> A Diamond and A Date > by TheForgottenOnes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Date Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMACK, is the sound your hand makes against Diamond Tiara’s rear as a pained cry comes from her mouth. “Stop it!” she cries. That earns her another blow that reddens her tender rear, the vibrations from the smack making the soft skin ripple as she lets out another cry. “You don’t speak without permission,” you remind the girl. She looked like she was about to respond but your raised hand convinces she otherwise. Happy that she was beginning to learn how to act, you smile at her. “Good girl~,” you say, like an owner to a dog. Diamond’s eyes welled with tears and her naked body exposed to the world trembled in a mixture of fear and anger. The plan continued and Diamond continued to resist where she could muster her resolve. After her initial punishment, you were upset with the amount of resistance Diamond Tiara put up and in anger you began to use the various tools that you had originally brought for show and to strike some fear in the little bully’s heart. But it went farther. Too far. By the end of it all, welts, bruises, and scrapes decorated her body, thoroughly violated by toys and yourself alike. Looking at her body that had fallen from the table and she was curled up in a ball on the leaf covered ground, her arms and legs still bound, she lay trembling as soft sobs could be heard coming from her mouth. Standing over the body you bend down and pried Diamond’s bound hand from her face to look her in the eye. Mascara ran down her face, marks from strikes and bodily fluids made up her complexion. This had gone too far and you knew it. You knew it wasn’t right as you planned it. You knew it wasn’t right as you raped her. And you knew it as you drove her home like nothing had even happened. Looking back down to Diamond Tiara, her soft sobs had become louder and sounded strained, sometimes choking on her breath. But it didn’t stop, her choking breaths became labored, large gulps of air through her mouth sounded raspy. She began to convulse and thrash weakly on the leaf covered ground. You began to lose focus of your surroundings as you put your hands on her shoulders and began to shake the girl, calling out to her. Her head fell to the side, eyes closed as her struggling breaths became weak hick-ups, until the struggling stopped. The tiara on top of her head was the last thing you saw before everything seemed to vanish. oo000OOOO000oo Your body flung itself up, throwing the bed sheets and blanket off your body that was slick with sweat. In the dark, you simply gazed where your head happened to point as your mind began to process what just happened, and soon after, you could feel your core tense up and a pressure at the top of your stomach. Realizing what was about to happen, you dashed for the trash can sitting next to the closed door of your room. Tumbling out of bed and rushing to the can, you emptied your guts, the putrid smell of half digested food began to permeate the room. After a few moments of intense contractions in your stomach, your body began to relax and you managed to get in a much needed breath of air. Giving a weak cough, you collect the remaining bits in your mouth and spit it out before rising onto shaky legs. Opening the door to your room, you navigated through the pitch black hallway of your apartment to the bathroom. Stumbling in, you brush your fingers over the wall and the lights turn on, causing you to close your eyes. Feeling for the knob of your sink you turn on the water and begin to wash out your mouth of the disgusting flavor that burned the sensitive flesh of your throat. Finally dispelling the last of the taste, you look up at your face in the mirror. Your face was shiny, a layer of sweat coated your features and drops of it began to roll down your face and dark bags hung under your eyes. “That was the fourth time this month,” you say out loud. You’ve had this type of nightmare before but the prior ones were never this bad. You cringe, thinking to the image of Diamond Tiara your mind conjured up in that terrible dream. Even if what happened in your dream was not an accurate reflection of reality, the thought that if Diamond Tiara were more stubborn to the point that you became the monster in your dream made you tremble in fear and disgust. “I’m a fucking monster...” your head fell into your hands and tears could be felt building up behind your closed eyes. The reality of what happened a year ago had occurred in retaliation to Diamond Tiara bullying your sister. You kidnapped her and raped her. Regardless of what she did, what you did was wrong, and thinking over everything that had happened since then only continued to cut at your conscience. How could you not be a monster? Eventually you pulled your head out of your hands and looked up to the mirror, seeing red eyes that released a pair of tear drops that rolled down your face. Wiping the trails from your cheeks, you turn on the water again and splash cold water on your face. It wasn’t like you would be able to fall back asleep after waking up to a dream like that so you started to prepare for the day to come. You showered, emptied the trash can and changed your sheets before getting dressed. You pulled on the last of your garb before looking at your digital alarm clock that sat next to your bed. 4:23am, was what it read. Picking up your phone, you looked at the screen and noted the date as well. Friday, August 29th. It's getting close to a year… Heaving out a great sigh, you collected a pair of earbuds and pulled on a jacket. You wouldn’t have to work for a couple more hours and there was a 24 hour place in town you could walk to easily enough and get a coffee and breakfast. Stepping out of your apartment, you silently prayed that the quiet early morning walk would ease the anxiety that lay heavy in your stomach. In the hours that passed and having long since finished your coffee and breakfast, you were walking around town as the sun cleared the horizon, yet the cocktail of churning emotions that plagued you since first waking up remained. Now would be a good time to go home. A short walk later, you stepped through the doorway of your apartment and set your phone down after hanging up your coat. You decided to get yourself dressed up and ready yourself for work. You collect your clothes and donning them you look to your reflection in the tall mirror that leaned against the wall of your room. Your attire consisted of a dull brown tie that hung over the buttons of a navy blue dress shirt and grey dress pants covered your legs. It was a Friday, so you could get away with this much. You pull on your nice shoes and prepare to head to work early, hoping to distract yourself from the guilt that tugged at the backs of your heels. After collecting all your work materials you slide your phone into your pocket but before you can leave, you hear a light ding and feel a soft vibration from your phone. Curious, you pull your phone out, wondering who would be texting at 6:50 in the morning, and your breath caught in the back of your throat. The message read ‘Good morning!’ followed by a heart emoji. It was from Diamond Tiara. Setting your briefcase down, your other hand joins your other as you prepare to respond, but you stop, your thumbs hanging over the LCD screen. Your face loses the slight smile your lips had and the mirth in your eye fades away as you straighten back up, your thumb turning the device off as it slid into your pocket. Picking your briefcase back up, you twist the handle to your door and set out for work. oo000OOOO000oo Reclining in your office chair, you stretch your arms out, releasing little air bubbles that settled between your joints. Settling back into your chair, you type up an email and attach the project you just finished and pressed send. Looking to the office clock, you see it reads 10:57am. “Damn, I’m on a roll today,” you say, your mouth forming a smile of accomplishment. Finishing half of all your assignments before noon was a nice feeling. You pulled out your phone once again as you began to take a small break, careful to make sure no sound came from the device. You didn’t do anything in particular, just scrolled through your phone checking random things to take up company time. After going through your emails, you instinctively tap the message icon. Before you could realize what you did, the text conversation with Diamond Tiara lit up your screen, marking her message as read. Letting out a sigh, you prepare to answer the message. ‘Sorry for the late response, good morning’ Tapping send, you set your phone down and put a hand to your brow, drawing your fingers over closed eyes. But before you can forget the message a small buzz resonates from the desk and you snatch it up before checking to see if anyone would check your cubicle. Returning your attention back to the screen, you read the message. ‘Lol did u wake up late?’ At this point you had to respond. ‘Yeah a lil bit, almost was late to work’ ‘lol were you busy thinking of me last night???’ You tensed up, the playful message reminding you of the nightmare. ‘Yeah’ Her response didn’t arrive as quickly as the others. Concerned that you made her uncomfortable you began to type again before Diamond’s message interrupted your response. ‘wow that was direct’ Ahhh… You let out an internal groan, silently berating yourself for your single word message. Your attention was quickly pulled away from your thoughts as the tapping of a pair of heels were heard passing your cubicle. Instinctively straightening your back and dropping your phone into your lap you pretended to be working. After a few seconds you gingerly look over your shoulder to find that you were clear for the time being. I need to get back to work… Reaching back down for your phone, you told Diamond Tiara just that. ‘I’m at work rn, don’t have too much time, i’ll talk to you later’ And with that you put your phone back into your pocket and oriented yourself in front of the computer. You expected to hear the sound of a response follow the text you sent but there was a pause and your hands rose off the keyboard, waiting for the buzz from your pocket to signal the start of your work. A few tense moments later, you felt a vibration from your pocket but instead of restarting your work, you reached down, suspiciously fast, to read the message. ‘Hey, I was just curious, I know we planned to go out tonight but if you aren’t feeling too well today then we can always just move it to a different day. I hope you have a good day at work, I love you!’ Reading those words, you screwed your eyes shut and buried your head in your folded arms. After what all had happened this morning, you had completely forgotten about your date tonight. Life had been busy for the both of you and because of that, the both of you had planned this night nearly a month in advance and you even had a reservation at a nice restaurant just outside of town. Stupid, Stupid! How could you forget, and now Diamond’s saying rescheduling would be fine if it's for my sake… Guilt began to fill your heart as you prepared to respond. ‘No, don’t worry about it Diamond, we both planned for tonight and a rough start to my day isn’t going to ruin it’ Three dots appeared and a few moments later Diamond’s message appeared. ‘Great! I’m so excited for tonight, I have a new dress that I’m excited to show you~’ Your curiosity piqued at the mention of a new dress and while you did want to go out with your beautiful girlfriend, you felt… Conflicted. Like what you had wasn’t real, or wasn’t deserved. But for the sake of Diamond, you can go one night suppressing these negative emotions. The work day passed faster than you hoped for and it was time to prepare for your date. The restaurant was of the fancier variety and dressing appropriately was imperative. Getting home, you picked out an outfit that looked nice to you. It was a three piece suit, its color a dark shade of grey. You choose a burgundy red dress shirt and a matching red and black tie that suited the color of your shirt and suit. Satisfied with your selection, you step into the shower and turn the shower knob. You sharply inhaled and pulled to the wall as the first few seconds the shower ran, cold water pouring out. As the water became a bearable temperature, you step into the stream and reach for a bottle of shampoo. As you lather your hair, you can recognize Diamond Tiara’s scent. Stopping your motions and careful to not get the suds in your eyes, you reach and bring the bottle of shampoo your eyes and look at the bottle. The bottle was pink and you recognized the bottle as Diamond Tiara’s set of soap and shampoo for when she used to stay overnight. Looking back at the bottle of shampoo, you gave a chuckle at the name, Rainbow Flow, and it's childish graphic. You would have never imagined Diamond Tiara to use such a brand of shampoo considering her pampered background, but she began to use the shampoo after she happened to run out of her usual shampoo and needed to clean her hair with something. Funny enough, the reason she made the switch wasn’t because she loved it but you told her she smelled amazing the day she used it. That and the sex that came later allegedly made ‘you an animal in bed’. Since then her hair hadn’t smelled of anything other than the cheap brand of shampoo. You couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Despite her difficult personality, Diamond had come to change and grow into an amazing young lady in the last year. Becoming more patient, understanding and caring while keeping a proud, refined composure and affable personality in the face of her incredible beauty. In the time between when you first met her and today, she had certainly changed a lot, and not only in personality. She must have been a late bloomer as she grew taller and became curvier, her breasts hung lower under their heaviness and each step would create a delectable jiggle in her ass. All of her physical growths helped to make her seem more mature, at least in appearance. In many ways, she was still immature, being a young adult, but that did nothing to hinder her attractiveness and your love for the girl. Despite the pleasant thoughts of your girlfriend, you couldn’t help but feel dirty. While the dreams about that fateful day contributed to your feelings of disgust, you thought of the months that followed after that day and you felt your shoulders sag, guilt joining your emotional turmoil. Your tryst on Whitetail Mountain with Diamond Tiara was far from your last, and the both of you were interested in doing more. You could remember the various moments of lust you shared with Diamond, her body arching as she rode you in your car, her face contorted in pleasure with her hand covering her mouth as she tried to keeper her moans hidden in the CHS bathroom, her lips wrapped your cock as she hummed happily behind the bleachers during a home game, and many more that ended in a satisfied expression on the face of the girl. But no matter the happiness that Diamond Tiara exuded when the two of you were together and how many times she said ‘I love you,’ you couldn’t help but think of the night you raped your girlfriend. The warm water that ran over skin had turned cold as you stood lost in the various memories you could recall with Diamond. Shaking yourself free of the feelings that gripped you, lathering up, you quickly clean the rest of your body, conscious to not use Diamond’s soaps. As you finished the shower you quickly dried off and got yourself dressed. Looking over your attire, you couldn’t help but frown. Although you knew that this was your best set of clothes, the person wearing them made the entire ensemble seem like it was just lipstick on a pig. “No, Diamond has seen you in this suit and loved it, calm down and quit being such a damn sad boy,” you say, trying to force yourself to become happier. Focusing on your eyes, you inhale deeply and let it out a few moments later. Your hands in sync, you slap each hand against your face twice. Your face stung a little and your cheeks reddened at the impacts but you felt a little more energetic. “You’ll sooner ruin her night that you will feel better, so deal with it.” Looking to the mirror, you focus on your face, noticing the glum look painted on your features. Trying to change the look, you crack a friendly smile. You tried to crack a friendly smile. It looks more like a grimace. Returning your face to a neutral position, you start with a small smile, the edges of your lips pulling up. Alright we’re getting there! Eventually you begin to bring the edges of your lips further and further up, eventually exposing your teeth. The smile looked silly in the mirror but it was far better than the grimace you made before. Letting the smile fall, you snap back to the toothy, beaming smile. Perfect. Feeling prepared for your date, you collected your essentials and set out for the Rich’s estate. As you drove, you looked over the quality of the car from your position in the driver’s seat. You did a good job of keeping your vehicle clean, inside and out. Thinking back to the appearance of your car, you felt that using one of the cars that Diamond Tiara’s family had would be more befitting for the classy restaurant you and Diamond would be going to, but according to the lady, your car was way more fun to ride in. You couldn’t fathom how she could say that a Jetta was more fun than Z4 but to each their own. Man, you really wouldn’t mind showing up in that BMW Diamond’s family owns before then taking it around town for a spin. The thought of riding around town with Diamond in that sexy car reminds you of a story from your dad. Something about driving his girlfriend’s sports car that her daddy bought. He was enjoying himself until he learned that the engine was in the back of the car when drifting around a corner. The guy spent the next 4 years paying her back, and they didn’t even stay together! “HA! Fuggen idiot,” you say with a goofy grin plastered on your face. It was good timing that you managed to cheer too as moments later you pulled into the Rich’s driveway. The driveway was long and winding, with trees and plants flanking the sides along with foot tall lights that would be unnoticed if not for them being turned on. Slowing down, you pull out your phone and call your girlfriend. The digital ringing lasted for a few moments before you heard Diamond’s voice say your name. Smiling at the excited sounding voice of your girlfriend, you say her name back with equal enthusiasm. You both giggle at the silliness. “I’m pulling down the driveway right now Diamond, ya ready?” “Yes! I’m getting my heels and handbag and I’ll be right out!” she exclaimed through the phone. Finally pulling up to the end of the driveway, you see a fountain surrounded by asphalt for cars to circle and turn around. As I stopped at the entrance of the castle of a home, the front doors burst open, and Diamond Tiara rushed down the stairs as fast as high heels would allow. As she came down the staircase that led down from the doorway you looked at the woman and took in her appearance. Her attire consisted of a magenta dress that covered her arms, left her shoulders bare, and came down as far as her upper mid-thigh. In addition to her dress, she wore a pair of snow white, thigh high socks. While her dress was beautiful in its own right, what made it perfect was the body that it was on. The dress clung to her form outlining her figure fantastically, as you paid attention to her breasts that bounced deliciously as she came down the stairs. Her socks were similar in that regard, forming and silhouetting the shapely legs that led up to her hips. Slung over her forearm, you could see the handbag that hung and further up her body, you spotted a white choker at the bottom of her neck. Her hair that was usually let down in its fullness, was tied up in a long ponytail and swung back and forth with each step. You blinked as Diamond Tiara reached the bottom of the stairs and approached the car. Realizing that the door was locked, you quickly turn around and hit ‘unlock’ before she pulls on the handle opening the door and allowing the two of you to gaze at each other in person for the first time in weeks. Diamond had an infectious smile, and soon you were grinning, forgetting the practice you did in the mirror. Pulling herself into the sudan, she sat down and placed her handbag in her lap before turning to you. Smiling, she leaned in. Leaning to match her, your lips met above the center console as both your eyes closed. Feeling her lips on your, the love the two of you had for each other was exchanged in the innocent congregation of your lips. As your lips parted, the flavor of happiness, excitement and love remained in the aftertaste of the kiss. After pulling back, Diamond spoke first. “I’m so happy to see you! I’ve been waiting for this night forever~,” she says with a giggle, her youthful energy evident in her voice. “I’m glad that we could finally meet again. As thankful as I am for the work your dad got me, it comes at the cost of seeing you less,” you reply. It was ironic in a way, it wasn’t as if Filthy Rich didn’t like you, but if he wanted to try anything to interfere with your relationship, making it near impossible to meet each other regularly would be one way. And your current job, courtesy of Mr. Rich, was doing that a little too well. You began to drive as you and Diamond talked about the little details about your lives that couldn’t be communicated through text. “So have you ever been to this place before,” you ask. “Well, once a long time ago. My family doesn’t go out to eat very often because we have chefs that cook for us.” “Now that sounds nice, I have way more time if I didn’t have to make my own food.” After a moment of no response, you glance over at her, she looks a little confused. “Cooking never takes long, it takes at most a half an hour.” You give a small laugh. “It may take that long for an experienced chef but for normal people, it takes a little longer, don’t want to knick myself cutting up vegetables,” you say wiggling your fingers. “Or maybe you're just a bad chef,” Diamond replies with a small giggle. “Oh don’t even Tiara, just because I’m not a machine in the kitchen does not mean I can’t make a good meal,” you state in defence of your culinary competence. “Well then I’ll have to come over and have some of your cooking.” “Sounds good to me, but after you have to make something for me,” you say, moving your right hand to Diamond’s thigh. “Ah… Cook for you… Yeah I could do that, definitely!” “Perfect, just remind me to pick up a fire extinguisher when we find a time for you,” you say, giving Diamond’s leg a squeeze as she gives your shoulder a punch. “Oh I could definitely cook better than you, and soon you’ll be asking for seconds at my house!” Diamond stated with a proud look that exudes confidence. “Alright, then after you come over to eat my food, I’ll give you a week to learn from your chefs.” “Oh good idea, that should be enoug- Hey!” she cries, realizing her mistake. You laugh as you approach the restaurant. Pulling into the parking lot, you roll down your window as a Valet approaches the car. Giving the girl your reservation, she looked down to her clipboard before looking back up at you confirming. Stepping out, you catch the Valet giving you a friendly smile. The moment doesn’t last long as you walk to Diamond’s side, and offer a hand to her after opening the door. She smiles at your offer and takes your hand, rising out of her seat and into the comfortable evening air. Wrapping herself around your left arm the two of you began to walk to the entrance, but before the two of us could leave the parking lot, Diamond let go of your arm and seized your tie, pulling you into a deep kiss. You let out a surprised ‘Hmph?!’ but despite the sudden contact, you adapt and move your hands to her checks, cupping them softly as your lips move against hers. After a few heavy moments, she separated from me and looked toward your car with an accomplished smirk on her lips. Following her gaze, you spot the Valet with her mouth agape and a light blush on her cheeks. After a few seconds, she snaps back and her shoulders sag a little as she enters your car to park it. “Well I think that showed her,” Diamond stated. “Diamond... what was that?” you say with a hint of exasperation in your voice. “Don’t tell me you didn’t see the look she gave you. I was just reminding her that you aren’t available,” she replies with a smile as she leans into your arm. You couldn’t disagree that she accomplished what she had intended to do, but it was drawing an awful lot of eyes. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you offer Diamond your arm, she reattaches herself and the two of you continue towards the establishment. As you and Diamond enter, you’re greeted by the host and are soon seated at your table, a small two person table located on the balcony of the restaurant that overlooked the rest of the first floor and offers a view of the outdoors through broad windows that run the length of the wall. This place was still your favorite. Turning to Diamond, you see her looking about taking in the interior and exterior scenery alike. “So what do you think?” you said. Your voice garners Diamond’s attention and she looks at you. “I like it here!” she said with a smile. You didn’t expect this place to even come close to the level of fancy that Diamond Tiara’s family experienced on a day to day basis but knowing that she liked the restaurant lightened your chest. You and Diamond began to talk about various things, what interested you today, what kept you busy, things like that. As the two of you talked as you waited for your food, you hung on to every last word Diamond said, enraptured with whatever words came out of her mouth. It was one of the only things you could do to drown out the nagging thoughts in the back of your head. But in your efforts to keep the ill-meaning thoughts silent, a lull in the conversation gave one thought a voice. “She’s only with you because of what you did…” the voice echoed in your head. Quickly speaking up you pick a random idea to begin a conversation over, anything would suffice, as long as it could distract you. “I really miss the time before our lives got so busy,” you say at random. If you were lucky this new path could keep you and Diamond occupied until the food arrived. Diamond opened her mouth to reply but stopped before adopting a look of contemplation. Soon after a sly smile donned her lips as she looked at you with lidded eyes. “Ah yes, I remember what it was like,” she began, “We had a lot of good times together haven’t we, like that time at the home game for Canterlot High.” She wore a sexy grin as she rested her elbows on the table and her head sat, leaning on her hands. “I remember the face you made like it was yesterday, you were clenching your teeth and had a grip on my hair pushing me down~,” she said, followed by a giggle. She was doing a really good job making you uncomfortable, the direction of the conversation only freeing more negative thoughts as another memory was broached by the girl. “Oh! And there was the time before that where we did it in the car,” her eyes brightened and yours grew dimmer. She giggled again before continuing. “It started out with your hand on my lap and then you decided to get frisky~,” she paused as she let out a small laugh . Quickly, you adopted the toothy smile you practiced in the mirror and let out a small laugh of your own as Diamond looked up to you. “It was just running our hands over each other, then you were driving around with one hand on the wheel and one hand between my legs!” she said louder than would have been comfortable for you. Your head shot up, looking for any eyes focused on your table, and thankfully there were none. After you were confident that no one was looking, you turned back to face Diamond, a sheepish grin looked back at you. “Sorry,” she apologized, “but that was such a fun time, I mean you even had to pull over so we could continue.” “I know you really liked those times but I don’t think we should be talking about that here...” you say, eyes drifting across the various tables. “Oh come on, I know you had just as much fun as me those times, and besides, you were the one that got into this stuff you know,” she teased. Despite knowing she was teasing, you couldn’t help but clench your jaw to keep yourself from yelling at her to drop it. “Diamond,” your voice soft and almost pleading. Please stop it, just drop it, we can still have a good date, just stop… The thoughts that floated in the back of your mind began to bleed into the spotlight as your mind ran through the various moments in your relationship, each of which were happy memories in their own right, yet you hated yourself as your conscience infected each moment with the idea that you didn’t deserve any of these happy moments for a second. Yet, the expression that you wore must have kept the emotions that boiled in your soul from appearing on your face, as Diamond Tiara appeared to be cheerful, your true feelings unbeknownst to your girlfriend. She continued her playful teasing. “Oh don’t pretend your not as naughty as me daddy~” You could feel your stomach pull itself into a knot as the otherwise innocent word brought nights of terrible dreams to the front of your mind. Diamond Tiara may have been teasing you but in that moment, intention didn’t matter, you felt sick. Fearing the feeling in your gut, you stood up abruptly, and made a b-line for the bathroom, ignoring the look of surprise on Diamond’s face. You burst through the bathroom door, entered a stall, and held your head above the bowl, your arms locked out supporting yourself against the white tiles of the wall. For several moments you waited for a convulsion in your stomach to rob you of your breath, but it never came. You held your position above the bowl, breathing shakily, feeling yourself gradually calm down. “Sir, are you alright?” a voice sounded from behind you. Taking a deep breath, you straightened yourself out and turned around to face the person. It was a waiter. You could see a phone in his hands, and a few more people behind him looking toward you, most of which moved on when you made eye contact with them. “Do you need an ambulance?” “N-no, I just had a feeling in my stomach and didn’t want to make a mess…” you said as you began to exit the stall, the waiter backing away to allow you passage. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m fine now. Thank you though,” you add. The waiter gives you one last look before leaving the lavatory. There aren’t any more patrons in the room as you make your way to wash your hands. Finishing, you look up to the mirror in front of you, a glum expression stared back at you. You didn’t feel good but there wasn’t much for you to do at this point. Great, you ruined the date before you could even begin eating, great, just fucking great… Your feet carried you back out into the interior of the restaurant and to your table, but as soon as you left the bathroom, you found Diamond Tiara standing outside looking worriedly towards you, and you could feel your heart break. Her otherwise beautiful appearance was marred with a concerned look on her face. Seeing you, she stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of you. “Are you ok?” she said in a near shout. You placed a hand on her shoulder and ushered her along with you back to your table. “I’m fine now,” you say, hoping she accepts your lie. Diamond Tiara relaxes a little at your words but looks back to you. “What happened?” she asked. You continued to walk, trying to find the words to respond to Diamond, but you arrived at your table before you could find a word to say. Your meals were cooling on the table, a serving of pan seared salmon lay at your place and in front of Diamond lay an order of gnocchi with ricotta sauce, both looked and smelled delicious. You sat down at your seat, but Diamond stood behind her chair and stared towards you, like she was trying to peer into your soul and figure out why you rushed off. You met her gaze with a blank expression and after a few moments had passed, she broke eye contact and lowered herself into her chair. You picked up your utensils and began eating, however, Diamond left her meal untouched, her expression was one of confusion and remorse. You stopped chewing and set your fork and knife down and looked at her. “Hey,” you say softly. Diamond blinks before looking up at you, her eyes no longer had the excited and joyful glint that they had at the beginning of your night. You continued. “Are you hungry?” Diamond only continues to look at you, you decide to speak again. “Well, I don’t want you to starve tonight, if you don’t want to eat here I can bring you somewhere else.” Diamond gives you a small nod and an inaudible ‘ok’ before beginning to eat. The table was quiet and the restaurant wasn’t much louder either. In the silence that followed, your mind began to wander, thinking of your dreams, the time you’ve spent with Diamond, and the date you were butchering. So many conflicting thoughts flew through your head that you couldn’t comprehend anything while feeling the emotional weight of each and every thought. Swallowing the food that was in your mouth, you took a long breath through your nose. In order to understand how you felt you needed to understand where it all started. This first started a little less than a year ago, when you learned that Diamond Tiara had bullied your sister, and that’s when you created your plan to teach Diamond Tiara a lesson. It took some preparation but the plan went exactly how you planned it. Enacting your ‘justice’ on the bully took less than two hours but by the end of it, Diamond Tiara had lost her bite and listened to whatever you said, lest she be punished. At the time, you thought nothing of the crime you committed against Diamond Tiara, to you it was merely giving her what she deserved and maybe breaking her in a bit. After that fateful day, the sex didn’t stop. The only difference between the first and subsequent times was consent. What you had done to Diamond Tiara on Whitetail Mountain had effectively made her a nympho, and you were more than happy to oblige her artificially acquired lust, after all, this was just a byproduct to the justice you enacted, you thought nothing of the various sexual encounters you had with the girl, they were simply moments where you could indulge in hedonism. The facade you put up with Mr. Rich had made it easy to be around Diamond and she was more than happy to be around you. You and Diamond have done a lot since you first met each other and through it all, as much as Diamond Tiara changed in personality and appearance, you soon found yourself changing as well. Despite being around Diamond Tiara and frequently joining in lust and passion driven embraces, the two of you were only sex friends. But being around the girl who had grown into an amazing young woman began to affect how you saw her, and soon the hook-ups that were the norm between the two of you began to be displaced as dates found their way into your relationship. You can still remember your first ‘date’ with Diamond, you had gone to the amusement park with her and she was confused when you never made a move to do it with her the entire day. In fact, she was upset at that, and eventually you gave her what she wanted. More dates came and went and while sex wasn’t sidelined as your relationship evolved, it was joined by genuine love for each other as sex became less of the basis for being together. Of course Diamond still loved doing it, but her nymphomaniac tendencies had fallen and sex became somewhat of a dessert for the end of dates. While you and Diamond Tiara never verbally established the beginning of your relationship as a couple, the both of you knew that the reason you both met up was for more than just making love. Your perception of Diamond have evolved so much in the months since that day, and you no longer saw her as an opportunity for sex as you once had, but as a beautiful woman, inside and out, that you’d love till the end of the earth. You loved her more than you ever thought possible, she had become such a big part of your life and she meant so much to you. But you had raped her. Going from seeing her as an opportunity to relieve yourself, to a person you couldn’t dream of living without, does not change the fact that you raped her. And you knew this. It only occurred to you after beginning to date her, and the more you thought about it, the more your faith in your relationship began to wear. Sure you loved her but what you did to her was inacceptable, and you continued to think of what you had done. In a way, the relationship you have right now is a direct result of what you did a year ago, but if what you did wasn’t acceptable, was this relationship acceptable? Thoughts about your lack of morals came to bear as you thought of the months between when you raped her and when you went on your first date. Diamond had become overtly sexual because of you, and in many ways, you took advantage of that, not that it upset Diamond, she was all for it. The more you thought about it, the worse you felt. First raping her, then taking advantage of the state she was in because of you, and now enjoying her at your side. Is she really in love with you, if all you have been doing is using her to fulfil your sexual and romantic desires. The thought of your relationship with Diamond Tiara being fake terrified you to no end. You did everything you could to avoid the thought, but that just caused your guilt ridden mind to wander further. Thoughts of what would have happened if your plan failed and Diamond turned you in was one of the ideas that stemmed from your guilt, and to you, it seemed like a good alternative. At least in a world where you don’t get away with rape you wouldn’t get to profit off of the victim’s body and love. But darker ideas and alternatives formed in your mind; what if Diamond Tiara didn’t fold and you wouldn’t accept disobedience? Soon after that idea breached the surface of your mind, the nightmares began. They always followed the same path, Diamond Tiara doesn’t give, you unleash violence. Of course, the severity of the dreams were generally bearable, but the dream you woke up to this morning was the worst nightmare you had experienced to date. The mental image Diamond Tiara in your dream made you choke up and want to die. Could something like this have happened if things were different that day? This was a question you found yourself asking yourself more and more often. Despite the conflict in your mind, you didn’t dare to tell Diamond a word of what you thought. Part of you feared that what you would say would convince her to leave you, but now, maybe that’s what needs to happen… Looking up, your damaged heart cracked a little more at the sight of your girlfriend. Diamond Tiara didn’t look good, her usual cheer and joy having been put out by the events of the night so far. Her shoulders hung limply, with the exception of her right side which brought food to her mouth. Her back, usually neutral and in good posture, slouched but despite all this, she still remained the most beautiful woman in the world to you. Your mind couldn’t help but wander further. Will she alway be like this going forward? Can you even change to help your woman to feel better? “Maybe breaking up will be better for her in the long run...” Everything seemed to slow around you and you flung your head around to see if anyone nearby could have said those words. In your panic, you startled Diamond. “A-are you ok?” she asked timidly. Hearing her voice, you calmed down and turned to her. She seemed to pull further into her chair at your gaze. “Did… did you hear that?” you ask. The words sounded so real, either you or someone else could have said it. “Hear what?” she asks in turn. “Your insane, even more reason to cut her loose from the monster,” the voice stated. You stiffened at the sound, but Diamond Tiara only continued to look at you in concern. Realizing what you had heard, you spoke. “Oh… um, sorry Diamond, I thought I heard someone I knew,” you say, “I’m sorry for disturbing you.” Diamond gives you a small smile in response before starting on her food. But while Diamond moved on, the voice returned. “Man, you really have to feel bad for the girl. Stuck with the scum who raped her and now he’s scaring her, yet she still has it in her to be concerned for the bastard. You are something else.” The words of the voice stung and they didn’t stop. Your hand shook as you ate and you did your best to contain yourself under the assault the voice launched on your conscience. It felt like an eternity listening to the damned voice as it whispered negative ideas that latched to your mind and slowly leeched you of your resolve. It was unrelenting, and you could feel the last of your composure being chipped away, but before the voice could another broke your stupor. “Hello, how are you all liking your meal- Oh you’re both finished!” You looked to your left and saw the waiter that took your orders standing beside the table. Looking down to your plate and Diamond’s, you saw that both plates were empty. “Would you both like to order anything else or would you like the check?” You gaze back in the direction of the waiter. “Oh, um, the check please.” “Perfect, I’ll be back in a moment then,” and with that, the waiter left to fetch the bill. Silence quickly returned to the table, you felt scared to try and say anything to Diamond and she seemed to be reluctant to try and speak as well. Oddly enough, the voice that you feared would return didn’t and you were left to wait in an uncomfortable silence until the check arrived. The rest of your time in the restaurant went by silently as you paid for the meals, walked out of the establishment and returned to your car as it was retrieved, and the look that the same valet gave you either went unnoticed or was ignored as Diamond Tiara remained silent. As you entered the car you expected to hear Diamond speak up now that the both of you were alone, but to your surprise the only thing that made a sound the entire drive back to her home was the hum of your car’s engine. In the absence of the tormenting voice, the silence from Diamond Tiara was slowly eating away at you as your anxiety slowly rose with each passing minute. You knew that what happened at the restaurant would never be simply forgotten by Diamond Tiara, you knew that the two of you would talk about it, and with each passing moment you couldn’t help but worry about the conversation to come. Would she be angry, upset, confused or meek? What will she say? Maybe she’d put an end to this relationship… Your grip around the steering wheel tightened and your knuckles began to turn white. You silently prayed that wouldn’t happen. You could hear a faint whisper that told you otherwise as you turned into Diamond Tiara’s driveway. The time before arriving at the end of the driveway was brief and now you and Diamond Tiara sat silently, neither of you moving. Seconds passed and not a peep came from either of you. Eventually the silence was broken as Diamond’s voice spoke softly. “I’m sorry...” Your face remained unemotional, but the words caused your heart to groan under the pressure. She has nothing to apologize for… “I didn’t know that would upset you, and it ruined your night…” No no no, stop apologizing, please, you’ve done nothing wrong! You could hear your name being spoken. Finally turning your head to face Diamond Tiara you looked her in the eye. “Please, say something… I don’t know what I did wrong but I want to fix it. I need you to talk to me,” her voice rose in pitch and her eyes seemed to glimmer as tears began to line the edges of her eyes. You had to say something, finding the words within yourself was difficult beyond belief, but staying silent as Diamond suffered was even more difficult. “Dia… D-diamond...” you croaked. Your voice was no longer composed and confident, but frail and weak. “I… I think… I think we should br-,” your voice caught in the back of your throat as you tried to speak, the volume barely a whisper. “We should b-break up...” You could feel tears begin to build in your eyes as the look of remorse on Diamond Tiara’s face shifted to one that tugged at your heart. Her sad regretful expression had turned to one of disbelief and horror, her eyes wide and mouth agape, the tears that lay quivering at the edges of her eyes threatened to roll down her face. “W-w-what! Why!?” Diamond said, her voice strained. You couldn’t respond immediately. You just said you wanted to end your relationship… Why? Was it because you didn’t deserve Diamond Tiara’s love? Was it the guilt that told you the only suitable punishment for your crime would be to never see her again? Or was it that you feared how you acted, and feared how much more pain you would wreak on Diamond? How many many more bad dates would follow where the only thing you remember are the depressed expressions painted on Diamond Tiara’s features, how much less will you see her, how will she feel when talking to you happens as often as seeing your doctor, and how will she feel when your guilt extinguishes the last ember of hope for your relationship that exists in her? The words to respond came to your mouth and you let them ring, fast and violently. “Because!” you shout. You are no longer looking at Diamond Tiara but you can feel that your outburst startled her. “Because this was all a mistake! It was never meant to happen in the first place!” you continued. You may be speaking but your sense had been abandoned and hysteria took over. “W-what do you mean-” “Oh of course you wouldn’t understand! After all, I fucked out all the sense you had in the first place!” you roared. “All those times Diamond, all thoses FUCKING TIMES, THEY MEANT NOTHING!” your clenched fists slammed into the wheel of your car, each impact emphasizing each word. “The dates we had, the smiles you had every goddamn time you were around me, none of them should have happened! Every time you begged me to fuck you silly, I did it like the demented fucking piece of shit I am!” Your words by themselves were simple and repetitive, but the emotion that was packed behind each and every syllable made the intention of your crude vocabulary clear. You could hear Diamond’s voice shout out and bounce off the walls of your car, but you were lost in your frenzy. “You know what I wish would have happened that day I raped you?” you finally turned to face Diamond Tiara, but you didn’t see her, only her vague figure, obscured by your rage blinded vision. “I wish you some-fucking-how managed to tell the police so I could spend my days rotting in a cell, and that way WE WOULD NEVER BE A THING!” SLAP Your head was no longer facing Diamond, it was canted to your right. Your left cheek stung as your unfocused gaze looked past Diamond Tiara. You slowly began to comprehend what just happened and you turned your head and looked back to the woman sitting in your passenger seat. Diamond sat there, her right hand held by her left as she looked at you angrily. Her face had in total three streaks of mascara running down her cheeks, one ran from the outside corner of her left eye, the other two originating from her right, one of them similar to the streak on her left cheek and the other trailing down her face, parallel to her nose. Focusing on her eyes, the gloom that had once dimmed her eyes was gone and a fiery passion burned behind those beautiful blue eyes. Despite your rapt attention, the voice of Diamond Tiara speaking your name broke you from your focus. “Telling me. What. Is. Wrong.” “I’m-,” you couldn’t figure out what to say, you knew what was wrong but you couldn’t find the will to tell her. It felt like the moment you would open your mouth it would all end. In your hesitation, your emotions began to overflow as tears began to build in your eyes. You couldn’t simply sit there as tears threatened to fall down your face, collecting yourself the best you could, you spoke. Your words frail and wavering. “I’m… I’m sorry…” was all you could manage before the dam broke and you began to cry. Your forehead came to rest against the steering wheel and your arms blocked your peripheral as more drops fell. “I’m sorry Diamond, I’m sorry! I know what I did was wrong, I know! But I don’t want you to go… I can’t lose you…” your voice trailed off as you began to sob. Nothing you did today made sense, ignoring Diamond’s messages yet jumping to see what she sent, taking her out for a fun date then leaving with a frown, saying you wanted to end it but begging her to not leave you. You’re a goddamn mess… You continued to cry, your eyes screwed shut did little to prevent the ocean of tears that rolled down your cheeks and pitiful sobs and whimpers were the only sounds that could be heard in the car. But before long, you felt an arm wrap around your back and another around your front, and with an effort, you were pulled toward Diamond. You could feel yourself resting against Diamond’s lap through your crying, and even with your arms covering your face, you could smell the shampoo that Diamond used today. Your sobs and whimpers died down slowly as you let out your unfiltered emotions on your girlfriend’s lap. You’re not sure how long you laid there crying, but the torrent of tears that trickled down your face had stopped, the only indication of your crying being the wet streaks that ran down your cheeks and your red eyes. You could feel Diamond’s fingers running through your hair, the feeling as they combed through your short hair was comforting. Now that your emotions had run their course, Diamond spoke. “Are you better now?” You responded with a nod, you still couldn’t see Diamond Tiara’s face but you knew that she understood. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere” “…I’m sorry for ruining our night, I know you were excited for it…” You answered, your voice was raspy from crying and was just loud enough to reach her ears. “And I’m sorry for not noticing your pain sooner” You’re positive that you would be crying if you hadn’t let anything out earlier. Even now she was thinking of you, she is an angel. “But it was my fault…” “Don’t worry about tonight, it’s alright now” “No… Last year, on Whitetail Mountain…” “Oh…” An awkward silence followed. You know that she knew exactly what you were referring to but she must have been at a loss from where to continue, so you spoke again. “I hurt you… I still remember your scared face and I hate myself for what I did to you,” now that you had calmed down you could finally tell her what she had wanted to know. It’s time to tell her, you can’t go on pretending what you did wasn’t a problem. What you say may push her away, but you cannot let that stop you… This is for you as much as it is for her. “We may be together Diamond, but that doesn’t change the fact I hurt you, and ever since we started this relationship, I’ve been having doubts,” you began. You felt Diamond’s hand stop as she began to listen. “That night and everything until you became my girlfriend, I’ve thought about it a lot. I raped you and continued on like nothing had even happened. We continued to meet and I know that you wanted it as much as me, but the only reason it happened was because I raped you. And now that we’re dating I’ve…” you gulped as the image of Diamond Tiara from your dream flashed in your mind. “I’ve been having nightmares, nightmares about if I went too far, and they… they scare me Diamond. Do I even deserve to be with a woman like you?” Diamond… didn’t respond and the silence that hung in the air caused your heart to beat faster as you waited for her response. Your breath caught as she began to speak. “I agree…” your eyes screwed shut as the answer you feared rang in your ears. That was it, the two of you were done… “…what you did that day was wrong, you raped a girl for bullying your sister. For what it's worth, I will say that I was a bitch in the past, but there are various other ways you could have solved it,” she said before letting out a breath. You stayed silent, not that you could say anything in your defense, you had no defense. “And… I agree, if things went differently that night or if you did do it, we would have never been a thing.” It hurt a lot, hearing Diamond say the things that echoed in your mind. You knew there was nothing to save things, but the least you could do is let her say her part before she leaves. “And then the months that followed. Even if I wanted it, it's kinda fucked up you went along with it, and then we became a couple from there. From fucking to loving…” Then she stopped, and you took that as your cue to pick yourself up from her lap. You pulled back into your seat, wiping the damp trails from your face before looking to Diamond Tiara. She sat still, her hands lay folded in her lap as she gazed out at something past the wind shield with a small frown on her lips. Your hands lay in your lap as you absentmindedly looked to your steering wheel. Time to end it… “I’m sorry for the night, I get it if you want me to get out of your life. And don’t worry, after tonight you won’t see me again-” “But even with all the fucked up shit you’ve done, I still love you!” The outburst startled you and you recoiled as you looked at Diamond Tiara, her eyes were squeezed shut, her white teeth visible as she grit them, and her relaxed hands were now separated and clenched into fists. “But, I-I… I thought you said-” “I know what I said!” she shouted. “And maybe I’m messed up in the head but I swear to god,” she eyes reopened and she turned to face you. The fire that was natural to Diamond Tiara had returned and you could see it blazing behind her irises. Her hands shot out and gripped your collar before yanking you forward, leaving only a few centimeters between your faces. “Don’t you DARE leave me.” Surprise couldn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what you felt as your mouth hung open in shock. You gazed wide eyed at Diamond as the almost angry face began to falter. “Don’t ever say y-you’ll leave me,” she barely managed to finish. Her lower lip began to violently tremble and her eyes seemed to gleam with tears. But despite her crumbling composure, she bravely continued. “N-never say that again,” she said as her drive took her as far as it could before the dam broke and lunged into your chest as she began sobbing herself. Your arms found themselves around her as you leaned into her. Your hands were shaking as they clutched at her back and a new round of tears began to build behind your eyes as well. You simply held the girl as her emotions ran their course. But Diamond Tiara, ever the passionate woman she was, managed one sentence despite her intense emotions. “I-I-I l-love you!” You couldn’t hold your tears back as you lowered your head to rest a top Diamond’s. Your grip around her tightened as you began to silently cry again. The two of you sat in your car, pressed together balling for god knows how long, but eventually the stockpile of tears had been exhausted and the two of you sat breathing deep, shaky breaths. Despite the absolute disaster that tonight became, you were content as you held Diamond Tiara’s warm body and breathed in the comforting scent of her childish hair product. After a few moments you could feel the pressure against your chest pull away and you released Diamond as she sat up. Looking at her face you could see that there were obviously far more streaks of mascara on her face. “Sorry for making you cry so much,” you say with a weak laugh. “Stop saying sorry already!” she exclaimed before giggling softly. You spread your arms inviting Diamond to hug which she enthusiastically returned. “You’re such an amazing woman Diamond…” “Hey… I’m not the only one who’s changed. You aren’t the man you were that day, you’re hard working, considerate and one of the nicest men I know. You made a mistake but you’ve grown and you’ve been regretting it for a long time now.” The embrace ended a moment after she finished but the two of you still held each other close. “It’s been eating you up for a long time but I want you to try and forgive yourself,” she said, as the two of you stared deeply into each other's eyes. You nodded in response. “And promise me if you ever start to feel this way again you’ll tell me, no matter what.” “Deal...” you answer with a smile that Diamond returns. Breaking eye contact, Diamond turned around and looked towards her home before turning back to you. “Hey, my parents won’t be home till Sunday…” she said, a shy smile on her lips. You can’t help but let out a small laugh at the poorly disguised offer, but after today you wouldn’t mind spending the night. “Sure, but let me warn you Diamond,” and as you speak you can see her face instantly brighten up, “I’m tired as hell, and I know you have a queen sized bed.” “Hehe, I’m pretty tired too, but if you wanna… the offers there...” “Nah, as soon as I’m in your bed it’ll be lights out for me darling” “Oh you’re no fun, at least flirt back!” “After I show you how good of a chef I am tomorrow morning.” The both of you stepped out of your car and began to climb the stairs to the mansion. All things considered, you messed up date night, really bad. But from all of that you felt better, and you couldn’t even begin to find the words to describe how thankful you are to have a girlfriend like Diamond Tiara. But hey, you were never too good with words to begin with, but if tonight had told you anything, it's that going forward you would do everything in your power to make it up to Diamond Tiara. As you neared the double door you silently began to think of what to make the next morning. After all, it would be a good way to make up for tonight. > Date Night: Take Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The smell in the small kitchen of your apartment could only be described as heavenly as you alternated between the various pots and pans. Each pot and pan that boiled and simmered was filled with foods freshly purchased from the local supermarket. It had been a week since the disaster of your last date with Diamond Tiara and you were determined to make up for it. The date had been a decisive failure but what came from it had convinced you that there was more that could be done for your relationship, and this in house date would be the culmination of your drive to rectify what you had put your girlfriend through that night. The date that would be taking place in your own apartment did little to calm the voice and its evil utterances but after the destruction of your former self that night, Diamond Tiara had helped you to rebuild yourself, and with the new foundation that she had set, you were more than ready to pour everything you had into this date. You would not fail. Following the end of your work, you rushed home to clean and dress yourself. Tonight's date, while taking place in the confines of your abode, would be held to the same standard as a luxurious restaurant. As you cooked, you could feel a light sweat building beneath your clothes. You wore the same grey dress pants that you wore on your last date with Diamond, with a deep red dress shirt and a vest of the same color as your pants with a patterned tie, colored red, silver and black. At the moment however, your vest hung on the back of a chair in the dining room and the sleeves of your dress shirt were rolled up as you prepared the food. Despite the potential of dirtying your clothing, you were on a tight schedule. Looking to the clock that hung on the wall behind you, the time read 7:14 in the evening, you would only have a few more precious minutes to finish the feast you had been practicing for all week. In the time since last Friday, you have committed yourself to preparing for this night. Many cuts and burns later, you were more than capable of cooking a meal befitting of the woman who would be gracing your home shortly. The morning after your date the week prior, you and Diamond had decided to arrange for another date a week from the night prior. You would host Diamond Tiara and cook for her to begin a new chapter in your relationship with her. As much as you, still, felt unworthy, the face Diamond made after pitching you the idea left little in the way of resistance. And so, here you were, now ten minutes from when Diamond Tiara was scheduled to arrive for your date and frantically finishing the dishes that would be served. You felt like a virgin on his first date, nervous beyond belief and unsure of what was to come. But there wasn't time to dwell on those feelings as a ring from the door rang out. Looking back to the clock, the hands indicated it was 7:25, five minutes before the scheduled beginning of your night. Turning back to your food you turned the knobs to the stove top and the fires that burned went out. You were finished and ready to let Diamond in. Quickly rushing to the chair that your vest rested on, you quickly pulled the piece on as you walked to the door. Standing at the entrance to your home, you took a breath and steadied yourself before reaching towards the door handle and turning it. You pulled the door aside and was greeted by the small smile that blessed Diamond Tiara's lips. Time around you slowed down as you took in her appearance. She was dressed similarly to the date last week, her hair was done up in a ponytail that trailed down her back and the flower that adored her head last week was replaced with her trademark tiara that sat gracefully atop her head. Further down her body, the same dress from last week covered her form. The dress left her shoulders exposed but covered the length of her slender arms and began just above her chest and ran down her body ending just before the middle of her thighs. Like before, the dress did an amazing job of emphasizing her most enticing features, her modest bust that pulled the fabric of the dress taut, the lean sides of her torso that led down to her hips, and her butt that could rivaled that of your old high school principal, not in size but in shape. A little further down, the dress stopped just before the middle of her thighs that exposed a few inches of skin before a pair of long white socks silhouetted the rest of her lean and shapely legs. Ending at her feet, a pair of heels were the final touch to what she wore, aside from the small hand bag that suited the ensemble. You let out a small breath you had been holding and smiled brightly towards Diamond. "Good evening Diamond!" The enthusiasm in your voice caused Diamond's smile to widen as she tried to contain her excitement. "Hello!" was all she could manage as she shifted her weight between her feet, doing her best to not burst out and make a commotion. Recognizing this, you took a step back and allowed her entrance into your home, which she quickly did. As soon as you closed the door and turned around you were nearly sent careening into the wall as you were practically tackled by the woman, her arms doing their best to crush you in a hug. "Oof! Oh come on Diamond, it's only been a week!" "But I missed you..." she responded, her head resting against your chest. "Me too Diamond," you answered softly as you wrapped your arms around her and enjoyed the embrace. But sadly, all good things must come to an end and you released Diamond, and with some encouragement, slowly got your adorable girlfriend to release you as well. "Come on Diamond, I've got a three course meal waiting just for you. Follow me this way!" That was a bit of an exaggeration but it was far more than an average dinner. Leading Diamond to the dining room you pulled a chair out and motioned for Diamond to take a seat. Giving you a smile, Diamond walked forward before lowering herself as you pushed her chair in. “The food’s waiting in the kitchen, I’ll be back out in a moment!” you said before turning to the kitchen. Entering, you immediately set to work, preparing the dishes, silverware and food. Tonight’s meal would consist of salmon, brussel sprouts, and potatoes. The fish was definitely the most difficult of the three foods, having botched more than your poor wallet would have liked to purchase for your practice. But your investment in your culinary prowess had already made returns as you moved the seared salmon from pan to plate. The fish was cut into one and a half inch strips that smelled of a savory sauce and a hint of lemon. The potatoes were next to be loaded onto the plates. While baking or boiling could have saved you swaths of time in preparing for tonight’s date, you had a different idea, and taking the time to dice the potatoes, you pan fried them with olive oil, onions, garlic and more spices than you could accurately recall, but the dark golden color of the small cubes of starchy goodness told you they were more than ready and twice as delicious. The last of the foods you prepared were the brussel sprouts. On any other day, the miniature cabbages would have never been something you would have cooked, but you had just the recipe for them tonight. You had learned this one from your dad, but your method of execution was slightly different. Having halved each sprout, while your father would have baked them with oil, salt, pepper, and walnuts, you decided to pan cook them, and boy did they look good. The halved sprouts in the pan glistened with a thin layer of oil covering them, the smell of garlic and the salt and pepper only helped to make your mouth water more at your creation. This would be the last part of your five star meal and as you began to add the vegetable to each plate, and as you worked, a voice broke the relative silence of the kitchen. “Ohh~ It smells nice in here!” rang out Diamond Tiara’s voice. You nearly flung a trio of sprouts up and into your face as the voice startled you. Turning around to face the beautiful, offending voice, you fixed a look at Diamond which caused her to reach an arm to her head as she gave a sheepish smile and chuckle. “Hehe, sorry ‘bout that, what did you make?” “I was hoping to present the meal I prepared but so much for that now...” “Oh don’t worry so much about that, we may be dressed up but that doesn’t mean we have to act like this is a-” Diamond was cut off as she gazed at the food laid on the plates. “Huh? What’s up, is something wrong Diamond?” “A week of practice won’t be enough...” “What?” Diamond’s eyes shot up to yours as she seemed to be pulled back to reality. “O-oh! The food you made looks really good!” she said before taking a step closer. “You were definitely lying when you said you were ‘decent’ at cooking” she said, using air quotes to emphasize her point. “But I am!” you exclaimed. “BS, this looks good enough for the restaurant we went to last week!” “I’ve been practicing the whole week Diamond, cooking is a perishable skill ya’ know.” “Ahh! And I’m supposed to cook for you next, there’s no way I could do something like this...” Diamond said, as she began to sulk. Noticing her mood you snuck up behind her before wrapping her in a hug, your hands fastened around her midsection just below her bust. “Don’t worry Diamond, even if you give me food poisoning, I’ll still love you~” “Hey!” she managed to exclaim out before you began chuckling as she began to try to free herself from your grip. Loosening your grip slightly you allowed for her to move away from your embrace before turning her around and pulling her close before dipping your head down to hers, meeting her lips as a surprised ‘eep’ made its way out between your connected mouths. Having been surprised, it took a moment for Diamond to realise what was happening, but when she did, her hands rose to your shoulders and her lips began to move in time with yours. Before long the two of you parted leaving a panting, rosy cheeked Diamond Tiara in its wake. “Geez, don’t think you can kiss your way out of making me upset,” she said, her face adorable as she pouted. “Hehe, but you’re just too cute when you're angry!” “Am not!” she shouted, proving your point. Continuing to chuckle, you released Diamond and returned to preparing the meal. “I’m almost done sweetheart, head back to the table and I’ll be back in just a sec. Oh! What would you like to drink?” “That looks pretty good...” she said, gazing towards a bottle to your right. You followed her eyes to the bottle then turned back to Diamond. “Nope, you’re too young.” “Aw, come on, a little glass wouldn’t hurt would it?” “You're getting water Diamond.” “Oh come on! That’s so boring!” “Take that back, water is amazing! And besides, I want a sober Diamond Tiara for this date.” “Ugh, fine,” a hint of her former brattyness shining through. You shook your head as you returned to finish what you began. With plates filled, glass cups full, and utensils ready, you delivered everything to the table, careful not to make a mess of the dinner you had meticulously prepared. Once everything was laid out and put together, your dinner officially began. Despite not receiving the alcohol that Diamond Tiara desired, she forgot all about it as soon as she took her first bite from her plate. Even if she hadn’t said anything, you could tell that she loved what you prepared as you smiled while Diamond chewed, eyes closed with a look of bliss on her face. Smiling, you opened your mouth and began to eat as well. oo000OOOO000oo “And then, right as the minotaur and human are about to clash again, a cannon ball hits the ship and sends the man flying over the edge of the pirate ship!” Diamond exclaimed. As your date night progressed, the two of you found time to talk in between bites of the food you prepared. Right now she was telling you about a book she had been reading. You forgot the title but it was some sort of generic fantasy story, but it had pirates. The premise sounded interesting but the world that it was set in sounded super outlandish, like a nation of horses and other animals, and for some reason the author made every country or city some weird horse pun of existing places. The scene Diamond was describing was the climax of the book where the main protagonist, who is supposedly the only human in history that has ever been magically transported to this world, is fighting against a band of pirates that he was mixed up with and the scene is supposed to be his redemption or something from doing horrible things as a pirate. You might check the book out, not that you were an avid reader but you’re pretty sure your girlfriend would love for you to read the story she’s gushing over. “And then after the quote, the chapter opens up with his friends finding his unconconcious body in the water after being saved by mermares!” My god, another fucking horse pun… “This author must really have something for horses...” you mutter. Diamond let out a small giggle. “Yeah, all the names are pretty silly, but still the story is just- AH! It’s so good!” It was your turn to let out a laugh at Diamond’s antics. “I can tell.” Settling down, your attention returned to Diamond. Her expression was blindingly bright, everything from her eyes to her smile and every small indescribable detail of her face made it impossible for you to do anything but stare. Her retelling of the story had worked her up and she was squirming in her seat, the excitement finding an exit in her cute movements. You probably stared longer than would have been considered normal but after calming down herself, Diamond’s focus moved to you and her glee filled face became inquisitive. You’ve been discovered. “Is something wrong?” “Oh! No, it’s nothing, I was just enjoying the view,” you reply with a coi grin. “Oh? You know, now that I think of it, you haven’t said much about how I look tonight,” Diamond began as she absentmindedly gazed at her nails, as her head was propped up by her arm that stood on the table. Soon after, her eyes shifted to you and she shot you a playful smile. “Sorry about that, my minds been processing since you walked through the door,” you reply, matching her playfulness. But you had more to say. “But, the way that your dress covers your body perfect outlines your amazing figure, and the way you’ve done up your hair is simple but matches your outfit and looks amazing running down your back,” you say as you rise from your seat, trailing your hand on the table as you slowly saunter towards Diamond Tiara. Diamond’s posture morphs from relaxed to an… attentive? No, it’s more like a deer stuck in headlights. “Simply put,” you circle around behind Diamond. Your hand moved from the table top to her arms and dragged up to her exposed shoulder. Resting your hands upon the bare skin of Diamond’s shoulders, you lower your head, your lips mere centimeters from her ear. “You look sexy as hell...” you whisper huskily. Diamond is unmoving but you could feel her shudder as the words met her ears. Dropping the facade, you smile and give Diamond a tap on each shoulder with your fingers to show that the little act you put on was in good faith. The friendly gesture however made Diamond jolt up in her chair, and left you a little confused. As you were about to complete your revolution around the table, you happened to look down and looking at Diamond's shapely legs you noticed her fidgeting. Her thighs were pressed together and were rubbing against each other. Your lips parted as you realised what was happening, and soon after a knowing grin made its way onto your face. Your hands settled back into Diamond’s shoulders and you once again leaned down to her ear. “Feeling a little pent up, are we?” Diamond didn’t answer, not that you gave her the chance to as your hands slipped down from her shoulders and dragged against the fabric of the dress that outlined her figure. Diamond Tiara’s body stiffened at your touch and shook as your hands went as far as her hips before moving to her belly, dragging back up to her breasts. “Kya!” was the noise that she made as your hands formed around the supple flesh of her chest, gently cupping the hypnotizing mounds of fat that pulled her dress taut. You began to massage her tits, the effect of which drew out cute moans and fidgeting from the woman in front of you. “W-w-wait, I haven’t finished yet!” Haven’t finished yet? You look down to her plate in front of her, and sure enough the dish hadn’t been cleaned of its contents. “Would you like me to stop then?” you say, accentuating your question with a hard squeeze that draws another erotic moan from her. “N-no...” You relax your grip on Diamond and pull your arms away from her. “Huh?” Diamond turned in her seat to figure out why you suddenly stopped. Your hands were now holding the back of her chair. “Stand up” Diamond obliges and rises from her seat and you pull her chair away in tandem. “I’d say that this date has been a success so far,” you casually mention as Diamond turns to face you, “but...” In one fluid motion, you pick Diamond up, causing her to let out an Eep of surprise as she settles into your grip, cradling her between your chest and hands. “What do you say we move on to the dessert of the date.” Diamond’s expression is cute, a look of surprise and embarrassment could be seen on her features, but after making your offer, while her cheeks were still tinted red, her playful demeanor came back as she slyly smiled. You began walking to your room but Diamond stopped you before you could take a step. “Wait!” she said, before reaching and grabbing her purse off of the table. You gave her a quizzical look before she responded. “Don’t worry about it, it’ll come in handy later~” You shrugged and turned to walk to your bedroom. You couldn’t imagine why she would need her purse for what was to come but who are you to tell her otherwise. The walk to your room was a short and an uneventful one that didn’t even last fifteen seconds. Stepping into your room, you looked to your bed and thought about where you should lay the lady in your arms down. Quickly making your decision, you set Diamond down gently at the base of the bed, careful to not simply drop her. Having laid her down, you took a small step back to admire the view. You must have been ogling her for too long because before you knew it, she had sprung up and grabbed you by the collar before pulling you back down with her. Even if you weren’t fast enough to realise you were grabbed, you were fast enough to realise to catch yourself. Bringing your arms up, your forearms absorb most of the impact and prevent you from careening into Diamond headfirst. Focusing on what was now in front of you, there was little to no time for you to process the feeling of the soft lips meeting yours. You laid there, propped up by your arms for a few seconds before you realised Diamond was making a dessert out of your lips. You, not being one to pass up the opportunity, did your best to catch up and match the frevorent actions of the woman below you. Diamond let out a moan between your connected lips as you felt her arms wrap around your neck and pull you in even tighter. Careful to support yourself, you balanced your upper body on one arm as the other snaked downward to brush and rub against Diamond Tiara’s incredible body. Tracing down her back, your hand slid to her waist, forming perfectly to her curves. For the time being, you decided to keep the makeout session relatively chaste, no need to rush after all. As your lips moved against Diamond’s, groans and moans could be heard echoing from each party, signalling the other’s competency in kissing. And while you did enjoy the sensation of Diamond’s lips dancing with your own, you wouldn’t mind sharing a kiss with another set of lips… Drawing your hand up from Diamond’s waist, you gently free your neck and head from the arms that held you in place, and with your head free, you pull away. Now with your head free you open your eyes for the first time since the kissing began. Diamond’s lips seemed to move as if it were still locked in a kiss before the movements stopped and her closed eyes fluttered open. “...I was enjoying that...” You chuckled at her response. “Would it make you feel better if I did this?” you say before dipping your head down and latching onto Diamond’s neck where she is most sensitive. A shudder travels from her head to toe as you sucked and kissed her neck. Making the most of the moment, your hand once again lurked downward, going further than before reaching the exposed skin between the bottom of Diamond’s dress and the top of her thigh highs. You took a moment, trailing your fingers this way and that, enjoying the soft and smooth sensation before your digits borough underneath the dress. Your hand came to rest against the warm and pliable flesh of her bottom. Having reached its destination, your hand gave it a squeeze. Your action resulted in a ‘ha~’ escaping Diamond’s mouth before the efforts on her neck regained her attention. Your hand however had yet to get its fill of the amazing feeling it held onto as it began to squeeze and brush the amazing ass it held. Eventually your other hand moved down to join its opposing counterpart and began to rub and squeeze Diamond’s other cheek. But the decision to move your supporting hand came at a cost as you pulled back slightly to retain your balance, and consequently abandoned your post on Diamond’s neck. Your hand eventually gave up the cheeks they were kneading and hooked under the bottom of Diamond’s dress before pulling it up as far as her hips, any further and the dress appeared liable to be damaged. Her lower half was exposed save for the socks and lacy panties that covered her legs and flower. Lowering yourself further, you came face to face with the article of erotic clothing that stood between you and your target. In your peripheral vision, you could see a pair of hands drawing towards the panties that outlined her lower lips, but you didn’t see a reason to break the pace that you had set. Pushing your head forward, you licked along the outline of Diamond’s pussy. The action stopped the hands that were moving towards the underwear and a gasp could be heard from above you. Drawing your tongue back, you traced the muscle up the length of Diamond’s femininity, savoring the taste as well as the moan that accompanied it. Hooking your thumb around the fabric, you pulled it aside to reveal the damsels dampening entrance before immediately diving in. With your lips pressed against hers, you begin a preliminary lapping as you held the fidgeting legs that flanked your head steady. You knew for the most part how to eat Diamond out, so as you tongue delved into her depths, dragging along her inner walls and flicking against her most sensitive parts, you decided to listen for her lovely voice. The air of the room was filled with the moans and squeals of the woman who was receiving your love. On one particularly drawn out lick, you could hear the muffled groan through Diamond’s covered mouth and soon after you felt her hand press itself against the back of your head, urging you to continue precisely what you were doing, and you obliged. Your tongue continued to deliver long, love filled laps at the entrance of her woman-hood, starting where it began and ending at her clit with a swirl and flick that drove her hips up and her voice higher. “Mmmhhh~ Mooore, please~ I’m almost theeere...” Oh, but we’ve only just gotten started, Tiara… You began to back off slightly, opting to instead trace along the outside of her lips. Enough to keep her excited, but far from what was needed to give her what she wanted. “Wait, no! Please, don’t stop now~” she whined. “But we’ve just started and you’re almost done for,” you say as you raise your head to peer over her body, “we’ll have to take this nice and sloooow if we’re going to savor it.” Even though your head was raised, her modest bust prevented you from looking at her face, but you could still hear a gulp come from the direction of her head. “How about this, I’ll keep going, but you are not allowed to cum unless I say so, deal?” “Huh? No please just- waaAAHHH~” Diamond was cut off as you redoubled your actions. The little agreement you set up didn’t necessarily mean that she had to stop herself, you would stop if you felt she was too close. Was it cruel of you to do that? Perhaps, but by the same token, she didn’t seem all that opposed to what you were doing with your tongue. As you tongue whipped and flicked, you keep track of Diamond’s voice and tightness of her now drenched snatch. You kept up the energy that drove her to the brink, but before she would cross that line, your tongue would take a detour, circling Diamond’s entrance. Whenever Diamond tried to implore you to let her come, you would always go back to the mind numbingly precise licks and that would placate her temporarily. But fun things never last as long as you would like it, and by the eighth time you felt her nearing orgasm, you decided to let her have it. Driving your tongue back into her depths, your muscle lashed against the roof of her canal, indulging the sensitive spot that you would soon be indulging with another muscle. Diamond’s cries began to increase in frequency and volume, and the tightness of her snatch made it abundant that she was nearly over the edge. But despite the pleasure that should have hurled her into euphoria, she continued to squirm and twist in your bed, gripping the bed sheets with all her strength. And then it donned on you. “Cum for me,” you say, quickly pulling away from her pussy before diving back in. And the moment your lips made contact with hers, Diamond Tiara let out a loud cry of pleasure as her orgasm crashed. You were, for all intents and purposes, being asphyxiated as Diamond’s thighs and hands pushed against your skull with all of her strength, leaving little room for breathing. Diamond’s back was far off of the bed as it arched from the pleasure that rolled through her body. You did your best to hold on to her legs as she rode out the rest of her orgasm. And eventually, the pressure on your head lessened and you were able to pull away to get some much needed air. After gulping down the life giving oxygen, you turned to face Diamond, who lay still, save for the rise and fall of her chest. Looking down to your chest, you start to regret the pace you decided to go at. Your dress shirt, vest and tie were all wet from the orgasm that just rocked Diamond. Internally groaning to yourself, gave one last look to Diamond before removing your now dirtied clothes. Promptly removing the clothes covering your upper half and tossing them off the edge of the bed, you turned back to Diamond, who was no longer laying down but up right with her legs bent and her butt planted on the bed and had a particularly unamused look on her face. “...” “...” “...that was mean, you know...” You opened your mouth to respond but before a sound could leave your mouth, Diamond’s arms wrapped around you and pulled you back, before rolling you over. When you refocused your eyes, you saw Diamond’s form, covered (mostly) by her dress, straddling your waist. “Wow, that was fast...” “Well I’ve been taking jujutsu classes” “You take jujutsu classes?” “Yeah, I never mentioned it ‘cus dad makes me take them, but it looks like it's useful where it matters,” she said with a foreboding grin. “You know, I’ve been really backed up lately, couldn’t you have given it to me without all the hassle?” Diamond continued. “I… uh, just didn’t want it to end so quickly… sorry…” Diamond closed her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s okay, I can forgive you, but now, lets go at my pace,” and following her declaration, the weight on your waist disappeared as she stood up. Taking her sleeves in her hand’s she began to pull her arms from the sleeves and gradually work the dress off. When it fell to her feet, she kicked the dress off the bed and refocused on you. She stood above you with her arms crossed which supported her breasts which were covered in the same type of lacy material as her panties, which despite being drenched were still in place. The only other things that remained on her body were the thigh high socks and the tiara that rested atop her head. Lowering herself, she now straddled your thighs. While you had an idea of what she wanted to do, you thought twice before interrupting her plans. Reaching down to your dress pants, with a level of determination and sheer fucking will that could only be rivaled by one other person, she focused on removing your pants. She didn’t even try to make it sexy, she just wanted the obstacle to your sickle out of the way as soon as possible. After quickly undoing the buckle of your belt, the button and zipper, in one fluid motion, gripping the waist bands of both pants and underwear, yanked down. From that motion your cock that had been neglected thus far had been freed, and it sprang up, leaking its enthusiasm from the tip. Diamond Tiara’s eyes were glued to the member that bobbed and swayed as she prowled closer and closer, eventually coming to lay down between your legs and just inches away from touching the muscle. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for what she would do. You knew what she would do, but the question now was when. Your eyes were locked on her as she gazed at your dick lustfully. But she eventually noticed your staring, and shot you a grin before grabbing your cock around the base and began to pump it. The tightness of her grip and slow motions only made your rod harder as you let out a strained groan. Giggling at your reaction, she loosened her grip a tad and began to pump faster, adding her tongue that swirled around the tip. Your toes began to curl at the service she was providing and before long she had shifted her body further up and engulfed your member between her tits, which were still covered. The modest size of her breasts didn’t completely cover your cock but it certainly didn’t take away from the pleasure as she sandwiched her breasts around you. You did your best to control yourself, taking deep breath in time with her efforts to stave off the orgasm that her actions were working you towards. But before long, your concentration on breathing was broken as her mouth took the head of your stick into her maw and began bobbing. Diamond had worked herself into a rhythm, moving her head and boobs in time with each other, and it was doing wonders for what she was trying to achieve. You weren’t faring too well under her menstruations as you gripped at the bed sheets and gritted your teeth, breathing heavily through them. It wouldn’t be long now. Focusing on the perverted scene before you, Diamond Tiara’s eyes were closed as she hummed with your cock in her mouth and pumped you with her amazing tits. It was coming, and you wouldn’t be able to stop it. Until she stopped it. Pulling back until the cock that was wrapped in the soft skin of her breasts and mouth had all but abandoned it, leaving it throb in the air, slathered in saliva. Instinctively, your hips gave a buck that yielded no result and Diamond let out a giggle as you breathed ragged breaths. “Your close aren’t you, sweetie~” You didn’t respond, but the way you behaved told Diamond all she needed to know. “You know, I should do the same thing you did to me,” rising up, Diamond removed herself from between your legs and on relatively steady legs, walked over to where she had left her hand bag since entering the room. As she went to retrieve the bag, you could see her hand curl behind her back, pinching the clasp of her bra in a single practiced motion. Following the freeing of her sweater pups, both thumbs hooked the sides of her panties before bending her body at the hips, pushing the erotic piece of fabric down and exposing the sodden lips of her sex. “But I’ll let you off with just that,” referring to the service she provided to your cock. You couldn’t see much from your reclined position but you could hear the zipper from the bag being pulled. You propped yourself up on your elbows as Diamond walked to the side of your bed and set her bag down on your nightstand. Reaching in, she pulled out a condom, or rather, a belt of condoms, before tearing the first square off. “I’m in no mood to wait any longer!” Just how much was she planning on doing tonight… Opening the wrapper, Diamond discarded the obsolete piece of plastic as she stalked back to the bed, reclaiming the position between your legs. By this point, the euphoria you were teetering on had subsided, but it would only be a matter of time once Diamond began. Having settled in between your legs, Diamond knelt down and placed the circular piece of latex on top of your lower head. Her thumb and index finger formed a circle and rolled the condom as far as your head, but stopped. Flashing you a grin, Diamond’s head dipped down and gently took the head of your meat between her lips and slowly began to push down, unrolling the condom that was being stretched over your length. As Diamond neared the base of your cock, you could feel the back of her throat. You were prepared to begin, but Diamond wasn’t quite finished as she pushed herself down, forcing the head of your rod down her throat and covering the rest of your length with latex. As Diamond took you into her throat, a gagging sound came from her but she maintained her position and swallowed, the contractions massaging and gripping around your head. After barely ten seconds, Diamond drew herself back, releasing your protected penis, and took deep breaths. You panted lightly yourself, the experience of being deep throated a new one for you. “Haa… You good Diamond?” “I’m fine,” she let out a cough before continuing. “Hehe, I probably should’ve just rolled it down normally, hehe…” she said, letting out an embarrassed laugh while she rubbed her throat. You pulled yourself up from your position on your elbows and from your new upright position, you were now eye to eye with Diamond Tiara who straddled your upper thighs. At first Diamond seemed confused, but her expression became knowing as you gently kissed at her jugular. Your hands came to settle on her hips and you could feel her hands wrapping over your shoulders. As your lips pull away and you gaze up, meeting Diamond’s eyes. The moment lasted only a second but the two of you had both come to the same conclusion as her head dipped down and and yours angled up. Catching her lips as they descended on yours nearly caused you to fall back into your bed as your lips pressed against Diamond’s. Your lips moved slowly but the motions told Diamond and yourself exactly what the other was feeling. In your embrace, you could feel one of Diamond’s arms slip off your back and trail down your torso before reaching your member. Similarly, your hands shifted to the bottoms of each ass cheek and pushed Diamond up, putting her lips at the same height as the tip of your spear. Using her hand, she guided your tip to her entrance and began to lower herself. She shifted her knees forward, which pushed her breasts into your chin, and lined herself up for what was to come. Pulling her ass cheeks apart, you assist her as her hips fell towards the bed, slowly engulfing your shaft. The combined wetness of her waiting snatch and the modest amount of lubricant on the surface of the latex condom let your cock slowly slide into Diamond’s depths and her grip around both heads began to tighten. Her hand that helped to line your member with her pussy had returned to your head and as she descended further, the more she began to tremble and the tighter her grip around you became. After what felt like minutes, the skin of Diamond rear mutely pressed against your legs and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding while Diamond began to pant into your ear. You were able to pull your head away just a little as Diamond’s grip relaxed. Getting a look at her face you immediately noticed her eyes that were screwed shut and the heavy blush that reddened her strained features. Tentatively, she cracked open one eye. “S… s-sorry… it’s just… been soo long since…” she said before trailing off. “Don’t worry babe, take as long as you need…” Diamond responded by pressing her head into your chest and you moved your hand to her back and did you best to support and comfort her as she acclimated to your member. For a few moments the only sounds that you could hear were the breaths coming from Diamond’s mouth and the sound of your fingertips rubbing back and forth over her back. “Mmmm… I think I’m good.” You give a small nod in affirmation and recline into your bed. Once you were comfortable on your back, Diamond began to rise off your length. The tightness made every inch that was pulled from her pussy excruciatingly pleasurable until she stopped just before reaching your head. Holding herself in the position for no longer than a moment she started to decline and work herself into a slow rhythm, her ass bumping against your hips as she bounced. As she rose and fell, Diamond’s voice began to spill from her lips, incessant pants along with cute moans accompanied the sounds of your hips impacting her cheeks. She continued, gradually increasing the pace and planting her hands on your chest to support herself as she began to bounce in time with your upward thrusts. Your hands found their way to the cheeks that they loved, and began to assist in lifting her up and pulling her down on your shaft. The gentle impacts at the start increased in volume as her ass smacked against your hips, and her moans began to occur more frequently. The feeling of the lips that tugged at your cock were bringing you closer and closer to release and you grit your teeth as you did your best to hold on. In your efforts to stave off the impending orgasm, you had unconsciously begun to force Diamond’s hips down harder, causing her arms to give out and crumple down to your chest as she tried to keep the pace she had set. Your fingers dug into her supple cheeks which would definitely leave marks as you started to lose control. “Diamond… I’m gonna… cum…” you managed between grunts. Using the strength she had, Diamond propped herself up on your chest and her hands slid over your shoulders and gripped as hard as she could. You were seconds away from bursting, and Diamond knew as she moaned loudly into your ear, effectively egging you on. With one particularly brutal thrust, you pushed all that you could as far in and held Diamond Tiara in place as she began to grind herself on your hilted cock. Spurt after spurt of your essence flew from your cock, only to be blocked from their prize separate by mere nanometers of latex. Your orgasm began to subside and you lowered your hips back into the sweat covered blankest of your bed. While Diamond continued to desperately grind her hips against your sensitive shaft, she buried her head against your shoulder in an effort to stifle the sounds that leaked from her lips. “Ha… fuckkk~ I’m really gonna feel that in the morning,” she groaned. “Heh, I saw all those rubbers in your bag, don’t tell me you’re done now?” you tease in between pants. Pulling her head from your shoulder, she smiled a toothy grin. “Not by a long shot.” You returned a grin at her words before rolling her over. Now above her form that laid against the bed, you began to pull yourself from her depths, much to her chagrin. Removing the used condom, you reached for your bedside to Diamond’s bag before producing another condom that you quickly put on. Lining yourself up with Diamond’s quivering snatch, you inserted your head before stopping. Reaching for each leg, you stretched them apart in front of you and started to push yourself in. The new position had an immediate effect on Diamond as she pushed her head into a pillow as her body arched. And you certainly didn’t let up either, as you almost instantly settled into a moderately quick pace. As you pumped into Diamond’s wanting pussy, her hands began to search for something to grab and before long they found the pillow that her head was on, holding on for dear life as you pistoned in and out of her slick lips. You knew Diamond was close by the time you had cum before and you were set on bringing her the same euphoria that she gave you. Using your grip on her sock covered legs, you lifted her hips off the bed slightly and you lowered your hips in turn. The new position let your shaft penetrate Diamond in a way that dragged you cock head across the roof of her love canal, and immediately its effects could be heard. “Aaauugh~!” was roughly the sound Diamond made as the feeling forced her eyes up and kept her mouth open as her tongue lolled. *Art that visually describes the scene above (1006183 on Derpibooru)* You nearly fell at the sight below you but catching yourself, you redoubled your efforts to throw your girlfriend over the edge. Your hips continued to crash against the now reddening flesh of Diamond Tiara’s cheeks and your grip around her legs tightened as your thighs and core burned from the exertion. Focusing solely on Diamond’s expression, you could feel the beginning of your orgasm coming. Her cute face was contorted into one of utter pleasure, her tongue lolled, dripping saliva on to her chin, her cheeks were red with a blush and her eyes were pushed as far up as they could. Her hands both had a death grip on the pillow and her hair that was pulled back in a ponytail had come free and was splayed over pillow, her locks were strewn this way and that and contributed to her look of reckless abandonment as her tits rocked back and forth in time with your powerful thrusts. “B-baby! Slow down!... I’m… I’m gonna… cuU-AHH~” Her voice… In that moment and the moments that followed, you forgot all about the burning in your muscles and your on coming orgasm, Diamond Tiara was everything that you saw and cared about this instant and you were going to do everything in her power to give her the greatest night she's ever had. You let go of her legs and lent down to her face and took her lips into yours, surprising her. Her legs, now free, wrapped around your waist and her hands that held onto the pillow moved to you as they wrapped around your neck and held you close. Your hands in turn moved to Diamond’s head, and with your right hand you held her head and with your left you reached to her right hand wrapped around your neck and took it into yours, interlocking your fingers and pushing it into the mattress as Diamond neared her release. With a final thrust, you buried your length into her tunnel, filling her to the brim as she clenched around you and came. Diamond Tiara screamed out in pleasure, although muffled by your lips. Her legs wrapped tightly around your waist prevented you from moving a millimeter as her love gushed from her pussy, wetting your groin and the bed sheet below your hips. You keep yourself in place, both at Diamond Tiara’s lower and upper lips. Her cry of approval began to die down and now she quietly whimpered into your lips. But in spite of everything, you had not cum, even as the walls of Diamond’s pussy did its best to milk your cock. Eventually settling from her sexual high, her grip around your neck loosened and you were able to pull back from her mouth. Looking down to Diamond you took in her features. Her mouth was agape as she panted, her face was a brilliant red, and you could swear that in her half lidded eyes you could see little hearts. “So… how you feeling Di?” you say, shortening her name to take a deep breath. Diamond’s response was a cute groan as she nodded her head in approval. You could only smile at the cute motion. You felt Diamond’s legs fall from your back and you sat back with your hands on her hips and got ready for the next round. “Mmmhh!” You looked up to Diamond as you prepared to draw your hips back. Motioning for you to pull out of her, you slowly pulled out which caused her to let out a hiss. Confused, you look to Diamond for an explanation, but rather than giving you an answer, she pointed to the floor in front of the base of your bed. Taking that to mean that she wanted you to move, you slid off the bed and stood on shaky legs, your turgid length throbbing in time with your heart beat. Rolling over, Diamond crawled to the end of your bed on all fours, coming face to face with your cock. Taking your head into her mouth she closed her eyes and began to circle her tongue around the tip as she began to pull the condom off your cock. Having removed the latex condom, Diamond Tiara silently got to work on your cock, taking your length to the back of her throat in a single motion while also cupping your swollen balls and wrapping her hand around the base of your cock. The action had an immediate effect as you grit your teeth and threw your head back. Your right hand found its way to the back of Diamond’s head while your opposite hand stayed clenched at your side as your hips gently thrust in time with Diamond’s motions. After the initial pleasure became manageable you looked down to Diamond as she worked your shaft with an expert touch. After a few moments of staring, Diamond opened an eye and looked up, meeting your depraved gaze. Opening her other eye, she drew her mouth back till only the tip remained in her mouth, and tilting her head she began to push the head of your cock into the wall of her cheek, causing it to bulge like a squirrel stuffing its cheeks. She continued this while maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. Your breath was starting to become ragged as the warm and wet mouth of Diamond was driving you closer and closer to your release, and she knew. Moving the cock inside her mouth from her cheek to the middle of her tongue she began to take you to the back of her throat as she clenched her eyes shut and lightly squeezed your sack. You began to help her blow you as your hand pressed her down on each bob and your thrusts picked up in pace. You were mere pumps away from blowing your load and you tapped Diamond to get her attention. Opening her eyes and looking up to you the best she could in her position, you could see tears in the corners of her eyes and streaks running down her face. At the sight of tears, your concern for your pleasure disappeared and you immediately drew your length out from Diamond’s maw. The decision appeared to confuse Diamond and she looked up to you with an annoyed expression. “A-are you okay!?” you nearly shouted, but Diamond didn’t seem to acknowledge what you had said at all. Ignoring your concern she grabbed your hips and pulled them closer to her, causing your slick sword to rub across the length of Diamond’s face, covering her right eye. Quickly locating the tip of your cock, she immediately took it into her mouth and quickly pushed it to the back of her throat. The concern you felt was soon joined by a feeling of amazement as Diamond Tiara resumed her service of your cock. Her hands were no longer on your hips but supporting her upper body, placed side by side at the edge of the bed and her arms, too close together, forced her breasts out in front of her which swayed as she bobbed. For as concerned as you were, Diamond most definitely didn’t share the sentiment as she continued sucking and lapping your cock without a care in the world. “Ahh, fuck it!” you shout before seizing a handful of hair and begin to pump your cock into Diamond’s throat. Diamond let out a muffled moan at the action and closed her eyes as her nose pushed against your groin with each pump. Her tongue drew along your length with each thrust of your hips and as everything but your tip left her hungry maw, her tongue swirled around the tip. “Di, I’m gonna cum and I want you to take it all! Not a drop leaves those pretty lips of yours!” you command. “Mmyeff fuuur!” she said from around your girth. Taking her head in both hands you give Diamond Tiara one last thrust that goes deeper than before, and in surprise, Diamond’s eyes shoot open as the first round of semen rushes down her gullet. You let out a long groan of pleasure as you held her head in place, your balls contracting and shooting load after load down her throat. Drawing your cock back leaving only the tip of your engorged meat between the soft lips of Diamond Tiara you continue to fire volley after volley of cum into her waiting maw. Diamond’s eyes, which had gone wide at your final thrust into her mouth, had become glazed over as you defiled her throat and pumped your seed all over her warm and inviting tongue. As your earth shattering orgasm began to subside, you loosened your grip on Diamond’s head and began to painstakingly draw your hypersensitive cock out of Diamond’s mouth. Diamond’s lips didn’t make it easy either, the pressure from her sucking in an attempt to milk out the last drops of cum from your length. Eventually, your tip escaped from Diamond’s hungry mouth and your cock sprang up, slightly deflated from the intensity of the orgasm. Lowering yourself until you were eye to eye with Diamond Tiara, you gazed lustfully into hers as her cheeks bulged from your load. “Well? Did you spill any?” Diamond shook her head. “Let me see.” Obediently, tilting her head back she opened her mouth as far as she could to reveal the small lake of white that was close to spilling out. “Good…” you say, partly dumbfounded by the amount of sperm that you managed to ejaculate. Closing her mouth and in one gulp, Diamond swallowed all there was in her mouth before opening up with her tongue out to show everything was, in fact, gone. Holy shit, this girl… You must have made a face because Diamond Tiara started to giggle. Moving back into a sitting position, Diamond fell backwards onto the bed before rolling over, chest down, ass up. She reached back with one hand and gave her red cheek a slap. “Come on, are you going to fuck me or what, master?” Ah shit here we go… While you would have preferred to have moved past that type of play, who were you to deny your little princess what she wanted.