in and around the two sisters as their ritual took hold to end the world they once so benevolently ruled over. The once proud flag of Equestria now flew in the wind tattered and worn amongst the rubble, what was left of the old Canterlot castle. Daybreaker lit it ablaze as it lifted into the air and burned into embers. Just outside the combat zone a single large aircraft circled above an army ready to mobilize just to the north of Ponyville. A large rotating radome was mounted above the craft and on its tail fin was the emblem of the Equestrian Air Force now painted over with a single white stripe, the universal mark of the rebellion. Down below the forces gathered in formation for one last push to defeat the two sisters. Some wore uniforms of the old world, others clad in makeshift guerilla equipment, all united by the single white strike. The roar of fighter jets above them signaled the start of the operation. Across the battlefield their radios crackled to life with the sound of the AWACS above. <> <> A sky blue pegasus flying an SU-33 slid into formation with the rest of the jets all refueling nearby a KC-135 just outside the combat airspace. His folded white wings shuffled as he looked out to his sides. Even through his cockpit canopy the roar of all the jets outside shook through his bones. Down below the troops started to mobilize into combat formations. Dust kicked up from hundreds of treads and wheels as the immense wave of armor and troop transports started their march towards the capital. The smoke of rockets and plumes of artillery arced towards Canterlot as the bombardment began. Through his radio the AWACS plane started up again. <> <> the SU-33 went into full afterburner to overtake the tanker aircraft. Behind him to his right a flight of black widows matched his speed and formation. <> Sky smiled with a zeal unmatched as a sense of unity filled his head, <> A flight of transport helicopters and gunships lifted from the forward bases and joined into formation. Their beating rotors buffeted the forest canopy below as their troops readied to deploy. <> <> Broken through the clouds, a flight of strike eagles burned into the fight. Fiery plumes of their furious turbines illuminated the dusty orange skies, <> Likewise another flight of aircraft, this time Fulcrum-Ds, zoomed in at low altitude. Beneath their wings they held long range anti radiation missiles, like broadswords of old, meant to take down the enemy’s radars, <<1st Solar Carrier Wing here! Callsign; Flounder. You have our swords at the ready.>> Inside AWACS Nebula the radar operators frantically scanned their screens and had their hooves full to link all the data to all of the forces in the assault. <> <> Tomcats from a Solar Imperial carrier broke through the clouds to intercept fighters trying to shoot down the anti radar aircraft. Vulcan cannon fire tore through the air as missile trails and smoke wove in and between the planes above.  <> the SU-33 let loose a missile from the rail as Sky kept his head on a swivel. His eyes were locked onto a jet black Gripen on the tail of one of the Flounder planes. The missile curved right into the path of the enemy fighter and eviscerated the aircraft in an explosive plume of tungsten, oil, and steel. <> <> The missiles carried underneath the lead Flounder aircraft shot forth as he rolled up and to the left in an evasive move to shake off a Stinger fired from the ground. Both missiles impacted their targets and the shadowy simulacra conjured by the Princesses faded with the explosions, <> Nebula broke through the radio in exclamation as an enemy Raptor slid behind the stallion’s Fulcrum, <> <> with almost no warning Flounder’s fighter was struck hard with an astral missile from another conjured enemy fighter. This time the corporeal form was that of radiant, burning light. <> <> Sky Buster pulled up hard as he climbed into the clouds. His radar warning receiver blared in his ears as a missile ran him down from the same spectral Raptor. In a risky move he punched through the clouds with full afterburner before he cut his engines and let the flares fly from his plane. The missiles took the bait as he flipped down back into the clouds with a post stall maneuver and throttled back up, <> <> Shadow lead alerted the pilot of the Sukhoi as the enemy jet on his tail kept pace with every maneuver. Buster was in deep trouble as he saw the raptor’s weapon bays flip open. His eyesight was fading to black as his heart raced, failing to pump blood in the high G turns. On the verge of blacking out the last thing he saw was a missile catapult out of the enemy fighter jet. ===================================================================== I stirred awake from my nightmare. The blood had left my face and my breathing was rapid and constricted tightly. I grit my teeth together as Dash shot up from her own slumber. “Hey! Hey! Buster, snap out of it! It’s just another bad dream…” Dash took her place by my side and held me in her embrace. I could feel her warmth as she wrapped her hooves and wings around me, “-Just another bad dream.” I glanced down to my right side and my missing wing. I still bore the scars from that day I got shot down. I’m lucky-No, everyone who made it out of there is lucky to be alive. Everypony who fought for our future and, somehow, we won. The royal sisters are dead and the world shattered. Lives lost, millions? I gave Dash a sigh as I looked to a map that hung across our shared bunk. A map of the old world. Back before the Infinite Eclipse ripped the tectonic plates asunder. The gentle hum of the carrier brought me back to the present. “They shot me down. I thought I was dead. I thought the world would end. I wouldn’t get to see our sons and daughters grow up. I thought that in the darkest of nights the morning wouldn’t come. The Equestria we once knew is now gone.” “I-I was scared too. We all were. That’s why we fought so hard. I can’t wait to see Jet and Avia again now that we’re finally off contract. Just get some rest okay Buddy? We’re launching out tomorrow to go back home,” Rainbow slowly crawled back into the sheets and shuffled herself on her side. I still sat up on my front hooves staring at the old map, “Sky Buster, go to sleep.” “I will… Can you hold me though?” “Sure thing. You’re gonna be okay. Just get some sleep. We’ll be home tomorrow,” Dash locked her embrace around me as I started to relax and lull back into slumber. Her warmth was my crutch in times like these. ===================================================================== <> the flight controller of the carrier gave us the a-okay. A smile was wide on my face as Dash and I sat on the flight deck to taxi onto the catapults. <> The catapult crews stood by as they waved their hooves to signal my wife and I to our launch pads, <> <> <> I watched Dash taxi up to the catapult as the crews locked her plane into the launch mechanism. The blast deflectors of the carrier lifted up while she simultaneously put her throttle in afterburner.  <> Dash soared into the air from the carrier’s flight deck as the crews scrambled to attend to my plane.  I looked back and forth as one of the crew ponies gave me a salute to launch out. The rush filled my head again as I heard my engines spool and throttle click into full afterburner. Takeoff… Not many times I get to fly again. Not with my broken wings. My jet surged forward from zero to two hundred seventy kilometers per hour. As it left the edge of the deck I tucked my landing gear up into their bays and climbed rapidly to meet Rainbow among the clouds.  <> <> ===================================================================== As we flew on the clouds parted beneath us as we neared Ponyville. Below us was a massive scar of the Infinite Eclipse. Ghastly Gorge tore open several miles wide like a deep gash into the earth bleeding red hot magma. Giant eel bones littered the ashen shores as the updraft of hot air casted onto our planes. This fissure and many like it dotted the lands of Equestria now torn asunder. <> Rainbow’s radio gave a short crackle for a few seconds before she spoke. Her bittersweet tone carried through, <> <> <> Dash gave an audible thud as I heard her hoof slap her face, <> I tipped my wings back and forth as a retort as we made our final approach, <> <> My heads up display updated with two little circles that acted as guides for my landing approach. The trick was to line them up inside each other to touch down onto the runway. The margin for error was more lax for a runway than a carrier. The rest of the numbers and alphabet soup aided my control and input as I touched down onto the runway and taxied to one of the hangars. It was a long day and I’m gonna miss flying, but I was finally home. ===================================================================== All I can think of is their smiling faces. Each one of them. I could already hear their shouting and hollering right above me as our cloud house hovered above the open field. I wrapped my hooves around my duffle bag as I took in a deep breath and spread my wings. With one strong down stroke I... “OW!” I planted face first into the dirt as I forgot my missing right wing. My euphoria faded to crippling reality. “Here, let me help you up. That phantom wing came back again?” “Yeah. I’m never gonna get used to that,” I allowed Dash to hook me under my forelegs and lift me up right to the door. I dusted myself off as she landed next to me, “Well, here we are. We’re back!” We both knocked on the door and rushed inside as four of our six children flocked to us as we stepped in. There was JJ, Avia, Cloud, and Watty. Jay and Avy rushed to their mother first. “Ma’s back! Ma’s back!” Avy exclaimed as she fluttered about Dash. “Settle down you little Tornado, come on, give me a hug you two,” Rainbow embraced her biological children as I was swarmed by my other two. “Dad! Did you eat anything weird while you were gone? How was the carrier? Did the boiler room blow up again?” my unicorn son peppered me with questions at my feet. “No no, we weren’t on a Kuznetsov this time, thankfully. Did you brush your teeth?” I picked him up with my one good wing. “Yes dad!” “Did you remember to cast cloudwalk today?” “Yes!” “Daddy! Daddy! Avy keeps trying to eat my wings!” Cloud, this time, tugged at my legs. “NO I DON’T!” “YES YOU DO!” and cue the back and forth banter of my numerous children. I looked at my other wife and smiled as the chaos started in the background. She gave a heavy and relieved sigh as she came up to me and hugged me, “If it wasn’t for the insane amount of money you two make for a living I’d be going crazy.” “I love you too you two,” Dash joined in the three way hug as our nanny chased our kiddos behind us, “How are the twins?” “I just sang them to sleep before you guys arrived. They’ll be in for a surprise after their nap.” “Sorry to bust the mood but can I get some help here?” our nanny, Sweetie Bloom, was covered in crayon markings while Avy was chewing on one of her wings. The other three were bouncing on the couch and pillow fighting. “I’ll deal with this,” I slowly trotted over to look at the four of them. My eyes narrowed as I got their attention. A low and serious rumble reverberated through my voice, “Ahem! Avy, quit chewing on the babysitter! Jet! Watty! Cloud! Sit still! Shut up! The four of you! Stand straight! Form a line! NOW! Which one of you did this?!” I motioned to the crayon marks in the fur of Sweetie Bloom. All of them shook. “It was me dad,” Watty stepped forward. “Well, I appreciate your honesty son so I will spare you the punishment of extra vegetables tonight. Nose on the wall! Thirty minutes! DOUBLE TIME NOW! If I catch you not on the wall there will be no dessert AND extra veggies! YOU GOT ME?!” “DAD YES DAD!” “The rest of you! Dismissed! Also, Avy, no pie for you tonight! Don’t chew on your nanny!” As they scattered my two wives stepped beside me. Dash was the first to speak, “Still got that spark from your flight instructor days huh? Skies aren’t the only thing you bust.” “Yeah, I was a real ball buster back in my, um, our air force days. I’ll let you two catch up for a bit. I’m gonna go watch our kids with the nanny,” I smiled at the two of them as they wandered off. “I’m gonna hit the hot tub, you coming Rainbow?” “Sure thing Pash.” Despite the anarchy of my family I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me.  “Hey Jet, Avy, Cloud. Let’s run a game of CounterStat. I’ll be the Game Master.” They all gave a cheer as they settled around the dinner table. I got my books and tabletop screen set up as they scribbled down their characters. Home… Finally home at last. > ...Shattered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke to the subtle stirring and the ding dong of my phone’s alarm next to me. Both of my wives were snuggled into each other as I was the first to get up from bed and shut off my phone. I heard a soft giggle from Dash before I sat up to see them beside me. She was in the middle with her snoot just poking out from beyond the sheets while Pash dug her own nose into the sheets next to Dash. I’ll admit it was an odd arrangement but we all loved each other equally, though sometimes I felt like the third wheel in a comic sort of way. A soft knock at the bedroom door alerted my weary gaze. “Daddy! It’s time for school!” the soft knocks became louder as all six of my children started banging at the door. I gave an amused sigh as I bent down to stretch my legs back and forth. Lazily I plopped the blankets away from my body and draped them over Dash and Pash before I figuratively flew over to the door to greet my sons and daughters. They all smiled at me with their saddlebags empty in their mouths with big puppy like eyes all begging me to help them pack for their field trip. “Alright, alright little ducklings. Line up in the kitchen and I’ll pack your lunches. Come on, let’s go,” I hurried all of them away from the door as they gave their cheers. Like a chaotic symphony of clockwork my kids began to line up neatly. I started to talk to myself again to keep my focus, “Alright! Jump Jet: ham, turkey, and bacon sandwich with mayo and mustard. Water Spout: Spam sandwich with lettuce and mayo with a side bag of crushed Oreos. Wall Cloud: spicy kimchi ramen with two hard boiled eggs. Panavia Tornado: leftover chicken pot pie. Whirlwind, Whirlpool: grilled cheeses, one cheddar the other Equestrian. Alright kids, the bus is almost here. You guys excited for the trip to the ruins of the Castle of Friendship?” “I am! I heard that old place used to be where ma and her old friends planned out really cool wargames or something!” Jet was the first to pipe up before he was interrupted by his half brother. Watty softy put a hoof to JJ’s mouth before he corrected, “No dude! It’s where the Elements of Harmony are stored! DUH!” “You two are sooo wrong,” Avy wedged herself into the conversation and parted them apart, “It’s where ma and her friends got called on to solve friendship problems in the past. I should know, I’m an egghead like her!” Jet and Watty looked at each other and back at Avy, “Neeeeeerd!” “Yeah, well I’m at least ten percent more awesome than you!” Avy playfully stuck her tongue out as I looked to Cloudy after I packed her lunch. “Are you gonna get in on that?” “No daddy, I’m fine. I just like to watch it burn,” Cloudy and I looked at the three kids as they went back and forth again. My five year old twins just giggled at the three playfully arguing. I finally finished the last two sandwiches as the bus honked right outside the door. “Go on ducklings! Quack quack! Quack quack! Go on, get the flock on outta here!” I opened the front door and released the quacken upon the world. A flurry of wings beat past me as five pairs of feathered appendages rushed out of the front door. Watty trotted over to my side and teleported down with his magic only to forget to teleport his bag, “Watty! You forgot your bag!” I threw the bag down to my son who caught it with telekinesis. With a wave of six hooves they bid me farewell. “Bye kids!” “Bye dad! Go dance with the-” “Don’t say that stupid thing or I’ll eat your wings again Cloudy!” Avy was the last to step onto the bus as I saw them all out. Dash and Pash hurriedly rushed out to wave goodbye as well. “Well, while you two were busy spooning I, once again, carried the team,” I crossed my arms together and hovered next to them as the two sat there sheepishly. Dash was the first to jokingly retort. “Well, you didn’t have to carry each of them for eleven months now did you?” “Hey, do I have to remind you of the wonders of the deciduous hoof capsule? Do I? Because I’ll do it again!” “You missed a call though,” Dash shuffled in her pocket a bit before she handed me my phone, “It’s from ESEC. Probably just another contract payout confirmation.” “Man! I told them to give me an email about it! Who’s the crayon eater who decided that was a good way to say ‘Hey! Great job, here’s your money! Bye!’ We have technology you know. Fine, I’ll call them back,” I dialed back the number as magic channeled into my hooves to type out the fine buttons on the screen. After a short ringtone I greeted the soldier, <> <> <> I went back into the house with my wives as the officer explained everything again to Dash. <> <> <> I gave him a flat out answer, <> <> <> <> <> Dash and Pash started to bust out in pure belly laughs as I gave one final goodbye, <> <> I hung up on Burnfire as I joined my wives in their gigglefit. Then, a rumble… Our house shook as something reverberated in the distance. A loud booming sound and small shockwave that rocked our cloud house. “What was that?” “Something not good. Earthquakes don’t shake floating houses,” Dash gave a good point as all three of us rushed to the window closest to the sound. I saw it… Sweet Apple Acres was on fire! “Pash! Get the go bags and any nonperishables you can pack! Dash, get the guns, ammo, and tactical gear just in case. I’ll get on the horn and see what’s going on!” “O-Okay!” Pash shook with fear as Dash and I quickly embraced her. “Stay calm, you got this. We’re all gonna get through this!” <> <> <> I kept on the line as Dash brought me my Slick plate carrier, ULACH helmet, and XCR rifle. In a haste I slipped them on alongside my combat boots as Pash came back with three Carryall bags full of disaster supplies. <> “The kids! Where are the kids?!” <> I hurried my wives as they all got their gear on together, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” “Sky! I see it, cruise missiles! On the horizon to the east!” Dash picked them out with her keen eyes. Fighters were already scrambled to try and shoot them down but they were too fast and evaded with maneuvers not many can match. “Those aren’t ordinary missiles,” each explosion left behind a bright glow of orange and left the ground scarred with lava like the Ghastly Gorge. Cordium... “Oh Goddess! Oh Goddess! Oh Goddess! Twilight fuck!” Pash started to panic with tears pouring out of her eyes as we opened the garage and piled everything into the truck.  “Get in the truck! Everyone in?! Let’s go!” I floored the pedal as our house faded behind us. A blast of cordium caught our truck as I looked behind to see our house topple over and our vehicle rocked back and forth. Dash grabbed onto the wheel as I was knocked to the sides and the car slid to a halt. We all took a moment to see our home ravaged by the hate of those that blamed Equestria for the suffering of the world… “We gotta go find the kids. We can’t look back Sky!” Dash tapped me on the helmet to refocus. “I-I-I… I know! Dear Faust Mother let them be safe!” I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I backed the truck away from the rock we had crashed into. Thanks to Dash, the car only suffered body damage as we continued to drive. Several minutes later the bombardment ended as we drove up to the ruins of the old crystalline castle. The once imposing seat of Twilight’s old home laid shattered to pieces. All around the forests burned and the air was thick with ash. Even the apple orchards in the distance were nothing but figures of once uniform rows of our proud agriculture all set ablaze. My heart sank within my constricted chest as I threw open the truck’s door to see a school bus parked in the tourist parking lot missing quite a number of foals. Starlight was there trying to calm both the kids and the chaperoning parents. “Starlight!” “Sky! I don’t know what’s going on! Most of the kids are safe but-but!” Starlight stammered in her panic. She pointed to the tourist lobby, “Some of the rubble crushed the lobby! Please, you gotta help me! A few kids are still in there!” “And mine?!” “They didn’t wanna leave Jet behind! The others are fine but they’re refusing to leave that building!” “ARGH! Stubborn as me, I’ll give them that. Pash! Stay here with the others. Dash, Glimmer, on me!” We all rushed to the crumbling building as I heard my foals yelling to each other in desperation. “Cloudy you gotta lift! I can’t get this thing up with just my magic!” “WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING STUPID?! IT’S TOO HEAVY!” Cloud sobbed while she heaved a glowing piece of rubble with the help of her brother. I threw my gun to my back and got up underneath the broken crystal. Dash, likewise, threw herself into the thick of it, “D-Daddy?! Mama?!” “Cloud, where are the others?” “Under this big rock!” I heard my other children crying under the shard. With our combined strength we managed to flip the rubble off to the side. Avy was with our twins huddled together in her protection, all safe if a little scratched. The next sight my eyes shot to was Jet. He lay motionless and bleeding. With my chest growing ever more tight the flood of emotions washed over me. The sickening, numb feeling as I detached from the moment to rush to my dying son’s side. “He’s bleeding! Jet! Jet! Stay with me baby!” Dash also shot to his side. I shoved my panic to the back corner of my mind to focus. “DASH! FOCUS! I need that IFAK now! Starlight! Get Pash here! Get me a tourniquet on his wing and bandage his wounds!” I threw Jet’s saddlebags over to the side to check for any more injuries. His left wing had a major fracture and from what looks like it something probably cut deep enough to sever a major blood vessel. Dash couldn’t stop quivering as her hooves became clammy and sweaty. “I can’t! I CAN’T!” she started to break. Tears poured forth from her eyes and her nose started to drip with a thin clear mucus with her frantic sobbing. I couldn’t let myself go to her level, not yet. I still had hope. I pushed her away from the medical kit and started to triage our son. “THEN I WILL!” I wrapped the tourniquet over Jet’s wing and cut off the bleed. I threw my helmet out of the way and put my ear to his chest. No breathing. No… I won’t! I’M NOT GIVING UP ON MY SON! “Breath dammit! BREATH!” My own tears started to well up in my eyes. I started the chest compressions. One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten... Ear to his chest. Check pulse. No heartbeat. “DEFIBRILLATOR! GET ME A DEFIBRILLATOR!” Starlight tore a portable Heartstart from the wall and hovered it over to my side. I worked quickly as my tears rolled from my face and my breaths hastened. I used the razor that came with the kit to shave bare patches on my son’s fur to adhere the electrodes. The AED gave its instructions and started to charge. Shock…  One. Two.  Three.  Shock…  “COME ON! JET! JET! FUCKING WAKE UP!” I could feel the others starting to gather around. My ears rang to shut their noise as my head swirled with the numb coldness of quiet panic as I felt myself detach from the moment once more. Once again, the defibrillator whined with an electric charge. Shock…  One... Two... Three...  Shock…  Nothing… “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” In a frenzy I once again put my ear to my son’s chest. Nothing…  Shock…  One... Two... Three...  Shock…  Dead silence. Howling wind. Thunder? I looked up. Embers floated away. Lava ran down the mountains in the distance. Thunder once again. Deep and sullen orange skies. Everything around me fell apart. The world stood still. In my most vain hope I let the machine run for another minute as my lifeless son faded away. With quivering hooves I shut off the AED and stood there next to Jet’s body. Dash and Pash, they sobbed with me in their tight embrace as my kids gathered around their brother. “JJ! I’M SORRY! I’M SO SORRY!” Cloud sunk her face into Jet back as Watty tried to shake his brother awake. “Jet! Jet! Wake up buddy… Wake up… I don’t want to be alone.”  > Operation 2: Eviction Notice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE CONTRACTOR DETAIL : SKY BUSTER ================================================ PRIVATE MILITARY AGENCY : EQUESTRIAN SECURITY (ESEC) SQUADRON : STRIKER TEAM SQUADRON NUMBER : 2 TAC NAME : ALBATROSS 5 AE, JANUARY 23RD STATUS: ACTIVE ================================================ Broken. Black nothingness enveloped me in my slumber. Numbness… “Sky! Sky! Heads up, we gotta go,” Dash. Calling me? “I’m up, I’m up. Geez, why’d you have to wake me up this early?” “We’re finally evacuating Ponyville. Cloudsdale is here to take on the refugees,” Dash picked me up from the mattress and wrapped herself around me. Yet something was off with her tone of voice. A subtle undertone of somber as she dragged me out of bed, “Come on, let’s go. We got nothing left here.” “The once proud breadbasket of Equestria, burned to cinders. Not even the Everfree forest was spared. How did they even rally enough resources to kick us while we’re down?” I slowly trotted over to the exit doors and looked all around me. Our current living arrangement was equally in shambles. Most of the airbase got hit by scattered missiles and fragments. We were reduced to living in the same hangar my plane was stored with nothing but tents and sleeping bags for almost two weeks. Most of the town caught fire and left the vast majority of us homeless. I got up and trotted to the exit. The dirt runway was lined with transport choppers and military personnel all lining ponies up to be boarded. In the distance Cloudsdale hovered over the old ruins of Canterlot, like a buzzard circling a corpse.  “You gonna be okay there buddy?” “No, no I’m not. It’s not fair… We weren’t the ones to destroy the world. It’s a never ending cycle of hatred. Everyone blames us as a nation for the Infinite Eclipse. It wasn’t our fault and we didn’t ask for this.” “Bud, he was my son too… I know you and how-“ “How I beat myself up over these things? Those novels aren’t the only things you can read. If only we took them out of school for the day. If only-” “STOP! You’re making it worse! Not only for you but for me too.” “WELL WHAT THE FUCK COULD WE HAVE DONE?!” With regret pooling inside my heart I looked at Dash as her eyes started to drip. Behind her my commotion caught the attention of Pash and the kids, not to mention the various hangar staff that all looked at me in my outburst, “Faust Mother dammit… Dash. I’m sorry…” Rainbow looked away for a brief moment to the side. My broken heart sank deep as I could only hazard a guess to what she was thinking. She stepped forward with a piercing gaze as she eyed me down like a piece of meat. “Well if you were really sorry then you shouldn’t have done it! That’s what you always tell our kids right?! Don’t you think I’M hurt too?! DON’T CROSS ME SKY BUSTER! So help me I WILL turn you into an earth pony and rip your fucking last wing off!” “BREAK IT UP! STOP! THE TWO OF YOU STOP!” Pash flew in between the both of us as I was about ready to break down. She put a hoof to both of our chests as our children also pleaded at our feet, “You’re not helping anything by fighting! Look under you! To our children! Do you think this is fair to them?! Do you think this is fair to Jet?!” “Mama, daddy, stop fighting please!” Cloudy was tugging at my tail while the others crowded around. I slumped down and began to break. I wasn’t myself and I knew that. What could I do? ===================================================================== CONTRACT DETAILS UEK-01 EQUESTRIAN SECURITY     ASSIGNED TEAM : STRIKER MERCENARY SQUADRON     CLIENT : UNITED EQUESTRIAN KINGDOM EVICTION NOTICE TASK:     -ESCORT CLOUDSDALE TO PRINCESSIA     -RETREAT AND REGROUP WITH REMAINING EQUESTRIAN FORCES ===================================================================== “Well, this is it. We’re packing up shop and flying west, retreating to Princessia. Ever since the Infinite Eclipse our new de facto capital has been the seat of power for our recovering nation, as I’m sure you’re all aware. Besides, it has some of the best seafood on the coast and ample commendations for the refugees. I’m Lieutenant Vapor Trail and I’ll be your contact for the Equestrian Air Force along with my superior, Brigadier General Spitfire. Go ahead General.” “Thank you Vapor. As of now Cloudsdale and a flight of transports are ferrying both soldiers and refugees to regroup with our main forces stationed in Princessia. We’ve managed to hire several mercenary companies to assist in the evacuation and fly top cover for our extraction from Ponyville. I’m sure you’ve all heard the news but the Crystal Empire has fallen along with several of our northern territories. Reports indicate that the Changeling Kingdom, Stalliongrad, and the Kingdom of Oleania have launched simultaneous attacks against Equestria and its allies. They’ve taken to calling this alliance the United Races Coalition. First and foremost, we have to evacuate the civilians to safety. Striker Squadron, listen up. You’ll be pulling shifts in the long flight ahead to preserve fuel and ammo with the other fighters. We’ve detected scattered enemy air patrols en route so intercept them as needed. You are also to make contact with a few other mercenary squadrons that will rendezvous with us in the air. I don’t have to tell you much knowing both of your skills out there. Crash? Cluster?” I looked up to Spitfire and gave a slightly annoyed puff, “You know that’s not my nickname anymore right? I went freelance. My callsign’s Albatross now.” “You’re still the same old Clusterfuck to me,” Spitfire retorted sarcastically, “Just get out there and make sure Cloudsdale gets to Princessia alright? Dismissed!” ===================================================================== A brisk clear sky and low hanging clouds surrounded the mountain range below us in scattered formations. The massive flying city loomed to our front with many aircraft flying off to the sides. Memories of peaceful days long gone filled my head as I gazed at the city of clouds. Bygone nostalgia of my childhood and summers passed in summer flight camp. Days like that inspired me to become a pilot when I saw my first fighter jet zoom over me at an airshow. I wonder how many foals down there are doing the same? <> Dash came in over the radio rather bluntly. There was still a hint of bitterness in her voice. I don’t blame her, it was my fault after all. But I had to focus... <> I gave it my best shot. I almost stammered my words because my head wasn’t in the right place. A slightly gruff yet confident voice glided into my ears as the pilot on the other end flashed his IFF, <>> I gave them a confirmation alert and a swift reply, <> <> <> I gave a little bit of a chuckle after my joke, <> <> <> <> the Wedgetail AWACS radio officer ironically and bluntly stated. It was good to hear that soothing voice once more from the former radio DJ. The last time I saw Sicario they were still stationed on the EMS Fairview. Galaxy radioed back out to the rest of his flight, <> <> An all too familiar mare’s voice asked me. Her tone carried herself soft on the ears, kinda cute honestly. I flipped my radio channel to her frequency and replied. <> <> <> another feminine voice shoehorned herself into the conversation. She was a lot more mellow in tone, less perky, by the book.. <> Dash finally broke her silence. I could tell there was a smidge of excitement in her voice. <> Galaxy reported in. An all too comforting rush of adrenaline snapped me back to a laser focus. All I needed to hear next were those three magic words, <> <> <> Prez, Comic, Diplomat, and the rest of the mercenaries around me all gave out their engagement calls as we flipped our noses to the enemies. I opted to roll off the top: punch full afterburner as I buried the stick in my gut and half looped to level out. I eased up on my throttle and set my master arm with weapons primed. The radar display off to the right of my instrument panel showed eight planes. In the edge of my vision an F-14D was off to my right with Monarch and Prez in the back seat. I glanced at Monarch and pointed a hoof to my eyes then at him with a friendly glare. I gave him one final wink as we both knew what was about to happen. <> Prez wasn’t looking forward to it. Monarch and I were gonna see who could down the most planes. <> I smiled as I locked on to my first target, <> <> We both shot out our missiles at the incoming enemy flight. We took the initiative as the others joined into our volley of missiles a little late. <> I smiled once more and continued to climb off to the right as low beeps came from my warning receiver. A few of them were still tracking me on radar but I was still at ease. <> <> Hitman Two, Diplomat, asked his flight lead. <> <> Galaxy radioed in with a slight snicker, <> <> my ears perked up as Comic got into formation with Monarch and I. I felt rather cocky as a gave an amused huff, <> <> even Dash got in on the action. We all readied our next missile volley as the Changeling planes approached, <> <> Galaxy called out to track all of our missiles. We all broke off in different directions to tackle the remaining fighters as they closed in. A flurry of explosions lit up the skies as four enemy planes trailed smoke into the ground below, <> <> I got distracted as a shadow casted over my cockpit. I looked up at the Tomcat flying above me as Prez and Monarch flew inverted while the earth pony mare in the backseat stuck her tongue out and mocked me. With my one good wing I curled in all my feathers except the middle to flip them a bird. <> I didn’t even let him finish his report as I let loose another missile, <> A few seconds passed before the missile impacted. My heart pounded as I was certain that I was going to miss. <> <> I kept climbing to gain height advantage over the battlefield. Once again, like a shorebird, I zigged and zagged my plane back and forth to scan the ground underneath. My tactic paid off as I saw a flight of stealth bombers intruding in at treetop level, <> Three affirmative beeps chirped through our headsets, <> <> The massive glow of the incoming missiles streaked towards Cloudsdale off in the distance. Dash and I both instantly knew what was coming. <> <>  Streaks of white smoke tipped with brilliant, glowing, orange trailed from the missiles. I rolled my plane over and pounced right behind the trail of smoke. A good ring in my ears and the icon on my screen confirmed the lock. I fired. Following the usual callout I noticed something was off. My missile failed to launch and just fell from the rack, a dud! <> the engines of my thirty three roared with fury as I closed the distance. The gunsight piper appeared as I closed in enough to rip into it with my cannons. That cruise missile started to tumble as I clipped its wings with several explosive shells, <> <> <> Dash had two jets right on her tail as I flicked my eyes over to her direction. She didn’t notice the other diving in on her. I approached side on and readied my multi-lock missiles. One of my vympels flew out from the rails and swerved ahead of the target diving in on Dash. The impact tore a rough chunk off both the tailfin and elevator and sent our enemy into a violent tailspin. My other missile, however, failed to even launch. It was stuck on my jet. <> I tried to eject the malfunctioning ordinance by slamming my hoof to the button repeatedly. No luck, <> <> Dash pulled her MiG up hard as she bled speed. At the same time her engines glowed with full afterburner as her plane somersaulted in an extremely tight loop as the enemy shot past. I circled just above her as the enemy plane shot past. <> I didn’t even bother with my missiles as I closed the distance. A full burst from my cannon ripped into the wings of the fighter. There wasn’t time to confirm the kill, I moved on to the next missile, <> Missed… In my dive I overshot the last cruise missile as the others were mopped up. I shot my head around and saw Monarch come in for the kill. His effortless flying struck me with awe as a clean five to ten shot burst put enough holes into the missile to bring it down. Without a hint of turbulence he rolled over and sped down to an escaping stealth bomber. A missile shot forth from his rails and snapped the B-2 in half with a brilliant explosion. Must have been an AIM-54 with that much payload detonated. Another plane dove in to attack him. I throttled up to gain height and turned into the fight to chase the jet off Monarch’s tail. Like a madmare possessed I saw him, Monarch, flip his plane in a post stall maneuver to launch a sidewinder backwards towards his pursuing enemy. I wasn’t even halfway done with the lock. <>  <> I unclipped my oxygen mask to give my jaw some room to hit the floor. <> Diplomat chimed in as he saw the both of us flying above the smoking wreck of the enemy bomber, <> <> <> Galaxy fed us the data for our radars and I noted that I was the closest to make the intercept. With little choice I had to go for another gun kill as my missiles were left faulty and in disrepair. <> Another burst shot forth before a loud click rang to my side. The cruise missile was peppered with shells and spiraled to the ground in a plume of thick smoke as my guns finally ran out of ammo, <> <> <> I closed in for approach as the anti-air guns and SAM batteries of the city started to open up as more planes started to vector in. Galaxy stuck close to the city as more enemy fighters came in to try and secure the airspace, <> With a steady approach my plane touched the tarmac and slowed to taxi. I made my way over to the apron as the ground crews rolled over the racks of missiles, <> <> I popped open my canopy and looked around to see the crew hastily bolt the munitions on my jet. A few Tunguskas and Avenger Humvees rolled out from the motor pools and took defensive positions around my plane as the skies filled with fire, smoke, and contrails from friendly and enemy craft that screamed overhead. The heavy autocannons of the anti-air tanks flooded the air as return fire impacted the ground around us. A massive explosion to the rear of my plane almost threw me out of the cockpit as one of the Tunguskas cooked off. <> <> I frantically radioed out as the remaining AA vehicles escorted me along the flight line. <> I muted my microphone and punched into full afterburner as more planes started to strafe the runway. My heart pounded furiously as I let out a scream with missiles and gunfire whizzing way too close to my cockpit. In my back mirrors I could see an enemy hornet lined up for a kill. I shot my head back towards it before a missile slammed its left wing. I breathed a sigh of relief as I activated my mic. <> <> Galaxy buzzed in with a mission update, <> ============================================================== - - - CAUTION - - - /// AERIAL AEGIS DESTROYER DRAGONFLY | CHANGELING AIR FORCE /// ============================================================== <> a stern female’s voice was fed into my earpiece. It was the captain of the enemy airship that just crested over the mountains, <> <>  <> I formed up with Diplomat as his plane was the closest from my take off. The rest of our flights were still busy with the other fighters as Dip and I climbed up to pounce on the enemy airship, <> <> <> Eight missiles streaked towards the airship from above as we both turned away and out of range of the CIWS. Several impacts onto the hull and turrets of the airship caused a slight jink of the massive craft. While many of our missiles were shot down by point defenses, three managed to get through. <> the enemy captain ordered her crew as Galaxy intercepted their radios. The skies around the airship lit up with streams of rotary cannon fire and smoke trails of missiles shot forth from the massive aerial fortress. One of those missiles rang in my ears as my warning alarms went berserk. <>  <> Hitman One intersected my flight path at just the right moment to snap the enemy missiles back onto them. In a daring show of airmanship Monarch flipped his plane a full 180 degrees on the vertical and unloaded his guns into the missile that chased after him. Prez gave a cheer as they leveled back out and formed up on my right, <> I chuckled with a sigh of relief as I glanced at Monarch in the front seat. He unclipped his oxygen mask for a split second to shoot me a smile and a subtle nod. I caught a glimpse of his snow white coat underneath all his flight gear, <> <> Galaxy gave his orders as we all lined up at high altitude about five angels above the enemy airship. Our formation readied all missiles, <> <> <> <> <> <> A swarm of radar guided missiles erupted from our planes as we broke off and climbed away. I could see the swarm on my multi-function display trail towards the airship. I kept inverted and watched as the majority of the missiles made it through the defenses of the ship and slammed into multiple turrets, radomes, and launch ports. The massive beast trailed smoke like a bleeding animal run down by wolves. <> <> I levelled out from my invert and dove right towards the Anura head on, my hoof wrapped around the stick tight as I readied to launch my last missile. <> Galaxy linked his targeting data to my jet as a single circle appeared on my HUD. A solid lock, a button pushed, trail of smoke, fire... and dust…  The airship finally started to list in death. It rolled over like a dying animal as it crashed into the ground below. The gnarled and burnt wreckage started a forest fire which only added to the soot and cinder of the burning air. <> I snapped out of my trance and shot back to reality. Nothing but the hum of my plane followed by the silence that contrasted the constant warning alarms just seconds ago. <> Dip congratulated me, <> <> <> Comic was visibly displeased as we all formed back up wing to wing. <> <> Dip winked to Comic.  <> Comic unclipped her oxygen mask and lifted her visor to look at me, <> I spaced out a little as a deep sinking feeling settled in my gut, <> <> Galaxy alerted all of us as he joined our formation.  Another voice chimed into the radio. It was Contrail, my friend in Nimbus, <> <> I shut my radio off and sighed deeply, trying to focus, I still had to land this bird. Easy enough, but to be honest I didn’t want to land. Not right now. I flipped the radio back on and let the others know, <> <> <>