> Twilight Bakes Some Brownies > by Rimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight's Stinky Oven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spike! I'm home!" called out Twilight as she entered the friendship castle, stomping her hooves on the mat. "Spike?" she called again after hearing no response.  The alicorn wadered deeper into her home, trying to locate her draconian assistant. However, she found no trace of him anywhere. What she did detect, was a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. She headed in that direction, investigating whatever was being cooked.  As she entered the kitchen, her eyes locked immediately onto a tray of freshly baked brownies sitting on the counter. Her mouth watered as she approached. "Oh, Spike," she cooed to herself. "You shouldn't have..." She magically lifted a knife from a nearby block and sliced into the soft treat. Cutting out a generous portion, she lifted it up out of the tray and brought it up to her mouth."No, really. You definitely shouldn't have," she mumbled as she bit into the chewy brownie. Spike's brownies, as always, were absolutely delicious. Twilight did her best not to eat the entire batch, holding herself back for whatever she was going to have for dinner. But she still ate what could be considered more than her fair share. After her fourth, Twilight decided that she had eaten enough. The baked sweets had filled her up, and she was starting to feel slightly lethargic from the light overeating. She decided to take the rest of the day off from whatever she had planned, and relax. Twilight pondered what to do with the rest of her afternoon. Reading was always a solid solution, and so she settled on relaxing in her bedroom and re-reading one of her history books. She left the kitchen and began to head upstairs, pausing halfway up the staircase as she felt a slight pressure in her rectum. Flipping her tail out of the way, Twilight bared her pussy and pert asshole to whomever might have been behind her. Given that the castle was empty however, nopony could see the sight. Even though she was alone, the action still caused a small blush to appear on her cheeks.  She pushed slightly on her bowels. Her pucker flexed outward briefly before parting slightly, letting loose a boisterous fart. Twilight let out a small gasp at the gassy eruption, not having expected it to be so loud. "Yikes," she whispered to herself, fanning the air behind her with her tail. "Where did that come from?" She pushed again, clearing more of the gas from her rectum with a second sputtering fart. The scent tickled her nose, and Twilight found herself sniffing at the smell of her own anal air. The scent was faint, but definitely noticeable. It caused a stirring in her loins that begged to be attended to, and she found herself craving more of her own foul fumes. Twilight could not pinpoint exactly when she discovered that her farts aroused her in such a way, but the effect was hard to deny lately. A deep, reverberating burst of gas chose that moment to escape her loose asshole, echoing slightly in the empty staircase. Twilight quickly turned around, placing her face where her flank once was, and huffed at the lingering rectal perfume that hung in the air. A shudder quivered through her body as she sniffed the rest of her lingering fart. She resisted the urge to start masturbating right on the stairs - she had newly formed plans for this afternoon after all. So she enjoyed the noxious odor for a few short moments before she turned back around. Just because she was refraining from touching herself did not mean that she was not going to enjoy the rest of the trip. The naughty alicorn kept her tail flagged high as she continued up the stairs. She took her time, enjoying the sensation of baring her rear to the world as she continued to fart carelessly. Her bare pussy grew more and more wet with each step and fart. When she reached the top, Twilight paused to let a particularly high-pitched wet one rip, crudely lifting one of her hind legs as she did so.  "Wowie," she said as she caught a scent of the last one. It was far more rancid than the others, and yet she could not help but feel her arousal begin to climb even higher. With a content smile on her face, and another short fart, she went into her room, flopping herself on top of her bed and levitating a book over to begin reading. She quickly realized that the history book was not going to cut it today. Instead, she selected one of the books from the top of her bookshelf - an erotica novel. She was already horny, so it seemed like the right choice. The alicorn settled into her sheets, flipping to an earleafed page where she knew the fun would begin. As time passed, the pressure against her rear had started to become more and more noticable. Twilight shifted slightly on top of her bed, silently willing the feeling to go away, however there was no such luck. A rancid fart erupted from her clenched butthole, the warm flatulence blowing through her tail like a gentle breeze. If anypony were around, they would be able to see a glimpse of brown in her briefly parted pucker. As the pressure in her colon grew, her anus began to flatten outwards and her farting became more frequent and more rancid. The presence poking at her sphincter soon became too urgent to ignore, and with each fart Twilight inched closer and closer to having an accident right on her bed. She mulled over the possibility in her head for a moment. Did she really want to make a massive mess that she would need to clean up before dinner? Or should she just hold it in until it became unbearable and she needed to run to the little fillies room?  Her intestines rumbled, interrupting her inner debate. She closed the book she was reading with a sigh, and lit her horn to return it to its place before resigning to her fate. With a tiny grunt, she adjusted her position so that she was lying comfortably on her side, and flipped her tail out of the way, baring her privates to the room. Then she simply sat and waited for what was to come. It only took a few more minutes of waiting before Twilight's anus flexed, an airy fart sputtering out before the ring of muscle stretched open and the head of a round turd appeared. The ball of feces poked out through her parted sphincter and Twilight just held it there for a long moment, idly enjoying how its girth was stretching her pucker wide. Her eyes closed, and she focused on the small tingles of pleasure as she squeezed her tight butthole around the large turd. The action caused it to poke out and be drawn back in repeatedly. Fecal residue smeared off of the solid lump of poop as she did so, slowly staining her anus with its filth.  With a small, quiet grunt, Twilight pushed outward. Her shit slid out slowly before dropping onto the bed with a dull thud. Her butthole briefly clenched on nothing, eliciting a quiet moan from Twilight before she began to push again. She let out a second small moan as her anus gaped around a second log. It made its way out slightly faster than the first, smearing even more crap onto the rim of her butthole as it went. Twilight lifted one of her hind legs straight up in the air, holding it upright with a hoof. Her legs were now spread open at nearly a ninety-degree angle, and she reached down with her other free hoof to gently rub at her wet pussy as she continued to shit. Horseapple after horseapple tumbled out of her ass, falling onto the bed below. A significant pile of pony poop was building up on top of the sheets, and the smell was quickly spreading through the air. Occasional farts only added to the stinky cacophony filling Twilight's bedroom, the foul odor tickling her nostrils pleasantly as she continued to empty her ass out onto her bed. Suddenly, a hard blockage plugged up her rectum, forcing a displeased grunt out of Twilight as her bowel movement was paused. The alicorn strained, her hind leg stretching even further upwards as she tried to dislodge the obstruction, but to no avail. She took a deep breath, panting slightly before trying again. A trickle of warm urine leaked out of her wet slit as she pushed, dibbling down the curve of her ass as she strained harder and harder to get the large ball of poop out of her ass. The hard, lumpy horseapple finally squeezed its way out of her rear, stretching her anus and causing her to moan as it slid out. She could feel the slimey and gritty texture against her widened pucker, leaving behind a grimey residue as it plopped out of her ass. A loud wet fart followed its exit, spraying tiny droplets of liquid waste out behind her, a precursor for what was to come.  Biting her lip, Twilight realized that the large turd had been holding back another, larger volume of waste. She grunted and relaxed her asshole fully, pushing whatever was left to come out. With nothing in its way, a deluge of semi-solid shit spluttered out of Twilight's anus, splattering on top of the pile of solid logs that she had already left behind. Noisy, wet farts ripped out of her ass, speckling clumps of wet horse shit across the back end of her bed. A few specks flew even further, splattering the floor beyond with her scat. The loose diarrhea shot out forcefully, sickening sounds accompanying it as it plopped onto the ruined sheets of Twilight's bed. Whatever had caused the liquid poop slightly singed her anus on the way out, but not enough to cause any real discomfort. The smell was also far more potent than the alicorn's farts or even the solid waste she had shat out prior. It was a rough, tangy smell that assaulted her nose, and it only added to the rancid odor already permeating her bedroom. Had it been any stronger, it might have caused her to start coughing. But she found the aroma was perfectly arousing, and she continued to bask in the scent as she emptied her colon on top of her bed. A low, sputtering fart signaled that Twilight's bowels were now completely empty, and the alicorn relaxed back down onto the sheets as her gaped butthole slowly returned to the tight, puckered state it was normally in. In her relaxation, she rolled onto her back and let go of the tension on her loins, allowing her full bladder to release. Some urine had definitely trickled out as she was shitting, but now she was intentionally pissing onto her sheets.  She moved her hoof out of the way, pausing in her idle masturbating and watched as a stream of golden pee sprayed from her pussy. It splattered onto her bed, soaking into the sheets and forming a small puddle under her flank. Twilight enjoyed the feeling of her fur growing damp as it absorbed the warm piss. There was nothing quite like the feeling of pissing on a bed, defiling the sheets with acrid urine and revelling in the feeling of the warm liquid soaking everything as you lay in it. It was especially pleasurable to do it first thing in the morning - letting out a torrent of pee as she woke up, still under the sheets - and basking in its vile warmth to start off her day. Twilight fiddled the tip of her hoof around her clit as she emptied her bladder. The movement caused the arc of piss to waver, drenching the sheets and her thighs and even splattering onto her fresh pile of poop. A few stray drops speckled the hoof on her clit, and she shifted it lower so that it was directly in the stream. The warm urine soaked into her hoof, and Twilight let out a sigh as she pressed it closer to her leaking pussy. She masturbated with her own piss, spreading the hot urine around her swollen lips, making sure that the fluid soaked into every nook and cranny of her already drenched cunt. The last of her pee dribbled out as she rolled onto her stomach, the remainder of her urine pouring onto the bed in a steady stream. She brought the damp hoof up to her fact, sniffing at it before licking. The sour taste of her own urine tickled her tongue as she lapped at her frog and fetlocks, cleaning them of her salty fluids. As she cleaned the rest of her piss from her hoof, she could feel the thick brown sludge clinging to the wrinkles of her sensitive pucker. The alicorn craved a tongue to sensually clean her dirty anus, idly hoping that it could be her own. She flexed it a few times, feeling the muck smear more and more over her backdoor. Unable to hold herself back any longer, the alicorn reached back with a wing, and ran a few of her feathers against her filthy butthole. Her shit smeared onto the tips of the soft feathers, staining them brown with her filth.  The soft scat smeared away from her anus as she rubbed, smearing deep brown streaks out around her asshole. Twilight was making an absolute mess of her backside, but she couldn't care less. Soft, quiet moans slipped out of her parted lips in between staggered, panting breaths. Delicately, she pressed the tip of a feather against the center of her pucker, cooing as the soft vane slipped into her loose hole. She dragged it in and out, thoroughly coating the feather in warm shit, all the way to the fluffy down near the skin of her wing. After a moment and without any hesitation, she pulled it out and brought it around to her face, quickly replacing her wing with the other one. The once purple feathers at the tip of her wing were now painted a dark brown. Twilight brought them close to her muzzle, sniffing at them. The pungent, foul stench flooded into her nostrils and only increased the amount of arousal shooting through her brain. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth, wetting her lips as she panted, pistoning her other wing in and out of her dirty ass as she huffed at the one in front of her.  Twilight's eyes rolled back into her head as the nasty stench took over her thoughts. The olfactory stimulation was through the roof for her, overwhelming her sense of smell and sending pleasure directly to her winking clit. She was undoubtedly gushing down there, creating another puddle between her legs. Her pussy juices were probably mixing with the cooling pool of piss on her sheets, soaking into the pile of her own feces right between her legs. A long, low, sultry moan rumbled out of the alicorn's throat as her mouth enclosed around her soiled wing. The bitter flavor of fresh pony shit exploded into her mouth as her tongue scraped the scat off of her feathers. The dense earthy texture of her own poop became a warm wet paste as she slathered it around in her mouth. It tasted terribly rancid, but her depraved mind was overwhelmed with lust at the flavor. Its disgustingness was what made it so hot, and as soon as she started, Twilight knew that she would not be able to get enough of it until she came. She slobbered over her feathers, sucking each of them clean as she desperately searched for more of her own waste to lap up. When she found that there was no more, she quickly replaced it with her other wing, eagerly taking it into her mouth and moaning as more of the creamy waste she craved was delivered. With her enthusiasm, it was not long before her other wing was licked clean as well. Having nothing else to do in front of her, Twilight wasted no time in rolling over and turning around. Her head hovered above the pile of fresh scat that she had made earlier. The steaming mound of her shit was still warm, and the heady, nasty scent made Twilight's lust increase tenfold. She breathed in deeply, practically getting high off of the scent of her own poop.  At any other time, she might have been embarrassed at how much her mouth was watering, and how fast her clit was winking, but right now did not even bother to give the display any mind. The combinations of scent and warmth and lust were overpowering, and the alicorn knew that she would not be able to resist much longer. So, she didn't. Twilight leaned down, pushing her muzzle into the soft pile of feces. The outer coating was her runny, near-liquid expulsion, and it smeared across her nose and mouth as she pushed into it. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and she dragged it along the pile, scooping up copious amounts of the semi-solid scat and coating her tongue with it. The taste was absolutely horrendous. Conflicting tastes of bitter, disgusting, savory, nasty and a hint of spiciness exploded onto her tongue all at once. Her throat wavered with a gag but she held it back. The first taste was always overwhelming, and Twilight had plenty of practice getting past this first stage. She pulled her head back slightly, retracting her tongue into her mouth and letting the flavors rest. After a moment, she began to wriggle her tongue inside her maw, smearing the vile shit all over the inside of her mouth, letting it coat her teeth and gums.  As her senses became used to the foul flavor of her scat, Twilight pushed her muzzle back into the pile of poop on top of her bed. The slick diarrhea smeared across her face as she pushed deeper, pressing into the firmer, much more solid lumps of shit that she had squeezed out first. Her mouth opened up wide and she pushed her tongue back out, practically slobbering on to her own pile of shit and accepting whatever fell inside her open maw.  Her back arched and Twilight angled her ass up, magically toying with her dripping cunt as she pressed her face into her feces. Her magic played with her clit as she bit into a soft log, chewing the stinky poop into a creamy paste. The gritty waste mashed between her teeth, breaking it apart and releasing even more potent flavors within. Then, she took a breath and swallowed. The flavor increased drastically as it hit the back of her tongue and throat. It was an earthy, bitter flavor, one that was sure to taint her mouth and breath for the time to come. The creamy, slimy texture seemed to coat the back of her mouth and even down her throat as it slid to her stomach. It threatened to come back up, but Twilight suppressed the gag as she took the rest of the half-eaten horseapple into her mouth. She sat upright on her haunches as she chewed into the soft poop. Twilight reached down between her spread legs to paw at her pussy as she broke the scat apart in her maw. The foul muck squished between her teeth as she chomped down on it, desperate to spread the flavor around her mouth as much as she could. Gross, wet smacks filled the room as she chewed with her mouth open, and her hoof worked faster between her legs as she swallowed a small portion of it.  As the rest of the shit in her mouth was swallowed, Twilight let out a small belch. The foul odor of her own turds wafted out with it, and she tasted it a second time. Her hoof twitched as it brushed over her clit, and she let out a moan as she leaned her head back, facing the sky.  The heat from her manure pile was radiating out, warming her slick pussy. Twilight paused to contemplate her next actions for a moment. She had a choice between indulging in something wickedly dirty but overwhelmingly enticing, and something that was deliciously foul yet would probably lead to... stomach problems later on. In her lust-altered state, the alicorn would have loved to indulge in both, but she was far too close to orgasm to edge herself any longer.  Without any more hesitation, Twilight scooted forward until her dripping slit pressed up against the warm mound of feces. She cooed as the filthy heat spread into her loins, and before she realized it she was grinding her sopping cunt into her own shit. The soft lumps broke apart into a gritty paste that smeared between her crotch and the sheets, spreading everything with its own layer of disgusting filth. Moans were tearing themselves from Twilight's throat as she rubbed herself against the sheets. Her poop was getting everywhere, and she grabbed a clump of scat with a forehoof. She dragged it up her body, smearing it around her sensetive teats right above her gushing pussy. Another ball of shit was soon in her grasp and she smeared it up her chest, creating a deliberate trail of crappy stains leading up to her head. Her lavender fur was sullied with her shit, and she was basking in the vile warmth that it brought her.  The alicorn was quickly approaching the peak as she continued to smear and spread her feces around various parts of her body. She wanted to bathe in her scat; she wanted to coat every part of her body with her filth; she wanted to smell it, taste it, endlessly. Her hoof brought a smushed log up to her mouth, and without hesitation she shoved it in. The bitter taste exploded from the creamy shit as she practically sucked it off her hoof, and it was that final, disgusting act that pushed her over the edge. A loud, wanton moan echoed through the empty castle as Twilight came on top of her manure pile. Copious amounts of her marecum squirted out of her quivering cunt as she screamed. It sprayed out in a wide arc, drenching anything that had not already been soiled by her piss or shit. Her body racked with pleasure-filled spasms until her haunches could not support her weight anymore and she fell backwards. With a squish her butt pushed forward as she collapsed, smearing even more feces on her fur and spreading it further out on the bed.  Eventually, she stopped squirting, but the aftershocks of her powerful orgasm still ran through her body. Pants and whimpers were the only sounds that filled the room for several minutes, accompanied by steady, heavy breaths and the occasional twitch from one of her muscles. In her post-orgasmic haze, Twilight failed to hear the front door of the castle shut loudly, or even Spike calling out that he had returned home. She simply lay on top of her soiled bed, panting heavily. It was only when the young dragon knocked loudly on her door that she was pulled out of her delirium and she called out. "Yes? What?" The door handle began to turn and she frantically yelled "Wait!" but it was no use. The door creaked open, and Twilight did not even have a chance to call out as Spike stepped in. "Hey, Twilight," he began stepping into the room, a stack of books in his small arms. "I got these back from Mayor Mare, she said she was done with them." He struggled to plop them down on top of a desk near her bookshelf, brushing himself off before continuing. "I also stopped by Applejack's to get some more apples, we had run out. Oh, and I spoke to Fluttershy about the spider infestation in the basement, she said she'll come by tomorrow to take care of it." He counted off on his clawed fingers as he rattled off the list of things he did, heading back towards the door. "Oh! And I baked some brownies this morning, but knowing you, you probably already knew that as soon as you stepped in the door and smelt it..." Spike trailed off, idly sniffing at the air as he turned around curiously. "Why does it smell like an outhouse in-" Spike finally took notice of the state Twilight's bed was in. His eyes locked onto the squished pile of pony poop sitting between her legs, spread out across the sheets. Then they trailed up over her scat-coated pussy and thighs, up across her shit-smeared chest, the formerly lavender fur now stained a deep brown. They locked onto her face and the streaks of crap smeared across her muzzle, pausing only for a moment before finally rising to meet her own gaze. Twilight was mortified. She had absolutely no way to explain what she had been doing to the young dragon. Then, to make matters worse for herself, she suddenly burped loudly, undoubtedly showing off her shit-stained teeth. The release of pressure from her mouth also had the unintended side effect of pushing a quick, sputtering fart out of her rear as well, only to add to the humiliating display. At least she didn't start pissing in front of him. "Well," said Spike finally. He put his claws on his hips and what could only be described as a shit-eating grin took over his face. "I see you made some brownies as well." All of the humiliation and embarrassment Twilight had felt just moments before vanished without a trace. She lit her horn menacingly as her face fell into an angry glare.  She was going to kill him.